changeset 18425 db49c54b84d2
parent 18392 c79a9b3a9ba4
child 18426 618b38afd88b
child 18463 8c5f3917b2e8
--- a/	Sun May 31 11:24:57 2015 +0200
+++ b/	Sun May 31 11:31:29 2015 +0200
@@ -757,7 +757,6 @@
     ^ self == CharacterArray
 ! !
 !CharacterArray methodsFor:'Compatibility-ANSI'!
@@ -5909,17 +5908,21 @@
 expandPlaceholders:escapeCharacter with:argArrayOrDictionary on:aStream
     "this is the generic version of the old %-escaping method, allowing for an arbitrary
      escape character to be used (typically $$ or $% are effectively used).
      Write the receiver to aStream, where all %i escapes are
      replaced by corresponding arguments' printStrings from the argArrayOrDictionary.
      I.e. 'hello %1; how is %2' expandPlaceholdersWith:#('world' 'this') results
      in the new string 'hello world; how is this'.
      As an extension, the argument may also be a dictionary, providing values for symbolic keys.
      In this case, %a .. %z and %(...) are also allowed.
      (%1..%9 require a numeric key in the dictionary, however)
      Also, the values in argArrayOrDictionary may be blocks.
      To get a '%' character, use a '%%'-escape.
      To get an integer-indexed placeHolder followed by another digit,
      or an index > 9, you must use %(digit).
      See also bindWith:... for VisualAge compatibility.
      Use %<cr> to insert a CR and %<tab> to insert a TAB."
@@ -5932,97 +5935,97 @@
     stop := self size.
     start := 1.
     [start <= stop] whileTrue:[
-	idx := self indexOf:escapeCharacter startingAt:start.
-	(idx == 0 or:[idx == stop]) ifTrue:[
-	    aStream nextPutAll:self startingAt:start to:stop.
-	    ^ self.
-	].
-	"found an escapeCharacter"
-	aStream nextPutAll:self startingAt:start to:(idx - 1).
-	next := self at:(idx + 1).
-	(next == escapeCharacter) ifTrue:[
-	    aStream nextPut:escapeCharacter.
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    next == $< ifTrue:[
-		idx2 := self indexOf:$> startingAt:idx+2.
-		key := self copyFrom:idx+2 to:idx2-1.
-		idx := idx2 - 1.
-		key := key asSymbolIfInterned.
-		(#(cr tab nl return lf ff null) includesIdentical:key) ifTrue:[
-		    aStream nextPut:(Character perform:key).
-		].
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		next isDigit ifTrue:[
-		    v := argArrayOrDictionary at:(next digitValue) ifAbsent:''
-		] ifFalse:[
-		    next == $( ifTrue:[
-			idx2 := self indexOf:$) startingAt:idx+2.
-			key := self copyFrom:idx+2 to:idx2-1.
-			idx := idx2 - 1.
-			(argArrayOrDictionary includesKey:key) ifTrue:[
-			    v := argArrayOrDictionary at:key
-			] ifFalse:[
-			    key := key asSymbolIfInterned ? key.
-			    (argArrayOrDictionary includesKey:key) ifTrue:[
-				v := argArrayOrDictionary at:key
-			    ] ifFalse:[
-				(key size == 1 and:[ argArrayOrDictionary includesKey:(key at:1)]) ifTrue:[
-				    v := argArrayOrDictionary at:(key at:1)
-				] ifFalse:[
-				    key isNumeric ifTrue:[
-					key := Integer readFrom:key onError:nil.
-				    ].
-				    v := argArrayOrDictionary at:key ifAbsent:''
-				]
-			    ].
-			].
-		    ] ifFalse:[
-			(next isLetter and:[argArrayOrDictionary isSequenceable not "is a Dictionary"]) ifTrue:[
-			    "so next is a non-numeric single character."
-			    v := argArrayOrDictionary
-				    at:next
-				    ifAbsent:[
-					"try symbol instead of character"
-					argArrayOrDictionary
-					    at:next asSymbol
-					    ifAbsent:[String with:escapeCharacter with:next].
-				 ].
-			] ifFalse:[
-			    v := String with:$% with:next.
-			].
-		    ]
-		].
-		"/ v notNil ifTrue:[
-		    v isBlock ifTrue:[
-			v := v value
-		    ].
-		    v printOn:aStream.
-		"/ ].
-	    ]
-	].
-	start := idx + 2
+        idx := self indexOf:escapeCharacter startingAt:start.
+        (idx == 0 or:[idx == stop]) ifTrue:[
+            aStream nextPutAll:self startingAt:start to:stop.
+            ^ self.
+        ].
+        "found an escapeCharacter"
+        aStream nextPutAll:self startingAt:start to:(idx - 1).
+        next := self at:(idx + 1).
+        (next == escapeCharacter) ifTrue:[
+            aStream nextPut:escapeCharacter.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            next == $< ifTrue:[
+                idx2 := self indexOf:$> startingAt:idx+2.
+                key := self copyFrom:idx+2 to:idx2-1.
+                idx := idx2 - 1.
+                key := key asSymbolIfInterned.
+                (#(cr tab nl return lf ff null) includesIdentical:key) ifTrue:[
+                    aStream nextPut:(Character perform:key).
+                ].
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                next isDigit ifTrue:[
+                    v := argArrayOrDictionary at:(next digitValue) ifAbsent:''
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    next == $( ifTrue:[
+                        idx2 := self indexOf:$) startingAt:idx+2.
+                        key := self copyFrom:idx+2 to:idx2-1.
+                        idx := idx2 - 1.
+                        (argArrayOrDictionary includesKey:key) ifTrue:[
+                            v := argArrayOrDictionary at:key
+                        ] ifFalse:[
+                            key := key asSymbolIfInterned ? key.
+                            (argArrayOrDictionary includesKey:key) ifTrue:[
+                                v := argArrayOrDictionary at:key
+                            ] ifFalse:[
+                                (key size == 1 and:[ argArrayOrDictionary includesKey:(key at:1)]) ifTrue:[
+                                    v := argArrayOrDictionary at:(key at:1)
+                                ] ifFalse:[
+                                    key isNumeric ifTrue:[
+                                        key := Integer readFrom:key onError:nil.
+                                    ].
+                                    v := argArrayOrDictionary at:key ifAbsent:''
+                                ]
+                            ].
+                        ].
+                    ] ifFalse:[
+                        (next isLetter and:[argArrayOrDictionary isSequenceable not "is a Dictionary"]) ifTrue:[
+                            "so next is a non-numeric single character."
+                            v := argArrayOrDictionary
+                                    at:next
+                                    ifAbsent:[
+                                        "try symbol instead of character"
+                                        argArrayOrDictionary
+                                            at:next asSymbol
+                                            ifAbsent:[String with:escapeCharacter with:next].
+                                 ].
+                        ] ifFalse:[
+                            v := String with:$% with:next.
+                        ].
+                    ]
+                ].
+                "/ v notNil ifTrue:[
+                    v isBlock ifTrue:[
+                        v := v value
+                    ].
+                    v printOn:aStream.
+                "/ ].
+            ]
+        ].
+        start := idx + 2
      String streamContents:[:s|
-	'hello %1' expandPlaceholders:$% with:#('world') on:s.
-	s cr.
-	'hello $1; how is $2' expandPlaceholders:$$ with:#('world' 'this') on:s.
-	s cr.
-	'hello %2; how is %1' expandPlaceholders:$% with:#('world' 'this') on:s.
-	s cr.
-	'%1 plus %2 gives %3 ' expandPlaceholders:$% with:#(4 5 9) on:s.
-	s cr.
-	'%%(1)0 gives %(1)0' expandPlaceholders:$% with:#(123) on:s.
-	s cr.
-	'%%10 gives %10' expandPlaceholders:$% with:#(123) on:s.
-	s cr.
-	'%%(10) gives %(10) %<cr>%<tab>next line' expandPlaceholders:$% with:#(123) on:s.
-	s cr.
-	'%%test gives %test' expandPlaceholders:$% with:#(123) on:s.
-	s cr.
-	'|%%<tab>|%%1|%%<cr>| gives |%<tab>|%1|%<cr>|' expandPlaceholders:$% with:#(foo) on:s.
+        'hello %1' expandPlaceholders:$% with:#('world') on:s.
+        s cr.
+        'hello $1; how is $2' expandPlaceholders:$$ with:#('world' 'this') on:s.
+        s cr.
+        'hello %2; how is %1' expandPlaceholders:$% with:#('world' 'this') on:s.
+        s cr.
+        '%1 plus %2 gives %3 ' expandPlaceholders:$% with:#(4 5 9) on:s.
+        s cr.
+        '%%(1)0 gives %(1)0' expandPlaceholders:$% with:#(123) on:s.
+        s cr.
+        '%%10 gives %10' expandPlaceholders:$% with:#(123) on:s.
+        s cr.
+        '%%(10) gives %(10) %<cr>%<tab>next line' expandPlaceholders:$% with:#(123) on:s.
+        s cr.
+        '%%test gives %test' expandPlaceholders:$% with:#(123) on:s.
+        s cr.
+        '|%%<tab>|%%1|%%<cr>| gives |%<tab>|%1|%<cr>|' expandPlaceholders:$% with:#(foo) on:s.
@@ -6034,10 +6037,21 @@
      dict at:$a put:'AAAAA'.
      dict at:$b put:[ Time now ].
      String streamContents:[:s|
-	 'hello $1 $a $b' expandPlaceholders:$$ with:dict on:s.
+         'hello $1 $a $b' expandPlaceholders:$$ with:dict on:s.
+    "using blocks:
+     |dict|
+     dict := Dictionary new.
+     dict at:'time' put:[Time now printString].
+     dict at:'date' put:[Date today printString].
+     String streamContents:[:s|
+         'it is $(time) $(date)' expandPlaceholders:$$ with:dict on:s.
+     ].
+    "
     "Modified: / 18-11-2010 / 15:43:28 / cg"
@@ -6046,10 +6060,13 @@
      replaced by corresponding arguments' printStrings from the argArrayOrDictionary.
      I.e. 'hello %1; how is %2' expandPlaceholdersWith:#('world' 'this') results
      in the new string 'hello world; how is this'.
      As an extension, the argument may also be a dictionary, providing
      values for symbolic keys.
      In this case, %a .. %z and %(...) are also allowed.
      (%1..%9 require a numeric key in the dictionary, however)
+     Also, the values in argArrayOrDictionary may be blocks.
      To get a '%' character, use a '%%'-escape.
      To get an integer-indexed placeHolder followed by another digit,
      or an index > 9, you must use %(digit).
@@ -6094,13 +6111,17 @@
      replaced by corresponding arguments' printStrings from the argArrayOrDictionary.
      I.e. 'hello %1; how is %2' expandPlaceholdersWith:#('world' 'this') results
      in the new string 'hello world; how is this'.
      As an extension, the argument may also be a dictionary, providing
      values for symbolic keys.
      In this case, %a .. %z and %(...) are also allowed.
      (%1..%9 require a numeric key in the dictionary, however)
+     Also, the values in argArrayOrDictionary may be blocks.
      To get a '%' character, use a '%%'-escape.
      To get an integer-indexed placeHolder followed by another digit,
      or an index > 9, you must use %(digit).
      See also bindWith:... for VisualAge compatibility.
      Use %<cr> to insert a CR and %<tab> to insert a TAB."
@@ -6108,21 +6129,21 @@
      String streamContents:[:s|
-	'hello %1' expandPlaceholdersWith:#('world') on:s.
-	s cr.
-	'hello %1; how is %2' expandPlaceholdersWith:#('world' 'this') on:s.
-	s cr.
-	'hello %2; how is %1' expandPlaceholdersWith:#('world' 'this') on:s.
-	s cr.
-	'%1 plus %2 gives %3 ' expandPlaceholdersWith:#(4 5 9) on:s.
-	s cr.
-	'%%(1)0 gives %(1)0' expandPlaceholdersWith:#(123) on:s.
-	s cr.
-	'%%10 gives %10' expandPlaceholdersWith:#(123) on:s.
-	s cr.
-	'%%(10) gives %(10) %<cr>%<tab>next line' expandPlaceholdersWith:#(123) on:s.
-	s cr.
-	'%test gives %1' expandPlaceholdersWith:#(123) on:s.
+        'hello %1' expandPlaceholdersWith:#('world') on:s.
+        s cr.
+        'hello %1; how is %2' expandPlaceholdersWith:#('world' 'this') on:s.
+        s cr.
+        'hello %2; how is %1' expandPlaceholdersWith:#('world' 'this') on:s.
+        s cr.
+        '%1 plus %2 gives %3 ' expandPlaceholdersWith:#(4 5 9) on:s.
+        s cr.
+        '%%(1)0 gives %(1)0' expandPlaceholdersWith:#(123) on:s.
+        s cr.
+        '%%10 gives %10' expandPlaceholdersWith:#(123) on:s.
+        s cr.
+        '%%(10) gives %(10) %<cr>%<tab>next line' expandPlaceholdersWith:#(123) on:s.
+        s cr.
+        '%test gives %1' expandPlaceholdersWith:#(123) on:s.
@@ -6134,7 +6155,7 @@
      dict at:$a put:'AAAAA'.
      dict at:$b put:[ Time now ].
      String streamContents:[:s|
-	 'hello %1 %a %b' expandPlaceholdersWith:dict on:s.
+         'hello %1 %a %b' expandPlaceholdersWith:dict on:s.
@@ -6829,7 +6850,6 @@
 ! !
 !CharacterArray methodsFor:'substring searching'!
@@ -7433,11 +7453,11 @@
 !CharacterArray class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/,v 1.588 2015-05-23 12:47:44 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/,v 1.589 2015-05-31 09:31:29 cg Exp $'
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/,v 1.588 2015-05-23 12:47:44 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/,v 1.589 2015-05-31 09:31:29 cg Exp $'
 ! !