changeset 8642 dd598b080b6a
parent 8640 dc4023c8650c
child 8650 bc8e2cdcb777
--- a/	Wed Nov 17 01:17:03 2004 +0100
+++ b/	Wed Nov 17 02:20:38 2004 +0100
@@ -2699,96 +2699,96 @@
     "/ command-line parsing here (sigh).
     hasRedirection := false.
     (aCommandString isNil or:[aCommandString includesAny:'<>|']) ifTrue:[
-        hasRedirection := true
+	hasRedirection := true
     self isMSWINDOWSNTlike ifTrue:[
-        hasRedirection ifFalse:[ 
-            |size name|
-            "/ test whether the commandString is an executable;
-            "/ then, no shell is required
-            name := aCommandString withoutSeparators.
-            (name notEmpty and:[(name startsWith:$") not]) ifTrue:[
-                |index file suffix|
-                index := name indexOfSeparatorStartingAt:1.
-                index ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-                    name := name copyFrom:1 to:(index -1).
-                ].
-                file   := name asFilename.
-                suffix := file suffix.
-                suffix isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
-                    suffix := 'exe'.
-                    file := file withSuffix:suffix.
-                ].
-                (file exists and:[suffix = 'exe']) ifTrue:[
-                    "/ is an executable, no shell required
-                    ^ Array with:nil with:aCommandString.
-                ]
-            ].
-        ].
-        shell := self getEnvironment:'COMSPEC'.
-        shell isNil ifTrue:[
-            wDir := self getWindowsSystemDirectory asFilename.
-            shell := (wDir construct:'cmd.exe').
-            shell exists ifFalse:[
-                shell := (wDir construct:'').
-                shell exists ifFalse:[
-                    self error:'no available'.
-                ]
-            ].
-            shell := shell pathName.
-        ].
-        aCommandString isNil ifTrue:[
-            ^ Array with:nil with:shell
-        ].
-        ^ Array with:nil with:(shell , ' /c ' , '"' , aCommandString , '"' )
+	hasRedirection ifFalse:[
+	    |size name|
+	    "/ test whether the commandString is an executable;
+	    "/ then, no shell is required
+	    name := aCommandString withoutSeparators.
+	    (name notEmpty and:[(name startsWith:$") not]) ifTrue:[
+		|index file suffix|
+		index := name indexOfSeparatorStartingAt:1.
+		index ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+		    name := name copyFrom:1 to:(index -1).
+		].
+		file   := name asFilename.
+		suffix := file suffix.
+		suffix isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
+		    suffix := 'exe'.
+		    file := file withSuffix:suffix.
+		].
+		(file exists and:[suffix = 'exe']) ifTrue:[
+		    "/ is an executable, no shell required
+		    ^ Array with:nil with:aCommandString.
+		]
+	    ].
+	].
+	shell := self getEnvironment:'COMSPEC'.
+	shell isNil ifTrue:[
+	    wDir := self getWindowsSystemDirectory asFilename.
+	    shell := (wDir construct:'cmd.exe').
+	    shell exists ifFalse:[
+		shell := (wDir construct:'').
+		shell exists ifFalse:[
+		    self error:'no available'.
+		]
+	    ].
+	    shell := shell pathName.
+	].
+	aCommandString isNil ifTrue:[
+	    ^ Array with:nil with:shell
+	].
+	^ Array with:nil with:(shell , ' /c ' , '"' , aCommandString , '"' )
     "/ I/O redirection is not yet handled directly
     "/ fallBack to (below) to do it.
     hasRedirection ifFalse:[
-        words := aCommandString asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedBy:Character space.
-        args := ' '.
-        words from:2 to:(words size) do:[:s |
-            args := args , (s , ' ').
-        ].
-        path := self pathOfCommand:(words at:1).
-        path notNil ifTrue:[
-            "/ execute the command directly -
-            "/ without going through
-            self isMSWINDOWSNTlike ifTrue:[
-                args := path , args.
-            ].
-            ^ Array with:path with:args
-        ].
+	words := aCommandString asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedBy:Character space.
+	args := ' '.
+	words from:2 to:(words size) do:[:s |
+	    args := args , (s , ' ').
+	].
+	path := self pathOfCommand:(words at:1).
+	path notNil ifTrue:[
+	    "/ execute the command directly -
+	    "/ without going through
+	    self isMSWINDOWSNTlike ifTrue:[
+		args := path , args.
+	    ].
+	    ^ Array with:path with:args
+	].
     "/ I/O redirection or no executable was found
     shell := self getEnvironment:'COMSPEC'.
     shell isNil ifTrue:[
-        wDir := self getWindowsSystemDirectory asFilename.
-        shell := (wDir construct:'cmd.exe').
-        shell exists ifFalse:[
-            shell := (wDir construct:'').
-            shell exists ifFalse:[
-                self error:'no available'.
-            ]
-        ].
-        shell := shell pathName.
+	wDir := self getWindowsSystemDirectory asFilename.
+	shell := (wDir construct:'cmd.exe').
+	shell exists ifFalse:[
+	    shell := (wDir construct:'').
+	    shell exists ifFalse:[
+		self error:'no available'.
+	    ]
+	].
+	shell := shell pathName.
     aCommandString isNil ifTrue:[
-        ^ Array with:shell with:shell
+	^ Array with:shell with:shell
     ^ Array with:shell with:(shell , ' /c ' , aCommandString)
@@ -3164,36 +3164,36 @@
     aCommandString isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
     (in := anExternalInStream) isNil ifTrue:[
-        nullStream := Filename nullDevice readWriteStream.
-        in := nullStream.
+	nullStream := Filename nullDevice readWriteStream.
+	in := nullStream.
     (out := anExternalOutStream) isNil ifTrue:[
-        nullStream isNil ifTrue:[nullStream := Filename nullDevice writeStream].
-        out := nullStream.
+	nullStream isNil ifTrue:[nullStream := Filename nullDevice writeStream].
+	out := nullStream.
     (err := anExternalErrStream) isNil ifTrue:[
-        err := out
+	err := out
     anAuxiliaryStream notNil ifTrue:[
-        auxFd := anAuxiliaryStream fileDescriptor
+	auxFd := anAuxiliaryStream fileDescriptor
     shellAndArgs := self commandAndArgsForOSCommand:aCommandString.
     rslt := self
-        exec:(shellAndArgs at:1)
-        withArguments:(shellAndArgs at:2)
-        environment:anEvironmentDictionary
-        fileDescriptors:(Array with:in fileDescriptor
-                               with:out fileDescriptor
-                               with:err fileDescriptor
-                               with:auxFd)
-        fork:true
-        newPgrp:true "/ false
-        inDirectory:dir.
+	exec:(shellAndArgs at:1)
+	withArguments:(shellAndArgs at:2)
+	environment:anEvironmentDictionary
+	fileDescriptors:(Array with:in fileDescriptor
+			       with:out fileDescriptor
+			       with:err fileDescriptor
+			       with:auxFd)
+	fork:true
+	newPgrp:true "/ false
+	inDirectory:dir.
     nullStream notNil ifTrue:[
-        nullStream close.
+	nullStream close.
     ^ rslt
@@ -3216,7 +3216,7 @@
      The following will no longer work. monitorPid has disappeared
      pid notNil ifTrue:[
-         Processor monitorPid:pid action:[:OSstatus | sema signal ].
+	 Processor monitorPid:pid action:[:OSstatus | sema signal ].
      in close.
      out close.
@@ -3956,16 +3956,16 @@
     "return some object filled with info for the file 'aPathName';
      the info (for which corresponding access methods are understood by
      the returned object) is:
-         type            - a symbol giving the files type
-         mode            - numeric access mode
-         uid             - owners user id
-         gid             - owners group id
-         size            - files size
-         id              - files number (i.e. inode number)
-         accessed        - last access time (as Timestamp)
-         modified        - last modification time (as Timestamp)
-         statusChanged   - last status change time (as Timestamp)
-         alternativeName - (windows only:) the MSDOS name of the file
+	 type            - a symbol giving the files type
+	 mode            - numeric access mode
+	 uid             - owners user id
+	 gid             - owners group id
+	 size            - files size
+	 id              - files number (i.e. inode number)
+	 accessed        - last access time (as Timestamp)
+	 modified        - last modification time (as Timestamp)
+	 statusChanged   - last status change time (as Timestamp)
+	 alternativeName - (windows only:) the MSDOS name of the file
      Some of the fields may be returned as nil on systems which do not provide
      all of the information.
@@ -3991,140 +3991,140 @@
     unsigned INT ino;
     if (__isString(aPathName)) {
-        HANDLE hFile;
-        FILETIME tempFileTime;
-        SYSTEMTIME creationTime;
-        SYSTEMTIME accessTime;
-        SYSTEMTIME modificationTime;
-        int modeBits = 0;
-        WIN32_FIND_DATA findStruct;
+	HANDLE hFile;
+	FILETIME tempFileTime;
+	SYSTEMTIME creationTime;
+	SYSTEMTIME accessTime;
+	SYSTEMTIME modificationTime;
+	int modeBits = 0;
+	WIN32_FIND_DATA findStruct;
-        {
-            char _aPathName[MAXPATHLEN];
-            strncpy(_aPathName, __stringVal(aPathName), MAXPATHLEN-1); _aPathName[MAXPATHLEN-1] = '\0';
-            do {
-                __threadErrno = 0;
-                hFile = STX_API_CALL2( "FindFirstFile", FindFirstFile, _aPathName, &findStruct);
-            } while ((hFile < 0) && (__threadErrno == EINTR));
-        }
+	{
+	    char _aPathName[MAXPATHLEN];
+	    strncpy(_aPathName, __stringVal(aPathName), MAXPATHLEN-1); _aPathName[MAXPATHLEN-1] = '\0';
+	    do {
+		__threadErrno = 0;
+		hFile = STX_API_CALL2( "FindFirstFile", FindFirstFile, _aPathName, &findStruct);
+	    } while ((hFile < 0) && (__threadErrno == EINTR));
+	}
-        hFile = FindFirstFile(__stringVal(aPathName), &findStruct);
-        if (hFile < 0) {
-            __threadErrno = __WIN32_ERR(GetLastError());
-        }
-        if (! hFile || (hFile == (HANDLE)(-1)) || (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)) {
-            @global(LastErrorNumber) = __MKSMALLINT(__threadErrno);
-        } else {
-            FindClose(hFile);
-            id = __MKSMALLINT(0);   /* could get it by opening ... */
-            size = __MKLARGEINT64(1, findStruct.nFileSizeLow, findStruct.nFileSizeHigh);
-            if (findStruct.cFileName[0] != '\0') {
-                bcopy(findStruct.cFileName, fileNameBuffer, MAX_PATH);
-                fileNameBuffer[MAX_PATH] = '\0';
-                fileName = __MKSTRING(fileNameBuffer);             /* FULL name */
-            }
-            if (findStruct.cAlternateFileName[0] != '\0') {
-                bcopy(findStruct.cAlternateFileName, alternativeFileNameBuffer, 14);
-                alternativeFileNameBuffer[14] = '\0';
-                alternativeName = __MKSTRING(alternativeFileNameBuffer); /* DOS name */
-            }
-            /*
-             * simulate access bits
-             */
-            if (findStruct.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) {
-                modeBits = 0444;
-            } else {
-                modeBits = 0666;
-            }
-            if (findStruct.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) {
-                type = @symbol(directory);
-                modeBits |= 0111;   /* executable */
-            } else {
-                type = @symbol(regular);
-            }
-            mode = __MKSMALLINT(modeBits);
-            /*
-             * sigh - convert from stupid time to useful time
-             */
-            FileTimeToLocalFileTime(&findStruct.ftCreationTime, &tempFileTime);
-            FileTimeToSystemTime(&tempFileTime, &creationTime);
-            FileTimeToLocalFileTime(&findStruct.ftLastAccessTime, &tempFileTime);
-            FileTimeToSystemTime(&tempFileTime, &accessTime);
-            FileTimeToLocalFileTime(&findStruct.ftLastWriteTime, &tempFileTime);
-            FileTimeToSystemTime(&tempFileTime, &modificationTime);
-            aYr  = __MKSMALLINT(accessTime.wYear);
-            aMon = __MKSMALLINT(accessTime.wMonth);
-            aDay = __MKSMALLINT(accessTime.wDay);
-            aHr  = __MKSMALLINT(accessTime.wHour);
-            aMin = __MKSMALLINT(accessTime.wMinute);
-            aSec = __MKSMALLINT(accessTime.wSecond);
-            aMS  = __MKSMALLINT(accessTime.wMilliseconds);
-            mYr  = __MKSMALLINT(modificationTime.wYear);
-            mMon = __MKSMALLINT(modificationTime.wMonth);
-            mDay = __MKSMALLINT(modificationTime.wDay);
-            mHr  = __MKSMALLINT(modificationTime.wHour);
-            mMin = __MKSMALLINT(modificationTime.wMinute);
-            mSec = __MKSMALLINT(modificationTime.wSecond);
-            mMS  = __MKSMALLINT(modificationTime.wMilliseconds);
-            cYr  = __MKSMALLINT(creationTime.wYear);
-            cMon = __MKSMALLINT(creationTime.wMonth);
-            cDay = __MKSMALLINT(creationTime.wDay);
-            cHr  = __MKSMALLINT(creationTime.wHour);
-            cMin = __MKSMALLINT(creationTime.wMinute);
-            cSec = __MKSMALLINT(creationTime.wSecond);
-            cMS  = __MKSMALLINT(creationTime.wMilliseconds);
-        }
+	hFile = FindFirstFile(__stringVal(aPathName), &findStruct);
+	if (hFile < 0) {
+	    __threadErrno = __WIN32_ERR(GetLastError());
+	}
+	if (! hFile || (hFile == (HANDLE)(-1)) || (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)) {
+	    @global(LastErrorNumber) = __MKSMALLINT(__threadErrno);
+	} else {
+	    FindClose(hFile);
+	    id = __MKSMALLINT(0);   /* could get it by opening ... */
+	    size = __MKLARGEINT64(1, findStruct.nFileSizeLow, findStruct.nFileSizeHigh);
+	    if (findStruct.cFileName[0] != '\0') {
+		bcopy(findStruct.cFileName, fileNameBuffer, MAX_PATH);
+		fileNameBuffer[MAX_PATH] = '\0';
+		fileName = __MKSTRING(fileNameBuffer);             /* FULL name */
+	    }
+	    if (findStruct.cAlternateFileName[0] != '\0') {
+		bcopy(findStruct.cAlternateFileName, alternativeFileNameBuffer, 14);
+		alternativeFileNameBuffer[14] = '\0';
+		alternativeName = __MKSTRING(alternativeFileNameBuffer); /* DOS name */
+	    }
+	    /*
+	     * simulate access bits
+	     */
+	    if (findStruct.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) {
+		modeBits = 0444;
+	    } else {
+		modeBits = 0666;
+	    }
+	    if (findStruct.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) {
+		type = @symbol(directory);
+		modeBits |= 0111;   /* executable */
+	    } else {
+		type = @symbol(regular);
+	    }
+	    mode = __MKSMALLINT(modeBits);
+	    /*
+	     * sigh - convert from stupid time to useful time
+	     */
+	    FileTimeToLocalFileTime(&findStruct.ftCreationTime, &tempFileTime);
+	    FileTimeToSystemTime(&tempFileTime, &creationTime);
+	    FileTimeToLocalFileTime(&findStruct.ftLastAccessTime, &tempFileTime);
+	    FileTimeToSystemTime(&tempFileTime, &accessTime);
+	    FileTimeToLocalFileTime(&findStruct.ftLastWriteTime, &tempFileTime);
+	    FileTimeToSystemTime(&tempFileTime, &modificationTime);
+	    aYr  = __MKSMALLINT(accessTime.wYear);
+	    aMon = __MKSMALLINT(accessTime.wMonth);
+	    aDay = __MKSMALLINT(accessTime.wDay);
+	    aHr  = __MKSMALLINT(accessTime.wHour);
+	    aMin = __MKSMALLINT(accessTime.wMinute);
+	    aSec = __MKSMALLINT(accessTime.wSecond);
+	    aMS  = __MKSMALLINT(accessTime.wMilliseconds);
+	    mYr  = __MKSMALLINT(modificationTime.wYear);
+	    mMon = __MKSMALLINT(modificationTime.wMonth);
+	    mDay = __MKSMALLINT(modificationTime.wDay);
+	    mHr  = __MKSMALLINT(modificationTime.wHour);
+	    mMin = __MKSMALLINT(modificationTime.wMinute);
+	    mSec = __MKSMALLINT(modificationTime.wSecond);
+	    mMS  = __MKSMALLINT(modificationTime.wMilliseconds);
+	    cYr  = __MKSMALLINT(creationTime.wYear);
+	    cMon = __MKSMALLINT(creationTime.wMonth);
+	    cDay = __MKSMALLINT(creationTime.wDay);
+	    cHr  = __MKSMALLINT(creationTime.wHour);
+	    cMin = __MKSMALLINT(creationTime.wMinute);
+	    cSec = __MKSMALLINT(creationTime.wSecond);
+	    cMS  = __MKSMALLINT(creationTime.wMilliseconds);
+	}
     mode isNil ifTrue:[
-        (self isDirectory:aPathName) ifTrue:[
-            "/ the code above fails for root directories (these do not exist).
-            "/ simulate
-            mode := 8r777.
-            type := #directory.
-            uid := gid := 0.
-            size := 0.
-            id := 0.
-            atime := mtime := ctime := Timestamp now.
-        ].
+	(self isDirectory:aPathName) ifTrue:[
+	    "/ the code above fails for root directories (these do not exist).
+	    "/ simulate
+	    mode := 8r777.
+	    type := #directory.
+	    uid := gid := 0.
+	    size := 0.
+	    id := 0.
+	    atime := mtime := ctime := Timestamp now.
+	].
     mode notNil ifTrue:[
-        atime isNil ifTrue:[
-            atime := Timestamp day:aDay month:aMon year:aYr hour:aHr minutes:aMin seconds:aSec milliseconds:aMS.
-        ].
-        mtime isNil ifTrue:[
-            mtime := Timestamp day:mDay month:mMon year:mYr hour:mHr minutes:mMin seconds:mSec milliseconds:mMS.
-        ].
-        ctime isNil ifTrue:[
-            ctime := Timestamp day:cDay month:cMon year:cYr hour:cHr minutes:cMin seconds:cSec milliseconds:cMS.
-        ].
-        info := FileStatusInfo
-                    type:type
-                    mode:mode
-                    uid:uid
-                    gid:gid
-                    size:size
-                    id:id
-                    accessed:atime
-                    modified:mtime
-                    created:ctime
-                    path:nil
-                    fullName:fileName
-                    alternativeName:alternativeName.
-        ^ info
+	atime isNil ifTrue:[
+	    atime := Timestamp day:aDay month:aMon year:aYr hour:aHr minutes:aMin seconds:aSec milliseconds:aMS.
+	].
+	mtime isNil ifTrue:[
+	    mtime := Timestamp day:mDay month:mMon year:mYr hour:mHr minutes:mMin seconds:mSec milliseconds:mMS.
+	].
+	ctime isNil ifTrue:[
+	    ctime := Timestamp day:cDay month:cMon year:cYr hour:cHr minutes:cMin seconds:cSec milliseconds:cMS.
+	].
+	info := FileStatusInfo
+		    type:type
+		    mode:mode
+		    uid:uid
+		    gid:gid
+		    size:size
+		    id:id
+		    accessed:atime
+		    modified:mtime
+		    created:ctime
+		    path:nil
+		    fullName:fileName
+		    alternativeName:alternativeName.
+	^ info
    ^ nil
@@ -5570,8 +5570,8 @@
     "return a dictionary filled with
-        key -> name of interface
-        value -> the MAC adress (as ByteArray)
+	key -> name of interface
+	value -> the MAC adress (as ByteArray)
      for each interface
@@ -5593,22 +5593,22 @@
     DWORD dwStatus;
     dwStatus = GetAdaptersInfo(
-                                AdapterInfo,                 // [out] buffer to receive data
-                                &dwBufLen);                  // [in] size of receive data buffer
+				AdapterInfo,                 // [out] buffer to receive data
+				&dwBufLen);                  // [in] size of receive data buffer
     if (dwStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
-        PIP_ADAPTER_INFO pAdapterInfo = AdapterInfo;
-        unsigned char *bP;
-        int nA = 0;
-        bP = __byteArrayVal(rawData);
-        do {
-            name = __MKSTRING(pAdapterInfo->AdapterName);
-            description = __MKSTRING(pAdapterInfo->Description);
-            macAddress = __MKBYTEARRAY(pAdapterInfo->Address, 6);
-            ipAddress = __MKSTRING(pAdapterInfo->IpAddressList.IpAddress.String);
-            ipAddressMask = __MKSTRING(pAdapterInfo->IpAddressList.IpMask.String);
-            entry = __ARRAY_NEW_INT(5);
+	PIP_ADAPTER_INFO pAdapterInfo = AdapterInfo;
+	unsigned char *bP;
+	int nA = 0;
+	bP = __byteArrayVal(rawData);
+	do {
+	    name = __MKSTRING(pAdapterInfo->AdapterName);
+	    description = __MKSTRING(pAdapterInfo->Description);
+	    macAddress = __MKBYTEARRAY(pAdapterInfo->Address, 6);
+	    ipAddress = __MKSTRING(pAdapterInfo->IpAddressList.IpAddress.String);
+	    ipAddressMask = __MKSTRING(pAdapterInfo->IpAddressList.IpMask.String);
+	    entry = __ARRAY_NEW_INT(5);
  * back to ST/X's String definition
@@ -5618,31 +5618,29 @@
 #ifdef __DEF_String
 # define Context __DEF_Context
-            __ArrayInstPtr(entry)->a_element[0] = name; __STORE(entry, name);
-            __ArrayInstPtr(entry)->a_element[1] = description; __STORE(entry, description);
-            __ArrayInstPtr(entry)->a_element[2] = macAddress; __STORE(entry, macAddress);
-            __ArrayInstPtr(entry)->a_element[3] = ipAddress; __STORE(entry, ipAddress);
-            __ArrayInstPtr(entry)->a_element[4] = ipAddressMask; __STORE(entry, ipAddressMask);
-            __ArrayInstPtr(rawData)->a_element[nA] = entry; __STORE(rawData, entry);
-            nA++;
-            pAdapterInfo = pAdapterInfo->Next;
-        } while(pAdapterInfo);
-        nAdapters = __mkSmallInteger(nA);
+	    __ArrayInstPtr(entry)->a_element[0] = name; __STORE(entry, name);
+	    __ArrayInstPtr(entry)->a_element[1] = description; __STORE(entry, description);
+	    __ArrayInstPtr(entry)->a_element[2] = macAddress; __STORE(entry, macAddress);
+	    __ArrayInstPtr(entry)->a_element[3] = ipAddress; __STORE(entry, ipAddress);
+	    __ArrayInstPtr(entry)->a_element[4] = ipAddressMask; __STORE(entry, ipAddressMask);
+	    __ArrayInstPtr(rawData)->a_element[nA] = entry; __STORE(rawData, entry);
+	    nA++;
+	    pAdapterInfo = pAdapterInfo->Next;
+	} while(pAdapterInfo);
+	nAdapters = __mkSmallInteger(nA);
-    nAdapters isNil ifTrue:[
-        self primitiveFailed.
-    ].
     info := Dictionary new.
-    1 to:nAdapters do:[:i |
-        |entry name macAddr|
-        entry := rawData at:i.
-        name := entry at:1.
-        macAddr := entry at:3.
-        info at:name put:macAddr.
+    nAdapters notNil ifTrue:[
+	1 to:nAdapters do:[:i |
+	    |entry name macAddr|
+	    entry := rawData at:i.
+	    name := entry at:1.
+	    macAddr := entry at:3.
+	    info at:name put:macAddr.
+	].
     ^ info
@@ -5716,25 +5714,25 @@
        This method is mainly provided to augment error reports with some system
        (in case of system/version specific OS errors, conditional workarounds and patches
-        may be based upon this info).
+	may be based upon this info).
        Your application should NOT depend upon this in any way.
      The returned info may (or may not) contain:
-        #system -> some operating system identification (irix, Linux, nt, win32s ...)
-        #version -> OS version (some os version identification)
-        #release -> OS release (3.5, 1.2.1 ...)
-        #node   -> some host identification (hostname)
-        #domain  -> domain name (hosts domain)
-        #machine -> type of machine (i586, mips ...)
+	#system -> some operating system identification (irix, Linux, nt, win32s ...)
+	#version -> OS version (some os version identification)
+	#release -> OS release (3.5, 1.2.1 ...)
+	#node   -> some host identification (hostname)
+	#domain  -> domain name (hosts domain)
+	#machine -> type of machine (i586, mips ...)
-        #physicalRam -> total amount of physical memory
-        #freeRam -> amount of free memory
-        #swapSize -> size of swapSpace (page file)
-        #freeSwap -> free bytes in swapSpace
-        #virtualRam -> total amount of virtual memory
-        #freeVirtual -> amount of free virtual memory
-        #memoryLoad -> percentage of memory usage (useless)
+	#physicalRam -> total amount of physical memory
+	#freeRam -> amount of free memory
+	#swapSize -> size of swapSpace (page file)
+	#freeSwap -> free bytes in swapSpace
+	#virtualRam -> total amount of virtual memory
+	#freeVirtual -> amount of free virtual memory
+	#memoryLoad -> percentage of memory usage (useless)
     |sys node rel ver mach dom info arch
@@ -5757,14 +5755,14 @@
     verMajor = LOBYTE(winVer);
     if (HIWORD(vsn) & 0x8000) {
-        s = "win95";
+	s = "win95";
     } else {
-        if ((verMajor > 5)
-         || ((verMajor == 5) && (verMinor >= 1))) {
-            s = "xp";
-        } else {
-            s = "nt";
-        }
+	if ((verMajor > 5)
+	 || ((verMajor == 5) && (verMinor >= 1))) {
+	    s = "xp";
+	} else {
+	    s = "nt";
+	}
     sys = __MKSTRING(s);
     len = snprintf(vsnBuffer, sizeof(vsnBuffer), "%d.%d", verMajor, verMinor);
@@ -5791,105 +5789,105 @@
-            s = "intel";
-            break;
+	    s = "intel";
+	    break;
-            s = "mips";
-            break;
+	    s = "mips";
+	    break;
-            s = "alpha";
-            break;
+	    s = "alpha";
+	    break;
-            s = "ppc";
-            break;
+	    s = "ppc";
+	    break;
-            s = "arm";
-            break;
-        default:
-            s = "unknown";
-            break;
+	    s = "arm";
+	    break;
+	default:
+	    s = "unknown";
+	    break;
     arch = __MKSTRING(s);
     switch (sysInfo.dwProcessorType) {
-        case PROCESSOR_INTEL_386:
-            s = "i386";
-            break;
+	    s = "i386";
+	    break;
-        case PROCESSOR_INTEL_486:
-            s = "i486";
-            break;
+	    s = "i486";
+	    break;
-            s = "i586";
-            break;
+	    s = "i586";
+	    break;
-        case PROCESSOR_INTEL_860:
-            s = "i860";
-            break;
+	    s = "i860";
+	    break;
 #ifdef PROCESSOR_MIPS_R2000
-        case PROCESSOR_MIPS_R2000:
-            s = "r2000";
-            break;
+	case PROCESSOR_MIPS_R2000:
+	    s = "r2000";
+	    break;
 #ifdef PROCESSOR_MIPS_R3000
-        case PROCESSOR_MIPS_R3000:
-            s = "r3000";
-            break;
+	case PROCESSOR_MIPS_R3000:
+	    s = "r3000";
+	    break;
 #ifdef PROCESSOR_MIPS_R4000
-        case PROCESSOR_MIPS_R4000:
-            s = "r4000";
-            break;
+	case PROCESSOR_MIPS_R4000:
+	    s = "r4000";
+	    break;
 #ifdef PROCESSOR_ALPHA_21064
-        case PROCESSOR_ALPHA_21064:
-            s = "alpha21064";
-            break;
+	case PROCESSOR_ALPHA_21064:
+	    s = "alpha21064";
+	    break;
-        case PROCESSOR_ARM_7TDMI:
-            s = "arm70001";
-            break;
-        default:
-            sprintf(vsnBuffer, "%d", sysInfo.dwProcessorType);
-            s = vsnBuffer;
-            break;
+	    s = "arm70001";
+	    break;
+	default:
+	    sprintf(vsnBuffer, "%d", sysInfo.dwProcessorType);
+	    s = vsnBuffer;
+	    break;
     mach = __MKSTRING(s);
     numberOfCPUs = __MKUINT(sysInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors);
     sys isNil ifTrue:[
-        sys := self getSystemType.
+	sys := self getSystemType.
     node isNil ifTrue:[
-        node := self getHostName.
+	node := self getHostName.
     dom isNil ifTrue:[
-        dom := self getDomainName.
+	dom := self getDomainName.
     mach isNil ifTrue:[
-        mach := self getCPUType.
+	mach := self getCPUType.
     arch isNil ifTrue:[
-        arch := 'unknown'.
+	arch := 'unknown'.
     info := IdentityDictionary new.
@@ -6572,33 +6570,33 @@
     if (__bothSmallInteger(y, m)
      && __bothSmallInteger(d, h)
      && __bothSmallInteger(min, s)) {
-        TIME_T t;
-        int utcOffset;
-        tm.tm_hour = __intVal(h);
-        tm.tm_min = __intVal(min);
-        tm.tm_sec = __intVal(s);
-        tm.tm_year = __intVal(y) - 1900;
-        tm.tm_mon = __intVal(m) - 1;
-        tm.tm_mday = __intVal(d);
-        tm.tm_isdst = -1;
-        if (tm.tm_isdst == 0) {
-            utcOffset = __MKINT(TIMEZONE(tmPtr));
-        } else {
+	TIME_T t;
+	int utcOffset;
+	tm.tm_hour = __intVal(h);
+	tm.tm_min = __intVal(min);
+	tm.tm_sec = __intVal(s);
+	tm.tm_year = __intVal(y) - 1900;
+	tm.tm_mon = __intVal(m) - 1;
+	tm.tm_mday = __intVal(d);
+	tm.tm_isdst = -1;
+	if (tm.tm_isdst == 0) {
+	    utcOffset = __MKINT(TIMEZONE(tmPtr));
+	} else {
-            utcOffset = __MKINT(altzone);
+	    utcOffset = __MKINT(altzone);
-            utcOffset = __MKINT(TIMEZONE(tmPtr) + 3600);
-        }
-        t = mktime(&tm);
-        osSeconds = __MKUINT((INT)t);
+	    utcOffset = __MKINT(TIMEZONE(tmPtr) + 3600);
+	}
+	t = mktime(&tm);
+	osSeconds = __MKUINT((INT)t);
     osSeconds notNil ifTrue:[
-        ^ osSeconds * 1000 + millis
+	^ osSeconds * 1000 + millis
     ^ self primitiveFailed
@@ -7100,23 +7098,23 @@
     dir := self getEnvironment:'HOME'.
     dir isNil ifTrue:[
-        "for NT/WIN2K/XP users:
-         if HOME is nil, try first HOMEHSARE and then HOMEDRIVE and HOMEPATH"
-        dir := self getEnvironment:'HOMESHARE'.
-        dir isNil ifTrue:[
-            ((drv := self getEnvironment:'HOMEDRIVE') notNil
-             and:[(path := self getEnvironment:'HOMEPATH') notNil]) ifTrue:[
-                dir := drv , path
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                dir := '.'.
-            ].
-        ].
+	"for NT/WIN2K/XP users:
+	 if HOME is nil, try first HOMEHSARE and then HOMEDRIVE and HOMEPATH"
+	dir := self getEnvironment:'HOMESHARE'.
+	dir isNil ifTrue:[
+	    ((drv := self getEnvironment:'HOMEDRIVE') notNil
+	     and:[(path := self getEnvironment:'HOMEPATH') notNil]) ifTrue:[
+		dir := drv , path
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		dir := '.'.
+	    ].
+	].
     ^ dir
-     OperatingSystem getHomeDirectory 
+     OperatingSystem getHomeDirectory
     "Modified: / 16.2.2000 / 09:17:55 / cg"
@@ -8133,139 +8131,139 @@
     retrieve an existing entry by key:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |k|
-        k := Win32OperatingSystem::RegistryEntry key:'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\eXept\Smalltalk/X'
-                                                                        [exEnd]
+									[exBegin]
+	|k|
+	k := Win32OperatingSystem::RegistryEntry key:'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\eXept\Smalltalk/X'
+									[exEnd]
     retrieve a non-existing entry by key:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |k|
-        k := Win32OperatingSystem::RegistryEntry key:'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\xxx'
-                                                                        [exEnd]
+									[exBegin]
+	|k|
+	k := Win32OperatingSystem::RegistryEntry key:'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\xxx'
+									[exEnd]
     ask a keys value:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |k|
-        k := Win32OperatingSystem::RegistryEntry key:'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion'.
-        Transcript show:'Windows serial NR:'; showCR:(k valueNamed:'ProductId').
-        k := Win32OperatingSystem::RegistryEntry key:'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\eXept\Smalltalk/X'.
-        Transcript showCR:(k valueNamed:'CurrentVersion').
-                                                                        [exEnd]
+									[exBegin]
+	|k|
+	k := Win32OperatingSystem::RegistryEntry key:'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion'.
+	Transcript show:'Windows serial NR:'; showCR:(k valueNamed:'ProductId').
+	k := Win32OperatingSystem::RegistryEntry key:'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\eXept\Smalltalk/X'.
+	Transcript showCR:(k valueNamed:'CurrentVersion').
+									[exEnd]
     create a sub-key (if not already present):
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |k subKey|
-        k := Win32OperatingSystem::RegistryEntry key:'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\eXept\Smalltalk/X'.
-        subKey := k createSubKeyNamed:'RegistryDemo'
-                                                                        [exEnd]
+									[exBegin]
+	|k subKey|
+	k := Win32OperatingSystem::RegistryEntry key:'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\eXept\Smalltalk/X'.
+	subKey := k createSubKeyNamed:'RegistryDemo'
+									[exEnd]
     change a keys value:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |k|
-        k := Win32OperatingSystem::RegistryEntry key:'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\eXept\Smalltalk/X\RegistryDemo'.
-        k valueNamed:'FooBarBaz' put:'a foo bar baz string'.
-                                                                        [exEnd]
+									[exBegin]
+	|k|
+	k := Win32OperatingSystem::RegistryEntry key:'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\eXept\Smalltalk/X\RegistryDemo'.
+	k valueNamed:'FooBarBaz' put:'a foo bar baz string'.
+									[exEnd]
     delete a value:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |k|
-        k := Win32OperatingSystem::RegistryEntry key:'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\eXept\Smalltalk/X\RegistryDemo'.
-        k deleteValueNamed:'FooBarBaz'.
-                                                                        [exEnd]
+									[exBegin]
+	|k|
+	k := Win32OperatingSystem::RegistryEntry key:'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\eXept\Smalltalk/X\RegistryDemo'.
+	k deleteValueNamed:'FooBarBaz'.
+									[exEnd]
     delete a key:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |k|
-        k := Win32OperatingSystem::RegistryEntry key:'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\eXept\Smalltalk/X'.
-        k deleteSubKeyNamed:'RegistryDemo'.
-                                                                        [exEnd]
+									[exBegin]
+	|k|
+	k := Win32OperatingSystem::RegistryEntry key:'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\eXept\Smalltalk/X'.
+	k deleteSubKeyNamed:'RegistryDemo'.
+									[exEnd]
     enumerate keys:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |k|
-        k := Win32OperatingSystem::RegistryEntry key:'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software'.
-        k subKeysDo:[:subKey |
-            Transcript showCR:subKey path
-        ]
-                                                                        [exEnd]
+									[exBegin]
+	|k|
+	k := Win32OperatingSystem::RegistryEntry key:'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software'.
+	k subKeysDo:[:subKey |
+	    Transcript showCR:subKey path
+	]
+									[exEnd]
     enumerate all keys (recursive):
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |k|
-        k := Win32OperatingSystem::RegistryEntry key:'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software'.
-        k allSubKeysDo:[:subKey |
-            Transcript showCR:subKey path
-        ]
-                                                                        [exEnd]
+									[exBegin]
+	|k|
+	k := Win32OperatingSystem::RegistryEntry key:'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software'.
+	k allSubKeysDo:[:subKey |
+	    Transcript showCR:subKey path
+	]
+									[exEnd]
     fetch value by index:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |k|
-        k := self key:'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\eXept\Smalltalk/X'.
-        Transcript showCR:(k valueNameAtIndex:0)
-                                                                        [exEnd]
+									[exBegin]
+	|k|
+	k := self key:'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\eXept\Smalltalk/X'.
+	Transcript showCR:(k valueNameAtIndex:0)
+									[exEnd]
     enumerate value names:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |k|
-        k := self key:'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\eXept\Smalltalk/X'.
-        k valueNamesDo:[:nm  |
-           Transcript showCR:nm.
-        ]
-                                                                        [exEnd]
+									[exBegin]
+	|k|
+	k := self key:'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\eXept\Smalltalk/X'.
+	k valueNamesDo:[:nm  |
+	   Transcript showCR:nm.
+	]
+									[exEnd]
     enumerate values:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |k|
-        k := self key:'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\eXept\Smalltalk/X'.
-        k valueNamesAndValuesDo:[:nm :val |
-            Transcript showCR:(nm , ' -> ' , val storeString).
-        ]
-                                                                        [exEnd]
+									[exBegin]
+	|k|
+	k := self key:'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\eXept\Smalltalk/X'.
+	k valueNamesAndValuesDo:[:nm :val |
+	    Transcript showCR:(nm , ' -> ' , val storeString).
+	]
+									[exEnd]
     search for a value (where does NT store the domain ?):
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |k|
-        k := self key:'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System'.
-        k subKeysDo:[:subKey |
-            subKey subKeysDo:[:subSubKey |
-                |tcp params|
-                (subSubKey path asLowercase endsWith:'services') ifTrue:[
-                    tcp := subSubKey subKeyNamed:'tcpip'.
-                    tcp notNil ifTrue:[
-                        params := tcp subKeyNamed:'parameters'.
-                        params notNil ifTrue:[
-                            Transcript showCR:'Domain is found in ' , params path ,
-                                        ' value: ' , (params valueNamed:'Domain').
-                            params close.
-                        ].
-                        tcp close.
-                    ]
-                ]
-            ]
-        ]
-                                                                        [exEnd]
+									[exBegin]
+	|k|
+	k := self key:'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System'.
+	k subKeysDo:[:subKey |
+	    subKey subKeysDo:[:subSubKey |
+		|tcp params|
+		(subSubKey path asLowercase endsWith:'services') ifTrue:[
+		    tcp := subSubKey subKeyNamed:'tcpip'.
+		    tcp notNil ifTrue:[
+			params := tcp subKeyNamed:'parameters'.
+			params notNil ifTrue:[
+			    Transcript showCR:'Domain is found in ' , params path ,
+					' value: ' , (params valueNamed:'Domain').
+			    params close.
+			].
+			tcp close.
+		    ]
+		]
+	    ]
+	]
+									[exEnd]
@@ -8286,7 +8284,7 @@
-        self initialize
+	self initialize
     "Created: / 19.5.1999 / 21:39:57 / cg"
@@ -8297,25 +8295,25 @@
     HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT isNil ifTrue:[self initialize].
     specialKeyStringOrSymbol = #'HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT' ifTrue:[
     specialKeyStringOrSymbol = #'HKEY_CURRENT_USER' ifTrue:[
     specialKeyStringOrSymbol = #'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE' ifTrue:[
     specialKeyStringOrSymbol = #'HKEY_USERS' ifTrue:[
-        ^ HKEY_USERS.
     specialKeyStringOrSymbol = #'HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA' ifTrue:[
     specialKeyStringOrSymbol = #'HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG' ifTrue:[
     specialKeyStringOrSymbol = #'HKEY_DYN_DATA' ifTrue:[
-        ^ HKEY_DYN_DATA.
     ^ nil
@@ -8328,7 +8326,7 @@
     "handle image restarts and refetch registry handles"
     (something == #returnFromSnapshot) ifTrue:[
-        self initialize
+	self initialize
     "Created: 15.6.1996 / 15:14:03 / cg"
@@ -9125,7 +9123,7 @@
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/,v 1.161 2004-11-16 22:52:51 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/,v 1.162 2004-11-17 01:20:38 cg Exp $'
 ! !
 !Win32OperatingSystem::Win32FILEHandle methodsFor:'release'!
@@ -9152,7 +9150,7 @@
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/,v 1.161 2004-11-16 22:52:51 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/,v 1.162 2004-11-17 01:20:38 cg Exp $'
 ! !
 !Win32OperatingSystem::Win32Handle methodsFor:'io'!
@@ -9531,7 +9529,7 @@
 !Win32OperatingSystem class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/,v 1.161 2004-11-16 22:52:51 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/,v 1.162 2004-11-17 01:20:38 cg Exp $'
 ! !
 Win32OperatingSystem initialize!