changeset 18120 e3a375d5f6a8
parent 18113 92b4242b2b0b
parent 16626 bbf6b95f092f
child 18682 d64774633094
--- a/	Tue Feb 04 21:09:59 2014 +0100
+++ b/	Wed Apr 01 10:20:10 2015 +0100
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 Object subclass:#MiniDebugger
 	instanceVariableNames:'tracing stepping traceBlock command commandArg commandCount
 		enteringContext dot nesting'
-	classVariableNames:'TheOneAndOnlyDebugger NotFirstTimeEntered'
+	classVariableNames:'NotFirstTimeEntered'
@@ -39,14 +39,14 @@
     a primitive (non graphical) debugger for use on systems without
     graphics or when the real debugger dies (i.e. an error occurs in
-    the graphical debugger).
-    Also, if an interrupt occurs within the debuger, this one is called
-    for.
+    the graphical debugger or the UI/event handler is broken).
+    Also, if an interrupt occurs within the debuger, this one is called for.
+    Needs a console.
     MiniDebugger enter
-        Claus Gittinger
+	Claus Gittinger
 ! !
@@ -55,10 +55,10 @@
     "enter a miniDebugger"
-    ^ self 
-        enter:thisContext sender 
-        withMessage:'MiniDebugger' 
-        mayProceed:true
+    ^ self
+	enter:thisContext sender
+	withMessage:'MiniDebugger'
+	mayProceed:true
 enter:aContext withMessage:aString mayProceed:mayProceed
@@ -69,64 +69,64 @@
     StepInterruptPending := nil.
     Error handle:[:ex |
-        ex return
+	ex return
     ] do:[
-        thisContext isRecursive ifTrue:[
-            "/ 'recursive error in debugger ignored' errorPrintCR.
-            ^ self
-        ].
+	thisContext isRecursive ifTrue:[
+	    "/ 'recursive error in debugger ignored' errorPrintCR.
+	    ^ self
+	].
-        aString printCR.
-        Processor notNil ifTrue:[
-            active := Processor activeProcess.
-            'process: id=' print. active id print.
-            ' name=' print. active name printCR.
+	aString errorPrintCR.
+	Processor notNil ifTrue:[
+	    active := Processor activeProcess.
+	    'process: id=' errorPrint. active id errorPrint.
+	    ' name=' errorPrint. active name errorPrintCR.
-            'context: ' print. aContext printString printCR.
-            (con := aContext) notNil ifTrue:[
-                con := con sender.
-                ' ......: ' print. con printString printCR.
-                [con notNil] whileTrue:[
-                    sender := con sender.
-                    (sender notNil and:[sender selector == con selector]) ifTrue:[
-                        ' ......: ' print. sender printString printCR.
-                        ' ......:  [** intermediate recursive contexts skipped **]' printCR.
-                        [sender notNil
-                         and:[sender selector == con selector
-                         and:[sender method == con method]]] whileTrue:[
-                            con := sender.
-                            sender := con sender.
-                        ].
-                    ].
-                    con := sender.
-                    ' ......: ' print. con printString printCR.
-                ]
-            ]
-        ].
-        NotFirstTimeEntered ~~ true ifTrue:[
-            NotFirstTimeEntered := true.
-            'Type "c" to proceed, "?" for help' printCR.
-        ].
+	    'context: ' errorPrint. aContext printString errorPrintCR.
+	    (con := aContext) notNil ifTrue:[
+		con := con sender.
+		' ......: ' errorPrint. con printString errorPrintCR.
+		[con notNil] whileTrue:[
+		    sender := con sender.
+		    (sender notNil and:[sender selector == con selector]) ifTrue:[
+			' ......: ' errorPrint. sender printString errorPrintCR.
+			' ......:  [** intermediate recursive contexts skipped **]' errorPrintCR.
+			[sender notNil
+			 and:[sender selector == con selector
+			 and:[sender method == con method]]] whileTrue:[
+			    con := sender.
+			    sender := con sender.
+			].
+		    ].
+		    con := sender.
+		    ' ......: ' errorPrint. con printString errorPrintCR.
+		]
+	    ]
+	].
+	NotFirstTimeEntered ~~ true ifTrue:[
+	    NotFirstTimeEntered := true.
+	    'Type "c" to proceed, "?" for help' errorPrintCR.
+	].
     OperatingSystem hasConsole ifFalse:[
-        Error handle:[:ex |
-            ex return
-        ] do:[
-            self warn:('Unexpected error:\' , aString , '\\No MiniDebugger functionality available') withCRs .
-        ].
+	Error handle:[:ex |
+	    ex return
+	] do:[
+	    self warn:('Unexpected error:\' , aString , '\\No MiniDebugger functionality available') withCRs .
+	].
-        Error handle:[:ex |
-            'cannot raise Abort - exiting ...' errorPrintCR.
-            Smalltalk exit.
-        ] do:[
-            AbortOperationRequest raise.
-        ]
+	Error handle:[:ex |
+	    'cannot raise Abort - exiting ...' errorPrintCR.
+	    OperatingSystem exit:10.
+	] do:[
+	    AbortOperationRequest raise.
+	]
     ] ifTrue:[
-        self new enter:aContext mayProceed:mayProceed.
+	self new enter:aContext mayProceed:mayProceed.
     mayProceed ifFalse:[
-        AbortOperationRequest raise
+	AbortOperationRequest raise
     ^ nil
@@ -140,18 +140,18 @@
      sent from error- and halt messages."
     ^ self
-        enter:ex returnableSuspendedContext
-        withMessage:(ex creator name,': ',ex descriptionForDebugger)
-        mayProceed:(ex mayProceed).
+	enter:ex returnableSuspendedContext
+	withMessage:(ex creator name,': ',ex descriptionForDebugger)
+	mayProceed:(ex mayProceed).
 enterWithMessage:aString mayProceed:mayProceed
     "enter a miniDebugger"
-    ^ self 
-        enter:thisContext sender 
-        withMessage:aString 
-        mayProceed:mayProceed
+    ^ self
+	enter:thisContext sender
+	withMessage:aString
+	mayProceed:mayProceed
     "Modified: / 19.5.1999 / 18:14:33 / cg"
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@
-    self trace:aBlock with:[:where | where printCR]
+    self trace:aBlock with:[:where | where errorPrintCR]
     "Modified: 20.5.1996 / 10:27:37 / cg"
@@ -234,78 +234,85 @@
     nesting := 0.
     c := aContext.
     [c notNil] whileTrue:[
-        c selector == #enter:mayProceed: ifTrue:[
-            nesting := nesting + 1.
-        ].
-        c := c sender.
+	c selector == #enter:mayProceed: ifTrue:[
+	    nesting := nesting + 1.
+	].
+	c := c sender.
     stillHere := true.
     [stillHere] whileTrue:[
-        AbortOperationRequest handle:[:ex |
-            '** Abort cought - back in previous debugLevel' printCR.
-        ] do:[
-            Error handle:[:ex |
-                'Error while executing MiniDebugger command: ' print.
-                ex description printCR.
-                yesNo := self getCommand:'- (i)gnore / (p)roceed / (d)ebug / b(acktrace) ? '.
-                yesNo == $d ifTrue:[
-                    MiniDebugger enterWithMessage:'Debugging debugger' mayProceed:true.
-                    ex proceed
-                ].
-                yesNo == $p ifTrue:[
-                    ex proceed
-                ].
-                yesNo == $b ifTrue:[
-                    ex suspendedContext fullPrintAll.
-                    ex proceed
-                ].
-            ] do:[
-                [
-                    leaveCmd := self commandLoop.
-                ] valueUnpreemptively.
-            ].
-        ].
+	AbortOperationRequest handle:[:ex |
+	    '** Abort caught - back in previous debugLevel' errorPrintCR.
+	] do:[
+	    Error handle:[:ex |
+		StreamError handle:[:ex|
+		    "You won't see this probably - but you will see it when doing a syscall trace"
+		    'Error while processing error in MiniDebugger (Stdout closed?):' errorPrintCR.
+		    ex description errorPrintCR.
+		    OperatingSystem exit:10.
+		] do:[
+		    'Error while executing MiniDebugger command: ' errorPrint.
+		    ex description errorPrintCR.
+		    yesNo := self getCommand:'- (i)gnore / (p)roceed / (d)ebug / b(acktrace) ? '.
+		    yesNo == $d ifTrue:[
+			MiniDebugger enterWithMessage:'Debugging debugger' mayProceed:true.
+			ex proceed
+		    ].
+		    yesNo == $p ifTrue:[
+			ex proceed
+		    ].
+		    yesNo == $b ifTrue:[
+			ex suspendedContext fullPrintAll.
+			ex proceed
+		    ].
+		].
+	    ] do:[
+		[
+		    leaveCmd := self commandLoop.
+		] valueUnpreemptively.
+	    ].
+	].
-        (leaveCmd == $s) ifTrue: [
-            self stepping.
-            ObjectMemory flushInlineCaches.
-            ObjectMemory stepInterruptHandler:self.
-            stillHere := false.
-            StepInterruptPending := 1.
-            InterruptPending := 1
-        ].
-        (leaveCmd == $t) ifTrue: [
-            traceBlock := [:where | where fullPrint].
-            ObjectMemory flushInlineCaches.
-            ObjectMemory stepInterruptHandler:self.
-            stillHere := false.
-            StepInterruptPending := 1.
-            InterruptPending := 1
-        ].
-        (leaveCmd == $c) ifTrue: [
-            traceBlock := nil.
-            ObjectMemory flushInlineCaches.
-            ObjectMemory stepInterruptHandler:nil.
-            stillHere := false.
-            stepping := false.
-            tracing := false.
-            StepInterruptPending := nil.
-            InterruptPending := nil
-        ].
-        (leaveCmd == $a) ifTrue: [
-            "abort"
-            traceBlock := nil.
-            ObjectMemory flushInlineCaches.
-            ObjectMemory stepInterruptHandler:nil.
-            stepping := false.
-            tracing := false.
-            StepInterruptPending := nil.
-            InterruptPending := nil.
-            self doAbort.
-            stillHere := true.
-            "failed abort"
-        ].
+	(leaveCmd == $s) ifTrue: [
+	    self stepping.
+	    ObjectMemory flushInlineCaches.
+	    ObjectMemory stepInterruptHandler:self.
+	    stillHere := false.
+	    StepInterruptPending := 1.
+	    InterruptPending := 1
+	].
+	(leaveCmd == $t) ifTrue: [
+	    traceBlock := [:where | where fullPrint].
+	    ObjectMemory flushInlineCaches.
+	    ObjectMemory stepInterruptHandler:self.
+	    stillHere := false.
+	    StepInterruptPending := 1.
+	    InterruptPending := 1
+	].
+	(leaveCmd == $c) ifTrue: [
+	    traceBlock := nil.
+	    ObjectMemory flushInlineCaches.
+	    ObjectMemory stepInterruptHandler:nil.
+	    stillHere := false.
+	    stepping := false.
+	    tracing := false.
+	    StepInterruptPending := nil.
+	    InterruptPending := nil
+	].
+	(leaveCmd == $a) ifTrue: [
+	    "abort"
+	    traceBlock := nil.
+	    ObjectMemory flushInlineCaches.
+	    ObjectMemory stepInterruptHandler:nil.
+	    stepping := false.
+	    tracing := false.
+	    StepInterruptPending := nil.
+	    InterruptPending := nil.
+	    self doAbort.
+	    stillHere := true.
+	    "failed abort"
+	].
     enteringContext := dot := nil.
     ^ nil
@@ -320,26 +327,26 @@
     where := thisContext.        "where is stepInterrupt context"
     where notNil ifTrue:[
-        where := where sender    "where is now interrupted methods context"
+	where := where sender    "where is now interrupted methods context"
     stepping ifTrue:[
-        where notNil ifTrue:[
-            where fullPrint
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            'stepInterrupt: no context' errorPrintCR
-        ].
-        self enter:where mayProceed:true
+	where notNil ifTrue:[
+	    where fullPrint
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    'stepInterrupt: no context' errorPrintCR
+	].
+	self enter:where mayProceed:true
     ] ifFalse:[
-        where notNil ifTrue:[
-            traceBlock notNil ifTrue:[
-                traceBlock value:where
-            ]
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            'traceInterrupt: no context' errorPrintCR
-        ].
-        ObjectMemory flushInlineCaches.
-        StepInterruptPending := 1.
-        InterruptPending := 1
+	where notNil ifTrue:[
+	    traceBlock notNil ifTrue:[
+		traceBlock value:where
+	    ]
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    'traceInterrupt: no context' errorPrintCR
+	].
+	ObjectMemory flushInlineCaches.
+	StepInterruptPending := 1.
+	InterruptPending := 1
     "Modified: / 20-05-1996 / 10:23:11 / cg"
@@ -388,13 +395,13 @@
     backtrace := thisContext.
     (backtrace notNil) ifTrue: [
-        [backtrace selector ~~ #commandLoop] whileTrue:[
-            backtrace := backtrace sender.
-        ].
-        "remove Debugger commandLoop frame"
-        backtrace := backtrace sender.
-        "remove Debugger enter frame"
-        backtrace := backtrace sender
+	[backtrace selector ~~ #commandLoop] whileTrue:[
+	    backtrace := backtrace sender.
+	].
+	"remove Debugger commandLoop frame"
+	backtrace := backtrace sender.
+	"remove Debugger enter frame"
+	backtrace := backtrace sender
     ^ backtrace
@@ -407,22 +414,22 @@
     c := enteringContext.
     [ c notNil and:[ c sender ~~ dot ] ] whileTrue:[
-        c := c sender.
+	c := c sender.
     c notNil ifTrue:[
-        dot := c.
-        "/ dot fullPrint.
+	dot := c.
+	"/ dot fullPrint.
     ] ifFalse:[
-        '** dot is the bottom of the calling chain' printCR.
+	'** dot is the bottom of the calling chain' errorPrintCR.
     dot sender notNil ifTrue:[
-        dot := dot sender.
-        "/ dot fullPrint.
+	dot := dot sender.
+	"/ dot fullPrint.
     ] ifFalse:[
-        '** dot is the top of the calling chain' printCR.
+	'** dot is the top of the calling chain' errorPrintCR.
@@ -450,15 +457,15 @@
     dot fullPrint.
-    '  receiver: ' print. dot receiver printCR.
-    '  selector: ' print. dot selector printCR.
-    '  args: ' printCR.
+    '  receiver: ' errorPrint. dot receiver errorPrintCR.
+    '  selector: ' errorPrint. dot selector errorPrintCR.
+    '  args: ' errorPrintCR.
     dot args keysAndValuesDo:[:idx :eachArg |
-        '    ' print. idx print. ': ' print. eachArg printCR.
+	'    ' errorPrint. idx errorPrint. ': ' errorPrint. eachArg errorPrintCR.
-    '  vars: ' printCR.
+    '  vars: ' errorPrintCR.
     dot vars keysAndValuesDo:[:idx :eachVar |
-        '    ' print. idx print. ': ' print. eachVar printCR.
+	'    ' errorPrint. idx errorPrint. ': ' errorPrint. eachVar errorPrintCR.
@@ -472,32 +479,32 @@
     home := dot methodHome.
     mthd := home method.
     mthd isNil ifTrue:[
-        '** no source **' printCR.
-        ^ self.
+	'** no source **' errorPrintCR.
+	^ self.
     src := mthd source.
     src isNil ifTrue:[
-        '** no source **' printCR.
-        ^ self.
+	'** no source **' errorPrintCR.
+	^ self.
     pcLineNr := dot lineNumber.
     src := src asCollectionOfLines.
     full ifTrue:[
-        startLnr := 1.
-        stopLnr := src size.
+	startLnr := 1.
+	stopLnr := src size.
     ] ifFalse:[
-        startLnr := pcLineNr-10 max:1.
-        stopLnr := pcLineNr+10 min:src size.
+	startLnr := pcLineNr-10 max:1.
+	stopLnr := pcLineNr+10 min:src size.
     startLnr to:stopLnr do:[:lNr |
-        lNr == pcLineNr ifTrue:[
-            '>> ' print.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            '   ' print.
-        ].
-        (lNr printStringLeftPaddedTo:3) print. ' ' print.
-        (src at:lNr) printCR.
+	lNr == pcLineNr ifTrue:[
+	    '>> ' errorPrint.
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    '   ' errorPrint.
+	].
+	(lNr printStringLeftPaddedTo:3) errorPrint. ' ' errorPrint.
+	(src at:lNr) errorPrintCR.
@@ -516,18 +523,18 @@
 !MiniDebugger methodsFor:'user commands'!
-    "read-eval commands, until one of the continue, abort or single step commands is entered; 
+    "read-eval commands, until one of the continue, abort or single step commands is entered;
      return the last command character"
     |cmd done|
     done := false.
     [done] whileFalse:[
-        cmd := self getCommand:nil.
-        cmd isNil ifTrue:[   "/ EOF is treated like continue command
-            cmd := $c
-        ].
-        done := self doCommand:cmd.
+	cmd := self getCommand:nil.
+	cmd isNil ifTrue:[   "/ EOF is treated like continue command
+	    cmd := $c
+	].
+	done := self doCommand:cmd.
     ^ cmd
@@ -561,112 +568,116 @@
-    "a single command; 
+    "a single command;
      return true, if command loop should be finished"
     |id proc bool|
     commandArg notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
-        id := Number readFrom:commandArg onError:nil.
-        id notNil ifTrue:[
-            proc := Process allSubInstances detect:[:p | p id == id] ifNone:nil.
-            proc == Processor activeProcess ifTrue:[
-                id := proc := nil
-            ]
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            commandArg = '-' ifTrue:[
-                bool := false
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                commandArg = '+' ifTrue:[
-                    bool := true
-                ] 
-            ]
-        ]
+	id := Number readFrom:commandArg onError:nil.
+	id notNil ifTrue:[
+	    proc := Process allSubInstances detect:[:p | p id == id] ifNone:nil.
+	    proc == Processor activeProcess ifTrue:[
+		id := proc := nil
+	    ]
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    commandArg = '-' ifTrue:[
+		bool := false
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		commandArg = '+' ifTrue:[
+		    bool := true
+		]
+	    ]
+	]
     (cmd == $w) ifTrue:[
-        proc notNil ifTrue:[
-            '-------- walkback of process ' print. id print. ' -------' printCR.
-            self printBacktraceFrom:(proc suspendedContext)
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            id notNil ifTrue:[
-                'no process with id: ' print. id printCR.
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                '-------- walkback of current process -------' printCR.
-                self printBacktraceFrom:(self getContext)
-            ]
-        ].
-        ^ false
+	proc notNil ifTrue:[
+	    '-------- walkback of process ' errorPrint. id errorPrint. ' -------' errorPrintCR.
+	    self printBacktraceFrom:(proc suspendedContext)
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    id notNil ifTrue:[
+		'no process with id: ' errorPrint. id errorPrintCR.
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		'-------- walkback of current process -------' errorPrintCR.
+		self printBacktraceFrom:(self getContext)
+	    ]
+	].
+	^ false
     (cmd == $b) ifTrue:[
-        proc notNil ifTrue:[
-            '-------- VM walkback of process ' print. id print. ' -------' printCR.
-            ObjectMemory printStackBacktraceFrom:(proc suspendedContext)
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            id notNil ifTrue:[
-                'no process with id: ' print. id printCR.
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                '-------- VM walkback of current process -------' printCR.
-                ObjectMemory printStackBacktrace
-            ]
-        ].
-        ^ false
+	proc notNil ifTrue:[
+	    '-------- VM walkback of process ' errorPrint. id errorPrint. ' -------' errorPrintCR.
+	    ObjectMemory printStackBacktraceFrom:(proc suspendedContext)
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    id notNil ifTrue:[
+		'no process with id: ' errorPrint. id errorPrintCR.
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		'-------- VM walkback of current process -------' errorPrintCR.
+		ObjectMemory printStackBacktrace
+	    ]
+	].
+	^ false
     (cmd == $S) ifTrue:[
-        'saving "crash.img"...' print.
-        ObjectMemory writeCrashImage.
-        'done.' printCR.
-        ^ false
+	'saving "crash.img"...' errorPrint.
+	ObjectMemory writeCrashImage.
+	'done.' errorPrintCR.
+	^ false
     (cmd == $C) ifTrue:[
-        |changesFilename|
+	|changesFilename|
-        changesFilename := Timestamp now
-             printStringFormat:'changes_%(year)-%(month)-%(day)__%h:%m:%s.chg'.
-        OperatingSystem isMSWINDOWSlike ifTrue:[ changesFilename replaceAll:$: with:$_ ].
+	changesFilename := Timestamp now
+	     printStringFormat:'changes_%(year)-%(month)-%(day)__%h:%m:%s.chg'.
+	OperatingSystem isMSWINDOWSlike ifTrue:[ changesFilename replaceAll:$: with:$_ ].
-        ChangeSet current fileOutAs: changesFilename.
-        ('saved session changes to "',changesFilename,'".') printCR.
-        ^ false
+	ChangeSet current fileOutAs: changesFilename.
+	('saved session changes to "',changesFilename,'".') errorPrintCR.
+	^ false
     (cmd == $B) ifTrue:[
-        self printAllBacktraces.
-        ^ false
+	self printAllBacktraces.
+	^ false
     (cmd == $P) ifTrue:[
-        self showProcesses:#all.
-        ^ false
+	self showProcesses:#all.
+	^ false
     (cmd == $p) ifTrue:[
-        self showProcesses:#live.
-        ^ false
+	self showProcesses:#live.
+	^ false
     (cmd == $r) ifTrue:[
-        dot receiver printCR.
-        ^ false
+	dot receiver errorPrintCR.
+	^ false
     (cmd == $i) ifTrue:[
-        MiniInspector openOn:(dot receiver).
-        ^ false
+	(commandArg ? '') withoutSeparators notEmpty ifTrue:[
+	    MiniInspector openOn:(Parser evaluate:commandArg).
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    MiniInspector openOn:(dot receiver).
+	].
+	^ false
     (cmd == $I) ifTrue:[
-        self interpreterLoopWith:nil.
-        ^ false
+	self interpreterLoopWith:nil.
+	^ false
     (cmd == $E) ifTrue:[
-        Parser evaluate:commandArg.
-        ^ false
+	Parser evaluate:commandArg.
+	^ false
     (cmd == $e) ifTrue:[
-        (Parser evaluate:commandArg) printCR.
-        ^ false
+	(Parser evaluate:commandArg) errorPrintCR.
+	^ false
     (cmd == $c) ifTrue:[^ true].
@@ -675,92 +686,96 @@
     (cmd == $a) ifTrue:[^ true].
     (cmd == $u) ifTrue:[
-        stepping := false.
-        tracing := false.
-        Processor activeProcess vmTrace:false.
-        ^ false
+	stepping := false.
+	tracing := false.
+	Processor activeProcess vmTrace:false.
+	^ false
     (cmd == $h) ifTrue:[
-        (bool notNil) ifTrue:[
-            Smalltalk ignoreHalt:bool not.
-        ].
-        'halts are ' print. (Smalltalk ignoreHalt ifTrue:['disabled'] ifFalse:['enabled']) printCR.
-        ^ false
+	(bool notNil) ifTrue:[
+	    Smalltalk ignoreHalt:bool not.
+	].
+	'halts are ' errorPrint. (Smalltalk ignoreHalt ifTrue:['disabled'] ifFalse:['enabled']) errorPrintCR.
+	^ false
     (cmd == $R) ifTrue:[
-        proc notNil ifTrue:[
-            proc resume.
-        ].
-        ^ false
+	proc notNil ifTrue:[
+	    proc resume.
+	].
+	^ false
     (cmd == $T) ifTrue:[
-        proc notNil ifTrue:[
-            proc terminate.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            id notNil ifTrue:[
-                'no process with id: ' print. id printCR.
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                Processor terminateActive
-            ]
-        ].
-        ^ false
+	proc notNil ifTrue:[
+	    proc terminate.
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    id notNil ifTrue:[
+		'no process with id: ' errorPrint. id errorPrintCR.
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		Processor terminateActive
+	    ]
+	].
+	^ false
     (cmd == $W) ifTrue:[
-        proc notNil ifTrue:[
-            'stopping process id: ' print. id printCR.
-            proc stop.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            'invalid process id: ' print. id printCR.
-        ].
-        ^ false
+	proc notNil ifTrue:[
+	    'stopping process id: ' errorPrint. id errorPrintCR.
+	    proc stop.
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    'invalid process id: ' errorPrint. id errorPrintCR.
+	].
+	^ false
     (cmd == $a) ifTrue:[
-        "without id-arg, this is handled by caller"
-        proc notNil ifTrue:[
-            'aborting process id: ' print. id printCR.
-            proc interruptWith:[AbortOperationRequest raise]
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            'aborting' printCR.
-        ].
-        ^ false
+	"without id-arg, this is handled by caller"
+	proc notNil ifTrue:[
+	    'aborting process id: ' errorPrint. id errorPrintCR.
+	    proc interruptWith:[AbortOperationRequest raise]
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    'aborting' errorPrintCR.
+	].
+	^ false
     (cmd == $Q) ifTrue:[
-        proc notNil ifTrue:[
-            proc terminateNoSignal.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            id notNil ifTrue:[
-                'no process with id: ' print. id printCR.
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                Processor terminateActiveNoSignal
-            ]
-        ].
-        ^ false
+	proc notNil ifTrue:[
+	    proc terminateNoSignal.
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    id notNil ifTrue:[
+		'no process with id: ' errorPrint. id errorPrintCR.
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		Processor terminateActiveNoSignal
+	    ]
+	].
+	^ false
     (cmd == $g) ifTrue:[
-        self garbageCollectCommand:id.
-        ^ false
+	self garbageCollectCommand:id.
+	^ false
     (cmd == $U) ifTrue:[
-        MessageTracer unwrapAllMethods.
-        ^ false
+	MessageTracer unwrapAllMethods.
+	^ false
+    ].
+    (cmd == $D) ifTrue:[
+	Breakpoint disableAllBreakpoints.
+	^ false
     (cmd == $X) ifTrue:[
-        Smalltalk fatalAbort.
-        "/ not reached
-        ^ false
+	Smalltalk fatalAbort.
+	"/ not reached
+	^ false
     (cmd == $x) ifTrue:[
-        OperatingSystem exit.
-        "/ not reached
-        ^ false
+	OperatingSystem exit.
+	"/ not reached
+	^ false
     (cmd == $.) ifTrue:[self printDot. ^ false ].
@@ -769,9 +784,9 @@
     (cmd == $-) ifTrue:[self moveDotUp. self printDot. ^ false ].
     (cmd == $+) ifTrue:[self moveDotDown. self printDot. ^ false ].
     (cmd == $?) ifTrue:[
-        commandArg notEmpty ifTrue:[
-            self helpOn:commandArg. ^ false 
-        ]
+	commandArg notEmpty ifTrue:[
+	    self helpOn:commandArg. ^ false
+	]
     "/ avoid usage print if return was typed ...
@@ -793,55 +808,55 @@
 "/    ].
     Display notNil ifTrue:[
-        Display ungrabPointer.
-        Display ungrabKeyboard.
+	Display ungrabPointer.
+	Display ungrabKeyboard.
-        ? (nesting == 0 ifTrue:[
-            'MiniDebugger> '
-          ] ifFalse:[
-            'MiniDebugger' , nesting printString , '>'
-          ])) print.
+	? (nesting == 0 ifTrue:[
+	    'MiniDebugger> '
+	  ] ifFalse:[
+	    'MiniDebugger' , nesting printString , '>'
+	  ])) errorPrint.
     UserInterrupt handle:[:ex |
-        ex restart
+	ex restart
     ] do:[
-        |c cmd arg cnt|
+	|c cmd arg cnt|
-        cmd := Character fromUser.
-        cmd isNil ifTrue:[
-            "
-             mhmh end-of-file;
-             return a 'c' (for continue); hope thats ok.
-            "
-            cmd := $c
-        ].
+	cmd := Character fromUser.
+	cmd isNil ifTrue:[
+	    "
+	     mhmh end-of-file;
+	     return a 'c' (for continue); hope thats ok.
+	    "
+	    cmd := $c
+	].
-        cnt := nil.
-        (cmd isDigit) ifTrue:[
-            cnt := 0.
-            [cmd isDigit] whileTrue:[
-                cnt := (cnt * 10) + cmd digitValue.
-                cmd := Character fromUser
-            ].
-            [cmd == Character space] whileTrue:[
-                cmd := Character fromUser
-            ].
-        ].
+	cnt := nil.
+	(cmd isDigit) ifTrue:[
+	    cnt := 0.
+	    [
+		cnt := (cnt * 10) + cmd digitValue.
+		cmd := Character fromUser
+	    ] doWhile:[cmd notNil and:[cmd isDigit]].
+	    [cmd notNil and:[cmd == Character space]] whileTrue:[
+		cmd := Character fromUser
+	    ].
+	].
-        "
-         collect to end-of-line in arg
-        "
-        c := cmd.
-        arg := ''.
-        [c isNil or:[c isEndOfLineCharacter]] whileFalse: [
-            arg := arg copyWith:c.
-            c := Character fromUser.
-        ].
-        commandArg := (arg copyFrom:2) withoutSeparators.
-        command := cmd.
-        commandCount := cnt.
+	"
+	 collect to end-of-line in arg
+	"
+	c := cmd.
+	arg := ''.
+	[c isNil or:[c isEndOfLineCharacter]] whileFalse: [
+	    arg := arg copyWith:c.
+	    c := Character fromUser.
+	].
+	commandArg := (arg copyFrom:2) withoutSeparators.
+	command := cmd.
+	commandCount := cnt.
     ^ command
@@ -852,56 +867,60 @@
     |args className sym val match showMethod|
     commandArg withoutSeparators isEmpty ifTrue:[
-        'usage: H className [methodPattern]' printCR.
-        ^self
+	'usage: H className [methodPattern]' errorPrintCR.
+	^self
     args := commandArg asCollectionOfWords.
     className := args first.
     (sym := className asSymbolIfInterned) isNil ifTrue:[
-        'no such class' printCR.
-        ^ self.
+	'no such class' errorPrintCR.
+	^ self.
-    val := Smalltalk at:sym ifAbsent:['no such class' printCR. ^ self.].
+    val := Smalltalk at:sym ifAbsent:['no such class' errorPrintCR. ^ self.].
     val isBehavior ifFalse:[
-        'not a class: ' print. className printCR.
-        val := val class.
-        'showing help for ' print. val name printCR.
+	'not a class: ' errorPrint. className errorPrintCR.
+	val := val class.
+	'showing help for ' errorPrint. val name errorPrintCR.
     args size > 1 ifTrue:[
-        match := args at:2
+	match := args at:2
     ] ifFalse:[
-        match := '*'
+	match := '*'
-    showMethod := 
-        [:sel :cls | 
-            |mthd|
+    showMethod :=
+	[:sel :cls |
+	    |mthd|
-            ((match includesMatchCharacters and:[ sel matches:match caseSensitive:false])
-            or:[ sel asLowercase startsWith:match asLowercase ]) ifTrue:[
-                mthd := cls compiledMethodAt:sel.
-                mthd category ~= 'documentation' ifTrue:[
-                    sel printCR.
-                    (mthd comment ? '') asStringCollection do:[:l |
-                        '    ' print. l withoutSeparators printCR.
-                    ].
-                    '' printCR
-                ].
-            ].
-        ].
+	    ((match includesMatchCharacters and:[ sel matches:match caseSensitive:false])
+	    or:[ sel asLowercase startsWith:match asLowercase ]) ifTrue:[
+		mthd := cls compiledMethodAt:sel.
+		mthd category ~= 'documentation' ifTrue:[
+		    sel errorPrintCR.
+		    (mthd comment ? '') asStringCollection do:[:l |
+			'    ' errorPrint. l withoutSeparators errorPrintCR.
+		    ].
+		    '' errorPrintCR
+		].
+	    ].
+	].
     val theMetaclass selectors copy sort do:[:sel |
-        showMethod value:sel value:val theMetaclass
+	showMethod value:sel value:val theMetaclass
     val theNonMetaclass selectors copy sort do:[:sel |
-        showMethod value:sel value:val theNonMetaclass
+	showMethod value:sel value:val theNonMetaclass
-    'read-eval-print loop; exit with "#exit"; help with "?"' printCR.
-    (ReadEvalPrintLoop new doChunkFormat:false; error:Stderr; prompt:'> ')readEvalPrintLoop.
+    'MinDebugger read-eval-print loop; exit with "#exit"; help with "?"' printCR.
+    ReadEvalPrintLoop new
+	doChunkFormat:false;
+	error:Stderr;
+	prompt:'mDBG > ';
+	readEvalPrintLoop.
 "/    |line done rslt|
@@ -935,18 +954,18 @@
     Process allInstancesDo:[:p |
-        (p isActive not
-        and:[p isDead not]) ifTrue:[
-            '---------------------------------------------------------' printCR.
-            '  proc id=' print. p id print.
-            ' name=''' print. p name print.
-            ''' createdBy: ' print. p creatorId print.
-            ' state=' print.  p state print.
-            ' prio=' print. p priority printCR.
-            '' printCR. '' printCR.
+	(p isActive not
+	and:[p isDead not]) ifTrue:[
+	    '---------------------------------------------------------' errorPrintCR.
+	    '  proc id=' errorPrint. p id errorPrint.
+	    ' name=''' errorPrint. p name errorPrint.
+	    ''' createdBy: ' errorPrint. p creatorId errorPrint.
+	    ' state=' errorPrint.  p state errorPrint.
+	    ' prio=' errorPrint. p priority errorPrintCR.
+	    '' errorPrintCR. '' errorPrintCR.
-            self printBacktraceFrom:(p suspendedContext)
-        ]
+	    self printBacktraceFrom:(p suspendedContext)
+	]
@@ -958,63 +977,67 @@
     active := Processor activeProcess.
-    'current id=' print. active id print. ' name=''' print. active name print. '''' printCR.
+    'current id=' errorPrint. active id errorPrint. ' name=''' errorPrint. active name errorPrint. '''' errorPrintCR.
-    Process allSubInstancesDo:[:p |
-        |doShow|
+    (Process allSubInstances sort:[:a :b | (a id ? -1)<(b id ? -1)]) do:[:p |
+	|doShow|
-        doShow := (how == #all).
-        doShow := doShow or:[ (how == #dead) and:[ p isDead ]].
-        doShow := doShow or:[ (how ~~ #dead) and:[ p isDead not ]].
-        doShow ifTrue:[
-            'proc id=' print. (p id printStringPaddedTo:5) print.
-            (p state printStringPaddedTo:10) print.
-            ' pri=' print. (p priority printStringPaddedTo:2) print.
-            ' creator:' print. (p creatorId printStringPaddedTo:5) print.
-            ' name=''' print. p name print.
-            '''' printCR.
-        ]
+	doShow := (how == #all).
+	doShow := doShow or:[ (how == #dead) and:[ p isDead ]].
+	doShow := doShow or:[ (how ~~ #dead) and:[ p isDead not ]].
+	doShow ifTrue:[
+	    'proc id=' errorPrint. (p id printStringPaddedTo:6) errorPrint.
+	    (p state printStringPaddedTo:10) errorPrint.
+	    ' pri=' errorPrint. (p priority printStringPaddedTo:2) errorPrint.
+	    ' creator:' errorPrint. (p creatorId printStringPaddedTo:5) errorPrint.
+	    ' group:' errorPrint. (p processGroupId printStringPaddedTo:5) errorPrint.
+	    ' sys:' errorPrint. (p isSystemProcess ifTrue:'y' ifFalse:'n') errorPrint.
+	    ' ui:' errorPrint. (p isGUIProcess ifTrue:'y' ifFalse:'n') errorPrint.
+	    ' name=''' errorPrint. p name errorPrint.
+	    '''' errorPrintCR.
+	]
     "Modified: / 31.7.1998 / 16:30:19 / cg"
-        'valid commands:
-   c ...... continue
-   s ...... step
-   t ...... trace (continue with trace)
-   a [id]   abort (i.e. raise abort signal) in (current) process
-   T [id]   terminate (current) process
-   W [id]   stop (current) process
-   R [id]   resume (current) process
-   Q [id]   quick terminate (current) process - no unwinds or cleanup
+	'valid commands:
+   c ........ continue
+   s ........ step
+   t ........ trace (continue with trace)
+   a [id] ... abort (i.e. raise abort signal) in (current) process
+   T [id] ... terminate (current) process
+   W [id] ... stop (current) process
+   R [id] ... resume (current) process
+   Q [id] ... quick terminate (current) process - no unwinds or cleanup
-   p ...... list processes ("P" for full list)
-   w [id]   walkback (of process with id)
-   b [id]   full (VM) backtrace (more detail)
-   B ...... backtrace of all other processes
+   p ........ list processes ("P" for full list)
+   w [id] ... walkback (of current/process with id)
+   b [id] ... full (VM) backtrace with more detail
+   B ........ backtrace of all other processes
-   U ...... unwrap all traced/breakpointed methods
-   h [-/+]  disable/enable halts
-   g ...... collect all garbage
-   g 2 .... collect all garbage & reclaim symbols
-   g 3 .... collect all garbage, reclaim symbols and compress
+   U ........ unwrap all traced/breakpointed methods
+   D ........ disable all line breakpoints
+   h [-/+] .. disable/enable halts
+   g ........ collect all garbage
+   g 2 ...... collect all garbage & reclaim symbols
+   g 3 ...... collect all garbage, reclaim symbols and compress
-   S ...... save snapshot into "crash.img"
-   C ...... save session changes to a separate change file
-   x ...... exit Smalltalk ("X" to exit with core dump)
+   S ........ save snapshot into "crash.img"
+   C ........ save session changes to a separate change file
+   x ........ exit Smalltalk ("X" to exit with core dump)
-   . ...... print dot (the current context)
-   - ...... move dot up (sender)
-   + ...... move dot down (called context)
-   l ...... list dot''s method source around PC ("L" for full list)
+   . ........ print dot (the current context)
+   - ........ move dot up (sender)
+   + ........ move dot down (called context)
+   l ........ list dot''s method source around PC ("L" for full list)
-   r ...... receiver (in dot) printString
-   i ...... inspect receiver (in dot)
-   I ...... interpreter (expression evaluator)
-   e expr   evaluate expression & print result ("E" to not print)
-   ? c [p]  help on class c (selectors matching p)
+   r ........ receiver (in dot) printString
+   i [expr] . inspect expression (or receiver in dot)
+   I ........ interpreter (expression evaluator)
+   e expr ...  evaluate expression & print result ("E" to not print)
+   ? c [p] ..  help on class c (selectors matching p)
 '  errorPrintCR.
    (XWorkstation notNil and:[ Screen default isKindOf:XWorkstation ]) ifTrue:[
@@ -1023,21 +1046,21 @@
       Display initializeFor:''localhost:0''.
       Display startDispatch.
       NewLauncher openOnDevice:Display.
-      <empty line>
+      #exit
     then enter "c" to continue; a NewLauncher should pop up soon.
 '  errorPrintCR
-    "Modified: / 06-12-2013 / 16:41:39 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 03-02-2014 / 10:38:36 / cg"
 ! !
 !MiniDebugger class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/,v 1.92 2013-12-06 18:31:26 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/,v 1.103 2014-06-25 07:43:51 stefan Exp $'
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/,v 1.92 2013-12-06 18:31:26 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/,v 1.103 2014-06-25 07:43:51 stefan Exp $'
 ! !