changeset 15133 e47fbf1e1fe0
child 15134 84e886ef6b5f
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/OrderedDictionary.st	Thu Apr 25 09:15:35 2013 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,970 @@
+ This is a Manchester Goodie protected by copyright.
+ These conditions are imposed on the whole Goodie, and on any significant
+ part of it which is separately transmitted or stored:
+	* You must ensure that every copy includes this notice, and that
+	  source and author(s) of the material are acknowledged.
+	* These conditions must be imposed on anyone who receives a copy.
+	* The material shall not be used for commercial gain without the prior
+	  written consent of the author(s).
+ Further information on the copyright conditions may be obtained by
+ sending electronic mail:
+	To: goodies-lib@cs.man.ac.uk
+	Subject: copyright
+ or by writing to The Smalltalk Goodies Library Manager, Dept of
+ Computer Science, The University, Manchester M13 9PL, UK
+ (C) Copyright 1992 University of Manchester
+ For more information about the Manchester Goodies Library (from which 
+ this file was distributed) send e-mail:
+	To: goodies-lib@cs.man.ac.uk
+	Subject: help 
+"{ Package: 'stx:libbasic2' }"
+Dictionary subclass:#OrderedDictionary
+	instanceVariableNames:'order'
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'Collections-Sequenceable'
+!OrderedDictionary class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+ This is a Manchester Goodie protected by copyright.
+ These conditions are imposed on the whole Goodie, and on any significant
+ part of it which is separately transmitted or stored:
+	* You must ensure that every copy includes this notice, and that
+	  source and author(s) of the material are acknowledged.
+	* These conditions must be imposed on anyone who receives a copy.
+	* The material shall not be used for commercial gain without the prior
+	  written consent of the author(s).
+ Further information on the copyright conditions may be obtained by
+ sending electronic mail:
+	To: goodies-lib@cs.man.ac.uk
+	Subject: copyright
+ or by writing to The Smalltalk Goodies Library Manager, Dept of
+ Computer Science, The University, Manchester M13 9PL, UK
+ (C) Copyright 1992 University of Manchester
+ For more information about the Manchester Goodies Library (from which 
+ this file was distributed) send e-mail:
+	To: goodies-lib@cs.man.ac.uk
+	Subject: help 
+    I am a subclass of Dictionary whose elements (associations) are ordered in a
+    similar fashion to OrderedCollection.
+    That is, while being filled via #at:put: messages (or similar Dictionary protocol),
+    the order in which associations are added is remembered and accessable via the #atIndex:
+    or #order messages.
+    I have one instance variable:
+    order <OrderedCollection>       Ordered collection of keys reflecting the order of
+                                    associations in the dictionary.
+    [author:]
+        Ifor Wyn Williams <ifor@uk.ac.man.cs>
+    [see also:]
+        OrderedCollection Dictionary
+        OrderedSet
+    |o|
+    o := OrderedDictionary new.
+    o at:'one'   put:1.
+    o at:'two'   put:2.
+    o at:'three' put:3.
+    o at:'four'  put:4.
+    o at:'five'  put:5.
+    o at:'six'   put:6.
+    o at:'seven' put:7.
+    o at:'eight' put:8.
+    o at:'nine'  put:9.
+    o at:'zero'  put:0.
+    o at:'eight'.
+    o atIndex:1.   
+    o atIndex:5.    
+    o atIndex:10.  
+    o from:3 to:6 do:[:each | Transcript showCR:each ].
+    o collect:[:eachAssoc | eachAssoc key -> eachAssoc value squared]. 
+    o associations.  
+    o order.         
+    o reverse.    
+    o atIndex:1.  
+    o atIndex:5. 
+    o atIndex:10. 
+	NAME            OrderedDictionary
+	AUTHOR          Ifor Wyn Williams <ifor@uk.ac.man.cs>
+	CONTRIBUTOR     Ifor Wyn Williams <ifor@uk.ac.man.cs>
+	FUNCTION        An ordered dictionary
+	ST-VERSIONS     2.3-5, 4.0
+	CONFLICTS       
+	DISTRIBUTION    global
+	VERSION         1.2
+	DATE            28.3.90
+	SUMMARY         A dictionary that behaves like a SequencableCollection
+			(except that associations cannot be removed). 
+! !
+!OrderedDictionary class methodsFor:'instance creation'!
+        ^ super new initializeOrder
+new: anInteger
+        ^(super new: anInteger) initializeOrder
+! !
+!OrderedDictionary methodsFor:'accessing'!
+after: anAssociation 
+    "Return the association after anAssociation in the order. 
+     If anAssociation is the last association in the order, return nil. 
+     If anAssociation is not found, invoke an error notifier"
+    1 to: order size - 1 do: [:index | (self associationAt: (order at: index))
+                    = anAssociation ifTrue: [^self associationAt: (order at: index + 1)]].
+    (self associationAt: (order last))
+            = anAssociation
+            ifTrue: [^nil]
+            ifFalse: [^self error: 'not found']
+    "Return an OrderedCollection containing the receiver's associations."
+    ^ order collect: [:key | self associationAt: key ].
+at:aKey ifAbsentPut:valueBlock
+    |val|
+    ^ self at:aKey ifAbsent:[ self at:aKey put:valueBlock value ]
+at: key put: anObject 
+    "Set the value at key to be anObject. 
+     If key is not found, create a new entry for key and set is value to anObject. 
+     If key is already present, the order remains unchanged.
+     Return anObject."
+    "/ claus: super can check this much faster ...
+    "/ (super includesKey:key)
+    "/ ... but that leads to trouble in add:* methods. (sigh)
+    (order includes: key) ifFalse: [order add: key].
+    ^ super at: key put: anObject
+atAll:indexCollection put: anObject 
+    "Put anObject into the value field of every association specified by indexCollection,
+     which is typically an interval."
+    indexCollection do:[:index | self at:(order at: index) put:anObject]
+atAllPut: anObject 
+    "Put anObject into the value field of every association in the dictionary"
+    order do: [:key | self at: key put: anObject]
+    "return an element at a given index"
+    ^ self at:(order at:index)
+    "Created: 28.9.1995 / 13:49:39 / stefan"
+atIndex:index put:anAssociation
+    "put an association to a given index. remove the old associatioan at this index"
+    |key|
+    key := anAssociation key.
+    (super includesKey:key) ifTrue:[
+        ^ self error:'duplicate key'.
+    ].
+    super removeKey:(order at:index) ifAbsent:[].
+    order at:index put:key.
+    ^ super add:anAssociation.
+    "Created: 28.9.1995 / 16:30:15 / stefan"
+before: anAssociation 
+    "Return the association before anAssociation in the order. 
+     If anAssociation is the first association in the order, return nil. 
+     If anAssociation is not found, invoke an error notifier"
+    2 to:order size do:[:index | 
+        (self associationAt:(order at:index)) = anAssociation 
+            ifTrue:[ ^ self associationAt:(order at:index - 1)] 
+    ].
+    (self associationAt:order first) = anAssociation ifTrue: [^ nil].
+    ^ self error: 'not found'
+    "Return the first association of the receiver.  
+     Provide an error notification if the receiver contains no elements."
+    ^ self associationAt: (order first)
+    "
+        OrderedDictionary new first
+    "
+    "get the key at the given index"
+    ^ order at:index.
+    "
+     |s|
+     s := OrderedDictionary new.
+     s at:#a put:'aaa'; at:#b put:'bbb'; at:#c put:'ccc'; at:#d put:'ddd'; at:#a put:'aaaa'.
+     s keyAt:2    
+    "
+    "Created: 29.9.1995 / 11:32:07 / stefan"
+    "Return a OrderedCollection containing the receiver's keys."
+    ^ order copy.
+    "
+     |s|
+     s := OrderedDictionary new.
+     s at:#a put:'aaa'; at:#b put:'bbb'; at:#c put:'ccc'; at:#d put:'ddd'; at:#a put:'aaaa'.
+     s keys       
+    "
+    "Return the last association of the receiver. 
+     Provide an error notification if the receiver contains no elements."
+    ^ self associationAt: (order last)
+    "
+        OrderedDictionary new last
+    "
+    "returns the keys in the order of their appearance"
+    ^ order
+    "
+     |s|
+     s := OrderedDictionary new.
+     s at:#a put:'aaa'; at:#b put:'bbb'; at:#c put:'ccc'; at:#d put:'ddd'; at:#a put:'aaaa'.
+     s order    
+    "
+    "get the value at the given index"
+    ^ super at:(order at:index).
+    "
+     |s|
+     s := OrderedDictionary new.
+     s at:#a put:'aaa'; at:#b put:'bbb'; at:#c put:'ccc'; at:#d put:'ddd'; at:#a put:'aaaa'.
+     s valueAt:2       
+    "
+    "Return a OrderedCollection containing the receiver's values."
+    ^ order collect: [:key | (self at: key) ].
+! !
+!OrderedDictionary methodsFor:'adding'!
+add: anAssociation 
+    "add anAssociation to the dictionary. 
+     If anAssociation is already present in the dictionary,
+     the order will not be changed. (See also: #addLast:)"
+    | key |
+    key := anAssociation key.
+    (super includesKey: key)
+            ifFalse: [order add: key].
+    ^ super add: anAssociation
+add: anAssociation after: oldAssociation 
+    "Add the argument, anAssociation, as an element of the dictionary. Put it 
+    in the position just succeeding oldAssociation. Return anAssociation."
+    | index |
+    index := self indexOfAssociation: oldAssociation 
+                            ifAbsent: [self error: 'association not found'].
+    self removeFromOrder: anAssociation key.
+    order add: anAssociation key after: (order at: index).
+    super add: anAssociation.
+    ^ anAssociation
+add: anAssociation before: oldAssociation 
+    "Add the argument, anAssociation, as an element of the dictionary. Put it 
+    in the position just preceding oldAssociation. Return anAssociation."
+    | index |
+    index := self indexOfAssociation: oldAssociation 
+                            ifAbsent: [self error: 'association not found'].
+    self removeFromOrder: anAssociation key.
+    order add: anAssociation key before: (order at: index).
+    super add: anAssociation.
+    ^ anAssociation
+add: anAssociation beforeIndex: spot 
+    "Add the argument, anAssociation, as an element of the receiver.  Put it
+    in the position just preceding the indexed position spot.  Return newObject."
+    self removeFromOrder: anAssociation key.
+    order add: anAssociation key beforeIndex: spot.
+    ^ super add: anAssociation
+    "Modified: 28.9.1995 / 14:06:53 / stefan"
+    "Add each element of anOrderedCollectionOfAssociations at my end. 
+     We expect the argument to enumerate associations with #reverseDo:; 
+     if it does not (i.e. it is another OD or a dictionary), use #addAllAssociationsFirst:.
+     Returns the argument, aCollectionOfAssociations (sigh)."
+    self addAllLast:aCollectionOfAssociations.
+    ^ aCollectionOfAssociations
+    "Modified: 28.2.1997 / 15:51:23 / cg"
+    "Add each association of aDictionaryOrOrderedDictionary to my end.
+     We expect the argument to respond to #associationsDo:."
+    self addAllAssociationsLast:aDictionaryOrOrderedDictionary.
+    ^ aDictionaryOrOrderedDictionary
+    "Created: 28.2.1997 / 15:52:02 / cg"
+    "Add each association of aDictionaryOrOrderedDictionary at the beginning of the 
+     receiver. We expect the argument to respond to #associationsReverseDo:."
+    aDictionaryOrOrderedDictionary associationsReverseDo:[:each | self addFirst:each].
+    ^ aDictionaryOrOrderedDictionary
+    "Created: 28.2.1997 / 15:50:14 / cg"
+    "Add each association of aDictionaryOrOrderedDictionary at the end of the 
+     receiver. We expect the argument to respond to #associationsDo:."
+    aDictionaryOrOrderedDictionary associationsDo:[:each | self addLast:each].
+    ^ aDictionaryOrOrderedDictionary
+    "Created: 28.2.1997 / 15:48:37 / cg"
+addFirst: anAssociation 
+    "Add anAssociation to the beginning of the receiver."
+    self removeFromOrder: anAssociation key.
+    order addFirst: anAssociation key.
+    ^ super add: anAssociation.
+addLast: anAssociation 
+    "Add anAssociation to the end of the receiver.
+     If anAssociation is already present in the dictionary,
+     it will be moved to the end. (See also: #add:)"
+    self removeFromOrder: anAssociation key.
+    order add: anAssociation key.
+    ^ super add: anAssociation.
+! !
+!OrderedDictionary methodsFor:'copying'!
+    "Return a copy of the receiver that contains no elements."
+    ^ (self class) new: 10
+copyFrom: startIndex to: endIndex 
+    "Return a copy of the receiver that contains elements from 
+     position startIndex to endIndex."
+    | newDict |
+    endIndex < startIndex ifTrue: [^self copyEmpty].
+    (startIndex < 1 or: [endIndex > order size])
+            ifTrue: [^ self errorNotFound].
+    newDict := self copyEmpty: endIndex - startIndex + 1.
+    startIndex to: endIndex do: [:index | newDict add: (self associationAt: (order at: index))].
+    ^ newDict
+copyWith: anAssociation 
+    "Return a copy of the dictionary that is 1 bigger than the receiver and 
+     includes the argument, anAssociation, at the end."
+    | newDict |
+    newDict := self copy.
+    newDict add: anAssociation.
+    ^ newDict
+copyWithout: anAssociation 
+    "Return a copy of the dictionary that is 1 smaller than the receiver and 
+     does not include the argument, anAssociation
+     No error is reported, if elementToSkip is not in the collection."
+    | newDict |
+    newDict := self class new:order size - 1.
+    self associationsDo: [:assoc | anAssociation = assoc ifFalse: [newDict add: assoc]]
+    "have to copy the order too"
+    super postCopy.
+    order := order copy
+! !
+!OrderedDictionary methodsFor:'enumerating'!
+associationsCollect: aBlock 
+    "Evaluate aBlock with each of the associations of the dictionary as argument,
+     and return a new (ordered) collection with the results"
+    ^ order collect:[:key | (aBlock value: (self associationAt:key))].
+associationsDo: aBlock 
+    "Evaluate aBlock for each of the dictionary's associations."
+    order do: [:key | aBlock value: (self associationAt: key)]
+associationsDo: aBlock from: firstIndex to: secondIndex 
+    "Evaluate aBlock with each of the dictionary's associations from index 
+    firstIndex to index secondIndex as the argument."
+    firstIndex to: secondIndex do: [:index | 
+        aBlock value: (self associationAt: (order at: index))
+    ]
+associationsReverseDo: aBlock 
+    "Evaluate aBlock for each of the dictionary's associations in reverse order."
+    order reverseDo:[:key | aBlock value:(self associationAt:key)]
+    "Created: 28.2.1997 / 15:52:31 / cg"
+    "Evaluate aBlock with each of the dictionary's associations as the argument.
+     Collect into a new OrderedDictionary only those associations for which 
+     aBlock evaluates to true. Return the new OrderedDictionary."
+    |newDict|
+    newDict := self class new.
+    order do:[:key | 
+        |assoc|
+        assoc := self associationAt:key.
+        (aBlock value:assoc) ifTrue: [
+            newDict add:assoc
+        ]
+    ].
+    ^ newDict
+collect: aBlock 
+    "Evaluate aBlock with each of the values of the dictionary as argument,
+     and return a new (ordered) collection with the results"
+    ^ order collect:[:key | (aBlock value: (self at:key))].
+do: aBlock 
+    "Evaluate aBlock for each of the dictionary's values."
+    order do: [:key | aBlock value: (self at: key)]
+do: aBlock from: firstIndex to: lastIndex 
+    "Evaluate aBlock with each of the dictionary's associations from index 
+    firstIndex to index secondIndex as the argument."
+    self from:firstIndex to:lastIndex do:aBlock.
+findFirst:aBlock ifNone:exceptionalValue
+    "Return the index of the first association in the dictionary for which aBlock
+    evaluates as true. If the block does not evaluate to true, return exceptionalValue"
+    1 to:order size do:[:index | 
+        (aBlock value:(self associationAt:(order at:index))) ifTrue: [^ index]
+    ].
+    ^ exceptionalValue value
+    "Return the index of the last association in the dictionary for which aBlock
+     evaluates as true. If the block does not evaluate to true, return 0"
+    order size to:1 by:-1 do: [:index | 
+        (aBlock value:(self associationAt:(order at:index))) ifTrue: [^ index]
+    ].
+    ^ 0
+findLast:aBlock startingAt:startIndex
+    "Return the index of the last association in the dictionary for which aBlock
+     evaluates as true. Start the search at startIndex.
+     If the block does not evaluate to true, return 0"
+    startIndex to:1 by:-1 do: [:index | 
+        (aBlock value:(self associationAt:(order at:index))) ifTrue: [^ index]
+    ].
+    ^ 0
+findLast:aBlock startingAt:startIndex endingAt:endIndex
+    "Return the index of the last association in the dictionary for which aBlock
+     evaluates as true. Start the search at startIndex.
+     End the search at endIndex or when an element is found.
+     If the block does not evaluate to true, return 0"
+    startIndex to:endIndex by:-1 do: [:index | 
+        (aBlock value:(self associationAt:(order at:index))) ifTrue: [^ index]
+    ].
+    ^ 0
+from:firstIndex to:lastIndex do: aBlock
+    "Evaluate aBlock with each of the dictionary's associations from index 
+    firstIndex to index secondIndex as the argument."
+    order from:firstIndex to:lastIndex do:[:key |
+        aBlock value: (self at:key)
+    ].
+    "perform the block for all keys in the collection.
+     See also:
+        #associationsDo:   (which passes key-value associations)
+        #keysAndValuesDo:  (which passes keys & values separately)
+        #do:               (which passes values only)
+     WARNING: do not add/remove elements while iterating over the receiver.
+              Iterate over a copy to do this."
+    order do: [:key | aBlock value:key value:(self at: key)].
+    "Modified: / 26.6.1999 / 10:55:30 / ps"
+    "Created: / 15.10.1999 / 16:49:31 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 15.10.1999 / 16:53:50 / cg"
+    "evaluate the argument, aBlock for every key in the collection.
+     See also:
+        #associationsDo:   (which passes key-value associations)
+        #keysAndValuesDo:  (which passes keys & values separately)
+        #do:               (which passes values only)
+     WARNING: do not add/remove elements while iterating over the receiver.
+              Iterate over a copy to do this."
+    order do:[:key | aBlock value:key].
+    "Created: / 26-06-1999 / 10:53:00 / ps"
+    "Modified: / 24-08-2010 / 10:14:06 / cg"
+reverseDo: aBlock 
+    "Evaluate aBlock with each of the dictionary's associations as the argument,
+    starting with the last element and taking each in sequence up to the first."
+    order size to:1 by:-1 do: [:index | 
+        aBlock value:(self associationAt:(order at:index))
+    ]
+    "Return with a new OrderedDictionary with its associations in reverse order."
+    | newDict|
+    newDict := self class new.
+    order size to:1 by:-1 do:[:index | 
+        |key|
+        key := order at:index.
+        newDict at:key put:(self at:key)
+    ].
+    ^ newDict
+    "Evaluate aBlock with each of the dictionary's values as the argument.
+     Collect into a new OrderedDictionary only those associations for which 
+     aBlock evaluated to true. Return the new OrderedDictionary."
+    |newColl|
+    newColl := self species new.
+    order do:[:key | 
+        |assoc|
+        assoc := self associationAt:key.
+        (aBlock value:(assoc value)) ifTrue: [
+            newColl add:assoc
+        ]
+    ].
+    ^ newColl
+! !
+!OrderedDictionary methodsFor:'initialization'!
+        order := OrderedCollection new
+! !
+!OrderedDictionary methodsFor:'private'!
+removeFromOrder: aKey 
+	order remove: aKey ifAbsent: []
+! !
+!OrderedDictionary methodsFor:'queries'!
+occurrencesOfKey: aKey 
+    "Return how many of the dictionary's keys are equal to aKey."
+    ^ order count:[:eachKey | aKey = eachKey]
+"/ cg: the original code was not very smalltalkish:
+"/    | count |
+"/    count := 0.
+"/    1 to: self size do: [:index | aKey = (order at: index) ifTrue: [count := count + 1]].
+"/    ^count
+occurrencesOfValue: aValue 
+    "Return how many of the dictionary's values are equal to aValue."
+    ^ order count:[:eachKey | aValue = (self at:eachKey)]
+"/ cg: the original code was not very smalltalkish:
+"/    | count |
+"/    count := 0.
+"/    1 to: self size do: [:index | 
+"/        aValue = (self at: (order at: index)) ifTrue: [count := count + 1]].
+"/    ^count
+! !
+!OrderedDictionary methodsFor:'removing'!
+    |key|
+    order size == 0 ifTrue:[
+	"error if collection is empty"
+	^ self emptyCollectionError.
+    ].
+    key := order removeFirst.
+    ^ super removeKey:key.
+removeFromIndex:fromIndex toIndex:toIndex
+    "Returns the receiver."
+    | keys |
+    keys := order copyFrom:fromIndex to:toIndex.
+    order removeFromIndex:fromIndex toIndex:toIndex.
+    keys do:[ :key |
+        super removeKey:key.
+    ].
+    "Created: 28.9.1995 / 12:04:33 / stefan"
+    order remove:aKey.
+    ^ super removeKey:aKey.
+removeKey:aKey ifAbsent:aBlock
+    order remove:aKey ifAbsent:[].
+    ^ super removeKey:aKey ifAbsent:aBlock.
+    "Created: / 31-01-2011 / 22:04:01 / cg"
+    |key|
+    order size == 0 ifTrue:[
+	"error if collection is empty"
+	^ self emptyCollectionError.
+    ].
+    key := order removeLast.
+    ^ super removeKey:key.
+! !
+!OrderedDictionary methodsFor:'searching'!
+identityIndexOfAssociation: anAssociation 
+    "Return the identity index of anAssociation within the receiver. If the receiver
+    does not contain anAssociation, return 0."
+    ^ self identityIndexOfAssociation: anAssociation ifAbsent: [0]
+identityIndexOfAssociation: anAssociation ifAbsent: exceptionBlock 
+    "Return the identity index of anAssociation within the receiver. 
+     If the receiver does not contain anAssociation, 
+     return the result of evaluating the exceptionBlock."
+    "/ as ST/X's dictionaries do not store the associations 
+    "/ (instead, they store the keys and values in separate collections)
+    "/ this will not work. You have to think about it and rewrite your code.
+    self error:'this does not work in Smalltalk/X'.
+    order keysAndValuesDo:[:i :key |
+        (self associationAt:key) == anAssociation ifTrue: [^i]
+    ].
+    ^exceptionBlock value
+identityIndexOfKey: aKey 
+    "Return the identity index of aKey within the receiver. If the receiver 
+    does not contain aKey, return 0."
+    ^self identityIndexOfKey: aKey ifAbsent: [0]
+identityIndexOfKey: aKey ifAbsent: exceptionBlock 
+    "Return the identity index of aKey within the receiver.  If the receiver does
+    not contain aKey, return the result of evaluating the exceptionBlock."
+    ^ order identityIndexOf:aKey ifAbsent:exceptionBlock
+identityIndexOfValue: aValue 
+    "Return the identity index of aValue within the receiver. If the receiver 
+    does not contain aValue, return 0."
+    ^self identityIndexOfValue: aValue ifAbsent: [0]
+identityIndexOfValue: aValue ifAbsent: exceptionBlock 
+    "Return the identity index of aValue within the receiver. If the receiver 
+    does not contain aValue, return the result of evaluating the exceptionBlock."
+    order keysAndValuesDo:[:i :key | (self at:key) == aValue ifTrue: [^i]].
+    ^exceptionBlock value
+indexOfAssociation: anAssociation 
+    "Return the index of anAssociation within the receiver. If the receiver does
+    not contain anAssociation, return 0."
+    ^self indexOfAssociation: anAssociation ifAbsent: [0]
+indexOfAssociation: anAssociation ifAbsent: exceptionBlock 
+    "Return the identity index of anAssociation within the receiver. If the receiver
+    does not contain anAssociation, return the result of evaluating the exceptionBlock."
+    order keysAndValuesDo:[:i :key | 
+        (self associationAt:key) = anAssociation ifTrue: [^i]
+    ].
+    ^exceptionBlock value
+indexOfKey: aKey 
+    "Return the index of aKey within the receiver. If the receiver does 
+     not contain aKey, return 0."
+    ^self indexOfKey: aKey ifAbsent: [0]
+indexOfKey: aKey ifAbsent: exceptionBlock 
+    "Return the identity index of aKey within the receiver.  If the receiver does
+     not contain aKey, return the result of evaluating the exceptionBlock."
+    ^ order indexOf:aKey ifAbsent:exceptionBlock
+indexOfValue: aValue 
+    "Return the index of aValue within the receiver. 
+     If the receiver does not contain aValue, return 0."
+    ^self indexOfValue: aValue ifAbsent: [0]
+indexOfValue: aValue ifAbsent: exceptionBlock 
+    "Return the identity index of aValue within the receiver. 
+     If the receiver does not contain aValue, return the result of evaluating the exceptionBlock."
+    order keysAndValuesDo:[:i :key | (self at:key) = aValue ifTrue: [^i]].
+    ^ exceptionBlock value
+nextIndexOfAssociation: aAssociation from: startIndex to: stopIndex 
+    "Return the next index of aAssociation within the receiver between startIndex
+     and stopIndex. If the receiver does not contain aAssociation, return nil"
+    startIndex to: stopIndex do: [:i | 
+        (self associationAt: (order at: i)) = aAssociation ifTrue: [^i]].
+    ^nil
+nextIndexOfKey: aKey from: startIndex to: stopIndex 
+    "Return the next index of aKey within the receiver between startIndex and 
+     stopIndex.  If the receiver does not contain aKey, return nil"
+    startIndex to: stopIndex do: [:i | 
+        (order at: i) = aKey ifTrue: [^i]].
+    ^nil
+nextIndexOfValue: aValue from: startIndex to: stopIndex 
+    "Return the next index of aValue within the receiver between startIndex and
+     stopIndex. If the receiver does not contain aValue, return nil"
+    startIndex to: stopIndex do: [:i | 
+        (self at: (order at: i)) = aValue ifTrue: [^i]].
+    ^nil
+prevIndexOfAssociation: aAssociation from: startIndex to: stopIndex 
+    "Return the previous index of aAssociation within the receiver between 
+     startIndex  and stopIndex working backwards through the receiver. 
+     If the receiver does not contain aAssociation, return nil"
+    startIndex to: stopIndex by: -1
+            do: [:i | (self associationAt: (order at: i)) = aAssociation ifTrue: [^i]].
+    ^nil
+prevIndexOfKey: aKey from: startIndex to: stopIndex 
+    "Return the previous index of aKey within the receiver between startIndex and
+     stopIndex working backwards through the receiver. 
+     If the receiver does not contain aKey, return nil"
+    startIndex to: stopIndex by: -1
+            do: [:i | (order at: i) = aKey ifTrue: [^i]].
+    ^nil
+prevIndexOfValue: aValue from: startIndex to: stopIndex 
+    "Return the previous index of aValue within the receiver between startIndex
+     and stopIndex working backwards through the receiver. 
+     If the receiver does not contain aValue, return nil"
+    startIndex to: stopIndex by: -1
+            do: [:i | 
+                (self at: (order at: i)) = aValue ifTrue: [^i]].
+    ^nil
+! !
+!OrderedDictionary methodsFor:'sorting & reordering'!
+    "Destructively reverse my order.
+     WARNING: this is a destructive operation, which modifies the receiver.
+              Please use reversed (with a d) for a functional version."
+    order reverse
+    "Destructively sort my order.
+     WARNING: this is a destructive operation, which modifies the receiver"
+    order sort
+    "Destructively sort my order.
+     WARNING: this is a destructive operation, which modifies the receiver"
+    order sort:aSortBlock
+! !
+!OrderedDictionary class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/OrderedDictionary.st,v 1.39 2013-04-25 07:15:35 stefan Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/OrderedDictionary.st,v 1.39 2013-04-25 07:15:35 stefan Exp $'
+! !