changeset 16642 f98a00a58e5a
parent 16593 aa343f9d9918
child 16655 14df7efaf339
--- a/	Sat Jun 28 09:52:23 2014 +0200
+++ b/	Sun Jun 29 10:45:20 2014 +0200
@@ -6878,26 +6878,24 @@
     "/ search along packagePath ...
     f := self searchPath:self packagePath for:aFileName in:nil.
     f isNil ifTrue:[
-	"/ search under packages-directory along systemPath ...
-	f := self searchPath:self realSystemPath for:aFileName in:PackageDirName.
-	"/ kludge - allow for stx-directory to be named differently
-	f isNil ifTrue:[
-	    (aFileName asString startsWith:('stx' , Filename separator)) ifTrue:[
-		f := '..' asFilename / '..' / (aFileName copyFrom:5).
-		f exists ifTrue:[
-		    ^ f pathName
-		].
-	    ]
-	].
+        "/ search under packages-directory along systemPath ...
+        f := self searchPath:self realSystemPath for:aFileName in:PackageDirName.
+        "/ kludge - allow for stx-directory to be named differently
+        f isNil ifTrue:[
+            (aFileName asString startsWith:('stx' , Filename separator)) ifTrue:[
+                f := '..' asFilename / '..' / (aFileName copyFrom:5).
+            ]
+        ].
     (f notNil and:[(f := f asFilename) exists]) ifTrue:[
-	^ f pathName
+        ^ f pathName
     ^ nil
-     Smalltalk getPackageFileName:'stx/libview/resources/'
-     Smalltalk getPackageFileName:'stx/libview/'
+     Smalltalk getPackageFileName:'stx/libview/resources/' 
+     Smalltalk getPackageFileName:'stx/libview/styles/' 
+     Smalltalk getPackageFileName:'stx/libview/' 
@@ -7270,22 +7268,25 @@
     |prj prjDir|
+    ^ aPackage asPackageId packageDirectory.
     "/ there might be a package specific resource directory ...
     "/ in the directory, from which the project was loaded
     prj := Project projectWithId:aPackage.
     prj notNil ifTrue:[
-	prjDir := prj directory.
+        prjDir := prj directory.
     (prjDir notNil and:[prjDir asFilename exists]) ifFalse:[
-	prjDir := Smalltalk getPackageFileName:(aPackage copyReplaceAll:$: with:$/).
+        prjDir := Smalltalk getPackageFileName:(aPackage copyReplaceAll:$: with:$/).
     ^ prjDir
-     Smalltalk projectDirectoryForPackage:'stx:libbasic'
+     Smalltalk projectDirectoryForPackage:'stx:libbasic'  
      Smalltalk projectDirectoryForPackage:'exept:smartcard'
-     Smalltalk projectDirectoryForPackage:'stx'
-     Smalltalk projectDirectoryForPackage:'bosch'
+     Smalltalk projectDirectoryForPackage:'stx'            
+     Smalltalk projectDirectoryForPackage:'bosch'  
+     Smalltalk projectDirectoryForPackage:'bosch:foo'  
     "Modified: / 07-10-2006 / 17:45:58 / cg"
@@ -7322,41 +7323,41 @@
-    "return the realSystemPath - thats the directory names from
+    "return the realSystemPath - that's the directory names from
      SystemPath which exist and are readable"
     RealSystemPath isNil ifTrue:[
-	OperatingSystem isVMSlike ifTrue:[
-	    "/ temporary kludge: since we cannot currently
-	    "/ check for existance of a name like 'volume:',
-	    "/ leave those in the Path without a check.
-	    RealSystemPath := SystemPath select:[:dirName |  |f|
-		f := dirName asFilename.
-		f isVolumeOnly or:[(f isDirectory) and:[f isReadable]]
-	    ]
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    RealSystemPath := SystemPath
-		select:[:eachDirectoryName |  |f|
-		    f := eachDirectoryName asFilename.
-		    (f isDirectory) and:[f isReadable]
-		] thenCollect:[:eachDirectoryName|
-		    eachDirectoryName asFilename pathName.
-		].
-	    "/ remove duplicates (but keep order)
-	    nP := OrderedCollection new.
-	    RealSystemPath do:[:p |
-		(nP includes:p) ifFalse:[
-		    nP add:p
-		]
-	    ].
-	    (nP includes:'.') ifFalse:[
-		nP add:'.'
-	    ].
-	    RealSystemPath := nP.
-	].
+        OperatingSystem isVMSlike ifTrue:[
+            "/ temporary kludge: since we cannot currently
+            "/ check for existence of a name like 'volume:',
+            "/ leave those in the Path without a check.
+            RealSystemPath := SystemPath select:[:dirName |  |f|
+                f := dirName asFilename.
+                f isVolumeOnly or:[(f isDirectory) and:[f isReadable]]
+            ]
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            RealSystemPath := SystemPath
+                select:[:eachDirectoryName |  |f|
+                    f := eachDirectoryName asFilename.
+                    (f isDirectory) and:[f isReadable]
+                ] thenCollect:[:eachDirectoryName|
+                    eachDirectoryName asFilename pathName.
+                ].
+            "/ remove duplicates (but keep order)
+            nP := OrderedCollection new.
+            RealSystemPath do:[:p |
+                (nP includes:p) ifFalse:[
+                    nP add:p
+                ]
+            ].
+            (nP includes:'.') ifFalse:[
+                nP add:'.'
+            ].
+            RealSystemPath := nP.
+        ].
     ^ RealSystemPath
@@ -8249,11 +8250,11 @@
 !Smalltalk class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/,v 1.1080 2014-06-19 17:52:23 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/,v 1.1081 2014-06-29 08:45:20 cg Exp $'
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/,v 1.1080 2014-06-19 17:52:23 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/,v 1.1081 2014-06-29 08:45:20 cg Exp $'