author Claus Gittinger <>
Tue, 09 Jul 2019 20:55:17 +0200
changeset 24417 03b083548da2
parent 24179 f7ae805614ff
child 24499 5b64d790d22b
permissions -rw-r--r--
#REFACTORING by exept class: Smalltalk class changed: #recursiveInstallAutoloadedClassesFrom:rememberIn:maxLevels:noAutoload:packageTop:showSplashInLevels: Transcript showCR:(... bindWith:...) -> Transcript showCR:... with:...

 COPYRIGHT (c) 2018 by eXept Software AG
              All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.  This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.
"{ Package: 'stx:libbasic' }"

"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"

KeyedCollection subclass:#SmallDictionary
	instanceVariableNames:'keysAndValues tally'

!SmallDictionary class methodsFor:'documentation'!

 COPYRIGHT (c) 2018 by eXept Software AG
              All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.  This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.


    A lightweight Dictionary implementation (without hashing)
    for small dictionaries.

    Use this, when you have to store a small number (e.g. < 20) key/value pairs.
    As a side effect of the implementation, the dictionary is also ordered.

    Inspired by and compatible with RBSmallDictionary from RefactoryBrowser
    (although the implementaion is different).

    [instance variables:]
        keysAndValues       Array           keys are stored at odd indices, values at even indices
        tally               SmallInterger   the number of valid key/value pairs

    [class variables:]

    [see also:]

        Stefan Vogel
! !

!SmallDictionary class methodsFor:'instance creation'!

    ^ self basicNew initialize:2

    "Modified: / 14-09-2018 / 15:58:29 / Stefan Vogel"

    ^ self basicNew initialize:capacity

    "Modified: / 14-09-2018 / 15:58:49 / Stefan Vogel"
! !

!SmallDictionary methodsFor:'accessing'!

at:key ifAbsent:aBlock 
    |keyIndex "{Class: SmallInteger}"|

    keyIndex := keysAndValues indexOf:key startingAt:1 step:2.
    ^ keyIndex == 0 ifTrue:[aBlock value] ifFalse:[keysAndValues basicAt:keyIndex+1]

    "Modified: / 18-09-2018 / 14:08:21 / Stefan Vogel"

at:key ifAbsentPut:aBlock 

    keyIndex := keysAndValues indexOf:key startingAt:1 step:2.
    ^ keyIndex == 0 ifTrue:[
        self privateAt:key put:aBlock value
    ] ifFalse:[
        keysAndValues basicAt:keyIndex+1.

    "Modified: / 18-09-2018 / 14:08:26 / Stefan Vogel"

    "return a collection containing the keys of the receiver"

    |keys sz "{Class: SmallInteger}"|

    keys := Array new:tally.
    sz := tally.
    1 to:sz do:[:i | keys at:i put:(keysAndValues at:i*2-1)].
    ^ keys

    "Created: / 14-09-2018 / 17:35:25 / Stefan Vogel"

    "returns the keys in the order of their appearance"

    ^ self keys


     s := SmallDictionary new.
     s at:#a put:'aaa'; at:#b put:'bbb'; at:#c put:'ccc'; at:#d put:'ddd'; at:#a put:'aaaa'.
     s order    

    "Created: / 14-09-2018 / 17:30:44 / Stefan Vogel"

    ^ tally

    "Modified (format): / 14-09-2018 / 15:44:11 / Stefan Vogel"
! !

!SmallDictionary methodsFor:'adding'!

    self at:anAssociation key put:anAssociation value.
    ^ anAssociation

    "Modified (format): / 14-09-2018 / 15:25:38 / Stefan Vogel"

at:key put:value 

    keyIndex := keysAndValues indexOf:key startingAt:1 step:2.
    keyIndex == 0 ifTrue:[
        self privateAt:key put:value
    ] ifFalse:[
        keysAndValues basicAt:keyIndex+1 put:value
    ^ value

    "Modified: / 18-09-2018 / 14:12:13 / Stefan Vogel"
! !

!SmallDictionary methodsFor:'copying-private'!

    keysAndValues := keysAndValues copy.

    "Modified: / 14-09-2018 / 15:38:50 / Stefan Vogel"
! !

!SmallDictionary methodsFor:'enumerating'!

    |sz "{Class: SmallInteger}"|

    sz := tally.
    2 to:sz by:2 do:[:i | aBlock value:(keysAndValues at:i)]

    "Modified: / 14-09-2018 / 16:30:18 / Stefan Vogel"

    |sz "{Class: SmallInteger}"|

    sz := tally * 2.
    1 to:sz-1 by:2 do:[:i | aBlock value:(keysAndValues at:i) value:(keysAndValues at:i+1)]

    "Modified: / 14-09-2018 / 16:31:18 / Stefan Vogel"

    |sz "{Class: SmallInteger}"|

    sz := tally * 2.
    1 to:sz-1 by:2 do:[:i | aBlock value:(keysAndValues at:i)]

    "Modified: / 14-09-2018 / 16:30:51 / Stefan Vogel"
! !

!SmallDictionary methodsFor:'initialize-release'!

    keysAndValues := Array new:capacity*2.
    tally := 0

    "Created: / 14-09-2018 / 15:57:42 / Stefan Vogel"
! !

!SmallDictionary methodsFor:'private'!


    newKeysAndValues := Array new:capacity*2.
    newKeysAndValues replaceFrom:1 to:tally * 2 with:keysAndValues.
    keysAndValues := newKeysAndValues.

    "Created: / 18-09-2018 / 15:37:24 / Stefan Vogel"

    "duplicate the capacity"

    self grow:tally * 2

    "Modified: / 18-09-2018 / 15:37:34 / Stefan Vogel"

privateAt:key put:value
    |sz "{Class: SmallInteger}"|

    sz := tally * 2.
    sz == keysAndValues size ifTrue: [self growKeysAndValues].
        basicAt:sz+1 put:key;
        basicAt:sz+2 put:value.
    tally := tally + 1.
    ^ value.

    "Modified: / 18-09-2018 / 13:33:30 / Stefan Vogel"
! !

!SmallDictionary methodsFor:'queries'!

    ^ (keysAndValues indexOf:aKey startingAt:1 step:2) ~~ 0

    "Modified: / 18-09-2018 / 14:09:03 / Stefan Vogel"

    ^ tally == 0

    "Created: / 14-09-2018 / 15:44:49 / Stefan Vogel"

    ^ Bag

    "Created: / 18-09-2018 / 15:34:27 / Stefan Vogel"
! !

!SmallDictionary methodsFor:'removing'!

    "RefactoryBrowser compatibility"

    self removeAll

    "Modified: / 14-09-2018 / 15:59:57 / Stefan Vogel"

remove: oldObject ifAbsent: anExceptionBlock 
    self removeKey: oldObject key ifAbsent: anExceptionBlock.
    ^ oldObject

    "Modified (format): / 14-09-2018 / 15:40:44 / Stefan Vogel"

    tally := 0.
    keysAndValues from:1 to:keysAndValues size put:nil.

    "Modified: / 14-09-2018 / 16:02:28 / Stefan Vogel"

removeKey:key ifAbsent:aBlock 
    |keyIndex "{Class:SmallInteger}"
     sz "{Class:SmallInteger}"

    keyIndex := keysAndValues indexOf:key startingAt:1 step:2.
    keyIndex == 0 ifTrue:[
        ^ aBlock value
    value := keysAndValues at:keyIndex+1.
    sz := tally*2.
    keyIndex to:sz-2 do:[:i | 
        keysAndValues at:i put:(keysAndValues at:i + 1).
    keysAndValues at:sz-1 put:nil.
    keysAndValues at:sz put:nil.
    tally := tally - 1.
    ^ value

    "Modified: / 18-09-2018 / 14:09:15 / Stefan Vogel"
! !

!SmallDictionary methodsFor:'testing'!

    ^ true

    "Created: / 14-09-2018 / 18:31:24 / Stefan Vogel"

    "return true if the receiver cannot grow - this will vanish once
     Arrays and Strings learn how to grow ..."

    ^ false

    "Created: / 18-09-2018 / 15:35:25 / Stefan Vogel"
! !

!SmallDictionary class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    ^ '$Header$'
! !