author Stefan Vogel <>
Wed, 04 Aug 1999 16:13:32 +0200
changeset 4527 2ddbe34bab87
parent 4513 b16770982c62
child 4542 5dc47816cf68
permissions -rw-r--r--
Make error classes public. Error is proceedable for now.

 COPYRIGHT (c) 1989 by Claus Gittinger
	      All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.

CompiledCode variableSubclass:#Block
	instanceVariableNames:'home nargs sourcePos initialPC'

!Block class methodsFor:'documentation'!

 COPYRIGHT (c) 1989 by Claus Gittinger
	      All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.

    Blocks are pieces of executable code which can be evaluated by sending
    them a value-message (''value'', ''value:'', ''value:value:'' etc).

    In smalltalk, Blocks provide the basic (and heavily used) mechanism
    for looping, enumerating collection elements, visitors, exception
    handling, unwinding, delayed execution and processes.

    Blocks are never created explicitely; the only creation
    is done by the compilers, when some sourceCode is compiled to either
    machine or byteCode.

    Blocks with arguments need a message of type ''value:arg1 ... value:argn''
    for evaluation; the number of arguments passed when evaluating must match
    the number of arguments the block was declared with otherwise an error is
    raised. Blocks without args need a ''value'' message for evaluation.

    Blocks keep a reference to the context where the block was declared -
    this allows blocks to access the methods arguments and/or variables.
    This is still true after the method has returned - since the
    block keeps this reference, the methods context will NOT die in this case.
    (i.e. Blocks are closures in Smalltalk/X)

    A return (via ^-statement) out of a block will force a return from the
    blocks method context (if it is still living) - this make the implementation
    of long-jumps and control structures possible.
    (If the method is not alive (i.e. has already returned), a return out of the 
     block will trigger an error)

    Long-jump is done by defining a catchBlock as ''[^ self]''
    somewhere up in the calling-tree. Then, to do the long-jump from out of some 
    deeply nested method, simply do: ''catchBlock value''.

    [Instance variables:]

      home        <Context>         the context where this block was created (i.e. defined)
				    this may be a blockContext or a methodContext
      nargs       <SmallInteger>    the number of arguments the block expects
      sourcePos   <SmallInteger>    the character position of its source, in chars
				    relative to methods source beginning
      initialPC   <SmallInteger>    the start position within the byteCode
				    for compiled blocks, this is nil.

    [Class variables:]

      InvalidNewSignal              raised if a Block is tried to be created
				    with new (which is not allowed).
				    Only the VM is allowed to create Blocks.

    NOTICE: layout known by runtime system and compiler - do not change

	Claus Gittinger

    [see also:]
	Process Context
	( contexts. blocks & unwinding : programming/contexts.html)

    define a block and evaluate it:

	b := [ Transcript showCR:'hello' ].

	Transcript showCR:'now evaluating the block ...'.
	b value.

    even here, blocks are involved: 
    (although, the compiler optimizes things if possible)
	Transcript showCR:'now evaluating one of two blocks ...'.
	1 > 4 ifTrue:[
	    Transcript showCR:'foo'
	] ifFalse:[
	    Transcript showCR:'bar'

    here things become obvious:
	|yesBlock noBlock|

	yesBlock := [ Transcript showCR:'foo' ].
	noBlock := [ Transcript showCR:'bar' ].

	Transcript showCR:'now evaluating one of two blocks ...'.
	1 > 4 ifTrue:yesBlock

    simple loops:
      not very objectOriented:

	i := 1.
	[i < 10] whileTrue:[
	    Transcript showCR:i.
	    i := i + 1

      using integer protocol:
	1 to:10 do:[:i |
	    Transcript showCR:i.

      interval protocol:
	(1 to:10) do:[:i |
	    Transcript showCR:i.

    looping over collections:

      bad code:
      (only works with numeric-indexable collections)
	|i coll|

	coll := #(9 8 7 6 5).
	i := 1.
	[i <= coll size] whileTrue:[
	    Transcript showCR:(coll at:i).
	    i := i + 1.

      just as bad (well, marginally better ;-):
      (only works with numeric-indexable collections)

	coll := #(9 8 7 6 5).
	1 to:coll size do:[:i |
	    Transcript showCR:(coll at:i).

      the smalltalk way:
      (works with any collection)

	coll := #(9 8 7 6 5).
	coll do:[:element |
	    Transcript showCR:element.
    Rule: use enumeration protocol of the collection instead of
	  manually indexing it. [with few exceptions]


      forking a lightweight process (thread):
	    Transcript showCR:'waiting ...'.
	    Delay waitForSeconds:2.
	    Transcript showCR:'here I am'.
	] fork

      some with low prio:
	    Transcript showCR:'computing ...'.
	    10000 factorial.
	    Transcript showCR:'here I am'.
	] forkAt:(Processor userBackgroundPriority)

    handling exceptions:
	Object errorSignal handle:[:ex |
	    Transcript showCR:'exception handler forces return'.
	    ex return
	] do:[
	    Transcript showCR:'now, doing something bad ...'.
	    1 / 0.
	    Transcript showCR:'not reached'

    performing cleanup actions:
	Object errorSignal handle:[:ex |
	    Transcript showCR:'exception handler forces return'.
	    ex return
	] do:[
		Transcript showCR:'doing something bad ...'.
		1 / 0.
		Transcript showCR:'not reached'
	    ] valueOnUnwindDo:[
		Transcript showCR:'cleanup'

    delayed execution (visitor pattern):
    (looking carefully into the example, 
     C/C++ programmers may raise their eyes ;-)
	|showBlock countBlock 
	 top panel b1 b2|

	howMany := 0.

	showBlock := [ Transcript showCR:howMany ].
	countBlock := [ howMany := howMany + 1 ].

	top := StandardSystemView extent:200@200.
	panel := HorizontalPanelView origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0 in:top.

	b1 := Button label:'count up' in:panel.
	b1 action:countBlock.

	b2 := Button label:'show value' in:panel.
	b2 action:showBlock.

	top open.

	Transcript showCR:'new process started;'.
	Transcript showCR:'notice: the blocks can still access the'.
	Transcript showCR:'        howMany local variable.'.
! !

!Block class methodsFor:'initialization'!

    "create signals raised by various errors"

    InvalidNewSignal isNil ifTrue:[
	InvalidNewSignal := ErrorSignal newSignalMayProceed:false.
	InvalidNewSignal nameClass:self message:#invalidNewSignal.
	InvalidNewSignal notifierString:'blocks are only created by the system'.

    "Modified: 22.4.1996 / 16:34:20 / cg"
! !

!Block class methodsFor:'instance creation'!

byteCode:bCode numArgs:numArgs numStack:nStack sourcePosition:sourcePos initialPC:initialPC literals:literals
    "create a new cheap (homeless) block.
     Not for public use - this is a special hook for the compiler."


    newBlock := (super basicNew:(literals size)) 
    ^ newBlock

    "Modified: 24.6.1996 / 12:36:48 / stefan"
    "Created: 13.4.1997 / 00:04:09 / cg"

    "catch creation of blocks - only the system creates blocks.
     If you really need a block (assuming, you are some compiler),
     use basicNew and setup the instance carefully"

    ^ InvalidNewSignal raise.

    "catch creation of blocks - only the system creates blocks"

    ^ InvalidNewSignal raise.
! !

!Block class methodsFor:'queries'!

    "return true if this class is known by the run-time-system.
     Here, true is returned for myself, false for subclasses."

    ^ self == Block

    "Modified: 23.4.1996 / 15:55:58 / cg"
! !

!Block methodsFor:'Compatibility - V''Age'!

    "VisualAge compatibility: alias for #numArgs.
     return the number of arguments I expect for evaluation"

    ^ nargs

    "Created: 15.11.1996 / 11:22:02 / cg"

    "VisualAge compatibility: alias for #valueOnUnwindDo:
     evaluate the receiver - when some method sent within unwinds 
     (i.e. does a long return), evaluate the argument, aBlock.
     This is used to make certain that cleanup actions 
     (for example closing files etc.) are executed regardless of error actions.

     Q: is this the exact semantics of V'Ages method ?
	the documentation is unclean; it could be a valueNowOrOnUnwindDo: ..."

    ^ self valueOnUnwindDo:aBlock

    "Created: 15.11.1996 / 11:38:37 / cg"
! !

!Block methodsFor:'accessing'!

    "return the receivers home context (the context where it was
     created). For cheap blocks, nil is returned"

    ^ home

    "return the receivers home method.
     Thats the method where the block was created."

    home notNil ifTrue:[
        ^ home method
    ^ nil

    "Created: 19.6.1997 / 16:14:57 / cg"

    "return the receivers method 
     (the method where the block was created).
     Obsolete: use #homeMethod for ST80 compatibility."

    ^ self homeMethod

    "Modified: 19.6.1997 / 16:15:24 / cg"

    "return the receivers method home context (the context where it was
     defined). For cheap blocks, nil is returned"

    home notNil ifTrue:[
	^ home methodHome
    ^ home

    "return the number of arguments I expect for evaluation"

    ^ nargs
! !

!Block methodsFor:'conversion'!

    "convert myself into a varArg block;
     this one has 1 formal argument, which gets the list
     of actual arguments when evaluated."

    nargs ~~ 1 ifTrue:[
        self error:'vararg blocks must take exactly 1 argument - the arg list'.
        ^ nil

    self changeClassTo:VarArgBlock.
    ^ self


     b := [:argList | argList printCR] beVarArg.
     b value.
     b value:'arg1' value:'arg2' value:'arg3' value:'arg4'

    "Created: 23.1.1997 / 13:35:28 / cg"
    "Modified: 23.1.1997 / 13:35:48 / cg"
! !

!Block methodsFor:'copying'!

    "raise an error - deepCopy is not allowed for blocks"

    ^ self deepCopyError

    "Created: / 31.3.1998 / 15:46:17 / cg"
! !

!Block methodsFor:'error handling'!

    "{ Pragma: +optSpace }"

    "this error is triggered by the interpreter when a non-Block object
     is about to be executed.
     In this case, the VM sends this to the bad method (the receiver).
     Can only happen when the Compiler/runtime system is broken or
     someone played around."

    ^ InvalidCodeSignal
	errorString:'invalid block - not executable'

    "Modified: 4.11.1996 / 22:46:39 / cg"
! !

!Block methodsFor:'evaluation'!

    "evaluate the receiver with no block args. 
     The receiver must be a block without arguments."

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */

    OBJ home;

    if (__INST(nargs) == __MKSMALLINT(0)) {
#if defined(THIS_CONTEXT)
	if (__ISVALID_ILC_LNO(__pilc))
	    __ContextInstPtr(__thisContext)->c_lineno = __ILC_LNO_AS_OBJ(__pilc);

	thecode = __BlockInstPtr(self)->b_code;
	if (thecode != (OBJFUNC)nil) {
	    /* compiled machine code */
	    RETURN ( (*thecode)(self) );
	/* interpreted code */
	RETURN ( __interpret(self, 0, nil, nil, nil, nil) );
# else
	RETURN ( __interpret(self, 0, nil, nil, nil, nil) );
# endif
	home = __BlockInstPtr(self)->b_home;
	if (thecode != (OBJFUNC)nil) {
	    /* compiled machine code */
	    RETURN ( (*thecode)(home) );
	/* interpreted code */
	RETURN ( __interpret(self, 0, nil, home, nil, nil) );
# else
	RETURN ( __interpret(self, 0, nil, home, nil, nil) );
# endif
    ^ self wrongNumberOfArguments:0

    "evaluate the receiver with one argument. 
     The receiver must be a 1-arg block."

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */

    OBJ home;

    if (__INST(nargs) == __MKSMALLINT(1)) {
#if defined(THIS_CONTEXT)
	if (__ISVALID_ILC_LNO(__pilc))
	    __ContextInstPtr(__thisContext)->c_lineno = __ILC_LNO_AS_OBJ(__pilc);
	thecode = __BlockInstPtr(self)->b_code;
	if (thecode != (OBJFUNC)nil) {
	    RETURN ( (*thecode)(self, arg) );
	/* interpreted code */
	RETURN ( __interpret(self, 1, nil, nil, nil, nil, &arg) );
# else
	RETURN ( __interpret(self, 1, nil, nil, nil, nil, arg) );
# endif
	home = __BlockInstPtr(self)->b_home;
	if (thecode != (OBJFUNC)nil) {
	    RETURN ( (*thecode)(home, arg) );
	/* interpreted code */
	RETURN ( __interpret(self, 1, nil, home, nil, nil, &arg) );
# else
	RETURN ( __interpret(self, 1, nil, home, nil, nil, arg) );
# endif
    ^ self wrongNumberOfArguments:1

value:arg1 value:arg2
    "evaluate the receiver with two arguments. 
     The receiver must be a 2-arg block."

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */

    OBJ home;

    if (__INST(nargs) == __MKSMALLINT(2)) {
#if defined(THIS_CONTEXT)
	if (__ISVALID_ILC_LNO(__pilc))
	    __ContextInstPtr(__thisContext)->c_lineno = __ILC_LNO_AS_OBJ(__pilc);
	thecode = __BlockInstPtr(self)->b_code;
	if (thecode != (OBJFUNC)nil) {
	    RETURN ( (*thecode)(self, arg1, arg2) );
	RETURN ( __interpret(self, 2, nil, nil, nil, nil, &arg1) );
# else
	RETURN ( __interpret(self, 2, nil, nil, nil, nil, arg1, arg2) );
# endif
	home = __BlockInstPtr(self)->b_home;
	if (thecode != (OBJFUNC)nil) {
	    RETURN ( (*thecode)(home, arg1, arg2) );
	RETURN ( __interpret(self, 2, nil, home, nil, nil, &arg1) );
# else
	RETURN ( __interpret(self, 2, nil, home, nil, nil, arg1, arg2) );
# endif
    ^ self wrongNumberOfArguments:2

value:arg1 value:arg2 value:arg3
    "evaluate the receiver with three arguments. 
     The receiver must be a 3-arg block."

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */

    OBJ home;

    if (__INST(nargs) == __MKSMALLINT(3)) {
#if defined(THIS_CONTEXT)
	if (__ISVALID_ILC_LNO(__pilc))
	    __ContextInstPtr(__thisContext)->c_lineno = __ILC_LNO_AS_OBJ(__pilc);
	thecode = __BlockInstPtr(self)->b_code;
	if (thecode != (OBJFUNC)nil) {
	    RETURN ( (*thecode)(self, arg1, arg2, arg3) );
	RETURN ( __interpret(self, 3, nil, nil, nil, nil, &arg1) );
# else
	RETURN ( __interpret(self, 3, nil, nil, nil, nil, arg1, arg2, arg3) );
# endif
	home = __BlockInstPtr(self)->b_home;
	if (thecode != (OBJFUNC)nil) {
	    RETURN ( (*thecode)(home, arg1, arg2, arg3) );
	RETURN ( __interpret(self, 3, nil, home, nil, nil, &arg1) );
# else
	RETURN ( __interpret(self, 3, nil, home, nil, nil, arg1, arg2, arg3) );
# endif
    ^ self wrongNumberOfArguments:3

value:arg1 value:arg2 value:arg3 value:arg4
    "evaluate the receiver with four arguments. 
     The receiver must be a 4-arg block."

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */

    OBJ home;

    if (__INST(nargs) == __MKSMALLINT(4)) {
#if defined(THIS_CONTEXT)
	if (__ISVALID_ILC_LNO(__pilc))
	    __ContextInstPtr(__thisContext)->c_lineno = __ILC_LNO_AS_OBJ(__pilc);
	thecode = __BlockInstPtr(self)->b_code;
	if (thecode != (OBJFUNC)nil) {
	    RETURN ( (*thecode)(self, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) );
	RETURN ( __interpret(self, 4, nil, nil, nil, nil, &arg1) );
# else
	RETURN ( __interpret(self, 4, nil, nil, nil, nil, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) );
# endif
	home = __BlockInstPtr(self)->b_home;
	if (thecode != (OBJFUNC)nil) {
	    RETURN ( (*thecode)(home, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) );
	RETURN ( __interpret(self, 4, nil, home, nil, nil, &arg1) );
# else
	RETURN ( __interpret(self, 4, nil, home, nil, nil, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) );
# endif
    ^ self wrongNumberOfArguments:4

value:arg1 value:arg2 value:arg3 value:arg4 value:arg5
    "evaluate the receiver with five arguments. 
     The receiver must be a 5-arg block."

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */

    OBJ home;

    if (__INST(nargs) == __MKSMALLINT(5)) {
#if defined(THIS_CONTEXT)
	if (__ISVALID_ILC_LNO(__pilc))
	    __ContextInstPtr(__thisContext)->c_lineno = __ILC_LNO_AS_OBJ(__pilc);
	thecode = __BlockInstPtr(self)->b_code;
	if (thecode != (OBJFUNC)nil) {
	    RETURN ( (*thecode)(self, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5) );
	RETURN ( __interpret(self, 5, nil, nil, nil, nil, &arg1) );
# else
	RETURN ( __interpret(self, 5, nil, nil, nil, nil, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5) );
# endif
	home = __BlockInstPtr(self)->b_home;
	if (thecode != (OBJFUNC)nil) {
	    RETURN ( (*thecode)(home, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5) );
	RETURN ( __interpret(self, 5, nil, home, nil, nil, &arg1) );
# else
	RETURN ( __interpret(self, 5, nil, home, nil, nil, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5) );
# endif
    ^ self wrongNumberOfArguments:5

value:arg1 value:arg2 value:arg3 value:arg4 value:arg5 value:arg6
    "evaluate the receiver with six arguments. 
     The receiver must be a 6-arg block."

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */

    OBJ home;

    if (__INST(nargs) == __MKSMALLINT(6)) {
#if defined(THIS_CONTEXT)
	if (__ISVALID_ILC_LNO(__pilc))
	    __ContextInstPtr(__thisContext)->c_lineno = __ILC_LNO_AS_OBJ(__pilc);
	thecode = __BlockInstPtr(self)->b_code;
	if (thecode != (OBJFUNC)nil) {
	    RETURN ( (*thecode)(self, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6) );
	RETURN ( __interpret(self, 6, nil, nil, nil, nil, &arg1) );
# else
	RETURN ( __interpret(self, 6, nil, nil, nil, nil, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6) );
# endif
	home = __BlockInstPtr(self)->b_home;
	if (thecode != (OBJFUNC)nil) {
	    RETURN ( (*thecode)(home, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6) );
	RETURN ( __interpret(self, 6, nil, home, nil, nil, &arg1) );
# else
	RETURN ( __interpret(self, 6, nil, home, nil, nil, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6) );
# endif
    ^ self wrongNumberOfArguments:6

value:arg1 value:arg2 value:arg3 value:arg4 value:arg5 value:arg6 value:arg7
    "evaluate the receiver with seven arguments.
     The receiver must be a 7-arg block."

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */

    OBJ home;

    if (__INST(nargs) == __MKSMALLINT(7)) {
#if defined(THIS_CONTEXT)
	if (__ISVALID_ILC_LNO(__pilc))
	    __ContextInstPtr(__thisContext)->c_lineno = __ILC_LNO_AS_OBJ(__pilc);
	thecode = __BlockInstPtr(self)->b_code;
	if (thecode != (OBJFUNC)nil) {
	    RETURN ( (*thecode)(self, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7) );
	RETURN ( __interpret(self, 7, nil, nil, nil, nil, &arg1) );
# else
	RETURN ( __interpret(self, 7, nil, nil, nil, nil, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7) );
# endif
	home = __BlockInstPtr(self)->b_home;
	if (thecode != (OBJFUNC)nil) {
	    RETURN ( (*thecode)(home, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7) );
	RETURN ( __interpret(self, 7, nil, home, nil, nil, &arg1) );
# else
	RETURN ( __interpret(self, 7, nil, home, nil, nil, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7) );
# endif
    ^ self wrongNumberOfArguments:7

value:arg1 value:arg2 value:arg3 value:arg4 value:arg5 value:arg6 value:arg7 value:arg8
    "evaluate the receiver with eight arguments.
     The receiver must be a 8-arg block."

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */

    OBJ home;

    if (__INST(nargs) == __MKSMALLINT(8)) {
#if defined(THIS_CONTEXT)
	if (__ISVALID_ILC_LNO(__pilc))
	    __ContextInstPtr(__thisContext)->c_lineno = __ILC_LNO_AS_OBJ(__pilc);
	thecode = __BlockInstPtr(self)->b_code;
	if (thecode != (OBJFUNC)nil) {
	    RETURN ( (*thecode)(self, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8) );
	RETURN ( __interpret(self, 8, nil, nil, nil, nil, &arg1) );
# else
	RETURN ( __interpret(self, 8, nil, nil, nil, nil, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8) );
# endif
	home = __BlockInstPtr(self)->b_home;
	if (thecode != (OBJFUNC)nil) {
	    RETURN ( (*thecode)(home, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8) );
	RETURN ( __interpret(self, 8, nil, home, nil, nil, &arg1) );
# else
	RETURN ( __interpret(self, 8, nil, home, nil, nil, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8) );
# endif
    ^ self wrongNumberOfArguments:8

    "evaluate the receiver, at the given prioriy;
     i.e. change the priority for the execution of the receiver."

    |oldPrio retVal|

    oldPrio := Processor activePriority.
        Processor activeProcess priority:priority.
        retVal := self value.
    ] valueNowOrOnUnwindDo:[
        Processor activeProcess priority:oldPrio
    ^ retVal

         1000 timesRepeat:[
             1000 factorial
     ] valueAt:3

    "Created: / 29.7.1998 / 19:19:48 / cg"

    "evaluate the receiver with arguments taken from argArray.
     ArgArray must be either an Array or nil.
     The size of the argArray must match the number of arguments the receiver expects."

    |a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11 a12|

    (argArray notNil and:[(argArray class ~~ Array) and:[argArray isArray not]]) ifTrue:[
        ^ self badArgumentArry
    (argArray size == nargs) ifFalse:[
        ^ self wrongNumberOfArguments:(argArray size)

    OBJ home;
    int __nargs;
    OBJ nA;

#if defined(THIS_CONTEXT)
    if (__ISVALID_ILC_LNO(__pilc))
            __ContextInstPtr(__thisContext)->c_lineno = __ILC_LNO_AS_OBJ(__pilc);
    thecode = __BlockInstPtr(self)->b_code;

    home = __BlockInstPtr(self)->b_home;
    if (thecode != (OBJFUNC)nil) {
        if ((nA = __INST(nargs)) == __MKSMALLINT(0)) {
            RETURN ( (*thecode)(home) );

        switch (__intVal(__INST(nargs))) {
                goto error;
            case 12:
                ap = __ArrayInstPtr(argArray)->a_element;
                RETURN ( (*thecode)(home, ap[0], ap[1], ap[2], ap[3], ap[4], ap[5], ap[6], ap[7], ap[8], ap[9], ap[10], ap[11]) );
            case 11:
                ap = __ArrayInstPtr(argArray)->a_element;
                RETURN ( (*thecode)(home, ap[0], ap[1], ap[2], ap[3], ap[4], ap[5], ap[6], ap[7], ap[8], ap[9], ap[10]) );
            case 10:
                ap = __ArrayInstPtr(argArray)->a_element;
                RETURN ( (*thecode)(home, ap[0], ap[1], ap[2], ap[3], ap[4], ap[5], ap[6], ap[7], ap[8], ap[9]) );
            case 9:
                ap = __ArrayInstPtr(argArray)->a_element;
                RETURN ( (*thecode)(home, ap[0], ap[1], ap[2], ap[3], ap[4], ap[5], ap[6], ap[7], ap[8]) );
            case 8:
                ap = __ArrayInstPtr(argArray)->a_element;
                RETURN ( (*thecode)(home, ap[0], ap[1], ap[2], ap[3], ap[4], ap[5], ap[6], ap[7]) );
            case 7:
                ap = __ArrayInstPtr(argArray)->a_element;
                RETURN ( (*thecode)(home, ap[0], ap[1], ap[2], ap[3], ap[4], ap[5], ap[6]) );
            case 6:
                ap = __ArrayInstPtr(argArray)->a_element;
                RETURN ( (*thecode)(home, ap[0], ap[1], ap[2], ap[3], ap[4], ap[5]) );
            case 5:
                ap = __ArrayInstPtr(argArray)->a_element;
                RETURN ( (*thecode)(home, ap[0], ap[1], ap[2], ap[3], ap[4]) );
            case 4:
                ap = __ArrayInstPtr(argArray)->a_element;
                RETURN ( (*thecode)(home, ap[0], ap[1], ap[2], ap[3]) );
            case 3:
                ap = __ArrayInstPtr(argArray)->a_element;
                RETURN ( (*thecode)(home, ap[0], ap[1], ap[2]) );
            case 2:
                ap = __ArrayInstPtr(argArray)->a_element;
                RETURN ( (*thecode)(home, ap[0], ap[1]) );
            case 1:
                RETURN ( (*thecode)(home, __ArrayInstPtr(argArray)->a_element[0]) );
            case 0:
                RETURN ( (*thecode)(home) );

    __nargs = __intVal(__INST(nargs));
    if (__nargs) {
        switch (__nargs) {
                goto error;
            case 12:
                a12 = __ArrayInstPtr(argArray)->a_element[11];
            case 11:
                a11 = __ArrayInstPtr(argArray)->a_element[10];
            case 10:
                a10 = __ArrayInstPtr(argArray)->a_element[9];
            case 9:
                a9 = __ArrayInstPtr(argArray)->a_element[8];
            case 8:
                a8 = __ArrayInstPtr(argArray)->a_element[7];
            case 7:
                a7 = __ArrayInstPtr(argArray)->a_element[6];
            case 6:
                a6 = __ArrayInstPtr(argArray)->a_element[5];
            case 5:
                a5 = __ArrayInstPtr(argArray)->a_element[4];
            case 4:
                a4 = __ArrayInstPtr(argArray)->a_element[3];
            case 3:
                a3 = __ArrayInstPtr(argArray)->a_element[2];
            case 2:
                a2 = __ArrayInstPtr(argArray)->a_element[1];
            case 1:
                a1 = __ArrayInstPtr(argArray)->a_element[0];
            case 0:

    if (thecode != (OBJFUNC)nil) {
        RETURN ( (*thecode)(self, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12) );
    RETURN ( __interpret(self, __nargs, nil, nil, nil, nil, &a1) );
# else
    RETURN ( __interpret(self, __nargs, nil, nil, nil, nil, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12) );
# endif


    RETURN ( __interpret(self, __nargs, nil, home, nil, nil, &a1) );
# else
    RETURN ( __interpret(self, __nargs, nil, home, nil, nil, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12) );
# endif


error: ;
     the above code only supports up-to 12 arguments
    ^ ArgumentSignal
        errorString:'only blocks with up-to 12 arguments supported'
! !

!Block methodsFor:'exception handling'!

handlerForSignal:signal context:theContext originator:originator
    "answer the handler block for the signal from originator.
     The handler block is retrieved from aContext.
     Answer nil if the signal is not handled."

    |sig handler|

    theContext selector == #on:do: ifTrue:[
        sig := theContext argAt:1.
        (sig == signal or:[sig accepts:signal]) ifTrue:[
            handler := theContext argAt:2.
            "/ this is for backward compatibility when no ex-arg
            "/ is expected in the block. Is it worth the effort ?
            handler numArgs == 0 ifTrue:[
                ^ [:ex | handler value]
            ^ handler
    ] ifFalse:[
        "must be #valueWithExceptionHandler:"
        handler := theContext argAt:1.
        ^ handler handlerForSignal:signal.

    ^ nil

    "Created: / 25.7.1999 / 19:52:58 / stefan"
    "Modified: / 26.7.1999 / 14:30:42 / stefan"

    "answer the handling signal from aContext."

    theContext selector == #on:do: ifTrue:[
        ^ theContext argAt:1.
    ] ifFalse:[
        "must be #valueWithExceptionHandler:"
        ^ theContext argAt:1.


on:aSignal do:exceptionBlock
    "added for ST/V compatibility; evaluate the receiver,
     handling aSignal. The argument, exceptionBlock is evaluated
     if the signal is raised during evaluation.
     Warning: no warranty, if the code below mimics ST/V's behavior
     correctly - give me a note if it does not ."

    <exception: #handle>

    "/ thisContext markForHandle. -- same as above pragma
    ^ self value. "the real logic is in Exception>>doRaise"

        1 foo
     ] on:MessageNotUnderstoodSignal do:[:ex | self halt]

        1 foo
     ] on:SignalSet anySignal do:[:ex| 2 bar. self halt]

    "Modified: / 26.7.1999 / 15:30:48 / stefan"

    "evaluate myself. If any of the signals in handler is raised,
     evaluate the corresponding handler block."

    <exception: #handle>

    "/ thisContext markForHandle. -- same as above pragma
    ^ self value. "the real logic is in Exception>>doRaise"

    "Created: / 26.7.1999 / 11:23:45 / stefan"
    "Modified: / 26.7.1999 / 11:24:06 / stefan"
! !

!Block methodsFor:'looping'!

    "repeat the receiver block until aBlock evaluates to true.
     The receiver is evaluated at least once.
     This is the same as '... doWhile:[... not]' "

    "this implementation is for purists ... :-)"

    self value.
    aBlock value ifTrue:[^ nil].
    thisContext restart


     n := 1.
     [n printNewline] doUntil:[ (n := n + 1) > 5 ]

    "repeat the receiver block until aBlock evaluates to false.
     The receiver is evaluated at least once."

    "this implementation is for purists ... :-)"

    self value.
    aBlock value ifFalse:[^ nil].
    thisContext restart


     n := 1.
     [n printNewline] doWhile:[ (n := n + 1) <= 5 ]

    "repeat the receiver forever 
     (the receiver block should contain a return somewhere).
     The implementation below was inspired by a corresponding Self method."

    self value.
    thisContext restart


     n := 1.
	n printNewline.
	n >= 10 ifTrue:[^ nil].
	n := n + 1
     ] loop

    "Modified: 18.4.1996 / 13:50:40 / cg"

    "the receiver must be a block of one argument.  It is evaluated in a loop forever, 
     and is passed a block, which, if sent a value:-message, will exit the receiver block, 
     returning the parameter of the value:-message. Used for loops with exit in the middle.
     Inspired by a corresponding Self method."


    exitBlock := [:exitValue | ^ exitValue].
    [true] whileTrue:[self value:exitBlock]

     i := 1.
     [:exit |
	Transcript showCR:i.
	i == 5 ifTrue:[exit value:'thats it'].
	i := i + 1
     ] loopWithExit

    "repeat the receiver forever - same as loop, for ST-80 compatibility.
      (the receiver block should contain a return somewhere)."

    self value.
    thisContext restart

    "Modified: 18.4.1996 / 13:50:55 / cg"

    "the receiver must be a block of one argument.  It is evaluated, and is passed a block,
     which, if sent a value:-message, will exit the receiver block, returning the parameter of the 
     value:-message. Used for premature returns to the caller.
     Taken from a manchester goody (a similar construct also appears in Self)."

    ^ self value:[:exitValue | ^exitValue]

     [:exit |
	1 to:10 do:[:i |
	    Transcript showCR:i.
	    i == 5 ifTrue:[exit value:'thats it']
	'regular block-value; never returned'
     ] valueWithExit

    "Modified: 18.4.1996 / 13:51:38 / cg"

    "evaluate the receiver while it evaluates to false (ST80 compatibility)"

    "this implementation is for purists ... :-)"

    self value ifTrue:[^ nil].
    thisContext restart


     n := 1.
     [n printNewline. (n := n + 1) > 10] whileFalse

    "evaluate the argument, aBlock while the receiver evaluates to false.
     - usually open coded by compilers, but needed here for #perform 
       and expression evaluation."

    "this implementation is for purists ... :-)"

    self value ifTrue:[^ nil].
    aBlock value.
    thisContext restart


     n := 1.
     [n > 10] whileFalse:[
	n printNewline.
	n := n + 1

    "evaluate the receiver while it evaluates to true (ST80 compatibility)"

    "this implementation is for purists ... :-)"

    self value ifFalse:[^ nil].
    thisContext restart


     n := 1.
     [n printNewline. (n := n + 1) <= 10] whileTrue

    "evaluate the argument, aBlock while the receiver evaluates to true.
     - usually open coded by compilers, but needed here for #perform 
       and expression evaluation."

    "this implementation is for purists ... :-)"

    self value ifFalse:[^ nil].
    aBlock value.
    thisContext restart


     n := 1.
     [n <= 10] whileTrue:[
	n printNewline.
	n := n + 1
! !

!Block methodsFor:'printing & storing'!

    "append a a printed representation of the block to aStream"

    |homeClass h sel methodClass|

    "cheap blocks have no home context, but a method instead"

    (home isNil or:[home isContext not]) ifTrue:[
	aStream nextPutAll:'[] in '.

	 currently, some cheap blocks don't know where they have been created
	aStream nextPutAll:' ??? (optimized)'.
	^ self

    "a full blown block (with home, but without method)"

    aStream nextPutAll:'[] in '. 
    h := self methodHome.
    sel := h selector.
"/ old:
"/    home receiver class name printOn:aStream.
"/ new:
"/    (h searchClass whichClassImplements:sel) name printOn:aStream.
    methodClass := h methodClass.
    methodClass isNil ifTrue:[
	'UnboundMethod' printOn:aStream.
    ] ifFalse:[
	methodClass name printOn:aStream.
    aStream nextPut:$-.
    sel printOn:aStream.

"/    aStream nextPutAll:'[] in '.
"/    homeClass := home containingClass.
"/    homeClass notNil ifTrue:[
"/	homeClass name printOn:aStream.
"/	aStream space.
"/	(homeClass selectorForMethod:home) printOn:aStream
"/    ] ifFalse:[
"/	aStream nextPutAll:' ???' 
"/    ]

! !

!Block methodsFor:'private accessing'!

byteCode:bCode numArgs:numArgs numStack:numStack sourcePosition:srcPos initialPC:iPC literals:lits
    "set all relevant internals.
     DANGER ALERT: this interface is strictly private."

    byteCode := bCode.
    nargs := numArgs.
    sourcePos := srcPos.
    initialPC := iPC.
    flags := 0.
    self stackSize:numStack.
    self literals:lits.

    "Modified: 23.4.1996 / 16:05:30 / cg"
    "Modified: 24.6.1996 / 12:37:37 / stefan"
    "Created: 13.4.1997 / 00:00:57 / cg"

    "set the initial pc for evaluation.
     DANGER ALERT: this interface is for the compiler only."

    initialPC := initial

    "Modified: 23.4.1996 / 16:05:39 / cg"

    "set the number of arguments the receiver expects for evaluation.
     DANGER ALERT: this interface is for the compiler only."

    nargs := numArgs

    "Modified: 23.4.1996 / 16:05:52 / cg"

    "set the position of the source within my method.
     This interface is for the compiler only."

    sourcePos := position

    "Modified: 23.4.1996 / 16:06:19 / cg"
! !

!Block methodsFor:'privileged evaluation'!

    "evaluate the receiver with interrupts blocked.
     This does not prevent preemption by a higher priority processes
     if any becomes runnable due to the evaluation of the receiver
     (i.e. if a semaphore is signalled)."

    "we must keep track of blocking-state if this is called nested"
    (OperatingSystem blockInterrupts) ifTrue:[
        "/ already blocked.
        ^ self value

    ^ self valueNowOrOnUnwindDo:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].

    "evaluate the receiver without the possiblity of preemption
     (i.e. at a very high priority)"

    |oldPrio activeProcess|

    activeProcess := Processor activeProcess.
    oldPrio := activeProcess changePriority:(Processor highestPriority).
    ^ self valueNowOrOnUnwindDo:[
	activeProcess priority:oldPrio
! !

!Block methodsFor:'process creation'!

    "create a new process executing the receiver at the current priority."

    ^ self newProcess resume

    "create a new process executing the receiver at a different priority."

    ^ (self newProcess priority:priority) resume

    "create a new process executing the receiver,
     passing elements in argArray as arguments to the receiver block."

    ^ [self valueWithArguments:argArray] fork.

    "create a new (unscheduled) process executing the receiver"

    ^ Process for:self priority:(Processor activePriority)

    "create a new (unscheduled) process executing the receiver,
     passing the elements in argArray as arguments to the receiver block."

    ^ [self valueWithArguments:argArray] newProcess

    "create a promise on the receiver. The promise will evaluate the
     receiver and promise to return the value with the #value message.
     The evaluation will be performed as a separate process.
     Asking the promise for its value will either block the asking process
     (if the evaluation has not yet been finished) or return the value

    ^ Promise value:self


     p := [1000 factorial] promise.
     'do something else ...'.
     p value

    "create a promise on the receiver. The promise will evaluate the
     receiver and promise to return the value with the #value message.
     The evaluation will be performed as a separate process running at prio.
     Asking the promise for its value will either block the asking process
     (if the evaluation has not yet been finished) or return the value

    ^ Promise value:self priority:prio
! !

!Block methodsFor:'testing'!

    "return true, if this is a block - yes I am"

    ^ true

    "return true, if this block accepts a variable number of arguments"

    ^ false

    "Created: 23.1.1997 / 04:59:51 / cg"
! !

!Block methodsFor:'unwinding'!

    "evaluate the receiver and return its result.
     After evaluation, also evaluate aBlock but ignore its result.
     aBlock is also evaluated in case of abnormal termination.
     (the same as #valueNowOrOnUnwindDo:)"

    ^ self valueNowOrOnUnwindDo:aBlock

            Transcript showCR:'one'.
            Processor activeProcess terminate.
            Transcript showCR:'two'.
        ] ensure:[
            Transcript showCR:'three'.
     ] fork.

            Transcript showCR:'one'.
            Transcript showCR:'two'.
        ] ensure:[
            Transcript showCR:'three'.
     ] fork.


    "given a context which has been marked for unwind,
     retrieve the handler block.
     This avoids hardwiring access to the first argument in
     #unwind methods (and theoretically allows for other unwinding
     methods to be added)"

    "/ for now, only #valueNowOrOnUnwindDo:
    "/          or #valueOnUnwindDo:

    ^ aContext argAt:1

    "evaluate the receiver - after that, or when some method sent within unwinds (i.e. does
     a long return), evaluate the argument, aBlock.
     This is used to make certain that cleanup actions (for example closing files etc.) are
     executed regardless of error actions"

    <exception: #unwind>


    "/ thisContext markForUnwind. -- same as above pragma
    v := self value.       "the real logic is in Context>>unwind"
    thisContext unmarkForUnwind.
    aBlock value.
    ^ v

     in the following example, f will be closed even if the block
     returns with 'oops'. There are many more applications of this kind
     found in the system.

     f := 'Makefile' asFilename readStream.
        l := f nextLine.
        l isNil ifTrue:[^ 'oops']
     ] valueNowOrOnUnwindDo:[
        f close

    "Modified: 16.4.1996 / 11:05:26 / stefan"

    "evaluate the receiver - when some method sent within unwinds (i.e. does
     a long return), evaluate the argument, aBlock.
     This is used to make certain that cleanup actions (for example closing files etc.) are
     executed regardless of error actions"

    <exception: #unwind>


    "/ thisContext markForUnwind. -- same as above pragma
    v := self value.       "the real logic is in Context>>unwind"
    thisContext unmarkForUnwind.
    ^ v

    "Modified: 27.1.1997 / 23:47:40 / cg"
! !

!Block class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/,v 1.90 1999-08-03 12:55:02 cg Exp $'
! !
Block initialize!