author claus
Fri, 28 Oct 1994 02:26:38 +0100
changeset 178 4da1b10bf42c
parent 159 514c749165c3
child 194 197c209e61f4
permissions -rw-r--r--
more GC control

 COPYRIGHT (c) 1992 by Claus Gittinger
	      All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.

Object subclass:#ObjectMemory
       classVariableNames:'InternalErrorHandler UserInterruptHandler TimerInterruptHandler
			   SpyInterruptHandler StepInterruptHandler ExceptionInterruptHandler
			   ErrorInterruptHandler MemoryInterruptHandler SignalInterruptHandler
			   ChildSignalInterruptHandler DisposeInterruptHandler
			   RecursionInterruptHandler IOInterruptHandler

			   AllocationFailureSignal LowSpaceSemaphore

ObjectMemory comment:'
COPYRIGHT (c) 1992 by Claus Gittinger
	     All Rights Reserved

$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/Attic/ObjMem.st,v 1.16 1994-10-28 01:26:38 claus Exp $

!ObjectMemory class methodsFor:'documentation'!

 COPYRIGHT (c) 1992 by Claus Gittinger
	      All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.

$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/Attic/ObjMem.st,v 1.16 1994-10-28 01:26:38 claus Exp $

    This class contains access methods to the system memory -
    in previous versions this stuff used to be in the Smalltalk class.
    It has been separated for better overall structure.

    Many methods here are for debuging purposes only, and not standard.
    Do not depend on them being there - some may vanish ...
    (especially those, that depend on a specific GC implementation)

    The InterruptHandler variables are known by the runtime system -
    they are the objects that get an interrupt message when the event


	InternalErrorHandler            gets informed (by VM), when some runtime
					error occurs (usually fatal)

	UserInterruptHandler            gets informed (by VM) when CNTL-C is pressed
	TimerInterruptHandler           gets alarm timer interrupts (from VM)
	SpyInterruptHandler             another alarm timer (from VM)
	StepInterruptHandler            gets single step interrupts (from VM)
	ExceptionInterruptHandler       gets floating point exceptions (from VM)
	ErrorInterruptHandler           gets graphic device errors (from VM)
	MemoryInterruptHandler          gets soon-out-of-memory conditions (from VM)
	SignalInterruptHandler          gets unix signals (from VM)
	ChildSignalInterruptHandler     gets child death signals (from VM)
	DisposeInterruptHandler         gets informed, when an object is disposed from 
					a shadowArray (from VM)
	RecursionInterruptHandler       gets recursion limit violations (from VM)
	IOInterruptHandler              gets SIGIO unix signals (from VM)
	CustomInterruptHandler          gets custom interrupts (from VM)

	AllocationFailureSignal         signal raised when a new fails (see Behavior)
	IngrementalGCLimit              number of bytes, that must be allocated since
					last full garbage collect to turn on incremental
	Dependents                      keep my dependents locally (its faster) for
					all those registries

    The system uses various caches to speed up method-lookup.
    Currently, there is a three-level cache hierarchy:

	inline-cache            keeps the target of the last send at the caller-
				side (i.e. every send goes through its private 
				1-slot inline-cache, where the address of the last
				called function at this call location is kept.)

	polymorph-inline-cache  keeps a limited list of all targets ever reched 
				at this call location. The list is flushed if it 
				grows too large or the total number of poly-chache
				entries exceeds a limit.

	method-lookup-cache     a global cache. Hashes on class-selector pairs,
				returning the target method.

    Whenever methods are added or removed from the system, or the inheritance 
    hierarchy changes, some or all caches have to be flushed.
    The flushXXX methods perform the task of flushing various caches - to be 
    'on the brigth side of live', use ObjectMemory>>flushCaches, when in dooubt
    of which caches should be flushed. Better flush too much - otherwise you may
    end up in a wrong method after a send.

    Handling of interrupts (i.e. unix-signals) is done via handler objects, which
    get a #XXXInterrupt-message sent. This is more flexible than (say) signalling
    a semaphore, since the handler-object may do anything to react on the signal
    (of course, it can also signal a semaphore to emulate the above behavior).

    Typically, the handlers are set during early initialization of the system
    by sending 'ObjectMemory XXXInterruptHandler:aHandler'.
    (see Smalltalk>>initialize or ProcessorScheduler>>initialize)

    Currently, Smalltalk/X uses a two-level memory hierachy.
    Objects are created in a so-called newSpace, which is relatively small.
    This newSpace is cleaned by a scavenge-operation whenever becoming
    full. Scavenging means, that all still-live objects (i.e. referenced by some 
    other) are copied over to another memory area, leaving all unreferenced
    objects as garbage behind. Once an object survives enough of these copying
    operations, the next scavenge will move it into the so called oldSpace,
    which is much larger. This movement of an object from newSpace to oldSpace
    is called 'tenure'.

    Scavenging occurs automatically, and is usually done fast enough to go 
    unnoticed (typically, it takes some 5 to 50ms to perform a scavenge, 
    depending on how many live objects are in the newspace).
    Interrestingly, the scavenger performs better, if many garbage objects
    are to be reclaimed, since less object-copying has to be done. Therefore,
    the best case scavenge times are almost zero, if there is only garbage in
    the newSpace, while the worst case is when all newSpace objects are still
    living. To honor this situation, the systems uses an adaptive tenure-count,
    which adjusts the number of scavenges needed for tenure according to the
    fill-grade of the newSpace.

    To reclaim oldspace, the system uses three algorithms: mark&sweep, a copying
    (and compressing) baker-type collector and an incremental mark&sweep.

    The mark&sweep runs whenever the oldspace becomes full, putting dead objects
    onto a free list. If a memory request cannot be served from this freelist,
    and the total size of objects on the freelist exceeds a threshold, the system
    will compress the oldspace to make the free-space into one big area.
    Since a compressing oldspace collect leads to a noticable pause of the system,
    the memory manager tries hard to avoid oldspace compression.
    The incremental mark&sweep runs in the background, whenever the system is idle
    (see ProcessorSceduler>>waitForEventOrTimeout). Like the normal mark&sweep,
    this incremental collector follows object references and marks reachable objects
    on its way. This is done 'a few objects-at-a-time', to not disrupt the system
    noticable. Incremental collection is controlled by the variable 
    'IncrementalGCLimit'. The ProcessorScheduler will be perform incremental GC steps
    if the total space used by objects allocated since the last full collect exceeds 
    this number. Its default is set in ObjectMemory>>initialize and can be changed in
    your startup 'smalltalk.rc'-file. Setting it to nil will turn incremental GC off.

    hints & tricks:
      normally, there is no need to call for an explicit garbage collection;
      the memory system should adapt reasonable and provide good performance 
      for a wide range of allocation patterns (see Example3 below for an exception).

      However, there could be situations, in which hints and/or explicit
      control over allocation can speedup your programs.

    Example 1: 
      you are about to allocate a huge data structure, which is known to
      survive long. In this case, it is better to have these objects move into the
      oldspace sooner, to avoid the copying overhead during scavenges.

      To do this, you can call ObjectMemory>>tenure after allocation, which
      forces all new-objects immediately into the oldspace. 
      Make certain, that not to many (ideally no) short-living objects are in the
      newspace when doing this.

      Another alternative is to tell the system that all allocation should be
      done directly in the oldspace. This completely avoids the scavenging overhead
      for these objects. To do so, use ObjectMemory>>turnGarbageCollectorOff
      before the allocation, and ObjectMemory>>turnGarbageCollectorOn afterwards.
      Keep in mind, that do-loops may allocate block-objects and other temoraries,
      so there is a danger of making things worse due to having all those temporaries
      in the oldspace afterwards. (which is not a fatal situation, but will
      force the system to do an oldspace collect earlier, which may not be your

   Example 2:
      you know in advance, that a certain (big) amount of memory will be needed.
      For example, the fileBrowser wants to show a huge file in its text-view.
      In this case, it is better to tell the memory system in advance, how much
      memory will be needed, since otherwise many compresses and reallocations will
      occur (the memory system will allocate additional memory in chunks of smaller
      256k pieces, if a compress failes. Thus, if you are going to allocate (say) 1Mb of 
      strings, it will perform 5 compressing GC's).

      This is done using ObjectMemory>>moreOldSpace: or ObjectMemory announceOldSpaceNeed:.
      In the above example, you would do 'ObjectMemory announceOldSpaceNeed:500000', which 
      avoids those annoying 5 compressing GC's.
      (BTW: if you have other smalltalk processes (threads) running, it is better
       to use #announceOldSpaceNeed. This tries to avoid pausing in other
       processes and sometimes succeeds, while moreOldSpace will always block
       the whole system for a while).

      The amount of automatic increase (in case the oldSpace becomes full) is 256k by
      default. This number can be changed with ObjectMemory>>oldSpaceIncrement:.

      There are rare cases, when an explicit GC makes a difference: since
      object finalization is done at GC time, objects which keep operatingSystem
      resources may be finalized late. This is normally no problem, except if
      the system is running out of resources. For example, allocating new colors
      may fail if many colors have already been allocated in the past - even
      though these colors are actually free. The Depth8Image calls for an
      explicit GC, whenever it fails to allocate a color for a bitmap, to force
      finalization of free, but not yet finalized colors.

    Warning: many of these methods are not standard and may not even be available in
    future versions of ST/X. Use them only in very special situations or experiments.
! !

!ObjectMemory class methodsFor:'initialization'!

    "initialize the class"

    AllocationFailureSignal isNil ifTrue:[
	Object initialize.

	AllocationFailureSignal := Object errorSignal newSignalMayProceed:true.
	AllocationFailureSignal nameClass:self message:#allocationFailureSignal.
	AllocationFailureSignal notifierString:'allocation failure'.

	LowSpaceSemaphore := Semaphore new.
    IncrementalGCLimit := 500000.
    MemoryInterruptHandler := self
! !

!ObjectMemory class methodsFor:'signal access'!

    "return the signal raised when an object allocation failed"

    ^ AllocationFailureSignal
! !

!ObjectMemory class methodsFor:'semaphore access'!

    "return the semaphore that is signalled when the system detects a
     low space condition. Usually, some time after this, an allocationFailure
     will happen. You can have a cleanup process sitting in that semaphore and
     start to release object."

    ^ LowSpaceSemaphore
! !

!ObjectMemory class methodsFor:'dependents access'!

    "return the colleciton of my dependents"

    ^ Dependents

    "set the dependents collection"

    Dependents := aCollection
! !

!ObjectMemory class methodsFor:'cache management'!

    "flush inlinecaches for calls to aClass."

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */

    "flush inlinecaches for calls with nargs arguments"

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */

flushInlineCachesFor:aClass withArgs:nargs
    "flush inlinecaches for calls to aClass with nargs arguments"

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
    __flushInlineCachesForAndNargs(aClass, _intVal(nargs));

    "flush all inlinecaches"

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */

    "flush the method cache for sends to aClass"

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */

    "flush the method cache"

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */

    "flush method and inline caches for aClass"

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */

    "flush method and inline caches for all classes"

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
! !

!ObjectMemory class methodsFor:'enumeration'!

    "evaluate the argument, aBlock for all objects in the system.
     There is one caveat: if a compressing oldSpace collect
     occurs while looping over the objects, the loop cannot be
     continued (for some internal reasons). In this case, false
     is returned."


%{  /* NOREGISTER - work may not be placed into a register here */
     * allObjectsDo needs a temporary to hold newSpace objects
    if (__allObjectsDo(&aBlock, &work COMMA_CON) < 0) {
	RETURN (false);
    ^ true

    "evaluate the argument, aBlock for all old objects in the system.
     For debugging and tests only - do not use"
    if (__allObjectsDo(&aBlock, (OBJ *)0 COMMA_CON) < 0) {
	RETURN (false);
    ^ true
! !

!ObjectMemory class methodsFor:'handler access'!

    "return the handler for ST/X internal errors.
     An internal error is reported for example when a methods
     bytecode is not a ByteArray, the selector table is not an Array
     Those should not occur in normal circumstances."

    ^ InternalErrorHandler

    "return the handler for CNTL-C interrupt handling"

    ^ UserInterruptHandler

    "set the handler for CNTL-C interrupt handling"

    UserInterruptHandler := aHandler

    "return the handler for timer interrupts"

    ^ TimerInterruptHandler

    "set the handler for timer interrupts"

    TimerInterruptHandler := aHandler

    "return the handler for spy-timer interrupts"

    ^ SpyInterruptHandler

    "set the handler for spy-timer interrupts"

    SpyInterruptHandler := aHandler

    "return the handler for single step interrupts"

    ^ StepInterruptHandler

    "set the handler for single step interrupts"

    StepInterruptHandler := aHandler

    "return the handler for floating point exception interrupts"

    ^ ExceptionInterruptHandler

    "return the handler for display error interrupts"

    ^ ErrorInterruptHandler

    "set the handler for display error interrupts"

    ErrorInterruptHandler := aHandler

    "return the handler for UNIX-signal interrupts"

    ^ SignalInterruptHandler

    "set the handler for UNIX-signal interrupts"

    SignalInterruptHandler := aHandler

    "return the handler for UNIX-death-of-a-childprocess-signal interrupts"

    ^ ChildSignalInterruptHandler

    "return the handler for object disposal interrupts"

    ^ DisposeInterruptHandler

    "set the handler for object disposal interrupts"

    DisposeInterruptHandler := aHandler

    "return the handler for recursion/stack overflow interrupts"

    ^ RecursionInterruptHandler

    "set the handler for recursion/stack overflow interrupts"

    RecursionInterruptHandler := aHandler

    "return the handler for I/O available signal interrupts (SIGIO/SIGPOLL)"

    ^ IOInterruptHandler

    "set the handler for I/O available signal interrupts (SIGIO/SIGPOLL)"

    IOInterruptHandler := aHandler

    "return the handler for custom interrupts"

    ^ CustomInterruptHandler

    "set the handler for custom interrupts"

    CustomInterruptHandler := aHandler
! !

!ObjectMemory class methodsFor:'queries'!

    "return the total size of the new space - this is usually fix"

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
    extern unsigned __newSpaceSize();

    RETURN ( _MKSMALLINT(__newSpaceSize()) );
     ObjectMemory newSpaceSize

    "return the total size of the old space. - may grow slowly"

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
    extern unsigned __oldSpaceSize();

    RETURN ( _MKSMALLINT(__oldSpaceSize()) );
     ObjectMemory oldSpaceSize

    "return the number of bytes allocated for new objects.
     The returned value is usually obsolete as soon as you do
     something with it ..."

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
    extern unsigned __newSpaceUsed();

    RETURN ( _MKSMALLINT(__newSpaceUsed()) );
     ObjectMemory newSpaceUsed

    "return the number of bytes allocated for old objects.
     (This includes the free lists)"

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
    extern unsigned __oldSpaceUsed();

    RETURN ( _MKSMALLINT(__oldSpaceUsed()) );
     ObjectMemory oldSpaceUsed

    "return the number of bytes in the free lists.
     (which is included in oldSpaceUsed)"

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
    extern unsigned __freeListSpace();

    RETURN ( _MKSMALLINT(__freeListSpace()) );
     ObjectMemory freeListSpace

    "return the number of bytes allocated for objects -
     this number is not exact, since some objects may already be dead
     (i.e. not yet reclaimed by the garbage collector).
     If you need the exact number, you have to loop over all
     objects and ask for the bytesize using ObjectMemory>>sizeOf:."

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
    extern unsigned __oldSpaceUsed(), __newSpaceUsed(), __freeListSpace();

    RETURN ( _MKSMALLINT(__oldSpaceUsed() + __newSpaceUsed() - __freeListSpace()) );
     ObjectMemory bytesUsed

    "return the number of bytes allocated for old objects since the
     last oldspace garbage collect occured. This information is used
     by ProcessorScheduler to decide when to start the incremental
     background GC."

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
    extern unsigned __oldSpaceAllocatedSinceLastGC();

    RETURN ( _MKSMALLINT(__oldSpaceAllocatedSinceLastGC()) );
     ObjectMemory oldSpaceAllocatedSinceLastGC

    "return the current tenure age - thats the number of times
     an object has to survive scavenges to be moved into oldSpace.
     For debugging only - this method may vanish"

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
    extern unsigned __tenureAge();

    RETURN ( _MKSMALLINT(__tenureAge()) );

    "return true, if the system runs in a single oldSpace or
     false, if it has given up baker-collection. The memory
     system will always drop the second semispace when running out of
     virtual memory, or the baker-limit is reached.
     OBSOLETE: the system may now decide at any time to switch between
     single and double-space algorithms, depending on the overall memory

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
    extern char *collectedOldStartPtr;

    RETURN ( ((collectedOldStartPtr == (char *)0) ? true : false) );

    "returns the internal state of the incremental GC.
     The meaning of those numbers is a secret :-).
     This is for debugging and monitoring only - and may vanish"

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
    extern int __incrGCphase();

    RETURN (_MKSMALLINT(__incrGCphase()));

    "return the number of objects in the system."


    tally := 0.
    self allObjectsDo:[:obj | tally := tally + 1].
    ^ tally

     ObjectMemory numberOfObjects

    "for debugging: print referents to anObject.
     WARNING: this method will vanish; 
	      use ObjectMemory>>whoReferences: or anObject>>allOwners."

    _printRefChain(__context, anObject);

    "return a collection of objects referencing the argument, anObject"


    aCollection := IdentitySet new.
    self allObjectsDo:[:o |
	(o references:anObject) ifTrue:[
	    aCollection add:o
    (aCollection size == 0) ifTrue:[
	"actually this cannot happen - there is always one"
	^ nil
    ^ aCollection

    "return the core address of anObject as an integer
     - since objects may move around, the returned value is invalid after the
     next scavenge/collect.
     Use only for debugging."

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */

    if (! _isNonNilObject(anObject)) {
	RETURN ( nil );
    RETURN ( _MKSMALLINT( (int)anObject ) );
    p := Point new.
    (ObjectMemory addressOf:p) printNL.
    ObjectMemory scavenge.
    (ObjectMemory addressOf:p) printNL.

    "return whatever anAddress points to as object.
     BIG BIG danger alert: this method is only to be used for debugging
     ST/X itself - you can easily (and badly) crash the system.
     This method will be removed from the final shipping version"

    |low high|

    low := anAddress bitAnd:16rFFFF.
    high := (anAddress bitShift:16) bitAnd:16rFFFF.
    if (_isSmallInteger(low)
     && _isSmallInteger(high)) {
	RETURN ((OBJ)((_intVal(high) << 16) | _intVal(low)));

    "return the size of anObject in bytes.
     Use only for debugging/memory monitoring."

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */

    RETURN ( _isNonNilObject(anObject) ? _MKSMALLINT(_qSize(anObject)) : _MKSMALLINT(0) )
     |hist big nw|

     hist := Array new:100 withAll:0.
     big := 0.
     ObjectMemory allObjectsDo:[:o |
	 nw := (ObjectMemory sizeOf:o) // 4 + 1.
	 nw > 100 ifTrue:[
	    big := big + 1
	 ] ifFalse:[
	    hist at:nw put:(hist at:nw) + 1
     hist printNL.
     big printNL

    "return the memory space, in which anObject is.
     - since objects may move between spaces, returned value is invalid after the
     next scavenge/collect.
     Use only for debugging."

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */

    if (! _isNonNilObject(anObject)) {
	RETURN ( nil );
    RETURN ( _MKSMALLINT( _qSpace(anObject) ) );

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */

    if (! _isNonNilObject(anObject)) {
	RETURN ( nil );
    RETURN ( _MKSMALLINT( anObject->o_flags ) );
F_ISREMEMBERED  1       /* a new-space thing on rem-list */
F_ISFORWARDED   2       /* a forwarded object (only valid after scavenge) */
F_DEREFERENCED  4       /* a collection after grow (not currently used) */
F_ISONLIFOLIST  8       /* a non-lifo-context-referencing-obj already on list */
F_MARK          16      /* mark bit for background collector */

    "return the number of scavenges, an object has survived
     in new space. For old objects, the returned number is invalid.
     Use only for debugging."

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */

    if (! _isNonNilObject(anObject)) {
	RETURN ( 0 );
    RETURN ( _MKSMALLINT( _GET_AGE(anObject) ) );
    p := Point new.
    (ObjectMemory ageOf:p) printNL.
    ObjectMemory tenuringScavenge.
    (ObjectMemory spaceOf:p) printNL.
    ObjectMemory tenuringScavenge.
    (ObjectMemory spaceOf:p) printNL.
    ObjectMemory tenuringScavenge.
    (ObjectMemory spaceOf:p) printNL.
    ObjectMemory tenuringScavenge.
    (ObjectMemory spaceOf:p) printNL.
! !

!ObjectMemory class methodsFor:'garbage collection'!

    "collect young objects, without aging (i.e. no tenure).
     Can be used to quickly get rid of shortly before allocated
     stuff. This is relatively fast (compared to oldspace collect).

     An example where a non-tenuring scavenge makes sense is when
     allocating some OperatingSystem resource (a Color, File or View) 
     and the OS runs out of resources. In this case, the scavenge may
     free some ST-objects and therefore (by signalling the WeakArrays
     or Registries) free the OS resources too.
     Of course, only recently allocated resources will be freed this
     way. If none was freed, a full collect will be needed."

     ObjectMemory scavenge

    "collect newspace stuff, with aging (i.e. objects old enough
     will be moved into the oldSpace).
     Use this for debugging and testing only - the system performs
     this automatically when the newspace fills up.
     This is relatively fast (compared to oldspace collect)"

     ObjectMemory tenuringScavenge

    "force all living new stuff into old-space - effectively making
     all living young objects become old objects.
     This is relatively fast (compared to oldspace collect).

     This method should only be used in very special situations:
     for example, when building up some long-living data structure
     in a time critical application.
     To do so, you have to do a scavenge before, and a tenure when the
     objects are created. Be careful, to not reference any other chunk-
     data when calling for a tenure (this will lead to lots of garbage in
     the oldspace).
     In normal situations, explicit tenures are not needed."

     ObjectMemory tenure

    "search for and free garbage in the oldSpace (newSpace is cleaned automatically) 
     performing a COMPRESSING garbage collect.
     This can take a long time - especially, if paging is involved
     (when no paging is involved, its faster than I thought :-).
     If no memory is available for the compress, or the system has been started with the
     -Msingle option, this does a non-COMPRESSING collect."
    if (! __garbageCollect(__context)) {

     ObjectMemory garbageCollect

    "reclaim unused symbols;
     Unused symbols are (currently) not reclaimed automatically,
     but only upon request with this method. It takes some time
     to do this ...
     Future versions may do this while garbage collecting."
     ObjectMemory reclaimSymbols

    "mark/sweep garbage collector.
     perform a full mark&sweep collect.
     Warning: this may take some time."

     ObjectMemory markAndSweep

    "one incremental garbage collect step.
     Mark or sweep some small number of objects. This
     method will return after a reasonable (short) time.
     This is used by the ProcessorScheduler at idle times.
     Returns true, if an incremental GC cycle has finished."
    extern int __incrGCstep();

    RETURN (__incrGCstep(__context) ? true : false);

    "perform one round of incremental GC steps.
     The effect of this method is the same as calling markAndSweep.
     However, #incrementalGC is interruptable while #markAndSweep
     blocks for a while. Thus this method can be called from a low 
     prio (background) process to collect without disturbing 
     foreground processes too much.
     For example, someone allocating huge amounts of memory could
     ask for the possibility of a quick allocation using
     #checkForFastNew: and try a #incrementalGC if not. In many
     cases, this can avoid a pause due to a blocking GC."

    [self gcStep] whileFalse:[]

     ObjectMemory incrementalGC
! !

!ObjectMemory class methodsFor:'garbage collector control'!

    "set the limit for incremental GC activation.
     This is used by the ProcessorScheduler."

    IncrementalGCLimit := aNumber

     ObjectMemory incrementalGCLimit:100000

    "return the limit for incremental GC activation.
     This is used by the ProcessorScheduler."

    ^ IncrementalGCLimit

     ObjectMemory incrementalGCLimit

    "allocate howMuch bytes more for old objects.
     This is done automatically, when running out of space, but makes
     sense, if its known in advance that a lot of memory is needed to
     avoid multiple reallocations and compresses.
     This (currently) implies a compressing garbage collect - so its slow.
     Notice: this is a nonstandard interface - use only in special situations."

    if (_isSmallInteger(howMuch))
	__moreOldSpace(__context, _intVal(howMuch));
     ObjectMemory moreOldSpace:1000000

    "checks if howMuch memory can be allocated without forcing a compressing
     GC. If not, the oldSpace is increased. This will also force a slow compressing
     collect. However, many smaller increases are avoided afterwards. Calling this
     method before allocating huge chunks of data may provide better overall performance.
     Notice: this is a nonstandard interface - use only in special situations."

    (self checkForFastNew:howMuch) ifFalse:[
	self incrementalGC.
	(self checkForFastNew:howMuch) ifFalse:[
	    self moreOldSpace:howMuch

     ObjectMemory announceOldSpaceNeed:1000000

    "return the oldSpaceIncrement value. Thats the amount by which
     more memory is allocated in case the oldSpace gets filled up.
     In normal situations, the default value used in the VM is fine
     and there is no need to change it."

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
    extern unsigned __oldSpaceIncrement();

    RETURN (_MKSMALLINT( __oldSpaceIncrement(-1) )); 
     ObjectMemory oldSpaceIncrement

    "set the oldSpaceIncrement value. Thats the amount by which
     more memory is allocated in case the oldSpace gets filled up.
     In normal situations, the default value used in the VM is fine
     and there is no need to change it. This method returns the 
     previous increment value."

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
    extern unsigned __oldSpaceIncrement();

    if (_isSmallInteger(amount)) {
	RETURN (_MKSMALLINT( __oldSpaceIncrement(_intVal(amount)) )); 
    "to change increment to 1Meg:"
     ObjectMemory oldSpaceIncrement:1024*1024

    "this method turns on/off fastMoreOldSpace allocation.
     By default, this is turned off (false), which means that in case of
     a full oldSpace, a GC is tried first before more oldSpace is allocated. 
     This strategy is ok for the normal operation of the system,
     but behaves badly, if the program allocates huge data structures (say a
     game tree of 30Mb in size) which survive and therefore will not be reclaimed
     by a GC.
     Of course, the system does not know in advance, whether the GC is useless.
     Setting fastOldSpaceIncrement to true will avoid this, by forcing the
     memory system to allocate more memory right away, without doing a GC first.

     WARNING: make certain that this flag is turned off, after your huge data
     is allocated, since otherwise the system may continue to increase its
     virtual memory need without ever checking for garbage.
     This method returns the previous value of the flag."

%{   /* NOCONTEXT */
     RETURN (__fastMoreOldSpaceAllocation(aBoolean == true ? 1 : 0) ? true : false);

    "this method returns true, if amount bytes could be allocated
     quickly (i.e. without forcing a full GC or compress).
     This can be used for smart background processes, which want to
     allocate big chunks of data without disturbing foreground processes
     too much. Such a process would check for fast-allocation, and perform
     incremental GC-steps if required. Thus, avoiding the long pause due to 
     a forced (non-incremental) GC.
     This is experimental and not guaranteed to be in future versions."

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
    extern __checkForFastNew();

    if (_isSmallInteger(amount)) {
	if (! __checkForFastNew(_intVal(amount))) {
	    RETURN (false);

    ^ true

    "turn off garbage collector by forcing new objects to be
     allocated in oldSpace (instead of newSpace)
     This is somewhat dangerous: if collector is turned off,
     and too many objects are created, the system may run into trouble
     (i.e. oldSpace becomes full) and be forced to perform a full mark&sweep
     or even a compressing collect - making trealtime behavior worse.
     Use this only for special purposes or when realtime behavior
     is required for a limited time period."

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */

    "turn garbage collector on again"

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */

    "move anObject into oldSpace.
     This method is for internal & debugging purposes only -
     it may vanish. Dont use it."
    if (__moveToOldSpace(anObject, __context) < 0) {
	RETURN (false);
    ^ true
! !

!ObjectMemory class methodsFor:'physical memory access'!

    "evaluates aBlock for all pages in the newSpace, passing
     the pages address as argument.
     For internal & debugging use only."
    if (__newSpacePagesDo(&aBlock COMMA_CON) < 0) {
	RETURN (false);
    ^ true

    "evaluates aBlock for all pages in the oldSpace, passing
     the pages address as argument. 
     For internal & debugging use only."
    if (__oldSpacePagesDo(&aBlock COMMA_CON) < 0) {
	RETURN (false);
    ^ true

    "evaluates aBlock for all pages in the prev. oldSpace, passing
     the pages address as argument. 
     For internal & debugging use only."
    if (__collectedOldSpacePagesDo(&aBlock COMMA_CON) < 0) {
	RETURN (false);
    ^ true

    "return true, if the page (as enumerated via oldSpacePagesDo:)
     is in memory; false, if currently paged out. For internal
     use / monitors only; may vanish.
     NOTICE: not all systems provide this information; on those that
     do not, true is returned for all pages."
    int pageSize = getpagesize();
    char result[10];
    INT addr;

    if (_isSmallInteger(aPageNumber)) {
	addr = _intVal(aPageNumber) & ~(pageSize - 1);
    } else {
	addr = ((INT)aPageNumber) & ~(pageSize - 1);
    if (mincore(addr, pageSize-1, result) < 0) {
	RETURN (true);
    RETURN ((result[0] & 1) ? true : false);
    "OS does not supply this info - assume yes"
    ^ true
! !

!ObjectMemory class methodsFor:'low memory handling'!

    "when a low-memory condition arises, ask all classes to
     remove possibly cached data - this may help a bit"

    Smalltalk allClasses do:[:aClass |
	aClass lowSpaceCleanup

"/    self error:'almost out of memory'
    'almost out of memory' errorPrintNL.

    LowSpaceSemaphore signalIf.
! !

!ObjectMemory class methodsFor:'system management'!

    "find the object file for aClassName and -if found - load it;
     this one loads precompiled object files"

    |fName newClass upd|

    fName := self fileNameForClass:aClassName.
    fName notNil ifTrue:[
	upd := Class updateChanges:false.
	    self loadBinary:(fName , '.o')
	] valueNowOrOnUnwindDo:[
	    Class updateChanges:upd
	newClass := self at:(aClassName asSymbol).
	(newClass notNil and:[newClass implements:#initialize]) ifTrue:[
	    newClass initialize

    "return the filename of the current image, or nil
     if not running from an image."

    ^ ImageName

     ObjectMemory ImageName 

    "return a reasonable filename to store the snapshot image into.
     This is the filename of the current image or,
     if not running from an image, the default name 'st.img'"

    (ImageName isNil or:[ImageName isBlank]) ifTrue:[
	^ 'st.img'
    (ImageName endsWith:'.sav') ifTrue:[
	^ ImageName copyTo:(ImageName size - 4)
    ^ ImageName

     ObjectMemory nameForSnapshot 

    "create a snapshot file containing all of the current state."

"/    ImageName isNil ifTrue:[
"/        ImageName := 'st.img'
"/    ].
    self snapShotOn:(self nameForSnapshot)

     ObjectMemory snapShot

    "create a snapshot in the given file"

    |ok oldImageName|

     keep a save version - just in case something
     bad happens while writing the image.
     (could be st/x internal error or file-system errors etc)
    (OperatingSystem isValidPath:aFileName) ifTrue:[
	OperatingSystem renameFile:aFileName to:(aFileName , '.sav').

     give others a chance to fix things
    self changed:#save.

     ST-80 compatibility; send #preSnapshot to all classes
    Smalltalk allClassesDo:[:aClass |
	aClass preSnapshot

     save the name with it ...
    oldImageName := ImageName.
    ImageName := aFileName.
    ok := self primSnapShotOn:aFileName.
    ImageName := oldImageName.

    ok ifTrue:[
	Class addChangeRecordForSnapshot:aFileName.

	 ST-80 compatibility; send #postSnapshot to all classes
	Smalltalk allClassesDo:[:aClass |
	    aClass postSnapshot
    ^ ok

     ObjectMemory snapShotOn:'myimage.img'

    "create a snapshot in the given file.
     Low level entry. Does not notify classes or write an entry to
     the changes file. Also, no image backup is created. Returns true if
     the snapshot worked, false if it failed for some reason.
     This method should not be used in normal cases."


%{  /* STACK:32000 */

    OBJ __snapShotOn();
    OBJ funny = @symbol(funnySnapshotSymbol);

    if (__isString(aFileName)) {
	ok = __snapShotOn(__context, _stringVal(aFileName), funny);
    ^ ok

applicationImageOn:aFileName for:startupClass selector:startupSelector
    "create a snapshot which will come up without any views 
     but starts up an application by sending startupClass the startupSelector.
     EXPERIMENTAL and unfinished. Dont use this method."

    |viewsKnown savedIdleBlocks savedTimeoutBlocks savedTranscript

    viewsKnown := Display knownViews.
    savedIdleBlocks := Display idleBlocks.
    savedTimeoutBlocks := Display timeOutBlocks.
    savedTranscript := Transcript.
    savedRoot := RootView.

    "a kludge: save image with modified knownViews, no idle- and timeoutblocks
     and also Transcript set to StdErr ..."

    Display knownViews:nil.
    Display idleBlocks:nil.
    Display timeOutBlocks:nil.
    RootView := nil.

    Transcript := Stderr.
    Smalltalk startupClass:startupClass selector:startupSelector arguments:nil.
    self snapShotOn:aFileName.
    Smalltalk startupClass:nil selector:nil arguments:nil.

    RootView := savedRoot.
    Transcript := savedTranscript.
    Display knownViews:viewsKnown.
    Display idleBlocks:savedIdleBlocks.
    Display timeOutBlocks:savedTimeoutBlocks

    "ObjectMemory applicationImageOn:'draw.img' for:DrawTool selector:#start"
    "ObjectMemory applicationImageOn:'pm.img' for:PMSimulator selector:#start"

minimumApplicationImageOn:aFileName for:startupClass selector:startupSelector
    "create a snapshot which will come up without any views 
     but starts up an application by sending startupClass the startupSelector.
     All unneeded info is stripped from the saved image.
     EXPERIMENTAL and unfinished. Dont use this method."

    "create a temporary image, for continuation"
    self snapShotOn:'temp.img'.

    Display knownViews do:[:aView |
	aView notNil ifTrue:[
	    aView superView isNil ifTrue:[
		aView destroy

    self stripImage.

    self applicationImageOn:aFileName for:startupClass selector:startupSelector.

    "continue in old image"

    OperatingSystem exec:(Arguments at:1)
	   withArguments:#('smalltalk' '-i' 'temp.img') , (Arguments copyFrom:2)

    "ObjectMemory minimumApplicationImageOn:'clock1.img' for:Clock selector:#start"
    "ObjectMemory applicationImageOn:'clock2.img' for:Clock selector:#start"

    "remove all unneeded stuff from the image - much more is possible here.
     EXPERIMENTAL and unfinished. Dont use this method."

    "remove all class comments & source"

    Smalltalk allBehaviorsDo:[:aClass |
	aClass setComment:nil.
	aClass methodArray do:[:aMethod |
	    aMethod source:''.
	    aMethod category:#none 
    self garbageCollect
! !