author claus
Wed, 08 Feb 1995 04:11:17 +0100
changeset 241 6f30be88e314
parent 231 fd0e55e352f8
child 243 1b7ab889a45f
permissions -rw-r--r--
*** empty log message ***

 COPYRIGHT (c) 1993 by Claus Gittinger
	      All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.

Object subclass:#ProcessorScheduler
	 instanceVariableNames:'quiescentProcessLists scheduler
				activeProcess currentPriority
				readFdArray readSemaphoreArray readCheckArray
				writeFdArray writeSemaphoreArray
				timeoutArray timeoutActionArray timeoutProcessArray timeoutSemaphoreArray
				idleActions anyTimeouts dispatching interruptedProcess'
	 classVariableNames:'KnownProcesses KnownProcessIds

ProcessorScheduler comment:'
COPYRIGHT (c) 1993 by Claus Gittinger
	     All Rights Reserved

$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/Attic/,v 1.28 1995-02-08 03:11:03 claus Exp $

Smalltalk at:#Processor put:nil!

!ProcessorScheduler class methodsFor:'documentation'!

 COPYRIGHT (c) 1993 by Claus Gittinger
	      All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.

$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/Attic/,v 1.28 1995-02-08 03:11:03 claus Exp $

    This class has only one instance, which is bound to the global
    'Processor'. It is responsible for scheduling among the smalltalk
    processes (threads; not to confuse with heavy weight unix processes).

    Scheduling is fully done in smalltalk (the always runnable scheduler-
    process, running at highest priority does this).
    The main VM primitive to support this is found in threadSwitch, which passes
    control to another process (usually selected by the scheduler).
    Thus it is possible to modify the schedulers policy and implementation
    at the smalltalk level.
    (To answer a frequently asked question:
     dont add preemptive round-robin here; this can be implemented without
     any need to change the scheduler. See goodies/ for how
     this is done in a very elegant way).

    Notice: Smalltalk/X can (still) be compiled & configured without
    process support. This non-process mode is called 'pureEventDriven' mode
    and is useful to quickly port ST/X to systems, where these facilities
    are either not needed (server applications), or are difficult to
    implement (threads require some assembler support functions). 
    To allow pureEvent mode, kludges are built into some places in the
    system, where either a process is forked, or a timeout is used instead 
    (for examples, see ProcessMonitor or MemoryMonitor).

    This pure-event mode may not be supported in the future.

    class variables:

	KnownProcesses          <Collection>    all known processes
	KnownProcessIds         <Collection>    and their IDs

	PureEventDriven         <Boolean>       true, if no process support
						is available

	UserSchedulingPriority  <Integer>       the priority at which normal
						user interfaces run

	UserInterruptPriority                   the priority at which user-
						interrupts (Cntl-C) processing
						takes place. Processes with
						a greater or equal priority are
						not interruptable.

	TimingPriority                          the priority used for timing.
						Processes with a greater or
						equal priority are not interrupted
						by timers.

	HighestPriority                         The highest allowed prio for processes

	SchedulingPriority                      The priority of the scheduler (must
						me higher than any other).

    most interresting methods:

	Processor>>suspend:                  (see also Process>>suspend)
	Processor>>resume:                   (see also Process>>resume)
	Processor>>terminate:                (see also Process>>terminate)
	Processor>>changePriority:for:       (see also Process>>priority:

	Processor>>signal:afterSeconds:      (see also Delay>>forSeconds:)
	Processor>>signal:afterMilliseconds: (see also Delay>>forMilliseconds:)
	Processor>>signal:onInput:           (see also ExternalStream>>readWait)
	Processor>>signal:onOutput:          (see also ExternalStream>>writeWait)
! !

!ProcessorScheduler class methodsFor:'initialization'!

    "class setup: create the one-and-only instance of myself and
     setup some priority values."

    UserSchedulingPriority := 8.
    UserInterruptPriority := 24.
    TimingPriority := 16.
    SchedulingPriority := 31.
    HighestPriority := 30.

    Processor isNil ifTrue:[
	"create the one and only processor"

	Processor := self basicNew initialize.

     allow configurations without processes
    PureEventDriven := self threadsAvailable not.
    PureEventDriven ifTrue:[
	'no process support - running event driven' errorPrintNL
! !

!ProcessorScheduler class methodsFor:'instance creation'!

    "there is (currently) only one processor ..."

    self error:'only one processor is allowed in the system'
! !

!ProcessorScheduler class methodsFor:'instance release'!

    "some Process has been garbage collected 
     - terminate the underlying thread. Usually this does not happen,
     instead, the thread terminates itself by using #terminate."

    |id sz "{ Class: SmallInteger }"|

    sz := KnownProcessIds size.
    1 to:sz do:[:index |
	(KnownProcesses at:index) isNil ifTrue:[
	    id := KnownProcessIds at:index.
	    id notNil ifTrue:[
		'PROCESSOR: terminating thread ' errorPrint.
		id errorPrint.
		' (no longer refd)' errorPrintNL.

		self threadDestroy:id.
		KnownProcessIds at:index put:nil.
! !

!ProcessorScheduler class methodsFor:'queries'!

    "this is temporary - (maybe not :-).
     you can run ST/X either with or without processes.
     Without, there is conceptionally a single process handling all
     outside events and timeouts. This has some negative implications
     (Debugger is ugly), but allows a fully portable ST/X without any
     assembler support - i.e. quick portability.
     The PureEvent flag will automatically be set if the runtime system
     does not support threads - otherwise, it can be set manually
     (from rc-file).

    ^ PureEventDriven

    "turn on pure-event driven mode - no processes, single dispatch loop"

    PureEventDriven := true

    "turn on process driven mode"

    PureEventDriven := false

    "return a collection of all (living) processes in the system"

    ^ KnownProcesses select:[:p | p notNil]
! !

!ProcessorScheduler class methodsFor:'primitive process primitives'!

    "return true, if the runtime system supports threads (i.e. processes);
     false otherwise."

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
    extern OBJ __threadsAvailable();

    RETURN (__threadsAvailable());

    "make the process evaluate an interrupt"

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */

    if (_isSmallInteger(id)) {

    "physical creation of a process.
     (warning: low level entry, no administration done).
     This may return nil, if process could not be created."

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
    int tid;
    extern int __threadCreate();

    tid = __threadCreate(aProcess, 0 /* stackSize no longer needed */);
    if (tid != 0) {
     arrive here, if creation of process in VM failed.
     This may happen, if the VM does not support more processes,
     or if it ran out of memory, when allocating internal data
    ^ ObjectMemory allocationFailureSignal raise.

    "physical destroy other process ...
     (warning: low level entry, no administration done)"

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */

    if (_isSmallInteger(id)) {
! !

!ProcessorScheduler methodsFor:'primitive process primitives'!

    "continue execution in aProcess.
     (warning: low level entry, no administration is done here)"

    |id pri ok oldProcess oldPri p singleStep wasBlocked|

    (aProcess isNil or:[aProcess == activeProcess]) ifTrue:[^ self].

    wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.

    oldProcess := activeProcess.
    oldPri := currentPriority.

    id := aProcess id.
    pri := aProcess priority.
    singleStep := aProcess isSingleStepping.
    aProcess state:#active.
    oldProcess setStateTo:#run if:#active.

     no interrupts now - activeProcess has already been changed
     (dont add any message sends here)
    activeProcess := aProcess.
    currentPriority := pri.
    extern OBJ ___threadSwitch();

    ok = ___threadSwitch(__context, _intVal(id), (singleStep == true) ? 1 : 0);
    "time passes spent in some other process ...
     ... here again"

    p := activeProcess.
    activeProcess := oldProcess.
    currentPriority := oldPri.

    ok ifFalse:[
	 switch failed for some reason -
	 destroy the bad process
	p id ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
	    'problem with process ' errorPrint. p id errorPrint. ' terminate it.' errorPrintNL.
	    p state:#suspended.
	    self terminateNoSignal:p.
    zombie notNil ifTrue:[
	self class threadDestroy:zombie.
	zombie := nil
    wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].

    "make aProcess evaluate its pushed interrupt block(s)"


    aProcess isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
    aProcess == activeProcess ifTrue:[^ self].

    id := aProcess id.
    self class threadInterrupt:id.
     and, make the process runnable
    aProcess resume
! !

!ProcessorScheduler methodsFor:'constants'!

    "return the lowest priority value"

    ^ 1   "do not change this - its not variable"

    "return the highest priority value processes can have"

    "must be below schedulingPriority - 
     otherwise scheduler could be blocked ...
    ^ HighestPriority  

    "return the priority at which the scheduler runs"

    "must be above highestPriority - 
     otherwise scheduler could be blocked ...
    ^ SchedulingPriority

    "return the priority, at which the event scheduler runs - i.e.
     all processes running at alower priority are interruptable by Cntl-C
     or the timer."

    ^ UserInterruptPriority

    "return the priority, at which all timing takes place (messageTally,
     delay etc.)"

    ^ TimingPriority

    "return the priority, at which all normal user (interactive) processing
     takes place"

    ^ UserSchedulingPriority

    "not currently used - for ST80 compatibility only"

    ^ 6

    "not currently used - for ST80 compatibility only"

    ^ 4

    "not currently used - for ST80 compatibility only"

    ^ 2 "claus: is this ok ?"
! !

!ProcessorScheduler methodsFor:'private initializing'!

    "initialize the one-and-only ProcessorScheduler"

    |nPrios l p|

    KnownProcesses isNil ifTrue:[
	KnownProcesses := WeakArray new:10.
	KnownProcesses watcher:self class.
	KnownProcessIds := OrderedCollection new.

    nPrios := SchedulingPriority.
    quiescentProcessLists := Array new:nPrios.

    readFdArray := Array with:nil.
    readCheckArray := Array with:nil.
    readSemaphoreArray := Array with:nil.
    writeFdArray := Array with:nil.
    writeSemaphoreArray := Array with:nil.
    timeoutArray := Array with:nil.
    timeoutSemaphoreArray := Array with:nil.
    timeoutActionArray := Array with:nil.
    timeoutProcessArray := Array with:nil.
    anyTimeouts := false.
    dispatching := false.

     handcraft the first (dispatcher-) process - this one will never
     block, but go into a select if there is nothing to do.
     Also, it has a prio of max+1 - thus, it comes first when looking
     for a runnable process.

    currentPriority := SchedulingPriority.
    p := Process new.
    p setId:0 state:#run.
    p setPriority:currentPriority.
    p name:'scheduler'.

    l := LinkedList new.
    l add:p.
    scheduler := activeProcess := p.

    quiescentProcessLists at:currentPriority put:l.

    ObjectMemory ioInterruptHandler:self.
    ObjectMemory timerInterruptHandler:self.

    "all previous processes are dead - each object should reinstall its
     process(s) upon restart - especially, windowgroups have to."

    KnownProcesses do:[:p |
	p notNil ifTrue:[
	    "how, exactly should this be done ?"

"/            'process restart not implemented' errorPrintNL.
	    p setId:nil state:#dead 
	scheduler setId:nil state:#dead 

     now, start from scratch
    KnownProcesses := nil.
    self initialize
! !

!ProcessorScheduler methodsFor:'private'!

    "remember aProcess for later disposal (where the underlying
     system resources have to be freed)."

    |newShadow oldSize oldId wasBlocked
     index "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     sz    "{ Class: SmallInteger }" |

    wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
    index := 1.
    sz := KnownProcessIds size.
    [index <= sz] whileTrue:[
	(KnownProcesses at:index) isNil ifTrue:[
	    oldId := KnownProcessIds at:index.
	    oldId notNil ifTrue:[
		self class threadDestroy:oldId.
	    KnownProcesses at:index put:aProcess.
	    KnownProcessIds at:index put:aProcess id.
	    wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
	    ^ self
	index := index + 1

    KnownProcessIds grow:index.
    KnownProcessIds at:index put:aProcess id.

    oldSize := KnownProcesses size.
    (index > oldSize) ifTrue:[
	newShadow := WeakArray new:(oldSize * 2).
	newShadow watcher:self class.
	newShadow replaceFrom:1 with:KnownProcesses.
	KnownProcesses := newShadow
    KnownProcesses at:index put:aProcess.
    wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].

    "forget aProcess - dispose processing will not consider this one"

    |index wasBlocked|

    wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
    index := KnownProcesses identityIndexOf:aProcess.
    index ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
	KnownProcessIds at:index put:nil.
	KnownProcesses at:index put:nil.
    wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
! !

!ProcessorScheduler methodsFor:'process creation'!

    "create a physical (VM-) process for aProcess.
     Return true if ok, false if something went wrong.
     The process is not scheduled; to start it running, it needs a Process>>resume."


    id := self class threadCreate:aProcess.
    id isNil ifTrue:[^ false].

    aProcess setId:id state:#light.   "meaning: has no stack yet"
    self remember:aProcess.
    ^ true
! !

!ProcessorScheduler methodsFor:'scheduling'!

    "switch to the highest prio runnable process.
     The scheduler itself is always runnable, so we can do an unconditional switch
     to that one. This method is a historical left-over and will vanish."

    ^ self threadSwitch:scheduler

    "move the currently running process to the end of the currentList
     and reschedule to the first in the list, thus switching to the 
     next same-prio-process."

    |l wasBlocked|

    wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
    l := quiescentProcessLists at:currentPriority.

     debugging consistency checks - will be removed later
    l isNil ifTrue:[
	wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
	'oops - nil runnable list' errorPrintNL.
	^ self
    l isEmpty ifTrue:[
	wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
	'oops - empty runnable list' errorPrintNL.
	^ self

     check if the running process is not the only one
    l size ~~ 1 ifTrue:[
	 bring running process to the end
	l removeFirst.
	l addLast:activeProcess.

	 and switch to first in the list
	self threadSwitch:(l first).
    wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].

    "remove the argument, aProcess from the list of runnable processes.
     If the process is the current one, reschedule."

    |pri l p wasBlocked|

     some debugging stuff
    aProcess isNil ifTrue:[
	MiniDebugger enterWithMessage:'nil suspend'.
	^ self
    aProcess id isNil ifTrue:[
	MiniDebugger enterWithMessage:'bad suspend: already dead'.
	self threadSwitch:scheduler.
	^ self
    aProcess == scheduler ifTrue:[
	'scheduler should never be suspended' printNL.
	MiniDebugger enterWithMessage:'scheduler should never be suspended'.
	^ self

    wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.

    pri := aProcess priority.
    l := quiescentProcessLists at:pri.

     debugging consisteny checks - will be removed later
    l isNil ifTrue:[
	wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].

	'bad suspend: empty run list' printNL.
	"/ MiniDebugger enterWithMessage:'bad suspend: empty run list'.
	self threadSwitch:scheduler.
	^ self

    "notice: this is slightly faster than putting the if-code into
     the ifAbsent block, because [] is a shared cheap block
    (l remove:aProcess ifAbsent:[]) isNil ifTrue:[
	wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
	'bad suspend: not on run list' printNL.
	"/ MiniDebugger enterWithMessage:'bad suspend: not on run list'.
	self threadSwitch:scheduler.
	^ self

    l isEmpty ifTrue:[
	quiescentProcessLists at:pri put:nil.
	l := nil
    wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].

     this is a bit of a kludge: allow someone else to
     set the state to something like #ioWait etc.
     In this case, do not set to #suspend.
     All of this to enhance the output of the process monitor ...
    aProcess setStateTo:#suspended if:#active or:#run.

    (aProcess == activeProcess) ifTrue:[
	"we can immediately switch sometimes"
	l notNil ifTrue:[
	    p := l first
	] ifFalse:[
	    p := scheduler
	self threadSwitch:p 

    "set aProcess runnable - 
     if its prio is higher than the currently running prio, switch to it."

    |l pri wasBlocked|

    (aProcess isNil or:[aProcess == activeProcess]) ifTrue:[^ self].

    "ignore, if process is already dead"
    aProcess id isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

    wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.

    pri := aProcess priority.

    l := quiescentProcessLists at:pri.
    l isNil ifTrue:[
	l := LinkedList new.
	quiescentProcessLists at:pri put:l
    ] ifFalse:[
	"if already running, ignore"
	(l includes:aProcess) ifTrue:[
	    wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
	    ^ self
    l addLast:aProcess.
    wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].

    (pri > currentPriority) ifTrue:[
	 its prio is higher; immediately transfer control to it
	self threadSwitch:aProcess
    ] ifFalse:[
	 its prio is lower; it will have to wait for a while ...
	aProcess state:#run 

    "like resume, but let the process execute a single send only.
     This is used by the debugger for single stepping."

    |l pri wasBlocked|

    (aProcess isNil or:[aProcess == activeProcess]) ifTrue:[^ self].

    "ignore, if process is already dead"
    aProcess id isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

    wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.

    pri := aProcess priority.

    l := quiescentProcessLists at:pri.
    l isNil ifTrue:[
	l := LinkedList new.
	quiescentProcessLists at:pri put:l
    ] ifFalse:[
	"if already running, ignore"
	(l includes:aProcess) ifTrue:[
	    wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
	    ^ self
    l addLast:aProcess.
    wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].

    (pri > currentPriority) ifTrue:[
	 its prio is higher; immediately transfer control to it
	self threadSwitch:aProcess
    ] ifFalse:[
	 its prio is lower; it will have to wait for a while ...
	aProcess state:#suspended

    "hard terminate aProcess without sending the terminate signal, thus
     no unwind blocks or exitAction are performed in the process.. 
     If its not the current process, it is simply removed from its list 
     and physically destroyed. Otherwise (since we can't take away the chair
     we are sitting on), a switch is forced and the process 
     will be physically destroyed by the next running process. 
     (see zombie handling)"

    |pri id l wasBlocked|

    aProcess isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
    id := aProcess id.
    id isNil ifTrue:[^ self].   "already dead"

    aProcess setId:nil state:#dead.

    wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.

    "remove the process from the runnable list"

    pri := aProcess priority.
    l := quiescentProcessLists at:pri.
    (l notNil and:[l includes:aProcess]) ifTrue:[
	l remove:aProcess.
	l isEmpty ifTrue:[quiescentProcessLists at:pri put:nil].
    wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].

    aProcess == activeProcess ifTrue:[
	 hard case - its the currently running process
	 we must have the next active process destroy this one
	 (we cannot destroy the chair we are sitting on ... :-)
	zombie := id.
	self unRemember:aProcess.
	self threadSwitch:scheduler.
	"not reached"
	^ self
    self class threadDestroy:id.
    self unRemember:aProcess.
    ^ self

    "hard terminate the active process, without sending any
     terminate signal thus no unwind blocks are evaluated."

    self terminateNoSignal:activeProcess

    "sent by VM if the current process finished its startup block 
     without proper process termination. Lay him to rest now. 
     This can only happen, if something went wrong in Block>>newProcess, 
     since the block defined there always terminates itself."

    self terminateNoSignal:activeProcess.
    self threadSwitch:scheduler

    "terminate aProcess. This is donen by sending aProcess the terminateSignal,
     which will evaluate any unwind blocks and finally do a hard terminate."

    aProcess terminate

    "terminate the current process (i.e. the running process kills itself).
     The active process is sent the terminateSignal so it will evaluate any
     unwind blocks and finally do a hard terminate."

    activeProcess terminate

    "interrupt the current process"

    activeProcess interrupt

changePriority:prio for:aProcess
    "change the priority of aProcess"

    |oldList newList oldPrio newPrio wasBlocked|

    oldPrio := aProcess priority.
    oldPrio == prio ifTrue:[^ self].

     check for valid argument
    newPrio := prio.
    newPrio < 1 ifTrue:[
	newPrio := 1.
    ] ifFalse:[
	aProcess == scheduler ifTrue:[^ self].
	newPrio > HighestPriority ifTrue:[
	    newPrio := HighestPriority

    wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.

    aProcess setPriority:newPrio.

    oldList := quiescentProcessLists at:oldPrio.
    (oldList isNil or:[(oldList includes:aProcess) not]) ifTrue:[
	wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
	^ self

    oldList remove:aProcess.
    oldList isEmpty ifTrue:[quiescentProcessLists at:oldPrio put:nil].

    newList := quiescentProcessLists at:newPrio.
    newList isNil ifTrue:[
	newList := LinkedList new.
	quiescentProcessLists at:newPrio put:newList
    newList addLast:aProcess.

    "if its the current process lowering its prio 
     or another one raising, we have to reschedule"

    aProcess == activeProcess ifTrue:[
	currentPriority := newPrio.
	newPrio < oldPrio ifTrue:[
	    self threadSwitch:scheduler.    
    ] ifFalse:[
	newPrio > currentPriority ifTrue:[
	    self threadSwitch:aProcess.
    wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
! !

!ProcessorScheduler methodsFor:'accessing'!

    "return the priority of the currently running process"

    ^ currentPriority

    "Processor currentPriority"

    "return the priority of the currently running process.
     GNU-ST & ST-80 compatibility; this is the same as currentPriority"

    ^ currentPriority

    "return the currently running process"

    ^ activeProcess

    "Processor activeProcess"

    "returns the process which was interrupted by the active one"

    ^ interruptedProcess
! !

!ProcessorScheduler methodsFor:'queries'!

    "return the highest prio runnable process"

    |listArray l p maxPri "{ Class: SmallInteger }" |

    maxPri := HighestPriority.
    listArray := quiescentProcessLists.
    maxPri to:1 by:-1 do:[:prio |
	l := listArray at:prio.
	l notNil ifTrue:[
	    l isEmpty ifTrue:[
		 on the fly clear out empty lists
		listArray at:prio put:nil
	    ] ifFalse:[    
		p := l first.
		 if it got corrupted somehow
		p id isNil ifTrue:[
		    'process with nil id removed' printNL.
		    l removeFirst.
		    ^ nil.
		^ p
    ^ nil

    "return true if aProcess is a system process,
     which should not be suspended/terminated etc.."

    (self class isPureEventDriven 
    or:[aProcess id == 0
    or:[aProcess nameOrId endsWith:'dispatcher']]) ifTrue:[
	^ true
    ^ false

     Processor activeProcessIsSystemProcess

    "return true if the active process is a system process,
     which should not be suspended."

    ^ self isSystemProcess:activeProcess

     Processor activeProcessIsSystemProcess
! !

!ProcessorScheduler methodsFor:'dispatching'!

    "central dispatch loop; the scheduler process is always staying in
     this method, looping forever."

    "avoid confusion if entered twice"

    dispatching == true ifTrue:[^ self].
    dispatching := true.

    "I made this an extra call to dispatch; this allows recompilation
     of the dispatch-handling code in the running system.
    [true] whileTrue:[
	self dispatch

     "It handles timeouts and switches to the highest prio runnable process"

    |any millis pri p nActions "{ Class: SmallInteger }" |

     handle all timeout actions
    anyTimeouts ifTrue:[
	self evaluateTimeouts

    "first do a quick check for semaphores using checkActions - this is needed for
     devices like X-connection, where some events might be in the event
     queue. Without these, a select might block even though there is work to do
    any := false.
    nActions := readCheckArray size.
    1 to:nActions do:[:index |
	|checkBlock sema action|

	checkBlock := readCheckArray at:index.
	(checkBlock notNil and:[checkBlock value]) ifTrue:[
	    sema := readSemaphoreArray at:index.
	    sema notNil ifTrue:[
		sema signalOnce.
	    any := true.

    "now, someone might be runnable ..."

    p := self highestPriorityRunnableProcess.
    p isNil ifTrue:[
	"no one runnable, hard wait for event or timeout"

	self waitForEventOrTimeout.
	^ self

    pri := p priority.

    "want to give control to the process p.
     If the switched-to processes priority is lower than the
     userSchedulingPriority, we have to make certain, that the 
     next input or timer will bring us back for a reschedule.
     This is done by enabling ioInterrupts for all file descriptors.
     If ioInterrupts are not available, we schedule a timer interrupt 
     to interrupt us after 1/20s of a second - effectively polling 
     the filedescriptors. - which is very bad, since low prio processes
     will be hurt in performance 
     - dont let benchmarks run with low prio ...
     Higher prio processes must be suspended, 
     same prio ones must yield or suspend to get back control"

 uncommenting this will make timeouts interrupt the current process
 (i.e. as if the interrupt runs at TimingPrio); 
 if left commented, they are handled at UserSchedulingPrio.
 this will all change, when timeouts are removed and all is process driven
 (a future version will have a process running to handle a timeout queue)

    pri < TimingPriority ifTrue:[
	anyTimeouts ifTrue:[
	    millis := self timeToNextTimeout.
	    millis == 0 ifTrue:[^ self].

     if the process to run has a lower than UserInterruptPriority,
     arrange for an interrupt to occur on IO.
     This is done by enabling IO-signals (if the OS supports them)
     or by installing a poll-interrupt after 50ms (if the OS does not).
    pri < UserInterruptPriority ifTrue:[
"comment out this if above is uncommented"
	anyTimeouts ifTrue:[
	    millis := self timeToNextTimeout.
	    millis == 0 ifTrue:[^ self].

	OperatingSystem supportsIOInterrupts ifTrue:[
	    readFdArray do:[:fd |
		fd notNil ifTrue:[
		    OperatingSystem enableIOInterruptsOn:fd
	] ifFalse:[
	    millis notNil ifTrue:[
		millis := millis min:50
	    ] ifFalse:[
		millis := 50

    millis notNil ifTrue:[
	"schedule a clock interrupt after millis milliseconds"
	OperatingSystem enableTimer:millis rounded.

     now let the process run - will come back here by reschedule
     from ioInterrupt or timerInterrupt ... (running at max+1)
    self threadSwitch:p.

    "... when we arrive here, we are back on stage"

    millis notNil ifTrue:[
	OperatingSystem disableTimer.
	self checkForInputWithTimeout:0.
! !

!ProcessorScheduler methodsFor:'waiting'!

    "data arrived while waiting - switch to scheduler process which will decide 
     what to do now."

    interruptedProcess := activeProcess.
    self threadSwitch:scheduler

    "timer expired while waiting - switch to scheduler process which will decide 
     what to do now."

    interruptedProcess := activeProcess.
    self threadSwitch:scheduler

    "return the delta-T (in millis) to next timeout, or nil if
     there is none"

    |aTime now delta minDelta n "{ Class: SmallInteger }"|

    "find next timeout. since there are usually not many, just search.
     If there where many, the list should be kept sorted ... keeping deltas
     to next (as in Unix kernel)"

    n := timeoutArray size.
    1 to:n do:[:index |
	aTime := timeoutArray at:index.
	aTime notNil ifTrue:[
	    now isNil ifTrue:[
		now := OperatingSystem getMillisecondTime.
	    (OperatingSystem millisecondTime:aTime isAfter:now) ifFalse:[^ 0].
	    delta := OperatingSystem millisecondTimeDeltaBetween:aTime and:now.
	    minDelta isNil ifTrue:[
		minDelta := delta
	    ] ifFalse:[
		minDelta := minDelta min:delta

    ^ minDelta

    "entered when no process is runnable - wait for either input on
     any file descriptors to arrive or a timeout to happen.
     If it makes sense, do some background garbage collection.
     The idle actions are a leftover from previous ST/X releases and will
     vanish (installing a low-prio process has the same effect)."

    |millis limit doingGC|

    doingGC := true.
    [doingGC] whileTrue:[
	anyTimeouts ifTrue:[
	    millis := self timeToNextTimeout.
	    (millis notNil and:[millis <= 0]) ifTrue:[
		^ self    "oops - hurry up checking"

	"if its worth doing, collect a bit of garbage"
	limit := ObjectMemory incrementalGCLimit.
	doingGC := limit notNil and:[ObjectMemory oldSpaceAllocatedSinceLastGC > limit].
	doingGC ifTrue:[
	    ObjectMemory gcStep.

	"then do idle actions"
	(idleActions notNil and:[idleActions size ~~ 0]) ifTrue:[
	    idleActions do:[:aBlock |
		aBlock value.
	    ^ self   "go back checking"

	doingGC ifTrue:[
	    (self checkForInputWithTimeout:0) ifTrue:[
		^ self  "go back checking"

    (self checkForInputWithTimeout:0) ifTrue:[
	^ self  "go back checking"

    "absolutely nothing to do - simply wait"

    OperatingSystem supportsSelect ifFalse:[
	"SCO instant ShitStation has a bug here,
	 waiting always 1 sec in the select - therefore we delay a bit and
	 return - effectively polling in 50ms cycles
	OperatingSystem millisecondDelay:50.
	^ self

    millis isNil ifTrue:[
	millis := 9999.
    ] ifFalse:[
	millis := millis rounded
    self checkForInputWithTimeout:millis

    "this is called, when there is absolutely nothing to do;
     hard wait for either input to arrive or a timeout to occur."

    |fd index sema action|

    fd := OperatingSystem 
    fd notNil ifTrue:[
	index := readFdArray indexOf:fd.
	index ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
	    sema := readSemaphoreArray at:index.
	    sema notNil ifTrue:[
		sema signalOnce.
		^ true
	    ] ifFalse:[
		action := readCheckArray at:index.
		action notNil ifTrue:[
		    action value.
		     ^ true
    ^ false
! !

!ProcessorScheduler methodsFor:'semaphore signalling'!

signal:aSemaphore onInput:aFileDescriptor
    "arrange for a semaphore to be triggered when input on aFileDescriptor

    self signal:aSemaphore onInput:aFileDescriptor orCheck:nil

signal:aSemaphore onInput:aFileDescriptor orCheck:aBlock
    "arrange for a semaphore to be triggered when input on aFileDescriptor
     arrives OR checkblock evaluates to true. 
     (checkBlock is used for buffered input, where a select may not detect 
      data already read into a buffer - as in Xlib)"

    |idx wasBlocked|

    wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
    (readFdArray includes:aFileDescriptor) ifFalse:[
	idx := readFdArray indexOf:nil.
	idx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
	    readFdArray at:idx put:aFileDescriptor.
	    readSemaphoreArray at:idx put:aSemaphore.
	    readCheckArray at:idx put:aBlock
	] ifFalse:[
	    readFdArray := readFdArray copyWith:aFileDescriptor.
	    readSemaphoreArray := readSemaphoreArray copyWith:aSemaphore.
	    readCheckArray := readCheckArray copyWith:aBlock.
    wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].

signal:aSemaphore onOutput:aFileDescriptor
    "arrange for a semaphore to be triggered when output on aFileDescriptor
     is possible. (i.e. can be written without blocking)"

    |idx wasBlocked|

    wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
    (writeFdArray includes:aFileDescriptor) ifFalse:[
	idx := writeFdArray indexOf:nil.
	idx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
	    writeFdArray at:idx put:aFileDescriptor.
	    writeSemaphoreArray at:idx put:aSemaphore.
	] ifFalse:[
	    writeFdArray := writeFdArray copyWith:aFileDescriptor.
	    writeSemaphoreArray := writeSemaphoreArray copyWith:aSemaphore.
    wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].

signal:aSemaphore afterSeconds:seconds
    "arrange for a semaphore to be triggered after some seconds"

    self signal:aSemaphore afterMilliseconds:(seconds * 1000)

signal:aSemaphore afterMilliseconds:millis
    "arrange for a semaphore to be triggered after some milliseconds"

    |now then wasBlocked|

    wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
    now := OperatingSystem getMillisecondTime.
    then := OperatingSystem millisecondTimeAdd:now and:millis rounded.
    self signal:aSemaphore atMilliseconds:then.
    wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].

signal:aSemaphore atMilliseconds:aMillisecondTime
    "arrange for a semaphore to be triggered at a specific millisecond time"

    |index wasBlocked|

    wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
    index := timeoutSemaphoreArray identityIndexOf:aSemaphore.
    index ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
	timeoutArray at:index put:aMillisecondTime
    ] ifFalse:[
	index := timeoutArray indexOf:nil.
	index ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
	    timeoutSemaphoreArray at:index put:aSemaphore.
	    timeoutArray at:index put:aMillisecondTime.
	    timeoutActionArray at:index put:nil.
	    timeoutProcessArray at:index put:nil 
	] ifFalse:[
	    timeoutSemaphoreArray := timeoutSemaphoreArray copyWith:aSemaphore.
	    timeoutArray := timeoutArray copyWith:aMillisecondTime.
	    timeoutActionArray := timeoutActionArray copyWith:nil.
	    timeoutProcessArray := timeoutProcessArray copyWith:nil 
    anyTimeouts := true.
    wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].

    "disable triggering of a semaphore"

    |idx wasBlocked|

    wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
    idx := readSemaphoreArray identityIndexOf:aSemaphore.
    idx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
	readFdArray at:idx put:nil.
	readSemaphoreArray at:idx put:nil.
	readCheckArray at:idx put:nil
    idx := writeSemaphoreArray identityIndexOf:aSemaphore.
    idx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
	writeFdArray at:idx put:nil.
	writeSemaphoreArray at:idx put:nil.
    idx := timeoutSemaphoreArray identityIndexOf:aSemaphore.
    idx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
	timeoutArray at:idx put:nil.
	timeoutSemaphoreArray at:idx put:nil.
	timeoutActionArray at:idx put:nil.
	timeoutProcessArray at:idx put:nil.
    wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
! !

!ProcessorScheduler methodsFor:'background processing'!

    "add the argument, aBlock to the list of idle-actions.
     Idle blocks are evaluated whenever no other process is runnable,
     and no events are pending.
     Use of idle blocks is not recommended, use a low priority processes 
     instead, which has the same effect. Idle blcoks are still included
     to support background actions in pure-event systems, where no processes 
     are available.
     Support for idle-blocks may vanish."


    wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
    idleActions isNil ifTrue:[
	idleActions := OrderedCollection new
    idleActions add:aBlock.
    wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].

    "remove the argument, aBlock from the list of idle-blocks.
     Support for idle-blocks may vanish - use low prio processes instead."


    wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
    idleActions notNil ifTrue:[
       idleActions remove:aBlock
    wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
! !

!ProcessorScheduler methodsFor:'I/O event actions'!

enableIOAction:aBlock onInput:aFileDescriptor
    "half-obsolete event support: arrange for aBlock to be
     evaluated when input on aFileDescriptor arrives. 
     This is a leftover support for pure-event systems and may vanish."

    |idx wasBlocked|

    wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
    (readFdArray includes:aFileDescriptor) ifFalse:[
	idx := readFdArray indexOf:nil.
	idx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
	    readFdArray at:idx put:aFileDescriptor.
	    readCheckArray at:idx put:aBlock.
	    readSemaphoreArray at:idx put:nil
	] ifFalse:[
	    readFdArray := readFdArray copyWith:aFileDescriptor.
	    readCheckArray := readCheckArray copyWith:aBlock.
	    readSemaphoreArray := readSemaphoreArray copyWith:nil.
    wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].

    "disable block events on aFileDescriptor.
     This is a leftover support for pure-event systems and may vanish."

    |idx wasBlocked|

    wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
    idx := readFdArray indexOf:aFileDescriptor.
    idx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
	readFdArray at:idx put:nil.
	readCheckArray at:idx put:nil.
	readSemaphoreArray at:idx put:nil
    wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
! !

!ProcessorScheduler methodsFor:'timeout handling'!

addTimedBlock:aBlock afterSeconds:delta
    "add the argument, aBlock to the list of time-scheduled-blocks.
     to be evaluated after delta seconds. The process which installs this timed 
     block will be interrupted for execution of the block.
     (if it is running, the interrupt will occur in whatever method it is
      executing; if it is suspended, it will be resumed).
     The block will be removed from the timed-block list after evaluation 
     (i.e. it will trigger only once)."

    self addTimedBlock:aBlock for:activeProcess afterMilliseconds:(delta * 1000) rounded

addTimedBlock:aBlock for:aProcess afterSeconds:delta
    "add the argument, aBlock to the list of time-scheduled-blocks.
     to be evaluated after delta seconds. aProcess will be interrupted for 
     execution of the block.
     (if it is running, the interrupt will occur in whatever method it is
      executing; if it is suspended, it will be resumed).
     If aProcess is nil, the block will be evaluated by the scheduler itself
     (which is dangerous - the block should not raise any error conditions).
     The block will be removed from the timed-block list after evaluation 
     (i.e. it will trigger only once)."

    self addTimedBlock:aBlock for:aProcess afterMilliseconds:(delta * 1000) rounded

addTimedBlock:aBlock afterMilliseconds:delta
    "add the argument, aBlock to the list of time-scheduled-blocks; to be
     evaluated after delta milliseconds. The process which installs this timed 
     block will be interrupted for execution of the block.
     (if it is running, the interrupt will occur in whatever method it is
      executing; if it is suspended, it will be resumed).
     The block will be removed from the timed-block list after evaluation 
     (i.e. it will trigger only once)."

    ^ self addTimedBlock:aBlock for:activeProcess afterMilliseconds:delta

addTimedBlock:aBlock for:aProcess afterMilliseconds:delta
    "add the argument, aBlock to the list of time-scheduled-blocks; to be
     evaluated after delta milliseconds. The process specified by the argument,
     aProcess will be interrupted for execution of the block. 
     (if it is running, the interrupt will occur in whatever method it is
      executing; if it is suspended, it will be resumed).
     If aProcess is nil, the block will be evaluated by the scheduler itself
     (which is dangerous - the block should not raise any error conditions).
     The block will be removed from the timed-block list after evaluation 
     (i.e. it will trigger only once)."

    |now then wasBlocked|

    wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
    now := OperatingSystem getMillisecondTime.
    then := OperatingSystem millisecondTimeAdd:now and:delta.
    self addTimedBlock:aBlock for:aProcess atMilliseconds:then.
    wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].

addTimedBlock:aBlock atMilliseconds:aMillisecondTime
    "add the argument, aBlock to the list of time-scheduled-blocks; to be
     evaluated when the millisecondClock value passes aMillisecondTime.
     The process which installs this timed block will be interrupted for 
     execution of the block.
     (if it is running, the interrupt will occur in whatever method it is
      executing; if it is suspended, it will be resumed).
     The block will be removed from the timed-block list after evaluation 
     (i.e. it will trigger only once)."     

    self addTimedBlock:aBlock for:activeProcess atMilliseconds:aMillisecondTime

addTimedBlock:aBlock for:aProcess atMilliseconds:aMillisecondTime
    "add the argument, aBlock to the list of time-scheduled-blocks; to be
     evaluated by aProcess when the millisecondClock value passes 
     aMillisecondTime. The process specified by the argument,
     aProcess will be interrupted for execution of the block. If
     aProcess is nil, the block will be evaluated by the scheduler itself
     (which is dangerous - the block should not raise any error conditions).
     (if it is running, the interrupt will occur in whatever method it is
      executing; if it is suspended, it will be resumed).
     The block will be removed from the timed-block list after evaluation 
     (i.e. it will trigger only once)."     

    |index wasBlocked|

    wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
    index := timeoutActionArray identityIndexOf:aBlock.
    index ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
	timeoutArray at:index put:aMillisecondTime
    ] ifFalse:[
	index := timeoutArray indexOf:nil.
	index ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
	    timeoutArray at:index put:aMillisecondTime.
	    timeoutActionArray at:index put:aBlock.
	    timeoutSemaphoreArray at:index put:nil. 
	    timeoutProcessArray at:index put:aProcess 
	] ifFalse:[
	    timeoutArray := timeoutArray copyWith:aMillisecondTime.
	    timeoutActionArray := timeoutActionArray copyWith:aBlock.
	    timeoutSemaphoreArray := timeoutSemaphoreArray copyWith:nil.
	    timeoutProcessArray := timeoutProcessArray copyWith:aProcess.
    anyTimeouts := true.
    wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].

    "remove the argument, aBlock from the list of time-sceduled-blocks."

    |index wasBlocked|

    wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
    index := timeoutActionArray identityIndexOf:aBlock.
    (index ~~ 0) ifTrue:[
	timeoutArray at:index put:nil.
	timeoutActionArray at:index put:nil. 
	timeoutSemaphoreArray at:index put:nil.
	timeoutProcessArray at:index put:nil.
    wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].

    "walk through timeouts and evaluate blocks or signal semas that need to be .."

    |sema now aTime block blocksToEvaluate 
     processes n "{ Class: SmallInteger }"|

    anyTimeouts ifFalse:[ ^ self].

    "have to collect the blocks first, then evaluate them. This avoids
     problems due to newly inserted blocks."

    now := OperatingSystem getMillisecondTime.
    blocksToEvaluate := nil.
    n := timeoutArray size.
    anyTimeouts := false.
    1 to:n do:[:index |
	aTime := timeoutArray at:index.
	aTime notNil ifTrue:[
	    (OperatingSystem millisecondTime:aTime isAfter:now) ifFalse:[
		"this one should be triggered"

		sema := timeoutSemaphoreArray at:index.
		sema notNil ifTrue:[
		    sema signalOnce.
		    timeoutSemaphoreArray at:index put:nil
		] ifFalse:[
		    "to support pure-events"
		    block := timeoutActionArray at:index.
		    block notNil ifTrue:[
			blocksToEvaluate isNil ifTrue:[
			    blocksToEvaluate := OrderedCollection new:10.
			    processes := OrderedCollection new:10.
			blocksToEvaluate add:block.
			processes add:(timeoutProcessArray at:index).
			timeoutActionArray at:index put:nil.
			timeoutProcessArray at:index put:nil.
		timeoutArray at:index put:nil.
	    ] ifTrue:[
		anyTimeouts := true

    blocksToEvaluate notNil ifTrue:[
	blocksToEvaluate keysAndValuesDo:[:index :block |

	    p := processes at:index.
	    (p isNil or:[PureEventDriven]) ifTrue:[
		block value
	    ] ifFalse:[
		p interruptWith:block
! !