author Stefan Vogel <sv@exept.de>
Thu, 15 Apr 2004 15:44:11 +0200
changeset 8318 6fd12ab774c0
parent 8053 4d37ece7b9f7
child 8320 229adaeaf183
permissions -rw-r--r--
Systempath set by smalltalk.rc has bee reset from fileIn

 COPYRIGHT (c) 1989 by Claus Gittinger
	      All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.

"{ Package: 'stx:libbasic' }"

PeekableStream subclass:#PositionableStream
	instanceVariableNames:'collection position readLimit writeLimit'
	classVariableNames:'ZeroPosition InvalidPositionErrorSignal ErrorDuringFileInSignal
		CurrentFileInDirectoryQuerySignal ChunkSeparator'

!PositionableStream class methodsFor:'documentation'!

 COPYRIGHT (c) 1989 by Claus Gittinger
	      All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.

    Instances of PositionableStream allow positioning the read pointer.
    The PositionableStream class also adds methods for source-chunk reading
    and writing, and for filing-in/out of source code.

    This is an abstract class.

    Compatibility Notice:
       For historical reasons, ST/X starts with a 1-position (i.e. as in collections),
       while ST-80 uses 0-based postions for streams and 1-based positions for collections.

    To allow for portable code, this method can be asked to return the initial position.
    (for code, which ought to execute under other systems, use:
       posZero := (PositionableStream class respondsTo:#zeroPosition) 
		       ifTrue:[PositionableStream zeroPosition]
    Please use this query for ST/X programs - we will eventually switch to a 0-based
    indexing scheme, and your programs should be prepared for that.

	Claus Gittinger
! !

!PositionableStream class methodsFor:'initialization'!

    "setup the signal used to handle errors during fileIn"

    ZeroPosition := 0.        "/ changed with stx rel5.1

    ErrorDuringFileInSignal isNil ifTrue:[
        ErrorDuringFileInSignal := Error newSignalMayProceed:true.
        ErrorDuringFileInSignal nameClass:self message:#errorDuringFileInSignal.
        ErrorDuringFileInSignal notifierString:'error during fileIn'.

        InvalidPositionErrorSignal := PositionOutOfBoundsError.
        InvalidPositionErrorSignal notifierString:'position out of bounds: '.

        CurrentFileInDirectoryQuerySignal := QuerySignal new.
        CurrentFileInDirectoryQuerySignal nameClass:self message:#currentFileInDirectoryQuerySignal.
        CurrentFileInDirectoryQuerySignal notifierString:'query for current directory when filing in'.
        CurrentFileInDirectoryQuerySignal handlerBlock:[:ex | ex proceedWith:Filename currentDirectory].
! !

!PositionableStream class methodsFor:'instance creation'!

    "return a new PositionableStream streaming on aCollection"

    ^ (self basicNew) on:aCollection

on:aCollection from:first to:last
    "return a new PositionableStream streaming on aCollection
     from first to last"

    ^ (self basicNew) on:aCollection from:first to:last

    "return a new PositionableStream streaming on aCollection,
     the stream is positioned to the end of the collection."

    ^ (self basicNew) with:aCollection
! !

!PositionableStream class methodsFor:'Signal constants'!

    "return the querySignal, which can be used to ask for the current directory
     during a fileIn (that is the directory where the filed-in file resides),
     and in a fileBrowsers doIt.
     Using this, allows for the loaded code or doIts to ask for the fileBrowsers
     current directory, by asking this querySignal (which is nice sometimes)."

    ^ CurrentFileInDirectoryQuerySignal

    "return the signal raised if positioning is attempted to an
     invalid position (i.e. before the begin of the stream or after
     the end)"

    ^ InvalidPositionErrorSignal
! !

!PositionableStream class methodsFor:'constants'!

    "return the number, which marks the initial position.
     Compatibility Notice:
	For historical reasons, ST/X starts with a 1-position (i.e. as in collections),
	while ST-80 uses 0-based postions for streams and 1-based positions for collections.

     To allow for portable code, this method can be asked to return the initial position.
     (for code, which ought to execute under other systems, use:
	posZero := (PositionableStream class respondsTo:#zeroPosition) 
			ifTrue:[PositionableStream zeroPosition]

     Be prepared for this to be changed to return 0 as other ST's do.

    ^ ZeroPosition
! !

!PositionableStream class methodsFor:'queries'!

    "during a fileIn (if a script), the script can ask for the current directory"

    ^ CurrentFileInDirectoryQuerySignal query
! !

!PositionableStream methodsFor:'Compatibility-Dolphin'!

    self nextPutChunkSeparator
! !

!PositionableStream methodsFor:'accessing'!

    ^ collection

    "return the entire contents of the stream"

    ^ collection

    "look ahead for and return the next element"


    peekObject := self next.
    self backStep.
    ^ peekObject

    "return true and advance if the next elements are the same
     as aCollection. 
     otherwise stay and let the position unchanged"


    oldPos := self position.
    (self next:(aCollection size)) = aCollection ifTrue:[
	^ true
    self position:oldPos.
    ^ false

    "Created: 1.3.1997 / 15:11:25 / cg"

    "return the read-limit; thats the position at which EOF is returned"

    ^ readLimit

    "Created: / 30.10.1998 / 16:47:04 / cg"

    "set the read-limit; thats the position at which EOF is returned"

    readLimit := aNumber

    "set the writeLimit; thats the position after which writing is prohibited"

    writeLimit := aNumber
! !

!PositionableStream methodsFor:'fileIn'!

    "launch a box asking if a debugger is wanted - used when an error
     occurs while filing in"

    ^ self askForDebug:message canContinueForAll:false

askForDebug:message canContinueForAll:canContinueForAll
    "launch a box asking if a debugger is wanted - used when an error
     occurs while filing in"

    |labels values|

    Smalltalk isInitialized ifFalse:[
        'PositionableStream [warning]: fileIn error during startup: ' errorPrint. message errorPrintCR.
        ^ #debug
    "/ are we in the startup sequence of an image restart ?
    Processor activeProcessIsSystemProcess ifTrue:[
        'PositionableStream [warning]: fileIn error during startup: ' errorPrint. message errorPrintCR.
        ^ #continue

    canContinueForAll ifTrue:[
          labels := #('Cancel' 'Skip' 'Debug' 'Dont ask again' 'Continue').
          values := #(#abort   #skip  #debug  #continueForAll #continue).
    ] ifFalse:[
          labels := #('Cancel' 'Skip' 'Debug' 'Continue').
          values := #(#abort  #skip   #debug #continue).
    AbortAllSignal isHandled ifTrue:[
      labels := #('Cancel All') , labels.
      values := #(#cancelAll) , values.

    ^ OptionBox 
          label:'Error in fileIn'
          form:(WarningBox iconBitmap)

    "Modified: 10.1.1997 / 18:00:56 / cg"

basicFileInNotifying:someone passChunk:passChunk
    "central method to file in from the receiver, i.e. read chunks and evaluate them -
     return the value of the last chunk.
     Someone (which is usually some codeView) is notified of errors."

    |lastValue pkg spc spaces
     packageQuerySignal nameSpaceQuerySignal usedNameSpaceQuerySignal
     defaultApplicationQuerySignal defaultApplication
     confirmationQuerySignal handledSignals passedSignals
     dontAskSignals askSomeoneForPackage redef outerContext|

    self skipSeparators.
    lastValue := self peek.
    lastValue == $< ifTrue:[
        "/ assume, its an xml file
        ^ self fileInXMLNotifying:someone passChunk:passChunk.
    lastValue == $# ifTrue:[
        "assume unix interpreter name:
         '#!!stx -e' or something like this"
        self nextPeek == $!! ifTrue:[
            "skip the unix command line"
            self nextLine
        ] ifFalse:[
             self error:'Invalid chunk start'

    Smalltalk::Compiler isNil ifTrue:[
        self isFileStream ifTrue:[
            Transcript show:('[' , self pathName , '] ').
        Transcript showCR:'cannot fileIn (no compiler).'.
        ^ nil.

    "/ support for V'Age applications
    defaultApplicationQuerySignal := Class defaultApplicationQuerySignal.
    changeDefaultApplicationNotificationSignal := Class changeDefaultApplicationNotificationSignal.

    "/ support for ST/X's namespaces & packages
    packageQuerySignal := Class packageQuerySignal.
    nameSpaceQuerySignal := Class nameSpaceQuerySignal.
    usedNameSpaceQuerySignal := Class usedNameSpaceQuerySignal.

    (someone respondsTo:#packageToInstall) ifFalse:[
        pkg := packageQuerySignal query.
        askSomeoneForPackage := false.
    ] ifTrue:[
        pkg := someone packageToInstall.
        askSomeoneForPackage := true.
    (someone respondsTo:#currentNameSpace) ifFalse:[
        spc := nameSpaceQuerySignal query.
    ] ifTrue:[
        spc := someone currentNameSpace
    (someone respondsTo:#usedNameSpaces) ifFalse:[
        spaces := usedNameSpaceQuerySignal query.
    ] ifTrue:[
        spaces := someone usedNameSpaces
    (someone respondsTo:#defaultApplication) ifFalse:[
        defaultApplication := defaultApplicationQuerySignal query.
    ] ifTrue:[
        defaultApplication := someone defaultApplication

    confirmationQuerySignal := Metaclass confirmationQuerySignal.

    passedSignals := IdentitySet new.

    handledSignals := SignalSet new.
    handledSignals add:changeDefaultApplicationNotificationSignal.
    passedSignals add:changeDefaultApplicationNotificationSignal.
    handledSignals add:defaultApplicationQuerySignal.
    passedSignals add:defaultApplicationQuerySignal.

    handledSignals add:packageQuerySignal.
    handledSignals add:usedNameSpaceQuerySignal.
    handledSignals add:nameSpaceQuerySignal.

    handledSignals add:Error.
    passedSignals add:Error.

    handledSignals add:(Class methodRedefinitionSignal).
    passedSignals add:(Class methodRedefinitionSignal).
    handledSignals add:(Class classRedefinitionSignal).
    passedSignals add:(Class classRedefinitionSignal).
    handledSignals add:confirmationQuerySignal.
    passedSignals add:confirmationQuerySignal.

    outerContext := thisContext.

    handledSignals handle:[:ex |
        |sig action what sender msg param oldPackage newPackage proceedValue

        sig := ex signal.
"/sig == packageQuerySignal ifTrue:[
"/self halt.
        (passedSignals includes:sig) ifTrue:[
            (sig isHandledIn:outerContext) ifTrue:[
                ex reject
        sig == changeDefaultApplicationNotificationSignal ifTrue:[
            "/ invoked via #becomeDefault to set the defaultApp and the package.
            "/ (only when filing in V'Age code)
            defaultApplication := ex parameter.
            pkg := defaultApplication name asSymbol.
            ex proceedWith:nil
        sig == defaultApplicationQuerySignal ifTrue:[
            "/ query for the application to add classes & methods into
            "/ (only when filing in V'Age code)
            ex proceedWith:defaultApplication
        sig == packageQuerySignal ifTrue:[
            "/ query for the package to use for classes & methods
            askSomeoneForPackage ifTrue:[
                ex proceedWith:someone packageToInstall
            ] ifFalse:[
                ex proceedWith:pkg
        sig == usedNameSpaceQuerySignal ifTrue:[
            "/ query for the namespaces searched when encountering globals
            ex proceedWith:spaces
        sig == nameSpaceQuerySignal ifTrue:[
            "/ query for the namespace to install new classes in
            ex proceedWith:spc
        sig == confirmationQuerySignal ifTrue:[
            ex proceedWith:false "/ no dialogs popping up

        sig == Stream endOfStreamSignal ifTrue:[
            ex reject

        sig == Signal noHandlerSignal ifTrue:[
            ex parameter rejected ifTrue:[
                ex reject

        (dontAskSignals notNil and:[dontAskSignals includesKey:sig]) ifTrue:[
            ex proceedWith:(dontAskSignals at:sig)

        canContinueForAll := false.
        redef := false.

        "/ for your convenience ...
        (sig == Class methodRedefinitionSignal) ifTrue:[
            param := ex parameter. "/ an association: oldMethod -> newMethod
            oldPackage := param key package.
            newPackage := param value package.
            msg := 'trying to overwrite method:\\    ' , param key whoString , '\\in package ''' 
                   , oldPackage , ''' with method from package ''' , newPackage , ''''.
            canContinueForAll := true.
        ] ifFalse:[
            (sig == Class classRedefinitionSignal) ifTrue:[
                param := ex parameter. "/ an association: oldClass -> newClass
                oldPackage := param key package.
                newPackage := param value package.
                msg := 'trying to redefine class: ' , param key name allBold , '\\in package ''' 
                       , oldPackage , ''' with new definition from package ''' , newPackage , ''''.
                canContinueForAll := true.
                redef := true.
            ] ifFalse:[
                msg := 'error in fileIn: %1'

        what := ex description.
        what isNil ifTrue:[
            what := ex signal notifierString.

        msg := msg bindWith:what.

        "/ handle the case where no GUI has been built in,
        "/ just abort the fileIn with a notification

        Display isNil ifTrue:[
            sender := ex suspendedContext sender.
            msg := msg , ('\\in ' , sender receiver class name , '>>>' , sender selector) withCRs.
            self notify:msg.
            ex return

        sig == HaltInterrupt ifTrue:[
            sender := ex suspendedContext.
            msg := msg , ('\\in ' , sender receiver class name , '>>>' , sender selector) withCRs

        "/ otherwise ask what should be done now and either
        "/ continue or abort the fileIn

        redef ifTrue:[
            action := OptionBox 
                          request:(msg withCRs) 
                          label:'Class redefinition in fileIn'
                          form:(WarningBox iconBitmap)
"/ cg: now always keep the old packageID
"/                          buttonLabels:#('cancel' 'skip' 'debug' 'keep' 'keep all' 'continue' 'continue all')
"/                          values:#(#abort #skip #debug #keep #keepAll #continue #continueForAll)
                          buttonLabels:#('Cancel' 'Skip' 'Debug' 'Continue' 'Continue All')
                          values:#(#abort #skip #debug #keep #keepAll)
        ] ifFalse:[
            action := self askForDebug:msg withCRs canContinueForAll:canContinueForAll.
        action == #continueForAll ifTrue:[
            dontAskSignals isNil ifTrue:[
                dontAskSignals := IdentityDictionary new.
            dontAskSignals at:sig put:#continue.
            action := proceedValue := #continue.
        ] ifFalse:[
            action == #keepForAll ifTrue:[
                dontAskSignals isNil ifTrue:[
                    dontAskSignals := IdentityDictionary new.
                dontAskSignals at:sig put:#keep.
                action := #continue.
                proceedValue := #keep.
            ] ifFalse:[
                action == #keep ifTrue:[
                    action := #continue.
                    proceedValue := #keep.

        action == #continue ifTrue:[
            ex proceedWith:proceedValue
        action == #abort ifTrue:[
            AbortSignal raise.
            ex return
        action == #cancelAll ifTrue:[
            AbortAllSignal raise.
            ex return
        action == #skip ifTrue:[
            ex proceedWith:nil
        action == #debug ifTrue:[
            Debugger enter:ex suspendedContext 
                     withMessage:ex description 
            ex proceedWith:proceedValue

        "/ (ex signal) enterDebuggerWith:ex message:what.
        ex reject
    ] do:[
        [self atEnd] whileFalse:[
            lastValue := self fileInNextChunkNotifying:someone passChunk:passChunk
    ^ lastValue

    "Modified: / 10.9.1999 / 16:54:01 / stefan"
    "Modified: / 16.11.2001 / 16:21:28 / cg"

    "file in from the receiver, i.e. read chunks and evaluate them -
     return the value of the last chunk."


    SourceFileLoader notNil ifTrue:[
        notifiedLoader := SourceFileLoader on:self.

    ^ self fileInNotifying:notifiedLoader passChunk:true.

    "file in from the receiver, i.e. read binary stored classes and/or objects.
     Return the last object."

    |bos obj|

    bos := BinaryObjectStorage onOld:self.
    Class nameSpaceQuerySignal 
	    [self atEnd] whileFalse:[
		obj := bos next.
    bos close.
    ^ obj

    "Created: / 13.11.2001 / 10:12:30 / cg"
    "Modified: / 13.11.2001 / 10:14:04 / cg"

    "read next chunk, evaluate it and return the result;
     someone (which is usually some codeView) is notified of errors.
     Filein is done as follows:
	read a chunk
	if it started with an excla, evaluate it, and let the resulting object
	fileIn more chunks.
	This is a nice trick, since the methodsFor: expression evaluates to
	a ClassCategoryReader which reads and compiles chunks for its class.
	However, other than methodsFor expressions are possible - you can
	(in theory) create readers for any syntax.

    ^ self fileInNextChunkNotifying:someone passChunk:false

fileInNextChunkNotifying:someone passChunk:passChunk
    "read next chunk, evaluate it and return the result;
     someone (which is usually some codeView) is notified of errors.
     Filein is done as follows:
	read a chunk
	if it started with an excla, evaluate it, and let the resulting object
	fileIn more chunks.
	This is a nice trick, since the methodsFor: expression evaluates to
	a ClassCategoryReader which reads and compiles chunks for its class.
	However, other than methodsFor expressions are possible - you can
	(in theory) create readers for any syntax.

    ^ self fileInNextChunkNotifying:someone passChunk:passChunk silent:nil

fileInNextChunkNotifying:someone passChunk:passChunk silent:beSilent
    "read next chunk, evaluate it and return the result;
     someone (which is usually some codeView) is notified of errors.
     Filein is done as follows:
	read a chunk
	if it started with an excla, evaluate it, and let the resulting object
	fileIn more chunks.
	This is a nice trick, since the methodsFor: expression evaluates to
	a ClassCategoryReader which reads and compiles chunks for its class.
	However, other than methodsFor expressions are possible - you can
	(in theory) create readers for any syntax.

    |aString sawExcla rslt done|

    self skipSeparators.
    self atEnd ifFalse:[
	sawExcla := self peekFor:(self class chunkSeparator).
	aString := self nextChunk.
	"/ handle empty chunks;
	"/ this allows for Squeak code to be filedIn
	[aString size == 0
	and:[self atEnd not]] whileTrue:[
	    aString := self nextChunk.
	aString size ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
	    passChunk ifTrue:[
		someone notNil ifTrue:[someone source:aString]
	    sawExcla ifFalse:[
		rslt := Smalltalk::Compiler evaluate:aString notifying:someone.
	    ] ifTrue:[
		Smalltalk::Compiler emptySourceNotificationSignal handle:[:ex |
		    ^ nil
		] do:[
		    rslt := Smalltalk::Compiler evaluate:aString notifying:someone compile:false.

		 usually, the above chunk consists of some methodsFor:-expression
		 in this case, the returned value is a ClassCategoryReader,
		 which is used to load & compile the methods ...
		rslt isNil ifTrue:[
		     however, if that was nil (i.e. some error), we skip chunks
		     up to the next empty chunk.
		    Transcript showCR:'skipping chunks ...'.
		    done := false.
		    [done] whileFalse:[
			aString := self nextChunk.
			done := (aString size == 0).
		] ifFalse:[
		    rslt := rslt 
    ^ rslt

    "Modified: 14.10.1997 / 17:10:35 / cg"

fileInNotifying:notifiedLoader passChunk:passChunk
    "central method to file in from the receiver, i.e. read chunks and evaluate them -
     return the value of the last chunk.
     Someone (which is usually some codeView) is notified of errors."

    self isFileStream ifFalse:[
        ^ self basicFileInNotifying:notifiedLoader passChunk:passChunk.

    ^ self fileInNotifying:notifiedLoader passChunk:passChunk inDirectory:(self pathName asFilename directory).

fileInNotifying:notifiedLoader passChunk:passChunk inDirectory:aDirectory
    "central method to file in from the receiver, i.e. read chunks and evaluate them -
     return the value of the last chunk.
     Someone (which is usually some codeView) is notified of errors."

    |oldPath val thisDirectory thisDirectoryPathName|

    thisDirectory := aDirectory asFilename.
    thisDirectoryPathName := thisDirectory pathName.
    oldPath := Smalltalk systemPath.

        Smalltalk systemPath:(oldPath copy addFirst:thisDirectoryPathName; yourself).
        CurrentFileInDirectoryQuerySignal answer:thisDirectory do:[
            val := self basicFileInNotifying:notifiedLoader passChunk:passChunk.
    ] ensure:[
        "take care, someone could have changed SystemPath during fileIn!!"
        (Smalltalk systemPath copyFrom:2) = oldPath ifTrue:[
            Smalltalk systemPath:oldPath.
        ] ifFalse:[
            (oldPath includes:thisDirectoryPathName) ifFalse:[
                Smalltalk systemPath remove:thisDirectoryPathName ifAbsent:[].
                Smalltalk flushPathCaches.
    ^ val

fileInXMLNotifying:someone passChunk:passChunk
    "filein an XML source file (format as in campSmalltalk DTD)"

    | builder parser|

    (XML isNil or:[XML::SourceNodeBuilder isNil or:[XML::XMLParser isNil]]) ifTrue:[
	Smalltalk loadPackage:'stx:goodies/xml/vw'.
	(XML isNil or:[XML::SourceNodeBuilder isNil or:[XML::XMLParser isNil]]) ifTrue:[
	    self error:'Could not load XML package(s) from ''stx:goodies/xml/vw'''.

    builder := XML::SourceNodeBuilder new.
    parser := XML::XMLParser on:self.
    parser builder:builder.
    parser validate:false.
    parser scanDocument.
    "/ self halt.
! !

!PositionableStream methodsFor:'positioning'!

    "move backward read position by one"

    self position:(self position - 1)

    "return the read position"

    ZeroPosition == 0 ifTrue:[
        ^ self position0Based
    ] ifFalse:[
        ^ self position1Based

    "return the read position 0-based"

    ^ position - ZeroPosition

    "set the read (or write) position"

    ((index0Based > readLimit) or:[index0Based < 0]) ifTrue: [^ self positionError:index0Based].
    position := index0Based + ZeroPosition

    "return the read position 1-based"

    ^ self position0Based + 1

    "set the read (or write) position"

    self position0Based:(index1Based - 1)


     s := '1234567890' readStream.
     s next:5.
     s position:1.
     s next:7.       


     s := '' writeStream.
     s nextPutAll:'1234567890'.
     s position:5.
     s nextPutAll:'abcdefg'.
     s contents 


     s := '' writeStream.
     s nextPutAll:'1234567890'.
     s position:0.
     s nextPutAll:'abcdefg'.
     s contents 

    "set the read (or write) position"

    ZeroPosition == 0 ifTrue:[
        ^ self position0Based:newPos
    ] ifFalse:[
        ^ self position1Based:newPos


     s := '1234567890' readStream.
     s next:5.
     s position:1.
     s next:7.       


     s := '' writeStream.
     s nextPutAll:'1234567890'.
     s position:5.
     s nextPutAll:'abcdefg'.
     s contents 


     s := '' writeStream.
     s nextPutAll:'1234567890'.
     s position:0.
     s nextPutAll:'abcdefg'.
     s contents 

    "set the read position to the beginning of the collection"

    self resetPosition


     s := 'hello world' readStream.
     Transcript showCR:(s next:5).
     s reset.
     Transcript showCR:(s next:10).

    "set the read position to the beginning of the collection"

    position := ZeroPosition


     s := 'hello world' readStream.
     Transcript showCR:(s next:5).
     s reset.
     Transcript showCR:(s next:10).

    "set the read position to the end of the collection"

    position := readLimit - 1 + ZeroPosition

    "skip the next numberToSkip elements"

    numberToSkip ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
	self position:(self position + numberToSkip)

    "skip for and through the sequence given by the argument, aCollection;
     return nil if not found, self otherwise. 
     On a successful match, the next read will return elements after aCollection;
     if no match was found, the receiver will be positioned at the end.
     This is redefined here, to make use of positioning."

    |buffer len first idx|

    len := aCollection size.
    first := aCollection at:1.
    [self atEnd] whileFalse:[
        buffer := self nextAvailable:len.
        buffer = aCollection ifTrue:[
            ^ self
        idx := buffer indexOf:first startingAt:2.
        idx == 0 ifFalse:[
            self position:(self position - len + idx - 1)
    ^ nil

     s := ReadStream on:'12345678901234567890'.
     s skipThroughAll:'901'.
     s upToEnd  
     s := ReadStream on:'12345678901234567890'.
     s skipThroughAll:'1234'.
     s upToEnd  
     s := ReadStream on:'12345678901234567890'.
     s skipThroughAll:'999'.
     s atEnd  

    "Created: 26.6.1996 / 09:35:35 / cg"
    "Modified: 11.1.1997 / 19:16:38 / cg"

    "skip for the sequence given by the argument, aCollection;
     return nil if not found, self otherwise. 
     On a successful match, the next read will return elements of aCollection."

    |oldPos buffer len first idx|

    oldPos := self position.
    len := aCollection size.
    first := aCollection at:1.
    [self atEnd] whileFalse:[
        buffer := self next:len.
        buffer = aCollection ifTrue:[
            self position:(self position - len).
            ^ self
        idx := buffer indexOf:first startingAt:2.
        idx == 0 ifFalse:[
            self position:(self position - len + idx - 1)
    self position:oldPos.
    ^ nil

     s := ReadStream on:'12345678901234567890'.
     s skipToAll:'901'.
     s upToEnd  

    "Modified: 26.6.1996 / 09:28:27 / cg"
    "Created: 26.6.1996 / 09:35:06 / cg"
! !

!PositionableStream methodsFor:'private'!

    "return a class of which instances will be returned, when
     parts of the collection are asked for. 
     (see upTo-kind of methods in subclasses)"

    ^ collection species

    "setup for streaming on aCollection"

    collection := aCollection.
    readLimit := aCollection size.
    position := ZeroPosition

on:aCollection from:first to:last
    "setup for streaming on aCollection from first to last"

    collection := aCollection.
    position := first - 1 + ZeroPosition.
    readLimit := last

    "{ Pragma: +optSpace }"

    "report an error when positioning past the end
     or before the beginning."

    ^ InvalidPositionErrorSignal raiseRequestWith:nil

    "Modified: / 26.7.1999 / 10:59:13 / stefan"

    "{ Pragma: +optSpace }"

    "report an error when positioning past the end
     or before the beginning."

    ^ InvalidPositionErrorSignal raiseRequestWith:badPostition

    "setup for streaming to the end of aCollection"

    collection := aCollection.
    readLimit := aCollection size + 1.
    self setToEnd
! !

!PositionableStream methodsFor:'queries'!

    "return true, if the stream supports positioning (this one is)"

    ^ true
! !

!PositionableStream methodsFor:'reading'!

    "read until a subcollection consisisting of the elements in aCollection
     is encountered.
     Return everything read excluding the elements in aCollection.
     The position is left before the collection; i.e. the next
     read operations will return those elements.
     If no such subcollection is encountered, all elements up to the end 
     are read and returned.
     See also #throughAll: which also reads up to some objects
     but positions behind it and DOES include it in the returned
     See also #upToAllExcluding:, which returns the same, but leaves the
     read pointer after the matched subcollection.

     Note: this behavior is inconsistent with the other upTo.. methods,
	   which position after the found item. We implement the method
	   this way for the sake of ST80-compatibility."

    |answerStream element last rslt|

    last := aCollection last.
    answerStream := WriteStream on:(self contentsSpecies new).
    [self atEnd] whileFalse:[
	element := self next.
	answerStream nextPut:element.
	element == last ifTrue:[
	    ((rslt := answerStream contents) endsWith:aCollection) ifTrue:[
		self position:(self position - aCollection size).
		^ rslt copyWithoutLast:aCollection size
    ^ answerStream contents

     s := ReadStream on:'hello world'.
     Transcript show:'<'; show:(s upToAll:'wo'); showCR:'>'. 
     Transcript showCR:s atEnd.
     Transcript show:'<'; show:(s upToEnd); showCR:'>'. 
     s := ReadStream on:'hello world'.
     Transcript show:'<'; show:(s upToAll:'xx'); showCR:'>'. 
     Transcript showCR:s atEnd.
     Transcript show:'<'; show:(s upToEnd); showCR:'>'. 

    "Modified: / 12.1.1998 / 22:06:42 / cg"
    "Created: / 12.1.1998 / 22:07:01 / cg"
! !

!PositionableStream methodsFor:'testing'!

    "return true, if the read-position is at the end"

    ^ (position - ZeroPosition + 1) > readLimit

    "return true, if the contents of the stream is empty"

    ^ readLimit == 0
! !

!PositionableStream class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/PositionableStream.st,v 1.139 2004-04-15 13:44:11 stefan Exp $'
! !

PositionableStream initialize!