author Jan Vrany <>
Wed, 13 Jun 2018 14:39:23 +0000
changeset 23108 77cd6e1625e1
parent 17929 8b88d7871e6f
permissions -rw-r--r--

#encoding utf-8

; $Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/resources/,v 1.2 2004/03/15 16:39:09 cg Exp $
; Japanese strings
; this file is UTF8 encoded and
; contains 8bit and invisible escape characters;
; DONT EDIT this file with an old vi !

; cg:
;    HELP Please.
;    could someone check this document and return
;    a fixed (completed) one ?

'january'     '一月'
'february'    '二月'
'march'       '三月'
'april'       '四月'
'may'         '五月'
'june'        '六月'
'july'        '七月'
'august'      '八月'
'september'   '九月'
'october'     '十月'
'november'    '十一月'
'december'    '十二月'

; I guess there is no abbreviation

'jan'         '一月'
'feb'         '二月'
'mar'         '三月'
'apr'         '四月'
MAY_ABBREV    '五月'
'jun'         '六月'
'jul'         '七月'
'aug'         '八月'
'sep'         '九月'
'oct'         '十月'
'nov'         '十一月'
'dec'         '十二月'

'monday'      '月曜日'
'tuesday'     '火曜日'
'wednesday'   '水曜日'
'thursday'    '木曜日'
'friday'      '金曜日'
'saturday'    '土曜日'
'sunday'      '日曜日'

'mon'         '月曜'
'tue'         '火曜'
'wed'         '水曜'
'thu'         '木曜'
'fri'         '金曜'
'sat'         '土曜'
'sun'         '日曜'