author claus
Mon, 20 Dec 1993 18:32:29 +0100
changeset 27 d98f9dd437f7
parent 11 6bf3080856be
child 36 3aaa5da942a8
permissions -rw-r--r--
*** empty log message ***

 COPYRIGHT (c) 1989 by Claus Gittinger
              All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.

ArrayedCollection variableSubclass:#Array

Array comment:'

COPYRIGHT (c) 1989 by Claus Gittinger
              All Rights Reserved

Arrays store general objects; the size is fixed, so add/remove is not
allowed. Access to the elements is via an Integer index. Since Arrays
are used very often in the system, some methods have been tuned by
reimplementation as primitive.

$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/,v 1.6 1993-12-11 00:39:56 claus Exp $

written spring 89 by claus

!Array class methodsFor:'queries'!

    "this class is known by the run-time-system"

    ^ self == Array
! !

!Array methodsFor:'accessing'!

    "return the number of indexed elements in the receiver"

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */

    RETURN ( _MKSMALLINT(_arraySize(self) - _intVal(_ClassInstPtr(_qClass(self))->c_ninstvars) ));

    "return the indexed instance variable with index, anInteger
     - added here for speed"

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */

    REGISTER int indx;
    REGISTER int nIndex;
    OBJ cls;

    if (_isSmallInteger(index)) {
        indx = _intVal(index) - 1;
        if (indx >= 0) {
            nIndex = (_qSize(self) - OHDR_SIZE) / sizeof(OBJ);
	    if ((cls = _qClass(self)) != Array)
                indx += _intVal(_ClassInstPtr(cls)->c_ninstvars);
            if (indx < nIndex) {
                RETURN ( _InstPtr(self)->i_instvars[indx] );
    ^ super at:index

at:index put:anObject
    "store the 2nd arg, anObject as indexed instvar with index, anInteger.
     - added here for speed"

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */

    REGISTER int indx;
    REGISTER int nIndex;
    OBJ cls;

    if (_isSmallInteger(index)) {
        indx = _intVal(index) - 1;
        if (indx >= 0) {
            nIndex = (_qSize(self) - OHDR_SIZE) / sizeof(OBJ);
	    if ((cls = _qClass(self)) != Array)
                indx += _intVal(_ClassInstPtr(cls)->c_ninstvars);
            if (indx < nIndex) {
                _InstPtr(self)->i_instvars[indx] = anObject;
                __STORE(self, anObject);
                RETURN ( anObject );
    ^ super at:index put:anObject
! !

!Array methodsFor:'converting'!

    "return the receiver as an array"

    "could be an instance of a subclass..."
    self class == Array ifTrue:[
        ^ self
    ^ super asArray
! !

!Array methodsFor:'copying'!

    "reimplemented for speed if receiver is an Array"
    OBJ nObj, element;
    int mySize;
    int nIndex;
    REGISTER OBJ *srcP, *dstP;
    extern int newSpace;

    if (_qClass(self) == Array) {
        mySize = _qSize(self);
        _qAlignedNew(nObj, mySize + sizeof(OBJ), __context);
        if (nObj) {
            _InstPtr(nObj)->o_class = Array;

            nIndex = (mySize - OHDR_SIZE) / sizeof(OBJ);
            /* sorry: must take care of stores ... */
            srcP = _ArrayInstPtr(self)->a_element;
            dstP = _ArrayInstPtr(nObj)->a_element;
            while (nIndex--) {
                element = *srcP++;
                *dstP++ = element;
                __STORE(nObj, element);
            *dstP = something;
            __STORE(nObj, something);
            RETURN ( nObj );
    ^ super copyWith:something
! !

!Array methodsFor:'filling & replacing'!

from:index1 to:index2 put:anObject
    "reimplemented for speed if receiver is an Array"

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */

    REGISTER int index;
    int nIndex;
    int endIndex;
    REGISTER OBJ *dst;

    if ((_qClass(self) == Array)
     && _isSmallInteger(index1)
     && _isSmallInteger(index2)) {
        index = _intVal(index1) - 1;
        if (index >= 0) {
            nIndex = (_qSize(self) - OHDR_SIZE) / sizeof(OBJ);
            endIndex = _intVal(index2) - 1;
            if (endIndex < nIndex) {
                dst = &(_InstPtr(self)->i_instvars[index]);
#ifdef memset4
                memset4(dst, anObject, (endIndex-index+1));
                __STORE(self, anObject);
                if ((INT)anObject == 0) {
                    memset(dst, 0, (endIndex-index+1) * sizeof(OBJ));
                } else {
                    for (; index <= endIndex; index++) {
                        *dst++ = anObject;
                    __STORE(self, anObject);
                RETURN ( self );
    ^ super from:index1 to:index2 put:anObject

replaceFrom:start to:stop with:aCollection startingAt:repStart
    "reimplemented for speed if both receiver and aCollection are Arrays"

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */

    int nIndex, repNIndex;
    int startIndex, stopIndex;
    REGISTER OBJ *src;
    REGISTER OBJ *dst;
    int repStopIndex;
    REGISTER int repStartIndex;
    REGISTER int count;
    extern int newSpace;

    if ((_qClass(self) == Array)
     && (_Class(aCollection) == Array)
     && _isSmallInteger(start)
     && _isSmallInteger(stop)
     && _isSmallInteger(repStart)) {
        startIndex = _intVal(start) - 1;
        if (startIndex >= 0) {
            nIndex = (_qSize(self) - OHDR_SIZE) / sizeof(OBJ);
            stopIndex = _intVal(stop) - 1;
            count = stopIndex - startIndex + 1;
            if (count == 0) {
                RETURN ( self );
            if ((count > 0) && (stopIndex < nIndex)) {
                repStartIndex = _intVal(repStart) - 1;
                if (repStartIndex >= 0) {
                    repNIndex = (_qSize(aCollection) - OHDR_SIZE) / sizeof(OBJ);
                    repStopIndex = repStartIndex + (stopIndex - startIndex);
                    if (repStopIndex < repNIndex) {
                        src = &(_InstPtr(aCollection)->i_instvars[repStartIndex]);
                        dst = &(_InstPtr(self)->i_instvars[startIndex]);
                        if (aCollection == self) {
                            /* no need to check stores */
                            /* take care of overlapping copy */
                            if (src < dst) {
                                /* must do a reverse copy */
                                src += count;
                                dst += count;
                                while (count-- > 0) {
                                    *--dst = *--src;
                                RETURN ( self );
#ifdef bcopy4
                            bcopy4(src, dst, count);
                            bcopy(src, dst, count*sizeof(OBJ));
# else
                            while (count--) {
                                *dst++ = *src++;
# endif
                        } else {
                            while (count-- > 0) {
                                t = *src++;
                                *dst++ = t;
                                __STORE(self, t);
                        RETURN ( self );
    ^ super replaceFrom:start to:stop with:aCollection startingAt:repStart
! !

!Array methodsFor:'testing'!

    "return true, if the argument, anObject is contained in the array
     - reimplemented for speed"


%{  /* NOCONTEXT */

    REGISTER int index;
    int nIndex;

    nIndex = (_qSize(self) - OHDR_SIZE) / sizeof(OBJ);
    index = _intVal(_ClassInstPtr(_qClass(self))->c_ninstvars);

    /* quick check using == */
    o = anObject;
    while (index < nIndex) {
        if (_InstPtr(self)->i_instvars[index++] == o) {
            RETURN ( true );
    if (o == nil) {
        RETURN ( false );
    REGISTER int index;
    int nIndex;
    extern OBJ __eq;
    static struct inlineCache eq = _ILC1;

    nIndex = (_qSize(self) - OHDR_SIZE) / sizeof(OBJ);
    index = _intVal(_ClassInstPtr(_qClass(self))->c_ninstvars);

    /* slow check using = */

    while (index < nIndex) {
        element = _InstPtr(self)->i_instvars[index++];
        if (element != nil) {
            if ((*eq.ilc_func)(anObject,__eq, CON_COMMA nil,&eq,element)==true) {
                RETURN ( true );
    ^ false

indexOf:anElement startingAt:start
    "search the array for anElement; return index if found, 0 otherwise
     - reimplemented for speed"

    REGISTER int index;
    int nIndex, nInsts;
    extern OBJ __eq;
    static struct inlineCache eq = _ILC1;

    if (_isSmallInteger(start)) {
        index = _intVal(start) - 1;
        if (index >= 0) {
            nInsts = _intVal(_ClassInstPtr(_qClass(self))->c_ninstvars);
            index += nInsts;
            nIndex = (_qSize(self) - OHDR_SIZE) / sizeof(OBJ);
            if (anElement != nil) {
                while (index < nIndex) {
                    element = _InstPtr(self)->i_instvars[index++];
                    if (element != nil) {
                        if ((element == anElement) 
                         || ((*eq.ilc_func)(anElement,__eq, CON_COMMA nil,&eq,element) == true)) {
                            RETURN ( _MKSMALLINT(index - nInsts) );
            } else {
                /* search for nil */
                while (index < nIndex) {
                    if (_InstPtr(self)->i_instvars[index++] == nil) {
                        RETURN ( _MKSMALLINT(index - nInsts) );
    ^ 0

identityIndexOf:anElement startingAt:start
    "search the array for anElement; return index if found, 0 otherwise
     - reimplemented for speed"

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */

    REGISTER int index;
    REGISTER int nIndex;
    int nInsts;

    if (_isSmallInteger(start)) {
        index = _intVal(start) - 1;
        if (index >= 0) {
            nInsts = _intVal(_ClassInstPtr(_qClass(self))->c_ninstvars);
            index += nInsts;
            nIndex = (_qSize(self) - OHDR_SIZE) / sizeof(OBJ);
            el = anElement;
            op = & (_InstPtr(self)->i_instvars[index]);
            while (index++ < nIndex) {
                if (*op++ == el) {
                    RETURN ( _MKSMALLINT(index - nInsts) );
            RETURN ( _MKSMALLINT(0) );
    ^ super identityIndexOf:anElement startingAt:start
! !

!Array methodsFor:'printing & storing'!

    "return true, if the receiver can be used as a literal"

    self do:[:element |
        element isLiteral ifFalse:[^ false]
    ^ true

    self isLiteral ifTrue:[
        aStream nextPutAll:'#('.
        self do:[:element | element storeOn:aStream. aStream space].
        aStream nextPutAll:')'
    ] ifFalse:[
        super storeOn:aStream
! !

!Array methodsFor:'enumeration'!

    "evaluate the argument, aBlock for each element in the collection.
     - reimplemented for speed"

    |home element|
    REGISTER int index;
    int nIndex;
    extern OBJ _value_, Block;
    static struct inlineCache val = _ILC1;

    index = _intVal(_ClassInstPtr(_qClass(self))->c_ninstvars);
    nIndex = (_qSize(self) - OHDR_SIZE) / sizeof(OBJ);
    if (__isBlock(aBlock)
     && ((codeVal = _BlockInstPtr(aBlock)->b_code) != (OBJFUNC)nil)
     && (_BlockInstPtr(aBlock)->b_nargs == _MKSMALLINT(1))) {
        for (; index < nIndex; index++) {
            if (InterruptPending != nil) interruptL(__LINE__ COMMA_CON);

            (*codeVal)(aBlock, CON_COMMA  _InstPtr(self)->i_instvars[index]);
        home = _BlockInstPtr(aBlock)->b_home;
        rHome = home;
        if ((rHome == nil) || (_qSpace(rHome) >= STACKSPACE)) {
             * home will not move - keep in a fast register
            for (; index < nIndex; index++) {
                if (InterruptPending != nil) interruptL(__LINE__ COMMA_CON);

                (*codeVal)(rHome, CON_COMMA  _InstPtr(self)->i_instvars[index]);
        } else {
            for (; index < nIndex; index++) {
                if (InterruptPending != nil) interruptL(__LINE__ COMMA_CON);

                (*codeVal)(home, CON_COMMA  _InstPtr(self)->i_instvars[index]);
    } else {
        for (; index < nIndex; index++) {
            if (InterruptPending != nil) interruptL(__LINE__ COMMA_CON);

            (*val.ilc_func)(aBlock, _value_, CON_COMMA  nil, &val, 
    ^ self

    "evaluate the argument, aBlock for each element in the collection in reverse order.
     - reimplemented for speed"

    |home element|
    REGISTER int index;
    int nIndex, endIndex;
    extern OBJ _value_, Block;
    static struct inlineCache val = _ILC1;

    endIndex = _intVal(_ClassInstPtr(_qClass(self))->c_ninstvars);
    nIndex = (_qSize(self) - OHDR_SIZE) / sizeof(OBJ);
    if (__isBlock(aBlock)
     && ((codeVal = _BlockInstPtr(aBlock)->b_code) != (OBJFUNC)nil)
     && (_BlockInstPtr(aBlock)->b_nargs == _MKSMALLINT(1))) {
        for (index=nIndex-1; index >= endIndex; index--) {
            if (InterruptPending != nil) interruptL(__LINE__ COMMA_CON);
            (*codeVal)(aBlock, CON_COMMA  _InstPtr(self)->i_instvars[index]);
        home = _BlockInstPtr(aBlock)->b_home;
        for (index=nIndex-1; index >= endIndex; index--) {
            if (InterruptPending != nil) interruptL(__LINE__ COMMA_CON);
            (*codeVal)(home, CON_COMMA  _InstPtr(self)->i_instvars[index]);
    } else {
        for (index=nIndex=1; index >= endIndex; index--) {
            if (InterruptPending != nil) interruptL(__LINE__ COMMA_CON);
            (*val.ilc_func)(aBlock, _value_, CON_COMMA  nil, &val, 
    ^ self

from:start to:stop do:aBlock
    "evaluate the argument, aBlock for the elements starting at index start
     up to (and including) stop in the collection.
     - reimplemented for speed"

    |home element|
    REGISTER int index;
    int nIndex, nInsts;
    extern OBJ _value_, Block;
    static struct inlineCache val = _ILC1;
    int indexLow, indexHigh;

    if (_isSmallInteger(start) && _isSmallInteger(stop)) {
        indexLow = _intVal(start);
        if (indexLow > 0) {
            indexHigh = _intVal(stop);
            if (_qClass(self) != Array) {
                nInsts = _intVal(_ClassInstPtr(_qClass(self))->c_ninstvars);
                indexLow += nInsts;
                indexHigh += nInsts;
            nIndex = (_qSize(self) - OHDR_SIZE) / sizeof(OBJ);
            if (indexHigh <= nIndex) {
                if (__isBlock(aBlock)
                 && ((codeVal = _BlockInstPtr(aBlock)->b_code) != (OBJFUNC)nil)
                 && (_BlockInstPtr(aBlock)->b_nargs == _MKSMALLINT(1))) {
                    for (index=indexLow; index <= indexHigh; index++) {
                        if (InterruptPending != nil) interruptL(__LINE__ COMMA_CON);
                        (*codeVal)(aBlock, CON_COMMA  _InstPtr(self)->i_instvars[index]);
                    home = _BlockInstPtr(aBlock)->b_home;
                    rHome = home;
                    if ((rHome == nil) || (_qSpace(rHome) >= STACKSPACE)) {
                        for (index=indexLow; index <= indexHigh; index++) {
                            if (InterruptPending != nil) interruptL(__LINE__ COMMA_CON);
                            (*codeVal)(rHome, CON_COMMA  _InstPtr(self)->i_instvars[index]);
                    } else {
                        for (index=indexLow; index <= indexHigh; index++) {
                            if (InterruptPending != nil) interruptL(__LINE__ COMMA_CON);
                            (*codeVal)(home, CON_COMMA  _InstPtr(self)->i_instvars[index]);
                } else {
                    for (index=indexLow; index <= indexHigh; index++) {
                        if (InterruptPending != nil) interruptL(__LINE__ COMMA_CON);
                        element = _InstPtr(self)->i_instvars[index];
                        (*val.ilc_func) (aBlock, _value_, CON_COMMA  nil, &val, element);
                RETURN ( self );
    ^ super from:start to:stop do:aBlock

    "evaluate the argument, aBlock for each non-nil element"

    |home element|
    REGISTER int index;
    int nIndex;
    extern OBJ _value_, Block;
    static struct inlineCache val = _ILC1;

    index = _intVal(_ClassInstPtr(_qClass(self))->c_ninstvars);
    nIndex = (_qSize(self) - OHDR_SIZE) / sizeof(OBJ);
    if (__isBlock(aBlock)
     && ((codeVal = _BlockInstPtr(aBlock)->b_code) != (OBJFUNC)nil)
     && (_BlockInstPtr(aBlock)->b_nargs == _MKSMALLINT(1))) {
        for (; index < nIndex; index++) {
            if (InterruptPending != nil) interrupt(CONARG);

            element = _InstPtr(self)->i_instvars[index];
            if (element != nil)
                (*codeVal)(aBlock, CON_COMMA  element);
        home = _BlockInstPtr(aBlock)->b_home;
        for (; index < nIndex; index++) {
            if (InterruptPending != nil) interrupt(CONARG);

            element = _InstPtr(self)->i_instvars[index];
            if (element != nil)
                (*codeVal)(home, CON_COMMA  element);
    } else {
        for (; index < nIndex; index++) {
            if (InterruptPending != nil) interrupt(CONARG);

            element = _InstPtr(self)->i_instvars[index];
            if (element != nil)
                (*val.ilc_func)(aBlock, _value_, CON_COMMA  nil, &val, element);
    ^ self

    "add all elements of the receiver to aCollection.
     return aCollection."

    |stop "{ Class: SmallInteger }"|

    stop := self size.
    1 to:stop do:[:idx |
        aCollection add:(self at:idx)
    ^ aCollection
! !