Thu, 31 Jan 2019 15:28:43 +0100 Issue #252: User input checks - raise an error when the method parameter does not fit the requirements jv
Patrik Svestka <> [Thu, 31 Jan 2019 15:28:43 +0100] rev 23766
Issue #252: User input checks - raise an error when the method parameter does not fit the requirements - valueTypeAndSize: checking if nameString is a string if not, raise an error - deleteValueNamed: checking if nameString is a string if not, raise an error - deleteSubKeyNamed:flags: checking if nameString is a string if not, raise an error - subKeyNamed:flags:createIfAbsent: checking if subKeyString is a string if not, raise an error - valueNamed:put:unexpandedReferences: checking if nameString is a string if not, raise an error
Thu, 31 Jan 2019 14:10:54 +0100 Issue #250 User input checks - raise an error when the method parameter does not fit the requirements jv
Patrik Svestka <> [Thu, 31 Jan 2019 14:10:54 +0100] rev 23765
Issue #250 User input checks - raise an error when the method parameter does not fit the requirements - remoteKeyOnHost: changing hostName to hostNameString and added a hostNameString string check - subKeyAtIndex: added user input check if the subKeyIndex is an integer, if not raise an error - subKeyNameAndClassAtIndex: added user input check if the subKeyIndex is an integer, if not raise an error - valueNameAtIndex: added user input check if the valueIndex is an integer, if not raise an error - valueNamed: nameSring is not a string raise an error
Wed, 12 Dec 2018 14:40:27 +0100 Issue #252: Smalltak/X is writing Windows Registry only in ASCII but registry is UTF16 jv
Patrik Svestka <> [Wed, 12 Dec 2018 14:40:27 +0100] rev 23764
Issue #252: Smalltak/X is writing Windows Registry only in ASCII but registry is UTF16 - Adding valueTypeAndSize: which returns a dictionary (#registryType -> dataSize) (note: dataSize can be either in characters (sizeInChars) or bytes (sizeInBytes))
Mon, 10 Dec 2018 16:52:53 +0100 Issue #252: Smalltak/X is writing Windows Registry only in ASCII but registry is UTF16 jv
Patrik Svestka <> [Mon, 10 Dec 2018 16:52:53 +0100] rev 23763
Issue #252: Smalltak/X is writing Windows Registry only in ASCII but registry is UTF16 minor refactorings: - changed name to nameString to indicate that the parameter must be a string - deleted superfluous comment
Fri, 07 Dec 2018 14:33:23 +0100 Issue #252: Smalltak/X is writing Windows Registry only in ASCII but registry is UTF16 jv
Patrik Svestka <> [Fri, 07 Dec 2018 14:33:23 +0100] rev 23762
Issue #252: Smalltak/X is writing Windows Registry only in ASCII but registry is UTF16 subKeyNamed:flags:createIfAbsent: - removed a warning message by defining _disposition as DWORD instead of int - improved naming convention of Unicode16String
Fri, 07 Dec 2018 13:41:02 +0100 Issue #252: Smalltak/X is writing Windows Registry only in ASCII but registry is UTF16 jv
Patrik Svestka <> [Fri, 07 Dec 2018 13:41:02 +0100] rev 23761
Issue #252: Smalltak/X is writing Windows Registry only in ASCII but registry is UTF16 deleteSubKeyNamed:flags: refactorings - better naming convention of Unicode16String - improved error handling when flags are specified via ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER to avoid warning messages: - casting from FARPROC GetProcAddress() to (LONG (*) (HKEY hKey, LPCTSTR lpSubKey, REGSAM samDesired, DWORD Reserved)) GetProcAddress() (could be done shorter via typedef) - in RegDeleteKeyExWPtr cast from __unicode16StringVal -> (LPCTSTR) __unicode16StringVal(subKeyStringUtf16Z)
Fri, 07 Dec 2018 09:40:11 +0100 Issue #252: Smalltak/X is writing Windows Registry only in ASCII but registry is UTF16 jv
Patrik Svestka <> [Fri, 07 Dec 2018 09:40:11 +0100] rev 23760
Issue #252: Smalltak/X is writing Windows Registry only in ASCII but registry is UTF16 - removing name isString check on deleteValueNamed: and valueNamed:put:unexpandedReferences:
Thu, 06 Dec 2018 14:46:59 +0100 Issue #252: Smalltak/X is writing Windows Registry only in ASCII but registry is UTF16 jv
Patrik Svestka <> [Thu, 06 Dec 2018 14:46:59 +0100] rev 23759
Issue #252: Smalltak/X is writing Windows Registry only in ASCII but registry is UTF16 - refactor deleteValueNamed: to unicode version - minor: indent comments that needed
Wed, 05 Dec 2018 14:21:11 +0100 Issue #252: Smalltak/X is writing Windows Registry only in ASCII but registry is UTF16 jv
Patrik Svestka <> [Wed, 05 Dec 2018 14:21:11 +0100] rev 23758
Issue #252: Smalltak/X is writing Windows Registry only in ASCII but registry is UTF16 - created new method valueNamed:put:unexpandedReferences: - enables the user to create registry type REG_EXPAND_SZ if needed - now unicode (UTF-16) writing with all the registry types covered in tests in RegressionTests:Win32OperatingSystemTest - the datapointer is now void *datapointer type (from unsigned char) - removed the superfluous casts to (unsigned char *) - coververting name and data (that needs it) to name and data with null termination - using memcpy instead of strcpy to ignore any NULL characters in unicode - the previous method valueNamed:put: now calls the valueNamed:put:unexpandedReferences: with the unexpandedReferences: being always false minor refactoring: - defaultValue: datum -> defaultValue: data
Wed, 20 Feb 2019 14:29:04 +0100 #QUALITY by stefan
Stefan Vogel <> [Wed, 20 Feb 2019 14:29:04 +0100] rev 23757
#QUALITY by stefan Fix warnings about unsafe thisContext in inlined blocks class: Object changed: #assert:message: #recursionInterrupt #tracePoint: #tracePoint:message:
(0) -10000 -3000 -1000 -300 -100 -10 +10 +100 +300 +1000 tip