Merge jv
authorHG Automerge
Thu, 05 Jan 2017 21:02:10 +0000
changeset 21249 86c01ee5a76e
parent 21248 2346b1744906 (current diff)
parent 21219 31ce02101bb7 (diff)
child 21250 f856fbfcdc60
--- a/	Wed Dec 28 22:58:47 2016 +0000
+++ b/	Thu Jan 05 21:02:10 2017 +0000
@@ -903,16 +903,6 @@
 !AbstractOperatingSystem class methodsFor:'executing OS commands-implementation'!
-exec:aCommandPath withArguments:argArray environment:env fileDescriptors:fds fork:doFork newPgrp:newGrp inDirectory:aDirectory
-    "execute an OS command"
-    ^ self 
-        exec:aCommandPath withArguments:argArray environment:env fileDescriptors:fds fork:doFork 
-        newPgrp:newGrp inDirectory:aDirectory showWindow:false
-    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 14:46:15 / cg"
 exec:aCommandPath withArguments:argArray environment:env fileDescriptors:fds fork:doFork 
                   newPgrp:newGrp inDirectory:aDirectory showWindow:showWindowBooleanOrNil
     "execute an OS command"
@@ -941,243 +931,206 @@
 startProcess:aCommandString inputFrom:anExternalInStream outputTo:anExternalOutStream
-    errorTo:anExternalErrStream auxFrom:anExternalAuxStreamOrNil environment:environment inDirectory:dir
+    errorTo:anExternalErrStream auxFrom:anAuxiliaryStream
+    environment:anEvironmentDictionary inDirectory:dir newPgrp:newPgrp showWindow:showWindowBooleanOrNil
     "start executing the OS command as specified by the argument, aCommandString
      as a separate process; do not wait for the command to finish.
-     The commandString is passed to a shell for execution - see the description of
-     'sh -c' in your UNIX manual ('' in your MSDOS manual).
-     The command gets stdIn, stdOut and stdErr assigned from the arguments;
-     each may be nil.
-     Return the processId if successful, nil otherwise.
-     Use #monitorPid:action: for synchronization and exec status return,
-     or #killProcess: to stop it."
-    "raise an error: must be redefined in concrete subclass(es)"
-    ^ self 
-        startProcess:aCommandString inputFrom:anExternalInStream outputTo:anExternalOutStream
-        errorTo:anExternalErrStream auxFrom:anExternalAuxStreamOrNil 
-        environment:environment inDirectory:dir
-        showWindow:nil
-startProcess:aCommandString inputFrom:anExternalInStream outputTo:anExternalOutStream
-    errorTo:anExternalErrStream auxFrom:anExternalAuxStreamOrNil environment:environment 
-    inDirectory:dir newPgrp:newPgrp showWindow:showWindowBooleanOrNil
-    "start executing the OS command as specified by the argument, aCommandString
-     as a separate process; do not wait for the command to finish.
-     The commandString is passed to a shell for execution - see the description of
-     'sh -c' in your UNIX manual ('' in your MSDOS manual).
-     The command gets stdIn, stdOut and stdErr assigned from the arguments;
-     each may be nil.
-     Return the processId if successful, nil otherwise.
-     Use #monitorPid:action: for synchronization and exec status return,
-     or #killProcess: to stop it."
-    "raise an error: must be redefined in concrete subclass(es)"
-    ^ self subclassResponsibility
-startProcess:aCommandString inputFrom:anExternalInStream outputTo:anExternalOutStream
-    errorTo:anExternalErrStream auxFrom:anExternalAuxStreamOrNil environment:environment 
-    inDirectory:dir showWindow:showWindowBooleanOrNil
-    "start executing the OS command as specified by the argument, aCommandString
-     as a separate process; do not wait for the command to finish.
-     The commandString is passed to a shell for execution - see the description of
-     'sh -c' in your UNIX manual ('' in your MSDOS manual).
+     If aCommandString is a String, the commandString is passed to a shell for execution
+     - see the description of 'sh -c' in your UNIX manual ('' in your MSDOS manual).
+     If aCommandString is an Array, the first element is the command to be executed,
+     and the other elements are the arguments to the command. No shell is invoked in this case.
      The command gets stdIn, stdOut and stdErr assigned from the arguments;
      each may be nil.
      Return the processId if successful, nil otherwise.
      Use #monitorPid:action: for synchronization and exec status return,
      or #killProcess: to stop it."
-    "raise an error: must be redefined in concrete subclass(es)"
-    ^ self
-        startProcess:aCommandString inputFrom:anExternalInStream outputTo:anExternalOutStream
-        errorTo:anExternalErrStream auxFrom:anExternalAuxStreamOrNil environment:environment 
-        inDirectory:dir newPgrp:true showWindow:showWindowBooleanOrNil
-    "Modified: / 08-11-2016 / 21:24:27 / cg"
-! !
-!AbstractOperatingSystem class methodsFor:'executing OS commands-private'!
-shuffleAllFrom:anInStream to:anOutStream lineWise:lineWise lockWith:aLock
-    lineWise ifFalse:[
-	^ anInStream copyToEndInto:anOutStream.
+    |nullStream in out err shellAndArgs rslt auxFd|
+    aCommandString isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
+    (in := anExternalInStream) isNil ifTrue:[
+        nullStream := Filename nullDevice readWriteStream.
+        in := nullStream.
+    ].
+    (out := anExternalOutStream) isNil ifTrue:[
+        nullStream isNil ifTrue:[nullStream := Filename nullDevice writeStream].
+        out := nullStream.
+    ].
+    (err := anExternalErrStream) isNil ifTrue:[
+        err := out
+    ].
+    anAuxiliaryStream notNil ifTrue:[
+        auxFd := anAuxiliaryStream fileHandle.
-    [anInStream isOpen and:[anInStream atEnd not]] whileTrue:[
-	aLock critical:[
-	    self
-		shuffleFrom:anInStream
-		to:anOutStream
-		lineWise:lineWise
-	]
-    ]
-shuffleFrom:anInStream to:anOutStream lineWise:lineWise
-    "copy data from anInStream to anOutStream.
-     Caller makes sure, than anInStream does not block.
-     anOutstream should have been set to non-blocking-mode"
-    lineWise ifTrue:[
-	|data|
-	data := anInStream nextLine.
-	data notNil ifTrue:[
-	    anOutStream nextPutLine:data
-	] .
-    ] ifFalse:[
-	anInStream copyToEndInto:anOutStream.
+    shellAndArgs := self commandAndArgsForOSCommand:aCommandString.
+    rslt := self
+        exec:(shellAndArgs at:1)
+        withArguments:(shellAndArgs at:2)
+        environment:anEvironmentDictionary
+        fileDescriptors:(Array with:in fileHandle
+                               with:out fileHandle
+                               with:err fileHandle
+                               with:auxFd)
+        fork:true
+        newPgrp:newPgrp
+        inDirectory:dir
+        showWindow:(showWindowBooleanOrNil ? (shellAndArgs at:3)).
+    nullStream notNil ifTrue:[
+        nullStream close.
-shuffleRestFrom:anInStream to:anOutStream lineWise:lineWise
-    [anInStream atEnd] whileFalse:[
-	self
-	    shuffleFrom:anInStream
-	    to:anOutStream
-	    lineWise:lineWise.
-    ].
-    "start executing the OS command as specified by the argument, aCommandString
-     as a separate process; do not wait for the command to finish.
-     The commandString is passed to a shell for execution - see the description of
-     'sh -c' in your UNIX manual.
-     Return the processId if successful, nil otherwise.
-     Use #waitForProcess: for synchronization and exec status return,
-     or #killProcess: to stop it."
-    ^ self
-	startProcess:aCommandString
-	inputFrom:nil
-	outputTo:nil
-	errorTo:nil
-	auxFrom:nil
-	inDirectory:nil
-    "
-     |pid|
-     pid := OperatingSystem startProcess:'sleep 2; echo 1; sleep 2; echo 2'.
-     (Delay forSeconds:3) wait.
-     OperatingSystem killProcess:pid.
-    "
-    "
-     |pid|
-     pid := OperatingSystem startProcess:'dir/l'.
-     (Delay forSeconds:1) wait.
-     OperatingSystem killProcess:pid.
-    "
-    "
-     |pid|
-     pid := OperatingSystem
-		startProcess:'dir/l'
-		inputFrom:nil
-		outputTo:Stdout
-		errorTo:nil
-		inDirectory:nil.
-     (Delay forSeconds:2) wait.
-     OperatingSystem killProcess:pid.
-    "
+    ^ rslt
+    "blocking at current prio (i.e. only higher prio threads execute):
+     OperatingSystem executeCommand:'ls -l > out'.
+     OperatingSystem executeCommand:#('/bin/ls' '-l') outputTo:Transcript.
+    "
+    "non-blocking (lower prio threads continue):
+     |in out err pid sema|
+     in := 'out' asFilename readStream.
+     out := 'out2' asFilename writeStream.
+     err := 'err' asFilename writeStream.
+     sema := Semaphore new.
+     pid := OperatingSystem startProcess:'sleep 10; grep drw' inputFrom:in outputTo:out errorTo:err.
+     The following will no longer work. monitorPid has disappeared
+     pid notNil ifTrue:[
+         Processor monitorPid:pid action:[:osStatus | sema signal ].
+     ].
+     in close.
+     out close.
+     err close.
+     sema wait.
+     Transcript showCR:'finished'
+    "
+    "
+     |pid sema|
+     sema := Semaphore new.
+     Processor
+            monitor:[
+                pid := OperatingSystem startProcess:'(sleep 2; ls -l) > out 2>err'
+            ]
+            action:[:osStatus | sema signal ].
+     sema wait.
+     Transcript showCR:'finished'
+    "
+    "
+     |pid sema|
+     sema := Semaphore new.
+     Processor
+            monitor:[
+                pid := OperatingSystem startProcess:'(sleep 1; echo 1; sleep 9; ls -l) > out 2>err'
+            ]
+            action:[:osStatus | sema signal ].
+     Delay waitForSeconds:2.
+     OperatingSystem terminateProcess:pid.
+     Transcript showCR:'terminated'
+    "
+    "======================== WINDOWS: ==================================================================="
+     "blocking at current prio (i.e. only higher prio threads execute):
+     OperatingSystem executeCommand:'dir > out'.
+     OperatingSystem executeCommand:'tree /A' outputTo:Transcript.
+     OperatingSystem executeCommand:#('c:\windows\system32\' '/A' '/F') outputTo:Transcript.
+     OperatingSystem executeCommand:#('c:\windows\system32\where.exe' '/T' '*.dll') outputTo:Transcript.
+    "
+    "non-blocking (lower prio threads continue):
+     |in out err pid sema|
+     in := 'out' asFilename readStream.
+     out := 'out2' asFilename writeStream.
+     err := 'err' asFilename writeStream.
+     sema := Semaphore new.
+     pid := OperatingSystem startProcess:'sleep 10; grep drw' inputFrom:in outputTo:out errorTo:err.
+     The following will no longer work. monitorPid has disappeared
+     pid notNil ifTrue:[
+         Processor monitorPid:pid action:[:OSstatus | sema signal ].
+     ].
+     in close.
+     out close.
+     err close.
+     sema wait.
+     Transcript showCR:'finished'
+    "
+    "
+     |pid sema|
+     sema := Semaphore new.
+     Processor
+            monitor:[
+                pid := OperatingSystem startProcess:'dir > out 2>err'
+            ]
+            action:[:osStatus | sema signal ].
+     sema wait.
+     Transcript showCR:'finished'
+    "
+     |pid sema|
+     sema := Semaphore new.
+     Processor
+            monitor:[
+                pid := OperatingSystem startProcess:'(echo 1 & stx --eval "Delay waitForSeconds:100" & dir) >out' withCRs
+            ]
+            action:[:osStatus | sema signal ].
+     Delay waitForSeconds:5.
+     OperatingSystem terminateProcessGroup:pid.
+     Transcript showCR:'terminated'
+     |pid sema|
+     sema := Semaphore new.
+     Processor
+            monitor:[
+                pid := OperatingSystem startProcess:{ 'C:\Users\cg\work\stx\projects\smalltalk\' . '--eval' . '"Delay waitForSeconds:100"' }
+            ]
+            action:[:osStatus | sema signal ].
+     Delay waitForSeconds:5.
+     OperatingSystem terminateProcess:pid.
+     Transcript showCR:'terminated'
     "Modified: / 21.3.1997 / 10:04:35 / dq"
-    "Modified: / 10.11.1998 / 21:03:50 / cg"
-startProcess:aCommandString inDirectory:aDirectory
-    "start executing the OS command as specified by the argument, aCommandString
-     as a separate process; do not wait for the command to finish.
-     The commandString is passed to a shell for execution - see the description of
-     'sh -c' in your UNIX manual.
-     Return the processId if successful, nil otherwise.
-     Use #waitForProcess: for synchronization and exec status return,
-     or #killProcess: to stop it."
-    ^ self
-	startProcess:aCommandString
-	inputFrom:nil
-	outputTo:nil
-	errorTo:nil
-	auxFrom:nil
-	inDirectory:aDirectory
-    "
-     |pid|
-     pid := OperatingSystem startProcess:'sleep 2; echo 1; sleep 2; echo 2'.
-     (Delay forSeconds:3) wait.
-     OperatingSystem killProcess:pid.
-    "
-    "Modified: / 21.3.1997 / 10:04:35 / dq"
-    "Modified: / 28.1.1998 / 14:13:33 / md"
-    "Modified: / 10.11.1998 / 20:59:33 / cg"
-startProcess:aCommandString inputFrom:anExternalInStream outputTo:anExternalOutStream errorTo:anExternalErrStream
-    "start executing the OS command as specified by the argument, aCommandString
-     as a separate process; do not wait for the command to finish.
-     The commandString is passed to a shell for execution - see the description of
-     'sh -c' in your UNIX manual ('' in your MSDOS manual).
-     The command gets stdIn, stdOut and stdErr assigned from the arguments;
-     each may be nil.
-     Return the processId if successful, nil otherwise.
-     Use #monitorPid:action: for synchronization and exec status return,
-     or #killProcess: to stop it."
-     ^ self
-	startProcess:aCommandString
-	inputFrom:anExternalInStream
-	outputTo:anExternalOutStream
-	errorTo:anExternalErrStream
-	auxFrom:nil
-	inDirectory:nil
-    "Modified: / 10.11.1998 / 20:59:05 / cg"
-startProcess:aCommandString inputFrom:anExternalInStream outputTo:anExternalOutStream
-    errorTo:anExternalErrStream auxFrom:anAuxiliaryStream inDirectory:dir
-    ^ self
-	startProcess:aCommandString
-	inputFrom:anExternalInStream
-	outputTo:anExternalOutStream
-	errorTo:anExternalErrStream
-	auxFrom:anAuxiliaryStream
-	environment:nil
-	inDirectory:dir
-startProcess:aCommandString inputFrom:anExternalInStream outputTo:anExternalOutStream errorTo:anExternalErrStream inDirectory:dir
-    "start executing the OS command as specified by the argument, aCommandString
-     as a separate process; do not wait for the command to finish.
-     The commandString is passed to a shell for execution - see the description of
-     'sh -c' in your UNIX manual ('' in your MSDOS manual).
-     The command gets stdIn, stdOut and stdErr assigned from the arguments;
-     each may be nil.
-     Return the processId if successful, nil otherwise.
-     Use #monitorPid:action: for synchronization and exec status return,
-     or #killProcess: to stop it."
-    ^ self
-	startProcess:aCommandString
-	inputFrom:anExternalInStream
-	outputTo:anExternalOutStream
-	errorTo:anExternalErrStream
-	auxFrom:nil
-	inDirectory:dir
+    "Modified: / 15.7.1997 / 16:03:51 / stefan"
+    "Modified: / 5.6.1998 / 19:03:51 / cg"
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 14:39:20 / cg"
 ! !
 !AbstractOperatingSystem class methodsFor:'executing OS commands-public'!
@@ -1467,258 +1420,24 @@
         This argument is ignored on Unix systems.
         See examples below."
-    |pid exitStatus sema pIn pOut pErr pAux externalInStream externalOutStream externalErrStream externalAuxStream
-     shuffledInStream shuffledOutStream shuffledErrStream shuffledAuxStream
-     inputShufflerProcess outputShufflerProcess errorShufflerProcess auxShufflerProcess stopShufflers
-     inStreamToClose outStreamToClose errStreamToClose auxStreamToClose nullStream terminateLock
-     closeStreams|
-    terminateLock := Semaphore forMutualExclusion.
-    ((externalInStream := anInStream) notNil
-     and:[externalInStream isExternalStream not]) ifTrue:[
-        pIn := NonPositionableExternalStream makePipe.
-        inStreamToClose := externalInStream := pIn at:1.
-        shuffledInStream := pIn at:2.
-        anInStream isBinary ifTrue:[
-            shuffledInStream binary
-        ].
-        lineWise ifFalse:[
-            shuffledInStream blocking:false.
-        ].
-        "/ start a reader process, shuffling data from the given
-        "/ inStream to the pipe (which is connected to the commands input)
-        inputShufflerProcess :=
-            [
-                [
-                    [anInStream atEnd] whileFalse:[
-                        self shuffleFrom:anInStream to:shuffledInStream lineWise:lineWise.
-                        shuffledInStream flush
-                    ]
-                ] ensure:[
-                    shuffledInStream close
-                ]
-            ] newProcess
-                name:'cmd input shuffler';
-"/                beSystemProcess;
-                resume.
-    ].
-    ((externalOutStream := anOutStream) notNil
-     and:[externalOutStream isExternalStream not]) ifTrue:[
-        pOut := NonPositionableExternalStream makePipe.
-        shuffledOutStream := (pOut at:1).
-        anOutStream isBinary ifTrue:[
-            shuffledOutStream binary
-        ].
-        outStreamToClose := externalOutStream := pOut at:2.
-        outputShufflerProcess :=
-            [
-                WriteError handle:[:ex |
-                    "/ ignored
-                ] do:[
-                    self shuffleAllFrom:shuffledOutStream to:anOutStream lineWise:lineWise lockWith:terminateLock.
-                ].
-            ] newProcess
-                priority:(Processor userSchedulingPriority "+ 1");
-                name:'cmd output shuffler';
-"/                beSystemProcess;
-                resume.
-    ].
-    (externalErrStream := anErrStream) notNil ifTrue:[
-        anErrStream == anOutStream ifTrue:[
-            externalErrStream := externalOutStream
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            anErrStream isExternalStream ifFalse:[
-                pErr := NonPositionableExternalStream makePipe.
-                shuffledErrStream := (pErr at:1).
-                anErrStream isBinary ifTrue:[
-                    shuffledErrStream binary
-                ].
-                errStreamToClose := externalErrStream := pErr at:2.
-                errorShufflerProcess :=
-                    [
-                        self shuffleAllFrom:shuffledErrStream to:anErrStream lineWise:lineWise lockWith:terminateLock.
-                    ] newProcess
-                        priority:(Processor userSchedulingPriority + 1);
-                        name:'cmd err-output shuffler';
-"/                        beSystemProcess;
-                        resume.
-            ]
-        ]
-    ].
-    ((externalAuxStream := anAuxStream) notNil
-     and:[externalAuxStream isExternalStream not]) ifTrue:[
-        pAux := NonPositionableExternalStream makePipe.
-        auxStreamToClose := externalAuxStream := pAux at:1.
-        shuffledAuxStream := pAux at:2.
-        shuffledAuxStream blocking:false.
-        anAuxStream isBinary ifTrue:[
-            shuffledAuxStream binary
+        |osProcess|
+        osProcess := OSProcess new
+            command:aCommandStringOrArray;
+            inStream:anInStream;
+            outStream:anOutStream;
+            errorStream:anErrStream;
+            auxStream:anAuxStream;
+            environment:environmentDictionary;
+            directory:dirOrNil;
+            lineWise:lineWise;
+            showWindow:showWindowBooleanOrNil.
+        osProcess execute ifFalse:[
+            aBlock value:osProcess exitStatus.
+            ^ false.
-        "/ start a reader process, shuffling data from the given
-        "/ auxStream to the pipe (which is connected to the commands aux)
-        auxShufflerProcess :=
-            [
-                [
-                    [anAuxStream atEnd] whileFalse:[
-                        self shuffleFrom:anAuxStream to:shuffledAuxStream lineWise:false.
-                        shuffledAuxStream flush
-                    ]
-                ] ensure:[
-                    shuffledAuxStream close
-                ]
-            ] newProcess
-                name:'cmd aux shuffler';
-"/                beSystemProcess;
-                resume.
-    ].
-    stopShufflers := [:shuffleRest |
-            inputShufflerProcess notNil ifTrue:[
-                terminateLock critical:[inputShufflerProcess terminate].
-                inputShufflerProcess waitUntilTerminated
-            ].
-            auxShufflerProcess notNil ifTrue:[
-                terminateLock critical:[auxShufflerProcess terminate].
-                auxShufflerProcess waitUntilTerminated
-            ].
-            outputShufflerProcess notNil ifTrue:[
-                terminateLock critical:[outputShufflerProcess terminate].
-                outputShufflerProcess waitUntilTerminated.
-                shuffleRest ifTrue:[ self shuffleRestFrom:shuffledOutStream to:anOutStream lineWise:lineWise ].
-                shuffledOutStream close.
-            ].
-            errorShufflerProcess notNil ifTrue:[
-                terminateLock critical:[errorShufflerProcess terminate].
-                errorShufflerProcess waitUntilTerminated.
-                shuffleRest ifTrue:[ self shuffleRestFrom:shuffledErrStream to:anErrStream lineWise:lineWise ].
-                shuffledErrStream close.
-            ].
-        ].
-    closeStreams := [
-            inStreamToClose notNil ifTrue:[
-                inStreamToClose close
-            ].
-            errStreamToClose notNil ifTrue:[
-                errStreamToClose close
-            ].
-            outStreamToClose notNil ifTrue:[
-                outStreamToClose close
-            ].
-            auxStreamToClose notNil ifTrue:[
-                auxStreamToClose close
-            ].
-            nullStream notNil ifTrue:[
-                nullStream close
-            ].
-        ].
-    sema := Semaphore new name:'OS command wait'.
-    [
-        externalInStream isNil ifTrue:[
-            externalInStream := nullStream := Filename nullDevice readWriteStream.
-        ].
-        externalOutStream isNil ifTrue:[
-            nullStream isNil ifTrue:[nullStream := Filename nullDevice writeStream].
-            externalOutStream := nullStream.
-        ].
-        externalErrStream isNil ifTrue:[
-            externalErrStream := externalOutStream
-        ].
-        pid := Processor
-                    monitor:[
-                        self
-                            startProcess:aCommandStringOrArray
-                            inputFrom:externalInStream
-                            outputTo:externalOutStream
-                            errorTo:externalErrStream
-                            auxFrom:externalAuxStream
-                            environment:environmentDictionary
-                            inDirectory:dirOrNil
-                            newPgrp:newPgrp
-                            showWindow:showWindowBooleanOrNil
-                    ]
-                    action:[:status |
-                        status stillAlive ifFalse:[
-                            exitStatus := status.
-                            sema signal.
-                            self closePid:pid
-                        ]
-                    ].
-        pid isNil ifTrue:[
-            exitStatus := self osProcessStatusClass processCreationFailure
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            sema wait.
-        ].
-    ] ifCurtailed:[
-        closeStreams value.
-        pid notNil ifTrue:[
-            "/ terminate the os-command (and all of its forked commands)
-            self terminateProcessGroup:pid.
-            self terminateProcess:pid.
-            self closePid:pid.
-        ].
-        stopShufflers value:false.
-    ].
-    closeStreams value.
-    stopShufflers value:true.
-    (exitStatus isNil or:[exitStatus success]) ifFalse:[
-        ^ aBlock value:exitStatus
-    ].
-    ^ true
-    "
-        |outStream errStream|
-        outStream := '' writeStream.
-        OperatingSystem executeCommand:'ls -l'
-                        inputFrom:'abc' readStream
-                        outputTo:outStream
-                        errorTo:nil
-                        inDirectory:nil
-                        lineWise:true
-                        onError:[:exitStatus | ^ false].
-        outStream contents
-    "
-    "
-        |outStream errStream|
-        outStream := #[] writeStream.
-        OperatingSystem executeCommand:'cat'
-                        inputFrom:(ByteArray new:5000000) readStream
-                        outputTo:outStream
-                        errorTo:nil
-                        inDirectory:nil
-                        lineWise:false
-                        onError:[:exitStatus | ^ false].
-        outStream size
-    "
-    "
-        |outStream errStream|
-        outStream := '' writeStream.
-        OperatingSystem executeCommand:'gpg -s --batch --no-tty --passphrase-fd 0 /tmp/passwd'
-                        inputFrom:'bla' readStream
-                        outputTo:outStream
-                        errorTo:nil
-                        inDirectory:nil
-                        lineWise:true
-                        onError:[:exitStatus |  false].
-        outStream contents
-    "
-    "Modified: / 11-02-2007 / 20:54:39 / cg"
+        ^ true.
 executeCommand:aCommandStringOrArray inputFrom:anInStream outputTo:anOutStream
@@ -2780,12 +2499,11 @@
     "return true, if the OS can execute aCommand.
      For now, this only works with UNIX."
-    |fn fullPath|
-    fullPath := (self pathOfCommand:aCommandString).
+    |fullPath|
+    fullPath := self pathOfCommand:aCommandString.
     fullPath isNil ifTrue:[^ false].
-    fn := fullPath asFilename.
-    ^ fn exists and:[fn isExecutableProgram].
+    ^ fullPath asFilename isExecutableProgram.
      OperatingSystem canExecuteCommand:'fooBar'
@@ -2847,12 +2565,12 @@
     path := self pathOfCommand:(self nameOfSTXExecutable).
     path isNil ifTrue:[
-	'./stx' asFilename exists ifTrue:[
-	    path := './stx'
-	].
-    ].
-    path isNil ifTrue:[
-	 'OperatingSystem [warning]: cannot figure out my executable''s path' infoPrintCR.
+        './stx' asFilename exists ifTrue:[
+            path := './stx'
+        ].
+        path isNil ifTrue:[
+             'OperatingSystem [warning]: cannot figure out my executable''s path' infoPrintCR.
+        ].
     ^ path
@@ -2866,6 +2584,7 @@
 !AbstractOperatingSystem class methodsFor:'executing OS commands-wrappers'!
 exec:aCommandPath withArguments:argArray
+    <resource: #obsolete>
     "execute the OS command specified by the argument, aCommandPath, with
      arguments in argArray (no arguments, if nil).
      If successful, this method does NOT return and smalltalk is gone.
@@ -2873,56 +2592,71 @@
      Can be used on UNIX with fork or on other systems to chain to another program."
     ^ self
-	exec:aCommandPath
-	withArguments:argArray
-	environment:nil
-	fileDescriptors:#(0 1 2)
-	fork:false
-	newPgrp:false
-	inDirectory:nil
+        exec:aCommandPath
+        withArguments:argArray
+        environment:nil
+        fileDescriptors:#(0 1 2)
+        fork:false
+        newPgrp:false
+        inDirectory:nil
+        showWindow:false
     "/ never reached ...
     "Modified: / 12.11.1998 / 14:44:26 / cg"
+exec:aCommandPath withArguments:argArray environment:env fileDescriptors:fds fork:doFork newPgrp:newGrp inDirectory:aDirectory
+    <resource: #obsolete>
+    "execute an OS command"
+    ^ self 
+        exec:aCommandPath withArguments:argArray environment:env fileDescriptors:fds fork:doFork 
+        newPgrp:newGrp inDirectory:aDirectory showWindow:false
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 14:46:15 / cg"
 exec:aCommandPath withArguments:argArray fileDescriptors:fileDescriptors fork:doFork newPgrp:newPgrp inDirectory:aDirectory
+    <resource: #obsolete>
     ^ self
-	exec:aCommandPath
-	withArguments:argArray
-	environment:nil
-	fileDescriptors:fileDescriptors
-	fork:doFork
-	newPgrp:newPgrp
-	inDirectory:aDirectory
+        exec:aCommandPath
+        withArguments:argArray
+        environment:nil
+        fileDescriptors:fileDescriptors
+        fork:doFork
+        newPgrp:newPgrp
+        inDirectory:aDirectory
+        showWindow:false
 exec:aCommandPath withArguments:argArray fork:doFork
+    <resource: #obsolete>
     "execute an OS command without I/O redirection.
      The command reads its input and writes its output
      from/to whatever terminal device ST/X was started
      (typically, the terminal window)"
     ^ self
-	exec:aCommandPath
-	withArguments:argArray
-	environment:nil
-	fileDescriptors:#(0 1 2)
-	fork:doFork
-	newPgrp:false
-	inDirectory:nil
+        exec:aCommandPath
+        withArguments:argArray
+        environment:nil
+        fileDescriptors:#(0 1 2)
+        fork:doFork
+        newPgrp:false
+        inDirectory:nil
+        showWindow:false
      id := OperatingSystem fork.
      id == 0 ifTrue:[
-	'I am the child'.
-	OperatingSystem
-	    exec:'/bin/ls'
-	    withArguments:#('ls' '/tmp')
-	    fork:false.
-	'not reached'.
+        'I am the child'.
+        OperatingSystem
+            exec:'/bin/ls'
+            withArguments:#('ls' '/tmp')
+            fork:false.
+        'not reached'.
@@ -2931,12 +2665,12 @@
      id := OperatingSystem fork.
      id == 0 ifTrue:[
-	'I am the child'.
-	OperatingSystem
-	    exec:'/bin/sh'
-	    withArguments:#('sh' '-c' 'sleep 2;echo 1;sleep 2;echo 2')
-	    fork:false.
-	'not reached'.
+        'I am the child'.
+        OperatingSystem
+            exec:'/bin/sh'
+            withArguments:#('sh' '-c' 'sleep 2;echo 1;sleep 2;echo 2')
+            fork:false.
+        'not reached'.
      id printNL.
      (Delay forSeconds:3.5) wait.
@@ -2950,31 +2684,32 @@
 exec:aCommandPath withArguments:argArray fork:doFork inDirectory:aDirectory
+    <resource: #obsolete>
     "execute an OS command without I/O redirection.
      The command reads its input and writes its output
      from/to whatever terminal device ST/X was started
      (typically, the terminal window)"
     ^ self
-	exec:aCommandPath
-	withArguments:argArray
-	environment:nil
-	fileDescriptors:#(0 1 2)
-	fork:doFork
-	newPgrp:false
-	inDirectory:aDirectory
+        exec:aCommandPath
+        withArguments:argArray
+        environment:nil
+        fileDescriptors:#(0 1 2)
+        fork:doFork
+        newPgrp:false
+        inDirectory:aDirectory
+        showWindow:false
      id := OperatingSystem fork.
      id == 0 ifTrue:[
-	'I am the child'.
-	OperatingSystem
-	    exec:'/bin/ls'
-	    withArguments:#('ls' '/tmp')
-	    fork:false.
-	'not reached'.
+        'I am the child'.
+        OperatingSystem
+            exec:'/bin/ls'
+            withArguments:#('ls' '/tmp')
+            fork:false.
+        'not reached'.
@@ -2983,12 +2718,12 @@
      id := OperatingSystem fork.
      id == 0 ifTrue:[
-	'I am the child'.
-	OperatingSystem
-	    exec:'/bin/sh'
-	    withArguments:#('sh' '-c' 'sleep 2;echo 1;sleep 2;echo 2')
-	    fork:false.
-	'not reached'.
+        'I am the child'.
+        OperatingSystem
+            exec:'/bin/sh'
+            withArguments:#('sh' '-c' 'sleep 2;echo 1;sleep 2;echo 2')
+            fork:false.
+        'not reached'.
      id printNL.
      (Delay forSeconds:3.5) wait.
@@ -3003,6 +2738,7 @@
 exec:aCommandPath withArguments:argArray showWindow:showWindowBooleanOrNil
+    <resource: #obsolete>
     "execute the OS command specified by the argument, aCommandPath, with
      arguments in argArray (no arguments, if nil).
      If successful, this method does NOT return and smalltalk is gone.
@@ -3022,6 +2758,116 @@
     "/ never reached ...
     "Modified: / 12.11.1998 / 14:44:26 / cg"
+    <resource: #obsolete>
+    ^ self 
+        startProcess:aCommandString inputFrom:nil outputTo:nil
+        errorTo:nil auxFrom:nil environment:nil 
+        inDirectory:nil newPgrp:true showWindow:nil
+    "
+     |pid|
+     pid := OperatingSystem startProcess:'sleep 2; echo 1; sleep 2; echo 2'.
+     (Delay forSeconds:3) wait.
+     OperatingSystem killProcess:pid.
+    "
+    "
+     |pid|
+     pid := OperatingSystem startProcess:'dir/l'.
+     (Delay forSeconds:1) wait.
+     OperatingSystem killProcess:pid.
+    "
+    "
+     |pid|
+     pid := OperatingSystem
+                startProcess:'dir/l'
+                inputFrom:nil
+                outputTo:Stdout
+                errorTo:nil
+                inDirectory:nil.
+     (Delay forSeconds:2) wait.
+     OperatingSystem killProcess:pid.
+    "
+    "Modified: / 21.3.1997 / 10:04:35 / dq"
+    "Modified: / 10.11.1998 / 21:03:50 / cg"
+startProcess:aCommandString inDirectory:aDirectory
+    <resource: #obsolete>
+    ^ self
+        startProcess:aCommandString inputFrom:nil outputTo:nil
+        errorTo:nil auxFrom:nil environment:nil 
+        inDirectory:aDirectory newPgrp:true showWindow:nil
+    "
+     |pid|
+     pid := OperatingSystem startProcess:'sleep 2; echo 1; sleep 2; echo 2'.
+     (Delay forSeconds:3) wait.
+     OperatingSystem killProcess:pid.
+    "
+    "Modified: / 21.3.1997 / 10:04:35 / dq"
+    "Modified: / 28.1.1998 / 14:13:33 / md"
+    "Modified: / 10.11.1998 / 20:59:33 / cg"
+startProcess:aCommandString inputFrom:anExternalInStream outputTo:anExternalOutStream errorTo:anExternalErrStream
+    <resource: #obsolete>
+    ^ self 
+        startProcess:aCommandString inputFrom:anExternalInStream outputTo:anExternalOutStream
+        errorTo:anExternalErrStream auxFrom:nil environment:nil 
+        inDirectory:nil newPgrp:true showWindow:nil
+startProcess:aCommandString inputFrom:anExternalInStream outputTo:anExternalOutStream
+    errorTo:anExternalErrStream auxFrom:anExternalAuxStreamOrNil environment:environment inDirectory:dir
+    <resource: #obsolete>
+    ^ self 
+        startProcess:aCommandString inputFrom:anExternalInStream outputTo:anExternalOutStream
+        errorTo:anExternalErrStream auxFrom:anExternalAuxStreamOrNil environment:environment 
+        inDirectory:dir newPgrp:true showWindow:nil
+startProcess:aCommandString inputFrom:anExternalInStream outputTo:anExternalOutStream
+    errorTo:anExternalErrStream auxFrom:anExternalAuxStreamOrNil environment:environment 
+    inDirectory:dir showWindow:showWindowBooleanOrNil
+    <resource: #obsolete>
+    ^ self
+        startProcess:aCommandString inputFrom:anExternalInStream outputTo:anExternalOutStream
+        errorTo:anExternalErrStream auxFrom:anExternalAuxStreamOrNil environment:environment 
+        inDirectory:dir newPgrp:true showWindow:showWindowBooleanOrNil
+    "Modified: / 08-11-2016 / 21:24:27 / cg"
+startProcess:aCommandString inputFrom:anExternalInStream outputTo:anExternalOutStream
+    errorTo:anExternalErrStream auxFrom:anAuxiliaryStream inDirectory:dir
+    <resource: #obsolete>
+    ^ self 
+        startProcess:aCommandString inputFrom:anExternalInStream outputTo:anExternalOutStream
+        errorTo:anExternalErrStream auxFrom:nil environment:nil
+        inDirectory:dir newPgrp:true showWindow:nil
+startProcess:aCommandString inputFrom:anExternalInStream outputTo:anExternalOutStream errorTo:anExternalErrStream inDirectory:dir
+    <resource: #obsolete>
+    ^ self
+        startProcess:aCommandString inputFrom:anExternalInStream outputTo:anExternalOutStream
+        errorTo:anExternalErrStream auxFrom:nil environment:nil 
+        inDirectory:dir newPgrp:true showWindow:nil
 ! !
 !AbstractOperatingSystem class methodsFor:'file access'!
--- a/	Wed Dec 28 22:58:47 2016 +0000
+++ b/	Thu Jan 05 21:02:10 2017 +0000
@@ -172,12 +172,12 @@
     nameSymbol := aClassName asSymbol.
     (Smalltalk at:nameSymbol) isNil ifTrue:[
-	cls := Autoload 
-		subclass:nameSymbol
-		instanceVariableNames:''
-		classVariableNames:''
-		poolDictionaries:''
-		category:aCategory.
+        cls := self 
+                subclass:nameSymbol
+                instanceVariableNames:''
+                classVariableNames:''
+                poolDictionaries:''
+                category:aCategory.
     ^ cls
--- a/	Wed Dec 28 22:58:47 2016 +0000
+++ b/	Thu Jan 05 21:02:10 2017 +0000
@@ -343,6 +343,7 @@
     ^ self
 ! !
 !Collection methodsFor:'Compatibility-ANSI'!
@@ -1650,6 +1651,12 @@
+    "enumerate myself"
+    self do:aBlock
     "return a Dictionary with the receiver collection's elements,
      using the original keys of the receiver as dictionary key.
--- a/	Wed Dec 28 22:58:47 2016 +0000
+++ b/	Thu Jan 05 21:02:10 2017 +0000
@@ -375,17 +375,17 @@
     |weekDayOfJan4 dayInYear year|
     year := yearArg.
-    weekDayOfJan4 := (Date  year:year month:1 day:4) dayInWeek.
+    weekDayOfJan4 := (self year:year month:1 day:4) dayInWeek.
     dayInYear := (week * 7) + dayInWeek - (weekDayOfJan4 + 3).
     dayInYear < 1 ifTrue:[
-        dayInYear := dayInYear + (Date daysInYear:year-1).
+        dayInYear := dayInYear + (self daysInYear:year-1).
         year := year - 1.
-    dayInYear > (Date daysInYear:year) ifTrue:[
-        dayInYear := dayInYear - (Date daysInYear:year).
+    dayInYear > (self daysInYear:year) ifTrue:[
+        dayInYear := dayInYear - (self daysInYear:year).
         year := year + 1.
-    ^ Date newDay:dayInYear year:year.
+    ^ self newDay:dayInYear year:year.
      Date newDayInWeek:6 week:39 year:2008     
@@ -532,14 +532,14 @@
         dayOfYear notNil ifTrue:[
-            monthAndDay := Date monthAndDayFromDayInYear:dayOfYear forYear:year.
+            monthAndDay := self monthAndDayFromDayInYear:dayOfYear forYear:year.
             month := (monthAndDay at:1).
             day := (monthAndDay at:2).  
         day isNil ifTrue:[ day := 1 ].
         month isNil ifTrue:[ month := 1 ].
-        year isNil ifTrue:[ year := Date today year ].
+        year isNil ifTrue:[ year := self today year ].
         (year between:0 and:99) ifTrue:[
             year := UserPreferences current twoDigitDateHandler value:year.
@@ -736,7 +736,7 @@
     "return a date, representing tomorrow.
      See also: Time now / Timestamp now."
-    ^ Date today addDays:1
+    ^ self today addDays:1
      Date tomorrow 
@@ -812,7 +812,7 @@
     "return a date, representing yesterday.
      See also: Time now / Timestamp now."
-    ^ Date today subtractDays:1
+    ^ self today subtractDays:1
      Date yesterday 
@@ -925,6 +925,7 @@
 ! !
 !Date class methodsFor:'change & update'!
 update:something with:aParameter from:changedObject
@@ -1132,7 +1133,7 @@
     |day dayInWeekOf1stJan firstThursday firstDayInWeek|
     "/ find the first thursday ...
-    day := Date newDay:1 year:aYear.
+    day := self newDay:1 year:aYear.
     dayInWeekOf1stJan := day dayInWeek.
     dayInWeekOf1stJan > 4 ifTrue:[
         firstThursday := day addDays:(4 - dayInWeekOf1stJan + 7).
@@ -1570,7 +1571,7 @@
     numDays < 0 ifTrue:[
         "/ not in a week here ...
         "/ can be either 52 or 53, depending on the previous year.
-        ^ self weekInYearOf:(Date year:date year - 1  month:12 day:31) 
+        ^ self weekInYearOf:(self year:date year - 1  month:12 day:31) 
     "/ compute the week 
@@ -1896,6 +1897,7 @@
     "Modified: 8.10.1996 / 19:25:39 / cg"
 ! !
 !Date class methodsFor:'private'!
@@ -2022,13 +2024,13 @@
     (format sameAs:'monthName') ifTrue:[
         monthName := string.
-        month := (Date monthNamesForLanguage:languageOrNil) findFirst:[:m | monthName sameAs:m].
+        month := (self monthNamesForLanguage:languageOrNil) findFirst:[:m | monthName sameAs:m].
 "/        month == 0 ifTrue:[self error:'invalid month name'].
         ^ #month -> month
     (format sameAs:'shortMonthName') ifTrue:[
         monthName := string.
-        month := (Date abbreviatedMonthNamesForLanguage:languageOrNil) findFirst:[:m | monthName sameAs:m].
+        month := (self abbreviatedMonthNamesForLanguage:languageOrNil) findFirst:[:m | monthName sameAs:m].
 "/        month == 0 ifTrue:[self error:'invalid month name'].
         ^ #month -> month
@@ -2112,6 +2114,7 @@
 ! !
 !Date methodsFor:'Compatibility-ANSI'!
@@ -2756,7 +2759,7 @@
     "return the number of days in the month of the receiver"
-    ^ Date daysInMonth:(self month) forYear:(self year)
+    ^ self class daysInMonth:(self month) forYear:(self year)
      Date today daysInMonth
@@ -2766,7 +2769,7 @@
     "return the number of days in the year of the receiver"
-    ^ Date daysInYear:(self year)
+    ^ self class daysInYear:(self year)
      Date today daysInYear
@@ -2788,7 +2791,7 @@
      Today is excluded from the count (i.e. in a non-leap-year,
      the first january will return 364)"
-    ^ (Date daysInYear:(self year)) - self dayOfYear
+    ^ (self class daysInYear:(self year)) - self dayOfYear
      Date today daysLeftInYear             
@@ -2798,7 +2801,7 @@
     "return true, if the receiver's year is a leap year"
-    ^ Date leapYear:(self year)
+    ^ self class leapYear:self year
      Date today isLeapYear
@@ -3022,7 +3025,7 @@
                     - (self month * 100) "in the line above the new month is already completely calculated. So subtract the current month"
                     - self day  "in the line below the new day is already completely calculated. So subtract the current day"
                     + (self day min: self daysInMonth). "the new day considering the maximum number of days in the new month."
-    ^ Date 
+    ^ self class 
         year: newEncoding // 10000
         month: (newEncoding // 100 \\ 100) 
         day: newEncoding \\ 100. 
@@ -3120,7 +3123,7 @@
         month := (12 - (monthNegated \\ 12)).
-    ^ Date  year:year month:month day:1.
+    ^ self class year:year month:month day:1.
      (Date newDay:3 month:6 year:2009) firstDayInMonth     
@@ -3171,7 +3174,7 @@
     "/ the argument must understand year, month and day to be
     "/ comparable, whatever it is
-    ^ dateEncoding < (Date encodeYear:aDate year month:aDate month day:aDate day)
+    ^ dateEncoding < (self class encodeYear:aDate year month:aDate month day:aDate day)
         Date today < (Date day:24 month:12 year:2000)
@@ -3212,7 +3215,7 @@
     "/ the argument must understand year, month and day,
     "/ to be comparable, whatever it is
-    ^ dateEncoding > (Date encodeYear:aDate year month:aDate month day:aDate day)
+    ^ dateEncoding > (self class encodeYear:aDate year month:aDate month day:aDate day)
       Date today > (Date newDay:24 month:12 year:2099)
@@ -3271,6 +3274,7 @@
 ! !
 !Date methodsFor:'obsolete'!
@@ -3341,6 +3345,7 @@
     ^ self addDays:days
 ! !
 !Date methodsFor:'printing & storing'!
@@ -3442,7 +3447,7 @@
     aDictionary at:#week put:wsPadded0.
     aDictionary at:#Week put:ws.
-    year ~~ Date today year ifTrue:[
+    year ~~ self class today year ifTrue:[
         aDictionary at:#yearOrTime put:(' ' , year printString).
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Thu Jan 05 21:02:10 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+ COPYRIGHT (c) 2016 by eXept Sofware AG
+              All Rights Reserved
+ This software is furnished under a license and may be used
+ only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
+ inclusion of the above copyright notice.  This software may not
+ be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
+ other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
+ hereby transferred.
+"{ Package: 'stx:libbasic' }"
+"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"
+Semaphore subclass:#EventSemaphore
+	instanceVariableNames:''
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'Kernel-Processes'
+!EventSemaphore class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+ COPYRIGHT (c) 2016 by eXept Sofware AG
+              All Rights Reserved
+ This software is furnished under a license and may be used
+ only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
+ inclusion of the above copyright notice.  This software may not
+ be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
+ other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
+ hereby transferred.
+    Processes wait for an EventSemaphores until it is signaled.
+    The EventSemaphore is not consumed and remains signaled until manually reset.
+    [author:]
+        Stefan Vogel
+    [see also:]
+        Semaphore
+    Create an event and signal it.
+    After being signaled waiter on the event return immediately.
+                                [exBegin]
+    |event|
+    event := EventSemaphore new.
+    [ event wait. Transcript showCR:'Process 1 continued' ] forkAt:9.
+    [ event wait. Transcript showCR:'Process 2 continued' ] forkAt:9.
+    event signal.
+    event wait.
+    event wait.
+                                [exEnd]
+! !
+!EventSemaphore class methodsFor:'signaling'!
+    "count must be 0 or 1"
+    (n == 0 or:[n == 1]) ifTrue:[
+        self new:n.
+    ].
+    ^ self error:'invalid count'.
+! !
+!EventSemaphore methodsFor:'blocked'!
+    "blocked, since it would only set the event if there was anyone waiting"
+    ^ self shouldNotImplement.
+    "blocked, since it would only set the event if there was anyone waiting"
+    ^ self shouldNotImplement.
+waitWithTimeoutMs:milliSeconds state:waitStateSymbol
+    "blocked, since we had to re-implement it here"
+   ^ self shouldNotImplement
+! !
+!EventSemaphore methodsFor:'misc'!
+    "reset the event to the non-signaled state"
+    count := 0
+! !
+!EventSemaphore methodsFor:'semaphoreSet interface'!
+    "interface for SemaphoreSet.
+     If the semaphore is available, return true.
+     Otherwise register our process to be wakened up once the semaphore is available
+     and return false.
+     ATTENTION: this must be invoked with OperatingSystem-interrupts-blocked.
+    "
+    count > 0 ifTrue:[
+        ^ true
+    ].
+    (waitingProcesses notNil and:[(waitingProcesses includesIdentical:process)]) ifFalse:[
+        self addWaitingProcess:process.
+    ].
+    ^ false
+    "Modified: / 14-12-1995 / 10:32:17 / stefan"
+    "Modified: / 11-08-2011 / 14:36:20 / cg"
+! !
+!EventSemaphore methodsFor:'signaling'!
+    "redefined to limit count to 1"
+    self signalOnce.
+! !
+!EventSemaphore methodsFor:'waiting'!
+    "once signaled, do not decrement the count"
+    self waitUncounted
+    "wait for the semaphore, but abort the wait after some time.
+     return the receiver if the semaphore triggered normal, nil if we return
+     due to a timeout.
+     With zero timeout, this can be used to poll a semaphore (returning
+     the receiver if the semaphore is available, nil if not).
+     However, polling is not the intended use of semaphores, though.
+     If milliSeconds is nil, wait without timeout.
+     Redefined: once signaled, do not decrement the count"
+    ^ self waitUncountedWithTimeoutMs:milliSeconds.
+! !
+!EventSemaphore class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+    ^ '$Header$'
+    ^ '$Header$'
+! !
--- a/	Wed Dec 28 22:58:47 2016 +0000
+++ b/	Thu Jan 05 21:02:10 2017 +0000
@@ -316,6 +316,13 @@
     ^ self negated
+    "Sent from aNumber = self, if aNumber does not know how to handle this.
+     Return true if aNumber = self."
+    ^ aNumber isInfinite and:[self sign == aNumber sign]
     "Sent from aNumber < self, if aNumber does not know how to handle this.
      Return true if aNumber < self."
--- a/Make.proto	Wed Dec 28 22:58:47 2016 +0000
+++ b/Make.proto	Thu Jan 05 21:02:10 2017 +0000
@@ -211,6 +211,7 @@
 $(OUTDIR)CompiledCode.$(O) CompiledCode.$(C) CompiledCode.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/ExecutableFunction.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
 $(OUTDIR)ControlInterrupt.$(O) ControlInterrupt.$(C) ControlInterrupt.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/GenericException.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
 $(OUTDIR)Date.$(O) Date.$(C) Date.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Magnitude.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)EventSemaphore.$(O) EventSemaphore.$(C) EventSemaphore.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Semaphore.$(H) $(STCHDR)
 $(OUTDIR)Exception.$(O) Exception.$(C) Exception.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/GenericException.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
 $(OUTDIR)ExternalFunction.$(O) ExternalFunction.$(C) ExternalFunction.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/ExecutableFunction.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
 $(OUTDIR)False.$(O) False.$(C) False.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Boolean.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
@@ -508,10 +509,10 @@
 $(OUTDIR)UnderflowError.$(O) UnderflowError.$(C) UnderflowError.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/ArithmeticError.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Error.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Exception.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/ExecutionError.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/GenericException.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/ProceedableError.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/RangeError.$(H) $(STCHDR)
 $(OUTDIR)ZeroDivide.$(O) ZeroDivide.$(C) ZeroDivide.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/ArithmeticError.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/DomainError.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Error.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Exception.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/ExecutionError.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/GenericException.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/ProceedableError.$(H) $(STCHDR)
 $(OUTDIR)BadRomanNumberFormatError.$(O) BadRomanNumberFormatError.$(C) BadRomanNumberFormatError.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/ConversionError.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Error.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Exception.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/GenericException.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/NumberConversionError.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/NumberFormatError.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/ProceedableError.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/RomanNumberFormatError.$(H) $(STCHDR)
-$(OUTDIR)UnixFileDescriptorHandle.$(O) UnixFileDescriptorHandle.$(C) UnixFileDescriptorHandle.$(H): $(STCHDR)
-$(OUTDIR)UnixFileHandle.$(O) UnixFileHandle.$(C) UnixFileHandle.$(H): $(STCHDR)
-$(OUTDIR)UnixOperatingSystem.$(O) UnixOperatingSystem.$(C) UnixOperatingSystem.$(H): $(STCHDR)
-$(OUTDIR)OSXOperatingSystem.$(O) OSXOperatingSystem.$(C) OSXOperatingSystem.$(H): $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)UnixFileDescriptorHandle.$(O) UnixFileDescriptorHandle.$(C) UnixFileDescriptorHandle.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/ExternalAddress.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/OSFileHandle.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/OSHandle.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)UnixFileHandle.$(O) UnixFileHandle.$(C) UnixFileHandle.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/ExternalAddress.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/OSFileHandle.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/OSHandle.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)UnixOperatingSystem.$(O) UnixOperatingSystem.$(C) UnixOperatingSystem.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/AbstractOperatingSystem.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/ExternalAddress.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/OSFileHandle.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/OSHandle.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/SharedPool.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)OSXOperatingSystem.$(O) OSXOperatingSystem.$(C) OSXOperatingSystem.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/AbstractOperatingSystem.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/UnixOperatingSystem.$(H) $(STCHDR)
 # ENDMAKEDEPEND --- do not remove this line
--- a/Make.spec	Wed Dec 28 22:58:47 2016 +0000
+++ b/Make.spec	Thu Jan 05 21:02:10 2017 +0000
@@ -121,6 +121,7 @@
 	CompiledCode \
 	ControlInterrupt \
 	Date \
+	EventSemaphore \
 	Exception \
 	ExternalFunction \
 	False \
@@ -511,6 +512,7 @@
     $(OUTDIR_SLASH)CompiledCode.$(O) \
     $(OUTDIR_SLASH)ControlInterrupt.$(O) \
     $(OUTDIR_SLASH)Date.$(O) \
+    $(OUTDIR_SLASH)EventSemaphore.$(O) \
     $(OUTDIR_SLASH)Exception.$(O) \
     $(OUTDIR_SLASH)ExternalFunction.$(O) \
     $(OUTDIR_SLASH)False.$(O) \
--- a/	Wed Dec 28 22:58:47 2016 +0000
+++ b/	Thu Jan 05 21:02:10 2017 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+"{ Encoding: utf8 }"
  COPYRIGHT (c) 1989 by Claus Gittinger
 	      All Rights Reserved
@@ -116,6 +118,62 @@
     ^ StdOutStream
+    "return an array with two streams - the first one for reading,
+     the second for writing.
+     This is the higher level equivalent of OperatingSystem>>makeBidirectionalPipe
+     (which returns an array of file-descriptors)."
+    |pipe rs ws|
+    pipe := OperatingSystem makeBidirectionalPipe.
+    pipe isNil ifTrue:[
+        "/ ok, maybe someone has forgotten to close a stream; enforce finalization and try again
+        'makePipe: enforcing finalization to close any open streams' infoPrintCR.
+        ObjectMemory garbageCollect; finalize.
+        pipe := OperatingSystem makeBidirectionalPipe.
+    ].
+    pipe isNil ifTrue:[
+        |errorNumber errorHolder|
+        errorNumber := OperatingSystem lastErrorNumber.
+        errorHolder := errorNumber.
+        OpenError newException
+            errorCode:errorNumber;
+            osErrorHolder:errorHolder;
+            raise.
+    ].
+    rs := self forFileDescriptor:(pipe at:1) mode:#readWrite buffered:false handleType:#pipeFilePointer.
+    ws := self forFileDescriptor:(pipe at:2) mode:#readWrite buffered:false handleType:#pipeFilePointer.
+    ^ Array with:rs with:ws
+    "
+     |pipe rs ws|
+     pipe := NonPositionableExternalStream makeBidirectionalPipe.
+     rs := pipe at:1.
+     ws := pipe at:2.
+     'read ...'.
+     [
+         1 to:10 do:[:i |
+             Transcript showCR:rs nextLine
+         ].
+         rs close.
+     ] forkAt:7.
+     'write ...'.
+     [
+         1 to:10 do:[:i |
+             ws nextPutAll:'hello world '; nextPutAll:i printString; cr
+         ].
+         ws close.
+     ] fork.
+    "
     "return an array with two streams - the first one is the master,
      the second the slave of a ptym/ptys pair.
@@ -156,18 +214,26 @@
     pipe := OperatingSystem makePipe.
     pipe isNil ifTrue:[
-	"/ ok, maybe someone has forgotten to close a stream; enforce finalization and try again
-	'makePipe: enforcing finalization to close any open streams' infoPrintCR.
-	ObjectMemory garbageCollect; finalize.
-	pipe := OperatingSystem makePipe.
+        "/ ok, maybe someone has forgotten to close a stream; enforce finalization and try again
+        'makePipe: enforcing finalization to close any open streams' infoPrintCR.
+        ObjectMemory garbageCollect; finalize.
+        pipe := OperatingSystem makePipe.
-    pipe notNil ifTrue:[
-	rs := self forFileDescriptor:(pipe at:1) mode:#readonly buffered:false handleType:#pipeFilePointer.
-	ws := self forFileDescriptor:(pipe at:2) mode:#writeonly buffered:false handleType:#pipeFilePointer.
-	^ Array with:rs with:ws
+    pipe isNil ifTrue:[
+        |errorNumber errorHolder|
+        errorNumber := OperatingSystem lastErrorNumber.
+        errorHolder := errorNumber.
+        OpenError newException
+            errorCode:errorNumber;
+            osErrorHolder:errorHolder;
+            raise.
-    ^ nil
+    rs := self forFileDescriptor:(pipe at:1) mode:#readonly buffered:false handleType:#pipeFilePointer.
+    ws := self forFileDescriptor:(pipe at:2) mode:#writeonly buffered:false handleType:#pipeFilePointer.
+    ^ Array with:rs with:ws
      |pipe rs ws|
@@ -178,18 +244,18 @@
      'read ...'.
-	 1 to:10 do:[:i |
-	     Transcript showCR:rs nextLine
-	 ].
-	 rs close.
+         1 to:10 do:[:i |
+             Transcript showCR:rs nextLine
+         ].
+         rs close.
      ] forkAt:7.
      'write ...'.
-	 1 to:10 do:[:i |
-	     ws nextPutAll:'hello world '; nextPutAll:i printString; cr
-	 ].
-	 ws close.
+         1 to:10 do:[:i |
+             ws nextPutAll:'hello world '; nextPutAll:i printString; cr
+         ].
+         ws close.
      ] fork.
--- a/	Wed Dec 28 22:58:47 2016 +0000
+++ b/	Thu Jan 05 21:02:10 2017 +0000
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 Object subclass:#OSProcess
 	instanceVariableNames:'pid command environment directory inStream outStream errorStream
 		auxStream showWindow lineWise newPgrp exitStatus finishSema
-		shufflerProcesses streamsToClose'
+		shufflerProcesses streamsToClose terminateActionBlock'
@@ -99,15 +99,14 @@
 !OSProcess methodsFor:'accessing'!
-    ^ self
     ^ auxStream
+    "set an auxilliary input stream that will be available to the command as
+     file descriptor 3"
     auxStream := something.
@@ -119,12 +118,14 @@
     "Created: / 10.11.1998 / 21:27:07 / cg"
-    "set the value of the instance variable 'command' (automatically generated)"
+    "set the command to be executed.
+     If aStringOrArray is a String, the commandString is passed to a shell for execution
+     - see the description of 'sh -c' in your UNIX manual ('cmd.exe' in your Windows manual).
+     If aCommandString is an Array, the first element is the command to be executed,
+     and the other elements are the arguments to the command. No shell is invoked in this case."
-    command := something.
-    "Created: / 10.11.1998 / 21:27:07 / cg"
+    command := aStringOrArray.
@@ -135,12 +136,10 @@
     "Created: / 10.11.1998 / 21:21:52 / cg"
-    "set the value of the instance variable 'directory' (automatically generated)"
+    "set the directory that will be set as the current directory of the command to be executed"
-    directory := something.
-    "Created: / 10.11.1998 / 21:21:52 / cg"
+    directory := aString.
@@ -151,12 +150,10 @@
     "Created: / 10.11.1998 / 21:26:34 / cg"
-    "set the value of the instance variable 'environment' (automatically generated)"
+    "set the environment variables of the command to be executed"
-    environment := something.
-    "Created: / 10.11.1998 / 21:27:07 / cg"
+    environment := aDictionary.
@@ -167,20 +164,16 @@
     "Created: / 10.11.1998 / 21:26:34 / cg"
-    "set the value of the instance variable 'errorStream' (automatically generated)"
+    "set the stream where the stderr output of the command is directed to"
-    errorStream := something.
-    "Created: / 10.11.1998 / 21:26:34 / cg"
+    errorStream := aStream.
-    "return the value of the instance variable 'exitStatus' (automatically generated)"
+    "answer the exit status of the command or nil, if the command has not yet been finished"
     ^ exitStatus
-    "Created: / 10.11.1998 / 21:24:55 / cg"
@@ -206,28 +199,33 @@
     "Created: / 10.11.1998 / 21:26:34 / cg"
-    "set the value of the instance variable 'inStream' (automatically generated)"
+    "set the stream where the stdin input of the command is read from"
-    inStream := something.
-    "Created: / 10.11.1998 / 21:26:34 / cg"
+    inStream := aStream.
     ^ lineWise
-    lineWise := something.
+    "When setting to true, read linewise from the command's output and error.
+     This is a bit slower than lineWise = false.
+     You may use it also when streaming to e.g. Transcript"
+    lineWise := aBoolean.
     ^ newPgrp
-    newPgrp := something.
+    "if aBoolean is true, a new process group will be created for the command and its subprocesses"
+    newPgrp := aBoolean.
@@ -238,15 +236,15 @@
     "Created: / 10.11.1998 / 21:26:34 / cg"
-    "set the value of the instance variable 'outStream' (automatically generated)"
+    "set the stream where the stdout output of the command is directed to"
-    outStream := something.
-    "Created: / 10.11.1998 / 21:26:34 / cg"
+    outStream := aStream.
+    "answer the pid of the process the command is running in or nil, if the command has not yet been started."
     ^ pid
@@ -258,8 +256,30 @@
     ^ showWindow
-    showWindow := something.
+    "This parameter is ignored on Unix systems.
+     You can control (have to - sigh) if a window should be shown for the command or not.
+     This is the OS's H_SHOWWINDOW argument.
+     If you pass nil as showWindow-argument, the OS's default is used for the particular
+     command, which is correct most of the time: i.e. a notepad will open its window, other (non-UI)
+     executables will not.
+     However, some command-line executables show a window, even if they should not.
+     (and also, there seems to be an inconsistency between windows7 and newer windows: in newer,
+     a shell command opens a cmd-window, whereas in windows7 it did not)
+     In this case, pass an explicit false argument to suppress it."
+    showWindow := aBooleanOrNil.
+    ^ terminateActionBlock
+    "set the block that will be executed when the command has been finished or terminated."
+    terminateActionBlock := aBlock.
 ! !
 !OSProcess methodsFor:'initialization'!
@@ -391,10 +411,14 @@
 !OSProcess methodsFor:'queries'!
+    ^ exitStatus notNil and:[exitStatus success].
     "answer true, if the process is still alive"
-    ^ pid notNil and:[exitStatus notNil]
+    ^ pid notNil and:[exitStatus isNil]
@@ -417,7 +441,8 @@
         ok := self startProcess.
         ok ifTrue:[
-            ok := self waitUntilFinished.
+            self waitUntilFinished.
+            ok := self finishedWithSuccess.
     ] ifCurtailed:[
         "/ we were interrupted -
@@ -436,10 +461,10 @@
      Answer true if the command could be started, false if not.
      Return immediately (do not wait until the command is finished)." 
-    |nullStream externalInStream externalAuxStream externalErrorStream externalOutStream|
+    |externalInStream externalAuxStream externalErrorStream externalOutStream|
-    shufflerProcesses := OrderedCollection new.
-    streamsToClose := OrderedCollection new:3.
+    shufflerProcesses := OrderedCollection new:4.
+    streamsToClose := OrderedCollection new:2.
     externalInStream := self setupShufflerForInput:inStream.
     externalAuxStream := self setupShufflerForInput:auxStream.
@@ -450,41 +475,21 @@
         externalOutStream := self setupShufflerForOutput:outStream.
-    "make sure, that the command gets a stdin, stdout and stderr"
-    externalInStream isNil ifTrue:[
-        externalInStream := nullStream := Filename nullDevice readWriteStream.
-        streamsToClose add:nullStream.
-    ].
-    externalOutStream isNil ifTrue:[
-        nullStream isNil ifTrue:[
-            nullStream := Filename nullDevice writeStream.
-            streamsToClose add:nullStream.
-        ].
-        externalOutStream := nullStream.
-    ].
-    externalErrorStream isNil ifTrue:[
-        nullStream isNil ifTrue:[
-            nullStream := Filename nullDevice writeStream.
-            streamsToClose add:nullStream.
-        ].
-        externalErrorStream := nullStream.
-    ].
     "start the command"
-    finishSema := Semaphore new.
+    finishSema := EventSemaphore new.
             pid := OperatingSystem
-                    startProcess:command
-                    inputFrom:externalInStream
-                    outputTo:externalOutStream
-                    errorTo:externalErrorStream
-                    auxFrom:externalAuxStream
-                    environment:environment
-                    inDirectory:directory
-                    newPgrp:newPgrp
-                    showWindow:showWindow.
+                        startProcess:command
+                        inputFrom:externalInStream
+                        outputTo:externalOutStream
+                        errorTo:externalErrorStream
+                        auxFrom:externalAuxStream
+                        environment:environment
+                        inDirectory:directory
+                        newPgrp:newPgrp
+                        showWindow:showWindow.
         action:[:status |
             status stillAlive ifFalse:[
@@ -497,6 +502,7 @@
                      They close the local side of the pipe when being terminated"
                     eachProcess terminate.
+                terminateActionBlock value.
                 finishSema signal.
@@ -512,6 +518,7 @@
         shufflerProcesses := nil.
         exitStatus := OperatingSystem osProcessStatusClass processCreationFailure.
+        finishSema signal.
         ^ false.
@@ -523,21 +530,27 @@
     "kill the process - the process does not get the chance to clean up"
-    OperatingSystem killProcess:pid.
+    pid notNil ifTrue:[
+        OperatingSystem killProcess:pid.
+    ].
     "kill the processGroup - the processes do not get the chance to clean up"
-    OperatingSystem 
-        killProcessGroup:pid;
-        killProcess:pid.
+    pid notNil ifTrue:[
+        OperatingSystem 
+            killProcessGroup:pid;
+            killProcess:pid.
+    ].
     "terminate the process gracefully"
-    OperatingSystem terminateProcess:pid.
+    pid notNil ifTrue:[
+        OperatingSystem terminateProcess:pid.
+    ].
@@ -545,28 +558,35 @@
      Under Windows, these is the same as terminateWithhAllChildren,
      under unix, this terminates a subset of all children"
-    OperatingSystem 
-        terminateProcessGroup:pid;
-        terminateProcess:pid.
+    pid notNil ifTrue:[
+        OperatingSystem 
+            terminateProcessGroup:pid;
+            terminateProcess:pid.
+    ].
 ! !
 !OSProcess methodsFor:'waiting'!
+    ^ self waitUntilFinishedWithTimeout:nil
-    finishSema waitUncounted.
+    (finishSema waitWithTimeout:timeout) isNil ifTrue:[
+        "timed out"
+        ^ nil.
+    ].
     "have to wait until the shufflers have finished their work"
-    shufflerProcesses notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
-        processList := shufflerProcesses.
+    processList := shufflerProcesses.
+    processList notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
         processList do:[:eachProcess | 
             eachProcess waitUntilTerminated.
         shufflerProcesses := nil.
-    ^ exitStatus notNil and:[exitStatus success].
 ! !
 !OSProcess class methodsFor:'documentation'!
--- a/	Wed Dec 28 22:58:47 2016 +0000
+++ b/	Thu Jan 05 21:02:10 2017 +0000
@@ -257,6 +257,7 @@
     "Modified: / 4.8.1999 / 08:54:06 / stefan"
 ! !
 !Object class methodsFor:'Compatibility-ST80'!
@@ -495,6 +496,7 @@
     InfoPrinting := aBoolean
 ! !
 !Object class methodsFor:'queries'!
@@ -517,6 +519,10 @@
 ! !
 !Object methodsFor:'Compatibility-Dolphin'!
 stbFixup: anSTBInFiler at: newObjectIndex
@@ -688,6 +694,8 @@
 ! !
 !Object methodsFor:'accessing'!
@@ -1784,6 +1792,8 @@
 ! !
 !Object methodsFor:'attributes access'!
@@ -1911,6 +1921,8 @@
 ! !
 !Object methodsFor:'change & update'!
@@ -2091,6 +2103,7 @@
     ^ aBlock ensure:[ self addDependent:someone ]
 ! !
 !Object methodsFor:'comparing'!
 = anObject
@@ -2380,6 +2393,13 @@
     ^ Array with:self
+    "enumerate myself as a Collection.
+     Redefined in collection."
+    ^ aBlock value:self
     "return a valueLink for the receiver.
      Used to make sure the receiver can be added to a linked list"
@@ -8180,6 +8200,7 @@
     ^ self
 ! !
 !Object methodsFor:'secure message sending'!
@@ -8785,6 +8806,7 @@
 ! !
 !Object methodsFor:'synchronized evaluation'!
@@ -10579,6 +10601,9 @@
     ^ aVisitor visitObject:self with:aParameter
 ! !
 !Object class methodsFor:'documentation'!
--- a/	Wed Dec 28 22:58:47 2016 +0000
+++ b/	Thu Jan 05 21:02:10 2017 +0000
@@ -144,12 +144,8 @@
 !OrderedDictionary class methodsFor:'instance creation'!
-        ^ super new initializeOrder
-new: anInteger
-        ^(super new: anInteger) initializeOrder
+    ^ (super new:anInteger) initializeOrder:anInteger
 ! !
 !OrderedDictionary methodsFor:'accessing'!
@@ -847,8 +843,8 @@
 !OrderedDictionary methodsFor:'initialization'!
-        order := OrderedCollection new
+    order := OrderedCollection new:count
 ! !
 !OrderedDictionary methodsFor:'private'!
--- a/	Wed Dec 28 22:58:47 2016 +0000
+++ b/	Thu Jan 05 21:02:10 2017 +0000
@@ -108,16 +108,8 @@
 !OrderedSet class methodsFor:'instance creation'!
-        ^super new initializeOrder
-    "Created: / 16.11.2001 / 10:10:37 / cg"
-new: anInteger
-        ^(super new: anInteger) initializeOrder
-    "Created: / 16.11.2001 / 10:10:07 / cg"
+    ^ (super new:anInteger) initializeOrder:anInteger
 ! !
 !OrderedSet methodsFor:'accessing'!
@@ -259,7 +251,7 @@
     "remove all elements from the receiver. Returns the receiver."
     super removeAll.
-    self initializeOrder.
+    self initializeOrder:0.
     "Created: / 16.11.2001 / 10:21:40 / cg"
@@ -413,10 +405,8 @@
 !OrderedSet methodsFor:'initialization'!
-    order := OrderedCollection new
-    "Created: / 16.11.2001 / 10:06:05 / cg"
+    order := OrderedCollection new:count
 ! !
 !OrderedSet methodsFor:'searching'!
--- a/	Wed Dec 28 22:58:47 2016 +0000
+++ b/	Thu Jan 05 21:02:10 2017 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+"{ Encoding: utf8 }"
  COPYRIGHT (c) 1989 by Claus Gittinger
 	      All Rights Reserved
@@ -14,7 +16,7 @@
 "{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"
 NonPositionableExternalStream subclass:#PipeStream
-	instanceVariableNames:'commandString pid exitStatus exitSema exitAction'
+	instanceVariableNames:'commandString osProcess'
@@ -222,7 +224,7 @@
 	p := PipeStream bidirectionalFor:'cat -u'.
-	p nextPutAll:'Wer ist der Bürgermeister von Wesel'; cr.
+	p nextPutAll:'Wer ist der Bürgermeister von Wesel'; cr.
 	Transcript showCR:p nextLine.
 	p close
@@ -275,48 +277,53 @@
      The commands error output is send to my own error output."
     ^ self
-	readingFrom:commandString
-	errorDisposition:#stderr
-	inDirectory:nil
+        readingFrom:commandString
+        errorDisposition:#stderr
+        inDirectory:nil
-	PipeStream readingFrom:'ls -l'.
-    "
-    "
-	|p|
-	p := PipeStream readingFrom:'ls -l'.
-	Transcript showCR:p nextLine.
-	p close
+        PipeStream readingFrom:'ls -l'.
-	|s|
-	s := PipeStream readingFrom:'sh -c sleep\ 600'.
-	(Delay forSeconds:2) wait.
-	s shutDown
+        |p|
+        p := PipeStream readingFrom:'ls -l'.
+        Transcript showCR:p nextLine.
+        p close
-    "vms:
-	PipeStream readingFrom:'dir'.
+    "
+        |p|
+        p := PipeStream readingFrom:'echo error >&2'.
+        Transcript showCR:p nextLine.
+        p close
-	|p|
-	p := PipeStream readingFrom:'dir'.
-	Transcript showCR:p nextLine.
-	p close
+        |s|
+        s := PipeStream readingFrom:'sh -c sleep\ 600'.
+        (Delay forSeconds:2) wait.
+        s abortAndClose
-    "msdos:
-	PipeStream readingFrom:'dir'.
+    "
+        |p|
+        p := PipeStream readingFrom:'dir'.
+        Transcript showCR:p nextLine.
+        p close
+    "
+    "Windows:
+        PipeStream readingFrom:'dir'.
-	|p|
-	p := PipeStream readingFrom:'dir'.
-	Transcript showCR:p nextLine.
-	p close
+        |p|
+        p := PipeStream readingFrom:'dir'.
+        Transcript showCR:p nextLine.
+        p close
     "Modified: 24.4.1996 / 09:09:25 / stefan"
@@ -334,10 +341,27 @@
      Nil is treated like #stderr"
     ^ self basicNew
-	openPipeFor:commandString
-	withMode:#r
-	errorDisposition:errorDisposition
-	inDirectory:aDirectory
+        openPipeFor:commandString
+        withMode:#r
+        errorDisposition:errorDisposition
+        inDirectory:aDirectory
+    "
+        |p|
+        p := PipeStream readingFrom:'bla' errorDisposition:Transcript inDirectory:nil.
+        Transcript showCR:p nextLine.
+        p close
+    "
+    "
+        |p|
+        p := PipeStream readingFrom:'bla' errorDisposition:#inline inDirectory:nil.
+        Transcript showCR:p nextLine.
+        p close
+    "
 readingFrom:commandString inDirectory:aDirectory
@@ -472,15 +496,21 @@
     "return the exitStatus"
-    ^ exitStatus
+    osProcess isNil ifTrue:[
+        ^ nil.
+    ].
+    ^ osProcess exitStatus.
     "Created: 28.12.1995 / 14:54:41 / stefan"
     "return pid"
-    ^ pid
+    osProcess isNil ifTrue:[
+        ^ nil.
+    ].
+    ^ osProcess pid.
     "Created: 28.12.1995 / 14:54:30 / stefan"
 ! !
@@ -511,10 +541,8 @@
     handle notNil ifTrue:[
         super close.
-        pid notNil ifTrue:[
-            "/ wait for the pipe-command to terminate.
-            self waitForPipeCommandWithTimeout:nil.
-        ].
+        "/ wait for the pipe-command to terminate.
+        self waitForPipeCommandWithTimeout:nil.
     "Modified: / 12.9.1998 / 16:51:04 / cg"
@@ -568,37 +596,24 @@
     int retVal;
     if ((fp = __INST(handle)) != nil) {
-	__INST(handle) = nil;
-	f = __FILEVal(fp);
-	if (@global(FileOpenTrace) == true) {
-	    console_fprintf(stderr, "close [PipeStream] %"_lx_" fd=%d\n", (INT)f, fileno(f));
-	}
+        __INST(handle) = nil;
+        f = __FILEVal(fp);
+        if (@global(FileOpenTrace) == true) {
+            console_fprintf(stderr, "close [PipeStream] %"_lx_" fd=%d\n", (INT)f, fileno(f));
+        }
 #ifdef __win32__
-	do {
-	    __threadErrno = 0;
-	    retVal = __STX_C_NOINT_CALL1( "close", (void*)close, (void*)fileno(f) );
-	} while ((retVal < 0) && (__threadErrno == EINTR));
+        do {
+            __threadErrno = 0;
+            retVal = __STX_C_NOINT_CALL1( "close", (void*)close, (void*)fileno(f) );
+        } while ((retVal < 0) && (__threadErrno == EINTR));
-	close(fileno(f));
+        close(fileno(f));
 #endif /* not transputer  */
-    exitAction notNil ifTrue:[
-	action := exitAction.
-	exitAction := nil.
-	action value.
-    ]
-    "define a block to be evaluated when the pipe is closed.
-     This is only used with VMS, to remove any temporary COM file.
-     (see readingFrom:inDirectory:)"
-    exitAction := aBlock
 openPipeFor:aCommandString withMode:rwMode errorDisposition:errorDisposition inDirectory:aDirectory
@@ -611,9 +626,7 @@
      #stderr causes it to be written to smalltalks own stderr.
      Nil is treated like #stderr"
-    |blocked pipeFdArray execFdArray execFd myFd shellAndArgs
-     shellPath shellArgs mbx mbxName
-     realCmd execDirectory tmpComFile nullOutput resultPid errorNumber|
+    |pipeArray remotePipeEnd nullOutput errorNumber myPipeEnd result|
     handle notNil ifTrue:[
         "the pipe was already open ...
@@ -632,185 +645,95 @@
     lastErrorNumber := nil.
-    exitStatus := nil.
-    exitSema := Semaphore new name:'pipe exitSema'.
-    realCmd := aCommandString.
-    execDirectory := aDirectory.
-    execFdArray := #(0 1 2) copy.
+    commandString := aCommandString.
+    "stdio lib does not work with blocking pipes and interrupts
+     for WIN, Linux, Solaris and probably any other UNIX"
+    buffered := false.
+    hitEOF := false.
+    binary := false.
-    OperatingSystem isVMSlike ifTrue:[
-        "/
-        "/ the generated COM-file includes a 'set default'
-        "/
-        tmpComFile := OperatingSystem createCOMFileForVMSCommand:aCommandString in:aDirectory.
-        realCmd := '@' , tmpComFile osName.
-        execDirectory := nil.
+    osProcess := OSProcess new 
+                    command:aCommandString;
+                    directory:aDirectory.
-        mbx := OperatingSystem createMailBox.
-        mbx isNil ifTrue:[
+    mode == #readwrite ifTrue:[
+        pipeArray := self class makeBidirectionalPipe.
+        pipeArray isNil ifTrue:[
             lastErrorNumber := errorNumber := OperatingSystem currentErrorNumber.
-            tmpComFile delete.
             ^ self openError:errorNumber.
-        mbxName := OperatingSystem mailBoxNameOf:mbx.
-        "/ 'mailBox is ' print. mbx print. ' name is ' print. mbxName printCR.
-        shellPath := ''.
-        shellArgs := realCmd.
-        rwMode = #r ifTrue:[
-            "redirect stdout of subprocess to write to mailbox"
-            execFdArray at:2 put:mbx.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            "redirect stdin of subprocess to read from mailbox"
-            execFdArray at:1 put:mbx.
+        myPipeEnd := pipeArray at:1.
+        remotePipeEnd := pipeArray at:2.
+        osProcess inStream:remotePipeEnd.
+        osProcess outStream:remotePipeEnd.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        pipeArray := self class makePipe.
+        pipeArray isNil ifTrue:[
+            lastErrorNumber := errorNumber := OperatingSystem currentErrorNumber.
+            ^ self openError:errorNumber.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        shellAndArgs := OperatingSystem commandAndArgsForOSCommand:realCmd.
-        shellPath := shellAndArgs at:1.
-        shellArgs := shellAndArgs at:2.
-        mode == #readwrite ifTrue:[
-            pipeFdArray := OperatingSystem makeBidirectionalPipe.
-            pipeFdArray isNil ifTrue:[
-                lastErrorNumber := errorNumber := OperatingSystem currentErrorNumber.
-                ^ self openError:errorNumber.
-            ].
-            myFd := pipeFdArray at:1.
-            execFd := pipeFdArray at:2.
-            execFdArray at:1 put:execFd.
-            execFdArray at:2 put:execFd.
+        mode == #readonly ifTrue:[
+            "redirect stdout of subprocess to write to pipe"
+            myPipeEnd := pipeArray at:1.
+            remotePipeEnd := pipeArray at:2.
+            osProcess outStream:remotePipeEnd.
         ] ifFalse:[
-            pipeFdArray := OperatingSystem makePipe.
-            pipeFdArray isNil ifTrue:[
-                lastErrorNumber := errorNumber := OperatingSystem currentErrorNumber.
-                ^ self openError:errorNumber.
-            ].
-            mode == #readonly ifTrue:[
-                "redirect stdout of subprocess to write to pipe"
-                myFd := pipeFdArray at:1.
-                execFd := pipeFdArray at:2.
-                execFdArray at:2 put:execFd.
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                "redirect stdin of subprocess to read from pipe"
-                myFd := pipeFdArray at:2.
-                execFd := pipeFdArray at:1.
-                execFdArray at:1 put:execFd.
-            ].
+            "redirect stdin of subprocess to read from pipe"
+            myPipeEnd := pipeArray at:2.
+            remotePipeEnd := pipeArray at:1.
+            osProcess inStream:remotePipeEnd.
     errorDisposition == #discard ifTrue:[
         nullOutput := Filename nullDevice writeStream.
-        execFdArray at:3 put:nullOutput fileDescriptor
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        (errorDisposition == #inline or:[errorDisposition == #stdout]) ifTrue:[
-            execFdArray at:3 put:1
-        ] ifFalse:[
-"/            errorDisposition isStream ifTrue:[
-"/self halt.
-"/            ].
-        ].
-    ].
-    "/ must block here, to avoid races due to early finishing
-    "/ subprocesses ...
-    blocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
+        osProcess errorStream:nullOutput.
+    ] ifFalse:[(errorDisposition == #inline or:[errorDisposition == #stdout]) ifTrue:[
+        osProcess errorStream:osProcess outStream.
+    ] ifFalse:[(errorDisposition == #stderr or:[errorDisposition isNil]) ifTrue:[
+        osProcess errorStream:Stderr.
+    ] ifFalse:[errorDisposition isStream ifTrue:[
+        osProcess errorStream:errorDisposition.
+    ]]]].
-    "beware: pid may change if subprocess is fast"
-    pid := resultPid :=  Processor
-               monitor:[
-                  OperatingSystem
-                      exec:shellPath
-                      withArguments:shellArgs
-                      environment:nil
-                      fileDescriptors:execFdArray
-                      fork:true
-                      newPgrp:true
-                      inDirectory:execDirectory
-                      showWindow:false.
-               ]
-               action:[:status |
-                  status stillAlive ifFalse:[
-                      exitStatus := status.
+    osProcess terminateActionBlock:[
+            "writing doesn't make sense - there is no reader any longer"
+            mode == #readwrite ifTrue:[
+                "... but allow to read the rest of the command's output"
+                self shutDownOutput.
+            ] ifFalse:[mode == #writeonly ifTrue:[
+                self closeFileDescriptor.
+            ]].
+       ].
-                      "writing doesn't make sense - there is no reader any longer"
-                      mode == #readwrite ifTrue:[
-                          "... but allow to read the rest of the command's output"
-                          self shutDownOutput.
-                      ] ifFalse:[mode == #writeonly ifTrue:[
-                          self closeFileDescriptor.
-                      ]].
-                      OperatingSystem closePid:pid.
-                      pid := nil.
-                      exitSema signal.
-                  ].
-               ].
+    result := osProcess startProcess.
     "subprocess has been created.
      close unused filedescriptors"
-    execFd notNil ifTrue:[
-        OperatingSystem closeFd:execFd.
+    remotePipeEnd notNil ifTrue:[
+        remotePipeEnd close.
     nullOutput notNil ifTrue:[
         nullOutput close
-    resultPid notNil ifTrue:[
+    result ifTrue:[
         "successfull creation of subprocesss"
-        OperatingSystem isVMSlike ifTrue:[
-            "/
-            "/ reopen the mailbox as a file ...
-            "/
-            mbxName := OperatingSystem mailBoxNameOf:mbx.
-            mbxName notNil ifTrue:[
-                super open:mbxName withMode:rwMode.
-                exitAction := [tmpComFile delete].
-            ].
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            self setFileHandle:myFd mode:rwMode.
-            handleType := #pipeFilePointer.
-        ]
+        self setFileHandle:myPipeEnd fileHandle mode:rwMode.
+        myPipeEnd unregisterForFinalization.    "make sure filedesciptor is not closed by finalizer"
+        myPipeEnd := nil.
+        handleType := #pipeFilePointer.
     ] ifFalse:[
-        "creation of subprocesss failed"
-        lastErrorNumber := OperatingSystem currentErrorNumber.
-        OperatingSystem isVMSlike ifTrue:[
-            OperatingSystem destroyMailBox:mbx.
-            tmpComFile delete.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            OperatingSystem closeFd:myFd.
-        ].
-    ].
-    blocked ifFalse:[
-        OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts
-    ].
-    (resultPid isNil or:[lastErrorNumber notNil]) ifTrue:[
-        "
-         the pipe open failed for some reason ...
+        "the pipe open failed for some reason ...
          ... this may be either due to an invalid command string,
          or due to the system running out of memory (when forking
-         the unix process)
-        "
-        exitAction value.
+         the unix process)"
+        lastErrorNumber := OperatingSystem lastErrorNumber.
+        myPipeEnd close.
         ^ self openError:lastErrorNumber.
-    commandString := realCmd.
-    "stdio lib does not work with blocking pipes and interrupts
-     for WIN, Linux, Solaris and probably any other UNIX"
-    buffered := false.
-    position := 0.
-    hitEOF := false.
-    binary := false.
     self registerForFinalization.
     "Modified: / 23.4.1996 / 17:05:59 / stefan"
@@ -819,11 +742,8 @@
-    |tpid|
-    (tpid := pid) notNil ifTrue:[
-	OperatingSystem terminateProcessGroup:tpid.
-	OperatingSystem terminateProcess:tpid.
+    osProcess notNil ifTrue:[
+        osProcess terminateGroup.
@@ -831,14 +751,10 @@
     "wait for the pipe command to terminate itself.
      Return true, if a timeout occurred."
-    pid notNil ifTrue:[
-	[
-	    pid notNil ifTrue:[
-		exitSema waitWithTimeout:seconds.
-	    ]
-	] valueUninterruptably
+    osProcess notNil ifTrue:[
+        ^ osProcess finishSema waitWithTimeout:seconds.
-    ^ pid notNil
+    ^ false
 ! !
 !PipeStream class methodsFor:'documentation'!
--- a/	Wed Dec 28 22:58:47 2016 +0000
+++ b/	Thu Jan 05 21:02:10 2017 +0000
@@ -183,7 +183,6 @@
     process ~~ Processor activeProcess ifTrue:[
-        "I have already got the lock"
         self error:'RecursionLock - signaling process doesn''t own the lock'.
--- a/	Wed Dec 28 22:58:47 2016 +0000
+++ b/	Thu Jan 05 21:02:10 2017 +0000
@@ -410,17 +410,17 @@
      NOTE: must be called with blocked interrupts"
-    "for now"
     waitingProcesses isNil ifTrue:[
-	waitingProcesses := Array with:aProcess
+        "for now - assume that there is probably only one waiter"
+        waitingProcesses := Array with:aProcess
     ] ifFalse:[
-	waitingProcesses isArray ifTrue:[
-	    "add 2 to reserve space for additional waiters"
-	    waitingProcesses := (OrderedCollection new:waitingProcesses size + 2)
-				    addAll:waitingProcesses;
-				    yourself.
-	].
-	waitingProcesses add:aProcess.
+        waitingProcesses isArray ifTrue:[
+            "add 2 to reserve space for additional waiters"
+            waitingProcesses := (OrderedCollection new:waitingProcesses size + 2)
+                                    addAll:waitingProcesses;
+                                    yourself.
+        ].
+        waitingProcesses add:aProcess.
 "/    "Sort, so that higher priority process are resumed first.
--- a/	Wed Dec 28 22:58:47 2016 +0000
+++ b/	Thu Jan 05 21:02:10 2017 +0000
@@ -2754,7 +2754,11 @@
             AbstractSourceCodeManager notNil ifTrue:[
                 sourceCodeManager := AbstractSourceCodeManager sourceCodeManagerForPackage:packageString.
                 sourceCodeManager notNil ifTrue:[
-                    ^ sourceCodeManager loadPackageWithId:packageString fromRepositoryAsAutoloaded:doLoadAsAutoloaded
+                    PackageLoadError handle:[:ex2 |
+                        ex reject
+                    ] do:[    
+                        ^ sourceCodeManager loadPackageWithId:packageString fromRepositoryAsAutoloaded:doLoadAsAutoloaded
+                    ].
--- a/	Wed Dec 28 22:58:47 2016 +0000
+++ b/	Thu Jan 05 21:02:10 2017 +0000
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
 "{ Package: 'stx:libbasic' }"
+"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"
 MetaNumber subclass:#SomeNumber
@@ -86,6 +88,15 @@
      as the receiver, false otherwise."
     ^ something equalFromSomeNumber:self
+    "
+        Float infinity = Infinity positive
+        Infinity positive = Float infinity 
+        Float negativeInfinity = Infinity negative
+        Infinity negative = Float negativeInfinity 
+        Float negativeInfinity = Infinity positive
+        Infinity positive = Float negativeInfinity 
+    "
 ! !
 !SomeNumber methodsFor:'printing'!
@@ -106,6 +117,10 @@
 !SomeNumber methodsFor:'queries'!
+    ^ realNumber isInfinite
     "return the sign of the receiver (-1, 0 or 1)"
@@ -115,6 +130,6 @@
 !SomeNumber class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/,v 1.4 2014-06-30 14:27:34 stefan Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header$'
 ! !
--- a/	Wed Dec 28 22:58:47 2016 +0000
+++ b/	Thu Jan 05 21:02:10 2017 +0000
@@ -3184,42 +3184,6 @@
 !UnixOperatingSystem class methodsFor:'executing OS commands-implementation'!
 exec:aCommandPathArg withArguments:argColl environment:environmentDictionary
-    fileDescriptors:fdColl fork:doFork newPgrp:newPgrp inDirectory:aDirectory
-    ^ self
-        exec:aCommandPathArg withArguments:argColl environment:environmentDictionary
-        fileDescriptors:fdColl fork:doFork newPgrp:newPgrp inDirectory:aDirectory showWindow:nil
-    "
-     |id|
-     id := OperatingSystem fork.
-     id == 0 ifTrue:[
-        'I am the child'.
-        OperatingSystem exec:'/bin/ls' withArguments:#('ls' '/tmp').
-        'not reached'.
-     ]
-    "
-    "
-     |id|
-     id := OperatingSystem fork.
-     id == 0 ifTrue:[
-        'I am the child'.
-        OperatingSystem
-           exec:'/bin/sh'
-           withArguments:#('sh' '-c' 'sleep 2;echo 1;sleep 2;echo 2').
-        'not reached'.
-     ].
-     id printNL.
-     (Delay forSeconds:3.5) wait.
-     'killing ...' printNL.
-     OperatingSystem sendSignal:(OperatingSystem sigTERM) to:id.
-     OperatingSystem sendSignal:(OperatingSystem sigKILL) to:id
-    "
-exec:aCommandPathArg withArguments:argColl environment:environmentDictionary
     fileDescriptors:fdColl fork:doFork newPgrp:newPgrp inDirectory:aDirectory showWindow:ignoredHere
     "Internal lowLevel entry for combined fork & exec;
@@ -3575,245 +3539,28 @@
      'Parent t=' print. (Timestamp now - t1) printCR. 
-startProcess:aCommandString inputFrom:anExternalInStream outputTo:anExternalOutStream
-    errorTo:anExternalErrStream auxFrom:anAuxiliaryStream
-    environment:anEvironmentDictionary inDirectory:dir
-    ^ self
-        startProcess:aCommandString inputFrom:anExternalInStream outputTo:anExternalOutStream
-        errorTo:anExternalErrStream auxFrom:anAuxiliaryStream
-        environment:anEvironmentDictionary inDirectory:dir showWindow:nil
-    "blocking at current prio (i.e. only higher prio threads execute):
-     OperatingSystem executeCommand:'ls -l > out'.
-     OperatingSystem executeCommand:#('/bin/ls' '-l') outputTo:Transcript.
-    "
-    "non-blocking (lower prio threads continue):
-     |in out err pid sema|
-     in := 'out' asFilename readStream.
-     out := 'out2' asFilename writeStream.
-     err := 'err' asFilename writeStream.
-     sema := Semaphore new.
-     pid := OperatingSystem startProcess:'sleep 10; grep drw' inputFrom:in outputTo:out errorTo:err.
-     The following will no longer work. monitorPid has disappeared
-     pid notNil ifTrue:[
-         Processor monitorPid:pid action:[:osStatus | sema signal ].
-     ].
-     in close.
-     out close.
-     err close.
-     sema wait.
-     Transcript showCR:'finished'
-    "
-    "
-     |pid sema|
-     sema := Semaphore new.
-     Processor
-            monitor:[
-                pid := OperatingSystem startProcess:'(sleep 2; ls -l) > out 2>err'
-            ]
-            action:[:osStatus | sema signal ].
-     sema wait.
-     Transcript showCR:'finished'
-    "
-    "
-     |pid sema|
-     sema := Semaphore new.
-     Processor
-            monitor:[
-                pid := OperatingSystem startProcess:'(sleep 1; echo 1; sleep 9; ls -l) > out 2>err'
-            ]
-            action:[:osStatus | sema signal ].
-     Delay waitForSeconds:2.
-     OperatingSystem terminateProcess:pid.
-     Transcript showCR:'terminated'
-    "
-    "Modified: / 21.3.1997 / 10:04:35 / dq"
-    "Modified: / 15.7.1997 / 16:03:51 / stefan"
-    "Modified: / 5.6.1998 / 19:03:51 / cg"
-    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 14:39:20 / cg"
-startProcess:aCommandString inputFrom:anExternalInStream outputTo:anExternalOutStream
-    errorTo:anExternalErrStream auxFrom:anAuxiliaryStream
-    environment:anEvironmentDictionary inDirectory:dir newPgrp:newPgrp showWindow:ignoredHere
-    "start executing the OS command as specified by the argument, aCommandString
-     as a separate process; do not wait for the command to finish.
-     If aCommandString is a String, the commandString is passed to a shell for execution
-     - see the description of 'sh -c' in your UNIX manual ('' in your MSDOS manual).
-     If aCommandString is an Array, the first element is the command to be executed,
-     and the other elements are the arguments to the command. No shell is invoked in this case.
-     The command gets stdIn, stdOut and stdErr assigned from the arguments;
-     each may be nil.
-     Return the processId if successful, nil otherwise.
-     Use #monitorPid:action: for synchronization and exec status return,
-     or #killProcess: to stop it."
-    |nullStream in out err shellAndArgs rslt auxFd|
-    aCommandString isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
-    (in := anExternalInStream) isNil ifTrue:[
-        nullStream := Filename nullDevice readWriteStream.
-        in := nullStream.
-    ].
-    (out := anExternalOutStream) isNil ifTrue:[
-        nullStream isNil ifTrue:[nullStream := Filename nullDevice writeStream].
-        out := nullStream.
-    ].
-    (err := anExternalErrStream) isNil ifTrue:[
-        err := out
-    ].
-    anAuxiliaryStream notNil ifTrue:[
-        auxFd := anAuxiliaryStream fileDescriptor
-    ].
-    shellAndArgs := self commandAndArgsForOSCommand:aCommandString.
-    rslt := self
-        exec:(shellAndArgs at:1)
-        withArguments:(shellAndArgs at:2)
-        environment:anEvironmentDictionary
-        fileDescriptors:(Array with:in fileDescriptor
-                               with:out fileDescriptor
-                               with:err fileDescriptor
-                               with:auxFd)
-        fork:true
-        newPgrp:newPgrp
-        inDirectory:dir.
-    nullStream notNil ifTrue:[
-        nullStream close.
-    ].
-    ^ rslt
-    "blocking at current prio (i.e. only higher prio threads execute):
-     OperatingSystem executeCommand:'ls -l > out'.
-     OperatingSystem executeCommand:#('/bin/ls' '-l') outputTo:Transcript.
-    "
-    "non-blocking (lower prio threads continue):
-     |in out err pid sema|
-     in := 'out' asFilename readStream.
-     out := 'out2' asFilename writeStream.
-     err := 'err' asFilename writeStream.
-     sema := Semaphore new.
-     pid := OperatingSystem startProcess:'sleep 10; grep drw' inputFrom:in outputTo:out errorTo:err.
-     The following will no longer work. monitorPid has disappeared
-     pid notNil ifTrue:[
-         Processor monitorPid:pid action:[:osStatus | sema signal ].
-     ].
-     in close.
-     out close.
-     err close.
-     sema wait.
-     Transcript showCR:'finished'
-    "
-    "
-     |pid sema|
-     sema := Semaphore new.
-     Processor
-            monitor:[
-                pid := OperatingSystem startProcess:'(sleep 2; ls -l) > out 2>err'
-            ]
-            action:[:osStatus | sema signal ].
-     sema wait.
-     Transcript showCR:'finished'
-    "
-    "
-     |pid sema|
-     sema := Semaphore new.
-     Processor
-            monitor:[
-                pid := OperatingSystem startProcess:'(sleep 1; echo 1; sleep 9; ls -l) > out 2>err'
-            ]
-            action:[:osStatus | sema signal ].
-     Delay waitForSeconds:2.
-     OperatingSystem terminateProcess:pid.
-     Transcript showCR:'terminated'
-    "
-    "Modified: / 21.3.1997 / 10:04:35 / dq"
-    "Modified: / 15.7.1997 / 16:03:51 / stefan"
-    "Modified: / 5.6.1998 / 19:03:51 / cg"
-    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 14:39:20 / cg"
-startProcess:aCommandString inputFrom:anExternalInStream outputTo:anExternalOutStream
-    errorTo:anExternalErrStream auxFrom:anAuxiliaryStream
-    environment:anEvironmentDictionary inDirectory:dir showWindow:ignoredHere
-    "start executing the OS command as specified by the argument, aCommandString
-     as a separate process; do not wait for the command to finish.
-     If aCommandString is a String, the commandString is passed to a shell for execution
-     - see the description of 'sh -c' in your UNIX manual ('' in your MSDOS manual).
-     If aCommandString is an Array, the first element is the command to be executed,
-     and the other elements are the arguments to the command. No shell is invoked in this case.
-     The command gets stdIn, stdOut and stdErr assigned from the arguments;
-     each may be nil.
-     Return the processId if successful, nil otherwise.
-     Use #monitorPid:action: for synchronization and exec status return,
-     or #killProcess: to stop it."
-    ^ self
-        startProcess:aCommandString inputFrom:anExternalInStream outputTo:anExternalOutStream
-        errorTo:anExternalErrStream auxFrom:anAuxiliaryStream
-        environment:anEvironmentDictionary inDirectory:dir newPgrp:true showWindow:ignoredHere
 ! !
 !UnixOperatingSystem class methodsFor:'executing OS commands-queries'!
     "get a shell and shell arguments for command execution.
-     If aCommandString is a String, the commandString is passed to a shell for execution
+     If aCommandStringOrArray is a String, the commandString is passed to a shell for execution
      - see the description of 'sh -c' in your UNIX manual ('' in your MSDOS manual).
-     If aCommandString is an Array, the first element is the command to be executed,
-     and the other elements are the arguments to the command. No shell is invoked in this case."
+     If aCommandStringOrArray is an Array, the first element is the command to be executed,
+     and the other elements are the arguments to the command. No shell is invoked in this case.
+     The third element is nil - here for windows compatibility (showWindow in windows)"
     aCommandStringOrArray isNonByteCollection ifTrue:[
-	"if an array is passed, the command string has already been parsed an no shell is invoked"
-	^ Array with:aCommandStringOrArray first with:aCommandStringOrArray.
+        "if an array is passed, the command string has already been parsed an no shell is invoked"
+        ^ Array with:aCommandStringOrArray first with:aCommandStringOrArray with:nil.
     "/ '/bin/sh -c <command>'
-    ^ Array with:'/bin/sh' with:(Array with:'sh' with:'-c' with:aCommandStringOrArray)
+    ^ Array with:'/bin/sh' with:(Array with:'sh' with:'-c' with:aCommandStringOrArray) with:nil.
     "Modified: / 20.1.1998 / 16:57:19 / md"
     "Modified: / 5.6.1998 / 17:40:48 / cg"
@@ -5392,40 +5139,40 @@
 #ifdef __SCHTEAM__
     if (encodedPathName.isStringLike()) {
- file = new encodedPathName.asString() );
-	int _mode;
-	if (file.exists() && file.isDirectory()) {
-	    return __c__._RETURN_true();
-	}
-	return __c__._RETURN_false();
+ file = new encodedPathName.asString() );
+        int _mode;
+        if (file.exists() && file.isDirectory()) {
+            return __c__._RETURN_true();
+        }
+        return __c__._RETURN_false();
     int ret;
     if (__isStringLike(encodedPathName)) {
-	struct stat buf;
+        struct stat buf;
-	printf("stat on '%s' for isDirectory\n", __stringVal(encodedPathName));
-# endif
-	do {
-	    ret = stat((char *) __stringVal(encodedPathName), &buf);
-	} while ((ret < 0) && (errno == EINTR));
-	if (ret < 0) {
-	    @global(LastErrorNumber) = __mkSmallInteger(errno);
-	    RETURN ( false );
-	}
-	RETURN ( ((buf.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR) ? true : false);
+        printf("stat on '%s' for isDirectory\n", __stringVal(encodedPathName));
+# endif
+        do {
+            ret = stat((char *) __stringVal(encodedPathName), &buf);
+        } while ((ret < 0) && (errno == EINTR));
+        if (ret < 0) {
+            @global(LastErrorNumber) = __mkSmallInteger(errno);
+            RETURN ( false );
+        }
+        RETURN ( ((buf.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR) ? true : false);
 #endif /* not SCHTEAM */
     ^ self primitiveFailed
     "an alternative implementation would be:
-	^ (self infoOf:aPathName) type == #directory
+        ^ (self infoOf:aPathName) type == #directory
--- a/	Wed Dec 28 22:58:47 2016 +0000
+++ b/	Thu Jan 05 21:02:10 2017 +0000
@@ -4297,18 +4297,6 @@
     "Created: / 15-11-2016 / 19:39:49 / cg"
-primExec:commandPath commandLine:commandLine fileDescriptors:fdArray fork:doFork newPgrp:newPgrp
-	inPath:dirName createFlags:flagsOrNil inheritHandles:inheritHandles
-	showWindow:showWindowBooleanOrNil
-    "obsolete internal lowLevel entry for combined fork & exec for WIN32"
-    ^ self
-	primExec:commandPath commandLine:commandLine environment:nil
-	fileDescriptors:fdArray fork:doFork newPgrp:newPgrp
-	inPath:dirName createFlags:flagsOrNil inheritHandles:inheritHandles
-	showWindow:showWindowBooleanOrNil
 shellExecute:hwndArg lpOperation:lpOperationArg lpFile:lpFileArg lpParameters:lpParametersArg lpDirectory:lpDirectoryArg nShowCmd:nShowCmd
     "Opens or prints the specified file, which can be an executable, document file, or directory.
      If its a directory, an explorer window is opened (see example below).
--- a/	Wed Dec 28 22:58:47 2016 +0000
+++ b/	Thu Jan 05 21:02:10 2017 +0000
@@ -71,6 +71,7 @@
 CompiledCode CompiledCode stx:libbasic 'Kernel-Methods' 0
 ControlInterrupt ControlInterrupt stx:libbasic 'Kernel-Exceptions-Control' 1
 Date Date stx:libbasic 'Magnitude-Time' 0
+EventSemaphore EventSemaphore stx:libbasic 'Kernel-Processes' 0
 Exception Exception stx:libbasic 'Kernel-Exceptions' 1
 ExternalFunction ExternalFunction stx:libbasic 'System-Support' 0
 False False stx:libbasic 'Kernel-Objects' 0
@@ -87,7 +88,6 @@
 NoHandlerError NoHandlerError stx:libbasic 'Kernel-Exceptions-Errors' 1
 Notification Notification stx:libbasic 'Kernel-Exceptions' 1
 OSHandle OSHandle stx:libbasic 'Compatibility-VisualWorks' 0
-PCFilename PCFilename stx:libbasic 'OS-Windows' 0
 PeekableStream PeekableStream stx:libbasic 'Streams' 0
 Process Process stx:libbasic 'Kernel-Processes' 0
 QuerySignal QuerySignal stx:libbasic 'Kernel-Exceptions' 0
@@ -100,7 +100,6 @@
 True True stx:libbasic 'Kernel-Objects' 0
 UnixFilename UnixFilename stx:libbasic 'OS-Unix' 0
 WeakInterestConverter WeakInterestConverter stx:libbasic 'Interface-Support-Models' 0
-Win32Constants Win32Constants stx:libbasic 'OS-Windows' 0
 ArrayedCollection ArrayedCollection stx:libbasic 'Collections-Abstract' 0
 Association Association stx:libbasic 'Collections-Support' 0
 Block Block stx:libbasic 'Kernel-Methods' 0
@@ -170,7 +169,6 @@
 UserConfirmation UserConfirmation stx:libbasic 'Kernel-Exceptions-Notifications' 1
 UserInterrupt UserInterrupt stx:libbasic 'Kernel-Exceptions-Control' 1
 UserNotification UserNotification stx:libbasic 'Kernel-Exceptions-Notifications' 1
-Win32Handle Win32Handle stx:libbasic 'OS-Windows' 0
 YesToAllConfirmation YesToAllConfirmation stx:libbasic 'Kernel-Exceptions-Notifications' 1
 stx_libbasic stx_libbasic stx:libbasic '* Projects & Packages *' 3
 AbortAllOperationRequest AbortAllOperationRequest stx:libbasic 'Kernel-Exceptions-Control' 1
@@ -220,6 +218,9 @@
 TerminateProcessRequest TerminateProcessRequest stx:libbasic 'Kernel-Exceptions-Control' 1
 TimeDuration TimeDuration stx:libbasic 'Magnitude-Time' 0
 UninterpretedBytes UninterpretedBytes stx:libbasic 'Collections-Abstract' 0
+UnixFileDescriptorHandle UnixFileDescriptorHandle stx:libbasic 'OS-Unix' 0
+UnixFileHandle UnixFileHandle stx:libbasic 'OS-Unix' 0
+UnixOperatingSystem UnixOperatingSystem stx:libbasic 'OS-Unix' 0
 UserInformation UserInformation stx:libbasic 'Kernel-Exceptions-Notifications' 1
 UtcTimestamp UtcTimestamp stx:libbasic 'Magnitude-Time' 0
 VMInternalError VMInternalError stx:libbasic 'Kernel-Exceptions-Errors' 1
@@ -228,7 +229,6 @@
 WeakArray WeakArray stx:libbasic 'Collections-Weak' 0
 WeakIdentitySet WeakIdentitySet stx:libbasic 'Collections-Weak' 0
 WeakValueDictionary WeakValueDictionary stx:libbasic 'Collections-Weak' 0
-Win32FILEHandle Win32FILEHandle stx:libbasic 'OS-Windows' 0
 WriteStream WriteStream stx:libbasic 'Streams' 0
 AbortOperationRequest AbortOperationRequest stx:libbasic 'Kernel-Exceptions-Control' 1
 AbstractNumberVector AbstractNumberVector stx:libbasic 'Collections-Arrayed' 0
@@ -254,6 +254,7 @@
 LargeInteger LargeInteger stx:libbasic 'Magnitude-Numbers' 0
 LongFloat LongFloat stx:libbasic 'Magnitude-Numbers' 0
 OSSignalInterrupt OSSignalInterrupt stx:libbasic 'Kernel-Exceptions-Control' 1
+OSXOperatingSystem OSXOperatingSystem stx:libbasic 'OS-Unix' 0
 OsIllegalOperation OsIllegalOperation stx:libbasic 'OS-Support' 1
 OsInaccessibleError OsInaccessibleError stx:libbasic 'OS-Support' 1
 OsInvalidArgumentsError OsInvalidArgumentsError stx:libbasic 'OS-Support' 1
@@ -322,7 +323,6 @@
 UnimplementedFunctionalityError UnimplementedFunctionalityError stx:libbasic 'Kernel-Exceptions-Errors' 1
 UnprotectedExternalBytes UnprotectedExternalBytes stx:libbasic 'System-Support' 0
 WeakDependencyDictionary WeakDependencyDictionary stx:libbasic 'Collections-Weak' 0
-Win32OperatingSystem Win32OperatingSystem stx:libbasic 'OS-Windows' 0
 WriteError WriteError stx:libbasic 'Kernel-Exceptions-Errors' 1
 AbstractClassInstantiationError AbstractClassInstantiationError stx:libbasic 'Kernel-Exceptions-ExecutionErrors' 1
 BadLiteralsError BadLiteralsError stx:libbasic 'Kernel-Exceptions-ExecutionErrors' 1
@@ -373,10 +373,11 @@
 UnderflowError UnderflowError stx:libbasic 'Kernel-Exceptions-Errors' 1
 ZeroDivide ZeroDivide stx:libbasic 'Kernel-Exceptions-Errors' 1
 BadRomanNumberFormatError BadRomanNumberFormatError stx:libbasic 'Magnitude-Numbers' 1
-UnixFileDescriptorHandle UnixFileDescriptorHandle stx:libbasic  'unknownCategory'  0
-UnixFileHandle UnixFileHandle stx:libbasic  'unknownCategory'  0
-UnixOperatingSystem UnixOperatingSystem stx:libbasic  'unknownCategory'  0
-OSXOperatingSystem OSXOperatingSystem stx:libbasic  'unknownCategory'  0
+PCFilename PCFilename stx:libbasic  'unknownCategory'  0
+Win32Constants Win32Constants stx:libbasic  'unknownCategory'  0
+Win32Handle Win32Handle stx:libbasic  'unknownCategory'  0
+Win32FILEHandle Win32FILEHandle stx:libbasic  'unknownCategory'  0
+Win32OperatingSystem Win32OperatingSystem stx:libbasic  'unknownCategory'  0
 OpenVMSFileHandle OpenVMSFileHandle stx:libbasic  'unknownCategory'  0
 OpenVMSFilename OpenVMSFilename stx:libbasic  'unknownCategory'  0
 OpenVMSOperatingSystem OpenVMSOperatingSystem stx:libbasic  'unknownCategory'  0
--- a/bc.mak	Wed Dec 28 22:58:47 2016 +0000
+++ b/bc.mak	Thu Jan 05 21:02:10 2017 +0000
@@ -140,6 +140,7 @@
 $(OUTDIR)CompiledCode.$(O) CompiledCode.$(C) CompiledCode.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\ExecutableFunction.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
 $(OUTDIR)ControlInterrupt.$(O) ControlInterrupt.$(C) ControlInterrupt.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\GenericException.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
 $(OUTDIR)Date.$(O) Date.$(C) Date.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Magnitude.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)EventSemaphore.$(O) EventSemaphore.$(C) EventSemaphore.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Semaphore.$(H) $(STCHDR)
 $(OUTDIR)Exception.$(O) Exception.$(C) Exception.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\GenericException.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
 $(OUTDIR)ExternalFunction.$(O) ExternalFunction.$(C) ExternalFunction.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\ExecutableFunction.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
 $(OUTDIR)False.$(O) False.$(C) False.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Boolean.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
@@ -437,10 +438,10 @@
 $(OUTDIR)UnderflowError.$(O) UnderflowError.$(C) UnderflowError.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\ArithmeticError.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Error.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Exception.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\ExecutionError.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\GenericException.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\ProceedableError.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\RangeError.$(H) $(STCHDR)
 $(OUTDIR)ZeroDivide.$(O) ZeroDivide.$(C) ZeroDivide.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\ArithmeticError.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\DomainError.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Error.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Exception.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\ExecutionError.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\GenericException.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\ProceedableError.$(H) $(STCHDR)
 $(OUTDIR)BadRomanNumberFormatError.$(O) BadRomanNumberFormatError.$(C) BadRomanNumberFormatError.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\ConversionError.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Error.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Exception.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\GenericException.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\NumberConversionError.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\NumberFormatError.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\ProceedableError.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\RomanNumberFormatError.$(H) $(STCHDR)
-$(OUTDIR)PCFilename.$(O) PCFilename.$(C) PCFilename.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Filename.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
-$(OUTDIR)Win32Constants.$(O) Win32Constants.$(C) Win32Constants.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\SharedPool.$(H) $(STCHDR)
-$(OUTDIR)Win32FILEHandle.$(O) Win32FILEHandle.$(C) Win32FILEHandle.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\ExternalAddress.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\OSFileHandle.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\OSHandle.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
-$(OUTDIR)Win32Handle.$(O) Win32Handle.$(C) Win32Handle.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\ExternalAddress.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\OSHandle.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
-$(OUTDIR)Win32OperatingSystem.$(O) Win32OperatingSystem.$(C) Win32OperatingSystem.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\AbstractOperatingSystem.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\ArrayedCollection.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\ByteArray.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Collection.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\ExternalAddress.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\OSHandle.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\SequenceableCollection.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\SharedPool.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\UninterpretedBytes.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Win32Constants.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Win32Handle.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)PCFilename.$(O) PCFilename.$(C) PCFilename.$(H): $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)Win32Constants.$(O) Win32Constants.$(C) Win32Constants.$(H): $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)Win32Handle.$(O) Win32Handle.$(C) Win32Handle.$(H): $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)Win32FILEHandle.$(O) Win32FILEHandle.$(C) Win32FILEHandle.$(H): $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)Win32OperatingSystem.$(O) Win32OperatingSystem.$(C) Win32OperatingSystem.$(H): $(STCHDR)
 # ENDMAKEDEPEND --- do not remove this line
--- a/	Wed Dec 28 22:58:47 2016 +0000
+++ b/	Thu Jan 05 21:02:10 2017 +0000
@@ -86,6 +86,7 @@
 extern void _CompiledCode_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
 extern void _ControlInterrupt_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
 extern void _Date_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
+extern void _EventSemaphore_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
 extern void _Exception_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
 extern void _ExternalFunction_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
 extern void _False_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
@@ -484,6 +485,7 @@
+    _EventSemaphore_Init(pass,__pRT__,snd);
--- a/	Wed Dec 28 22:58:47 2016 +0000
+++ b/	Thu Jan 05 21:02:10 2017 +0000
@@ -248,6 +248,7 @@
+        EventSemaphore
@@ -264,7 +265,6 @@
-        (PCFilename win32)
@@ -277,7 +277,6 @@
-        (Win32Constants win32)
@@ -347,7 +346,6 @@
-        (Win32Handle win32)
@@ -397,6 +395,9 @@
+        (UnixFileDescriptorHandle unix)
+        (UnixFileHandle unix)
+        (UnixOperatingSystem unix)
@@ -405,7 +406,6 @@
-        (Win32FILEHandle win32)
@@ -431,6 +431,7 @@
+        (OSXOperatingSystem unix)
@@ -499,7 +500,6 @@
-        (Win32OperatingSystem win32)
@@ -550,10 +550,11 @@
-        (UnixFileDescriptorHandle unix)
-        (UnixFileHandle unix)
-        (UnixOperatingSystem unix)
-        (OSXOperatingSystem unix)
+        (PCFilename win32)
+        (Win32Constants win32)
+        (Win32Handle win32)
+        (Win32FILEHandle win32)
+        (Win32OperatingSystem win32)
         (OpenVMSFileHandle vms)
         (OpenVMSFilename vms)
         (OpenVMSOperatingSystem vms)
--- a/stx_libbasicWINrc.rc	Wed Dec 28 22:58:47 2016 +0000
+++ b/stx_libbasicWINrc.rc	Thu Jan 05 21:02:10 2017 +0000
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 // automagically generated from the projectDefinition: stx_libbasic.
-  FILEVERSION     7,1,1,170
+  FILEVERSION     7,1,1,171
 #if (__BORLANDC__)
@@ -20,12 +20,12 @@
       VALUE "CompanyName", "Claus Gittinger / eXept Software AG\0"
       VALUE "FileDescription", "Smalltalk/X Basic Classes (LIB)\0"
-      VALUE "FileVersion", "\0"
+      VALUE "FileVersion", "\0"
       VALUE "InternalName", "stx:libbasic\0"
       VALUE "LegalCopyright", "Copyright Claus Gittinger 1988\nCopyright eXept Software AG 2013\0"
       VALUE "ProductName", "Smalltalk/X\0"
       VALUE "ProductVersion", "\0"
-      VALUE "ProductDate", "Thu, 22 Dec 2016 13:56:45 GMT\0"
+      VALUE "ProductDate", "Tue, 27 Dec 2016 10:27:37 GMT\0"