authorClaus Gittinger <cg@exept.de>
Thu, 13 Oct 2016 11:57:39 +0200
changeset 20621 acb096a8c2b1
parent 20620 eb26c0ba968a
child 20622 952f7804f48c
#DOCUMENTATION by cg class: Block comment/format in: #documentation
--- a/Block.st	Thu Oct 13 11:43:15 2016 +0200
+++ b/Block.st	Thu Oct 13 11:57:39 2016 +0200
@@ -49,22 +49,52 @@
     is done by the compilers, when some sourceCode is compiled to either
     machine or byteCode.
+    In the code, blocks are written as:
+        [
+            expression1. 
+            ...
+            expressionN 
+        ]
+    It represents the computation inside the brackets,
+    and can be passed around as argument, assigned to variables or returned from a block or method.
+    Creation of a block does NOT evaluate its expressions. You have to give the block to someone,
+    who asks it to evaluate itself. This is done by sending #value to the block.
+    i.e.
+        foo := [ Transcript showCR:'Hello World'].
+        ...
+        foo value
+    Blocks are used in many many ways; one particular use is as callback:
+        |b|
+        b := Button label:'Press me'.
+        b action:[ Transcript showCR:'Hello'].
+        b open.
     Blocks with arguments need a message of type ''value:arg1 ... value:argn''
     for evaluation; the number of arguments passed when evaluating must match
     the number of arguments the block was declared with otherwise an error is
-    raised. Blocks without args need a ''value'' message for evaluation.
-    Blocks keep a reference to the context where the block was declared -
+    raised. 
+    Blocks without args need a ''value'' message for evaluation.
+    another use of blocks is in the enumeration protocols:
+        |coll|
+        coll := #( 'one' 'two' 'three').
+        coll do:[:eachElement | Transcript showCR:eachElement ].
+    Blocks keep a reference to the context where it was declared -
     this allows blocks to access the methods arguments and/or variables.
     This is still true after the method has returned - since the
     block keeps this reference, the methods context will NOT die in this case.
-    (i.e. Blocks are closures in Smalltalk/X)
+    (for experts: Smalltalk blocks are technically lambdas/closures)
     A return (via ^-statement) out of a block will force a return from the
-    blocks method context (if it is still living) - this make the implementation
-    of long-jumps and control structures possible.
-    (If the method is not alive (i.e. has already returned), a return out of the
-     block will trigger an error)
+    block's method context (if it is still living).
+    This is effectively a kind of long-jumps out of the method which declared the block
+    and makes control structures and loops possible.
+    If the method is not alive (i.e. has already returned), a return out of the
+    block will trigger an error.
     Long-jump is done by defining a catchBlock as ''[^ self]''
     somewhere up in the calling-tree. Then, to do the long-jump from out of some
@@ -73,30 +103,30 @@
     [Instance variables:]
       home        <Context>         the context where this block was created (i.e. defined)
-				    this may be a blockContext or a methodContext
+                                    this may be a blockContext or a methodContext
       nargs       <SmallInteger>    the number of arguments the block expects
       sourcePos   <SmallInteger>    the character position of its source, in chars
-				    relative to methods source beginning
+                                    relative to methods source beginning
       initialPC   <SmallInteger>    the start position within the byteCode
-				    for compiled blocks, this is nil.
+                                    for compiled blocks, this is nil.
     [Class variables:]
       InvalidNewSignal              raised if a Block is tried to be created
-				    with new (which is not allowed).
-				    Only the VM is allowed to create Blocks.
+                                    with new (which is not allowed).
+                                    Only the VM is allowed to create Blocks.
     NOTICE: layout known by runtime system and compiler - do not change
-	Claus Gittinger
+        Claus Gittinger
     [see also:]
-	Process Context
-	Collection
-	( contexts. blocks & unwinding : programming/contexts.html)
+        Process Context
+        Collection
+        ( contexts. blocks & unwinding : programming/contexts.html)
@@ -678,7 +708,6 @@
     "Created: / 28-08-2010 / 14:41:15 / cg"
 ! !
 !Block methodsFor:'accessing'!