#TUNING by stefan
authorStefan Vogel <sv@exept.de>
Mon, 02 Mar 2020 14:50:33 +0100
changeset 25312 b8687d94e230
parent 25311 3ef66bb4ec5a
child 25313 a91253d9c944
#TUNING by stefan class: LargeInteger changed: #absMul: #absMulKarazuba:
--- a/LargeInteger.st	Mon Mar 02 14:28:02 2020 +0100
+++ b/LargeInteger.st	Mon Mar 02 14:50:33 2020 +0100
@@ -333,7 +333,57 @@
     "Modified: / 8.5.1998 / 21:40:41 / cg"
 ! !
+!LargeInteger class methodsFor:'accessing'!
+    ^ SignedLongIntegerArray
+    "Created: / 11-02-2011 / 10:51:32 / Jan Vrany <jan.vrany@fit.cvut.cz>"
+    ^'long'.
+    "Modified: / 25-02-2011 / 18:59:31 / Jan Vrany <jan.vrany@fit.cvut.cz>"
+    ^(Java classForName: 'java.lang.Long')
+    "Created: / 24-02-2012 / 19:42:20 / Jan Vrany <jan.vrany@fit.cvut.cz>"
+! !
+!LargeInteger class methodsFor:'autoboxing support'!
+javaBox: anObject
+    | wrapper |
+    wrapper := (JavaVM classForName: 'java.lang.Long') new.
+    wrapper perform: #'<init>(J)V' with: anObject with: nil.
+    ^ wrapper
+    "Created: / 16-08-2011 / 09:58:40 / Jan Vrany <jan.vrany@fit.cvut.cz>"
+    "Modified: / 14-11-2013 / 01:21:21 / Jan Vrany <jan.vrany@fit.cvut.cz>"
+javaUnbox: object onError: errorBlock
+    | value |
+    (object class binaryName = 'java/lang/Long') ifFalse:[
+	errorBlock value.
+    ].
+    value := object instVarNamed:#value.
+    (value between: "Integer.MIN_VALUE"-9223372036854775808 and: "Integer.MAX_VALUE" 9223372036854775807) ifFalse:[
+	errorBlock value.
+    ].
+    ^value
+    "Created: / 22-11-2011 / 11:45:30 / Jan Vrany <jan.vrany@fit.cvut.cz>"
+    "Modified: / 08-10-2013 / 22:42:10 / Jan Vrany <jan.vrany@fit.cvut.cz>"
+! !
 !LargeInteger class methodsFor:'coercing & converting'!
@@ -352,6 +402,13 @@
     ^ true
     "Modified: 23.4.1996 / 15:59:21 / cg"
+    ^true
+    "Created: / 04-02-2011 / 11:55:50 / Jan Vrany <jan.vrany@fit.cvut.cz>"
 ! !
 !LargeInteger methodsFor:'arithmetic'!
@@ -4715,8 +4772,8 @@
     otherDigitByteArray := aLargeInteger digitBytes.
     len2 := otherDigitByteArray size.
     lenRslt := len1 + len2.
-    UseKarazuba ~~ false ifTrue:[
-	lenRslt > 400 ifTrue:[ ^ self absMulKarazuba:aLargeInteger ].
+    (UseKarazuba ~~ false and:[lenRslt > 900]) ifTrue:[
+        ^ self absMulKarazuba:aLargeInteger.
     result := self class basicNew numberOfDigits:lenRslt.
@@ -4726,239 +4783,250 @@
     if (__isByteArray(__INST(digitByteArray))
      && __isByteArray(otherDigitByteArray)
      && __isByteArray(resultDigitByteArray)) {
-	unsigned char *myBytes = __ByteArrayInstPtr(__INST(digitByteArray))->ba_element;
-	unsigned char *otherBytes = __ByteArrayInstPtr(otherDigitByteArray)->ba_element;
-	unsigned char *resultBytes = __ByteArrayInstPtr(resultDigitByteArray)->ba_element;
-	unsigned char *_p1, *_pResult0, *_p1Last, *_p2Last;
-	unsigned INT _v;
-	int _len1 = __intVal(len1);
-	int _len2 = __intVal(len2);
-	_p1Last = myBytes    + _len1 - 1;  /* the last byte */
-	_p2Last = otherBytes + _len2 - 1;  /* the last byte */
-	_pResult0 = resultBytes;
-	/*
-	 *         aaa...aaa      f1[0] * f2
-	 * +      bbb...bbb       f1[1] * f2
-	 * +     ccc...ccc        f1[2] * f2
-	 * +    ...
-	 * +   xxx...xxx          f1[high] * f2
-	 *
-	 * start short-wise
-	 * bounds: (16rFFFF * 16rFFFF) + 16rFFFF -> FFFF0000
-	 */
-	_p1 = myBytes;
+        unsigned char *myBytes = __ByteArrayInstPtr(__INST(digitByteArray))->ba_element;
+        unsigned char *otherBytes = __ByteArrayInstPtr(otherDigitByteArray)->ba_element;
+        unsigned char *resultBytes = __ByteArrayInstPtr(resultDigitByteArray)->ba_element;
+        unsigned char *_p1, *_pResult0, *_p1Last, *_p2Last;
+        unsigned INT _v;
+        int _len1 = __intVal(len1);
+        int _len2 = __intVal(len2);
+        _p1Last = myBytes    + _len1 - 1;  /* the last byte */
+        _p2Last = otherBytes + _len2 - 1;  /* the last byte */
+        _pResult0 = resultBytes;
+        /*
+         *         aaa...aaa      f1[0] * f2
+         * +      bbb...bbb       f1[1] * f2
+         * +     ccc...ccc        f1[2] * f2
+         * +    ...
+         * +   xxx...xxx          f1[high] * f2
+         *
+         * start short-wise
+         * bounds: (16rFFFF * 16rFFFF) + 16rFFFF -> FFFF0000
+         */
+        _p1 = myBytes;
 #if defined(__LSBFIRST__) && (__POINTER_SIZE__ == 8)
-	/* loop over ints of f1 */
-	for (; _p1 <= (_p1Last-3); _p1 += 4, _pResult0 += 4) {
-	    unsigned char *_pResult = _pResult0;
-	    unsigned char *_p2;
-	    unsigned INT word1 = ((unsigned int *)_p1)[0];
-	    _v = 0;
-	    /* loop over ints of f2 */
-	    for (_p2 = otherBytes; _p2 <= (_p2Last-3); _p2 += 4) {
-		_v = word1 * (unsigned INT)(((unsigned int *)_p2)[0])
-		     + _v + (unsigned INT)((unsigned int *)_pResult)[0];
-		((unsigned int *)_pResult)[0] = _v /* & 0xFFFFFFFF */;
-		_v >>= 32; /* now _v contains the carry*/
-		_pResult += 4;
-	    }
-	    /* possible odd up to 3 highBytes of f2 */
-	    for ( ; _p2 <= _p2Last; _p2++) {
-		_v = word1 * (unsigned INT)(_p2[0])
-		     + _v + (unsigned INT)(_pResult[0]);
-		((unsigned char *)_pResult)[0] = _v /* & 0xFFFFFFFF */;
-		_v >>= 8; /* now _v contains the carry*/
-		_pResult++;
-	    }
-	    /* distribute leftover carry byte-wise */
-	    for ( ; _v; _v >>= 8, _pResult++) {
-		_v += _pResult[0];
-		_pResult[0] = _v /* & 0xFF */;
-	    }
-	}
+        /* loop over ints of f1 */
+        for (; _p1 <= (_p1Last-3); _p1 += 4, _pResult0 += 4) {
+            unsigned char *_pResult = _pResult0;
+            unsigned char *_p2;
+            unsigned INT word1 = ((unsigned int *)_p1)[0];
+            _v = 0;
+            /* loop over ints of f2 */
+            for (_p2 = otherBytes; _p2 <= (_p2Last-3); _p2 += 4) {
+                _v = word1 * (unsigned INT)(((unsigned int *)_p2)[0])
+                     + _v + (unsigned INT)((unsigned int *)_pResult)[0];
+                ((unsigned int *)_pResult)[0] = _v /* & 0xFFFFFFFF */;
+                _v >>= 32; /* now _v contains the carry*/
+                _pResult += 4;
+            }
+            /* possible odd up to 3 highBytes of f2 */
+            for ( ; _p2 <= _p2Last; _p2++) {
+                _v = word1 * (unsigned INT)(_p2[0])
+                     + _v + (unsigned INT)(_pResult[0]);
+                ((unsigned char *)_pResult)[0] = _v /* & 0xFFFFFFFF */;
+                _v >>= 8; /* now _v contains the carry*/
+                _pResult++;
+            }
+            /* distribute leftover carry byte-wise */
+            for ( ; _v; _v >>= 8, _pResult++) {
+                _v += _pResult[0];
+                _pResult[0] = _v /* & 0xFF */;
+            }
+        }
 #endif /* 64bit */
-	/* possible odd high short of f1 (or shortLoop, if not 64bit) */
-	for (; _p1 < _p1Last; _p1 += 2, _pResult0 += 2) {
-	    unsigned char *_pResult = _pResult0;
-	    unsigned char *_p2 = otherBytes;
-	    unsigned int short1 = ((unsigned short *)_p1)[0];
+        /* possible odd high short of f1 (or shortLoop, if not 64bit) */
+        for (; _p1 < _p1Last; _p1 += 2, _pResult0 += 2) {
+            unsigned char *_pResult = _pResult0;
+            unsigned char *_p2 = otherBytes;
+            unsigned int short1 = ((unsigned short *)_p1)[0];
 #if !defined(__LSBFIRST__)
-	    short1 = ((short1 >> 8) & 0xFF) | ((short1 & 0xFF) << 8);
+            short1 = ((short1 >> 8) & 0xFF) | ((short1 & 0xFF) << 8);
-	    _v = 0;
-	    /* loop over shorts of f2 */
-	    for ( ; _p2 < _p2Last; _p2 += 2, _pResult += 2) {
+            _v = 0;
+            /* loop over shorts of f2 */
+            for ( ; _p2 < _p2Last; _p2 += 2, _pResult += 2) {
 #if !defined(__LSBFIRST__)
-		unsigned int _short2  = ((unsigned short *)_p2)[0];
-		unsigned int _short3  = ((unsigned short *)_pResult)[0];
-		_short2 = ((_short2 >> 8) /* & 0xFF */) | ((_short2 & 0xFF) << 8);
-		_short3 = ((_short3 >> 8) /* & 0xFF */) | ((_short3 & 0xFF) << 8);
-		_v = (short1 * _short2) + _short3 + _v;
-		_pResult[0] = _v;
-		_pResult[1] = _v >> 8;
+                unsigned int _short2  = ((unsigned short *)_p2)[0];
+                unsigned int _short3  = ((unsigned short *)_pResult)[0];
+                _short2 = ((_short2 >> 8) /* & 0xFF */) | ((_short2 & 0xFF) << 8);
+                _short3 = ((_short3 >> 8) /* & 0xFF */) | ((_short3 & 0xFF) << 8);
+                _v = (short1 * _short2) + _short3 + _v;
+                _pResult[0] = _v;
+                _pResult[1] = _v >> 8;
 #else /* __LSBFIRST__ */
-		_v = (short1 * ((unsigned short *)_p2)[0]) + _v + ((unsigned short *)_pResult)[0];
-		((unsigned short *)_pResult)[0] = _v /* & 0xFFFF */;
+                _v = (short1 * ((unsigned short *)_p2)[0]) + _v + ((unsigned short *)_pResult)[0];
+                ((unsigned short *)_pResult)[0] = _v /* & 0xFFFF */;
 #endif /* __LSBFIRST__ */
-		_v >>= 16; /* now _v contains the carry*/
-	    }
-	    /* possible odd highByte of f2 */
-	    for ( ; _p2 <= _p2Last; _p2++, _pResult += 2) {
+                _v >>= 16; /* now _v contains the carry*/
+            }
+            /* possible odd highByte of f2 */
+            for ( ; _p2 <= _p2Last; _p2++, _pResult += 2) {
 #if !defined(__LSBFIRST__)
-		unsigned int _short3 = ((unsigned short *)_pResult)[0];
-		_short3 = ((_short3 >> 8) /* & 0xFF */) | ((_short3 & 0xFF) << 8);
-		_v = (short1 * _p2[0]) + _v + _short3;
-		_pResult[0] = _v;
-		_pResult[1] = _v >> 8;
+                unsigned int _short3 = ((unsigned short *)_pResult)[0];
+                _short3 = ((_short3 >> 8) /* & 0xFF */) | ((_short3 & 0xFF) << 8);
+                _v = (short1 * _p2[0]) + _v + _short3;
+                _pResult[0] = _v;
+                _pResult[1] = _v >> 8;
 #else /* __LSBFIRST__ */
-		_v = (short1 * _p2[0]) + _v + ((unsigned short *)_pResult)[0];
-		((unsigned short *)_pResult)[0] = _v /* & 0xFFFF */;
+                _v = (short1 * _p2[0]) + _v + ((unsigned short *)_pResult)[0];
+                ((unsigned short *)_pResult)[0] = _v /* & 0xFFFF */;
 #endif /* __LSBFIRST__ */
-		_v >>= 16; /* now _v contains the carry*/
-	    }
-	    /* distribute leftover carry byte-wise */
-	    for ( ; _v; _v >>= 8, _pResult++) {
-		_v += _pResult[0];
-		_pResult[0] = _v /* & 0xFF */;
-	    }
-	}
-	/* possible odd highByte of f1 (or byteLoop, if above is ever disabled) */
-	for (; _p1 <= _p1Last; _p1++, _pResult0++) {
-	    unsigned char *_pResult = _pResult0;
-	    unsigned char *_p2 = otherBytes;
-	    unsigned int byte1 = _p1[0];
-	    _v = 0;
-	    /* loop over shorts of f2 */
-	    for ( ; _p2 < _p2Last; _p2 += 2, _pResult += 2) {
+                _v >>= 16; /* now _v contains the carry*/
+            }
+            /* distribute leftover carry byte-wise */
+            for ( ; _v; _v >>= 8, _pResult++) {
+                _v += _pResult[0];
+                _pResult[0] = _v /* & 0xFF */;
+            }
+        }
+        /* possible odd highByte of f1 (or byteLoop, if above is ever disabled) */
+        for (; _p1 <= _p1Last; _p1++, _pResult0++) {
+            unsigned char *_pResult = _pResult0;
+            unsigned char *_p2 = otherBytes;
+            unsigned int byte1 = _p1[0];
+            _v = 0;
+            /* loop over shorts of f2 */
+            for ( ; _p2 < _p2Last; _p2 += 2, _pResult += 2) {
 #if !defined(__LSBFIRST__)
-		unsigned int _short2 = ((unsigned short *)_p2)[0];
-		unsigned int _short3  = ((unsigned short *)_pResult)[0];
-		_short2 = ((_short2 >> 8) /* & 0xFF */) | ((_short2 & 0xFF) << 8);
-		_short3 = ((_short3 >> 8) /* & 0xFF */) | ((_short3 & 0xFF) << 8);
-		_v = (byte1 * _short2) + _v +_short3;
-		_pResult[0] = _v;
-		_pResult[1] = _v >> 8;
+                unsigned int _short2 = ((unsigned short *)_p2)[0];
+                unsigned int _short3  = ((unsigned short *)_pResult)[0];
+                _short2 = ((_short2 >> 8) /* & 0xFF */) | ((_short2 & 0xFF) << 8);
+                _short3 = ((_short3 >> 8) /* & 0xFF */) | ((_short3 & 0xFF) << 8);
+                _v = (byte1 * _short2) + _v +_short3;
+                _pResult[0] = _v;
+                _pResult[1] = _v >> 8;
 #else /* __LSBFIRST__ */
-		_v = (byte1 * ((unsigned short *)_p2)[0]) + _v + ((unsigned short *)_pResult)[0];
-		((unsigned short *)_pResult)[0] = _v /* & 0xFFFF */;
+                _v = (byte1 * ((unsigned short *)_p2)[0]) + _v + ((unsigned short *)_pResult)[0];
+                ((unsigned short *)_pResult)[0] = _v /* & 0xFFFF */;
 #endif /* __LSBFIRST__ */
-		_v >>= 16; /* now _v contains the carry*/
-	    }
-	    /* possible odd highByte of f2 (or byteLoop, if not __LSBFIRST__) */
-	    for ( ; _p2 <= _p2Last; _p2++, _pResult++) {
-		_v = (byte1 * _p2[0]) + _v + _pResult[0];
-		_pResult[0] = _v /* & 0xFF */;
-		_v >>= 8; /* now _v contains the carry*/
-	    }
-	    /* distribute leftover carry byte-wise */
-	    for ( ; _v; _v >>= 8, _pResult++) {
-		_v += _pResult[0];
-		_pResult[0] = _v /* & 0xFF */;
-	    }
-	}
-	ok = true;
+                _v >>= 16; /* now _v contains the carry*/
+            }
+            /* possible odd highByte of f2 (or byteLoop, if not __LSBFIRST__) */
+            for ( ; _p2 <= _p2Last; _p2++, _pResult++) {
+                _v = (byte1 * _p2[0]) + _v + _pResult[0];
+                _pResult[0] = _v /* & 0xFF */;
+                _v >>= 8; /* now _v contains the carry*/
+            }
+            /* distribute leftover carry byte-wise */
+            for ( ; _v; _v >>= 8, _pResult++) {
+                _v += _pResult[0];
+                _pResult[0] = _v /* & 0xFF */;
+            }
+        }
+        ok = true;
     ok ifFalse:[
-	1 to:len1 do:[:index1 |
-	    1 to:len2 do:[:index2 |
-		dstIndex := index1 + index2 - 1.
-		prod := (digitByteArray basicAt:index1) * (otherDigitByteArray basicAt:index2).
-		prod := prod + (resultDigitByteArray basicAt:dstIndex).
-		resultDigitByteArray basicAt:dstIndex put:(prod bitAnd:16rFF).
-		carry := prod bitShift:-8.
-		carry ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-		    idx := dstIndex + 1.
-		    [carry ~~ 0] whileTrue:[
-			v := (resultDigitByteArray basicAt:idx) + carry.
-			resultDigitByteArray basicAt:idx put:(v bitAnd:255).
-			carry := v bitShift:-8.
-			idx := idx + 1
-		    ]
-		]
-	    ]
-	].
+        1 to:len1 do:[:index1 |
+            1 to:len2 do:[:index2 |
+                dstIndex := index1 + index2 - 1.
+                prod := (digitByteArray basicAt:index1) * (otherDigitByteArray basicAt:index2).
+                prod := prod + (resultDigitByteArray basicAt:dstIndex).
+                resultDigitByteArray basicAt:dstIndex put:(prod bitAnd:16rFF).
+                carry := prod bitShift:-8.
+                carry ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+                    idx := dstIndex + 1.
+                    [carry ~~ 0] whileTrue:[
+                        v := (resultDigitByteArray basicAt:idx) + carry.
+                        resultDigitByteArray basicAt:idx put:(v bitAnd:255).
+                        carry := v bitShift:-8.
+                        idx := idx + 1
+                    ]
+                ]
+            ]
+        ].
     ^ result compressed
+    "Modified: / 02-03-2020 / 14:42:11 / Stefan Vogel"
     "return a LargeInteger representing abs(self) * abs(theArgument) using the karazuba algorithm.
-	a = (2^n * p) + q
-	b = (2^n * r) + s
-	a * b   = ((2^n * p) + q) * ((2^n * r) + s)
-		= 2^(n+n)*p*r + 2^n*p*s + 2^n*q*r + q*s
-		= 2^(n+n)*p*r + (p*r + q*s - (q-p)*(s-r))*2^n + q*s
-	this is faster for sufficient large n1,n2
-	because regular multiplication is O(n1*n2) and karazuma multiplies much smaller numbers
-	(half number of bits) but does more multiplications (on smaller numbers) and req's more
-	additions and subtractions (on smaller numbers).
-	The break-even for when to use regular multiplication has been determined heuristically
-	and is somewhere around 1600 bits (digitLength of 200).
-	(see test in absMul:)
-	To disable karazuba, set UseKarazuba to false.
+        a = (2^n * p) + q
+        b = (2^n * r) + s
+        a * b   = ((2^n * p) + q) * ((2^n * r) + s)
+                = 2^(n+n)*p*r + 2^n*p*s + 2^n*q*r + q*s
+                = 2^(n+n)*p*r + (p*r + q*s - (q-p)*(s-r))*2^n + q*s
+        this is faster for sufficient large n1,n2
+        because regular multiplication is O(n1*n2) and karazuma multiplies much smaller numbers
+        (half number of bits) but does more multiplications (on smaller numbers) and req's more
+        additions and subtractions (on smaller numbers).
+        The break-even for when to use regular multiplication has been determined heuristically
+        and is somewhere around 1600 bits (digitLength of 200 for 32-bit (900 for 64-bit).
+        (see test in absMul:)
+        To disable karazuba, set UseKarazuba to false.
     "/ compute half-sized pi and qi...
-    |l1 l2 n nh p q r s pr qs q_p s_r q_ps_r pr_raisedTo_n mdl_raisedTo_nh|
-    l1 := self digitLength.
-    l2 := aLargeInteger digitLength.
-    n := l1 max:l2.
-    nh := (n / 2) ceiling. n := nh * 2.
-    p := LargeInteger digitBytes:(digitByteArray copyFrom:nh+1) sign:1. "/ high bits of nr1
-    q := LargeInteger digitBytes:(digitByteArray copyToMax:nh) sign:1.   "/ low bits of nr1
-    r := LargeInteger digitBytes:(aLargeInteger digitBytes copyFrom:nh+1) sign:1. "/ high bits of nr2
-    s := LargeInteger digitBytes:(aLargeInteger digitBytes copyToMax:nh).           "/ low bits of nr2
-    p := p compressed.
-    q := q compressed.
-    r := r compressed.
-    s := s compressed.
+    |len1 "{ Class:SmallInteger }" len2 "{ Class:SmallInteger }" 
+     n "{ Class:SmallInteger }" nh "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
+     otherDigitByteArray p q r s pr qs pr_raisedTo_n mdl_raisedTo_nh|
+    len1 := digitByteArray size.
+    anInteger class == SmallInteger ifTrue:[
+        anInteger == 0 ifTrue:[
+            ^ 0.
+        ].    
+        r := 0.             "/ high bits of nr2  
+        s := anInteger.     "/ low bits of nr2  
+        n := len1.
+        nh := len1 // 2.
+    ] ifFalse:[    
+        otherDigitByteArray := anInteger digitBytes.
+        len2 := otherDigitByteArray size.
+        n := len1 max:len2.
+        nh := (n / 2) ceiling. 
+        n := nh * 2.
+        r := (LargeInteger digitBytes:(otherDigitByteArray copyFrom:nh+1)) compressed. "/ high bits of nr2
+        s := (LargeInteger digitBytes:(otherDigitByteArray copyToMax:nh)) compressed.  "/ low bits of nr2
+    ].
+    p := (LargeInteger digitBytes:(digitByteArray copyFrom:nh+1)) compressed.   "/ high bits of nr1
+    q := (LargeInteger digitBytes:(digitByteArray copyToMax:nh)) compressed.    "/ low bits of nr1
     pr := p * r.
     qs := q * s.
-    q_p := q - p.
-    s_r := s - r.
-    q_ps_r := q_p * s_r.
-    pr_raisedTo_n := (pr bitShift:(n*8)).
-    mdl_raisedTo_nh := ((pr + qs - q_ps_r) bitShift:(nh*8)).
+    pr_raisedTo_n := pr bitShift:(n*8).
+    mdl_raisedTo_nh := (pr + qs - ((q-p)*(s-r))) bitShift:(nh*8).
     ^ pr_raisedTo_n + mdl_raisedTo_nh + qs
      #(100 500 1000 2500 5000 10000 25000 50000 100000 250000 500000 1000000) do:[:exp |
-	 |nr r1 r2|
-	 nr := (3 raisedTo:exp) asInteger.
-	 Transcript show:exp; show:' nbytes: '; showCR:nr digitLength;
-	    show:'  normal: '; show:(Time microsecondsToRun:[ UseKarazuba := false. r1 := nr * nr ]); showCR:'us';
-	    show:'  karazuba: '; show:(Time microsecondsToRun:[ UseKarazuba := true. r2 := nr absMulKarazuba: nr]); showCR:'us'.
-	 self assert:(r1 = r2).
+         |nr r1 r2|
+         nr := (3 raisedTo:exp) + 1111111.
+         Transcript show:exp; show:' nbytes: '; showCR:nr digitLength;
+            show:'  normal: '; showCR:(TimeDuration toRun:[ UseKarazuba := false. r1 := nr * nr ]);
+            show:'  karazuba: '; showCR:(TimeDuration toRun:[ UseKarazuba := true. r2 := nr absMulKarazuba: nr]).
+         self assert:(r1 = r2).
+     self assert:((3 raisedTo:10000) absMulKarazuba:11111) = (11111 * (3 raisedTo:10000))
+    "Modified (comment): / 02-03-2020 / 14:50:22 / Stefan Vogel"
 absPlus:aLargeInteger sign:newSign