initial checkin
Fri, 19 Mar 2004 09:16:43 +0100
changeset 8227 f700545e4350
parent 8226 81d95cffe5be
child 8228 cd5c696619a3
initial checkin
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Fri Mar 19 09:16:43 2004 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+"{ Package: 'stx:libbasic' }"
+Object subclass:#SmalltalkChunkFileSourceWriter
+	instanceVariableNames:'classBeingSaved'
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'Kernel-Classes'
+!SmalltalkChunkFileSourceWriter methodsFor:'source writing'!
+fileOut:aClass on:outStreamArg withTimeStamp:stampIt withInitialize:initIt withDefinition:withDefinition methodFilter:methodFilter encoder:encoderOrNil
+    "file out my definition and all methods onto aStream.
+     If stampIt is true, a timeStamp comment is prepended.
+     If initIt is true, and the class implements a class-initialize method,
+     append a corresponding doIt expression for initialization.
+     The order by which the fileOut is done is used to put the version string at the end.
+     Thus, if the version string is expanded (by CVS), the characterPositions of methods should not move"
+    |collectionOfCategories copyrightMethod copyrightText comment versionMethod skippedMethods
+     nonMeta meta classesImplementingInitialize outStream|
+    nonMeta := aClass theNonMetaclass.
+    meta := nonMeta class.
+    nonMeta isLoaded ifFalse:[
+        ^ ClassDescription fileOutErrorSignal 
+            raiseRequestWith:nonMeta
+            errorString:' - will not fileOut unloaded class: ', nonMeta name
+    ].
+    encoderOrNil isNil ifTrue:[
+        outStream := outStreamArg.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        outStream := EncodedStream stream:outStreamArg encoder:encoderOrNil.
+        outStream nextPutAll:'"{ Encoding: ' , encoderOrNil nameOfEncoding , ' }"'; cr; cr.
+    ].
+    "
+     if there is a copyright method, add a copyright comment
+     at the beginning, taking the string from the copyright method.
+     We cannot do this unconditionally - that would lead to my copyrights
+     being put on your code ;-).
+     On the other hand: I want every file created by myself to have the
+     copyright string at the beginning be preserved .... even if the
+     code was edited in the browser and filedOut.
+    "
+    (copyrightMethod := meta compiledMethodAt:#copyright) notNil ifTrue:[
+        "
+         get the copyright methods source,
+         and insert at beginning.
+        "
+        copyrightText := copyrightMethod source.
+        copyrightText isNil ifTrue:[
+            "
+             no source available - trigger an error
+            "
+            ClassDescription fileOutErrorSignal
+                raiseRequestWith:nonMeta
+                errorString:('no source for class ' , nonMeta name , ' available. Cannot fileOut').
+            ^ self
+        ].
+        "
+         strip off the selector-line
+        "
+        copyrightText := copyrightText asCollectionOfLines asStringCollection.
+        copyrightText := copyrightText copyFrom:2 to:(copyrightText size).
+"/        copyrightText do:[:line | outStream nextPutAll:line. aStream cr.].
+        copyrightText := copyrightText asString.
+        outStream nextPutAllAsChunk:copyrightText.
+    ].
+    stampIt ifTrue:[
+        "/
+        "/ first, a timestamp
+        "/
+        outStream nextPutAll:(Smalltalk timeStamp).
+        outStream nextPutChunkSeparator. 
+        outStream cr; cr.
+    ].
+    withDefinition ifTrue:[
+        "/
+        "/ then the definition(s)
+        "/
+        self fileOutAllDefinitionsOf:nonMeta on:outStream.
+        "/
+        "/ a comment - if any
+        "/
+        (comment := nonMeta comment) notNil ifTrue:[
+            nonMeta fileOutCommentOn:outStream.
+            outStream cr.
+        ].
+        "/
+        "/ primitive definitions - if any
+        "/
+        nonMeta fileOutPrimitiveSpecsOn:outStream.
+    ].
+    "/
+    "/ methods from all categories in metaclass (i.e. class methods)
+    "/ EXCEPT: the version method is placed at the very end, to
+    "/         avoid sourcePosition-shifts when checked out later.
+    "/         (RCS expands this string, so its size is not constant)
+    "/
+    collectionOfCategories := meta categories asSortedCollection.
+    collectionOfCategories notNil ifTrue:[
+        "/
+        "/ documentation first (if any), but not the version method
+        "/
+        (collectionOfCategories includes:'documentation') ifTrue:[
+            versionMethod := meta compiledMethodAt:(nonMeta nameOfVersionMethod).
+            versionMethod notNil ifTrue:[
+                skippedMethods := Array with:versionMethod
+            ].
+            self fileOutCategory:'documentation' of:meta except:skippedMethods only:nil methodFilter:methodFilter on:outStream.
+            outStream cr.
+        ].
+        "/
+        "/ initialization next (if any)
+        "/
+        (collectionOfCategories includes:'initialization') ifTrue:[
+            self fileOutCategory:'initialization' of:meta methodFilter:methodFilter on:outStream.
+            outStream cr.
+        ].
+        "/
+        "/ instance creation next (if any)
+        "/
+        (collectionOfCategories includes:'instance creation') ifTrue:[
+            self fileOutCategory:'instance creation' of:meta methodFilter:methodFilter on:outStream.
+            outStream cr.
+        ].
+        collectionOfCategories do:[:aCategory |
+            ((aCategory ~= 'documentation')
+            and:[(aCategory ~= 'initialization')
+            and:[aCategory ~= 'instance creation']]) ifTrue:[
+                self fileOutCategory:aCategory of:meta methodFilter:methodFilter on:outStream.
+                outStream cr
+            ]
+        ]
+    ].
+    "/
+    "/ methods from all categories
+    "/
+    collectionOfCategories := nonMeta categories asSortedCollection.
+    collectionOfCategories notNil ifTrue:[
+        collectionOfCategories do:[:aCategory |
+            self fileOutCategory:aCategory of:nonMeta methodFilter:methodFilter on:outStream.
+            outStream cr
+        ]
+    ].
+    "/
+    "/ any private classes' methods
+    "/
+    nonMeta privateClassesSorted do:[:aClass |
+        self fileOutAllMethodsOf:aClass on:outStream methodFilter:methodFilter
+    ].
+    "/
+    "/ finally, the previously skipped version method
+    "/
+    versionMethod notNil ifTrue:[
+        self fileOutCategory:'documentation' of:meta except:nil only:skippedMethods methodFilter:methodFilter on:outStream.
+    ].
+    initIt ifTrue:[
+        "/
+        "/ optionally an initialize message
+        "/
+        classesImplementingInitialize := OrderedCollection new.
+        (meta includesSelector:#initialize) ifTrue:[
+            classesImplementingInitialize add:nonMeta
+        ].
+        nonMeta privateClassesSorted do:[:aPrivateClass |
+            (aPrivateClass theMetaclass includesSelector:#initialize) ifTrue:[
+                classesImplementingInitialize add:aPrivateClass
+            ]
+        ].
+        classesImplementingInitialize size ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+            classesImplementingInitialize topologicalSort:[:a :b | b isSubclassOf:a].
+            outStream cr.
+            classesImplementingInitialize do:[:eachClass |
+                eachClass printClassNameOn:outStream. outStream nextPutAll:' initialize'.
+                outStream nextPutChunkSeparator.
+                outStream cr.
+            ].
+        ].
+    ]
+    "Created: / 15.11.1995 / 12:53:06 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 1.4.1997 / 16:01:05 / stefan"
+    "Modified: / 13.3.1998 / 12:23:59 / cg"
+fileOutAllDefinitionsOf:aNonMetaClass on:aStream
+    "append expressions on aStream, which defines myself and all of my private classes."
+    aNonMetaClass fileOutDefinitionOn:aStream.
+    aStream nextPutChunkSeparator. 
+    aStream cr; cr.
+    "/
+    "/ optional classInstanceVariables
+    "/
+    aNonMetaClass class instanceVariableString isBlank ifFalse:[
+        aNonMetaClass fileOutClassInstVarDefinitionOn:aStream.
+        aStream nextPutChunkSeparator. 
+        aStream cr; cr
+    ].
+    "/ here, the full nameSpace prefixes are output,
+    "/ to avoid confusing stc 
+    "/ (which otherwise could not find the correct superclass)
+    "/
+    Class fileOutNameSpaceQuerySignal answer:false do:[
+        Class forceNoNameSpaceQuerySignal answer:true do:[
+            aNonMetaClass privateClassesSorted do:[:aClass |
+                 self fileOutAllDefinitionsOf:aClass on:aStream
+            ]
+        ]
+    ].
+    "Created: 15.10.1996 / 11:15:19 / cg"
+    "Modified: 22.3.1997 / 16:11:56 / cg"
+fileOutAllMethodsOf:aClass on:aStream methodFilter:methodFilter
+    |collectionOfCategories|
+    collectionOfCategories := aClass class categories asSortedCollection.
+    collectionOfCategories notNil ifTrue:[
+        collectionOfCategories do:[:aCategory |
+            self fileOutCategory:aCategory of:aClass class  methodFilter:methodFilter on:aStream.
+            aStream cr
+        ]
+    ].
+    collectionOfCategories := aClass categories asSortedCollection.
+    collectionOfCategories notNil ifTrue:[
+        collectionOfCategories do:[:aCategory |
+            self fileOutCategory:aCategory of:aClass methodFilter:methodFilter on:aStream.
+            aStream cr
+        ]
+    ].
+    aClass privateClassesSorted do:[:aClass |
+        self fileOutAllMethodsOf:aClass on:aStream methodFilter:methodFilter
+    ].
+    "Created: 15.10.1996 / 11:13:00 / cg"
+    "Modified: 22.3.1997 / 16:12:17 / cg"
+fileOutCategory:aCategory of:aClass except:skippedMethods only:savedMethods methodFilter:methodFilter on:aStream
+    "file out all methods belonging to aCategory, aString onto aStream.
+     If skippedMethods is nonNil, those are not saved.
+     If savedMethods is nonNil, only those are saved.
+     If both are nil, all are saved. See version-method handling in
+     fileOut for what this is needed."
+    |dict source sortedSelectors first privacy interestingMethods cat|
+    dict := aClass methodDictionary.
+    dict notNil ifTrue:[
+        interestingMethods := OrderedCollection new.
+        dict do:[:aMethod |
+            |wanted|
+            (methodFilter isNil
+            or:[methodFilter value:aMethod]) ifTrue:[
+                (aCategory = aMethod category) ifTrue:[
+                    skippedMethods notNil ifTrue:[
+                        wanted := (skippedMethods includesIdentical:aMethod) not
+                    ] ifFalse:[
+                        savedMethods notNil ifTrue:[
+                            wanted := (savedMethods includesIdentical:aMethod).
+                        ] ifFalse:[
+                            wanted := true
+                        ]
+                    ].
+                    wanted ifTrue:[interestingMethods add:aMethod].
+                ]
+            ]
+        ].
+        interestingMethods notEmpty ifTrue:[
+            first := true.
+            privacy := nil.
+            "/
+            "/ sort by selector
+            "/
+            sortedSelectors := interestingMethods collect:[:m | aClass selectorAtMethod:m].
+            sortedSelectors sortWith:interestingMethods.
+            interestingMethods do:[:aMethod |
+                first ifFalse:[
+                    privacy ~~ aMethod privacy ifTrue:[
+                        first := true.
+                        aStream space.
+                        aStream nextPutChunkSeparator.
+                    ].
+                    aStream cr; cr
+                ].
+                privacy := aMethod privacy.
+                first ifTrue:[
+                    aStream nextPutChunkSeparator.
+                    aClass printClassNameOn:aStream.
+                    privacy ~~ #public ifTrue:[
+                        aStream space; nextPutAll:privacy; nextPutAll:'MethodsFor:'.
+                    ] ifFalse:[
+                        aStream nextPutAll:' methodsFor:'.
+                    ].
+                    cat := aCategory.
+                    cat isNil ifTrue:[ cat := '' ].
+                    aStream nextPutAll:aCategory asString storeString.
+                    aStream nextPutChunkSeparator; cr; cr.
+                    first := false.
+                ].
+                source := aMethod source.
+                source isNil ifTrue:[
+                    Class fileOutErrorSignal 
+                        raiseRequestWith:aClass
+                        errorString:' - no source for method: ', (aMethod displayString)
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    aStream nextChunkPut:source.
+                ].
+            ].
+            aStream space.
+            aStream nextPutChunkSeparator.
+            aStream cr
+        ]
+    ]
+    "Modified: 28.8.1995 / 14:30:41 / claus"
+    "Modified: 12.6.1996 / 11:37:33 / stefan"
+    "Modified: 15.11.1996 / 11:32:21 / cg"
+    "Created: 1.4.1997 / 16:04:33 / stefan"
+fileOutCategory:aCategory of:aClass methodFilter:methodFilter on:aStream
+    "file out all methods belonging to aCategory, aString onto aStream"
+    self fileOutCategory:aCategory of:aClass except:nil only:nil methodFilter:methodFilter on:aStream
+    "Created: 1.4.1997 / 16:04:44 / stefan"
+! !
+!SmalltalkChunkFileSourceWriter class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/,v 1.1 2004-03-19 08:16:43 ca Exp $'
+! !