changeset 0 1cf8d1747859
child 1 85d662a8509f
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Fri Jul 16 11:39:41 1993 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+ COPYRIGHT (c) 1989-92 by Claus Gittinger
+              All Rights Reserved
+ This software is furnished under a license and may be used
+ only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
+ inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
+ be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
+ other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
+ hereby transferred.
+ArrayedCollection subclass:#VariableArray
+       instanceVariableNames:'tally contentsArray'
+       classVariableNames:''
+       poolDictionaries:''
+       category:'Collections-Indexed'
+VariableArray comment:'
+COPYRIGHT (c) 1989-92 by Claus Gittinger
+              All Rights Reserved
+VariableArrays can grow and shrink - in contrast to Arrays which are
+fixed in size - this may change in the future.
+(make Array be FixedArray, and this one named Array
+%W% %E%
+!VariableArray class methodsFor:'instance creation'!
+    "return a new VariableArray - with size 0"
+    ^ (self basicNew) setInitialContents:(Array new:10)
+    "return a new VariableArray"
+    ^ (self basicNew) setContents:(Array new:size)
+! !
+!VariableArray methodsFor:'kludges'!
+    "return a shallow copy of the receiver
+     have to kludge the kludge ... - shallow copy the contents array"
+    |newText|
+    newText := self class new.
+    newText setContents:(contentsArray shallowCopy).
+    ^ newText
+! !
+!VariableArray methodsFor:'private'!
+    "return the contents array"
+    ^ contentsArray
+    "set the contents array but make size zero"
+    tally := 0.
+    contentsArray := anArray
+    "set the contents array"
+    tally := anArray size.
+    contentsArray := anArray
+! !
+!VariableArray methodsFor:'inquiries'!
+    "return the number of array elements"
+    ^ tally
+    "return true if the receiver cannot grow - this will vanish once
+     Arrays and Strings learn how to grow ..."
+    ^ false
+! !
+!VariableArray methodsFor:'filling & replacing'!
+replaceFrom:start to:stop with:aCollection startingAt:repStart
+    "reimplemented for speed
+     - can use Arrays fast replace if aCollection is Array or VariableArray"
+    |col|
+    col := aCollection.
+    (aCollection isKindOf:VariableArray) ifTrue:[
+        ((stop - start + repStart) <= aCollection size) ifTrue:[
+            col := aCollection getContents
+        ]
+    ].
+    (col isMemberOf:Array) ifTrue:[
+        (stop <= tally) ifTrue:[
+            ^ contentsArray replaceFrom:start to:stop with:col startingAt:repStart
+        ]
+    ].
+    ^ super replaceFrom:start to:stop with:aCollection startingAt:repStart
+! !
+!VariableArray methodsFor:'removing'!
+removeFromIndex:startIndex toIndex:endIndex
+    "remove the elements stored at indexes between startIndex and endIndex"
+    |newSize|
+    (endIndex >= tally) ifTrue:[
+        self grow:(startIndex - 1)
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        newSize := tally - endIndex + startIndex - 1.
+        contentsArray replaceFrom:startIndex to:newSize with:contentsArray startingAt:(endIndex + 1).
+        self grow:newSize
+    ]
+! !
+!VariableArray methodsFor:'testing'!
+    "return the number of occurrences of anObject in the receiver"
+    ^ contentsArray occurrencesOf:anObject
+    "return true, if the receiver contains the argument, anObject"
+    ^ contentsArray includes:anObject
+indexOf:anElement startingAt:start
+    "search the collection for anElement starting search at index start
+     using = for compares.
+     if found, return the index otherwise return 0"
+    |index|
+    (start > tally) ifFalse:[
+        index := contentsArray indexOf:anElement startingAt:start.
+        index == 0 ifFalse:[
+            (index between:1 and:tally) ifTrue:[
+                ^ index
+            ]
+        ]
+    ].
+    ^ 0
+identityIndexOf:anElement startingAt:start
+    "search the collection for anElement starting search at index start
+     using == for compares.
+     if found, return the index otherwise return 0"
+    |index|
+    (start > tally) ifFalse:[
+        index := contentsArray identityIndexOf:anElement startingAt:start.
+        index == 0 ifFalse:[
+            (index between:1 and:tally) ifTrue:[
+                ^ index
+            ]
+        ]
+    ].
+    ^ 0
+! !
+!VariableArray methodsFor:'accessing'!
+    "return the element at index"
+    (index between:1 and:tally) ifFalse:[
+        ^ self subscriptBoundsError:index
+    ].
+    ^ contentsArray at:index
+at:index put:anObject
+    "set the element at index"
+    (index between:1 and:tally) ifFalse:[
+        ^ self subscriptBoundsError:index
+    ].
+    ^ contentsArray at:index put:anObject
+! !
+!VariableArray methodsFor:'grow & shrink'!
+    "grow to newSize"
+    |newArray|
+    (newSize > tally) ifTrue:[
+        (newSize > contentsArray size) ifTrue:[
+            newArray := Array new:(newSize * 2).
+            newArray replaceFrom:1 to:tally with:contentsArray startingAt:1.
+            contentsArray := newArray
+        ]
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        contentsArray from:(newSize + 1) to:tally put:nil
+    ].
+    tally := newSize
+    "add anElement to the end of the array"
+    |newSize "{ Class: SmallInteger }" |
+    newSize := tally + 1.
+    (newSize <= contentsArray size) ifTrue:[
+        tally := newSize
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        self grow:newSize
+    ].
+    contentsArray at:tally put:anElement
+! !
+!VariableArray methodsFor:'enumerating'!
+    "evaluate the argument, aBlock for each element
+     in the collection"
+    contentsArray from:1 to:tally do:aBlock
+from:start to:stop do:aBlock
+    "evaluate the argument, aBlock for some elements
+     in the collection"
+    (stop <= tally) ifTrue:[
+        contentsArray from:start to:stop do:aBlock
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        super from:start to:stop do:aBlock
+    ]
+! !