changeset 2773 ab3049f4a351
parent 2748 28321c333a8d
child 2818 94d67df5c00d
--- a/	Sun Aug 05 11:44:04 2012 +0200
+++ b/	Sun Aug 05 18:19:07 2012 +0200
@@ -45,8 +45,11 @@
 # endif
+#  ifdef __BORLANDC__
 # define SOCKET_FROM_FD(fd)               (_get_osfhandle(fd))
+#  else
+# define SOCKET_FROM_FD(fd)               (fd)
+#  endif
 #else /* not WIN32 */
 # define SOCKET_FROM_FD(fd)               (fd)
@@ -263,411 +266,411 @@
     example (get help info from an nntp server):
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |sock host|
-        host := OperatingSystem getEnvironment:'NNTPSERVER'.
-        sock := Socket newTCPclientToHost:host port:'nntp'.
-        sock isNil ifTrue:[
-            self warn:'no nntp daemon is running'.
-            ^ self
-        ].
-        Transcript showCR:sock nextLine.
-        sock buffered:false.
-        sock nextPutAll:'HELP'; cr.
-        [:exit |
-            |line|
-            line := sock nextLine.
-            line = '.' ifTrue:[exit value:nil].
-            Transcript showCR:line.
-        ] loopWithExit.
-        sock close
-                                                                        [exEnd]
+									[exBegin]
+	|sock host|
+	host := OperatingSystem getEnvironment:'NNTPSERVER'.
+	sock := Socket newTCPclientToHost:host port:'nntp'.
+	sock isNil ifTrue:[
+	    self warn:'no nntp daemon is running'.
+	    ^ self
+	].
+	Transcript showCR:sock nextLine.
+	sock buffered:false.
+	sock nextPutAll:'HELP'; cr.
+	[:exit |
+	    |line|
+	    line := sock nextLine.
+	    line = '.' ifTrue:[exit value:nil].
+	    Transcript showCR:line.
+	] loopWithExit.
+	sock close
+									[exEnd]
     example (connect to finger daemon, get users entry):
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |sock host entry|
-        host := OperatingSystem getHostName.
-        sock := Socket newTCPclientToHost:host port:'finger'.
-        sock isNil ifTrue:[
-            self warn:'no finger daemon is running'.
-            ^ self
-        ].
-        sock useCRLF:true.
-        sock buffered:false.
-        sock isNil ifTrue:[
-            Transcript showCR:'cannot connect to local finger daemon'
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            sock nextPutAll:(OperatingSystem getLoginName).
-            sock cr.
-            entry := sock nextLine.
-            Transcript showCR:entry.
-            sock close
-        ]
-                                                                        [exEnd]
+									[exBegin]
+	|sock host entry|
+	host := OperatingSystem getHostName.
+	sock := Socket newTCPclientToHost:host port:'finger'.
+	sock isNil ifTrue:[
+	    self warn:'no finger daemon is running'.
+	    ^ self
+	].
+	sock useCRLF:true.
+	sock buffered:false.
+	sock isNil ifTrue:[
+	    Transcript showCR:'cannot connect to local finger daemon'
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    sock nextPutAll:(OperatingSystem getLoginName).
+	    sock cr.
+	    entry := sock nextLine.
+	    Transcript showCR:entry.
+	    sock close
+	]
+									[exEnd]
     example (connect to an ftp server):
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |sock host|
-        host := OperatingSystem getHostName.
-        sock := Socket newTCPclientToHost:host port:'ftp'.
-        sock buffered:false.
-        Transcript showCR:sock nextLine.
-        sock nextPutAll:('USER ' , 'anonymous'); cr.
-        Transcript showCR:sock nextLine.
-        sock nextPutAll:('PASS ' , 'fooBar'); cr.
-        Transcript showCR:sock nextLine.
-        sock nextPutAll:'LIST'; cr.
-        Transcript showCR:sock nextLine.
-        sock close.
-        'dont know enough of the ftp protocol to continue here ...'
-                                                                        [exEnd]
+									[exBegin]
+	|sock host|
+	host := OperatingSystem getHostName.
+	sock := Socket newTCPclientToHost:host port:'ftp'.
+	sock buffered:false.
+	Transcript showCR:sock nextLine.
+	sock nextPutAll:('USER ' , 'anonymous'); cr.
+	Transcript showCR:sock nextLine.
+	sock nextPutAll:('PASS ' , 'fooBar'); cr.
+	Transcript showCR:sock nextLine.
+	sock nextPutAll:'LIST'; cr.
+	Transcript showCR:sock nextLine.
+	sock close.
+	'dont know enough of the ftp protocol to continue here ...'
+									[exEnd]
     example (connect to an snmp server [UDP]):
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |sock port|
-        sock := Socket newUDP.
-        port := Socket portOfService:'snmp'.
-        sock connectTo:(OperatingSystem getHostName) port:port.
-        sock buffered:false.
-        Transcript showCR:'got it'.
-        sock close.
-                                                                        [exEnd]
+									[exBegin]
+	|sock port|
+	sock := Socket newUDP.
+	port := Socket portOfService:'snmp'.
+	sock connectTo:(OperatingSystem getHostName) port:port.
+	sock buffered:false.
+	Transcript showCR:'got it'.
+	sock close.
+									[exEnd]
     example (await connection from a client and read some data):
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |connectSock sock|
-        connectSock := Socket newTCPserverAtPort:9998.
-        connectSock isNil ifTrue:[
-            Transcript showCR:'socket setup failed.'.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            Transcript showCR:'listen ..'.
-            (connectSock listenFor:5) ifFalse:[
-                Transcript showCR:'listen failed.'.
-            ] ifTrue:[
-                Transcript showCR:'wait'.
-                connectSock readWait.
-                Transcript showCR:'accept'.
-                sock := connectSock accept.
-                sock isNil ifTrue:[
-                    Transcript showCR:'accept failed.'.
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    sock buffered:false.
-                    Transcript showCR:'server: got it'.
-                    'can now do transfer via sock'.
-                    Transcript showCR:'read'.
-                    Transcript showCR:('got: ' , sock nextLine).
-                    Transcript showCR:'close'.
-                    sock close
-                ].
-                connectSock close.
-            ]
-        ]
-                                                                        [exEnd]
+									[exBegin]
+	|connectSock sock|
+	connectSock := Socket newTCPserverAtPort:9998.
+	connectSock isNil ifTrue:[
+	    Transcript showCR:'socket setup failed.'.
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    Transcript showCR:'listen ..'.
+	    (connectSock listenFor:5) ifFalse:[
+		Transcript showCR:'listen failed.'.
+	    ] ifTrue:[
+		Transcript showCR:'wait'.
+		connectSock readWait.
+		Transcript showCR:'accept'.
+		sock := connectSock accept.
+		sock isNil ifTrue:[
+		    Transcript showCR:'accept failed.'.
+		] ifFalse:[
+		    sock buffered:false.
+		    Transcript showCR:'server: got it'.
+		    'can now do transfer via sock'.
+		    Transcript showCR:'read'.
+		    Transcript showCR:('got: ' , sock nextLine).
+		    Transcript showCR:'close'.
+		    sock close
+		].
+		connectSock close.
+	    ]
+	]
+									[exEnd]
     example (connect to above server and send some data):
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |sock|
-        sock := Socket newTCPclientToHost:(OperatingSystem getHostName) port:9998.
-        sock isNil ifTrue:[
-            Transcript showCR:'nope'
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            sock buffered:false.
-            Transcript showCR:'client: got it'.
-            'can now do transfer via sock'.
-            Transcript showCR:'sending <hello>'.
-            sock nextPutLine:'hello'.
-            sock close
-        ]
-                                                                        [exEnd]
+									[exBegin]
+	|sock|
+	sock := Socket newTCPclientToHost:(OperatingSystem getHostName) port:9998.
+	sock isNil ifTrue:[
+	    Transcript showCR:'nope'
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    sock buffered:false.
+	    Transcript showCR:'client: got it'.
+	    'can now do transfer via sock'.
+	    Transcript showCR:'sending <hello>'.
+	    sock nextPutLine:'hello'.
+	    sock close
+	]
+									[exEnd]
     example: UNIX domain socket (await connection from a client and read some data):
-        |connectSock sock|
-        '/tmp/ud_socket' asFilename remove.
-        connectSock := Socket newUNIXserverAt:'/tmp/ud_socket'.
-        connectSock isNil ifTrue:[
-            Transcript showCR:'socket setup failed.'.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            Transcript showCR:'listen ..'.
-            (connectSock listenFor:5) ifFalse:[
-                Transcript showCR:'listen failed.'.
-            ] ifTrue:[
-                Transcript showCR:'wait'.
-                connectSock buffered:false.
-                connectSock readWait.
-                Transcript showCR:'accept'.
-                sock := connectSock accept.
-                sock isNil ifTrue:[
-                    Transcript showCR:'accept failed.'.
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    sock buffered:false.
-                    Transcript showCR:'server: got it'.
-                    'can now do transfer via sock'.
-                    Transcript showCR:'read'.
-                    Transcript showCR:('got: ' , sock nextLine).
-                    Transcript showCR:'close'.
-                    sock close
-                ].
-                connectSock close.
-            ]
-        ]
+	|connectSock sock|
+	'/tmp/ud_socket' asFilename remove.
+	connectSock := Socket newUNIXserverAt:'/tmp/ud_socket'.
+	connectSock isNil ifTrue:[
+	    Transcript showCR:'socket setup failed.'.
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    Transcript showCR:'listen ..'.
+	    (connectSock listenFor:5) ifFalse:[
+		Transcript showCR:'listen failed.'.
+	    ] ifTrue:[
+		Transcript showCR:'wait'.
+		connectSock buffered:false.
+		connectSock readWait.
+		Transcript showCR:'accept'.
+		sock := connectSock accept.
+		sock isNil ifTrue:[
+		    Transcript showCR:'accept failed.'.
+		] ifFalse:[
+		    sock buffered:false.
+		    Transcript showCR:'server: got it'.
+		    'can now do transfer via sock'.
+		    Transcript showCR:'read'.
+		    Transcript showCR:('got: ' , sock nextLine).
+		    Transcript showCR:'close'.
+		    sock close
+		].
+		connectSock close.
+	    ]
+	]
     example (connect to above server and send some data;
-             Notice, this fails, if above server code is executed in the same ST/X image
-                     (at least on LINUX), since the OS does not correctly handle
-                     a connect from within an interrupted accept system call
-                     On SGI's SVR4, this works ok
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |sock|
-        sock := Socket newUNIXclientTo:'/tmp/ud_socket'.
-        sock isNil ifTrue:[
-            Transcript showCR:'nope'
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            sock buffered:false.
-            Transcript showCR:'client: got it'.
-            'can now do transfer via sock'.
-            Transcript showCR:'sending <hello>'.
-            sock nextPutLine:'hello'.
-            sock close
-        ]
-                                                                        [exEnd]
+	     Notice, this fails, if above server code is executed in the same ST/X image
+		     (at least on LINUX), since the OS does not correctly handle
+		     a connect from within an interrupted accept system call
+		     On SGI's SVR4, this works ok
+									[exBegin]
+	|sock|
+	sock := Socket newUNIXclientTo:'/tmp/ud_socket'.
+	sock isNil ifTrue:[
+	    Transcript showCR:'nope'
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    sock buffered:false.
+	    Transcript showCR:'client: got it'.
+	    'can now do transfer via sock'.
+	    Transcript showCR:'sending <hello>'.
+	    sock nextPutLine:'hello'.
+	    sock close
+	]
+									[exEnd]
     example (UDP await packet from a client and read some data):
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |udpSock sock addr n dataBuffer|
-        udpSock := Socket newUDPserverAtPort:9999.
-        udpSock isNil ifTrue:[
-            Transcript showCR:'socket setup failed.'.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            Transcript showCR:'wait'.
-            udpSock readWait.
-            addr := IPSocketAddress new.
-            dataBuffer := ByteArray new:1000.
-            n := udpSock receiveFrom:addr buffer:dataBuffer start:1 for:dataBuffer size.
-            n > 0 ifTrue:[
-                Transcript showCR:('got: ' , n printString , 'bytes  from ' , addr printString).
-                Transcript showCR:('data: ' , (dataBuffer copyTo:n) printString).
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                Transcript showCR:'read failed'.
-            ].
-            Transcript showCR:'close'.
-            udpSock close
-        ]
-                                                                        [exEnd]
+									[exBegin]
+	|udpSock sock addr n dataBuffer|
+	udpSock := Socket newUDPserverAtPort:9999.
+	udpSock isNil ifTrue:[
+	    Transcript showCR:'socket setup failed.'.
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    Transcript showCR:'wait'.
+	    udpSock readWait.
+	    addr := IPSocketAddress new.
+	    dataBuffer := ByteArray new:1000.
+	    n := udpSock receiveFrom:addr buffer:dataBuffer start:1 for:dataBuffer size.
+	    n > 0 ifTrue:[
+		Transcript showCR:('got: ' , n printString , 'bytes  from ' , addr printString).
+		Transcript showCR:('data: ' , (dataBuffer copyTo:n) printString).
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		Transcript showCR:'read failed'.
+	    ].
+	    Transcript showCR:'close'.
+	    udpSock close
+	]
+									[exEnd]
     example (connect to above UDP server and send some data;
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |sock|
-        sock := Socket newUDP.
-        sock isNil ifTrue:[
-            Transcript showCR:'nope'
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            sock sendTo:(IPSocketAddress new hostName:'localhost' port:9999) buffer:'hello world'.
-            sock close
-        ]
-                                                                        [exEnd]
+									[exBegin]
+	|sock|
+	sock := Socket newUDP.
+	sock isNil ifTrue:[
+	    Transcript showCR:'nope'
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    sock sendTo:(IPSocketAddress new hostName:'localhost' port:9999) buffer:'hello world'.
+	    sock close
+	]
+									[exEnd]
     example: pingWalk (try to ping hosts on the local network)
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |myName myAddress list top hosts walkProcess port|
-        myName := OperatingSystem getHostName.
-        myAddress := Socket ipAddressOfHost:myName.
-        port := Socket portOfService:'echo'.
-        port isNil ifTrue:[
-            self error:'dont know echo port'.
-            ^ self
-        ].
-        top := StandardSystemView new.
-        top label:'PING net walk'.
-        list := ScrollableView for:ListView in:top.
-        list origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0.
-        top openAndWait.
-        walkProcess := [
-            |l low hi direction tryHostID dottedName hostName conn addr|
-            l := SortedCollection new.
-            ' only works with type C-net
-              the code below could simply do 1 to:254 do:[:hostID }
-              but, to probe likely hosts earlier, the probing is done
-              ping-pong like around my ip-address (assuming, that other machines
-              have numbers around my own)'.
-            low := hi := (myAddress at:4).
-            direction := 1.
-            [low > 0 or:[hi < 255]] whileTrue:[
-                direction > 0 ifTrue:[
-                    hi := hi + 1.
-                    tryHostID := hi.
-                    direction := -1.
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    low := low - 1.
-                    tryHostID := low.
-                    direction := 1.
-                ].
-                (tryHostID between:1 and:254) ifTrue:[
-                    dottedName := (myAddress at:1) printString
-                                  , '.' , (myAddress at:2) printString
-                                  , '.' , (myAddress at:3) printString
-                                  , '.' , tryHostID printString.
-                    top label:'PING net walk - trying ' , dottedName.
-                    top windowGroup withCursor:Cursor wait do:[
-                        conn := Socket newTCPclientToHost:dottedName port:port withTimeout:1000.
-                        conn notNil ifTrue:[
-                            addr := Socket ipAddressOfHost:dottedName.
-                            hostName := Socket hostWithIpAddress:addr.
-                            hostName isNil ifTrue:[
-                                hostName :='?'
-                            ].
-                            l add:(dottedName paddedTo:15 with:Character space)
-                                   , ' '
-                                   , (hostName paddedTo:15 with:Character space)
-                                   , ' up & reachable'.
-                            list list:l.
-                            conn close.
-                        ]
-                    ].
-                ].
-            ].
-            top label:'PING reachable hosts'.
-        ] forkAt:(Processor userBackgroundPriority).
-        walkProcess name:'ping net walker'.
-                                                                        [exEnd]
-        This example creates a simple UDP server that accepts
-        single packets from anybody and broadcasts them to all
-        clients that have connected so far.
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        | socket address buffer msgSize clients |
-        clients := Set new.
-        address := IPSocketAddress new.
-        buffer := String new: 1024.
-        socket := self newUDPserverAtPort: 6666.
-        Transcript showCR: 'server starting'.
-        [
-            [true] whileTrue: [
-                (socket readWaitWithTimeoutMs: 200) ifFalse: [
-                    msgSize := socket
-                            receiveFrom: address
-                            buffer: buffer
-                            start: 1
-                            for: buffer size.
-                    clients add: address copy.
-                    clients do: [ :clientAddress |
-                            socket
-                                    sendTo: clientAddress
-                                    buffer: buffer
-                                    start: 1
-                                    for: msgSize]]
-            ]
-        ] ensure:[
-            Transcript showCR: 'server shutting down'.
-            socket close
-        ]
-                                                                        [exEnd]
+									[exBegin]
+	|myName myAddress list top hosts walkProcess port|
+	myName := OperatingSystem getHostName.
+	myAddress := Socket ipAddressOfHost:myName.
+	port := Socket portOfService:'echo'.
+	port isNil ifTrue:[
+	    self error:'dont know echo port'.
+	    ^ self
+	].
+	top := StandardSystemView new.
+	top label:'PING net walk'.
+	list := ScrollableView for:ListView in:top.
+	list origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0.
+	top openAndWait.
+	walkProcess := [
+	    |l low hi direction tryHostID dottedName hostName conn addr|
+	    l := SortedCollection new.
+	    ' only works with type C-net
+	      the code below could simply do 1 to:254 do:[:hostID }
+	      but, to probe likely hosts earlier, the probing is done
+	      ping-pong like around my ip-address (assuming, that other machines
+	      have numbers around my own)'.
+	    low := hi := (myAddress at:4).
+	    direction := 1.
+	    [low > 0 or:[hi < 255]] whileTrue:[
+		direction > 0 ifTrue:[
+		    hi := hi + 1.
+		    tryHostID := hi.
+		    direction := -1.
+		] ifFalse:[
+		    low := low - 1.
+		    tryHostID := low.
+		    direction := 1.
+		].
+		(tryHostID between:1 and:254) ifTrue:[
+		    dottedName := (myAddress at:1) printString
+				  , '.' , (myAddress at:2) printString
+				  , '.' , (myAddress at:3) printString
+				  , '.' , tryHostID printString.
+		    top label:'PING net walk - trying ' , dottedName.
+		    top windowGroup withCursor:Cursor wait do:[
+			conn := Socket newTCPclientToHost:dottedName port:port withTimeout:1000.
+			conn notNil ifTrue:[
+			    addr := Socket ipAddressOfHost:dottedName.
+			    hostName := Socket hostWithIpAddress:addr.
+			    hostName isNil ifTrue:[
+				hostName :='?'
+			    ].
+			    l add:(dottedName paddedTo:15 with:Character space)
+				   , ' '
+				   , (hostName paddedTo:15 with:Character space)
+				   , ' up & reachable'.
+			    list list:l.
+			    conn close.
+			]
+		    ].
+		].
+	    ].
+	    top label:'PING reachable hosts'.
+	] forkAt:(Processor userBackgroundPriority).
+	walkProcess name:'ping net walker'.
+									[exEnd]
+	This example creates a simple UDP server that accepts
+	single packets from anybody and broadcasts them to all
+	clients that have connected so far.
+									[exBegin]
+	| socket address buffer msgSize clients |
+	clients := Set new.
+	address := IPSocketAddress new.
+	buffer := String new: 1024.
+	socket := self newUDPserverAtPort: 6666.
+	Transcript showCR: 'server starting'.
+	[
+	    [true] whileTrue: [
+		(socket readWaitWithTimeoutMs: 200) ifFalse: [
+		    msgSize := socket
+			    receiveFrom: address
+			    buffer: buffer
+			    start: 1
+			    for: buffer size.
+		    clients add: address copy.
+		    clients do: [ :clientAddress |
+			    socket
+				    sendTo: clientAddress
+				    buffer: buffer
+				    start: 1
+				    for: msgSize]]
+	    ]
+	] ensure:[
+	    Transcript showCR: 'server shutting down'.
+	    socket close
+	]
+									[exEnd]
    send a datagram to above server:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        | socket address buffer host msg |
-        host := Dialog
-                request: 'What is the name of the server''s host?'
-                initialAnswer: 'localhost'.
-        socket := self newUDP.
-        address := IPSocketAddress hostName: host port: 6666.
-        buffer := ByteArray new: 1000.
-        [
-            [(msg := Dialog request: 'Say something') isEmpty] whileFalse:[
-                | replySize stream |
-                socket writeWait.
-                stream := buffer writeStream.
-                stream nextPutAll: msg.
-                socket sendTo:address buffer:buffer start:1 for:stream position.
-                socket readWait.
-                replySize := socket receiveFrom:address buffer:buffer.
-                replySize > 0 ifTrue: [
-                    Transcript cr; nextPutAll: 'Server acknowledged: '.
-                    Transcript show: ((buffer copyFrom: 1 to: replySize) asString)
-                ]
-            ]
-        ] ensure: [socket close].
-        Transcript cr
-                                                                        [exEnd]
+									[exBegin]
+	| socket address buffer host msg |
+	host := Dialog
+		request: 'What is the name of the server''s host?'
+		initialAnswer: 'localhost'.
+	socket := self newUDP.
+	address := IPSocketAddress hostName: host port: 6666.
+	buffer := ByteArray new: 1000.
+	[
+	    [(msg := Dialog request: 'Say something') isEmpty] whileFalse:[
+		| replySize stream |
+		socket writeWait.
+		stream := buffer writeStream.
+		stream nextPutAll: msg.
+		socket sendTo:address buffer:buffer start:1 for:stream position.
+		socket readWait.
+		replySize := socket receiveFrom:address buffer:buffer.
+		replySize > 0 ifTrue: [
+		    Transcript cr; nextPutAll: 'Server acknowledged: '.
+		    Transcript show: ((buffer copyFrom: 1 to: replySize) asString)
+		]
+	    ]
+	] ensure: [socket close].
+	Transcript cr
+									[exEnd]
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |readerTask readingSocket writingSocket|
-        readingSocket := self newTCPserverAtPort:9999.
-        readerTask :=
-            [
-                |connection|
-                readingSocket listenFor:1.
-                connection := readingSocket accept.
-                readingSocket close.
-                [connection atEnd] whileFalse:[
-                    Transcript showCR:(connection nextLine).
-                ].
-                connection close.
-            ] fork.
-        Delay waitForSeconds:1.
-        writingSocket := self newTCPclientToHost:(OperatingSystem getHostName) port:9999.
-        writingSocket nextPutLine:'Hello'.
-        writingSocket nextPutLine:'World'.
-        writingSocket close.
-                                                                        [exEnd]
+									[exBegin]
+	|readerTask readingSocket writingSocket|
+	readingSocket := self newTCPserverAtPort:9999.
+	readerTask :=
+	    [
+		|connection|
+		readingSocket listenFor:1.
+		connection := readingSocket accept.
+		readingSocket close.
+		[connection atEnd] whileFalse:[
+		    Transcript showCR:(connection nextLine).
+		].
+		connection close.
+	    ] fork.
+	Delay waitForSeconds:1.
+	writingSocket := self newTCPclientToHost:(OperatingSystem getHostName) port:9999.
+	writingSocket nextPutLine:'Hello'.
+	writingSocket nextPutLine:'World'.
+	writingSocket close.
+									[exEnd]
 ! !
@@ -2643,50 +2646,50 @@
     t = __INST(handle);
     if (t != nil) {
-        FILE *fp;
-        SOCKET sock;
-        int fd;
-        __INST(handle) = nil;
-        fp = __FILEVal(t);
-        fd = fileno(fp);
-        sock = SOCKET_FROM_FD(fd);
+	FILE *fp;
+	SOCKET sock;
+	int fd;
+	__INST(handle) = nil;
+	fp = __FILEVal(t);
+	fd = fileno(fp);
+	sock = SOCKET_FROM_FD(fd);
 # ifdef DO_WRAP_CALLS
-        { 
-          int ret;
-          /*__setWrapCallDebugging(1,1); */
-          do {
-            __threadErrno = 0;
-            ret = STX_C_NOINT_CALL1("fclose", fclose, fp);
-          } while ((ret < 0) && (__threadErrno == EINTR));
+	{
+	  int ret;
+	  /*__setWrapCallDebugging(1,1); */
+	  do {
+	    __threadErrno = 0;
+	    ret = STX_C_NOINT_CALL1("fclose", fclose, fp);
+	  } while ((ret < 0) && (__threadErrno == EINTR));
 #  if defined(WIN32) && defined(CLOSESOCKET_AFTER_FCLOSE)
-          do {
-            __threadErrno = 0;
-            ret = STX_WSA_NOINT_CALL1("closesocket", closesocket, sock);
-          } while ((ret < 0) && (__threadErrno == EINTR));
+	  do {
+	    __threadErrno = 0;
+	    ret = STX_WSA_NOINT_CALL1("closesocket", closesocket, sock);
+	  } while ((ret < 0) && (__threadErrno == EINTR));
 #  endif
-          /*__setWrapCallDebugging(1,0);*/
-        }
+	  /*__setWrapCallDebugging(1,0);*/
+	}
 # else /* !DO_WRAP_CALLS */
-        DBGFPRINTF((stderr, "SOCKET: fflush %x (%d %d)\n", fp, fileno(fp), sock));
-        fflush(fp);
+	DBGFPRINTF((stderr, "SOCKET: fflush %x (%d %d)\n", fp, fileno(fp), sock));
+	fflush(fp);
-        DBGFPRINTF((stderr, "SOCKET: closesocket (%d)\n", sock));
-        closesocket(sock);
+	DBGFPRINTF((stderr, "SOCKET: closesocket (%d)\n", sock));
+	closesocket(sock);
 #  endif
-        if ((@global(FileOpenTrace) == true) || __debugging__) {
-            console_fprintf(stderr, "SOCKET: fclose %x (%d %d)\n", fp, fileno(fp), sock);
-        }
-        fclose(fp);
+	if ((@global(FileOpenTrace) == true) || __debugging__) {
+	    console_fprintf(stderr, "SOCKET: fclose %x (%d %d)\n", fp, fileno(fp), sock);
+	}
+	fclose(fp);
-        DBGFPRINTF((stderr, "SOCKET: closesocket (%d)\n", sock));
-        closesocket(sock);
+	DBGFPRINTF((stderr, "SOCKET: closesocket (%d)\n", sock));
+	closesocket(sock);
 #  endif
 # endif /* !DO_WRAP_CALLS */
@@ -2797,22 +2800,22 @@
     |serverSocketFd addr addrLen domainClass|
     handle notNil ifTrue:[
-        ^ self errorAlreadyOpen
+	^ self errorAlreadyOpen
     domain := aSocket domain.
     socketType := aSocket type.
     serverSocketFd := aSocket fileDescriptor.
     serverSocketFd isNil ifTrue:[
-        ^ self error:'invalid server socket'
+	^ self error:'invalid server socket'
     (serverSocketFd isMemberOf:SmallInteger) ifFalse:[
-        ^ self error:'invalid server socket'
+	^ self error:'invalid server socket'
     domainClass := self class socketAddressClassForDomain:domain.
     domainClass isNil ifTrue:[
-        ^ self error:'invalid (unsupported) domain'.
+	^ self error:'invalid (unsupported) domain'.
     addrLen := domainClass socketAddressSize.
     addr := domainClass new.
@@ -2828,30 +2831,30 @@
     char dotted[20] ;
     if (!__isSmallInteger(addrLen)) {
-        DBGPRINTF(("SOCKET: bad addrLen\n"));
-        RETURN (false);
+	DBGPRINTF(("SOCKET: bad addrLen\n"));
+	RETURN (false);
     alen0 = __intVal(addrLen);
     sock = SOCKET_FROM_FD(__intVal(serverSocketFd));
     if (blocking == false) {
 # if defined(O_NONBLOCK) && defined(SET_NDELAY)
-        flags = fcntl(sock, F_GETFL);
-        fcntl(sock, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK);
+	flags = fcntl(sock, F_GETFL);
+	fcntl(sock, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK);
 # endif
 # ifdef DO_WRAP_CALLS
     do {
-        __threadErrno = 0;
-        alen = alen0;
-        newSock = STX_WSA_CALL3("accept", accept, sock, &sa, &alen);
+	__threadErrno = 0;
+	alen = alen0;
+	newSock = STX_WSA_CALL3("accept", accept, sock, &sa, &alen);
     } while ((newSock < 0) && (__threadErrno == EINTR));
 # else
     do {
-        alen = alen0;
-        newSock = accept(sock, (struct sockaddr *) &sa, &alen);
+	alen = alen0;
+	newSock = accept(sock, (struct sockaddr *) &sa, &alen);
     } while ((newSock < 0) && (errno == EINTR));
 # endif
@@ -2859,43 +2862,43 @@
     if (blocking == false) {
 # if defined(O_NDELAY) && defined(SET_NDELAY)
-        fcntl(sock, F_SETFL, flags);
+	fcntl(sock, F_SETFL, flags);
 # endif
     if (newSock < 0) {
-        DBGPRINTF(("SOCKET: accept call failed errno=%d\n", errno));
-        __INST(lastErrorNumber) = __MKSMALLINT(errno);
-        RETURN (false);
+	DBGPRINTF(("SOCKET: accept call failed errno=%d\n", errno));
+	__INST(lastErrorNumber) = __MKSMALLINT(errno);
+	RETURN (false);
     if (__isNonNilObject(addr)) {
-        OBJ oClass;
-        int nInstVars, nInstBytes, objSize;
-        char *cp;
-        oClass = __qClass(addr);
-        if (! __isBytes(addr) ) {
-            DBGPRINTF(("SOCKET: bad addr\n"));
-            closesocket(newSock);
-            RETURN (false);
-        }
-        nInstVars = __intVal(__ClassInstPtr(oClass)->c_ninstvars);
-        nInstBytes = OHDR_SIZE + (nInstVars * sizeof(OBJ));
-        objSize = __qSize(addr) - nInstBytes;
-        cp = (char *)__InstPtr(addr) + nInstBytes;
-        if (objSize < alen) {
-            DBGPRINTF(("SOCKET: bad addr\n"));
-            closesocket(newSock);
-            RETURN (false);
-        }
-        /*
-         * extract the partners address
-         */
-        bcopy((char *)&sa, cp, alen);
-        addrLen = __MKSMALLINT(alen);
+	OBJ oClass;
+	int nInstVars, nInstBytes, objSize;
+	char *cp;
+	oClass = __qClass(addr);
+	if (! __isBytes(addr) ) {
+	    DBGPRINTF(("SOCKET: bad addr\n"));
+	    closesocket(newSock);
+	    RETURN (false);
+	}
+	nInstVars = __intVal(__ClassInstPtr(oClass)->c_ninstvars);
+	nInstBytes = OHDR_SIZE + (nInstVars * sizeof(OBJ));
+	objSize = __qSize(addr) - nInstBytes;
+	cp = (char *)__InstPtr(addr) + nInstBytes;
+	if (objSize < alen) {
+	    DBGPRINTF(("SOCKET: bad addr\n"));
+	    closesocket(newSock);
+	    RETURN (false);
+	}
+	/*
+	 * extract the partners address
+	 */
+	bcopy((char *)&sa, cp, alen);
+	addrLen = __MKSMALLINT(alen);
@@ -2903,46 +2906,50 @@
 # ifdef WIN32
-        int _fd;
-        __stxWrapApiEnterCritical();
-        _fd = _open_osfhandle((long)newSock, 0);
-        fp = fdopen(_fd, "r+");
-        __stxWrapApiLeaveCritical();
-        DBGPRINTF(("SOCKET: sock=%d fd=%d fp=%x\n",newSock,_fd, fp));
+	int _fd;
+	__stxWrapApiEnterCritical();
+#  ifdef __BORLANDC__
+	_fd = _open_osfhandle((long)newSock, 0);
+#  else
+	_fd = (int)newSock;
+#  endif
+	fp = fdopen(_fd, "r+");
+	__stxWrapApiLeaveCritical();
+	DBGPRINTF(("SOCKET: sock=%d fd=%d fp=%x\n",newSock,_fd, fp));
 # else
     fp = fdopen(newSock, "r+");
 # endif
     if (! fp) {
-        DBGPRINTF(("SOCKET: fdopen call failed\n"));
-        __INST(lastErrorNumber) = __MKSMALLINT(errno);
+	DBGPRINTF(("SOCKET: fdopen call failed\n"));
+	__INST(lastErrorNumber) = __MKSMALLINT(errno);
 #  ifdef DO_WRAP_CALLS
-        {
-          int ret;
-          do {
-              __threadErrno = 0;
-              ret = STX_WSA_CALL1("closesocket", closesocket, newSock);
-          } while ((ret < 0) && (__threadErrno == EINTR));
-        }
+	{
+	  int ret;
+	  do {
+	      __threadErrno = 0;
+	      ret = STX_WSA_CALL1("closesocket", closesocket, newSock);
+	  } while ((ret < 0) && (__threadErrno == EINTR));
+	}
 #  else
-        closesocket(newSock);
+	closesocket(newSock);
 #  endif
-        DBGFPRINTF((stderr, "SOCKET: close (fdopen failed) (%d)\n", newSock));
-        RETURN (false);
+	DBGFPRINTF((stderr, "SOCKET: close (fdopen failed) (%d)\n", newSock));
+	RETURN (false);
     __INST(handleType) = @symbol(socketFilePointer);
     if ((@global(FileOpenTrace) == true) || __debugging__) {
 # ifdef WIN32
-        {
-            HANDLE h;
-            int _fd = fileno(fp);
-            h = (HANDLE)_get_osfhandle(_fd);
-            console_fprintf(stderr, "fdopen [Socket] -> %x (fd: %d) (H: %x)\n", fp, _fd, h);
-        }
+	{
+	    HANDLE h;
+	    int _fd = fileno(fp);
+	    h = (HANDLE)_get_osfhandle(_fd);
+	    console_fprintf(stderr, "fdopen [Socket] -> %x (fd: %d) (H: %x)\n", fp, _fd, h);
+	}
 # else
-        console_fprintf(stderr, "fdopen [Socket] -> %x (fd: %d)\n", fp, newSock);
+	console_fprintf(stderr, "fdopen [Socket] -> %x (fd: %d)\n", fp, newSock);
 # endif
@@ -2960,11 +2967,11 @@
     // object.
 # endif
-        OBJ t;
-        t = __MKEXTERNALADDRESS(fp);
-        __INST(handle) = t;
-        __STORE(self, t);
+	OBJ t;
+	__INST(handle) = t;
+	__STORE(self, t);
 #endif /* not NO_SOCKET */
@@ -2974,7 +2981,7 @@
     port := aSocket port.
     addr notNil ifTrue:[
-        peer := addr.
+	peer := addr.
     ^ true
@@ -3457,7 +3464,7 @@
     |domainName domainCode typeCode error|
     handle notNil ifTrue:[
-        ^ self errorAlreadyOpen
+	^ self errorAlreadyOpen
     domainName := SocketAddress domainCodeFromName:domainArg.
     domainCode := OperatingSystem domainCodeOf:domainName.
@@ -3471,19 +3478,19 @@
     SOCKET sock;
     if (! __isSmallInteger(domainCode)) {
-        error = @symbol(badArgument1);
-        goto out;
+	error = @symbol(badArgument1);
+	goto out;
     if (! __isSmallInteger(typeCode)) {
-        error = @symbol(badArgument2);
-        goto out;
+	error = @symbol(badArgument2);
+	goto out;
     if (protocolNumber != nil) {
-        if (!__isSmallInteger(protocolNumber)) {
-            error = @symbol(badArgument3);
-            goto out;
-        }
-        proto = __intVal(protocolNumber);
+	if (!__isSmallInteger(protocolNumber)) {
+	    error = @symbol(badArgument3);
+	    goto out;
+	}
+	proto = __intVal(protocolNumber);
@@ -3496,20 +3503,20 @@
 #  ifdef DO_WRAP_CALLS
     do {
-        __threadErrno = 0;
-        sock = STX_WSA_NOINT_CALL3("socket", socket, dom, typ, proto);
+	__threadErrno = 0;
+	sock = STX_WSA_NOINT_CALL3("socket", socket, dom, typ, proto);
     } while ((sock < 0) && (__threadErrno == EINTR));
 #  else
     do {
-        DBGPRINTF(("SOCKET: opening socket domain=%d type=%d proto=%d\n", dom, typ, proto));
-        sock = socket(dom, typ, proto);
+	DBGPRINTF(("SOCKET: opening socket domain=%d type=%d proto=%d\n", dom, typ, proto));
+	sock = socket(dom, typ, proto);
 #   if defined(EPROTONOSUPPORT) /* for SGI */
-        if ((proto != 0) && (sock < 0) && (errno == EPROTONOSUPPORT)) {
-            DBGPRINTF(("SOCKET: retry with UNSPEC protocol\n"));
-            proto = 0;
-            sock = socket(dom, typ, 0);
-        }
+	if ((proto != 0) && (sock < 0) && (errno == EPROTONOSUPPORT)) {
+	    DBGPRINTF(("SOCKET: retry with UNSPEC protocol\n"));
+	    proto = 0;
+	    sock = socket(dom, typ, 0);
+	}
 #   endif
     } while ((sock < 0) && (errno == EINTR));
@@ -3518,9 +3525,9 @@
     sock = socket(dom, typ, proto);
 #  if defined(EPROTONOSUPPORT) /* for SGI */
     if ((proto != 0) && (sock < 0) && (errno == EPROTONOSUPPORT)) {
-        DBGPRINTF(("SOCKET: retry with UNSPEC protocol\n"));
-        proto = 0;
-        sock = socket(dom, typ, 0);
+	DBGPRINTF(("SOCKET: retry with UNSPEC protocol\n"));
+	proto = 0;
+	sock = socket(dom, typ, 0);
 #  endif
 # endif
@@ -3533,94 +3540,98 @@
     if (sock < 0)
 # endif
-        DBGPRINTF(("SOCKET: socket(dom=%d typ=%d proto=%d) call failed errno=%d\n", dom, typ, proto, errno));
-        __INST(lastErrorNumber) = __MKSMALLINT(errno);
+	DBGPRINTF(("SOCKET: socket(dom=%d typ=%d proto=%d) call failed errno=%d\n", dom, typ, proto, errno));
+	__INST(lastErrorNumber) = __MKSMALLINT(errno);
     } else {
-        if (reuse == true) {
-            DBGPRINTF(("SOCKET: setsockopt - SO_REUSEADDR\n"));
-            if (setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char *) &on, sizeof (on)) < 0) {
-                DBGPRINTF(("SOCKET: setsockopt - SO_REUSEADDR failed\n"));
-            }
-        }
+	if (reuse == true) {
+	    DBGPRINTF(("SOCKET: setsockopt - SO_REUSEADDR\n"));
+	    if (setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char *) &on, sizeof (on)) < 0) {
+		DBGPRINTF(("SOCKET: setsockopt - SO_REUSEADDR failed\n"));
+	    }
+	}
 # endif /* SO_REUSEADDR */
 #  ifdef SO_LINGER
-        {
-            struct linger l;
-            l.l_onoff = 1;
-            l.l_linger = 30;
-            setsockopt( sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, &l, sizeof(l));
-        }
+	{
+	    struct linger l;
+	    l.l_onoff = 1;
+	    l.l_linger = 30;
+	    setsockopt( sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, &l, sizeof(l));
+	}
 #  endif
 # endif
 # ifdef WIN32
-        /*
-         * make it blocking
-         */
-        {
-            int zero = 0;
-            ioctlsocket(sock, FIONBIO, &zero);
-        }
-# endif
-        /*
-         * make it a FILE *
-         */
-# ifdef WIN32
-        {
-            int _fd;
-            __stxWrapApiEnterCritical();
-            _fd = _open_osfhandle((long)sock, 0);
-            fp = fdopen(_fd, "r+");
-            __stxWrapApiLeaveCritical();
-            DBGPRINTF(("SOCKET: sock=%d fd=%d fp=%x\n",sock,_fd, fp));
-        }
-# else
-        fp = fdopen(sock, "r+");
+	/*
+	 * make it blocking
+	 */
+	{
+	    int zero = 0;
+	    ioctlsocket(sock, FIONBIO, &zero);
+	}
 # endif
-        if (! fp) {
-            DBGPRINTF(("SOCKET: fdopen call failed\n"));
-            __INST(lastErrorNumber) = __MKSMALLINT(errno);
-# ifdef DO_WRAP_CALLS
-            { int ret;
-              do {
-                __threadErrno = 0;
-                ret = STX_WSA_NOINT_CALL1("closesocket", closesocket, sock);
-              } while ((ret < 0) && (__threadErrno == EINTR));
-            }
+	/*
+	 * make it a FILE *
+	 */
+# ifdef WIN32
+	{
+	    int _fd;
+	    __stxWrapApiEnterCritical();
+#  ifdef __BORLANDC__
+	    _fd = _open_osfhandle((long)sock, 0);
+#  else
+	    _fd = (int)sock;
+#  endif
+	    fp = fdopen(_fd, "r+");
+	    __stxWrapApiLeaveCritical();
+	    DBGPRINTF(("SOCKET: sock=%d fd=%d fp=%x\n",sock,_fd, fp));
+	}
 # else
-            __BEGIN_INTERRUPTABLE__
-            closesocket(sock);
-            DBGFPRINTF((stderr, "SOCKET: fdopen failed (%d)\n", sock));
-            __END_INTERRUPTABLE__
+	fp = fdopen(sock, "r+");
 # endif
-        } else {
-            __INST(handleType) = @symbol(socketFilePointer);
-            if ((@global(FileOpenTrace) == true) || __debugging__) {
-                console_fprintf(stderr, "fdopen [Socket] -> %x\n", fp);
-            }
+	if (! fp) {
+	    DBGPRINTF(("SOCKET: fdopen call failed\n"));
+	    __INST(lastErrorNumber) = __MKSMALLINT(errno);
+# ifdef DO_WRAP_CALLS
+	    { int ret;
+	      do {
+		__threadErrno = 0;
+		ret = STX_WSA_NOINT_CALL1("closesocket", closesocket, sock);
+	      } while ((ret < 0) && (__threadErrno == EINTR));
+	    }
+# else
+	    closesocket(sock);
+	    DBGFPRINTF((stderr, "SOCKET: fdopen failed (%d)\n", sock));
+# endif
+	} else {
+	    __INST(handleType) = @symbol(socketFilePointer);
+	    if ((@global(FileOpenTrace) == true) || __debugging__) {
+		console_fprintf(stderr, "fdopen [Socket] -> %x\n", fp);
+	    }
 # if 0
-            // The original code was:
-            __INST(handle) = __MKEXTERNALADDRESS(fp); __STORESELF(handle);
-            // but for that, gcc generates wrong code, which loads self (volatile) into
-            // a register (bp), then calls __MKEXTERNALADDRESS, then stores indirect bp.
-            // That is wrong if a scavenge occurs in __MKEXTERNALADDRESS, as bp is now still pointing to the old
-            // object.
+	    // The original code was:
+	    __INST(handle) = __MKEXTERNALADDRESS(fp); __STORESELF(handle);
+	    // but for that, gcc generates wrong code, which loads self (volatile) into
+	    // a register (bp), then calls __MKEXTERNALADDRESS, then stores indirect bp.
+	    // That is wrong if a scavenge occurs in __MKEXTERNALADDRESS, as bp is now still pointing to the old
+	    // object.
 # endif
-            {
-                OBJ t;
-                t = __MKEXTERNALADDRESS(fp);
-                __INST(handle) = t;
-                __STORE(self, t);
-            }
-        }
+	    {
+		OBJ t;
+		__INST(handle) = t;
+		__STORE(self, t);
+	    }
+	}
@@ -3628,14 +3639,14 @@
     "all ok?"
     handle notNil ifTrue:[
-        domain := domainArg.
-        socketType := typeArg.
-        Lobby register:self.
+	domain := domainArg.
+	socketType := typeArg.
+	Lobby register:self.
     ] ifFalse:[
-        error notNil ifTrue:[
-            ^ self primitiveFailed:error.
-        ].
-        ^ self openError
+	error notNil ifTrue:[
+	    ^ self primitiveFailed:error.
+	].
+	^ self openError
@@ -3999,9 +4010,9 @@
 !Socket class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic2/,v 1.267 2012-05-21 08:11:04 stefan Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic2/,v 1.268 2012-08-05 16:19:07 cg Exp $'
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic2/,v 1.267 2012-05-21 08:11:04 stefan Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic2/,v 1.268 2012-08-05 16:19:07 cg Exp $'
 ! !