changeset 1487 b243952bd3f1
child 1522 7a569eca4d68
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/TimedPromise.st	Wed Nov 10 11:43:11 2004 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+"{ Package: 'stx:libbasic2' }"
+Promise subclass:#TimedPromise
+	instanceVariableNames:'delay ms'
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'Kernel-Processes'
+!TimedPromise class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+    A TimedPromise is a Promise with a timeout.
+    An attempt to read the value of a TimedPromise will wait until the process has finished computing it 
+    or the specified timeout expires.  
+    If the process terminates with an exception, an attempt to read the value of the TimedPromise will raise the same exception. 
+    In case of a timeout the OsNeedRetryError will be raised.
+                                                                    [exBegin]
+     |p|
+     p := TimedPromise forMilliseconds:1000.
+     p value:[10000 factorial] priority:Processor activePriority.
+     Transcript showCR:'doing something else'.
+     p value   
+                                                                    [exEnd]
+                                                                    [exBegin]
+     |p|
+     p := TimedPromise forMilliseconds:1000.
+     p value:[1000 factorial] priority:Processor activePriority.
+     Transcript showCR:'doing something else'.
+     p value   
+                                                                    [exEnd]
+                                                                    [exBegin]
+     |p|
+     p := TimedPromise forMilliseconds:1000.
+     p value:[1000 factorial. ZeroDivide raise] priority:Processor activePriority.
+     Transcript showCR:'doing something else'.
+     p value   
+                                                                    [exEnd]
+! !
+!TimedPromise class methodsFor:'instance creation'!
+forMilliseconds: ms
+        ^super new ms: ms.
+! !
+!TimedPromise methodsFor:'accessing'!
+ms: msec
+	ms := msec
+! !
+!TimedPromise methodsFor:'accessing-parent'!
+        | whichSemaSignalled delaySemaphore |
+        " Note -- only good for one waiter "
+        delay notNil ifTrue:[
+            self error:'Only one waiter allowed'.
+        ].
+        self startup.
+        delay isNil ifTrue: [ ^ super value ].
+        delaySemaphore := delay delaySemaphore.
+        whichSemaSignalled := (SemaphoreSet with:valueAvailable with:delaySemaphore) wait.
+        delay disable.
+        delay := nil.
+        exception == nil
+                ifTrue: [
+                        whichSemaSignalled == delaySemaphore
+                                ifTrue: [OSErrorHolder needRetrySignal raise]
+                                ifFalse: [^value]]
+                ifFalse: [exception raise "(exception copyForReraise) searchFrom: thisContext; raise"]
+! !
+!TimedPromise methodsFor:'private'!
+        ms notNil
+                ifTrue:
+                        [delay := Delay forMilliseconds: ms.
+                        delay startup.  "Wait for data arrival or alarm expiry."]
+! !
+!TimedPromise class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic2/TimedPromise.st,v 1.1 2004-11-10 10:43:11 penk Exp $'
+! !