changeset 1884 ee0d640a25a7
parent 1882 6f818f33c85a
child 1885 4d424e94093c
--- a/	Mon Jun 04 21:31:38 2007 +0200
+++ b/	Mon Jun 04 21:40:58 2007 +0200
@@ -1515,6 +1515,12 @@
     ^ self canReadWithoutBlocking
+    self close
+    "Created: / 04-06-2007 / 21:29:03 / cg"
     self listenOn:aPortNr backlogSize:5
@@ -1528,167 +1534,72 @@
     "Created: / 31-05-2007 / 17:59:47 / cg"
-    "return my peer (i.e. ipAddr + port);
-     May return nil if not yet setup completely."
-    ^ self getPeer
-    ^ port
+7 / 17:59:53 / cg"
-sendData: aStringOrByteArray
-	"Send all of the data in the given array, even if it requires multiple calls to send it all.
-	 Return the number of bytes sent."
-	"An experimental version use on slow lines: Longer timeout and smaller writes to try to avoid spurious timeouts."
-	|remaining nWritten|
-Transcript show:'>> '; showCR:aStringOrByteArray.
-	remaining := aStringOrByteArray size.
-	[remaining > 0] whileTrue:[
-	    nWritten := self nextPutBytes:remaining from:aStringOrByteArray startingAt:1.
-	    remaining := remaining - nWritten.
-	].
-	^ aStringOrByteArray size.
+    "Created: / 31-05-2007 / 17:59:47 / cg"
-"/        | bytesSent bytesToSend count |
-"/        bytesToSend := aStringOrByteArray size.
-"/        bytesSent := 0.
-"/        [bytesSent < bytesToSend] whileTrue: [
-"/                (self waitForSendDoneFor: 60)
-"/                        ifFalse: [ConnectionTimedOut signal: 'send data timeout; data not sent'].
-"/                count := self primSocket: socketHandle
-"/                        sendData: aStringOrByteArray
-"/                        startIndex: bytesSent + 1
-"/                        count: (bytesToSend - bytesSent min: 5000).
-"/                bytesSent := bytesSent + count].
-"/        ^ bytesSent
+/ cg"
 setOption: optionName value: optionValue
     optionName = 'TCP_NODELAY' ifTrue:[
+        ^ self setTCPNoDelay:optionValue
+    ].
+    ^ self setSocketOption:optionName argument:optionValue argument:nil
+    "Modified: / 04-06-2007 / 21:23:19 / cg"
+Option: optionName value: optionValue
+    optionName = 'TCP_NODELAY' ifTrue:[
 	^ self setTCPNoDelay:optionValue
     self error:'unimplemented socketoption' mayProceed:true
-    ^ self
+    optionName = 'TCP_NODELAY' ifTrue:[
+	^ self setTCPNoDelay:optionValue
+    ].
+    self error:'unimplemented socketoption' mayProceed:true
-    self shouldImplement.
+    self readWait
+    "Created: / 04-06-2007 / 21:28:40 / cg"
 ! !
 !Socket methodsFor:'closing'!
-    "shutDown and close the socket"
-    self shutdown:2.
-    self close
+emented socketoption' mayProceed:true
-    "shutDown the input side of the socket.
-     Any read on the socket will signal end-of-file from now on.
+    self shouldImplement.
+et will signal end-of-file from now on.
      The other side MAY be informed, that no more data will be accepted
      (e.g. setting the TCP-Windowsize to 0)"
     self shutdown:0.
-    "shutDown the output side of the socket.
-     Any write to the socket will signal end-of-file from now on.
-     The other side will get a end-of-file condition,
-     after the last buffered data has been read"
-    self shutdown:1.
 ! !
 !Socket methodsFor:'datagram transmission'!
-receiveBuffer:aDataBuffer start:startIndex for:nBytes
-    "receive data
-     Return the number of bytes received, or a negative number on error.
-     On error, the unix error code is left in the lastErrorNumber
-     instance variable.
-     The thread blocks until data arrives - you may want to wait before
-     receiving, using #readWait or #readWaitWithTimeout:."
-    |nReceived|
-#ifndef NO_SOCKET
-    OBJ fp = __INST(filePointer);
-    if (fp != nil) {
-	SOCKET sock;
-	int objSize, offs;
-	int n;
-	char *extPtr;
-	unsigned char *buffer;
-	unsigned char *allocatedBuffer;
-	int flags = 0;
-	if (! setupBufferParameters(aDataBuffer, startIndex, &extPtr, &offs, &objSize)) goto bad;
-	if (__isSmallInteger(nBytes)) {
-	    if (__intVal(nBytes) < objSize) {
-		objSize = __intVal(nBytes);
-	    }
-	}
+     The other side will get a end-of-file condition,
+     after the last buffered data has been read"
-# ifdef DO_WRAP_CALLS
-	if (extPtr) {
-	    buffer = extPtr + offs;
-	} else {
-	    allocatedBuffer = buffer = (char *)malloc(objSize);
-	}
-	do {
-	    __threadErrno = 0;
-	    n = STX_WSA_CALL4("recv", recv, sock, buffer, objSize, flags);
-	} while ((n < 0) && (__threadErrno == EINTR));
+    self shutdown:1.
-	if (allocatedBuffer) {
-	    if (n > 0) {
-		bcopy(allocatedBuffer, (char *)__InstPtr(aDataBuffer) + offs, n);
-	    }
-	    free(allocatedBuffer);
-	}
-# else
-	do {
-	    if (extPtr) {
-		n = recv(sock, extPtr + offs, objSize, flags);
-	    } else {
-		n = recv(sock, (char *)__InstPtr(aDataBuffer) + offs, objSize, flags);
-	    }
-	} while ((n < 0) && (errno == EINTR));
-# endif
-	if (n < 0) {
-	    __INST(lastErrorNumber) = __MKSMALLINT(errno);
-	}
-	nReceived = __MKSMALLINT(n);
-    }
-bad: ;
-    nReceived notNil ifTrue:[
-	nReceived < 0 ifTrue:[
-	    'Socket [warning]: ' infoPrint.
-	    (OperatingSystem errorTextForNumber:lastErrorNumber) infoPrintCR.
+tErrorNumber) infoPrintCR.
 	^ nReceived
@@ -1698,231 +1609,20 @@
     self primitiveFailed
-receiveFrom:anAddressBuffer buffer:aDataBuffer
-    "receive datagramm data - put address of originating host into
-     anAddressBuffer, data into aBuffer.
-     Both must be ByteArray-like. The addressBuffer must
-     provide space for a valid address for my domain (i.e. for inet, a 4-byte byteArray).
-     Return the number of bytes received, or a negative number on error.
-     On error, the unix error code is left in the lastErrorNumber
+On error, the unix error code is left in the lastErrorNumber
      instance variable."
     ^ self receiveFrom:anAddressBuffer buffer:aDataBuffer start:1 for:(aDataBuffer size)
-receiveFrom:anAddressBuffer buffer:aDataBuffer start:startIndex for:nBytes
-    "receive datagramm data
-     - put address of originating host into anAddressBuffer, data into aBuffer.
-     For backward compatibility, the addressBuffer may be a non-SocketAddress;
-     then, it must be a byteArray with appropriate size for the addressBytes.
-     Return the number of bytes received, or a negative number on error.
-     On error, the unix error code is left in the lastErrorNumber
-     instance variable.
-     The thread blocks until data arrives - you may want to wait before
-     receiving, using #readWait or #readWaitWithTimeout:."
-    |domainClass addr addrLen nReceived|
-    domainClass := self class socketAddressClassForDomain:domain.
-    domainClass isNil ifTrue:[
-	^ self error:'invalid (unsupported) domain'.
-    ].
-    (anAddressBuffer isKindOf:SocketAddress) ifTrue:[
-	anAddressBuffer class == domainClass ifFalse:[
-	    ^ self error:'addressBuffer class mismatch (domain)'.
-	].
-	addr := anAddressBuffer.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-	anAddressBuffer notNil ifTrue:[
-	    addr := domainClass new.
-	].
-    ].
-#ifndef NO_SOCKET
-    OBJ fp = __INST(filePointer);
-    if (fp != nil) {
-	SOCKET sock;
-	int objSize;
-	union sockaddr_u sa;
-	unsigned int alen = 0;
-	int n, offs;
-	int flags = 0;
-	char *extPtr;
-	unsigned char *allocatedBuffer = NULL;
-	unsigned char *buffer = NULL;
-	if (! setupBufferParameters(aDataBuffer, startIndex, &extPtr, &offs, &objSize)) goto bad;
-	if (__isSmallInteger(nBytes)) {
-	    if (__intVal(nBytes) < objSize) {
-		objSize = __intVal(nBytes);
-	    }
-	}
-# ifdef DO_WRAP_CALLS
-	if (extPtr) {
-	    buffer = extPtr + offs;
-	} else {
-	    allocatedBuffer = buffer = (char *)malloc(objSize);
-	}
-	do {
-	    __threadErrno = 0;
-	    alen = sizeof(sa);
-	    n = STX_WSA_CALL6("recvfrom", recvfrom, sock, buffer, objSize, flags, (struct sockaddr *)&sa, &alen);
-	} while ((n < 0) && (__threadErrno == EINTR));
-	if (allocatedBuffer) {
-	    if (n > 0) {
-		bcopy(allocatedBuffer, (char *)__InstPtr(aDataBuffer) + offs, n);
-	    }
-	    free(allocatedBuffer);
-	}
-# else
-	do {
-	    alen = sizeof(sa);
-	    if (extPtr) {
-		n = recvfrom(sock, extPtr + offs, objSize, flags, (struct sockaddr *) &sa, &alen);
-	    } else {
-		n = recvfrom(sock, (char *)__InstPtr(aDataBuffer) + offs, objSize, flags, (struct sockaddr *) &sa, &alen);
-	    }
-	} while ((n < 0) && (errno == EINTR));
-# endif
-	if (n >= 0) {
-	    if (__isNonNilObject(addr)) {
-		char *addrPtr;
-		OBJ oClass;
-		int nInstVars, nInstBytes, objSize;
-		oClass = __qClass(addr);
-		if (! __isBytes(addr) )
-		    goto bad;
-		nInstVars = __intVal(__ClassInstPtr(oClass)->c_ninstvars);
-		nInstBytes = OHDR_SIZE + (nInstVars * sizeof(OBJ));
-		objSize = __qSize(addr) - nInstBytes;
-		addrPtr = (char *)__InstPtr(addr) + nInstBytes;
-		if (objSize < alen)
-		    goto bad;
-		/*
-		 * extract the datagrams address
-		 */
-		bcopy((char *)&sa, addrPtr, alen);
-		addrLen = __MKSMALLINT(alen);
-	    }
-	}
-	if (n < 0) {
-	    __INST(lastErrorNumber) = __MKSMALLINT(errno);
-	}
-	nReceived = __MKSMALLINT(n);
-    }
-bad: ;
-    nReceived notNil ifTrue:[
-	nReceived < 0 ifTrue:[
-	    'Socket [warning]: ' infoPrint.
-	    (OperatingSystem errorTextForNumber:lastErrorNumber) infoPrintCR.
-	].
-	addrLen notNil ifTrue:[
-	    (addr == anAddressBuffer) ifFalse:[
-		self obsoleteFeatureWarning:'please use a socketAddress argument'.
-		" can be a ByteArray for backward compatibility "
-		anAddressBuffer replaceFrom:1 to:addrLen with:(addr hostAddress).
-	    ].
-	].
-	^ nReceived
-    ].
-    "
-     arrive here if you try to receive into an invalid buffer
-     (i.e. not ByteArray-like),
+not ByteArray-like),
      or if the addressBuffer is nonNil AND not a SocketAddress/ByteArray
      or if the addressBuffer is nonNil AND too small.
     self primitiveFailed
-sendBuffer:aDataBuffer start:startIndex for:nBytes flags:flags
-    "send data.
-     Both must be ByteArray-like. The bytes in the addressBuffer must
-     be a valid address for my domain (i.e. for inet, a 4-byte byteArray).
-     Return the number of bytes transmitted, or a negative number on error.
-     On error, the unix error code is left in the lastErrorNumber
-     instance variable."
-    |nReceived portNo|
-#ifndef NO_SOCKET
-    OBJ fp = __INST(filePointer);
-    if ((fp != nil)
-     && __isSmallInteger(startIndex)
-     && __isSmallInteger(nBytes)) {
-	SOCKET sock;
-	int objSize;
-	int n;
-	char *extPtr;
-	int _flags = 0;
-	int offs;
-	unsigned long norder;
-	unsigned char *buffer;
-	unsigned char *allocatedBuffer;
-	_flags = __longIntVal(flags);
-	if (! setupBufferParameters(aDataBuffer, startIndex, &extPtr, &offs, &objSize)) goto bad;
-	if (__isSmallInteger(nBytes)) {
-	    if (__intVal(nBytes) < objSize) {
-		objSize = __intVal(nBytes);
-	    }
-	}
-# ifdef DGRAM_DEBUG
-	console_printf("sending %d bytes ...\n", nBytes);
-# endif
-	if (extPtr) {
-	    buffer = extPtr + offs;
-	} else {
-	    allocatedBuffer = buffer = (char *)malloc(objSize);
-	    bcopy((char *)__InstPtr(aDataBuffer) + offs, allocatedBuffer, objSize);
-	}
-	do {
-	    __threadErrno = 0;
-	    n = STX_WSA_CALL4("send", send, sock, buffer, objSize, _flags);
-	} while ((n < 0) && (__threadErrno == EINTR));
-	if (allocatedBuffer) {
-	    free(allocatedBuffer);
-	}
-	do {
-	    if (extPtr) {
-		n = send(sock, extPtr + offs, objSize, _flags);
-	    } else {
-		n = send(sock, (char *)__InstPtr(aDataBuffer) + offs, objSize, _flags);
-	    }
-	} while ((n < 0) && (errno == EINTR));
-	if (n < 0) {
-	    __INST(lastErrorNumber) = __MKSMALLINT(errno);
-	}
 bad: ;
@@ -1933,158 +1633,28 @@
     self primitiveFailed
-sendTo:anAddressBuffer buffer:buffer
-    "send datagramm data - fetch address of destination host from
-     anAddressBuffer, data from aDataBuffer.
-     Both must be ByteArray-like. The bytes in the addressBuffer must
-     be a valid address for my domain (i.e. for inet, a 4-byte byteArray).
-     Return the number of bytes transmitted, or a negative number on error.
-     On error, the unix error code is left in the lastErrorNumber
      instance variable.
      Flags is currently ignored; it is there for ST-80 compatibility."
     ^ self sendTo:anAddressBuffer buffer:buffer start:1 for:buffer size flags:0
-sendTo:anAddressBuffer buffer:buffer start:startIndex for:count
-    "send datagramm data - fetch address of destination host from
-     anAddressBuffer, data from aDataBuffer.
-     Both must be ByteArray-like. The bytes in the addressBuffer must
-     be a valid address for my domain (i.e. for inet, a 4-byte byteArray).
-     Return the number of bytes transmitted, or a negative number on error.
-     On error, the unix error code is left in the lastErrorNumber
-     instance variable.
+instance variable.
      Flags is currently ignored; it is there for ST-80 compatibility."
     ^ self sendTo:anAddressBuffer buffer:buffer start:startIndex for:count flags:0
-sendTo:anAddressBuffer buffer:aDataBuffer start:startIndex for:nBytes flags:flags
-    "send datagramm data - fetch address of destination host from
-     anAddressBuffer, data from aDataBuffer starting at startIndex,
-     sending count bytes.
-     Both must be ByteArray-like. The bytes in the addressBuffer must
-     be a valid address for my domain (i.e. for inet, a 4-byte byteArray).
-     Return the number of bytes transmitted, or a negative number on error.
-     On error, the unix error code is left in the lastErrorNumber
-     instance variable."
-    |domainClass addr|
-    domainClass := self class socketAddressClassForDomain:domain.
-    domainClass isNil ifTrue:[
-	^ self error:'invalid (unsupported) domain'.
-    ].
-    (anAddressBuffer isKindOf:SocketAddress) ifTrue:[
-	addr := anAddressBuffer.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-	anAddressBuffer isByteArray ifFalse:[
-	    ^ self error:'bad socketAddress argument'
-	].
-	addr := domainClass hostAddress:anAddressBuffer.
-    ].
-#ifndef NO_SOCKET
-    OBJ fp = __INST(filePointer);
-    if ((fp != nil)
-     && __isSmallInteger(startIndex)
-     && __isSmallInteger(nBytes)) {
-	SOCKET sock;
-	int objSize;
-	struct sockaddr *sockaddr_ptr;
-	union sockaddr_u sa;
-	int alen = 0;
-	int sockAddrOffs, sockaddr_size;
-	int n;
-	char *extPtr;
-	int _flags = 0;
-	int offs;
-	unsigned long norder;
-	unsigned char *buffer;
-	unsigned char *allocatedBuffer;
-	_flags = __longIntVal(flags);
-	if (! __isBytes(addr)) {
-	    sockaddr_size = 0;
-	    sockaddr_ptr = (struct sockaddr *)0;
-	} else {
-	    int nIndex;
-	    OBJ cls;
-	    sockAddrOffs = 0;
-	    if ((cls = __qClass(addr)) != @global(ByteArray))
-		sockAddrOffs += __OBJS2BYTES__(__intVal(__ClassInstPtr(cls)->c_ninstvars));
-	    nIndex = __qSize(addr) - OHDR_SIZE;
-	    sockaddr_size = nIndex - sockAddrOffs;
-	    if (sockaddr_size > sizeof(sa)) {
-		console_fprintf(stderr, "Socket [warning]: bad socketAddr\n");
-		goto bad;
-	    }
-	    bcopy((__byteArrayVal(addr) + sockAddrOffs), &sa, sockaddr_size);
-	    sockaddr_ptr = (struct sockaddr *)(&sa);
-	}
-	if (! setupBufferParameters(aDataBuffer, startIndex, &extPtr, &offs, &objSize)) goto bad;
-	if (__isSmallInteger(nBytes)) {
-	    if (__intVal(nBytes) < objSize) {
-		objSize = __intVal(nBytes);
-	    }
-	}
-	if (extPtr) {
-	    buffer = extPtr + offs;
-	} else {
-	    allocatedBuffer = buffer = (char *)malloc(objSize);
-	    bcopy((char *)__InstPtr(aDataBuffer) + offs, allocatedBuffer, objSize);
-	}
-	do {
-	    __threadErrno = 0;
-	    n = STX_WSA_CALL6("sendto", sendto, sock, buffer, objSize, _flags, sockaddr_ptr, sockaddr_size);
-	} while ((n < 0) && (__threadErrno == EINTR));
-	if (allocatedBuffer) {
-	    free(allocatedBuffer);
-	}
-	do {
-	    if (extPtr) {
-		n = sendto(sock, extPtr + offs, objSize, _flags, sockaddr_ptr, sockaddr_size);
-	    } else {
-		n = sendto(sock, (char *)__InstPtr(aDataBuffer) + offs, objSize, _flags, sockaddr_ptr, sockaddr_size);
-	    }
-	} while ((n < 0) && (errno == EINTR));
-	if (n < 0) {
-	    __INST(lastErrorNumber) = __MKSMALLINT(errno);
-	}
-    }
-bad: ;
-    "
-     arrive here if you try to send from an invalid buffer
-     (i.e. not ByteArray-like),
-     or if the addressBuffer is nonNil AND not a ByteArray/String
-     or if the addressBuffer is nonNil AND too small.
-    "
-    self primitiveFailed
 ! !
 !Socket methodsFor:'low level'!
-    "bind to any address. A free port will be allocated.
-     Our own socket address will be determined after conection set up.
+if the addressBuffer is nonNil AND not a ByteArray/String
+     or if the addressBuffer is nonNil AND too small.
+    "
+    self primitiveFailed
+n socket address will be determined after conection set up.
      This is the default after the socket has been created"
     ^ self
@@ -2093,7 +1663,7 @@
     "bind to address addressString.
      A free port will be allocated"
@@ -2103,9 +1673,7 @@
-    "ST80 compatible bind, expecting a socketAddress argument.
-     The socketAddress object (an instance of SocketAddress)
      is supposed to respond to #portOrName and #address requests."
     ^ self bindTo:(aSocketAddress portOrName)
@@ -2113,13 +1681,7 @@
-bindTo:portNrOrNameString address:addressString
-    "low level bind - returns true if ok, false otherwise.
-     Currently only non-address binding is supported;
-     i.e. the address must always be nil.
-     The interpretation of portNrOrName depends on the domain:
-	inet domain uses (4byte) byteArray like internet numbers,
 	unix domain uses pathname strings,
 	others use whatever will come up in the future
@@ -2128,153 +1690,11 @@
-bindTo:portNrOrNameOrNil address:hostOrPathNameOrSocketAddrOrNil reuseAddress:reuse
-    "low level bind - returns true if ok, false otherwise.
-     Currently only non-address binding is supported;
-     i.e. address must always be nil.
-     The interpretation of portNrOrName depends on the domain:
-	inet domain uses (4byte) byteArray like internet numbers,
-	unix domain uses pathname strings,
-	others use whatever will come up in the future
-     The reuse boolean argument controls if the SO_REUSEADDR socket option
-     is to be set (to avoid the 'bind: address in use' error).
-    "
-    |ok addr addrName domainClass|
-    filePointer isNil ifTrue:[
-	^ self errorNotOpen
-    ].
-    domainClass := self class socketAddressClassForDomain:domain.
-    domainClass isNil ifTrue:[
-	^ self error:'invalid (unsupported) domain'.
-    ].
-    " backward compatibility: support for byteArray and string arg "
-    hostOrPathNameOrSocketAddrOrNil isNil ifTrue:[
-	addr := domainClass anyHost.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-	hostOrPathNameOrSocketAddrOrNil isString ifTrue:[
-	    addr := domainClass hostName:hostOrPathNameOrSocketAddrOrNil.
-	    addrName := hostOrPathNameOrSocketAddrOrNil.
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    (hostOrPathNameOrSocketAddrOrNil isKindOf:SocketAddress) ifTrue:[
-		addr := hostOrPathNameOrSocketAddrOrNil.
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		hostOrPathNameOrSocketAddrOrNil isByteArray ifFalse:[
-		    ^ self error:'bad host (socketAddress) argument'
-		].
-		addr := domainClass hostAddress:hostOrPathNameOrSocketAddrOrNil.
-	    ].
-	].
-    ].
-    portNrOrNameOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
-	addr port:portNrOrNameOrNil.
-    ].
-    (portNrOrNameOrNil isNil or:[portNrOrNameOrNil == 0]) ifTrue:[
-	addr := addr copy.
-    ].
-%{  /* STACK: 100000 */
-#ifndef NO_SOCKET
-    OBJ fp = __INST(filePointer);
-    if (! __isBytes(addr)) {
-	addr = nil;
-	console_fprintf(stderr, "Socket [warning]: bad sddr\n");
-	RETURN (false);
-    }
-    if (fp != nil) {
-	SOCKET sock;
-	union sockaddr_u sa;
-	int sockaddr_size;
-	int ret;
-	int sockAddrOffs;
-	{
-	    int nIndex;
-	    OBJ cls;
+! !
-	    sockAddrOffs = 0;
-	    if ((cls = __qClass(addr)) != @global(ByteArray))
-		sockAddrOffs += __OBJS2BYTES__(__intVal(__ClassInstPtr(cls)->c_ninstvars));
-	    nIndex = __qSize(addr) - OHDR_SIZE;
-	    sockaddr_size = nIndex - sockAddrOffs;
-	    if (sockaddr_size > sizeof(sa)) {
-		console_fprintf(stderr, "Socket: bad socketAddr\n");
-		RETURN (false);
-	    }
-	    bcopy((__byteArrayVal(addr) + sockAddrOffs), &sa, sockaddr_size);
-	}
-	if (reuse == true) {
-	    int on = 1;
-	    if (setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char *) &on, sizeof (on)) < 0) {
-		DBGPRINTF(("SOCKET: setsockopt - SO_REUSEADDR failed\n"));
-	    }
-	}
-# endif /* SO_REUSEADDR */
+!Socket protectedMethodsFor:'low level'!
-# ifdef BIND_BLOCKS
-#  ifdef DO_WRAP_CALLS
-	do {
-	    __threadErrno = 0;
-	    ret = STX_WSA_CALL3("bind", bind, sock, &sa, sockaddr_size);
-	} while ((ret < 0) && (__threadErrno == EINTR));
-#  else
-	do {
-	    ret = bind(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&sa, sockaddr_size);
-	} while ((ret < 0) && (errno == EINTR));
-#  endif
-# else
-	ret = bind(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&sa, sockaddr_size);
-# endif
-	if (ret < 0) {
-	    DBGPRINTF(("SOCKET: bind failed errno=%d\n", errno));
-	    __INST(lastErrorNumber) = __MKSMALLINT(errno);
-	    RETURN (false);
-	} else {
-	    ok = true;
-	    if (! __isSmallInteger(portNrOrNameOrNil)
-		|| (portNrOrNameOrNil == __MKSMALLINT(0))) {
-		unsigned int alen = sockaddr_size;
-		/*
-		 * anonymous port - get the actual portNr
-		 */
-		if (getsockname(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&sa, &alen) < 0) {
-# ifdef WIN32
-		    errno = WSAGetLastError();
-# endif
-		    console_fprintf(stderr, "SOCKET: cannot get socketname: %d\n", errno);
-		}
-		bcopy(&sa, (__byteArrayVal(addr) + sockAddrOffs), alen);
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-#endif /* NO_SOCKET */
-getOutOfHere: ;
-    ok ~~ true ifTrue:[
-	^ false
-    ].
-    peer := addr.
-    port := addr port.
+dr port.
     peerName := addrName.
     ^ true
@@ -2286,87 +1706,15 @@
 ! !
-!Socket protectedMethodsFor:'low level'!
-    "low level close"
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-#ifndef NO_SOCKET
-    OBJ t;
-    t = __INST(filePointer);
-    if (t != nil) {
-	FILE *fp;
-	SOCKET sock;
-	int fd;
-	__INST(filePointer) = nil;
-	fp = __FILEVal(t);
-	fd = fileno(fp);
-	sock = SOCKET_FROM_FD(fd);
+!Socket methodsFor:'low level'!
-# ifdef xxDO_WRAP_CALLS
-	{ int ret;
-	  do {
-	    __threadErrno = 0;
-	    ret = STX_C_CALL1("fclose", fclose, fp);
-	  } while ((ret < 0) && (__threadErrno == EINTR));
-#  ifdef WIN32
-	  do {
-	    __threadErrno = 0;
-	    ret = STX_WSA_CALL1("closesocket", closesocket, sock);
-	  } while ((ret < 0) && (__threadErrno == EINTR));
-	  closesocket(sock);
-#  endif
-	}
-# else /* !DO_WRAP_CALLS */
-	DBGFPRINTF((stderr, "SOCKET: fflush %x (%d %d)\n", fp, fileno(fp), sock));
-	fflush(fp);
-	DBGFPRINTF((stderr, "SOCKET: closesocket (%d)\n", sock));
+TF((stderr, "SOCKET: closesocket (%d)\n", sock));
 #  endif
-	if ((@global(FileOpenTrace) == true) || __debugging__) {
-	    console_fprintf(stderr, "SOCKET: fclose %x (%d %d)\n", fp, fileno(fp), sock);
-	}
-	fclose(fp);
-	DBGFPRINTF((stderr, "SOCKET: closesocket (%d)\n", sock));
-	closesocket(sock);
-#  endif
-# endif /* !DO_WRAP_CALLS */
-    }
-#endif /* NO_SOCKET */
-! !
-!Socket methodsFor:'low level'!
+# endif /* 
-    "get the SO_ERROR form the socket, which indicates the
-     result of an asynchronous operation"
-#ifndef NO_SOCKET
-    OBJ fp;
-    int err;
-    fp = __INST(filePointer);
-    if (fp == nil) {
-	err = EBADF;
-    } else {
-	unsigned int sz;
-	SOCKET sock;
-	sz = sizeof(err);
-	if (getsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &err, &sz) < 0) {
+opt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &err, &sz) < 0) {
 # ifdef WIN32
 	    errno = WSAGetLastError();
 # endif
@@ -2379,51 +1727,18 @@
-    "same as listenWithBacklog: - for ST-80 compatibility"
-    ^ self listenWithBacklog:aNumber
-    "start listening; return true if ok, false on error"
-    filePointer isNil ifTrue:[
-	^ self errorNotOpen
-    ].
-#ifndef NO_SOCKET
-    OBJ fp = __INST(filePointer);
-    SOCKET sock;
-    int ret;
-    if (! __isSmallInteger(aNumber)) {
-	DBGPRINTF(("SOCKET: invalid arg\n"));
-	RETURN (false);
+	}
-    sock = SOCKET_FROM_FILE_OBJECT(fp);
+! !
-# ifdef DO_WRAP_CALLS
-    do {
-	__threadErrno = 0;
-	ret = STX_WSA_CALL2("listen", listen, sock, __intVal(aNumber));
-    } while ((ret < 0) && (__threadErrno == EINTR));
-# else
-    do {
-	ret = listen(sock, __intVal(aNumber));
-    } while ((ret < 0) && (errno == EINTR));
-# endif
-    ret = listen(sock, __intVal(aNumber));
+!Socket protectedMethodsFor:'low level'!
-    if (ret < 0) {
-	DBGPRINTF(("SOCKET: listen call failed errno=%d\n", errno));
-	__INST(lastErrorNumber) = __MKSMALLINT(errno);
+rrorNumber) = __MKSMALLINT(errno);
 	RETURN (false);
@@ -2434,187 +1749,9 @@
     ^ true
 ! !
-!Socket protectedMethodsFor:'low level'!
-setSocketOption:option argument:arg1 argument:arg2
-    |ok|
-%{  /* STACK: 32000 */
-    OBJ fp = __INST(filePointer);
-    if (fp != nil) {
-	SOCKET sock;
-	int opt = -1;
-	int level = -1;
-	int usize = -1;
-	int ret;
-	union u {
-	    BOOL        u_bool;
-	    int         u_int;
-	    struct linger u_linger;
-	} u;
-	if (option == @symbol(SO_BROADCAST)) {
-	    /* Enables transmission and receipt of broadcast messages on the socket. */
-	    opt = SO_BROADCAST;
-	    level = SOL_SOCKET;
-	    usize = sizeof(u.u_bool);
-	    if (arg1 == true) u.u_bool = TRUE;
-	    else if (arg1 == false) u.u_bool = FALSE;
-	    else goto argError;
-	}
-# endif /* SO_BROADCAST */
-#  if 0
-	if (option == @symbol(SO_CONDITIONAL)) {
-	    /* Enables sockets to delay the acknowledgment of a connection until after the WSAAccept condition function is called. */
-	    opt = SO_CONDITIONAL;
-	    level = SOL_SOCKET;
-	    usize = sizeof(u.u_bool);
-	    if (arg1 == true) u.u_bool = TRUE;
-	    else if (arg1 == false) u.u_bool = FALSE;
-	    else goto argError;
-	}
-#  endif
-# endif /* SO_CONDITIONAL */
-# ifdef SO_DEBUG
-	if (option == @symbol(SO_DEBUG)) {
-	    /* Records debugging information. */
-	    opt = SO_DEBUG;
-	    level = SOL_SOCKET;
-	    usize = sizeof(u.u_bool);
-	    if (arg1 == true) u.u_bool = TRUE;
-	    else if (arg1 == false) u.u_bool = FALSE;
-	    else goto argError;
-	}
-# endif /* SO_DEBUG */
-	    if (option == @symbol(SO_DONTLINGER)) {
-		/* Does not block close waiting for unsent data to be sent.
-		   Setting this option is equivalent to setting SO_LINGER with l_onoff set to zero. */
-		level = SOL_SOCKET;
-		usize = sizeof(u.u_bool);
-		if (arg1 == true) u.u_bool = TRUE;
-		else if (arg1 == false) u.u_bool = FALSE;
-		else goto argError;
-	    }
-# endif /* SO_DONTLINGER */
-	if (option == @symbol(SO_DONTROUTE)) {
-	    /* Does not route: sends directly to interface.
-	       Succeeds but is ignored on AF_INET sockets;
-	       fails on AF_INET6 sockets with WSAENOPROTOOPT.
-	       Not supported on ATM sockets (results in an error). */
-	    opt = SO_DONTROUTE;
-	    level = SOL_SOCKET;
-	    usize = sizeof(u.u_bool);
-	    if (arg1 == true) u.u_bool = TRUE;
-	    else if (arg1 == false) u.u_bool = FALSE;
-	    else goto argError;
-	}
-# endif /* SO_DONTROUTE */
+!Socket methodsFor:'low level'!
-	if (option == @symbol(SO_KEEPALIVE)) {
-	    /* Sends keep-alives. Not supported on ATM sockets (results in an error). */
-	    opt = SO_KEEPALIVE;
-	    level = SOL_SOCKET;
-	    usize = sizeof(u.u_bool);
-	    if (arg1 == true) u.u_bool = TRUE;
-	    else if (arg1 == false) u.u_bool = FALSE;
-	    else goto argError;
-	}
-# endif /* SO_KEEPALIVE */
-# ifdef SO_LINGER
-	if (option == @symbol(SO_LINGER)) {
-	    /* Lingers on close if unsent data is present. */
-	    opt = SO_LINGER;
-	    level = SOL_SOCKET;
-	    usize = sizeof(u.u_linger);
-	    if (arg1 == true) u.u_linger.l_onoff = TRUE;
-	    else if (arg1 == false) u.u_linger.l_onoff = FALSE;
-	    else goto argError;
-	    if (arg2 == nil) u.u_linger.l_linger = 0;
-	    else if (__isSmallInteger(arg2))u.u_linger.l_linger = __intVal(arg2);
-	    else goto argError;
-	    DBGPRINTF(("SOCKET: SO_LINGER %d %d\n", u.u_linger.l_onoff, u.u_linger.l_linger));
-	}
-# endif /* SO_LINGER */
-	if (option == @symbol(SO_OOBINLINE)) {
-	    /* Receives OOB data in the normal data stream. */
-	    opt = SO_OOBINLINE;
-	    level = SOL_SOCKET;
-	    usize = sizeof(u.u_bool);
-	    if (arg1 == true) u.u_bool = TRUE;
-	    else if (arg1 == false) u.u_bool = FALSE;
-	    else goto argError;
-	}
-# endif /* SO_OOBINLINE */
-# ifdef SO_RCVBUF
-	if (option == @symbol(SO_RCVBUF)) {
-	    /* Specifies the total per-socket buffer space reserved for receives.
-	       This is unrelated to SO_MAX_MSG_SIZE or the size of a TCP window. */
-	    opt = SO_RCVBUF;
-	    level = SOL_SOCKET;
-	    usize = sizeof(u.u_int);
-	    if (__isSmallInteger(arg1))u.u_int = __intVal(arg1);
-	    else goto argError;
-	}
-# endif /* SO_RCVBUF */
-# ifdef SO_SNDBUF
-	if (option == @symbol(SO_SNDBUF)) {
-	    /* Specifies the total per-socket buffer space reserved for sends.
-	       This is unrelated to SO_MAX_MSG_SIZE or the size of a TCP window. */
-	    opt = SO_SNDBUF;
-	    level = SOL_SOCKET;
-	    usize = sizeof(u.u_int);
-	    if (__isSmallInteger(arg1))u.u_int = __intVal(arg1);
-	    else goto argError;
-	}
-# endif /* SO_SNDBUF */
-	if (option == @symbol(SO_REUSEADDR)) {
-	    /* Allows the socket to be bound to an address that is already in use.  */
-	    opt = SO_REUSEADDR;
-	    level = SOL_SOCKET;
-	    usize = sizeof(u.u_bool);
-	    if (arg1 == true) u.u_bool = TRUE;
-	    else if (arg1 == false) u.u_bool = FALSE;
-	    else goto argError;
-	}
-# endif /* SO_OOBINLINE */
-	if (option == @symbol(SO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE)) {
-	    /* Enables a socket to be bound for exclusive access.
-	       Does not require administrative privilege.  */
-	    level = SOL_SOCKET;
-	    usize = sizeof(u.u_bool);
-	    if (arg1 == true) u.u_bool = TRUE;
-	    else if (arg1 == false) u.u_bool = FALSE;
-	    else goto argError;
-	}
-# endif /* SO_OOBINLINE */
-	if (usize == -1) goto argError;
-	ok = ( setsockopt( sock, level, opt, &u, usize) >= 0) ? true : false;
-    }
 argError: ;
@@ -2624,36 +1761,9 @@
     ok ifFalse:[
 	'setsocketoption failed' infoPrintCR.
-! !
-!Socket methodsFor:'low level'!
-shutdown: howNum
-    "shutDown the socket - inform it that no more I/O will be performed.
-	 0 - read side   (no further reads)
-	 1 - write side  (no further writes)
-	 2 - both        (no further I/O at all)
-     shutDown:2
-	discards any pending data
-	(as opposed to close, which might wait until data is delivered as set by LINGER)"
-#ifndef NO_SOCKET
-    OBJ fp;
-    fp = __INST(filePointer);
-    if ((fp != nil) && __isSmallInteger(howNum)) {
-	SOCKET sock;
-	int ret;
-# ifdef DO_WRAP_CALLS
-	do {
-	    __threadErrno = 0;
-	    DBGFPRINTF((stderr, "SOCKET: shutDown...\n"));
-	    ret = STX_WSA_CALL2("shutdown", shutdown, sock, __intVal(howNum));
-	    DBGFPRINTF((stderr, "SOCKET: shutDown -> %d (%d)\n", ret, __threadErrno));
 	} while ((ret < 0) && (__threadErrno == EINTR));
 # else
@@ -2663,26 +1773,16 @@
-    (self bindTo:portNrOrNameOrNil address:nil) ifFalse:[
-	^ OpenError raiseWith:self errorString:('cannot bind socket to port: <1p>' expandMacrosWith:portNrOrNameOrNil).
-    ].
-    ^ self.
 ! !
 !Socket methodsFor:'low level-accepting'!
-    "create a new TCP socket from accepting on the receiver.
-     This method will suspend the current process if no connection is waiting.
-     For ST-80 compatibility"
+^ OpenError raiseWith:self errorString:('cannot bind socket to port: <1p>' expandMacrosWith:portNrOrNameOrNil).
+    ].
+    ^ self.
-    |newSock|
-    newSock := self class new.
-    (newSock acceptOn:self) ifFalse:[^ nil].
+newSock acceptOn:self) ifFalse:[^ nil].
     ^ newSock
@@ -2694,11 +1794,7 @@
-    "accept a connection on a server port (created with:'Socket>>onIPPort:')
-     usage is: (Socket basicNew acceptOn:(Socket onIPPort:9999)).
-     This method will suspend the current process if no connection is waiting.
-     Return the true if ok; false if not."
+alse if not."
     aSocket readWait.
     ^ self primAcceptOn:aSocket blocking:false.
@@ -2707,9 +1803,7 @@
     "Modified: / 1.8.1998 / 23:39:10 / cg"
-    "create a new TCP socket from accepting on the receiver.
-     This method will suspend the current process if no connection is waiting.
+ss if no connection is waiting.
      For ST-80 compatibility"
@@ -2719,29 +1813,14 @@
     ^ newSock
-    "accept a connection on a server port (created with:'Socket>>onIPPort:')
-     usage is: (Socket basicNew acceptOn:(Socket onIPPort:9999)).
      This method will suspend the current process if no connection is waiting.
      Return the true if ok; false if not."
     ^ self primAcceptOn:aSocket blocking:true.
-pollingWaitForNewConnectionOrDataOnAny:otherConnections timeout:timeoutSeconds
-    <resource: #obsolete>
-    "stupid MSDOS does not support select on sockets (sigh).
-     Must poll here."
-    |millis newConnection|
-    millis := timeoutSeconds * 1000.
-    [millis > 0] whileTrue:[
-	otherConnections size > 0 ifTrue:[
-	    otherConnections do:[:aConnection |
-		aConnection canReadWithoutBlocking ifTrue:[
-		    ^ aConnection
-		]
 	newConnection := self blockingAccept.
@@ -2752,18 +1831,7 @@
     ^ nil.
-    <resource: #obsolete>
-    "stupid MSDOS does not support select on sockets (sigh).
-     Must poll here."
-    |millis newConnection|
-    timeoutSeconds notNil ifTrue:[
-	millis := timeoutSeconds * 1000.
-    ].
-    [millis isNil or:[millis > 0]] whileTrue:[
-	newConnection := self blockingAccept.
+:= self blockingAccept.
 	newConnection notNil ifTrue:[^ newConnection].
 	Delay waitForMilliseconds:20.
 	millis notNil ifTrue:[
@@ -2773,180 +1841,7 @@
     ^ nil.
-primAcceptOn:aSocket blocking:blocking
-    "accept a connection on a server port (created with:'Socket>>onIPPort:')
-     usage is: (Socket basicNew acceptOn:(Socket onIPPort:9999)).
-     Return the true if ok; false if not."
-    |serverSocketFd addr addrLen domainClass|
-    filePointer notNil ifTrue:[
-	^ self errorAlreadyOpen
-    ].
-    domain := aSocket domain.
-    socketType := aSocket type.
-    serverSocketFd := aSocket fileDescriptor.
-    serverSocketFd isNil ifTrue:[
-	^ self error:'invalid server socket'
-    ].
-    (serverSocketFd isMemberOf:SmallInteger) ifFalse:[
-	^ self error:'invalid server socket'
-    ].
-    domainClass := self class socketAddressClassForDomain:domain.
-    domainClass isNil ifTrue:[
-	^ self error:'invalid (unsupported) domain'.
-    ].
-    addrLen := domainClass socketAddressSize.
-    addr := domainClass new.
-%{  /* STACK: 100000 */
-#ifndef NO_SOCKET
-    FILE *fp;
-    int flags;
-    SOCKET sock, newSock;
-    union sockaddr_u sa;
-    unsigned int alen, alen0;
-    struct hostent *he ;
-    char dotted[20] ;
-    if (!__isSmallInteger(addrLen)) {
-	DBGPRINTF(("SOCKET: bad addrLen\n"));
-	RETURN (false);
-    }
-    alen0 = __intVal(addrLen);
-    sock = SOCKET_FROM_FD(__intVal(serverSocketFd));
-    if (blocking == false) {
-# if defined(O_NONBLOCK) && defined(SET_NDELAY)
-	flags = fcntl(sock, F_GETFL);
-	fcntl(sock, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK);
-# endif
-    }
-# ifdef DO_WRAP_CALLS
-    do {
-	__threadErrno = 0;
-	alen = alen0;
-	newSock = STX_WSA_CALL3("accept", accept, sock, &sa, &alen);
-    } while ((newSock < 0) && (__threadErrno == EINTR));
-# else
-    do {
-	alen = alen0;
-	newSock = accept(sock, (struct sockaddr *) &sa, &alen);
-    } while ((newSock < 0) && (errno == EINTR));
-# endif
-    DBGFPRINTF((stderr, "SOCKET: accept newSock=%d\n", newSock));
-    if (blocking == false) {
-# if defined(O_NDELAY) && defined(SET_NDELAY)
-	fcntl(sock, F_SETFL, flags);
-# endif
-    }
-    if (newSock < 0) {
-	DBGPRINTF(("SOCKET: accept call failed errno=%d\n", errno));
-	__INST(lastErrorNumber) = __MKSMALLINT(errno);
-	RETURN (false);
-    }
-    if (__isNonNilObject(addr)) {
-	OBJ oClass;
-	int nInstVars, nInstBytes, objSize;
-	char *cp;
-	oClass = __qClass(addr);
-	if (! __isBytes(addr) ) {
-	    DBGPRINTF(("SOCKET: bad addr\n"));
-	    closesocket(newSock);
-	    RETURN (false);
-	}
-	nInstVars = __intVal(__ClassInstPtr(oClass)->c_ninstvars);
-	nInstBytes = OHDR_SIZE + (nInstVars * sizeof(OBJ));
-	objSize = __qSize(addr) - nInstBytes;
-	cp = (char *)__InstPtr(addr) + nInstBytes;
-	if (objSize < alen) {
-	    DBGPRINTF(("SOCKET: bad addr\n"));
-	    closesocket(newSock);
-	    RETURN (false);
-	}
-	/*
-	 * extract the partners address
-	 */
-	bcopy((char *)&sa, cp, alen);
-	addrLen = __MKSMALLINT(alen);
-    }
-    /*
-     * make it a FILE *
-     */
-# ifdef WIN32
-    {
-	int _fd = _open_osfhandle(newSock, 0);
-	fp = fdopen(_fd, "r+");
-	DBGPRINTF(("SOCKET: sock=%d fd=%d fp=%x\n",newSock,_fd, fp));
-    }
-# else
-    fp = fdopen(newSock, "r+");
-# endif
-    if (! fp) {
-	DBGPRINTF(("SOCKET: fdopen call failed\n"));
-	__INST(lastErrorNumber) = __MKSMALLINT(errno);
-#  ifdef DO_WRAP_CALLS
-	{
-	  int ret;
-	  do {
-	      __threadErrno = 0;
-	      ret = STX_WSA_CALL1("closesocket", closesocket, newSock);
-	  } while ((ret < 0) && (__threadErrno == EINTR));
-	}
-#  else
-	closesocket(newSock);
-#  endif
-	DBGFPRINTF((stderr, "SOCKET: close (fdopen failed) (%d)\n", newSock));
-	RETURN (false);
-    }
-    if ((@global(FileOpenTrace) == true) || __debugging__) {
-# ifdef WIN32
-	{
-	    HANDLE h;
-	    int _fd = fileno(fp);
-	    h = (HANDLE)_get_osfhandle(_fd);
-	    console_fprintf(stderr, "fdopen [Socket] -> %x (fd: %d) (H: %x)\n", fp, _fd, h);
-	}
-# else
-	console_fprintf(stderr, "fdopen [Socket] -> %x (fd: %d)\n", fp, newSock);
-# endif
-    }
-    setbuf(fp, NULL);
-    __INST(buffered) = false;
-# endif
-# if 0
-    // The original code was:
-    __INST(filePointer) = __MKOBJ((INT)fp); __STORESELF(filePointer);
-    // but for that, gcc generates wrong code, which loads self (volatile) into
-    // a register (bp), then calls __MKOBJ, then stores indirect bp.
-    // That is wrong if a scavenge occurs in MKOBJ, as bp is now still pointing to the old
-    // object.
-# endif
-    {
-	OBJ t;
-	t = __MKOBJ(fp);
-	__INST(filePointer) = t;
-	__STORE(self, t);
-    }
-#endif /* not NO_SOCKET */
     mode := #readwrite.
     Lobby register:self.
@@ -2960,60 +1855,7 @@
     ^ true
-waitForNewConnectionOrDataOnAny:otherConnections timeout:timeoutSeconds
-    "suspend the current process, until either a new connection comes
-     in at the receiver, or data arrives on any of the otherConnections.
-     For a new connection, an accept is performed and the new socket is returned.
-     For an old connection, that socket is returned.
-     In any case, the caller gets a socket to operate on as return value,
-     or nil, if a timeout occured.
-     This method implements the inner wait-primitive of a multi-connection
-     server application."
-    |wasBlocked sema|
-    "first, a quick check if data is already available"
-    self canReadWithoutBlocking ifTrue:[
-	^ self accept.
-    ].
-    otherConnections do:[:aConnection |
-	aConnection canReadWithoutBlocking ifTrue:[
-	    ^ aConnection
-	]
-    ].
-    [
-	"check again - prevent incoming interrupts from disturbing our setup"
-	wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
-	self canReadWithoutBlocking ifTrue:[
-	    ^ self accept.
-	].
-	otherConnections do:[:aConnection |
-	    aConnection canReadWithoutBlocking ifTrue:[
-		^ aConnection
-	    ]
-	].
-	"nope - must wait"
-	sema := Semaphore new name:'multiReadWait'.
-	otherConnections do:[:aConnection |
-	    Processor signal:sema onInput:(aConnection fileDescriptor).
-	].
-	Processor signal:sema onInput:(self fileDescriptor).
-	timeoutSeconds notNil ifTrue:[
-	    Processor signal:sema afterSeconds:timeoutSeconds
-	].
-	Processor activeProcess state:#ioWait.
-	sema wait.
-    ] ensure:[
-	sema notNil ifTrue:[Processor disableSemaphore:sema].
-	wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
-    ].
-    "see who it was ..."
-    self canReadWithoutBlocking ifTrue:[
 	^ self accept.
     otherConnections do:[:aConnection |
@@ -3024,213 +1866,26 @@
     "none - a timeout"
     ^ nil
-    "suspend the current process, until a new connection comes
-     in at the receiver or a timeout occurs.
-     For a new connection, an accept is performed and the new socket is returned.
-     Returns nil, if a timeout occured.
-     This method implements the inner wait-primitive of a single-connection
-     server application."
-    (self readWaitWithTimeout:timeoutSeconds) ifTrue:[
-	"a timeout occurred - no connection within timeout"
-	^ nil
-    ].
-    ^ self accept.
 ! !
 !Socket methodsFor:'low level-connecting'!
-connectTo:hostOrPathName port:portNrOrName
-    "low level connect; connect to port, portNrOrNameOrNil on host, hostName.
-     For backward compatibility, host may be also a string or a byteArray,
-     but it is recommended to pass socketAddress instances.
+readWaitWithTimeout:timeoutSeconds) ifTrue:[
+	"a timeout occurred - no connection within timeout"
+	^ nil
+    ].
+    ^ self accept.
-     Return true if ok, false otherwise.
-     The current process will block (but not the whole Smalltalk) until the connection is established.
+the connection is established.
      See also: #connectTo:port:withTimeout: for a somewhat nicer interface."
     ^ self connectTo:hostOrPathName port:portNrOrName withTimeout:nil
-connectTo:hostOrPathNameOrSocketAddr port:portNrOrNameOrNil withTimeout:timeout
-    "low level connect; connect to port, portNrOrNameOrNil on host, hostName.
-     For backward compatibility, host may be also a string or a byteArray,
-     but it is recommended to pass socketAddress instances.
-     Return true if ok, false otherwise.
-     The current process will block (but not the whole Smalltalk) until the connection is established,
-     or timeout millliseconds have passed."
-    |isAsync err domainClass addr addrName|
-    filePointer isNil ifTrue:[
-	^ self errorNotOpen
-    ].
-    domainClass := self class socketAddressClassForDomain:domain.
-    domainClass isNil ifTrue:[
-	^ self error:'invalid (unsupported) domain'.
-    ].
-    "/ backward compatibility: support for byteArray and string arg
-    hostOrPathNameOrSocketAddr isString ifTrue:[
-	addr := domainClass hostName:hostOrPathNameOrSocketAddr port:portNrOrNameOrNil.
-	addrName := hostOrPathNameOrSocketAddr.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-	hostOrPathNameOrSocketAddr isByteCollection ifFalse:[
-	    ^ self error:'bad host (socketAddress) argument'
-	].
-	(hostOrPathNameOrSocketAddr isKindOf:SocketAddress) ifTrue:[
-	    addr := hostOrPathNameOrSocketAddr.
-	    portNrOrNameOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
-		addr port:portNrOrNameOrNil.
-	    ].
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    addr := domainClass hostAddress:hostOrPathNameOrSocketAddr port:portNrOrNameOrNil.
-	].
-    ].
-%{  /* STACK: 100000 */
-#ifndef NO_SOCKET
-    OBJ fp = __INST(filePointer);
-    union sockaddr_u sa;
-    SOCKET sock;
-    int a;
-    int ret, oldFlags;
-    int on = 1;
-    int sockaddr_size;
-    if (!__isNonNilObject(addr) || !__isBytes(addr)) {
-	DBGPRINTF(("SOCKET: invalid addrBytes\n"));
-	RETURN (false);
-    }
-    {
-	int sockAddrOffs, nIndex;
-	OBJ cls;
-	sockAddrOffs = 0;
-	if ((cls = __qClass(addr)) != @global(ByteArray))
-	    sockAddrOffs += __OBJS2BYTES__(__intVal(__ClassInstPtr(cls)->c_ninstvars));
-	nIndex = __qSize(addr) - OHDR_SIZE;
-	sockaddr_size = nIndex - sockAddrOffs;
-	if (sockaddr_size > sizeof(sa)) {
-	    console_fprintf(stderr, "Socket: bad socketAddr\n");
-	    RETURN (false);
-	}
-	bcopy((__byteArrayVal(addr) + sockAddrOffs), &sa, sockaddr_size);
-    }
-    sock = SOCKET_FROM_FILE_OBJECT(fp);
-# if defined(O_NONBLOCK)
-#  if !defined(WIN32)
-    /*
-     * set to non-blocking and wait later
-     */
-    oldFlags = fcntl(sock, F_GETFL, 0);
-    /* on SUNOS4.x, would use fcntl(osfd, F_SETFL, flags | FNDELAY); */
-    fcntl(sock, F_SETFL, oldFlags | O_NONBLOCK);
-#  endif
-# endif
+! !
-    /*
-     * connect
-     */
-# ifdef DO_WRAP_CALLS
-    do {
-	DBGFPRINTF((stderr, "SOCKET: connect...\n"));
-	__threadErrno = 0;
-	ret = STX_WSA_NOINT_CALL3("connect", connect, sock, &sa, sockaddr_size);
-	DBGFPRINTF((stderr, "SOCKET: connect(%d) -> %d (%d)\n", sock, ret, __threadErrno));
-    } while ((ret < 0) && (__threadErrno == EINTR));
-# else
-    do {
-	ret = connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&sa, sockaddr_size);
-    } while ((ret < 0)
-	     && ((errno == EINTR)
-# ifdef EAGAIN
-		 || (errno == EAGAIN)
-# endif
-		));
+!Socket methodsFor:'printing & storing'!
-    if (ret < 0) {
-# if defined(EINPROGRESS) || defined(EALREADY)
-	if (0
-	    || (errno == EINPROGRESS)
-#  endif
-#  ifdef EALREADY
-	    || (errno == EALREADY)
-#  endif
-	) {
-	    /*
-	     * This was a nonblocking operation that will take some time.
-	     * Do a select on read to get informed when the operation is ready.
-	     */
-	    DBGFPRINTF((stderr, "SOCKET: isAsync is true\n"));
-	    isAsync = true;
-	} else
-# endif /* EINPROGRESS or EALREADY */
-	{
-	    DBGFPRINTF((stderr, "SOCKET: connect failed ret=%d errno=%d __threadErrno=%d\n",
-			ret, errno, __threadErrno ));
-	    {
-		char *cp = (char *)(&sa);
-		int i;
-		console_printf("address data:\n");
-		for (i=0; i<sockaddr_size; i++) {
-		    console_printf(" %02x\n", *cp++);
-		}
-	    }
-# endif
-	    __INST(lastErrorNumber) = __MKSMALLINT(errno);
-	    RETURN (false);
-	}
-    }
-# if defined(O_NONBLOCK)
-#  if !defined(WIN32)
-    fcntl(sock, F_SETFL, oldFlags);
-#  endif
-# endif
-# else /* NO_SOCKET */
-    RETURN (false);
-# endif /* NO_SOCKET */
-    isAsync == true ifTrue:[
-	(self writeWaitWithTimeoutMs:timeout) ifTrue:[
-	    "/ a timeout occured
-	    "/ should cancel the connect?
-	    ^ false.
-	].
-	err := self getSocketError.
-	err ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-	    lastErrorNumber := err.
-	    ^ false.
-	].
-    ].
-    port := portNrOrNameOrNil.
-    peer := addr.
-    peerName := addrName.
-    ^ true
-    "
-       |sock|
-       sock := Socket newTCP.
-       sock connectTo:'localhost' port:21 withTimeout:1000.
-       sock
        sock := Socket newTCP.
@@ -3239,106 +1894,18 @@
 ! !
-!Socket methodsFor:'printing & storing'!
+!Socket methodsFor:'queries'!
-    aStream nextPutAll:self className; nextPutAll:'(protocol='.
-    protocol printOn:aStream.
-    aStream nextPutAll:' port='.
+aStream nextPutAll:' port='.
     port printOn:aStream.
     aStream nextPutAll:' peer='.
     peer printOn:aStream.
     aStream nextPut:$).
-! !
-!Socket methodsFor:'queries'!
-    "return the sockets addressing domain (i.e. #inet, #unix, #x25, #appletalk)"
-    ^ domain
-    "implemented for swazoo project (primitive code cant be loaded as extension)
-     Answer my own address (I am bound to this address).
-     Note that this address may change after a connect or accept."
-    |error domainClass addr addrLen|
-    filePointer isNil ifTrue:[
-	^ self errorNotOpen
-    ].
-    domainClass := self class socketAddressClassForDomain:domain.
-    domainClass isNil ifTrue:[
-	^ self error:'invalid (unsupported) domain'.
-    ].
-    addrLen := domainClass socketAddressSize.
-    addr := domainClass new.
-#ifndef NO_SOCKET
-    OBJ fp = __INST(filePointer);
-    SOCKET sock;
-    int ret;
-    union sockaddr_u sa;
-    unsigned int alen, alen0;
-    char *addrP;
-    int addrObjSize, nAddrInstBytes;
-    if (!__isSmallInteger(addrLen)) {
-	DBGPRINTF(("SOCKET: bad addrLen\n"));
-	error = @symbol(badArgument);
-	goto err;
-    }
-    alen = alen0 = __intVal(addrLen);
-    if (!__isNonNilObject(addr) || !__isBytes(addr)) {
-	DBGPRINTF(("SOCKET: bad addr\n"));
-	error = @symbol(badArgument);
-	goto err;
-    }
-    {
-	OBJ addrClass;
-	int nAddrInstVars;
-	addrClass = __qClass(addr);
-	nAddrInstVars = __intVal(__ClassInstPtr(addrClass)->c_ninstvars);
-	nAddrInstBytes = OHDR_SIZE + (nAddrInstVars * sizeof(OBJ));
-	addrObjSize = __qSize(addr) - nAddrInstBytes;
-	if (addrObjSize < alen0) {
-	    DBGPRINTF(("SOCKET: bad addr/alen\n"));
-	    error = @symbol(badArgument);
-	    goto err;
-	}
-    }
-    sock = SOCKET_FROM_FILE_OBJECT(fp);
-# ifdef WIN32
-    __threadErrno = 0;
-# endif
-    ret = getsockname(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&sa, &alen);
-    if (ret < 0) {
-# ifdef WIN32
-	errno = WSAGetLastError();
-# endif
-	DBGPRINTF(("SOCKET: getsocketname failed ret=%d errno=%d\n", ret, errno));
-	error = __MKSMALLINT(errno);
-	goto err;
-    }
-    if (addrObjSize < alen) {
-	DBGPRINTF(("SOCKET: bad addr\n"));
-	error = @symbol(badArgument);
-	goto err;
-    }
-    addrP = (char *)__InstPtr(addr) + nAddrInstBytes;
-    bcopy((char *)&sa, addrP, alen);
-    addrLen = __MKSMALLINT(alen);
+    aStream nextPut:$).
 #else /* NO_SOCKET */
@@ -3351,16 +1918,14 @@
     ^ addr
-    "return the name; here, we return the ports name"
-    ^ port printString
+    error notNil ifTrue:[
+	^ self errorReporter reportOn:error
+    ].
+    ^ addr
-    "ST-80 compatibility: return an IPSocketAddress instance representing
-     my hostname/port combination.
-     If you are interested in the hostname, use getPeerName directly."
+If you are interested in the hostname, use getPeerName directly."
     peer isNil ifTrue:[
 	peer := self class peerFromDomain:domain name:peerName port:port.
@@ -3368,8 +1933,7 @@
     ^ peer
-    "return the peer name; thats the hostname (or dotted name) of the
+ame (or dotted name) of the
      partners host after an accept."
     peerName isNil ifTrue:[
@@ -3378,73 +1942,26 @@
     ^ peerName
-    "implemented for swazoo project primitive code cant load as extension
-     answer my own address (I am bound to this address).
+to this address).
      Note that this address may change after connect or accept."
     ^ self getFullSocketAddress hostAddress
     "/ ^ self getFullSocketAddress copyFrom:5 to:8
-    "BAD SPELLING, of #getSocketAddress, kept for compatibility with swazoo"
+ddress copyFrom:5 to:8
+compatibility with swazoo"
     <resource: #obsolete>
     ^ self getSocketAddress
-    "return true, if the receiver has a connection"
-    ^ filePointer notNil
-    "return true, if the receiver has a connection"
-    ^ self isActive
-      and:[port notNil
-      and:[peerName notNil or:[peer notNil]]]
+ilePointer notNil
-    "implemented for swazoo project primitive code cant load as extension
-     answer my own address (I am bound to this address).
-     Note that this address may change after connect or accept."
-    |socketAddress error|
-    filePointer isNil ifTrue:[
-	^ self errorNotOpen
-    ].
-    socketAddress := ByteArray new:16.
-#ifndef NO_SOCKET
-    OBJ fp = __INST(filePointer);
-    SOCKET sock;
-    unsigned int sockaddr_size;
-    int ret;
-    if (!__isNonNilObject(socketAddress) ||
-	(__intVal(__ClassInstPtr(__qClass(socketAddress))->c_flags) & ARRAYMASK) != BYTEARRAY) {
-	error = @symbol(badArgument1);
-	goto err;
-    }
-    sockaddr_size = __byteArraySize(socketAddress);
-    sock = SOCKET_FROM_FILE_OBJECT(fp);
-    ret = getsockname(sock, (struct sockaddr *)__byteArrayVal(socketAddress), &sockaddr_size);
-    if (ret < 0) {
-# ifdef WIN32
-	errno = WSAGetLastError();
-# endif
-	DBGPRINTF(("SOCKET: getsocketname failed errno=%d\n", errno));
-	error = __MKSMALLINT(errno);
-    }
 #else /* NO_SOCKET */
     error = @symbol(notImplemented);
 #endif /* NO_SOCKET */
@@ -3455,10 +1972,7 @@
     ^ socketAddress
-    "return the port number (or name for unix-sockets) to which the socket is bound"
-"/ sometimes maybe we do am lazy fetch of the port
+e we do am lazy fetch of the port
 "/    port == 0 ifTrue:[ |p|
 "/        p := self getPort.
 "/        p notNil ifTrue:[
@@ -3466,226 +1980,23 @@
 "/        ]
 "/    ].
     ^ port
-    "return the sockets connection type (i.e. #datagram, #stream etc)"
-    ^ socketType
 ! !
 !Socket methodsFor:'socket setup'!
-domain:domainArg type:typeArg
-    "set up socket with domain and type.
-     This is a low level entry; no binding, listening or connect
-     is done. Both arguments must be symbols from one of
+:= p
+"/        ]
+"/    ].
+    ^ port
+uments must be symbols from one of
      #inet,#unix, #appletalk, #x25 .. and #stream, #datagram, #raw resp."
     ^ self domain:domainArg type:typeArg protocol:0 reuseAddress:true
-domain:domainArg type:typeArg protocol:protocolNumber
-    "set up socket with domain, type and protocol number.
-     This is a low level entry; no binding, listening or connect
-     is done. Both arguments must be symbols from one of
-     #inet,#unix, #appletalk, #x25 .. and #stream, #datagram, #raw resp."
-    ^ self domain:domainArg type:typeArg protocol:protocolNumber reuseAddress:true
-    "
-     Socket new domain:#inet type:#stream
-     Socket new domain:#unix type:#stream
-    "
-domain:domainArg type:typeArg protocol:protocolNumber reuseAddress:reuse
-    "set up socket with domain, type and protocol number.
-     This is a low level entry; no binding, listening or connect
-     is done. Both arguments must be symbols from one of
-     #inet,#unix, #appletalk, #x25 .. and #stream, #datagram, #raw resp.
-     The reuse boolean argument controls if the SO_REUSEADDR socket option
-     is to be set (to avoid the 'bind: address in use' error)."
-    |domainName domainCode typeCode error|
-    filePointer notNil ifTrue:[
-	^ self errorAlreadyOpen
-    ].
-    domainName := SocketAddress domainCodeFromName:domainArg.
-    domainCode := OperatingSystem domainCodeOf:domainName.
-    typeCode := OperatingSystem socketTypeCodeOf:typeArg.
-#ifndef NO_SOCKET
-    FILE *fp;
-    int dom, typ, pf, proto = 0;
-    int on = 1;
-    SOCKET sock;
-    if (! __isSmallInteger(domainCode)) {
-	error = @symbol(badArgument1);
-	goto out;
-    }
-    if (! __isSmallInteger(typeCode)) {
-	error = @symbol(badArgument2);
-	goto out;
-    }
-    if (protocolNumber != nil) {
-	if (!__isSmallInteger(protocolNumber)) {
-	    error = @symbol(badArgument3);
-	    goto out;
-	}
-	proto = __intVal(protocolNumber);
-    }
-    /*
-     * get address and protocol-family
-     */
-    dom = __intVal(domainCode);
-    typ = __intVal(typeCode);
-#  ifdef DO_WRAP_CALLS
-    do {
-	__threadErrno = 0;
-	sock = STX_WSA_CALL3("socket", socket, dom, typ, proto);
-    } while ((sock < 0) && (__threadErrno == EINTR));
-#  else
-    do {
-	DBGPRINTF(("SOCKET: opening socket domain=%d type=%d proto=%d\n", dom, typ, proto));
-	sock = socket(dom, typ, proto);
-#   if defined(EPROTONOSUPPORT) /* for SGI */
-	if ((proto != 0) && (sock < 0) && (errno == EPROTONOSUPPORT)) {
-	    DBGPRINTF(("SOCKET: retry with UNSPEC protocol\n"));
-	    proto = 0;
-	    sock = socket(dom, typ, 0);
-	}
-#   endif
-    } while ((sock < 0) && (errno == EINTR));
-#  endif
-# else
-    sock = socket(dom, typ, proto);
-#  if defined(EPROTONOSUPPORT) /* for SGI */
-    if ((proto != 0) && (sock < 0) && (errno == EPROTONOSUPPORT)) {
-	DBGPRINTF(("SOCKET: retry with UNSPEC protocol\n"));
-	proto = 0;
-	sock = socket(dom, typ, 0);
-    }
-#  endif
-# endif
-    DBGFPRINTF((stderr, "SOCKET: create newSock=%d\n", sock));
-# ifdef WIN32
-    if (sock == INVALID_SOCKET)
-# else
-    if (sock < 0)
-# endif
-    {
-	DBGPRINTF(("SOCKET: socket(dom=%d typ=%d proto=%d) call failed errno=%d\n", dom, typ, proto, errno));
-	__INST(lastErrorNumber) = __MKSMALLINT(errno);
-    } else {
-	if (reuse == true) {
-	    DBGPRINTF(("SOCKET: setsockopt - SO_REUSEADDR\n"));
-	    if (setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char *) &on, sizeof (on)) < 0) {
-		DBGPRINTF(("SOCKET: setsockopt - SO_REUSEADDR failed\n"));
-	    }
-	}
-# endif /* SO_REUSEADDR */
-#  ifdef SO_LINGER
-	{
-	    struct linger l;
-	    l.l_onoff = 1;
-	    l.l_linger = 30;
-	    setsockopt( sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, &l, sizeof(l));
-	}
-#  endif
-# endif
-# ifdef WIN32
-	/*
-	 * make it blocking
-	 */
-	{
-	    int zero = 0;
-	    ioctlsocket(sock, FIONBIO, &zero);
-	}
-# endif
-	/*
-	 * make it a FILE *
-	 */
-# ifdef WIN32
-	{
-	    int _fd = _open_osfhandle(sock, 0);
-	    fp = fdopen(_fd, "r+");
-	    DBGPRINTF(("SOCKET: sock=%d fd=%d fp=%x\n",sock,_fd, fp));
-	}
-# else
-	fp = fdopen(sock, "r+");
-# endif
-	if (! fp) {
-	    DBGPRINTF(("SOCKET: fdopen call failed\n"));
-	    __INST(lastErrorNumber) = __MKSMALLINT(errno);
-# ifdef DO_WRAP_CALLS
-	    { int ret;
-	      do {
-		__threadErrno = 0;
-		ret = STX_WSA_CALL1("closesocket", closesocket, sock);
-	      } while ((ret < 0) && (__threadErrno == EINTR));
-	    }
-# else
-	    closesocket(sock);
-	    DBGFPRINTF((stderr, "SOCKET: fdopen failed (%d)\n", sock));
-# endif
-	} else {
-	    if ((@global(FileOpenTrace) == true) || __debugging__) {
-		console_fprintf(stderr, "fdopen [Socket] -> %x\n", fp);
-	    }
-# if 0
-	    // The original code was:
-	    __INST(filePointer) = __MKOBJ((INT)fp); __STORESELF(filePointer);
-	    // but for that, gcc generates wrong code, which loads self (volatile) into
-	    // a register (bp), then calls __MKOBJ, then stores indirect bp.
-	    // That is wrong if a scavenge occurs in MKOBJ, as bp is now still pointing to the old
-	    // object.
-# endif
-	    {
-		OBJ t;
-		t = __MKOBJ(fp);
-		__INST(filePointer) = t;
-		__STORE(self, t);
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    "all ok?"
-    filePointer notNil ifTrue:[
-	domain := domainArg.
-	socketType := typeArg.
-	Lobby register:self.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-	error notNil ifTrue:[
-	    ^ self primitiveFailed:error.
-	].
-	^ self openError
-    ].
+^ self domain:domainArg type:typeArg protocol:protocolNumber reuseAddress:true
      Socket new domain:#inet type:#stream
@@ -3695,23 +2006,18 @@
 !Socket methodsFor:'specials'!
-    "get the send buffer size - for special applications only.
-     Not all operatingSystems offer this functionality
-     (returns nil, if unsupported)"
-    filePointer isNil ifTrue:[
-	^ self errorNotOpen
+	].
+	^ self openError
-#if defined(SO_RCVBUF) && defined(SOL_SOCKET)
-    {
-	OBJ fp = __INST(filePointer);
-	SOCKET sock;
-	int opt;
-	unsigned int size;
+    "
+     Socket new domain:#inet type:#stream
+     Socket new domain:#unix type:#stream
+    "
 	if (getsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, (char *)&opt, &size) >= 0) {
 	    RETURN( __MKSMALLINT(opt) );
@@ -3721,22 +2027,7 @@
     ^ nil
-    "set the receive buffer size - for special applications only.
-     Not all operatingSystems offer this functionality
-     (returns false, if unsupported)"
-    filePointer isNil ifTrue:[
-	^ self errorNotOpen
-    ].
-#if defined(SO_RCVBUF) && defined(SOL_SOCKET)
-    if (__isSmallInteger(size)) {
-	OBJ fp = __INST(filePointer);
-	SOCKET sock;
-	int opt;
 	opt = __intVal(size);
 	if (setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, (char *)&opt, sizeof(int)) >= 0 ) {
@@ -3747,34 +2038,7 @@
     ^ false
-    "get the receive timeout in millis - for special applications only.
-     Not all operatingSystems offer this functionality
-     (returns nil, if unsupported)"
-    |millis|
-    filePointer isNil ifTrue:[
-	^ self errorNotOpen
-    ].
-#if defined(SO_RCVTIMEO) && defined(SOL_SOCKET)
-    {
-	OBJ fp = __INST(filePointer);
-	int sock;
-	int len;
-	int __millis;
-	struct timeval tv = {0, 0};
-	sock = fileno(__FILEVal(fp));
-	len = sizeof(struct timeval);
-	if (getsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (void *)&tv, &len) == 0) {
-	    __millis = (tv.tv_sec * 1000) + (tv.tv_usec / 1000);
-	    millis = __mkSmallInteger(__millis);
-# if 0
-	    console_fprintf(stderr, "getsockopt -> s:%d us:%d -> millis:%d\n", tv.tv_sec, tv.tv_usec, __millis);
-# endif
-	} else {
+e {
 	    console_fprintf(stderr, "Socket [warning]: getsockopt %d failed; errno=%d\n", sock, errno);
@@ -3784,32 +2048,7 @@
     ^ nil
-    "set the receive timeout - for special applications only.
-     Not all operatingSystems offer this functionality
-     (returns false, if unsupported)"
-    |millis|
-    filePointer isNil ifTrue:[
-	^ self errorNotOpen
-    ].
-    millis := (seconds * 1000) rounded.
-#if defined(SO_RCVTIMEO) && defined(SOL_SOCKET)
-    if (__isSmallInteger(millis)) {
-	OBJ fp = __INST(filePointer);
-	int sock;
-	int __millis = __intVal(millis);
-	struct timeval tv = {0, 0};
-	sock = fileno(__FILEVal(fp));
-	tv.tv_sec = __millis / 1000;
-	tv.tv_usec = (__millis % 1000) * 1000;
-# if 0
-	console_fprintf(stderr, "setsockopt -> millis:%d -> s:%d us:%d \n", __millis, tv.tv_sec, tv.tv_usec);
-# endif
-	if (setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (void *)&tv, sizeof(struct timeval)) == 0) {
+sizeof(struct timeval)) == 0) {
 	console_fprintf(stderr, "Socket [warning]: setsockopt %d failed; errno=%d\n", sock, errno);
@@ -3819,23 +2058,7 @@
     ^ false
-    "get the send buffer size - for special applications only.
-     Not all operatingSystems offer this functionality
-     (returns nil, if unsupported)"
-    filePointer isNil ifTrue:[
-	^ self errorNotOpen
-    ].
-#if defined(SO_SNDBUF) && defined(SOL_SOCKET)
-    {
-	OBJ fp = __INST(filePointer);
-	SOCKET sock;
-	int opt;
-	unsigned int size;
 	if (getsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, (char *)&opt, &size) >= 0) {
 	    RETURN( __MKSMALLINT(opt) );
@@ -3845,22 +2068,7 @@
     ^ nil
-    "set the send buffer size - for special applications only.
-     Not all operatingSystems offer this functionality
-     (returns false, if unsupported)"
-    filePointer isNil ifTrue:[
-	^ self errorNotOpen
-    ].
-#if defined(SO_SNDBUF) && defined(SOL_SOCKET)
-    if (__isSmallInteger(size)) {
-	OBJ fp = __INST(filePointer);
-	SOCKET sock;
-	int opt;
 	opt = __intVal(size);
 	if (setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, (char *)&opt, sizeof(int)) >= 0) {
@@ -3871,34 +2079,7 @@
     ^ false
-    "get the send timeout in millis - for special applications only.
-     Not all operatingSystems offer this functionality
-     (returns nil, if unsupported)"
-    |millis|
-    filePointer isNil ifTrue:[
-	^ self errorNotOpen
-    ].
-#if defined(SO_SNDTIMEO) && defined(SOL_SOCKET)
-    {
-	OBJ fp = __INST(filePointer);
-	int sock;
-	int len;
-	int __millis;
-	struct timeval tv = {0, 0};
-	sock = fileno(__FILEVal(fp));
-	len = sizeof(struct timeval);
-	if (getsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO, (void *)&tv, &len) == 0) {
-	    __millis = (tv.tv_sec * 1000) + (tv.tv_usec / 1000);
-	    millis = __mkSmallInteger(__millis);
-# if 0
-	    console_fprintf(stderr, "getsockopt -> s:%d us:%d -> millis:%d\n", tv.tv_sec, tv.tv_usec, __millis);
-# endif
-	} else {
+e {
 	    console_fprintf(stderr, "Socket [warning]: getsockopt %d failed; errno=%d\n", sock, errno);
@@ -3908,32 +2089,7 @@
     ^ nil
-    "set the send timeout - for special applications only.
-     Not all operatingSystems offer this functionality
-     (returns false, if unsupported)"
-    |millis|
-    filePointer isNil ifTrue:[
-	^ self errorNotOpen
-    ].
-    millis := (seconds * 1000) rounded.
-#if defined(SO_SNDTIMEO) && defined(SOL_SOCKET)
-    if (__isSmallInteger(millis)) {
-	OBJ fp = __INST(filePointer);
-	int sock;
-	int __millis = __intVal(millis);
-	struct timeval tv = {0, 0};
-	sock = fileno(__FILEVal(fp));
-	tv.tv_sec = __millis / 1000;
-	tv.tv_usec = (__millis % 1000) * 1000;
-# if 0
-	console_fprintf(stderr, "setsockopt -> millis:%d -> s:%d us:%d \n", __millis, tv.tv_sec, tv.tv_usec);
-# endif
-	if (setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO, (void *)&tv, sizeof(struct timeval)) == 0) {
+zeof(struct timeval)) == 0) {
 	console_fprintf(stderr, "Socket [warning]: setsockopt %d failed; errno=%d\n", sock, errno);
@@ -3944,23 +2100,7 @@
-    "enable/disable TCP_CORK (do-not-send-partial-frames)
-     For special applications only.
-     Not all OperatingSystems offer this functionality
-     (returns false, if unsupported)"
-    filePointer isNil ifTrue:[
-	^ self errorNotOpen
-    ].
-#if defined(IPPROTO_TCP) && defined(TCP_CORK)
-    int onOff = (aBoolean == true);
-    if ((aBoolean == true) || (aBoolean == false)) {
-	OBJ fp = __INST(filePointer);
-	SOCKET sock;
-	int onOff = (aBoolean == true);
 	if (setsockopt(sock, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_CORK, (char *)&onOff, sizeof(int)) >= 0) {
@@ -3970,38 +2110,10 @@
     ^ false
-    "enable/disable TCP_NODELAY (i.e. disable/enable the Nagle algorithm)
-     For special applications only.
-     Not all OperatingSystems offer this functionality
-     (returns false, if unsupported)"
-    filePointer isNil ifTrue:[
-	^ self errorNotOpen
-    ].
-#if defined(IPPROTO_TCP) && defined(TCP_NODELAY)
-    int onOff = (aBoolean == true);
-    if ((aBoolean == true) || (aBoolean == false)) {
-	OBJ fp = __INST(filePointer);
-	SOCKET sock;
-	int onOff = (aBoolean == true);
-	if (setsockopt(sock, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (char *)&onOff, sizeof(int)) >= 0) {
-	    RETURN(true);
-	}
-    }
-    ^ false
 ! !
 !Socket class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic2/,v 1.237 2007-05-31 15:57:38 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic2/,v 1.238 2007-06-04 19:40:58 cg Exp $'
 ! !