changeset 667 f7f96fedf2ea
child 668 6cab3f583c93
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/UnixPTYStream.st	Thu Jul 09 22:02:12 1998 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
+ COPYRIGHT (c) 1998 by eXept Software AG
+              All Rights Reserved
+ This software is furnished under a license and may be used
+ only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
+ inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
+ be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
+ other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
+ hereby transferred.
+PipeStream subclass:#UnixPTYStream
+	instanceVariableNames:''
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'OS-Unix'
+!UnixPTYStream class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+ COPYRIGHT (c) 1998 by eXept Software AG
+              All Rights Reserved
+ This software is furnished under a license and may be used
+ only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
+ inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
+ be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
+ other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
+ hereby transferred.
+    These are much like PipeStreams, but allow bi-directional communication
+    with a Unix command. (i.e. everything written to the PTYStream is seen
+    by the commands standard-input, everything written by the command to its
+    stdErr or stdOut can be read from me.
+    In addition, sending control characters (such as INTR or QUIT),
+    will be handled by the command as a signal (unless the command changed
+    its standard input to raw mode).
+    [author:]
+        Claus Gittinger
+    [see also:]
+        TerminalView
+        PipeStream ExternalStream FileStream Socket
+        OperatingSystem
+  that one is not special (could be done with a PipeStream):
+                                                                [exBegin]
+    |pty|
+    pty := UnixPTYStream to:'ls -l'.
+    [pty atEnd] whileFalse:[
+        Transcript showCR:(pty nextLine).
+    ].
+    pty close.
+                                                                [exEnd]
+                                                                [exBegin]
+    |pty|
+    pty := PipeStream readingFrom:'ls -l'.
+    [pty atEnd] whileFalse:[
+        Transcript showCR:(pty nextLine).
+    ].
+    pty close.
+                                                                [exEnd]
+                                                                [exBegin]
+    |pty|
+    pty := PipeStream readingFrom:'rsh ibm ls -l'.
+    [pty atEnd] whileFalse:[
+        Transcript showCR:(pty nextLine).
+    ].
+    pty close.
+                                                                [exEnd]
+  but that one is (simulating an editor session):
+                                                                [exBegin]
+    |pty|
+    pty := UnixPTYStream to:'ed'.
+    [
+        pty readWait.
+        [pty atEnd] whileFalse:[
+            Transcript showCR:(pty nextLine).
+            pty readWait.
+        ].
+        pty close.
+    ] forkAt:9.
+    pty nextPutLine:'r Makefile'.
+    pty nextPutLine:'1,2d'.
+    pty nextPutLine:'$d'.
+    pty nextPutLine:'w xxx'.
+    pty nextPutLine:'q'.
+                                                                [exEnd]
+! !
+!UnixPTYStream class methodsFor:'instance creation'!
+    "create and return a new ptyStream which can read/write to the unix command
+     given by commandString."
+    ^ (self basicNew) to:commandString
+    "unix:
+         UnixPTYStream to:'sh'
+    "
+    "Modified: / 9.7.1998 / 18:26:31 / cg"
+! !
+!UnixPTYStream class methodsFor:'blocked instance creation'!
+    ^ self shouldNotImplement
+    "Created: / 9.7.1998 / 18:25:09 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 9.7.1998 / 18:25:34 / cg"
+readingFrom:commandString errorDisposition:handleError inDirectory:aDirectory
+    ^ self shouldNotImplement
+    "Modified: / 9.7.1998 / 18:25:31 / cg"
+readingFrom:commandString inDirectory:aDirectory
+    ^ self shouldNotImplement
+    "Created: / 9.7.1998 / 18:25:38 / cg"
+    ^ self shouldNotImplement
+    "Created: / 9.7.1998 / 18:25:42 / cg"
+writingTo:commandString inDirectory:aDirectory
+    ^ self shouldNotImplement
+    "Created: / 9.7.1998 / 18:25:46 / cg"
+! !
+!UnixPTYStream methodsFor:'private'!
+openPTYFor:aCommandString withMode:mode inDirectory:aDirectrory
+    "open a pty to the unix command in commandString"
+    |blocked ptyFdArray execFdArray slaveFd masterFd shellAndArgs
+     osType shellPath shellArgs closeFdArray mbx mbxName
+     env shell args|
+    filePointer notNil ifTrue:[
+        "the pipe was already open ...
+         this should (can) not happen."
+        ^ self errorOpen
+    ].
+    lastErrorNumber := nil.
+    exitStatus := nil.
+    exitSema := Semaphore new name:'pty exitSema'.
+    osType := OperatingSystem platformName.
+    osType == #vms ifTrue:[
+        mbx := OperatingSystem createMailBox.
+        mbx isNil ifTrue:[
+            lastErrorNumber := OperatingSystem currentErrorNumber.
+            ^ self openError
+        ].
+        mbxName := OperatingSystem mailBoxNameOf:mbx.
+        "/ 'mailBox is ' print. mbx print. ' name is ' print. mbxName printCR.
+        shellPath := ''.
+        shellArgs := aCommandString.
+        execFdArray := Array with:mbx with:mbx with:mbx.
+        closeFdArray := nil.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        ptyFdArray := OperatingSystem makePTYPair.
+        ptyFdArray isNil ifTrue:[
+            lastErrorNumber := OperatingSystem currentErrorNumber.
+            ^ self openError
+        ].
+        shellAndArgs := OperatingSystem commandAndArgsForOSCommand:aCommandString.
+        shellPath := shellAndArgs at:1.
+        shellArgs := shellAndArgs at:2.
+        masterFd := ptyFdArray at:1.
+        slaveFd := ptyFdArray at:2.
+        execFdArray := Array with:slaveFd with:slaveFd with:slaveFd.
+        closeFdArray := Array with:masterFd.
+    ].
+    env := Dictionary new.
+    env at:'TERM'     put:'dumb'.
+    env at:'SHELL' put:shellPath.
+    "/ must block here, to avoid races due to early finishing
+    "/ subprocesses ...
+    blocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
+    pid := Processor 
+               monitor:[
+                  OperatingSystem 
+                      exec:shellPath
+                      withArguments:shellArgs
+                      environment:env
+                      fileDescriptors:execFdArray
+                      closeDescriptors:closeFdArray
+                      fork:true
+                      newPgrp:true
+"/                      inDirectory:aDirectrory.
+               ]
+               action:[:status |
+                  status stillAlive ifFalse:[
+                      exitStatus := status.
+                      OperatingSystem closePid:pid.
+                      pid := nil.
+                      exitSema signal.
+                  ].
+               ].
+    (osType ~~ #vms) ifTrue:[
+        OperatingSystem closeFd:slaveFd.
+    ].
+    pid notNil ifTrue:[
+        (osType == #win32) ifTrue:[
+            self setFileDescriptor:masterFd mode:mode.
+            "/ self setFileHandle:masterFd mode:mode
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            (osType == #vms) ifTrue:[
+                "/
+                "/ reopen the mailbox as a file ...
+                "/
+                mbxName := OperatingSystem mailBoxNameOf:mbx.
+                mbxName notNil ifTrue:[
+                    super open:mbxName withMode:mode
+                ].
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                self setFileDescriptor:masterFd mode:mode.
+            ]
+        ]
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        lastErrorNumber := OperatingSystem currentErrorNumber.
+        osType == #vms ifTrue:[
+            OperatingSystem destroyMailBox:mbx
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            OperatingSystem closeFd:masterFd.
+        ].
+    ].
+    blocked ifFalse:[
+        OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts
+    ].
+    lastErrorNumber notNil ifTrue:[
+        "
+         the pipe open failed for some reason ...
+         ... this may be either due to an invalid command string,
+         or due to the system running out of memory (when forking
+         the unix process)
+        "
+        ^ self openError
+    ].
+    commandString := aCommandString.
+    buffered := false.
+    position := 1.
+    hitEOF := false.
+    binary := false.
+    Lobby register:self.
+    "Created: / 9.7.1998 / 20:21:42 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 9.7.1998 / 20:28:31 / cg"
+    "setup the receiver to read/write to command"
+    mode := #readwrite. didWrite := true.
+    ^ self openPTYFor:command withMode:ReadWriteMode inDirectory:nil
+    "Created: / 9.7.1998 / 18:27:40 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 9.7.1998 / 20:22:39 / cg"
+! !
+!UnixPTYStream methodsFor:'testing'!
+    ReadErrorSignal handle:[:ex |
+        ex return
+    ] do:[
+        ^ super atEnd.
+    ].
+    ^ true
+    "Created: / 9.7.1998 / 20:29:03 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 9.7.1998 / 20:29:48 / cg"
+! !
+!UnixPTYStream class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic2/UnixPTYStream.st,v 1.1 1998-07-09 20:02:12 cg Exp $'
+! !