author Claus Gittinger <cg@exept.de>
Sun, 16 Jun 2013 10:40:06 +0200
changeset 3005 36ada1348967
parent 2903 80af520506e8
child 3006 1847bcaf8018
permissions -rw-r--r--

"{ Package: 'stx:libbasic2' }"!

!CharacterArray methodsFor:'matching - phonetic'!

    "return a koelner phonetic code.
     The koelnerPhonetic code is for the german language what the soundex code is for english;
     it returns simular strings for similar sounding words.
     There are some differences to soundex, though:
	its length is not limited to 4, but depends on the length of the original string;
	it does not start with the first character of the input.

     Caveat: this phonetic code is especially suited for german words.
	     Please have a look at the other phonetic comparison operators found
	     in PhoneticStringUtilities."

    ^ PhoneticStringUtilities koelnerPhoneticCodeOf:self

     ) do:[:w |
	 Transcript show:w; show:'->'; showCR:(w asKoelnerPhoneticCode)

     'Breschnew' asKoelnerPhoneticCode -> '17863'
     'Breschnew' asKoelnerPhoneticCode -> '17863'
     'Breschneff' asKoelnerPhoneticCode -> '17863'
     'Braeschneff' asKoelnerPhoneticCode -> '17863'
     'Braessneff' asKoelnerPhoneticCode -> '17863'
     'Pressneff' asKoelnerPhoneticCode -> '17863'
     'Presznäph' asKoelnerPhoneticCode -> '17863'
! !

!CharacterArray methodsFor:'matching - phonetic'!

    "return a soundex phonetic code or nil.
     Soundex returns similar codes for similar sounding words, making it a useful
     tool when searching for words where the correct spelling is unknown.
     (read Knuth or search the web if you dont know what a soundex code is).

     Caveat: 'similar sounding words' means: 'similar sounding in ENGLISH'
	     Please have a look at the other phonetic comparison operators found
	     in PhoneticStringUtilities."

    ^ PhoneticStringUtilities soundexCodeOf:self

     'claus' asSoundexCode
     'clause' asSoundexCode
     'close' asSoundexCode
     'smalltalk' asSoundexCode
     'smaltalk' asSoundexCode
     'smaltak' asSoundexCode
     'smaltok' asSoundexCode
     'smoltok' asSoundexCode
     'aa' asSoundexCode
     'by' asSoundexCode
     'bab' asSoundexCode
     'bob' asSoundexCode
     'bop' asSoundexCode
! !

!CharacterArray methodsFor:'printing & storing'!

    "Format and print the receiver with <args> formatted in C style,
     as specified in the Unix C-language manual page for printf(3).
     Return the resulting string.

     For copyright information, see goodies/String-printf_scanf.chg"


    aStream := WriteStream on:String new.
    self printf:args on:aStream.
    ^ aStream contents

     Transcript showCR:('%05x %d %f %o' printf:{ 123. 234*5. 1.234. 8r377 } )

     Transcript showCR: 'Some examples:'!!

     Transcript show:'''%#x %#X %03o%*.*s'' printf: #(16rABCD 16rEF 5 9 5 ''ghijklmn'') = .'.
     Transcript show: ('%#x %#X %03o%*.*s' printf: #(16rABCD 16rEF 5 9 5 'ghijklmn')).
     Transcript showCR: '.'

     Transcript show: '''%- 10.4s%.2e'' printf: (Array with: ''abcdefghijkl'' with: Float pi) = .'.
     Transcript show: ('%- 10.4s%.2e' printf: (Array with: 'abcdefghijkl' with: Float pi)).
     Transcript showCR: '.'

     Transcript show: '''%8.3f'' printf: (Array with: 200 sqrt negated) = .'.
     Transcript show: ('%8.3f' printf: (Array with: 200 sqrt negated)).
     Transcript showCR: '.'

     Transcript show: '''%c'' printf: #(16r41) = .'.
     Transcript show: ('%c' printf: #(16r41)).
     Transcript showCR: '.'

     Transcript show: '''%f%2s%s%s%s'' sscanf: ''237.0 this is a test'' = '.
     Transcript showCR: ('%f%2s%s%s%s'  sscanf: '237.0 this is a test') printString.

     Transcript show: '''%d%f%s'' sscanf: ''25 54.32e-01 monday'' = '.
     Transcript showCR: ('%d%f%s' sscanf: '25 54.32e-01 monday') printString.

     Transcript show: '''%f%*f %8[A-F0-9]%c%d 0x%x%f'' sscanf: ''12.45 1048.73 AE40Z527 0x75BCD15 34'' = '.
     Transcript showCR: ('%f%*f %8[A-F0-9]%c%d 0x%x%f' sscanf: '12.45 1048.73 AE40Z527 0x75BCD15 34') printString.
! !

!CharacterArray methodsFor:'printing & storing'!

printf:args on:outStream
    "Format and print the receiver on <outStream> with <args>
     formatted in C style, as specified in the Unix C-language manual page for printf(3).

     For copyright information, see goodies/String-printf_scanf.chg"

    |argStream inStream char|

    argStream := ReadStream on:args.
    inStream := ReadStream on:self.
    [ inStream atEnd ] whileFalse:[
	(char := inStream next) == $% ifFalse:[
	    outStream nextPut:char
	] ifTrue:[
! !

!CharacterArray methodsFor:'printing & storing'!

    "Format and print the receiver with <arg1> formatted in C style,
     as specified in the Unix C-language manual page for printf(3).
     Return the resulting string."

    ^ self printf:(Array with:arg1)

     Transcript showCR:('%05x' printfWith:123)
! !

!CharacterArray methodsFor:'printing & storing'!

printfWith:arg1 with:arg2
    "Format and print the receiver with <argI> formatted in C style,
     as specified in the Unix C-language manual page for printf(3).
     Return the resulting string."

    ^ self printf:(Array with:arg1 with:arg2)

     Transcript showCR:('%d %05x' printfWith:123 with:234)
! !

!CharacterArray methodsFor:'printing & storing'!

printfWith:arg1 with:arg2 with:arg3
    "Format and print the receiver with <argI> formatted in C style,
     as specified in the Unix C-language manual page for printf(3).
     Return the resulting string."

    ^ self printf:(Array with:arg1 with:arg2 with:arg3)

     Transcript showCR:('%d %05x %08o' printfWith:123 with:234 with:345)
! !

!CharacterArray methodsFor:'printing & storing'!

printfWith:arg1 with:arg2 with:arg3 with:arg4
    "Format and print the receiver with <argI> formatted in C style,
     as specified in the Unix C-language manual page for printf(3).
     Return the resulting string."

    ^ self printf:(Array with:arg1 with:arg2 with:arg3 with:arg4)

     Transcript showCR:('%d %05x %08o %b' printfWith:123 with:234 with:345 with:123)
! !

!CharacterArray methodsFor:'printing & storing'!

    "Return the number of arguments required/produced if the receiver is interpreted
     as a printf/scanf format control string.
     For copyright information, see goodies/String-printf_scanf.chg"

    |nonConsecutive count|

    nonConsecutive := true.
    count := 0.
    self do:[:c |
	c == $% ifTrue:[
	    nonConsecutive ifTrue:[
		count := count + 1.
		nonConsecutive := false
	    ] ifFalse:[
		count := count - 1.
		nonConsecutive := true
	] ifFalse:[
	    nonConsecutive := true
    ^ count
! !

!CharacterArray methodsFor:'printing & storing'!

printf_printOn:outStream withData:args
    <resource: #obsolete>

    "Format and print the receiver on <outStream> with <args>
     formatted in C style, as specified in the Unix C-language manual page for printf(3).

     For copyright information, see goodies/String-printf_scanf.chg"

    self obsoleteMethodWarning:'use printf:on:'.
    self printf:args on:outStream
! !

!CharacterArray methodsFor:'converting'!

    "Return a Collection of objects found in the Character Stream
     <dataStream> as interpreted according to the receiver.
     The receiver is assumed to be a conversion control string as
     specified in the Unix C-language manual page for scanf(3).
     For copyright information, see goodies/String-printf_scanf.chg"

    |results format char|

    results := OrderedCollection new.
    format := ReadStream on:self.
    [ format atEnd ] whileFalse:[
	char := format next.
	(char == Character space or:[ char == Character tab ]) ifTrue:[
	    dataStream skipSeparators.
	    format skipSeparators
	char == $% ifTrue:[
	] ifFalse:[
	    dataStream peekFor:char
    ^ results

     '%d %x' scanf:(ReadStream on:'1234 ff00')
! !

!CharacterArray methodsFor:'private'!

scanf_scanArgFrom:dataStream to:collection format:format
    "Add to <collection> an object who's representation is found
     in <dataStream> interpreted according to the conversion
     control string in the Stream <format>.
     <format> is assumed to be positioned just past a $%, and a complete control
     string is assumed available.

     Return when the conversion control string is consumed.  Leave
     <format> pointing past the last character in the conversion
     control string, leave <dataStream> pointing past any width
     specified in <format>, or at the first character that doesn't
     make sense for the <format>.

     For copyright information, see goodies/String-printf_scanf.chg"

    |final width char pos data scanset exclusive return last|

    final := [:retval |
            collection add:retval.
            data == dataStream ifFalse:[
                dataStream position:dataStream position + data position
            ^ self
    width := 0.
    char := format peek.
    char == $% ifTrue:[
        ^ dataStream peekFor:char
    char == $* ifTrue:[
        format next.
        char := format peek.
        final := [:retval |
                data == dataStream ifFalse:[
                    dataStream position:dataStream position + data position
                ^ self
    char isDigit ifTrue:[
        width := Integer readFrom:format.
        char := format peek
    ('slhduoxfeg' includes:char) ifTrue:[
        dataStream skipSeparators
    width = 0 ifTrue:[
        data := dataStream
    ] ifFalse:[
        pos := dataStream position.
        data := ReadStream on:(dataStream next:width).
        dataStream position:pos
    char == $s ifTrue:[
        final value:(data upToSeparator)
    char == $c ifTrue:[
        width = 0 ifTrue:[
            final value:(String with:data next)
        ] ifFalse:[
            final value:data contents
    char == $[ "What a mess!!" ifTrue:[
        return := WriteStream on:(String new:8).
        scanset := IdentitySet new.
        format next.
        width = 0 ifTrue:[
            width := SmallInteger maxVal
        exclusive := format peekFor:$^.
            last := char.
            char := format next.
            char == $]
        ] whileFalse:[
            char == $- ifFalse:[
                scanset add:char
            ] ifTrue:[
                last to:format next do:[:c |
                    scanset add:c
            data atEnd not and:[ (scanset includes:data peek) xor:exclusive ]
        ] whileTrue:[ return nextPut:data next ].
        final value:return contents
    ('lh' includes:char) ifTrue:[
        format next.
        char := format peek
    ('DUdu' includes:char) ifTrue:[
        final value:(Integer readFrom:data)
    ('FEGfeg' includes:char) ifTrue:[
        final value:(Float readFrom:data)
    ('b' includes:char) ifTrue:[
        final value:(Integer readFrom:data radix:2)
    ('Oo' includes:char) ifTrue:[
        final value:(Integer readFrom:data radix:8)
    ('Xx' includes:char) ifTrue:[
        final value:(Integer readFrom:data radix:16)

     '%d %x' sscanf:'1234 ff00'
     '%d %x %b' sscanf:'1234 ff00 1001'

    "Modified: / 29-11-2011 / 11:55:39 / cg"
! !

!CharacterArray methodsFor:'converting'!

    "Return a Collection of objects found in <string> as
     interpreted according to the receiver.
     The receiver is assumed to be a conversion control string as
     specified in the Unix C-language manual page for scanf(3).
     For copyright information, see goodies/String-printf_scanf.chg"

    ^ self scanf:(ReadStream on:string)

     '%d %x' sscanf:'1234 ff00'
     '%d %x %b' sscanf:'1234 ff00 1001'
! !

!Float methodsFor:'private'!

absDecimalPrintOn:aStream digits:digits
    "Place a string representation of the receiver's abs value
     on <aStream> using <digits> significant digits, using decimal notation.
     This is a helper for printf."

    |exp x fuzz i|

    "x is myself normalized to (1.0, 10.0), exp is my exponent"
    exp := self abs < 1.0
		ifTrue:[ (10.0 / self abs) log floor negated ]
		ifFalse:[ self abs log floor ].
    x := self abs / (10.0 raisedTo:exp).
    fuzz := 10.0 raisedTo:1 - digits.
     "round the last digit to be printed"
    x := 0.5 * fuzz + x.
    x >= 10.0 "check if rounding has unnormalized x" ifTrue:[
	x := x / 10.0.
	exp := exp + 1
    exp < 0 ifTrue:[
	1 to:1 - exp do:[:j |
	    aStream nextPut:('0.000000000000' at:j)
    [ x >= fuzz ] "use fuzz to track significance" whileTrue:[
	i := x truncated.
	aStream nextPut:(48 + i) asCharacter.
	x := (x - i) * 10.0.
	fuzz := fuzz * 10.0.
	exp := exp - 1.
	exp = -1 ifTrue:[
	    aStream nextPut:$.
    [ exp >= -1 ] whileTrue:[
	aStream nextPut:$0.
	exp := exp - 1.
	exp = -1 ifTrue:[
	    aStream nextPut:$.
! !

!Float methodsFor:'private'!

absPrintOn:aStream digits:digits
    "Place a string representation of the receiver's abs value on <aStream> using
     <digits> significant digits.
     This is a helper for printf."

    (self < 1.0e6 and:[ self > 1.0e-4 ]) ifTrue:[
	self absDecimalPrintOn:aStream digits:digits
    ] ifFalse:[
	self absScientificPrintOn:aStream digits:digits
! !

!Float methodsFor:'private'!

absScientificPrintOn:aStream digits:digits
    "Place a string representation of the receiver's abs value on <aStream> using <digits> significant
     digits, using scientific notation.
     This is a helper for printf."

    |exp fuzz x q i|

    "x is myself normalized to [1.0, 10.0), exp is my exponent"
    exp := self abs < 1.0
	    ifTrue:[ (10.0 / self abs) log floor negated ]
	    ifFalse:[ self abs log floor ].
    x := self abs / (10.0 raisedTo:exp).
    fuzz := 10.0 raisedTo:1 - digits.
     "round the last digit to be printed"
    x := 0.5 * fuzz + x.
    x >= 10.0 "check if rounding has unnormalized x" ifTrue:[
	x := x / 10.0.
	exp := exp + 1
    q := exp.
    exp := 0.
    [ x >= fuzz ] "use fuzz to track significance" whileTrue:[
	i := x truncated.
	aStream nextPut:(48 + i) asCharacter.
	x := (x - i) * 10.0.
	fuzz := fuzz * 10.0.
	exp := exp - 1.
	exp = -1 ifTrue:[
	    aStream nextPut:$.
    [ exp >= -1 ] whileTrue:[
	aStream nextPut:$0.
	exp := exp - 1.
	exp = -1 ifTrue:[
	    aStream nextPut:$.
    aStream nextPut:$e.
    q printOn:aStream
! !

!Object methodsFor:'dependents-interests'!

    "install an interest forwarder.
     Here, we use the nonWeakDependencies."

    self addNonWeakDependent:anInterest

    "Created: 14.10.1996 / 22:27:34 / stefan"
! !

!Object methodsFor:'dependents-interests'!

expressInterestIn:aspect for:anObject sendBack:aSelector
    "arrange for aSelector to be sent to anObject whenever the receiver
     changes aspect."

    "/ for now, use an interestConverter, which is somewhat less efficient.
    "/ In the future, a more intelligent DependencyCollection class is planned for

    self addInterest:(InterestConverter

     |p b|

     b := [Transcript showCR:' -> the point changed'].

     p := Point new.
     Transcript showCR:'interest in #foo:'.
     p expressInterestIn:#foo for:b sendBack:#value.
     p x:1.
     Transcript showCR:'now changing #bar ... (expect no notification)'.
     p changed:#bar.
     Transcript cr.

     Delay waitForSeconds:1.
     Transcript showCR:'now changing #foo ... (expect notification)'.
     p changed:#foo.
     Transcript cr.

     Delay waitForSeconds:1.
     Transcript showCR:'no more interest in #foo:'.
     p retractInterestIn:#foo for:b.
     Transcript showCR:'now changing #foo ... (expect no notification)'.
     p changed:#foo.
     Transcript cr.

     Delay waitForSeconds:1.
     Transcript showCR:'interest in #bar now:'.
     p expressInterestIn:#bar for:b sendBack:#value.
     Transcript showCR:'now changing #foo ... (expect no notification)'.
     p changed:#foo.
     Transcript showCR:'now changing #bar ... (expect notification)'.
     p changed:#bar.
     Transcript cr.

     Delay waitForSeconds:1.
     Transcript showCR:'interest in #foo now:'.
     p expressInterestIn:#foo for:b sendBack:#value.
     Transcript showCR:'now changing #foo ... (expect notification)'.
     p changed:#foo.
     Transcript showCR:'now changing #bar ... (expect notification)'.
     p changed:#bar.
     Transcript cr.

     Delay waitForSeconds:1.
     Transcript showCR:'no more interests:'.
     p retractInterestsFor:b.
     Transcript showCR:'now changing #foo ... (expect no notification)'.
     p changed:#foo.
     Transcript showCR:'now changing #bar...  (expect no notification)'.
     p changed:#bar.
     Transcript cr.

     p release.

    "Created: 19.4.1996 / 10:26:22 / cg"
    "Modified: 19.4.1996 / 12:34:08 / cg"
    "Modified: 14.10.1996 / 22:28:20 / stefan"
! !

!Object methodsFor:'dependents-interests'!

    "return a Collection of interests - empty if there is none.
     Here, we use the nonWeakDependents for interests."

    ^ self nonWeakDependents

    "Created: / 14.10.1996 / 22:20:51 / stefan"
    "Modified: / 30.1.1998 / 14:07:35 / cg"
! !

!Object methodsFor:'dependents-interests'!

    "return a collection of interests of someOne - empty if there is none."

    |coll deps|

    deps := self interests.
    deps size == 0 ifTrue:[^ #()].

    coll := IdentitySet new.

    deps do:[:dep |
	(dep isInterestConverter) ifTrue:[
	    dep destination == someOne ifTrue:[
		coll add:dep.
    ^ coll

    "Created: / 30.1.1998 / 14:02:26 / cg"
    "Modified: / 30.1.1998 / 14:08:24 / cg"
! !

!Object methodsFor:'dependents-interests'!

    "arrange for aBlock to be evaluated whenever the receiver changes."

    |na selector|

    na := aBlock numArgs.
    na == 0 ifTrue:[
	selector := #value
    ] ifFalse:[
	selector := #( #'value:' #'value:value:' #'value:value:value:') at:na
    ^ self onChangeSend:selector to:aBlock

     |p b|

     b := [Transcript showCR:' -> the point changed'].

     p := Point new.
     Transcript showCR:'interest in #foo:'.
     p onChangeEvaluate:b.
     p x:1.
     Transcript showCR:'now changing #bar ... (expect no notification)'.
     p changed:#bar.

     p retractInterests.
     p changed:#bar.
! !

!Object methodsFor:'dependents-interests'!

onChangeSend:aSelector to:anObject
    "arrange for aSelector to be sent to anObject whenever the receiver

    "/ for now, use an interestConverter, which is somewhat less efficient.
    "/ In the future, a more intelligent DependencyCollection class is planned for

    ((self interests ? #())
	contains:[:anInterest |
	    (anInterest isInterestConverter)
	    and:[ anInterest destination == anObject
	    and:[ anInterest selector == aSelector]]
	    ifTrue:[^ self].

    self addInterest:(InterestConverter

     |p b|

     b := [Transcript showCR:'the point changed'].

     p := Point new.
     p onChangeSend:#value to:b.
     p x:1.
     Transcript showCR:'now changing'.
     p changed.
     Transcript cr.

     Delay waitForSeconds:1.
     Transcript showCR:'now changing'.
     p changed.
     Transcript cr.

     Delay waitForSeconds:1.
     Transcript showCR:'no more interest'.
     p retractInterestsFor:b.
     Transcript showCR:'now changing again'.
     p changed.
     Transcript cr.

     Delay waitForSeconds:1.
     Transcript showCR:'interest again'.
     p onChangeSend:#value to:b.
     Transcript showCR:'now changing again'.
     p changed.
     Transcript cr.

    "Created: 19.4.1996 / 10:26:38 / cg"
    "Modified: 19.4.1996 / 12:34:26 / cg"
    "Modified: 14.10.1996 / 22:28:27 / stefan"
! !

!Object methodsFor:'dependents-st/v event simulation'!

    "remove ST/V-style event triggers."

    self retractInterestsIn:eventSymbol
! !

!Object methodsFor:'dependents-st/v event simulation'!

    "remove ST/V-style event triggers."

    self retractInterestsFor:aReceiver
! !

!Object methodsFor:'dependents-st/v event simulation'!

    "remove ST/V-style event triggers."

    self retractInterestsFor:anObject
! !

!Object methodsFor:'dependents-interests'!

    "remove an interest forwarder.
     Here, we use the nonWeakDependencies."

    self removeNonWeakDependent:anInterest

    "Created: 14.10.1996 / 22:21:59 / stefan"
! !

!Object methodsFor:'dependents-interests'!

retractInterestIn:aspect for:someOne
    "remove the interest of someOne in the receiver changing aspect
     (as installed with #expressInterestIn:for:sendBack:)."

    "/ for now, remove the interestConverter.
    "/ In the future, a more intelligent DependencyCollection class is planned for

    self retractInterestsForWhich:[:i | (i aspect == aspect) and:[i destination == someOne]]

     |p b|

     b := [Transcript showCR:'the point changed'].

     p := Point new.
     Transcript showCR:'interest in #foo'.
     p expressInterestIn:#foo for:b sendBack:#value.
     p x:1.
     Transcript showCR:'now changing #bar'.
     p changed:#bar.
     Transcript cr.

     Delay waitForSeconds:1.
     Transcript showCR:'now changing #foo'.
     p changed:#foo.
     Transcript cr.

     Delay waitForSeconds:1.
     Transcript showCR:'no more interest in #foo'.
     p retractInterestIn:#foo for:b.
     Transcript showCR:'now changing #foo'.
     p changed:#foo.
     Transcript cr.

     Delay waitForSeconds:1.
     Transcript showCR:'interest in #bar now'.
     p expressInterestIn:#bar for:b sendBack:#value.
     Transcript showCR:'now changing #foo'.
     p changed:#foo.
     Transcript showCR:'now changing #bar'.
     p changed:#bar.
     Transcript cr.

     Delay waitForSeconds:1.
     Transcript showCR:'interest in #foo now'.
     p expressInterestIn:#foo for:b sendBack:#value.
     Transcript showCR:'now changing #foo'.
     p changed:#foo.
     Transcript showCR:'now changing #bar'.
     p changed:#bar.
     Transcript cr.

     Delay waitForSeconds:1.
     Transcript showCR:'no more interests'.
     p retractInterestsFor:b.
     Transcript showCR:'now changing #foo'.
     p changed:#foo.
     Transcript showCR:'now changing #bar'.
     p changed:#bar.
     Transcript cr.

    "Created: / 19.4.1996 / 10:27:11 / cg"
    "Modified: / 14.10.1996 / 22:21:19 / stefan"
    "Modified: / 30.1.1998 / 14:05:34 / cg"
! !

!Object methodsFor:'dependents-interests'!

    "remove all interests in the receiver changing aspect
     (as installed with #expressInterestIn:for:sendBack:)."

    "/ for now, remove the interestConverter.
    "/ In the future, a more intelligent DependencyCollection class is planned for

    self retractInterestsForWhich:[:i | true ]
! !

!Object methodsFor:'dependents-interests'!

    "remove the interest of someOne in the receiver
     (as installed with #onChangeSend:to:)."

    "/ for now, remove the interestConverter.
    "/ In the future, a more intelligent DependencyCollection class is planned for

    self retractInterestsForWhich:[:i | i destination == someOne ]

     |p b|

     b := [Transcript showCR:'the point changed'].

     p := Point new.
     p onChangeSend:#value to:b.
     p x:1.
     Transcript showCR:'now changing'.
     p changed.
     Transcript cr.

     Delay waitForSeconds:1.
     Transcript showCR:'now changing'.
     p changed.
     Transcript cr.

     Delay waitForSeconds:1.
     Transcript showCR:'no more interest'.
     p retractInterestsFor:b.
     Transcript showCR:'now changing again'.
     p changed.
     Transcript cr.

     Delay waitForSeconds:1.
     Transcript showCR:'interest again'.
     p onChangeSend:#value to:b.
     Transcript showCR:'now changing again'.
     p changed.
     Transcript cr.

    "Created: / 19.4.1996 / 10:23:46 / cg"
    "Modified: / 14.10.1996 / 22:21:25 / stefan"
    "Modified: / 30.1.1998 / 14:04:52 / cg"
! !

!Object methodsFor:'dependents-interests'!

    "remove all interests in the receiver changing aspect
     (as installed with #expressInterestIn:for:sendBack:)."

    "/ for now, remove the interestConverter.
    "/ In the future, a more intelligent DependencyCollection class is planned for

    |deps coll|

    deps := self interests.
    deps size ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
	"/ cannot removeDependent within the loop - the interests collection rehashes
	coll := OrderedCollection new.
	deps do:[:dep |
	    dep isInterestConverter ifTrue:[
		(aBlock value:dep) ifTrue:[coll add:dep].
	coll do:[:dep |
	    self removeInterest:dep.
! !

!Object methodsFor:'dependents-interests'!

    "remove all interests in the receiver changing aspect
     (as installed with #expressInterestIn:for:sendBack:)."

    "/ for now, remove the interestConverter.
    "/ In the future, a more intelligent DependencyCollection class is planned for

    self retractInterestsForWhich:[:i | i aspect == aspect ]
! !

!Object methodsFor:'Compatibility-Dolphin'!

    self changed:anAspect
! !

!Object methodsFor:'Compatibility-Dolphin'!

trigger:anAspect with:anArgument
    self changed:anAspect with:anArgument
! !

!Object methodsFor:'dependents-st/v event simulation'!

    self changed:aSymbol
! !

!Object methodsFor:'dependents-st/v event simulation'!

triggerEvent:eventSymbol with:aParameter
    "perform ST/V-style event triggering."

    self changed:eventSymbol with:(Array with:aParameter).
! !

!Object methodsFor:'dependents-st/v event simulation'!

triggerEvent:eventSymbol withArguments:parameters
    "perform ST/V-style event triggering."

    self changed:eventSymbol with:parameters.
! !

!Object methodsFor:'dependents-st/v event simulation'!

when:eventSymbol send:selector to:anObject
    "install an ST/V-style interest forwarder.
     Here, we use the nonWeakDependencies."

    self addInterest:(InterestConverterWithParameters

     |p b|

     b := [Transcript showCR:'the point changed'].

     p := Point new.
     p when:#foo:bar: send:#value:value: to:[:a :b | Transcript show:'foo: '; show:a; show:' bar: '; showCR:b].
     Transcript showCR:'now changing'.
     p triggerEvent:#foo:bar: withArguments:#('fooArg' 'barArg').
     p removeActionsForEvent:#foo:bar:.
! !

!Object methodsFor:'dependents-st/v event simulation'!

when:eventSymbol send:selector to:anObject with:aParameter
    "install an ST/V-style interest forwarder.
     Here, we use the nonWeakDependencies."

    self addInterest:((InterestConverterWithParameters
                        defaultParameters:(Array with:aParameter)).

     |p b|

     b := [Transcript showCR:'the point changed'].

     p := Point new.
        to:[:a | Transcript show:'foo: '; showCR:a]
     Transcript showCR:'now changing'.
     p triggerEvent:#foo:.
     p triggerEvent:#foo: with:987.
     p removeActionsForEvent:#foo:.
! !

!Object methodsFor:'Compatibility-Dolphin'!

when:anAspect sendTo:anObject
    self expressInterestIn:anAspect for:anObject sendBack:anAspect
! !

!Stream methodsFor:'stacked computing streams'!

    "return a stacked computing stream, which reads elements from the receiver,
     applies aBlock to each read element, and provides the results as elements to its reader."

    ^ CollectingReadStream on:self collecting:aBlock
! !

!Stream methodsFor:'stacked computing streams'!

    "return a stacked computing stream, which reads elements from the receiver,
     but only provides elements for which aBlock returns true to its reader."

    ^ SelectingReadStream on:self selecting:aBlock
! !

!stx_libbasic2 class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic2/extensions.st,v 1.24 2013-06-16 08:40:06 cg Exp $'
! !