author Claus Gittinger <cg@exept.de>
Mon, 25 Nov 2019 15:25:48 +0100
changeset 5295 9ddaf6f44007
parent 5291 9ee8ce66a95f
child 5328 f1d46108f6f8
permissions -rw-r--r--
#OTHER by cg x

"{ Encoding: utf8 }"

"{ Package: 'stx:libbasic2' }"

"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"

LimitedPrecisionReal variableByteSubclass:#QuadFloat
	classVariableNames:'QuadFloatZero QuadFloatOne Pi E Epsilon NaN PositiveInfinity
		NegativeInfinity Halfpi HalfpiNegative Phi'

!QuadFloat primitiveDefinitions!
#ifdef __xxosx__

#include <math.h>

extern float128_t STX_addq(float128_t, float128_t, int);
extern float128_t STX_mulq(float128_t, float128_t);
extern float128_t STX_divq(float128_t, float128_t);
extern float128_t STX_negq(float128_t);
extern float128_t STX_absq(float128_t);
extern float128_t STX_floorq(float128_t);
extern float128_t STX_frexpq(float128_t, int*);
extern float128_t STX_ceilq(float128_t);
extern float128_t STX_logq(float128_t);
extern float128_t STX_log10q(float128_t);
extern float128_t STX_log2q(float128_t);
extern float128_t STX_expq(float128_t);
extern float128_t STX_sinq(float128_t);
extern float128_t STX_cosq(float128_t);
extern float128_t STX_tanq(float128_t);
extern float128_t STX_sinhq(float128_t);
extern float128_t STX_coshq(float128_t);
extern float128_t STX_tanhq(float128_t);
extern float128_t STX_asinq(float128_t);
extern float128_t STX_acosq(float128_t);
extern float128_t STX_atanq(float128_t);
extern float128_t STX_asinhq(float128_t);
extern float128_t STX_acoshq(float128_t);
extern float128_t STX_atanhq(float128_t);
extern float128_t STX_qZero;
extern float128_t STX_dbltoq(double);
extern float128_t STX_inttoq(long);
extern double STX_qtodbl(float128_t);
extern int STX_isNanq(float128_t*);
extern int STX_prcmpq(float128_t*, float128_t*);

#define STX_isfiniteq(q)    (!STX_isNanq(&(q)) && !STX_isInfq(&(q)))
#define STX_eqq(x1, x2)     (STX_prcmpq (&(x1), &(x2)) == 0)
#define STX_neqq(x1, x2)    (STX_prcmpq (&(x1), &(x2)) != 0)
#define STX_gtq(x1, x2)     (STX_prcmpq (&(x1), &(x2)) > 0)
#define STX_geq(x1, x2)     (STX_prcmpq (&(x1), &(x2)) >= 0)
#define STX_ltq(x1, x2)     (STX_prcmpq (&(x1), &(x2)) < 0)
#define STX_leq(x1, x2)     (STX_prcmpq (&(x1), &(x2)) <= 0)

#ifdef __win32__
 * no finite(x) ?
 * no isnan(x) ?
# ifndef isnan
#  define isnan(x)      \
	((((unsigned int *)(&x))[0] == 0x00000000) && \
	 (((unsigned int *)(&x))[1] == 0xFFF80000))
# endif

# ifndef isPositiveInfinity
#  define isPositiveInfinity(x) \
	((((unsigned int *)(&x))[0] == 0x00000000) && \
	 (((unsigned int *)(&x))[1] == 0x7FF00000))
# endif

# ifndef isNegativeInfinity
#  define isNegativeInfinity(x) \
	((((unsigned int *)(&x))[0] == 0x00000000) && \
	 (((unsigned int *)(&x))[1] == 0xFFF00000))
# endif

# ifndef isinf
#  define isinf(x) \
	((((unsigned int *)(&x))[0] == 0x00000000) && \
	 ((((unsigned int *)(&x))[1] & 0x7FF00000) == 0x7FF00000))
# endif

# ifndef isfinite
#  define isfinite(x) (!isinf(x) && !isnan(x))
# endif

#else // not win32

! !

!QuadFloat primitiveVariables!
! !

!QuadFloat primitiveFunctions!
! !

!QuadFloat class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    QuadFloats represent rational numbers with limited precision
    and are mapped to IEEE quadruple precision format (128bit),
    also called binary128.

    If the underlying cpu supports them natively, the machine format (long double) is
    used. Otherwise, a software emulation is done, which is much slower.
    Thus only use them, if you really need the additional precision;
    if not, use Float (which are doubles) or LongFloats which usually have IEEE extended precision (80bit).

    QuadFloats give you definite 128 bit quadruple floats,
    thus, code using quadFloats is guaranteed to be portable from one architecture to another.

	    128bit quadruple IEEE floats (16bytes);
	    112 bit mantissa,
	    16 bit exponent,
	    34 decimal digits (approx.)

    On Sparc CPUs, this is a native supported type (long double) and fast;
    on x86 CPUs, this is emulated and slow.

    Mixed mode arithmetic:
	quadFloat op anyFloat    -> quadFloat
	anyFloat op quadFloat    -> quadFloat

    Range and precision of storage formats: see LimitedPrecisionReal >> documentation

	Claus Gittinger

    [see also:]
	Float ShortFloat LongFloat Fraction FixedPoint Integer Complex
	FloatArray DoubleArray
! !

!QuadFloat class methodsFor:'instance creation'!

    "return a new quadFloat - here we return 0.0
     - QuadFloats are usually NOT created this way ...
     Its implemented here to allow things like binary store & load
     of quadFloats.
     (but it is not a good idea to store the bits of a float - the reader might have a
      totally different representation - so floats should be
      binary stored in a device independent format)."

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
    OBJ newFloat;

    if (sizeof(long double) == sizeof(float128_t)) {
	__qMKLFLOAT(newFloat, 0.0);   /* OBJECT ALLOCATION */
    } else {
	float128_t qf = STX_qZero;
	__qMKQFLOAT(newFloat, qf);   /* OBJECT ALLOCATION */
    RETURN (newFloat);
    self error:'QuadFloats not supported on this patform'

    "Created: / 06-06-2019 / 17:18:58 / Claus Gittinger"

    "return a new quadFloat, given a float value"

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
    OBJ newFloat;

    if (__isFloatLike(aFloat)) {
        double f = __floatVal(aFloat);
        float128_t qf;

        qf = STX_dbltoq (f);
        __qMKQFLOAT(newFloat, qf);   /* OBJECT ALLOCATION */
        RETURN (newFloat);
#endif /*
    aFloat isFloat ifTrue:[
        self errorUnsupported.
        ^ aFloat asLongFloat
    ArgumentError raise

     QuadFloat fromFloat:123.0
     123.0 asQuadFloat
     123 asQuadFloat

    "Created: / 06-06-2019 / 18:01:03 / Claus Gittinger"

    "return a new quadFloat, given an integer value"

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
    OBJ newFloat;

    if (__isSmallInteger(anInteger)) {
	INT iVal = __intVal(anInteger);
	float128_t qf;

	qf = STX_inttoq( (long)iVal );
	__qMKQFLOAT(newFloat, qf);   /* OBJECT ALLOCATION */
	RETURN (newFloat);
    ^ super fromInteger:anInteger

     QuadFloat fromInteger:123
     123 asQuadFloat

    "return a new quadFloat, given a long float value"

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
    OBJ newFloat;
    union {
        LONGFLOAT_t lf;         // is long double
        extFloat80_t ef;        // is 80bit ext
        float128_t qf;          // is 128bit quad
    } u;

    if (__isLongFloat(aFloat)) {
        u.lf = __longFloatVal(aFloat);

        if (sizeof(LONGFLOAT_t) == 16) {
            // longFloat is already 128 bits in size (sparc)
            __qMKQFLOAT(newFloat, u.qf);   /* OBJECT ALLOCATION */
            RETURN (newFloat);
        if (sizeof(LONGFLOAT_t) < 16) {
            // assume 80bit extended float format (amd64, x86_64)
            u.qf = extF80_to_f128( u.ef);
            __qMKQFLOAT(newFloat, u.qf);   /* OBJECT ALLOCATION */
            RETURN (newFloat);
        // fall into error case
    aFloat isLongFloat ifTrue:[
        self errorUnsupported.
        ^ aFloat asLongFloat
    ArgumentError raise

     QuadFloat fromLongFloat:123.0 asLongFloat

    "return a new quadFloat, given a float value"

    ^ self fromFloat:(aShortFloat asFloat)

     QuadFloat fromShortFloat:123.0 asShortFloat

    "Created: / 08-06-2019 / 03:28:37 / Claus Gittinger"
! !

!QuadFloat class methodsFor:'coercing & converting'!

    "convert the argument aNumber into an instance of the receiver's class and return it."

    ^ aNumber asQuadFloat.

    "Created: / 06-06-2019 / 16:51:01 / Claus Gittinger"
! !

!QuadFloat class methodsFor:'constants'!

    "return a quadFloat which represents not-a-Number (i.e. an invalid number)"


    NaN isNil ifTrue:[
%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
	    OBJ newFloat;
	    float128_t qf;

	    softfloat_commonNaNToF128M( (uint32_t*)(&qf) );
	    __qMKQFLOAT(newFloat, qf);   /* OBJECT ALLOCATION */
	    nan = newFloat;
	nan isNil ifTrue:[
	    self errorUnsupported
	NaN := nan
    ^ NaN

    "return the constant e as quadFloat"

    E isNil ifTrue:[
	"/ eDigits has enough digits for 128bit IEEE quads
	"/ do not use as a literal constant here - we cannot depend on the underlying C-compiler here...
	E  := self readFrom:(Number eDigits)
    ^ E

    "Created: / 06-06-2019 / 17:01:54 / Claus Gittinger"

    "return a quadFloat which represents +INF"


    PositiveInfinity isNil ifTrue:[
%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
	    OBJ newFloat;
	    struct uint128 uiZ;
	    union ui128_f128 uZ;
	    float128_t qf;

	    uiZ.v64 = packToF128UI64( 0, 0x7FFF, 0 );
	    uiZ.v0 = 0;
	    uZ.ui = uiZ;
	    qf = uZ.f;
	    __qMKQFLOAT(newFloat, qf);   /* OBJECT ALLOCATION */
	    inf = newFloat;
	inf isNil ifTrue:[
	    self errorUnsupported
	PositiveInfinity := inf
    ^ PositiveInfinity

    "Created: / 08-06-2019 / 14:05:26 / Claus Gittinger"

    "return a quadFloat which represents -INF"


    NegativeInfinity isNil ifTrue:[
%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
	    OBJ newFloat;
	    struct uint128 uiZ;
	    union ui128_f128 uZ;
	    float128_t qf;

	    uiZ.v64 = packToF128UI64( 1, 0x7FFF, 0 );
	    uiZ.v0 = 0;
	    uZ.ui = uiZ;
	    qf = uZ.f;
	    __qMKQFLOAT(newFloat, qf);   /* OBJECT ALLOCATION */
	    inf = newFloat;
	inf isNil ifTrue:[
	    self errorUnsupported
	NegativeInfinity := inf
    ^ NegativeInfinity

    "Created: / 08-06-2019 / 14:05:50 / Claus Gittinger"

    "return the constant phi as quadFloat"

    Phi isNil ifTrue:[
	"/ phiDigits has enough digits for 128bit IEEE quads
	"/ do not use as a literal constant here - we cannot depend on the underlying C-compiler here...
	Phi  := self readFrom:(Number phiDigits)
    ^ Phi

    "return the constant pi as quadFloat"

    Pi isNil ifTrue:[
	"/ piDigits has enough digits for 128bit IEEE quads
	"/ do not use as a literal constant here - we cannot depend on the underlying C-compiler here...
	Pi  := self readFrom:(Number piDigits)
    ^ Pi

    "Created: / 06-06-2019 / 17:09:51 / Claus Gittinger"

    "return the neutral element for multiplication (1.0) as QuadFloat"

    QuadFloatOne isNil ifTrue:[
	QuadFloatOne := 1.0 asQuadFloat.
    ^ QuadFloatOne

    "Created: / 07-06-2019 / 03:26:38 / Claus Gittinger"

    "return the neutral element for addition (0.0) as QuadFloat"

    QuadFloatZero isNil ifTrue:[
	QuadFloatZero := 0.0 asQuadFloat
    ^ QuadFloatZero

    "Created: / 07-06-2019 / 09:22:56 / Claus Gittinger"
! !

!QuadFloat class methodsFor:'error reportng'!

    "you may proceed from this error, to get a long float number result 
     (of course, with less than expected precision)"

    self errorUnsupported:'QuadFloats not supported on this patform'

    "Created: / 07-06-2019 / 02:44:39 / Claus Gittinger"

     UnimplementedFunctionalityError handle:[:ex |
         ex proceed
     ] do:[
         1.0 asQuadFloat
! !

!QuadFloat class methodsFor:'queries'!

    "return the maximum relative spacing of instances of mySelf
     (i.e. the value-delta of the least significant bit)"

    Epsilon isNil ifTrue:[
	Epsilon := self computeEpsilon.
    ^ Epsilon

     self epsilon

    "Created: / 10-06-2019 / 21:21:18 / Claus Gittinger"

    "return the character used to print between mantissa an exponent.
     Also used by the scanner when reading numbers."

    ^ $Q

    "Created: / 10-06-2019 / 21:28:04 / Claus Gittinger"

    "answer the number of bits in the exponent.
     This is an IEEE 128bit quadfloat, where 15 bits are available in the exponent:
	seeeeeee eeeeeeee mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm...

    ^ 15

     1.0 class numBitsInExponent -> 11
     1.0 asShortFloat class numBitsInExponent -> 8
     1.0 asLongFloat class numBitsInExponent -> 15
     1.0 asQuadFloat class numBitsInExponent -> 15

    "Created: / 11-06-2019 / 00:14:55 / Claus Gittinger"

    "answer the number of bits in the mantissa
     the hidden bit is not counted here:

     This is an 128bit quadfloat,
	   where 112 bits are available in the mantissa:
	seeeeeee eeeeeeee mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm...

    ^ 112

     1.0 class numBitsInMantissa
     1.0 asShortFloat class numBitsInMantissa
     1.0 asLongFloat class numBitsInMantissa
     1.0 asQuadFloat class numBitsInMantissa

    "Created: / 07-06-2019 / 03:24:20 / Claus Gittinger"

    "answer the radix of a QuadFloat's exponent
     This is an IEEE float, which is represented as binary"

    ^ 2 "must be careful here, whenever ST/X is used on VAX or a 370"

    "Created: / 19-07-2019 / 17:28:00 / Claus Gittinger"
! !

!QuadFloat methodsFor:'arithmetic'!

* aNumber
    "return the product of the receiver and the argument."

    aNumber class == QuadFloat ifTrue:[
        ^ aNumber productFromQuadFloat:self
    thisContext isReallyRecursive ifTrue:[self error].
    ^ aNumber productFromQuadFloat:self

+ aNumber
    "return the sum of the receiver and the argument, aNumber"

    ^ aNumber sumFromQuadFloat:self

- aNumber
    "return the difference of the receiver and the argument, aNumber"

    ^ aNumber differenceFromQuadFloat:self

/ aNumber
    "return the quotient of the receiver and the argument, aNumber"

    aNumber isZero ifTrue:[
	 No, you shalt not divide by zero
	^ ZeroDivide raiseRequestWith:thisContext.
    ^ aNumber quotientFromQuadFloat:self

    "return the absolute value of the receiver
     reimplemented here for speed"

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
    OBJ newFloat;
    float128_t result, myVal;

    myVal = __quadFloatVal(self);
    result = STX_absq(myVal);
    __qMKQFLOAT(newFloat, result);
    RETURN ( newFloat );

    "return the smallest integer which is greater or equal to the receiver."


    float128_t qVal;
    float128_t qMinInt;
    float128_t qMaxInt;

    qVal = __quadFloatVal(self);
    qVal = STX_ceilq(qVal);

    qMinInt = STX_dbltoq((double)_MIN_INT);
    qMaxInt = STX_dbltoq((double)_MAX_INT);
    if (STX_geq(qVal, qMinInt) && STX_leq(qVal, qMaxInt)) {
	double dVal = STX_qtodbl(qVal);
	RETURN ( __mkSmallInteger( (INT) dVal ) );
    __qMKQFLOAT(val, qVal);
    ^ val asInteger

     0.5 asQuadFloat ceiling
     0.5 asQuadFloat ceilingAsFloat
     -0.5 asQuadFloat ceiling
     -0.5 asQuadFloat ceilingAsFloat

    "return the smallest integer-valued float greater or equal to the receiver.
     This is much like #ceiling, but avoids a (possibly expensive) conversion
     of the result to an integer.
     It may be useful, if the result is to be further used in another float-operation."

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
    OBJ newFloat;
    float128_t result, myVal;

    myVal = __quadFloatVal(self);
    result = STX_ceilq(myVal);
    __qMKQFLOAT(newFloat, result);
    RETURN ( newFloat );

    "return the cosine of the receiver (interpreted as radians)"

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
    OBJ newFloat;
    float128_t result, myVal;

    myVal = __quadFloatVal(self);
    result = STX_cosq(myVal);
    __qMKQFLOAT(newFloat, result);
    RETURN ( newFloat );

    "return the hyperbolic cosine of the receiver (interpreted as radians)"

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
    OBJ newFloat;
    float128_t result, myVal;

    myVal = __quadFloatVal(self);
    result = STX_coshq(myVal);
    __qMKQFLOAT(newFloat, result);
    RETURN ( newFloat );

    "return e raised to the power of the receiver"

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
    OBJ newFloat;
    float128_t result, myVal;

    myVal = __quadFloatVal(self);
    result = STX_expq(myVal);
    __qMKQFLOAT(newFloat, result);
    RETURN ( newFloat );

    "extract a normalized float's (unbiased) exponent.
     The returned value depends on the float-representation of
     the underlying machine and is therefore highly unportable.
     This is not for general use.
     This assumes that the mantissa is normalized to
     0.5 .. 1.0 and the float's value is: mantissa * 2^exp"

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
    float128_t myVal;
    float128_t frac;
    int exp;

    myVal = __quadFloatVal(self);
#if 1
    // should we?
    if (! (STX_isNanq(&myVal) || STX_isInfq(&myVal)))
	frac = STX_frexpq(myVal, &exp);
	RETURN (__mkSmallInteger(exp));
    ^ super exponent

     1.0 exponent
     1.0 asQuadFloat exponent
     2.0 exponent
     2.0 asQuadFloat exponent
     3.0 exponent
     3.0 asQuadFloat exponent
     4.0 exponent
     4.0 asQuadFloat exponent
     0.5 exponent
     0.5 asQuadFloat exponent
     0.4 exponent
     0.4 asQuadFloat exponent
     0.25 exponent
     0.25 asQuadFloat exponent
     0.2 exponent
     0.2 asQuadFloat exponent
     0.00000011111 exponent
     0.00000011111 asQuadFloat exponent
     0.0 exponent
     0.0 asQuadFloat exponent

     1e1000 exponent -> error (INF)
     1e1000 asQuadFloat exponent -> error (INF)

    "return the integer nearest the receiver towards negative infinity."


    float128_t qVal;
    float128_t qMinInt;
    float128_t qMaxInt;

    qVal = __quadFloatVal(self);
    qVal = STX_floorq(qVal);

    qMinInt = STX_dbltoq((double)_MIN_INT);
    qMaxInt = STX_dbltoq((double)_MAX_INT);
    if (STX_geq(qVal, qMinInt) && STX_leq(qVal, qMaxInt)) {
	double dVal = STX_qtodbl(qVal);
	RETURN ( __mkSmallInteger( (INT) dVal ) );
    __qMKQFLOAT(val, qVal);
    ^ val asInteger

     0.5 asQuadFloat floor
     0.5 asQuadFloat floorAsFloat
     -0.5 asQuadFloat floor
     -0.5 asQuadFloat floorAsFloat

    "return the integer nearest the receiver towards negative infinity as a float.
     This is much like #floor, but avoids a (possibly expensive) conversion
     of the result to an integer.
     It may be useful, if the result is to be further used in another float-operation."

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
    OBJ newFloat;
    float128_t result, myVal;

    myVal = __quadFloatVal(self);
    result = STX_floorq(myVal);
    __qMKQFLOAT(newFloat, result);
    RETURN ( newFloat );

    "return natural logarithm of the receiver."

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
    OBJ newFloat;
    float128_t result, myVal;

    myVal = __quadFloatVal(self);
    result = STX_logq(myVal);
    __qMKQFLOAT(newFloat, result);
    RETURN ( newFloat );

    "return log base 10 of the receiver.
     Alias for log:10."

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
    OBJ newFloat;
    float128_t result, myVal;

    myVal = __quadFloatVal(self);
    result = STX_log10q(myVal);
    __qMKQFLOAT(newFloat, result);
    RETURN ( newFloat );

    "return logarithm dualis of the receiver."

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
    OBJ newFloat;
    float128_t result, myVal;

    myVal = __quadFloatVal(self);
    result = STX_log2q(myVal);
    __qMKQFLOAT(newFloat, result);
    RETURN ( newFloat );

    "extract a normalized float's mantissa.
     The returned value depends on the float-representation of
     the underlying machine and is therefore highly unportable.
     This is not for general use.
     This assumes that the mantissa is normalized to
     0.5 .. 1.0 and the float's value is mantissa * 2^exp"

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
    float128_t myVal;
    float128_t frac;
    int exp;
    OBJ newFloat;

    myVal = __quadFloatVal(self);
    // ouch: math libs seem to not care for NaN here;
#if 1
    // should we?
    if (! (STX_isNanq(&myVal) || STX_isInfq(&myVal)))
	frac = STX_frexpq(myVal, &exp);
	__qMKQFLOAT(newFloat, frac);
	RETURN ( newFloat );
    ^ super mantissa

     1.0 exponent
     1.0 asQuadFloat exponent
     1.0 mantissa
     1.0 asQuadFloat mantissa

     0.25 exponent
     0.25 asQuadFloat exponent
     0.25 mantissa
     0.25 asQuadFloat mantissa

     0.00000011111 exponent
     0.00000011111 mantissa

     1e1000 mantissa

    "Modified: / 20-06-2017 / 11:37:13 / cg"
    "Modified (comment): / 26-05-2019 / 03:12:55 / Claus Gittinger"

    "return the receiver negated"

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
    OBJ newFloat;
    float128_t result, myVal;

    myVal = __quadFloatVal(self);
    result = STX_negq(myVal);
    __qMKQFLOAT(newFloat, result);
    RETURN ( newFloat );

rem: aNumber
    "return the floating point remainder of the receiver and the argument, aNumber"

    aNumber isZero ifTrue:[
	 No, you shalt not divide by zero
	^ ZeroDivide raiseRequestWith:thisContext.
    ^ aNumber remainderFromLongFloat:self

    "return the sine of the receiver (interpreted as radians)"

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
    OBJ newFloat;
    float128_t result, myVal;

    myVal = __quadFloatVal(self);
    result = STX_sinq(myVal);
    __qMKQFLOAT(newFloat, result);
    RETURN ( newFloat );

    "return the hyperbolic sine of the receiver (interpreted as radians)"

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
    OBJ newFloat;
    float128_t result, myVal;

    myVal = __quadFloatVal(self);
    result = STX_sinhq(myVal);
    __qMKQFLOAT(newFloat, result);
    RETURN ( newFloat );

    "return the tangent of the receiver (interpreted as radians)"

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
    OBJ newFloat;
    float128_t result, myVal;

    myVal = __quadFloatVal(self);
    result = STX_tanq(myVal);
    __qMKQFLOAT(newFloat, result);
    RETURN ( newFloat );

    "return the hyperbolic tangent of the receiver (interpreted as radians)"

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
    OBJ newFloat;
    float128_t result, myVal;

    myVal = __quadFloatVal(self);
    result = STX_tanhq(myVal);
    __qMKQFLOAT(newFloat, result);
    RETURN ( newFloat );
! !

!QuadFloat methodsFor:'coercing & converting'!

    "return a Float with same value as the receiver.
     Raises an error if the receiver exceeds the float range."

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
    OBJ newFloat;
    float128_t qVal = __quadFloatVal(self);
    double dVal = STX_qtodbl(qVal);

    if (isfinite(dVal) || !STX_isfiniteq(qVal)) {
	__qMKFLOAT(newFloat, dVal);
	RETURN ( newFloat );
     value out of range
     if you need -INF for a zero receiver, try Number trapInfinity:[...]
    ^ self class
	errorString:'receiver is out of the double-precision float range'

     1.0 asQuadFloat asFloat

    ^ self

     1.0 asQuadFloat asQuadFloat

    "return the generality value - see ArithmeticValue>>retry:coercing:"

    ^ 93

    "Created: / 07-06-2019 / 09:30:58 / Claus Gittinger"
! !

!QuadFloat methodsFor:'comparing'!

< aNumber
    "return true, if the argument is greater"

    ^ aNumber lessFromQuadFloat:self

    "Created: / 07-06-2019 / 09:25:47 / Claus Gittinger"

= aNumber
    "return true, if the argument represents the same numeric value
     as the receiver, false otherwise"

    ^ aNumber equalFromQuadFloat:self

    "Created: / 07-06-2019 / 09:25:27 / Claus Gittinger"

    "return a number for hashing; redefined, since floats compare
     by numeric value (i.e. 3.0 = 3), therefore 3.0 hash must be the same
     as 3 hash."


    (self >= SmallInteger minVal and:[self <= SmallInteger maxVal]) ifTrue:[
	i := self asInteger.
	self = i ifTrue:[
	    ^ i hash

    ^ self asFloat hash

     1.2345 hash
     1.2345 asShortFloat hash
     1.2345 asLongFloat hash
     1.2345 asQuadFloat hash

     1.0 hash
     1.0 asShortFloat hash
     1.0 asLongFloat hash
     1.0 asQuadFloat hash

     0.5 asShortFloat hash
     0.5 asShortFloat hash
     0.5 asLongFloat hash
     0.5 asQuadFloat hash

     0.25 asShortFloat hash
     0.25 asShortFloat hash
     0.25 asLongFloat hash
     0.25 asQuadFloat hash

    "Created: / 07-06-2019 / 09:28:07 / Claus Gittinger"
! !

!QuadFloat methodsFor:'double dispatching'!

    OBJ newFloat;
    float128_t result, myVal, argVal;

    myVal = __quadFloatVal(self);
    argVal = __quadFloatVal(aQuadFloat);
    result = STX_addq( argVal, myVal, 1 );
    __qMKQFLOAT(newFloat, result);
    RETURN ( newFloat );
    self errorUnsupported

    "sent when aQuadFloat does not know how to compare agaist the receiver, self"

    OBJ newFloat;
    float128_t result, myVal, argVal;

    myVal = __quadFloatVal(self);
    argVal = __quadFloatVal(aQuadFloat);
    RETURN (STX_eqq(argVal, myVal) ? true : false);
    self errorUnsupported

    "Modified: / 08-06-2019 / 13:31:48 / Claus Gittinger"

    "sent when aQuadFloat does not know how to compare agaist the receiver, self"

    OBJ newFloat;
    float128_t result, myVal, argVal;

    myVal = __quadFloatVal(self);
    argVal = __quadFloatVal(aQuadFloat);
    RETURN (STX_ltq(argVal, myVal) ? true : false);
    self errorUnsupported

    "sent when aQuadFloat does not know how to multiply the receiver, self"

    OBJ newFloat;
    float128_t result, myVal, argVal;

    myVal = __quadFloatVal(self);
    argVal = __quadFloatVal(aQuadFloat);
    result = STX_mulq(myVal, argVal);
    __qMKQFLOAT(newFloat, result);
    RETURN ( newFloat );
    self errorUnsupported

    "sent when aQuadFloat does not know how to multiply the receiver, self"

    OBJ newFloat;
    float128_t result, myVal, argVal;

    myVal = __quadFloatVal(self);
    argVal = __quadFloatVal(aQuadFloat);
    result = STX_divq(argVal, myVal);
    __qMKQFLOAT(newFloat, result);
    RETURN ( newFloat );
    self errorUnsupported

    "sent when aQuadFloat does not know how to add the receiver, self"

    OBJ newFloat;
    float128_t result, myVal, argVal;

    myVal = __quadFloatVal(self);
    argVal = __quadFloatVal(aQuadFloat);
    result = STX_addq( myVal, argVal, 0 );
    __qMKQFLOAT(newFloat, result);
    RETURN ( newFloat );
    self errorUnsupported
! !

!QuadFloat methodsFor:'error reportng'!

    self class errorUnsupported

    "Modified: / 07-06-2019 / 02:44:51 / Claus Gittinger"
! !

!QuadFloat methodsFor:'printing'!

    |mantissa exponent|

    mantissa := self mantissa.
    exponent := self exponent.

    self exponent == 0 ifTrue:[
	mantissa printOn:aStream.
	aStream nextPutAll:'.0'.
	^ self
    mantissa == 0 ifTrue:[
	"/ a zero mantissa is impossible - except for zero and a few others
	exponent == 0 ifTrue:[ aStream nextPutAll:'0.0'. ^ self].
	self == NaN ifTrue:[ aStream nextPutAll:'NAN'. ^ self ].
	self == NegativeInfinity ifTrue:[ aStream nextPutAll:'-INF'. ^ self].
	self == PositiveInfinity ifTrue:[ aStream nextPutAll:'INF'. ^ self].

	self error:'invalid largeFloat' mayProceed:true.
	aStream nextPutAll:'Invalid'. ^ self.

    exponent >= 0 ifTrue:[
	(mantissa bitShift:exponent) printOn:aStream.
	aStream nextPutAll:'.0'.
	^ self
    ((mantissa / (1 bitShift:exponent negated)) asFixedPoint:6) printOn:aStream.

    "Created: / 11-06-2019 / 00:13:00 / Claus Gittinger"
! !

!QuadFloat methodsFor:'queries'!

    "return true, if the receiver is a finite float (not NaN and not +/-INF)"

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
    float128_t myVal;

    myVal = __quadFloatVal(self);
    RETURN (STX_isfiniteq(myVal) ? true : false);

	1.0 isFinite
	self NaN isFinite
	self infinity isFinite
	self negativeInfinity isFinite
	(0.0 uncheckedDivide: 0.0) isFinite
	(1.0 uncheckedDivide: 0.0) isFinite

    "return true, if the receiver is an infinite float (+Inf or -Inf)."

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
    float128_t myVal;

    myVal = __quadFloatVal(self);
    RETURN (STX_isInfq(&myVal) ? true : false);

	1.0 asQuadFloat isFinite
	1.0 asQuadFloat isInfinite
	self NaN isFinite
	self NaN isInfinite
	self infinity isFinite
	self infinity isInfinite
	self negativeInfinity isFinite
	self negativeInfinity isInfinite
	(0.0 uncheckedDivide: 0.0) isFinite
	(1.0 uncheckedDivide: 0.0) isFinite

    "return true, if the receiver is an invalid float (NaN - not a number).
     These are not created by ST/X float operations (they raise an exception);
     however, inline C-code could produce them."

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
    float128_t myVal;

    myVal = __quadFloatVal(self);
    RETURN (STX_isNanq(&myVal) ? true : false);

	1.0 asQuadFloat isFinite
	self NaN isFinite
	self infinity isFinite
	(0.0 uncheckedDivide: 0.0) isFinite
	(1.0 uncheckedDivide: 0.0) isFinite
! !

!QuadFloat methodsFor:'testing'!

    "return true, if the receiver is some kind of quad floating point number (iee quad precision)"

    ^ true
! !

!QuadFloat class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    ^ '$Header$'
! !