author Stefan Vogel <>
Fri, 07 Mar 2014 23:07:11 +0100
changeset 3211 af5cc3c54fa8
parent 3066 5ec162bc812d
child 3267 4cd1614af5ca
permissions -rw-r--r--
[true] whileTrue: -> #loop

"{ Package: 'stx:libbasic2' }"

SequenceableCollection subclass:#SegmentedOrderedCollection
	instanceVariableNames:'segments maxSegmentSize tally'

!SegmentedOrderedCollection class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    SegmentedOrderedCollections are intended as a replacement for huge OrderedCollections.
    They keep their elements in chunks (segments), allowing for fast 
    adding/removing at either end AND relatively fast add/remove inside the collection.
    For huge collections, the performance is much better when adding/removing inner elements.
    However, notice: when only removing at either end only, an OrderedCollection is much faster.

    The break-even in performance depends on the number of elements and the usage pattern.
    Consider it with (say) > 10000 elements and many adds/removes from the inside.

    Possibly unfinished (may need optimized search and replace).

        Claus Gittinger

    [see also:]
        Array OrderedCollection BTree 
! !

!SegmentedOrderedCollection class methodsFor:'instance creation'!

    "return an initialized instance"

    ^ self basicNew initialize.

    "return an initialized instance with space for size elements.
     However, be aware that the logical size is 0"

    ^ self basicNew initialize.
! !

!SegmentedOrderedCollection methodsFor:'accessing'!

    "return the element at index, anInteger"

    |segStart segEnd|

    (index between:1 and:tally) ifFalse:[
        ^ self indexNotIntegerOrOutOfBounds:index
    segStart := 1.
    segments do:[:seg |
        segEnd := segStart + (seg size - 1).
        (index between:segStart and:segEnd) ifTrue:[
            ^ seg at:(index - segStart + 1).
        segStart := segEnd + 1.
    self error:'oops - should not be here'

at:index put:newElement
    "set the element at index, to be anInteger.
     Return anObject (sigh)."

    |segStart segEnd|

    (index between:1 and:tally) ifFalse:[
        ^ self indexNotIntegerOrOutOfBounds:index

    segStart := 1.
    segments do:[:seg |
        segEnd := segStart + (seg size - 1).
        (index between:segStart and:segEnd) ifTrue:[
            ^ seg at:(index - segStart + 1) put:newElement.
        segStart := segEnd + 1.
    self error:'oops - should not be here'

    "return the first element"

    tally == 0 ifTrue:[^ self emptyCollectionError].
    ^ segments first first

    "return the last element"

    tally == 0 ifTrue:[^ self emptyCollectionError].
    ^ segments last last
! !

!SegmentedOrderedCollection methodsFor:'adding & removing'!

    "add anObject to the end.
     Returns the object (sigh)"


    (seg := segments last) size >= maxSegmentSize ifTrue:[
        self splitSegmentAt:(segments size).
        seg := segments last.
    seg add:anObject.
    tally := tally + 1.
    ^ anObject.

add:anObject beforeIndex:index
    "insert the first argument, anObject into the collection before slot index.
     Return the receiver (sigh - ST-80 compatibility).

     Notice, that this is modifies the receiver NOT a copy."

    |prevSeg segStart|

    index == (tally+1) ifTrue:[
        ^ self add:anObject
    segStart := 1.
    segments do:[:seg |

        segEnd := segStart + (seg size - 1).
        (index between:segStart and:segEnd) ifTrue:[
            index == segStart ifTrue:[
                prevSeg notNil ifTrue:[
                    prevSeg size < seg size ifTrue:[
                        prevSeg add:anObject.
                        tally := tally + 1.
                        ^ anObject
            seg add:anObject beforeIndex:(index - segStart + 1).
            tally := tally + 1.
            ^ anObject
        segStart := segEnd + 1.
        prevSeg := seg.
    self error:'oops - should not be here'

    "add anObject to the beginning (insert as new first element)."


    (seg := segments first) size >= maxSegmentSize ifTrue:[
        self splitSegmentAt:1.
        seg := segments first.
    seg addFirst:anObject.
    tally := tally + 1.

    "remove all elements from the receiver. Returns the receiver."

    segments := OrderedCollection with:(OrderedCollection new).
    tally := 0.

    "Modified: / 30-07-2013 / 19:31:05 / cg"

    "remove the first element from the collection; return the element.
     If there is no element in the receiver collection, raise an error."

    |seg el|

    tally == 0 ifTrue:[
        ^ self emptyCollectionError
    seg := segments first.
    el := seg removeFirst.
    seg isEmpty ifTrue:[
        segments removeFirst
    tally := tally - 1.
    ^ el

removeFromIndex:startIndex toIndex:endIndex
    "remove the elements stored under startIndex up to and including
     the elements under stopIndex.
     Return the receiver.
     Returning the receiver here is a historic leftover - it may change.
     Please use yourself in a cascade, if you need the receiver's value
     when using this method."

    |segStart segEnd removing segIndex nextSegIndex seg|

    (startIndex between:1 and:tally) ifFalse:[
        ^ self indexNotIntegerOrOutOfBounds:startIndex
    (endIndex between:1 and:tally) ifFalse:[
        ^ self indexNotIntegerOrOutOfBounds:endIndex

    segStart := 1.
    segIndex := 1.
    removing := false.
        seg := segments at:segIndex.
        nextSegIndex := segIndex + 1.

        segEnd := segStart + (seg size - 1).

        removing ifFalse:[
            "still searching for the segment"
            (startIndex between:segStart and:segEnd) ifTrue:[
                (endIndex between:segStart and:segEnd) ifTrue:[
                    seg removeFromIndex:(startIndex - segStart + 1) toIndex:(endIndex - segStart + 1).
                    seg isEmpty ifTrue:[
                        segments removeAtIndex:segIndex.
                    tally := tally - (endIndex - startIndex + 1).
                    ^ self.
                seg removeFromIndex:(startIndex - segStart + 1).        
                seg isEmpty ifTrue:[
                    segments removeAtIndex:segIndex.
                    nextSegIndex := segIndex.    
                removing := true.
        ] ifTrue:[
            (endIndex between:segStart and:segEnd) ifTrue:[
                seg removeFromIndex:1 toIndex:(endIndex - segStart + 1).
                seg isEmpty ifTrue:[
                    segments removeAtIndex:segIndex.
                tally := tally - (endIndex - startIndex + 1).
                ^ self.
            ] ifFalse:[
                "/ remove the whole segment
                segments removeAtIndex:segIndex.
                nextSegIndex := segIndex.
        segStart := segEnd + 1.
        segIndex := nextSegIndex.
    ] loop.

    "remove the last element from the collection; return the element"

    |seg el|

    tally == 0 ifTrue:[
        ^ self emptyCollectionError
    seg := segments last.
    el := seg removeLast.
    seg isEmpty ifTrue:[
        segments removeLast
    tally := tally - 1.
    ^ el
! !

!SegmentedOrderedCollection methodsFor:'enumerating'!

    "evaluate the argument, aBlock for every element in the collection."

    segments do:[:seg |
        seg do:aBlock

    "evaluate the argument, aBlock for every element in the collection,
     passing both index and element as arguments."


    idx := 1.
    segments do:[:seg |
        seg do:[:each |
            aBlock value:idx value:each.
            idx := idx + 1.
! !

!SegmentedOrderedCollection methodsFor:'grow & shrink'!

    "adjust the logical size to newSize"

    |numExtraSegments segStart segEnd segIndex seg|

    newSize == 0 ifTrue:[
        segments := OrderedCollection new:2.
        tally := 0.
        ^ self

    newSize < tally ifTrue:[
        "/ shrinking
        segStart := 1.
        segIndex := 1.
            seg := segments at:segIndex.
            segEnd := segStart + (seg size - 1).
            (newSize between:segStart and:segEnd) ifTrue:[
                (segments at:segIndex) removeFromIndex:(newSize - segStart + 1 + 1).
                segments removeFromIndex:segIndex+1.
                tally := newSize.
                ^ self
            segStart := segEnd + 1.
            segIndex := segIndex + 1.
        ] loop.
        "/ not reached

    "/ growing
    numExtraSegments := (newSize - tally) // maxSegmentSize + 1.
    numExtraSegments timesRepeat:[
        segments add:((OrderedCollection new:maxSegmentSize) grow:maxSegmentSize)
    tally := newSize
! !

!SegmentedOrderedCollection methodsFor:'initialization'!

    "Invoked when a new instance is created."

    segments := OrderedCollection with:(OrderedCollection new).
    maxSegmentSize := 200.
    tally := 0.

    "Modified: / 30-07-2013 / 19:31:12 / cg"
! !

!SegmentedOrderedCollection methodsFor:'private'!

    |seg rightPart|

    seg := segments at:segmentIndex.

    rightPart := OrderedCollection new:20.
    rightPart grow:10.
    rightPart replaceFrom:1 to:10 with:seg startingAt:(seg size - 9).

    seg removeFromIndex:(seg size - 9) toIndex:seg size.

    segments add:rightPart afterIndex:segmentIndex.
! !

!SegmentedOrderedCollection methodsFor:'queries'!

    "return true if the receiver cannot grow"

    ^ false

    "return the number of elements in the collection"

    ^ tally
! !

!SegmentedOrderedCollection class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic2/,v 1.8 2014-03-07 22:07:11 stefan Exp $'

    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic2/,v 1.8 2014-03-07 22:07:11 stefan Exp $'
! !