changeset 2016 1084cacd75ac
parent 2002 43ff7ad28fb5
child 2017 bc6393e8c430
--- a/	Wed Oct 15 17:39:41 2008 +0200
+++ b/	Sun Oct 19 13:21:33 2008 +0200
@@ -14,7 +14,9 @@
 Object subclass:#HTMLDocGenerator
 	instanceVariableNames:'outStream pathToTopOfDocumentation
 		pathToLanguageTopOfDocumentation httpRequestOrNil
-		generateBodyOnly backRef backCmd imagePath'
+		generateBodyOnly backRef backCmd imagePath refLines demoLines
+		warnLines hintLines authorLines classProtocolCategories
+		instanceProtocolCategories'
@@ -297,6 +299,94 @@
 !HTMLDocGenerator methodsFor:'document generation'!
+    |owner|
+    owner := aClass owningClass.
+    outStream nextPutLine:'<dl>'.
+    outStream nextPutLine:'<dt><a name="PACKAGE"><b>Package:</b></A>'.
+    outStream nextPutLine:'<dd><b>', aClass package , '</b>'.
+    outStream nextPutLine:'</dl>'.
+    aClass category notNil ifTrue:[
+        outStream nextPutLine:'<dl>'.
+        outStream nextPutLine:'<dt><a name="CATEGORY"><b>Category:</b></A>'.
+        outStream nextPutLine:'<dd><b>', aClass category , '</b>'.
+        outStream nextPutLine:'</dl>'.
+    ].
+    owner notNil ifTrue:[
+        outStream nextPutLine:'<dl>'.
+        outStream nextPutLine:'<dt><a name="OWNER"><b>Owner:</b></A>'.
+        outStream nextPutAll:'<dd><b>'. 
+        self generateClassDocReferenceFor:owner name.
+        outStream cr.
+"/        outStream nextPutLine:(self 
+"/                    anchorForHTMLDocAction:
+"/                        ('htmlDocOf:', owner name )
+"/                    info:
+"/                        ( 'Show documentation of ' , owner nameWithoutPrefix )
+"/                    text:
+"/                        owner nameWithoutPrefix).
+        outStream nextPutLine:'</b>'.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        self htmlRevisionDocOf:aClass to:outStream.
+    ].
+    outStream nextPutLine:'</dl>'.
+    authorLines notNil ifTrue:[
+        outStream nextPutLine:'<dl><dt><a name="AUTHOR"><b>Author:</b></A>'.
+        authorLines do:[:l|
+            outStream nextPutLine:'<dd><b>', l , '</b>'.
+        ].
+        outStream nextPutLine:'</dl>'.
+    ].
+    |metaClass shortMetaName|
+    classProtocolCategories notEmpty ifTrue:[
+        metaClass := aClass class.
+        shortMetaName := metaClass nameWithoutPrefix.
+        outStream nextPutLine:'<li><a href="#CLASSPROTOCOL" name="I_CLASSPROTOCOL">Class protocol</a>'.
+        outStream nextPutLine:'<ul>'.
+        classProtocolCategories do:[:cat |
+            outStream nextPutLine:'<li><a name="I_' , shortMetaName , '_category_' , cat , '"' ,
+                                     ' href="#' , shortMetaName , '_category_' , cat ,
+                                     '">' , cat , '</a> '.
+        ].
+        outStream nextPutLine:'</ul>'.
+    ].
+    outStream nextPutLine:'<h2><a name="DEMOSTARTUP" href="#I_DEMOSTARTUP">Demonstration:</A></h2>'.
+    demoLines do:[:l |
+        outStream nextPutLine:'<a INFO="demonstration" type="example">'.
+        outStream nextPutLine:'<pre><code>'.
+        outStream nextPutLine:'    ' , l withoutSeparators.
+        outStream nextPutLine:'</code></pre>'.
+        outStream nextPutLine:'</a>'.
+        outStream nextPutLine:'<br>'.
+    ].
+    docu notNil ifTrue:[
+        outStream nextPutLine:'<h2><a name="DESCRIPTION" href="#I_DESCRIPTION">Description:</A></h2>'.
+        outStream nextPutLine:'<BR>'.
+        outStream nextPutLine:'<pre>'.
+        outStream nextPutLine:docu.
+        outStream nextPutLine:'</pre>'.
+        self generateHorizontalLine.
+    ].
     outStream nextPutLine:'</code></pre>'.
     self generatingForSTXBrowser ifTrue:[
@@ -344,45 +434,123 @@
     self generateHorizontalLine.
-generatePrivateClassInfoFor:aClass with:privateClasses on:aStream
-    |s|
-    s := aStream.
-        s nextPutLine:'<pre>'.
-        privateClasses do:[:cls |
-            |nm fullName|
-            nm := cls nameWithoutPrefix.
-            fullName := cls name.
-            s nextPutAll:'    '.
-            (cls owningClass isLoaded not
-            or:[cls owningClass wasAutoloaded]) ifTrue:[
-                self
-                    generateClassDocReferenceFor:fullName 
-                    text:nm 
-                    autoloading:(cls owningClass name)
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                self 
-                    generateClassDocReferenceFor:fullName 
-                    text:nm.
+    |indent first supers subs|
+    supers := aClass allSuperclasses.
+    (aClass == Autoload or:[aClass == Object]) ifTrue:[
+        subs := #()
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        subs := self shownSubclassesOf:aClass. 
+    ].
+    outStream nextPutLine:'<h2><a name="INHERITANCE" href="#I_INHERITANCE">Inheritance:</A></h2>'.
+    outStream nextPutLine:'<pre>'.
+    indent := 3.
+    first := true.
+    (supers size > 0) ifTrue:[
+        supers reverseDo:[:cls |
+            |className|
+            className := cls name.    
+            first ifFalse:[
+                outStream spaces:indent; nextPutLine:'|'.
+                outStream spaces:indent; nextPutAll:'+--'.
+                indent := indent + 3.
+            ] ifTrue:[
+                outStream spaces:indent
-            s cr.
+            first := false.
+            self generateClassDocReferenceFor:className.
+            outStream cr.
+        ].
+        outStream spaces:indent; nextPutLine:'|'.
+        outStream spaces:indent. 
+        outStream nextPutAll:'+--<B>'; nextPutAll:aClass name; nextPutLine:'</B>'.
+        indent := indent + 3.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        outStream spaces:indent; nextPutLine:'nil'.
+        outStream spaces:indent; nextPutLine:'|'.
+        outStream spaces:indent; nextPutAll:'+--<B>'; nextPutAll:aClass name; nextPutLine:'</B>'.
+        aClass ~~ Object ifTrue:[
+            outStream cr.
+            outStream nextPutLine:'  <B>This class inherits NOTHING - most messages will lead into doesNotUnderstand:</B>'
-        s nextPutLine:'</pre>'.
+        indent := indent + 3.
+    ].
+    subs notEmpty ifTrue:[
+        subs do:[:aSubclass |
+            |className|
+            className := aSubclass name.    
+            outStream spaces:indent; nextPutLine:'|'.
+            outStream spaces:indent; nextPutAll:'+--'.
+            self generateClassDocReferenceFor:className.
+            outStream cr.
+        ]
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        aClass == Object ifTrue:[
+            outStream spaces:indent; nextPutLine:'|'.
+            outStream spaces:indent; nextPutLine:'+-- ... almost every other class ...'
+        ]
+    ].
+    outStream nextPutLine:'</pre>'.
-generateRefLineFor:ref forClass:aClass on:aStream
+    |shortName|
+    shortName := aClass nameWithoutPrefix.
+    instanceProtocolCategories notEmpty ifTrue:[
+        outStream nextPutLine:'<li><a href="#INSTANCEPROTOCOL" name="I_INSTANCEPROTOCOL">Instance protocol</a>'.
+        outStream nextPutLine:'<ul>'.
+        instanceProtocolCategories do:[:cat |
+            outStream nextPutLine:'<li><a name="I_' , shortName , '_category_' , cat , '"' ,
+                                     ' href="#' , shortName , '_category_' , cat ,
+                                     '">' , cat , '</a> '.
+        ].
+        outStream nextPutLine:'</ul>'.
+    ].
+generatePrivateClassInfoForClass:aClass withPrivateClasses:privateClasses
+    outStream nextPutLine:'<pre>'.
+    privateClasses do:[:cls |
+        |nm fullName|
+        nm := cls nameWithoutPrefix.
+        fullName := cls name.
+        outStream nextPutAll:'    '.
+        (cls owningClass isLoaded not
+        or:[cls owningClass wasAutoloaded]) ifTrue:[
+            self
+                generateClassDocReferenceFor:fullName 
+                text:nm 
+                autoloading:(cls owningClass name)
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            self 
+                generateClassDocReferenceFor:fullName 
+                text:nm.
+        ].
+        outStream cr.
+    ].
+    outStream nextPutLine:'</pre>'.
+generateRefLineFor:ref forClass:aClass
     |idx1 idx2 realRef ns nm href|
-    aStream nextPutAll:'    '.
+    outStream nextPutAll:'    '.
     idx1 := ref indexOf:$:.
     idx2 := ref indexOf:$: startingAt:idx1+1.
     (idx1 == 0 or:[idx2 == (idx1+1)]) ifTrue:[
         (ref includesMatchCharacters) ifTrue:[
-            aStream nextPutAll:(self 
+            outStream nextPutAll:(self 
                             ('htmlClassesMatching:''' , ref , ''' backTo:nil')
@@ -405,7 +573,7 @@
     (ref startsWith:'http:') ifTrue:[
-        aStream nextPutAll:'<a href="' , ref , '"><I>' , ref , '</I></a>'.
+        outStream nextPutAll:'<a href="' , ref , '"><I>' , ref , '</I></a>'.
         ^ self.
@@ -413,48 +581,46 @@
     href := (ref copyFrom:(ref indexOf:$:)+1 to:(ref size - 1)) withoutSpaces.
     (href startsWith:'man:') ifTrue:[
         href := (href copyFrom:5) withoutSpaces.
-        aStream nextPutAll:'<a INFO="Show manual page" href="' , self pathToTopOfDocumentation , '/misc/onlyInSTX2.html" action="html:' , self class name , ' manPageFor:''' , href , '''">[<I>' , nm , '</I>]</A>'.
+        outStream nextPutAll:'<a INFO="Show manual page" href="' , self pathToTopOfDocumentation , '/misc/onlyInSTX2.html" action="html:' , self class name , ' manPageFor:''' , href , '''">[<I>' , nm , '</I>]</A>'.
         ^ self.
     (href startsWith:'http:') ifTrue:[
-        aStream nextPutAll:'<a href="' , href , '">[<I>' , nm , '</I>]</a>'.
+        outStream nextPutAll:'<a href="' , href , '">[<I>' , nm , '</I>]</a>'.
         ^ self
     (href startsWith:'html:') ifTrue:[
         href := (href copyFrom:6) withoutSpaces.
-    aStream nextPutAll:'<a href="' , (self pathToDocumentationFile:href) , '">[<I>' , nm , '</I>]</a>'.
+    outStream nextPutAll:'<a href="' , (self pathToDocumentationFile:href) , '">[<I>' , nm , '</I>]</a>'.
-generateRefLines:refLines forClass:aClass on:aStream
-    aStream nextPutLine:'<pre>'.
+generateRefLines:refLines forClass:aClass
+    outStream nextPutLine:'<pre>'.
     refLines do:[:l |
         l isString ifTrue:[
-            self generateRefLineFor:l forClass:aClass on:aStream.
-            aStream cr.
+            self generateRefLineFor:l forClass:aClass.
+            outStream cr.
         ] ifFalse:[
             l do:[:ref |
-                self generateRefLineFor:ref forClass:aClass on:aStream.
-                aStream cr.
+                self generateRefLineFor:ref forClass:aClass.
+                outStream cr.
-    aStream nextPutLine:'</pre>'.
+    outStream nextPutLine:'</pre>'.
-generateSubclassInfoFor:aClass on:aStream
-    |s subs|
-    s := aStream.
+    |subs|
     subs := self shownSubclassesOf:aClass. 
-    s nextPutLine:'<pre>'.
+    outStream nextPutLine:'<pre>'.
     subs do:[:cls |
         nm := cls name.
-        s nextPutAll:'    '.
+        outStream nextPutAll:'    '.
         cls isLoaded ifFalse:[
@@ -463,312 +629,13 @@
         ] ifTrue:[
             self generateClassDocReferenceFor:nm.
-        s cr.
+        outStream cr.
-    s nextPutLine:'</pre>'.
+    outStream nextPutLine:'</pre>'.
     "Modified: / 05-11-2007 / 17:22:43 / cg"
-    "generate a formatted list of all available class categories as
-     an HTML string. Each category will be a hyperlink to another
-     autogenerated page, containing the classes per category.
-     The generated page is supposed to be given to an HTML reader
-     with home being set to ../doc/online/xxx/classDoc 
-     (i.e. the images are to be found one-up in the doc hierarchy)"
-    |categories s prefixList prefix prefixStack prev|
-    categories := Smalltalk allClassCategories asOrderedCollection sort.
-    outStream := s := '' writeStream.
-    self generateHTMLHeadWithTitle:'Class Categories:'.
-    self generateBODYStart.
-    self generateUpArrowButtonForTop.
-    self generateHorizontalLine.
-    self generateH1:'Class Categories:'.
-    s nextPutLine:'<ul>'.
-    prefixList := Set new.
-    categories keysAndValuesDo:[:index :element |
-        |prev common|
-        index ~~ 1 ifTrue:[
-            prev := categories at:(index - 1).
-            common := (Array with:prev with:element) longestCommonPrefix.
-            (common endsWith:'-') ifTrue:[
-                prefixList add:(common copyWithoutLast:1)
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                (common includes:$-) ifTrue:[
-                    prefixList add:(common copyTo:(common lastIndexOf:$-)-1).
-                ] ifFalse:[
-"/                    common = prev ifTrue:[
-"/                        prefixList add:common
-"/                    ]
-                ]
-            ]
-        ]
-    ].
-    prefix := ''. prefixStack := OrderedCollection new. 
-    prev := ''.
-    categories := categories select:[:nm | nm ~= 'obsolete'].
-    categories do:[:nm |
-        |longest|
-        "/ longest prefix ....
-        longest := prefixList inject:'' into:[:maxPrefix :prefix |
-                        |prefixWithDash|
-                        prefixWithDash := prefix , '-'.
-                        nm = prefix ifTrue:[
-                            maxPrefix
-                        ] ifFalse:[
-                            (nm startsWith:prefixWithDash)
-                            ifTrue:[
-                                prefixWithDash size > maxPrefix size
-                                ifTrue:[
-                                    prefixWithDash
-                                ] ifFalse:[
-                                    maxPrefix
-                                ]
-                            ] ifFalse:[
-                                maxPrefix
-                            ]
-                        ]
-                   ].
-        longest size > 0 ifTrue:[
-            longest = prefix ifTrue:[
-                "/ no change
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                (longest startsWith:prefix) ifTrue:[
-                    prefixStack addLast:longest.
-                    longest ~= prev ifTrue:[    
-                        prefixStack size == 1 ifTrue:[
-                            s nextPutLine:'<p>'.
-                        ].
-                        s nextPutLine:'<li>' , (longest copyFrom:prefix size + 1).
-                    ].
-                    s nextPutLine:'<ul>'.
-                    prefix := longest.
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    s nextPutLine:'</ul>'.
-                    prefixStack notEmpty ifTrue:[
-                        prefixStack removeLast.
-                    ].
-                    [prefixStack notEmpty
-                     and:[(longest startsWith:prefixStack last) not]] whileTrue:[
-                        s nextPutLine:'</ul>'.
-                        prefixStack removeLast.
-                    ].
-                    prefixStack notEmpty ifTrue:[
-                        prefix := prefixStack last.
-                    ] ifFalse:[
-                        prefixStack addLast:longest.
-                        prefix := longest.
-                        longest ~= prev ifTrue:[    
-                            prefixStack size == 1 ifTrue:[
-                                s nextPutLine:'<p>'.
-                            ].
-                            s nextPutLine:'<li>' , longest.
-                        ].
-                        s nextPutLine:'<ul>'.
-                    ] 
-                ].
-            ]
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            [prefixStack size > 0] whileTrue:[
-                s nextPutLine:'</ul>'.
-                prefixStack removeLast.
-            ].
-            prefixStack size == 0 ifTrue:[
-                s nextPutLine:'<p>'.
-            ].
-            prefix := ''.
-        ].
-        s nextPutAll:'<li>'.
-        s nextPutLine:(self 
-                        anchorForHTMLDocAction:
-                            ('htmlClassesListOfCategory:''', nm
-                            , ''' backTo:''htmlClassCategoryList''')
-                        info:
-                            ('Classes in ' , nm)
-                        text:
-                            (nm copyFrom:prefix size + 1)).
-        prev := nm.
-    ].
-    s nextPutAll:'
-    self generateBODYandHTMLEnd.
-    ^ s contents
-    "
-     HTMLDocGenerator new htmlClassCategoryList
-    "
-    "Created: / 22.4.1996 / 20:03:30 / cg"
-    "Modified: / 30.10.1997 / 13:16:08 / cg"
-    "generate an HTML document string which contains HREFS for a list
-     of classes which start with some prefix (typically, the first
-     character is given)"
-    |classes|
-    classes := Smalltalk allClasses
-                select:[:cls | 
-                                cls isPrivate not
-                                and:[(cls isRealNameSpace not)
-                                and:[cls name startsWith:prefix]]
-                       ].
-    ^ self 
-        htmlClasses:classes 
-        title:('Classes starting with ''' , prefix asString , ''':').
-    "Created: / 22-04-1996 / 20:03:31 / cg"
-    "Modified: / 10-11-2006 / 17:11:16 / cg"
-htmlClasses:classes title:title
-    "generate an HTML document string which contains HREFS for a given list
-     of classes"
-    ^ self
-        htmlClasses:classes 
-        title:title 
-        backTo:nil
-    "Modified: / 30.10.1997 / 13:21:40 / cg"
-htmlClasses:classes title:title backTo:backRef
-    "generate an HTML document string which contains HREFS for a given list
-     of classes. If backref is nonNil, a back-button to that
-     HREF is added at the top.
-     The generated page is supposed to be given to an HTML reader
-     with home being set to ../doc/online/xxx/classDoc 
-     (i.e. the images are to be found one-up in the doc hierarchy)"
-    |classNames s|
-    classNames := (classes collect:[:cls | cls name]) asOrderedCollection sort.
-    outStream := s := '' writeStream.
-    self generateHTMLHeadWithTitle:title.
-    s nextPutLine:'<body>'.
-    backRef notNil ifTrue:[
-        backRef ~~ #none ifTrue:[
-            self
-                generateUpArrowButtonWithReference:(self pathToLanguageTopOfDocumentation , '/TOP.html') 
-                command:backRef 
-                imagePath:nil 
-                altLabel:'back'.
-        ]
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        self
-            generateUpArrowButtonWithReference:(self pathToLanguageTopOfDocumentation , '/TOP.html') 
-            command:nil 
-            imagePath:nil 
-            altLabel:'top'.
-    ].
-    backRef ~~ #none ifTrue:[
-        self generateHorizontalLine.
-    ].
-    self generateH1:title.
-    s nextPutLine:'<ul>'.
-    classNames do:[:className |
-        s nextPutAll:'<li>'.
-        self generateClassDocReferenceFor:className.
-        s cr.
-    ].
-    s nextPutAll:'
-    self generateBODYandHTMLEnd.
-    ^ s contents
-    "Created: / 23.4.1996 / 15:31:55 / cg"
-    "Modified: / 30.10.1997 / 13:21:32 / cg"
-    "generate an HTML document string which contains HREFS for a list
-     of classes which are contained in a particular category."
-    ^ self
-        htmlClassesListOfCategory:category
-        backTo:nil
-    "Modified: / 30.10.1997 / 13:21:23 / cg"
-htmlClassesListOfCategory:category backTo:backRef
-    "generate an HTML document string which contains HREFS for a list
-     of classes which are contained in a particular category."
-    |classes|
-    classes := Smalltalk allClasses
-                select:[:cls | cls isPrivate not
-                               and:[(cls isRealNameSpace not)
-                               and:[cls category = category]]
-                       ].
-    ^ self 
-        htmlClasses:classes 
-        title:('Classes in: ' , category)
-        backTo:backRef
-    "Created: / 23-04-1996 / 15:39:39 / cg"
-    "Modified: / 10-11-2006 / 17:11:23 / cg"
-htmlClassesMatching:aMatchPattern backTo:backRef
-    "generate an HTML document string which contains HREFS
-     for a list of classes whose name matches a given matchPattern."
-    |classes cls|
-    classes := Smalltalk allClasses
-                select:[:cls | cls isPrivate not
-                               and:[(cls isRealNameSpace not)
-                               and:[aMatchPattern match:cls name]]
-                       ].
-    ^ self 
-        htmlClasses:classes 
-        title:('Classes matching: ' , aMatchPattern)
-        backTo:backRef
-    "
-     self htmlClassesMatching:'Tgen::*' backTo:nil
-    "
-    "Modified: / 10-11-2006 / 17:11:30 / cg"
     "generate an HTML document string which contains a classes documentation"
@@ -844,9 +711,8 @@
      everything else is plain documentation text.
-    |supers s indent m docu examples firstIndent firstNonEmpty
-     collectionOfCategories collectionOfClassCategories subs refLines demoLines warnLines hintLines authorLines first wasLoaded didLoadBin
-     privateClasses owner className metaClass shortName shortMetaName|
+    |docu examples wasLoaded didLoadBin
+     privateClasses owner shortName |
     backRef := backRefArg.
     backCmd := backCmdArg.
@@ -856,23 +722,21 @@
         ^ ''  "/ just in case ...
-    outStream := s := '' writeStream.
-    className := aClass name.
+    outStream := '' writeStream.
     shortName := aClass nameWithoutPrefix.
-    metaClass := aClass class.
-    shortMetaName := metaClass nameWithoutPrefix.
-    self generateHTMLHeadWithTitle:('Class: ' , className).
+    self generateHTMLHeadWithTitle:('Class: ' , aClass name).
     self generateBODYStart.
     self generateBackButton.
     (aClass isRealNameSpace) ifTrue:[
-        s nextPutLine:'<h1>'.
-        s nextPutAll:'NameSpace: ';
-          nextPutLine:(shortName).
-        s nextPutLine:'</h1>'.
+        outStream 
+            nextPutLine:'<h1>';
+            nextPutAll:'NameSpace: ';
+            nextPutLine:(shortName);
+            nextPutLine:'</h1>'.
         self generateBODYandHTMLEnd.
-        ^ s contents.
+        ^ outStream contents.
     (wasLoaded := aClass isLoaded) ifFalse:[
@@ -893,409 +757,132 @@
     owner := aClass owningClass.
     privateClasses := aClass privateClassesSorted.
-    "/
-    "/ extract documentation or comment, if there is any
-    "/
-    m := metaClass compiledMethodAt:#documentation.
-    m notNil ifTrue:[
-        docu := m comment.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        "try comment"
-        docu := aClass comment.
-    ].
-    (docu notNil and:[docu isEmpty]) ifTrue:[
-        docu := nil
-    ].
-    docu notNil ifTrue:[
-        docu := self withSpecialHTMLCharactersEscaped:docu.
-        docu := docu asStringCollection.
-        "/
-        "/ search for a [see also:] section
-        "/
-        refLines := self extractSpecial:'[see also:]' from:docu.
-        "/
-        "/ search for a [start with:] section
-        "/
-        demoLines := self extractSpecial:'[start with:]' from:docu.
-        "/
-        "/ search for a [author:] section
-        "/
-        authorLines := self extractSpecial:'[author:]' from:docu.
-        authorLines isNil ifTrue:[
-            authorLines := self extractSpecial:'[authors:]' from:docu.
-        ].
-        "/
-        "/ search for a [warning:] section
-        "/
-        warnLines := self extractSpecial:'[warning:]' from:docu.
-        "/
-        "/ search for a [hints:] section
-        "/
-        hintLines := self extractSpecial:'[hints:]' from:docu.
-        hintLines isNil ifTrue:[
-            hintLines := self extractSpecial:'[hint:]' from:docu.
-        ].
-        docu notEmpty ifTrue:[
-            "/
-            "/ strip off empty lines
-            "/
-            [docu notEmpty and:[(docu at:1) size == 0]] whileTrue:[
-                docu removeIndex:1
-            ].
-            [docu notEmpty and:[(docu at:docu size) size == 0]] whileTrue:[
-                docu removeIndex:(docu size)
-            ].
-        ].
-        docu notEmpty ifTrue:[
-            firstIndent := docu first leftIndent.
-            firstIndent > 0 ifTrue:[
-                docu := docu collect:[:line |
-                                        line leftIndent >= firstIndent ifTrue:[
-                                            line copyFrom:firstIndent + 1.
-                                        ] ifFalse:[
-                                            line
-                                        ]
-                                     ].
-            ].
-            firstNonEmpty := docu findFirst:[:line | line notEmpty].
-            firstNonEmpty > 1 ifTrue:[
-                docu := docu copyFrom:firstNonEmpty
-            ]
-        ].
-        docu := docu asString.
-    ].
-    refLines notNil ifTrue:[
-        refLines := refLines collect:[:l | 
-                        |t|
-                        ((t := l withoutSeparators) startsWith:'(') ifTrue:[
-                            t
-                        ] ifFalse:[
-                            t := l asCollectionOfWords.
-                            (t size == 1
-                            and:[ (t first includes:$:) not ]) ifTrue:[
-                                t first
-                            ] ifFalse:[
-                                t
-                            ]
-                        ]
-                    ].
-    ].
-    "/
-    "/ extract examples if there are any
-    "/
-    m := metaClass compiledMethodAt:#examples.
-    m notNil ifTrue:[
-        examples := m comment.
-        examples notNil ifTrue:[
-            examples isEmpty ifTrue:[
-                examples := nil
-            ].
-        ].
-        examples notNil ifTrue:[
-            examples := self withSpecialHTMLCharactersEscaped:examples.
-            examples := examples asStringCollection.
-            "/
-            "/ strip off empty lines
-            "/
-            [examples first size == 0] whileTrue:[
-                examples removeIndex:1
-            ].
-            [examples last size == 0] whileTrue:[
-                examples removeIndex:(examples size)
-            ].
-            examples notEmpty ifTrue:[
-                firstIndent := examples first withTabsExpanded leftIndent.
-                firstIndent > 0 ifTrue:[
-                    examples := examples collect:[:line |
-                                            |l|
-                                            l := line withTabsExpanded.
-                                            l leftIndent >= firstIndent ifTrue:[
-                                                l copyFrom:firstIndent.
-                                            ] ifFalse:[
-                                                l
-                                            ]
-                                         ].
-                ].
-                firstNonEmpty := examples findFirst:[:line | line notEmpty].
-                firstNonEmpty > 1 ifTrue:[
-                    examples := examples copyFrom:firstNonEmpty
-                ]
-            ].
-        ]
-    ].
-    collectionOfClassCategories := metaClass categories asSortedCollection.
-    collectionOfClassCategories size > 0 ifTrue:[
-        collectionOfClassCategories := collectionOfClassCategories asOrderedCollection.
-        collectionOfClassCategories remove:'documentation' ifAbsent:nil.
-    ].
-    collectionOfCategories := aClass categories asSortedCollection.
-    collectionOfCategories size > 0 ifTrue:[
-        collectionOfCategories := collectionOfCategories asOrderedCollection.
-    ].
-    (aClass == Autoload or:[aClass == Object]) ifTrue:[
-        subs := #()
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        subs := self shownSubclassesOf:aClass. 
-    ].
-    s nextPutLine:'<h1>'.
-    s nextPutAll:'Class: '.
+    docu := self extractDocumentationFromClass:aClass.
+    "/ refLines, demoLines etc. are generated as a side effect.
+    examples := self extractExamplesFromClass:aClass.
+    self extractProtocolCategoriesFrom:aClass.
+    outStream nextPutLine:'<h1>'.
+    outStream nextPutAll:'Class: '.
     self generatingForSTXBrowser ifTrue:[
-        s nextPutAll:'<a INFO="Open a Browser on ' , shortName , '" type="example" action="Smalltalk browseInClass:' , className , '">';
-          nextPutAll:shortName; nextPutLine:'</a>'.
+        outStream 
+            nextPutAll:'<a INFO="Open a Browser on ' , shortName , '" type="example" action="Smalltalk browseInClass:' , aClass name , '">';
+            nextPutAll:shortName; nextPutLine:'</a>'.
     ] ifFalse:[
-        s nextPutAll:shortName.
+        outStream nextPutAll:shortName.
     owner notNil ifTrue:[
-        s nextPutAll:' (private in '.
+        outStream nextPutAll:' (private in '.
         self generatingForSTXBrowser ifTrue:[
-          s nextPutAll:'<a INFO="Open a Browser on ' , owner nameWithoutPrefix , '" type="example" action="Smalltalk browseInClass:' , owner name , '">';
-            nextPutAll:(owner nameWithoutPrefix); nextPutLine:'</a>)'.
+            outStream 
+                nextPutAll:'<a INFO="Open a Browser on ' , owner nameWithoutPrefix , '" type="example" action="Smalltalk browseInClass:' , owner name , '">';
+                nextPutAll:(owner nameWithoutPrefix); nextPutLine:'</a>)'.
         ] ifFalse:[
-            s nextPutAll:owner nameWithoutPrefix.
+            outStream nextPutAll:owner nameWithoutPrefix.
     ] ifFalse:[
         aClass nameSpace ~~ Smalltalk ifTrue:[
-            s nextPutAll:' (in ' , aClass nameSpace name , ')'
+            outStream nextPutAll:' (in ' , aClass nameSpace name , ')'
-    s nextPutLine:'</h1>'.
+    outStream nextPutLine:'</h1>'.
     owner notNil ifTrue:[
-        s nextPutLine:'This class is only visible from within'.
-        s nextPutAll:owner nameWithoutPrefix.
+        outStream nextPutLine:'This class is only visible from within'.
+        outStream nextPutAll:owner nameWithoutPrefix.
         owner owningClass notNil ifTrue:[
-            s nextPutAll:' (which is itself a private class of '.
-            s nextPutAll:owner owningClass nameWithoutPrefix.
-            s nextPutAll:')'
+            outStream nextPutAll:' (which is itself a private class of '.
+            outStream nextPutAll:owner owningClass nameWithoutPrefix.
+            outStream nextPutAll:')'
-        s nextPutLine:'.'
+        outStream nextPutLine:'.'
     "/ index
 "/    s nextPutAll:'Index:'; cr.
-    s nextPutLine:'<ul>'.
-    s nextPutLine:'<li><a href="#INHERITANCE" name="I_INHERITANCE">Inheritance</a>'.
+    outStream nextPutLine:'<ul>'.
+    outStream nextPutLine:'<li><a href="#INHERITANCE" name="I_INHERITANCE">Inheritance</a>'.
     docu notNil ifTrue:[
-        s nextPutLine:'<li><a href="#DESCRIPTION" name="I_DESCRIPTION">Description</a>'.
+        outStream nextPutLine:'<li><a href="#DESCRIPTION" name="I_DESCRIPTION">Description</a>'.
-    warnLines notNil ifTrue:[
-        warnLines := warnLines asStringCollection.
-        s nextPutLine:'<li><a href="#WARNING" name="I_WARNING">Warning</a>'.
+    warnLines notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
+        outStream nextPutLine:'<li><a href="#WARNING" name="I_WARNING">Warning</a>'.
-    hintLines notNil ifTrue:[
-        hintLines := hintLines asStringCollection.
-        s nextPutLine:'<li><a href="#HINTS" name="I_HINTS">Hints</a>'.
+    hintLines notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
+        outStream nextPutLine:'<li><a href="#HINTS" name="I_HINTS">Hints</a>'.
     refLines notNil ifTrue:[
-        s nextPutLine:'<li><a href="#SEEALSO" name="I_SEEALSO">Related information</a>'.
+        outStream nextPutLine:'<li><a href="#SEEALSO" name="I_SEEALSO">Related information</a>'.
 "/    s nextPutLine:'<li><a href="#INSTANCEVARIABLES" name="I_INSTANCEVARIABLES">Instance variables</a>'.
 "/    s nextPutLine:'<li><a href="#CLASSVARIABLES" name="I_CLASSVARIABLES">Class variables</a>'.
-    collectionOfClassCategories size > 0 ifTrue:[
-        s nextPutLine:'<li><a href="#CLASSPROTOCOL" name="I_CLASSPROTOCOL">Class protocol</a>'.
-        s nextPutLine:'<ul>'.
-        collectionOfClassCategories sort do:[:cat |
-            s nextPutLine:'<li><a name="I_' , shortMetaName , '_category_' , cat , '"' ,
-                                     ' href="#' , shortMetaName , '_category_' , cat ,
-                                     '">' , cat , '</a> '.
-        ].
-        s nextPutLine:'</ul>'.
-    ].
-    collectionOfCategories size > 0 ifTrue:[
-        s nextPutLine:'<li><a href="#INSTANCEPROTOCOL" name="I_INSTANCEPROTOCOL">Instance protocol</a>'.
-        s nextPutLine:'<ul>'.
-        collectionOfCategories sort do:[:cat |
-            s nextPutLine:'<li><a name="I_' , shortName , '_category_' , cat , '"' ,
-                                     ' href="#' , shortName , '_category_' , cat ,
-                                     '">' , cat , '</a> '.
-        ].
-        s nextPutLine:'</ul>'.
-    ].
-    privateClasses size > 0 ifTrue:[
+    self generateClassProtocolDocumentationForClass:aClass.
+    self generateInstanceProtocolDocumentationForClass:aClass.
+    privateClasses notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
         privateClasses := privateClasses asOrderedCollection sort:[:a :b | a nameWithoutPrefix < b nameWithoutPrefix].
-        s nextPutLine:'<li><a href="#PRIVATECLASSES" name="I_PRIVATECLASSES">Private classes</a>'.
+        outStream nextPutLine:'<li><a href="#PRIVATECLASSES" name="I_PRIVATECLASSES">Private classes</a>'.
     (aClass == Object or:[aClass == Autoload]) ifTrue:[
-        s nextPutLine:'<li><a href="#SUBCLASSES" name="I_SUBCLASSES">Subclasses</a>'.
+        outStream nextPutLine:'<li><a href="#SUBCLASSES" name="I_SUBCLASSES">Subclasses</a>'.
     demoLines notNil ifTrue:[
-        s nextPutLine:'<li><a href="#DEMOSTARTUP" name="I_DEMOSTARTUP">Demonstration</a>'.
+        outStream nextPutLine:'<li><a href="#DEMOSTARTUP" name="I_DEMOSTARTUP">Demonstration</a>'.
     examples notNil ifTrue:[
-        s nextPutLine:'<li><a href="#EXAMPLES" name="I_EXAMPLES">Examples</a>'.
+        outStream nextPutLine:'<li><a href="#EXAMPLES" name="I_EXAMPLES">Examples</a>'.
-    s nextPutLine:'</ul>'.
+    outStream nextPutLine:'</ul>'.
     self generateHorizontalLine.
     "/ hierarchy
-    s nextPutLine:'<h2><a name="INHERITANCE" href="#I_INHERITANCE">Inheritance:</A></h2>'.
-    s nextPutLine:'<pre>'.
-    indent := 3.
-    first := true.
-    supers := aClass allSuperclasses.
-    (supers size > 0) ifTrue:[
-        supers reverseDo:[:cls |
-            |className|
-            className := cls name.    
-            first ifFalse:[
-                s spaces:indent; nextPutLine:'|'.
-                s spaces:indent; nextPutAll:'+--'.
-                indent := indent + 3.
-            ] ifTrue:[
-                s spaces:indent
-            ].
-            first := false.
-            self generateClassDocReferenceFor:className.
-            s cr.
-        ].
-        s spaces:indent; nextPutLine:'|'.
-        s spaces:indent. 
-        s nextPutAll:'+--<B>'; nextPutAll:className; nextPutLine:'</B>'.
-        indent := indent + 3.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        s spaces:indent; nextPutLine:'nil'.
-        s spaces:indent; nextPutLine:'|'.
-        s spaces:indent; nextPutAll:'+--<B>'; nextPutAll:className; nextPutLine:'</B>'.
-        aClass ~~ Object ifTrue:[
-            s cr.
-            s nextPutLine:'  <B>This class inherits NOTHING - most messages will lead into doesNotUnderstand:</B>'
-        ].
-        indent := indent + 3.
-    ].
-    subs notEmpty ifTrue:[
-        subs do:[:aSubclass |
-            |className|
-            className := aSubclass name.    
-            s spaces:indent; nextPutLine:'|'.
-            s spaces:indent; nextPutAll:'+--'.
-            self generateClassDocReferenceFor:className.
-            s cr.
-        ]
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        aClass == Object ifTrue:[
-            s spaces:indent; nextPutLine:'|'.
-            s spaces:indent; nextPutLine:'+-- ... almost every other class ...'
-        ]
-    ].
-    s nextPutLine:'</pre>'.
+    self generateInheritanceTreeForClass:aClass.
     self generateHorizontalLine.
     "/ category, version & package
-    aClass category notNil ifTrue:[
-        s nextPutLine:'<dl>'.
-        s nextPutLine:'<dt><a name="CATEGORY"><b>Category:</b></A>'.
-        s nextPutLine:'<dd><b>', aClass category , '</b>'.
-        s nextPutLine:'</dl>'.
-    ].
-    owner notNil ifTrue:[
-        s nextPutLine:'<dl>'.
-        s nextPutLine:'<dt><a name="OWNER"><b>Owner:</b></A>'.
-        s nextPutAll:'<dd><b>'. 
-        self generateClassDocReferenceFor:owner name.
-        s cr.
-"/        s nextPutLine:(self 
-"/                    anchorForHTMLDocAction:
-"/                        ('htmlDocOf:', owner name )
-"/                    info:
-"/                        ( 'Show documentation of ' , owner nameWithoutPrefix )
-"/                    text:
-"/                        owner nameWithoutPrefix).
-        s nextPutLine:'</b>'.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        self htmlRevisionDocOf:aClass to:s.
-    ].
-    s nextPutLine:'</dl>'.
-    authorLines notNil ifTrue:[
-        s nextPutLine:'<dl><dt><a name="AUTHOR"><b>Author:</b></A>'.
-        authorLines do:[:l|
-            s nextPutLine:'<dd><b>', l , '</b>'.
-        ].
-        s nextPutLine:'</dl>'.
-    ].
+    self generateClassInfoForClass:aClass.
     self generateHorizontalLine.
-    docu notNil ifTrue:[
-        s nextPutLine:'<h2><a name="DESCRIPTION" href="#I_DESCRIPTION">Description:</A></h2>'.
-        s nextPutLine:'<BR>'.
-        s nextPutLine:'<pre>'.
-        s nextPutLine:docu.
-        s nextPutLine:'</pre>'.
-        self generateHorizontalLine.
-    ].
+    self generateDescription:docu.
     warnLines notNil ifTrue:[
-        s nextPutLine:'<h2><a name="WARNING" href="#I_WARNING">Warning:</A></h2>'.
-        s nextPutLine:'<BR>'.
-        s nextPutLine:'<pre>'.
-        firstIndent := warnLines first leftIndent.
+        outStream nextPutLine:'<h2><a name="WARNING" href="#I_WARNING">Warning:</A></h2>'.
+        outStream nextPutLine:'<BR>'.
+        outStream nextPutLine:'<pre>'.
+        warnLines := self undentedToFirstLinesIndent:warnLines.
         warnLines do:[:aLine |
-            aLine leftIndent >= firstIndent ifTrue:[
-                s nextPutLine:(aLine copyFrom:firstIndent+1)
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                s nextPutLine:aLine
-            ].
+            outStream nextPutLine:aLine
-        s nextPutLine:'</pre>'.
+        outStream nextPutLine:'</pre>'.
         self generateHorizontalLine.
     hintLines notNil ifTrue:[
-        s nextPutLine:'<h2><a name="HINTS" href="#I_HINTS">Hints:</A></h2>'.
-        s nextPutLine:'<BR>'.
-        s nextPutLine:'<pre>'.
-        firstIndent := hintLines first leftIndent.
+        outStream nextPutLine:'<h2><a name="HINTS" href="#I_HINTS">Hints:</A></h2>'.
+        outStream nextPutLine:'<BR>'.
+        outStream nextPutLine:'<pre>'.
+        hintLines := self undentedToFirstLinesIndent:hintLines.
         hintLines do:[:aLine |
-            aLine leftIndent >= firstIndent ifTrue:[
-                s nextPutLine:(aLine copyFrom:firstIndent+1)
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                s nextPutLine:aLine
-            ].
+            outStream nextPutLine:aLine
-        s nextPutLine:'</pre>'.
+        outStream nextPutLine:'</pre>'.
         self generateHorizontalLine.
@@ -1303,8 +890,8 @@
     "/ see also
     refLines notNil ifTrue:[
-        s nextPutLine:'<h2><a name="SEEALSO" href="#I_SEEALSO">Related information:</A></h2>'.
-        self generateRefLines:refLines forClass:aClass on:s.        
+        outStream nextPutLine:'<h2><a name="SEEALSO" href="#I_SEEALSO">Related information:</A></h2>'.
+        self generateRefLines:refLines forClass:aClass.        
         self generateHorizontalLine.
@@ -1317,45 +904,33 @@
     "/ protocol
-    self printOutHTMLProtocolOf:aClass on:s.
+    self printOutHTMLProtocolOf:aClass on:outStream.
     "/ subclasses (only for Object and Autoload)
     (aClass == Object or:[aClass == Autoload]) ifTrue:[
-        s nextPutLine:'<h2><a name="SUBCLASSES" href="#I_SUBCLASSES">Subclasses (direct subclasses only):</A></h2>'.
-        self generateSubclassInfoFor:aClass on:s.
+        outStream nextPutLine:'<h2><a name="SUBCLASSES" href="#I_SUBCLASSES">Subclasses (direct subclasses only):</A></h2>'.
+        self generateSubclassInfoForClass:aClass.
         self generateHorizontalLine.
     "/ private classes
-    privateClasses size > 0 ifTrue:[
-        s nextPutLine:'<h2><a name="PRIVATECLASSES" href="#I_PRIVATECLASSES">Private classes:</A></h2>'.
-        self generatePrivateClassInfoFor:aClass with:privateClasses on:s.
+    privateClasses notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
+        outStream nextPutLine:'<h2><a name="PRIVATECLASSES" href="#I_PRIVATECLASSES">Private classes:</A></h2>'.
+        self generatePrivateClassInfoForClass:aClass withPrivateClasses:privateClasses.
         self generateHorizontalLine.
-    "/
-    "/ demonstration
-    "/
+    "/ demonstration, if there are any
     demoLines notNil ifTrue:[
-        s nextPutLine:'<h2><a name="DEMOSTARTUP" href="#I_DEMOSTARTUP">Demonstration:</A></h2>'.
-        demoLines do:[:l |
-            s nextPutLine:'<a INFO="demonstration" type="example">'.
-            s nextPutLine:'<pre><code>'.
-            s nextPutLine:'    ' , l withoutSeparators.
-            s nextPutLine:'</code></pre>'.
-            s nextPutLine:'</a>'.
-            s nextPutLine:'<br>'.
-        ].
+        self generateDemo.
         self generateHorizontalLine.
-    "/
-    "/ add examples if there are any
-    "/
+    "/ examples, if there are any
     examples notNil ifTrue:[
         self generateExamples:examples.
@@ -1366,7 +941,7 @@
         aClass unload
-    ^ s contents
+    ^ outStream contents
      self htmlDocOf:Object
@@ -1484,131 +1059,184 @@
     self generateBODYandHTMLEnd.
     ^ s contents
-    "generate an HTML string for all selectors (for which methods exist)
-     in the system"
-    |selectors|
-    selectors := IdentitySet new.
-    Smalltalk allClassesAndMetaclassesDo:[:cls |
-        selectors addAll:cls selectors.
-    ].
-    selectors := selectors asOrderedCollection sort.
-    ^ self 
-        htmlSelectors:selectors 
-        title:('All Selectors:').
-    "
-     self htmlSelectorList
-    "
-    "Created: / 22.4.1996 / 20:03:31 / cg"
-    "Modified: / 5.6.1996 / 12:27:09 / stefan"
-    "Modified: / 30.10.1997 / 13:25:19 / cg"
-    "generate an HTML string for all selectors which match a pattern
-     (and for which methods exist) in the system"
-    |selectors|
-    selectors := IdentitySet new.
-    Smalltalk allClassesAndMetaclassesDo:[:cls |
-        cls methodDictionary keysDo:[:sel |
-            (pattern match:sel) ifTrue:[
-                selectors add:sel.
-            ]
-        ]
-    ].
-    selectors := selectors asOrderedCollection sort.
-    ^ self 
-        htmlSelectors:selectors 
-        title:('Selectors matching ''' , pattern , ''':').
-    "
-     self htmlSelectorListMatching:'*do*'
-    "
-    "Created: / 22.4.1996 / 20:03:31 / cg"
-    "Modified: / 5.6.1996 / 12:29:27 / stefan"
-    "Modified: / 30.10.1997 / 13:25:50 / cg"
-    "generate an HTML string for all selectors whose names starts with
-     a prefix (and for which methods exist) in the system"
-    |selectors|
-    selectors := IdentitySet new.
-    Smalltalk allClassesAndMetaclassesDo:[:cls |
-        cls methodDictionary keysDo:[:sel |
-            (sel startsWith:prefix) ifTrue:[
-                selectors add:sel.
-            ]
-        ]
-    ].
-    selectors := selectors asOrderedCollection sort.
-    ^ self 
-        htmlSelectors:selectors 
-        title:('Selectors starting with ''' , prefix asString , ''':').
-    "
-     self htmlSelectorListPrefix:'a'
-    "
-    "Created: / 22.4.1996 / 20:03:31 / cg"
-    "Modified: / 5.6.1996 / 12:31:13 / stefan"
-    "Modified: / 30.10.1997 / 13:26:15 / cg"
-htmlSelectors:selectors title:title
-    "generate an HTML string for a given list of selectors"
-    |s|
-    s := outStream := '' writeStream.
-    self generateHTMLHeadWithTitle:title.
-    self generateBODYStart.
-    self generateUpArrowButtonForTop.
-    self generateHorizontalLine.
-    self generateH1:title.
-    s nextPutLine:'<ul>'.
-    selectors do:[:sel |
-        |selString|
-        selString := self withSpecialHTMLCharactersEscaped:sel.
-        s nextPutAll:'<li>'.
-        s nextPutLine:(self 
-                    anchorForHTMLDocAction:
-                        ('htmlDocOfImplementorsOf:''' , selString , '''' )
-                    info:
-                        ('Implementors of: ' , selString)
-                    text:
-                        selString).
-    ].
-    s nextPutLine:'</ul>'.
-    self generateBODYandHTMLEnd.
-    ^ s contents
-    "Created: / 22.4.1996 / 20:03:31 / cg"
-    "Modified: / 30.10.1997 / 13:26:34 / cg"
 ! !
 !HTMLDocGenerator methodsFor:'document generation-helpers'!
+extractAndRemoveSpecial:pattern from:docu
+    "given a collection of docu lines (from documentation methods comment),
+     extract things like [see also:], [author:] etc.
+     If found, remove the lines from the string collection,
+     and return the extracted ones. Otherwise return nil.
+     Attention: docu is sideeffectively changed (lines removed)"
+    |srchIdx idx lines l|
+    srchIdx := docu findFirst:[:l | l asLowercase withoutSeparators = pattern].
+    srchIdx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+        lines := OrderedCollection new.
+        idx := srchIdx+1.
+        [idx <= docu size] whileTrue:[
+            l := docu at:idx.
+            (l isNil or:[l withoutSeparators size == 0]) ifTrue:[
+                idx := docu size + 1.
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                l withoutSeparators = '\' ifTrue:[
+                    l := ''
+                ].
+                lines add:l
+            ].
+            idx := idx + 1.
+        ].
+        docu removeFromIndex:srchIdx toIndex:srchIdx+lines size
+    ].
+    ^ lines
+    "Created: 25.4.1996 / 14:16:01 / cg"
+    "Modified: 11.1.1997 / 13:03:38 / cg"
+    "Extract things like [see also:], [author:] etc. from docu
+     If found, remove the lines from the string collection,
+     and leave them in corresponding instVars.
+     Attention: docu is sideeffectively changed (lines removed)"
+    "/
+    "/ search for a [see also:] section
+    "/
+    refLines := self extractAndRemoveSpecial:'[see also:]' from:docu.
+    refLines notNil ifTrue:[
+        "/ care for the special tuple format
+        refLines := refLines collect:[:l | 
+                        |t|
+                        ((t := l withoutSeparators) startsWith:'(') ifTrue:[
+                            t
+                        ] ifFalse:[
+                            t := l asCollectionOfWords.
+                            (t size == 1
+                            and:[ (t first includes:$:) not ]) ifTrue:[
+                                t first
+                            ] ifFalse:[
+                                t
+                            ]
+                        ]
+                    ].
+    ].
+    "/
+    "/ search for a [start with:] section
+    "/
+    demoLines := self extractAndRemoveSpecial:'[start with:]' from:docu.
+    "/
+    "/ search for a [author:] section
+    "/
+    authorLines := self extractAndRemoveSpecial:'[author:]' from:docu.
+    authorLines isNil ifTrue:[
+        authorLines := self extractAndRemoveSpecial:'[authors:]' from:docu.
+    ].
+    "/
+    "/ search for a [warning:] section
+    "/
+    warnLines := self extractAndRemoveSpecial:'[warning:]' from:docu.
+    warnLines notNil ifTrue:[
+        warnLines := warnLines asStringCollection.
+    ].
+    "/
+    "/ search for a [hints:] section
+    "/
+    hintLines := self extractAndRemoveSpecial:'[hints:]' from:docu.
+    hintLines isNil ifTrue:[
+        hintLines := self extractAndRemoveSpecial:'[hint:]' from:docu.
+    ].
+    hintLines notNil ifTrue:[
+        hintLines := hintLines asStringCollection.
+    ].
+    |documentationMethod docu|
+    documentationMethod := aClass theMetaclass compiledMethodAt:#documentation.
+    documentationMethod notNil ifTrue:[
+        docu := documentationMethod comment.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        "try comment"
+        docu := aClass theNonMetaclass comment.
+    ].
+    docu isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[ ^ nil ].
+    docu := self withSpecialHTMLCharactersEscaped:docu.
+    docu := docu asStringCollection.
+    self extractAndRemoveSpecialLinesFromDocumentation:docu.
+    docu notEmpty ifTrue:[
+        "/
+        "/ strip off empty lines
+        "/
+        [docu notEmpty and:[ docu first size == 0]] whileTrue:[
+            docu removeFirst
+        ].
+        [docu notEmpty and:[ docu last size == 0]] whileTrue:[
+            docu removeLast
+        ].
+    ].
+    docu notEmpty ifTrue:[
+        docu := self undentedToFirstLinesIndent:docu.
+    ].
+    docu := docu asString.
+    ^ docu
+    |m examples|
+    m := aClass theMetaclass compiledMethodAt:#examples.
+    m isNil ifTrue:[ ^ nil].
+    examples := m comment.
+    examples isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[ ^ nil].
+    examples := self withSpecialHTMLCharactersEscaped:examples.
+    examples := examples asStringCollection.
+    "/
+    "/ strip off empty lines
+    "/
+    [examples first size == 0] whileTrue:[
+        examples removeIndex:1
+    ].
+    [examples last size == 0] whileTrue:[
+        examples removeIndex:(examples size)
+    ].
+    examples isEmpty ifTrue:[ ^ nil].
+    examples := self undentedToFirstLinesIndent:examples.
+    ^ examples
+    classProtocolCategories := aClass theMetaclass categories asSortedCollection.
+    classProtocolCategories notEmpty ifTrue:[
+        classProtocolCategories := classProtocolCategories asSortedCollection.
+        classProtocolCategories remove:'documentation' ifAbsent:nil.
+    ].
+    instanceProtocolCategories := aClass theNonMetaclass categories asSortedCollection.
+    instanceProtocolCategories notEmpty ifTrue:[
+        instanceProtocolCategories := instanceProtocolCategories asSortedCollection.
+    ].
     |who sel partStream args argStream methodSpecLine|
@@ -1996,6 +1624,454 @@
     "Created: / 22.4.1996 / 20:03:30 / cg"
     "Modified: / 25.11.1998 / 12:40:59 / cg"
+    |undentedText firstIndent firstNonEmpty|
+    firstIndent := someText first withTabsExpanded leftIndent.
+    firstIndent > 0 ifTrue:[
+        undentedText := someText collect:[:line |
+                                |l|
+                                l := line withTabsExpanded.
+                                l leftIndent >= firstIndent ifTrue:[
+                                    l copyFrom:firstIndent + 1.
+                                ] ifFalse:[
+                                    l
+                                ]
+                             ].
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        undentedText := someText
+    ].
+    firstNonEmpty := undentedText findFirst:[:line | line notEmpty].
+    firstNonEmpty > 1 ifTrue:[
+        undentedText := undentedText copyFrom:firstNonEmpty
+    ].
+    ^ undentedText
+! !
+!HTMLDocGenerator methodsFor:'document generation-lists'!
+    "generate a formatted list of all available class categories as
+     an HTML string. Each category will be a hyperlink to another
+     autogenerated page, containing the classes per category.
+     The generated page is supposed to be given to an HTML reader
+     with home being set to ../doc/online/xxx/classDoc 
+     (i.e. the images are to be found one-up in the doc hierarchy)"
+    |categories s prefixList prefix prefixStack prev|
+    categories := Smalltalk allClassCategories asOrderedCollection sort.
+    outStream := s := '' writeStream.
+    self generateHTMLHeadWithTitle:'Class Categories:'.
+    self generateBODYStart.
+    self generateUpArrowButtonForTop.
+    self generateHorizontalLine.
+    self generateH1:'Class Categories:'.
+    s nextPutLine:'<ul>'.
+    prefixList := Set new.
+    categories keysAndValuesDo:[:index :element |
+        |prev common|
+        index ~~ 1 ifTrue:[
+            prev := categories at:(index - 1).
+            common := (Array with:prev with:element) longestCommonPrefix.
+            (common endsWith:'-') ifTrue:[
+                prefixList add:(common copyWithoutLast:1)
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                (common includes:$-) ifTrue:[
+                    prefixList add:(common copyTo:(common lastIndexOf:$-)-1).
+                ] ifFalse:[
+"/                    common = prev ifTrue:[
+"/                        prefixList add:common
+"/                    ]
+                ]
+            ]
+        ]
+    ].
+    prefix := ''. prefixStack := OrderedCollection new. 
+    prev := ''.
+    categories := categories select:[:nm | nm ~= 'obsolete'].
+    categories do:[:nm |
+        |longest|
+        "/ longest prefix ....
+        longest := prefixList inject:'' into:[:maxPrefix :prefix |
+                        |prefixWithDash|
+                        prefixWithDash := prefix , '-'.
+                        nm = prefix ifTrue:[
+                            maxPrefix
+                        ] ifFalse:[
+                            (nm startsWith:prefixWithDash)
+                            ifTrue:[
+                                prefixWithDash size > maxPrefix size
+                                ifTrue:[
+                                    prefixWithDash
+                                ] ifFalse:[
+                                    maxPrefix
+                                ]
+                            ] ifFalse:[
+                                maxPrefix
+                            ]
+                        ]
+                   ].
+        longest size > 0 ifTrue:[
+            longest = prefix ifTrue:[
+                "/ no change
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                (longest startsWith:prefix) ifTrue:[
+                    prefixStack addLast:longest.
+                    longest ~= prev ifTrue:[    
+                        prefixStack size == 1 ifTrue:[
+                            s nextPutLine:'<p>'.
+                        ].
+                        s nextPutLine:'<li>' , (longest copyFrom:prefix size + 1).
+                    ].
+                    s nextPutLine:'<ul>'.
+                    prefix := longest.
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    s nextPutLine:'</ul>'.
+                    prefixStack notEmpty ifTrue:[
+                        prefixStack removeLast.
+                    ].
+                    [prefixStack notEmpty
+                     and:[(longest startsWith:prefixStack last) not]] whileTrue:[
+                        s nextPutLine:'</ul>'.
+                        prefixStack removeLast.
+                    ].
+                    prefixStack notEmpty ifTrue:[
+                        prefix := prefixStack last.
+                    ] ifFalse:[
+                        prefixStack addLast:longest.
+                        prefix := longest.
+                        longest ~= prev ifTrue:[    
+                            prefixStack size == 1 ifTrue:[
+                                s nextPutLine:'<p>'.
+                            ].
+                            s nextPutLine:'<li>' , longest.
+                        ].
+                        s nextPutLine:'<ul>'.
+                    ] 
+                ].
+            ]
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            [prefixStack size > 0] whileTrue:[
+                s nextPutLine:'</ul>'.
+                prefixStack removeLast.
+            ].
+            prefixStack size == 0 ifTrue:[
+                s nextPutLine:'<p>'.
+            ].
+            prefix := ''.
+        ].
+        s nextPutAll:'<li>'.
+        s nextPutLine:(self 
+                        anchorForHTMLDocAction:
+                            ('htmlClassesListOfCategory:''', nm
+                            , ''' backTo:''htmlClassCategoryList''')
+                        info:
+                            ('Classes in ' , nm)
+                        text:
+                            (nm copyFrom:prefix size + 1)).
+        prev := nm.
+    ].
+    s nextPutAll:'
+    self generateBODYandHTMLEnd.
+    ^ s contents
+    "
+     HTMLDocGenerator new htmlClassCategoryList
+    "
+    "Created: / 22.4.1996 / 20:03:30 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 30.10.1997 / 13:16:08 / cg"
+    "generate an HTML document string which contains HREFS for a list
+     of classes which start with some prefix (typically, the first
+     character is given)"
+    |classes|
+    classes := Smalltalk allClasses
+                select:[:cls | 
+                                cls isPrivate not
+                                and:[(cls isRealNameSpace not)
+                                and:[cls name startsWith:prefix]]
+                       ].
+    ^ self 
+        htmlClasses:classes 
+        title:('Classes starting with ''' , prefix asString , ''':').
+    "Created: / 22-04-1996 / 20:03:31 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 10-11-2006 / 17:11:16 / cg"
+htmlClasses:classes title:title
+    "generate an HTML document string which contains HREFS for a given list
+     of classes"
+    ^ self
+        htmlClasses:classes 
+        title:title 
+        backTo:nil
+    "Modified: / 30.10.1997 / 13:21:40 / cg"
+htmlClasses:classes title:title backTo:backRef
+    "generate an HTML document string which contains HREFS for a given list
+     of classes. If backref is nonNil, a back-button to that
+     HREF is added at the top.
+     The generated page is supposed to be given to an HTML reader
+     with home being set to ../doc/online/xxx/classDoc 
+     (i.e. the images are to be found one-up in the doc hierarchy)"
+    |classNames s|
+    classNames := (classes collect:[:cls | cls name]) asOrderedCollection sort.
+    outStream := s := '' writeStream.
+    self generateHTMLHeadWithTitle:title.
+    s nextPutLine:'<body>'.
+    backRef notNil ifTrue:[
+        backRef ~~ #none ifTrue:[
+            self
+                generateUpArrowButtonWithReference:(self pathToLanguageTopOfDocumentation , '/TOP.html') 
+                command:backRef 
+                imagePath:nil 
+                altLabel:'back'.
+        ]
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        self
+            generateUpArrowButtonWithReference:(self pathToLanguageTopOfDocumentation , '/TOP.html') 
+            command:nil 
+            imagePath:nil 
+            altLabel:'top'.
+    ].
+    backRef ~~ #none ifTrue:[
+        self generateHorizontalLine.
+    ].
+    self generateH1:title.
+    s nextPutLine:'<ul>'.
+    classNames do:[:className |
+        s nextPutAll:'<li>'.
+        self generateClassDocReferenceFor:className.
+        s cr.
+    ].
+    s nextPutAll:'
+    self generateBODYandHTMLEnd.
+    ^ s contents
+    "Created: / 23.4.1996 / 15:31:55 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 30.10.1997 / 13:21:32 / cg"
+    "generate an HTML document string which contains HREFS for a list
+     of classes which are contained in a particular category."
+    ^ self
+        htmlClassesListOfCategory:category
+        backTo:nil
+    "Modified: / 30.10.1997 / 13:21:23 / cg"
+htmlClassesListOfCategory:category backTo:backRef
+    "generate an HTML document string which contains HREFS for a list
+     of classes which are contained in a particular category."
+    |classes|
+    classes := Smalltalk allClasses
+                select:[:cls | cls isPrivate not
+                               and:[(cls isRealNameSpace not)
+                               and:[cls category = category]]
+                       ].
+    ^ self 
+        htmlClasses:classes 
+        title:('Classes in: ' , category)
+        backTo:backRef
+    "Created: / 23-04-1996 / 15:39:39 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 10-11-2006 / 17:11:23 / cg"
+htmlClassesMatching:aMatchPattern backTo:backRef
+    "generate an HTML document string which contains HREFS
+     for a list of classes whose name matches a given matchPattern."
+    |classes cls|
+    classes := Smalltalk allClasses
+                select:[:cls | cls isPrivate not
+                               and:[(cls isRealNameSpace not)
+                               and:[aMatchPattern match:cls name]]
+                       ].
+    ^ self 
+        htmlClasses:classes 
+        title:('Classes matching: ' , aMatchPattern)
+        backTo:backRef
+    "
+     self htmlClassesMatching:'Tgen::*' backTo:nil
+    "
+    "Modified: / 10-11-2006 / 17:11:30 / cg"
+    "generate an HTML string for all selectors (for which methods exist)
+     in the system"
+    |selectors|
+    selectors := IdentitySet new.
+    Smalltalk allClassesAndMetaclassesDo:[:cls |
+        selectors addAll:cls selectors.
+    ].
+    selectors := selectors asOrderedCollection sort.
+    ^ self 
+        htmlSelectors:selectors 
+        title:('All Selectors:').
+    "
+     self htmlSelectorList
+    "
+    "Created: / 22.4.1996 / 20:03:31 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 5.6.1996 / 12:27:09 / stefan"
+    "Modified: / 30.10.1997 / 13:25:19 / cg"
+    "generate an HTML string for all selectors which match a pattern
+     (and for which methods exist) in the system"
+    |selectors|
+    selectors := IdentitySet new.
+    Smalltalk allClassesAndMetaclassesDo:[:cls |
+        cls methodDictionary keysDo:[:sel |
+            (pattern match:sel) ifTrue:[
+                selectors add:sel.
+            ]
+        ]
+    ].
+    selectors := selectors asOrderedCollection sort.
+    ^ self 
+        htmlSelectors:selectors 
+        title:('Selectors matching ''' , pattern , ''':').
+    "
+     self htmlSelectorListMatching:'*do*'
+    "
+    "Created: / 22.4.1996 / 20:03:31 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 5.6.1996 / 12:29:27 / stefan"
+    "Modified: / 30.10.1997 / 13:25:50 / cg"
+    "generate an HTML string for all selectors whose names starts with
+     a prefix (and for which methods exist) in the system"
+    |selectors|
+    selectors := IdentitySet new.
+    Smalltalk allClassesAndMetaclassesDo:[:cls |
+        cls methodDictionary keysDo:[:sel |
+            (sel startsWith:prefix) ifTrue:[
+                selectors add:sel.
+            ]
+        ]
+    ].
+    selectors := selectors asOrderedCollection sort.
+    ^ self 
+        htmlSelectors:selectors 
+        title:('Selectors starting with ''' , prefix asString , ''':').
+    "
+     self htmlSelectorListPrefix:'a'
+    "
+    "Created: / 22.4.1996 / 20:03:31 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 5.6.1996 / 12:31:13 / stefan"
+    "Modified: / 30.10.1997 / 13:26:15 / cg"
+htmlSelectors:selectors title:title
+    "generate an HTML string for a given list of selectors"
+    |s|
+    s := outStream := '' writeStream.
+    self generateHTMLHeadWithTitle:title.
+    self generateBODYStart.
+    self generateUpArrowButtonForTop.
+    self generateHorizontalLine.
+    self generateH1:title.
+    s nextPutLine:'<ul>'.
+    selectors do:[:sel |
+        |selString|
+        selString := self withSpecialHTMLCharactersEscaped:sel.
+        s nextPutAll:'<li>'.
+        s nextPutLine:(self 
+                    anchorForHTMLDocAction:
+                        ('htmlDocOfImplementorsOf:''' , selString , '''' )
+                    info:
+                        ('Implementors of: ' , selString)
+                    text:
+                        selString).
+    ].
+    s nextPutLine:'</ul>'.
+    self generateBODYandHTMLEnd.
+    ^ s contents
+    "Created: / 22.4.1996 / 20:03:31 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 30.10.1997 / 13:26:34 / cg"
 ! !
 !HTMLDocGenerator methodsFor:'format conversion-man pages'!
@@ -2240,40 +2316,6 @@
-extractSpecial:pattern from:docu
-    "given a collection of docu lines (from documentation methods comment),
-     extract things like [see also:], [author:] etc.
-     If found, remove the lines from the string collection,
-     and return the extracted ones. Otherwise return nil."
-    |srchIdx idx lines l|
-    srchIdx := docu findFirst:[:l | l asLowercase withoutSeparators = pattern].
-    srchIdx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-        lines := OrderedCollection new.
-        idx := srchIdx+1.
-        [idx <= docu size] whileTrue:[
-            l := docu at:idx.
-            (l isNil or:[l withoutSeparators size == 0]) ifTrue:[
-                idx := docu size + 1.
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                l withoutSeparators = '\' ifTrue:[
-                    l := ''
-                ].
-                lines add:l
-            ].
-            idx := idx + 1.
-        ].
-        docu removeFromIndex:srchIdx toIndex:srchIdx+lines size
-    ].
-    ^ lines
-    "Created: 25.4.1996 / 14:16:01 / cg"
-    "Modified: 11.1.1997 / 13:03:38 / cg"
     generateBodyOnly == true ifFalse:[
         outStream nextPutLine:'</body>'.
@@ -2552,5 +2594,5 @@
 !HTMLDocGenerator class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic3/,v 1.84 2008-07-11 09:44:46 sr Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic3/,v 1.85 2008-10-19 11:21:33 cg Exp $'
 ! !