changeset 3078 3f5abbdcbde9
parent 3042 48e76977cdc3
child 3095 5843e7139014
--- a/	Wed Sep 05 10:11:26 2012 +0100
+++ b/	Wed Sep 05 12:45:38 2012 +0100
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@
         "replace data2 with const in expressions"
         subTest expressions do: [:exp |
-                expressions add: (exp copyReplaceAll: 'data2' with: const printString)].
+                expressions add: (exp copyReplaceString: "copyReplaceAll:" 'data2' withString: "with:" const printString)].
         selector addAll: subTest selectors.
         ^ true
@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@
         "replace data2 with const in expressions"
         subTest expressions do: [:exp |
-                expressions add: (exp copyReplaceAll: 'data2' with: const printString)].
+                expressions add: (exp copyReplaceString: "copyReplaceAll:" 'data2' withString: "with:" const printString)].
         selector addAll: subTest selectors.
         ^ true
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@
         "replace data2 with const in expressions"
         subTest expressions do: [:exp |
-                expressions add: (exp copyReplaceAll: 'data2' with: const printString)].
+                expressions add: (exp copyReplaceString: "copyReplaceAll:" 'data2' withString: "with:" const printString)].
         selector addAll: subTest selectors.
         ^ true
@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@
         "replace data2 with const in expressions"
         subTest expressions do: [:exp |
-                expressions add: (exp copyReplaceAll: 'data2' with: const printString)].
+                expressions add: (exp copyReplaceString: "copyReplaceAll:" 'data2' withString: "with:" const printString)].
         selector addAll: subTest selectors.
         ^ true
@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@
         "replace data2 with const in expressions"
         subTest expressions do: [:exp |
-                expressions add: (exp copyReplaceAll: 'data2' with: const printString)].
+                expressions add: (exp copyReplaceString: "copyReplaceAll:" 'data2' withString: "with:" const printString)].
         selector addAll: subTest selectors.
         ^ true
 ! !
@@ -1189,28 +1189,40 @@
     "Modified: / 13.11.2001 / 19:28:41 / cg"
-load: dataWithAnswers
-        "Find a function that takes the data and gives the answers.  Odd list entries are data for it, even ones are the answers.  nil input means data and answers were supplied already."
-"  (MethodFinder new) load: #( (4 3) 7  (-10 5) -5  (-3 11) 8);
-                findMessage  "
-dataWithAnswers ifNotNil: [
-        data _ Array new: dataWithAnswers size // 2.
-        1 to: data size do: [:ii | data at: ii put: (dataWithAnswers at: ii*2-1)].
-        answers _ Array new: data size.
-        1 to: answers size do: [:ii | answers at: ii put: (dataWithAnswers at: ii*2)]].
-data do: [:list | 
-        (list isKindOf: SequenceableCollection) ifFalse: [
-                ^ self warn: 'first and third items are not Arrays'].
+    "Find a function that takes the data and gives the answers.  Odd list entries are data for it, even ones are the answers.  nil input means data and answers were supplied already."
+    "  (MethodFinder new) load: #( (4 3) 7  (-10 5) -5  (-3 11) 8);
+                    findMessage"
+    dataWithAnswers 
+        ifNotNil:[
+            data := Array new:dataWithAnswers size // 2.
+            1 to:data size do:[:ii | 
+                data at:ii put:(dataWithAnswers at:ii * 2 - 1)
+            ].
+            answers := Array new:data size.
+            1 to:answers size do:[:ii | 
+                answers at:ii put:(dataWithAnswers at:ii * 2)
+            ]
-argMap _ (1 to: data first size) asArray.
-data do: [:list | list size = argMap size ifFalse: [
-                self warn: 'data arrays must all be the same size']].
-argMap size > 4 ifTrue: [self warn: 'No more than a receiver and 
-three arguments allowed'].
-        "Really only test receiver and three args." 
-thisData _ data copy.
-mapStage _ mapList _ nil.
+    data do:[:list | 
+        (list isSequenceable) ifFalse:[
+            ^ self warn:'first and third items are not Arrays'
+        ].
+    ].
+    argMap := (1 to:data first size) asArray.
+    data do:[:list | 
+        list size = argMap size ifFalse:[
+            self warn:'data arrays must all be the same size'
+        ]
+    ].
+    argMap size > 4 ifTrue:[
+        self warn:'No more than a receiver and 
+three arguments allowed'
+    ].
+     "Really only test receiver and three args."
+    thisData := data copy.
+    mapStage := mapList := nil.
@@ -1355,14 +1367,14 @@
         "Control the search."
         data do: [:alist |
-                (alist isKindOf: SequenceableCollection) ifFalse: [
+                (alist isSequenceable) ifFalse: [
                         ^ OrderedCollection with: 'first and third items are not Arrays']].
         true "Approved isNil" ifTrue: [self initialize].      "Sets of allowed selectors"
-        expressions _ OrderedCollection new.
+        expressions := OrderedCollection new.
         self search: true.      "multi"
         expressions isEmpty ifTrue: [^ OrderedCollection with: 'no single method does that function'].
-        expressions class = String ifTrue: [^ OrderedCollection with: expressions].
+        expressions isString ifTrue: [^ OrderedCollection with: expressions].
         ^ expressions
@@ -1455,77 +1467,102 @@
-testPerfect: aSelector
-        "Try this selector!! Return true if it answers every example perfectly.  
-         Take the args in the order they are.  Do not permute them.  
-         Survive errors.  later cache arg lists."
-| sz argList val rec activeSel perform argIsBlock expectedAnswer|
-        "Transcript cr; show: aSelector.                debug"
-perform:=aSelector beginsWith: 'perform:'.
-sz:=argMap size.
-1 to: thisData size do: [:ii | "each example set of args"
-        argList:=(thisData at: ii) copyFrom: 2 to: sz.
-        perform
-                ifFalse: [activeSel:=aSelector]
-                ifTrue: [activeSel:=argList first.     "what will be performed"
-                        ((Approved includes: activeSel) or: [AddAndRemove includes: activeSel])
-                                ifFalse: [^ false].     "not approved"
-                        aSelector == #perform:withArguments: 
-                                ifTrue: [activeSel numArgs = (argList at: 2) basicSize "avoid error" 
-                                                        ifFalse: [^ false]]
-                                ifFalse: [activeSel numArgs = (aSelector numArgs - 1) 
-                                                        ifFalse: [^ false]]].
+    "Try this selector!! Return true if it answers every example perfectly.  
+     Take the args in the order they are.  Do not permute them.
+     Survive errors.  later cache arg lists."
+    |sz argList val rec activeSel perform argIsBlock expectedAnswer|
-        1 to: sz do: [:num |   
-                (Blocks includes: (Array with: activeSel with: num)) ifTrue: [
-                        Smalltalk isSmalltalkX ifTrue:[
-                            argIsBlock := (argList at: num) isBlock
-                        ] ifFalse:[
-                            argIsBlock := (argList at: num) class == BlockContext    
-                        ].
-                        argIsBlock ifFalse: [
-                            (BlocksOptional includes: (Array with: activeSel with: num)) ifFalse: [
-                                ^ false
-                            ]
-                        ]]].
-     "   (activeSel = #capitalized) ifTrue:[self halt.].  "  "  used to test  "
-        rec:=(AddAndRemove includes: activeSel) 
-                        ifTrue: [(thisData at: ii) first class == Symbol ifTrue: [^ false].
-                                                "vulnerable to modification"
-                                (thisData at: ii) first copyTwoLevel]   "protect from damage"
-                        ifFalse: [[(thisData at: ii) first]ifError:[self halt.]] .
-        expectedAnswer := (answers at: ii).
-        val:= [ rec copy perform: aSelector withArguments: argList] 
-                ifError: [:aSignal|  
-"/ Transcript showCR:aSignal description.
-                                                        "self test3."
-                                                        "self test2: (thisData at: ii)."
-                                                        ^ false].
-        "self test3."
-        "self test2: (thisData at: ii)."
-        (expectedAnswer isKindOf: Number) 
-        ifFalse:[  
+    "Transcript cr; show: aSelector.                debug"
+    perform := aSelector beginsWith:'perform:'.
+    sz := argMap size.
+    1 to:thisData size do:[:ii | 
+        "each example set of args"
+        argList := (thisData at:ii) copyFrom:2 to:sz.
+        perform ifFalse:[
+            activeSel := aSelector
+        ] ifTrue:[
+            activeSel := argList first.
+            ((Approved includes:activeSel) or:[ AddAndRemove includes:activeSel ]) ifFalse:[
+                ^ false
+            ].
+            aSelector == #perform:withArguments: ifTrue:[
+                activeSel numArgs = (argList at:2) basicSize "avoid error" ifFalse:[
+                    ^ false
+                ]
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                activeSel numArgs = (aSelector numArgs - 1) ifFalse:[
+                    ^ false
+                ]
+            ]
+        ].
+        1 to:sz do:[:num | 
+            (Blocks includes:(Array with:activeSel with:num)) ifTrue:[
+                Smalltalk isSmalltalkX ifTrue:[
+                    argIsBlock := (argList at:num) isBlock
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    argIsBlock := (argList at:num) class == BlockContext
+                ].
+                argIsBlock ifFalse:[
+                    (BlocksOptional includes:(Array with:activeSel with:num)) ifFalse:[
+                        ^ false
+                    ]
+                ]
+            ]
+        ].
+         "   (activeSel = #capitalized) ifTrue:[self halt.].  " "  used to test  "
+        rec := (AddAndRemove includes:activeSel) ifTrue:[
+                (thisData at:ii) first class == Symbol ifTrue:[
+                    ^ false
+                ].
+                 "vulnerable to modification"
+                (thisData at:ii) first copyTwoLevel "protect from damage"
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                [
+                    (thisData at:ii) first
+                ] ifError:[ self halt. ]
+            ].
+        expectedAnswer := (answers at:ii).
+        val := [
+                rec copy perform:aSelector withArguments:argList
+            ] ifError:[:aSignal | 
+                "/ Transcript showCR:aSignal description.
+                "self test3."
+                "self test2: (thisData at: ii)."
+                ^ false
+            ].
+         "self test3." "self test2: (thisData at: ii)."
+        (expectedAnswer isNumber) ifFalse:[
             expectedAnswer isArray ifTrue:[
-                (val isCollection and:[val isString not]) ifTrue:[
-                    ([val asArray = expectedAnswer] ifError:[false]) ifTrue:[^ true].
+                (val isCollection and:[ val isString not ]) ifTrue:[
+                    ([
+                        val asArray = expectedAnswer
+                    ] ifError:[ false ]) ifTrue:[
+                        ^ true
+                    ].
             "/ would like to remember 'almost' same, and present in separate list.
 "/            expectedAnswer isString ifTrue:[
 "/                (val isString) ifTrue:[
 "/                    ([val sameAs: expectedAnswer] ifError:[false]) ifTrue:[self halt. ^ true].
 "/                ].
 "/            ].
-            ([ (expectedAnswer = val) ] ifError:[ false]) ifFalse: [^ false]
-        ]
-        ifTrue:[
-                (expectedAnswer closeTo: val) ifFalse: [^ false]].
+            ([
+                (expectedAnswer = val)
+            ] ifError:[ false ]) ifFalse:[
+                ^ false
+            ]
+        ] ifTrue:[
+            (expectedAnswer closeTo:val) ifFalse:[
+                ^ false
+            ]
-        ^ true
+    ].
+    ^ true
     "Modified: / 13.11.2001 / 19:08:39 / cg"
 ! !
@@ -1593,15 +1630,13 @@
 !MethodFinder class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic3/,v 1.28 2012/01/31 09:47:40 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic3/,v 1.30 2012/08/23 21:07:40 cg Exp $'
-    ^ 'Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic3/,v 1.28 2012/01/31 09:47:40 cg Exp '
+    ^ '§Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic3/,v 1.30 2012/08/23 21:07:40 cg Exp §'
-    ^ '$Id: 1909 2012-03-31 00:14:49Z vranyj1 $'
+    ^ '$Id: 1957 2012-09-05 11:45:38Z vranyj1 $'
 ! !