changeset 4230 51459e224b36
parent 4226 e4ab49b2ce35
child 4241 6aa29eece1bb
--- a/	Tue Mar 14 16:07:54 2017 +0100
+++ b/	Fri Mar 17 18:45:39 2017 +0100
@@ -670,12 +670,215 @@
-    <resource: #obsolete>
-    self obsoleteMethodWarning: 'Please use instance protocol (SourceCodeManagerUtilities default doSomething)'.
-    ^self default goodInitialLogMessageForCheckinClassOfClass:aClass
+    "figure out, if there were any non-comment changes. 
+     Provide a reasonable initial log message (I am tired of typing in 'comment only').
+     This is a q&d hack - not complete and not correct (for example, it will generate a method change
+     info line, even if the selector was removed afterwards).
+     So check the outcome."
+    "/ a helper function
+    |printSelectors initialLogStream additionalInfoPerChangedSelector changesForThisCheckin changesPerClass|
+    printSelectors := 
+        [:what :selectors :more |
+            |sel moreInfo|
+            selectors remove:nil ifAbsent:[].
+            initialLogStream nextPutAll:(what,':').
+            selectors size < 15 ifTrue:[
+                selectors size == 1 ifTrue:[
+                    sel := selectors first.
+                    initialLogStream nextPutAll: ' #'; nextPutAll:sel.
+                    more ifTrue:[
+                        (moreInfo := additionalInfoPerChangedSelector at:sel ifAbsent:nil) notNil ifTrue:[
+                            initialLogStream space; nextPutAll:moreInfo.
+                        ]
+                    ].
+                    initialLogStream cr.
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    initialLogStream cr.
+                    selectors asSortedCollection do:[:sel | 
+                        initialLogStream tab; nextPutAll:'#'; nextPutAll:sel. 
+                        more ifTrue:[
+                            (moreInfo := additionalInfoPerChangedSelector at:sel ifAbsent:nil) notNil ifTrue:[
+                                initialLogStream space; nextPutAll:moreInfo.
+                            ].
+                        ].
+                        initialLogStream cr
+                    ].
+                ].
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                initialLogStream 
+                    print: (selectors size); nextPutAll: ' methods'; cr.
+            ].
+        ].
+    changesForThisCheckin := ChangeSet current 
+                                select:[:aChange | 
+                                    |changeClass|
+                                    aChange isClassChange and:[
+                                        changeClass := aChange changeClass theNonMetaclass.
+                                        changeClass == aClass or:[changeClass topOwningClass == aClass]
+                                    ].
+                                ].
+    changesForThisCheckin sort:[:a :b| a className < b className].
+    changesPerClass := changesForThisCheckin asCollectionOfSubCollectionsSeparatedByAnyChange:[:prev :curr| prev className ~= curr className].
+    initialLogStream := '' writeStream.
+    changesPerClass do:[:changesForThisClass|
+        |selectorsInChangeSet newSelectors modifiedSelectors definitionChangesForThisClass methodChangesForThisClass 
+         allMethodChangesForThisClass modifiedMethodsForThisClass newMethodsForThisClass removedMethodsForThisClass
+         selectorsWithCommentOrFormattingChangeOnly
+         selectorsWithVariableChangeOnly newSelectorsRemoved
+         removedSelectors categoryChanges categoryChangeSelectors|
+        additionalInfoPerChangedSelector := Dictionary new.
+        definitionChangesForThisClass := changesForThisClass reject:[:aChange | aChange isMethodChange].
+        categoryChanges := changesForThisClass select:[:aChange | aChange isMethodCategoryChange]. 
+        categoryChangeSelectors := categoryChanges collect:[:aChange | aChange changeSelector] as:Set.
+        allMethodChangesForThisClass := changesForThisClass select:[:aChange | aChange isMethodCodeChange].
+        selectorsInChangeSet := allMethodChangesForThisClass collect:[:aChange | aChange changeSelector] as:Set.
+        methodChangesForThisClass := selectorsInChangeSet collect:[:eachSelector |
+                                            allMethodChangesForThisClass detectLast:[:change | change changeSelector = eachSelector]] as:OrderedCollection.
+        modifiedMethodsForThisClass := methodChangesForThisClass 
+                                    select:[:aChange | aChange previousVersion notNil].
+        modifiedSelectors := modifiedMethodsForThisClass collect:[:aChange | aChange changeSelector] as:Set.
+        newMethodsForThisClass := allMethodChangesForThisClass 
+                                    select:[:aChange | aChange previousVersion isNil].
+        newSelectors := newMethodsForThisClass collect:[:aChange | aChange changeSelector] as:Set.
+        removedMethodsForThisClass := changesForThisClass 
+                                    select:[:aChange | aChange isMethodRemoveChange and:[ aChange changeMethod isNil ]].
+        removedSelectors := removedMethodsForThisClass collect:[:aChange | aChange changeSelector] as:Set.
+        "/ get rid of category changes for new and removed methods
+        categoryChanges := categoryChanges reject:[:chg |
+                                |methodWithChangedCat|
+                                (methodWithChangedCat := chg changeMethod) isNil
+                                or:[ newMethodsForThisClass contains:[:newChg | newChg changeMethod = methodWithChangedCat]]].
+        initialLogStream nextPutLine:'class: ', changesForThisClass first className.
+        "/ definition?
+        "/ suppress definition-message if initial checkin
+        (aClass package isNil or:[aClass revision isNil]) ifFalse:[ 
+            definitionChangesForThisClass notEmpty ifTrue:[
+                "/ self halt.
+                initialLogStream nextPutLine:'class definition'.
+            ].
+        ].
+        "/ added selectors?
+        newSelectorsRemoved := newSelectors select:[:sel | removedSelectors includes:sel].
+        newSelectors removeAllFoundIn:removedSelectors.
+        newSelectors notEmpty ifTrue:[
+            printSelectors value:'added' value:newSelectors value:false.
+        ].
+        modifiedSelectors removeAllFoundIn:newSelectors.
+        categoryChangeSelectors removeAllFoundIn:newSelectors.
+        "/ removed selectors?
+        removedSelectors removeAllFoundIn:newSelectorsRemoved.
+        removedSelectors notEmpty ifTrue:[
+            printSelectors value:'removed' value:removedSelectors value:false.
+        ].
+        modifiedSelectors removeAllFoundIn:removedSelectors.
+        categoryChangeSelectors removeAllFoundIn:removedSelectors.
+        "/ modifications?
+        modifiedSelectors notEmpty ifTrue:[
+            selectorsWithCommentOrFormattingChangeOnly := Set new.
+            selectorsWithVariableChangeOnly := Set new.
+            "/ check for format/comment change
+            RBParser notNil ifTrue:[
+                modifiedSelectors do:[:eachSelector |
+                    |oldest newest oldMethod newMethod oldTree newTree 
+                     variableMapping selectorMapping unchangedVariables unchangedSelectors|
+                    (newSelectors includes:eachSelector) ifFalse:[
+                        oldest := allMethodChangesForThisClass detect:[:change | change changeSelector = eachSelector].
+                        newest := allMethodChangesForThisClass detectLast:[:change | change changeSelector = eachSelector].
+                        oldest := oldest previousVersion notNil ifTrue:[oldest previousVersion] ifFalse:[oldest].
+                        oldTree := RBParser parseMethod:oldest source onError:[:aString :pos | nil].
+                        newTree := RBParser parseMethod:newest source onError:[:aString :pos | nil].
+                        (oldTree notNil and:[newTree notNil]) ifTrue:[
+                            variableMapping := Dictionary new.
+                            (oldTree "semanticallyEqualTo:" equalTo:newTree withMapping: variableMapping) ifTrue:[
+                                unchangedVariables := variableMapping keys select:[:k | (variableMapping at:k) = k].
+                                variableMapping removeAllKeys:unchangedVariables.
+                                (variableMapping at:'self' ifAbsent:'self') = 'self' ifTrue:[
+                                    ((variableMapping associations count:[:assoc | assoc key ~= assoc value]) == 0) ifTrue:[
+                                        selectorsWithCommentOrFormattingChangeOnly add:eachSelector.
+                                    ] ifFalse:[
+                                        "/ check, if a global has changed (aka sends to another global)
+                                        ((variableMapping keys contains:[:var | var first isUppercase])
+                                        or:[ (variableMapping values contains:[:var | var first isUppercase]) ]) ifFalse:[
+                                            selectorsWithVariableChangeOnly add:eachSelector.
+                                        ].
+                                    ].
+                                ].
+                            ] ifFalse:[
+                                selectorMapping := Dictionary new.
+                                (oldTree equalTo:newTree withSelectorMapping: selectorMapping) ifTrue:[
+                                    unchangedSelectors := selectorMapping keys select:[:k | (selectorMapping at:k) = k].
+                                    selectorMapping removeAllKeys:unchangedSelectors.
+                                    (selectorMapping notEmpty and:[selectorMapping size <= 2]) ifTrue:[
+                                        additionalInfoPerChangedSelector at:eachSelector put:(
+                                            String streamContents:[:s |
+                                                |first|
+                                                s nextPutAll:'('.
+                                                first := true.
+                                                selectorMapping keysAndValuesDo:[:selOld :selNew | 
+                                                    first ifFalse:[s nextPutAll:', '].
+                                                    s print:('send #',selNew,' instead of #',selOld).
+                                                    first := false.
+                                                ].
+                                                s nextPutAll:')'.
+                                            ]).
+                                    ]
+                                ]
+                            ].
+                        ].
+                    ]
+                ].
+            ].
+            modifiedSelectors removeAllFoundIn:selectorsWithCommentOrFormattingChangeOnly.
+            modifiedSelectors removeAllFoundIn:selectorsWithVariableChangeOnly.
+            (selectorsWithCommentOrFormattingChangeOnly notEmpty) ifTrue:[
+                printSelectors value:'comment/format in' value:selectorsWithCommentOrFormattingChangeOnly value:false.
+            ].
+            (selectorsWithVariableChangeOnly notEmpty) ifTrue:[
+                printSelectors value:'variable renamed in' value:selectorsWithVariableChangeOnly value:false.
+            ].
+            (modifiedSelectors notEmpty) ifTrue:[
+                printSelectors value:'changed' value:modifiedSelectors value:true.
+            ].
+        ].
+        categoryChanges notEmpty ifTrue:[
+            printSelectors value:'category of' value:categoryChangeSelectors value:false.
+        ].
+    ] separatedBy:[
+        initialLogStream cr.
+    ].
+    ^ initialLogStream contents
+    "Modified: / 17-03-2017 / 18:39:28 / stefan"
 ! !
 !SourceCodeManagerUtilities class methodsFor:'utilities-encoding'!
@@ -3836,7 +4039,7 @@
     "/ heuristics for a useful initial log message...
     aLogInfoOrNil isNil ifTrue:[
-        initialLogMessage := (self goodInitialLogMessageForCheckinClassOfClass:aClass) ? ''.
+        initialLogMessage := (self class goodInitialLogMessageForCheckinClassOfClass:aClass) ? ''.
         "/ initial checkin ?
         (aClass package isNil or:[(aClass revisionOfManager:manager) "revision" isNil]) ifTrue:[ 
             initialLogMessage := 'initial checkin\\' withCRs , initialLogMessage
@@ -3909,6 +4112,7 @@
     ^ true
     "Modified: / 31-03-2016 / 17:58:11 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 17-03-2017 / 18:00:12 / stefan"
@@ -4937,206 +5141,6 @@
     "Modified: / 12-03-2012 / 13:12:40 / cg"
-    "figure out, if there were any non-comment changes. 
-     Provide a reasonable initial log message (I am tired of typing in 'comment only').
-     This is a q&d hack - not complete and not correct (for example, it will generate a method change
-     info line, even if the selector was removed afterwards).
-     So check the outcome."
-    |selectorsInChangeSet newSelectors modifiedSelectors
-     className metaClassName classChanges changesForThisClass definitionChangesForThisClass methodChangesForThisClass 
-     allMethodChangesForThisClass modifiedMethodsForThisClass newMethodsForThisClass removedMethodsForThisClass
-     initialLogStream printSelectors selectorsWithCommentOrFormattingChangeOnly
-     selectorsWithVariableChangeOnly newSelectorsRemoved
-     removedSelectors categoryChanges categoryChangeSelectors additionalInfoPerChangedSelector|
-    "/ a helper function
-    printSelectors := 
-        [:what :selectors :more |
-            |sel moreInfo|
-            selectors remove:nil ifAbsent:[].
-            initialLogStream nextPutAll:(what,':').
-            selectors size < 15 ifTrue:[
-                selectors size == 1 ifTrue:[
-                    sel := selectors first.
-                    initialLogStream nextPutAll: ' #'; nextPutAll:sel.
-                    more ifTrue:[
-                        (moreInfo := additionalInfoPerChangedSelector at:sel ifAbsent:nil) notNil ifTrue:[
-                            initialLogStream space; nextPutAll:moreInfo.
-                        ]
-                    ].
-                    initialLogStream cr.
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    initialLogStream cr.
-                    selectors asSortedCollection do:[:sel | 
-                        initialLogStream tab; nextPutAll:'#'; nextPutAll:sel. 
-                        more ifTrue:[
-                            (moreInfo := additionalInfoPerChangedSelector at:sel ifAbsent:nil) notNil ifTrue:[
-                                initialLogStream space; nextPutAll:moreInfo.
-                            ].
-                        ].
-                        initialLogStream cr
-                    ].
-                ].
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                initialLogStream 
-                    print: (selectors size); nextPutAll: ' methods'; cr.
-            ].
-        ].
-    classChanges := ChangeSet current select:[:aChange | aChange isClassChange].
-    className := aClass theNonMetaclass name.
-    metaClassName := aClass theMetaclass name.
-    changesForThisClass := classChanges 
-                                select:[:aChange | aChange className = className
-                                                   or:[aChange className = metaClassName ]].
-    additionalInfoPerChangedSelector := Dictionary new.
-    definitionChangesForThisClass := changesForThisClass reject:[:aChange | aChange isMethodChange].
-    categoryChanges := changesForThisClass select:[:aChange | aChange isMethodCategoryChange]. 
-    categoryChangeSelectors := categoryChanges collect:[:aChange | aChange changeSelector] as:Set.
-    allMethodChangesForThisClass := changesForThisClass select:[:aChange | aChange isMethodCodeChange].
-    selectorsInChangeSet := allMethodChangesForThisClass collect:[:aChange | aChange changeSelector] as:Set.
-    methodChangesForThisClass := selectorsInChangeSet collect:[:eachSelector |
-                                        allMethodChangesForThisClass detectLast:[:change | change changeSelector = eachSelector]] as:OrderedCollection.
-    modifiedMethodsForThisClass := methodChangesForThisClass 
-                                select:[:aChange | aChange previousVersion notNil].
-    modifiedSelectors := modifiedMethodsForThisClass collect:[:aChange | aChange changeSelector] as:Set.
-    newMethodsForThisClass := allMethodChangesForThisClass 
-                                select:[:aChange | aChange previousVersion isNil].
-    newSelectors := newMethodsForThisClass collect:[:aChange | aChange changeSelector] as:Set.
-    removedMethodsForThisClass := changesForThisClass 
-                                select:[:aChange | aChange isMethodRemoveChange and:[ aChange changeMethod isNil ]].
-    removedSelectors := removedMethodsForThisClass collect:[:aChange | aChange changeSelector] as:Set.
-    "/ get rid of category changes for new and removed methods
-    categoryChanges := categoryChanges reject:[:chg |
-                            |methodWithChangedCat|
-                            (methodWithChangedCat := chg changeMethod) isNil
-                            or:[ newMethodsForThisClass contains:[:newChg | newChg changeMethod = methodWithChangedCat]]].
-    initialLogStream := '' writeStream.
-    initialLogStream nextPutLine:'class: ', aClass name.
-    "/ definition?
-    "/ suppress definition-message if initial checkin
-    (aClass package isNil or:[aClass revision isNil]) ifFalse:[ 
-        definitionChangesForThisClass notEmpty ifTrue:[
-            "/ self halt.
-            initialLogStream nextPutLine:'class definition'.
-        ].
-    ].
-    "/ added selectors?
-    newSelectorsRemoved := newSelectors select:[:sel | removedSelectors includes:sel].
-    newSelectors removeAllFoundIn:removedSelectors.
-    newSelectors notEmpty ifTrue:[
-        printSelectors value:'added' value:newSelectors value:false.
-    ].
-    modifiedSelectors removeAllFoundIn:newSelectors.
-    categoryChangeSelectors removeAllFoundIn:newSelectors.
-    "/ removed selectors?
-    removedSelectors removeAllFoundIn:newSelectorsRemoved.
-    removedSelectors notEmpty ifTrue:[
-        printSelectors value:'removed' value:removedSelectors value:false.
-    ].
-    modifiedSelectors removeAllFoundIn:removedSelectors.
-    categoryChangeSelectors removeAllFoundIn:removedSelectors.
-    "/ modifications?
-    modifiedSelectors notEmpty ifTrue:[
-        selectorsWithCommentOrFormattingChangeOnly := Set new.
-        selectorsWithVariableChangeOnly := Set new.
-        "/ check for format/comment change
-        RBParser notNil ifTrue:[
-            modifiedSelectors do:[:eachSelector |
-                |oldest newest oldMethod newMethod oldTree newTree 
-                 variableMapping selectorMapping unchangedVariables unchangedSelectors|
-                (newSelectors includes:eachSelector) ifFalse:[
-                    oldest := allMethodChangesForThisClass detect:[:change | change changeSelector = eachSelector].
-                    newest := allMethodChangesForThisClass detectLast:[:change | change changeSelector = eachSelector].
-                    oldest := oldest previousVersion notNil ifTrue:[oldest previousVersion] ifFalse:[oldest].
-                    oldTree := RBParser parseMethod:oldest source onError:[:aString :pos | nil].
-                    newTree := RBParser parseMethod:newest source onError:[:aString :pos | nil].
-                    (oldTree notNil and:[newTree notNil]) ifTrue:[
-                        variableMapping := Dictionary new.
-                        (oldTree "semanticallyEqualTo:" equalTo:newTree withMapping: variableMapping) ifTrue:[
-                            unchangedVariables := variableMapping keys select:[:k | (variableMapping at:k) = k].
-                            variableMapping removeAllKeys:unchangedVariables.
-                            (variableMapping at:'self' ifAbsent:'self') = 'self' ifTrue:[
-                                ((variableMapping associations count:[:assoc | assoc key ~= assoc value]) == 0) ifTrue:[
-                                    selectorsWithCommentOrFormattingChangeOnly add:eachSelector.
-                                ] ifFalse:[
-                                    "/ check, if a global has changed (aka sends to another global)
-                                    ((variableMapping keys contains:[:var | var first isUppercase])
-                                    or:[ (variableMapping values contains:[:var | var first isUppercase]) ]) ifFalse:[
-                                        selectorsWithVariableChangeOnly add:eachSelector.
-                                    ].
-                                ].
-                            ].
-                        ] ifFalse:[
-                            selectorMapping := Dictionary new.
-                            (oldTree equalTo:newTree withSelectorMapping: selectorMapping) ifTrue:[
-                                unchangedSelectors := selectorMapping keys select:[:k | (selectorMapping at:k) = k].
-                                selectorMapping removeAllKeys:unchangedSelectors.
-                                (selectorMapping notEmpty and:[selectorMapping size <= 2]) ifTrue:[
-                                    additionalInfoPerChangedSelector at:eachSelector put:(
-                                        String streamContents:[:s |
-                                            |first|
-                                            s nextPutAll:'('.
-                                            first := true.
-                                            selectorMapping keysAndValuesDo:[:selOld :selNew | 
-                                                first ifFalse:[s nextPutAll:', '].
-                                                s print:('send #',selNew,' instead of #',selOld).
-                                                first := false.
-                                            ].
-                                            s nextPutAll:')'.
-                                        ]).
-                                ]
-                            ]
-                        ].
-                    ].
-                ]
-            ].
-        ].
-        modifiedSelectors removeAllFoundIn:selectorsWithCommentOrFormattingChangeOnly.
-        modifiedSelectors removeAllFoundIn:selectorsWithVariableChangeOnly.
-        (selectorsWithCommentOrFormattingChangeOnly notEmpty) ifTrue:[
-            printSelectors value:'comment/format in' value:selectorsWithCommentOrFormattingChangeOnly value:false.
-        ].
-        (selectorsWithVariableChangeOnly notEmpty) ifTrue:[
-            printSelectors value:'variable renamed in' value:selectorsWithVariableChangeOnly value:false.
-        ].
-        (modifiedSelectors notEmpty) ifTrue:[
-            printSelectors value:'changed' value:modifiedSelectors value:true.
-        ].
-    ].
-    categoryChanges notEmpty ifTrue:[
-        printSelectors value:'category of' value:categoryChangeSelectors value:false.
-    ].
-    ^ initialLogStream contents
-    "Modified: / 26-09-2012 / 18:31:38 / cg"
 revisionForSymbolicName:tag class:cls fileName:classFileName directory:packageDir module:moduleDir manager:aSourceCodeManager
     "given a tag, return the corresponding revision"