changeset 3028 679feb681da5
parent 3017 114676d42a88
child 3029 c7be0be50898
--- a/	Wed Mar 14 22:18:07 2012 +0000
+++ b/	Thu Mar 15 19:55:46 2012 +0000
@@ -34,6 +34,20 @@
+SmalltalkChunkFileSourceWriter subclass:#ClassSourceWriter
+	instanceVariableNames:'changeSetBeingSaved infos topClassName classInfos metaInfos'
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	privateIn:ChangeSet
+Object subclass:#ClassInfo
+	instanceVariableNames:'name superclass definition methods'
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	privateIn:ChangeSet::ClassSourceWriter
 Object subclass:#DiffSet
 	instanceVariableNames:'changed onlyInReceiver onlyInArg'
@@ -2660,6 +2674,490 @@
     ^ self handleRenameClassChange.
 ! !
+!ChangeSet::ClassSourceWriter methodsFor:'private'!
+    "Analyzes changeset an build some index"
+    classInfos := Dictionary new.
+    metaInfos := Dictionary new.
+    topClassName := nil.
+    "Pass 1 - collect classes"
+    changeSetBeingSaved do:[:change|
+        change isClassDefinitionChange ifTrue:[
+            | nm |
+            nm := change className.
+            (nm endsWith:' class') ifFalse:[
+                (classInfos includesKey: nm) ifTrue:[
+                    self error:'Multiple definitions of class ', nm.
+                    ^self.
+                ].
+                classInfos at: nm put: (ClassInfo new name: nm).
+                metaInfos at: nm put: (ClassInfo new name: nm , ' class').
+                change isPrivateClassDefinitionChange ifFalse:[
+                    topClassName notNil ifTrue:[
+                        self error: ('Multiple top class definitions (%1 vs %2)' bindWith: topClassName with: nm).
+                    ].
+                    topClassName := nm.
+                ]
+            ].
+        ]
+    ].
+    "Pass 2: fill in infos"
+    changeSetBeingSaved do:[:change|
+        | nm info |
+        nm := change className.
+        (nm endsWith: ' class') ifTrue:[
+            info := metaInfos at: (nm copyTo:(nm size - 6)).
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            info := classInfos at: nm.
+            "Fill superclass info..."                
+            change isClassDefinitionChange ifTrue:[
+                | superNm |
+                superNm := change superClassName.
+                (classInfos includesKey: superNm) ifTrue:[
+                    info superclass: (classInfos at: superNm).
+                    (metaInfos at: nm) superclass: (classInfos at: superNm).
+                ].
+            ].
+        ].
+        info addChange: change.
+    ].
+    "
+        ChangeSet::ClassSourceWriter new
+            changeSetBeingSaved: (ChangeSet forExistingClass: ChangeSet);
+            analyze;
+            yourself
+    "
+    "Created: / 15-03-2012 / 17:51:11 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    changeSetBeingSaved := something.
+privateClassesOf: classInfo
+    ^classInfos values select:[:info|
+        info name size > classInfo name size and:[
+            (info name indexOf: $: startingAt: classInfo name size + 3) == 0.
+        ]
+    ]
+    "Created: / 15-03-2012 / 19:31:50 / Jan Vrany <>"
+privateClassesSortedOf: classInfo
+    |classes|
+    classes := self privateClassesOf: classInfo.
+    (classes size > 0) ifTrue:[
+        classes := classes asOrderedCollection.
+        classes sort:[:a :b | a name < b name].
+        classes topologicalSort:[:a :b |
+            "/ a must come before b iff:
+            "/    b is a subclass of a
+            "/    b has a private class which is a subclass of a
+            |mustComeBefore pivateClassesOfB|
+            mustComeBefore := (b isSubclassOf:a) or:[b isPrivateClassOf: a].
+            mustComeBefore
+        ].
+    ].
+    ^ classes.
+    "
+     Object privateClassesSorted
+     NewSystemBrowser privateClassesSorted
+     NewSystemBrowser privateClasses
+    "
+    "Created: / 15-03-2012 / 19:45:14 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!ChangeSet::ClassSourceWriter methodsFor:'source writing'!
+fileOut:aChangeSet on:outStreamArg withTimeStamp:stampIt withInitialize:initIt withDefinition:withDefinition methodFilter:methodFilter encoder:encoderOrNil
+    |collectionOfCategories versionMethods
+     nonMeta meta classesImplementingInitialize outStream|
+    changeSetBeingSaved := aChangeSet.
+    self analyze.
+    nonMeta := classInfos at: topClassName.
+       meta :=  metaInfos at: topClassName.
+    methodsAlreadySaved := Set new.
+    encoderOrNil isNil ifTrue:[
+        outStream := outStreamArg.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        outStream := EncodedStream stream:outStreamArg encoder:encoderOrNil.
+        outStream nextPutAll:'"{ Encoding: ' , encoderOrNil nameOfEncoding , ' }"'; cr; cr.
+    ].
+    "
+     if there is a copyright method, add a copyright comment
+     at the beginning, taking the string from the copyright method.
+     We cannot do this unconditionally - that would lead to my copyrights
+     being put on your code ;-).
+     On the other hand: I want every file created by myself to have the
+     copyright string at the beginning be preserved .... even if the
+     code was edited in the browser and filedOut.
+    "
+    self generateHeaderWithCopyrightOn:outStream.
+    stampIt ifTrue:[
+        "/
+        "/ first, a timestamp
+        "/
+        outStream nextPutAll:(Smalltalk timeStamp).
+        outStream nextPutChunkSeparator. 
+        outStream cr; cr.
+    ].
+    withDefinition ifTrue:[
+        "/
+        "/ then the definition(s)
+        "/
+        self fileOutAllDefinitionsOf:nonMeta on:outStream.
+        "/
+        "/ a comment - if any
+        "/
+"/        (comment := nonMeta comment) notNil ifTrue:[
+"/            nonMeta fileOutCommentOn:outStream.
+"/            outStream cr.
+"/        ].
+        "/
+        "/ ST/X primitive definitions - if any
+        "/
+        self fileOutPrimitiveSpecsOf: nonMeta on:outStream.
+    ].
+    ^self.
+    "/
+    "/ methods from all categories in metaclass (i.e. class methods)
+    "/ EXCEPT: the version method is placed at the very end, to
+    "/         avoid sourcePosition-shifts when checked out later.
+    "/         (RCS expands this string, so its size is not constant)
+    "/
+    collectionOfCategories := meta categories asSortedCollection.
+    versionMethods := meta methodDictionary values select:[:mthd | mthd isVersionMethod].
+    collectionOfCategories notNil ifTrue:[
+        "/
+        "/ documentation first (if any), but not the version method
+        "/
+        (collectionOfCategories includes:'documentation') ifTrue:[
+"/            versionMethods do:[:versionMethod |
+"/                |source|
+"/                source := versionMethod source.
+"/                (source isEmptyOrNil or:[(source startsWith:nonMeta nameOfOldVersionMethod) not]) ifTrue:[
+"/                    "something bad happend to the classes code"
+"/                    Class fileOutErrorSignal 
+"/                        raiseRequestWith:aClass
+"/                        errorString:' - bad source for version method (uncompiled class file?): ', (versionMethod displayString)
+"/                ].
+"/            ].
+            self fileOutCategory:'documentation' of:meta except:versionMethods only:nil methodFilter:methodFilter on:outStream.
+            outStream cr.
+        ].
+        "/
+        "/ initialization next (if any)
+        "/
+        (collectionOfCategories includes:'initialization') ifTrue:[
+            self fileOutCategory:'initialization' of:meta methodFilter:methodFilter on:outStream.
+            outStream cr.
+        ].
+        "/
+        "/ instance creation next (if any)
+        "/
+        (collectionOfCategories includes:'instance creation') ifTrue:[
+            self fileOutCategory:'instance creation' of:meta methodFilter:methodFilter on:outStream.
+            outStream cr.
+        ].
+        collectionOfCategories do:[:aCategory |
+            ((aCategory ~= 'documentation')
+            and:[(aCategory ~= 'initialization')
+            and:[aCategory ~= 'instance creation']]) ifTrue:[
+                self fileOutCategory:aCategory of:meta methodFilter:methodFilter on:outStream.
+                outStream cr
+            ]
+        ]
+    ].
+    "/ if there are any primitive definitions (vw-like ffi-primitives),
+    "/ file them out first in the order: defines, types.
+    "/ Otherwise, we might have trouble when filing in later, because the types are needed
+    "/ for the primitive calls.
+    nonMeta methodDictionary keysAndValuesDo:[:sel :m |
+        m isVisualWorksTypedef ifTrue:[
+            self fileOutCategory:m category of:nonMeta except:nil only:(Array with:m) methodFilter:methodFilter on:outStream.
+        ].
+    ].
+    "/
+    "/ methods from all categories
+    "/
+    collectionOfCategories := nonMeta categories asSortedCollection.
+    collectionOfCategories notNil ifTrue:[
+        collectionOfCategories do:[:aCategory |
+            self fileOutCategory:aCategory of:nonMeta methodFilter:methodFilter on:outStream.
+            outStream cr
+        ]
+    ].
+    "/
+    "/ any private classes' methods
+    "/
+    nonMeta privateClassesSorted do:[:aClass |
+        self fileOutAllMethodsOf:aClass on:outStream methodFilter:methodFilter
+    ].
+    "/
+    "/ finally, the previously skipped version method
+    "/
+    versionMethods notEmpty ifTrue: [
+        self fileOutCategory:'documentation' of:meta except:nil only:versionMethods methodFilter:methodFilter on:outStream.
+    ].
+    initIt ifTrue:[
+        "/
+        "/ optionally an initialize message
+        "/
+        classesImplementingInitialize := OrderedCollection new.
+        (meta includesSelector:#initialize) ifTrue:[
+            classesImplementingInitialize add:nonMeta
+        ].
+        nonMeta privateClassesSorted do:[:aPrivateClass |
+            (aPrivateClass theMetaclass includesSelector:#initialize) ifTrue:[
+                classesImplementingInitialize add:aPrivateClass
+            ]
+        ].
+        classesImplementingInitialize size ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+            classesImplementingInitialize topologicalSort:[:a :b | b isSubclassOf:a].
+            outStream cr.
+            classesImplementingInitialize do:[:eachClass |
+                eachClass printClassNameOn:outStream. outStream nextPutAll:' initialize'.
+                outStream nextPutChunkSeparator.
+                outStream cr.
+            ].
+        ].
+    ]
+    "Created: / 15-11-1995 / 12:53:06 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 01-04-1997 / 16:01:05 / stefan"
+    "Modified: / 29-09-2011 / 14:53:49 / cg"
+    "Created: / 15-03-2012 / 17:39:42 / Jan Vrany <>"
+fileOutAllDefinitionsOf:nonMetaInfo on:aStream
+    "append expressions on aStream, which defines myself and all of my private classes."
+    | metaInfo |
+    aStream nextPutAll: nonMetaInfo definition source.
+    aStream nextPutChunkSeparator. 
+    aStream cr; cr.
+    "/
+    "/ optional classInstanceVariables
+    "/
+    metaInfo := metaInfos at: nonMetaInfo name.
+    metaInfo definition notNil ifTrue:[
+        aStream nextPutAll: metaInfo definition source.
+        aStream nextPutChunkSeparator. 
+        aStream cr; cr
+    ].
+    "/ here, the full nameSpace prefixes are output,
+    "/ to avoid confusing stc 
+    "/ (which otherwise could not find the correct superclass)
+    "/
+    Class fileOutNameSpaceQuerySignal answer:false do:[
+        Class forceNoNameSpaceQuerySignal answer:true do:[
+            (self privateClassesSortedOf: nonMetaInfo) do:[:i |
+                 self fileOutAllDefinitionsOf:i on:aStream
+            ]
+        ]
+    ].
+    "Created: / 15-10-1996 / 11:15:19 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 22-03-1997 / 16:11:56 / cg"
+    "Created: / 15-03-2012 / 19:18:32 / Jan Vrany <>"
+fileOutPrimitiveSpecsOf: nonMeta on:outStream
+    "Nothing now..."
+    "Created: / 15-03-2012 / 19:48:00 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    |copyrightChange copyrightText|
+    copyrightChange :=
+        (metaInfos at: topClassName) methodAt: #copyright.
+    copyrightChange notNil ifTrue:[
+        "
+         get the copyright method's comment-text, strip off empty and blank lines
+         and insert at beginning.
+        "
+        copyrightText := Parser methodCommentFromSource: copyrightChange source.
+        copyrightText notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
+            copyrightText := copyrightText asCollectionOfLines asStringCollection.
+            copyrightText := copyrightText withoutLeadingBlankLines.
+            copyrightText := copyrightText withoutTrailingBlankLines.
+            copyrightText notEmpty ifTrue:[
+                copyrightText addFirst:'"'.
+                copyrightText addLast:'"'.
+                copyrightText := copyrightText asString.
+                outStream nextPutAllAsChunk:copyrightText.
+            ].
+        ].
+    ].
+    "Created: / 15-03-2012 / 19:01:56 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!ChangeSet::ClassSourceWriter::ClassInfo class methodsFor:'instance creation'!
+    "return an initialized instance"
+    ^ self basicNew initialize.
+! !
+!ChangeSet::ClassSourceWriter::ClassInfo methodsFor:'accessing'!
+    ^ definition
+    definition := something.
+methodAt: selector 
+    ^methods detect:[:each|each selector == selector] ifNone:[nil].
+    "Created: / 15-03-2012 / 19:11:42 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    ^ methods
+    methods := something.
+    ^ name
+    name := something.
+    ^ superclass
+    superclass := something.
+! !
+!ChangeSet::ClassSourceWriter::ClassInfo methodsFor:'adding'!
+addChange: change
+    change isClassDefinitionChange ifTrue:[
+        definition := change.
+        ^self.
+    ].
+    change isMethodCodeChange ifTrue:[
+        methods add: change.
+        ^self.
+    ].
+    self error: 'Unknown change'
+    "Created: / 15-03-2012 / 19:12:05 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!ChangeSet::ClassSourceWriter::ClassInfo methodsFor:'initialization'!
+    "Invoked when a new instance is created."
+    "/ please change as required (and remove this comment)
+    "/ name := nil.
+    "/ instDefinition := nil.
+    "/ classDefinition := nil.
+    methods := OrderedCollection new.
+    "/ super initialize.   -- commented since inherited method does nothing
+    "Modified: / 15-03-2012 / 19:12:16 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!ChangeSet::ClassSourceWriter::ClassInfo methodsFor:'printing & storing'!
+    "append a printed representation if the receiver to the argument, aStream"
+    super printOn:aStream.
+    aStream nextPutAll:'('.
+    name printOn:aStream.
+    aStream nextPutAll:')'.
+    "Modified: / 15-03-2012 / 19:49:15 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!ChangeSet::ClassSourceWriter::ClassInfo methodsFor:'queries'!
+isPrivateClassOf: classInfo
+    ^name startsWith: classInfo name
+    "Created: / 15-03-2012 / 19:42:47 / Jan Vrany <>"
+isSubclassOf: classInfo
+    ^superclass notNil and:
+        [superclass == classInfo or:[superclass isSubclassOf: classInfo]]
+    "Created: / 15-03-2012 / 19:41:02 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
 !ChangeSet::DiffSet class methodsFor:'documentation'!
@@ -3035,5 +3533,5 @@
-    ^ '$Id: 1879 2012-02-11 22:06:36Z vranyj1 $'
+    ^ '$Id: 1894 2012-03-15 19:55:46Z vranyj1 $'
 ! !