changeset 1518 c6b1f8da85f2
parent 1499 9f17ad89deb7
child 1520 e5caaecf7681
--- a/AbstractSourceCodeManager.st	Wed Aug 09 21:51:55 2006 +0200
+++ b/AbstractSourceCodeManager.st	Thu Aug 10 00:16:05 2006 +0200
@@ -396,46 +396,70 @@
      Raises abortSignal if checkIn is to be suppressed.
         #base   - only check in methods from the classes package
-        #all    - check in all"
+        #all    - check in all
-    |checkInClassPackageOnly clsPackage otherPackages otherPackagesNames methodsFromOtherPackages
+     the old code looked for all extensions, and allowed them to be moved to the base-package.
+     This was dangerous, as if one presses yes too quickly, extensions move to the base too easy.
+     The new code only allows for extensions from the __NOPROJECT__ package to be moved.
+     Extensions always remain extensions, and must be moved by an explicit method-menu action.
+    "
+    |checkInClassPackageOnly clsPackage otherPackages otherPackageNames methodsFromOtherPackages
      methodCategoriesInOtherPackages methodCategoryInOtherPackages
-     msg answer isDefaultAnswer defaultAnswer labels actions|
+     msg answer isDefaultAnswer defaultAnswer labels actions hasUnassignedExtensions
+     unassignedMethods methodCategoriesWithUnassignedMethods methodCategoryWithUnassignedMethods 
+     args|
     checkInClassPackageOnly := false.
     clsPackage := aClass package.
     otherPackages := Set new.
-    methodsFromOtherPackages := IdentitySet new.
+    methodsFromOtherPackages := OrderedCollection new.
+    hasUnassignedExtensions := false.
+    unassignedMethods := OrderedCollection new.
+    methodCategoriesWithUnassignedMethods := Set new.
+    methodCategoriesInOtherPackages := Set new.
     aClass instAndClassSelectorsAndMethodsDo:[:sel :mthd |
         (mthdPackage := mthd package) ~= clsPackage ifTrue:[
-            methodsFromOtherPackages add:mthd.
-            otherPackages add:mthdPackage.
+            mthdPackage == Project noProjectID ifTrue:[
+                hasUnassignedExtensions := true.
+                unassignedMethods add:mthd.        
+                methodCategoriesWithUnassignedMethods add:(mthd category).
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                methodsFromOtherPackages add:mthd.
+                otherPackages add:mthdPackage.
+                methodCategoriesInOtherPackages add:(mthd category).
+            ].
-    otherPackages isEmpty ifTrue:[
+    hasUnassignedExtensions ifFalse:[
         aClass allPrivateClassesDo:[:eachPrivateClass |
             aClass setPackage:clsPackage.
             eachPrivateClass instAndClassSelectorsAndMethodsDo:[:sel :mthd |
                 mthd setPackage:clsPackage
-        ^ #all
+        ^ #base
     otherPackages := otherPackages asOrderedCollection sort.
-    otherPackagesNames := String streamContents:[:stream| 
+    otherPackageNames := String streamContents:[:stream| 
             do:[:eachPackageName| eachPackageName printOn:stream] 
             separatedBy:[stream nextPutAll:', '].
-    methodCategoriesInOtherPackages := (methodsFromOtherPackages collect:[:eachMethod | eachMethod category]) asSet.
     methodCategoriesInOtherPackages size == 1 ifTrue:[
         methodCategoryInOtherPackages := methodCategoriesInOtherPackages anElement.
+    methodCategoriesWithUnassignedMethods size == 1 ifTrue:[
+        methodCategoryWithUnassignedMethods := methodCategoriesWithUnassignedMethods anElement.
+    ].
     isDefaultAnswer := false.
     (SourceCodeManagerUtilities yesToAllNotification notNil 
@@ -443,37 +467,44 @@
         answer := isDefaultAnswer := true.
     ] ifFalse:[
         defaultAnswer := false.
-        msg := 'The class ''' , aClass name allBold.
-        otherPackages size == 1 ifTrue:[
-            msg := msg , ''' contains %4 method(s) for the ''%1'' package'.
-            defaultAnswer := (otherPackages first = Project defaultProject package).
+        methodCategoriesWithUnassignedMethods size == 1 ifTrue:[
+            unassignedMethods size == 1 ifTrue:[
+                msg := 'The class ''%1'' contains the unassigned method: %6'.
+                msg := msg , '\(In the ''%4'' category).'.
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                msg := 'The class ''%1'' contains %3 unassigned method(s)'.
+                msg := msg , '\(In the ''%4'' category).'.
+            ]
         ] ifFalse:[
-            msg := msg , ''' contains %4 method(s) for %2 other packages:\  %1'.
+            msg := 'The class ''%1'' contains %3 unassigned methods in %5 categories.'.
-        methodCategoriesInOtherPackages size == 1 ifTrue:[
-            msg := msg , ' (in category: ''%5'').'.
+        unassignedMethods size == 1 ifTrue:[
+            msg := msg , '\\Move this method to the ''%2'' package ?'.
         ] ifFalse:[
-            msg := msg , ' (in %6 categories).'.
+            msg := msg , '\\Move those to the ''%2'' package ?'.
-        msg := msg , '\\Change those to belong to the ''%3'' package ?'.
+        args := Array
+                    with:aClass name allBold
+                    with:clsPackage allBold
+                    with:unassignedMethods size
+                    with:methodCategoryWithUnassignedMethods
+                    with:methodCategoriesWithUnassignedMethods size
+                    with:unassignedMethods first selector allBold.
         SourceCodeManagerUtilities yesToAllNotification isHandled       
             labels := #('Cancel' 'No' 'Browse' 'Yes to all' 'Yes').
-            actions := #(nil false #browse #yesToAll true).
+            actions := #(#cancel false #browse #yesToAll true).
         ] ifFalse:[
             labels := #('Cancel' 'No' 'Browse' 'Yes').
-            actions := #(nil false #browse true).
+            actions := #(#cancel false #browse true).
         answer := OptionBox 
-                      request:(msg bindWith:otherPackagesNames allBold 
-                                           with:(otherPackages size) 
-                                           with:clsPackage allBold
-                                           with:methodsFromOtherPackages size
-                                           with:methodCategoryInOtherPackages
-                                           with:methodCategoriesInOtherPackages size
-                              ) withCRs
+                      request:(SystemBrowser classResources
+                                stringWithCRs:msg
+                                withArgs:args) 
                       label:'Change packageID ?'
                       image:(InfoBox iconBitmap)
                       buttonLabels:(Dialog resources array:labels)
@@ -485,49 +516,26 @@
                 title:('Extensions in %1' bindWith:aClass name)
-            AbortSignal raise
+            answer := #cancel.
+    answer == #cancel ifTrue:[
+        AbortSignal raise
+    ].
     answer == #yesToAll ifTrue:[
         SourceCodeManagerUtilities yesToAllNotification raiseWith:true.
         answer := true.
+    "/ ok, move them over
     answer == true ifTrue:[
-        ((otherPackages size > 1)
-        or:[otherPackages first ~= Project defaultProject package]) ifTrue:[
-            isDefaultAnswer ifFalse:[
-                msg := ''
-            ] ifTrue:[
-                msg := 'The %1 class contains methods from '.
-                otherPackages == 1 ifTrue:[
-                    msg := msg , 'the %3 package(s).\\'.
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    otherPackages size == 2 ifTrue:[
-                        msg := msg , 'the %3 and the %4 packages.\\'.
-                    ] ifFalse:[
-                        msg := msg , '%2 other packages.\\'.
-                    ]
-                ].
-            ].
-            msg := msg , 'Are you certain to check the other packages methods with the class into the %5 package ?'.
-            msg := msg 
-                        bindWith:aClass name
-                        with:otherPackages size printString
-                        with:(otherPackages at:1 ifAbsent:'')
-                        with:(otherPackages at:2 ifAbsent:'')
-                        with:clsPackage.
-            (self confirm:msg withCRs) ifFalse:[
-                AbortSignal raise
-            ]
-        ].
         "/ change all method's packageID to the classes packageId
         aClass instAndClassSelectorsAndMethodsDo:[:sel :mthd |
-            mthd makeLocalStringSource.
-            mthd setPackage:clsPackage
+            mthd package == Project noProjectID ifTrue:[
+                mthd makeLocalStringSource.
+                mthd setPackage:clsPackage
+            ]
         aClass allPrivateClassesDo:[:eachPrivateClass |
             aClass setPackage:clsPackage.
@@ -538,20 +546,8 @@
         aClass changed:#projectOrganization.
         Smalltalk changed:#projectOrganization with:(Array with:aClass). 
-        ^ #all
-    answer == false ifTrue:[
-        answer := 
-            Dialog
-                confirmWithCancel:'Ignore those methods in the classes container\\(i.e. checkin basePackage methods only) ?' withCRs
-                default:true.
-        answer == nil ifTrue:[AbortSignal raise].
-        answer ifTrue:[
-            ^ #base
-        ]
-    ].
-    AbortSignal raise
+    ^ #base
     "Modified: / 21.3.2003 / 14:31:00 / cg"
@@ -1043,7 +1039,6 @@
     packageMode := self checkMethodPackagesOf:aClass.
     packageMode == #base ifTrue:[
         filter := [:mthd | mthd package = aClass package].
@@ -2113,7 +2108,7 @@
 !AbstractSourceCodeManager class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic3/AbstractSourceCodeManager.st,v 1.178 2006-06-21 11:15:59 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic3/AbstractSourceCodeManager.st,v 1.179 2006-08-09 22:16:05 cg Exp $'
 ! !
 AbstractSourceCodeManager initialize!