changeset 660 dd279b74eccf
parent 646 da12b86e88ea
child 661 57786f56e433
--- a/	Fri Apr 17 20:51:47 1998 +0200
+++ b/	Tue Apr 21 16:01:19 1998 +0200
@@ -14,7 +14,8 @@
 	classVariableNames:'BreakpointSignal CallingLevel BreakBlock TraceSenderBlock
 		LeaveBreakBlock LeaveTraceBlock MethodCounts MethodMemoryUsage
-		MethodTiming TraceFullBlock'
+		MethodTiming TraceFullBlock ObjectWrittenBreakpointSignal
+		ObjectCopyHolders'
@@ -199,6 +200,10 @@
         BreakpointSignal nameClass:self message:#breakpointSignal.
         BreakpointSignal notifierString:'breakpoint encountered'.
+        ObjectWrittenBreakpointSignal := BreakpointSignal newSignalMayProceed:true.
+        ObjectWrittenBreakpointSignal nameClass:self message:#objectWrittenBreakpointSignal.
+        ObjectWrittenBreakpointSignal notifierString:'object modified'.
         BreakBlock       := [:con | BreakpointSignal raiseIn:con].
         TraceSenderBlock := [:con | MessageTracer printEntrySender:con].
         TraceFullBlock   := [:con | con fullPrintAll].
@@ -211,13 +216,19 @@
      MessageTracer initialize
-    "Modified: 22.10.1996 / 17:39:14 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 21.4.1998 / 14:38:35 / cg"
 ! !
 !MessageTracer class methodsFor:'Signal constants'!
     ^ BreakpointSignal
+    ^ ObjectWrittenBreakpointSignal
+    "Created: / 21.4.1998 / 14:38:49 / cg"
 ! !
 !MessageTracer class methodsFor:'class tracing'!
@@ -1359,7 +1370,8 @@
         ^ self
-    anObject changeClassTo:orgClass superclass
+    anObject changeClassTo:orgClass superclass.
+    ObjectCopyHolders removeKey:anObject ifAbsent:nil.
@@ -1374,7 +1386,7 @@
      p x:1.
-    "Modified: 10.9.1996 / 20:06:07 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 21.4.1998 / 15:43:33 / cg"
 untrap:anObject selector:aSelector
@@ -1391,6 +1403,7 @@
     dict size == 1 ifTrue:[
         "the last trap got removed"
         anObject changeClassTo:orgClass superclass.
+        ObjectCopyHolders removeKey:anObject ifAbsent:nil.
         ^ self
     dict removeKey:aSelector.
@@ -1416,8 +1429,8 @@
      p y:1.
-    "Modified: 5.6.1996 / 13:56:08 / stefan"
-    "Modified: 10.9.1996 / 20:06:14 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 5.6.1996 / 13:56:08 / stefan"
+    "Modified: / 21.4.1998 / 15:43:55 / cg"
@@ -1429,6 +1442,139 @@
     ^ anObject class selectors
 ! !
+!MessageTracer class methodsFor:'object modification traps'!
+    "trap modifications in anObject"
+    self 
+        trapModificationsIn:anObject filter:[:new | true]
+    "
+     |a|
+     a := Array new:10.
+     MessageTracer trapModificationsIn:a.
+     a size.
+     a at:1.
+     a at:2 put:nil.
+     a at:2 put:2.
+     a at:2.
+     a at:3.
+     a at:2 put:2.
+     a at:2 put:3.
+     MessageTracer untrace:a.
+     a at:3 put:5.
+    "
+    "Created: / 21.4.1998 / 14:32:34 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 21.4.1998 / 14:58:24 / cg"
+trapModificationsIn:anObject filter:aFilterBlock
+    "trap modifications in anObject"
+    |allSelectors|
+    allSelectors := IdentitySet new.
+    anObject class withAllSuperclasses do:[:aClass |
+        aClass methodDictionary keys addAllTo:allSelectors
+    ].
+    allSelectors remove:#class.
+    self trapModificationsIn:anObject selectors:allSelectors filter:aFilterBlock
+    "trap if arrays 5th slot is modified:
+     |a|
+     a := Array new:10.
+     MessageTracer trapModificationsIn:a filter:[:old :new | (old at:5) ~~ (new at:5)].
+     a size.
+     a at:1.
+     a at:2 put:nil.
+     a at:2 put:2.
+     a at:2.
+     a at:3.
+     a at:2 put:2.
+     a at:2 put:3.
+     a at:5 put:3.
+     a at:5 put:3.
+     MessageTracer untrace:a.
+     a at:3 put:5.
+    "
+    "Modified: / 21.4.1998 / 15:53:38 / cg"
+trapModificationsIn:anObject selector:aSelector filter:aFilterBlock
+    "install a trap for modifications in anObject by aSelector-messages.
+     the filterBlock will be invoked (after a modification) with the old and
+     new values as arguments and should return true, 
+     if the debugger is really wanted."
+    self
+        trapModificationsIn:anObject 
+        selectors:(Array with:aSelector)
+        filter:aFilterBlock
+    "Modified: / 21.4.1998 / 15:34:44 / cg"
+trapModificationsIn:anObject selectors:aCollectionOfSelectors filter:aFilterBlock
+    "install a trap for modifications in anObject by aSelector-messages.
+     the filterBlock will be invoked (after a modification) with the old and
+     new values as arguments and should return true, 
+     if the debugger is really wanted."
+    |copyHolder|
+    ObjectCopyHolders isNil ifTrue:[
+        ObjectCopyHolders := IdentityDictionary new.
+    ].
+    copyHolder := ObjectCopyHolders at:anObject ifAbsent:nil.
+    copyHolder isNil ifTrue:[
+        ObjectCopyHolders at:anObject put:(copyHolder := ValueHolder new).
+    ].
+    copyHolder value:(anObject shallowCopy).
+    aCollectionOfSelectors do:[:aSelector |
+        |methodName|
+        methodName := anObject class name , '>>' , aSelector.
+        self 
+            wrap:anObject
+            selector:aSelector 
+            onEntry:[:con | ]
+            onExit:[:con :retVal |
+                        |oldValue|
+                        oldValue :=  copyHolder value.
+                        "/ compare with copy ...
+                        (anObject sameContentsAs:oldValue) ifFalse:[
+                            "/ see oldValue vs. anObject
+                            (aFilterBlock value:oldValue value:anObject) ifTrue:[
+                                copyHolder value:(anObject shallowCopy).
+                                ObjectWrittenBreakpointSignal
+                                    raiseRequestWith:(oldValue -> anObject) 
+                                     errorString:('object was modififed in ' , methodName) 
+                                    in:con sender
+                            ]
+                        ]
+                   ]
+            withOriginalClass:true
+            flushCaches:false.
+    ].
+    ObjectMemory flushCaches
+    "Created: / 21.4.1998 / 15:34:05 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 21.4.1998 / 16:00:39 / cg"
+! !
 !MessageTracer class methodsFor:'object tracing'!
 trace:anObject selector:aSelector
@@ -1437,22 +1583,9 @@
      Use untrap to remove this trace.
      The current implementation does not allow integers or nil to be traced."
-    |methodName|
-    methodName := anObject class name , '>>' , aSelector.
-    self wrap:anObject
-         selector:aSelector 
-         onEntry:[:con | 
-                     'enter ' errorPrint. methodName errorPrint. 
-                     ' receiver=' errorPrint. con receiver printString errorPrint.
-                     ' args=' errorPrint. (con args) printString errorPrint.
-                     ' from:' errorPrint. con sender errorPrintCR.
-                 ]
-         onExit:[:con :retVal |
-                     'leave ' errorPrint. methodName errorPrint. 
-                     ' receiver=' errorPrint. con receiver printString errorPrint.
-                     ' returning:' errorPrint. retVal printString errorPrintCR.
-                ].
+    self
+        trace:anObject 
+        selectors:(Array with:aSelector)
@@ -1474,23 +1607,60 @@
      a sort.
-    "Modified: 10.1.1997 / 17:54:50 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 21.4.1998 / 15:37:05 / cg"
-trace:anObject selectors:aCollection
-    aCollection do:[:aSelector |
-	self trace:anObject selector:aSelector
-    ]
+trace:anObject selectors:aCollectionOfSelectors
+    "arrange for a trace message to be output on Stderr, when any message 
+     from aCollectionOfSelectors is sent to anObject. 
+     Both entry and exit are traced.
+     Use untrap:/untrace: to remove this trace.
+     The current implementation does not allow integers or nil to be traced."
+    |methodName|
+    aCollectionOfSelectors do:[:aSelector |
+        methodName := anObject class name , '>>' , aSelector.
+        self 
+            wrap:anObject
+            selector:aSelector 
+            onEntry:[:con | 
+                        'enter ' errorPrint. methodName errorPrint. 
+                        ' receiver=' errorPrint. con receiver printString errorPrint.
+                        ' args=' errorPrint. (con args) printString errorPrint.
+                        ' from:' errorPrint. con sender errorPrintCR.
+                    ]
+            onExit:[:con :retVal |
+                        'leave ' errorPrint. methodName errorPrint. 
+                        ' receiver=' errorPrint. con receiver printString errorPrint.
+                        ' returning:' errorPrint. retVal printString errorPrintCR.
+                   ]
+            withOriginalClass:true
+            flushCaches:false
+    ].
+    ObjectMemory flushCaches
-     trace all methods in Display, which are implemented
-     in the DisplayWorkstation class.
+     |p|
+     p := Point new.
+     MessageTracer trace:p selector:#x:.
+     p x:5.
+     p y:1.
+     p x:10.
+     MessageTracer untrap:p.
+     p x:7
+    "
+    "
+     |a|
+     a := #(6 1 9 66 2 17) copy.
+     MessageTracer trace:a selector:#at:put:.
+     MessageTracer trace:a selector:#at:.
+     a sort.
-    "
-     MessageTracer trace:Display selectors:(XWorkstation selectorArray)
-     MessageTracer untrace:Display
-    "
+    "Modified: / 21.4.1998 / 15:41:57 / cg"
@@ -1610,10 +1780,18 @@
      return is done out of the original method ...
      Time will show, you can experiment by setting the withOriginalClass: flag to false
-    ^ self wrap:anObject selector:aSelector onEntry:entryBlock onExit:exitBlock withOriginalClass:true
+    ^ self 
+        wrap:anObject 
+        selector:aSelector 
+        onEntry:entryBlock 
+        onExit:exitBlock 
+        withOriginalClass:true
+        flushCaches:true
+    "Modified: / 21.4.1998 / 15:29:50 / cg"
-wrap:anObject selector:aSelector onEntry:entryBlock onExit:exitBlock withOriginalClass:withOriginalClass
+wrap:anObject selector:aSelector onEntry:entryBlock onExit:exitBlock withOriginalClass:withOriginalClass flushCaches:flushCaches
     "arrange for the two blocks entryBlock and exitBlock to be evaluated whenever
      a message with aSelector is sent to anObject. EntryBlock will be called on
      entry, and get the current context passed as argument. ExitBlock will be called,
@@ -1627,7 +1805,8 @@
      some are not allowed (otherwise we get into trouble ...)
-    (#(class changeClassTo:) includes:aSelector) ifTrue:[
+    (aSelector == #class 
+    or:[aSelector == #changeClassTo:]) ifTrue:[
         Transcript showCR:'sorry, cannot place trap on: ' , aSelector.
         ^ self
@@ -1724,12 +1903,18 @@
     dict := newClass methodDictionary.
     dict := dict at:aSelector putOrAppend:trapMethod.
-    newClass methodDictionary:dict.
+    flushCaches ifTrue:[
+        newClass methodDictionary:dict.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        newClass setMethodDictionary:dict.
+    ].
      and finally, the big trick:
-    anObject changeClassTo:newClass
+    newClass ~~ orgClass ifTrue:[
+        anObject changeClassTo:newClass
+    ].
@@ -1782,14 +1967,22 @@
     "Modified: / 25.6.1996 / 22:11:21 / stefan"
     "Modified: / 6.2.1998 / 02:48:13 / cg"
+    "Created: / 21.4.1998 / 15:30:27 / cg"
 wrap:anObject selectors:aCollection onEntry:entryBlock onExit:exitBlock
     "install wrappers for anObject on all selectors from aCollection"
     aCollection do:[:aSelector |
-	self wrap:anObject selector:aSelector onEntry:entryBlock onExit:exitBlock
-    ]
+        self 
+            wrap:anObject selector:aSelector 
+            onEntry:entryBlock onExit:exitBlock
+            withOriginalClass:true
+            flushCaches:false
+    ].
+    ObjectMemory flushCaches
+    "Modified: / 21.4.1998 / 15:40:28 / cg"
 wrapAll:anObject onEntry:entryBlock onExit:exitBlock
@@ -1967,6 +2160,6 @@
 !MessageTracer class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic3/,v 1.57 1998-02-06 01:53:53 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic3/,v 1.58 1998-04-21 14:01:19 cg Exp $'
 ! !
 MessageTracer initialize!