author Claus Gittinger <>
Fri, 13 Sep 1996 11:18:17 +0200
changeset 478 40d6c6e66852
child 492 1b5153fd52a5
permissions -rw-r--r--
moved files into extra directory

Object subclass:#HTMLDocGenerator

!HTMLDocGenerator  class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    helper class to generate HTML docuemntation
    for classes - see DocViewers Class Documentation.

        Claus Gittinger
! !

!HTMLDocGenerator  class methodsFor:'document generation'!

    |classes categories s prefixList prefix prefixStack indent prev|

    categories := Set new.

    Smalltalk allClasses do:[:cls |
        categories add:cls category

    categories := categories asOrderedCollection sort.

    s := '' writeStream.

    s nextPutAll:'
Class categories:
<a NOPRINT HREF="TOP.html"> <IMG SRC="../icons/DocsUpArrow.gif" ALT="back"></A>

<h1>Class categories:</h1>


    prefixList := Set new.

    categories keysAndValuesDo:[:index :element |
        |prev common|

        index ~~ 1 ifTrue:[
            prev := categories at:(index - 1).
            common := (Array with:prev with:element) longestCommonPrefix.
            (common endsWith:'-') ifTrue:[
                prefixList add:(common copyWithoutLast:1)
            ] ifFalse:[
                common = prev ifTrue:[
                    prefixList add:common

    prefix := ''. prefixStack := OrderedCollection new. 
    prev := ''.

    categories := categories select:[:nm | nm ~= 'obsolete'].

    categories do:[:nm |

        "/ longest prefix ....
        longest := prefixList inject:'' into:[:maxPrefix :prefix |
                        nm = prefix ifTrue:[
                        ] ifFalse:[
                            (nm startsWith:prefix)
                                prefix size > maxPrefix size
                                ] ifFalse:[
                            ] ifFalse:[

        longest size > 0 ifTrue:[
            longest = prefix ifTrue:[
                "/ no change
            ] ifFalse:[
                (longest startsWith:prefix) ifTrue:[
                    prefixStack addLast:longest.
                    longest ~= prev ifTrue:[    
                        prefixStack size == 1 ifTrue:[
                            s nextPutAll:'<p>';cr.
                        s nextPutAll:'<li>' , longest ;cr.
                    s nextPutAll:'<ul>'; cr.
                    prefix := longest.
                ] ifFalse:[
                    s nextPutAll:'</ul>';cr.
                    prefixStack removeLast.

                    [prefixStack notEmpty
                     and:[(longest startsWith:prefixStack last) not]] whileTrue:[
                        s nextPutAll:'</ul>';cr.
                        prefixStack removeLast.

                    prefixStack notEmpty ifTrue:[
                        prefix := prefixStack last.
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        prefixStack addLast:longest.
                        prefix := longest.
                        longest ~= prev ifTrue:[    
                            prefixStack size == 1 ifTrue:[
                                s nextPutAll:'<p>';cr.
                            s nextPutAll:'<li>' , longest ;cr.
                        s nextPutAll:'<ul>'; cr.
        ] ifFalse:[
            [prefixStack size > 0] whileTrue:[
                s nextPutAll:'</ul>';cr.
                prefixStack removeLast.
            prefixStack size == 0 ifTrue:[
                s nextPutAll:'<p>';cr.
            prefix := ''.

        s nextPutAll:'<li><a href="../misc/onlyInSTX2.html" action="html:' 
                     , self name 
                     , ' htmlClassesListOfCategory:''' , nm 
                     , ''' backTo:''htmlClassCategoryList''">'
"/ full name:
"/                     , nm ,'</a>';cr.

"/ cut off prefix:
                     , (nm copyFrom:prefix size + 1) ,'</a>';cr.
        prev := nm.

    s nextPutAll:'


    ^ s contents

     HTMLDocGenerator htmlClassCategoryList

    "Created: 22.4.1996 / 20:03:30 / cg"
    "Modified: 7.9.1996 / 19:59:55 / cg"


    classes := Smalltalk allClasses
                select:[:cls | cls name startsWith:prefix].

    ^ self htmlClasses:classes title:('Classes starting with ''' , prefix asString , ''':').

    "Modified: 20.4.1996 / 22:42:13 / cg"
    "Created: 22.4.1996 / 20:03:31 / cg"

htmlClasses:classes title:title
    ^ self

    "Modified: 23.4.1996 / 15:32:10 / cg"

htmlClasses:classes title:title backTo:backRef
    |classNames s|

    classNames := (classes collect:[:cls | cls name]) asOrderedCollection sort.

    s := '' writeStream.

    s nextPutAll:'
    s nextPutAll:title.
    s nextPutAll:'
    backRef notNil ifTrue:[
        backRef == #none ifFalse:[
            s nextPutAll:'<a NOPRINT HREF="TOP.html" action="html:' , self name , ' ' , backRef , '"> <IMG SRC="../icons/DocsUpArrow.gif" ALT="back"></A>'.
    ] ifFalse:[
        s nextPutAll:'<a NOPRINT HREF="TOP.html"> <IMG SRC="../icons/DocsUpArrow.gif" ALT="back"></A>'.
    backRef ~~ #none ifTrue:[
        s nextPutAll:'<hr>

    s nextPutAll:'
    s nextPutAll:title; cr.
    s nextPutAll:'

    classNames do:[:nm |
        s nextPutAll:'<li><a href="../misc/onlyInSTX2.html" action="html:' , self name ,' htmlDocOf:' , nm , '">' , nm , '</A>';cr

    s nextPutAll:'

    ^ s contents

    "Created: 23.4.1996 / 15:31:55 / cg"
    "Modified: 7.9.1996 / 20:00:10 / cg"


    classes := Smalltalk allClasses
                select:[:cls | cls category = category].

    ^ self 
        title:('Classes in: ' , category)

    "Created: 22.4.1996 / 20:03:31 / cg"
    "Modified: 23.4.1996 / 15:42:17 / cg"

htmlClassesListOfCategory:category backTo:backRef

    classes := Smalltalk allClasses
                select:[:cls | cls category = category].

    ^ self 
        htmlClasses:classes title:('Classes in: ' , category)

    "Modified: 23.4.1996 / 15:31:38 / cg"
    "Created: 23.4.1996 / 15:39:39 / cg"

    ^ self htmlDocOf:aClass back:nil backRef:nil

     self htmlDocOf:PostscriptPrinterStream

    "Modified: 24.4.1996 / 15:03:06 / cg"

htmlDocOf:aClass back:backCmd
    ^ self htmlDocOf:aClass back:backCmd backRef:nil

    "Modified: 24.4.1996 / 15:03:30 / cg"

htmlDocOf:aClass back:backCmd backRef:backRef
    |supers s indent m docu examples firstIndent firstNonEmpty
     collectionOfCategories collectionOfClassCategories 
     revInfo pckgInfo subs refLines srchIdx l idx demoLines
     backHRef authorLines first wasLoaded didLoadBin|

    (wasLoaded := aClass isLoaded) ifFalse:[
        "/ load it - but not a binary
        didLoadBin := Smalltalk loadBinaries.
        Smalltalk loadBinaries:false.
        aClass autoload.
        didLoadBin ifTrue:[Smalltalk loadBinaries:true].

    "/ extract documentation or comment, if there is any
    m := aClass class compiledMethodAt:#documentation.
    m notNil ifTrue:[
        docu := m comment.
    ] ifFalse:[
        "try comment"
        docu := aClass comment.
    docu notNil ifTrue:[
        docu isEmpty ifTrue:[
            docu := nil
    docu notNil ifTrue:[
        docu := (docu copy 
                        replChar:$< withString:'&lt;')
                        replChar:$> withString:'&gt;'.

        docu := docu asStringCollection.

        "/ search for a [see also:] line
        refLines := self extractSpecial:'[see also:]' from:docu.

        "/ search for a [start with:] line
        demoLines := self extractSpecial:'[start with:]' from:docu.

        "/ search for a [author:] line
        authorLines := self extractSpecial:'[author:]' from:docu.

        "/ strip off empty lines
        [(docu at:1) size == 0] whileTrue:[
            docu removeIndex:1
        [(docu at:docu size) size == 0] whileTrue:[
            docu removeIndex:(docu size)

        docu notEmpty ifTrue:[
            firstIndent := docu first leftIndent.
            firstIndent > 0 ifTrue:[
                docu := docu collect:[:line |
                                        line leftIndent >= firstIndent ifTrue:[
                                            line copyFrom:firstIndent.
                                        ] ifFalse:[
            firstNonEmpty := docu findFirst:[:line | line notEmpty].
            firstNonEmpty > 1 ifTrue:[
                docu := docu copyFrom:firstNonEmpty
        docu := docu asString.

    refLines notNil ifTrue:[
        refLines := refLines collect:[:l | 

                        ((t := l withoutSeparators) startsWith:'(') ifTrue:[
                        ] ifFalse:[
                            l asCollectionOfWords

    "/ extract examples if there are any
    m := aClass class compiledMethodAt:#examples.
    m notNil ifTrue:[
        examples := m comment.
        examples notNil ifTrue:[
            examples isEmpty ifTrue:[
                examples := nil
        examples notNil ifTrue:[
            examples := (examples copy 
                            replChar:$< withString:'&lt;')
                            replChar:$> withString:'&gt;'.

            examples := examples asStringCollection.

            "/ strip off empty lines
            [examples first size == 0] whileTrue:[
                examples removeIndex:1
            [examples last size == 0] whileTrue:[
                examples removeIndex:(examples size)

            examples notEmpty ifTrue:[
                firstIndent := examples first withTabsExpanded leftIndent.
                firstIndent > 0 ifTrue:[
                    examples := examples collect:[:line |

                                            l := line withTabsExpanded.
                                            l leftIndent >= firstIndent ifTrue:[
                                                l copyFrom:firstIndent.
                                            ] ifFalse:[
                firstNonEmpty := examples findFirst:[:line | line notEmpty].
                firstNonEmpty > 1 ifTrue:[
                    examples := examples copyFrom:firstNonEmpty

    collectionOfClassCategories := aClass class categories.
    collectionOfClassCategories size > 0 ifTrue:[
        collectionOfClassCategories := collectionOfClassCategories asOrderedCollection.
        collectionOfClassCategories remove:'documentation' ifAbsent:nil.
    collectionOfCategories := aClass categories.
    collectionOfCategories size > 0 ifTrue:[
        collectionOfCategories := collectionOfCategories asOrderedCollection.

    (aClass == Autoload or:[aClass == Object]) ifTrue:[
        subs := #()
    ] ifFalse:[
        subs := aClass subclasses 
                    asOrderedCollection sort:[:a :b | a name < b name].

    s := '' writeStream.

    s nextPutAll:'<html>'; cr.
    s nextPutAll:'<head>'; cr.
    s nextPutAll:'<title>'; cr.
    s nextPutAll:'Class: '; nextPutAll:(aClass name); cr.
    s nextPutAll:'</title>'; cr.
    s nextPutAll:'</head>'; cr.

    s nextPutAll:'<body>'; cr.

    backRef isNil ifTrue:[
        backHRef := 'TOP.html'
    ] ifFalse:[
        backHRef := backRef
    backCmd notNil ifTrue:[
        s nextPutAll:'<a NOPRINT HREF="' , backHRef , '" action="html:' , self name , ' ' , backCmd , '"> <IMG SRC="../icons/DocsUpArrow.gif" ALT="back"></A>'.
        s nextPutAll:'<hr>'; cr.
    ] ifFalse:[
        backHRef ~~ #none ifTrue:[
            s nextPutAll:'<a NOPRINT HREF="' , backHRef , '"> <IMG SRC="../icons/DocsUpArrow.gif" ALT="back"></A>';cr.
            s nextPutAll:'<hr>'; cr.

    s nextPutAll:'<h1>'; cr.
    s nextPutAll:'Class: ';
      nextPutAll:'<a type="example" action="SystemBrowser openInClass:' , aClass name , '">';
      nextPutAll:(aClass name); nextPutAll:'</a>'; cr.
    s nextPutAll:'</h1>'; cr.

    "/ index
"/    s nextPutAll:'Index:'; cr.
    s nextPutAll:'<ul>'; cr.
    s nextPutAll:'<li><a href="#INHERITANCE" name="I_INHERITANCE">Inheritance</a>'; cr.
    docu notNil ifTrue:[
        s nextPutAll:'<li><a href="#DESCRIPTION" name="I_DESCRIPTION">Description</a>'; cr.

    refLines notNil ifTrue:[
        s nextPutAll:'<li><a href="#SEEALSO" name="I_SEEALSO">Related information</a>'; cr.

"/    s nextPutAll:'<li><a href="#INSTANCEVARIABLES" name="I_INSTANCEVARIABLES">Instance variables</a>'; cr.
"/    s nextPutAll:'<li><a href="#CLASSVARIABLES" name="I_CLASSVARIABLES">Class variables</a>'; cr.

    collectionOfClassCategories size > 0 ifTrue:[
        s nextPutAll:'<li><a href="#CLASSPROTOCOL" name="I_CLASSPROTOCOL">Class protocol</a>'; cr.
        s nextPutAll:'<ul>'; cr.
        collectionOfClassCategories sort do:[:cat |
            s nextPutAll:'<li><a name="I_' , aClass class name , '_category_' , cat , '"' ,
                                     ' href="#' , aClass class name , '_category_' , cat ,
                                     '">' , cat , '</a> '; cr.
        s nextPutAll:'</ul>'; cr.
    collectionOfCategories size > 0 ifTrue:[
        s nextPutAll:'<li><a href="#INSTANCEPROTOCOL" name="I_INSTANCEPROTOCOL">Instance protocol</a>'; cr.
        s nextPutAll:'<ul>'; cr.
        collectionOfCategories sort do:[:cat |
            s nextPutAll:'<li><a name="I_' , aClass name , '_category_' , cat , '"' ,
                                     ' href="#' , aClass name , '_category_' , cat ,
                                     '">' , cat , '</a> '; cr.
        s nextPutAll:'</ul>'; cr.

    (aClass == Object or:[aClass == Autoload]) ifTrue:[
        s nextPutAll:'<li><a href="#SUBCLASSES" name="I_SUBCLASSES">Subclasses</a>'; cr.
    demoLines notNil ifTrue:[
        s nextPutAll:'<li><a href="#DEMOSTARTUP" name="I_DEMOSTARTUP">Demonstration</a>'; cr.
    examples notNil ifTrue:[
        s nextPutAll:'<li><a href="#EXAMPLES" name="I_EXAMPLES">Examples</a>'; cr.
    s nextPutAll:'</ul>'; cr.
    s nextPutAll:'<hr>'; cr.

    "/ hierarchy
    s nextPutAll:'<h2><a name="INHERITANCE" href="#I_INHERITANCE">Inheritance:</A></h2>'; cr.
    s nextPutAll:'<pre>'; cr.
    indent := 3.
    first := true.
    supers := aClass allSuperclasses.
    (supers notNil) ifTrue:[
        supers reverse do:[:cls |

            nm := cls name.    
            first ifFalse:[
                s spaces:indent; nextPutAll:'|'; cr.
                s spaces:indent; nextPutAll:'+--'.
                indent := indent + 3.
            ] ifTrue:[
                s spaces:indent
            first := false.

            s nextPutAll:'<a href="../misc/onlyInSTX2.html" action="html:' , self name , ' htmlDocOf:' , nm , '">' , nm , '</A>';cr.
        s spaces:indent; nextPutAll:'|'; cr.
        s spaces:indent. 
        s nextPutAll:'+--<B>'; nextPutAll:aClass name; nextPutAll:'</B>'; cr.
        indent := indent + 3.
    ] ifFalse:[
        s spaces:indent; nextPutAll:'nil'; cr.
        s spaces:indent; nextPutAll:'|'; cr.
        s spaces:indent; nextPutAll:'+--<B>'; nextPutAll:aClass name; nextPutAll:'</B>'; cr.
        aClass ~~ Object ifTrue:[
            s cr.
            s nextPutAll:'  <B>This class inherits NOTHING - most messages will lead into doesNotUnderstand:</B>'; cr
        indent := indent + 3.

    subs notEmpty ifTrue:[
        subs do:[:aSubclass |

            nm := aSubclass name.    
            s spaces:indent; nextPutAll:'|'; cr.
            s spaces:indent; nextPutAll:'+--'.
            s nextPutAll:'<a href="../misc/onlyInSTX2.html" action="html:' , self name , ' htmlDocOf:' , nm , '">' , nm , '</A>';cr.
    ] ifFalse:[
        aClass == Object ifTrue:[
            s spaces:indent; nextPutAll:'|'; cr.
            s spaces:indent; nextPutAll:'+-- ... almost every other class ...'; cr

    s nextPutAll:'</pre>'; cr.
    s nextPutAll:'<hr>'; cr.

    "/ category, version & package
    s nextPutAll:'<dl>'; cr.
    s nextPutAll:'<dt><a name="CATEGORY"><b>Category:</b></A>'; cr.
    s nextPutAll:'<dd><b>', aClass category , '</b>'; cr.
    s nextPutAll:'</dl>'; cr.

    revInfo := aClass revisionInfo.
    pckgInfo := aClass packageSourceCodeInfo.

    s nextPutAll:'<dl>'; cr.
    s nextPutAll:'<dt><a name="VERSION"><b>Version:</b></A>'; cr.

    (revInfo isNil and:[pckgInfo isNil]) ifTrue:[
        s nextPutAll:'<dd>no revision info'; cr.
    ] ifFalse:[
        revInfo isNil ifTrue:[revInfo := IdentityDictionary new].
        pckgInfo isNil ifTrue:[pckgInfo := IdentityDictionary new].

        s nextPutAll:'<dd>rev: <b>'; cr.
        s nextPutAll:(revInfo at:#revision ifAbsent:'?'); cr.
        s nextPutAll:'</b> date: <b>' ,  (revInfo at:#date ifAbsent:'')
                                 , ' ', (revInfo at:#time ifAbsent:'') , '</b>'; cr.
        s nextPutAll:'<dd>user: <b>' , (revInfo at:#user ifAbsent:'?') , '</b>';cr.
        s nextPutAll:'<dd>file: <b>' , (revInfo at:#fileName ifAbsent:'?').
        s nextPutAll:'</b> directory: <b>' , (pckgInfo at:#directory ifAbsent:'?') , '</b>'; cr.

        s nextPutAll:'<dd>module: <b>' , (pckgInfo at:#module ifAbsent:'?')
                             , '</b>  classLibrary: <b>' ,  (pckgInfo at:#library ifAbsent:'?') , '</b>';cr.

    s nextPutAll:'</dl>'; cr.

    authorLines notNil ifTrue:[
        s nextPutAll:'<dl>'; cr.
        s nextPutAll:'<dt><a name="AUTHOR"><b>Author:</b></A>'; cr.
        authorLines do:[:l|
            s nextPutAll:'<dd><b>', l , '</b>'; cr.
        s nextPutAll:'</dl>'; cr.

    s nextPutAll:'<hr>'; cr.

    docu notNil ifTrue:[
        s nextPutAll:'<h2><a name="DESCRIPTION" href="#I_DESCRIPTION">Description:</A></h2>'; cr.
        s nextPutAll:'<BR>'; cr.

        s nextPutAll:'<pre>'; cr.
        s nextPutAll:docu;cr.
        s nextPutAll:'</pre>'; cr.
        s nextPutAll:'<hr>'; cr.

    "/ see also
    refLines notNil ifTrue:[
        s nextPutAll:'<h2><a name="SEEALSO" href="#I_SEEALSO">Related information:</A></h2>'; cr.
        s nextPutAll:'<pre>'; cr.
        refLines do:[:l |
            |nm href|

            s nextPutAll:'    '.

            l isString ifTrue:[
                nm := (l copyFrom:2 to:(l indexOf:$:)-1) withoutSpaces.
                href := (l copyFrom:(l indexOf:$:)+1 to:(l size - 1)) withoutSpaces.
                (href startsWith:'man:') ifTrue:[
                    href := (href copyFrom:5) withoutSpaces.
                    s nextPutAll:'<a href="../misc/onlyInSTX2.html" action="html:' , self name , ' manPageFor:''' , href , '''">[<I>' , nm , '</I>]</A>'.
                ] ifFalse:[
                    (href startsWith:'html:') ifTrue:[
                        href := (href copyFrom:6) withoutSpaces.
                    s nextPutAll:'<a href="../' , href , '">[<I>' , nm , '</I>]</a>'.
            ] ifFalse:[
                l do:[:ref |
                    s nextPutAll:'<a href="../misc/onlyInSTX2.html" action="html:' , self name , ' htmlDocOf:' , ref , '">' , ref , '</A>'.
                    s nextPutAll:' '.
            s cr.
        s nextPutAll:'</pre>'; cr.
        s nextPutAll:'<hr>'; cr.

    "/ inst & classVars
    "/ to be added

    "/ protocol
    self printOutHTMLProtocolOf:aClass on:s.

    "/ subclasses (only for Object and Autoload)
    (aClass == Object or:[aClass == Autoload]) ifTrue:[
        subs := aClass subclasses 
                    asOrderedCollection sort:[:a :b | a name < b name].

        s nextPutAll:'<h2><a name="SUBCLASSES" href="#I_SUBCLASSES">Subclasses (direct subclasses only):</A></h2>'; cr.
        s nextPutAll:'<pre>'; cr.
        subs do:[:cls |

            nm := cls name.
            s nextPutAll:'    '.
            cls isLoaded ifFalse:[
                s nextPutAll:'<a href="../misc/onlyInSTX2.html" action="html:' , nm , ' autoload. ',self name,' htmlDocOf:' , nm, '">' , nm , '</A>';cr
            ] ifTrue:[
                s nextPutAll:'<a href="../misc/onlyInSTX2.html" action="html:',self name,' htmlDocOf:' , nm , '">' , nm , '</A>';cr
        s nextPutAll:'</pre>'; cr.
        s nextPutAll:'<hr>'; cr.

    "/ demonstration
    demoLines notNil ifTrue:[
        s nextPutAll:'<h2><a name="DEMOSTARTUP" href="#I_DEMOSTARTUP">Demonstration:</A></h2>'; cr.
        demoLines do:[:l |
            s nextPutAll:'<a type="example">'; cr.
            s nextPutAll:'<code><pre>'; cr.
            s nextPutAll:'    ' , l withoutSeparators; cr.
            s nextPutAll:'</pre></code>'; cr.
            s nextPutAll:'</a>'; cr.
            s nextPutAll:'<br>'; cr.
        s nextPutAll:'<hr>'; cr.

    "/ add examples if there are any
    examples notNil ifTrue:[
        s nextPutAll:'<h2><a name="EXAMPLES" href="#I_EXAMPLES">Examples:</A></h2>'; cr.
        s nextPutAll:'<BR>'; cr.
        s nextPutAll:'<code><pre>'; cr.
        examples do:[:line |
            line withoutSeparators = '[exBegin]' ifTrue:[
                s nextPutAll:'<a type="example">'; cr.
            ] ifFalse:[
                line withoutSeparators = '[exEnd]' ifTrue:[
                    s nextPutAll:'</a>'; cr.
                ] ifFalse:[
                    s nextPutAll:line; cr
        s nextPutAll:'</pre></code>'; cr.
        s nextPutAll:'<hr>'; cr.

    s nextPutAll:'</body>'; cr.
    s nextPutAll:'</html>'; cr.

    wasLoaded ifFalse:[
        aClass unload

    ^ s contents

     self htmlDocOf:Object
     self htmlDocOf:Array
     self htmlDocOf:Filename
     self htmlDocOf:Block

    "Created: 24.4.1996 / 15:01:59 / cg"
    "Modified: 12.9.1996 / 08:05:38 / cg"

htmlDocOf:aClass backRef:backRef
    ^ self htmlDocOf:aClass back:nil backRef:backRef

    "Modified: 24.4.1996 / 15:02:52 / cg"
    "Created: 24.4.1996 / 15:03:25 / cg"

    |classNames sel s|

    sel := (selector copy
                        replChar:$< withString:'&lt;')
                        replChar:$> withString:'&gt;'.

    s := '' writeStream.

    s nextPutAll:'<html>'; cr.
    s nextPutAll:'<head>'; cr.
    s nextPutAll:'<title>'; cr.
    s nextPutAll:sel; cr.
    s nextPutAll:'</title>'; cr.
    s nextPutAll:'</head>'; cr.

    s nextPutAll:'<body>'; cr.
    s nextPutAll:'<a NOPRINT HREF="TOP.html"> <IMG SRC="../icons/DocsUpArrow.gif" ALT="back"></A>';cr.
    s nextPutAll:'<hr>'; cr.
    s nextPutAll:'<h1>'; cr.
    s nextPutAll:sel ; cr.
    s nextPutAll:'</h1>'; cr.

    s nextPutAll:'<dl>'; cr.

    sel := selector asSymbol.
    Smalltalk allClassesDo:[:cls |
        (cls implements:sel) ifTrue:[
            self printOutHTMLMethodProtocol:(cls compiledMethodAt:sel) 
                 on:s showClassName:true classRef:true.
            s nextPutAll:'<p>'; cr.

    s nextPutAll:'</dl>'; cr.

    s nextPutAll:'</body>'; cr.
    s nextPutAll:'</html>'; cr.

    ^ s contents

    "Created: 22.4.1996 / 20:03:31 / cg"
    "Modified: 7.9.1996 / 20:00:31 / cg"


    selectors := IdentitySet new.
    Smalltalk allClassesDo:[:cls |
        selectors addAll:cls methodDictionary keys.
    selectors := selectors asOrderedCollection sort.

    ^ self htmlSelectors:selectors title:('All selectors:').

     self htmlSelectorList

    "Modified: 22.4.1996 / 12:48:45 / cg"
    "Created: 22.4.1996 / 20:03:31 / cg"
    "Modified: 5.6.1996 / 12:27:09 / stefan"


    selectors := IdentitySet new.
    Smalltalk allClassesDo:[:cls |
        cls methodDictionary keysDo:[:sel |
            (pattern match:sel) ifTrue:[
                selectors add:sel.
    selectors := selectors asOrderedCollection sort.

    ^ self htmlSelectors:selectors title:('Selectors matching ''' , pattern , ''':').

     self htmlSelectorListMatching:'*do*'

    "Modified: 22.4.1996 / 17:11:56 / cg"
    "Created: 22.4.1996 / 20:03:31 / cg"
    "Modified: 5.6.1996 / 12:29:27 / stefan"


    selectors := IdentitySet new.
    Smalltalk allClassesDo:[:cls |
        cls methodDictionary keysDo:[:sel |
            (sel startsWith:prefix) ifTrue:[
                selectors add:sel.
    selectors := selectors asOrderedCollection sort.

    ^ self htmlSelectors:selectors title:('Selectors starting with ''' , prefix asString , ''':').

     self htmlSelectorListPrefix:'a'

    "Modified: 22.4.1996 / 19:57:50 / cg"
    "Created: 22.4.1996 / 20:03:31 / cg"
    "Modified: 5.6.1996 / 12:31:13 / stefan"

htmlSelectors:selectors title:title
    |classNames s|

    s := '' writeStream.

    s nextPutAll:'<html>'; cr.
    s nextPutAll:'<head>'; cr.
    s nextPutAll:'<title>'; cr.
    s nextPutAll:title; cr.
    s nextPutAll:'</title>'; cr.
    s nextPutAll:'</head>'; cr.

    s nextPutAll:'<body>'; cr.
    s nextPutAll:'<a NOPRINT HREF="TOP.html"> <IMG SRC="../icons/DocsUpArrow.gif" ALT="back"></A>';cr.
    s nextPutAll:'<hr>'; cr.
    s nextPutAll:'<h1>'; cr.
    s nextPutAll:title; cr.
    s nextPutAll:'</h1>'; cr.

    s nextPutAll:'<ul>'; cr.

    selectors do:[:sel |

        nm := (sel copy replChar:$< withString:'&lt;')
                replChar:$> withString:'&gt;'.
        s nextPutAll:'<li><a href="../misc/onlyInSTX2.html" action="html:',self name,' htmlDocOfImplementorsOf:''' , nm , '''">' , nm , '</A>';cr

    s nextPutAll:'</ul>'; cr.

    s nextPutAll:'</body>'; cr.
    s nextPutAll:'</html>'; cr.

    ^ s contents

    "Created: 22.4.1996 / 20:03:31 / cg"
    "Modified: 7.9.1996 / 20:00:34 / cg"

    "q&d hack to convert man output to html"

    ^ self 

    "Modified: 9.9.1996 / 17:45:29 / cg"

manPageFor:aCommand inSection:sectionOrNil 
    "q&d hack to convert man output to html"


    sectionOrNil isNil ifTrue:[
        manCmd := 'man ' , aCommand
    ] ifFalse:[
        manCmd := 'man ' , sectionOrNil printString , ' ' , aCommand
    ^ self 

    "Created: 9.9.1996 / 17:45:08 / cg"
    "Modified: 9.9.1996 / 17:48:29 / cg"

manPageFor:aCommand manCommand:manCommand
    "q&d hack to convert man output to html"

    |s t outStream state ch keep|

    s := PipeStream readingFrom:manCommand.
    s notNil ifTrue:[
        outStream := '' writeStream.
        state := nil.
        keep := nil.
        [s atEnd] whileFalse:[
            ch := s next.
            ch notNil ifTrue:[
                state == nil ifTrue:[
                    ch == Character backspace ifTrue:[
                        state := #back
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        keep notNil ifTrue:[
                            keep == $< ifTrue:[
                                outStream nextPutAll:'&lt;'.
                            ] ifFalse:[
                                outStream nextPut:keep.
                        keep := ch
                ] ifFalse:[
                    state == #back ifTrue:[
                        ch == keep ifTrue:[
                            outStream nextPutAll:'<b>'.
                            ch == $< ifTrue:[
                                outStream nextPutAll:'&lt;'.
                            ] ifFalse:[
                                outStream nextPut:ch.
                            outStream nextPutAll:'</b>'.
                            state := nil.
                            keep := nil.
                        ] ifFalse:[
                            ch == $_ ifTrue:[
                                keep notNil ifTrue:[
                                    outStream nextPutAll:'<i>'.
                                    keep == $< ifTrue:[
                                        outStream nextPutAll:'&lt;'.
                                    ] ifFalse:[
                                        outStream nextPut:keep.
                                    outStream nextPutAll:'</i>'.
                                state := nil.
                                keep := nil.
                            ] ifFalse:[
                                keep == $_ ifTrue:[
                                    outStream nextPutAll:'<i>'.
                                    ch == $< ifTrue:[
                                        outStream nextPutAll:'&lt;'.
                                    ] ifFalse:[
                                        outStream nextPut:ch.
                                    outStream nextPutAll:'</i>'.
                                    state := nil.
                                    keep := nil.
                                ] ifFalse:[
                                    keep notNil ifTrue:[
                                        keep == $< ifTrue:[
                                            outStream nextPutAll:'&lt;'.
                                        ] ifFalse:[
                                            outStream nextPut:keep.
                                        ch == $< ifTrue:[
                                            outStream nextPutAll:'&lt;'.
                                        ] ifFalse:[
                                            outStream nextPut:ch.
                                    state := nil.
                                    keep := nil.

        keep notNil ifTrue:[
            keep == $< ifTrue:[
                outStream nextPutAll:'&lt;'.
            ] ifFalse:[    
                outStream nextPut:keep
        t := outStream contents.
        s shutDown.

    (t isNil or:[t isEmpty]) ifTrue:[
        ^ '
No manual page for "<CODE><B>' , aCommand , '</B></CODE>" available.
(the failed command was: "<CODE>' , manCommand , '"</CODE>.)

    ^ '
' , t , '

     self manPageFor:'cvs'

    "Modified: 28.6.1996 / 21:28:47 / stefan"
    "Created: 9.9.1996 / 17:43:16 / cg"
    "Modified: 9.9.1996 / 17:58:00 / cg"

printOutHTMLCategoryProtocol:aCategory of:aClass on:aStream
    |any dict selectors methods|

    dict := aClass methodDictionary.

    dict notNil ifTrue:[
        any := false.
        dict do:[:aMethod |
            (aCategory = aMethod category) ifTrue:[
                any := true

        any ifTrue:[
            aStream nextPutAll:'<a name="' , aClass name , '_category_' , aCategory ,
                                     '" href="#I_' , aClass name , '_category_' , aCategory ,
                                     '"><b>' , aCategory , '</b></A>'; cr.
            aStream nextPutAll:'<dl>'; cr.

            selectors := dict keys asArray.
            methods := dict values.
            selectors sortWith:methods.
            methods do:[:aMethod |
                (aCategory = aMethod category) ifTrue:[
                    ErrorSignal catch:[
                        self printOutHTMLMethodProtocol:aMethod on:aStream.
                    aStream nextPutAll:'<p>'; cr.
            aStream nextPutAll:'</dl>'; cr.

      self printOutHTMLProtocolOf:Float on:Stdout 

    "Created: 22.4.1996 / 20:03:30 / cg"
    "Modified: 30.4.1996 / 15:14:20 / cg"
    "Modified: 5.6.1996 / 13:41:27 / stefan"

printOutHTMLMethodProtocol:aMethod on:aStream
    "given the source in aString, print the methods message specification
     and any method comments - without source; used to generate documentation

    ^ self printOutHTMLMethodProtocol:aMethod on:aStream showClassName:false classRef:false

    "Modified: 22.4.1996 / 18:01:56 / cg"
    "Created: 22.4.1996 / 20:03:30 / cg"

printOutHTMLMethodProtocol:aMethod on:aStream showClassName:showClassName classRef:withClassRef
    "given the source in aString, print the methods message specification
     and any method comments - without source; used to generate documentation

    |text comment cls sel partStream args argStream who methodSpecLine first
     firstIndent firstNonEmpty isSubres isObsolete smallOrEmpty

    who := aMethod who.
    cls := who at:1.
    sel := who at:2.
    partStream := sel keywords readStream.

    (args := aMethod methodArgNames) notNil ifTrue:[
        argStream := aMethod methodArgNames readStream.

        methodSpecLine := ''. first := true.
        1 to:sel numArgs do:[:index |
            first ifTrue:[
                first := false.
            ] ifFalse:[
                methodSpecLine := methodSpecLine , ' '
            methodSpecLine := methodSpecLine , '<B>' , partStream next , '</B>'.
            methodSpecLine := methodSpecLine , ' <I>' , argStream next , '</I>'.
    ] ifFalse:[
        methodSpecLine := '<B>' , partStream next , '</B>'

    isSubres := (aMethod sends:#subclassResponsibility).

    isObsolete := false.
    ((aMethod sends:#obsoleteMethodWarning)
    or:[(aMethod sends:#obsoleteMethodWarning:)
    or:[(aMethod sends:#obsoleteMethodWarning:from:)]]) ifTrue:[
        cls ~~ Object ifTrue:[
            isObsolete := true

    smallOrEmpty := ''.
    aMethod isPrivate ifTrue:[
        methodSpecLine :=  '<i>private</I> ' , methodSpecLine.
"/        smallOrEmpty := '-small'.
    ] ifFalse:[
        aMethod isProtected ifTrue:[
            methodSpecLine := '<i>protected</I> ' , methodSpecLine.
"/            smallOrEmpty := '-small'.
        ] ifFalse:[
            aMethod isIgnored ifTrue:[
                methodSpecLine := '[ ' , methodSpecLine , ' ] (<i>invisible</I>)'.
"/                smallOrEmpty := '-small'.

    aStream nextPutAll:'<dt>'; cr.

    cls isMeta ifTrue:[
        ballColor := 'yellow'
    ] ifFalse:[
        ballColor := 'red'

    aStream nextPutAll:'<img src="pictures/' , ballColor , '-ball' , smallOrEmpty , '.gif" width=6 height=6>'; cr.

    sel := (sel copy
                        replChar:$< withString:'&lt;')
                        replChar:$> withString:'&gt;'.

    withClassRef ifTrue:[
        aStream nextPutAll:'<a name="' , cls name , '_' , sel ,
                                 '" href="../misc/onlyInSTX2.html" action="html:',self name,' htmlDocOf:' , cls name ,
                                 '">' , cls name , '</a> ' , methodSpecLine; cr.
    ] ifFalse:[
        showClassName ifTrue:[
            methodSpecLine := cls name , ' ' , methodSpecLine

        aStream nextPutAll:'<a name="' , cls name , '_' , sel ,
"/                                 '" href="' , cls name , '_' , sel , '"' ,
                                 '>' , methodSpecLine , '</a>'; cr.
    aStream nextPutAll:'<dd>';cr.

    (comment := aMethod comment) notNil ifTrue:[
        comment := (comment copy 
                        replChar:$< withString:'&lt;')
                        replChar:$> withString:'&gt;'.

        comment notEmpty ifTrue:[
            comment := comment asStringCollection.
            firstIndent := comment first leftIndent.
            firstIndent > 0 ifTrue:[
                comment := comment collect:[:line |
                                        line leftIndent >= firstIndent ifTrue:[
                                            line copyFrom:firstIndent.
                                        ] ifFalse:[
            firstNonEmpty := comment findFirst:[:line | line notEmpty].
            firstNonEmpty > 1 ifTrue:[
                comment := comment copyFrom:firstNonEmpty
            comment := comment asString.

"/        aStream nextPutAll:'<pre>'; cr.
"/        aStream spaces:((text at:2) indexOfNonSeparatorStartingAt:1).
        comment asStringCollection do:[:line |
            aStream nextPutAll:line; nextPutAll:'<br>'; cr.
"/        aStream nextPutAll:'</pre>';cr.

    isSubres ifTrue:[
        aStream nextPutAll:'<BR>'; cr.
        aStream nextPutAll:'<I>** This method raises an error - it must be redefined in concrete classes **</I>'; cr.
    isObsolete ifTrue:[
        aStream nextPutAll:'<BR>'; cr.
        aStream nextPutAll:'<I>** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **</I>'; cr.

    "Created: 22.4.1996 / 20:03:30 / cg"
    "Modified: 26.4.1996 / 18:27:13 / cg"

printOutHTMLProtocolOf:aClass on:aStream 
    |collectionOfCategories any|

"/    self printOutDefinitionOn:aPrintStream.

    collectionOfCategories := aClass class categories.
    any := false.
    collectionOfCategories notNil ifTrue:[
        collectionOfCategories := collectionOfCategories asOrderedCollection sort.
        aStream nextPutAll:'<h2><a name="CLASSPROTOCOL" href="#I_CLASSPROTOCOL">Class protocol:</A></h2>'; cr.
        collectionOfCategories do:[:aCategory |
            aCategory ~= 'documentation' ifTrue:[
                self printOutHTMLCategoryProtocol:aCategory of:aClass class on:aStream.
                any := true.
"/        any ifFalse:[
"/            aStream nextPutAll:'no new protocol'
"/        ].
        aStream nextPutAll:'<hr>'; cr.

    collectionOfCategories := aClass categories.
    any := false.
    collectionOfCategories notNil ifTrue:[
        collectionOfCategories := collectionOfCategories asOrderedCollection sort.
        aStream nextPutAll:'<h2><a name="INSTANCEPROTOCOL" href="#I_INSTANCEPROTOCOL">Instance protocol:</A></h2>'; cr.
        collectionOfCategories do:[:aCategory |
            self printOutHTMLCategoryProtocol:aCategory of:aClass on:aStream
"/        any ifFalse:[
"/            aStream nextPutAll:'no new protocol'
"/        ].
        aStream nextPutAll:'<hr>'; cr.

      self printOutHTMLProtocolOf:Float on:Stdout 

    "Created: 22.4.1996 / 20:03:30 / cg"
    "Modified: 27.4.1996 / 15:05:19 / cg"
! !

!HTMLDocGenerator  class methodsFor:'helpers'!

extractSpecial:pattern from:docu
    "given a collection of docu lines (from documentation methods comment),
     extract things like [see also:], [author:] etc.
     If found, remove the lines from the string collection,
     and return the extracted ones. Otherwise return nil."

    |srchIdx idx lines l|

    srchIdx := docu findFirst:[:l | l asLowercase withoutSeparators = pattern].
    srchIdx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
        lines := OrderedCollection new.

        idx := srchIdx+1.
        [idx <= docu size] whileTrue:[
            l := docu at:idx.
            (l isNil or:[l withoutSeparators size == 0]) ifTrue:[
                idx := docu size + 1.
            ] ifFalse:[
                lines add:l
            idx := idx + 1.

        docu removeFromIndex:srchIdx toIndex:srchIdx+lines size
    ^ lines

    "Created: 25.4.1996 / 14:16:01 / cg"
    "Modified: 27.4.1996 / 19:01:07 / cg"
! !

!HTMLDocGenerator  class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic3/,v 1.1 1996-09-13 09:18:17 cg Exp $'
! !