author Claus Gittinger <>
Tue, 10 Sep 1996 20:08:29 +0200
changeset 457 8ba8e7ac735d
parent 352 ac12b5bc2754
child 495 786f6375d6ed
permissions -rw-r--r--
use #'* trapping *' instead of #trapping as category mark

 COPYRIGHT (c) 1994 by Claus Gittinger
	      All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.

Object subclass:#MessageTracer
	classVariableNames:'BreakpointSignal CallingLevel BreakBlock TraceSenderBlock
		LeaveBlock MethodCounts MethodMemoryUsage MethodTiming

!MessageTracer  class methodsFor:'documentation'!

 COPYRIGHT (c) 1994 by Claus Gittinger
	      All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.

    This class provides a common home for the tracing
    facilities (originally, they where in Object, but have been moved to
    allow easier separation of development vs. runtime configurations.

    tracing execution of a block:

        MessageTracer trace:[ ... ]

        MessageTracer traceFull:[ ... ]

        (for system developper only:)

        MessageTracer debugTrace:[ ... ]

    trapping sends to a specific object:

        MessageTracer trap:anObject selector:aSelector
        MessageTracer untrap:anObject selector:aSelector
        MessageTracer untrap:anObject

    trapping some messages sent to a specific object:

        MessageTracer trap:anObject selectors:aCollectionOfSelectors
        MessageTracer untrap:anObject

    trapping any message sent to a specific object:

        MessageTracer trapAll:anObject
        MessageTracer untrap:anObject

    trapping evaluation of a specific method:

        MessageTracer trapMethod:aMethod
        MessageTracer unwrapMethod:aMethod

    trapping evaluation of a specific method with
    receiver being an instance of some class:

        MessageTracer trapMethod:aMethod forInstancesOf:aClass
        MessageTracer unwrapMethod:aMethod

    tracing sends to a specific object:

        MessageTracer trace:anObject selector:aSelector
        MessageTracer untrace:anObject selector:aSelector
        MessageTracer untrace:anObject

    tracing sender only:

        MessageTracer traceSender:anObject selector:aSelector
        MessageTracer untrace:anObject selector:aSelector
        MessageTracer untrace:anObject

    tracing evaluation of a specific method:

        MessageTracer traceMethod:aMethod
        MessageTracer unwrapmethod:aMethod

  see more in examples and in method comments.

        Claus Gittinger

  For the common cases, you will find a menu entry in the SystemBrowser.
  Howeever, more special cases (especially with condition checks) can be
  set up by evaluating the lower level entries.

  trapping specific methods:
  (by class/selector):
     MessageTracer trapClass:Collection selector:#select:.
     Dictionary new select:[:e | ].       'not cought - Dictionary has its own select'.
     (Array new:10) select:[:e | ].       'not cought - SeqColl has its own select'.
     Set new select:[:e | ].              'cought - Set inherits this from Collection'.
     MessageTracer untrapClass:Collection 

  (by method):
     MessageTracer trapMethod:(Collection compiledMethodAt:#select:).
     Dictionary new select:[:e | ].       'not cought - Dictionary has its own select'.
     (Array new:10) select:[:e | ].       'not cought - SeqColl has its own select'.
     Set new select:[:e | ].              'cought - Set inherits this from Collection'.
     MessageTracer unwrapMethod:(Collection compiledMethodAt:#select:).

  (by method & instance class):
     MessageTracer trapMethod:(SequenceableCollection compiledMethodAt:#select:)
     Dictionary new select:[:e | ].       'not cought - Dictionary has its own select'.
     (Array new:10) select:[:e | ].       'not cought - not a SortedCollection'.
     OrderedCollection new select:[:e | ]. 'not cought - not a SortedCollection'.
     SortedCollection new select:[:e | ].  'cought - Set inherits this from Collection'.
     MessageTracer unwrapMethod:(SequenceableCollection compiledMethodAt:#select:).

  tracing specific methods:
  (by class/selector):
     MessageTracer traceClass:SequenceableCollection selector:#quickSortFrom:to:.
     #(6 1 9 66 2 17) copy sort.
     MessageTracer untraceClass:SequenceableCollection 

  (by method):
     MessageTracer traceMethod:(SequenceableCollection compiledMethodAt:#quickSortFrom:to:).
     #(6 1 9 66 2 17) copy sort.
     MessageTracer unwrapMethod:(SequenceableCollection compiledMethodAt:#quickSortFrom:to:). 

  object trapping:

     o := OrderedCollection new.
     MessageTracer trapAll:o.
     o collect:[:el | el].
! !

!MessageTracer  class methodsFor:'initialization'!

    BreakpointSignal isNil ifTrue:[
	BreakpointSignal := HaltSignal newSignalMayProceed:true.
	BreakpointSignal nameClass:self message:#breakpointSignal.
	BreakpointSignal notifierString:'breakpoint encountered'.

	BreakBlock       := [:con | BreakpointSignal raiseIn:con].
	TraceSenderBlock := [:con | MessageTracer printEntrySender:con].
	TraceFullBlock   := [:con | con fullPrintAll].
	LeaveBlock       := [:con :retVal | ].

     BreakpointSignal := nil.
     MessageTracer initialize

    "Modified: 15.12.1995 / 18:19:13 / cg"
! !

!MessageTracer  class methodsFor:'Signal constants'!

    ^ BreakpointSignal
! !

!MessageTracer  class methodsFor:'class tracing'!

traceClass:aClass selector:aSelector
    "arrange for a trace message to be output on Stderr, when a message with aSelector is
     sent to instances of aClass (or subclass instances). Use untraceClass to remove this."

    self traceMethod:(aClass compiledMethodAt:aSelector)

     MessageTracer traceClass:Integer selector:#factorial.
     5 factorial.
     MessageTracer untraceClass:Integer 
     MessageTracer traceClass:SequenceableCollection selector:#quickSortFrom:to:.
     #(6 1 9 66 2 17) copy sort.
     MessageTracer untraceClass:SequenceableCollection 
     MessageTracer traceClass:Array selector:#at:.
     MessageTracer traceClass:Array selector:#at:put:.
     #(6 1 9 66 2 17) copy sort.
     MessageTracer untraceClass:Array 

    "remove all traces of messages sent to any class"

    "just a rename for your convenience - the same basic mechanism is used for all of these
     trace facilities ..."

    ^ self untrapAllClasses

    "remove all traces of messages sent to instances of aClass"

    "just a rename for your convenience - the same basic mechanism is used for all of these
     trace facilities ..."

    ^ self untrapClass:aClass
! !

!MessageTracer  class methodsFor:'class wrapping'!

wrapClass:orgClass selector:aSelector onEntry:entryBlock onExit:exitBlock 
    "arrange for the two blocks entryBlock and exitBlock to be evaluated whenever
     aSelector is sent to instances of orgClass or subclasses. 
     EntryBlock will be called on entry, and get the current context passed as argument. 
     ExitBlock will be called, when the method is left, and get context and the methods return value as arguments.

    |myMetaclass trapMethod s spec implClass newClass save dict|

    WrappedMethod autoload.     "/ just to make sure ...

     create a new method, which calls the original one,
     but only if not already being trapped.
    spec := Parser methodSpecificationForSelector:aSelector.

    s := WriteStream on:String new.
    s nextPutAll:spec.
    s cr.
    s nextPutAll:'|retVal stubClass|'; cr.
    entryBlock notNil ifTrue:[
        s nextPutAll:'#literal1 yourself value:thisContext.'; cr.
    s nextPutAll:('retVal := #originalMethod. ').    "/ just to get a literal to be replaced by theoriginal method
    s nextPutAll:('retVal := super ' , spec , '.'); cr.
    exitBlock notNil ifTrue:[
        s nextPutAll:'#literal2 yourself value:thisContext value:retVal.'; cr.
    s nextPutAll:'^ retVal'; cr.

    save := Compiler stcCompilation.
    Compiler stcCompilation:#never.
        Class withoutUpdatingChangesDo:[
            trapMethod := Compiler compile:s contents 
    ] valueNowOrOnUnwindDo:[
        Compiler stcCompilation:save

    implClass := orgClass whichClassIncludesSelector:aSelector.
    implClass isNil ifTrue:[
        Transcript showCR:aSelector , ' is not understood by ' , orgClass name.
    ] ifFalse:[
        trapMethod changeLiteral:#originalMethod to:(implClass compiledMethodAt:aSelector).
    entryBlock notNil ifTrue:[
        trapMethod changeLiteral:#literal1 to:entryBlock.
    exitBlock notNil ifTrue:[
        trapMethod changeLiteral:#literal2 to:exitBlock.

     change the source of this new method
     (to avoid confusion in the debugger ...)
    trapMethod source:'this is a wrapper method - not the real one'.
    trapMethod changeClassTo:WrappedMethod.

    dict := orgClass methodDictionary.

     if not already trapping, create a new class
    orgClass category == #'* trapping *' ifTrue:[
        dict at:aSelector put:trapMethod.
        orgClass methodDictionary:dict.
        newClass := orgClass superclass.
    ] ifFalse:[
        myMetaclass := orgClass class.

        newClass := myMetaclass copy new.
        newClass setSuperclass:orgClass superclass.
        newClass instSize:orgClass instSize.
        newClass flags:orgClass flags.
        newClass setClassVariableString:orgClass classVariableString.
        newClass setInstanceVariableString:orgClass instanceVariableString.
        newClass setName:orgClass name.
        newClass category:orgClass category.
        newClass methodDictionary:dict.      

        orgClass setSuperclass:newClass.
        orgClass setClassVariableString:''.
        orgClass setInstanceVariableString:''.
        orgClass category:#'* trapping *'.

        dict := MethodDictionary new:1.
        dict at:aSelector put:trapMethod.
        orgClass methodDictionary:dict.
    trapMethod changeLiteral:(newClass superclass) to:newClass.

    ObjectMemory flushCaches.

                    onExit:[:con :retVal |
                               Transcript show:'leave Point>>scaleBy:; returning:'.
                               Transcript showCR:retVal printString.
                               Transcript endEntry
     (1@2) scaleBy:5.   
     MessageTracer untrapClass:Point selector:#scaleBy:.  
     (1@2) scaleBy:5.         
                   onEntry:[:con |
                               Transcript showCR:('entering ' , con receiver printString , '>>factorial').
                    onExit:[:con :retVal |
                               Transcript show:'leave Integer>>factorial; returning:'.
                               Transcript showCR:retVal printString.
                               Transcript endEntry
     Transcript showCR:'5 factorial traced'.
     5 factorial.   
     MessageTracer untrapClass:Integer selector:#factorial.  
     Transcript showCR:'5 factorial normal'.
     5 factorial.         

     lvl := 0.
                   onEntry:[:con |
                               Transcript spaces:lvl. lvl := lvl + 2.
                               Transcript showCR:('entering ' , con receiver printString , '>>factorial').
                    onExit:[:con :retVal |
                               lvl := lvl - 2. Transcript spaces:lvl.
                               Transcript show:('leave ' , con receiver printString , '>>factorial; returning:').
                               Transcript showCR:retVal printString.
                               Transcript endEntry
     Transcript showCR:'5 factorial traced'.
     5 factorial.   
     MessageTracer untrapClass:Integer selector:#factorial.  
     Transcript showCR:'5 factorial normal'.
     5 factorial.         

    "Modified: 25.6.1996 / 22:01:05 / stefan"
    "Modified: 10.9.1996 / 20:07:01 / cg"
! !

!MessageTracer  class methodsFor:'cleanup'!

    "if you forgot which classes/methods where wrapped and/or trapped,
     this cleans up everything ..."

    self untrapAllClasses.
    self unwrapAllMethods

     MessageTracer cleanup
! !

!MessageTracer  class methodsFor:'execution trace '!

    "trace execution of aBlock. This is for system debugging only"

    Smalltalk sendTraceOn.
    ^ aBlock valueNowOrOnUnwindDo:[
        Smalltalk sendTraceOff.

     MessageTracer debugTrace:[#(6 5 4 3 2 1) sort]

    "Modified: 18.3.1996 / 19:49:36 / cg"

    "evaluate aBlock sending trace information to stdout.
     Return the value of the block."

    ^ self new trace:aBlock detail:false.

     MessageTracer trace:[#(6 5 4 3 2 1) sort]

    "evaluate aBlock sending trace information to stdout.
     Return the value of the block.
     The trace information is more detailed."

     ^ self new trace:aBlock detail:true.

     MessageTracer traceFull:[#(6 5 4 3 2 1) sort]
! !

!MessageTracer  class methodsFor:'method breakpointing'!

trapClass:aClass selector:aSelector
    "arrange for the debugger to be entered when a message with aSelector is 
     sent to instances of aClass (or subclass instances). Use untrapClass to remove this trap.
     Be careful, to not place a trap on code needed in the debugger (i.e. on scrollBars etc.);
     if there is a need to trap those, use the low-level wrap-methods, and put a check into the
     entry/leave blocks."

    self trapMethod:(aClass compiledMethodAt:aSelector)

     MessageTracer trapClass:Collection selector:#select:.
     Dictionary new select:[:e | ].       'not cought - Dictionary has its own select'.
     (Array new:10) select:[:e | ].       'not cought - SeqColl has its own select'.
     Set new select:[:e | ].              'cought - Set inherits this from Collection'.
     MessageTracer untrapClass:Collection 

    "arrange for the debugger to be entered when aMethod is about to be executed.
     Use unwrapMethod or untrapClass to remove this trap.
     Be careful, to not place a trap on code needed in the debugger (i.e. on scrollBars etc.);
     if there is a need to trap those, use the low-level wrap-methods, and put a check into the
     entry/leave blocks."

    ^ self wrapMethod:aMethod

     MessageTracer trapMethod:(Collection compiledMethodAt:#select:).
     Dictionary new select:[:e | ].       'not cought - Dictionary has its own select'.
     (Array new:10) select:[:e | ].       'not cought - SeqColl has its own select'.
     Set new select:[:e | ].              'cought - Set inherits this from Collection'.
     MessageTracer unwrapMethod:(Collection compiledMethodAt:#select:).

trapMethod:aMethod forInstancesOf:aClass
    "arrange for the debugger to be entered when aMethod is about to be executed
     for an instance of aClass.
     Use unwrapMethod or untrapClass to remove this trap.
     Be careful, to not place a trap on code needed in the debugger (i.e. on scrollBars etc.);
     if there is a need to trap those, use the low-level wrap-methods, and put a check into the
     entry/leave blocks."

    ^ self wrapMethod:aMethod
	      onEntry:[:context |
			 (context receiver isMemberOf:aClass) ifTrue:[
			     BreakpointSignal raiseIn:context

     MessageTracer trapMethod:(View compiledMethodAt:#redraw) forInstancesOf:myView.

    "remove any traps on any class"

    Smalltalk allBehaviorsDo:[:aClass |
	self untrapClass:aClass

     MessageTracer untrapAllClasses

    "remove any traps on aClass"

    "this is done by just patching the class back to the original"


    aClass category == #'* trapping *' ifFalse:[
        ^ self
    orgClass := aClass superclass.

    aClass setSuperclass:orgClass superclass.
    aClass setClassVariableString:orgClass classVariableString.
    aClass setInstanceVariableString:orgClass instanceVariableString.
    aClass category:orgClass category.
    aClass methodDictionary:orgClass methodDictionary.

    ObjectMemory flushCaches.

     MessageTracer untrapClass:Point

    "Modified: 5.6.1996 / 13:57:39 / stefan"
    "Modified: 10.9.1996 / 20:06:23 / cg"

untrapClass:aClass selector:aSelector
    "remove trap of aSelector sent to aClass"


    aClass category == #'* trapping *' ifFalse:[
        ^ self

    dict := aClass methodDictionary.
    dict at:aSelector ifAbsent:[^ self].

    ObjectMemory flushCaches. "avoid calling the old trap method"

    dict size == 1 ifTrue:[
        "the last trapped method"
        ^ self untrapClass:aClass
    dict removeKey:aSelector.
    aClass methodDictionary:dict.

     MessageTracer trapClass:Point selector:#copy.
     (1@2) copy.
     (1@2) deepCopy.
     MessageTracer trapClass:Point selector:#deepCopy.
     (1@2) copy.
     (1@2) deepCopy.
     MessageTracer untrapClass:Point selector:#copy.
     (1@2) copy.
     (1@2) deepCopy.
     MessageTracer untrapClass:Point selector:#deepCopy.
     (1@2) copy.
     (1@2) deepCopy.

    "Modified: 5.6.1996 / 14:00:55 / stefan"
    "Modified: 10.9.1996 / 20:06:29 / cg"

    "remove break on aMethod"

    "just a rename for your convenience - the same basic mechanism is used for all of these
     trace facilities ..."

    ^ self unwrapMethod:aMethod
! !

!MessageTracer  class methodsFor:'method counting'!

    "arrange for a aMethods execution to be counted.
     Use unwrapMethod to remove this."

    |lvl inside|

    MethodCounts isNil ifTrue:[
	MethodCounts := IdentityDictionary new.
    MethodCounts at:aMethod put:0.

    ^ self wrapMethod:aMethod
	 onEntry:[:con |

			cnt := MethodCounts at:aMethod ifAbsent:0.
			MethodCounts at:aMethod put:(cnt + 1).
	 onExit:[:con :retVal |

     MessageTracer countMethod:(Integer compiledMethodAt:#factorial).
     5 factorial.
     MessageTracer executionCountOf:(Integer compiledMethodAt:#factorial) printNL. 
     MessageTracer stopCountingMethod:(Integer compiledMethodAt:#factorial) 

    "Created: 15.12.1995 / 10:57:49 / cg"
    "Modified: 15.12.1995 / 15:46:41 / cg"

    "return the current count"


    MethodCounts isNil ifTrue:[^ 0].
    aMethod isWrapped ifTrue:[
	count := MethodCounts at:aMethod originalMethod ifAbsent:nil.
	count notNil ifTrue:[^ count].
    ^  MethodCounts at:aMethod ifAbsent:0

    "Created: 15.12.1995 / 11:01:56 / cg"
    "Modified: 15.12.1995 / 15:45:15 / cg"

    "return true if aMethod is counted"

    MethodCounts isNil ifTrue:[^ false].
    (MethodCounts includesKey:aMethod) ifTrue:[^ true].
    aMethod isWrapped ifTrue:[
	^ MethodCounts includesKey:aMethod originalMethod
    ^ false

    "Created: 15.12.1995 / 11:07:58 / cg"
    "Modified: 15.12.1995 / 15:42:10 / cg"

    "remove counting of aMethod"

    ^ self unwrapMethod:aMethod

    "Modified: 15.12.1995 / 15:43:53 / cg"
! !

!MessageTracer  class methodsFor:'method memory usage'!

    "arrange for aMethods memory usage to be counted.
     Use unwrapMethod to remove this."

    |lvl inside oldPriority oldScavengeCount oldNewUsed|

    MethodCounts isNil ifTrue:[
	MethodCounts := IdentityDictionary new.
    MethodMemoryUsage isNil ifTrue:[
	MethodMemoryUsage := IdentityDictionary new.

    MethodCounts at:aMethod put:0.
    MethodMemoryUsage at:aMethod put:0.

    ^ self wrapMethod:aMethod
	 onEntry:[:con |
			oldPriority := Processor activeProcess changePriority:(Processor userInterruptPriority).
			oldNewUsed := ObjectMemory newSpaceUsed.
			oldScavengeCount := ObjectMemory scavengeCount.
	 onExit:[:con :retVal |
	     |cnt memUse scavenges|

	     memUse := ObjectMemory newSpaceUsed - oldNewUsed.
	     scavenges := ObjectMemory scavengeCount - oldScavengeCount.
	     scavenges ~= 0 ifTrue:[
		memUse := memUse + (ObjectMemory newSpaceSize * scavenges)

	     MethodCounts notNil ifTrue:[
		 cnt := MethodCounts at:aMethod ifAbsent:0.
		 MethodCounts at:aMethod put:(cnt + 1).
	     MethodMemoryUsage notNil ifTrue:[
		 cnt := MethodMemoryUsage at:aMethod ifAbsent:0.
		 MethodMemoryUsage at:aMethod put:(cnt + memUse).
	     Processor activeProcess priority:oldPriority                
	     oldPriority notNil ifTrue:[
		 Processor activeProcess priority:oldPriority

     MessageTracer countMemoryUsageOfMethod:(Integer compiledMethodAt:#factorial).
     3 factorial.
     (MessageTracer memoryUsageOfMethod:(Integer compiledMethodAt:#factorial)) printNL. 
     MessageTracer stopCountingMemoryUsageOfMethod:(Integer compiledMethodAt:#factorial) 

    "Created: 18.12.1995 / 15:41:27 / stefan"
    "Modified: 18.12.1995 / 21:46:48 / stefan"

    "return true if aMethod is counting memoryUsage"

    MethodMemoryUsage isNil ifTrue:[^ false].
    (MethodMemoryUsage includesKey:aMethod) ifTrue:[^ true].
    aMethod isWrapped ifTrue:[
	^ MethodMemoryUsage includesKey:aMethod originalMethod
    ^ false

    "Created: 18.12.1995 / 15:51:49 / stefan"

    "return the current count"

    |count memUse|

    (MethodCounts isNil or:[MethodMemoryUsage isNil]) ifTrue:[^ 0].
    aMethod isWrapped ifTrue:[
	count := MethodCounts at:aMethod originalMethod ifAbsent:nil.
	memUse := MethodMemoryUsage at:aMethod originalMethod ifAbsent:nil.
    memUse isNil ifTrue:[
	count := MethodCounts at:aMethod ifAbsent:0.
	memUse := MethodMemoryUsage at:aMethod ifAbsent:0.
    count = 0 ifTrue:[^ 0].
    ^ memUse//count

    "Modified: 18.12.1995 / 16:25:51 / stefan"

    "remove counting memory of aMethod"

    ^ self unwrapMethod:aMethod

    "Modified: 18.12.1995 / 21:54:36 / stefan"
! !

!MessageTracer  class methodsFor:'method timing'!

    "return the current times"

    |count info min max avg ret|

    count := min := max := avg := 0.
    MethodTiming notNil ifTrue:[
        aMethod isWrapped ifTrue:[
            info := MethodTiming at:aMethod originalMethod ifAbsent:nil.
            info notNil ifTrue:[
                count := info at:1.
                min := info at:2.
                max := info at:3.
                avg := ((info at:4) / count) roundTo:0.01

    ret := IdentityDictionary new.
    ret at:#count put:count.
    ret at:#minTime put:min.
    ret at:#maxTime put:max.
    ret at:#avgTime put:avg.
    ^ ret

    "Created: 17.6.1996 / 17:07:30 / cg"
    "Modified: 17.6.1996 / 17:08:24 / cg"

    "return true if aMethod is timed"

    MethodTiming isNil ifTrue:[^ false].
    (MethodTiming includesKey:aMethod) ifTrue:[^ true].
    aMethod isWrapped ifTrue:[
        ^ MethodTiming includesKey:aMethod originalMethod
    ^ false

    "Modified: 15.12.1995 / 15:42:10 / cg"
    "Created: 17.6.1996 / 17:04:29 / cg"

    "remove timing of aMethod"

    ^ self unwrapMethod:aMethod

    "Modified: 15.12.1995 / 15:43:53 / cg"
    "Created: 17.6.1996 / 17:04:03 / cg"

    "arrange for a aMethods execution time to be measured.
     Use unwrapMethod to remove this."

    |lvl inside t0|

    MethodTiming isNil ifTrue:[
        MethodTiming := IdentityDictionary new.
    MethodTiming removeKey:aMethod ifAbsent:nil.

    ^ self wrapMethod:aMethod
         onEntry:[:con |
                        t0 := OperatingSystem getMillisecondTime.
         onExit:[:con :retVal |
                        |info t cnt min max sumTimes|

                        t := OperatingSystem getMillisecondTime - t0.
                        info := MethodTiming at:aMethod ifAbsent:nil.
                        info isNil ifTrue:[
                            MethodTiming at:aMethod put:(Array with:1
                        ] ifFalse:[
                            cnt := info at:1.
                            min := info at:2.
                            max := info at:3.
                            sumTimes := info at:4.
                            t < min ifTrue:[
                                info at:2 put:t
                            ] ifFalse:[
                                t > max ifTrue:[
                                    info at:3 put:t
                            info at:4 put:(sumTimes + t).
                            info at:1 put:cnt + 1

     MessageTracer timeMethod:(Integer compiledMethodAt:#factorial).
     5 factorial.
     5 factorial.
     5 factorial.
     (MessageTracer executionTimesOfMethod:(Integer compiledMethodAt:#factorial)) printCR. 
     MessageTracer stopTimingMethod:(Integer compiledMethodAt:#factorial) 

    "Created: 17.6.1996 / 17:03:50 / cg"
    "Modified: 17.6.1996 / 17:10:43 / cg"
! !

!MessageTracer  class methodsFor:'method tracing'!

    "arrange for a trace message to be output on Stderr, when aMethod is executed.
     Use unwrapMethod to remove this."

    |lvl inside|

    ^ self wrapMethod:aMethod
	 onEntry:[:con |
			inside isNil ifTrue:[
			    inside := true.
			    CallingLevel isNil ifTrue:[
				CallingLevel := 0.
			    lvl notNil ifTrue:[
				lvl := lvl + 1
			    ] ifFalse:[
				CallingLevel := lvl := CallingLevel + 1.
			    MessageTracer printEntryFull:con level:lvl.
			    inside := nil
	 onExit:[:con :retVal |
			inside isNil ifTrue:[
			    inside := true.
			    MessageTracer printExit:con with:retVal level:lvl.
			    CallingLevel := lvl := lvl - 1.
			    inside := nil

     MessageTracer traceMethod:(Integer compiledMethodAt:#factorial).
     5 factorial.
     MessageTracer untraceMethod:(Integer compiledMethodAt:#factorial) 
     MessageTracer traceMethod:(SequenceableCollection compiledMethodAt:#quickSortFrom:to:).
     #(6 1 9 66 2 17) copy sort.
     MessageTracer untraceMethod:(SequenceableCollection compiledMethodAt:#quickSortFrom:to:). 
     dont do this:
     MessageTracer traceMethod:(Object compiledMethodAt:#at:).
     MessageTracer traceMethod:(Object compiledMethodAt:#at:put:).
     #(6 1 9 66 2 17) copy sort.
     MessageTracer untraceMethod:(Object compiledMethodAt:#at:).
     MessageTracer untraceMethod:(Object compiledMethodAt:#at:put:).

    "arrange for a full trace message to be output on Stderr, when amethod is executed.
     Only the sender is traced on entry.
     Use untraceMethod to remove this trace."

    ^ self wrapMethod:aMethod
	      onEntry:[:con | ObjectMemory flushCaches. Smalltalk sendTraceOn.] 
	      onExit:[:con :val | Smalltalk sendTraceOff.].

    "Created: 17.12.1995 / 17:08:28 / cg"
    "Modified: 17.12.1995 / 17:12:50 / cg"

    "arrange for a full trace message to be output on Stderr, when amethod is executed.
     Only the sender is traced on entry.
     Use untraceMethod to remove this trace."

    ^ self wrapMethod:aMethod

    "Created: 15.12.1995 / 18:19:31 / cg"

    "arrange for a trace message to be output on Stderr, when amethod is executed.
     Only the sender is traced on entry.
     Use untraceMethod to remove this trace."

    ^ self wrapMethod:aMethod

    "remove tracing of aMethod"

    "just a rename for your convenience - the same basic mechanism is used for all of these
     trace facilities ..."

    ^ self unwrapMethod:aMethod
! !

!MessageTracer  class methodsFor:'method wrapping'!

    "just in case you dont know what methods have break/trace-points
     on them; this removes them all"

    WrappedMethod allInstancesDo:[:aMethod |
	self unwrapMethod:aMethod

    "remove any wrapper on aMethod"

    |selector class originalMethod dict mthd|

    MethodCounts notNil ifTrue:[
        aMethod isWrapped ifTrue:[
            MethodCounts removeKey:aMethod originalMethod ifAbsent:nil.
        MethodCounts removeKey:aMethod ifAbsent:nil.
        MethodCounts isEmpty ifTrue:[MethodCounts := nil].
    MethodMemoryUsage notNil ifTrue:[
        aMethod isWrapped ifTrue:[
            MethodMemoryUsage removeKey:aMethod originalMethod ifAbsent:nil.
        MethodMemoryUsage removeKey:aMethod ifAbsent:nil.
        MethodMemoryUsage isEmpty ifTrue:[MethodMemoryUsage := nil].
    MethodTiming notNil ifTrue:[
        aMethod isWrapped ifTrue:[
            MethodTiming removeKey:aMethod originalMethod ifAbsent:nil.
        MethodTiming removeKey:aMethod ifAbsent:nil.
        MethodTiming isEmpty ifTrue:[MethodTiming := nil].

    CallingLevel := 0.

    (aMethod isNil or:[aMethod isWrapped not]) ifTrue:[
        ^ aMethod

     get class/selector
    class := aMethod containingClass.
    class isNil ifTrue:[
        'MSGTRACER: no containing class for method found' infoPrintCR.
        ^ aMethod
    selector := class selectorAtMethod:aMethod.

    originalMethod := aMethod originalMethod.
    originalMethod isNil ifTrue:[
        self error:'oops, could not find original method'.
        ^ aMethod

    dict := class methodDictionary.
    mthd := dict at:selector ifAbsent:[0].
    mthd ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
        dict at:selector put:originalMethod.
        class methodDictionary:dict.
    ] ifFalse:[
        self halt:'oops, unexpected error'.
        ^ aMethod

    ObjectMemory flushCaches.
    ^ originalMethod

    "Modified: 5.6.1996 / 14:08:08 / stefan"
    "Modified: 17.6.1996 / 17:20:43 / cg"

wrapMethod:aMethod onEntry:entryBlock onExit:exitBlock
    ^ self wrapMethod:aMethod onEntry:entryBlock onExit:exitBlock onUnwind:nil

    "Modified: 18.12.1995 / 15:58:12 / stefan"

wrapMethod:aMethod onEntry:entryBlock onExit:exitBlock onUnwind:unwindBlock
    "arrange for the two blocks entryBlock and exitBlock to be evaluated whenever
     aMethod is evaluated. 
     EntryBlock will be called on entry, and gets the current context passed as argument. 
     ExitBlock will be called, when the method is left, and gets the context and 
     the methods return value as arguments.
     UnwindBlock will be called when the contxt of aMethod is unwound.
     If there is an unwindBlock, the entry and exitBlocks will be called within the unwind block,
     beacause allocating the unwindBlock uses memory and some users want to count allocated memory.

    |selector class trapMethod s spec src dict sel save|

    CallingLevel := 0.

     create a new method, which calls the original one,
     but only if not already being trapped.
    (aMethod isNil or:[aMethod isWrapped]) ifTrue:[
        ^ aMethod
    aMethod isLazyMethod ifTrue:[
        aMethod makeRealMethod

     get class/selector
    class := aMethod containingClass.
    class isNil ifTrue:[
        self error:'cannot place trap (no containing class found)'.
        ^ aMethod
    selector := class selectorAtMethod:aMethod.

    WrappedMethod autoload. "/ for small systems

     get a new method-spec
    spec := Parser methodSpecificationForSelector:selector.

     create a method, executing the trap-blocks and the original method via a direct call
    s := WriteStream on:String new.
    s nextPutAll:spec.
    s nextPutAll:' |retVal context| '.
    s nextPutAll:' context := thisContext.'.
    unwindBlock notNil ifTrue:[
        s nextPutAll:'['.
    entryBlock notNil ifTrue:[
        s nextPutAll:'#entryBlock yourself value:context. '.
    s nextPutAll:'retVal := #originalMethod yourself';
      nextPutAll:             ' valueWithReceiver:(context receiver)'; 
      nextPutAll:             ' arguments:(context args)';
      nextPutAll:             ' selector:(context selector)'; 
      nextPutAll:             ' search:(context searchClass)';
      nextPutAll:             ' sender:nil. '.

    exitBlock notNil ifTrue:[
        s nextPutAll:'#exitBlock yourself value:context value:retVal.'.
    unwindBlock notNil ifTrue:[
        s nextPutAll:'] valueOnUnwindDo:#unwindBlock yourself.'.
    s nextPutAll:'^ retVal'; cr.

    src := s contents.
    save := Compiler stcCompilation.
    Compiler stcCompilation:#never.
        Class withoutUpdatingChangesDo:[
            trapMethod := Compiler compile:src 
                            inCategory:aMethod category
    ] valueNowOrOnUnwindDo:[
        Compiler stcCompilation:save

    trapMethod changeClassTo:WrappedMethod.

     raising our eyebrows here ...
    entryBlock notNil ifTrue:[
        trapMethod changeLiteral:#entryBlock to:entryBlock.
    trapMethod changeLiteral:#originalMethod to:aMethod.
    exitBlock notNil ifTrue:[
        trapMethod changeLiteral:#exitBlock to:exitBlock.
    unwindBlock notNil ifTrue:[
        trapMethod changeLiteral:#unwindBlock to:unwindBlock.
     change the source of this new method
     (to avoid confusion in the debugger ...)
    trapMethod source:'this is a wrapper method - not the real one'.

    dict := class methodDictionary.
    sel := dict at:selector ifAbsent:[0].
    sel == 0 ifTrue:[
        self halt:'oops, unexpected error'.
        ^ aMethod

    dict at:selector put:trapMethod.
    class methodDictionary:dict.
    ObjectMemory flushCaches.
    ^ trapMethod

                wrapMethod:(Point compiledMethodAt:#scaleBy:) 
                    onExit:[:con :retVal |
                               Transcript show:'leave Point>>scaleBy:; returning:'.
                               Transcript showCR:retVal printString.
                               Transcript endEntry
     (1@2) scaleBy:5.   
     MessageTracer unwrapMethod:(Point compiledMethodAt:#scaleBy:).  
     (1@2) scaleBy:5.         
                wrapMethod:(Integer compiledMethodAt:#factorial) 
                   onEntry:[:con |
                               Transcript showCR:('entering ' , con receiver printString , '>>factorial').
                    onExit:[:con :retVal |
                               Transcript show:'leave Integer>>factorial; returning:'.
                               Transcript showCR:retVal printString.
                               Transcript endEntry
     Transcript showCR:'5 factorial traced'.
     5 factorial.   
     MessageTracer unwrapMethod:(Integer compiledMethodAt:#factorial).  
     Transcript showCR:'5 factorial normal'.
     5 factorial.         

     lvl := 0.
                wrapMethod:(Integer compiledMethodAt:#factorial) 
                   onEntry:[:con |
                               Transcript spaces:lvl. lvl := lvl + 2.
                               Transcript showCR:('entering ' , con receiver printString , '>>factorial').
                    onExit:[:con :retVal |
                               lvl := lvl - 2. Transcript spaces:lvl.
                               Transcript show:('leave ' , con receiver printString , '>>factorial; returning:').
                               Transcript showCR:retVal printString.
                               Transcript endEntry
     Transcript showCR:'5 factorial traced'.
     5 factorial.   
     MessageTracer unwrapMethod:(Integer compiledMethodAt:#factorial).  
     Transcript showCR:'5 factorial normal'.
     5 factorial.         

    "Modified: 13.12.1995 / 16:06:22 / cg"
    "Modified: 25.6.1996 / 22:04:51 / stefan"
! !

!MessageTracer  class methodsFor:'object breakpointing'!

trap:anObject selector:aSelector
    "arrange for the debugger to be entered when a message with aSelector is 
     sent to anObject. Use untrap to remove this trap.
     The current implementation does not allow integers or nil to be trapped."

    self wrap:anObject


     p := Point new.
     MessageTracer trap:p selector:#x:.
     p x:5

trap:anObject selectors:aCollection
    self wrap:anObject

    "trap on all messages which are understood by anObject"

    self wrapAll:anObject

trapAll:anObject from:aClass
    "trap on all messages defined in aClass sent to anObject"

    self trap:anObject selectors:aClass selectors

    "Modified: 5.6.1996 / 13:46:06 / stefan"

    "remove any traps on anObject"

    "this is done by just patching the objects class back to the original"


    orgClass := anObject class.
    orgClass category == #'* trapping *' ifFalse:[
        ^ self

    anObject changeClassTo:orgClass superclass


     p := Point new copy.
     MessageTracer trace:p selector:#x:.
     MessageTracer trace:p selector:#y:.
     p y:1.
     p x:2.
     MessageTracer untrap:p
     p y:2.
     p x:1.

    "Modified: 10.9.1996 / 20:06:07 / cg"

untrap:anObject selector:aSelector
    "remove trap on aSelector from anObject"

    |orgClass idx sels dict|

    orgClass := anObject class.
    orgClass category == #'* trapping *' ifFalse:[^ self].

    dict := orgClass methodDictionary.
    dict at:aSelector ifAbsent:[^ self].

    dict size == 1 ifTrue:[
        "the last trap got removed"
        anObject changeClassTo:orgClass superclass.
        ^ self
    dict removeKey:aSelector.
    orgClass methodDictionary:dict.
    ObjectMemory flushCaches. "avoid calling the old trap method"


     p := Point new copy.
     MessageTracer trace:p selector:#x:.
     MessageTracer trace:p selector:#y:.
     'trace both ...' errorPrintNL.
     p x:2.
     p y:1.
     'trace only y ...' errorPrintNL.
     MessageTracer untrap:p selector:#x:.
     p x:2.
     p y:1.
     'trace none ...' errorPrintNL.
     MessageTracer untrap:p selector:#y:.
     p x:2.
     p y:1.

    "Modified: 5.6.1996 / 13:56:08 / stefan"
    "Modified: 10.9.1996 / 20:06:14 / cg"
! !

!MessageTracer  class methodsFor:'object tracing'!

trace:anObject selector:aSelector
    "arrange for a trace message to be output on Stderr, when a message with 
     aSelector is sent to anObject. Both entry and exit are traced.
     Use untrap to remove this trace.
     The current implementation does not allow integers or nil to be traced."


    methodName := anObject class name , '>>' , aSelector.
    self wrap:anObject
	 onEntry:[:con | 
		     'enter ' errorPrint. methodName errorPrint. 
		     ' receiver=' errorPrint. con receiver printString errorPrint.
		     ' args=' errorPrint. (con args) printString errorPrint.
		     ' from:' errorPrint. con sender errorPrintNL.
	 onExit:[:con :retVal |
		     'leave ' errorPrint. methodName errorPrint. 
		     ' receiver=' errorPrint. con receiver printString errorPrint.
		     ' returning:' errorPrint. retVal printString errorPrintNL.


     p := Point new.
     MessageTracer trace:p selector:#x:.
     p x:5.
     p y:1.
     p x:10.
     MessageTracer untrap:p.
     p x:7

     a := #(6 1 9 66 2 17) copy.
     MessageTracer trace:a selector:#at:put:.
     MessageTracer trace:a selector:#at:.
     a sort.

trace:anObject selectors:aCollection
    aCollection do:[:aSelector |
	self trace:anObject selector:aSelector

     trace all methods in Display, which are implemented
     in the DisplayWorkstation class.

     MessageTracer trace:Display selectors:(XWorkstation selectorArray)
     MessageTracer untrace:Display

    "trace all messages which are understood by anObject"


    allSelectors := IdentitySet new.
    anObject class withAllSuperclasses do:[:aClass |
        aClass methodDictionary keys addAllTo:allSelectors
    self trace:anObject selectors:allSelectors

     trace all (implemented) messages sent to Display
     (other messages lead to an error, anyway)

     MessageTracer traceAll:Display
     MessageTracer untrace:Display

    "Modified: 5.6.1996 / 13:43:51 / stefan"

traceAll:anObject from:aClass
    "trace all messages defined in aClass sent to anObject"

    self trace:anObject selectors:aClass selectors

     trace all methods in Display, which are implemented
     in the DisplayWorkstation class.

     MessageTracer traceAll:Display from:XWorkstation
     MessageTracer untrace:Display

    "Modified: 5.6.1996 / 13:45:37 / stefan"

traceSender:anObject selector:aSelector
    "arrange for a trace message to be output on Stderr, when a message with 
     aSelector is sent to anObject. Only the sender is traced on entry.
     Use untrap to remove this trace.
     The current implementation does not allow integers or nil to be traced."


    methodName := anObject class name , '>>' , aSelector.
    self wrap:anObject
	 onEntry:[:con | 
		     methodName errorPrint. 
		     ' from ' errorPrint. 
		     con sender errorPrintNL.


     p := Point new.
     MessageTracer traceSender:p selector:#x:.
     p x:5.
     p y:1.
     p x:10.
     MessageTracer untrap:p.
     p x:7

     a := #(6 1 9 66 2 17) copy.
     MessageTracer traceSender:a selector:#at:put:.
     MessageTracer traceSender:a selector:#at:.
     a sort.

    "remove any traces on anObject"

    "just a rename for your convenience - the same basic mechanism is used for all of these
     trace facilities ..."

    ^ self untrap:anObject

untrace:anObject selector:aSelector
    "remove traces of aSelector sent to anObject"

    "just a rename for your convenience - the same basic mechanism is used for all of these
     trace facilities ..."

    ^ self untrap:anObject selector:aSelector
! !

!MessageTracer  class methodsFor:'object wrapping'!

wrap:anObject selector:aSelector onEntry:entryBlock onExit:exitBlock
    "arrange for the two blocks entryBlock and exitBlock to be evaluated whenever
     a message with aSelector is sent to anObject. EntryBlock will be called on
     entry, and get the current context passed as argument. ExitBlock will be called,
     when the method is left, and get the context and the methods return value as arguments.
     The current implementation does not allow integers or nil to be wrapped."

    "I have not yet enough experience, if the wrapped original method should
     run as an instance of the original, or of the catching class; 
     The latter has the advantage of catching recursive and other sends, while
     it might lead into trouble when the message is sent from a debugger or a long
     return is done out of the original method ...
     Time will show, you can experiment by setting the withOriginalClass: flag to false
    ^ self wrap:anObject selector:aSelector onEntry:entryBlock onExit:exitBlock withOriginalClass:true

wrap:anObject selector:aSelector onEntry:entryBlock onExit:exitBlock withOriginalClass:withOriginalClass
    "arrange for the two blocks entryBlock and exitBlock to be evaluated whenever
     a message with aSelector is sent to anObject. EntryBlock will be called on
     entry, and get the current context passed as argument. ExitBlock will be called,
     when the method is left, and get the current context and the methods return value as argument.
     If withOriginalClass is true, the class of anObject will be set to its original class
     before the wrapped method will be called.
     NOTICE: The current implementation does not allow integers or nil to be wrapped."

    |newClass orgClass myMetaclass trapMethod s spec implClass save dict|

     some are not allowed (otherwise we get into trouble ...)
    (#(class changeClassTo:) includes:aSelector) ifTrue:[
        Transcript showCR:'sorry, cannot place trap on: ' , aSelector.
        ^ self

    WrappedMethod autoload.     "/ just to make sure ...

     create a new (anonymous) subclass of the receivers class
     but only if not already being trapped.
    orgClass := anObject class.
    orgClass category == #'* trapping *' ifTrue:[
        newClass := orgClass
    ] ifFalse:[
        myMetaclass := orgClass class.

        newClass := myMetaclass copy new.
        newClass setSuperclass:orgClass.
        newClass instSize:orgClass instSize.
        newClass flags:orgClass flags.
        newClass setClassVariableString:''.
        newClass setInstanceVariableString:''.
        newClass setName:orgClass name.
        newClass category:#'* trapping *'.
        newClass methodDictionary:MethodDictionary new.

     create a method, executing the trap-blocks and the original method via a super-send
    spec := Parser methodSpecificationForSelector:aSelector.
    s := WriteStream on:String new.
    s nextPutAll:spec.
    s nextPutAll:' |retVal stubClass| '.
    withOriginalClass ifTrue:[
        s nextPutAll:'stubClass := self class. '.
        s nextPutAll:'self changeClassTo:(stubClass superclass). '.
    entryBlock notNil ifTrue:[
        s nextPutAll:'#literal1 yourself value:thisContext. '.
    s nextPutAll:('retVal := #originalMethod. ').    "/ just to get a place for the originalMethod
    s nextPutAll:('retVal := super ' , spec , '. ').
    exitBlock notNil ifTrue:[
        s nextPutAll:'#literal2 yourself value:thisContext value:retVal. '.
    withOriginalClass ifTrue:[
        s nextPutAll:'self changeClassTo:stubClass. '.
    s nextPutAll:'^ retVal'; cr.

    save := Compiler stcCompilation.
    Compiler stcCompilation:#never.
        Class withoutUpdatingChangesDo:[
            trapMethod := Compiler compile:s contents 
    ] valueNowOrOnUnwindDo:[
        Compiler stcCompilation:save

    implClass := orgClass whichClassIncludesSelector:aSelector.
    implClass isNil ifTrue:[
        Transcript showCR:aSelector , ' is not understood by ' , orgClass name.
    ] ifFalse:[
        trapMethod changeLiteral:#originalMethod to:(implClass compiledMethodAt:aSelector).
    entryBlock notNil ifTrue:[
        trapMethod changeLiteral:#literal1 to:entryBlock.
    exitBlock notNil ifTrue:[
        trapMethod changeLiteral:#literal2 to:exitBlock.
     change the source of this new method
     (to avoid confusion in the debugger ...)
    trapMethod source:'this is a wrapper method - not the real one'.
    trapMethod changeClassTo:WrappedMethod.

     install this new method
    dict := newClass methodDictionary.
    dict := dict at:aSelector putOrAppend:trapMethod.
    newClass methodDictionary:dict.

     and finally, the big trick:
    anObject changeClassTo:newClass


     p := Point new copy.
              onExit:[:context :retVal |
                         Transcript show:'leave Point>>y:, returning:'.
                         Transcript showCR:retVal printString.
                         Transcript endEntry
     Transcript showCR:'sending x: ...'.
     p x:1.
     Transcript showCR:'sending y: ...'.
     p y:2.
     MessageTracer untrap:p.
     Transcript showCR:'sending x: ...'.
     p x:2.
     Transcript showCR:'sending y: ...'.
     p y:1.


     p := Point new copy.
     MessageTracer wrap:p
                onEntry:[:context | self halt:'y: you are trapped']
     Transcript showCR:'sending x: ...'.
     p x:1.
     Transcript showCR:'sending y: ...'.
     p y:2.
     MessageTracer untrap:p.
     Transcript showCR:'sending x: ...'.
     p x:2.
     Transcript showCR:'sending y: ...'.
     p y:1.

    "Modified: 25.6.1996 / 22:11:21 / stefan"
    "Modified: 10.9.1996 / 20:06:54 / cg"

wrap:anObject selectors:aCollection onEntry:entryBlock onExit:exitBlock
    "install wrappers for anObject on all selectors from aCollection"

    aCollection do:[:aSelector |
	self wrap:anObject selector:aSelector onEntry:entryBlock onExit:exitBlock

wrapAll:anObject onEntry:entryBlock onExit:exitBlock
    "install wrappers for anObject on all implemented selectors"


    allSelectors := IdentitySet new.
    anObject class withAllSuperclasses do:[:aClass |
        aClass methodDictionary keys addAllTo:allSelectors
    self wrap:anObject selectors:allSelectors onEntry:entryBlock onExit:exitBlock

    "Modified: 5.6.1996 / 14:50:07 / stefan"
! !

!MessageTracer  class methodsFor:'trace helpers'!

    self printEntryFull:aContext level:0

printEntryFull:aContext level:lvl
    (String new:lvl) errorPrint.
    'enter ' errorPrint. 
    aContext methodClass name errorPrint.
    ' ' errorPrint.
    aContext selector errorPrint. 
    ' rcvr=' errorPrint. 
    aContext receiver "printString" errorPrint.
    ' args=' errorPrint. 
    (aContext args) "printString" errorPrint.
    ' from:' errorPrint. aContext sender errorPrintNL.

    aContext methodClass name errorPrint.
    ' ' errorPrint. aContext selector errorPrint. 
    ' from ' errorPrint.
    aContext sender errorPrintNL.  

printExit:aContext with:retVal
    self printExit:aContext with:retVal level:0

printExit:aContext with:retVal level:lvl
    (String new:lvl) errorPrint.
    'leave ' errorPrint. 
    aContext methodClass name errorPrint.
    ' ' errorPrint.
    aContext selector errorPrint. 
    ' rcvr=' errorPrint. 
    aContext receiver "printString" errorPrint.
    ' return:' errorPrint. retVal "printString" errorPrintNL.
! !

!MessageTracer methodsFor:'trace helpers '!

    "called for every send while tracing"


    StepInterruptPending := nil.
    con := thisContext sender.
    con lineNumber == 1 ifTrue:[
        traceDetail == true ifTrue:[
            self class printEntryFull:con.
        ] ifFalse:[    
            con printCR.
    ObjectMemory flushInlineCaches.
    StepInterruptPending := 1.
    InterruptPending := 1.
    ^ self

    "Modified: 20.5.1996 / 10:28:20 / cg"

trace:aBlock detail:fullDetail
    "trace execution of aBlock."

    traceDetail := fullDetail.
    ObjectMemory stepInterruptHandler:self.
    ^ [
	ObjectMemory flushInlineCaches.
	StepInterruptPending := 1.
	InterruptPending := 1.
	aBlock value
    ] valueNowOrOnUnwindDo:[
	StepInterruptPending := nil.
	ObjectMemory stepInterruptHandler:nil.

     MessageTracer trace:[#(6 5 4 3 2 1) sort] detail:false
     MessageTracer trace:[#(6 5 4 3 2 1) sort] detail:true 
! !

!MessageTracer  class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic3/,v 1.43 1996-09-10 18:08:29 cg Exp $'
! !
MessageTracer initialize!