initial checkin
Wed, 11 Jan 2012 19:20:41 +0100
changeset 2707 68860a7700c2
parent 2706 b847ffc8dd3d
child 2708 c3c2a0c24cdb
initial checkin
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Wed Jan 11 19:20:41 2012 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+"{ Package: 'stx:libbasic3' }"
+Object subclass:#ProjectChecker
+	instanceVariableNames:'package packageDef classes methods problems'
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'System-Support-Projects'
+Object subclass:#Problem
+	instanceVariableNames:'label description severity data'
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	privateIn:ProjectChecker
+!ProjectChecker class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+    A simple project checker that can search whole projects or individual
+    classes or methods for various problems. TBW...
+    NOTE: Not yet finished. This code is meant as a single central entry for all the
+    source code management tools like SCM Utilities, NewSystemBrowser ets. That code
+    will be refactored later once this tools prooves itself useful and mature enough.
+    [author:]
+        Jan Vrany <>
+    [instance variables:]
+    [class variables:]
+    [see also:]
+    "
+        ProjectChecker check: 'stx:libbasic'
+    "
+! !
+!ProjectChecker class methodsFor:'checking'!
+check: package
+    ^self new check: package
+    "Created: / 11-01-2012 / 16:46:38 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!ProjectChecker methodsFor:'accessing'!
+    ^ package
+    package := packageId.
+! !
+!ProjectChecker methodsFor:'checking'!
+    self
+        checkPackage;
+        checkClasses;
+        checkMethods
+    "Created: / 11-01-2012 / 16:47:21 / Jan Vrany <>"
+check: package
+    self package: package.
+    self check.
+    "Created: / 11-01-2012 / 16:47:21 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!ProjectChecker methodsFor:'checks-individual'!
+    "Checks whether all classes listed in #classNamesAndAttributes are present
+    and if all present classes are listed"
+    <check: #package>
+    |classesInImage classesInDescription missingPools onlyInImage onlyInDescription|
+    "WARNING: Copy/paste of ProjectDefinition>>validateDescription"
+    classesInImage := Smalltalk allClasses select:[:cls | (cls package = self package) and:[cls isPrivate not]].
+    "/ classesInDescription := self classes asIdentitySet.
+    classesInDescription := IdentitySet new.
+    ((packageDef compiled_classNamesForPlatform:(OperatingSystem platformName))
+    , (packageDef compiled_classNames_common)
+    , (packageDef autoloaded_classNames)) do:[:nm |
+        |cls|
+        cls := Smalltalk at:nm asSymbol.
+        cls isNil ifTrue:[
+            self problem: 'Missing class ', nm 
+                 description: 'A class is listed in project definition but not present in the system'
+                 severity: #error
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            classesInDescription add:cls.
+        ].
+    ].
+    missingPools := Set new.
+    classesInDescription do:[:eachClass |
+        eachClass sharedPoolNames do:[:eachPoolName |
+            |pool|
+            pool := eachClass nameSpace classNamed:eachPoolName.
+            pool isNil ifTrue:[
+                eachClass nameSpace ~~ Smalltalk ifTrue:[
+                    pool := Smalltalk classNamed:eachPoolName.
+                ]
+            ].
+            pool isNil ifTrue:[
+                self 
+                    problem:'Missing pool: ',eachPoolName 
+                    description: ('Class %1 uses a pool named %2 but it does not exists' bindWith: eachClass with: pool)
+                    severity: #error data: eachClass.
+                missingPools add:eachPoolName.
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                pool isSharedPool ifFalse:[
+                    self 
+                        problem:'Missing pool: ',eachPoolName 
+                        description: ('Class %1 uses a pool named %2 but it is not actually a shared pool.' bindWith: eachClass with: pool)
+                        severity: #error data: eachClass.
+                    missingPools add:eachPoolName.
+                ].
+            ].
+        ].
+    ].
+    classesInImage ~= classesInDescription ifTrue:[
+        onlyInImage := (classesInImage reject:[:cls | classesInDescription includes:cls]).
+        onlyInImage do:[:cls|
+            self problem: ('Class %1 not listed in project definition' bindWith: cls)
+                 description: 'The class %1 not listed in project definition''s #classNamesAndAttributes, therefore it won''t be compiler nor autoladed next time you compile/load project.'
+                 severity: #error data: cls.
+        ].
+        onlyInDescription := (classesInDescription reject:[:cls | classesInImage includes:cls]).
+        onlyInDescription do:[:cls|
+            self problem: ('Class %1 is listed in project definition but not present in the system' bindWith: cls)
+                 description: 'The class %1 list in project definition''s but not present in the system. This leads to uncompilable package as build files may be incorrectly generated.'
+                 severity: #error data: cls.
+        ].
+    ].
+    "Created: / 11-01-2012 / 17:14:33 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!ProjectChecker methodsFor:'checks-private'!
+    "Not yet implemented"
+    "Created: / 11-01-2012 / 16:55:48 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Not yet implemented"
+    "Created: / 11-01-2012 / 16:55:49 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    packageDef := ProjectDefinition definitionClassForPackage: package.
+    packageDef isNil ifTrue:[
+        self problem: 'Project definition class for package %1 does not exist'
+             description: nil
+             severity: #error.
+        ^self    
+    ].
+    self checksForScope: #package do:[:selector|
+        self perform: selector withOptionalArgument: package.    
+    ]
+    "Created: / 11-01-2012 / 16:55:32 / Jan Vrany <>"
+checksForScope: scope do: block
+    "Iterates over all checks for given scope and evaluates block with
+     check selector"    
+    self class selectorsAndMethodsDo:[:sel :mth|
+        | annotation |
+        annotation := mth annotationAt:#check:.
+        (annotation notNil and:[(annotation argumentAt: 1) == scope]) ifTrue:[
+            block value: sel
+        ]
+    ]
+    "Created: / 11-01-2012 / 17:07:20 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!ProjectChecker methodsFor:'reporting'!
+problem: label description: description severity: severity
+    "Reports a problem"
+    ^self problem: label description: description severity: severity data: nil
+    "Created: / 11-01-2012 / 17:24:01 / Jan Vrany <>"
+problem: label description: description severity: severity data: data
+    "Reports a problem"
+    problems isNil ifTrue:[problems := OrderedCollection new].
+    problems add:
+        (Problem new
+            label: label;
+            description: description;
+            severity: severity;
+            data: data)
+    "Created: / 11-01-2012 / 17:17:33 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!ProjectChecker::Problem methodsFor:'accessing'!
+    ^ data
+    data := something.
+    ^ description
+    description := something.
+    ^ label
+    label := something.
+    ^ severity
+    severity := something.
+! !
+!ProjectChecker class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic3/,v 1.1 2012-01-11 18:20:41 vrany Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic3/,v 1.1 2012-01-11 18:20:41 vrany Exp $'
+! !