changeset 3968 4e4f134b6e26
parent 3966 7399600c96cf
parent 3962 ce73bb115aa3
child 3970 72df4cc677f0
--- a/ObjectFileLoader.st	Fri Sep 02 17:35:56 2016 +0100
+++ b/ObjectFileLoader.st	Tue Sep 06 06:59:40 2016 +0200
@@ -2665,107 +2665,107 @@
     osType := OperatingSystem getOSType.
     osType = #win32 ifTrue:[
-	self activityNotification:'generating shared object'.
-	ParserFlags linkArgs isNil ifTrue:[
-	    ld := self linkCommand , ' ' , baseFileName , '.obj'.
-	    ld := ld
-	       , ' /OUT:' , baseFileName , '.dll '
+        self activityNotification:'generating shared object'.
+        ParserFlags linkArgs isNil ifTrue:[
+            ld := self linkCommand , ' ' , baseFileName , '.obj'.
+            ld := ld
+               , ' /NOPACK /NOLOGO /DEBUG /MACHINE:I386 /DLL'
+               , ' /OUT:' , baseFileName , '.dll '
 "/               , ' /DEF:' , baseFileName , '.def'.
-	] ifFalse:[
+        ] ifFalse:[
 "/            libDir := ParserFlags libDirectory.
 "/            (libDir notNil and:[libDir asFilename exists]) ifFalse:[
-		ParserFlags useBorlandC ifTrue:[
-		    libDirBasename := 'lib\bc'
-		] ifFalse:[
-		    ParserFlags useVisualC ifTrue:[
-			libDirBasename := 'lib\vc'
-		    ] ifFalse:[
-			(ParserFlags useMingw32 or:[ParserFlags useMingw64]) ifTrue:[
-			    libDirBasename := 'lib\mingw'
-			] ifFalse:[
-			    libDirBasename := 'lib\vc'
-			]
-		    ]
-		].
-		homeDir := Smalltalk packagePath detect:[:p | (p asFilename / 'stx' / libDirBasename) exists] ifNone:nil.
-		homeDir notNil ifTrue:[
-		    libDir := (homeDir asFilename / 'stx' / libDirBasename) pathName
-		].
-		libDir isNil ifTrue:[
-		    "/ some fallback
-		    libDir := #( '..'
-				 '..\..'
-				 '..\..\..'
-				 '..\..\stx'
-				 '..\..\..\stx'
-			       ) detect:[:p | (p asFilename / libDirBasename) exists] ifNone:nil.
-		    libDir isNil ifTrue:[
-			LastError := errorMessage := 'could not locate directory where .lib files are (',libDirBasename,')'.
-			ObjectFileLoadError raiseRequestErrorString:errorMessage.
-			^ nil
-		    ].
-		].
+                ParserFlags useBorlandC ifTrue:[
+                    libDirBasename := 'lib\bc'
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    ParserFlags useVisualC ifTrue:[
+                        libDirBasename := 'lib\vc'
+                    ] ifFalse:[
+                        (ParserFlags useMingw32 or:[ParserFlags useMingw64]) ifTrue:[
+                            libDirBasename := 'lib\mingw'
+                        ] ifFalse:[
+                            libDirBasename := 'lib\vc'
+                        ]
+                    ]
+                ].
+                homeDir := Smalltalk packagePath detect:[:p | (p asFilename / 'stx' / libDirBasename) exists] ifNone:nil.
+                homeDir notNil ifTrue:[
+                    libDir := (homeDir asFilename / 'stx' / libDirBasename) pathName
+                ].
+                libDir isNil ifTrue:[
+                    "/ some fallback
+                    libDir := #( '..'
+                                 '..\..'
+                                 '..\..\..'
+                                 '..\..\stx'
+                                 '..\..\..\stx'
+                               ) detect:[:p | (p asFilename / libDirBasename) exists] ifNone:nil.
+                    libDir isNil ifTrue:[
+                        LastError := errorMessage := 'could not locate directory where .lib files are (',libDirBasename,')'.
+                        ObjectFileLoadError raiseRequestErrorString:errorMessage.
+                        ^ nil
+                    ].
+                ].
 "/            ].
-	    ParserFlags useBorlandC ifTrue:[
-		ld := self linkCommand , ' ' , (ParserFlags linkArgs bindWith:baseFileName).
-		ld := ld , ' c0d32.obj ' , baseFileName , '.obj '.
-		ld := ld , ',' , baseFileName , '.dll,,',libDir,'\librun.lib '.
-		ld := ld , (ParserFlags searchedLibraries asStringCollection asStringWith: $ ).
-		ld := ld , ' ',libDir,'\cs32i.lib,,'.
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		ParserFlags useVisualC ifTrue:[
-		    "/ todo: fix for correct link libs
-		    ld := self linkCommand , ' ' , (ParserFlags linkArgs bindWith:baseFileName).
-		    ld := ld , ' c0d32.obj ' , baseFileName , '.obj '.
-		    ld := ld , ',' , baseFileName , '.dll,,',libDir,'\librun.lib '.
-		    ld := ld , (ParserFlags searchedLibraries asStringCollection asStringWith: $ ).
-		    ld := ld , ' ',libDir,'\cs32i.lib,,'.
-		] ifFalse:[
-		    (ParserFlags useMingw64 or:[ParserFlags useMingw32]) ifTrue:[
-			ld := self linkCommand , ' ' , (ParserFlags linkArgs bindWith:baseFileName).
-			ld := ld , ' -shared -o ',baseFileName,'.dll '.
-			ld := ld , baseFileName,'.obj '.
-			ld := ld , libDir,'\librun.lib '.
-			ld := ld , (ParserFlags searchedLibraries asStringCollection asStringWith: $ ).
-		    ] ifFalse:[
-			ObjectFileLoadError raiseRequestErrorString:'for dynamic objects, only borlandC is (currently) supported'.
-			LastError := 'for dynamic objects, only borlandC is (currently) supported'.
-			^ nil
-		    ]
-		]
-	    ]
-	].
-	outfile := (baseFileName , '.out').
-	(Verbose or:[ STCCompilerInterface verbose ]) ifTrue:[
-	    Transcript showCR:('executing: ',ld).
-	].
-	ok := OperatingSystem executeCommand:(ld , ' >' , outfile).
-	ok ifFalse:[
-	    output := (baseFileName , '.out') asFilename contentsOfEntireFile.
-	    Transcript showCR:output; endEntry.
-	    Transcript showCR:'Failed linkCommand:'.
-	    Transcript showCR:ld.
-	    Transcript showCR:'ParserFlags are:'.
-	    Transcript showCR:ParserFlags.
-	].
-	#('.obj' '.out' '.tds' '.ilc' '.ild'
-	  '.ilf' '.ils' '.lib' '.map' '.def' '.o') do:[:eachSuffix|
-	    (baseFileName , eachSuffix) asFilename delete.
-	].
-	ok ifFalse:[
-	    LastError := output.
-	    "/ ObjectFileLoadError raiseRequestErrorString:'link failed'.
-	    ^ nil
-	].
-	oFileName := (baseFileName , self sharedLibraryExtension) asFilename name.
-	^ oFileName
+            ParserFlags useBorlandC ifTrue:[
+                ld := self linkCommand , ' ' , (ParserFlags linkArgs bindWith:baseFileName).
+                ld := ld , ' c0d32.obj ' , baseFileName , '.obj '.
+                ld := ld , ',' , baseFileName , '.dll,,',libDir,'\librun.lib '.
+                ld := ld , (ParserFlags searchedLibraries asStringCollection asStringWith: $ ).
+                ld := ld , ' ',libDir,'\cs32i.lib,,'.
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                ParserFlags useVisualC ifTrue:[
+                    "/ todo: fix for correct link libs
+                    ld := self linkCommand , ' ' , (ParserFlags linkArgs bindWith:baseFileName).
+                    ld := ld , ' c0d32.obj ' , baseFileName , '.obj '.
+                    ld := ld , ',' , baseFileName , '.dll,,',libDir,'\librun.lib '.
+                    ld := ld , (ParserFlags searchedLibraries asStringCollection asStringWith: $ ).
+                    ld := ld , ' ',libDir,'\cs32i.lib,,'.
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    (ParserFlags useMingw64 or:[ParserFlags useMingw32]) ifTrue:[
+                        ld := self linkCommand , ' ' , (ParserFlags linkArgs bindWith:baseFileName).
+                        ld := ld , ' -shared -o ',baseFileName,'.dll '.
+                        ld := ld , baseFileName,'.obj '.
+                        ld := ld , libDir,'\librun.lib '.
+                        ld := ld , (ParserFlags searchedLibraries asStringCollection asStringWith: $ ).
+                    ] ifFalse:[
+                        ObjectFileLoadError raiseRequestErrorString:'for dynamic objects, only borlandC is (currently) supported'.
+                        LastError := 'for dynamic objects, only borlandC is (currently) supported'.
+                        ^ nil
+                    ]
+                ]
+            ]
+        ].
+        outfile := (baseFileName , '.out').
+        (Verbose or:[ STCCompilerInterface verbose ]) ifTrue:[
+            Transcript showCR:('executing: ',ld).
+        ].
+        ok := OperatingSystem executeCommand:(ld , ' >' , outfile) showWindow:false.
+        ok ifFalse:[
+            output := (baseFileName , '.out') asFilename contentsOfEntireFile.
+            Transcript showCR:output; endEntry.
+            Transcript showCR:'Failed linkCommand:'.
+            Transcript showCR:ld.
+            Transcript showCR:'ParserFlags are:'.
+            Transcript showCR:ParserFlags.
+        ].
+        #('.obj' '.out' '.tds' '.ilc' '.ild'
+          '.ilf' '.ils' '.lib' '.map' '.def' '.o') do:[:eachSuffix|
+            (baseFileName , eachSuffix) asFilename delete.
+        ].
+        ok ifFalse:[
+            LastError := output.
+            "/ ObjectFileLoadError raiseRequestErrorString:'link failed'.
+            ^ nil
+        ].
+        oFileName := (baseFileName , self sharedLibraryExtension) asFilename name.
+        ^ oFileName
     "/ UNIX systems
@@ -2776,113 +2776,113 @@
     fmt := ObjectFileLoader loadableBinaryObjectFormat.
     (fmt == #elf
     or:[ fmt == #macho ]) ifTrue:[
-	"
-	 link it to a shared object with 'ld -shared'
-	"
-	needSharedObject := true.
-	ld := self linkCommand ? 'cc'.
-	ldArg := self linkSharedArgs.
-	ldArg isNil ifTrue:[
-	    "/ some default
-	    ExternalAddress pointerSize == 4 ifTrue:[
-		ldArg := '-m32 -shared'.
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		ldArg := '--shared'.
-	    ]
-	]
+        "
+         link it to a shared object with 'ld -shared'
+        "
+        needSharedObject := true.
+        ld := self linkCommand ? 'cc'.
+        ldArg := self linkSharedArgs.
+        ldArg isNil ifTrue:[
+            "/ some default
+            ExternalAddress pointerSize == 4 ifTrue:[
+                ldArg := '-m32 -shared'.
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                ldArg := '--shared'.
+            ]
+        ]
     osType = #irix ifTrue:[
-	"
-	 link it to a shared object with 'ld -shared'
-	"
-	needSharedObject := true.
-	ldArg := self linkSharedArgs ? '-shared'.
+        "
+         link it to a shared object with 'ld -shared'
+        "
+        needSharedObject := true.
+        ldArg := self linkSharedArgs ? '-shared'.
     osType = #'sys5_4' ifTrue:[
-	"
-	 link it to a shared object with 'ld -G'
-	"
-	needSharedObject := true.
-	ldArg := self linkSharedArgs ? '-G'.
+        "
+         link it to a shared object with 'ld -G'
+        "
+        needSharedObject := true.
+        ldArg := self linkSharedArgs ? '-G'.
     osType = #solaris ifTrue:[
-	"
-	 link it to a shared object with 'ld -G -B dynamic'
-	"
-	needSharedObject := true.
-	ldArg := self linkSharedArgs ? '-G -Bdynamic'.
+        "
+         link it to a shared object with 'ld -G -B dynamic'
+        "
+        needSharedObject := true.
+        ldArg := self linkSharedArgs ? '-G -Bdynamic'.
     osType = #hpux ifTrue:[
-	"
-	 link it to a shared object with 'ld -b -B immediate'
-	"
-	needSharedObject := true.
-	ldArg := self linkSharedArgs ? '-b -B immediate'.
+        "
+         link it to a shared object with 'ld -b -B immediate'
+        "
+        needSharedObject := true.
+        ldArg := self linkSharedArgs ? '-b -B immediate'.
     osType = #aix ifTrue:[
-	self activityNotification:'create export file'.
-	"/ create an exports file.
-	expFileName := './' , baseFileName , '.exp'.
-	[
-	    expFile := expFileName asFilename writeStream.
-	    expFile nextPutAll:'#!! ./' , baseFileName , (self sharedLibraryExtension).
-	    expFile cr.
-	    expFile nextPutAll:'_' , baseFileName , '_Init'.
-	    expFile close.
-	] on:FileStream openErrorSignal do:[:ex| "do nothing"].
-	self activityNotification:'generating shared object'.
-	"
-	 link it to a shared object with 'cc -bI:...librun.exp -bE -bMSRE'
-	"
-	needSharedObject := true.
-	ld := 'cc'.
-	librunExpFileName := Smalltalk getSystemFileName:'lib/librun_aix.exp'.
-	librunExpFileName isNil ifTrue:[
-	    LastError := 'missing exports file: ''lib/librun_aix.exp'' - cannot link'.
-	    ^ nil
-	].
-	ldArg := '-bI:' , librunExpFileName ,
-		' -bE:' , baseFileName , '.exp' ,
-		' -bM:SRE -e _' , baseFileName , '_Init'.
+        self activityNotification:'create export file'.
+        "/ create an exports file.
+        expFileName := './' , baseFileName , '.exp'.
+        [
+            expFile := expFileName asFilename writeStream.
+            expFile nextPutAll:'#!! ./' , baseFileName , (self sharedLibraryExtension).
+            expFile cr.
+            expFile nextPutAll:'_' , baseFileName , '_Init'.
+            expFile close.
+        ] on:FileStream openErrorSignal do:[:ex| "do nothing"].
+        self activityNotification:'generating shared object'.
+        "
+         link it to a shared object with 'cc -bI:...librun.exp -bE -bMSRE'
+        "
+        needSharedObject := true.
+        ld := 'cc'.
+        librunExpFileName := Smalltalk getSystemFileName:'lib/librun_aix.exp'.
+        librunExpFileName isNil ifTrue:[
+            LastError := 'missing exports file: ''lib/librun_aix.exp'' - cannot link'.
+            ^ nil
+        ].
+        ldArg := '-bI:' , librunExpFileName ,
+                ' -bE:' , baseFileName , '.exp' ,
+                ' -bM:SRE -e _' , baseFileName , '_Init'.
     oFileName := baseFileName , self objectFileExtension.
     needSharedObject ifTrue:[
-	self activityNotification:'generating shared object'.
-	soFileName := baseFileName , self sharedLibraryExtension.
-	OperatingSystem removeFile:soFileName.
-	ld := ld , ' ' , ldArg , ' ', (ParserFlags linkArgs ? '') ,
-		 ' -o ' , soFileName , ' ' , oFileName , ' ',
-		 ((ParserFlags searchedLibraries  ? #()) asStringCollection asStringWith: $ ).
-	(Verbose or:[ STCCompilerInterface verbose ]) ifTrue:[
-	    Transcript showCR:('linking with: ',ld).
-	].
-	ok := OperatingSystem executeCommand:(ld , ' >errorOutput 2>&1').
-	ok ifFalse:[
-	    output := 'errorOutput' asFilename contentsOfEntireFile.
-	    Transcript showCR:'linker error message:'.
-	    Transcript showCR:output.
-	    Transcript showCR:'linker command:'.
-	    Transcript showCR:ld; endEntry.
-	].
-	OperatingSystem removeFile:oFileName.
-	expFileName notNil ifTrue:[
-	    OperatingSystem removeFile:expFileName
-	].
-	^ soFileName.
+        self activityNotification:'generating shared object'.
+        soFileName := baseFileName , self sharedLibraryExtension.
+        OperatingSystem removeFile:soFileName.
+        ld := ld , ' ' , ldArg , ' ', (ParserFlags linkArgs ? '') ,
+                 ' -o ' , soFileName , ' ' , oFileName , ' ',
+                 ((ParserFlags searchedLibraries  ? #()) asStringCollection asStringWith: $ ).
+        (Verbose or:[ STCCompilerInterface verbose ]) ifTrue:[
+            Transcript showCR:('linking with: ',ld).
+        ].
+        ok := OperatingSystem executeCommand:(ld , ' >errorOutput 2>&1').
+        ok ifFalse:[
+            output := 'errorOutput' asFilename contentsOfEntireFile.
+            Transcript showCR:'linker error message:'.
+            Transcript showCR:output.
+            Transcript showCR:'linker command:'.
+            Transcript showCR:ld; endEntry.
+        ].
+        OperatingSystem removeFile:oFileName.
+        expFileName notNil ifTrue:[
+            OperatingSystem removeFile:expFileName
+        ].
+        ^ soFileName.