changeset 0 7ad01559b262
child 3 b63b8a6b71fb
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Fri Jul 16 11:38:57 1993 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1929 @@
+ COPYRIGHT (c) 1989-93 by Claus Gittinger
+              All Rights Reserved
+ This software is furnished under a license and may be used
+ only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
+ inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
+ be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
+ other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
+ hereby transferred.
+Scanner subclass:#Parser
+       instanceVariableNames:'classToCompileFor selfValue
+                              contextToEvaluateIn
+                              selector
+                              methodArgs methodArgNames 
+                              methodVars methodVarNames 
+                              tree
+                              currentBlock
+                              usedInstVars usedClassVars
+                              modifiedInstVars modifiedClassVars
+                              localVarDefPosition
+                              evalExitBlock
+                              selfNode superNode primNr logged'
+       classVariableNames:'prevClass prevInstVarNames 
+                           prevClassVarNames prevClassInstVarNames'
+       poolDictionaries:''
+       category:'System-Compiler'
+Parser comment:'
+COPYRIGHT (c) 1989-93 by Claus Gittinger
+             All Rights Reserved
+Parser is used for both evaluating and compiling smalltalk expressions;
+it first builds a parseTree which is then interpreted (evaluate) or
+compiled. Compilation is done in the subclass BCompiler.
+Parser is also used to find the referenced/modified inst/classvars of
+a method - this is done by sending parseXXX message to a parser and asking
+the parser for referencedXVars or modifiedXVars (see SystemBrowser).
+%W% %E%
+!Parser class methodsFor:'evaluating expressions'!
+    "return the result of evaluating aString"
+    ^ self evaluate:aString notifying:nil
+evaluate:aStringOrStream notifying:requestor
+    "return the result of evaluating aString, 
+     errors are reported to requestor"
+    |parser tree mustBackup|
+    aStringOrStream isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
+    aStringOrStream isStream ifTrue:[
+        parser := self for:aStringOrStream.
+        mustBackup := true
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        parser := self for:(ReadStream on:aStringOrStream).
+        mustBackup := false
+    ].
+    parser notifying:requestor.
+    parser nextToken.
+    tree := parser parseMethodBodyOrNil.
+    "if reading from a stream, backup for next expression"
+    mustBackup ifTrue:[
+        parser backupPosition
+    ].
+    (parser errorFlag or:[tree == #Error]) ifTrue:[
+        ^ #Error
+    ].
+    tree notNil ifTrue:[
+        parser evalExitBlock:[:value | ^ value].
+        ^ tree evaluate
+    ].
+    ^ nil
+evaluate:aString receiver:anObject notifying:requestor
+    "return the result of evaluating aString, 
+     errors are reported to requestor. Allow access to
+     anObject as self and to its instVars (used in the inspector)"
+    ^ self evaluate:aString
+                 in:nil
+           receiver:anObject
+          notifying:requestor
+             ifFail:nil
+evaluate:aStringOrStream in:aContext receiver:anObject 
+                                    notifying:requestor
+                                       ifFail:failBlock
+    |parser tree mustBackup|
+    aStringOrStream isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
+    aStringOrStream isStream ifTrue:[
+        parser := self for:aStringOrStream.
+        mustBackup := true
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        parser := self for:(ReadStream on:aStringOrStream).
+        mustBackup := false
+    ].
+    parser setSelf:anObject.
+    parser setContext:aContext.
+    parser notifying:requestor.
+    parser nextToken.
+    tree := parser parseMethodBodyOrNil.
+    "if reading from a stream, backup for next expression"
+    mustBackup ifTrue:[
+        parser backupPosition
+    ].
+    (parser errorFlag or:[tree == #Error]) ifTrue:[
+        failBlock notNil ifTrue:[
+            ^ failBlock value
+        ].
+        ^ #Error
+    ].
+    tree notNil ifTrue:[
+        parser evalExitBlock:[:value | ^ value].
+        ^ tree evaluate
+    ].
+    ^ nil
+! !
+!Parser class methodsFor:'instance creation'!
+for:aStream in:aClass
+    |parser|
+    parser := self for:aStream.
+    parser setClassToCompileFor:aClass.
+    ^ parser
+! !
+!Parser class methodsFor:'parsing'!
+    "parse aString as an expression; return the parseTree"
+    ^ self withSelf:nil parseExpression:aString notifying:nil
+withSelf:anObject parseExpression:aString notifying:someOne
+    "parse aString as an expression with self set to anObject;
+     return the parseTree"
+    |parser tree|
+    aString isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
+    parser := self for:(ReadStream on:aString).
+    parser setSelf:anObject.
+    parser notifying:someOne.
+    parser nextToken.
+    tree := parser expression.
+    (parser errorFlag or:[tree == #Error]) ifTrue:[^ #Error].
+    ^ tree
+    "parse a methods selector & arg specification; 
+     return the parser or nil on error"
+    ^ self parseMethodSpecification:aString in:nil
+parseMethodSpecification:aString in:aClass
+    "parse a methods selector & arg spec for a given class;
+     return the parser or nil on error"
+    |parser tree|
+    aString isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
+    parser := self for:(ReadStream on:aString) in:aClass.
+    parser nextToken.
+    tree := parser parseMethodSpec.
+    (parser errorFlag or:[tree == #Error]) ifTrue:[^ #Error].
+    ^ parser
+    "parse a methods selector, arg and var spec;
+     return the parser or nil on error"
+    ^ self parseMethodArgAndVarSpecification:aString in:nil
+parseMethodArgAndVarSpecification:aString in:aClass
+    "parse a methods selector, arg and var spec for a given class;
+     return the parser or nil on error"
+    |parser|
+    aString isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
+    parser := self for:(ReadStream on:aString) in:aClass.
+    parser nextToken.
+    (parser parseMethodSpec == #Error) ifTrue:[^ nil].
+    (parser parseMethodBodyVarSpec == #Error) ifTrue:[^ nil].
+    parser errorFlag ifTrue:[^ nil].
+    ^ parser
+    "parse a method; return parseTree"
+    ^ self parseMethod:aString in:nil
+parseMethod:aString in:aClass
+    "parse a method for a given class; return parser or nil on error"
+    |parser tree|
+    aString isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
+    parser := self for:(ReadStream on:aString) in:aClass.
+    tree := parser parseMethod.
+    (parser errorFlag or:[tree == #Error]) ifTrue:[^ nil].
+    ^ parser
+! !
+!Parser class methodsFor:'explaining'!
+explain:someText in:source forClass:aClass
+    "this is just a q&d implementation - there could be much more"
+    |parser variables v c string sym list count tmp|
+    string := someText withoutSeparators.
+    parser := self parseMethod:source in:aClass.
+    parser notNil ifTrue:[
+        "look for variables"
+        variables := parser methodVars.
+        (variables notNil and:[variables includes:string]) ifTrue:[
+            ^ string , ' is a method variable'
+        ].
+        variables := parser methodArgs.
+        (variables notNil and:[variables includes:string]) ifTrue:[
+            ^ string , ' is a method argument'
+        ]
+    ].
+    parser isNil ifTrue:[
+        parser := self for:(ReadStream on:source) in:aClass
+    ].
+    "instvars"
+    variables := aClass allInstVarNames.
+    (variables notNil and:[variables includes:string]) ifTrue:[
+        "where is it"
+        c := aClass.
+        [c notNil] whileTrue:[
+            v := c instVarNames.
+            (v notNil and:[v includes:string]) ifTrue:[
+                ^ string , ' is an instance variable in ' , c name
+            ].
+            c := c superclass
+        ].
+        self error:'oops'
+    ].
+    "class instvars"
+    variables := aClass class allInstVarNames.
+    (variables notNil and:[variables includes:string]) ifTrue:[
+        "where is it"
+        c := aClass.
+        [c notNil] whileTrue:[
+            v := c class instVarNames.
+            (v notNil and:[v includes:string]) ifTrue:[
+                ^ string , ' is a class instance variable in ' , c name
+            ].
+            c := c superclass
+        ].
+        self error:'oops'
+    ].
+    "classvars"
+    c := parser inWhichClassIsClassVar:string.
+    c notNil ifTrue:[
+        ^ string , ' is a class variable in ' , c name
+    ].
+    string knownAsSymbol ifTrue:[
+        "globals"
+        sym := string asSymbol.
+        (Smalltalk includesKey:sym) ifTrue:[
+            (Smalltalk at:sym) isBehavior ifTrue:[
+                ^ string , ' is a global variable.
+' , string , ' is a class in category ' , (Smalltalk at:sym) category , '.'
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                ^ string , ' is a global variable.
+Its current value is ' , (Smalltalk at:sym) classNameWithArticle , '.'
+            ]
+        ].
+        list := OrderedCollection new.
+        "selectors"
+        Smalltalk allClassesDo:[:c|
+            (c implements:sym) ifTrue:[
+                list add:(c name)
+            ].
+            (c class implements:sym) ifTrue:[
+                list add:(c name , 'class')
+            ]
+        ].
+        count := list size.
+        (count ~~ 0) ifTrue:[
+            tmp := ' is a selector implemented in '.
+            (count == 1) ifTrue:[
+                ^ string , tmp , (list at:1) , '.'
+            ].
+            (count == 2) ifTrue:[
+                ^ string , tmp , (list at:1) , ' and ' , (list at:2) , '.'
+            ].
+            (count == 3) ifTrue:[
+                ^ string , tmp , '
+' , (list at:1) , ', ' , (list at:2) , ' and ' , (list at:3) , '.'
+            ].
+            (count == 4) ifTrue:[
+                ^ string , tmp , '
+' , (list at:1) , ', ' , (list at:2) , ', ' , (list at:3), ' and ' , (list at:4) , '.'
+            ].
+            ^ string , tmp , count printString , ' classes.'
+        ]
+    ].
+    "try for some obvious things"
+    tmp := self explainPseudoVariable:string in:aClass.
+    tmp notNil ifTrue:[ ^ tmp].
+    "try syntax ..."
+    ((string = ':=') or:[string = '_']) ifTrue:[
+        ^ '<variable> := <expression>
+:= and _ (which is left-arrow in some fonts) mean assignment.
+The variable is bound to (i.e. points to) the value of <expression>.'
+    ].
+    (string = '^') ifTrue:[
+        ^ '^ <expression>
+return the value of <expression> as value from the method.
+A return from within a block exits the method where the block is defined.'
+    ].
+    (string = '|') ifTrue:[
+        ^ '| locals |  or: [:arg | statements]
+| is used to mark a local variable declaration or separates arguments
+from the statements in a block. Notice, that in a block-argument declaration
+these must be prefixed by a colon character.
+| is also a selector understood by Booleans.'
+    ].
+    ((string startsWith:'(') or:[string endsWith:')']) ifTrue:[
+        ^ '(<expression>)
+expression grouping.'
+    ].
+    ((string startsWith:'[') or:[string endsWith:']']) ifTrue:[
+        ^ '[arguments | statements]
+defines a block. 
+Blocks represent pieces of executable code. Definition of a block does
+not evaluate it. The block is evaluated by sending it a value/value:
+Blocks are often passed as arguments to Booleans (i.e. ifTrue:[...]) or
+collections (i.e. do:[...]).'
+    ].
+    string knownAsSymbol ifTrue:[
+        ^ string , ' is known as a symbol.
+Symbols are unique strings, meaning that there exists
+exactly one instance of a given symbol. Therefore symbols can
+be compared using == (identity compare) instead of = (contents compare).'
+    ].
+    (string startsWith:'#' ) ifTrue:[
+        (string startsWith:'#(' ) ifTrue:[
+            ^ 'is a constant Array.
+The elements of a constant Array must be Number-constants, nil, true or false.
+(notice, that not all smalltalk implementations allow true, false and nil as
+ constant-Array elements).'
+        ].
+        (string startsWith:'#[') ifTrue:[
+            ^ 'is a constant ByteArray.
+The elements of a constant ByteArray must be Integer constants in the range
+0 .. 255.
+(notice, that not all smalltalk implementations support constant ByteArrays).'
+        ].
+        ^ 'is a symbol.
+Symbols are unique strings, meaning that there exists
+exactly one instance of a given symbol. Therefore symbols can
+be compared using == (identity compare) instead of = (contents compare).'
+    ].
+    parser isNil ifTrue:[
+        ^ 'parse error -no explanation'
+    ].
+    ^ 'cannot explain this - select individual tokens for an explanation.'
+explainPseudoVariable:string in:aClass
+    "return explanation for the pseudoVariables self, super etc."
+    (string = 'self') ifTrue:[
+        ^ 'self refers to the object which received the message.
+In this case, it will be an instance of ' , aClass name , '
+or one of its subclasses.'
+    ].
+    (string = 'super') ifTrue:[
+        ^ 'like self, super refers to the object which received the message.
+However, when sending a message to super the search for methods
+implementing this message will start in the superclass (' , aClass superclass name , ')
+instead of selfs class.'
+    ].
+    (string = 'true') ifTrue:[
+        ^ 'true is a pseudo variable (i.e. it is built in).
+True represents logical truth. It is the one and only instance of class True.'
+    ].
+    (string = 'thisContext') ifTrue:[
+        ^ 'thisContext is a pseudo variable (i.e. it is built in).
+ThisContext always refers to the context object for the currently executed Method or
+Block (an instance of Context or BlockContext respectively). The calling chain and calling
+selectors can be accessed via thisContext.'
+    ].
+    (string = 'false') ifTrue:[
+        ^ 'false is a pseudo variable (i.e. it is built in).
+False represents logical falseness. It is the one and only instance of class False.'
+    ].
+    (string = 'nil') ifTrue:[
+        ^ 'nil is a pseudo variable (i.e. it is built in).
+Nil is used for unitialized variables (among other uses).
+Nil is the one and only instance of class UndefinedObject.'
+    ].
+    ^ nil
+! !
+!Parser methodsFor:'ST-80 compatibility'!
+evaluate:aString in:aClass to:to notifying:aRequestor ifFail:failBlock
+    |parseTree|
+    aString isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
+    self initializeFor:(ReadStream on:aString).
+    self setClassToCompileFor:aClass.
+    selfValue := nil.
+    requestor := aRequestor.
+    self nextToken.
+    parseTree := self parseMethodBody.
+    (errorFlag or:[tree == #Error]) ifTrue:[^ #Error].
+    parseTree notNil ifTrue:[
+        self evalExitBlock:[:value | ^ failBlock value].
+        ^ parseTree evaluate
+    ].
+    ^ nil
+! !
+!Parser class methodsFor:'changes'!
+    "aClass has changed its definition - flush name caches if we have to"
+    (aClass == prevClass) ifTrue:[
+        prevClass := nil.
+        prevInstVarNames := nil.
+        prevClassVarNames := nil.
+        prevClassInstVarNames := nil.
+        aClass removeDependent:Parser
+    ]
+! !
+!Parser methodsFor:'setup'!
+    "set the class to be used for parsing/evaluating"
+    classToCompileFor := aClass.
+    (classToCompileFor ~~ prevClass) ifTrue:[
+        prevClass notNil ifTrue:[
+            Parser update:prevClass
+        ]
+    ]
+    "set the value to be used for self while evaluating"
+    selfValue := anObject.
+    classToCompileFor := anObject class.
+    (classToCompileFor ~~ prevClass) ifTrue:[
+        prevClass notNil ifTrue:[
+            Parser update:prevClass
+        ]
+    ]
+    "set the context used while evaluating"
+    contextToEvaluateIn := aContext
+! !
+!Parser methodsFor:'accessing'!
+    "return the parsetree"
+    ^tree
+    tree := aTree
+    "return the selector"
+    ^ selector
+    "return the primitiveNumber"
+    ^ primNr
+    "return the number of methodargs"
+    ^ methodArgs size
+    "return an array with methodarg names"
+    ^ methodArgNames
+    "return the number of method variables"
+    ^ methodVars size
+    "return a collection with method variablenames"
+    ^ methodVarNames
+    "return a collection with instvariablenames refd by method"
+    ^ usedInstVars
+    "return a collection with classvariablenames refd by method"
+    ^ usedClassVars
+    "return a collection with instvariablenames modified by method"
+    ^ modifiedInstVars
+    "return a collection with classvariablenames modified by method"
+    ^ modifiedClassVars
+    ^ errorFlag
+    "when evaluating a return expression, this block is evaluated"
+    evalExitBlock := aBlock
+! !
+!Parser methodsFor:'error handling'!
+showErrorMessage:aMessage position:pos
+    Transcript show:(pos printString).
+    Transcript show:' '.
+    selector notNil ifTrue:[
+        Transcript show:aMessage.
+        Transcript showCr:(' in ' , selector)
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        Transcript showCr:aMessage
+    ]
+parseError:aMessage position:position to:endPos
+    "report a syntax error"
+    |m|
+    errorFlag := true.
+    m := ' Error:' , aMessage.
+    self notifyError:m position:position to:endPos.
+    exitBlock notNil ifTrue:[exitBlock value].
+    ^ false
+parseError:aMessage position:position
+    "report a syntax error"
+    ^ self parseError:aMessage position:position to:nil
+    "report a syntax error"
+    ^ self parseError:aMessage position:tokenPosition to:nil
+selectorCheck:aSelectorString position:pos to:pos2
+    aSelectorString knownAsSymbol ifFalse:[
+        self warning:(aSelectorString , ' is currently nowhere implemented') 
+            position:pos to:pos2
+    ]
+correctableError:message position:pos1 to:pos2
+    "report an error which can be corrected by compiler"
+    |correctIt|
+    requestor isNil ifTrue:[
+        self showErrorMessage:message position:pos1.
+        correctIt := false
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        correctIt := requestor correctableError:message position:pos1 to:pos2
+    ].
+    correctIt ifFalse:[
+        exitBlock notNil ifTrue:[exitBlock value]
+    ].
+    ^ correctIt
+undefError:aName position:pos1 to:pos2
+    "report an undefined variable error"
+    ^ self correctableError:('Error: ' , aName , ' is undefined') 
+                   position:pos1 to:pos2
+    "this is the longjump out of evaluation via a return expression"
+    evalExitBlock value:something
+! !
+!Parser methodsFor:'parsing'!
+    "parse a method"
+    |parseTree|
+    self nextToken.
+    (self parseMethodSpec == #Error) ifTrue:[^ #Error].
+    parseTree := self parseMethodBody.
+    (parseTree == #Error) ifFalse:[
+        self tree:parseTree
+    ].
+    ^ parseTree
+    "parse a methods selector & arg specification;
+     set selector and methodArgs as a side effect"
+    |var|
+    (tokenType == #Keyword) ifTrue:[
+        selector := ''.
+        [tokenType == #Keyword] whileTrue:[
+            selector := selector , tokenName.
+            self nextToken.
+            (tokenType ~~ #Identifier) ifTrue:[^ #Error].
+            var := Variable name:tokenName.
+            methodArgs isNil ifTrue:[
+                methodArgs := Array with:var.
+                methodArgNames := Array with:tokenName
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                methodArgs := methodArgs copyWith:var.
+                methodArgNames := methodArgNames copyWith:tokenName
+            ].
+            self nextToken
+        ].
+        selector := selector asSymbol.
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    (tokenType == #Identifier) ifTrue:[
+        selector := tokenName asSymbol.
+        self nextToken.
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    (tokenType == #BinaryOperator) ifTrue:[
+        selector := tokenName asSymbol.
+        self nextToken.
+        (tokenType ~~ #Identifier) ifTrue:[^ #Error].
+        var := Variable name:tokenName.
+        methodArgs isNil ifTrue:[
+            methodArgs := Array with:var.
+            methodArgNames := Array with:tokenName
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            methodArgs := methodArgs copyWith:var.
+            methodArgNames := methodArgNames copyWith:tokenName
+        ].
+        self nextToken.
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    ^ #Error
+    "parse a methods body (locals & statements);
+     return  a node-tree, nil or #Error. empty (or comment only) input
+     is accepted and returns nil"
+    |stats|
+    ((tokenType == #BinaryOperator) and:[tokenName = '<']) ifTrue:[
+        "an ST-80 primitive - parsed but ignored"
+        self nextToken.
+        primNr := self parsePrimitive.
+        (primNr == #Error) ifTrue:[^ #Error].
+        self warning:'ST-80 primitives not supported - ignored'
+    ].
+    (self parseMethodBodyVarSpec == #Error) ifTrue:[^ #Error].
+    (tokenType ~~ #EOF) ifTrue:[
+        stats := self statementList
+    ].
+    ^ stats
+    "parse a methods body (locals & statements); no more token may follow
+    return  a node-tree, nil or #Error"
+    |stats|
+    stats := self parseMethodBodyOrNil.
+    (stats == #Error) ifFalse:[
+        (tokenType ~~ #EOF) ifTrue:[
+            self parseError:(tokenType printString , ' unexpected').
+            ^#Error
+        ]
+    ].
+    ^ stats
+    "parse a methods local variable specification"
+    |var|
+    (tokenType == $|) ifTrue:[
+        "memorize position for declaration in correction"
+        localVarDefPosition := tokenPosition.
+        self nextToken.
+        [tokenType == #Identifier] whileTrue:[
+            var := Variable name:tokenName.
+            methodVars isNil ifTrue:[
+                methodVars := Array with:var.
+                methodVarNames := Array with:tokenName
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                methodVars := methodVars copyWith:var.
+                methodVarNames := methodVarNames copyWith:tokenName
+            ].
+            self nextToken
+        ].
+        (tokenType ~~ $|) ifTrue:[
+            self syntaxError:'error in local var specification; | expected.'.
+            ^ #Error
+        ].
+        self nextToken
+    ].
+    ^ nil
+    "parse an ST-80 type primitive;
+    return primitive number or #Error"
+    |primNumber|
+    ((tokenType == #Keyword) and:[tokenName = 'primitive:']) ifFalse:[
+        self parseError:'bad primitive definition (primitive: expected)'.
+        ^ #Error
+    ].
+    self nextToken.
+    (tokenType == #Integer) ifFalse:[
+        self parseError:'primitive number expected'.
+        ^ #Error
+    ].
+    primNumber := tokenValue.
+    self nextToken.
+    ((tokenType == #BinaryOperator) and:[tokenName = '>']) ifFalse:[
+        self parseError:'bad primitive definition (> expected)'.
+        ^ #Error
+    ].
+    self nextToken.
+    ^ primNumber
+    "parse a statementlist; return a node-tree, nil or #Error.
+     Statements must be separated by periods."
+    |thisStatement prevStatement firstStatement correctIt periodPos|
+    thisStatement := self statement.
+    (thisStatement == #Error) ifTrue:[^ #Error].
+    firstStatement := thisStatement.
+    [tokenType == $.] whileTrue:[
+        periodPos := tokenPosition.
+        self nextToken.
+        (tokenType == $]) ifTrue:[
+            currentBlock isNil ifTrue:[
+                self parseError:'block nesting error'.
+                errorFlag := true
+            *** I had a warning here (since it was not defined
+            *** in the blue-book; but PD-code contains a lot of
+            *** code with periods at the end so that the warnings
+            *** became annoying
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                self warning:'period after last statement' position:periodPos
+            ].
+            ^ firstStatement
+        ].
+        (tokenType == #EOF) ifTrue:[
+            currentBlock notNil ifTrue:[
+                self parseError:'block nesting error'.
+                errorFlag := true
+            *** I had a warning here (since it was not defined
+            *** in the blue-book; but PD-code contains a lot of
+            *** code with periods at the end so that the warnings
+            *** became annoying
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                self warning:'period after last statement' position:periodPos
+            ].
+            ^ firstStatement
+        ].
+        prevStatement := thisStatement.
+        (prevStatement isKindOf:ReturnNode) ifTrue:[
+            self warning:'statements after return' position:tokenPosition
+        ].
+        periodPos := tokenPosition.
+        self nextToken.
+        ((tokenType == $]) or:[tokenType == #EOF]) ifTrue:[
+            (currentBlock isNil and:[tokenType == $]]) ifTrue:[
+                self parseError:'block nesting error'.
+                errorFlag := true
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                correctIt := self correctableError:'period after last statement in block'
+                                          position:periodPos to:(periodPos + 1).
+                correctIt ifTrue:[
+                    (self correctByDeleting == #Error) ifTrue:[
+                        errorFlag := true
+                    ]
+                ]
+            ].
+            ^ firstStatement
+        ].
+        thisStatement := self statement.
+        (thisStatement == #Error) ifTrue:[^ #Error].
+        prevStatement nextStatement:thisStatement
+    ].
+    ^ firstStatement
+    "parse a statement; return a node-tree, nil or #Error"
+    |expr node|
+    (tokenType == $^) ifTrue:[
+        self nextToken.
+        expr := self expression.
+        (expr == #Error) ifTrue:[^ #Error].
+        node := ReturnNode expression:expr.
+        node home:self blockHome:currentBlock.
+        ^ node
+    ].
+    (tokenType == #Primitive) ifTrue:[
+        self parseError:'cannot compile primitives (yet)'.
+        self nextToken.
+        ^ PrimitiveNode code:''
+    ].
+    (tokenType == #EOF) ifTrue:[
+        self syntaxError:'period after last statement'.
+        ^ #Error
+    ].
+    expr := self expression.
+    classToCompileFor notNil ifTrue:[
+        currentBlock isNil ifTrue:[
+            (expr isKindOf:PrimaryNode) ifTrue:[
+                self warning:'useless computation - missing ^ ?'
+            ]
+        ]
+    ].
+    (expr == #Error) ifTrue:[^ #Error].
+    ^ StatementNode expression:expr
+    "parse a cascade-expression; return a node-tree, nil or #Error"
+    |receiver arg sel args pos pos2|
+    receiver := self keywordExpression.
+    (receiver == #Error) ifTrue:[^ #Error].
+    [tokenType == $;] whileTrue:[
+        self nextToken.
+        (tokenType == #Identifier) ifTrue:[
+            sel := tokenName.
+            self selectorCheck:sel position:tokenPosition 
+                                         to:(tokenPosition + sel size - 1).
+            receiver := CascadeNode receiver:receiver
+                                    selector:sel.
+            self nextToken
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            (tokenType == #BinaryOperator) ifTrue:[
+                sel := tokenName.
+                self selectorCheck:sel position:tokenPosition 
+                                             to:(tokenPosition + sel size - 1).
+                self nextToken.
+                arg := self unaryExpression.
+                (arg == #Error) ifTrue:[^ #Error].
+                receiver := CascadeNode receiver:receiver
+                                        selector:sel
+                                             arg:arg
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                (tokenType == #Keyword) ifTrue:[
+                    pos := tokenPosition.
+                    sel := tokenName.
+                    self nextToken.
+                    arg := self binaryExpression.
+                    (arg == #Error) ifTrue:[^ #Error].
+                    args := Array with:arg.
+                    [tokenType == #Keyword] whileTrue:[
+                        sel := sel , tokenName.
+                        self nextToken.
+                        arg := self binaryExpression.
+                        (arg == #Error) ifTrue:[^ #Error].
+                        args := args copyWith:arg.
+                        pos2 := tokenPosition
+                    ].
+                    self selectorCheck:sel position:pos to:pos2.
+                    receiver := CascadeNode receiver:receiver
+                                            selector:sel
+                                                args:args
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    (tokenType == #Error) ifTrue:[^ #Error].
+                    self syntaxError:('invalid cascade; ' 
+                                      , tokenType printString 
+                                      , ' unexpected').
+                    ^ #Error
+                ]
+            ]
+        ]
+    ].
+    ^ receiver
+    "parse a keyword-expression; return a node-tree, nil or #Error"
+    |receiver sel arg args pos1 pos2 try lno|
+    receiver := self binaryExpression.
+    (receiver == #Error) ifTrue:[^ #Error].
+    (tokenType == #Keyword) ifTrue:[
+        pos1 := tokenPosition.
+        sel := tokenName.
+        lno := tokenLineNr.
+        self nextToken.
+        arg := self binaryExpression.
+        (arg == #Error) ifTrue:[^ #Error].
+        args := Array with:arg.
+        [tokenType == #Keyword] whileTrue:[
+            sel := sel , tokenName.
+            self nextToken.
+            arg := self binaryExpression.
+            (arg == #Error) ifTrue:[^ #Error].
+            args := args copyWith:arg.
+            pos2 := tokenPosition
+        ].
+        self selectorCheck:sel position:pos1 to:pos2.
+        try := MessageNode receiver:receiver selector:sel args:args.
+        (try isMemberOf:String) ifTrue:[
+            self parseError:try position:pos1 to:pos2.
+            receiver := MessageNode receiver:receiver selector:sel args:args
+                                        fold:false
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            receiver := try
+        ].
+        receiver lineNumber:lno
+    ].
+    ^ receiver
+    "parse a binary-expression; return a node-tree, nil or #Error"
+    |receiver arg sel pos try lno note|
+    receiver := self unaryExpression.
+    (receiver == #Error) ifTrue:[^ #Error].
+    "special kludge: since Scanner cannot know if -digit is a binary
+     expression or a negative constant, handle cases here"
+    [(tokenType == #BinaryOperator) or:[(tokenType == $|)
+     or:[(tokenType == #Integer) and:[tokenValue < 0]]]] whileTrue:[
+        pos := tokenPosition.
+        lno := tokenLineNr.
+        "kludge here: bar and minus are not scanned as binop "
+        (tokenType == $|) ifTrue:[
+            sel := '|'.
+            self nextToken
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            (tokenType == #BinaryOperator) ifTrue:[
+                sel := tokenName.
+                self selectorCheck:sel position:tokenPosition
+                                             to:(tokenPosition + sel size - 1).
+                self nextToken
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                sel := '-'.
+                tokenValue := tokenValue negated
+            ]
+        ].
+        arg := self unaryExpression.
+        (arg == #Error) ifTrue:[^ #Error].
+        try := BinaryNode receiver:receiver selector:sel arg:arg.
+        (try isMemberOf:String) ifTrue:[
+            self parseError:try position:pos to:tokenPosition.
+            receiver := BinaryNode receiver:receiver selector:sel arg:arg
+                                       fold:false
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            receiver := try
+        ].
+        note := receiver plausibilityCheck.
+        note notNil ifTrue:[
+            self warning:note position:pos to:tokenPosition
+        ].
+        receiver lineNumber:lno
+    ].
+    ^ receiver
+    "parse a unary-expression; return a node-tree, nil or #Error"
+    |receiver sel pos try|
+    receiver := self primary.
+    (receiver == #Error) ifTrue:[^ #Error].
+    [tokenType == #Identifier] whileTrue:[
+        pos := tokenPosition.
+        sel := tokenName.
+        self selectorCheck:sel position:tokenPosition
+                                     to:(tokenPosition + sel size - 1).
+        try := UnaryNode receiver:receiver selector:sel.
+        (try isMemberOf:String) ifTrue:[
+            self warning:try position:pos to:(tokenPosition + sel size - 1).
+            receiver := UnaryNode receiver:receiver selector:sel fold:false
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            receiver := try
+        ].
+        receiver lineNumber:tokenLineNr.
+        self nextToken.
+    ].
+    ^ receiver
+    "parse a primary-expression; return a node-tree, nil or #Error"
+    |val var expr pos name|
+    pos := tokenPosition.
+    (tokenType == #Identifier) ifTrue:[
+        var := self variable.
+        (var == #Error) ifTrue:[
+            errorFlag := true
+        ].
+        self nextToken.
+        (tokenType == $_) ifFalse:[
+            ^ var
+        ].
+        (var ~~ #Error) ifTrue:[
+            (var type == #MethodArg) ifTrue:[
+                self parseError:'assignment to method argument' position:pos to:tokenPosition.
+                errorFlag := true
+            ].
+            (var type == #BlockArg) ifTrue:[
+                self parseError:'assignment to block argument' position:pos to:tokenPosition.
+                errorFlag := true
+            ].
+            (var type == #InstanceVariable) ifTrue:[
+                modifiedInstVars isNil ifTrue:[
+                    modifiedInstVars := OrderedCollection new
+                ].
+                name := prevInstVarNames at:(var index).
+                (modifiedInstVars includes:name) ifFalse:[
+                    modifiedInstVars add:name
+                ]
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                (var type == #ClassVariable) ifTrue:[
+                    modifiedClassVars isNil ifTrue:[
+                        modifiedClassVars := OrderedCollection new
+                    ].
+                    name := var name.
+                    name := name copyFrom:((name indexOf:$:) + 1).
+                    (modifiedClassVars includes:name) ifFalse:[
+                        modifiedClassVars add:name
+                    ]
+                ]
+            ]
+        ].
+        self nextToken.
+        expr := self expression.
+        (errorFlag or:[expr == #Error]) ifTrue:[^ #Error].
+        ^ AssignmentNode variable:var expression:expr
+    ].
+    ((tokenType == #Integer) or:
+     [(tokenType == #Character) or:
+      [tokenType == #Float]]) ifTrue:[
+        val := ConstantNode type:tokenType value:tokenValue.
+        self nextToken.
+        (tokenType == $_) ifTrue:[
+            self parseError:'assignment to a constant' position:pos to:tokenPosition.
+            ^ #Error
+        ].
+        ^ val
+    ].
+    (tokenType == #String) ifTrue:[
+        val := ConstantNode type:tokenType value:tokenValue.
+        self nextToken.
+        (tokenType == $_) ifTrue:[
+            self parseError:'assignment to a constant' position:pos to:tokenPosition.
+            ^ #Error
+        ].
+        ^ val
+    ].
+    (tokenType == #Symbol) ifTrue:[
+        val := ConstantNode type:tokenType value:tokenValue.
+        self nextToken.
+        (tokenType == $_) ifTrue:[
+            self parseError:'assignment to a constant' position:pos to:tokenPosition.
+            ^ #Error
+        ].
+        ^ val
+    ].
+    (tokenType == #Nil) ifTrue:[
+        self nextToken.
+        (tokenType == $_) ifTrue:[
+            self parseError:'assignment to nil' position:pos to:tokenPosition.
+            ^ #Error
+        ].
+        ^ ConstantNode type:#Nil value:nil
+    ].
+    (tokenType == #True) ifTrue:[
+        self nextToken.
+        (tokenType == $_) ifTrue:[
+            self parseError:'assignment to true' position:pos to:tokenPosition.
+            ^ #Error
+        ].
+        ^ ConstantNode type:#True value:true
+    ].
+    (tokenType == #False) ifTrue:[
+        self nextToken.
+        (tokenType == $_) ifTrue:[
+            self parseError:'assignment to false' position:pos to:tokenPosition.
+            ^ #Error
+        ].
+        ^ ConstantNode type:#False value:false
+    ].
+    (tokenType == #Self) ifTrue:[
+        self nextToken.
+        (tokenType == $_) ifTrue:[
+            self parseError:'assignment to self' position:pos to:tokenPosition.
+            ^ #Error
+        ].
+        selfNode isNil ifTrue:[
+            selfNode := PrimaryNode type:#Self value:selfValue
+        ].
+        ^ selfNode
+    ].
+    (tokenType  == #Super) ifTrue:[
+        self nextToken.
+        (tokenType == $_) ifTrue:[
+            self parseError:'assignment to super' position:pos to:tokenPosition.
+            ^ #Error
+        ].
+        superNode isNil ifTrue:[
+            superNode := PrimaryNode type:#Super value:selfValue
+        ].
+        ^ superNode
+    ].
+    (tokenType == #ThisContext) ifTrue:[
+        self nextToken.
+        (tokenType == $_) ifTrue:[
+            self parseError:'assignment to thisContext' position:pos to:tokenPosition.
+            ^ #Error
+        ].
+        ^ PrimaryNode type:#ThisContext value:nil
+    ].
+    (tokenType == #HashLeftParen) ifTrue:[
+        self nextToken.
+        val := self array.
+        self nextToken.
+        ^ ConstantNode type:#Array value:val
+    ].
+    (tokenType == #HashLeftBrack) ifTrue:[
+        self nextToken.
+        val := self byteArray.
+        self nextToken.
+        ^ ConstantNode type:#Array value:val
+    ].
+    (tokenType == $() ifTrue:[
+        self nextToken.
+        val := self expression.
+        (val == #Error) ifTrue:[^ #Error].
+        (tokenType ~~ $) ) ifTrue:[
+            (tokenType isMemberOf:Character) ifTrue:[
+                self syntaxError:'missing '')'' (i.e. ''' , tokenType asString , ''' unexpected)' withCRs position:pos to:tokenPosition.
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                self syntaxError:'missing '')''' position:pos to:tokenPosition.
+            ].
+            ^ #Error
+        ].
+        self nextToken.
+        ^ val
+    ].
+    (tokenType == $[ ) ifTrue:[
+        val := self block.
+        self nextToken.
+        ^ val
+    ].
+    (tokenType == #Error) ifTrue:[^ #Error].
+    (tokenType isKindOf:Character) ifTrue:[
+        self syntaxError:('error in primary; ' 
+                           , tokenType printString ,
+                           ' unexpected') position:tokenPosition to:tokenPosition
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        self syntaxError:('error in primary; ' 
+                           , tokenType printString ,
+                           ' unexpected') 
+    ].
+    ^ #Error
+    "parse a variable; return a node-tree, nil or #Error"
+    |tokenFound var instIndex aClass searchBlock args vars
+     varName tokenSymbol theBlock className
+     runIndex "{ Class: SmallInteger }" |
+    varName := tokenName.
+    "is it a block-arg or block-var ?"
+    searchBlock := currentBlock.
+    [searchBlock notNil] whileTrue:[
+        runIndex := 1.
+        args := searchBlock arguments.
+        args notNil ifTrue:[
+            args do:[:aBlockArg |
+                (aBlockArg name = varName) ifTrue:[
+                    tokenFound := aBlockArg.
+                    instIndex := runIndex.
+                    theBlock := searchBlock
+                ].
+                runIndex := runIndex + 1
+            ].
+            tokenFound notNil ifTrue:[
+                ^ PrimaryNode type:#BlockArg
+                              name:varName
+                             token:tokenFound
+                             index:instIndex
+                             block:theBlock
+            ]
+        ].
+        runIndex := 1.
+        vars := searchBlock variables.
+        vars notNil ifTrue:[
+            vars do:[:aBlockVar |
+                (aBlockVar name = varName) ifTrue:[
+                    tokenFound := aBlockVar.
+                    instIndex := runIndex.
+                    theBlock := searchBlock
+                ].
+                runIndex := runIndex + 1
+            ].
+            tokenFound notNil ifTrue:[
+                ^ PrimaryNode type:#BlockVariable
+                              name:varName
+                             token:tokenFound
+                             index:instIndex
+                             block:theBlock
+            ]
+        ].
+        searchBlock := searchBlock home
+    ].
+    "is it a method-variable ?"
+    methodVars notNil ifTrue:[
+        instIndex := methodVarNames indexOf:varName.
+        (instIndex ~~ 0) ifTrue:[
+            var := methodVars at:instIndex.
+            var used:true.
+            ^ PrimaryNode type:#MethodVariable
+                          name:varName
+                         token:var
+                         index:instIndex
+        ]
+    ].
+    "is it a method-argument ?"
+    methodArgs notNil ifTrue:[
+        instIndex := methodArgNames indexOf:varName.
+        (instIndex ~~ 0) ifTrue:[
+            ^ PrimaryNode type:#MethodArg
+                          name:varName
+                         token:(methodArgs at:instIndex)
+                         index:instIndex
+        ]
+    ].
+    "is it an instance-variable ?"
+    classToCompileFor notNil ifTrue:[
+        "caching allInstVarNames for next compilation saves time ..."
+        (prevInstVarNames isNil or:[prevClass ~~ classToCompileFor]) ifTrue:[
+            prevClass notNil ifTrue:[
+                prevClass removeDependent:Parser
+            ].
+            prevClass := classToCompileFor.
+            prevInstVarNames := classToCompileFor allInstVarNames.
+            prevClassInstVarNames := nil.
+            prevClassVarNames := nil.
+            prevClass addDependent:Parser
+        ].
+        instIndex := prevInstVarNames indexOf:varName startingAt:1
+                                                        ifAbsent:[nil].
+        instIndex notNil ifTrue:[
+            usedInstVars isNil ifTrue:[
+                usedInstVars := OrderedCollection new
+            ].
+            (usedInstVars includes:varName) ifFalse:[
+                usedInstVars add:varName
+            ].
+            ^ PrimaryNode type:#InstanceVariable 
+                          name:varName
+                         index:instIndex
+                     selfValue:selfValue
+        ]
+    ].
+    "is it a class-instance-variable ?"
+    classToCompileFor notNil ifTrue:[
+        prevClassInstVarNames isNil ifTrue:[
+            prevClassInstVarNames := classToCompileFor class allInstVarNames
+        ].
+        instIndex := prevClassInstVarNames indexOf:varName startingAt:1
+                                                             ifAbsent:[nil].
+        instIndex notNil ifTrue:[
+            aClass := self inWhichClassIsClassInstVar:varName.
+            aClass notNil ifTrue:[
+                ^ PrimaryNode type:#ClassInstanceVariable
+                              name:varName
+                             index:instIndex
+                         selfValue:selfValue
+            ]
+        ]
+    ].
+    "is it a class-variable ?"
+    classToCompileFor notNil ifTrue:[
+        prevClassVarNames isNil ifTrue:[
+            aClass := classToCompileFor.
+            classToCompileFor isMeta ifTrue:[
+                className := aClass name.
+                className := className copyFrom:1 to:(className size - 5).
+                aClass := Smalltalk at:(className asSymbol).
+                aClass isNil ifTrue:[
+                    aClass := classToCompileFor
+                ]
+            ].
+            prevClassVarNames := aClass allClassVarNames
+        ].
+        instIndex := prevClassVarNames indexOf:varName startingAt:1
+                                                         ifAbsent:[nil].
+        instIndex notNil ifTrue:[
+            aClass := self inWhichClassIsClassVar:varName.
+            aClass notNil ifTrue:[
+                usedClassVars isNil ifTrue:[
+                    usedClassVars := OrderedCollection new
+                ].
+                (usedClassVars includes:varName) ifFalse:[
+                    usedClassVars add:varName
+                ].
+                ^ PrimaryNode type:#ClassVariable 
+                              name:(aClass name , ':' , varName) asSymbol
+            ]
+        ]
+    ].
+    "is it a global-variable ?"
+    tokenSymbol := varName asSymbol.
+    (Smalltalk includesKey:tokenSymbol) ifTrue:[
+        ^ PrimaryNode type:#GlobalVariable 
+                      name:tokenSymbol
+    ].
+    ^ #Error
+    "parse a variable; if undefined, notify error and correct if user wants to"
+    |v|
+    v := self variableOrError.
+    (v == #Error) ifFalse:[^ v].
+    v := self correctVariable.
+    (v == #Error) ifFalse:[^ v].
+    ^ PrimaryNode type:#GlobalVariable
+                  name:tokenName asSymbol
+    "search class-chain for the classvariable named aString
+     - return the class or nil if not found"
+    |aClass className baseClass|
+    aClass := classToCompileFor.
+    aClass isMeta ifTrue:[
+        className := aClass name.
+        className := className copyFrom:1 to:(className size - 5).
+        baseClass := Smalltalk at:(className asSymbol).
+        baseClass notNil ifTrue:[
+            aClass := baseClass
+        ]
+    ].
+    [aClass notNil] whileTrue:[
+        (aClass classVarNames includes:aString) ifTrue:[ ^ aClass].
+        aClass := aClass superclass
+    ].
+    ^ nil
+    "search class-chain for the class-instance variable named aString
+     - return the class or nil if not found"
+    |aClass|
+    aClass := classToCompileFor.
+    [aClass notNil] whileTrue:[
+        (aClass class instVarNames includes:aString) ifTrue:[ ^ aClass].
+        aClass := aClass superclass
+    ].
+    ^ nil
+    "parse a block; return a node-tree, nil or #Error"
+    |stats node args var vars pos|
+    self nextToken.
+    (tokenType == $: ) ifTrue:[
+        [tokenType == $:] whileTrue:[
+            pos := tokenPosition.
+            self nextToken.
+            (tokenType == #Identifier) ifFalse:[
+                self syntaxError:'Identifier expected in block-arg declaration'
+                        position:pos to:tokenPosition-1.
+                ^ #Error
+            ].
+            var := Variable name:tokenName.
+            args isNil ifTrue:[
+                args := Array with:var
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                args := args copyWith:var
+            ].
+            self nextToken
+        ].
+        (tokenType ~~ $| ) ifTrue:[
+            "ST-80 allows [:arg ]"
+            (tokenType == $] ) ifTrue:[
+                node := BlockNode arguments:args.
+                node home:currentBlock.
+                ^ node
+            ].
+            self syntaxError:'| expected after block-arg declaration'.
+            ^ #Error
+        ].
+        self nextToken
+    ].
+    (tokenType == $| ) ifTrue:[
+        self nextToken.
+        pos := tokenPosition.
+        [tokenType == $|] whileFalse:[
+            (tokenType == #Identifier) ifFalse:[
+                self syntaxError:'Identifier expected in block-var declaration' position:pos.
+                ^ #Error
+            ].
+            var := Variable name:tokenName.
+            vars isNil ifTrue:[
+                vars := Array with:var
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                vars := vars copyWith:var
+            ].
+            self nextToken
+        ].
+        self nextToken
+    ].
+    node := BlockNode arguments:args.
+    node home:currentBlock.
+    node variables:vars.
+    currentBlock := node.
+    stats := self blockStatementList.
+    node statements:stats.
+    currentBlock := node home.
+    (stats == #Error) ifTrue:[^ #Error].
+    ^ node
+    "parse a blocks statementlist; return a node-tree, nil or #Error"
+    |thisStatement prevStatement firstStatement|
+    (tokenType == $] ) ifTrue:[^ nil].
+    thisStatement := self statement.
+    (thisStatement == #Error) ifTrue:[^ #Error].
+    firstStatement := thisStatement.
+    [tokenType == $] ] whileFalse:[
+        (tokenType == $.) ifFalse:[
+            (tokenType == #EOF) ifTrue:[
+                self syntaxError:'missing '']'' in block'
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                self syntaxError:'missing ''.'' in block'
+            ].
+            ^ #Error
+        ] ifTrue:[
+            prevStatement := thisStatement.
+            self nextToken.
+            tokenType == $] ifTrue:[
+                *** I had a warning here (since it was not defined
+                *** in the blue-book; but PD-code contains a lot of
+                *** code with periods at the end so that the warnings
+                *** became annoying
+                self warning:'period after last statement in block'.
+                ^ firstStatement
+            ].
+            thisStatement := self statement.
+            (thisStatement == #Error) ifTrue:[^ #Error].
+            prevStatement nextStatement:thisStatement
+        ]
+    ].
+    ^ firstStatement
+    |arr elem pos1 pos2|
+    pos1 := tokenPosition.
+    arr := OrderedCollection new:200.
+    [tokenType ~~ $) ] whileTrue:[
+        elem := self arrayConstant.
+        (elem == #Error) ifTrue:[
+            (tokenType == #EOF) ifTrue:[
+                self syntaxError:'unterminated array-constant; '')'' expected' 
+                        position:pos1 to:tokenPosition
+            ].
+            ^ #Error
+        ].
+        arr add:elem.
+        self nextToken
+    ].
+    ^ Array withAll:arr
+    "for ST-80 R4 - allow byteArray constants"
+    |arr elem pos1 pos2|
+    pos1 := tokenPosition.
+    arr := OrderedCollection new.
+    [tokenType ~~ $] ] whileTrue:[
+        pos2 := tokenPosition.
+        elem := self arrayConstant.
+        (elem == #Error) ifTrue:[
+            (tokenType == #EOF) ifTrue:[
+                self syntaxError:'unterminated bytearray-constant; '']'' expected' 
+                        position:pos1 to:tokenPosition
+            ].
+            ^ #Error
+        ].
+        ((elem isMemberOf:SmallInteger) and:
+        [(elem >= 0) and:[elem <= 255]]) ifTrue:[
+            arr add:elem
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            self parseError:'invalid ByteArray element' position:pos2 to:tokenPosition - 1
+        ].
+        self nextToken
+    ].
+    ^ ByteArray withAll:arr
+    (tokenType == #String) ifTrue:[
+        ^ tokenValue
+    ].
+    (tokenType == #Nil) ifTrue:[
+        ^ nil
+    ].
+    (tokenType == #Integer) ifTrue:[
+        ^ tokenValue
+    ].
+    (tokenType == #Character) ifTrue:[
+        ^ tokenValue
+    ].
+    (tokenType == #Float) ifTrue:[
+        ^ tokenValue
+    ].
+    (tokenType == #True) ifTrue:[
+        ^ true
+    ].
+    (tokenType == #False) ifTrue:[
+        ^ false
+    ].
+    (tokenType == #Error) ifTrue:[
+        ^ #Error
+    ].
+    (tokenType == #BinaryOperator) ifTrue:[
+        ^ tokenName asSymbol
+    ].
+    (tokenType == #Keyword) ifTrue:[
+        ^ tokenName asSymbol
+    ].
+    (tokenType == #Identifier) ifTrue:[
+        ^ tokenName asSymbol
+    ].
+    (tokenType == $() ifTrue:[
+        self nextToken.
+        ^ self array
+    ].
+    (tokenType == $[) ifTrue:[
+        self nextToken.
+        ^ self byteArray
+    ].
+    (tokenType == #Symbol) ifTrue:[
+        self warning:'no # for symbols within array-constants'.
+        ^ tokenValue
+    ].
+    (tokenType == #HashLeftParen) ifTrue:[
+        self warning:'no # for arrays within array-constants'.
+        self nextToken.
+        ^ self array
+    ].
+    (tokenType == #HashLeftBrack) ifTrue:[
+        self warning:'no # for arrays within array-constants'.
+        self nextToken.
+        ^ self byteArray
+    ].
+    (tokenType == #EOF) ifTrue:[
+        "just for the better error-hilight; let caller handle error"
+        ^ #Error
+    ].
+    self syntaxError:('error in array-constant; ' 
+                      , tokenType printString 
+                      , ' unexpected').
+    ^ #Error
+! !
+!Parser methodsFor:'error correction'!
+    "correct (by deleting token) if user wants to;
+     return #Error if there was no correction or nil" 
+    (self confirm:'confirm deleting') ifFalse:[^ #Error].
+    "tell requestor about the change"
+    requestor deleteSelection.
+    ^ nil
+    "collect known variables with their levenshtein distances to aString;
+     return the 10 best suggestions"
+    |names dists searchBlock args vars globalVarName aClass className baseClass n|
+    names := VariableArray new.
+    dists := VariableArray new.
+    "block arguments"
+    searchBlock := currentBlock.
+    [searchBlock notNil] whileTrue:[
+        args := searchBlock arguments.
+        args notNil ifTrue:[
+            args do:[:aBlockArg |
+                names add:(aBlockArg name).
+                dists add:(aString levenshteinTo:(aBlockArg name))
+            ]
+        ].
+        vars := searchBlock variables.
+        vars notNil ifTrue:[
+            vars do:[:aBlockVar |
+                names add:(aBlockVar name).
+                dists add:(aString levenshteinTo:(aBlockVar name))
+            ]
+        ].
+        searchBlock := searchBlock home
+    ].
+    "method-variables"
+    methodVars notNil ifTrue:[
+        methodVarNames do:[:methodVarName |
+            names add:methodVarName.
+            dists add:(aString levenshteinTo:methodVarName)
+        ]
+    ].
+    "method-arguments"
+    methodArgs notNil ifTrue:[
+        methodArgNames do:[:methodArgName |
+            names add:methodArgName.
+            dists add:(aString levenshteinTo:methodArgName)
+        ]
+    ].
+    "instance-variables"
+    classToCompileFor notNil ifTrue:[
+        prevInstVarNames do:[:instVarName |
+            names add:instVarName.
+            dists add:(aString levenshteinTo:instVarName)
+        ]
+    ].
+    "class-variables"
+    classToCompileFor notNil ifTrue:[
+        aClass := classToCompileFor.
+        aClass isMeta ifTrue:[
+            className := aClass name.
+            className := className copyFrom:1 to:(className size - 5).
+            baseClass := Smalltalk at:(className asSymbol).
+            baseClass notNil ifTrue:[
+                aClass := baseClass
+            ]
+        ].
+        [aClass notNil] whileTrue:[
+            (aClass classVarNames) do:[:classVarName |
+                names add:classVarName.
+                dists add:(aString levenshteinTo:classVarName)
+            ].
+            aClass := aClass superclass
+        ]
+    ].
+    "globals"
+    Smalltalk allKeysDo:[:aKey |
+        globalVarName := aKey asString.
+        "only compare strings where length is about right"
+        ((globalVarName size - aString size) abs < 3) ifTrue:[
+            names add:globalVarName.
+            dists add:(aString levenshteinTo:globalVarName)
+        ]
+    ].
+    "misc"
+    #('self' 'super' 'nil') do:[:name |
+        "only compare strings where length is about right"
+        ((name size - aString size) abs < 3) ifTrue:[
+            names add:name.
+            dists add:(aString levenshteinTo:name)
+        ]
+    ].
+    (dists size ~~ 0) ifTrue:[
+        dists sortWith:names.
+        n := names size min:10.
+        ^ names copyFrom:1 to:n
+    ].
+    ^ nil
+    "notify error and correct if user wants to;
+     return #Error if there was no correction 
+     or a ParseNode as returned by variable"
+    |correctIt varName suggestedNames newName pos1 pos2|
+    pos1 := tokenPosition.
+    varName := tokenName.
+    pos2 := pos1 + varName size - 1.
+    (varName at:1) isLowercase ifTrue:[
+        correctIt := self undefError:varName position:pos1 to:pos2.
+        correctIt ifFalse:[^ #Error]
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        correctIt := self warning:(varName , ' is undefined') position:pos1 to:pos2.
+        correctIt ifFalse:[
+            ^ PrimaryNode type:#GlobalVariable
+                          name:(varName asSymbol)
+        ]
+    ].
+    suggestedNames := self findBestVariableFor:varName.
+    suggestedNames notNil ifTrue:[
+        newName := self askForVariable:'correct variable to: ' fromList:suggestedNames.
+        newName isNil ifTrue:[^ #Error].
+        newName := suggestedNames at:1.
+        (self confirm:('confirm correction to: ' , newName)) ifFalse:[^ #Error]
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        self notify:'no good correction found'.
+        ^ #Error
+    ].
+    "tell requestor about the change"
+    requestor replaceSelectionBy:newName.
+    "redo parse with new value"
+    tokenName := newName.
+    ^ self variableOrError
+askForVariable:aString fromList:aList
+    "launch a selection box, which allows user to enter correction.
+     return true for yes, false for no"
+    |box|
+    ListSelectionBox isNil ifTrue:[
+        ^ self confirm:aString
+    ].
+    box := ListSelectionBox new.
+    box title:aString.
+    box initialText:(aList at:1).
+    box list:aList.
+    box okText:'replace'.
+    box abortText:'abort'.
+    box action:[:aString | ^ aString].
+    box showAtPointer.
+    ^ nil
+! !