changeset 3888 e5c634278415
parent 3885 8bcccd9a6fdd
child 3889 e19003c34a9a
--- a/Explainer.st	Tue May 17 00:06:03 2016 +0200
+++ b/Explainer.st	Wed May 18 10:37:04 2016 +0200
@@ -569,7 +569,7 @@
     "retrieve a desription of a method 
      (if possible and there is one; otherwise, return nil)"
-    |methodDecl methodSource methodComment lines maxNumLines |
+    |methodDecl methodSource methodComment lines maxNumLines firstIndent|
     self withWaitCursorDo:[
         SourceCodeManagerError handle:[:ex |
@@ -581,27 +581,47 @@
     methodComment isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
         ^ methodDecl
+    ].
+    methodComment := methodComment asStringCollection.
+    firstIndent := 0.
+    methodComment size > 1 ifTrue:[
+        |line2|
+        line2 := methodComment at:2.
+        line2 notEmpty ifTrue:[
+            firstIndent := line2 indexOfNonSeparator - 1 max:0.
+        ].    
+    methodComment := methodComment 
+                        collect:[:line | 
+                            |l|
+                            l := line withTabsExpanded.
+                            l indexOfNonSeparator > firstIndent ifTrue:[
+                                l := l copyFrom:firstIndent+1
+                            ].
+                            l
+                        ].
+    methodComment := methodComment asString.
     ^ methodDecl , Character cr , 
         (methodComment withColor:(UserPreferences current commentColor)). 
-    methodComment isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
-    lines := methodComment asStringCollection.
-    maxNumLines := 1.
-true ifTrue:[
-    methodComment := (lines copyToMax:maxNumLines) asString.
-    maxNumLines := 5.
-] ifFalse:[    
-    methodComment := lines first.
-    methodComment := methodComment withoutSeparators.
-    (methodComment endsWith:',') ifTrue:[ methodComment := methodComment copyButLast:1].
-    methodComment := methodComment withoutSeparators.
-    (lines size > maxNumLines) ifTrue:[
-        methodComment := methodComment , '\...' withCRs
-    ].
-    ^ (methodComment) withColor:(UserPreferences current commentColor).
+"/    methodComment isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
+"/    lines := methodComment asStringCollection.
+"/    maxNumLines := 1.
+"/true ifTrue:[
+"/    methodComment := (lines copyToMax:maxNumLines) asString.
+"/    maxNumLines := 5.
+"/] ifFalse:[    
+"/    methodComment := lines first.
+"/    methodComment := methodComment withoutSeparators.
+"/    (methodComment endsWith:',') ifTrue:[ methodComment := methodComment copyButLast:1].
+"/    methodComment := methodComment withoutSeparators.
+"/    (lines size > maxNumLines) ifTrue:[
+"/        methodComment := methodComment , '\...' withCRs
+"/    ].
+"/    ^ (methodComment) withColor:(UserPreferences current commentColor).
     "Created: / 14-09-2006 / 14:11:58 / cg"
     "Modified (comment): / 30-04-2016 / 16:17:18 / cg"