changeset 20 f8dd8ba75205
parent 19 84a1ddf215a5
child 28 a9d33ea0692d
--- a/ObjFLoader.st	Wed Mar 30 12:10:24 1994 +0200
+++ b/ObjFLoader.st	Thu Jun 02 22:26:28 1994 +0200
@@ -12,23 +12,14 @@
 Object subclass:#ObjectFileLoader
-       classVariableNames:'MySymbolTable StubNr Verbose'
+       classVariableNames:'MySymbolTable Verbose'
 ObjectFileLoader comment:'
 COPYRIGHT (c) 1993 by Claus Gittinger
              All Rights Reserved
-this one knowns how to load in external (c)-modules
-(see fileIn/cExample.c) it is all experimental and 
-WILL DEFINITELY change soon ...
-(goal is to allow loading of binary classes)
-$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libcomp/Attic/ObjFLoader.st,v 1.6 1994-03-30 10:09:51 claus Exp $
@@ -37,20 +28,24 @@
 #ifdef sunos
 # define SUN_DL
+# define HAS_DL
 #ifdef NeXT
 # define NEXT_DL
+# define HAS_DL
 #ifdef SYSV4
 # define SYSV4_DL
+# define HAS_DL
- * but GNU_DL overwrites this
+ * but GNU_DL overwrites this - its better
 #ifdef GNU_DL
+# define HAS_DL
 # undef SYSV4_DL
 # undef NEXT_DL
 # undef SUN_DL
@@ -63,16 +58,90 @@
 # endif
 #endif /* NEXT_DL */
+#include <stdio.h>
+ * if no dynamic link facilities, do it the hard way ...
+ */
+#ifndef HAS_DL
+# ifdef A_DOT_OUT
+#  include <a.out.h>
+#  ifndef N_MAGIC
+#   if defined(sinix) && defined(BSD)
+#    define N_MAGIC(hdr) (hdr.a_magic & 0xFFFF)
+#   else
+#    define N_MAGIC(hdr) (hdr.a_magic)
+#   endif
+#  endif
+# endif /* a.out */
+# ifdef COFF
+#  ifdef mips
+#    include <sys/exec.h>
+#  else
+#    include <a.out.h>
+#  endif
+# endif /* coff */
+# ifdef ELF
+#  include <elf.h>
+# endif /* elf */
+#endif /* not HAS_DL */
 static OBJ loadAddrLow, loadAddrHi;
+!ObjectFileLoader class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+ COPYRIGHT (c) 1993 by Claus Gittinger
+              All Rights Reserved
+ This software is furnished under a license and may be used
+ only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
+ inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
+ be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
+ other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
+ hereby transferred.
+$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libcomp/Attic/ObjFLoader.st,v 1.7 1994-06-02 20:26:03 claus Exp $
+    This class knowns how to dynamically load in external object-modules.
+    There are basically two totally different mechanisms to do this:
+        a) if there exists some dynamic-link facility such as:
+           GNU-DL, dlopen (sparc, SYS5.4), rld_open (NeXT),
+           this is used
+        b) if no such facility exists, the normal linker is used to
+           link the module to text/data address as previously malloced,
+           and the object file loaded into that space.
+    Currently, not all mechanisms work fully satisfying.
+    For example, the sun dl*-functions do an exit on link-errors (which
+    is certainly not what we want here :-(; the NeXT mechanism does not
+    allow for selective unloading (only all or last).
+    The only really useful package is the GNU-dl package, which is only
+    available for a.out file formats. (i.e. only linux people can use
+    it at this time).
+! !
 !ObjectFileLoader class methodsFor:'initialization'!
     "name of object file, where initial symbol table is found"
     MySymbolTable := 'smalltalk'.
-    StubNr := 1.
     Verbose := false
@@ -87,7 +156,8 @@
 !ObjectFileLoader class methodsFor:'command defaults'!
-    "return true, if we need separate I and D spaces"
+    "return true, if we need separate I and D spaces.
+     This is only needed if no dynamic-link facilitiy exists."
     |os cpu|
@@ -99,12 +169,13 @@
     (os = 'linux') ifTrue:[ ^ false ].
-    'dont know if we need sepId - assume no' printNewline.
+    'dont know if we need sepId - assume no' errorPrintNL.
     ^ false
 absLd:file text:textAddr data:dataAddr
-   "this should return a string to link file.o to absolute address"
+   "this should return a string to link file.o to absolute address.
+    This is only needed if no dynamic-link facilitiy exists."
     |os cpu|
@@ -141,7 +212,8 @@
 absLd:file text:textAddr
-   "this should return a string to link file.o to absolute address"
+   "this should return a string to link file.o to absolute address.
+    This is only needed if no dynamic-link facilitiy exists."
     |os cpu|
@@ -163,477 +235,21 @@
 ! !
-!ObjectFileLoader class methodsFor:'dynamic loading'!
-loadFile:aFileName library:librariesString withBindings:bindings in:aClass
-    "first, load the file itself"
-    (self loadFile:aFileName with:librariesString) ifFalse:[^ false].
-    "then, create stubs"
-    self bindExternalFunctions:bindings in:aClass
-loadFile:aFileName withBindings:bindings in:aClass
-    "load an object file containing external functions, and bind the functions as described 
-     in bindings, which is an Array of
-        (selector functionName argTypes returnType)
-     entries, example:
-     #(
-        (sel1:and: 'f1' (SmallInteger SmallInteger)    nil)   -> bind 'aClass sel1:and:' to: 'void f1(int, int)'
-        (sel2:and: 'f2' (String SmallInteger)       String)   -> bind 'aClass sel2:and:' to: 'char *f2(char *, int)'
-      )
-    "
-    "first, load the file itself"
-    (self loadFile:aFileName) ifFalse:[^ false].
-    "then, create stubs"
-    self bindExternalFunctions:bindings in:aClass
-bindExternalFunctions:bindings in:aClass
-    | selector functionName argTypes returnType allOk |
-    allOk := true.
-    bindings do:[:aBinding |
-        selector := aBinding at:1.
-        functionName := aBinding at:2.
-        argTypes := aBinding at:3.
-        returnType := aBinding at:4.
-        (self createStubFor:selector calling:functionName args:argTypes returning:returnType in:aClass)
-        isNil ifTrue:[
-            Transcript showCr:'binding of ' , functionName , ' failed.'.
-            allOk := false
-        ]
-    ].
-    ^ allOk
-! !
-!ObjectFileLoader class methodsFor:'creating stubs'!
-    Smalltalk allKeysDo:[:key |
-        self storeGlobalAddressOf:key on:aStream
-    ]
-    "ObjectFileLoader storeGlobalAddressesOn:Transcript"
-    "|f|
-     f := FileStream newFileNamed:'syms.c'.
-     ObjectFileLoader storeGlobalAddressesOn:f.
-     f close"
-storeGlobalAddressOf:aSymbol on:aStream
-    |globalName|
-    globalName := aSymbol asString.
-    (globalName includes:$:) ifTrue:[
-        globalName replaceAll:$: by:$_
-    ].
-    aStream nextPutAll:'#define ',globalName,'_addr '.
-    aStream nextPutAll:(Smalltalk cellAt:aSymbol) printString.
-    aStream cr.
-    aStream nextPutAll:'#define ',globalName,' ( *( (OBJ *) ',globalName,'_addr))'.
-    aStream cr
-    "ObjectFileLoader storeGlobalAddressOf:#String on:Transcript"
-    "ObjectFileLoader storeGlobalAddressOf:#Symbol on:Transcript"
-createStubFor:aSelector calling:functionName args:argTypes returning:returnType in:aClass
-    "create a method calling a stub function"
-    |address newMethod s|
-    address := self createStubCalling:functionName args:argTypes returning:returnType.
-    address isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
-    newMethod := Method new.
-    newMethod code:address.
-    newMethod category:'external functions'.
-    s := '"calls external function 
-' , (self cTypeFor:returnType) , ' ' , functionName , '( '.
-    argTypes notNil ifTrue:[
-        argTypes do:[:type |
-            s := s , (self cTypeFor:type) , ' '
-        ]
-    ].
-    s := s , ')
-    newMethod source:s.
-    newMethod numberOfMethodVars:0.
-    newMethod stackSize:0.
-    aClass class addSelector:aSelector withMethod:newMethod.
-    SilentLoading ifFalse:[
-        Transcript showCr:('created stub: ',aClass class name,' ', aSelector)
-    ].
-    ^ newMethod
-    "ObjectFileLoader createStubFor:#printf: 
-                            calling:'printf' 
-                               args:#(String) 
-                          returning:nil 
-                                 in:TestClass"
-    "ObjectFileLoader createStubFor:#printf:with:
-                            calling:'printf' 
-                               args:#(String SmallInteger)
-                          returning:nil 
-                                 in:TestClass"
-createStubCalling:functionName args:argTypes returning:returnType
-    "create a stub function for calling functionName - return the address of the
-     function in core or nil on error"
-    |baseName p t l handle address stubName|
-    stubName := 'stub000' , (StubNr printStringRadix:16).
-    stubName := stubName copyFrom:(stubName size - 7).
-    baseName := self createStubSource:stubName calling:functionName args:argTypes returning:returnType.
-    baseName isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
-    "compile it ..."
-    Verbose ifTrue:[
-        Transcript showCr:'compiling stub ...', baseName. Transcript endEntry
-    ].
-    (OperatingSystem executeCommand:('make /tmp/' , baseName , '.o')) ifFalse:[
-        Transcript showCr:'compilation error.'.
-        ^ nil
-    ].
-    OperatingSystem executeCommand:('mv ' , baseName , '.o /tmp/' , baseName , '.o').
-    Verbose ifFalse:[
-        OperatingSystem executeCommand:('rm /tmp/' , baseName , '.c').
-    ].
-    (OperatingSystem getOSType = 'sys5.4') ifTrue:[
-        "make it a sharable object"
-        Verbose ifTrue:[
-            Transcript showCr:'makeing shared object stub ...', baseName. Transcript endEntry.
-        ].
-        OperatingSystem executeCommand:('ld -G -o /tmp/',baseName,'.so /tmp/',baseName,'.o').
-        "attach to it"
-        handle := self openDynamicObject:('/tmp/',baseName,'.so').
-        handle isNil ifTrue:[
-            Transcript showCr:('dlopen error:', '/tmp/',baseName,'.so').
-            ^ nil
-        ].
-        "find the stubs address"
-        address := self getSymbol:stubName from:handle.
-        address isNil ifTrue:[
-            Transcript showCr:'dlsym failed'.
-             ^ nil
-        ]
-    ].
-    ((OperatingSystem getOSType = 'sunos') 
-     or:[OperatingSystem getOSType = 'linux']) ifTrue:[
-        "load it"
-        (self loadFile:('/tmp/' , baseName , '.o')) ifFalse:[
-            Transcript showCr:'load error.'.
-            ^ nil
-        ].
-        "find the stubs address (use nm to get the address)"
-        t := Text new.
-        p := PipeStream readingFrom:('nm SymbolTable|grep ' , stubName , ' |grep T').
-        [p atEnd] whileFalse:[
-            l := p nextLine.
-            l notNil ifTrue:[
-                t add:l
-            ]
-        ].
-        p close.
-        (t size == 1) ifFalse:[
-            Transcript showCr:('oops, ' , stubName , ' not in name-list.').
-            ^ nil
-        ].
-        address := Integer readFrom:(ReadStream on:(t at:1)) radix:16
-    ].
-    address isNil ifTrue:[
-        Transcript showCr:'no way to dynamically load objects'.
-        ^ nil
-    ].
-    Verbose ifTrue:[
-        Transcript show:'stub ' , stubName , ' address:'.
-        Transcript showCr:(address printStringRadix:16).
-    ].
-    StubNr := StubNr + 1.
-    ^ address
-    "ObjectFileLoader createStubCalling:'printf' args:#(String) returning:nil"
-createStubSource:stubName calling:functionName args:argTypes returning:returnType
-    "create a temp file with stub-code - return base-filename or nil"
-    |pid baseName index aStream argName|
-    pid := OperatingSystem getProcessId printString.
-    baseName := 'stc' ,  pid.
-    aStream := FileStream newFileNamed:('/tmp/' , baseName , '.c').
-    aStream nextPutAll:'
-#include <stc.h>
-    OperatingSystem getOSType = 'sys5.4' ifTrue:[
-        self storeGlobalAddressesOn:aStream.
-    ].
-    aStream nextPutAll:'
-' , stubName , '(self, __sel, SND_COMMA __srch, __pI,
-                 __a1, __a2, __a3, __a4, __a5, __a6, __a7, __a8)
-    OBJ __a1, __a2, __a3, __a4, __a5, __a6, __a7, __a8;
-    OBJ __sel, __srch;
-    extern OBJ _ISKINDOF_(), ExternalStream;
-    returnType notNil ifTrue:[
-        aStream nextPutAll:'    '.
-        aStream nextPutAll:(self cTypeFor:returnType).
-        aStream nextPutAll:' __ret;'.
-        aStream cr
-    ].
-    "gen type checking code"
-    argTypes notNil ifTrue:[
-        index := 0.
-        argTypes do:[:argType |
-            (index + 1) timesRepeat:[ aStream nextPutAll:'    '].
-            argName := '__a' , (index + 1) printString.
-            aStream nextPutAll:'if ('.
-            (self checkType:argType name:argName on:aStream) ifFalse:[^ nil].
-            aStream nextPutAll:') {'.
-            aStream cr.
-            index := index + 1
-        ]
-    ].
-    "call the function"
-    (index + 1) timesRepeat:[ aStream nextPutAll:'    '].
-    returnType notNil ifTrue:[
-        aStream nextPutAll:'__ret = '
-    ].
-    aStream nextPutAll:functionName , '('.
-    argTypes notNil ifTrue:[
-        index := 0.
-        argTypes do:[:argType |
-            argName := '__a' , (index + 1) printString.
-            self convertStToC:argType name:argName on:aStream.
-            index := index + 1.
-            (index == argTypes size) ifFalse:[
-                aStream nextPutAll:','
-            ]
-        ]
-    ].
-    aStream nextPutAll:');'. aStream cr.
-    argTypes notNil ifTrue:[
-        argTypes size timesRepeat:[
-            index timesRepeat:[ aStream nextPutAll:'    '].
-            aStream nextPutAll:'}'. aStream cr.
-            index := index - 1
-        ]
-    ].
-    returnType notNil ifTrue:[
-        aStream nextPutAll:'    return '.
-        self convertCToSt:returnType name:'__ret' on:aStream.
-        aStream nextPutAll:';'
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        aStream nextPutAll:'    return self;'
-    ].
-    aStream cr.
-    aStream nextPutAll:'}'. aStream cr.
-    aStream close.
-    ^ baseName
-    "ObjectFileLoader createStubSource:'stub1' calling:'printMessage'  args:#(String) returning:nil"
-    "ObjectFileLoader createStubSource:'stub2' calling:'printMessage2' args:#(String SmallInteger) returning:#String"
-    "ObjectFileLoader createStubSource:'stub3' calling:'sqrt'          args:#(Float) returning:#Float"
-    "ObjectFileLoader createStubSource:'stub4' calling:'checking'      args:#(SmallInteger SmallInteger) returning:#Boolean"
-    "ObjectFileLoader createStubSource:'stub5' calling:'fprintf'       args:#(ExternalStream  String) returning:#SmallInteger"
-checkType:argType name:argName on:aStream
-    "generate type checking code"
-    (argType == #SmallInteger) ifTrue:[
-        aStream nextPutAll:'_isSmallInteger(' , argName , ')'.
-        ^ true
-    ].
-    (argType == #Float) ifTrue:[
-        aStream nextPutAll:'__isFloat(' , argName , ')'.
-        ^ true
-    ].
-    (argType == #Character) ifTrue:[
-        aStream nextPutAll:'__isCharacter(' , argName , ')'.
-        ^ true
-    ].
-    (argType == #String) ifTrue:[
-        aStream nextPutAll:'__isString(' , argName , ')'.
-        ^ true
-    ].
-    (argType == #Symbol) ifTrue:[
-        aStream nextPutAll:'__isSymbol(' , argName , ')'.
-        ^ true
-    ].
-    (argType == #Boolean) ifTrue:[
-        aStream nextPutAll:'((' , argName , '==true)'.
-        aStream nextPutAll:'||(' , argName , '==false))'.
-        ^ true
-    ].
-    (argType == #ByteArray) ifTrue:[
-        aStream nextPutAll:'__isByteArray(' , argName , ')'.
-        ^ true
-    ].
-    (argType == #ExternalStream) ifTrue:[
-        aStream nextPutAll:'(_ISKINDOF_(' , argName , ', SND_COMMA ExternalStream)==true)'.
-        ^ true
-    ].
-    self error:'argType ' , argType, ' not (yet) supported'.
-    ^ false
-convertStToC:stType name:argName on:aStream
-    "generate type conversion code"
-    |idx|
-    (stType == #SmallInteger) ifTrue:[
-        aStream nextPutAll:'_intVal(' , argName , ')'.
-        ^ true
-    ].
-    (stType == #Float) ifTrue:[
-        aStream nextPutAll:'_floatVal(' , argName , ')'.
-        ^ true
-    ].
-    (stType == #Character) ifTrue:[
-        aStream nextPutAll:'_characterVal(' , argName , ')'.
-        ^ true
-    ].
-    (stType == #String) ifTrue:[
-        aStream nextPutAll:'_stringVal(' , argName , ')'.
-        ^ true
-    ].
-    (stType == #Symbol) ifTrue:[
-        aStream nextPutAll:'_stringVal(' , argName , ')'.
-        ^ true
-    ].
-    (stType == #Boolean) ifTrue:[
-        aStream nextPutAll:'((' , argName , '==true) ? 1 : 0)'.
-        ^ true
-    ].
-    (stType == #ByteArray) ifTrue:[
-        aStream nextPutAll:'(_ByteArrayInstPtr(' , argName , ')->ba_element)'.
-        ^ true
-    ].
-    (stType == #ExternalStream) ifTrue:[
-        "find the file-pointer inst-var"
-        idx := (ExternalStream allInstVarNames indexOf:'filePointer').
-        aStream nextPutAll:'_intVal(_InstPtr(' , argName , ')->i_instvars['.
-        aStream nextPutAll:(idx - 1) printString, '])'.
-        ^ true
-    ].
-    ^ false
-convertCToSt:stType name:argName on:aStream
-    "generate type conversion code"
-    (stType == #SmallInteger) ifTrue:[
-        aStream nextPutAll:'_MKSMALLINT(' , argName , ')'.
-        ^ true
-    ].
-    (stType == #Float) ifTrue:[
-        aStream nextPutAll:'_MKFLOAT(' , argName , ' COMMA_SND)'.
-        ^ true
-    ].
-    (stType == #Character) ifTrue:[
-        aStream nextPutAll:'_MKCHARACTER(' , argName , ')'.
-        ^ true
-    ].
-    (stType == #String) ifTrue:[
-        aStream nextPutAll:'(' , argName , ' ? _MKSTRING(' , argName , ' COMMA_SND) : nil)'.
-        ^ true
-    ].
-    (stType == #Symbol) ifTrue:[
-        aStream nextPutAll:'(' , argName , ' ? _MKSYMBOL(' , argName , ' COMMA_SND) : nil)'.
-        ^ true
-    ].
-    (stType == #Boolean) ifTrue:[
-        aStream nextPutAll:'(' , argName , ' ? true : false)'.
-        ^ true
-    ].
-    ^ false
-    "return c-type for an ST-type"
-    (aType == #SmallInteger) ifTrue:[
-        ^ 'int'
-    ].
-    (aType == #Boolean) ifTrue:[
-        ^ 'int'
-    ].
-    (aType == #Float) ifTrue:[
-        ^ 'double'
-    ].
-    (aType == #Character) ifTrue:[
-        ^ 'char'
-    ].
-    (aType == #String) ifTrue:[
-        ^ 'char *'
-    ].
-    (aType == #Symbol) ifTrue:[
-        ^ 'char *'
-    ].
-    (aType == #ByteArray) ifTrue:[
-        ^ 'unsigned char *'
-    ].
-    (aType == nil) ifTrue:[
-        ^ 'void'
-    ].
-    (aType == #ExternalStream) ifTrue:[
-        ^ 'void *'        "actually its FILE *, but better avoid including stdio.h"
-    ].
-    self error:'type ' , aType, ' not supported'.
-    ^ ''
-! !
 !ObjectFileLoader class methodsFor:'loading objects'!
 loadFile:oFile with:librariesString
-    "load in an object files code, linking in libraries"
+    "load in an object files code, linking in libraries.
+     This is only needed if no dynamic link facility exists."
-    |tmpOfile errStream errors errText ok pid|
+    |tmpOfile errStream errors errText handle pid cmd|
     pid := OperatingSystem getProcessId printString.
     tmpOfile := '/tmp/stc_ld' ,  pid.
+    cmd := 'ld -o ', tmpOfile, ' -r ' , oFile , ' ' , librariesString , '>/tmp/out 2>/tmp/err'.
     Verbose ifTrue:[
-        Transcript showCr:'executing: ' , ('ld -o ',tmpOfile,' -r ' , oFile , ' ' , librariesString , '>/tmp/out 2>/tmp/err')
+        ('executing: ld -o ', cmd) errorPrintNL
-    (OperatingSystem executeCommand:'ld -o ',tmpOfile,' -r ' , oFile , ' ' , librariesString , '>/tmp/out 2>/tmp/err')
-    ifFalse:[
+    (OperatingSystem executeCommand:cmd) ifFalse:[
         errStream := FileStream oldFileNamed:'/tmp/err'.
         errStream isNil ifTrue:[
             self notify:'errors during link.'
@@ -650,36 +266,37 @@
         ^ false
-    ok := self loadFile:tmpOfile.
+    handle := self loadFile:tmpOfile.
     OperatingSystem executeCommand:('rm ' , tmpOfile).
-    ^ ok
+    ^ handle
-    "load in an object file"
+    "load in an object file - return a handle or nil.
+     This is only needed if no dynamic link facility exists."
-    | unixCommand errStream errors errText
-      text data textSize dataSize dataAddr textAddr newTextSize newDataSize|
+    |unixCommand errStream errors errText
+     text data textSize dataSize dataAddr textAddr newTextSize newDataSize|
     "find out, how much memory we need"
-    textSize := ObjectFile textSizeOf:oFile.
+    textSize := self textSizeOf:oFile.
     textSize isNil ifTrue:[
-        Transcript showCr:'bad text-size in object file'.
-        ^ false
+        'bad text-size in object file' errorPrintNL.
+        ^ nil
     Verbose ifTrue:[
-        Transcript showCr:'text-size: ' , (textSize printStringRadix:16)
+        ('text-size: ' , (textSize printStringRadix:16)) errorPrintNL
-    dataSize := ObjectFile dataSizeOf:oFile.
+    dataSize := self dataSizeOf:oFile.
     dataSize isNil ifTrue:[
-        Transcript showCr:'bad data-size in object file'.
-        ^ false
+        'bad data-size in object file' errorPrintNL.
+        ^ nil
     Verbose ifTrue:[
-        Transcript showCr:'data-size: ' , (dataSize printStringRadix:16)
+        ('data-size: ' , (dataSize printStringRadix:16)) errorPrintNL
     "allocate some memory for text and some for data;
@@ -688,48 +305,45 @@
     self needSeparateIDSpaces ifTrue:[
         text := ExternalBytes newForText:textSize.
         text isNil ifTrue:[
-            Transcript showCr:'cannot allocate memory for text'.
-            ^ false
+            'cannot allocate memory for text' errorPrintNL.
+            ^ nil
         Verbose ifTrue:[
-            Transcript showCr:'text: ' , (text address printStringRadix:16)
+            ('text: ' , (text address printStringRadix:16)) errorPrintNL
         (dataSize ~~ 0) ifTrue:[
             data := ExternalBytes newForData:dataSize.
             (data isNil) ifTrue:[
-                Transcript showCr:'cannot allocate memory for data'.
+                'cannot allocate memory for data' errorPrintNL.
                 text notNil ifTrue:[text free].
-                ^ false
+                ^ nil
             Verbose ifTrue:[
-                Transcript showCr:'data: ' , (data address printStringRadix:16)
+                ('data: ' , (data address printStringRadix:16)) errorPrintNL
         dataSize == 0 ifTrue:[
-            unixCommand := (self absLd:oFile text:text address) 
-                           , ' >/tmp/out 2>/tmp/err'.
+            unixCommand := (self absLd:oFile text:text address) , ' >/tmp/out 2>/tmp/err'.
         ] ifFalse:[
-            unixCommand := (self absLd:oFile text:text address 
-                                             data:data address) 
+            unixCommand := (self absLd:oFile text:text address data:data address) 
                            , ' >/tmp/out 2>/tmp/err'.
     ] ifFalse:[
         text := ExternalBytes newForText:(textSize + dataSize).
         text isNil ifTrue:[
-            Transcript showCr:'cannot allocate memory for text+data'.
-            ^ false
+            'cannot allocate memory for text+data' errorPrintNL.
+            ^ nil
         Verbose ifTrue:[
-            Transcript showCr:'addr: ' , (text address printStringRadix:16)
+            ('addr: ' , (text address printStringRadix:16)) errorPrintNL
-        unixCommand := (self absLd:oFile text:text address) 
-                       , ' >/tmp/out 2>/tmp/err'.
+        unixCommand := (self absLd:oFile text:text address) , ' >/tmp/out 2>/tmp/err'.
     Verbose ifTrue:[
-        Transcript showCr:'executing: ' , unixCommand
+        ('executing: ' , unixCommand) errorPrintNL
     'linking ...' printNewline.
@@ -746,39 +360,39 @@
             OperatingSystem executeCommand:'rm /tmp/err /tmp/out'.
             self notify:('link errors:\\' , errors asString) withCRs
-        Transcript showCr:'link unsuccessful.'.
+        'link unsuccessful.' errorPrintNL.
         text notNil ifTrue:[text free].
         data notNil ifTrue:[data free].
-        ^ false
+        ^ nil
-    'link successful' printNewline.
+    'link successful' errorPrintNL.
     OperatingSystem executeCommand:'rm /tmp/err /tmp/out'.
     "find out, if space needs have changed after link (they do so on some machines)"
-    newTextSize := ObjectFile textSizeOf:'a.out'.
+    newTextSize := self textSizeOf:'a.out'.
     newTextSize isNil ifTrue:[
-        Transcript showCr:'bad new-text-size in a.out object file'.
+        'bad new-text-size in a.out object file' errorPrintNL.
         text notNil ifTrue:[text free].
         data notNil ifTrue:[data free].
-        ^ false
+        ^ nil
     Verbose ifTrue:[
-        Transcript showCr:'new-text-size: ' , (newTextSize printStringRadix:16)
+        ('new-text-size: ' , (newTextSize printStringRadix:16)) errorPrintNL
-    newDataSize := ObjectFile dataSizeOf:'a.out'.
+    newDataSize := self dataSizeOf:'a.out'.
     newDataSize isNil ifTrue:[
-        Transcript showCr:'bad new-data-size in a.out object file'.
+        'bad new-data-size in a.out object file' errorPrintNL.
         text notNil ifTrue:[text free].
         data notNil ifTrue:[data free].
-        ^ false
+        ^ nil
     Verbose ifTrue:[
-        Transcript showCr:'new-data-size: ' , (newDataSize printStringRadix:16)
+        ('new-data-size: ' , (newDataSize printStringRadix:16)) errorPrintNL
     "if size has changed, do it again"
@@ -795,52 +409,49 @@
         self needSeparateIDSpaces ifTrue:[
             text := ExternalBytes newForText:textSize.
             text isNil ifTrue:[
-                Transcript showCr:'cannot allocate memory for text'.
-                ^ false
+                'cannot allocate memory for new text' errorPrintNL.
+                ^ nil
             Verbose ifTrue:[
-                Transcript showCr:'text: ' , (text address printStringRadix:16)
+                ('new text: ' , (text address printStringRadix:16)) errorPrintNL
             (dataSize ~~ 0) ifTrue:[
                 data := ExternalBytes newForData:dataSize.
                 (data isNil) ifTrue:[
-                    Transcript showCr:'cannot allocate memory for data'.
+                    'cannot allocate memory for new data' errorPrintNL.
                     text notNil ifTrue:[text free].
-                    ^ false
+                    ^ nil
                 Verbose ifTrue:[
-                    Transcript showCr:'data: ' , (data address printStringRadix:16)
+                    ('new data: ' , (data address printStringRadix:16)) errorPrintNL
             dataSize == 0 ifTrue:[
-                unixCommand := (self absLd:oFile text:text address) 
-                               , ' >/tmp/out 2>/tmp/err'.
+                unixCommand := (self absLd:oFile text:text address) , ' >/tmp/out 2>/tmp/err'.
             ] ifFalse:[
-                unixCommand := (self absLd:oFile text:text address 
-                                                 data:data address) 
+                unixCommand := (self absLd:oFile text:text address data:data address) 
                                , ' >/tmp/out 2>/tmp/err'.
         ] ifFalse:[
             text := ExternalBytes newForText:(textSize + dataSize).
             text isNil ifTrue:[
-                Transcript showCr:'cannot allocate memory for text'.
-                ^ false
+                'cannot allocate memory for new text' errorPrintNL.
+                ^ nil
             Verbose ifTrue:[
-                Transcript showCr:'addr: ' , (text address printStringRadix:16)
+                ('new text+data: ' , (text address printStringRadix:16)) errorPrintNL
-            unixCommand := (self absLd:oFile text:text address) 
-                           , ' >/tmp/out 2>/tmp/err'.
+            unixCommand := (self absLd:oFile text:text address) , ' >/tmp/out 2>/tmp/err'.
         Verbose ifTrue:[
-            Transcript showCr:'executing: ' , unixCommand
+            ('executing: ' , unixCommand) errorPrintNL
-        'linking ...' printNewline.
+        'linking ...' errorPrintNL.
         (OperatingSystem executeCommand:unixCommand) ifFalse: [
             errStream := FileStream oldFileNamed:'/tmp/err'.
             errStream notNil ifTrue:[
@@ -854,46 +465,46 @@
                 OperatingSystem executeCommand:'rm /tmp/err /tmp/out'.
                 self notify:('link errors:\\' , errors asString) withCRs
-            Transcript showCr:'link unsuccessful.'.
+            'link unsuccessful.' errorPrintNL.
             text notNil ifTrue:[text free].
             data notNil ifTrue:[data free].
-            ^ false
+            ^ nil
-        'link successful' printNewline.
+        'link successful' errorPrintNL.
         OperatingSystem executeCommand:'rm /tmp/err /tmp/out'.
         "check again for size change - should not happen"
-        newTextSize := ObjectFile textSizeOf:'a.out'.
+        newTextSize := self textSizeOf:'a.out'.
         newTextSize isNil ifTrue:[
-            Transcript showCr:'bad text-size in a.out object file'.
+            'bad text-size in a.out object file' errorPrintNL.
             text notNil ifTrue:[text free].
             data notNil ifTrue:[data free].
-            ^ false
+            ^ nil
         Verbose ifTrue:[
-            Transcript showCr:'new-text-size: ' , (newTextSize printStringRadix:16)
+            ('new-text-size: ' , (newTextSize printStringRadix:16)) errorPrintNL
-        newDataSize := ObjectFile dataSizeOf:'a.out'.
+        newDataSize := self dataSizeOf:'a.out'.
         newDataSize isNil ifTrue:[
-            Transcript showCr:'bad data-size in object file'.
+            'bad data-size in object file' errorPrintNL.
             text notNil ifTrue:[text free].
             data notNil ifTrue:[data free].
-            ^ false
+            ^ nil
         Verbose ifTrue:[
-            Transcript showCr:'new-data-size: ' , (newDataSize printStringRadix:16)
+            ('new-data-size: ' , (newDataSize printStringRadix:16)) errorPrintNL
         ((newTextSize ~~ textSize) or:[newDataSize ~~ dataSize]) ifTrue:[
-            Transcript showCr:'size changed again - I give up'.
+            'size changed again - I give up' errorPrintNL.
             text notNil ifTrue:[text free].
             data notNil ifTrue:[data free].
-            ^ false
+            ^ nil
@@ -913,27 +524,27 @@
     Verbose ifTrue:[
         textAddr notNil ifTrue:[
-            Transcript showCr:'loading ' , textSize printString , ' bytes at ' , (textAddr printStringRadix:16).
+            ('loading ' , textSize printString , ' bytes at ' , (textAddr printStringRadix:16)) errorPrintNL.
         dataAddr notNil ifTrue:[
-            Transcript showCr:'loading ' , dataSize printString , ' bytes at ' , (dataAddr printStringRadix:16).
+            ('loading ' , dataSize printString , ' bytes at ' , (dataAddr printStringRadix:16)) errorPrintNL.
-    (ObjectFile loadObjectFile:'a.out'
+    (self loadObjectFile:'a.out'
                 textAddr:textAddr textSize:textSize
                 dataAddr:dataAddr dataSize:dataSize) isNil ifTrue: [
-        Transcript showCr:'load in error'.
+        'load error' errorPrintNL.
         text notNil ifTrue:[text free].
         data notNil ifTrue:[data free].
-        ^ false
+        ^ nil
-    'dynamic load successful' printNewline.
+    'dynamic load successful' errorPrintNL.
     OperatingSystem executeCommand:'mv a.out SymbolTable'.
     MySymbolTable := 'SymbolTable'.
-    ^ true
+    ^ (Array with:textAddr with:dataAddr)
 ! !
 !ObjectFileLoader class methodsFor:'dynamic class loading'!
@@ -941,36 +552,90 @@
 loadClass:aClassName fromObjectFile:aFileName
     "load a compiled class (.o-file) into the image"
-    |handle initAddr symName|
+    |handle initAddr symName newClass list moreHandles|
     handle := self openDynamicObject:aFileName.
     handle isNil ifTrue:[
         Transcript showCr:('openDynamic: ',aFileName,' failed.').
         ^ nil
+    "
+     get the Init-function; let the class install itself
+    "
     symName := '_' , aClassName , '_Init'.
-    initAddr := self getSymbol:symName from:handle.
+    initAddr := self getFunction:symName from:handle.
     initAddr isNil ifTrue:[
         "try with added underscore"
         symName := '__' , aClassName , '_Init'.
-        initAddr := self getSymbol:symName from:handle.
+        initAddr := self getFunction:symName from:handle.
+    ].
+    "
+     if there are any undefined symbols, we may have to load more
+    "
+    list := self getListOfUndefinedSymbolsFrom:handle.
+    list notNil ifTrue:[
+        moreHandles := self loadModulesFromListOfUndefined:list.
+        "
+         now, try again
+        "
+        symName := '_' , aClassName , '_Init'.
+        initAddr := self getFunction:symName from:handle.
         initAddr isNil ifTrue:[
-            Transcript showCr:('no symbol: ',symName,' in ',aFileName).
-            ^ nil
+            "try with added underscore"
+            symName := '__' , aClassName , '_Init'.
+            initAddr := self getFunction:symName from:handle.
-    self callFunctionAt:initAddr.
-    ^ Smalltalk at:aClassName asSymbol
+    initAddr notNil ifTrue:[
+        Verbose ifTrue:[
+            Transcript showCr:'calling init at: ' , (initAddr printStringRadix:16)
+        ].
+        self callInitFunctionAt:initAddr.
+        (Symbol hasInterned:aClassName) ifTrue:[
+            newClass := Smalltalk at:aClassName asSymbol ifAbsent:[nil].
+            newClass notNil ifTrue:[
+                newClass initialize.
+                "force cache flush"
+                Smalltalk at:aClassName asSymbol put:newClass.
+                Smalltalk changed.
+            ].
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            'LOADER: class ' errorPrintNL. aClassName errorPrintNL.
+            ' did not define itself' errorPrintNL
+            "
+             do not unload - could have installed its methods ...
+            "
+        ].
+        ^ newClass
+    ].
+    Verbose ifTrue:[
+        Transcript showCr:('no symbol: ', symName,' in ',aFileName).
+    ].
+    "
+     unload
+    "
+    moreHandles notNil ifTrue:[
+        self closeAllDynamicObjects:moreHandles.
+    ].
+    self closeDynamicObject:handle.
+    ^ nil
     "ObjectFileLoader loadClass:'Tetris'      fromObjectFile:'../clients/Tetris/Tetris.o'"
     "ObjectFileLoader loadClass:'TetrisBlock' fromObjectFile:'../clients/Tetris/TBlock.o'"
+    "ObjectFileLoader loadClass:'Foo'         fromObjectFile:'classList.o'"
-    "load a compiled class (.o-file) into the image; the class name
-     is not needed (multiple definitions may be in the file)"
+    "load an object file (.o-file) into the image; 
+     the class name is not needed (multiple definitions may be in the file)."
-    |handle initAddr symName className|
+    |handle initAddr symName className newClass list|
     handle := self openDynamicObject:aFileName.
     handle isNil ifTrue:[
@@ -978,77 +643,229 @@
         ^ nil
-    "load worked - now get init functions address"
+    "
+     look for init-function
+    "
     className := OperatingSystem baseNameOf:aFileName.
     (className endsWith:'.o') ifTrue:[
         className := className copyTo:(className size - 2)
     symName := '_' , className , '_Init'.
-    initAddr := self getSymbol:symName from:handle.
+    initAddr := self getFunction:symName from:handle.
     initAddr isNil ifTrue:[
         "try with added underscore"
         symName := '__' , className , '_Init'.
-        initAddr := self getSymbol:symName from:handle.
+        initAddr := self getFunction:symName from:handle.
         initAddr isNil ifTrue:[
             "try className from fileName"
             className := Smalltalk classNameForFile:className.
             symName := '_' , className , '_Init'.
-            initAddr := self getSymbol:symName from:handle.
+            initAddr := self getFunction:symName from:handle.
             initAddr isNil ifTrue:[
                 "and with added underscore"
                 symName := '__' , className , '_Init'.
-                initAddr := self getSymbol:symName from:handle.
+                initAddr := self getFunction:symName from:handle.
                 initAddr isNil ifTrue:[
                     Transcript showCr:('no symbol: ',symName,' in ',aFileName).
+                    "
+                     unload
+                    "
+                    self closeDynamicObject:handle.
                     ^ nil
-    self callFunctionAt:initAddr.
+    Verbose ifTrue:[
+        Transcript showCr:'calling init at:' , (initAddr printStringRadix:16)
+    ].
+    self callInitFunctionAt:initAddr.
+    (Symbol hasInterned:className) ifTrue:[
+        newClass := Smalltalk at:className asSymbol ifAbsent:[nil].
+        newClass notNil ifTrue:[
+            newClass initialize.
+            "force cache flush"
+            Smalltalk at:className asSymbol put:newClass.
+            Smalltalk changed.
+        ].
+    ].
+    ^ newClass
+    "load a c++ object file (.o-file) into the image"
+    |handle initAddr symName className newClass list|
+    handle := self openDynamicObject:aFileName.
+    handle isNil ifTrue:[
+        Transcript showCr:('openDynamic: ',aFileName,' failed.').
+        ^ nil
+    ].
+    list := self namesMatching:'__GLOBAL_$I*' in:aFileName.
+list size == 1 ifTrue:[
+"/    (self isCPlusPlusObject:handle) ifTrue:[
+        Verbose ifTrue:[
+            Transcript showCr:'a c++ object file'
+        ].
+        "
+         what I would like to get is the CTOR_LIST,
+         and call each function.
+         But dld cannot (currently) handle SET-type symbols, therefore
+         we search (using nm) for all __GLOBAL_$I* syms, get their values
+         and call them each
+        "
+"/        list := self namesMatching:'__GLOBAL_$I*' in:aFileName.
+"/        initAddr := self getFunction:'__CTOR_LIST__' from:handle.
+"/        Verbose ifTrue:[
+"/            Transcript showCr:'calling CTORs at:' , (initAddr printStringRadix:16)
+"/        ].
+        initAddr := self getFunction:list first from:handle.
+        initAddr isNil ifTrue:[
+            "
+             try with added underscore
+            "
+            initAddr := self getFunction:('_' , list first) from:handle.
+        ].
+        (initAddr isNil and:[list first startsWith:'_']) ifTrue:[
+            "
+             try with removed underscore
+            "
+            initAddr := self getFunction:(list first copyFrom:2) from:handle.
+        ].
+        initAddr isNil ifTrue:[
+            Verbose ifTrue:[
+                Transcript showCr:'no CTOR-func found (' , list first , ')'
+            ].
+            self closeDynamicObject:aFileName.
+            ^ nil
+        ].
+        Verbose ifTrue:[
+            Transcript showCr:'calling CTORs at:' , (initAddr printStringRadix:16)
+        ].
+        self callFunctionAt:initAddr forceOld:false arg:0.
+        Verbose ifTrue:[
+            Transcript showCr:'done with CTORs.'
+        ].
+        "
+         cannot create a CPlusPlus class automatically (there could be more than
+         one classes in it too ...)
+        "
+        ^ handle
+    ].
+    Verbose ifTrue:[
+        Transcript showCr:'unknown object file'
+    ].
+    self closeDynamicObject:aFileName.
+    ^ nil
+    "try to figure out what has to be loaded to resolve symbols from list.
+     return a list of handles of loaded objects
+    "
+    |inits classNames moreHandles|
+    inits := list select:[:symbol | symbol notNil and:[symbol endsWith:'_Init']].
+    inits notNil ifTrue:[
+        classNames := inits collect:[:symbol |
+            (symbol startsWith:'___') ifTrue:[
+                symbol copyFrom:4 to:(symbol size - 5)
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                (symbol startsWith:'__') ifTrue:[
+                    symbol copyFrom:3 to:(symbol size - 5)
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    (symbol startsWith:'_') ifTrue:[
+                        symbol copyFrom:2 to:(symbol size - 5)
+                    ] ifFalse:[
+                        symbol
+                    ]
+                ]
+            ]
+        ].
+        "
+         autoload those classes
+        "
+        classNames do:[:aClassName |
+            aClassName knownAsSymbol ifTrue:[
+                (Smalltalk includesKey:aClassName asSymbol) ifTrue:[
+'autoloading ' print. aClassName printNL.
+                    (Smalltalk at:aClassName asSymbol) autoload
+                ]
+            ]
+        ]
+    ].
+    ^ nil
 ! !
 !ObjectFileLoader class methodsFor:'dynamic object access'!
-    "open an object-file (map into my address space).
+    "open an object-file (load/map into my address space).
      Return a non-nil handle if ok, nil otherwise.
-     This function is not supported on all architectures."
+     No bindings are done - only a pure load is performed.
+     This function is not supported on all architectures.
+    "
+    Verbose ifTrue:[
+        Transcript showCr:'openDynamic: ' , pathName
+    ].
     handle := self primOpenDynamicObject:pathName into:(Array new:2).
+    handle isNil ifTrue:[
+        Verbose ifTrue:[
+            Transcript showCr:'no dynamic load facility or load failed.'.
+        ].
+        "try it the hard way"
+        handle := self loadFile:pathName.
+    ].
     ^ handle
      handle := ObjectFileLoader openDynamicObject:'../stc/mod1.so'.
-     ObjectFileLoader getSymbol:'module1' from:handle
+     ObjectFileLoader getFunction:'module1' from:handle
      handle := ObjectFileLoader openDynamicObject:'../goodies/Path/AbstrPath.o'.
-     ObjectFileLoader getSymbol:'__AbstractPath_Init' from:handle
+     ObjectFileLoader getFunction:'__AbstractPath_Init' from:handle
      handle := ObjectFileLoader openDynamicObject:'../clients/Tetris/Tetris.o'.
-     ObjectFileLoader getSymbol:'__TetrisBlock_Init' from:handle
+     ObjectFileLoader getFunction:'__TetrisBlock_Init' from:handle
 primOpenDynamicObject:pathName into:aBuffer
     "open an object-file (map into my address space).
      This function is not supported on all architectures.
-     Dont depend on the returned value or class of it, it depends
-     on the underlying dynamic load package."
+     Dont depend on the values or types returned in aBuffer, 
+     it depends on the underlying dynamic load package."
 #ifdef GNU_DL
 #   include "dld.h"
+    static firstCall = 1;
+    extern char *__myName__;
+    if (firstCall) {
+        firstCall = 0;
+        (void) dld_init (__myName__);
+    }
     if (__isString(pathName)) {
         if (dld_link(_stringVal(pathName))) {
             dld_perror("cant link");
@@ -1070,11 +887,12 @@
             handle = dlopen(_stringVal(pathName), RTLD_NOW);
         if (! handle) {
-            printf("dlopen %s error: <%s>\n", _stringVal(pathName), dlerror());
+            fprintf(stderr, "dlopen %s error: <%s>\n", _stringVal(pathName), dlerror());
             RETURN (nil);
-        printf("open %s handle = %x\n", _stringVal(pathName), handle);
+        if (ObjectFileLoader_Verbose == true)
+            printf("open %s handle = %x\n", _stringVal(pathName), handle);
         _AT_PUT_(aBuffer COMMA_SND, _MKSMALLINT(1), 
                                    _MKSMALLINT( (int)handle & 0xFFFF ));
         _AT_PUT_(aBuffer COMMA_SND, _MKSMALLINT(2), 
@@ -1086,8 +904,6 @@
 #   include <dlfcn.h>
     void *handle;
-    loadAddrLow = nil;
-    loadAddrHi = nil;
     if ((pathName == nil) || __isString(pathName)) {
         if (pathName == nil)
             handle = dlopen((char *)0, 1);
@@ -1095,11 +911,12 @@
             handle = dlopen(_stringVal(pathName), 1);
         if (! handle) {
-            printf("dlopen %s error: <%s>\n", _stringVal(pathName), dlerror());
+            fprintf(stderr, "dlopen %s error: <%s>\n", _stringVal(pathName), dlerror());
             RETURN (nil);
-        printf("open %s handle = %x\n", _stringVal(pathName), handle);
+        if (ObjectFileLoader_Verbose == true)
+            printf("open %s handle = %x\n", _stringVal(pathName), handle);
         _AT_PUT_(aBuffer COMMA_SND, _MKSMALLINT(1), 
                                    _MKSMALLINT( (int)handle & 0xFFFF ));
         _AT_PUT_(aBuffer COMMA_SND, _MKSMALLINT(2), 
@@ -1112,8 +929,6 @@
     char *files[2];
     NXStream *errOut;
-    loadAddrLow = nil;
-    loadAddrHi = nil;
     if (__isString(pathName)) {
         files[0] = (char *) _stringVal(pathName);
         files[1] = (char *) 0;
@@ -1124,11 +939,12 @@
                           (char *)0);
         if (! result) {
-            printf("rld_load %s failed\n", _stringVal(pathName));
+            fprintf(stderr, "rld_load %s failed\n", _stringVal(pathName));
             RETURN (nil);
-        printf("rld_load %s ok\n", _stringVal(pathName));
+        if (ObjectFileLoader_Verbose == true)
+            printf("rld_load %s ok\n", _stringVal(pathName));
         _AT_PUT_(aBuffer COMMA_SND, _MKSMALLINT(1), _MKSMALLINT(1));
         _AT_PUT_(aBuffer COMMA_SND, _MKSMALLINT(2), _MKSMALLINT(0));
@@ -1150,6 +966,7 @@
         RETURN ( self );
+    RETURN (self);
@@ -1164,7 +981,8 @@
     if (_isSmallInteger(low) && _isSmallInteger(hi)) {
         val = (_intVal(hi) << 16) + _intVal(low);
         h = (void *)(val);
-        printf("close handle = %x\n", h);
+        if (ObjectFileLoader_Verbose == true)
+            printf("close handle = %x\n", h);
@@ -1177,33 +995,123 @@
     if (_isSmallInteger(low) && _isSmallInteger(hi)) {
         val = (_intVal(hi) << 16) + _intVal(low);
         h = (void *)(val);
-        printf("close handle = %x\n", h);
+        if (ObjectFileLoader_Verbose == true)
+            printf("close handle = %x\n", h);
-getSymbol:aString from:handle
-    "return the address of a symbol from a dynamically loaded object file.
+    "return true, if the loaded object is a smalltalk object module"
+    "not yet implemented - stc_compiled_smalltalk is a static symbol,
+     not found in list - need nm-interface, or nlist-walker
+    "
+    ^ true.
+    (self getSymbol:'__stc_compiled_smalltalk' function:true from:handle) notNil ifTrue:[^ true].
+    (self getSymbol:'__stc_compiled_smalltalk' function:false from:handle) notNil ifTrue:[^ true].
+    ^ false
+    "return true, if the loaded object is a c++ object module"
+    (self getSymbol:'__gnu_compiled_cplusplus' function:true from:handle) notNil ifTrue:[^ true].
+    (self getSymbol:'__CTOR_LIST__' function:true from:handle) notNil ifTrue:[^ true].
+    (self getSymbol:'__CTOR_LIST__' function:false from:handle) notNil ifTrue:[^ true].
+    (self getSymbol:'__gnu_compiled_cplusplus' function:false from:handle) notNil ifTrue:[^ true].
+    ^ false
+namesMatching:aPattern in:aFileName
+    |p l s addr segment name entry|
+    l := OrderedCollection new.
+    p := PipeStream readingFrom:('nm ' , aFileName).
+    p isNil ifTrue:[
+        ('cannot read names from ' , aFileName) errorPrintNL.
+        ^ nil
+    ].
+    [p atEnd] whileFalse:[
+        entry := p nextLine.
+        s := ReadStream on:entry.
+        addr := s nextWord.
+        segment := s nextWord.
+        name := s upToEnd withoutSeparators.
+        (addr notNil and:[segment notNil and:[name notNil]]) ifTrue:[
+            (aPattern match:name) ifTrue:[
+                l add:name
+            ]
+        ]
+    ].
+    p close.
+    ^ l
+    "not yet implemented"
+    ^ false
+getFunction:aString from:handle
+    "return the address of a function from a dynamically loaded object file.
+     Handle must be the one returned previously from openDynamicObject.
+     Return the address of the function, or nil on any error."
+    ^ self getSymbol:aString function:true from:handle
+getSymbol:aString function:isFunction from:handle
+    "return the address of a symbol/function from a dynamically loaded object file.
      Handle must be the one returned previously from openDynamicObject.
      Return the address of the symbol, or nil on any error."
     |low hi lowAddr hiAddr|
+%{  /* STACK: 20000 */
 #ifdef GNU_DL
 #   include "dld.h"
     void (*func)();
+    unsigned long addr;
+    char *name;
     if (__isString(aString)) {
-        func = (void (*) ()) dld_get_func(_stringVal(aString));
-        if (func) {
-            printf("addr = %x\n", (INT)func);
-            lowAddr = _MKSMALLINT( (INT)func & 0xFFFF );
-            hiAddr = _MKSMALLINT( ((INT)func >> 16) & 0xFFFF );
+        name = (char *) _stringVal(aString);
+        if (isFunction == false) {
+            addr = dld_get_symbol(name);
         } else {
-            dld_perror("get_func");
+            func = (void (*) ()) dld_get_func(name);
+            if (func) {
+                if (ObjectFileLoader_Verbose == true)
+                    printf("addr of %s = %x\n", name, (INT)func);
+                if (dld_function_executable_p(name)) {
+                    lowAddr = _MKSMALLINT( (INT)func & 0xFFFF );
+                    hiAddr = _MKSMALLINT( ((INT)func >> 16) & 0xFFFF );
+                } else {
+                    char **undefNames;
+                    char **nm;
+                    int i;
+                    if (ObjectFileLoader_Verbose == true) {
+                        printf ("function %s not executable\n", name);
+                        dld_perror("not executable");
+                        printf("undefined:\n");
+                        nm = undefNames = dld_list_undefined_sym();
+                        for (i=dld_undefined_sym_count; i; i--) {
+                            printf("    %s\n", *nm++);
+                        }
+                    }
+                    free(undefNames);
+                }
+            } else {
+                dld_perror("get_func");
+            }
@@ -1222,14 +1130,17 @@
         val = (_intVal(hi) << 16) + _intVal(low);
         h = (void *)(val);
         if (__isString(aString)) {
-            printf("get sym <%s> handle = %x\n", _stringVal(aString), h);
+            if (ObjectFileLoader_Verbose == true)
+                printf("get sym <%s> handle = %x\n", _stringVal(aString), h);
             addr = dlsym(h, _stringVal(aString));
             if (addr) {
-                printf("addr = %x\n", addr);
+                if (ObjectFileLoader_Verbose == true)
+                    printf("addr = %x\n", addr);
                 lowAddr = _MKSMALLINT( (int)addr & 0xFFFF );
                 hiAddr = _MKSMALLINT( ((int)addr >> 16) & 0xFFFF );
             } else {
-                printf("dlsym %s error: <%s>\n", _stringVal(aString), dlerror());
+                if (ObjectFileLoader_Verbose == true)
+                    printf("dlsym %s error: <%s>\n", _stringVal(aString), dlerror());
@@ -1245,14 +1156,17 @@
         val = (_intVal(hi) << 16) + _intVal(low);
         h = (void *)(val);
         if (__isString(aString)) {
-            printf("get sym <%s> handle = %x\n", _stringVal(aString), h);
+            if (ObjectFileLoader_Verbose == true)
+                printf("get sym <%s> handle = %x\n", _stringVal(aString), h);
             addr = dlsym(h, _stringVal(aString));
             if (addr) {
-                printf("addr = %x\n", addr);
+                if (ObjectFileLoader_Verbose == true)
+                    printf("addr = %x\n", addr);
                 lowAddr = _MKSMALLINT( (int)addr & 0xFFFF );
                 hiAddr = _MKSMALLINT( ((int)addr >> 16) & 0xFFFF );
             } else {
-                printf("dlsym %s error: <%s>\n", _stringVal(aString), dlerror());
+                if (ObjectFileLoader_Verbose == true)
+                    printf("dlsym %s error: <%s>\n", _stringVal(aString), dlerror());
@@ -1264,14 +1178,16 @@
     NXStream *errOut;
     if (__isString(aString)) {
-        printf("get sym <%s>\n", _stringVal(aString));
+        if (ObjectFileLoader_Verbose == true)
+            printf("get sym <%s>\n", _stringVal(aString));
         errOut = NXOpenFile(2, 2);
         result = rld_lookup(errOut,
                             (char *) _stringVal(aString),
         if (result) {
-            printf("addr = %x\n", addr);
+            if (ObjectFileLoader_Verbose == true)
+                printf("addr = %x\n", addr);
             lowAddr = _MKSMALLINT( (int)addr & 0xFFFF );
             hiAddr = _MKSMALLINT( ((int)addr >> 16) & 0xFFFF );
@@ -1285,6 +1201,60 @@
     ^ nil
+    "return a collection of undefined symbols in a dynamically loaded object file.
+     Handle must be the one returned previously from openDynamicObject."
+    |list|
+    list := Array new:100. "no more than 100 symbols"
+#ifdef GNU_DL
+#   include "dld.h"
+    void (*func)();
+    unsigned long addr;
+    char *name;
+    int nMax;
+    if (__isArray(list)) {
+        char **undefNames;
+        char **nm;
+        int index;
+        nMax = _arraySize(list);
+        nm = undefNames = dld_list_undefined_sym();
+        for (index = 0; index < dld_undefined_sym_count; index++) {
+            _ArrayInstPtr(list)->a_element[index] = _MKSTRING(*nm++);
+            if (index == nMax)
+                break;
+        }
+        free(undefNames);
+    }
+#ifdef SYSV4_DL
+    /*
+     * dont know how to do it
+     */
+#ifdef SUN_DL
+    /*
+     * dont know how to do it
+     */
+#ifdef NEXT_DL
+    /*
+     * dont know how to do it
+     */
+    ^ list
     "this is needed on NeXT to forget loaded names. If this wasnt done,
      the same class could not be loaded in again due to multiple defines.
@@ -1302,7 +1272,18 @@
+    "
+     need 3 passes to init: 1: create my pools
+                            2: get var-refs to other pools
+                            3: install class, methods and literals
+    "
+    self callFunctionAt:initAddr forceOld:true arg:0.
+    self callFunctionAt:initAddr forceOld:true arg:1.
+    self callFunctionAt:initAddr forceOld:true arg:2.
+callFunctionAt:address forceOld:forceOld arg:argument
     "call a function at address - this is very dangerous.
      This is needed to call the classes init-function after loading in a
      class-object file. Dont use in your programs."
@@ -1317,22 +1298,298 @@
     typedef void (*VOIDFUNC)();
     int savInt;
     extern int _immediateInterrupt;
+    int prevSpace;
+    int arg = 0;
     if (_isSmallInteger(low) && _isSmallInteger(hi)) {
         val = (_intVal(hi) << 16) + _intVal(low);
         addr = (VOIDFUNC) val;
+        if (_isSmallInteger(argument)) {
+            arg = _intVal(argument);
+        }
          * allow function to be interrupted
         savInt = _immediateInterrupt;
         _immediateInterrupt = 1;
-        (*addr)();
+        if (forceOld == true) {
+            prevSpace = allocForceSpace(OLDSPACE);
+            (*addr)(arg);
+            allocForceSpace(prevSpace);
+        } else {
+            (*addr)(arg);
+        }
         _immediateInterrupt = savInt;
 ! !
+!ObjectFileLoader class methodsFor:'primitive loading'!
+    "
+     get the size of the text-segment (nBytes)
+    "
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+#ifdef HAS_DL
+    /*
+     * not needed, if dynamic link facilities exist
+     */
+#else /* no DL-support */
+    char *fname;
+    int fd;
+    if (! __isString(aFileName)) {
+        RETURN (nil);
+    }
+    fname = (char *) _stringVal(aFileName);
+# if defined(A_DOT_OUT) && !defined(ELF)
+#  if !defined(sco) && !defined(isc)
+    {
+        struct exec header;
+        if ((fd = open(fname, 0)) < 0) {
+            fprintf(stderr, "cannot open <%s>\n", fname);
+            RETURN ( nil );
+        }
+        if (read(fd, &header, sizeof(header)) != sizeof(header)) {
+            fprintf(stderr, "cannot read header of <%s>\n", fname);
+            close(fd);
+            RETURN ( nil );
+        }
+        close(fd);
+        if (N_MAGIC(header) != OMAGIC) {
+            fprintf(stderr, "header is (0%o) %x - should be (0%o)%x\n",
+                                        N_MAGIC(header), N_MAGIC(header),
+                                        OMAGIC, OMAGIC);
+            RETURN ( nil );
+        }
+        RETURN ( _MKSMALLINT(header.a_text) );
+    }
+#  endif
+# endif
+    /*
+     * need support for other headers ... (i.e. coff, elf)
+     */
+    ^ self error:'objectFile format not supported'
+    "
+     get the size of the data-segment (nBytes)
+    "
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+#ifdef HAS_DL
+    /*
+     * not needed, if dynamic link facilities exist
+     */
+#else /* no DL-support */
+    char *fname;
+    int fd;
+    if (! __isString(aFileName)) {
+        RETURN ( nil );
+    }
+    fname = (char *) _stringVal(aFileName);
+# if defined(A_DOT_OUT) && !defined(ELF)
+#  if !defined(sco) && !defined(isc)
+    {
+        struct exec header;
+        unsigned size;
+        if ((fd = open(fname, 0)) < 0) {
+            fprintf(stderr, "cannot open <%s>\n", fname);
+            RETURN ( nil );
+        }
+        if (read(fd, &header, sizeof(header)) != sizeof(header)) {
+            fprintf(stderr, "cannot read header of <%s>\n", fname);
+            close(fd);
+            RETURN ( nil );
+        }
+        close(fd);
+        if (N_MAGIC(header) != OMAGIC) {
+            fprintf(stderr, "header is (0%o) %x - should be (0%o)%x\n",
+                                        N_MAGIC(header), N_MAGIC(header),
+                                        OMAGIC, OMAGIC);
+            RETURN ( nil );
+        }
+        size = header.a_data;
+#   if defined(sinix) && defined(BSD)
+        size += header.a_bss;
+#   endif
+        RETURN ( _MKSMALLINT(size) );
+    }
+#  endif
+# endif
+    /*
+     * need support for other headers ... (i.e. coff, elf)
+     */
+    ^ self error:'objectFile format not supported'
+loadObjectFile:aFileName textAddr:textAddr textSize:textSize
+                         dataAddr:dataAddr dataSize:dataSize
+    "the object in aFileName must have been linked for
+     absolute address textAddr/dataAddr (using ld -A).
+     Load the contents from the file. Memory must have previously
+     been allocated using ExternalBytes."
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+#ifdef HAS_DL
+    /*
+     * not needed, if dynamic link facilities exist
+     */
+#else /* no DL-support */
+    if (! __isString(aFileName)) {
+        RETURN ( nil );
+    }
+# if defined(A_DOT_OUT) && !defined(ELF)
+#  if !defined(sco) && !defined(isc)
+    {
+        char *fname = (char *) _stringVal(aFileName);
+        unsigned taddr, daddr;
+        unsigned tsize, dsize;
+        unsigned toffset = 0;
+        unsigned doffset = 0;
+        int fd;
+        struct exec header;
+        char *cp;
+        int bssCount;
+        unsigned magic = OMAGIC;
+        int nread;
+        taddr = _isSmallInteger(textAddr) ? (unsigned) _intVal(textAddr) : 0;
+        daddr = _isSmallInteger(dataAddr) ? (unsigned) _intVal(dataAddr) : 0;
+        tsize = _isSmallInteger(textSize) ? _intVal(textSize) : 0;
+        dsize = _isSmallInteger(dataSize) ? _intVal(dataSize) : 0;
+        if ((fd = open(fname, 0)) < 0)  {
+            fprintf(stderr, "cannot open <%s>\n", fname);
+            RETURN ( nil );
+        }
+        if (read(fd, &header, sizeof(header)) != sizeof(header)) {
+            fprintf(stderr, "cannot read header of <%s>\n", fname);
+            close(fd);
+            RETURN ( nil );
+        }
+        if (N_MAGIC(header) != magic) {
+            fprintf(stderr, "header is (0%o) %x should be (0%o) %x\n",
+                                        N_MAGIC(header), N_MAGIC(header),
+                                        magic, magic);
+            close(fd);
+            RETURN ( nil );
+        }
+        /*
+         * some linkers produce a huge output file, with zeros up to the
+         * real code ... - thats what toffset, doffset are for.
+         */
+#   if defined(sinix) && defined(BSD)
+        toffset = N_TXTADDR(header);
+        doffset = toffset + taddr + tsize /* - 0x800 */;
+        daddr = taddr + tsize;
+#   else
+#    if defined(mips) && defined(ultrix)
+        toffset = N_TXTOFF(header.ex_f, header.ex_o);
+        doffset = toffset + tsize;
+        daddr = taddr + tsize;
+#    else
+#     if defined(N_TXTOFF)
+        toffset = N_TXTOFF(header);
+        doffset = N_DATOFF(header);
+        daddr = taddr + tsize;
+#     else
+        fprintf(stderr, "dont know text/data offsets in objectfile\n");
+        RETURN ( nil );
+#     endif
+#    endif
+#   endif
+#   ifdef SUPERDEBUG
+        printf("toffs:%x taddr:%x tsize:%d doffs:%x daddr:%x dsize:%d\n",
+                toffset, taddr, tsize, doffset,daddr, dsize);
+#   endif
+        if (lseek(fd, (long)toffset, 0) < 0) {
+            fprintf(stderr, "cannot seek to text\n");
+            close(fd);
+            RETURN ( nil );
+        }
+        if ((nread = read(fd, taddr, tsize)) != tsize) {
+            perror("read");
+            fprintf(stderr, "cannot read text wanted:%d got:%d\n", tsize, nread);
+            close(fd);
+            RETURN ( nil );
+        }
+#   ifdef SUPERDEBUG
+        printf("1st bytes of text: %02x %02x %02x %02x\n",
+                *((char *)taddr) & 0xFF, *((char *)taddr+1) & 0xFF,
+                *((char *)taddr+2) & 0xFF, *((char *)taddr+3) & 0xFF);
+#   endif
+        if (dsize) {
+            if (lseek(fd, (long)doffset, 0) < 0) {
+                fprintf(stderr, "cannot seek to data\n");
+                close(fd);
+                RETURN ( nil );
+            }
+            if (read(fd, daddr, dsize) != dsize) {
+                fprintf(stderr, "cannot read data\n");
+                close(fd);
+                RETURN ( nil );
+            }
+#   ifdef SUPERDEBUG
+            {
+                char *ptr;
+                int i;
+                ptr = (char *)daddr;
+                fprintf(stderr, "bytes of data (at %x):\n", ptr);
+                for (i=dsize; i>0; i--, ptr++)
+                    printf("%02x ", *ptr & 0xFF);
+            }
+#   endif
+        }
+        close(fd);
+#   ifdef NOTDEF
+        if (header.a_bss != 0) {
+            fprintf(stderr, "warning: bss not empty\n");
+            cp = ((char *)daddr) + header.a_data;
+            for (bssCount=header.a_bss; bssCount; bssCount--)
+                *cp++ = 0;
+        }
+#   endif
+    }
+    RETURN ( self );
+#  endif
+# endif
+    /*
+     * need support for other headers ... (i.e. coff, elf)
+     */
+    ^ self error:'objectFile format not supported'
+! !
 ObjectFileLoader initialize!