author claus
Fri, 25 Feb 1994 13:52:15 +0100
changeset 15 992c3d87edbf
parent 13 30e69e21d1d1
child 19 84a1ddf215a5
permissions -rw-r--r--
*** empty log message ***

 COPYRIGHT (c) 1989 by Claus Gittinger
              All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.

Parser subclass:#ByteCodeCompiler
       instanceVariableNames:'code codeIndex
                              stackDelta extra lineno

ByteCodeCompiler comment:'

COPYRIGHT (c) 1989 by Claus Gittinger
             All Rights Reserved

$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libcomp/,v 1.9 1994-02-25 12:50:45 claus Exp $

!ByteCodeCompiler class methodsFor:'documentation'!

This class performs compilation into ByteCodes.
First, parsing is done using superclass methods,
then the parse-tree is converted into an array of symbolic codes
and a relocation table; 
these two are finally combined into a byteArray of the codes.

There are many dependancies to the run-time-system (especially the
interpreter) in here - be careful when playing around ...

Instance variables:

code            <ByteArry>              bytecodes
codeIndex       <SmallInteger>          next index to put into code array
litArray        <OrderedCollection>     literals
stackDelta      <SmallInteger>          return value of byteCodeFor:
extra           <Symbol>                return value of byteCodeFor:
maxStackDepth   <SmallInteger>          stack need of method
relocList       <Array>                 used temporary for relocation
! !

!ByteCodeCompiler class methodsFor:'compiling methods'!

compile:methodText forClass:classToCompileFor
    "compile a source-string for a method in classToCompileFor"

    ^ self compile:methodText

compile:aString forClass:aClass inCategory:cat
    "compile a source-string for a method in classToCompileFor.
     The method will get cat as category"

    ^ self compile:aString

compile:methodText forClass:classToCompileFor notifying:someOne
    "compile a source-string for a method in classToCompileFor.
     errors are forwarded to someOne."

    ^ self compile:methodText

compile:aString forClass:aClass inCategory:cat notifying:someOne
    "compile a source-string for a method in classToCompileFor.
     errors are forwarded to someOne.
     The method will get cat as category"

    ^ self compile:aString

compile:aString forClass:aClass inCategory:cat notifying:someOne
    ^ self compile:aString

compile:aString forClass:aClass inCategory:cat notifying:someOne
                 install:install skipIfSame:skipIfSame

    "the basic workhorse method for compiling.
     compile a source-string for a method in classToCompileFor.
     errors are forwarded to someOne (report on Transcript and return
     #Error, if someOne is nil).

     The new method will get cat as category. If install is true, the method
     will go into the classes method-table, otherwise the method is simply
     returned (for anonymous methods).
     If skipIsSame is true, and the source is the same as an existing
     methods source, this is a noop (for fast fileIn)."

    |compiler newMethod tree lits symbolicCodeArray oldMethod|

    aString isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].

    "create a compiler, let it parse and create the parsetree"

    compiler := self for:(ReadStream on:aString).
    compiler setClassToCompileFor:aClass.
    compiler notifying:someOne.

    compiler nextToken.
    (compiler parseMethodSpec == #Error) ifTrue:[
        tree := #Error
    ] ifFalse:[
        "check if same source"
        (skipIfSame and:[compiler selector notNil]) ifTrue:[
            oldMethod := aClass compiledMethodAt:(compiler selector).
            oldMethod notNil ifTrue:[
                oldMethod source = aString ifTrue:[
                    SilentLoading ifFalse:[
                        Transcript showCr:('unchanged: ',aClass name,' ',compiler selector)
                    ^ oldMethod
        tree := compiler parseMethodBody.
        compiler tree:tree.

    (compiler errorFlag or:[tree == #Error]) ifTrue:[
        compiler selector notNil ifTrue:[
            Transcript show:(compiler selector,' ')
        Transcript showCr:'syntax error'.
        ^ #Error

    compiler selector isNil ifTrue:[
        "it was just a comment or other empty stuff"
        ^ nil

    "produce symbolic code first"

    symbolicCodeArray := compiler genSymbolicCode.
    (symbolicCodeArray == #Error) ifTrue:[
        compiler selector notNil ifTrue:[
            Transcript show:(compiler selector,' ')
        Transcript showCr:'translation error'.
        ^ #Error

    ((compiler genByteCodeFrom:symbolicCodeArray) == #Error) ifTrue:[
        compiler selector notNil ifTrue:[
            Transcript show:(compiler selector,' ')
        Transcript showCr:'relocation error - must be simplified'.
        ^ #Error

    "finally create the new method-object"

    newMethod := Method new.
    lits := compiler literalArray.
    lits notNil ifTrue:[
        "literals MUST be an array - not just any Collection"
        lits := Array withAll:lits.
        newMethod literals:lits
    newMethod byteCode:(compiler code).
    newMethod source:aString.
    newMethod category:cat.
    newMethod numberOfMethodVars:(compiler numberOfMethodVars).
    newMethod numberOfMethodArgs:(compiler numberOfMethodArgs).
    newMethod stackSize:(compiler maxStackDepth).

    install ifTrue:[
        aClass addSelector:(compiler selector) withMethod:newMethod

    SilentLoading ifFalse:[
        Transcript showCr:('compiled: ',aClass name,' ',compiler selector)

    ^ newMethod
! !

!ByteCodeCompiler class methodsFor:'constants'!

    "only some exported codes handled here (for BlockNode)"

    (aSymbol == #blockRetTop) ifTrue:[^ 6].
    (aSymbol == #push0) ifTrue:[^120].
    (aSymbol == #push1) ifTrue:[^121].
    (aSymbol == #push2) ifTrue:[^139].
    (aSymbol == #pushMinus1) ifTrue:[^122].
    (aSymbol == #pushNil) ifTrue:[^ 10].
    (aSymbol == #pushTrue) ifTrue:[^ 11].
    (aSymbol == #pushFalse) ifTrue:[^ 12].
    (aSymbol == #pushSelf) ifTrue:[^ 15].
    self error
! !

!ByteCodeCompiler methodsFor:'accessing'!

    "return the literal array - only valid after parsing"

    ^ litArray

    "return the bytecode array - only valid after code-generation"

    ^ code

    "return the stack-need of the method - only valid after code-generation"

    ^ maxStackDepth
! !

!ByteCodeCompiler methodsFor:'code generation'!

    "traverse the parse-tree producing symbolicCode - return the codeArray"

    |codeStream thisStatement lastStatement|

    codeStream := WriteStream on:(Array new:100).
    thisStatement := tree.
    [thisStatement notNil] whileTrue:[
        lastStatement := thisStatement.
        thisStatement codeForSideEffectOn:codeStream inBlock:nil.
        thisStatement := thisStatement nextStatement
    (lastStatement isNil or:[(lastStatement isMemberOf:ReturnNode) not])
        "not a return - add retSelf"
        codeStream nextPut:#retSelf
    ^ codeStream contents

    "this was added to allow emulation of (some) ST-80
     primitives (to fileIn Remote-Package)"

    |cls sel|

    (primNr == 75)  ifTrue:[ cls := Object. sel := #identityHash ].
    (primNr == 110) ifTrue:[ cls := Object. sel := #==           ].
    (primNr == 111) ifTrue:[ cls := Object. sel := #class        ].
    cls notNil ifTrue:[
        ^ (cls compiledMethodAt:sel) code
    ^ nil

    "convert symbolicCode into bytecodes"

    |symIndex    "<SmallInteger>"
     codeSize    "<SmallInteger>"
     symCodeSize "<SmallInteger>"
     index addr
     codeSymbol nargs done
     stackDepth relocInfo level nvars|

    symbolicCodeArray isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

    done := false.
    symCodeSize := symbolicCodeArray size.
    codeSize := symCodeSize.

    [done] whileFalse:[
        litArray := nil.
        stackDepth := 0.
        maxStackDepth := 0.

        code := ByteArray uninitializedNew:codeSize.
        relocInfo := Array new:(codeSize + 1).
        symIndex := 1.
        codeIndex := 1.

        [symIndex <= symCodeSize] whileTrue:[
            relocInfo at:symIndex put:codeIndex.

            codeSymbol := symbolicCodeArray at:symIndex.
            symIndex := symIndex + 1.
            stackDelta := 0.
            extra := nil.
            lineno := false.
            self appendByteCodeFor:codeSymbol.
            lineno ifTrue:[
                self appendByte:((symbolicCodeArray at:symIndex) min:255).
                symIndex := symIndex + 1
            extra notNil ifTrue:[
              (extra == #number) ifTrue:[
                index := symbolicCodeArray at:symIndex.
                symIndex := symIndex + 1.
                self appendSignedByte:index
              ] ifFalse:[
                (extra == #index) ifTrue:[
                  index := symbolicCodeArray at:symIndex.
                  symIndex := symIndex + 1.
                  self appendByte:index
                ] ifFalse:[
                  (extra == #lit) ifTrue:[
                    index := self addLiteral:(symbolicCodeArray at:symIndex).
                    symIndex := symIndex + 1.
                    self appendByte:index
                  ] ifFalse:[
                    (extra == #speciallit) ifTrue:[
                      index := self addLiteral:(symbolicCodeArray at:symIndex).
                      symIndex := symIndex + 1.
                      self appendByte:index.
                      self appendByte:0.  "space for inline-generation"
                      self appendByte:0.  "space for inline-address"
                      self appendByte:0.
                      self appendByte:0.
                      self appendByte:0.
                      symIndex := symIndex + 5
                    ] ifFalse:[
                      (extra == #offset) ifTrue:[
                        relocInfo at:symIndex put:codeIndex.
                        self addReloc:symIndex.
                        symIndex := symIndex + 1.
                        self appendByte:0
                      ] ifFalse:[
                        (extra == #indexLevel) ifTrue:[
                          index := symbolicCodeArray at:symIndex.
                          symIndex := symIndex + 1.
                          self appendByte:index.
                          level := symbolicCodeArray at:symIndex.
                          symIndex := symIndex + 1.
                          self appendByte:level
                        ] ifFalse:[
                          (extra == #offsetNvarNarg) ifTrue:[
                            relocInfo at:symIndex put:codeIndex.
                            self addReloc:symIndex.
                            symIndex := symIndex + 1.
                            self appendByte:0.
                            nvars := symbolicCodeArray at:symIndex.
                            symIndex := symIndex + 1.
                            self appendByte:nvars.
                            level := symbolicCodeArray at:symIndex.
                            symIndex := symIndex + 1.
                            self appendByte:level
                          ] ifFalse:[
                            (extra == #absoffset) ifTrue:[
                              relocInfo at:symIndex put:codeIndex.
                              self addReloc:symIndex.
                              addr := symbolicCodeArray at:symIndex.
                              symIndex := symIndex + 1.
                              self appendByte:(addr bitAnd:16rFF).
                              self appendByte:((addr bitShift:-8) bitAnd:16rFF).
                            ] ifFalse:[
                              (extra == #absoffsetNvarNarg) ifTrue:[
                                relocInfo at:symIndex put:codeIndex.
                                self addReloc:symIndex.
                                addr := symbolicCodeArray at:symIndex.
                                symIndex := symIndex + 1.
                                self appendByte:(addr bitAnd:16rFF).
                                self appendByte:((addr bitShift:-8) bitAnd:16rFF).
                                nvars := symbolicCodeArray at:symIndex.
                                symIndex := symIndex + 1.
                                self appendByte:nvars.
                                level := symbolicCodeArray at:symIndex.
                                symIndex := symIndex + 1.
                                self appendByte:level
                              ] ifFalse:[
                                self error:'compiler botch'
            ((codeSymbol == #send) or:[codeSymbol == #superSend]) ifTrue:[
              index := self addLiteral:(symbolicCodeArray at:symIndex).
              symIndex := symIndex + 1.
              nargs := symbolicCodeArray at:symIndex.
              symIndex := symIndex + 1.
              self appendByte:nargs.
              self appendByte:index.
              (codeSymbol == #superSend) ifTrue:[
                  symIndex := symIndex + 1.
                  index := self addLiteral:(classToCompileFor superclass).
                  self appendByte:index
              stackDelta := nargs negated
            ] ifFalse:[
              (codeSymbol == #sendDrop) ifTrue:[
                  index := self addLiteral:(symbolicCodeArray at:symIndex).
                  symIndex := symIndex + 1.
                  nargs := symbolicCodeArray at:symIndex.
                  symIndex := symIndex + 1.
                  self appendByte:nargs.
                  self appendByte:index.
                  stackDelta := (nargs + 1) negated
            stackDepth := stackDepth + stackDelta.
            (stackDepth > maxStackDepth) ifTrue:[
                maxStackDepth := stackDepth
        relocInfo at:symIndex put:codeIndex.

        "relocate - returns true if ok, false if we have to rerun"
        done := true.
        relocList notNil ifTrue:[
            done := self relocateWith:symbolicCodeArray relocInfo:relocInfo.
            "if returned with false, a relative jump was made into
             an absolute jump - need to start over with one more byte space"
            done ifFalse:[
                relocList := nil.
                codeSize := codeSize + 1.
    "code printNewline."
    ^ errorFlag

    "given a jump-symbolic code, return corresponding absolute jump"

    JumpToAbsJump isNil ifTrue:[
        JumpToAbsJump := IdentityDictionary new.
        JumpToAbsJump at:#jump put:#jumpabs.
        JumpToAbsJump at:#trueJump put:#trueJumpabs.
        JumpToAbsJump at:#falseJump put:#falseJumpabs.
        JumpToAbsJump at:#nilJump put:#nilJumpabs.
        JumpToAbsJump at:#notNilJump put:#notNilJumpabs.
        JumpToAbsJump at:#eqJump put:#eqJumpabs.
        JumpToAbsJump at:#notEqJump put:#notEqJumpabs.
        JumpToAbsJump at:#zeroJump put:#zeroJumpabs.
        JumpToAbsJump at:#notZeroJump put:#notZeroJumpabs.
        JumpToAbsJump at:#makeBlock put:#makeBlockabs.
    ^ JumpToAbsJump at:code

relocateWith:symbolicCodeArray relocInfo:relocInfo
    "helper for genByteCodeFrom - relocate code using relocInfo.
     if relocation fails badly (due to long relative jumps) patch
     symbolicCode to use absolute jumps instead and return false
     (genByteCodeFrom will then try again). Otherwise return true.
     Also, on the fly, jumps to jumps and jumps to return are handled."

    |delta       "<SmallInteger>"
     codePos     "<SmallInteger>"
     opCodePos   "<SmallInteger>"
     codeOffset  "<SmallInteger>"
     symOffset opcode dstOpcode jumpTarget
     jumpCode deleteSet|

    deleteSet := OrderedCollection new.
    relocList do:[:sIndex |
        "have to relocate symCode at sIndex ..." 
        symOffset := symbolicCodeArray at:sIndex.   "the target in the symbolic code"
        codePos := relocInfo at:sIndex.             "position of the offet in byte code"
        codeOffset := relocInfo at:symOffset.       "position of the target in byte code"
        delta := codeOffset - codePos - 1.
        opCodePos := codePos - 1.
        opcode := code at:opCodePos.

        (opcode between:190 and:199) ifTrue:[
            "an absolute jump/makeBlock"

            code at:codePos put:(codeOffset bitAnd:16rFF).
            code at:(codePos + 1) put:(codeOffset bitShift:-8)
        ] ifFalse:[
            "get jump-code from long and vlong codes"
            (opcode between:50 and:59) ifFalse:[
                (opcode between:60 and:69) ifTrue:[
                    opcode := opcode - 10
                ] ifFalse:[
                    (opcode between:70 and:79) ifTrue:[
                        opcode := opcode - 20
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        self error:'invalid code to relocate'

            "optimize jump to return and jump to jump"

            (opcode == 54) ifTrue:[
                "a jump"
                dstOpcode := symbolicCodeArray at:symOffset.

                (#(retSelf retTop retNil retTrue retFalse ret0 blockRetTop) includes:dstOpcode) ifTrue:[
                    "a jump to a return - put in the return instead jump"

                    symbolicCodeArray at:(sIndex - 1) put:dstOpcode.
                    symbolicCodeArray at:sIndex put:dstOpcode.
                    code at:opCodePos put:(self byteCodeFor:dstOpcode).
                    delta := 0.
                    deleteSet add:sIndex.

'jump to return at: ' print. (sIndex - 1) printNewline.
                ] ifFalse:[
                    (dstOpcode == #jump) ifTrue:[
                        "jump to jump to be done soon"
                        jumpTarget := symbolicCodeArray at:(symOffset + 1).
'jump to jump at: ' print. (sIndex - 1) print.
'  newTarget:' print. jumpTarget printNewline.

                        symbolicCodeArray at:sIndex put:jumpTarget.
                        symOffset := jumpTarget.
                        codeOffset := relocInfo at:symOffset.
                        delta := codeOffset - codePos - 1.

                        "continue with new delta"
            (#(50 51 52 53 56 57 58 59) includes:opcode) ifTrue:[
                "a conditional jump"

                dstOpcode := symbolicCodeArray at:symOffset.
                (dstOpcode == #jump) ifTrue:[
                    "conditional jump to unconditional jump"
                    jumpTarget := symbolicCodeArray at:(symOffset + 1).
'cond jump to jump at: ' print. (sIndex - 1) print.
'  newTarget:' print. jumpTarget printNewline.

                    symbolicCodeArray at:sIndex put:jumpTarget.
                    symOffset := jumpTarget.
                    codeOffset := relocInfo at:symOffset.
                    delta := codeOffset - codePos - 1.

                    "continue with new delta"

            (delta >= 0) ifTrue:[
                (delta > 127) ifTrue:[
                    (opcode between:50 and:59) ifFalse:[
                        self error:'invalid code to relocate'
                    (delta > 255) ifTrue:[
                        "change jmp into vljmp ..."
                        code at:opCodePos put:(opcode + 20).
                        delta := delta - 256 
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        "change jmp into ljmp ..."
                        code at:opCodePos put:(opcode + 10).
                        delta := delta - 128
                    (delta > 127) ifTrue:[
                        "change symbolic into a jump absolute and fail"
                        jumpCode := symbolicCodeArray at:(sIndex - 1).
                        symbolicCodeArray at:(sIndex - 1) put:(self absJumpFromJump:jumpCode).
                        symbolicCodeArray at:sIndex put:symOffset.
'change short into abs jump' printNewline.
                        deleteSet do:[:d | relocList remove:d].
                        ^ false
                code at:codePos put:delta
            ] ifFalse:[
                (delta < -128) ifTrue:[
                    (opcode between:50 and:59) ifFalse:[
                        self error:'invalid code to relocate'
                    (delta < -256) ifTrue:[
                        "change jmp into vljmp ..."
                        code at:opCodePos put:(opcode + 20).
                        delta := delta + 256
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        "change jmp into ljmp ..."
                        code at:opCodePos put:(opcode + 10).
                        delta := delta + 128
                    (delta < -128) ifTrue:[
                        "change symbolic into a jump absolute and fail"
                        jumpCode := symbolicCodeArray at:(sIndex - 1).
                        symbolicCodeArray at:(sIndex - 1) put:(self absJumpFromJump:jumpCode).
                        symbolicCodeArray at:sIndex put:symOffset.
'change short into abs jump' printNewline.
                        deleteSet do:[:d | relocList remove:d].
                        ^ false
                code at:codePos put:(256 + delta)
    (errorFlag == #Error) ifTrue:[
        self error:'relocation range error'
    ^ true

    "add a literal to the literalArray - watch for and eliminate
     duplicates. return the index of the literal in the Array"

    |index class|

    litArray isNil ifTrue:[
        litArray := Array with:anObject.
        ^ 1
    index := litArray identityIndexOf:anObject.
    (index == 0) ifTrue:[
        class := anObject class.
        ((class == Float) or:[class == Fraction]) ifTrue:[
            index := litArray indexOf:anObject.
        (index == 0) ifTrue:[
            litArray := litArray copyWith:anObject.
            ^ litArray size
    ^ index

    "append the byteCode for an instructionSymbol to the code-Array"

    code at:codeIndex put:(self byteCodeFor:codeSymbol).
    codeIndex := codeIndex + 1

    "append a byte to the code-Array, checking for byte-range (debug-only)"

    (aByte between:0 and:255) ifTrue:[
        code at:codeIndex put:aByte.
        codeIndex := codeIndex + 1
    ] ifFalse:[
        self error:'byte range error'.
        errorFlag := #Error

    "append a signedbyte (as in jump-offsets) to the code-Array,
     check range and report an error if invalid"

    |b "<SmallInteger>" |

    b := aByte.
    (b >= 0) ifTrue:[
        (b > 127) ifTrue:[
            self error:'jump-range error'.
            errorFlag := #Error
        code at:codeIndex put:b
    ] ifFalse:[
        (b < -128) ifTrue:[
            self error:'jump-range error'.
            errorFlag := #Error
        code at:codeIndex put:(256 + b)
    codeIndex := codeIndex + 1

    "remember to relocate offset at symIndex later ..."

    relocList isNil ifTrue:[
        relocList := OrderedCollection new.
    relocList add:symIndex

    "given a symbolic instruction, return the corresponding bytecode.
     as a side-effect, leave number of bytes pushed/popped by this instr.
     in stackDelta, and, if the instruction needs extra arguments, leave
     this info in extra"

    "standard bytecodes"

    (aSymbol == #pushNil) ifTrue:[stackDelta := 1. ^ 10].
    (aSymbol == #pushTrue) ifTrue:[stackDelta := 1. ^ 11].
    (aSymbol == #pushFalse) ifTrue:[stackDelta := 1. ^ 12].
    (aSymbol == #pushLit) ifTrue:[stackDelta := 1. extra := #lit. ^ 14].
    (aSymbol == #pushSelf) ifTrue:[stackDelta := 1. ^ 15].
    (aSymbol == #pushNum) ifTrue:[stackDelta := 1. extra := #number. ^ 16].

    (aSymbol == #pushMethodArg) ifTrue:[stackDelta := 1. extra := #index. ^ 30].
    (aSymbol == #pushMethodVar) ifTrue:[stackDelta := 1. extra := #index. ^ 31].
    (aSymbol == #pushBlockArg) ifTrue:[stackDelta := 1. extra := #index. ^ 32].
    (aSymbol == #pushBlockVar) ifTrue:[stackDelta := 1. extra := #index. ^ 33].
    (aSymbol == #pushInstVar) ifTrue:[stackDelta := 1. extra := #index. ^ 34].
    (aSymbol == #pushOuterBlockArg) ifTrue:[stackDelta := 1. extra := #indexLevel. ^ 42].
    (aSymbol == #pushOuterBlockVar) ifTrue:[stackDelta := 1. extra := #indexLevel. ^ 128].

    (aSymbol == #storeMethodVar) ifTrue:[extra := #index. stackDelta := -1. ^ 37].
    (aSymbol == #storeBlockVar) ifTrue:[extra := #index. stackDelta := -1. ^ 38].
    (aSymbol == #storeInstVar) ifTrue:[extra := #index. stackDelta := -1. ^ 39].

    (aSymbol == #retTop) ifTrue:[stackDelta := -1. ^ 0].
    (aSymbol == #blockRetTop) ifTrue:[stackDelta := -1. ^ 6].

    (aSymbol == #retSelf) ifTrue:[^5].

    (aSymbol == #==) ifTrue:[stackDelta := -1. self addLiteral:aSymbol. ^ 45].
    (aSymbol == #~~) ifTrue:[stackDelta := -1. self addLiteral:aSymbol. ^ 46].

    (aSymbol == #falseJump) ifTrue:[stackDelta := -1. extra := #offset. ^ 50].
    (aSymbol == #trueJump) ifTrue:[stackDelta := -1. extra := #offset. ^ 51].
    (aSymbol == #nilJump) ifTrue:[stackDelta := -1. extra := #offset. ^ 52].
    (aSymbol == #notNilJump) ifTrue:[stackDelta := -1. extra := #offset. ^ 53].
    (aSymbol == #jump) ifTrue:[extra := #offset. ^ 54].
    (aSymbol == #makeBlock) ifTrue:[stackDelta := 1. extra := #offsetNvarNarg. ^ 55].
    (aSymbol == #zeroJump) ifTrue:[stackDelta := -1. extra := #offset. ^ 56].
    (aSymbol == #notZeroJump) ifTrue:[stackDelta := -1. extra := #offset. ^ 57].
    (aSymbol == #eqJump) ifTrue:[stackDelta := -2. extra := #offset. ^ 58].
    (aSymbol == #notEqJump) ifTrue:[stackDelta := -2. extra := #offset. ^ 59].

    (aSymbol == #send) ifTrue:[lineno := true. ^ 19].
    (aSymbol == #superSend) ifTrue:[lineno := true. ^ 20].

    (aSymbol == #drop) ifTrue:[stackDelta := -1. ^ 18].
    (aSymbol == #dup) ifTrue:[stackDelta := 1. ^ 47].

    (aSymbol == #pushClassVar) ifTrue:[stackDelta := 1. extra := #speciallit. ^ 35].
    (aSymbol == #pushClassInstVar) ifTrue:[stackDelta := 1. extra := #index. ^ 176].
    (aSymbol == #pushGlobal) ifTrue:[stackDelta := 1. extra := #speciallit. ^ 36].

    (aSymbol == #storeClassVar) ifTrue:[extra := #speciallit.stackDelta := -1. ^ 40].
    (aSymbol == #storeClassInstVar) ifTrue:[extra := #index.stackDelta := -1. ^ 177].
    (aSymbol == #storeGlobal) ifTrue:[extra := #speciallit. stackDelta := -1. ^ 41].
    (aSymbol == #storeOuterBlockVar) ifTrue:[stackDelta := -1. extra := #indexLevel. ^ 129].

    "optimized bytecodes"

    (aSymbol == #retNil) ifTrue:[^ 1].
    (aSymbol == #retTrue) ifTrue:[^ 2].
    (aSymbol == #retFalse) ifTrue:[^ 3].
    (aSymbol == #ret0) ifTrue:[^ 4].
    (aSymbol == #retNum) ifTrue:[extra := #number. ^ 127].

    (aSymbol == #pushChar) ifTrue:[stackDelta := 1. ^17].
    (aSymbol == #push0) ifTrue:[stackDelta := 1. ^120].
    (aSymbol == #push1) ifTrue:[stackDelta := 1. ^121].
    (aSymbol == #push2) ifTrue:[stackDelta := 1. ^139].
    (aSymbol == #pushMinus1) ifTrue:[stackDelta := 1. ^122].

    (aSymbol == #send0) ifTrue:[lineno := true. extra := #lit. ^21].
    (aSymbol == #send1) ifTrue:[lineno := true. extra := #lit. stackDelta := -1. ^22].
    (aSymbol == #send2) ifTrue:[lineno := true. extra := #lit. stackDelta := -2. ^23].
    (aSymbol == #send3) ifTrue:[lineno := true. extra := #lit. stackDelta := -3. ^24].

    (aSymbol == #sendSelf0) ifTrue:[lineno := true. extra := #lit. stackDelta := 1. ^180].
    (aSymbol == #sendSelf1) ifTrue:[lineno := true. extra := #lit. ^181].
    (aSymbol == #sendSelf2) ifTrue:[lineno := true. extra := #lit. stackDelta := -1. ^182].
    (aSymbol == #sendSelf3) ifTrue:[lineno := true. extra := #lit. stackDelta := -2. ^183].
    (aSymbol == #sendSelfDrop0) ifTrue:[lineno := true. extra := #lit. ^184].
    (aSymbol == #sendSelfDrop1) ifTrue:[lineno := true. extra := #lit. stackDelta := -1. ^185].
    (aSymbol == #sendSelfDrop2) ifTrue:[lineno := true. extra := #lit. stackDelta := -2. ^186].
    (aSymbol == #sendSelfDrop3) ifTrue:[lineno := true. extra := #lit. stackDelta := -3. ^187].

    (aSymbol == #sendDrop) ifTrue:[lineno := true. ^25].
    (aSymbol == #sendDrop0) ifTrue:[lineno := true. extra := #lit. stackDelta := -1. ^26].
    (aSymbol == #sendDrop1) ifTrue:[lineno := true. extra := #lit. stackDelta := -2. ^27].
    (aSymbol == #sendDrop2) ifTrue:[lineno := true. extra := #lit. stackDelta := -3. ^28].
    (aSymbol == #sendDrop3) ifTrue:[lineno := true. extra := #lit. stackDelta := -4. ^29].

    (aSymbol == #pushMethodVar1) ifTrue:[stackDelta := 1. ^80].
    (aSymbol == #pushMethodVar2) ifTrue:[stackDelta := 1. ^81].
    (aSymbol == #pushMethodVar3) ifTrue:[stackDelta := 1. ^82].
    (aSymbol == #pushMethodVar4) ifTrue:[stackDelta := 1. ^83].
    (aSymbol == #pushMethodVar5) ifTrue:[stackDelta := 1. ^84].
    (aSymbol == #pushMethodVar6) ifTrue:[stackDelta := 1. ^85].

    (aSymbol == #pushMethodArg1) ifTrue:[stackDelta := 1. ^86].
    (aSymbol == #pushMethodArg2) ifTrue:[stackDelta := 1. ^87].
    (aSymbol == #pushMethodArg3) ifTrue:[stackDelta := 1. ^88].
    (aSymbol == #pushMethodArg4) ifTrue:[stackDelta := 1. ^89].

    (aSymbol == #pushInstVar1) ifTrue:[stackDelta := 1. ^90].
    (aSymbol == #pushInstVar2) ifTrue:[stackDelta := 1. ^91].
    (aSymbol == #pushInstVar3) ifTrue:[stackDelta := 1. ^92].
    (aSymbol == #pushInstVar4) ifTrue:[stackDelta := 1. ^93].
    (aSymbol == #pushInstVar5) ifTrue:[stackDelta := 1. ^94].
    (aSymbol == #pushInstVar6) ifTrue:[stackDelta := 1. ^95].
    (aSymbol == #pushInstVar7) ifTrue:[stackDelta := 1. ^96].
    (aSymbol == #pushInstVar8) ifTrue:[stackDelta := 1. ^97].
    (aSymbol == #pushInstVar9) ifTrue:[stackDelta := 1. ^98].
    (aSymbol == #pushInstVar10) ifTrue:[stackDelta := 1. ^99].

    (aSymbol == #storeMethodVar1) ifTrue:[stackDelta := -1. ^100].
    (aSymbol == #storeMethodVar2) ifTrue:[stackDelta := -1. ^101].
    (aSymbol == #storeMethodVar3) ifTrue:[stackDelta := -1. ^102].
    (aSymbol == #storeMethodVar4) ifTrue:[stackDelta := -1. ^103].
    (aSymbol == #storeMethodVar5) ifTrue:[stackDelta := -1. ^104].
    (aSymbol == #storeMethodVar6) ifTrue:[stackDelta := -1. ^105].

    (aSymbol == #storeInstVar1) ifTrue:[stackDelta := -1. ^110].
    (aSymbol == #storeInstVar2) ifTrue:[stackDelta := -1. ^111].
    (aSymbol == #storeInstVar3) ifTrue:[stackDelta := -1. ^112].
    (aSymbol == #storeInstVar4) ifTrue:[stackDelta := -1. ^113].
    (aSymbol == #storeInstVar5) ifTrue:[stackDelta := -1. ^114].
    (aSymbol == #storeInstVar6) ifTrue:[stackDelta := -1. ^115].
    (aSymbol == #storeInstVar7) ifTrue:[stackDelta := -1. ^116].
    (aSymbol == #storeInstVar8) ifTrue:[stackDelta := -1. ^117].
    (aSymbol == #storeInstVar9) ifTrue:[stackDelta := -1. ^118].
    (aSymbol == #storeInstVar10) ifTrue:[stackDelta := -1. ^119].

    (aSymbol == #retMethodVar1) ifTrue:[^160].
    (aSymbol == #retMethodVar2) ifTrue:[^161].
    (aSymbol == #retMethodVar3) ifTrue:[^162].
    (aSymbol == #retMethodVar4) ifTrue:[^163].
    (aSymbol == #retMethodVar5) ifTrue:[^164].
    (aSymbol == #retMethodVar6) ifTrue:[^165].

    (aSymbol == #retInstVar1) ifTrue:[^166].
    (aSymbol == #retInstVar2) ifTrue:[^167].
    (aSymbol == #retInstVar3) ifTrue:[^168].
    (aSymbol == #retInstVar4) ifTrue:[^169].
    (aSymbol == #retInstVar5) ifTrue:[^170].
    (aSymbol == #retInstVar6) ifTrue:[^171].
    (aSymbol == #retInstVar7) ifTrue:[^172].
    (aSymbol == #retInstVar8) ifTrue:[^173].

    (aSymbol == #retMethodArg1) ifTrue:[^174].
    (aSymbol == #retMethodArg2) ifTrue:[^175].

    (aSymbol == #pushBlockArg1) ifTrue:[stackDelta := 1. ^140].
    (aSymbol == #pushBlockArg2) ifTrue:[stackDelta := 1. ^141].
    (aSymbol == #pushBlockArg3) ifTrue:[stackDelta := 1. ^142].
    (aSymbol == #pushBlockArg4) ifTrue:[stackDelta := 1. ^143].

    (aSymbol == #pushOuter1BlockArg) ifTrue:[stackDelta := 1. extra := #index. ^ 43].
    (aSymbol == #pushOuter2BlockArg) ifTrue:[stackDelta := 1. extra := #index. ^ 44].

    (aSymbol == #=) ifTrue:[lineno := true. stackDelta := -1. self addLiteral:aSymbol. ^130].
    (aSymbol == #+) ifTrue:[lineno := true. stackDelta := -1. self addLiteral:aSymbol. ^131].
    (aSymbol == #~=) ifTrue:[lineno := true. stackDelta := -1. self addLiteral:aSymbol. ^132].
    (aSymbol == #-) ifTrue:[lineno := true. stackDelta := -1. self addLiteral:aSymbol. ^133].
    (aSymbol == #class) ifTrue:[self addLiteral:aSymbol. ^134].
    (aSymbol == #x) ifTrue:[lineno := true. self addLiteral:aSymbol. ^106].
    (aSymbol == #y) ifTrue:[lineno := true. self addLiteral:aSymbol. ^107].
    (aSymbol == #width) ifTrue:[lineno := true. self addLiteral:aSymbol. ^108].
    (aSymbol == #height) ifTrue:[lineno := true. self addLiteral:aSymbol. ^109].
    (aSymbol == #origin) ifTrue:[lineno := true. self addLiteral:aSymbol. ^154].
    (aSymbol == #extent) ifTrue:[lineno := true. self addLiteral:aSymbol. ^155].
    (aSymbol == #at:) ifTrue:[lineno := true. stackDelta := -1. self addLiteral:aSymbol. ^135].
    (aSymbol == #at:put:)ifTrue:[lineno := true. stackDelta := -2. self addLiteral:aSymbol. ^136].
    (aSymbol == #bitAnd:) ifTrue:[lineno := true. stackDelta := -1. self addLiteral:aSymbol. ^137].
    (aSymbol == #bitOr:) ifTrue:[lineno := true. stackDelta := -1. self addLiteral:aSymbol. ^138].
    (aSymbol == #plus1) ifTrue:[lineno := true. self addLiteral:#+. ^123].
    (aSymbol == #minus1) ifTrue:[lineno := true. self addLiteral:#-. ^124].

    (aSymbol == #incMethodVar) ifTrue:[lineno := true. self addLiteral:#+. extra := #index. ^125].
    (aSymbol == #decMethodVar) ifTrue:[lineno := true. self addLiteral:#-. extra := #index. ^126].

    (aSymbol == #eq0) ifTrue:[self addLiteral:#==. ^48].
    (aSymbol == #ne0) ifTrue:[self addLiteral:#~~. ^49].

    (aSymbol == #>) ifTrue:[lineno := true. self addLiteral:aSymbol. stackDelta := -1. ^ 145].
    (aSymbol == #>=) ifTrue:[lineno := true. self addLiteral:aSymbol. stackDelta := -1. ^ 146].
    (aSymbol == #<) ifTrue:[lineno := true. self addLiteral:aSymbol. stackDelta := -1. ^ 147].
    (aSymbol == #<=) ifTrue:[lineno := true. self addLiteral:aSymbol. stackDelta := -1. ^ 148].
    (aSymbol == #next) ifTrue:[lineno := true. self addLiteral:aSymbol. ^ 149].
    (aSymbol == #peek) ifTrue:[lineno := true. self addLiteral:aSymbol. ^ 150].
    (aSymbol == #value) ifTrue:[lineno := true. self addLiteral:aSymbol. ^ 151].
    (aSymbol == #value:) ifTrue:[lineno := true. self addLiteral:aSymbol.  stackDelta := -1. ^ 152].
    (aSymbol == #value:value:) ifTrue:[lineno := true. self addLiteral:aSymbol.  stackDelta := -2. ^ 178].
    (aSymbol == #size) ifTrue:[lineno := true. self addLiteral:aSymbol. ^ 153].
    (aSymbol == #asInteger) ifTrue:[lineno := true. self addLiteral:aSymbol. ^ 158].
    (aSymbol == #rounded) ifTrue:[lineno := true. self addLiteral:aSymbol. ^ 159].
    (aSymbol == #mk0Block) ifTrue:[^ 156].
    (aSymbol == #mkNilBlock) ifTrue:[^ 157].

    (aSymbol == #falseJumpabs) ifTrue:[stackDelta := -1. extra := #absoffset. ^ 190].
    (aSymbol == #trueJumpabs) ifTrue:[stackDelta := -1. extra := #absoffset. ^ 191].
    (aSymbol == #nilJumpabs) ifTrue:[stackDelta := -1. extra := #absoffset. ^ 192].
    (aSymbol == #notNilJumpabs) ifTrue:[stackDelta := -1. extra := #absoffset. ^ 193].
    (aSymbol == #jumpabs) ifTrue:[extra := #absoffset. ^ 194].
    (aSymbol == #makeBlockabs) ifTrue:[stackDelta := 1. extra := #absoffsetNvarNarg. ^ 195].
    (aSymbol == #zeroJumpabs) ifTrue:[stackDelta := -1. extra := #absoffset. ^ 196].
    (aSymbol == #notZeroJumpabs) ifTrue:[stackDelta := -1. extra := #absoffset. ^ 197].
    (aSymbol == #eqJumpabs) ifTrue:[stackDelta := -2. extra := #absoffset. ^ 198].
    (aSymbol == #notEqJumpabs) ifTrue:[stackDelta := -2. extra := #absoffset. ^ 199].

    (aSymbol == #pushThisContext) ifTrue:[stackDelta := 1. ^ 144].

    self error:'invalid code symbol'.
    errorFlag := #Error
! !