changeset 1541 75c2e24dea9a
parent 1540 92ac284961c1
child 1542 be11db817bcf
equal deleted inserted replaced
1540:92ac284961c1 1541:75c2e24dea9a
     1 // Copyright (C) 2004 by Object Refinery Limited
     2 // Written by David Gilbert (david.gilbert@object-refinery.com)
     3 // Modified by Peter Barth (peda@jnode.org)
     5 // This file is part of Mauve Reporter.
     7 // Mauve Reporter is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
     8 // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
     9 // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    10 // (at your option) any later version.
    12 // Mauve Reporter is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    13 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    15 // GNU General Public License for more details.
    17 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    18 // along with Mauve Reporter; if not, write to the Free Software
    19 // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
    20 package gnu.testlet.runner;
    22 import java.io.BufferedOutputStream;
    23 import java.io.File;
    24 import java.io.FileOutputStream;
    25 import java.io.IOException;
    26 import java.io.OutputStream;
    27 import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
    28 import java.io.PrintWriter;
    29 import java.io.Writer;
    30 import java.text.DateFormat;
    31 import java.util.Date;
    32 import java.util.Iterator;
    34 /**
    35  * Generates a collection of HTML files that summarise the results
    36  * of a Mauve run.  This is a quick-and-dirty implementation!!
    37  */
    38 public class HTMLGenerator {
    40     /**
    41      * Creates an HTML report in the specified directory.
    42      *
    43      * @param run  the Mauve run results.
    44      * @param rootDirectory  the root directory.
    45      */
    46     public static void createReport(RunResult run, File rootDirectory) throws IOException {
    47         // write basic HTML with info about package
    48         File summaryFile = new File(rootDirectory, "index.html");
    49         Writer out = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(summaryFile), "UTF-8");
    50         PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(out);
    51         writer.println("<HTML>");
    52         writer.println("<HEAD><TITLE>Mauve Run: " + run.getName() + "</TITLE>");
    53         writer.println("<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" /></HEAD>");
    54         writer.println("<BODY>");
    55         writer.println("<h1>Mauve Run</h1>");
    56         writer.println("<h2>Summary:</h2>");
    57         int checkCount = run.getCheckCount();
    58         int passed = run.getCheckCount(true);
    59         int failed = checkCount - passed;
    60         writer.println("Run Date: " + DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.LONG, DateFormat.LONG).format(new Date()) + "<br>");
    61         writer.println("Passed: " + passed + "<br>");
    62         writer.println("Failed: " + failed + "<p>");
    64         writer.println("<h2>Environment:</h2>");
    66         writer.println("<table BORDER=\"0\" CELLPADDING=\"0\">");
    67         writer.println("<tr>");
    68         writer.println("<td bgcolor=\"black\" VALIGN=\"TOP\">");
    69         writer.println("<table BORDER=\"0\" WIDTH=\"100%\" CELLSPACING=\"1\" CELLPADDING=\"3\">");
    70         writer.println("<tr>");
    71         writer.println("<td bgcolor=\"lightGray\">Property:</td>");
    72         writer.println("<td bgcolor=\"lightGray\">Value:</td>");
    73         writer.println("</tr>");
    75         String[] propertyNames = run.getSystemPropertyNames();
    76         for (int i = 0; i < propertyNames.length; i++) {
    77             String name = propertyNames[i];
    78             writePropertyRow(name, run.getSystemProperty(name), writer);
    79         }
    81         writer.println("</table>");
    82         writer.println("</td>");
    83         writer.println("</tr>");
    84         writer.println("</table><p>");
    86         writer.println("<h2>Results:</h2>");
    88         writer.println("<table BORDER=\"0\" width=\"100%\" CELLPADDING=\"0\">");
    89         writer.println("<tr>");
    90         writer.println("<td bgcolor=\"black\" VALIGN=\"TOP\">");
    91         writer.println("<table BORDER=\"0\" WIDTH=\"100%\" CELLSPACING=\"1\" CELLPADDING=\"3\">");
    92         writer.println("<tr>");
    93         writer.println("<td bgcolor=\"lightGray\">Package:</td>");
    94         writer.println("<td bgcolor=\"lightGray\">Passed:</td>");
    95         writer.println("<td bgcolor=\"lightGray\">Failed:</td>");
    96         writer.println("<td bgcolor=\"lightGray\">Total:</td>");
    97         writer.println("</tr>");
    99         // loop through tests writing test results
   100         String top = null;
   101         Iterator iterator = run.getPackageIterator();
   102         while (iterator.hasNext()) {
   103             PackageResult packageResult = (PackageResult) iterator.next();
   104             String packageName = packageResult.getName().replace('.', '/');
   105             String name;
   106             System.out.println("Generating " + packageName);
   107             if(top != null && packageName.startsWith(top))
   108                 name = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;+&nbsp;"+ packageName.substring(top.length()+1);
   109             else {
   110                 top = packageName;
   111                 name = packageName;
   112             }
   113             // (1) write the summary line for the class HTML file
   114             writer.println("<tr>");
   115             writer.println("<td bgcolor=\"white\"><a href=\"" + packageName + "/package_index.html\"" + ">" + name + "</a></td>");
   116             writer.println("<td bgcolor=\"white\">" + packageResult.getCheckCount(true) + "</td>");
   117             writer.println("<td bgcolor=\"white\">" + packageResult.getCheckCount(false) + "</td>");
   118             writer.println("<td bgcolor=\"white\">" + packageResult.getCheckCount() + "</td>");
   119             writer.println("</tr>");
   120             // (2) generate an HTML page for the test and subfiles
   121             //     for the tests
   122             try {
   123             HTMLGenerator.createPackageReport(packageResult, rootDirectory);
   124             } catch (Exception e) {
   125                 String temp = packageResult.getName().replace('.', '/');
   126                 System.err.println("Couldn't create package report for " + temp);
   127                 File tempDir = new File(rootDirectory, packageName);
   128                 tempDir.mkdirs();
   129                 File tempFile = new File(tempDir, "package_index.html");
   130                 tempFile.createNewFile();
   131         }
   132         }
   133         writer.println("</table>");
   134         writer.println("</td>");
   135         writer.println("</tr>");
   136         writer.println("</table>");
   137         writer.println("<p>");
   138         Iterator missing = run.getMissingTestsIterator();
   139         Iterator failures = run.getFaultyTestsIterator();
   140         if(missing.hasNext() || failures.hasNext()) {
   141             writer.println("<h2>Unrunnable tests:</h2>");
   143             writer.println("<table BORDER=\"0\" width=\"100%\" CELLPADDING=\"0\">");
   144             writer.println("<tr>");
   145             writer.println("<td bgcolor=\"black\" VALIGN=\"TOP\">");
   146             writer.println("<table BORDER=\"0\" WIDTH=\"100%\" CELLSPACING=\"1\" CELLPADDING=\"3\">");
   147             writer.println("<tr>");
   148             writer.println("<td bgcolor=\"lightGray\">name:</td>");
   149             writer.println("<td bgcolor=\"lightGray\">problem:</td>");
   150             writer.println("</tr>");
   151             while(missing.hasNext())
   152                 writer.println("<tr><td bgcolor=\"white\">"+ (String) missing.next()+
   153                         "</td><td bgcolor=\"white\">Class not found</td></tr>");
   154             while(failures.hasNext()) {
   155                 String[] fail = (String[]) failures.next();
   156                 writer.println("<tr><td bgcolor=\"white\">"+ fail[0] +"</td><td bgcolor=\"white\">"+
   157                         fail[1] +"</td></tr>");
   158             }
   159             writer.println("</table>");
   160             writer.println("</td>");
   161             writer.println("</tr>");
   162             writer.println("</table>");
   163         }
   165         writer.println("</BODY>");
   166         writer.println("</HTML>");
   167         writer.close();
   168     }
   170     /**
   171      * Writes a row in a table for a pair of strings.
   172      *
   173      * @param property  the property key.
   174      * @param value  the property value.
   175      * @param writer  the output stream.
   176      */
   177     private static void writePropertyRow(String property, String value, PrintWriter writer) {
   178         writer.println("<tr>");
   179         writer.println("<td bgcolor=\"white\">" + property + "</td>");
   180         writer.println("<td bgcolor=\"white\">" + value + "</td>");
   181         writer.println("</tr>");
   182     }
   184     /**
   185      * Returns the number of directory levels in the specified package name.
   186      *
   187      * @param name  the name.
   188      *
   189      * @return The number of directory levels.
   190      */
   191     private static int countLevels(String name) {
   192         int result = 1;
   193         for (int i = 0; i < name.length(); i++) {
   194             if (name.charAt(i) == '/') result++;
   195         }
   196         return result;
   197     }
   199     /**
   200      * Creates an HTML page that summaries a package, and processes all the classes within
   201      * the package.
   202      *
   203      * @param packageResult  the package result.
   204      * @param rootDirectory  the root directory.
   205      */
   206     public static void createPackageReport(PackageResult packageResult, File rootDirectory) throws IOException {
   207         // create directory for package
   208         String packageName = packageResult.getName().replace('.', '/');
   209         String prefix = "";
   210         int levels = countLevels(packageName);
   211         for (int i = 0; i < levels; i++)
   212             prefix += "../";
   213         File packageDirectory = new File(rootDirectory, packageName);
   214         packageDirectory.mkdirs();
   216         // write basic HTML with info about package
   217         File summaryFile = new File(packageDirectory, "package_index.html");
   218         OutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(summaryFile));
   219         PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(out);
   220         writer.println("<HTML>");
   221         writer.println("<HEAD><TITLE>Package Summary: " + packageResult.getName() + "</TITLE></HEAD>");
   222         writer.println("<BODY>");
   223         writer.println("<h2>Package: " + packageResult.getName() + "</h2>");
   224         writer.println("<a href=\"" + prefix + "index.html\">Summary page</a><p>");
   225         int checkCount = packageResult.getCheckCount();
   226         int passed = packageResult.getCheckCount(true);
   227         int failed = checkCount - passed;
   228         writer.println("Passed: " + passed + "<br>");
   229         writer.println("Failed: " + failed + "<p>");
   230         writer.println("<table BORDER=\"0\" width=\"100%\" CELLPADDING=\"0\">");
   231         writer.println("<tr>");
   232         writer.println("<td bgcolor=\"black\" VALIGN=\"TOP\">");
   233         writer.println("<table BORDER=\"0\" WIDTH=\"100%\" CELLSPACING=\"1\" CELLPADDING=\"3\">");
   234         writer.println("<tr>");
   235         writer.println("<td bgcolor=\"lightGray\">Class:</td>");
   236         writer.println("<td bgcolor=\"lightGray\">Passed:</td>");
   237         writer.println("<td bgcolor=\"lightGray\">Failed:</td>");
   238         writer.println("<td bgcolor=\"lightGray\">Total:</td>");
   239         writer.println("</tr>");
   241         // loop through tests writing test results
   242         Iterator iterator = packageResult.getClassIterator();
   243         while (iterator.hasNext()) {
   244             ClassResult classResult = (ClassResult) iterator.next();
   245             // (1) write the summary line for the class HTML file
   246             writer.println("<tr>");
   247             writer.println("<td bgcolor=\"white\"><a href=\"" + classResult.getName() + "/class_index.html\"" + ">" + classResult.getName() + "</a></td>");
   248             writer.println("<td bgcolor=\"white\">" + classResult.getCheckCount(true) + "</td>");
   249             writer.println("<td bgcolor=\"white\">" + classResult.getCheckCount(false) + "</td>");
   250             writer.println("<td bgcolor=\"white\">" + classResult.getCheckCount() + "</td>");
   251             writer.println("</tr>");
   252             // (2) generate an HTML page for the test and subfiles
   253             //     for the tests
   254             HTMLGenerator.createClassReport(classResult, packageResult.getName(), packageDirectory);
   255         }
   256         // close the class file
   257         writer.println("</table>");
   258         writer.println("</td>");
   259         writer.println("</tr>");
   260         writer.println("</table>");
   261         writer.println("</BODY>");
   262         writer.println("</HTML>");
   263         writer.close();
   264     }
   266     /**
   267      * Creates an HTML page summarising the results for a class, and processes all the tests for
   268      * the class.
   269      *
   270      * @param classResult  the class results.
   271      * @param packageName  the package name.
   272      * @param packageDirectory  the package directory.
   273      */
   274     public static void createClassReport(ClassResult classResult, String packageName, File packageDirectory) throws IOException {
   275         // create directory for class
   276         File classDirectory = new File(packageDirectory, classResult.getName());
   277         classDirectory.mkdirs();
   279         // write basic HTML with info about class
   280         File testFile = new File(classDirectory, "class_index.html");
   281         OutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(testFile));
   282         PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(out);
   283         writer.println("<HTML>");
   284         writer.println("<HEAD><TITLE>Class Summary: " + packageName + "." + classResult.getName() + "</TITLE></HEAD>");
   285         writer.println("<BODY>");
   286         writer.println("<h2>Class: " + "<a href=\"../package_index.html\">" + packageName +"</a>." + classResult.getName() + "</h2>");
   287         int checkCount = classResult.getCheckCount();
   288         int passed = classResult.getCheckCount(true);
   289         int failed = checkCount - passed;
   290         writer.println("Passed: " + passed + "<br>");
   291         writer.println("Failed: " + failed + "<p>");
   292         writer.println("<table BORDER=\"0\" width=\"100%\" CELLPADDING=\"0\">");
   293         writer.println("<tr>");
   294         writer.println("<td bgcolor=\"black\" VALIGN=\"TOP\">");
   295         writer.println("<table BORDER=\"0\" WIDTH=\"100%\" CELLSPACING=\"1\" CELLPADDING=\"3\">");
   296         writer.println("<tr>");
   297         writer.println("<td bgcolor=\"lightGray\">Test:</td>");
   298         writer.println("<td bgcolor=\"lightGray\">Passed:</td>");
   299         writer.println("<td bgcolor=\"lightGray\">Failed:</td>");
   300         writer.println("<td bgcolor=\"lightGray\">Total:</td>");
   301         writer.println("</tr>");
   303         // loop through tests writing test results
   304         Iterator iterator = classResult.getTestIterator();
   305         while (iterator.hasNext()) {
   306             TestResult testResult = (TestResult) iterator.next();
   307             // (1) write the summary line for the class HTML file
   308             writer.println("<tr>");
   309             writer.println("<td bgcolor=\"white\"><a href=\"" + testResult.getName() + ".html\"" + ">" + testResult.getName() + "</a></td>");
   310             writer.println("<td bgcolor=\"white\">" + testResult.getCheckCount(true) + "</td>");
   311             writer.println("<td bgcolor=\"white\">" + testResult.getCheckCount(false) + "</td>");
   312             writer.println("<td bgcolor=\"white\">" + testResult.getCheckCount() + "</td>");
   313             writer.println("</tr>");
   314             // (2) generate an HTML page for the test and subfiles
   315             //     for the tests
   316             HTMLGenerator.createTestReport(testResult, classResult.getName(), classDirectory);
   317         }
   318         // close the class file
   319         writer.println("</table>");
   320         writer.println("</td>");
   321         writer.println("</tr>");
   322         writer.println("</table>");
   323         writer.println("</BODY>");
   324         writer.println("</HTML>");
   325         writer.close();
   326     }
   328     /**
   329      * Creates an HTML page that summarises a test.
   330      *
   331      * @param testResult  the test result.
   332      * @param className  the class name.
   333      * @param classDirectory  the class directory.
   334      */
   335     public static void createTestReport(TestResult testResult, String className, File classDirectory) throws IOException {
   337         // write basic HTML for test
   338         File testFile = new File(classDirectory, testResult.getName() + ".html");
   339         Writer out = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(testFile), "UTF-8");
   340         PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(out);
   341         writer.println("<HTML>");
   342         writer.println("<HEAD><TITLE>Test Summary: " + className + "." + testResult.getName() + "</TITLE>\n");
   343         writer.println("<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" /></HEAD>");
   344         writer.println("<BODY>");
   345         writer.println("<h2>Test: <a href=\"class_index.html\">" + className + "</a>." + testResult.getName() + "</h2>");
   346         int checkCount = testResult.getCheckCount();
   347         int passed = testResult.getCheckCount(true);
   348         int failed = checkCount - passed;
   349         writer.println("Passed: " + passed + "<br>");
   350         writer.println("Failed: " + failed + "<p>");
   351         writer.println("<table BORDER=\"0\" width=\"100%\" CELLPADDING=\"0\">");
   352         writer.println("<tr>");
   353         writer.println("<td bgcolor=\"black\" VALIGN=\"TOP\">");
   354         writer.println("<table BORDER=\"0\" WIDTH=\"100%\" CELLSPACING=\"1\" CELLPADDING=\"3\">");
   355         writer.println("<tr>");
   356         writer.println("<td bgcolor=\"lightGray\">Check Number:</td>");
   357         writer.println("<td bgcolor=\"lightGray\">Check Point:</td>");
   358         writer.println("<td bgcolor=\"lightGray\">Passed?:</td>");
   359         writer.println("<td bgcolor=\"lightGray\">Expected:</td>");
   360         writer.println("<td bgcolor=\"lightGray\">Actual:</td>");
   361         writer.println("</tr>");
   363         // loop through checks adding a summary line for each check
   364         Iterator iterator = testResult.getCheckIterator();
   365         while (iterator.hasNext()) {
   366             CheckResult check = (CheckResult) iterator.next();
   367             // write a summary line (ID, pass/fail, actual, expected);
   368             writer.println("<tr><td bgcolor=\"white\">" + check.getNumber() +
   369                     "</td><td bgcolor=\"white\">" + check.getCheckPoint() +
   370                     "</td><td bgcolor=\"" + (check.getPassed() ? "white" : "red") + "\">" +
   371                     check.getPassed() + "</td><td bgcolor=\"white\">" + check.getExpected() +
   372                     "</td><td bgcolor=\"white\">" + check.getActual() + "</td>");
   373             if (!check.getPassed()) {
   374                 try {
   375                 createLogReport(check, className, testResult.getName(), classDirectory);
   376                 } catch (Exception e) {
   377                     System.err.println("Couldn't write report for class " + className);
   378                     File temp = new File(classDirectory, testResult.getName() + "_log.html");
   379                     temp.createNewFile();
   380                 }
   381             }
   382             writer.println("</td>");
   383             writer.println("</tr>");
   384         }
   385         writer.println("</table>");
   386         writer.println("</td>");
   387         writer.println("</tr>");
   388         writer.println("</table>");
   389         if(testResult.isFailed()) {
   390             writer.println("<h2>Run aborted due to exception</h2>");
   391             writer.println("<pre>"+ testResult.getFailedMessage() +"</pre>");
   392         }
   393         writer.println("</BODY>");
   394         writer.println("</HTML>");
   395         writer.close();
   396     }
   398     /**
   399      * Creates an HTML page that summarises the log for a check.
   400      *
   401      * @param checkResult  the test result.
   402      * @param className  the class name.
   403      * @param testName  the test name.
   404      * @param classDirectory  the class directory.
   405      */
   406     public static void createLogReport(CheckResult checkResult, String className, String testName, File classDirectory) throws IOException {
   407         // write basic HTML for test
   408         File logFile = new File(classDirectory, testName + "_log.html");
   409         OutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(logFile));
   410         PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(out);
   411         writer.println("<HTML>");
   412         writer.println("<HEAD><TITLE>Log: " + testName + "</TITLE>");
   413         writer.println("<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" /></HEAD>");
   414         writer.println("<BODY>");
   415         writer.println(checkResult.getLog());
   416         writer.println("</BODY>");
   417         writer.println("</HTML>");
   418         writer.close();
   419     }
   420 }