changeset 1818 2e5ed72e7dfd
parent 1816 8f984969bf09
child 1824 0200794e93f5
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Thu Nov 15 22:10:02 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,19993 @@
+ COPYRIGHT (c) 1996-2011 by Claus Gittinger
+ New code and modifications done at SWING Research Group [1]:
+ COPYRIGHT (c) 2010-2011 by Jan Vrany, Jan Kurs and Marcel Hlopko
+                            SWING Research Group, Czech Technical University in Prague
+ This software is furnished under a license and may be used
+ only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
+ inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
+ be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
+ other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
+ hereby transferred.
+ [1] Code written at SWING Research Group contains a signature
+     of one of the above copright owners. For exact set of such code,
+     see the differences between this version and version stx:libjava
+     as of 1.9.2010
+"{ Package: 'stx:libjava' }"
+Object subclass:#JavaVM
+	instanceVariableNames:''
+	classVariableNames:'UnhandledJavaExceptionSignal JavaExceptionSignal
+		UnimplementedInstructionSignal UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal
+		BadMessageSignal InternalErrorSignal CallHandlerSignal
+		FullExceptionTrace StackTrace TraceHistory LockTable
+		LockTableAccess LibPath SimulatedLibs LoadedLibs
+		SimulatedNativeLibs LoadedNativeLibs JavaWindowGroup KnownWindows
+		DrawOPTrace WindowOPTrace WindowCreationTrace EventTrace
+		ThreadTrace MonitorTrace MonitorTraceId ExceptionTrace InsnCount
+		InsnCounts FileOpenTrace FileAccessTrace FileOpenConfirmation
+		SocketConnectConfirmation FileIOTrace OpenFileTable
+		OpenFileTableLock CachedNativeMethodTable ExceptionDebug
+		ExitDebug JavaConsoleStream StandardThreadGroup
+		EnteredMonitorsPerProcess AcquiredMonitorsPerProcess JavaMethods
+		FirstWindowCreationSemaphore PermittedDirectories
+		PermittedHostConnects SimulatedOS O_WGgraphics_originX
+		O_WGgraphics_originY O_WGgraphics_pData O_FramePeer_pNativeWidget
+		O_FramePeer_pData ImageStretchCache LastGraphics LastGC
+		EnteredMonitorObject EnteredMonitorObjectCount
+		EnteredMonitorProcess LeftMonitorObject JavaEventThread
+		JavaScreenUpdaterThread JavaEventQueueThread SystemProperties
+		ExceptionDebugPatterns NullPointerExceptionDebug
+		DivisionByZeroExceptionDebug IOExceptionDebug
+		StdinReplacementFileQuerySignal AssertionsEnabled
+		SimulatedNativeMemory Reflection ZipCache ZipEntryCache
+		ZipLastModTimesCache ZipInflaters JavaPrivilegedAccessQuery
+		ClassRegistry SystemClassLoader ExtClassLoader
+		SmalltalkClassLoader StartupTime FinalizationEnabled
+		FinalizationLobby ParkUnparkSemaphores ThreadInterrupts
+		EagerResolvingEnabled OldspaceIncreased PerfCounters
+		AboutToSnapshotAction SnapshotFinishedAction'
+	poolDictionaries:'JavaConstants'
+	category:'Languages-Java-Support'
+Object subclass:#Performance
+	instanceVariableNames:'vm'
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	privateIn:JavaVM
+Object subclass:#Reflection
+	instanceVariableNames:'vm constantPoolMapping javaClasses javaArrayClasses
+		javaMethodsPerMethod returnNilIfMissing realMethods'
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	privateIn:JavaVM
+!JavaVM class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+ COPYRIGHT (c) 1996-2011 by Claus Gittinger
+ New code and modifications done at SWING Research Group [1]:
+ COPYRIGHT (c) 2010-2011 by Jan Vrany, Jan Kurs and Marcel Hlopko
+                            SWING Research Group, Czech Technical University in Prague
+ This software is furnished under a license and may be used
+ only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
+ inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
+ be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
+ other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
+ hereby transferred.
+ [1] Code written at SWING Research Group contains a signature
+     of one of the above copright owners. For exact set of such code,
+     see the differences between this version and version stx:libjava
+     as of 1.9.2010
+"Runtime support and environment for Java.
+You shouldn't communicate with JavaVM directly,
+use Java class instead. JavaVM is layer between
+the native interpret and the rest of the system.
+JavaVM implements native java virtual machine
+methods called by interpret, hides java primitive
+types handling, and gives the ST world ways to
+control class loading and reflection"
+    all native methods:
+        JavaMethod allSubInstances select:[:m |
+            m isNative
+        ]
+    implemented methods:
+        JavaMethod allSubInstances select:[:m |
+            |sel|
+            m isNative ifTrue:[
+                sel := ('_' , m javaClass lastName , '_' , m name , ':') asSymbol.
+                JavaVM class implements:sel.
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                false
+            ]
+        ]
+    unimplemented methods:
+        JavaMethod allSubInstances select:[:m |
+            |sel|
+            m isNative ifTrue:[
+                sel := ('_' , m javaClass lastName , '_' , m name , ':') asSymbol.
+                (JavaVM class implements:sel) not
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                false
+            ]
+        ]
+    list of all native methods as in jdk1.1.3:
+      X - implemented
+      * - implemented to be validated
+      x - implemented with limited functionality
+      o - implemented as dummy (no functionality)
+    X (Math::double sin (double))
+    X (Math::double cos (double))
+    X (Math::double tan (double))
+    X (Math::double asin (double))
+    X (Math::double acos (double))
+    X (Math::double atan (double))
+    X (Math::double exp (double))
+    X (Math::double log (double))
+    X (Math::double sqrt (double))
+      (Math::double IEEEremainder (double double))
+    X (Math::double ceil (double))
+    X (Math::double floor (double))
+      (Math::double rint (double))
+      (Math::double atan2 (double double))
+    X (Math::double pow (double double))
+    X (Class::java.lang.Class forName (java.lang.String))
+    X (Class::java.lang.Object newInstance ())
+    * (Class::boolean isInstance (java.lang.Object))
+    X (Class::boolean isAssignableFrom (java.lang.Class))
+    X (Class::boolean isInterface ())
+      (Class::boolean isArray ())
+    X (Class::boolean isPrimitive ())
+    X (Class::java.lang.String getName ())
+    X (Class::java.lang.ClassLoader getClassLoader ())
+    X (Class::java.lang.Class getSuperclass ())
+      (Class::java.lang.Class[] getInterfaces ())
+      (Class::java.lang.Class getComponentType ())
+      (Class::int getModifiers ())
+      (Class::java.lang.Object[] getSigners ())
+      (Class::void setSigners (java.lang.Object[]))
+    X (Class::java.lang.Class getPrimitiveClass (java.lang.String))
+      (Class::java.lang.reflect.Field getField0 (java.lang.String int))
+      (Class::java.lang.reflect.Field[] getFields0 (int))
+    X (Class::java.lang.reflect.Method getMethod0 (java.lang.String java.lang.Class[] int))
+    X (Class::java.lang.reflect.Method[] getMethods0 (int))
+      (Class::java.lang.reflect.Constructor[] getConstructors0 (int))
+      (Class::java.lang.reflect.Constructor getConstructor0 (java.lang.Class[] int))
+    X (InetAddressImpl::java.lang.String getLocalHostName ())
+    X (InetAddressImpl::void makeAnyLocalAddress (
+    X (InetAddressImpl::byte[][] lookupAllHostAddr (java.lang.String))
+      (InetAddressImpl::java.lang.String getHostByAddr (int))
+    X (InetAddressImpl::int getInetFamily ())
+    X (ResourceBundle::java.lang.Class[] getClassContext ())
+    X (System::void setIn0 (
+    X (System::void setOut0 (
+    X (System::void setErr0 (
+    X (System::long currentTimeMillis ())
+    X (System::void arraycopy (java.lang.Object int java.lang.Object int int))
+    X (System::int identityHashCode (java.lang.Object))
+    X (System::java.util.Properties initProperties (java.util.Properties))
+    X (Thread::java.lang.Thread currentThread ())
+    X (Thread::void yield ())
+    X (Thread::void sleep (long))
+    X (Thread::void start ())
+    X (Thread::boolean isInterrupted (boolean))
+    X (Thread::boolean isAlive ())
+      (Thread::int countStackFrames ())
+    X (Thread::void setPriority0 (int))
+    X (Thread::void stop0 (java.lang.Object))
+    X (Thread::void suspend0 ())
+    X (Thread::void resume0 ())
+    * (Thread::void interrupt0 ())
+      (String::java.lang.String intern ())
+    X (Float::int floatToIntBits (float))
+    X (Float::float intBitsToFloat (int))
+      (ObjectStreamClass::int getClassAccess (java.lang.Class))
+      (ObjectStreamClass::java.lang.String[] getMethodSignatures (java.lang.Class))
+      (ObjectStreamClass::int getMethodAccess (java.lang.Class java.lang.String))
+      (ObjectStreamClass::java.lang.String[] getFieldSignatures (java.lang.Class))
+      (ObjectStreamClass::int getFieldAccess (java.lang.Class java.lang.String))
+      ([] getFields0 (java.lang.Class))
+      (ObjectStreamClass::long getSerialVersionUID (java.lang.Class))
+      (ObjectStreamClass::boolean hasWriteObject (java.lang.Class))
+      (ObjectInputStream::java.lang.Class loadClass0 (java.lang.Class java.lang.String))
+      (ObjectInputStream::void inputClassFields (java.lang.Object java.lang.Class int[]))
+      (ObjectInputStream::java.lang.Object allocateNewObject (java.lang.Class java.lang.Class))
+      (ObjectInputStream::java.lang.Object allocateNewArray (java.lang.Class int))
+      (ObjectInputStream::boolean invokeObjectReader (java.lang.Object java.lang.Class))
+      (SecurityManager::java.lang.Class[] getClassContext ())
+    X (SecurityManager::java.lang.ClassLoader currentClassLoader ())
+      (SecurityManager::int classDepth (java.lang.String))
+    X (SecurityManager::int classLoaderDepth ())
+      (SecurityManager::java.lang.Class currentLoadedClass0 ())
+    X (ClassLoader::void init ())
+    X (ClassLoader::java.lang.Class defineClass0 (java.lang.String byte[] int int))
+    X (ClassLoader::void resolveClass0 (java.lang.Class))
+    X (ClassLoader::java.lang.Class findSystemClass0 (java.lang.String))
+    X ( getSystemResourceAsStream0 (java.lang.String))
+      (ClassLoader::java.lang.String getSystemResourceAsName0 (java.lang.String))
+    X (FileDescriptor::boolean valid ())
+      (FileDescriptor::void sync ())
+    X ( initSystemFD ( int))
+    X (Object::java.lang.Class getClass ())
+    X (Object::int hashCode ())
+    X (Object::java.lang.Object clone ())
+    X (Object::void notify ())
+    X (Object::void notifyAll ())
+    X (Object::void wait (long))
+    X (FileOutputStream::void open (java.lang.String))
+    X (FileOutputStream::void openAppend (java.lang.String))
+    X (FileOutputStream::void write (int))
+    X (FileOutputStream::void writeBytes (byte[] int int))
+    X (FileOutputStream::void close ())
+    X (FileInputStream::void open (java.lang.String))
+    X (FileInputStream::int read ())
+    X (FileInputStream::int readBytes (byte[] int int))
+      (FileInputStream::long skip (long))
+    X (FileInputStream::int available ())
+    X (FileInputStream::void close ())
+      (VM::int getState ())
+      (VM::boolean threadsSuspended ())
+      (VM::void unsuspendThreads ())
+      (VM::void unsuspendSomeThreads ())
+    X (File::boolean exists0 ())
+    X (File::boolean canWrite0 ())
+    X (File::boolean canRead0 ())
+    X (File::boolean isFile0 ())
+    X (File::boolean isDirectory0 ())
+    X (File::long lastModified0 ())
+    X (File::long length0 ())
+    X (File::boolean mkdir0 ())
+    X (File::boolean renameTo0 (
+    X (File::boolean delete0 ())
+      (File::boolean rmdir0 ())
+    X (File::java.lang.String[] list0 ())
+      (File::java.lang.String canonPath (java.lang.String))
+    X (File::boolean isAbsolute ())
+      (ObjectOutputStream::void outputClassFields (java.lang.Object java.lang.Class int[]))
+      (ObjectOutputStream::boolean invokeObjectWriter (java.lang.Object java.lang.Class))
+    X (Throwable::void printStackTrace0 (java.lang.Object))
+    X (Throwable::java.lang.Throwable fillInStackTrace ())
+    X (Double::long doubleToLongBits (double))
+    X (Double::double longBitsToDouble (long))
+    X (Double::double valueOf0 (java.lang.String))
+    X (Runtime::void exitInternal (int))
+    o (Runtime::void runFinalizersOnExit0 (boolean))
+    o (Runtime::java.lang.Process execInternal (java.lang.String[] java.lang.String[]))
+    X (Runtime::long freeMemory ())
+    X (Runtime::long totalMemory ())
+    X (Runtime::void gc ())
+      (Runtime::void runFinalization ())
+      (Runtime::void traceInstructions (boolean))
+      (Runtime::void traceMethodCalls (boolean))
+    X (Runtime::java.lang.String initializeLinkerInternal ())
+    X (Runtime::java.lang.String buildLibName (java.lang.String java.lang.String))
+    X (Runtime::int loadFileInternal (java.lang.String))
+      (WDrawingSurfaceInfo::int lock ())
+      (WDrawingSurfaceInfo::void unlock ())
+      (WDrawingSurfaceInfo::int getHWnd ())
+      (WDrawingSurfaceInfo::int getHBitmap ())
+      (WDrawingSurfaceInfo::int getPBits ())
+      (WDrawingSurfaceInfo::int getHDC ())
+      (WDrawingSurfaceInfo::int getDepth ())
+      (WDrawingSurfaceInfo::int getHPalette ())
+    X (WDefaultFontCharset::boolean canConvert (char))
+      (ColorModel::void deletepData ())
+    X (WToolkit::void init (java.lang.Thread))
+    X (WToolkit::void eventLoop ())
+      (WToolkit::java.awt.image.ColorModel makeColorModel ())
+    X (WToolkit::int getScreenResolution ())
+    X (WToolkit::int getScreenWidth ())
+    X (WToolkit::int getScreenHeight ())
+      (WToolkit::void sync ())
+    * (WToolkit::void beep ())
+    X (WToolkit::void loadSystemColors (int[]))
+      (WPrintJob::void end ())
+    X (WDialogPeer::void create (
+    X (WDialogPeer::void _show ())
+    X (WDialogPeer::void _hide ())
+    X (WWindowPeer::void toFront ())
+    X (WWindowPeer::void toBack ())
+    X (WWindowPeer::void _setTitle (java.lang.String))
+    X (WWindowPeer::void _setResizable (boolean))
+    X (WWindowPeer::void create (
+    o (WWindowPeer::void updateInsets (java.awt.Insets))
+      (WWindowPeer::java.awt.Component getContainerElement (java.awt.Container int))
+    X (WCanvasPeer::void create (
+    X (WTextAreaPeer::void create (
+    X (WTextAreaPeer::void insertText (java.lang.String int))
+      (WTextAreaPeer::void replaceText (java.lang.String int int))
+    X (WTextComponentPeer::java.lang.String getText ())
+    X (WTextComponentPeer::void setText (java.lang.String))
+    X (WTextComponentPeer::int getSelectionStart ())
+    X (WTextComponentPeer::int getSelectionEnd ())
+    X (WTextComponentPeer::void select (int int))
+    X (WTextComponentPeer::void enableEditing (boolean))
+    X (WComponentPeer::void show ())
+    X (WComponentPeer::void hide ())
+    X (WComponentPeer::void enable ())
+    X (WComponentPeer::void disable ())
+    X (WComponentPeer::java.awt.Point getLocationOnScreen ())
+    X (WComponentPeer::void reshape (int int int int))
+    o (WComponentPeer::void handleEvent (java.awt.AWTEvent))
+    o (WComponentPeer::void _dispose ())
+    X (WComponentPeer::void _setForeground (int))
+    X (WComponentPeer::void _setBackground (int))
+    o (WComponentPeer::void setFont (java.awt.Font))
+    o (WComponentPeer::void requestFocus ())
+    o (WComponentPeer::void setCursor (java.awt.Cursor))
+    o (WComponentPeer::void start ())
+      (WComponentPeer::void _beginValidate ())
+      (WComponentPeer::void endValidate ())
+    o (WComponentPeer::void setZOrderPosition (
+    X (WFramePeer::void setMenuBar0 (
+    X (WFramePeer::void create (
+    X (WFramePeer::void _setIconImage (sun.awt.image.ImageRepresentation))
+    o (WFontMetrics::boolean needsConversion (java.awt.Font sun.awt.FontDescriptor))
+    o (WFontMetrics::int getMFCharSegmentWidth (java.awt.Font sun.awt.FontDescriptor boolean char[] int int byte[] int))
+      (WFontMetrics::int bytesWidth (byte[] int int))
+      (WFontMetrics::void init ())
+    o (WChoicePeer::void select (int))
+    o (WChoicePeer::void remove (int))
+    o (WChoicePeer::void addItem (java.lang.String int))
+    X (WChoicePeer::void reshape (int int int int))
+    X (WChoicePeer::void create (
+    X (WLabelPeer::void setText (java.lang.String))
+    o (WLabelPeer::void setAlignment (int))
+    X (WLabelPeer::void create (
+    X (WMenuItemPeer::void _setLabel (java.lang.String))
+    X (WMenuItemPeer::void create (
+    X (WMenuItemPeer::void enable (boolean))
+    o (WMenuItemPeer::void _dispose ())
+      (WMenuPeer::void addSeparator ())
+      (WMenuPeer::void delItem (int))
+    X (WMenuPeer::void createMenu (
+      (WMenuPeer::void createSubMenu (
+      (WPopupMenuPeer::void createMenu (
+      (WPopupMenuPeer::void _show (java.awt.Event))
+      (WMenuBarPeer::void addMenu (java.awt.Menu))
+      (WMenuBarPeer::void delMenu (int))
+    X (WMenuBarPeer::void create (
+      (WCheckboxMenuItemPeer::void setState (boolean))
+    X (WFileDialogPeer::void show ())
+    X (WCheckboxPeer::void setState (boolean))
+    X (WCheckboxPeer::void setCheckboxGroup (java.awt.CheckboxGroup))
+      (WCheckboxPeer::void setLabel (java.lang.String))
+    X (WCheckboxPeer::void create (
+    X (WClipboard::void init ())
+      (WClipboard::void setClipboardText (java.awt.datatransfer.StringSelection))
+      (WClipboard::java.lang.String getClipboardText ())
+    X (WListPeer::void addItem (java.lang.String int))
+    X (WListPeer::void delItems (int int))
+    X (WListPeer::void select (int))
+      (WListPeer::void deselect (int))
+      (WListPeer::void makeVisible (int))
+    X (WListPeer::void setMultipleSelections (boolean))
+    X (WListPeer::void create (
+    X (WListPeer::boolean isSelected (int))
+    x (WScrollbarPeer::void _setValues (int int int int))
+    x (WScrollbarPeer::void setLineIncrement (int))
+    x (WScrollbarPeer::void setPageIncrement (int))
+    x (WScrollbarPeer::void create (
+    x (ImageRepresentation::void offscreenInit (java.awt.Color))
+    x (ImageRepresentation::boolean setBytePixels (int int int int java.awt.image.ColorModel byte[] int int))
+    x (ImageRepresentation::boolean setIntPixels (int int int int java.awt.image.ColorModel int[] int int))
+    x (ImageRepresentation::boolean finish (boolean))
+    X (ImageRepresentation::void imageDraw (java.awt.Graphics int int java.awt.Color))
+    x (ImageRepresentation::void imageStretch (java.awt.Graphics int int int int int int int int java.awt.Color))
+    x (ImageRepresentation::void disposeImage ())
+    X (WTextFieldPeer::void create (
+    X (WTextFieldPeer::void setEchoCharacter (char))
+    X (WScrollPanePeer::void create (
+    o (WScrollPanePeer::int getOffset (int))
+      (WScrollPanePeer::void setInsets ())
+      (WScrollPanePeer::void setScrollPosition (int int))
+    x (WScrollPanePeer::int _getHScrollbarHeight ())
+    x (WScrollPanePeer::int _getVScrollbarWidth ())
+    o (WScrollPanePeer::void setSpans (int int int int))
+      (WScrollPanePeer::java.awt.Component getScrollChild ())
+      (WEmbeddedFramePeer::void create (
+    X (WButtonPeer::void setLabel (java.lang.String))
+    X (WButtonPeer::void create (
+    x (WColor::java.awt.Color getDefaultColor (int))
+    x (GifImageDecoder::boolean parseImage (int int int int boolean int byte[] byte[] java.awt.image.IndexColorModel))
+    x (WGraphics::void createFromComponent (
+    x (WGraphics::void createFromGraphics (
+      (WGraphics::void createFromPrintJob (
+      (WGraphics::void createFromHDC (int))
+    x (WGraphics::void imageCreate (sun.awt.image.ImageRepresentation))
+    x (WGraphics::void pSetFont (java.awt.Font))
+    X (WGraphics::void pSetForeground (int))
+      (WGraphics::void _dispose ())
+    x (WGraphics::void dispose ())
+    x (WGraphics::void setPaintMode ())
+    x (WGraphics::void setXORMode (java.awt.Color))
+    o (WGraphics::java.awt.Rectangle getClipBounds ())
+    o (WGraphics::void changeClip (int int int int boolean))
+      (WGraphics::void removeClip ())
+    X (WGraphics::void clearRect (int int int int))
+    X (WGraphics::void fillRect (int int int int))
+    X (WGraphics::void drawRect (int int int int))
+      (WGraphics::void drawSFChars (char[] int int int int))
+    x (WGraphics::int drawMFCharsSegment (java.awt.Font sun.awt.FontDescriptor char[] int int int int))
+      (WGraphics::int drawMFCharsConvertedSegment (java.awt.Font sun.awt.FontDescriptor byte[] int int int))
+      (WGraphics::void drawBytes (byte[] int int int int))
+    X (WGraphics::void drawLine (int int int int))
+    X (WGraphics::void copyArea (int int int int int int))
+    o (WGraphics::void drawRoundRect (int int int int int int))
+    o (WGraphics::void fillRoundRect (int int int int int int))
+    X (WGraphics::void drawPolygon (int[] int[] int))
+      (WGraphics::void drawPolyline (int[] int[] int))
+    X (WGraphics::void fillPolygon (int[] int[] int))
+    x (WGraphics::void drawOval (int int int int))
+    x (WGraphics::void fillOval (int int int int))
+    x (WGraphics::void drawArc (int int int int int int))
+    x (WGraphics::void fillArc (int int int int int int))
+      (WGraphics::void print (
+      (WGraphics::void close (
+      (JPEGImageDecoder::void readImage ( byte[]))
+    o (OffScreenImageSource::void sendPixels ())
+    additional native methods added by microsoft (sigh):
+    X (java.lang.String::boolean equals (java.lang.String))
+    X (java.lang.String::int length (java.lang.String))
+    o (java.lang.Runtime::void setInputStreamLocalised (
+    o (java.lang.Runtime::void setOutputStreamLocalised (
+      (java.lang.String::int compareTo (java.lang.String))
+      (java.lang.String::boolean equalsIgnoreCase (java.lang.String))
+      (java.lang.String::int indexOf (java.lang.String int))
+      (java.lang.String::boolean startsWith (java.lang.String int))
+      (java.lang.String::boolean regionMatches (int java.lang.String int int))
+      (java.lang.String::boolean regionMatches (boolean int java.lang.String int int))
+      (java.lang.String::int lastIndexOf (java.lang.String int))
+      (java.lang.ClassLoader::void resolveClass (java.lang.Class))
+      (java.lang.ClassLoader::java.lang.Class createArrayClass (java.lang.String java.lang.Class))
+      ( isOutputStreamLocalised (
+      (java.lang.Runtime::boolean isOutputStreamLocalised (
+      (java.lang.Runtime::boolean isInputStreamLocalised (
+      (java.lang.ThreadGroup::void initMainThreadGroup0 (java.lang.ThreadGroup))
+      (java.lang.System::void validateSecurityManager (java.lang.SecurityManager))
+      (java.lang.Class::java.lang.reflect.Method getMethod2 (int java.lang.String java.lang.String))
+      ( invokeDefaultWriteObject (java.lang.Object java.lang.Class))
+      ( invokeWriteObject (java.lang.Object java.lang.Class))
+      ( invokeDefaultReadObject (java.lang.Object java.lang.Class))
+      ( invokeReadObject (java.lang.Object java.lang.Class))
+      (java.util.TimeZone::java.util.TimeZone getWin32TimeZone ())
+      ([] lookupHostByName (java.lang.String))
+      ([] lookupHostByAddr (int))
+      ( doMismatchedRead ( java.lang.Object))
+      ( getClassDefinedUID (java.lang.Class))
+      ( findObjectMethod0 (java.lang.Class int))
+      (java.lang.reflect.Method::java.lang.String getDescriptor ())
+      (java.lang.reflect.Array::void setShort (java.lang.Object int unsigned short))
+      (java.lang.reflect.Array::char getChar (java.lang.Object int))
+      (java.lang.reflect.Array::void setChar (java.lang.Object int char))
+      (java.lang.reflect.Array::void setDouble (java.lang.Object int double))
+      (java.lang.reflect.Array::java.lang.Object get (java.lang.Object int))
+      (java.lang.reflect.Array::void set (java.lang.Object int java.lang.Object))
+      (java.lang.reflect.Array::int getInt (java.lang.Object int))
+      (java.lang.reflect.Array::void setInt (java.lang.Object int int))
+      (java.lang.reflect.Array::java.lang.Object multiNewArray (java.lang.Class int[]))
+      (java.lang.reflect.Array::boolean getBoolean (java.lang.Object int))
+      (java.lang.reflect.Array::byte getByte (java.lang.Object int))
+      (java.lang.reflect.Array::float getFloat (java.lang.Object int))
+      (java.lang.reflect.Array::void setBoolean (java.lang.Object int boolean))
+      (java.lang.reflect.Array::long getLong (java.lang.Object int))
+      (java.lang.reflect.Array::void setByte (java.lang.Object int byte))
+      (java.lang.reflect.Array::void setLong (java.lang.Object int long))
+      (java.lang.reflect.Array::void setFloat (java.lang.Object int float))
+      (java.lang.reflect.Array::java.lang.Object newArray (java.lang.Class int))
+      (java.lang.reflect.Array::int getLength (java.lang.Object))
+      (java.lang.reflect.Array::unsigned short getShort (java.lang.Object int))
+      (java.lang.reflect.Array::double getDouble (java.lang.Object int))
+      (java.lang.reflect.Field::void setShort (java.lang.Object unsigned short))
+      (java.lang.reflect.Field::char getChar (java.lang.Object))
+      (java.lang.reflect.Field::void setChar (java.lang.Object char))
+      (java.lang.reflect.Field::void setDouble (java.lang.Object double))
+      (java.lang.reflect.Field::java.lang.Object get (java.lang.Object))
+      (java.lang.reflect.Field::void set (java.lang.Object java.lang.Object))
+      (java.lang.reflect.Field::int getInt (java.lang.Object))
+      (java.lang.reflect.Field::void setInt (java.lang.Object int))
+      (java.lang.reflect.Field::boolean getBoolean (java.lang.Object))
+      (java.lang.reflect.Field::byte getByte (java.lang.Object))
+      (java.lang.reflect.Field::float getFloat (java.lang.Object))
+      (java.lang.reflect.Field::long getLong (java.lang.Object))
+      (java.lang.reflect.Field::void setBoolean (java.lang.Object boolean))
+      (java.lang.reflect.Field::void setByte (java.lang.Object byte))
+      (java.lang.reflect.Field::void setLong (java.lang.Object long))
+      (java.lang.reflect.Field::void setFloat (java.lang.Object float))
+      (java.lang.reflect.Field::int getModifiers ())
+      (java.lang.reflect.Field::unsigned short getShort (java.lang.Object))
+      (java.lang.reflect.Field::double getDouble (java.lang.Object))
+      (java.lang.reflect.Constructor::java.lang.Object newInstance (java.lang.Object[]))
+      (java.lang.reflect.Constructor::int getModifiers ())
+      ( setDictionary0 (byte[] int int))
+      ( getTotalIn0 ())
+      ( reset0 ())
+      ( end0 ())
+      ( inflate0 (byte[] int int))
+      ( getTotalOut0 ())
+      ( getAdler0 ())
+      ( update1 (int))
+      ( update (byte[] int int))
+      ( isSystemClass (java.lang.String))
+      ( denyPermission (
+      ( revertPermission (
+      ( initPolicyEngine ())
+      ( _getClassOfCaller (java.lang.Class[]))
+      ( internalCheckClass (java.lang.Class java.lang.Object))
+      ( getPermissionsOfClass (java.lang.Class))
+      ( assertPermission (
+      ( deepCheck ( java.lang.Object))
+      ( shallowCheck ( java.lang.Object java.lang.Class[] int))
+      ( getPrincipalOfClass (java.lang.Class))
+      ( pDecodeAsn (byte[]))
+      ([] pEncodeAsn ())
+      ( pDecodeAsn (byte[]))
+      ([] pEncodeAsn ())
+      ([] pEncodeAsn ())
+      ( pDecodeAsn (byte[]))
+      ([] pEncodeAsn ())
+      ( pDecodeAsn (byte[]))
+      ([] pEncodeAsn ())
+      ( pDecodeAsn (byte[]))
+      ([] pEncodeAsn ())
+      ( pDecodeAsn (byte[]))
+      ( storeRef (int java.lang.Object))
+      ( allocRef (java.lang.Object))
+      ( freeRef (int))
+      ( fetchRef (int))
+      ( CoTaskMemFree (int))
+      ( CopyWithDstOffset (int float[] int int))
+      ( CopyWithDstOffset (int double[] int int))
+      ( numParamBytes0 (java.lang.reflect.Method))
+      ( CopyWithDstOffset (int java.lang.Object int int))
+      ( write2 (java.lang.Object int unsigned short))
+      ( write2 (int int unsigned short))
+      ( write2 (java.lang.Object int char))
+      ( write2 (int int char))
+      ( GlobalAlloc (int int))
+      ( resize (java.lang.Object int))
+      ( read8 (java.lang.Object int))
+      ( read8 (int int))
+      ( lstrcpy (java.lang.StringBuffer int))
+      ( lstrlenA (int))
+      ( read4 (java.lang.Object int))
+      ( CoTaskMemAlloc (int))
+      ( write8 (java.lang.Object int long))
+      ( sizeOf0 (java.lang.Class))
+      ( getSystemDefaultCharSize ())
+      ( write8 (int int long))
+      ( read4 (int int))
+      ( read1 (java.lang.Object int))
+      ( read1 (int int))
+      ( lstrlen (int))
+      ( CopyMemoryAnsi (int java.lang.String int))
+      ( CopyMemoryAnsi (java.lang.StringBuffer int int))
+      ( isStruct (java.lang.reflect.Field))
+      ( GlobalFree (int))
+      ( internalAttemptCopyPtrToStruct (int java.lang.Object int int))
+      ( getLastError ())
+      ( write4 (java.lang.Object int int))
+      ( write4 (int int int))
+      ( short read2 (java.lang.Object int))
+      ( short read2 (int int))
+      ( release (java.lang.Object))
+      ( write1 (java.lang.Object int byte))
+      ( write1 (int int byte))
+      ( isStructCls (java.lang.Class))
+      ( prelink (java.lang.reflect.Method))
+      ( CopyMemoryUni (int java.lang.String int))
+      ( CopyMemoryUni (java.lang.StringBuffer int int))
+      ( internalAttemptCopyStructToPtr (java.lang.Object int int int))
+      ( CopyWithSrcOffset (int int int int))
+      ( CopyWithSrcOffset (byte[] int int int))
+      ( CopyWithSrcOffset (char[] int int int))
+      ( CopyWithSrcOffset (unsigned short[] int int int))
+      ( CopyWithSrcOffset (int[] int int int))
+      ( CopyWithSrcOffset (long[] int int int))
+      ( CopyWithSrcOffset (float[] int int int))
+      ( CopyWithSrcOffset (double[] int int int))
+      ( CopyWithSrcOffset (java.lang.Object int int int))
+      ( CopyWithDstOffset (int int int int))
+      ( lstrlenW (int))
+      ( CopyWithDstOffset (int byte[] int int))
+      ( CopyWithDstOffset (int char[] int int))
+      ( CopyWithDstOffset (int unsigned short[] int int))
+      ( CopyWithDstOffset (int int[] int int))
+      ( CopyWithDstOffset (int long[] int int))
+      ( internalGetStructAddr (java.lang.Object))
+      ( offsetOf (java.lang.reflect.Field))
+      ( lstrcpy (int java.lang.String))
+      ( sizeOf (java.lang.Object))
+      ( pRegEnumValue (int))
+      ( pRegQueryStringValue (java.lang.String))
+      ([] pRegQueryBinaryValue (java.lang.String))
+      ( pRegQueryIntValue (java.lang.String))
+      ( pRegSetStringValue (java.lang.String java.lang.String))
+      ( pRegSetIntValue (java.lang.String int))
+      ( pRegSetBinaryValue (java.lang.String byte[]))
+      ( pRegDeleteValue (java.lang.String))
+      ( pRegFlushKey ())
+      ( pRegDeleteKey (java.lang.String))
+      ( pRegOpenBaseKey (int))
+      ( pRegOpenKey ( java.lang.String int))
+      ( pRegQueryInfoKey (
+      ( pRegUnLoadKey (java.lang.String))
+      ( pRegCreateKey ( java.lang.String))
+      ( pRegRestoreKey (java.lang.String boolean))
+      ( pRegLoadKey (java.lang.String java.lang.String))
+      ( pRegCloseKey ())
+      ( pRegEnumKey (int))
+      ( pRegReplaceKey (java.lang.String java.lang.String java.lang.String))
+      ( pGetKeyboardLayouts (int[] int))
+      ( jpegReadByte ( byte[] int byte[] int))
+      ( getColourDataDepth ())
+      ( pGetFontEnumeratedFamily (int))
+      ( pNewFontEnumeration ())
+      ( getScreenClipRgn (int))
+      ( pSetKeyboardLayout (int int))
+      ( ClipboardInit (
+      ( getDeviceCaps (int int[] int))
+      ( getAfcMetrics (int[]))
+      ( setUserLocale (int int))
+      ( getDCDI (
+      ( pGetNumKeyboardLayouts ())
+      ( getIndexedColours (byte[] byte[] byte[]))
+      ( getNativeFont (java.lang.String int int int))
+      ( pGetKeyboardLayout ())
+      ( getSystemLCID ())
+      ( caretSetPos (int int int))
+      ( getLogFontFromIUnknown (
+      ( ClipboardGetText ())
+      ( systemMetric (int))
+      ( jpegInit ( byte[] int
+      ( caretHide (int))
+      ( chooseColor (int int))
+      ( pGetKeyboardLayoutName (int))
+      ( matchFontAndLanguage (int int))
+      ( chooseFont ( java.lang.String int))
+      ( getSystemFont (int
+      ( getIUnknownFromLogFont (java.lang.String
+      ( caretDispose (int))
+      ( caretShow (int))
+      ( deleteObject (int))
+      ( setDebugOutput (
+      ( jpegReadInt ( byte[] int int[] int))
+      ( getSystemColourValue (int))
+      ( caretCreate (int int int))
+      ( ClipboardSetText (java.lang.String))
+      ( println (java.lang.String))
+      ( getSecureState ())
+      ( setSecureState (java.lang.String java.lang.String))
+      ( internalDefineClass (java.lang.String byte[] int int))
+      ( markClass (java.lang.Class
+      ( getHashTable ())
+      ( isThreadAuditingEnabled ())
+      ( disableThreadAuditing ())
+      ( enableThreadAuditing ())
+      ( initSecurityAuditor ())
+      ([] pEncodeAsn ())
+      ( pDecodeAsn (byte[]))
+      ( pAnsiToUnicode (byte[] char[] int int int))
+      ( pQueryUnicodeToAnsi (char[] int int int))
+      ( gc ())
+      ( arrayCompare (java.lang.Object[] int java.lang.Object[] int int))
+      ( pUnicodeToAnsi (char[] byte[] int int int))
+      ( isLocalCharDBCSLeadByte (byte))
+      ( pQueryAnsiToUnicode (byte[] int int int))
+      ( isBaseDBCS ())
+      ( getMethod2 (java.lang.Class int java.lang.String java.lang.String))
+      ([] nativeGetSigner (java.lang.Object))
+      ([] nativeGetCapabilities (java.lang.Object))
+      ( IIDFromString (java.lang.String
+      ( StringFromIID (
+      ( GetModuleHandle (java.lang.String))
+      ( FormatMessage (int int int int java.lang.StringBuffer int int[]))
+      ([] pEncodeAsn ())
+      ( pDecodeAsn (byte[]))
+      ( pLoad (byte[]))
+      ( nativeFindClassInNamespace (java.lang.String java.lang.String java.lang.ClassLoader))
+      ( nativeGetPackage (java.lang.String java.lang.String))
+      ([] nativeGetBeansList ())
+      ( nativeGetFileIStream (java.lang.String java.lang.String))
+      ( nativeFindClass (java.lang.String java.lang.String java.lang.ClassLoader))
+      ([] pEncodeAsn ())
+      ( pDecodeAsn (byte[]))
+      ([] pEncodeAsn ())
+      ( pDecodeAsn (byte[]))
+      ([] pEncodeAsn ())
+      ( pDecodeAsn (byte[]))
+      ([] pEncodeAsn ())
+      ( pDecodeAsn (byte[]))
+      ( DeregisterEventSource (int))
+      ( reportEvent0 (unsigned short unsigned short int java.lang.String[] byte[]))
+      ( RegisterEventSource (java.lang.String java.lang.String))
+      ( signalViewChange (int))
+      ( newInstance (int java.lang.Class boolean
+      ( showSystemStatus (int int boolean java.lang.String))
+      ( getSecurityPolicy0 (int java.lang.String))
+      ( setDownloadState (int boolean))
+      ( GetSystemDefaultLCID ())
+      ( requestResize (int int int))
+      ( signalObjectLoadDone (int boolean))
+      ( findOfflineContext ())
+      ( showStatus0 (int java.lang.String))
+      ( checkGlobalOfflineMode0 ())
+      ( showDocument0 (int java.lang.String java.lang.String))
+      ([] pEncodeAsn ())
+      ( pDecodeAsn (byte[]))
+      ([] pEncodeAsn ())
+      ( pDecodeAsn (byte[]))
+      ( newGCHandle (java.lang.Object))
+      ( derefGCHandle (int))
+      ( dprinthelper (char[]))
+      ( release (java.lang.Object))
+      ( jcdwClassSizeOf (java.lang.Class))
+      ( jcdwOffsetOf (java.lang.Object java.lang.String))
+      ( jcdwClassOffsetOf (java.lang.Class java.lang.String))
+      ( isJavaOwned (java.lang.Object))
+      ( brk (java.lang.Object))
+      ( setDataWrapperSize (java.lang.Object int))
+      ( brk (int))
+      ( setJCDWHomeThread (java.lang.Object java.lang.Object))
+      ( propagateOwnership (java.lang.Object int))
+      ( threadStartMTA (java.lang.Thread))
+      ( IENVNextMarshalerJ2C (int))
+      ( supportsInterface (java.lang.Object
+      ( ptrToStruct (java.lang.Class int))
+      ( jcdwSizeOf (java.lang.Object))
+      ( declareMessagePumpThread ())
+      ( IENVNextMarshalerC2J (int))
+      ( freeGCHandle (int))
+      ( isEqualUnknown (java.lang.Object java.lang.Object))
+      ( NIsArray (java.lang.Object))
+      ( NInvokeReal (java.lang.Object java.lang.String int int int int[][] int[]))
+      ( NGetIDsOfNamesReal (java.lang.Object int java.lang.String[] int[]))
+      ( FormatMessage (int int int int java.lang.StringBuffer int int[]))
+      ( toInt ())
+      ( toDate ())
+      ( toBoolean ())
+      ( toDouble ())
+      ( toCurrency ())
+      ( putVariantArray ([]))
+      ([] getVariantArray ())
+      ( putByteArray (java.lang.Object))
+      ( putShortRef (unsigned short))
+      ( putIntRef (int))
+      ( putDoubleRef (double))
+      ( putDateRef (double))
+      ( putStringRef (java.lang.String))
+      ( short getShortRef ())
+      ( getIntRef ())
+      ( getDoubleRef ())
+      ( getDateRef ())
+      ( getStringRef ())
+      ( internalToString ())
+      ( initSafeArrayByRef ( int))
+      ( toCharArray ())
+      ( toDispatch ())
+      ( toByte ())
+      ( getDispatch ())
+      ( putDispatch (java.lang.Object))
+      ( getBoolean ())
+      ( toError ())
+      ( toObject ())
+      ( initSafeArrayByVal ( int))
+      ( getObject ())
+      ( putObject (java.lang.Object))
+      ( toSafeArrayHelper (java.lang.Class))
+      ( putFloatRef (float))
+      ( putCurrencyRef (long))
+      ( putErrorRef (int))
+      ( putBooleanRef (boolean))
+      ( putObjectRef (java.lang.Object))
+      ( putByteRef (byte))
+      ( getString ())
+      ( putString (java.lang.String))
+      ( getFloatRef ())
+      ( getCurrencyRef ())
+      ( getErrorRef ())
+      ( getBooleanRef ())
+      ( getObjectRef ())
+      ( getByteRef ())
+      ( toFloat ())
+      ( putCharArray (java.lang.Object))
+      ( putDispatchRef (java.lang.Object))
+      ( getDispatchRef ())
+      ( putVariantArrayRef ([]))
+      ([] getVariantArrayRef ())
+      ( changeType (unsigned short))
+      ( ncloneIndirect (
+      ( nFinalize (boolean))
+      ( nclone (
+      ( short toShort ())
+      ( putSafeArrayRefHelper (int))
+      ([] toVariantArray ())
+      ( toByteArray ())
+      ( TrueVariantClear ())
+      ( MessageBeep (int))
+      ( StartCodeDownload (int java.lang.String java.lang.String java.lang.String))
+      ( securedCall0 (int java.lang.Object))
+      ( getDefaultPermissionsFromLoader (
+      ( FormatMessage (int int int int java.lang.StringBuffer int int[]))
+      ( SetEvent (int))
+      ( CreateSemaphore (int int int int))
+      ( ReleaseSemaphore (int int int))
+      ( userYield (boolean))
+      ( MsgWaitForMultipleObjects (int int[] boolean int int))
+      ( CreateEvent (int boolean boolean int))
+      ( GetSysColor (int))
+      ( setPageDimension (int int))
+      ( setBkColour (int int))
+      ( getClipBounds ( int int))
+      ( pGetCharOutline (int byte[]))
+      ( drawLine (int int int int))
+      ( setXORMode (int int int int))
+      ( drawString (java.lang.String int int int int int int int int[] int[]))
+      ( getCoClass ())
+      ( drawArc (int int int int int int int))
+      ( getInitialPageDimension (
+      ( setVisRgn (int))
+      ( pSetForeground (int int))
+      ( pGetDC ())
+      ( drawPixels (int[] int int int))
+      ( drawPolygon (int[] int[] int int int int))
+      ( createFromImage (
+      ( endPage ())
+      ( pGetCharOutlineSize (int))
+      ( pDrawBezier (int int int[] int))
+      ( drawBytes (byte[] int int int int int))
+      ( changeClip (int int int int boolean))
+      ( drawChars (char[] int int int int int int int int int int[] int[]))
+      ( drawT2Curve (float float float float float float int int))
+      ( createFromPrintJob (java.lang.String
+      ( endPrintJob ())
+      ( pSetOrigin (int int))
+      ( createFromHDC (int))
+      ( drawOval (int int int int int))
+      ( pSetFont (java.lang.String int int int))
+      ( setPaintMode (int int))
+      ( startPage ())
+      ( clearClip ())
+      ( createFromCopy (
+      ( scanLines (int int[] int int int int))
+      ( drawRoundRect (int int int int int int int))
+      ( dispose ())
+      ( clearRect (int int int int int))
+      ( copyArea (int int int int int int))
+      ( createFromWindow (int))
+      ( drawPolyline (int[] int[] int int int))
+      ( drawRect (int int int int int))
+      ( callbackEventLoop (
+      ( getToolkitHwnd ())
+      ( createCompHwnd (int int))
+      ( setCompositionFont (int int))
+      ( setCompositionPos (int int int))
+      ( setOpenStatus (int int))
+      ( getOpenStatus (int))
+      ( getCompositionString (int))
+      ( getCompositionResultString (int))
+      ( initNative (java.lang.String))
+      ( rawGetVariantAs (int
+      ( NSafeArrayInit (int))
+      ( rawGetDouble (int))
+      ( NRawBoolCopyToJavaArray (int int boolean[] int))
+      ( validateArray (int))
+      ( NSafeArrayCreateFromString (java.lang.String))
+      ( rawSetString (int java.lang.String))
+      ( getInt (int))
+      ( setInt (int int))
+      ( getBoolean (int))
+      ( setBoolean (int boolean))
+      ( computeOffset (int))
+      ( NSafeArrayNullInit ())
+      ( rawSetVariant (int
+      ( rawGetFloat (int))
+      ( getFloat (int))
+      ( setFloat (int float))
+      ( computeOffset2 (int int))
+      ( rawSetDouble (int double))
+      ( asString ())
+      ( NRawCopyToJavaArray (int int java.lang.Object int))
+      ( NSafeArrayCreate (int int int[] int[]))
+      ( NRawBoolCopyFromJavaArray (boolean[] int int int))
+      ( NSafeArrayDestroy (boolean boolean))
+      ( NSafeArrayCopy ())
+      ( rawGetInt (int))
+      ( rawGetBoolean (int))
+      ( rawSetFloat (int float))
+      ( rawGetString (int))
+      ( NTotalNumElems ())
+      ( getDouble (int))
+      ( setDouble (int double))
+      ( Nreinit (
+      ( getPhysicalSafeArray ())
+      ( NgetdwordAt (int))
+      ( NRawCopyFromJavaArray (java.lang.Object int int int))
+      ( rawSetBoolean (int boolean))
+      ( rawSetInt (int int))
+      ( invalidate (int int int int))
+      ( hideModal ())
+      ( hide ())
+      ( setOnTop (int))
+      ( registerDragDrop ())
+      ( endValidate ())
+      ( enable ())
+      ( disable ())
+      ( setTitle (java.lang.String))
+      ( getBounds (
+      ( gethwnd ())
+      ( showModal ())
+      ( setCursor (int))
+      ( reshape (int int int int))
+      ( requestFocus ())
+      ( callDefWindowProc (int int int int))
+      ( registerCustomDropTarget (
+      ( setNoActivate (boolean))
+      ( getPlaceOnScreen (
+      ( beginValidate ())
+      ( clippedReshape (int int int int int))
+      ( setResizable (boolean))
+      ( setIcon (int))
+      ( toBack ())
+      ( setFrameHost (
+      ( toFront ())
+      ( show ())
+      ( updateInsets (
+      ( dispose ())
+      ( initFromJavaWindow (int int))
+      ( init (int
+      ( beginDrag (
+      ( computeNativeRegion (int[]))
+      ([] computeJavaRegion (int))
+      ( canonicalizeURL (java.lang.String int))
+      ( combineURL (java.lang.String java.lang.String int))
+      ( bytesWidth (byte[] int int))
+      ( stringWidth (java.lang.String int int[]))
+      ( charsWidth (char[] int int int int[]))
+      ( init ( int[] java.lang.String int int int))
+      ( MessageBox (int java.lang.String java.lang.String int))
+      ( show ( java.lang.String java.lang.String java.lang.String int int int))
+      ([] pLoadCustomPermissions (int int java.lang.String))
+      ( setBytePixelsDirected (int int int int byte[] int int
+      ( create (int int int int))
+      ( setIntPixelsIndexed (int int int int int[] int int[] int int
+      ( getCoClass ())
+      ( getIcon (int int int))
+      ( setBytePixelsIndexed (int int int int int[] int byte[] int int
+      ( sendPixels (
+      ( fillPixels ( byte[]))
+      ( dispose ())
+      ( init (int int int int int))
+      ( setIntPixelsDirected (int int int int int[] int int
+      ( imageDrawStretched ( int int int int int int int int int int))
+      ( finish (int))
+      ( imageDraw (int int int int int))
+      ( loadString (int))
+      ( openDialogFromID (int))
+      ( attach (java.lang.String))
+      ( loadBytes (int int java.lang.String byte[] int))
+      ( getSize (int int java.lang.String))
+      ( detach ())
+      ( openDialogFromName (java.lang.String))
+      ( findOfflineContext ())
+      ( finalize ())
+      ( init ( java.lang.reflect.Method[] int[]))
+      ( close ())
+      ( read (byte[] int int))
+      ( available ())
+      ( skip (long))
+      ( connect (java.lang.String boolean boolean java.lang.SecurityManager))
+      ( extractFromFile0 (java.lang.String
+      ([] getResponseHeaders ())
+      ( close0 ())
+      ( connect (java.lang.String int java.lang.String boolean boolean boolean boolean byte[] byte[] java.lang.SecurityManager))
+      ( GetTempFileName (java.lang.StringBuffer java.lang.String int java.lang.StringBuffer))
+      ( getBytes0 (int int byte[]))
+      ( cleanup ())
+      ( GetTempPath (int java.lang.StringBuffer))
+      ( load0 ())
+    "
+     JAVA::BenchMark new loopmark
+     JAVA::BenchMark new logicmark
+     JAVA::BenchMark new sievemark
+     JAVA::BenchMark new methodmark
+     JAVA::BenchMark new stringmark
+     JAVA::BenchMark new newstringmark
+     JAVA::BenchMark new neweststringmark
+    "
+                    caffmark  loopmark  logicmark  sievemark  methodmark  stringmark  float  image  graphic dialog newstringmark  neweststringmark
+ linux:
+   P6/233 No JIT                 84         87        90          40          22                                       17              10
+                      103       133        142       137          28          73       109    167     18    140
+   P6/233 JIT                   479       2459       393         649          28                                       21              12
+   P6/233 JIT         473      1805       3046       439         986          28                                       21              12
+                      533      1808       3382       613        1003          25       105    143      1
+                      668      3330       3644       740
+                      793      4116       3731      1243        1365         120       103     79      2
+                      914      4480       4061                  2290          68       106    158     19     34
+                      941      4607       4149      1238        2434          75       101    152     18     32
+                                                                             591              164
+                     1087                           1836                     800       110                   35
+                     1102      4592       4270      1844        2381         841       109    169     21     35
+                     1177      4608       4309      1810        2432         895       532    182     20     35
+ w95
+   P5/200 JIT          90        95         90        95         686          18        60     54      7
+                      428      1657       2385       684         957          21        61     62      9
+                      541      2886       2589       823         976          18        62     55      7
+                      583      3062       2635       842         861         223        65     57      8
+                      616      3075       2438      1081        1324         218        64     54      8
+                      718      3138       2755      1085        1200         816        63     48      9      7
+                    caffmark  loopmark  logicmark  sievemark  methodmark  stringmark  float  image  graphic dialog newstringmark  neweststringmark
+    "
+     symantec benchmarks
+    "
+		BubbleSort    BidirBubbleSort  QuickSort  Sieve   Hanoi   Dhry   Fib   Array   Tree   Total
+   ST/X+J Linux
+   233Mhz P6
+   No JIT          352767         354597         69585    43048  101638  28961 108839  48815
+   ST/X+J Linux
+   233Mhz P6
+   JIT             128724         116810         20259    39733   83160  27613  52093  33166  43996  545554
+		   124744         101428         17239    10052    8264  14004  38821  23252  33709  374660
+   +IINC           120324                                  7265
+   +IADD op2       100173          90737         18128     6996    7423  17093  48559  44209  57056  390374
+   +ISUB op2                       90460         17547             5921                       57056  390461
+   +ICMPEQ/NE       99785          90147                           5792                43482  56486  388255
+   +ICMP            87398          78214         15784     7574    5628  12812  38481  24654  32252  302797
+   +IFICMPLE        84198          74928         13814     5650          11674         23241         293118
+   +IFICMPxx        76867          69738         12208                          37505  21973  32104  273569
+   +IFICMPEQ/NE                                                    5580  11202         21723
+   const IFICMPxx                                11856             5463  11032  37372                272726
+   +lea for add/sub
+   +BALOAD                                       11700     4600    5015   9431
+   +BASTORE                                                3279
+   +CALOAD/CASTORE                                                        8907
+   regSave change   66119          60365          9997             4917  15386  37851  38202  50027  286497
+		    64858          58360          9476             4889  15001  37211  36288  48313  278478
+		    63146          55949          9302                   14899
+		    62970          56085          9352     3226    4837   8779  37573  22815  33899  241297
+   -O               43662          40292          7181     2530    4696   8170  34555  22116  32337  195539
+   +IALOAD          39162          36347
+   +IASTORE         32461          30663          4299             3667                19556  30563  166868
+										34167  19347
+										       19232  29726
+										       18821
+		    41490          39527          6776     3315    4077   8443  33895  19152  28018  184693
+		    41291          37034          6593                          32682
+   +ATHROW                                                                6449                       180079
+   +IASTORE         38848          35601          6219             3796   6122         17869  30085  175106
+   IINC delayed code
+   +ANEWARRAY                                              3263
+   +LADD/LSUB const 38719          35256                                  6062  27071                172859
+							   2837                 22835
+   +ISTORE into arg
+									  3080
+   quick L2I for ints                                                     2774  21184
+    again                                                  1621    3654   1525
+   +CHECKCAST                                                      3574                       25810
+		BubbleSort    BidirBubbleSort  QuickSort  Sieve   Hanoi   Dhry   Fib   Array   Tree   Total
+   ST/X+J Win95
+   200Mhz P5
+   JIT              78490          77060         15220     4840    6370   9180  73160  36080         351700
+				   76900         13560             5500   9010         35200         348600
+										66080         69920  370750
+   +IADD non consts 76620          73210         13180     3790                 63550         58880  356900
+											      51740
+		    77390          72450         12520     3900    6040   8950  62450  34330  57780  335810
+		    77220          71950                           5270   8840                       338650
+		    72390          70690                                                      48010  327370
+		    74910          66740         11420                    8620  61730  33340  47350  313940
+		    71740                                  2800
+		    71460          65250         11540     2750                 62180  33840  50750  311660
+   +LCMP                                                                        59100
+   better abs(I)
+   +xALOAD/IF_ICMPx 66130          61520         12080     3300    5280   8190  56510  33830  50310  297150
+   elim dummy static                                               5210                       48270
+   methods                                                                                    44160
+		   119020         112440         19330     3070    4560   2640  56960  37730  52790  408540
+		BubbleSort    BidirBubbleSort  QuickSort  Sieve   Hanoi   Dhry   Fib   Array   Tree   Total
+   Sun JDK         274625         244461         52676    50653   65183  26668  78133  28572  61608  882583
+   (90Mhz P5)
+   Microsoft J++     9684           8452          2874     1733    3535   3665   3836   4746  25717   64242
+   (90Mhz P5)
+   Symantec Cafe    14541          12198          3686     1922    4527   3325   3425  12969  26829   83422
+   JIT 1.02
+   (90Mhz P5)
+   Symantec Cafe     8292           6970          2714     1613    3345   3235   2013   4516  13180   45878
+   JIT 1.2
+   (90Mhz P5)
+   |b|
+   b := JAVA::BubbleSortAlgorithm new.
+   b perform:#'setData(JJ)V' with:10000 with:0 with:0 with:0.
+   Time millisecondsToRun:[
+       b performTest.
+   ]
+   |b|
+   b := JAVA::QSortAlgorithm new.
+   b perform:#'setData(JJ)V' with:500000 with:0 with:0 with:0.
+   Time millisecondsToRun:[
+       b performTest.
+   ]
+   |t|
+   t := JAVA::Tree new.
+   t perform:#'setData(JJ)V' with:1000000 with:0 with:0 with:0.
+   Time millisecondsToRun:[
+       t performTest.
+   ]
+   |t|
+   t := JAVA::Array new.
+   t perform:#'setData(JJ)V' with:1000000 with:0 with:0 with:0.
+   Time millisecondsToRun:[
+       t performTest.
+   ]
+! !
+!JavaVM class methodsFor:'initialization'!
+    Java initialize.
+    self initializeVM.
+    "Created: / 21-02-2012 / 18:09:45 / Jan Vrany <>"
+compile:source selector:smalltalkSelector asJavaMethod:javaSelector fakedSource:fakedSource in:aClass
+    "install additional java protocol in smalltalk classes, req'd for java programs"
+    |cloneCode|
+    (aClass implements:javaSelector) ifFalse:[
+        Class packageQuerySignal answer:'__temporary__'
+        do:[
+            aClass
+                compile:source
+                classified:'java support'
+                logged:false.
+        ].
+        cloneCode := aClass compiledMethodAt:smalltalkSelector.
+        cloneCode source:fakedSource.
+        Class withoutUpdatingChangesDo:[
+            aClass removeSelector:smalltalkSelector.
+            aClass addSelector:javaSelector withMethod:cloneCode.
+        ]
+    ].
+    "Created: / 5.11.1998 / 19:30:22 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 5.11.1998 / 19:37:57 / cg"
+    StandardThreadGroup := nil.
+    KnownWindows notNil ifTrue: [
+        KnownWindows do: [:v | v isTopView ifTrue: [ v destroy ] ]
+    ].
+    JavaWindowGroup := nil.
+    KnownWindows := nil.
+    OpenFileTable := nil.
+    JavaMethods := nil.
+    SystemClassLoader := nil.
+    "
+     JavaVM deinitialize"
+    "Created: / 03-01-1998 / 21:28:14 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 03-12-1998 / 20:33:21 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 28-01-2011 / 14:11:35 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 16-11-2011 / 09:46:49 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "deinstall additional java protocol in smalltalk classes, req'd for java programs"
+    #(
+        #'clone()Ljava/lang/Object;'
+        #'equals(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z'
+        #'toString()Ljava/lang/String;'
+        #'getClass()Ljava/lang/Class;'
+     ) do:[:sel |
+        (Object implements:sel) ifTrue:[
+            Class withoutUpdatingChangesDo:[
+                Object removeSelector:sel.
+            ]
+        ].
+    ].
+    "
+     self deinitializeAdditionalJavaProtocol
+    "
+    "Created: / 4.2.1998 / 21:37:10 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 5.12.1998 / 15:27:39 / cg"
+    ClassRegistry notNil ifTrue:[
+        ClassRegistry flush
+    ].
+    "Created: / 30-10-2011 / 16:09:38 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    StandardThreadGroup := nil.
+    NoAudio := true.
+    "/ NoAudio := false.
+    JavaConsoleStream := "Transcript"Stdout.
+    FullExceptionTrace := StackTrace := false.
+    WindowOPTrace := DrawOPTrace := EventTrace := ThreadTrace := false.
+    MonitorTrace := ExceptionTrace := FileOpenTrace := FileIOTrace := false.
+    ExceptionDebug := ExitDebug := false.
+    ExceptionDebugPatterns := Set new.
+    WindowCreationTrace := false.
+    FileOpenConfirmation := false.
+    SocketConnectConfirmation := false.
+    WindowOPTrace := false.
+    MonitorTrace := false.
+    ThreadTrace := false.
+    UnhandledJavaExceptionSignal := (Signal new) mayProceed: true.
+    UnhandledJavaExceptionSignal nameClass: self
+        message: #unhandledJavaExceptionSignal.
+    UnhandledJavaExceptionSignal notifierString: 'unhandled java exception'.
+    JavaExceptionSignal := (Signal new) mayProceed: false.
+    JavaExceptionSignal nameClass: self message: #javaExceptionSignal.
+    JavaExceptionSignal notifierString: 'java exception'.
+    UnimplementedInstructionSignal := (Signal new) mayProceed: false.
+    UnimplementedInstructionSignal nameClass: self
+        message: #unimplementedInstructionSignal.
+    UnimplementedInstructionSignal notifierString: 'unimplemented instruction'.
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal := (Signal new) mayProceed: false.
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal nameClass: self
+        message: #unimplementedNativeMethodSignal.
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal
+        notifierString: 'unimplemented native method'.
+    BadMessageSignal := (Signal new) mayProceed: false.
+    BadMessageSignal nameClass: self message: #badMessageSignal.
+    BadMessageSignal notifierString: 'invalid message to JAVA object'.
+    InternalErrorSignal := (Signal new) mayProceed: false.
+    InternalErrorSignal nameClass: self message: #internalErrorSignal.
+    InternalErrorSignal notifierString: 'internal error'.
+    CallHandlerSignal := (Signal new) mayProceed: false.
+    CallHandlerSignal nameClass: self message: #callHandlerSignal.
+    CallHandlerSignal notifierString: 'internal signal'.
+    StdinReplacementFileQuerySignal := QuerySignal new.
+    StdinReplacementFileQuerySignal nameClass: self
+        message: #stdinReplacementFileQuerySignal.
+    StdinReplacementFileQuerySignal notifierString: 'asking for stdin stream'.
+    JavaPrivilegedAccessQuery := QuerySignal new.
+    JavaPrivilegedAccessQuery defaultAnswer: false.
+    AssertionsEnabled := true.
+    ClassRegistry := JavaClassRegistry new.
+    FinalizationEnabled := true.
+    EagerResolvingEnabled := false.
+    ObjectMemory addDependent: self.
+    "
+     JavaVM initialize"
+    "Created: / 02-01-1998 / 18:02:34 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 02-12-1998 / 23:02:22 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 09-10-2011 / 20:29:10 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 08-12-2011 / 21:06:35 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 17-08-2012 / 11:16:24 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "install additional java protocol in smalltalk classes, req'd for java programs"
+    "/ since we use smalltalk Arrays for JavaArray, some
+    "/ additional (java-) protocol is required.
+    "/ This is also useful, when Smalltalk objects are passed to
+    "/ java ...
+    "/ We should implement all of the java.lang.Object protocol in
+    "/ Object, to be on the bright side of life; more of this later ...
+    self
+        compile:'__clone
+    "this is smalltalk code with a java selector ...
+     (This source cannot be accepted in the browser,
+      since it has a funny selector.)
+     Has been added by JavaVM>>initializeAdditionalJavaProtocol"
+    ^ self shallowCopy'
+        selector:#'__clone'
+        asJavaMethod:#'clone()Ljava/lang/Object;'
+        fakedSource:'#''clone()Ljava/lang/Object;''
+    "this is smalltalk code with a java selector ...
+     (This source cannot be accepted in the browser,
+      since it has a funny selector.)
+     Has been added by JavaVM>>initializeAdditionalJavaProtocol"
+    ^ self shallowCopy'
+        in:Object.
+    "/ ------------------------------------------------------------
+    self
+        compile:'__equals:arg
+    "this is smalltalk code with a java selector ...
+     (This source cannot be accepted in the browser,
+      since it has a funny selector.)
+     Has been added by JavaVM>>initializeAdditionalJavaProtocol"
+    ^ (arg = self) ifTrue:[1] ifFalse:[0]'
+        selector:#'__equals:'
+        asJavaMethod:#'equals(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z'
+        fakedSource:'#''equals(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z''
+    "this is smalltalk code with a java selector ...
+     (This source cannot be accepted in the browser,
+      since it has a funny selector.)
+     Has been added by JavaVM>>initializeAdditionalJavaProtocol"
+    ^ (arg = self) ifTrue:[1] ifFalse:[0]'
+        in:Object.
+    "/ ------------------------------------------------------------
+    self
+        compile:'__toString
+    "this is smalltalk code with a java selector ...
+     (This source cannot be accepted in the browser,
+      since it has a funny selector.)
+     Has been added by JavaVM>>initializeAdditionalJavaProtocol"
+    ^ Java as_String:(self displayString)'
+        selector:#'__toString'
+        asJavaMethod:#'toString()Ljava/lang/String;'
+        fakedSource:'#''toString()Ljava/lang/String;''
+    "this is smalltalk code with a java selector ...
+     (This source cannot be accepted in the browser,
+      since it has a funny selector.)
+     Has been added by JavaVM>>initializeAdditionalJavaProtocol"
+    ^ Java as_String:(self displayString)'
+        in:Object.
+    "/ ------------------------------------------------------------
+    self
+        compile:'__getClass
+    "this is smalltalk code with a java selector ...
+     (This source cannot be accepted in the browser,
+      since it has a funny selector.)
+     Has been added by JavaVM>>initializeAdditionalJavaProtocol"
+    ^ JavaVM javaClassObjectForClass:self class'
+        selector:#'__getClass'
+        asJavaMethod:#'getClass()Ljava/lang/Class;'
+        fakedSource:'#''getClass()Ljava/lang/Class;''
+    "this is smalltalk code with a java selector ...
+     (This source cannot be accepted in the browser,
+      since it has a funny selector.)
+     Has been added by JavaVM>>initializeAdditionalJavaProtocol"
+    ^ JavaVM javaClassObjectForClass:self class'
+        in:Object.
+    "/ ------------------------------------------------------------
+    self
+        compile:'__hashCode
+    "this is smalltalk code with a java selector ...
+     (This source cannot be accepted in the browser,
+      since it has a funny selector.)
+     Has been added by JavaVM>>initializeAdditionalJavaProtocol"
+    ^ self identityHash'
+        selector:#'__hashCode'
+        asJavaMethod:#'hashCode()I'
+        fakedSource:'#''hashCode()I''
+    "this is smalltalk code with a java selector ...
+     (This source cannot be accepted in the browser,
+      since it has a funny selector.)
+     Has been added by JavaVM>>initializeAdditionalJavaProtocol"
+    ^ self identityHash'
+        in:Object.
+    "
+     self initializeAdditionalJavaProtocol
+    "
+    "Modified: / 28-01-1997 / 19:38:58 / stefan"
+    "Modified: / 22-01-1998 / 21:23:40 / av"
+    "Created: / 04-02-1998 / 21:35:46 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 30-12-1998 / 21:07:55 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 25-10-2010 / 16:26:54 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "load req'd base classes"
+    #( 'java.lang.Object'
+     'java.lang.Class'
+     'java.lang.String'
+     'java.lang.System' )
+            do: [
+                :cName |
+                (self classForName: cName) isNil ifTrue: [
+                    self
+                        warn: ('JavaVM: could not find required class: ' , cName asText allBold
+                                , '\\Please check the Java settings (javaHome)') withCRs.
+                    AbortSignal raise.
+                    ^ self
+                ]
+            ].
+    "
+     self initializeBaseClasses"
+    "Created: / 3.1.1998 / 21:13:28 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 23.12.1999 / 19:27:42 / cg"
+    "/Nothing to do"
+    JavaClassReader initialize.
+    "Created: / 06-09-2012 / 11:18:07 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    self initializeMonitorTable.
+    self initializePrimitiveClasses.
+    self initializeOpenFileTable.
+    "
+     JavaVM releaseAllMonitors"
+    "Created: / 02-01-1998 / 18:04:05 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 07-01-1998 / 22:58:10 / cg"
+    "Created: / 16-11-2011 / 14:23:24 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 17-08-2012 / 11:30:58 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    LockTable := WeakIdentityDictionary new:32000.
+    LockTableAccess := Semaphore "RecursionLock" forMutualExclusion.
+    LockTableAccess name: 'JavaVM lock table access mutex'.
+    Logger
+        log: 'Initializing EnteredMonitorsPerProcess'
+        severity: #debug
+        facility: #JVM.
+    EnteredMonitorsPerProcess := IdentityDictionary new.
+    Logger
+        log: 'Initializing AcquiredMonitorsPerProcess'
+        severity: #debug
+        facility: #JVM.
+    AcquiredMonitorsPerProcess := IdentityDictionary new.
+    "
+     JavaVM initializeMonitorTable"
+    "Created: / 17-08-2012 / 11:30:38 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    OpenFileTable := OrderedCollection
+                        with:Stdin
+                        with:("JavaConsoleStream ?" Stdout)
+                        with:("JavaConsoleStream ?" Stderr).
+    OpenFileTableLock := RecursionLock new.
+    "
+     JavaVM initializeOpenFileTable
+    "
+    "Modified: / 06-08-1997 / 00:40:19 / cg"
+    "Created: / 02-01-1998 / 18:04:32 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 30-07-2012 / 18:12:20 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "/    #(
+    "/        (#byte    'B' 1)
+    "/        (#short   'S' 2)
+    "/        (#int     'I' 4)
+    "/        (#long    'J' 8)
+    "/        (#boolean 'Z' 1)
+    "/        (#char    'C' 2)
+    "/        (#float   'F' 4)
+    "/        (#double  'D' 8)
+    "/        (#void    'V' 0)
+    "/    ) triplesDo:[:nm :sig :len |
+    "/        |jClass classInst|
+    "/
+    "/        "/
+    "/        "/ create a javaClass for it.
+    "/        "/
+    "/        jClass := Java at:'java.lang.Class'.
+    "/        jClass notNil ifTrue:[
+    "/            classInst := jClass new.
+    "/            JavaClasses at:nm put:classInst.
+    "/            JavaClasses at:classInst put:nm.
+    "/        ]
+    "/    ].
+    "
+     self initializePrimitiveClasses"
+    "Modified: / 22-10-1998 / 01:56:02 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 20-12-2010 / 23:39:56 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 28-01-2011 / 14:57:38 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    Reflection := JavaVM::Reflection for: self.
+    "Created: / 21-12-2010 / 19:48:10 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "return a collection of native libs which are considered
+     being already loaded. (used with jdk < 1.2)"
+    LibPath := #(
+                        '__builtIn__'
+                        '/usr/local/lib'
+                        '/usr/local/lib/java'
+                ).
+    SimulatedLibs := #(
+                        '__builtIn__/net'
+                        '__builtIn__/awt'
+                        '__builtIn__/tawt'
+                        '__builtIn__/winawt'
+                        '__builtIn__/jpeg'
+                        '__builtIn__/mmedia'
+                        '__builtIn__/zip'
+                        '__builtIn__/math'
+                        '__builtIn__/sysresource'
+                        "/ KAVA ...
+                        '__builtIn__/agent'
+                        "/ MS-java ...
+                        '__builtIn__/msawt'
+                        '__builtIn__/javart'
+                        "/ 1.1.8
+                        '__builtIn__/jpeg_sun'
+                      ).
+    "
+     self initializeSimulatedLibs
+    "
+    "Created: / 4.1.1998 / 19:05:03 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 17.11.1998 / 23:53:02 / cg"
+    "return a collection of native libs which are considered
+     being already loaded (used with jdk >= 1.2)"
+    OperatingSystem isUNIXlike ifTrue: [
+        SimulatedNativeLibs := #( '' '' '' '' ''
+                                  ''        "/ Management Beans - req'd by Tomcat
+                                  '' '' "/ Some UI stuff - req'd by Tomcat !!?!!
+                                  ''       "/ req'd by java.text.Bidi
+                                    ).
+        ^ self.
+    ].
+    OperatingSystem isMSWINDOWSlike ifTrue: [
+        SimulatedNativeLibs := #( 'awt.dll' 'net.dll' 'cmm.dll' 'zip.dll' ''
+                                  'management.dll'          "/ Management Beans - req'd by Tomcat
+                                  'fontmanager.dll'          "/ req'd by java.text.Bidi
+                                ).
+        ^ self.
+    ].
+    SimulatedNativeLibs := #().
+    "
+     self initializeSimulatedNativeLibs"
+    "Modified: / 27-01-1998 / 18:43:10 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 03-11-2011 / 19:00:39 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 21-12-2011 / 23:03:35 / jv"
+    "Modified: / 12-05-2012 / 12:52:21 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    SimulatedNativeMemory := JavaNativeMemory new.
+    "Created: / 07-12-2010 / 21:07:31 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 07-12-2010 / 23:45:31 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    | java_lang_ClassLoader stx_libjava_ClassLoader |
+    java_lang_ClassLoader := JavaVM classForName: 'java.lang.ClassLoader'.
+    (SystemClassLoader := java_lang_ClassLoader instVarNamed:#scl) isNil ifTrue:[
+        SystemClassLoader := java_lang_ClassLoader perform: #'getSystemClassLoader()Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;'
+    ].
+    stx_libjava_ClassLoader := JavaVM classForName: 'stx.libjava.ClassLoader'.
+    (SmalltalkClassLoader := stx_libjava_ClassLoader instVarNamed:#scl) isNil ifTrue:[
+        SmalltalkClassLoader := stx_libjava_ClassLoader perform: #'getSmalltalkClassLoader()Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;'
+    ].
+    "Created: / 30-10-2011 / 12:04:02 / Jan Vrany <>"
+initializeSystemPropertiesInto: props
+    | cpu  cpu2  os |
+    "/ use JAVA compatible cpu-name
+    cpu := OperatingSystem getCPUType.
+    cpu2 := cpu.
+    cpu = 'i386' ifTrue: [ cpu := 'ix86' ].
+    (OperatingSystem getSystemInfo at: #machine) = 'x86_64' ifTrue: [
+        cpu2 := 'amd64'
+    ].
+    SimulatedOS notNil ifTrue: [ os := SimulatedOS ] ifFalse: [
+        os := OperatingSystem getOSType.
+        os := os asUppercaseFirst.
+    ].
+    props addPairsFrom: {
+                ''.
+                'OpenJDK Runtime Environment'.
+                'sun.boot.library.path'.
+                OperatingSystem isMSWINDOWSlike ifTrue: [
+                    (Java release jreHome / 'bin') asString
+                ] ifFalse: [ (Java release jreHome / 'lib' / cpu2) asString ].
+                'java.vm.version'.
+                Smalltalk versionString.
+                'java.vm.vendor'.
+                'eXept Software AG & SWING Research Group'.
+                'java.vendor.url'.
+                ' &'.
+                'path.separator'.
+                OperatingSystem pathSeparator asString.
+                ''.
+                'Smalltalk/X'.
+                'file.encoding.pkg'.
+                ''.
+                ''.
+                'SUN_STANDARD'.
+                ''.
+                'US'.
+                'sun.os.patch.level'.
+                'unknown'.
+                ''.
+                'Java Virtual Machine Specification'.
+                'user.dir'.
+                Filename currentDirectory pathName.
+                'java.awt.graphicsenv'.
+                'sun.awt.X11GraphicsEnvironment'.
+                'java.endorsed.dirs'.
+                (Java release jreHome / 'lib' / 'endorsed') asString.
+                'os.arch'.
+                cpu.
+                ''.
+                Filename tempDirectory pathName.
+                'line.separator'.
+                Character cr asString.
+                'java.vm.specification.vendor'.
+                'Sun Microsystems Inc.'.
+                ''.
+                os.
+                'sun.jnu.encoding'.
+                'UTF-8'.
+                'java.library.path'.
+                self defaultJavaLibraryPath.
+                ''.
+                'Java Platform API Specification'.
+                'java.class.version'.
+                '50.0'.
+                ''.
+                'Smalltalk/X jinterpreter'.
+                'os.version'.
+                OperatingSystem isMSWINDOWSlike ifTrue: [
+                    OperatingSystem getSystemInfo at: #release
+                ] ifFalse: [ OperatingSystem getSystemInfo at: #version ].
+                'user.home'.
+                Filename homeDirectory pathName.
+                'user.timezone'.
+                ''.
+                'java.awt.printerjob'.
+                'sun.print.PSPrinterJob'.
+                'file.encoding'.
+                'UTF-8'.
+                'java.specification.version'.
+                '1.6'.
+                'java.class.path'.
+                self defaultCLASSPATH.
+                ''.
+                OperatingSystem getLoginName.
+                'java.vm.specification.version'.
+                '1.0'.
+                 "''            . 'SystemProperties' ."
+                'java.home'.
+                '/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre'.
+                ''.
+                '32'.
+                'user.language'.
+                Smalltalk language.
+                'java.specification.vendor'.
+                'Sun Microsystems Inc.'.
+                ''.
+                'Smalltalk/X 6.2.1'.
+                'java.version'.
+                '1.6'.
+                'java.ext.dirs'.
+                self defaultExtDirs.
+                'sun.boot.class.path'.
+                self defaultSunBootLibraryPath.
+                'java.vendor'.
+                'Sun Microsystems Inc.'.
+                'file.separator'.
+                Filename separatorString.
+                'java.vendor.url.bug'.
+                ''.
+                ''.
+                'UnicodeLittle'.
+                'sun.cpu.endian'.
+                'little'.
+                'sun.desktop'.
+                'gnome'.
+                'sun.cpu.isalist'.
+                ''
+            }.
+    "/ props at:'user.dir'           put:(Filename currentDirectory pathName).
+    "/props at:'awt.toolkit'        put:(self defaultWindowingToolKit).
+    props at: '' put: 'US'.
+    props at: 'hotjava.home' put: (self defaultHotJavaHome).
+    "/ new with jdk 1.1.8
+    "/ undocumented ?
+    "/ suppress copyright view in appletViewer ...
+    props at: 'appletviewer.version' put: '1.1'.
+    "/ new with jdk 1.2
+    props at: 'java.awt.graphicsenv' put: 'sun.awt.X11GraphicsEnvironment'.
+    props at: 'java.awt.fonts' put: '/usr/lib/X11/fonts'.
+    "/ jws
+    "/props at:'jws.home'             put:(self defaultJWSHome).
+    "/ new with jws 2.0 ...
+    "/props at:'jws.startcmd'         put:'jws.showwin.mainide'.
+    props at: 'stx.libjava.tomcat.dir'
+        put: (JavaLibraries directory / 'tomcat6') pathName.
+        props at: 'libjava.tests.dir'
+                put: (JavaTestsResource antProjectDir) pathName.
+"/    props at: 'sun.misc.URLClassPath.debug' put: 'true'.
+    ^ props
+    "
+     self initializeSystemPropertiesInto:(Dictionary new)"
+    "Created: / 03-01-1998 / 14:26:39 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 27-01-2000 / 02:20:18 / cg"
+    "Modified (format): / 03-11-2011 / 12:40:56 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 12-12-2011 / 15:23:22 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 21-12-2011 / 23:05:11 / jv"
+    "Modified: / 13-09-2012 / 20:33:56 / m"
+    OperatingSystem initResources.
+    "Java requires a huge stack. Change default to 16 MB.
+     Observations:
+     - Groovy 'rnd = new' requires > 4MB
+     - ant run on Groovy 1.8.7 source requires > 8MB
+    "
+    "/Process defaultMaximumStackSize: ((1024 * 1024 * 16) max: Process defaultMaximumStackSize).
+    "Java Classes are huge and there is a (unfixed) bug in 2-phase oldspace
+     compress, so try to avoid it by pre-allocating more oldspace."
+    OldspaceIncreased ~~ true ifTrue:[
+        ObjectMemory moreOldSpace: 64"MB"*(1024*1024).
+        OldspaceIncreased := true.
+    ].
+    ClassRegistry := JavaClassRegistry for: self.
+    ClassLoaderQuerySignal := Query new.
+    JavaObject autoload.
+    JavaContext autoload.
+    MonitorTrace isNil ifTrue: [ self initialize ].
+    MonitorTraceId := 0.
+    self initializeAdditionalJavaProtocol.
+    self initializeJavaResources.
+    JavaConsoleStream := Transcript.
+    Java initAllStaticFields.
+    Java markAllClassesUninitialized.
+    ZipCache := OrderedCollection new.
+    ZipEntryCache := OrderedCollection new.
+    ZipInflaters := OrderedCollection new.
+    FinalizationLobby := JavaFinalizationRegistry new.
+    "/ force re-resolving;
+    "/ otherwise, class-inits would not be called
+    "/ by resolver ... (sigh)
+    JavaNativeMethod flushAllCachedNativeMethods.
+    JavaMethod
+        allSubInstancesDo: [
+            :m |
+            m checked: false.
+            m code: nil.
+        ].
+    ObjectMemory flushCaches.
+    "/ sigh - must flush inline caches.
+    JavaClass startRememberingOrderOfClassInits.
+    self initializeSimulatedLibs.
+    "/ < jdk 1.2
+    self initializeSimulatedNativeLibs.
+    "/ >= jdk 1.2
+    self initializeSimulatedNativeMemory.
+    "/>  jdk 6
+    self initializeClassReader.
+    self initializeOpenFileTable.
+    self initializeReflection.
+    self initializeBaseClasses.
+    self initializePrimitiveClasses.
+    Java initSystemClass.
+    Java initializeCurrentThread.
+    self initializeSystemClassLoader.
+    ObjectMemory addDependent: self.
+    StartupTime := OperatingSystem getOSTime.
+    FinalizationLobby startFinalizationProcessAt: 5.
+    PerfCounters := Performance for: self.
+    ThreadInterrupts := Dictionary new.
+    JavaNativeMethod allInstancesDo:[:e|e nCallsReset ].
+    "
+     JavaVM initialize.
+     JavaVM initializeVM."
+    "Created: / 03-01-1998 / 21:29:09 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 14-12-1999 / 18:58:56 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 15-10-2010 / 15:27:45 / Jan Kurs <>"
+    "Modified: / 24-02-2012 / 13:59:29 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 24-02-2012 / 14:37:06 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 06-09-2012 / 11:18:07 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    |uClass updater p|
+    uClass := JAVA::sun::awt::ScreenUpdater.
+    uClass notNil ifTrue:[
+        updater := uClass instVarNamed:'updater'.
+        updater notNil ifTrue:[
+            p := self stProcessForJavaThread:updater
+        ].
+        (updater isNil or:[p isNil or:[p isDead]]) isNil ifTrue:[
+            self initializeVM.
+            ^ self.
+        ]
+    ].
+    (JavaEventThread isNil or:[JavaEventThread isDead]) ifTrue:[
+        self initializeVM
+    ].
+    "
+     JavaVM initializeVMIfNoEventThreadRunning
+    "
+    "Created: / 15.1.1998 / 17:32:27 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 24.12.1999 / 02:18:25 / cg"
+    Java flushAllJavaResources.
+    self boot
+    "Created: / 21-02-2012 / 18:10:04 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Reopens all server-sockets (i.e., listening sockets bound to a port).
+     Called upon restarting from image"
+    OpenFileTable notNil ifTrue:[
+        OpenFileTable do:[:each|each isSocket ifTrue:[each reOpenIfPossible]]
+    ].
+    "Created: / 17-08-2012 / 15:33:00 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    |classesToInit|
+    self releaseAllJavaResources.
+    JavaConsoleStream := Transcript.
+    Java initAllStaticFields.
+    Java markAllClassesUninitialized.
+    self initializeOpenFileTable.
+    classesToInit := JavaClass orderOfClassInits.
+    JavaClass startRememberingOrderOfClassInits.
+    self initializePrimitiveClasses.
+"/    Java initSystemClass.
+    classesToInit do:[:jClass |
+        jClass classInit
+    ].
+    Java initSystemClass.
+    "Created: / 12-11-1998 / 15:37:52 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 17-11-1998 / 16:10:11 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 14-09-2011 / 22:06:35 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    (JavaEventThread isNil or:[JavaEventThread isDead]) ifTrue:[
+        ^ self reinitializeVM
+    ].
+    (JavaEventQueueThread isNil or:[JavaEventQueueThread isDead]) ifTrue:[
+        ^ self reinitializeVM
+    ].
+    "
+     JavaVM reinitializeVMIfNoEventThreadRunning
+    "
+    "Created: / 24.11.1998 / 15:45:49 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 24.12.1999 / 02:36:41 / cg"
+    self deinitialize.
+    FirstWindowCreationSemaphore := Semaphore new.
+    JavaScreenUpdaterThread := JavaEventQueueThread := nil.
+    LoadedLibs := nil.
+    LoadedNativeLibs := nil.
+    ImageStretchCache := nil.
+    LastGraphics := LastGC := nil.
+    SimulatedNativeMemory := nil.
+    self initializePrimitiveClasses.
+    self terminateAllThreads.
+    "/self releaseAllMonitors.
+    self releaseAllWindows.
+    self releaseAllStreams.
+    "
+     JavaVM releaseAllJavaResources"
+    "Created: / 07-01-1998 / 22:49:42 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 24-12-1999 / 02:33:11 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 17-12-2010 / 17:51:35 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 16-11-2011 / 20:27:21 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    LockTable := WeakIdentityDictionary new.
+    LockTableAccess := Semaphore "RecursionLock" forMutualExclusion.
+    LockTableAccess name: 'JavaVM lock table access mutex'.
+    EnteredMonitorsPerProcess notNil ifTrue: [
+        EnteredMonitorsPerProcess
+            keysAndValuesDo: [:p :value | value size > 0 ifTrue: [ self breakPoint: #mh ] ]
+    ].
+    self releaseLeftOverMonitors.
+    Logger
+        log: 'Clearing EnteredMonitorsPerProcess'
+        severity: #debug
+        facility: #JVM.
+    EnteredMonitorsPerProcess := IdentityDictionary new.
+    Logger
+    log: 'Clearing AcquiredMonitorsPerProcess'
+    severity: #debug
+    facility: #JVM.
+        EnteredMonitorsPerProcess := IdentityDictionary new.
+    "
+     JavaVM releaseAllMonitors"
+    "Created: / 02-01-1998 / 18:04:05 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 07-01-1998 / 22:58:10 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 17-11-2011 / 17:00:12 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 13-04-2012 / 00:34:07 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    OpenFileTable notNil ifTrue:[
+	OpenFileTable do:[:aStream |
+	    aStream notNil ifTrue:[
+		aStream ~~ Stdin ifTrue:[
+		    aStream ~~ Stdout ifTrue:[
+			aStream ~~ Stderr ifTrue:[
+			    aStream ~~ JavaConsoleStream ifTrue:[
+				aStream isExternalStream ifTrue:[
+				    aStream shutDown
+				]
+			    ]
+			]
+		    ]
+		]
+	    ]
+	]
+    ].
+    self initializeOpenFileTable.
+    "
+     JavaVM releaseAllStreams
+    "
+    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 22:57:04 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 4.2.1998 / 19:53:11 / cg"
+    KnownWindows notNil ifTrue:[
+	KnownWindows do:[:aView |
+	    aView destroy
+	].
+	KnownWindows := nil.
+    ]
+    "
+     self releaseAllWindows
+    "
+    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 22:58:32 / cg"
+    "release monitors held by dead processes"
+    | deadProcesses |
+    deadProcesses := IdentitySet new.
+    EnteredMonitorsPerProcess notNil ifTrue: [
+        EnteredMonitorsPerProcess keysAndValuesDo: [
+            :p :monitors |
+            p isDead ifTrue: [
+                monitors do: [
+                    :mon |
+                    Logger
+                        log: 'release leftover monitor ...'
+                        severity: #info
+                        facility: 'JVM'.
+                    mon release
+                ].
+                deadProcesses add: p.
+            ]
+        ].
+        ].
+    deadProcesses do: [:p | EnteredMonitorsPerProcess removeKey: p ].
+    "
+     JavaVM releaseLeftOverMonitors"
+    "Created: / 08-01-1998 / 17:29:26 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 14-09-2011 / 22:06:59 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 29-11-2011 / 14:26:25 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    SystemClassLoader := nil.
+    "Created: / 30-07-2012 / 17:13:40 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    |props|
+    props := Dictionary new.
+    self initializeSystemPropertiesInto:props.
+    ^ props
+    "Created: / 3.1.1998 / 14:25:58 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 3.1.1998 / 14:32:38 / cg"
+update:what with:aParameter from:changedObject
+    "
+    #earlyRestart is send first, nothing has been setup yet.
+    (should be used to flush all device dependent entries)
+    "
+    what == #earlyRestart ifTrue:[
+        self initializeMonitorTable.
+        ^self.
+    ].
+    "#returnFromSnapshot is sent last (should be used to restart processes, reOpen
+    Streams which cannot be automatically be reopened (i.e. Sockets, Pipes) and so on.
+    (Notice that positionable fileStreams are already reopened and repositioned)
+    "
+    what == #returnFromSnapshot ifTrue:[
+        self reinitializeSockets.
+        ^self
+    ].
+    "
+     JavaVM initializeVM
+    "
+    ObjectMemory dependents
+    "Created: / 09-01-1998 / 10:30:13 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 06-11-1998 / 00:40:53 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 17-08-2012 / 15:35:51 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!JavaVM class methodsFor:'Signal constants'!
+    ^ BadMessageSignal
+    "Created: / 2.1.1998 / 18:06:52 / cg"
+    ^ CallHandlerSignal
+    "Created: / 2.1.1998 / 18:07:16 / cg"
+    <resource: #obsolete>
+    self breakPoint: #jv.
+    ^JavaClassReader classLoaderQuerySignal
+    "Modified: / 28-10-2011 / 22:11:10 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    ^ InternalErrorSignal
+    "Created: / 2.1.1998 / 18:07:05 / cg"
+    "^ JavaExceptionSignal"
+    ^JavaError
+    "Created: / 02-01-1998 / 18:05:58 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 01-03-2011 / 21:50:40 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    ^ JavaPrivilegedAccessQuery.
+    "Created: / 09-10-2011 / 20:24:49 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    ^ StdinReplacementFileQuerySignal
+    "Created: / 2.1.1998 / 18:06:52 / cg"
+    ^ UnhandledJavaExceptionSignal
+    "Created: / 2.1.1998 / 18:05:19 / cg"
+    ^ UnimplementedInstructionSignal
+    "Created: / 2.1.1998 / 18:06:15 / cg"
+    ^ UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal
+    "Created: / 2.1.1998 / 18:06:40 / cg"
+! !
+!JavaVM class methodsFor:'accessing'!
+addClass:aJavaClass definedBy:aJavaClassLoader
+    self assert: aJavaClass classLoader == aJavaClassLoader.
+    ^ ClassRegistry registerClass:aJavaClass
+    "Modified: / 23-10-2011 / 11:58:00 / Jan Vrany <>"
+addSelector:newSelector withMethod:newMethod
+    super addSelector:newSelector withMethod:newMethod.
+    "/JavaNativeMethod may not be loaded..."
+    (Smalltalk at:#JavaNativeMethod)
+        ifNotNil:[JavaNativeMethod flushAllCachedNativeMethods].
+    "Created: / 24-12-1999 / 03:12:05 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 02-02-2011 / 04:38:23 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 02-02-2011 / 23:38:08 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+assertionsEnabled: aBoolean
+    AssertionsEnabled := aBoolean
+    "
+        JavaVM assertionsEnabled: true.
+        JavaVM assertionsEnabled: false.
+    "
+    "Created: / 24-11-2010 / 09:02:05 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    ^ ClassRegistry.
+    "Created: / 21-10-2011 / 11:12:50 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    ^ self systemClassLoader instVarNamed:#'parent'.
+    "Created: / 30-10-2011 / 12:08:33 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Created: / 02-11-2011 / 13:20:28 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    ^FinalizationEnabled
+    "Created: / 14-11-2011 / 21:14:08 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    ^FinalizationLobby
+    "Created: / 14-11-2011 / 12:29:03 / Jan Vrany <>"
+     ^ JavaEventQueueThread
+    "Created: / 24.12.1999 / 02:34:35 / cg"
+     ^ JavaEventThread
+    "Created: / 8.1.1999 / 17:05:02 / cg"
+     ^ JavaScreenUpdaterThread
+    "Created: / 8.1.1999 / 17:06:52 / cg"
+    "Return an object keeping Java performance counters"
+    ^ PerfCounters
+    "Modified: / 14-08-2012 / 00:39:16 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    ^ Reflection.
+    "Created: / 28-01-2011 / 15:09:19 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    ^ ClassRegistry.
+    "Modified (format): / 21-10-2011 / 11:12:27 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    ^SmalltalkClassLoader
+    "Created: / 22-08-2012 / 13:00:31 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    ^SystemClassLoader
+    "Created: / 30-10-2011 / 12:08:33 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    JavaMethod makeMetaMethod
+    "Created: / 23-02-2011 / 12:59:44 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    JavaMethod makeJavaMethod
+    "Created: / 23-02-2011 / 12:59:37 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!JavaVM class methodsFor:'cache management'!
+flushCachesFor: aClass
+    "Flush all caches for given class, including JIT-compiled code.
+     Called for allow for dynamic recompilation when a reference
+     is resolved"
+    aClass methodDictionary do:[:mthd|
+        (mthd isJavaMethod and:[mthd isResolved not]) ifTrue:[
+            "Stdout nextPutAll:'Flushing code for ' , mthd printString; cr."
+            mthd code: nil.
+            mthd checked: false.
+        ].
+    ].
+    ObjectMemory flushCachesFor: aClass.
+    "Created: / 17-10-2012 / 20:22:17 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!JavaVM class methodsFor:'class access'!
+arrayClassFor: javaClass ifAbsentPut: block
+    ^self reflection arrayClassFor: javaClass ifAbsentPut: block
+    "Created: / 05-07-2012 / 23:20:06 / Jan Vrany <>"
+at: aString
+    ^ ClassRegistry classNamed: aString asInternalJavaClassName.
+    "Modified (comment): / 21-10-2011 / 12:14:29 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 23-10-2011 / 12:25:26 / Jan Vrany <>"
+at: aString put: aJavaClass
+    self breakPoint: #mh.
+    self breakPoint: #jv.
+    "dont use me anymore"
+    ^ ClassRegistry registerClass: aJavaClass
+    "Modified (comment): / 21-10-2011 / 12:14:36 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 23-10-2011 / 11:58:20 / Jan Vrany <>"
+classForName: className
+    "load class from registry - load using classLoader from query or JavaClassReader if absent"
+    ^ self classForName: className asSlashedJavaClassName
+        definedBy: (JavaClassReader classLoaderQuerySignal query) "? SystemClassLoader".
+    "Modified: / 30-10-2011 / 17:46:07 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 02-11-2011 / 16:33:36 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+classForName: className definedBy: classLoader
+    "load class from registry - load using given classLoader if not nil"
+    | result |
+    result := self
+                classForName: className asSlashedJavaClassName
+                definedBy: classLoader
+                ifAbsentPut: [
+                    | class  classLoaderEnsured |
+                    self assert: (className includes: $.) not.
+                    self booted ifFalse: [
+                        "class loaders allowed after vm boot, until then, only primordial"
+                        class := self usePrimordialCLToLoadClassNamed: className.
+                        self assert: (class notNil)
+                            description: 'Couldnt load class ' , className , ' while booting Java VM'.
+                        class.
+                    ] ifTrue: [
+                        self assert: (self booted)
+                            description: 'Java VM is not booted and we are not using primordial class loader to load: '
+                                    , className.
+                        (Java release bootClassPathIncludesClassNamed: className) ifTrue: [
+                            "we will use primordial class loader for classes in rt.jar etc"
+                            class := self usePrimordialCLToLoadClassNamed: className.
+                            self assert: (class notNil)
+                                description: 'Class ' , className
+                                        , ' is supposed to be in boot classpath, but we couldnt load it'.
+                            class.
+                        ] ifFalse: [
+                            (Java release extDirsIncludesClassNamed: className) ifTrue: [
+                                class := self useExtCLToLoadClassNamed: className.
+                                self assert: (class notNil)
+                                    description: 'Class ' , className
+                                            , ' is supposed to be in java.ext,dirs, but we couldnt load it'.
+                                class.
+                            ] ifFalse: [
+                                "at this point, nil classLoader means use system class loader,
+                                 in other words, at this point, we shouldnt use primordial cl at all"
+                                classLoader isNil ifTrue: [
+                                    self assert: (self systemClassLoader notNil)
+                                        description: 'We needed system class loader, but its not loaded yet'.
+                                    classLoaderEnsured := self systemClassLoader
+                                ] ifFalse: [ classLoaderEnsured := classLoader ].
+                                class := self useUserDefinedCL: classLoaderEnsured
+                                            toLoadClassNamed: className.
+                                class isNil ifTrue: [
+                                    Logger
+                                        log: 'Even ' , classLoader printString , ' was not able to load class '
+                                                , className
+                                        severity: #warn
+                                        facility: 'JVM'.
+                                    nil
+                                ] ifFalse: [ class ].
+                            ]
+                        ]
+                    ]
+                ].
+    result isNil ifTrue: [
+        Logger
+            log: 'Class ' , className , ' couldnt be loaded'
+            severity: #warn
+            facility: 'JVM'
+    ] ifFalse: [ result := self makeArrayOf: result asDescribedBy: className. ].
+    ^ result.
+    "Created: / 21-10-2011 / 12:01:16 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 30-10-2011 / 13:54:35 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 02-11-2011 / 16:49:45 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+classForName: className definedBy: classLoader ifAbsentPut: aBlock
+    "load class from registry - if absent evaluate given block to get loaded class"
+    | result |
+    className asJavaComponentClassName isJavaPrimitiveTypeDescriptor ifTrue: [
+        ^ (JavaDescriptor fromString: className) javaClass.
+    ].
+    result := ClassRegistry
+                classForName: className asSlashedJavaClassName
+                loader: classLoader
+                ifAbsentPut: aBlock.
+    result notNil ifTrue: [
+        result := self makeArrayOf: result asDescribedBy: className.
+    ].
+    ^ result.
+    "Created: / 21-10-2011 / 12:13:08 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 30-10-2011 / 22:04:23 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified (format): / 02-11-2011 / 16:09:48 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+classNamed: className
+    "Return class with given name loaded by current classloader or nil if class is not yet loaded"
+    ^ self classNamed: className definedBy: JavaClassReader classLoaderQuerySignal query.
+    "Modified: / 21-10-2011 / 12:09:13 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified (comment): / 21-10-2011 / 13:34:46 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 28-10-2011 / 22:12:14 / Jan Vrany <>"
+classNamed: className definedBy: classLoader
+    "Return class with given name loaded by given classloader or nil if class is not yet loaded"
+    | result |
+    className asJavaComponentClassName isJavaPrimitiveTypeDescriptor ifTrue: [
+        ^ (JavaDescriptor fromString: className) javaClass.
+    ].
+    result := ClassRegistry
+                classForName: className asSlashedJavaClassName
+                loader: classLoader
+                ifAbsent: [ ^ nil ].
+    ^ self makeArrayOf: result asDescribedBy: className.
+    "Created: / 21-10-2011 / 11:58:21 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 23-10-2011 / 12:01:16 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 01-11-2011 / 15:36:21 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+loadClassesIn: directory
+"load all classes (.class files, strictly speaking) found in given directory.
+The argument is string containing the name of the directory.
+Returns a set of loaded classes."
+^ self loadClassesIn: directory matching: '*'.
+    "Modified: / 11-06-2011 / 13:35:08 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Created: / 21-10-2011 / 12:40:34 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+loadClassesIn: directory matching: pattern
+    "load all classes (.class files, strictly speaking) found in given directory.
+     The arguments are a string containing the name of the directory
+     and a class name pattern. Only classes matching the pattern are loaded.
+     class names are matched using String>>matches:.
+     Returns a set of loaded classes."
+    | dir  dirString  className  loadedClasses |
+    dir := directory asFilename asAbsoluteFilename.
+    loadedClasses := Set new.
+    Java addToClassPath: dir pathName.
+    JavaClassReader classLoaderQuerySignal answer: SystemClassLoader do:[
+    dir
+        recursiveDirectoryContentsAsFilenamesDo: [
+            :filename |
+            (filename isRegularFile and: [ filename suffix = #class ]) ifTrue: [
+                dirString := dir pathName.
+                className := filename withoutSuffix pathName.
+                className := className subString: dirString size + 2 to: className size.
+                className := className copyReplaceAll: (Filename separator) with: $..
+                (className matches: pattern) ifTrue: [
+                    (self classNamed: className) isNil ifTrue:[
+                        loadedClasses add: (self classForName:className).
+                    ].
+                ]
+            ]
+        ].
+    ].
+    ^ loadedClasses.
+    "Modified: / 21-10-2011 / 12:52:06 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 30-10-2011 / 14:02:31 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!JavaVM class methodsFor:'class loading'!
+useExtCLToLoadClassNamed: className
+    | ecl  class |
+    ecl := self extClassLoader.
+    self assert: (ecl notNil)
+        description: 'we want to use ExtClassLoader, but its not loaded yet'.
+    class := ecl
+                perform: #'loadClassInternal(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;'
+                with: (Java as_String: (className asDottedJavaClassName)).
+    self assert: (class notNil)
+        description: 'we tried to load class ' , className
+                , ' using ExtClassLoader and we failed:)'.
+                class := JavaVM classForJavaClassObject: class.
+                class classLoader: ecl.
+    ^ class.
+    "Created: / 02-11-2011 / 13:48:02 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+usePrimordialCLToLoadClassNamed: className
+    | class |
+    JavaClassReader classLoaderQuerySignal answer: nil
+        do: [
+            class := JavaClassReader readClass: className.
+        ].
+    ^ class
+    "Modified: / 02-11-2011 / 17:28:08 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+useUserDefinedCL: classLoader toLoadClassNamed: className
+    | classObject  class |
+    classObject := classLoader
+                perform: #'loadClassInternal(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;'
+                with: (Java as_String: (className asDottedJavaClassName)).
+    class := self classForJavaClassObject: classObject.
+    class javaMirror getClassLoader isNil ifTrue: [self breakPoint:#mh].
+    ^ class.
+    "Created: / 02-11-2011 / 16:20:35 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 22-08-2012 / 12:57:59 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!JavaVM class methodsFor:'debugging support'!
+    MonitorTrace := false.
+    "Created: / 22-11-2011 / 10:29:53 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    MonitorTrace := true.
+    "Created: / 22-11-2011 / 10:29:46 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified (format): / 07-04-2012 / 08:47:53 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    ^ ExceptionDebug
+    "Created: / 27.1.1999 / 20:14:51 / cg"
+    ExceptionDebug := aBoolean
+    "Created: / 27.1.1999 / 20:15:00 / cg"
+    ^ ExceptionDebugPatterns
+    "
+    ExceptionDebug must be set in order to ExceptionDebugPatterns work
+    ExceptionDebug := true.
+    ExceptionDebug := false.
+    ExceptionDebugPatterns removeAll.
+    ExceptionDebugPatterns add: 'java/lang/SecurityException*'.
+    ExceptionDebugPatterns add: 'java/net/ConnectException*'.
+    ExceptionDebugPatterns add: 'java/lang/IllegalArgumentException'.
+    ExceptionDebugPatterns add: 'java/lang/IllegalAccessException'.
+    ExceptionDebugPatterns add: 'java/lang/ClassNotFoundException'.
+    ExceptionDebugPatterns add: 'java/io/IOException'.
+    ExceptionDebugPatterns add: 'java/io/FileNotFoundException'.
+    ExceptionDebugPatterns add: 'java/io/EOFException'.
+    ExceptionDebugPatterns add: 'java/lang/NoSuchMethodException'.
+    ExceptionDebugPatterns add: 'java/lang/ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException'.
+    ExceptionDebugPatterns add: 'java/lang/IllegalMonitorStateException'.
+    ExceptionDebugPatterns add: 'org/xml/sax/SAXParseException'.
+    ExceptionDebugPatterns add: 'org/apache/xerces/xni/parser/XMLParseException'.
+    ExceptionDebugPatterns add: 'java/lang/InstantiationException'.
+    ExceptionDebugPatterns add: 'java/lang/RuntimeException'.
+    ExceptionDebugPatterns add: 'java/lang/ClassCastException'.
+    ExceptionDebug := true.
+    "
+    "Created: / 25-02-2011 / 08:08:46 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!JavaVM class methodsFor:'debugging-dumping'!
+dumpOpenExternalStream: stream on: output
+    output nextPutAll: stream class printString.
+    output space.
+    OpenFileTable notNil ifTrue:[
+        | idx |
+        idx := OpenFileTable identityIndexOf: stream.
+        idx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+            output nextPutAll:'JavaVM:OpenFileTable['; nextPutAll: idx printString; nextPut:$]; space.
+        ]
+    ].
+    ZipCache notNil ifTrue:[
+        | idx |
+        idx := ZipCache identityIndexOf: stream.
+        idx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+            output nextPutAll:'JavaVM:ZipCache['; nextPutAll: idx printString; nextPut:$]; space.
+        ]
+    ].
+    stream isFileStream ifTrue:[
+        output nextPutAll: stream pathName ? '?'
+    ]
+    "Created: / 23-07-2012 / 16:40:30 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    ^self dumpOpenExternalStreamsOn: Stdout.
+    "Created: / 23-07-2012 / 16:32:10 / Jan Vrany <>"
+dumpOpenExternalStreamsOn: aStream
+    | nOpenStreams |
+    nOpenStreams := 0.
+    ExternalStream allSubInstancesDo:[:each|
+        each isOpen ifTrue:[
+            nOpenStreams := nOpenStreams + 1.
+            self dumpOpenExternalStream: each on: aStream.
+            aStream cr.
+        ]
+    ].
+    aStream nextPutLine:
+        ('SUMMARY: open=%1,,'
+            bindWith: nOpenStreams
+                with: ((OpenFileTable ? #()) inject:0 into:[:a :s|a + (s notNil ifTrue:[1] ifFalse:[0])])
+                with: ((ZipCache ? #())      inject:0 into:[:a :s|a + (s notNil ifTrue:[1] ifFalse:[0])])
+        )
+    "
+        JavaVM dumpOpenExternalStreamsOn: Stdout
+    "
+    "Created: / 23-07-2012 / 16:34:49 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!JavaVM class methodsFor:'defaults'!
+    ^ NoAudio not
+    "Created: / 18.7.1998 / 22:31:36 / cg"
+    NoAudio := aBoolean not
+    "Created: / 18.7.1998 / 22:31:20 / cg"
+    |s|
+    s := '' writeStream.
+    Java classPath
+        do:[:p | s nextPutAll:p asString ]
+        separatedBy: [s nextPut: OperatingSystem pathSeparator].
+    ^ s contents
+    "
+     self defaultCLASSPATH
+    "
+    "Created: / 03-01-1998 / 14:27:21 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 27-07-2012 / 19:31:58 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    ^String streamContents:[:s|
+        Java javaExtDirs do:[:dir|
+            s nextPutAll: dir pathName.
+        ] separatedBy:[
+            s nextPut: OperatingSystem pathSeparator.
+        ]
+    ]
+    "
+    JavaVM defaultExtDirs
+    "
+    "Created: / 31-08-2011 / 20:03:34 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    ^ '/usr/local/java/hotjava'.
+    "Modified: / 5.8.1997 / 04:13:36 / cg"
+    "Created: / 3.1.1998 / 14:27:34 / cg"
+    ^ Java javaHome
+    "Modified: / 6.8.1997 / 00:54:44 / cg"
+    "Created: / 3.1.1998 / 14:27:01 / cg"
+    '/phys/idefix/home2/java/JWS2_0/Java-WorkShop2.0/JWS' asFilename exists ifTrue:[
+	^ '/phys/idefix/home2/java/JWS2_0/Java-WorkShop2.0/JWS'
+    ].
+    ^ '/usr/local/java/JWS'.
+    "Created: / 3.1.1998 / 14:27:42 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 3.12.1998 / 14:54:08 / cg"
+    | dirs |
+    dirs := OrderedCollection new
+            add: Java release javaHome asFilename / 'lib';
+            add: Java release javaHome asFilename / 'lib' / 'amd64';
+            add: Java release javaHome asFilename / 'lib' / 'i386';
+            add: Java release javaHome asFilename / 'jre' / 'lib' ;
+            add: Java release javaHome asFilename / 'jre' / 'lib' / 'amd64'  ;
+            add: Java release javaHome asFilename / 'jre' / 'lib' / 'i386' ;
+            add: Java release javaHome asFilename / 'jre' / 'bin' ;
+            yourself.
+    OperatingSystem isMSWINDOWSlike ifTrue:[
+        dirs
+            add: Java release javaHome asFilename / 'bin'.
+    ].
+    ^String streamContents:
+        [:path|
+        (dirs select:[:d|d exists])
+            do:[:d|path nextPutAll:d pathName]
+            separatedBy:[path nextPut: OperatingSystem pathSeparator]]
+    "
+        JavaVM defaultJavaLibraryPath
+    "
+    "Created: / 10-12-2010 / 14:09:50 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 01-04-2011 / 18:21:35 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    |s|
+    s := '' writeStream.
+    Java release classPath
+        do:[:p | s nextPutAll:p asString]
+        separatedBy: [s nextPut: OperatingSystem pathSeparator].
+    ^ s contents
+    "
+        JavaVM defaultSunBootLibraryPath
+    "
+    "Created: / 10-12-2010 / 14:37:36 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "/ prefer the windows toolkit ...
+    (self classForName: '') notNil ifTrue: [
+        ^ ''.
+    ].
+    (Java classForName: 'sun.awt.motif.MToolkit') notNil ifTrue: [
+        self halt: 'MotifToolKit: this is untested code'.
+        ^ 'sun.awt.motif.MToolkit'.
+    ].
+    self halt: 'TinyToolKit: this is untested code'.
+    ^ 'sun.awt.tiny.TinyToolkit'.
+    "/    ^ 'sun.awt.win32.MToolkit'.
+    "/    ^ 'sun.awt.motif.MToolkit'.
+    "
+     self defaultWindowingToolKit"
+    "Created: / 3.1.1998 / 14:27:49 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 27.1.1998 / 21:52:52 / cg"
+    ^ FileAccessTrace
+    "Created: / 27.1.1999 / 18:55:40 / cg"
+    FileAccessTrace := aBoolean
+    "Created: / 19.10.1998 / 16:01:44 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 27.1.1999 / 18:55:52 / cg"
+    ^ FileOpenConfirmation
+    "Created: / 19.10.1998 / 16:01:44 / cg"
+    FileOpenConfirmation := aBoolean
+    "Created: / 19.10.1998 / 16:01:56 / cg"
+    JavaConsoleStream := aStream
+    "
+     JavaVM javaConsole:Transcript
+    "
+    "Modified: / 6.8.1997 / 00:34:13 / cg"
+    "Created: / 3.1.1998 / 14:27:58 / cg"
+    ^ JavaConsoleStream
+    "Created: / 3.1.1998 / 14:32:16 / cg"
+    ^ NullPointerExceptionDebug
+    "Created: / 27.1.1999 / 20:14:51 / cg"
+    NullPointerExceptionDebug := aBoolean
+    "Created: / 27.1.1999 / 20:15:00 / cg"
+    ^ SocketConnectConfirmation
+    "Created: / 19.10.1998 / 16:02:15 / cg"
+    SocketConnectConfirmation := aBoolean
+    "Created: / 19.10.1998 / 16:02:06 / cg"
+! !
+!JavaVM class methodsFor:'eager resolving'!
+    EagerResolvingEnabled := false.
+    "Created: / 08-12-2011 / 21:06:11 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    ^ EagerResolvingEnabled.
+    "Created: / 08-12-2011 / 21:05:21 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+     EagerResolvingEnabled := true.
+    "Created: / 08-12-2011 / 21:06:03 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+! !
+!JavaVM class methodsFor:'fileIO'!
+    "Given a stream, adds it into the open file table. Returns a
+     (fake) file descriptor number"
+    | fd |
+    OpenFileTableLock critical:[
+        fd := OpenFileTable indexOf: nil.
+        fd ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+            OpenFileTable at: fd put: aStream.
+            fd := fd - 1.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            OpenFileTable add:aStream.
+            fd := OpenFileTable size - 1.
+        ].
+    ].
+    ^fd
+    "Created: / 02-01-1998 / 18:32:59 / cg"
+    "Modified (comment): / 18-07-2012 / 23:00:44 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    ^ OpenFileTable at:idx+1 ifAbsent:nil.
+    "Created: / 2.1.1998 / 18:28:01 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 2.1.1998 / 18:33:06 / cg"
+setOpenFile:aStream at:idx
+    OpenFileTable size < (idx+1) ifTrue:[
+        OpenFileTable grow:idx+1.
+    ].
+    OpenFileTable at:idx+1 put:aStream.
+"/    Do not shrink OpenFileTable now, make debugging easier
+"/    aStream isNil ifTrue:[
+"/        [ OpenFileTable last isNil ] whileTrue:[
+"/            OpenFileTable removeLast.
+"/        ]
+"/    ].
+    "Modified: / 02-01-1998 / 18:33:21 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 14-11-2011 / 19:53:46 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!JavaVM class methodsFor:'helpers'!
+canCast: s to: t
+    "Helper for _CHECKCAST:_:"
+    | sc  tc |
+    "Not specified in JVM spec, sigh"
+    s isJavaPrimitiveType ifTrue: [
+        "FIXME"
+        ^ s == t or:[(s isSubclassOf: t) or:[t isSubclassOf: s]]
+    ].
+     "
+     Java VM Spec, 3rd edition, p 280:
+     The following rules are used to determine whether an objectref that is not
+     null can be cast to the resolved type: if S is the class of the object
+     referred to by objectref and T is the resolved class, array, or interface type,
+     checkcast determines whether objectref can be cast to type T as follows:
+     - If S is an ordinary (nonarray) class, then:
+     - If T is a class type, then S must be the same class as T, or a subclass
+     of T.
+     - If T is an interface type, then S must implement interface T.
+    "
+    (s isJavaArrayClass not and: [ s isInterface not ]) ifTrue: [
+        ^ (s includesBehavior: t).
+    ].
+     "
+     - If S is an interface type, then:
+     - If T is a class type, then T must be Object.
+     - If T is an interface type, then T must be the same interface as S or a
+     superinterface of S.
+    "
+    s isInterface ifTrue: [
+        ^ t isInterface not
+            ifTrue: [ t == (self classForName: 'java.lang.Object') ]
+            ifFalse: [ s includesBehavior: t ]
+    ].
+     "
+     - If S is a class representing the array type SC[], that is, an array of com-
+     ponents of type SC , then:
+    "
+    self assert: s isJavaArrayClass description: 'S should be array type'.
+    sc := s javaComponentClass.
+     "
+     - If T is a class type, then T must be Object.
+    "
+    t isJavaClassType ifTrue: [ ^ t == (self classForName: 'java.lang.Object') ].
+     "
+     - If T is an array type TC[], that is, an array of components of type TC ,
+     then one of the following must be true:
+     - TC and SC are the same primitive type.
+     - TC and SC are reference types, and type SC can be cast to TC by
+     recursive application of these rules.
+    "
+    t isJavaArrayClass ifTrue: [
+        tc := t javaComponentClass.
+        ^ tc isJavaPrimitiveType
+            ifTrue: [ tc == sc ]
+            ifFalse: [ self canCast: sc to: tc ]
+    ].
+     "
+     - If T is an interface type, T must be one of the interfaces implemented
+     by arrays (JLS3 4.10.3).
+    "
+    ((t name == #'java/lang/Cloneable')
+        or: [ t name == #'java/lang/Serializable' ]) ifTrue: [ ^ true ].
+    ^ false
+    "Modified: / 09-01-1999 / 00:45:21 / cg"
+    "Created: / 11-02-2011 / 08:21:36 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 21-10-2011 / 13:50:36 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 24-02-2012 / 16:34:17 / Jan Vrany <>"
+invoke: jmethod receiver: obj arguments: args context: context "of the native method" constructor: isConstructor
+    "Common helper for invoking methods and ctors. Performs
+     (type) checks and unboxing. Return (possibly boxed) return value."
+    | method parameterTypes bargs bargss retval retcls bi executionEx |
+    method := self reflection methodForJavaConstructorObject: jmethod.
+    parameterTypes := jmethod instVarNamed: #parameterTypes.
+    (obj isNil and:[method isStatic not]) ifTrue:[
+        self throwNullPointerException.
+        ^nil.
+    ].
+    "Possibly box/unbox arguments"
+    args notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
+        bargs := Array new: (bargss := method numArgs).
+        bi := 1.
+        1 to: args size do:[:i|
+            | cls |
+            bi > bargss ifTrue:[
+"/                self breakPoint: #jv.
+                self throwIllegalArgumentException: 'passed more arguments than expected'.
+            ].
+            cls := self classForJavaClassObject: (parameterTypes at: i).
+            cls isJavaPrimitiveType ifTrue:[
+                bargs at: bi put: (cls javaUnbox: (args at:i) onError:[
+"/                    self breakPoint: #jv.
+                    self throwIllegalArgumentException:'illegal unbox'. ^nil
+                ]).
+                (cls == LargeInteger or:[cls == Float]) ifTrue:[bi := bi + 1].
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                ((args at:i) isNil or:[(self canCast: (args at:i) class to: cls)]) ifFalse:[
+                    self breakPoint: #jv.
+                    self throwIllegalArgumentException:'incomplatible argument types'. ^nil.
+                ].
+                bargs at: bi put: (args at:i).
+            ].
+            bi := bi + 1.
+       ].
+        bi <= bargss ifTrue:[
+"/             self breakPoint: #jv.
+             self throwExceptionClassName: 'java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException'
+                              withMessage: 'not enough arguments'
+        ].
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        bargs := #()
+    ].
+    "Check number of arguments"
+    method numArgs ~= bargs size ifTrue:[
+        self throwIllegalArgumentException:'Invalid number of arguments'.
+        ^nil.
+    ].
+    "Lookup the method here - hack, because of those stupid package private methods"
+    method isStatic not ifTrue:[
+        method := JavaLookup instance
+                    lookupMethodForSelector: method selector
+                                 directedTo: obj class
+                                        for: obj
+                              withArguments: bargs
+                                       from: context
+                                        ilc: nil.
+        method isNil ifTrue:[
+            self throwIllegalArgumentException:'Message not understood - invalid class for ''this'''.
+            ^nil.
+        ].
+    ].
+    "Fire the method"
+    [
+        method isStatic ifTrue:[
+            retval := method valueWithReceiver: method javaClass arguments: bargs.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            retval := method valueWithReceiver: obj arguments: bargs.
+        ].
+    ] on: (self classForName:'java.lang.Throwable') do:[:ex |
+        executionEx := ex.
+    ].
+    executionEx notNil ifTrue:[
+        self throwInvocationTargetException: 'An exception occured during invocation' target: executionEx.
+        ^nil.
+    ].
+    isConstructor ifFalse:[
+        retcls := jmethod instVarNamed: #returnType.
+        retcls notNil ifTrue:[
+            retcls := self classForJavaClassObject: retcls.
+            retcls ~~ UndefinedObject ifTrue:[
+                retval := retcls javaBox: retval.
+            ]
+        ].
+    ].
+    ^retval.
+    "Created: / 05-07-2012 / 23:48:37 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    self breakPoint:#mh info:'refactor my sender to use reflection directly'.
+    ^ self reflection javaStringObjectForString:string interned:false
+    "Created: / 22-11-2010 / 16:31:27 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 09-02-2011 / 00:47:49 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+javaStringObjectForString:string interned:intern
+    ^self reflection javaStringObjectForString:string interned:intern.
+    "Created: / 22-11-2010 / 16:28:09 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 22-11-2010 / 17:57:43 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 09-02-2011 / 01:04:21 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+javaThreadForSTProcess: stProcess
+    | result |
+    result := Java threadForStProcess: stProcess ifAbsent: nil.
+    result == 0 ifTrue: [ self breakPoint: #mh. ^ nil].
+    ^ result.
+    "Modified: / 26-08-1997 / 19:56:31 / cg"
+    "Created: / 03-01-1998 / 01:53:41 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 09-12-2011 / 13:12:28 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+makeArrayOf: loadedJavaClass asDescribedBy: className
+    | arrayClass  dimensions |
+    arrayClass := loadedJavaClass.
+    dimensions := className occurrencesOf: $[.
+        arrayClass isJavaArrayClass ifTrue: [
+        "is already array (primitive arrays case, like ByteArray etc)"
+        dimensions := dimensions - 1.
+    ].
+    dimensions timesRepeat: [ arrayClass := arrayClass javaArrayClass. ].
+        ^ arrayClass.
+    "Created: / 21-10-2011 / 12:18:21 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified (format): / 23-10-2011 / 22:30:16 / Jan Vrany <>"
+newThread: name
+    | thread  threadClass  i |
+    threadClass := JavaVM classForName: 'java.lang.Thread'.
+    thread := threadClass basicNew.
+    thread instVarNamed: '_lockWord_' put: 0.
+    thread instVarNamed: 'name' put: name. "/NOT a Java string, name instvar is char[]!!!!!!"
+    thread instVarNamed: 'priority'
+        put: (threadClass instVarNamed: 'NORM_PRIORITY').
+    thread instVarNamed: 'single_step' put: 0.
+    thread instVarNamed: 'daemon' put: 0.
+    thread instVarNamed: 'stillborn' put: 0.
+    thread instVarNamed: 'threadStatus' put: 0.
+    thread instVarNamed: 'target' put: nil.
+    thread instVarNamed: 'blockerLock' put:
+        ((JavaVM classForName: 'java.lang.Object') basicNew
+            instVarAt: 1 put: 0;
+            yourself).
+    "/
+    "/ that on was only temporarily present in JDK1.1.3 (sigh)
+    "/
+    (i := thread class instVarOffsetOf: 'initial_stack_memory') notNil ifTrue: [
+        thread instVarAt: i put: 0.
+    ].
+    thread instVarNamed: 'group' put: (self standardThreadGroup).
+    threadClass classLoader isNil ifTrue: [
+        thread instVarNamed: 'contextClassLoader' put: self systemClassLoader
+    ] ifFalse: [
+        thread instVarNamed: 'contextClassLoader' put: threadClass classLoader
+    ].
+    ^ thread
+    "Created: / 03-01-1998 / 01:47:30 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 27-01-1998 / 00:54:33 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 01-12-2011 / 17:43:38 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 19-09-2012 / 16:06:24 / Jan Vrany <>"
+stProcessForJavaThread: jThread
+    | result |
+    result := Java threadsAt: jThread ifAbsent: nil.
+    result == 0 ifTrue: [ self breakPoint: #mh. ^ nil ].
+    ^ result.
+    "Created: / 02-01-1998 / 21:48:27 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 03-01-1998 / 01:53:55 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 09-12-2011 / 13:12:39 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    | standardGroup  threadClass |
+    StandardThreadGroup isNil ifTrue: [
+        threadClass := JavaVM classForName: 'java.lang.Thread'.
+        standardGroup := (self classForName: 'java.lang.ThreadGroup') new.
+        standardGroup instVarNamed: 'parent' put: nil.
+        standardGroup instVarNamed: 'name' put: (Java as_String: 'main').
+        standardGroup instVarNamed: 'maxPriority'
+            put: (threadClass instVarNamed: 'MAX_PRIORITY').
+        standardGroup instVarNamed: 'destroyed' put: 0.
+        standardGroup instVarNamed: 'daemon' put: nil.
+        (standardGroup class instVarOffsetOf: 'vmAllowSuspension') notNil ifTrue: [
+            standardGroup instVarNamed: 'vmAllowSuspension' put: 0.
+        ].
+        standardGroup instVarNamed: 'nthreads' put: 0.
+        standardGroup instVarNamed: 'ngroups' put: 0.
+        standardGroup instVarNamed: 'groups' put: nil.
+        StandardThreadGroup := standardGroup.
+    ].
+    ^ StandardThreadGroup
+    "Created: / 03-01-1998 / 01:41:54 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 17-11-1998 / 22:55:30 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 25-04-2011 / 20:27:26 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!JavaVM class methodsFor:'helpers - awt'!
+    |view x y width height ext menu|
+    view := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.
+    x := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    y := nativeContext argAt:2.
+    width := nativeContext argAt:3.
+    height := nativeContext argAt:4.
+    ext := width@height.
+"/    'pReshape ' print. view print.
+"/    ' ' print. x print. '/' print. y print.
+"/    ' extent: ' print. ext printNL.
+    view isPopUpView ifTrue:[
+	view origin:x@y extent:ext.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+	(view isTopView
+	or:[view isMemberOf:JavaEmbeddedFrameView]) ifTrue:[
+	    "/
+	    "/ dont allow setting the origin
+	    "/
+	    menu := self topViewsMenu:view.
+	    menu notNil ifTrue:[
+		"/ must add the menus height
+		height := height + menu height.
+		ext := width@height.
+	    ].
+	    "/ to prevent a view from not being visible/closable
+	    "/ in case Java goes mad ..
+	    (width < 30
+	    or:[height < 10]) ifTrue:[
+		"/ self halt.
+		width := 30.
+		height := 20.
+		ext := width@height.
+	    ].
+	    view extent:ext.
+	    (view isKindOf:ModalBox) ifTrue:[
+		view preferredExtent:ext
+	    ].
+	    "/ adjust non-resizable views min/max
+	    view isTopView ifTrue:[
+		view minExtent notNil ifTrue:[
+		    view minExtent:ext.
+		    view maxExtent:ext
+		].
+	    ]
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    (view superView notNil
+	    and:[view superView isTopView]) ifTrue:[
+		menu := self topViewsMenu:view superView.
+		menu notNil ifTrue:[
+		    "/ must add menus height to yPos
+		    y := y + menu height.
+		]
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		"/ post a configuration event
+		EventTrace == true ifTrue:[
+		    'JAVA: configure: need event' printCR.
+		]
+	    ].
+	    (x isNil or:[y isNil]) ifTrue:[
+		Transcript showCR:'bad args to reshape'.
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		view origin:x@y extent:ext.
+	    ]
+	].
+    ].
+    view isJavaView ifTrue:[
+	view invalidate.
+    ].
+    ^ nil
+    "Created: / 4.1.1998 / 18:00:52 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 5.12.1998 / 13:34:20 / cg"
+createdWindowsView:aView for:aJavaPeer
+    "this is only sent with the toolkit"
+    aJavaPeer instVarNamed:'pData' put:aView.
+    JavaWindowGroup isNil ifTrue:[
+	JavaWindowGroup := WindowGroup new.
+	JavaWindowGroup isForModalSubview:true.
+    ].
+    aView windowGroup:JavaWindowGroup.
+    JavaWindowGroup addView:aView.
+    KnownWindows isNil ifTrue:[
+	KnownWindows := IdentityDictionary new.
+    ].
+    KnownWindows at:aJavaPeer put:aView.
+    FirstWindowCreationSemaphore signalIf.
+"/'*** ' print. aJavaPeer print. ' -> ' print. aView printCR.
+"/(aView isKindOf:ModalBox) ifTrue:[
+"/    self halt.
+    "Created: / 4.1.1998 / 17:57:16 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 28.1.1998 / 22:40:19 / cg"
+    |jGraphics gc orgX orgY trans tX tY|
+    jGraphics := nativeContext receiver.
+    O_WGgraphics_pData isNil ifTrue:[
+	O_WGgraphics_pData := (jGraphics class instVarOffsetOf:'pData').
+    ].
+    O_WGgraphics_originX isNil ifTrue:[
+	O_WGgraphics_originX := (jGraphics class instVarOffsetOf:'originX').
+    ].
+    O_WGgraphics_originY isNil ifTrue:[
+	O_WGgraphics_originY := (jGraphics class instVarOffsetOf:'originY').
+    ].
+    gc := jGraphics instVarAt:O_WGgraphics_pData.
+    trans := gc translation.
+    tX := trans x.
+    tY := trans y.
+"/    tX := gc translationX.
+"/    tY := gc translationY.
+    orgX := jGraphics instVarAt:O_WGgraphics_originX.
+    orgY := jGraphics instVarAt:O_WGgraphics_originY.
+    ((orgX ~~ tX) or:[orgY ~~ tY]) ifTrue:[
+	gc translation:orgX@orgY
+    ].
+    ^ gc
+    "Created: / 8.1.1998 / 00:16:38 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 23.12.1998 / 20:27:35 / cg"
+    ^ KnownWindows keyAtValue:aView ifAbsent:nil
+    "Created: / 15.1.1998 / 13:48:01 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 15.1.1998 / 13:48:43 / cg"
+    |jFramePeer view x y width height menu|
+    jFramePeer := nativeContext receiver.
+    view := jFramePeer instVarNamed:'pData'.
+    x := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    y := nativeContext argAt:2.
+    width := nativeContext argAt:3.
+    height := nativeContext argAt:4.
+"/    'pReshape ' print. view print.
+"/    ' ' print. x print. '/' print. y print.
+"/    ' extent: ' print. width print. '/' print. height printNL.
+    view isPopUpView ifTrue:[
+	self halt.
+    ].
+    (view isTopView
+    or:[view isMemberOf:JavaEmbeddedFrameView]) ifTrue:[
+	"/
+	"/ dont allow setting the origin
+	"/
+	menu := self topViewsMenu:view.
+	menu notNil ifTrue:[
+	    "/ must add the menus height
+	    height := height + menu height
+	].
+	view extent:width@height.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+	(view superView notNil
+	and:[view superView isTopView]) ifTrue:[
+	    menu := self topViewsMenu:view superView.
+	    menu notNil ifTrue:[
+		"/ must add menus height to yPos
+		y := y + menu height.
+	    ]
+	].
+	view origin:x@y extent:width@height.
+    ].
+    ^ nil
+    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 21:47:11 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 5.12.1998 / 13:47:52 / cg"
+replacementFontFor:name style:styleNr size:size
+    |font family style|
+    style := 'roman'.
+    styleNr = 0 ifTrue:[
+        style := 'roman'
+    ].
+    font := Font family:name style:style size:size.
+    font notNil ifTrue:[^ font].
+    name = 'Dialog' ifTrue:[
+        family := 'helvetica'
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        family := 'courier'
+    ].
+    ^ Font family:name style:style size:size.
+    |idx|
+    view isTopView ifTrue:[
+	view subViews size > 0 ifTrue:[
+	    (idx := view subViews findFirst:[:v | v isMemberOf:MenuPanel]) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+		"/ must add the menus height
+		^ view subViews at:idx
+	    ]
+	].
+    ].
+    ^ nil
+    "Modified: / 4.8.1997 / 01:23:06 / cg"
+    "Created: / 4.1.1998 / 18:01:42 / cg"
+    |jPeer|
+    jPeer := nativeContext receiver.
+    "/ sigh; pData was renamed to pNativeWidget in jdk1.2 ...
+    O_FramePeer_pNativeWidget isNil ifTrue:[
+	O_FramePeer_pNativeWidget := (jPeer class instVarOffsetOf:'pNativeWidget').
+	O_FramePeer_pNativeWidget isNil ifTrue:[
+	    O_FramePeer_pNativeWidget := 0.
+	    O_FramePeer_pData isNil ifTrue:[
+		O_FramePeer_pData := (jPeer class instVarOffsetOf:'pData').
+	    ].
+	]
+    ].
+    O_FramePeer_pNativeWidget > 0 ifTrue:[
+	"/ ok, we are < 1.2
+	^ jPeer instVarAt:O_FramePeer_pNativeWidget.
+    ].
+    ^ jPeer instVarAt:O_FramePeer_pData.
+    "Modified: / 19.11.1998 / 01:43:20 / cg"
+! !
+!JavaVM class methodsFor:'helpers - exceptions'!
+    ^ self throwExceptionClassName: 'java.lang.AbstractMethodError'
+        withMessage: 'resolving a method ref failed'.
+    "Created: / 11-04-2011 / 20:32:53 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+throwArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: badIndex
+    | exClass  ex |
+    exClass := self classForName: 'java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException'.
+    ex := exClass newWith_int: badIndex.
+    ^ self throwException: ex
+    "Created: / 14.1.1998 / 21:36:05 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 20.11.1998 / 13:27:14 / cg"
+throwArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: theArray _: badIndex
+    | exClass  ex |
+    exClass := self classForName: 'java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException'.
+    ex := exClass newWith_int: badIndex.
+    ^ self throwException: ex
+    "Modified: / 20.11.1998 / 13:27:14 / cg"
+    "Created: / 8.1.1999 / 15:03:59 / cg"
+    ^ self
+        throwExceptionClassName:'java.lang.ArrayStoreException'
+         withMessage:('bad array store: ' , badArray class printString)
+    "Modified: / 23-06-2011 / 09:19:01 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    ^ self throwExceptionClassName: 'java.lang.ClassCastException'
+        withMessage: 'cast failed'
+    "Modified: / 07-01-1998 / 15:25:35 / cg"
+    "Created: / 08-01-1999 / 18:55:31 / cg"
+    "Modified (format): / 23-10-2011 / 22:33:01 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    ^ self throwClassFormatError: 'Invalid class format'
+    "Created: / 04-01-1998 / 22:26:09 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 10-11-1998 / 13:20:31 / cg"
+    "Created: / 08-08-2011 / 17:57:08 / Jan Vrany <>"
+throwClassFormatError: message
+    ^ self
+        throwExceptionClassName:'java.lang.ClassFormatError'
+        withMessage: message
+    "Created: / 04-01-1998 / 22:26:09 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 10-11-1998 / 13:20:31 / cg"
+    "Created: / 27-10-2011 / 16:20:57 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    ^ self
+	throwExceptionClassName:'java.lang.ClassNotFoundException'
+	withMessage:'no such class'
+    "Created: / 4.1.1998 / 22:25:26 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 7.1.1998 / 15:25:35 / cg"
+throwClassNotFoundException: className
+    ^ self throwExceptionClassName: 'java.lang.ClassNotFoundException'
+        withMessage: 'no such class: ' , className
+    "Created: / 4.1.1998 / 22:26:09 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 10.11.1998 / 13:20:31 / cg"
+throwDataFormatException: message
+    ^ self
+        throwExceptionClassName:''
+        withMessage: message
+    "Created: / 16-08-2012 / 17:55:27 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    DivisionByZeroExceptionDebug == true ifTrue:[
+	self halt:'division by zero'.
+    ].
+    ^ self
+	throwExceptionClassName:'java.lang.ArithmeticException'
+	withMessage:'division by zero'
+    "Created: / 8.1.1999 / 14:28:15 / cg"
+throwException: aJavaException
+    <resource: #skipInDebuggersWalkBack>
+    | con  jMsg  msg  exClass  srchCon  handlerContext  handlerPC  method  pc  hPC handler |
+    ExceptionTrace ifTrue: [
+        | tmpMessage |
+        tmpMessage := aJavaException instVarNamed: 'detailMessage'.
+        tmpMessage isNil ifTrue: [ tmpMessage := '' ] ifFalse: [
+            tmpMessage := Java as_ST_String: tmpMessage
+        ].
+        Logger
+            log: 'JAVA: exception: ' , aJavaException class fullName , ' ('
+                    , tmpMessage , ')'
+            severity: #debug
+            facility: 'JVM'
+    ].
+    ExceptionDebug ifTrue: [
+        "/        self internalError:('JAVA: exception: ' , aJavaException class fullName).
+        (ExceptionDebugPatterns isNilOrEmptyCollection
+            or: [
+                ExceptionDebugPatterns
+                    anySatisfy: [:pattern | pattern match: aJavaException class fullName ]
+            ])
+                ifTrue: [
+                    self halt: ('JAVA: exceptionDebug: ' , aJavaException class fullName)
+                ]
+    ].
+    "/
+    "/ search stack for a javaContext which handles that exception
+    "/
+    srchCon := thisContext sender.
+    [ handlerContext isNil and: [ srchCon notNil ] ] whileTrue: [
+        (srchCon isJavaContext) ifTrue: [
+            method := srchCon method.
+            pc := srchCon pc.
+            (hPC := method handlerFor: aJavaException at: pc) notNil ifTrue: [
+                handlerPC := hPC.
+                handlerContext := srchCon
+            ].
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            srchCon isHandleContext ifTrue:[
+                handler := srchCon receiver
+                    handlerForSignal: aJavaException class context: srchCon originator:thisContext sender.
+                handler notNil ifTrue:[
+                    "We have found a Smalltalk handler for Java exception here"
+                    handlerContext := srchCon.
+                ]
+            ].
+        ].
+        srchCon := srchCon sender.
+    ].
+    handlerContext isNil ifTrue: [
+        "/
+        "/ no JavaHandler ... let smalltalk handle it
+        "/
+        exClass := aJavaException class.
+        exClass == (self classNamed: 'java/lang/ThreadDeath') ifTrue: [
+            "/mh 1.12.11 uncaught threadDeaths are not delegated out.. Thread.stop javadoc
+            ^ self
+        ].
+        msg := 'Java ' , exClass name.
+        jMsg := aJavaException instVarNamed: 'detailMessage'.
+        jMsg notNil ifTrue: [ msg := msg , ': ' , (Java as_ST_String: jMsg). ].
+        "/ for our convenience: skip ST contexts
+        "/ (i.e. the handler or debugger will see the javaContext first )
+        con := thisContext sender.
+        [ con isNil or: [ con isJavaContext ] ] whileFalse: [ con := con sender ].
+        con isNil ifTrue: [ con := thisContext sender ].
+        JavaUnhandledExceptionError
+            raiseWith: aJavaException
+            errorString: msg
+            in: con.
+    ] ifFalse: [
+        handlerContext isJavaContext ifTrue:[
+            "/
+            "/ found a Java exception handler
+            "/
+            handlerContext setPC: handlerPC.
+            handlerContext exceptionArg: aJavaException pc: handlerPC.
+            handlerContext markForException.
+            handlerContext unwindAndRestartForJavaException.
+            self halt: 'should not be reached'.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            | val |
+            "/
+            "/ found a Smalltalk exception handler
+            "/
+            "/ First, call evaluate the handler (see GenericException>>doCallHandler:
+            val := handler valueWithOptionalArgument: aJavaException.
+            "handler fall through - is just like a #return:(aHandlerBlock value)"
+            "Java exceptions cannot be proceed (by design)  but they might be
+            rejected (rethrown) - this is not supported yet - we need
+            to somehow indicate that (kind of reject token object returned
+            from handler?)"
+            thisContext evaluateUnwindActionsUpTo:handlerContext.
+            handlerContext return: val.
+        ].
+    ].
+    Processor activeProcess == JavaScreenUpdaterThread ifTrue: [ self halt ].
+    Processor activeProcess == JavaEventQueueThread ifTrue: [ self halt ].
+    Processor activeProcess terminate.
+    "
+     ExceptionTrace := true"
+    "Created: / 07-01-1998 / 15:28:22 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 24-12-1999 / 02:33:25 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 01-12-2011 / 18:32:58 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 18-03-2012 / 21:47:46 / Jan Vrany <>"
+throwExceptionClassName: aJavaExceptionClassName withMessage: someMessage
+    | exClass  ex |
+    exClass := self classForName: aJavaExceptionClassName asSlashedJavaClassName definedBy: nil.
+    ex := exClass newWith_String: someMessage.
+    ^ self throwException: ex
+    "Created: / 07-01-1998 / 15:25:09 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 14-01-1998 / 23:38:30 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 30-10-2011 / 17:44:56 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 02-11-2011 / 16:54:54 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+throwExceptionClassName: aJavaExceptionClassName withMessage: someMessage cause: cause
+    | exClass  ex |
+    exClass := self classForName: aJavaExceptionClassName asSlashedJavaClassName definedBy: nil.
+    ex := exClass newWith_String: someMessage.
+    ex instVarNamed: #cause put: cause.
+    ^ self throwException: ex
+    "Created: / 05-07-2012 / 09:01:11 / Jan Vrany <>"
+throwExceptionForFinallyIn: context
+    "Evaluates a single finally block by fake-throwing
+     FinallyToken - only evaluates a finally handler in
+     given method, senders are not searched"
+    |method pc handlerPC token returnContext |
+    self assert: context isJavaContext.
+    method := context method.
+    pc := context pc.
+    token := JavaContext::FinallyToken new.
+    returnContext := thisContext sender sender sender.
+    returnContext selector == #return: ifTrue:[
+        token
+            context: context;
+            selector: #return:;
+            exception: returnContext receiver;
+            value: (returnContext argAt:1).
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        returnContext selector == #return ifTrue:[
+            token
+                context: context;
+                selector: #return;
+                exception: returnContext receiver;
+                value: nil.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            self error:'Unhandled case, inform libjava developers (JV in particular)' .
+        ].
+    ].
+    handlerPC := method handlerFor: nil at: pc.
+    handlerPC isNil ifTrue:[ ^ self ].
+    context setPC: handlerPC.
+    context exceptionArg: token pc: handlerPC.
+    context markForException.
+    context restart.
+    self halt: 'should not be reached'.
+    "Created: / 03-04-2012 / 16:56:07 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    ^ self
+        throwExceptionClassName:'java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError'
+        withMessage:'error when initializing class: ' , className
+    "Created: / 24-11-2010 / 09:23:45 / Jan Vrany <>"
+throwFileNotFoundException: message
+    ^ self
+        throwExceptionClassName:''
+        withMessage: message
+    "Created: / 04-01-1998 / 22:26:09 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 10-11-1998 / 13:20:31 / cg"
+    "Created: / 10-08-2011 / 14:19:10 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    IOExceptionDebug == true ifTrue:[
+	self halt:'IO Exception'.
+    ].
+    ^ self
+	throwExceptionClassName:''
+	withMessage:message
+    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 10:34:24 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 7.1.1998 / 15:26:25 / cg"
+    ^ self throwExceptionClassName: 'java.lang.IllegalAccessError'
+        withMessage: 'illegal access'
+    "Created: / 13-04-2011 / 23:07:54 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    ^ self
+	throwExceptionClassName:'java.lang.IllegalAccessException'
+	withMessage:'illegal access'
+    "Modified: / 7.1.1998 / 15:25:35 / cg"
+    "Created: / 14.1.1998 / 23:13:44 / cg"
+throwIllegalArgumentException: message
+    ^ self
+        throwExceptionClassName:'java.lang.IllegalArgumentException'
+        withMessage: 'illegal argument: ', message
+    "Modified: / 07-01-1998 / 15:25:35 / cg"
+    "Created: / 14-01-1998 / 23:13:44 / cg"
+    "Created: / 07-09-2011 / 14:18:17 / Jan Vrany <>"
+throwIllegalMonitorStateException: message
+    self throwExceptionClassName: 'java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException'
+            withMessage: message.
+    "Created: / 29-11-2011 / 14:21:31 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+        ^ self throwExceptionClassName: 'java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError'
+                withMessage: 'illegal change'.
+    "Created: / 11-04-2011 / 20:03:21 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    ^ self
+	throwExceptionClassName:'java.lang.InstantiationException'
+	withMessage:'cannot instantiate'
+    "Modified: / 7.1.1998 / 15:25:35 / cg"
+    "Created: / 14.1.1998 / 23:15:01 / cg"
+    ^ self
+        throwExceptionClassName:'java.lang.InstantiationException'
+        withMessage:('cannot instantiate: ' , aJavaClass javaName)
+    "Modified: / 7.1.1998 / 15:25:35 / cg"
+    "Created: / 14.1.1998 / 23:17:02 / cg"
+throwInterruptedException: message
+    ^ self throwExceptionClassName: 'java.lang.InterruptedException'
+        withMessage:message
+    "Created: / 30-11-2011 / 12:23:44 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+throwInvocationTargetException: message target: target
+    | exClass  ex |
+    exClass := self classForName: #'java/lang/reflect/InvocationTargetException' definedBy: nil.
+    ex := exClass newWith_String: message.
+    ex instVarNamed: #target put: target.
+    ^ self throwException: ex
+    "Created: / 05-07-2012 / 17:48:53 / Jan Vrany <>"
+throwLinkageError: message
+    ^ self
+        throwExceptionClassName:'java.lang.LinkageError'
+        withMessage: message
+    "Modified: / 10-11-1998 / 13:20:31 / cg"
+    "Created: / 26-11-2010 / 11:26:02 / Jan Vrany <>"
+throwNegativeArraySizeException: size
+    ^ self
+        throwExceptionClassName: 'java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException'
+        withMessage: 'negative array size: ' , size printString
+    "Created: / 13-05-2012 / 14:46:40 / Jan Vrany <>"
+  ^ self throwExceptionClassName: 'java.lang.NoSuchFieldError'
+        withMessage: 'looking up a field failed'.
+    "Created: / 13-04-2011 / 12:16:36 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+      ^ self throwExceptionClassName: 'java.lang.NoSuchMethodError'
+              withMessage: 'looking up a method failed'.
+    "Created: / 11-04-2011 / 20:33:19 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    NullPointerExceptionDebug == true ifTrue:[
+        self halt:'Null Pointer exception'.
+    ].
+    ^ self
+        throwExceptionClassName:'java.lang.NullPointerException'
+        withMessage:'null pointer'
+    "Created: / 09-01-1998 / 02:26:08 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 28-01-1998 / 02:30:09 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 13-08-2011 / 01:10:42 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    NullPointerExceptionDebug == true ifTrue: [
+        self halt: 'Null Pointer exception'.
+    ].
+    ^ self throwExceptionClassName: 'java.lang.NullPointerException'
+        withMessage: message
+    "Created: / 09-01-1998 / 02:26:08 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 28-01-1998 / 02:30:09 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 13-08-2011 / 01:10:42 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Created: / 09-12-2011 / 11:13:40 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    ^ self
+	throwExceptionClassName:'java.lang.NumberFormatException'
+	withMessage:'bad number format'
+    "Modified: / 7.1.1998 / 15:25:35 / cg"
+    "Created: / 11.1.1998 / 16:08:22 / cg"
+    ^ self
+        throwExceptionClassName:'java.lang.OutOfMemoryError'
+        withMessage:'Oops, out of memory!!'
+    "Created: / 04-01-1998 / 22:26:09 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 10-11-1998 / 13:20:31 / cg"
+    "Created: / 30-08-2011 / 09:23:42 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    JavaClassReader classLoaderQuerySignal
+        answer:  nil
+        do: [
+            ^ self throwExceptionClassName: 'java.lang.SecurityException'
+                withMessage: 'trying to load class from java.lang using different class loader?'
+        ].
+    "Created: / 01-11-2011 / 15:55:45 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+throwSecurityExceptionWith: message
+    JavaClassReader classLoaderQuerySignal answer: nil
+        do: [
+            ^ self throwExceptionClassName: 'java.lang.SecurityException'
+                withMessage: 'trying to load class from java.lang: ' , message.
+        ].
+    "Created: / 01-11-2011 / 16:28:51 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+throwSocketException: message
+    JavaClassReader classLoaderQuerySignal answer: nil
+        do: [
+            ^ self throwExceptionClassName: ''
+                withMessage: message
+        ].
+    "Created: / 01-11-2011 / 16:28:51 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Created: / 03-11-2011 / 23:31:18 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    ^ self throwZipException:'error in opening zip file'.
+    "Created: / 27-03-2011 / 16:25:43 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 20-07-2012 / 19:15:39 / Jan Vrany <>"
+throwZipException: message
+    ^ self throwExceptionClassName: ''
+           withMessage: 'error in opening zip file'.
+    "Created: / 20-07-2012 / 19:15:22 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!JavaVM class methodsFor:'helpers - io'!
+    |jStream fileNo file|
+    jStream := nativeContext receiver.
+    file := self validateFile:jStream.
+    file == Stdin ifTrue:[
+        file := StdinReplacementFileQuerySignal raiseRequest.
+        file isNil ifTrue:[
+            file := Stdin
+        ]
+    ].
+    "/ should always be bytes
+    (file ~~ Stdin
+    and:[file ~~ Stdout
+    and:[file ~~ Stderr
+    and:[file ~~ Transcript]]]) ifTrue:[
+        file close.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        self breakPoint: #jv.
+    ].
+    self setOpenFile:nil at:fileNo.
+    fileNo := jStream instVarNamed:'fd'.
+    fileNo isInteger ifFalse:[
+        "/ JDK 1.1.3
+        fileNo instVarNamed:'fd' put:0.
+    ] ifTrue:[
+        "/ JDK 1.0
+        jStream instVarNamed:'fd' put:0
+    ].
+    "Created: / 04-02-1998 / 15:22:03 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 14-10-1998 / 15:10:07 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 28-07-2012 / 02:45:19 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    |bytes offset count stream nRead|
+    bytes := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    offset := nativeContext argAt:2.
+    count := nativeContext argAt:3.
+    stream := self validateFile:(nativeContext receiver).
+    "/ should always be bytes
+    bytes class isBytes ifFalse:[
+        self halt.
+    ].
+    stream == Stdin ifTrue:[
+        stream := StdinReplacementFileQuerySignal raiseRequest.
+        stream isNil ifTrue:[
+            ^ -1 "/ 0  EOF
+        ]
+    ].
+    FileIOTrace ifTrue:[
+        ('JAVA: read ' , count printString , ' bytes from ' , stream pathName) infoPrintCR.
+    ].
+    stream isPositionable ifFalse:[
+        "/ mhmh - some kind of socket or pipe
+        stream readWait.
+    ].
+    count == 0 ifTrue:[^0].
+    Stream readErrorSignal handle:[:ex |
+        nRead := -1
+    ] do:[
+        nRead := stream nextAvailableBytes:count into:bytes startingAt:offset+1.
+    ].
+    nRead == 0 ifTrue:[
+        stream atEnd ifTrue:[
+            FileIOTrace ifTrue:[
+                ('JAVA: at EOF ' , nRead printString) infoPrintCR.
+            ].
+            ^ -1
+        ].
+    ].
+    count ~~ nRead ifTrue:[
+        FileIOTrace ifTrue:[
+            ('JAVA: only got ' , nRead printString) infoPrintCR.
+        ]
+    ].
+    ^ nRead
+    "Created: / 04-02-1998 / 15:20:00 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 10-11-1998 / 19:56:47 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 10-08-2011 / 21:35:00 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    |bytes offset count stream|
+    bytes := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    offset := nativeContext argAt:2.
+    count := nativeContext argAt:3.
+    stream := self validateFile:(nativeContext receiver).
+    FileIOTrace ifTrue:[
+        stream isFileStream ifTrue:[
+            Logger log: ('write ' , count printString , ' bytes to ' , stream pathName) severity: #info facility: 'JVM'.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            stream ~~ Stdout ifTrue:[
+                stream ~~ Stderr ifTrue:[
+                    Logger log: ('write ' , count printString , ' bytes to ' , stream displayString) severity: #info facility: 'JVM'.
+                ]
+            ]
+        ]
+    ].
+    "/ should always be bytes
+    Stream writeErrorSignal handle:[:ex |
+        ex return
+    ] do:[
+        Socket brokenConnectionSignal handle:[:ex |
+            ex return
+        ] do:[
+            stream isBinary ifTrue:[
+                stream nextPutBytes:count from:bytes startingAt:offset+1
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                stream nextPutAll: (bytes asString copyFrom: offset + 1 to: offset + count).
+            ]
+        ].
+        stream == Transcript ifTrue:[
+            Transcript endEntry
+        ]
+    ].
+    "Created: / 04-02-1998 / 15:23:58 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 16-02-1999 / 11:32:45 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 14-09-2011 / 22:05:25 / Jan Vrany <>"
+checkWritePermissionOfDirectory:dir message:msg
+    |answer|
+    (PermittedDirectories notNil
+    and:[PermittedDirectories includes:dir]) ifFalse:[
+	FileOpenConfirmation ifTrue:[
+	    answer := Dialog
+		    confirmWithCancel:msg withCRs
+			       labels:#('no' 'grant')
+			       values:#(false true)
+			      default:2.
+	    answer == false ifTrue:[
+		^ false
+	    ].
+	    (self confirm:('JAVA Security check\\Always permit writes in this directory (''' , dir pathName , ''') ?') withCRs)
+	    ifTrue:[
+		PermittedDirectories isNil ifTrue:[
+		    PermittedDirectories := Set new
+		].
+		PermittedDirectories add:dir.
+	    ]
+	]
+    ].
+    ^ true
+    "Created: / 3.12.1998 / 15:07:56 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 3.12.1998 / 15:16:55 / cg"
+    | fdobj fd stream |
+    fdobj := (nativeContext receiver instVarNamed: #fd).
+    fd    := fdobj instVarNamed: #fd.
+    fd == -1 ifTrue:[
+        "Never opened or already closed"
+        ^self.
+    ].
+    stream := self getOpenFileAt:fd.
+    stream notNil ifTrue:[
+        stream isView ifTrue:[
+            "Some applications close stdout/stderr (such as Apache Tomcat).
+             We don't want that, so ignore a close in that case"
+            stream ~~ Transcript ifTrue:[
+                self breakPoint: #jv.
+            ].
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            (stream ~~ Stdout and:[stream ~~ Stderr and:[stream ~~ Stdin]]) ifTrue:[
+                stream close.
+            ]
+        ]
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        self breakPoint: #jv.
+    ].
+    self setOpenFile: nil at: fd.
+    fdobj instVarNamed:#fd put: -1.
+    "Created: / 10-08-2011 / 14:02:47 / Jan Vrany <>"
+commonOpen:nativeContext forAppend:forAppend
+    |fs fd fn name dir stream fileNo readonly|
+    fs := nativeContext receiver.
+    fd := fs instVarNamed:'fd'.
+    (fd instVarNamed:'fd') ~~ -1 ifTrue:[
+        "/self halt:'file already open'.
+        self internalError:'file already open'.
+        ^ self.
+    ].
+    name := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    name := Java as_ST_String:name.
+    FileOpenTrace ifTrue:[
+        ('JAVA: opening ' , name) infoPrintCR.
+    ].
+    fn := name utf8Decoded asFilename.
+    dir := fn directory pathName.
+    readonly := false.
+"/    (PermittedDirectories notNil
+"/    and:[PermittedDirectories includes:dir]) ifFalse:[
+"/        FileOpenConfirmation ifTrue:[
+"/            answer := Dialog
+"/                    confirmWithCancel:('JAVA Security check\\Opening ''' , name , ''' for read/write.\Grant permission ?') withCRs
+"/                               labels:#('no' 'grant' 'readonly')
+"/                               values:#(false true #readonly)
+"/                              default:3.
+"/            answer == false ifTrue:[
+"/                self throwIOExceptionWithMessage:('no permission to open ' , name , ' for writing').
+"/                ^ self
+"/            ].
+"/            readonly := (answer == #readonly).
+"/            readonly ifFalse:[
+"/                (self confirm:('JAVA Security check\\Always permit writes in this directory (''' , dir , ''') ?') withCRs)
+"/                ifTrue:[
+"/                    PermittedDirectories isNil ifTrue:[
+"/                        PermittedDirectories := Set new
+"/                    ].
+"/                    PermittedDirectories add:dir.
+"/                ]
+"/            ]
+"/        ]
+"/    ].
+    readonly ifTrue:[
+        (fn exists and:[fn isReadable not]) ifTrue:[
+            ^self throwFileNotFoundException: 'File is not readable'
+        ].
+        stream := fn readStream.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+"/        fn exists ifFalse:[
+"/            ^self throwFileNotFoundException: 'File does not exist'
+"/        ].
+        fn isDirectory ifTrue:[
+             ^self throwFileNotFoundException: 'File is directory'
+        ].
+        (fn exists and:[fn isWritable not]) ifTrue:[
+            ^self throwFileNotFoundException: 'File does not writable'
+        ].
+        forAppend ifTrue:[
+            stream := self commonOpenStreamUsing:[fn appendingWriteStream].
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            stream := self commonOpenStreamUsing:[fn writeStream].
+        ]
+    ].
+    stream isNil ifTrue:[
+        self throwIOExceptionWithMessage:('cannot open ' , name , ' for writing').
+    ].
+    fileNo := self addOpenFile:stream.
+    FileOpenTrace ifTrue:[
+        ('JAVA: opened ' , name , ' as FD ' , fileNo printString , ' for writing') infoPrintCR.
+    ].
+    fd instVarNamed:'fd' put:fileNo.
+    "Kludge for finalization..."
+    fs finalizationLobby registerChange: fs
+    "Created: / 07-04-1998 / 19:14:09 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 04-01-1999 / 14:34:42 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 23-07-2012 / 19:38:39 / Jan Vrany <>"
+commonOpenStreamUsing: aBlock
+    "Helper for opening a stream. Catches 'too many files' open error
+     and tries to GC to cleanup if necessary"
+    | stream retry |
+    retry := false.
+    [ stream := aBlock value ] on:OpenError do:[:ex|
+        (ex errorCode) == (OperatingSystem errorNumberFor:#EMFILE) ifTrue:[
+            "Worst case, try to cleanup"
+            Logger log: 'maximum number of open files reached, forcing finalization...' severity: #warn facility: #JVM.
+            [
+                FinalizationLobby finalizeNow.
+                Delay waitForSeconds: 5. "/Give Java finalization thread a chance to clean up
+                ObjectMemory garbageCollect.
+                retry := true.
+                PerfCounters printOpenExternalStreamsOn: Stderr.
+            ] on: Error do:[:ex|
+                Logger log: 'failed to force finalization: ', ex description severity: #error facility: #JVM
+            ].
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            ex pass.
+        ].
+    ].
+    retry ifTrue:[
+        stream := aBlock value.
+        Logger log: 'good, forced finalization solved the problem' severity: #info facility: #JVM
+    ].
+    ^stream
+    "Created: / 23-07-2012 / 19:33:02 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 14-08-2012 / 02:25:06 / jv"
+    |fn stream tryAlongClassPath|
+    FileOpenTrace ifTrue:[
+        ('JAVA: opening for read:' , name) infoPrintCR.
+    ].
+    fn := name asFilename.
+    fn exists  ifFalse:[
+        ^self throwFileNotFoundException: 'File does not exists'
+    ].
+    fn isDirectory ifTrue:[
+        ^self throwFileNotFoundException: 'File is directory'
+    ].
+    fn isReadable  ifFalse:[
+        ^self throwFileNotFoundException: 'File is not readable'
+    ].
+    stream := self commonOpenStreamUsing:[fn readStream].
+    stream notNil ifTrue:[^ stream].
+    fn isAbsolute ifFalse:[
+        "/ if not absolute, try along classPath
+        "/ This allows classes to open local files (JEdit)
+        "/ even if they have NOT been loaded by a Java classLoader.
+        "/ Only do this for image files
+        "/ (and maybe some other config files in the future),
+        "/ to avoid security holes.
+        tryAlongClassPath := true.
+"/        tryAlongClassPath := false.
+"/        (fn hasSuffix:'gif') ifTrue:[
+"/            tryAlongClassPath := true.
+"/        ].
+"/        (fn hasSuffix:'jpg') ifTrue:[
+"/            tryAlongClassPath := true.
+"/        ].
+        tryAlongClassPath ifTrue:[
+            Java effectiveClassPath do:[:dirName |
+                |fn|
+                (fn := dirName asFilename construct:name) exists ifTrue:[
+                    fn isReadable ifFalse:[
+                        self throwFileNotFoundException: 'File is not readable'.
+                        ^nil
+                    ].
+                    stream := fn readStream.
+                    stream notNil ifTrue:[^ stream].
+                ]
+            ]
+        ]
+    ].
+    ^ nil.
+    "Modified: / 27-01-1999 / 18:54:46 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 23-07-2012 / 19:37:10 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    OperatingSystem isMSDOSlike ifTrue:[
+	(#($/ $\) includes:(path at:1)) ifTrue:[
+	    (path at:3) == $: ifTrue:[
+		^ path copyFrom:2
+	    ]
+	]
+    ].
+    ^ path
+    "Created: / 20.10.1998 / 20:58:45 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 20.10.1998 / 21:06:49 / cg"
+    |fileNo file|
+    fileNo := self validateFileNo:javaStream.
+    file := self getOpenFileAt:fileNo.
+    file isNil ifTrue:[
+        self throwIOExceptionWithMessage:('stream with file descriptor %1 closed or was never open' bindWith: fileNo).
+        ^ nil
+    ].
+    ^ file
+    "Created: / 04-01-1998 / 16:50:38 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 28-07-2012 / 02:44:21 / Jan Vrany <>"
+validateFileDescriptor: jFileDescriptor
+    "Validates given instance of
+     If it is valid, return underlying Smalltalk stream,
+     otherwise, throws"
+    | fileNo stream |
+    fileNo := jFileDescriptor instVarNamed:'fd'.
+    ((fileNo == -1) and:[OperatingSystem isMSWINDOWSlike]) ifTrue:[
+        fileNo := jFileDescriptor instVarNamed:'handle'.
+    ].
+    fileNo isInteger ifFalse:[
+        self throwIOExceptionWithMessage:'Invalid fd in'.
+        ^ nil
+    ].
+    fileNo == -1 ifTrue:[
+        self throwIOExceptionWithMessage:' not open'.
+        ^ nil
+    ].
+    stream := self getOpenFileAt:fileNo.
+    stream isNil ifTrue:[
+        self throwIOExceptionWithMessage:'Stale descriptor in (VM stream does not exists)'.
+        ^nil
+    ].
+    ^ stream.
+    "Created: / 06-07-2012 / 23:02:02 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    |fileNo descriptor|
+    "/ JDK 1.1.3 has fileDescriptor wrapped
+    "/ JDK 1.0 has it directly as integer
+    fileNo := javaStream instVarNamed:'fd'.
+    fileNo isInteger ifFalse:[
+        descriptor := fileNo.
+        descriptor notNil ifTrue:[
+            fileNo := descriptor instVarNamed:'fd'.
+            ((fileNo == -1) and:[OperatingSystem isMSWINDOWSlike]) ifTrue:[
+                fileNo := descriptor instVarNamed:'handle'.
+            ].
+            fileNo isInteger ifFalse:[
+                self throwIOExceptionWithMessage:('invalid fd value in FileDescriptor (%1 [%2])' bindWith: fileNo with: fileNo class).
+                ^self
+            ].
+            ^fileNo
+        ]
+    ].
+    fileNo isInteger ifFalse:[
+"/        self halt:'invalid fileNo in read'.
+"/        self internalError:'invalid fileNo in read'.
+        self throwIOExceptionWithMessage:('invalid fd value in stream object (%1 [%2])' bindWith: fileNo with: fileNo class).
+        ^ nil
+    ].
+    ^ fileNo.
+    "Created: / 04-01-1998 / 17:49:08 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 13-01-1998 / 14:07:47 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 18-08-2011 / 20:03:37 / jv"
+    "Modified: / 28-07-2012 / 02:42:58 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!JavaVM class methodsFor:'helpers - reflection'!
+    "given java.lang.class instance, return the real class for it."
+    ^ self reflection classForJavaClassObject:aJavaClassObject
+    "Created: / 23-01-1998 / 17:44:09 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 03-02-2011 / 21:33:14 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 09-02-2011 / 01:02:17 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+javaClassObjectForClass: aClass
+    "given a real class, return the corresponding java.lang.class
+     instance for it."
+"/    | class |
+"/    "find reflection of StClass in the Java World"
+"/    (JavaObjectDictionary new hasReflection: aClass name) ifTrue: [
+"/        class := JavaObjectDictionary new reflectionOf: aClass name
+"/    ] ifFalse: [ class := aClass. ].
+    ^ self reflection javaClassObjectForClass: aClass.
+    "Created: / 23-01-1998 / 17:43:38 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 05-12-1998 / 15:29:32 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 17-01-2011 / 19:24:22 / kursjan <>"
+    "Modified: / 28-01-2011 / 14:31:25 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 31-07-2012 / 00:49:00 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "given a real method, return the corresponding java.lang.reflect.Constructor
+     instance for it."
+    self breakPoint:#mh info:'refactor my sender to call reflection directly'.
+    ^ self reflection javaConstructorObjectForMethod: method.
+    "Modified: / 09-02-2011 / 00:58:09 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+javaFieldObjectForField: aJavaField in: aJavaLangClass
+    "given a java field, return the corresponding java.lang.Field
+     instance for it."
+    "
+        See OpenJDK7 source:
+        jdk7/hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/reflection.cpp,
+        oop Reflection::new_field"
+    | field  clazz  name  slot  type  modifiers |
+    clazz := aJavaLangClass.
+    name := self reflection javaStringObjectForString: aJavaField name
+                interned: true.
+    slot := aJavaField index.
+    type := self javaClassObjectForClass: aJavaField typeClass.
+    modifiers := aJavaField accessFlags.
+    field := (self classForName: 'java.lang.reflect.Field') new.
+    field
+        instVarNamed: #clazz put: clazz;
+        instVarNamed: #name put: name;
+        instVarNamed: #slot put: slot;
+        instVarNamed: #type put: type;
+        instVarNamed: #modifiers put: modifiers;
+        yourself.
+    aJavaField annotations
+        ifNotNil: [
+            field instVarNamed: #annotations
+                put: aJavaField annotations runtimeVisible rawAnnotations
+        ].
+    ^ field.
+    "Modified: / 05-12-1998 / 15:29:32 / cg"
+    "Created: / 22-11-2010 / 17:01:33 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 09-02-2011 / 01:06:20 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 01-04-2011 / 12:11:11 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 25-04-2011 / 20:23:16 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "given a real method, return the corresponding java.lang.reflect.Constructor
+     instance for it."
+    ^ self reflection javaMethodObjectForMethod:method.
+    "Modified: / 28-02-2011 / 17:08:36 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "given a java.lang.reflect.Constructor, return the corresponding method
+     it."
+    self breakPoint:#mh info: 'refactor my sender to call reflection directly'.
+    ^ self reflection methodForJavaConstructorObject: constructor.
+    "Modified: / 09-02-2011 / 00:59:43 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "
+        Given an instance of java.lang.reflect.Method, answers
+        real method associated with it."
+   ^ self reflection methodForJavaMethodObject:aJavaMethodObject.
+    "Modified: / 07-02-2011 / 09:50:05 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 28-02-2011 / 16:58:05 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+! !
+!JavaVM class methodsFor:'monitors'!
+    | mon |
+    "/    JV@2012-04-13: Removed the critical section - this method should be called
+    "/                   only when interrupts are blocked
+    "/    LockTableAccess
+    "/        critical: [
+    mon := LockTable at:someObject ifAbsent:nil.
+    mon isNil ifTrue:[
+        LockTable at:someObject put:(mon := JavaMonitor for:someObject)
+    ].
+"/        ].
+    ^ mon
+    "Created: / 02-01-1998 / 19:01:52 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 30-11-2011 / 20:40:26 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 13-04-2012 / 00:44:01 / Jan Vrany <>"
+monitorEnter:someObject in:aJavaContext
+    | thisProcess  wasBlocked  lockWordOrJavaMonitor |
+    self assert:(aJavaContext isNil or:[ aJavaContext isJavaContext ]).
+    someObject isNil ifTrue:[
+        self throwNullPointerException.
+        self breakPoint:#mh.
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    thisProcess := Processor activeProcess.
+    MonitorTrace ifTrue:[
+        Logger
+            log:('MONENTER: entering monitor for %1 in %2'
+                    bindWith:(self monitorFriendlyPrintStringOf:someObject)
+                    with:thisProcess name)
+            severity:#debug
+            facility:#JVM.
+    ].
+    wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
+    "/ Fetch the lockword. If it is thinlock, iflate it
+    lockWordOrJavaMonitor := someObject getJavaLockWord.
+    lockWordOrJavaMonitor class == SmallInteger ifTrue:[
+        self inflateLockFor: someObject lockword: lockWordOrJavaMonitor
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        lockWordOrJavaMonitor class ~~ JavaMonitor ifTrue:[
+            self internalError: 'lockWord does not contain SmallIntefer nor JavaMonitor!!'.
+        ]
+    ].
+    "/ Now, we're sure that the lock is fat JavaMonitor, enter it
+    self enterMonitor:someObject ofProcess:thisProcess.
+"/    aJavaContext notNil ifTrue:[aJavaContext addMonitor:someObject].
+    wasBlocked ifFalse:[ OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts ].
+    MonitorTrace ifTrue:[
+        Logger
+            log:'MONENTER: monitor entered in ' , thisProcess name
+            severity:#debug
+            facility:#JVM.
+    ].
+    "Created: / 08-11-2011 / 15:15:43 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 27-08-2012 / 11:49:38 / Jan Vrany <>"
+monitorExit: someObject in: aJavaContext
+    | thisProcess  wasBlocked|
+"/    self assert: (aJavaContext isJavaContext).
+    someObject isNil ifTrue: [
+        self throwNullPointerException.
+        self breakPoint: #mh.
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    thisProcess := Processor activeProcess.
+    MonitorTrace ifTrue: [
+        Logger
+            log: ('MONEXIT: leaving monitor for %1 in %2'
+                    bindWith: (self monitorFriendlyPrintStringOf: someObject)
+                    with: thisProcess name) , thisProcess name
+            severity: #info
+            facility: #JVM.
+    ].
+    wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
+    self leaveMonitor: someObject ofProcess: thisProcess.
+"/    aJavaContext notNil ifTrue:[aJavaContext removeMonitor: someObject].
+    wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
+    MonitorTrace ifTrue: [
+        Logger
+            log: 'MONEXIT: monitor left in ' , thisProcess name
+            severity: #info
+            facility: #JVM.
+    ].
+    "Created: / 08-11-2011 / 15:17:03 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 27-08-2012 / 11:49:44 / Jan Vrany <>"
+notify: obj
+    | mon  thisProcess  wasBlocked|
+    wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
+    thisProcess := Processor activeProcess.
+    mon := obj getJavaMonitor.
+    (mon isOwnedBy: thisProcess) ifFalse: [
+        wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
+        self
+            throwIllegalMonitorStateException: 'monitor was not owned when called notify'.
+        ^self.
+    ].
+    mon notify.
+    wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
+    "Created: / 22-11-2011 / 13:26:24 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 26-08-2012 / 18:39:34 / Jan Vrany <>"
+notifyAll: obj
+    | mon  thisProcess  wasBlocked|
+    wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
+    thisProcess := Processor activeProcess.
+    mon := obj getJavaMonitor.
+    (mon isOwnedBy: thisProcess) ifFalse: [
+        wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
+        self
+            throwIllegalMonitorStateException: 'monitor was not owned when called notify'.
+        ^self
+    ].
+    mon notifyAll.
+    wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
+    "Created: / 22-11-2011 / 13:26:30 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 26-08-2012 / 18:39:47 / Jan Vrany <>"
+releaseMonitorsOfUnwindingContext: aJavaContext
+    "Forcibly releases all monitors acquired by given context.
+     Use by unwind handlers"
+    | thisProcess  wasBlocked receiver lockWord |
+    MonitorTrace ifTrue:[
+        Logger
+            log: ('UNWIND HANDLER: force-leaving ',aJavaContext acquiredMonitors size printString,'monitors acquired by: ' , aJavaContext printString )
+            severity: #info
+            facility: #JVM.
+    ].
+    thisProcess := Processor activeProcess.
+    wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
+    receiver := aJavaContext acquiredMonitors.
+    receiver notNil ifTrue:[
+        lockWord := receiver getJavaLockWord.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        lockWord := 0.
+    ].
+    if (lockWord != __MKINT(0)) {
+      __monitorExit(receiver);
+    }
+    wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
+    MonitorTrace ifTrue:[
+        Logger
+            log: ('UNWIND HANDLER: leftover monitors left for ' , aJavaContext printString )
+            severity: #info
+            facility: #JVM.
+    ].
+    "Created: / 05-04-2012 / 11:35:42 / Jan Vrany <>"
+sleepForTimeout: tmo state: state
+    "wait"
+    | thisProcess |
+    thisProcess := Processor activeProcess.
+    thisProcess isInterrupted ifTrue: [
+        thisProcess clearInterrupted.
+        self throwInterruptedException: 'process was interrupted before/during sleep !!?'
+    ].
+    thisProcess state: state.
+    (Delay forMilliseconds: tmo) waitWithState: state.
+    thisProcess isInterrupted ifTrue: [
+        thisProcess clearInterrupted.
+        self throwInterruptedException: 'process was interrupted before/during sleep !!?'
+    ].
+    "Created: / 30-12-1998 / 19:19:35 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 08-01-1999 / 17:29:24 / cg"
+    "Created: / 30-11-2011 / 11:04:27 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified (format): / 26-08-2012 / 18:40:26 / Jan Vrany <>"
+waitOn: obj forTimeout: tmo state: state
+    "wait"
+    | wasBlocked  thisProcess  mon |
+    thisProcess := Processor activeProcess.
+    thisProcess isInterrupted ifTrue: [
+        thisProcess clearInterrupted.
+        self
+            throwInterruptedException: 'process was interrupted before/during wait !!?'
+    ].
+    wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
+    mon := obj getJavaMonitor.
+    (mon isOwnedBy: thisProcess) ifFalse: [
+        wasBlocked ifFalse: [ OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts ].
+        self throwIllegalMonitorStateException: 'monitor was not owned on wait by ' , thisProcess printString.
+        ^self.
+    ].
+    state notNil ifTrue: [ thisProcess state: state ].
+    wasBlocked ifFalse: [ OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts ].
+    mon waitForMilliseconds: tmo.
+    thisProcess isInterrupted ifTrue: [
+        thisProcess clearInterrupted.
+        self
+            throwInterruptedException: 'process was interrupted before/during wait !!?'
+    ].
+    "Created: / 30-12-1998 / 19:19:35 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 08-01-1999 / 17:29:24 / cg"
+    "Created: / 22-11-2011 / 13:20:42 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 26-08-2012 / 18:40:04 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!JavaVM class methodsFor:'monitors-internal'!
+acquireMonitor: obj ofProcess: aProcess
+    "Acquire* (stay in the queue and get it) monitor.
+     *leave is the word used by jvm spec"
+    | mon |
+    mon := obj getJavaMonitor.
+    self assert: mon notNil.
+    MonitorTrace ifTrue: [
+        Logger
+            log: ('acquiring monitor %1 owned by thread: %2'
+                    bindWith: (self monitorFriendlyPrintStringOf: obj)
+                    with: aProcess name)
+            severity: #debug
+            facility: #JVM.
+    ].
+    mon acquire.
+    self assert:(mon isOwnedBy: aProcess).
+"/    self acquiredMonitorsOf: aProcess add: obj.
+"/    self assert: ((self enteredMonitorsOfProcessAt: aProcess) includes: obj).
+"/    self assert: ((self acquiredMonitorsOfProcessAt: aProcess) includes: obj).
+    "Created: / 17-11-2011 / 19:01:58 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 27-08-2012 / 23:24:34 / Jan Vrany <>"
+acquireMonitorAndNotifyAll: handle
+    | mon |
+    mon := handle getJavaMonitor.
+    mon enter.
+    self notifyAll: handle.
+    mon exit.
+    "Created: / 29-11-2011 / 14:24:04 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 27-08-2012 / 01:06:32 / Jan Vrany <>"
+acquireMonitorsOfProcess: aProcess
+    "will try to acquire all entered monitors of process"
+    | enteredMonitors |
+    (self hasEnteredMonitorsOfProcess: aProcess) ifTrue: [
+        enteredMonitors := self copyEnteredMonitorsOfProcessAt: aProcess.
+        self assert: enteredMonitors notNil.
+        enteredMonitors do: [:each | self acquireMonitor: each ofProcess: aProcess. ].
+    ].
+    "Created: / 17-11-2011 / 17:16:21 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+acquiredMonitorsOf: aProcess add: anyObject
+    ^ (self acquiredMonitorsOfProcess: aProcess) add: anyObject.
+    "Modified: / 08-01-1999 / 14:02:15 / cg"
+    "Created: / 17-11-2011 / 18:29:16 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+acquiredMonitorsOf: aProcess remove: anyObject
+"/    self assert: ((self acquiredMonitorsOfProcess: aProcess) includes: anyObject).
+    MonitorTrace ifTrue:[
+        self assert: ((self acquiredMonitorsOfProcess: aProcess) last first == anyObject).
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        self assert: ((self acquiredMonitorsOfProcess: aProcess) last == anyObject).
+    ].
+    (self acquiredMonitorsOfProcess: aProcess) removeLast.
+    "Modified: / 08-01-1999 / 14:02:15 / cg"
+    "Created: / 17-11-2011 / 18:40:29 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 11-04-2012 / 23:37:05 / Jan Vrany <>"
+acquiredMonitorsOfProcess: aProcess
+    ^ AcquiredMonitorsPerProcess at: aProcess
+        ifAbsent: [
+            | monitors |
+            monitors := OrderedCollection new.
+            AcquiredMonitorsPerProcess at: aProcess put: monitors.
+            monitors
+        ]
+            .
+    "Created: / 17-11-2011 / 18:29:09 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+acquiredMonitorsOfProcessAt: aProcess
+    ^ AcquiredMonitorsPerProcess at: aProcess ifAbsent: nil.
+    "Created: / 08-01-1999 / 14:02:02 / cg"
+    "Created: / 17-11-2011 / 17:03:22 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+copyAcquiredMonitorsOfProcessAt: aProcess
+    "does not create empty collection like enteredMonitorsOfProcess"
+    ^ (AcquiredMonitorsPerProcess at: aProcess ifAbsent: nil) copy.
+    "Created: / 08-01-1999 / 14:02:02 / cg"
+    "Created: / 17-11-2011 / 19:23:42 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+copyEnteredMonitorsOfProcessAt: aProcess
+    "does not create empty collection like enteredMonitorsOfProcess"
+    ^ (EnteredMonitorsPerProcess at: aProcess ifAbsent: nil) copy.
+    "Created: / 08-01-1999 / 14:02:02 / cg"
+    "Created: / 17-11-2011 / 19:22:43 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+countAcquiredMonitorsOfProcess: aProcess
+    | acquiredMonitors |
+    acquiredMonitors := self acquiredMonitorsOfProcessAt: aProcess.
+    ^ acquiredMonitors isNil ifTrue: [ 0 ] ifFalse: [ acquiredMonitors size ].
+    "Created: / 17-11-2011 / 18:23:49 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+countEnteredMonitorsOfProcess: aProcess
+    | enteredMonitors |
+    enteredMonitors := self enteredMonitorsOfProcessAt: aProcess.
+    ^ enteredMonitors isNil ifTrue: [ 0 ] ifFalse: [ enteredMonitors size ].
+    "Created: / 17-11-2011 / 17:14:14 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+enterMonitor: obj ofProcess: aProcess
+    "registers itself as one of processes wanting monitor and then tries to acquire it."
+    | mon objInLists |
+    MonitorTrace ifTrue:[
+        MonitorTraceId := MonitorTraceId + 1.
+        objInLists := { obj . MonitorTraceId }
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        objInLists := obj
+    ].
+"/    self enteredMonitorsOf: aProcess add: objInLists.
+    mon := obj  getJavaMonitor.
+    self assert: mon notNil.
+    MonitorTrace ifTrue: [
+        Logger
+            log: ('[trace id %3] Entering monitor %1 owned by thread: %2'
+                    bindWith: (self monitorFriendlyPrintStringOf: obj)
+                    with: aProcess id
+                    with: MonitorTraceId)
+            severity: #trace
+            facility: #JVM
+            originator: self
+            "/attachment: thisContext fullPrintAllString
+    ].
+    mon enter.
+    self assert: (mon isOwnedBy: aProcess).
+"/    self acquiredMonitorsOf: aProcess add: objInLists.
+"/    self assert: ((self enteredMonitorsOfProcessAt: aProcess) includes: objInLists).
+"/    self assert: ((self acquiredMonitorsOfProcessAt: aProcess) includes: objInLists).
+    "Created: / 17-11-2011 / 19:03:43 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 27-08-2012 / 23:21:40 / Jan Vrany <>"
+enteredMonitorsOf: aProcess add: anyObject
+    ^ (self enteredMonitorsOfProcess: aProcess) addLast: anyObject.
+    "Modified: / 08-01-1999 / 14:02:15 / cg"
+    "Created: / 17-11-2011 / 16:25:04 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 13-04-2012 / 01:05:59 / Jan Vrany <>"
+enteredMonitorsOf: aProcess remove: anyObject
+"/    self assert: ((self enteredMonitorsOfProcess: aProcess) includes: anyObject).
+"/    self assert: ((self enteredMonitorsOfProcess: aProcess) last == anyObject).
+    MonitorTrace ifTrue:[
+        self assert: ((self enteredMonitorsOfProcess: aProcess) last first == anyObject).
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        self assert: ((self enteredMonitorsOfProcess: aProcess) last == anyObject).
+    ].
+    (self enteredMonitorsOfProcess: aProcess) removeLast.
+    "Modified: / 08-01-1999 / 14:02:15 / cg"
+    "Created: / 17-11-2011 / 18:40:45 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 11-04-2012 / 23:37:48 / Jan Vrany <>"
+enteredMonitorsOfProcess: aProcess
+    ^ EnteredMonitorsPerProcess at: aProcess
+        ifAbsent: [
+            | monitors |
+            monitors := OrderedCollection new.
+            EnteredMonitorsPerProcess at: aProcess put: monitors.
+            monitors
+        ]
+            .
+    "Created: / 08-01-1999 / 14:02:02 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 17-11-2011 / 19:22:26 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+enteredMonitorsOfProcessAt: aProcess
+    "does not create empty collection like enteredMonitorsOfProcess"
+    ^ EnteredMonitorsPerProcess at: aProcess ifAbsent: nil.
+    "Created: / 08-01-1999 / 14:02:02 / cg"
+    "Created: / 16-11-2011 / 15:37:58 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+   |thisProcess monitors|
+   thisProcess := Processor activeProcess.
+   monitors := self acquiredMonitorsOfProcess: thisProcess.
+   monitors do: [:each | self assert: (each isOwnedBy:thisProcess).
+    each exit.
+    ]
+    "Created: / 05-12-2011 / 21:15:54 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+has: aProcess enteredMonitorFor: anyObject
+    ^ (self enteredMonitorsOfProcess: aProcess) includes: anyObject.
+    "Created: / 17-11-2011 / 16:28:44 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+hasAcquiredMonitorsOfProcess: aProcess
+   | acquiredMonitors |
+   acquiredMonitors := self acquiredMonitorsOfProcessAt: aProcess.
+   ^ acquiredMonitors isNil
+   ifTrue: [ false ]
+           ifFalse: [ acquiredMonitors size > 0 ].
+    "Created: / 17-11-2011 / 17:07:01 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+hasEnteredMonitorsOfProcess: aProcess
+   | enteredMonitors |
+   enteredMonitors := self enteredMonitorsOfProcessAt: aProcess.
+   ^ enteredMonitors isNil ifTrue: [ false ] ifFalse: [ enteredMonitors size > 0].
+    "Created: / 17-11-2011 / 17:09:57 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+inflateLockFor: obj lockword: lw
+     | threadId count mon |
+    threadId = __MKINT(__LOCKWORD_TID_GET(lw));
+    count =    __MKINT(__LOCKWORD_CNT_GET(lw));
+    ^ JavaMonitor for: obj thread: threadId nestedLockCount: count.
+    "Modified (format): / 27-08-2012 / 15:34:52 / Jan Vrany <>"
+leaveMonitor: obj ofProcess: aProcess
+    "Leave* (release and never come back, exit) monitor owned by given project.
+     *leave is the word used by jvm spec"
+    | mon |
+    mon := obj getJavaMonitor.
+    self assert: mon notNil.
+    "/self assert: (mon isOwnedBy: aProcess).
+    MonitorTrace ifTrue: [
+        Logger
+        log: ('[trace id %3] leaving monitor %1 owned by thread: %2 '
+                bindWith: (self monitorFriendlyPrintStringOf: obj)
+                with: aProcess name
+                with: (self enteredMonitorsOfProcess: aProcess) last second)
+        severity: #trace
+        facility: #JVM
+        originator: self
+        "/attachment: thisContext fullPrintAllString
+    ].
+    mon exit.
+"/    self acquiredMonitorsOf: aProcess remove: obj.
+"/    self enteredMonitorsOf: aProcess remove: obj.
+    "Created: / 17-11-2011 / 18:46:33 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 27-08-2012 / 23:22:01 / Jan Vrany <>"
+leaveMonitorsOfProcess: aProcess
+    "Leave* (release and never come back, exit) all monitors owned by given project.
+     Called when cleaning up after process death or when handling smalltalk (non-java) exceptions
+     (such an exception in native method)
+     *leave is the word used by jvm spec"
+    | monitors |
+    monitors := EnteredMonitorsPerProcess at: aProcess ifAbsent: nil.
+    monitors notNil ifTrue: [
+        monitors do: [:obj |
+            | mon |
+            mon := obj getJavaMonitor.
+            mon notNil ifTrue: [
+                (mon isOwnedBy: aProcess) ifTrue: [
+                    Logger
+                        log: ('leaving monitor owned by dying thread: ' , aProcess name)
+                        severity: #info
+                        facility: #JVM.
+                    self breakPoint: #jv.
+                    mon exit
+                ].
+            ].
+        ].
+        EnteredMonitorsPerProcess removeKey: aProcess.
+    ].
+    "Created: / 17-11-2011 / 16:51:28 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified (format): / 27-08-2012 / 11:37:38 / Jan Vrany <>"
+monitorExit: someObject in: aJavaContext ifOwnedBy: aProcess
+    | monitor |
+    monitor := someObject getJavaMonitor.
+    (monitor isOwnedBy: aProcess) ifTrue: [
+        self monitorExit: someObject in: aJavaContext
+    ] ifFalse: [
+        MonitorTrace ifTrue: [
+            Logger
+                log: ('%1 trying to exit monitor for %2, but it does not own it. Ignoring'
+                        bindWith: aProcess name
+                        with: (self monitorFriendlyPrintStringOf: someObject))
+                severity: #debug
+                facility: #JVM
+        ]
+    ].
+    "Created: / 17-11-2011 / 21:17:57 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 26-08-2012 / 20:00:26 / Jan Vrany <>"
+monitorFriendlyPrintStringOf: someObject
+    | objString |
+    someObject isJavaClass ifTrue: [ objString := someObject name ] ifFalse: [
+        objString := someObject class name , '@'
+                    , someObject identityHash printString.
+    ].
+    ^ objString
+releaseMonitor: obj ofProcess: aProcess
+    "Release* (let go and wait for it again) monitor owned by given project.
+     *word used by jvm spec"
+    | mon |
+    mon := obj getJavaMonitor.
+    self assert: mon notNil.
+    self assert: (mon isOwnedBy: aProcess).
+    MonitorTrace ifTrue: [
+        Logger
+            log: ('releasing monitor %1 owned by thread: %2'
+                    bindWith: (self monitorFriendlyPrintStringOf: obj)
+                    with: aProcess name)
+            severity: #debug
+            facility: #JVM.
+    ].
+    mon release.
+    self acquiredMonitorsOf: aProcess remove: obj.
+"/    self assert: ((self enteredMonitorsOfProcessAt: aProcess) includes: obj).
+    "Created: / 17-11-2011 / 18:51:00 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 27-08-2012 / 23:24:01 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    self releaseMonitorsOfProcess: Processor activeProcess
+    "Created: / 04-11-2011 / 22:15:31 / Jan Vrany <>"
+releaseMonitorsOfProcess: aProcess
+    "Releases* all monitors owned by given project.
+     Monitor can be acquired again, (aProcess going into WAIT)
+     *word used by jvm spec"
+    | monitors |
+    monitors := self copyAcquiredMonitorsOfProcessAt: aProcess.
+    monitors notNil ifTrue: [
+        monitors do: [:obj | self releaseMonitor: obj ofProcess: aProcess. ].
+    ].
+    "Created: / 04-11-2011 / 22:15:06 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 17-11-2011 / 21:29:17 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified (comment): / 05-12-2011 / 21:13:29 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+unwindHandlerForJavaContext: aJavaContext
+    "given a context which has been marked for unwind,
+     retrieve the handler block. This method is called when ST
+     exception raises and stack is unwinding. JavaClass instance
+     has an opportunity to clean up monitors"
+    ^ [
+        | thisProcess |
+        aJavaContext shouldExecuteFinallyOnUnwind ifTrue:[
+            self throwExceptionForFinallyIn: aJavaContext
+        ].
+        self releaseMonitorsOfUnwindingContext: aJavaContext.
+    ].
+    "Created: / 08-11-2011 / 12:30:19 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 17-11-2011 / 21:33:17 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 10-04-2012 / 11:08:23 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!JavaVM class methodsFor:'monitors-obsolete'!
+waitFor: sema state: pState timeOut: tmo
+    "wait"
+    | wasBlocked  thisProcess  releasedCount  acquiredCount |
+    thisProcess := Processor activeProcess.
+    wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
+    releasedCount := self countAcquiredMonitorsOfProcess: thisProcess.
+    (self hasAcquiredMonitorsOfProcess: thisProcess) ifTrue: [
+        MonitorTrace ifTrue: [
+            Logger
+                log: thisProcess name , ' going into WAIT - releasing '
+                        , (self countAcquiredMonitorsOfProcess: thisProcess) printString
+                            , ' monitors'
+                severity: #debug
+                facility: #JVM.
+        ].
+        self releaseMonitorsOfProcess: thisProcess.
+    ].
+    wasBlocked ifFalse: [ OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts ].
+    pState notNil ifTrue: [ thisProcess state: pState ].
+    sema isNil ifTrue: [ Delay waitForMilliseconds: tmo ] ifFalse: [
+        (tmo isNil or: [ tmo = 0 ]) ifTrue: [ sema wait. ] ifFalse: [
+            sema waitWithTimeout: tmo / 1000.
+        ].
+    ].
+    "/ re-enter monitors.
+    (self hasEnteredMonitorsOfProcess: thisProcess) ifTrue: [
+        wasBlocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
+        Logger
+            log: thisProcess name , ' has been notified - trying to acquire '
+                    , (self countEnteredMonitorsOfProcess: thisProcess) printString
+                        , ' monitors'
+            severity: #debug
+            facility: #JVM.
+        self acquireMonitorsOfProcess: thisProcess.
+        acquiredCount := self countAcquiredMonitorsOfProcess: thisProcess.
+        self assert: acquiredCount = releasedCount.
+        wasBlocked ifFalse: [ OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts ].
+    ].
+    "Created: / 30-12-1998 / 19:19:35 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 08-01-1999 / 17:29:24 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 20-11-2011 / 12:36:47 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+! !
+!JavaVM class methodsFor:'native -'!
+_com_sun_management_UnixOperatingSystem_initialize: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'com/sun/management/UnixOperatingSystem' name: 'initialize()V'>
+Logger log: 'mh did not set page_size here, which he should :)' severity:#info facility:#JVM.
+    "Modified: / 03-11-2011 / 18:59:21 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+! !
+!JavaVM class methodsFor:'native - java.awt'!
+_java_awt_AWTEvent_initIDs: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/awt/AWTEvent' name: 'initIDs'>
+    "Intentionally left blank"
+    "Modified: / 12-08-2011 / 19:08:25 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_awt_Button_initIDs: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/awt/Button' name: 'initIDs()V'>
+    "Modified: / 09-02-2012 / 22:54:34 / mh <>"
+_java_awt_Color_initIDs: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/awt/Color' name: 'initIDs()V'>
+        "/ new with jdk1.2 ...
+    "Created: / 28.1.1998 / 22:19:23 / cg"
+_java_awt_Component_initIDs: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/awt/Component' name: 'initIDs'>
+        "/ introduced with jdk1.2 ... (sigh)
+    "Created: / 27.1.1998 / 19:53:29 / cg"
+_java_awt_Container_initIDs: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/awt/Container' name: 'initIDs'>
+    "Intentionally left blank"
+    "Modified: / 12-08-2011 / 19:09:05 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_awt_Cursor_initIDs: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/awt/Cursor' name: 'initIDs()V'>
+    "Modified: / 09-02-2012 / 22:54:49 / mh <>"
+_java_awt_Dialog_initIDs: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/awt/Dialog' name: 'initIDs()V'>
+    "Modified: / 09-02-2012 / 22:54:09 / mh <>"
+_java_awt_Dimension_initIDs: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/awt/Dimension' name: 'initIDs'>
+    "Intentionally left blank"
+    "Modified: / 12-08-2011 / 19:08:43 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_awt_Event_initIDs: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/awt/Event' name: 'initIDs()V'>
+    "Modified: / 09-02-2012 / 22:53:11 / mh <>"
+_java_awt_FontMetrics_initIDs: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/awt/FontMetrics' name: 'initIDs()V'>
+    ^ UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+_java_awt_Frame_initIDs: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/awt/Frame' name: 'initIDs()V'>
+    "Modified: / 09-02-2012 / 22:53:52 / mh <>"
+_java_awt_Insets_initIDs: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/awt/Insets' name: 'initIDs()V'>
+    "Modified: / 09-02-2012 / 22:54:54 / mh <>"
+_java_awt_KeyboardFocusManager_initIDs: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/awt/KeyboardFocusManager' name: 'initIDs()V'>
+    "Modified: / 09-02-2012 / 22:55:04 / mh <>"
+_java_awt_MenuComponent_initIDs: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/awt/MenuComponent' name: 'initIDs()V'>
+    "Modified: / 09-02-2012 / 22:53:22 / mh <>"
+_java_awt_MenuItem_initIDs: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/awt/MenuItem' name: 'initIDs()V'>
+    "Modified: / 09-02-2012 / 22:54:40 / mh <>"
+_java_awt_Rectangle_initIDs: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/awt/Rectangle' name: 'initIDs()V'>
+    "Intentionally left blank"
+    "Modified: / 27-10-2011 / 15:07:26 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_awt_Toolkit_initIDs: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/awt/Toolkit' name: 'initIDs'>
+        "/ introduced with jdk1.2 ... (sigh)
+    "Created: / 27.1.1998 / 19:53:50 / cg"
+_java_awt_Window_initIDs: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/awt/Window' name: 'initIDs()V'>
+    "Modified: / 09-02-2012 / 22:53:47 / mh <>"
+! !
+!JavaVM class methodsFor:'native - java.awt.event'!
+_java_awt_event_InputEvent_initIDs: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/awt/event/InputEvent' name: 'initIDs()V'>
+    "Modified: / 09-02-2012 / 22:53:27 / mh <>"
+_java_awt_event_KeyEvent_initIDs: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/awt/event/KeyEvent' name: 'initIDs()V'>
+    "Modified: / 09-02-2012 / 22:53:33 / mh <>"
+_java_awt_event_MouseEvent_initIDs: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/awt/event/MouseEvent' name: 'initIDs()V'>
+    "Modified: / 09-02-2012 / 22:53:40 / mh <>"
+! !
+!JavaVM class methodsFor:'native -'!
+_java_io_FileDescriptor_initIDs: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/io/FileDescriptor' name: 'initIDs'>
+        "/ introduced with jdk1.2 ... (sigh)
+    "Created: / 27.1.1998 / 18:16:29 / cg"
+_java_io_FileDescriptor_set: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/io/FileDescriptor' name: 'set(I)J'>
+    "SunJDK Speciofic method, we don't need handles, so return
+     FD instead"
+    ^nativeContext argAt:1
+    "Modified: / 18-08-2011 / 19:54:36 / jv"
+_java_io_FileDescriptor_sync: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/io/FileDescriptor' name: 'sync'>
+    "
+    /**
+    * Force all system buffers to synchronize with the underlying
+    * device.  This method returns after all modified data and
+    * attributes of this FileDescriptor have been written to the
+    * relevant device(s).  In particular, if this FileDescriptor
+    * refers to a physical storage medium, such as a file in a file
+    * system, sync will not return until all in-memory modified copies
+    * of buffers associated with this FileDescriptor have been
+    * written to the physical medium.
+    *
+    * sync is meant to be used by code that requires physical
+    * storage (such as a file) to be in a known state  For
+    * example, a class that provided a simple transaction facility
+    * might use sync to ensure that all changes to a file caused
+    * by a given transaction were recorded on a storage medium.
+    *
+    * sync only affects buffers downstream of this FileDescriptor.  If
+    * any in-memory buffering is being done by the application (for
+    * example, by a BufferedOutputStream object), those buffers must
+    * be flushed into the FileDescriptor (for example, by invoking
+    * OutputStream.flush) before that data will be affected by sync.
+    *
+    * @exception SyncFailedException
+    *        Thrown when the buffers cannot be flushed,
+    *        or because the system cannot guarantee that all the
+    *        buffers have been synchronized with physical media.
+    * @since     JDK1.1
+    */
+    public native void sync() throws SyncFailedException;
+    "
+    OpenFileTable do:[:stream|
+        stream notNil ifTrue:[stream flush].
+    ].
+    "Created: / 12-11-1998 / 19:26:25 / cg"
+    "Modified (format): / 10-08-2011 / 19:04:24 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_io_FileInputStream_available: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/io/FileInputStream' name: 'available'>
+        |file|
+    file := self validateFile:(nativeContext receiver).
+    file == Stdin ifTrue:[
+        file := StdinReplacementFileQuerySignal raiseRequest.
+        file isNil ifTrue:[
+            ^ 1
+        ]
+    ].
+    file isFileStream ifTrue:[
+        ^ file size - file position + 1
+    ].
+    file atEnd ifTrue:[
+        ^ 0.
+    ].
+    self halt.
+    ^ 1
+    "Modified: / 14-01-1998 / 15:12:52 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 28-07-2012 / 02:45:38 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_io_FileInputStream_close0: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/io/FileInputStream' name: 'close0'>
+    ^self commonClose: nativeContext
+    "Modified: / 10-08-2011 / 14:03:06 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_io_FileInputStream_initIDs: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/io/FileInputStream' name: 'initIDs'>
+        "/ introduced with jdk1.2 ... (sigh)
+    "Created: / 27.1.1998 / 18:15:51 / cg"
+_java_io_FileInputStream_open: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/io/FileInputStream' name: 'open'>
+    |fs fd name stream fileNo|
+    fs := nativeContext receiver.
+    fd := fs instVarNamed:'fd'.
+    (fileNo := fd instVarNamed:'fd') ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+        fileNo ~~ -1 ifTrue:[
+            self halt:'file already open'.
+            self internalError:'file already open'.
+            ^ self.
+        ]
+    ].
+    name := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    name := Java as_ST_String:name.
+    name := self fixFilename:name.
+    FileOpenTrace ifTrue:[
+        ('JAVA: opening ' , name) infoPrintCR.
+    ].
+    stream := self fileStreamForReading:name.
+    stream isNil ifTrue:[
+        ^ self.
+    ].
+    stream buffered:false.
+"/    FileOpenConfirmation ifTrue:[
+"/        (self confirm:('JAVA Security check\\Opening ''' , name , ''' for reading.\Grant permission ?') withCRs)
+"/        ifFalse:[
+"/            self throwIOExceptionWithMessage:('no permission to open ' , name , ' for reading').
+"/            ^ self
+"/        ]
+"/    ].
+    fileNo := self addOpenFile:stream.
+    FileOpenTrace ifTrue:[
+        ('JAVA: opened ' , name , ' as FD ' , fileNo printString) infoPrintCR.
+    ].
+    fd instVarNamed:'fd' put:fileNo.
+    "Kludge for finalization..."
+    "Created: / 04-01-1998 / 16:47:12 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 28-01-1999 / 17:24:07 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 24-07-2012 / 02:17:20 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_io_FileInputStream_read: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/io/FileInputStream' name: 'read()I'>
+        |file byte|
+    file := self validateFile:(nativeContext receiver).
+    file == Stdin ifTrue:[
+	file := StdinReplacementFileQuerySignal raiseRequest.
+	file isNil ifTrue:[
+	    ^ -1
+	]
+    ].
+    FileIOTrace ifTrue:[
+	('JAVA: read 1 byte from ' , file pathName) infoPrintCR.
+    ].
+    byte := file nextByte.
+    byte isNil ifTrue:[
+	^ -1
+    ].
+    ^ byte
+    "Created: / 5.1.1998 / 02:17:08 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 5.1.1998 / 02:17:25 / cg"
+_java_io_FileInputStream_readBytes: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/io/FileInputStream' name: 'readBytes'>
+    ^ self anyStream_readBytes:nativeContext
+    "Modified: / 04-02-1998 / 15:23:08 / cg"
+    "Modified (format): / 10-08-2011 / 21:32:37 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_io_FileInputStream_skip: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/io/FileInputStream' name: 'skip(J)J'>
+        "/ long skip (long)
+    |file nSkip nSkipped|
+    file := self validateFile:(nativeContext receiver).
+    nSkip := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    file == Stdin ifTrue:[
+	file := StdinReplacementFileQuerySignal raiseRequest.
+	file isNil ifTrue:[
+	    ^ -1
+	]
+    ].
+    FileIOTrace ifTrue:[
+	(('JAVA: skip %1 byte(s) from ' bindWith:nSkip printString) , file pathName) infoPrintCR.
+    ].
+    file skip:nSkip.
+    ^ nSkip
+    "Modified: / 27.1.1999 / 20:36:11 / cg"
+_java_io_FileOutputStream_close0: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/io/FileOutputStream' name: 'close0'>
+    ^self commonClose: nativeContext
+    "Modified: / 10-08-2011 / 14:03:13 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_io_FileOutputStream_initIDs: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/io/FileOutputStream' name: 'initIDs'>
+        "/ introduced with jdk1.2 ... (sigh)
+    "Created: / 27.1.1998 / 18:16:40 / cg"
+_java_io_FileOutputStream_open: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/io/FileOutputStream' name: 'open'>
+    ^ self commonOpen:nativeContext forAppend:false
+    "Modified: / 07-04-1998 / 19:14:31 / cg"
+    "Modified (format): / 10-08-2011 / 14:25:50 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_io_FileOutputStream_openAppend: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/io/FileOutputStream' name: 'openAppend'>
+    ^ self commonOpen:nativeContext forAppend:true
+    "Modified: / 07-04-1998 / 19:13:42 / cg"
+    "Modified (format): / 10-08-2011 / 23:48:34 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_io_FileOutputStream_write: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/io/FileOutputStream' name: 'write'>
+    "
+     /**
+     * Writes the specified byte to this file output stream. Implements
+     * the <code>write</code> method of <code>OutputStream</code>.
+     *
+     * @param      b   the byte to be written.
+     * @exception  IOException  if an I/O error occurs.
+     */
+     public native void write(int b) throws IOException;
+    "
+    | fdobj fd stream b |
+    b := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    fdobj := (nativeContext receiver instVarNamed: #fd).
+    fd    := fdobj instVarNamed: #fd.
+    stream := self getOpenFileAt:fd.
+    [
+        stream nextPut: b asCharacter
+    ] on: Error do:[:ex|
+        self throwIOExceptionWithMessage: ex description
+    ]
+    "Modified: / 10-08-2011 / 14:15:22 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_io_FileOutputStream_writeBytes: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/io/FileOutputStream' name: 'writeBytes'>
+        ^ self anyStream_writeBytes:nativeContext
+    "Modified: / 4.2.1998 / 15:24:20 / cg"
+_java_io_FileSystem_getFileSystem: aJavaContext
+    <javanative: 'java/io/FileSystem' name: 'getFileSystem'>
+    OperatingSystem isUNIXlike ifTrue: [
+        ^ (self classForName: '') new
+    ].
+    OperatingSystem isMSWINDOWSlike ifTrue: [
+        ^ (Java classForName: '') new
+    ].
+    self error: 'Unknown/Unsupported platform'
+    "Created: / 09-12-2010 / 17:58:22 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 01-04-2011 / 18:09:32 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_io_ObjectInputStream_latestUserDefinedLoader: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/io/ObjectInputStream' name: 'latestUserDefinedLoader'>
+    "
+    /**
+    * Returns the first non-null class loader (not counting class loaders of
+    * generated reflection implementation classes) up the execution stack, or
+    * null if only code from the null class loader is on the stack.  This
+    * method is also called via reflection by the following RMI-IIOP class:
+    *
+    *
+    *
+    * This method should not be removed or its signature changed without
+    * corresponding modifications to the above class.
+    */
+    // REMIND: change name to something more accurate?
+    private static native ClassLoader latestUserDefinedLoader();
+    "
+    | ctx cl |
+    ctx := nativeContext.
+    [ ctx notNil ] whileTrue:[
+        ctx receiver isJavaObject ifTrue:[
+            (cl := ctx receiver class classLoader) notNil ifTrue:[
+                "/self breakPoint: #jv info: 'Should not count class loaders of generated reflection implementation classes'.
+                "/Please check"
+                ^cl.
+            ]
+        ].
+        ctx := ctx sender.
+    ].
+    ^nil
+    "Modified: / 30-08-2011 / 16:00:08 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_io_ObjectStreamClass_hasStaticInitializer: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/io/ObjectStreamClass' name: 'hasStaticInitializer'>
+    | cls |
+    cls := self reflection classForJavaClassObject: (nativeContext argAt:1).
+    ^(cls includesSelector: #'<clinit>()V') ifTrue:[1] ifFalse:[0]
+    "Modified: / 10-08-2011 / 01:13:21 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_io_ObjectStreamClass_initNative: aJavaContext
+    <javanative: 'java/io/ObjectStreamClass' name: 'initNative'>
+    "
+    /**
+     * Initializes native code.
+     */
+    "
+    "Nothing to do"
+    "Created: / 20-12-2010 / 17:43:55 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_io_RandomAccessFile_close0: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/io/RandomAccessFile' name: 'close0()V'>
+    ^ self commonClose:nativeContext
+    "Modified: / 06-07-2012 / 00:09:54 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_io_RandomAccessFile_getFilePointer: nativeContext
+    "
+    /**
+     * Returns the current offset in this file.
+     *
+     * @return     the offset from the beginning of the file, in bytes,
+     *             at which the next read or write occurs.
+     * @exception  IOException  if an I/O error occurs.
+     */
+    "
+    <javanative: 'java/io/RandomAccessFile' name: 'getFilePointer()J'>
+    | file |
+    file := self validateFile:(nativeContext receiver).
+    FileIOTrace ifTrue:[
+        ('JAVA: getFilePointer on ' , file pathName) infoPrintCR.
+    ].
+    ^file position0Based
+    "Modified: / 06-07-2012 / 12:40:54 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_io_RandomAccessFile_initIDs: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/io/RandomAccessFile' name: 'initIDs'>
+    "Nothing to do"
+    "Modified: / 10-08-2011 / 21:49:17 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_io_RandomAccessFile_length: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/io/RandomAccessFile' name: 'length()J'>
+        |file sz|
+    file := self validateFile:(nativeContext receiver).
+    FileIOTrace ifTrue:[
+	('JAVA: length of ' , file pathName) infoPrintCR.
+    ].
+    sz := file size.
+    ^ sz.
+    "Created: / 4.2.1998 / 13:27:58 / cg"
+_java_io_RandomAccessFile_open: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/io/RandomAccessFile' name: 'open'>
+    |fs fd nm mode filename dir stream fileNo answer readonly|
+    fs := nativeContext receiver.
+    fd := fs instVarNamed:'fd'.
+    (fd instVarNamed:'fd') ~~ -1 ifTrue:[
+        self halt:'file already open'.
+        self internalError:'file already open'.
+        ^ self.
+    ].
+    nm := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    nm := Java as_ST_String:nm.
+    nm := self fixFilename:nm.
+    mode := nativeContext argAt:2.
+    "
+    private static final int O_RDONLY = 1;
+    private static final int O_RDWR =   2;
+    private static final int O_SYNC =   4;
+    private static final int O_DSYNC =  8;
+    "
+    readonly := (mode bitAnd:1) == 1.
+    FileOpenTrace ifTrue:[
+        ('JAVA: opening ' , nm) infoPrintCR.
+    ].
+    dir := (filename := nm utf8Encoded asFilename) directory pathName.
+    (PermittedDirectories notNil
+    and:[PermittedDirectories includes:dir]) ifFalse:[
+        FileOpenConfirmation ifTrue:[
+            answer := Dialog
+                    confirmWithCancel:('JAVA Security check\\Opening ''' , nm , ''' for read/write.\Grant permission ?') withCRs
+                               labels:#('no' 'grant' 'readonly')
+                               values:#(false true #readonly)
+                              default:3.
+            answer == false ifTrue:[
+                self throwIOExceptionWithMessage:('no permission to open ' , nm , ' for writing').
+                ^ self
+            ].
+            readonly := (answer == #readonly).
+            readonly ifFalse:[
+                (self confirm:('JAVA Security check\\Always permit writes in this directory (''' , dir , ''') ?') withCRs)
+                ifTrue:[
+                    PermittedDirectories isNil ifTrue:[
+                        PermittedDirectories := Set new
+                    ].
+                    PermittedDirectories add:dir.
+                ]
+            ]
+        ]
+    ].
+    (filename exists not and:[readonly]) ifTrue:[
+        self throwIOExceptionWithMessage:'File ', nm , ' does not exist'
+    ].
+    readonly ifTrue:[
+        stream := self commonOpenStreamUsing:[filename readStream].
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        stream := self commonOpenStreamUsing:[filename readWriteStream].
+        stream isNil ifTrue:[
+            self throwIOExceptionWithMessage:('cannot open ' , nm , ' for writing').
+        ].
+    ].
+    fileNo := self addOpenFile:stream.
+    FileOpenTrace ifTrue:[
+        ('JAVA: opened ' , nm , ' as FD ' , fileNo printString , ' for writing') infoPrintCR.
+    ].
+    fd instVarNamed:'fd' put:fileNo.
+    "Kludge for finalization..."
+    fs finalizationLobby registerChange: fs
+    "Created: / 04-02-1998 / 00:14:48 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 12-11-1998 / 21:29:46 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 23-07-2012 / 19:37:26 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_io_RandomAccessFile_read: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/io/RandomAccessFile' name: 'read()I'>
+        |file byte|
+    file := self validateFile:(nativeContext receiver).
+    FileIOTrace ifTrue:[
+	('JAVA: read 1 byte from ' , file pathName) infoPrintCR.
+    ].
+    byte := file nextByte.
+    byte isNil ifTrue:[
+	^ -1
+    ].
+    ^ byte
+    "Modified: / 5.1.1998 / 02:17:25 / cg"
+    "Created: / 27.1.1999 / 19:01:15 / cg"
+_java_io_RandomAccessFile_readBytes: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/io/RandomAccessFile' name: 'readBytes([BII)I'>
+    ^ self anyStream_readBytes:nativeContext
+    "Modified: / 04-02-1998 / 15:23:27 / cg"
+    "Modified (format): / 06-07-2012 / 00:08:31 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_io_RandomAccessFile_seek: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/io/RandomAccessFile' name: 'seek(J)V'>
+        |file pos|
+    file := self validateFile:(nativeContext receiver).
+    FileIOTrace ifTrue:[
+        ('JAVA: seek on ' , file pathName) infoPrintCR.
+    ].
+    pos := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    file position0Based:pos
+    "Created: / 04-02-1998 / 13:25:38 / cg"
+    "Modified (comment): / 06-07-2012 / 12:39:27 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_io_RandomAccessFile_writeBytes: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/io/RandomAccessFile' name: 'writeBytes([BII)V'>
+        ^ self anyStream_writeBytes:nativeContext
+    "Modified: / 4.2.1998 / 15:24:20 / cg"
+    "Created: / 4.2.1998 / 15:24:35 / cg"
+_java_io_UnixFileSystem_canonicalize0: aJavaContext
+    <javanative: 'java/io/UnixFileSystem' name: 'canonicalize0'>
+    |  path |
+    path := Java as_ST_String: (aJavaContext argAt: 1).
+    ^(Java as_String: path utf8Encoded asFilename asAbsoluteFilename pathName utf8Decoded)
+    "Created: / 10-12-2010 / 14:40:49 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_io_UnixFileSystem_checkAccess: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/io/UnixFileSystem' name: 'checkAccess'>
+    "
+     public static final int ACCESS_READ    = 0x04;
+     public static final int ACCESS_WRITE   = 0x02;
+     public static final int ACCESS_EXECUTE = 0x01;
+    "
+    | fileobj file access result |
+    fileobj := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    file := (Java as_ST_String:(fileobj instVarNamed:#path)) asFilename.
+    access := nativeContext argAt:2.
+    [
+        access == 16r01 ifTrue:[result := file isExecutable].
+        access == 16r02 ifTrue:[result := file isWritable].
+        access == 16r04 ifTrue:[result := file isReadable].
+    ] on: Error do:[
+        result := false.
+    ].
+    ^result ifTrue:[1] ifFalse:[0].
+    "Modified: / 09-08-2011 / 17:09:56 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_io_UnixFileSystem_createDirectory: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/io/UnixFileSystem' name: 'createDirectory'>
+    | fileobj file |
+    fileobj := (nativeContext argAt:1).
+    file := Java as_ST_String: (fileobj instVarNamed:#path).
+    file := file asFilename.
+    file exists ifFalse:[
+        [
+            file recursiveMakeDirectory.
+            ^1.
+        ] on: Error do:[:ex|
+            self throwIOExceptionWithMessage:ex description.
+        ].
+    ].
+    ^0
+    "Modified: / 05-12-2011 / 23:04:40 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_io_UnixFileSystem_createFileExclusively: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/io/UnixFileSystem' name: 'createFileExclusively'>
+    | file |
+    file := Java as_ST_String: (nativeContext argAt:1).
+    file := file asFilename.
+    file exists ifFalse:[
+        [
+            file createAsEmptyFile
+        ] on: Error do:[:ex|
+            self throwIOExceptionWithMessage:ex description.
+        ].
+        ^1
+    ].
+    ^0
+    "Modified: / 10-08-2011 / 13:42:38 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_io_UnixFileSystem_delete0: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/io/UnixFileSystem' name: 'delete0'>
+    "
+      /**
+      * Delete the file or directory denoted by the given abstract pathname,
+      * returning <code>true</code> if and only if the operation succeeds.
+      */
+      public abstract boolean delete(File f);
+    "
+    | file |
+    file := (Java as_ST_String: ((nativeContext argAt:1) instVarNamed: #path)) asFilename.
+    file exists ifFalse:[^0].
+    ^[
+        file remove.
+        true
+    ] on: Error do:[
+        false
+    ]
+    "Modified: / 09-08-2011 / 17:09:05 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_io_UnixFileSystem_getBooleanAttributes0: aJavaContext
+    <javanative: 'java/io/UnixFileSystem' name: 'getBooleanAttributes0'>
+    | file  path  retval  fileSystemClass |
+    retval := 0.
+    file := (aJavaContext argAt: 1).
+    path := Java as_ST_String: ((aJavaContext argAt: 1) perform: #'getAbsolutePath()Ljava/lang/String;').
+    fileSystemClass := (self classForName: '').
+    path asFilename exists ifTrue: [
+        retval := retval bitOr: (fileSystemClass instVarNamed: #'BA_EXISTS')
+    ] ifFalse: [ ^ 0. ].
+    path asFilename isDirectory ifTrue: [
+        retval := retval bitOr: (fileSystemClass instVarNamed: #'BA_DIRECTORY')
+    ].
+    path asFilename isRegularFile ifTrue: [
+        retval := retval bitOr: (fileSystemClass instVarNamed: #'BA_REGULAR')
+    ].
+    path asFilename isHidden ifTrue: [
+        retval := retval bitOr: (fileSystemClass instVarNamed: #'BA_HIDDEN')
+    ].
+    ^ retval
+    "Modified: / 10-12-2010 / 14:43:31 / Jan Kurs <>"
+    "Created: / 10-12-2010 / 14:46:28 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 11-12-2010 / 19:44:19 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 03-11-2011 / 11:03:21 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+_java_io_UnixFileSystem_getLastModifiedTime: aJavaContext
+    <javanative: 'java/io/UnixFileSystem' name: 'getLastModifiedTime'>
+    | file  filename  |
+    file := aJavaContext argAt: 1.
+    filename := (Java as_ST_String: (file instVarNamed: #path)) utf8Encoded asFilename.
+    ^filename exists ifTrue:[
+        filename modificationTime asMilliseconds
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        0
+    ].
+    "Modified: / 10-12-2010 / 14:43:31 / Jan Kurs <>"
+    "Created: / 27-03-2011 / 15:32:59 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 06-07-2012 / 08:57:34 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_io_UnixFileSystem_getLength: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/io/UnixFileSystem' name: 'getLength'>
+    | file |
+    file := (Java as_ST_String: ((nativeContext argAt:1) instVarNamed: #path)) asFilename.
+    file exists ifFalse:[^0].
+    ^file fileSize
+    "Modified: / 09-08-2011 / 15:38:30 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_io_UnixFileSystem_initIDs: aJavaContext
+    <javanative: 'java/io/UnixFileSystem' name: 'initIDs'>
+    self breakPoint: #libjava
+    "Created: / 10-12-2010 / 14:47:25 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 10-12-2010 / 20:58:11 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_io_UnixFileSystem_list: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/io/UnixFileSystem' name: #'list(Ljava/io/File;)[Ljava/lang/String;'>
+    "
+    /**
+    * Returns an array of strings naming the files and directories in the
+    * directory denoted by this abstract pathname.
+    *
+    * <p> If this abstract pathname does not denote a directory, then this
+    * method returns {@code null}.  Otherwise an array of strings is
+    * returned, one for each file or directory in the directory.  Names
+    * denoting the directory itself and the directory's parent directory are
+    * not included in the result.  Each string is a file name rather than a
+    * complete path.
+    *
+    * <p> There is no guarantee that the name strings in the resulting array
+    * will appear in any specific order; they are not, in particular,
+    * guaranteed to appear in alphabetical order.
+    *
+    * @return  An array of strings naming the files and directories in the
+    *          directory denoted by this abstract pathname.  The array will be
+    *          empty if the directory is empty.  Returns {@code null} if
+    *          this abstract pathname does not denote a directory, or if an
+    *          I/O error occurs.
+    */
+   "
+    | fileobj file names jnames |
+    fileobj := (nativeContext argAt:1).
+    file := Java as_ST_String: (fileobj instVarNamed:#path).
+    file := file asFilename.
+    file exists ifFalse:[^nil].
+    file isDirectory ifFalse:[^nil].
+    names := file directoryContents.
+    jnames := (Java at:'java.lang.String') javaArrayClass new: names size.
+    1 to: names size do:[:i|
+        jnames at: i put: (Java as_String:(names at: i))
+    ].
+    ^jnames
+    "Modified: / 23-07-2012 / 21:57:08 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_io_UnixFileSystem_rename0: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/io/UnixFileSystem' name: 'rename0(Ljava/io/File;Ljava/io/File;)Z'>
+    | file1 file2 |
+    file1 := (Java as_ST_String: ((nativeContext argAt:1) instVarNamed: #path)) asFilename.
+    file2 := (Java as_ST_String: ((nativeContext argAt:2) instVarNamed: #path)) asFilename.
+    file1 exists ifFalse:[^0].
+    ^[
+        file1 moveTo: file2.
+        true
+    ] on: Error do:[
+        false
+    ]
+    "Modified: / 09-12-2011 / 20:01:14 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_io_UnixFileSystem_setLastModifiedTime: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/io/UnixFileSystem' name: 'setLastModifiedTime(Ljava/io/File;J)Z'>
+    | f mtime file |
+    f := nativeContext argAt: 1.
+    mtime := nativeContext argAt: 2.
+    file := (Java as_ST_String: (f instVarNamed: #path)) asFilename.
+    self breakPoint: #jv. "There is no interface for that in St/X"
+    "Modified: / 05-12-2011 / 23:42:10 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_io_UnixFileSystem_setPermission: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/io/UnixFileSystem' name: 'setPermission'>
+    "
+    /**
+     * Set on or off the access permission (to owner only or to all) to the file
+     * or directory denoted by the given abstract pathname, based on the parameters
+     * enable, access and oweronly.
+     */
+    public abstract boolean setPermission(File f, int access, boolean enable, boolean owneronly);
+    "
+    | f access enable owneronly file perms |
+    f := nativeContext argAt: 1.
+    access := nativeContext argAt: 2.
+    enable := (nativeContext argAt: 3) == 1.
+    owneronly := (nativeContext argAt: 4) == 1.
+    file := (Java as_ST_String: (f instVarNamed: #path)) asFilename.
+    "
+    public static final int ACCESS_READ    = 0x04;
+    public static final int ACCESS_WRITE   = 0x02;
+    public static final int ACCESS_EXECUTE = 0x01;
+    "
+    access == 16r04 ifTrue:[
+        perms := owneronly ifFalse:[#(readUser readGroup readOthers)] ifTrue:[#(readUser)].
+    ].
+    access == 16r02 ifTrue:[
+        perms := owneronly ifFalse:[#(writeUser writeGroup writeOthers)] ifTrue:[#(writeUser)].
+    ].
+    access == 16r01 ifTrue:[
+        perms := owneronly ifFalse:[#(executeUser executeGroup executeOthers)] ifTrue:[#(executeUser)].
+    ].
+    [
+        enable ifTrue:[
+            file addAccessRights: perms
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            file removeAccessRights: perms
+        ].
+        ^ 1.
+    ] on: Error do:[
+        ^ 0
+    ].
+    ^0
+    "Modified: / 09-08-2011 / 17:18:42 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_io_UnixFileSystem_setReadOnly: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/io/UnixFileSystem' name: 'setReadOnly'>
+    | fileobj file |
+    fileobj := (nativeContext argAt:1).
+    file := Java as_ST_String: (fileobj instVarNamed:#path).
+    file := file asFilename.
+    file exists ifFalse:[^0].
+    [
+        file  removeAccessRights: #(writeUser writeGroup writeOthers).
+        ^1
+    ] on: Error do:[
+        ^0
+    ].
+    ^0
+    "Modified: / 10-08-2011 / 13:40:20 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_io_Win32FileSystem_initIDs: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/io/Win32FileSystem' name: 'initIDs()V'>
+    "Intentionally left blank"
+_java_io_WinNTFileSystem_canonicalize0: aJavaContext
+    <javanative: 'java/io/WinNTFileSystem' name: 'canonicalize0(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;'>
+    |  path |
+    path := Java as_ST_String: (aJavaContext argAt: 1).
+    ^(Java as_String: path asFilename asAbsoluteFilename pathName)
+    "Created: / 01-04-2011 / 23:00:06 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_io_WinNTFileSystem_canonicalizeWithPrefix0: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/io/WinNTFileSystem' name: 'canonicalizeWithPrefix0(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;'>
+    |  path |
+    path := Java as_ST_String: (nativeContext argAt: 2).
+    ^(Java as_String: path utf8Encoded asFilename asAbsoluteFilename pathName utf8Decoded)
+    "Modified: / 01-09-2011 / 21:50:47 / jv"
+_java_io_WinNTFileSystem_checkAccess: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/io/WinNTFileSystem' name: 'checkAccess(Ljava/io/File;I)Z'>
+    ^ UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+_java_io_WinNTFileSystem_createDirectory: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/io/WinNTFileSystem' name: 'createDirectory(Ljava/io/File;)Z'>
+    ^ UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+_java_io_WinNTFileSystem_createFileExclusively: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/io/WinNTFileSystem' name: 'createFileExclusively(Ljava/lang/String;)Z'>
+    ^ self _java_io_UnixFileSystem_createFileExclusively: nativeContext
+    "Modified: / 18-08-2011 / 17:26:11 / jv"
+_java_io_WinNTFileSystem_delete0: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/io/WinNTFileSystem' name: 'delete0(Ljava/io/File;)Z'>
+    ^ UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+_java_io_WinNTFileSystem_getBooleanAttributes: aJavaContext
+    <javanative: 'java/io/WinNTFileSystem' name: 'getBooleanAttributes(Ljava/io/File;)I'>
+    ^ self _java_io_UnixFileSystem_getBooleanAttributes0:aJavaContext
+    "Created: / 01-04-2011 / 18:10:46 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_io_WinNTFileSystem_getLastModifiedTime: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/io/WinNTFileSystem' name: 'getLastModifiedTime(Ljava/io/File;)J'>
+    ^ self _java_io_UnixFileSystem_getLastModifiedTime: nativeContext
+    "Modified: / 18-08-2011 / 14:12:07 / jv"
+_java_io_WinNTFileSystem_getLength: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/io/WinNTFileSystem' name: 'getLength(Ljava/io/File;)J'>
+    ^ self _java_io_UnixFileSystem_getLength: nativeContext
+    "Modified: / 18-08-2011 / 14:15:36 / jv"
+_java_io_WinNTFileSystem_list: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/io/WinNTFileSystem' name: 'list(Ljava/io/File;)[Ljava/lang/String;'>
+    ^ self _java_io_UnixFileSystem_list: nativeContext
+    "Modified: / 01-09-2011 / 21:46:37 / jv"
+! !
+!JavaVM class methodsFor:'native - java.lang'!
+_java_lang_ClassLoader_NativeLibrary_load: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/ClassLoader$NativeLibrary' name: 'load'>
+    "/ introduced with jdk1.2 ... (sigh)
+    | nativeLoader  jLibName  libName  libHandle  index |
+    nativeLoader := nativeContext receiver.
+    jLibName := nativeContext argAt: 1.
+    libName := (Java as_ST_String: jLibName) asFilename baseName.
+    (index := SimulatedNativeLibs indexOf: libName) ~~ 0 ifTrue: [
+        "/        ('JAVA: builtIn nativeLibLoad simulated: ' , libName) printNL.
+        nativeLoader instVarNamed: 'handle' put: index.
+        ^ self
+        "/ void
+    ].
+    (LoadedNativeLibs notNil and: [ LoadedNativeLibs includesKey: libName ]) ifTrue: [
+        "/        ('JAVA: native library already loaded: ' , libName) printNL.
+        nativeLoader instVarNamed: 'handle' put: (LoadedNativeLibs at: libName).
+        ^ self
+        "/ void
+    ].
+    (self confirm: 'permission to load native library: ' , libName , ' ?') ifFalse: [
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    self halt.
+    libName asFilename exists ifFalse: [
+        ('JAVA: no file to load nativeLib: ' , libName) printNL.
+        ^ self
+        "/ void
+    ].
+    libHandle := ObjectFileLoader loadLibrary: libName.
+    libHandle isNil ifTrue: [
+        ('JAVA: failed to load nativeLib: ' , libName) printNL.
+        ^ self
+        "/ void
+    ].
+    LoadedNativeLibs isNil ifTrue: [ LoadedNativeLibs := Dictionary new. ].
+    LoadedNativeLibs at: libName put: libHandle.
+    nativeLoader instVarNamed: 'handle' put: (LoadedNativeLibs at: libName).
+    ^ self
+    "/ void
+    "Modified: / 06-02-1998 / 03:12:17 / cg"
+    "Created: / 10-12-2010 / 15:11:33 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 03-11-2011 / 18:25:08 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+_java_lang_ClassLoader_defineClass1: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/ClassLoader' name: 'defineClass1'>
+    "
+     private native Class defineClass1(String name, byte[] b, int off, int len,
+                                      ProtectionDomain pd, String source);"
+    | className  b  off  len  pd  source  bs  cls |
+    className := Java as_ST_String: (nativeContext argAt: 1).
+    "if name starts with java.* or package is signed by something else and we are not signed, throw security exception"
+    "ClassLoadersTest>>testEyeOpeningClassLoaderLoadObject"
+    "18.11. mh revised - they really test it against java., totally ignoring boot class path.. That surpsised me"
+    (className startsWith: 'java.') ifTrue: [
+        self throwSecurityExceptionWith: 'className=' , className
+    ].
+    cls := nil.
+    b := nativeContext argAt: 2.
+    b ifNil: [self throwNullPointerException].
+    off := nativeContext argAt: 3.
+    len := nativeContext argAt: 4.
+    pd := nativeContext argAt: 5.
+    source := Java as_ST_String: (nativeContext argAt: 6).
+    bs := (off = 0 and: [ len = b size ])
+        ifTrue: [ b readStream ]
+        ifFalse: [ bs := (b copyFrom: off + 1 to: off + len) readStream ].
+    [
+        JavaClassReader classLoaderQuerySignal answer: nativeContext receiver
+            do: [ cls := JavaClassReader readStream: bs. ]
+    ] on: JavaClassReader invalidClassFormatSignal
+            do: [
+        :ex |
+        self throwClassFormatError: ex description.
+        ^ nil.
+    ].
+    self assert: cls classLoader == nativeContext receiver.
+     "FIXME: What to do with source?"
+    self registry registerClass: cls.
+    "JavaClassReader classLoaderQuerySignal answer: nativeContext receiver
+        do: [ cls resolveAll. ]."
+    ^ self reflection javaClassObjectForClass: cls.
+    "Modified: / 08-12-2011 / 20:56:51 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 20-02-2012 / 23:14:42 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 10-09-2012 / 22:21:22 / m"
+_java_lang_ClassLoader_defineClass1_OLD: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/ClassLoader' name: 'defineClass1'>
+    "
+     private native Class defineClass1(String name, byte[] b, int off, int len,
+                                      ProtectionDomain pd, String source);"
+    | className  b  off  len  pd  source  bs  cls |
+    className := Java as_ST_String: (nativeContext argAt: 1).
+     "if name starts with java.* or package is signed by something else and we are not signed, throw security exception" "ClassLoadersTest>>testEyeOpeningClassLoaderLoadObject" "18.11. mh revised - they really test it against java., totally ignoring boot class path.. That surpsised me"
+    (className startsWith: 'java.') ifTrue: [
+        self throwSecurityExceptionWith: 'className=' , className
+    ].
+    cls := ClassRegistry
+                classForName: className asSlashedJavaClassName
+                loader: nativeContext receiver
+                ifAbsentPut: [
+                    b := nativeContext argAt: 2.
+                    off := nativeContext argAt: 3.
+                    len := nativeContext argAt: 4.
+                    pd := nativeContext argAt: 5.
+                    source := Java as_ST_String: (nativeContext argAt: 6).
+                    (off = 0 and: [ len = b size ]) ifTrue: [ bs := b readStream ] ifFalse: [
+                        bs := (b copyFrom: off + 1 to: off + len) readStream
+                    ].
+                    [
+                        JavaClassReader classLoaderQuerySignal answer: nativeContext receiver
+                            do: [ cls := JavaClassReader readStream: bs. ]
+                    ] on: JavaClassReader invalidClassFormatSignal
+                            do: [
+                        :ex |
+                        self throwClassFormatError: ex description.
+                        ^ nil.
+                    ].
+                    self assert: cls classLoader == nativeContext receiver.
+                     "FIXME: What to do with source?"
+                    cls.
+                ].
+    "JavaClassReader classLoaderQuerySignal answer: nativeContext receiver
+        do: [ cls resolveAll. ]."
+    ^ self reflection javaClassObjectForClass: cls.
+    "Modified: / 30-10-2011 / 21:46:26 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 08-12-2011 / 20:56:51 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Created: / 20-02-2012 / 23:10:27 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_lang_ClassLoader_findBootstrapClass: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/ClassLoader' name: 'findBootstrapClass'>
+    "Return class loaded by bootstrap (primordial) classloader or null.
+     See OpenJDK, file src/jdk7/hostspot/src/share/vm/prims/jvm.cpp"
+    | nm  class |
+    nm := Java as_ST_String: (nativeContext argAt: 1).
+    class := ClassRegistry
+                classForName: nm asSlashedJavaClassName
+                loader: nil
+                ifAbsentPut: [ class := JavaVM usePrimordialCLToLoadClassNamed: nm. ].
+    ^ class notNil
+        ifTrue: [ self reflection javaClassObjectForClass: class ]
+        ifFalse: [ self throwClassNotFoundException: nm ].
+    "Modified: / 30-10-2011 / 21:45:58 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 02-11-2011 / 20:13:41 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+_java_lang_ClassLoader_findLoadedClass0: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/ClassLoader' name: 'findLoadedClass0'>
+    "
+    Return java class object for class with given name
+    loaded by the receiver or null if not found.
+    See OpenJDK:
+        src/jdk7/hostspot/src/share/vm/classfile/systemDictionary.cpp
+        src/jdk7/hostspot/src/share/vm/prims/jvm.cpp
+    "
+    | nm class |
+    nm := Java as_ST_String: (nativeContext argAt:1).
+    class := ClassRegistry classNamed: nm asSlashedJavaClassName loader: nativeContext receiver.
+    ^class notNil ifTrue: [
+        self reflection javaClassObjectForClass:class
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        nil
+    ]
+    "Modified: / 30-10-2011 / 21:48:23 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_lang_ClassLoader_getCaller: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/ClassLoader' name: ''>
+    "
+    // index 0: java.lang.ClassLoader.class
+    // index 1: the immediate caller of index 0.
+    // index 2: the immediate caller of index 1.
+    private static native Class<? extends ClassLoader> getCaller(int index);
+    "
+    | ctx receiver |
+    ctx := nativeContext.
+    (nativeContext argAt:1) timesRepeat:[
+        ctx := ctx sender.
+    ].
+    receiver := ctx receiver.
+    receiver isJavaClass ifTrue:[
+        receiver := Reflection javaClassObjectForClass: receiver.
+    ].
+    ^receiver
+    "Modified: / 03-09-2012 / 18:50:57 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_lang_ClassLoader_registerNatives: aJavaContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/ClassLoader' name: 'registerNatives'>
+    "Nothing to do"
+    "Created: / 09-11-2010 / 20:55:45 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_lang_ClassLoader_resolveClass0: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/ClassLoader' name: 'resolveClass0'>
+    "resolve a new class as previously created by defineClass0"
+    "or to be more precise - link class"
+    | jClassLoader  jCls  cls |
+    jClassLoader := nativeContext receiver.
+    jCls := nativeContext argAt: 1.
+    jCls isNil ifTrue: [
+        self throwNullPointerException.
+        ^ nil
+    ].
+    cls := self reflection classForJavaClassObject: jCls.
+    self assert: cls notNil.
+    JavaClassReader classLoaderQuerySignal answer: jClassLoader
+     do: [ "cls resolveAll." ].
+    ^ cls.
+    "
+        Links the specified class.  This (misleadingly named) method may be
+        * used by a class loader to link a class.  If the class <tt>c</tt> has
+        * already been linked, then this method simply returns. Otherwise, the
+        * class is linked as described in the Execution chapter of the <a
+        * href=>Java Language
+        * Specification</a>.
+        * </p>
+        *
+        * @param  c
+        *         The class to link
+        *
+        * @throws  NullPointerException
+         *          If <tt>c</tt> is <tt>null</tt>."
+    "Created: / 07-01-1998 / 13:12:27 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 20-10-1998 / 19:01:57 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 28-01-2011 / 15:28:18 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 08-12-2011 / 20:52:03 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 12-12-2011 / 14:12:08 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_lang_ClassLoader_retrieveDirectives: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/ClassLoader' name: 'retrieveDirectives()Ljava/lang/AssertionStatusDirectives;'>
+    | directives |
+    directives := (self classForName:'java.lang.AssertionStatusDirectives') new.
+    directives instVarNamed:#classes
+        put: ((self classForName:'java.lang.String') javaArrayClass new:0).
+    directives instVarNamed:#classEnabled
+        put: (Boolean javaArrayClass new:0).
+    directives instVarNamed:#packages
+        put: ((self classForName:'java.lang.String') javaArrayClass new:0).
+    directives instVarNamed:#packageEnabled
+        put: (Boolean javaArrayClass new:0).
+    directives instVarNamed:#deflt
+        put: ((AssertionsEnabled == true) ifTrue:[1] ifFalse:[0]).
+    ^directives
+    "Modified: / 06-07-2012 / 08:49:21 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_lang_Class_desiredAssertionStatus0: aJavaContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/Class' name: 'desiredAssertionStatus0'>
+    ^AssertionsEnabled == true
+    "Created: / 24-11-2010 / 08:58:40 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/Class' name: 'forName0'>
+    |nm initialize loader class descriptor|
+    nm := Java as_ST_String:(aJavaContext argAt:1).
+     "Using Class.forName() to get a primitive type is not allowed"
+    (nm size == 1 and:[JavaDescriptor baseTypes includesKey:nm first]) ifTrue:[
+        ^ self throwClassNotFoundException:nm.
+    ].
+    (JavaDescriptor baseTypesByTypeName includesKey:nm) ifTrue:[
+        ^ self throwClassNotFoundException:nm.
+    ].
+    initialize := aJavaContext argAt:2.
+    loader := aJavaContext argAt:3.
+    JavaClassReader classLoaderQuerySignal answer:loader do:[
+        (nm first == $[) ifTrue:[
+            |nms|
+            nms := nm readStream.
+            descriptor := JavaDescriptor readFrom:nms
+                        onError:[^ self throwClassNotFoundException:nm].
+            nms atEnd ifFalse:[
+                ^ self throwClassNotFoundException:nm
+            ].
+            class := descriptor javaClass.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            class := self classForName:nm
+        ]
+    ].
+    class isNil ifTrue:[
+        ^ self throwClassNotFoundException:nm
+    ].
+    ((initialize ~~ 0)
+        and:[class isJavaArrayClass not and:[class isJavaPrimitiveType not]])
+            ifTrue:[
+                [class classInit] on:Error do:[self throwExceptionInInitializerError:nm]
+            ].
+    ^ JavaVM javaClassObjectForClass:class.
+    "Created: / 24-11-2010 / 09:03:13 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 30-10-2011 / 23:30:24 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 02-11-2011 / 19:12:43 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified (format): / 03-12-2011 / 10:49:05 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_lang_Class_getClassLoader0: aJavaContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/Class' name: 'getClassLoader0'>
+    "get a classes loader"
+    |jClass cls |
+    jClass := aJavaContext receiver.
+    cls := self reflection classForJavaClassObject:jClass.
+    ^cls javaMirror getClassLoader
+    "Created: / 25-10-2010 / 22:49:45 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 28-01-2011 / 15:18:54 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified (format): / 31-07-2012 / 18:33:33 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_lang_Class_getComponentType: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/Class' name: 'getComponentType'>
+        |cls|
+    cls := self reflection classForJavaClassObject:(nativeContext receiver).
+    cls isJavaPrimitiveType ifTrue:[
+        self breakPoint:#jv.
+        ^ nil
+    ].
+    ^ self javaClassObjectForClass:cls javaComponentClass
+    "Created: / 12-11-1998 / 18:54:46 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 20-12-2010 / 22:56:00 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 28-01-2011 / 15:18:59 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+_java_lang_Class_getConstantPool: aJavaContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/Class' name: 'getConstantPool'>
+        | class |
+    class := self reflection classForJavaClassObject:aJavaContext receiver.
+    class isJavaClass ifFalse:[
+        ^nil
+    ].
+    ^ self reflection javaConstantPoolObjectFor:class constantPool.
+    "Created: / 21-12-2010 / 20:00:02 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 28-02-2011 / 18:05:13 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 31-07-2012 / 00:47:15 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_lang_Class_getDeclaredClasses0: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/Class' name: 'getDeclaredClasses0'>
+    | class innerPrefix inners |
+    class := self reflection classForJavaClassObject: nativeContext receiver.
+    innerPrefix := class name , '$'.
+    inners := Set new.
+    JAVA allClassesDo:[:cls|
+        ((cls name startsWith: innerPrefix) and:[(cls name indexOf: $$ startingAt: innerPrefix size) == 0]) ifTrue:[
+            inners add: (self reflection javaClassObjectForClass: cls)
+        ].
+    ].
+    ^(Java at: 'java.lang.Class') javaArrayClass withAll: inners
+    "Modified: / 31-07-2012 / 12:07:05 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/Class' name: 'getDeclaredConstructors0'>
+    | class publicOnly |
+    class := self reflection classForJavaClassObject:(aJavaContext receiver).
+    publicOnly := (aJavaContext argAt:1) == 1.
+    ^class javaMirror getDeclaredConstructors: publicOnly.
+    "Created: / 24-11-2010 / 09:25:32 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 09-02-2011 / 01:24:03 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified (format): / 01-08-2012 / 11:15:37 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/Class' name: 'getDeclaredFields0'>
+    |javaClassObject class fields publicOnly|
+    class := self reflection
+                classForJavaClassObject:(javaClassObject := aJavaContext argAt:0).
+    (class isJavaPrimitiveType or:[class isJavaArrayClass]) ifTrue:[
+        ^(self classForName:'java.lang.reflect.Field') javaArrayClass new:0.
+    ].
+    publicOnly := (aJavaContext argAt:1) == 1.
+    fields := class javaMirror getDeclaredFields: publicOnly.
+    ^fields
+    "Created: / 10-11-2010 / 16:22:46 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 28-01-2011 / 15:19:06 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 22-08-2012 / 12:16:30 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/Class' name: 'getDeclaredMethods0'>
+    | class publicOnly |
+    class := self reflection classForJavaClassObject:(aJavaContext receiver).
+    publicOnly := (aJavaContext argAt:1) == 1.
+    ^class javaMirror getDeclaredMethods: publicOnly.
+    "Created: / 21-12-2010 / 22:39:25 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 28-01-2011 / 15:19:09 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 04-06-2011 / 17:07:04 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 01-08-2012 / 11:15:53 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_lang_Class_getDeclaringClass: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/Class' name: 'getDeclaringClass'>
+    "
+     /**
+     * If the class or interface represented by this {@code Class} object
+     * is a member of another class, returns the {@code Class} object
+     * representing the class in which it was declared.  This method returns
+     * null if this class or interface is not a member of any other class.  If
+     * this {@code Class} object represents an array class, a primitive
+     * type, or void,then this method returns null.
+     *
+     * @return the declaring class for this class
+     * @since JDK1.1
+     */"
+    | cls  enclosingClsName  enclosingCls |
+    cls := self reflection classForJavaClassObject: (nativeContext receiver).
+    (cls isJavaPrimitiveType or: [ cls isJavaArrayClass ]) ifTrue: [ ^ nil ].
+    (cls name includes: $$) ifFalse: [ ^ nil ].
+    enclosingClsName := cls name copyTo: (cls name lastIndexOf: $$) - 1.
+    enclosingCls := self classForName: enclosingClsName.
+    enclosingCls isNil ifTrue: [ self error: 'Cannot fins declaring class' ].
+    ^ self reflection javaClassObjectForClass: enclosingCls
+    "Modified: / 13-08-2011 / 02:01:19 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_lang_Class_getEnclosingMethod0: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/Class' name: 'getEnclosingMethod0'>
+    ^nil "/Not true"
+    "Modified: / 14-08-2011 / 20:05:05 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_lang_Class_getGenericSignature: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/Class' name: 'getGenericSignature'>
+    |cls sig |
+    cls := self reflection classForJavaClassObject:(nativeContext receiver).
+    sig := cls javaMirror getGenericSignature.
+    ^sig notNil ifTrue:[
+        Java as_String: sig
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        nil
+    ]
+    "Modified: / 22-08-2012 / 11:58:28 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/Class' name: 'getInterfaces'>
+    |jClass cls interfaces jInterfaces|
+    jClass := nativeContext receiver.
+    cls := self reflection classForJavaClassObject:jClass.
+    interfaces := cls javaMirror getInterfaces.
+    jInterfaces := (self classForName:'java.lang.Class') javaArrayClass new:interfaces size.
+    interfaces
+        withIndexDo:[:iface :idx | jInterfaces at:idx put:(self javaClassObjectForClass:iface) ].
+    ^ jInterfaces
+    "Modified: / 28-01-2011 / 15:19:11 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 22-08-2012 / 11:08:43 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_lang_Class_getModifiers: aJavaContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/Class' name: 'getModifiers'>
+    | cls |
+    cls := (self reflection classForJavaClassObject: aJavaContext receiver).
+    ^cls javaMirror getModifiers
+    "Created: / 12-11-1998 / 18:54:53 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 28-01-2011 / 15:19:14 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 22-08-2012 / 11:04:04 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_lang_Class_getName0: aJavaContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/Class' name: 'getName0'>
+        |class|
+    class := aJavaContext receiver.
+    class := self reflection classForJavaClassObject:aJavaContext receiver.
+    ^ self reflection
+        javaStringObjectForString:class javaMirror getName
+        interned:true.
+    "Created: / 22-11-2010 / 17:50:31 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 09-02-2011 / 01:06:53 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 22-08-2012 / 10:47:58 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_lang_Class_getPrimitiveClass: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/Class' name: 'getPrimitiveClass'>
+        "get a primitive class by name"
+    |jClassName className|
+    jClassName := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    className := Java as_ST_String:jClassName.
+    (JavaDescriptor baseTypesByTypeName keys includes: className)
+        ifFalse:[self throwClassNotFoundException:className].
+    ^self reflection javaClassObjectForClassNamed: className
+    "Created: / 04-01-1998 / 00:46:03 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 28-01-2011 / 15:30:45 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 03-02-2011 / 21:43:34 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_lang_Class_getProtectionDomain0: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/Class' name: 'getProtectionDomain0'>
+    ^(self reflection classForJavaClassObject: nativeContext receiver) javaMirror getProtectionDomain
+    "Modified: / 22-08-2012 / 12:55:51 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_lang_Class_getRawAnnotations: aJavaContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/Class' name: 'getRawAnnotations'>
+    |class |
+    class := self reflection classForJavaClassObject:aJavaContext receiver.
+    class isJavaArrayClass ifTrue:[
+        ^nil
+    ].
+    class isJavaPrimitiveType ifTrue:[
+        ^nil
+    ].
+    class isJavaClass ifFalse:[
+        ^nil.
+    ].
+    ^ class runtimeVisibleAnnotationsAsBytesOrNil
+    "Created: / 21-12-2010 / 19:35:27 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 28-01-2011 / 15:19:20 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 31-07-2012 / 00:46:20 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_lang_Class_getSuperclass: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/Class' name: 'getSuperclass'>
+    "return a classes superclass"
+    | jClass  cls  superCls |
+    jClass := nativeContext receiver.
+    cls := self reflection classForJavaClassObject: jClass.
+    cls isJavaPrimitiveType ifTrue: [ ^ nil ].
+    cls isJavaArrayClass ifTrue: [
+        ^ self javaClassObjectForClass: (Java at: 'java.lang.Object')
+    ].
+    cls == Object ifTrue: [
+        ^ self javaClassObjectForClass: (Java at: 'java.lang.Object')
+    ].
+    cls isInterface ifTrue: [ ^ nil ].
+    superCls := cls superclass.
+    superCls == JavaObject ifTrue: [ ^ nil. ].
+    superCls ==     Object ifTrue: [ ^ nil ]. "/for Java
+    ^ self javaClassObjectForClass: superCls
+    "Created: / 12-01-1998 / 12:38:36 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 04-02-1998 / 14:51:22 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 28-01-2011 / 14:12:47 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 31-07-2012 / 00:50:32 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_lang_Class_isArray: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/Class' name: 'isArray'>
+        ^ (self reflection classForJavaClassObject:nativeContext receiver) isJavaArrayClass
+        ifTrue:[1]
+        ifFalse:[0]
+    "Created: / 12-11-1998 / 18:54:24 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 20-12-2010 / 23:20:03 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 28-01-2011 / 15:19:24 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+_java_lang_Class_isAssignableFrom: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/Class' name: 'isAssignableFrom'>
+        "
+    /**
+     * Determines if the class or interface represented by this
+     * {@code Class} object is either the same as, or is a superclass or
+     * superinterface of, the class or interface represented by the specified
+     * {@code Class} parameter. It returns {@code true} if so;
+     * otherwise it returns {@code false}. If this {@code Class}
+     * object represents a primitive type, this method returns
+     * {@code true} if the specified {@code Class} parameter is
+     * exactly this {@code Class} object; otherwise it returns
+     * {@code false}.
+     *
+     * <p> Specifically, this method tests whether the type represented by the
+     * specified {@code Class} parameter can be converted to the type
+     * represented by this {@code Class} object via an identity conversion
+     * or via a widening reference conversion. See <em>The Java Language
+     * Specification</em>, sections 5.1.1 and 5.1.4 , for details.
+     *
+     * @param cls the {@code Class} object to be checked
+     * @return the {@code boolean} value indicating whether objects of the
+     * type {@code cls} can be assigned to objects of this class
+     * @exception NullPointerException if the specified Class parameter is
+     *            null.
+     * @since JDK1.1
+     */
+    "
+    | clsObj me other |
+    clsObj := nativeContext argAt: 1.
+    clsObj ifNil:[^self throwNullPointerException].
+    me := self reflection classForJavaClassObject: nativeContext receiver.
+    other := self reflection classForJavaClassObject: clsObj.
+    "/    Determines if the class or interface represented by this
+    "/    @code Class} object is either the same as, or is a superclass or
+    "/    superinterface of, the class or interface represented by the specified
+    "/    {@code Class} parameter.
+    ^(other includesBehavior: me)
+        ifTrue:[1]
+        ifFalse:[0]
+    "Created: / 12-11-1998 / 18:54:16 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 05-02-2011 / 23:38:15 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_lang_Class_isInstance: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/Class' name: 'isInstance'>
+        "
+    /**
+     * Determines if the specified {@code Object} is assignment-compatible
+     * with the object represented by this {@code Class}.  This method is
+     * the dynamic equivalent of the Java language {@code instanceof}
+     * operator. The method returns {@code true} if the specified
+     * {@code Object} argument is non-null and can be cast to the
+     * reference type represented by this {@code Class} object without
+     * raising a {@code ClassCastException.} It returns {@code false}
+     * otherwise.
+     *
+     * <p> Specifically, if this {@code Class} object represents a
+     * declared class, this method returns {@code true} if the specified
+     * {@code Object} argument is an instance of the represented class (or
+     * of any of its subclasses); it returns {@code false} otherwise. If
+     * this {@code Class} object represents an array class, this method
+     * returns {@code true} if the specified {@code Object} argument
+     * can be converted to an object of the array class by an identity
+     * conversion or by a widening reference conversion; it returns
+     * {@code false} otherwise. If this {@code Class} object
+     * represents an interface, this method returns {@code true} if the
+     * class or any superclass of the specified {@code Object} argument
+     * implements this interface; it returns {@code false} otherwise. If
+     * this {@code Class} object represents a primitive type, this method
+     * returns {@code false}.
+     *
+     * @param   obj the object to check
+     * @return  true if {@code obj} is an instance of this class
+     *
+     * @since JDK1.1
+     */
+    public native boolean isInstance(Object obj);
+    "
+    |jClass cls obj|
+    obj := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    obj isNil ifTrue:[^ 0].
+    jClass := nativeContext receiver.
+    cls := self reflection classForJavaClassObject:jClass.
+    ^self _INSTANCEOF:obj _:cls
+    "Modified: / 09-02-1998 / 14:56:23 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 28-01-2011 / 14:12:42 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 25-02-2011 / 18:37:07 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_lang_Class_isInterface: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/Class' name: 'isInterface'>
+        "return true, if this class is an interface"
+    |jClass cls|
+    jClass := nativeContext receiver.
+    cls := self reflection classForJavaClassObject:jClass.
+    cls isJavaClass ifFalse:[
+        ^ 0
+    ].
+    cls isInterface ifTrue:[
+        ^ 1 "TRUE"
+    ].
+    ^ 0 "FALSE"
+    "Created: / 12-01-1998 / 12:37:02 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 28-01-2011 / 14:12:35 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 03-02-2011 / 21:50:19 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_lang_Class_isPrimitive: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/Class' name: 'isPrimitive'>
+        "return true, if this class is builtin primitive class
+     (i.e. byteArray, array, string etc."
+    |jClass cls|
+    jClass := nativeContext receiver.
+    cls := self reflection classForJavaClassObject:jClass.
+    ^cls isJavaPrimitiveType
+        ifTrue:[1"true"]
+        ifFalse:[0"false"].
+    "Created: / 09-02-1998 / 14:46:07 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 28-01-2011 / 14:12:30 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 04-02-2011 / 11:56:40 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_lang_Class_registerNatives: aJavaContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/Class' name: 'registerNatives'>
+     "Nothing to do, native method are bound lazily"
+    "Created: / 20-10-2010 / 11:13:23 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_lang_Class_setProtectionDomain0: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/Class' name: 'getProtectionDomain0'>
+    (self reflection classForJavaClassObject: nativeContext receiver)
+        protectionDomain: (nativeContext argAt:1)
+    "Created: / 10-08-2011 / 15:20:10 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_lang_Compiler_disable: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/Compiler' name: 'disable()V'>
+    "Modified: / 09-02-2012 / 22:56:44 / mh <>"
+_java_lang_Compiler_enable: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/Compiler' name: 'enable()V'>
+    "Modified: / 09-02-2012 / 22:57:15 / mh <>"
+_java_lang_Compiler_registerNatives: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/Compiler' name: 'registerNatives()V'>
+    "Modified: / 09-02-2012 / 22:56:37 / mh <>"
+_java_lang_Double_doubleToRawLongBits: aJavaContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/Double' name: 'doubleToRawLongBits'>
+        "
+    /**
+     * Returns a representation of the specified floating-point value
+     * according to the IEEE 754 floating-point 'double
+     * format' bit layout, preserving Not-a-Number (NaN) values.
+     *
+     * <p>Bit 63 (the bit that is selected by the mask
+     * {@code 0x8000000000000000L}) represents the sign of the
+     * floating-point number. Bits
+     * 62-52 (the bits that are selected by the mask
+     * {@code 0x7ff0000000000000L}) represent the exponent. Bits 51-0
+     * (the bits that are selected by the mask
+     * {@code 0x000fffffffffffffL}) represent the significand
+     * (sometimes called the mantissa) of the floating-point number.
+     *
+     * <p>If the argument is positive infinity, the result is
+     * {@code 0x7ff0000000000000L}.
+     *
+     * <p>If the argument is negative infinity, the result is
+     * {@code 0xfff0000000000000L}.
+     *
+     * <p>If the argument is NaN, the result is the {@code long}
+     * integer representing the actual NaN value.  Unlike the
+     * {@code doubleToLongBits} method,
+     * {@code doubleToRawLongBits} does not collapse all the bit
+     * patterns encoding a NaN to a single 'canonical' NaN
+     * value.
+     *
+     * <p>In all cases, the result is a {@code long} integer that,
+     * when given to the {@link #longBitsToDouble(long)} method, will
+     * produce a floating-point value the same as the argument to
+     * {@code doubleToRawLongBits}.
+     *
+     * @param   value   a {@code double} precision floating-point number.
+     * @return the bits that represent the floating-point number.
+     * @since 1.3
+     */
+    "
+    | f b |
+    f := aJavaContext argAt:1.
+    (f =  0.0) ifTrue:[^0].
+    (f = -0.0) ifTrue:[^(1 bitShift: 63)].
+    b := ByteArray streamContents:[:s|Float storeBinaryIEEEDouble:f on:s].
+    ^ LargeInteger digitBytes: b MSB: UninterpretedBytes isBigEndian not.
+    "Created: / 10-11-2010 / 14:48:46 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 07-08-2011 / 21:43:49 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_lang_Double_longBitsToDouble: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/Double' name: 'longBitsToDouble'>
+        |i aFloat|
+    i := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    aFloat := Float new.
+    UninterpretedBytes isBigEndian ifTrue:[
+	aFloat basicAt:1 put:((i bitShift:-56) bitAnd:16rFF).
+	aFloat basicAt:2 put:((i bitShift:-48) bitAnd:16rFF).
+	aFloat basicAt:3 put:((i bitShift:-40) bitAnd:16rFF).
+	aFloat basicAt:4 put:((i bitShift:-32) bitAnd:16rFF).
+	aFloat basicAt:5 put:((i bitShift:-24) bitAnd:16rFF).
+	aFloat basicAt:6 put:((i bitShift:-16) bitAnd:16rFF).
+	aFloat basicAt:7 put:((i bitShift:-8) bitAnd:16rFF).
+	aFloat basicAt:8 put:(i bitAnd:16rFF).
+    ] ifFalse:[
+	aFloat basicAt:1 put:(i bitAnd:16rFF).
+	aFloat basicAt:2 put:((i bitShift:-8) bitAnd:16rFF).
+	aFloat basicAt:3 put:((i bitShift:-16) bitAnd:16rFF).
+	aFloat basicAt:4 put:((i bitShift:-24) bitAnd:16rFF).
+	aFloat basicAt:5 put:((i bitShift:-32) bitAnd:16rFF).
+	aFloat basicAt:6 put:((i bitShift:-40) bitAnd:16rFF).
+	aFloat basicAt:7 put:((i bitShift:-48) bitAnd:16rFF).
+	aFloat basicAt:8 put:((i bitShift:-56) bitAnd:16rFF).
+    ].
+    ^ aFloat.
+    "Created: / 4.1.1998 / 01:45:00 / cg"
+_java_lang_Float_floatToRawIntBits: aJavaContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/Float' name: 'floatToRawIntBits'>
+        "
+    /**
+     * Returns a representation of the specified floating-point value
+     * according to the IEEE 754 floating-point 'single format' bit
+     * layout, preserving Not-a-Number (NaN) values.
+     *
+     * <p>Bit 31 (the bit that is selected by the mask
+     * {@code 0x80000000}) represents the sign of the floating-point
+     * number.
+     * Bits 30-23 (the bits that are selected by the mask
+     * {@code 0x7f800000}) represent the exponent.
+     * Bits 22-0 (the bits that are selected by the mask
+     * {@code 0x007fffff}) represent the significand (sometimes called
+     * the mantissa) of the floating-point number.
+     *
+     * <p>If the argument is positive infinity, the result is
+     * {@code 0x7f800000}.
+     *
+     * <p>If the argument is negative infinity, the result is
+     * {@code 0xff800000}.
+     *
+     * <p>If the argument is NaN, the result is the integer representing
+     * the actual NaN value.  Unlike the {@code floatToIntBits}
+     * method, {@code floatToRawIntBits} does not collapse all the
+     * bit patterns encoding a NaN to a single 'canonical'
+     * NaN value.
+     *
+     * <p>In all cases, the result is an integer that, when given to the
+     * {@link #intBitsToFloat(int)} method, will produce a
+     * floating-point value the same as the argument to
+     * {@code floatToRawIntBits}.
+     *
+     * @param   value   a floating-point number.
+     * @return the bits that represent the floating-point number.
+     * @since 1.3
+     */
+    "
+    | f b |
+    f := aJavaContext argAt:1.
+    (f =  0.0) ifTrue:[^0].
+    (f = -0.0) ifTrue:[^(1 bitShift: 31) ].
+    b := ByteArray streamContents:[:s|ShortFloat storeBinaryIEEESingle:f on:s].
+    ^ (LargeInteger digitBytes: b MSB: UninterpretedBytes isBigEndian not) compressed
+    "Created: / 09-11-2010 / 20:59:20 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 07-08-2011 / 21:45:23 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_lang_Float_intBitsToFloat: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/Float' name: 'intBitsToFloat(I)F'>
+    |i aFloat|
+    i := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    aFloat := ShortFloat basicNew.
+    UninterpretedBytes isBigEndian ifTrue:[
+        aFloat basicAt:1 put:((i bitShift:-24) bitAnd:16rFF).
+        aFloat basicAt:2 put:((i bitShift:-16) bitAnd:16rFF).
+        aFloat basicAt:3 put:((i bitShift:-8) bitAnd:16rFF).
+        aFloat basicAt:4 put:(i bitAnd:16rFF).
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        aFloat basicAt:1 put:(i bitAnd:16rFF).
+        aFloat basicAt:2 put:((i bitShift:-8) bitAnd:16rFF).
+        aFloat basicAt:3 put:((i bitShift:-16) bitAnd:16rFF).
+        aFloat basicAt:4 put:((i bitShift:-24) bitAnd:16rFF).
+    ].
+    ^ aFloat.
+    "Modified: / 13-09-2011 / 20:05:58 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_lang_Object_clone: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/Object' name: 'clone'>
+        "clone an object"
+    |o rslt|
+    o := nativeContext receiver.
+    rslt := o shallowCopy.
+    ^ rslt
+    "Created: / 4.1.1998 / 19:39:26 / cg"
+_java_lang_Object_getClass: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/Object' name: 'getClass'>
+    "return an objects class"
+    | o  cls  jClass |
+    o := nativeContext receiver.
+    cls := o class.
+    jClass := self javaClassObjectForClass: cls.
+    ^ jClass
+    "Created: / 6.1.1998 / 18:28:27 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 23.1.1998 / 17:48:22 / cg"
+_java_lang_Object_hashCode: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/Object' name: 'hashCode'>
+        "identityHash"
+    |o rslt|
+    o := nativeContext receiver.
+    rslt := o identityHash.
+    ^ rslt
+    "Created: / 4.1.1998 / 19:40:26 / cg"
+_java_lang_Object_notify: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/Object' name: 'notify'>
+    "wakeup"
+    self notify: (nativeContext receiver).
+    "Created: / 06-01-1998 / 21:09:26 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 22-11-2011 / 13:24:12 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+_java_lang_Object_notifyAll: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/Object' name: 'notifyAll'>
+    self notifyAll: (nativeContext receiver).
+    "Created: / 03-01-1998 / 03:06:56 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 22-11-2011 / 13:27:17 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+_java_lang_Object_registerNatives: aJavaContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/Object' name: 'registerNatives'>
+    "Nothing to do, native method are bound lazily"
+    "Created: / 19-10-2010 / 12:42:50 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 20-10-2010 / 10:57:44 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_lang_Object_wait: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/Object' name: 'wait'>
+    | tmo  handle |
+    handle := nativeContext receiver.
+    tmo := nativeContext argAt: 1.
+    tmo < 0 ifTrue:[
+        self throwIllegalArgumentException: '1'
+    ].
+    self
+        waitOn: handle forTimeout: tmo
+        state: #javaWait.
+    "Modified: / 30-12-1998 / 19:20:43 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 22-11-2011 / 13:17:51 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 19-09-2012 / 16:19:25 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_lang_Package_getSystemPackage0: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/Package' name: 'getSystemPackage0'>
+    "Based on code on OpenJDK, it is ok to return nil here:"
+    | syspkg syspkg_s |
+    syspkg := nativeContext argAt: 1.
+    syspkg isNil ifTrue:[ ^ nil ].
+    syspkg_s := Java as_ST_String: syspkg.
+    ^(ClassRegistry systemPackage: syspkg_s) notNil ifTrue:[
+        syspkg
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        nil
+    ].
+    "Modified: / 16-08-2012 / 17:45:40 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_lang_ProcessEnvironment_environ: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/ProcessEnvironment' name: 'environ'>
+    | env jenv i|
+    env := OperatingSystem getEnvironment.
+    jenv :=  ByteArray javaArrayClass new: env size * 2.
+    i := 1.
+    env keysAndValuesDo:
+        [:name :value|
+        jenv
+            at: i   put: name  asByteArray;
+            at: i+1 put: value asByteArray.
+        i := i + 2].
+    ^jenv
+    "Modified: / 25-06-2011 / 08:57:47 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_lang_ProcessEnvironment_environmentBlock: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/ProcessEnvironment' name: 'environmentBlock()Ljava/lang/String;'>
+    ^ UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+_java_lang_Runtime_availableProcessors: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/Runtime' name: 'availableProcessors()I'>
+    "
+    /**
+     * Returns the number of processors available to the Java virtual machine.
+     *
+     * <p> This value may change during a particular invocation of the virtual
+     * machine.  Applications that are sensitive to the number of available
+     * processors should therefore occasionally poll this property and adjust
+     * their resource usage appropriately. </p>
+     *
+     * @return  the maximum number of processors available to the virtual
+     *          machine; never smaller than one
+     * @since 1.4
+     */
+    "
+    ^ 1 "/ Since Smalltalk/X is single-thread application
+    "Modified: / 03-09-2012 / 18:53:04 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_lang_Runtime_freeMemory: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/Runtime' name: 'freeMemory()J'>
+        "free memory - Returns the number of free bytes"
+    ^ ObjectMemory freeListSpace + ObjectMemory freeSpace
+    "Created: / 12.1.1998 / 12:59:53 / cg"
+_java_lang_Runtime_gc: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/Runtime' name: 'gc'>
+        "Runs the garbage collector.
+     Ignored, since the ST-gc runs all the time."
+    ^ self
+    "Modified: / 12.1.1998 / 12:58:32 / cg"
+_java_lang_Runtime_runFinalization0: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/Runtime' name: 'runFinalization0'>
+    Smalltalk garbageCollect
+    "Modified: / 08-08-2011 / 17:48:57 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_lang_SecurityManager_getClassContext: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/SecurityManager' name: 'getClassContext'>
+    "
+    /**
+     * Returns the current execution stack as an array of classes.
+     * <p>
+     * The length of the array is the number of methods on the execution
+     * stack. The element at index <code>0</code> is the class of the
+     * currently executing method, the element at index <code>1</code> is
+     * the class of that method's caller, and so on.
+     *
+     * @return  the execution stack.
+     */
+    "
+    | classes ctx jclasses |
+    classes := OrderedCollection new.
+    ctx := thisContext.
+    [ ctx notNil ] whileTrue: [
+        ctx isJavaContext ifTrue:[
+            classes add: ctx method javaClass.
+        ].
+        ctx := ctx sender.
+    ].
+    jclasses := (self classForName:'java.lang.Class') javaArrayClass new: classes size.
+    1 to: classes size do:[:i|
+        jclasses at: i put: (self reflection javaClassObjectForClass: (classes at: i)).
+    ].
+    ^jclasses
+    "Created: / 12-11-1998 / 18:56:06 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 15-11-2011 / 00:27:41 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_lang_Shutdown_halt0: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/Shutdown' name: 'halt0'>
+    AbortOperationRequest raise
+    "Modified: / 06-07-2012 / 13:13:14 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_lang_StrictMath_cbrt: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/StrictMath' name: 'cbrt'>
+    ^ JavaMathSupport cbrt: (nativeContext argAt:1)
+    "Modified: / 07-09-2011 / 17:34:35 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_lang_StrictMath_ceil: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/StrictMath' name: 'ceil(D)D'>
+    ^ (nativeContext argAt:1) ceiling
+    "Modified: / 21-08-2012 / 18:01:19 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_lang_StrictMath_cos: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/StrictMath' name: 'cos'>
+    ^ JavaMathSupport cos: (nativeContext argAt:1)
+    "Modified: / 07-09-2011 / 17:34:18 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_lang_StrictMath_cosh: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/StrictMath' name: 'cosh'>
+    "
+    /**
+     * Returns the hyperbolic cosine of a {@code double} value.
+     * The hyperbolic cosine of <i>x</i> is defined to be
+     * (<i>e<sup>x</sup>&nbsp;+&nbsp;e<sup>-x</sup></i>)/2
+     * where <i>e</i> is {@linkplain Math#E Euler's number}.
+     *
+     * <p>Special cases:
+     * <ul>
+     *
+     * <li>If the argument is NaN, then the result is NaN.
+     *
+     * <li>If the argument is infinite, then the result is positive
+     * infinity.
+     *
+     * <li>If the argument is zero, then the result is {@code 1.0}.
+     *
+     * </ul>
+     *
+     * @param   x The number whose hyperbolic cosine is to be returned.
+     * @return  The hyperbolic cosine of {@code x}.
+     * @since 1.5
+     */
+    public static native double cosh(double x);
+    "
+    ^JavaMathSupport cosh: (nativeContext argAt:1)
+    "Modified: / 06-09-2011 / 19:25:43 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_lang_StrictMath_expm1: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/StrictMath' name: 'expm1'>
+    ^ JavaMathSupport expm1: (nativeContext argAt:1)
+    "Modified: / 07-09-2011 / 17:34:02 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_lang_StrictMath_floor: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/StrictMath' name: 'floor'>
+   ^ JavaMathSupport floor: (nativeContext argAt:1)
+    "Modified: / 07-09-2011 / 17:33:35 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_lang_StrictMath_pow: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/StrictMath' name: 'pow(DD)D'>
+    ^JavaMathSupport pow: (nativeContext argAt:1) to: (nativeContext argAt:3)
+    "Modified: / 07-09-2011 / 17:33:00 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_lang_StrictMath_sin: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/StrictMath' name: 'cos'>
+    ^ JavaMathSupport sin: (nativeContext argAt:1)
+    "Modified: / 07-09-2011 / 17:32:24 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_lang_StrictMath_sinh: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/StrictMath' name: 'sinh'>
+    "
+    /**
+     * Returns the hyperbolic sine of a {@code double} value.
+     * The hyperbolic sine of <i>x</i> is defined to be
+     * (<i>e<sup>x</sup>&nbsp;-&nbsp;e<sup>-x</sup></i>)/2
+     * where <i>e</i> is {@linkplain Math#E Euler's number}.
+     *
+     * <p>Special cases:
+     * <ul>
+     *
+     * <li>If the argument is NaN, then the result is NaN.
+     *
+     * <li>If the argument is infinite, then the result is an infinity
+     * with the same sign as the argument.
+     *
+     * <li>If the argument is zero, then the result is a zero with the
+     * same sign as the argument.
+     *
+     * </ul>
+     *
+     * @param   x The number whose hyperbolic sine is to be returned.
+     * @return  The hyperbolic sine of {@code x}.
+     * @since 1.5
+     */
+    public static native double sinh(double x);
+    "
+    ^ JavaMathSupport sinh: (nativeContext argAt:1)
+    "Modified: / 06-09-2011 / 19:36:57 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified (format): / 07-09-2011 / 17:31:49 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_lang_StrictMath_sqrt: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/StrictMath' name: 'sqrt(D)D'>
+    ^(nativeContext argAt:1) sqrt
+    "Modified: / 17-07-2012 / 20:53:15 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_lang_StrictMath_tan: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/StrictMath' name: 'tan(D)D'>
+    ^ UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+_java_lang_StrictMath_tanh: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/StrictMath' name: 'tanh'>
+    "
+    /**
+     * Returns the hyperbolic tangent of a {@code double} value.
+     * The hyperbolic tangent of <i>x</i> is defined to be
+     * (<i>e<sup>x</sup>&nbsp;-&nbsp;e<sup>-x</sup></i>)/(<i>e<sup>x</sup>&nbsp;+&nbsp;e<sup>-x</sup></i>),
+     * in other words, {@linkplain Math#sinh
+     * sinh(<i>x</i>)}/{@linkplain Math#cosh cosh(<i>x</i>)}.  Note
+     * that the absolute value of the exact tanh is always less than
+     * 1.
+     *
+     * <p>Special cases:
+     * <ul>
+     *
+     * <li>If the argument is NaN, then the result is NaN.
+     *
+     * <li>If the argument is zero, then the result is a zero with the
+     * same sign as the argument.
+     *
+     * <li>If the argument is positive infinity, then the result is
+     * {@code +1.0}.
+     *
+     * <li>If the argument is negative infinity, then the result is
+     * {@code -1.0}.
+     *
+     * </ul>
+     *
+     * @param   x The number whose hyperbolic tangent is to be returned.
+     * @return  The hyperbolic tangent of {@code x}.
+     * @since 1.5
+     */
+    public static native double tanh(double x);
+    "
+    ^ JavaMathSupport tanh: (nativeContext argAt:1)
+    "Modified: / 07-09-2011 / 17:32:09 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_lang_String_intern: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/String' name: 'intern'>
+        |jString|
+    jString := nativeContext receiver.
+    ^ Java intern:jString
+_java_lang_System_arraycopy: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/System' name: 'arraycopy'>
+    |srcArray srcIdx dstArray dstIdx srcArrayCC dstArrayCC count dstEndIdx|
+    srcArray := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    srcArray isNil ifTrue:[
+        ^ self throwNullPointerException
+    ].
+    srcArray isJavaArray ifFalse:[
+        ^ self throwArrayStoreException:srcArray
+    ].
+    srcIdx := nativeContext argAt:2.
+    dstArray := nativeContext argAt:3.
+    dstArray isNil ifTrue:[
+        ^ self throwNullPointerException
+    ].
+    dstArray isJavaArray ifFalse:[
+        ^ self throwArrayStoreException:dstArray
+    ].
+    srcArrayCC := srcArray class javaComponentClass.
+    dstArrayCC := dstArray class javaComponentClass.
+    srcArrayCC isJavaPrimitiveType == dstArrayCC isJavaPrimitiveType
+        ifTrue:
+            [srcArrayCC isJavaPrimitiveType
+                ifTrue:
+                    [srcArrayCC ~~ dstArrayCC ifTrue:
+                        [^ self throwArrayStoreException:dstArray]].
+            ]
+        ifFalse:
+            [^ self throwArrayStoreException:dstArray].
+    dstIdx := nativeContext argAt:4.
+    count := nativeContext argAt:5.
+    count < 0 ifTrue:[
+        ^ self throwArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException:(srcIdx + count - 1)
+    ].
+    ((srcIdx < 0) or:[srcIdx + count > srcArray size]) ifTrue:[
+        srcArray size == 0 ifTrue:[
+            srcArray isVariable ifFalse:[
+                ^ self throwArrayStoreException:srcArray
+            ]
+        ].
+        ^ self throwArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException:(srcIdx + count - 1)
+    ].
+    ((dstIdx < 0) or:[dstIdx + count > dstArray size]) ifTrue:[
+        dstArray size == 0 ifTrue:[
+            dstArray isVariable ifFalse:[
+                ^ self throwArrayStoreException:dstArray
+            ]
+        ].
+        ^ self throwArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException:(dstIdx + count - 1)
+    ].
+    dstEndIdx := dstIdx + count.
+    dstIdx := dstIdx + 1.       "/ ST uses 1-based indexing
+    srcIdx := srcIdx + 1.       "/ ST uses 1-based indexing
+    (srcArray class isBytes and:[dstArray class isBytes]) ifTrue:[
+        dstArray replaceBytesFrom:dstIdx to:dstEndIdx with:srcArray startingAt:srcIdx.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        dstArrayCC isJavaPrimitiveType ifFalse:[
+            "Copy from array iff src=dst to avoid overwriting a data when copying"
+            srcArray == dstArray ifTrue:[srcArray := srcArray copy].
+            1 to: count do:[:i|
+                | obj |
+                obj := srcArray at:srcIdx + i - 1.
+                (obj notNil and:[(self canCast: obj class to: dstArrayCC) not]) ifTrue:[
+                    ^ self throwArrayStoreException:dstArray
+                ].
+                dstArray at: dstIdx + i - 1 put: (srcArray at:srcIdx + i - 1)
+            ]
+        ] ifTrue:[
+            dstArray replaceFrom:dstIdx to:dstEndIdx with:srcArray startingAt:srcIdx.
+        ]
+    ].
+    ^ nil.
+    "Modified: / 08-09-2011 / 15:25:43 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_lang_System_currentTimeMillis: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/System' name: 'currentTimeMillis'>
+    "return the milliseconds since 1.jan.1970"
+    "Should be OK, see Timestamp>>getMilliseconds & Timestamp>>getSeconds & Timestamp>>utcSecondsSince1970"
+    ^ Timestamp now getMilliseconds
+    "
+     JavaVM _System_currentTimeMillis:nil
+    "
+    "Modified: / 23-12-1998 / 21:54:50 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 19-07-2012 / 11:44:56 / jv"
+_java_lang_System_identityHashCode: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/System' name: 'identityHashCode'>
+        |obj|
+    obj := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    ^ obj identityHash
+    "Modified: / 12.11.1998 / 18:52:07 / cg"
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 18:54:00 / cg"
+_java_lang_System_initProperties: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/System' name: 'initProperties'>
+        |props stProps|
+    props := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    stProps := self systemProperties.
+    "/ recursively invoke myself on the Java HashTable.
+    "/ calling 'put' to stuff in the values ...
+    stProps keysAndValuesDo:[:key :value |
+	|keyObj valueObj|
+	keyObj := Java as_String:key.
+	valueObj := Java as_String:value.
+	props
+	    perform:#'put(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;'
+	    with:keyObj
+	    with:valueObj.
+    ].
+    ^ props
+    "Created: / 3.1.1998 / 14:25:22 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 4.1.1998 / 14:23:18 / cg"
+_java_lang_System_mapLibraryName: aJavaContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/System' name: 'mapLibraryName'>
+    | name |
+    name := Java as_ST_String: (aJavaContext argAt: 1).
+    OperatingSystem isUNIXlike ifTrue:[
+        ^Java as_String: ('lib' , name , '.so').
+    ].
+    OperatingSystem isMSWINDOWSlike ifTrue:[
+        ^Java as_String: ( name , '.dll').
+    ].
+    self error:'Unknown/Unsupported platform'
+    "Created: / 09-12-2010 / 18:16:12 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 01-04-2011 / 18:14:02 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_lang_System_nanoTime: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/System' name: 'nanoTime'>
+    ^ OperatingSystem getMicrosecondTime * 1000
+    "Modified: / 07-08-2011 / 21:47:58 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_lang_System_registerNatives: aJavaContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/System' name: 'registerNatives'>
+    "Nothing to do, native method are bound lazily"
+    "Created: / 20-10-2010 / 10:56:35 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_lang_System_setErr0: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/System' name: 'setErr0'>
+        |stream|
+    stream := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    self setOpenFile:(self javaConsoleStream ? Stderr) at:2.
+    nativeContext receiver instVarNamed:'err' put:stream.
+    "Created: / 18.3.1997 / 15:02:05 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 4.1.1998 / 16:21:15 / cg"
+_java_lang_System_setIn0: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/System' name: 'setIn0'>
+        |stream|
+    stream := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    self setOpenFile:Stdin at:0.
+    nativeContext receiver instVarNamed:'in' put:stream.
+    "Created: / 4.1.1998 / 16:16:38 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 4.1.1998 / 16:20:44 / cg"
+_java_lang_System_setOut0: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/System' name: 'setOut0'>
+        |stream|
+    stream := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    self setOpenFile:(self javaConsoleStream ? Stdout) at:1.
+    nativeContext receiver instVarNamed:'out' put:stream.
+    "Created: / 4.1.1998 / 16:18:26 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 4.1.1998 / 16:20:23 / cg"
+_java_lang_Thread_currentThread: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/Thread' name: 'currentThread'>
+    | t  p |
+    p := Processor activeProcess.
+    t := self javaThreadForSTProcess: p.
+    nativeContext sender receiver class name
+        = 'java/util/concurrent/locks/ReentrantLock$NonfairSync'
+            ifTrue: [
+                | owner |
+                owner := (nativeContext sender receiver
+                            perform: #'getExclusiveOwnerThread()Ljava/lang/Thread;').
+                (owner notNil and: [ owner ~= t ]) ifTrue: [ self breakPoint: #mh. ]
+            ].
+    t notNil ifTrue: [ ^ t ].
+    t := self newThread: p name.
+    t instVarNamed: 'tid' put: p id.
+    Java addThread: t for: p.
+    ^ t
+    "Modified: / 04-12-2011 / 20:11:17 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 09-12-2011 / 12:52:39 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+_java_lang_Thread_holdsLock: aJavaContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/Thread' name: 'holdsLock'>
+    | obj  mon  thisProcess |
+    obj := aJavaContext argAt: 1.
+    obj isNil ifTrue: [self throwNullPointerException:'null given to _java_lang_Thread_holdsLock'].
+    mon := obj getJavaMonitor.
+    thisProcess := Processor activeProcess.
+    (mon isOwnedBy: thisProcess) ifTrue: [ ^ 1 ] ifFalse: [ ^ 0 ].
+    "Created: / 30-04-2011 / 22:06:29 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 09-12-2011 / 11:13:57 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 27-08-2012 / 11:36:52 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_lang_Thread_interrupt0: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/Thread' name: 'interrupt0()V'>
+    | jThread  stProcess |
+    jThread := nativeContext receiver.
+    stProcess := self stProcessForJavaThread: jThread.
+    self assert: stProcess notNil.
+    stProcess javaInterrupt.
+    "Modified: / 02-01-1998 / 21:49:06 / cg"
+    "Created: / 10-04-1998 / 15:21:43 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 30-11-2011 / 13:36:56 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+_java_lang_Thread_isAlive: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/Thread' name: 'isAlive'>
+        "is it alive ?"
+    |jThread stProcess|
+    jThread := nativeContext receiver.
+    stProcess := JavaVM stProcessForJavaThread:jThread.
+    stProcess isNil ifTrue:[
+	ThreadTrace == true ifTrue:[
+	    ('JAVA: no stProcess for javaThread: ' , jThread displayString) printNL.
+	].
+	^ 0 "FALSE"
+    ].
+    stProcess isDead ifTrue:[^ 0 "FALSE"].
+    ^ 1 "TRUE"
+    "Created: / 5.1.1998 / 02:03:51 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 6.2.1998 / 02:15:01 / cg"
+_java_lang_Thread_isInterrupted: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/Thread' name: 'isInterrupted'>
+    "ask if a thread is interrupted (clear interruptState if arg is true)"
+    | jThread  stProcess  clearInterrupt  wasInterrupted |
+    jThread := nativeContext receiver.
+    stProcess := self stProcessForJavaThread: jThread.
+    self assert: stProcess notNil.
+    clearInterrupt := nativeContext argAt: 1.
+    wasInterrupted := stProcess isInterrupted.
+    clearInterrupt ~~ 0 ifTrue: [ stProcess clearInterrupted ].
+    stProcess isDead ifTrue: [ ^ 0 ].
+    wasInterrupted ifTrue: [ ^ 1 ] ifFalse: [ ^ 0 ].
+    "Modified: / 02-01-1998 / 21:49:06 / cg"
+    "Created: / 07-01-1998 / 18:50:26 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 05-08-2011 / 22:21:41 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 30-11-2011 / 12:22:34 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+_java_lang_Thread_registerNatives: aJavaContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/Thread' name: 'registerNatives'>
+    "Nothing to do, native method are bound lazily"
+    "Created: / 20-10-2010 / 11:12:39 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_lang_Thread_resume0: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/Thread' name: 'resume0()V'>
+        "yield"
+    |jThread stProcess|
+    jThread := nativeContext receiver.
+    stProcess := JavaVM stProcessForJavaThread:jThread.
+    stProcess isNil ifTrue:[
+	ThreadTrace == true ifTrue:[
+	    ('JAVA: no stProcess for javaThread: ' , jThread displayString) printNL.
+	].
+	^ nil "void"
+    ].
+    stProcess resume
+    "Created: / 8.1.1998 / 01:06:27 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 6.2.1998 / 02:15:08 / cg"
+_java_lang_Thread_setPriority0: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/Thread' name: 'setPriority0'>
+   |t p prio|
+    t := nativeContext receiver.
+    p := JavaVM stProcessForJavaThread:t.
+    prio := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    p isNil ifTrue:[
+        ThreadTrace == true ifTrue:[
+            'JAVA [info]: no process yet (in setPriority)' infoPrintCR.
+        ].
+        ^ nil
+    ].
+    "Modified: / 01-05-2011 / 13:25:23 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_lang_Thread_sleep: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/Thread' name: 'sleep'>
+    "sleep for some milliseconds "
+    | millis |
+    millis := nativeContext argAt: 1.
+    millis < 0 ifTrue: [
+        self throwIllegalArgumentException: ('negative timeout: %1 in Thread.sleep' bindWith: millis)
+    ].
+    Logger
+        log: ('%1 going to sleep for %2'
+                bindWith: Processor activeProcess printString
+                with: millis)
+        severity: #debug
+        facility: #JVM.
+    self sleepForTimeout: millis state: #sleep.
+    "Modified: / 08-01-1999 / 16:42:52 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 30-11-2011 / 13:58:36 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+_java_lang_Thread_start0: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/Thread' name: 'start0'>
+    ^self threadStart: nativeContext
+    "Modified: / 24-12-1999 / 03:14:33 / cg"
+    "Created: / 22-11-2010 / 17:48:46 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 14-12-2010 / 21:31:37 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_lang_Thread_stop0: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/Thread' name: 'stop0(Ljava/lang/Object;)V'>
+        "terminate a thread"
+    | jThread  stProcess  death |
+    jThread := nativeContext receiver.
+    stProcess := JavaVM stProcessForJavaThread: jThread.
+    stProcess isNil ifTrue: [
+        ThreadTrace == true ifTrue: [
+            ('JAVA: no stProcess for javaThread: ' , jThread displayString) printNL.
+        ].
+        ^ nil "void"
+    ].
+    stProcess == JavaScreenUpdaterThread ifTrue: [ self halt ].
+    stProcess == JavaEventQueueThread ifTrue: [ self halt ].
+    death := nativeContext argAt: 1.
+    stProcess
+        interruptWith: [
+            JavaVM javaExceptionSignal
+                handle: [
+                    :ex |
+                    Processor activeProcess == JavaScreenUpdaterThread ifTrue: [ self halt ].
+                    Processor activeProcess == JavaEventQueueThread ifTrue: [ self halt ].
+                    Processor activeProcess terminate
+                ]
+                do: [
+                    ThreadTrace == true ifTrue: [
+                        ('JAVA: thread exit: ' , jThread displayString) infoPrintNL.
+                    ].
+                    jThread perform: #'exit()V'.
+                    self throwException: death.
+                ]
+        ].
+    "Created: / 08-01-1998 / 13:11:17 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 24-12-1999 / 02:32:45 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 01-12-2011 / 18:26:51 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+_java_lang_Thread_yield: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/Thread' name: 'yield()V'>
+        "yield"
+    |jThread stProcess|
+    Processor yield.
+"/    jThread := nativeContext receiver.
+"/    stProcess := JavaVM stProcessForJavaThread:jThread.
+"/    stProcess isNil ifTrue:[
+"/        ThreadTrace == true ifTrue:[
+"/            ('JAVA: no stProcess for javaThread: ' , jThread displayString) printNL.
+"/        ].
+"/        ^ nil "void"
+"/    ].
+"/    stProcess == Processor activeProcess ifTrue:[
+"/        Processor yield.
+"/    ] ifFalse:[
+"/        self halt.
+"/    ].
+    "Created: / 5.1.1998 / 02:03:51 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 23.12.1998 / 19:19:17 / cg"
+_java_lang_Throwable_fillInStackTrace: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/Throwable' name: 'fillInStackTrace'>
+    | java_lang_Throwable  exceptionObject  list  con |
+    java_lang_Throwable := Java classNamed: 'java/lang/Throwable'.
+    exceptionObject := nativeContext receiver.
+    "/
+    "/ debugging only
+    "/
+    (java_lang_Throwable notNil and:[(exceptionObject isKindOf: java_lang_Throwable) not]) ifTrue: [
+        self error:'Thrown object is not a java.lang.Throwable'.
+    ].
+    con := thisContext sender.
+    "/
+    "/ we are not interrested in all intermediate Exception frames ...
+    "/
+    FullExceptionTrace ifFalse: [
+        "/ first, skip any JavaVM contexts
+        [ con receiver == exceptionObject ] whileFalse: [ con := con sender ].
+        "/ then, all exception-init contexts
+        [ con receiver == exceptionObject ] whileTrue: [ con := con sender ].
+    ].
+    list := OrderedCollection new.
+    [ con notNil ] whileTrue: [
+        (con isJavaContext) ifTrue: [
+            "/ add a copy, in case the context continues with some
+            "/ cleanup ...
+            list add: con shallowCopy
+        ].
+        con := con sender
+    ].
+    exceptionObject instVarNamed: 'backtrace' put: (list asArray).
+    ^ nil.
+    "Created: / 04-01-1998 / 14:27:40 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 08-05-1998 / 21:29:53 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 21-10-2011 / 13:41:48 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 28-10-2011 / 22:15:54 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_lang_Throwable_getStackTraceDepth: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/Throwable' name: 'getStackTraceDepth'>
+    ^(nativeContext receiver instVarNamed: #backtrace) size
+    "Modified: / 01-05-2011 / 20:25:36 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_lang_Throwable_getStackTraceElement: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/Throwable' name: 'getStackTraceElement'>
+    | throwable index ctx stackTraceElement |
+    throwable := nativeContext receiver.
+    index :=  nativeContext argAt: 1.
+    ctx := (throwable instVarNamed:#backtrace) at: index + 1.
+    stackTraceElement := (self classForName: 'java.lang.StackTraceElement') new.
+    stackTraceElement
+        instVarNamed: #declaringClass
+        put: (Java as_String:(ctx method javaClass javaName));
+        instVarNamed: #methodName
+        put: (Java as_String:"(ctx method printStringForBrowserWithSelector:ctx method selector inClass: ctx method javaClass) asString"ctx method selector);
+        instVarNamed: #lineNumber
+        put: ctx lineNumber.
+    ctx method javaClass sourceFile notNil ifTrue:[
+        stackTraceElement
+            instVarNamed: #fileName
+            put: (Java as_String:(ctx method javaClass sourceFile))
+    ].
+    ^ stackTraceElement
+    "Modified: / 02-12-2011 / 23:36:41 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_lang_UNIXProcess_forkAndExec: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/UNIXProcess' name: 'forkAndExec'>
+    "^ UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise"
+_java_lang_UNIXProcess_initIDs: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/UNIXProcess' name: 'initIDs'>
+    "Nothing to do"
+    "Modified: / 25-06-2011 / 10:05:24 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_lang_UNIXProcess_waitForProcessExit: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/UNIXProcess' name: 'waitForProcessExit(I)I'>
+    "^ UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise"
+! !
+!JavaVM class methodsFor:'native - java.lang.ref'!
+_java_lang_ref_Finalizer_invokeFinalizeMethod: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/ref/Finalizer' name: 'invokeFinalizeMethod(Ljava/lang/Object;)V'>
+    | o |
+    o := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    Logger log: 'Finalizing ' , o printString  severity: #debug facility: 'JVM' .
+    o perform:#'finalize()V'
+    "Modified: / 24-07-2012 / 11:11:45 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!JavaVM class methodsFor:'native - java.lang.reflect'!
+_java_lang_reflect_Array_getLength: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/reflect/Array' name: 'getLength(Ljava/lang/Object;)I'>
+    ^(nativeContext argAt: 1) size
+    "Modified: / 17-08-2011 / 09:02:18 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_lang_reflect_Array_multiNewArray: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/reflect/Array' name: 'multiNewArray(Ljava/lang/Class;[I)Ljava/lang/Object;'>
+    |componentClass sizes cls array |
+    (nativeContext argAt:1) isNil ifTrue:[
+        self throwNullPointerException.
+        ^nil.
+    ].
+    (nativeContext argAt:2) isNil ifTrue:[
+        self throwNullPointerException.
+        ^nil.
+    ].
+    componentClass := self reflection
+                classForJavaClassObject:(nativeContext argAt:1).
+    componentClass == UndefinedObject ifTrue:[
+        self throwIllegalArgumentException:'invalid class: void'.
+        ^nil
+    ].
+    sizes := nativeContext argAt:2.
+    sizes class == SignedIntegerArray ifFalse:[
+        self throwIllegalArgumentException:('sizes arguments not instance of int[] (is: %1)' bindWith: sizes class).
+        ^nil
+    ].
+    sizes size == 0 ifTrue:[
+        self throwIllegalArgumentException:('sizes argument has no elements').
+        ^nil
+    ].
+    array := nil.
+    cls := componentClass.
+    sizes do:[:size|
+        | newArray |
+        size > SmallInteger maxVal ifTrue:[
+            "This is just for Mauve tests"
+            self throwExceptionClassName:'java.lang.OutOfMemoryError'
+                             withMessage:'array size too big'.
+            ^nil.
+        ].
+        size <  0 ifTrue:[
+            self throwExceptionClassName:'java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException'
+                             withMessage:'negative array size not allowed'.
+            ^nil
+        ].
+        cls := cls javaArrayClass.
+        newArray := cls new: size.
+        1 to: size do:[:i|
+            newArray at:i put: array copy.
+        ].
+        array := newArray.
+    ].
+    ^array.
+    "Modified: / 22-11-2011 / 10:42:37 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/reflect/Array' name: 'newArray'>
+    |componentClass size|
+    (aJavaContext argAt:1) isNil ifTrue:[
+        self throwNullPointerException.
+        ^nil.
+    ].
+    componentClass := self reflection
+                classForJavaClassObject:(aJavaContext argAt:1).
+    componentClass == UndefinedObject ifTrue:[
+        self throwIllegalArgumentException:'invalid class: void'.
+        ^nil
+    ].
+    size := aJavaContext argAt:2.
+    size < 0 ifTrue:[
+        self throwExceptionClassName:'java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException'
+                         withMessage:'negative array size not allowed'.
+        ^nil
+    ].
+    ^ componentClass javaArrayClass new:size
+    "Created: / 17-12-2010 / 14:49:02 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 28-01-2011 / 15:18:50 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 04-06-2011 / 17:06:41 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 22-11-2011 / 09:13:20 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_lang_reflect_Array_set: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/reflect/Array' name: 'set'>
+    | array index value |
+    array :=  nativeContext at:1.
+    index := (nativeContext at:2) + 1.
+    value :=  nativeContext at:3.
+    array isJavaArray ifFalse:[
+        self throwIllegalArgumentException:'passed object is not an array'.
+        ^nil.
+    ].
+    index < 1 ifTrue:[
+        self throwIllegalArgumentException:'index is negative'.
+        ^nil.
+    ].
+    index > array size ifTrue:[
+        self throwArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: index.
+        ^nil.
+    ].
+    value isNil ifTrue:[
+        array at: index put: nil.
+        ^nil
+    ].
+    (self canCast: value class to: array class javaComponentClass) ifFalse:[
+        self throwIllegalArgumentException:'type-incompatible value'.
+        ^nil.
+    ].
+    array at: index put: value.
+    "Modified: / 22-11-2011 / 11:06:23 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_lang_reflect_Proxy_defineClass0: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/lang/reflect/Proxy' name: 'defineClass0'>
+        "
+    private static native Class defineClass0(ClassLoader loader, String name,
+                                             byte[] b, int off, int len);
+    "
+    | loader name b off len  bs cls |
+    loader := nativeContext argAt: 1.
+    name := nativeContext argAt: 2.
+    b := nativeContext argAt: 3.
+    off := nativeContext argAt: 4.
+    len := nativeContext argAt: 5.
+    bs := (off = 0 and: [len = b size])
+            ifTrue:[b readStream]
+            ifFalse:[(b copyFrom: off + 1 to: off + len) readStream].
+    cls := JavaClassReader readStream: bs.
+    cls classLoader: loader.
+    self classRegistry registerClass: cls.
+    ^self reflection javaClassObjectForClass: cls.
+    "Created: / 06-02-2011 / 16:55:31 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!JavaVM class methodsFor:'native -'!
+_java_net_DatagramPacket_init: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/net/DatagramPacket' name: 'init'>
+    "Nothing to do"
+    "Modified: / 13-09-2011 / 22:33:57 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_net_Inet4AddressImpl_getHostByAddr: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/net/Inet4AddressImpl' name: 'getHostByAddr([B)Ljava/lang/String;'>
+    ^ UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+_java_net_Inet4AddressImpl_getLocalHostName: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/net/Inet4AddressImpl' name: 'getLocalHostName()Ljava/lang/String;'>
+    ^Java as_String: OperatingSystem getHostName
+    "Modified: / 13-09-2011 / 22:36:10 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_net_Inet4AddressImpl_lookupAllHostAddr: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/net/Inet4AddressImpl' name: 'lookupAllHostAddr(Ljava/lang/String;)[Ljava/net/InetAddress;'>
+    | hostname sockaddr inet4Address |
+    hostname := Java as_ST_String: (nativeContext argAt:1).
+    [
+        sockaddr := IPSocketAddress hostName: hostname.
+    ] on: HostNameLookupError do: [:ex|
+        self throwExceptionClassName: '' withMessage: (ex description , '(' , hostname , ')').
+        ^nil.
+    ].
+    "Bad, here we have an access to just one inet address,
+     that's fine for now, however"
+    inet4Address := (self classForName:'') newCleared.
+    inet4Address
+        instVarNamed: #family put: 1; "/IPv4
+        instVarNamed: #address put: (sockaddr address doubleWordAt: 1 MSB: true);
+        instVarNamed: #hostName put: (nativeContext argAt:1);
+        instVarNamed: #canonicalHostName put: (nativeContext argAt:1).
+    ^(self classForName:'') javaArrayClass with: inet4Address.
+    "Modified: / 08-11-2011 / 10:10:25 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_net_Inet4Address_init: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/net/Inet4Address' name: 'init()V'>
+    "Nothing to do"
+    "Modified: / 13-09-2011 / 22:31:47 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_net_Inet6Address_init: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/net/Inet6Address' name: 'init()V'>
+    "Nothing to do"
+    "Modified: / 13-09-2011 / 22:32:16 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_net_InetAddressImplFactory_isIPv6Supported: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/net/InetAddressImplFactory' name: 'isIPv6Supported'>
+    ^ 0 "IPv6 is not supported!!"
+    "Modified: / 13-09-2011 / 19:43:05 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_net_InetAddress_init: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/net/InetAddress' name: 'init'>
+    "Nothing to do"
+    "Created: / 27-01-1998 / 18:16:40 / cg"
+    "Modified (comment): / 13-09-2011 / 22:32:37 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_net_NetworkInterface_getAll: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/net/NetworkInterface' name: 'getAll()[Ljava/net/NetworkInterface;'>
+    ^ UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+_java_net_NetworkInterface_getByName0: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/net/NetworkInterface' name: 'getByName0(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/net/NetworkInterface;'>
+    ^ UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+_java_net_NetworkInterface_init: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/net/NetworkInterface' name: 'init'>
+    "Nothing to do"
+    "Modified: / 13-09-2011 / 22:33:21 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_net_PlainDatagramSocketImpl_bind0: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/net/PlainDatagramSocketImpl' name: 'bind0(ILjava/net/InetAddress;)V'>
+    | port addr sock fd |
+    port := nativeContext argAt: 1.
+    addr := nativeContext argAt: 2.
+    addr isNil ifTrue:[
+        self throwSocketException: 'Passed InetAddress object is null'.
+        ^nil.
+    ].
+    fd := nativeContext receiver instVarNamed: #fd.
+    fd isNil ifTrue:[
+        self throwSocketException: 'Socket closed'.
+        ^nil.
+    ].
+    sock := self validateFile: nativeContext receiver.
+    addr := addr perform: #'getAddress()[B'.
+    addr = #[0 0 0 0] ifTrue:[
+        addr := nil
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        self throwSocketException: 'Only all-interface bind is supported by underlaing socket implementation, sorry'.
+        ^nil
+    ].
+    [
+        sock bindTo: port address: addr reuseAddress: true.
+        nativeContext receiver instVarNamed: #localPort put: sock port.
+    ] on: Error do:[:ex|
+        self throwSocketException: 'bind0() failed: ', ex description
+    ]
+    "Modified: / 07-11-2011 / 21:45:26 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_net_PlainDatagramSocketImpl_datagramSocketClose: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/net/PlainDatagramSocketImpl' name: 'datagramSocketClose()V'>
+        |jsock sock|
+    jsock := nativeContext receiver.
+    sock := self validateFile:jsock.
+    sock notNil ifTrue:[
+	FileIOTrace ifTrue:[
+	    'JAVA: datagram close socket' infoPrintCR
+	].
+	sock close.
+    ].
+    "Modified: / 21.8.1997 / 17:09:40 / cg"
+    "Created: / 25.1.1998 / 20:04:24 / cg"
+_java_net_PlainDatagramSocketImpl_datagramSocketCreate: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/net/PlainDatagramSocketImpl' name: 'datagramSocketCreate()V'>
+        |jsock fd sock fileNo|
+    jsock := nativeContext receiver.
+    fd := jsock instVarNamed:'fd'.
+    (fd instVarNamed:'fd') ~~ -1 ifTrue:[
+        self halt:'file already open'.
+        self internalError:'file already open'.
+        self throwIOExceptionWithMessage:'file already open in socketCreate'.
+        ^ self.
+    ].
+    FileOpenTrace ifTrue:[
+        ('JAVA: create datagram socket') infoPrintCR.
+    ].
+    sock := self commonOpenStreamUsing:[Socket newUDP].
+    sock isNil ifTrue:[
+        self throwIOExceptionWithMessage:'socketCreate failed'.
+    ].
+    fileNo := self addOpenFile:sock.
+    fd instVarNamed:'fd' put:fileNo.
+    "Kludge for finalization..."
+    jsock finalizationLobby registerChange: jsock
+    "Created: / 25-01-1998 / 19:59:25 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 30-12-1998 / 20:10:38 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 23-07-2012 / 19:37:34 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_net_PlainDatagramSocketImpl_init: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/net/PlainDatagramSocketImpl' name: 'init'>
+    "Nothing to do"
+    "Modified: / 13-09-2011 / 22:36:23 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_net_PlainDatagramSocketImpl_receive0: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/net/PlainDatagramSocketImpl' name: 'receive0(Ljava/net/DatagramPacket;)V'>
+    ^ UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+_java_net_PlainDatagramSocketImpl_send: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/net/PlainDatagramSocketImpl' name: 'send(Ljava/net/DatagramPacket;)V'>
+        |jsock jdatagramPacket sock ok|
+    jsock := nativeContext receiver.
+    jdatagramPacket := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    sock := self validateFile:jsock.
+    sock notNil ifTrue:[
+	FileIOTrace ifTrue:[
+	    ('JAVA: socket send') infoPrintCR
+	].
+	^ -1.
+    ].
+    ^ -1
+    "Created: / 4.2.1998 / 15:06:20 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 30.12.1998 / 20:10:16 / cg"
+_java_net_PlainDatagramSocketImpl_socketSetOption: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/net/PlainDatagramSocketImpl' name: 'socketSetOption(ILjava/lang/Object;)V'>
+        "/ native void socketSetOption (int arg1, java.lang.Object arg2)
+    |jsock opt optVal sock ok err jSocketOptions|
+    jsock := nativeContext receiver.
+    opt := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    optVal := nativeContext argAt:2.
+    sock := self validateFile:jsock.
+    sock notNil ifTrue:[
+	FileIOTrace ifTrue:[
+	    ('JAVA: socket setOption ' , opt printString) infoPrintCR
+	].
+	jSocketOptions := Java at:''.
+	(opt == (jSocketOptions instVarNamed:'TCP_NODELAY')) ifTrue:[
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    (opt == (jSocketOptions instVarNamed:'SO_BINDADDR')) ifTrue:[
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		(opt == (jSocketOptions instVarNamed:'SO_REUSEADDR')) ifTrue:[
+		] ifFalse:[
+		    (opt == (jSocketOptions instVarNamed:'IP_MULTICAST_IF')) ifTrue:[
+		    ] ifFalse:[
+			(opt == (jSocketOptions instVarNamed:'SO_LINGER')) ifTrue:[
+			] ifFalse:[
+			    (opt == (jSocketOptions instVarNamed:'SO_TIMEOUT')) ifTrue:[
+			    ] ifFalse:[
+				self throwIOExceptionWithMessage:'bad arg to setOption'.
+			    ]
+			]
+		    ]
+		]
+	    ]
+	].
+	self throwIOExceptionWithMessage:'unimplemented: setOption'.
+self halt.
+	^ nil.  "/ void
+    ].
+    "Created: / 4.2.1998 / 15:06:20 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 30.12.1998 / 20:10:16 / cg"
+_java_net_PlainSocketImpl_initProto: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/net/PlainSocketImpl' name: 'initProto'>
+    "Nothing to do"
+    "Created: / 12-01-1998 / 12:56:52 / cg"
+    "Modified (comment): / 13-09-2011 / 22:36:35 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_net_PlainSocketImpl_socketAccept: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/net/PlainSocketImpl' name: 'socketAccept(Ljava/net/SocketImpl;)V'>
+    |jsock fd newJSock sock newSock fileNo|
+    jsock := nativeContext receiver.
+    sock := self validateFile:jsock.
+    sock isNil ifTrue:[
+        self throwIOExceptionWithMessage:'nil socket in accept'.
+        ^ self.
+    ].
+    newJSock := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    fd := newJSock instVarNamed:'fd'.
+    (fd instVarNamed:'fd') ~~ -1 ifTrue:[
+        self halt:'file already open'.
+        self internalError:'file already open'.
+        self throwIOExceptionWithMessage:'socket already open in socketAccept'.
+        ^ self.
+    ].
+    FileIOTrace ifTrue:[
+        'JAVA: socket accept' infoPrintCR
+    ].
+    [
+        newSock := self commonOpenStreamUsing:[sock accept].
+    ] on: Error do:[:ex|
+        self throwSocketException:'accept failed: ' , ex description.
+        ^nil.
+    ].
+    newSock isNil ifTrue:[
+        self throwSocketException:'accept failed'.
+        ^nil.
+    ].
+    fileNo := self addOpenFile:newSock.
+    fd instVarNamed:'fd' put:fileNo.
+    newJSock instVarNamed:'localport' put: newSock port.
+    newJSock instVarNamed:'port' put: newSock getPeer port.
+    "Kludge for finalization..."
+    newJSock finalizationLobby registerChange: newJSock.
+    "Created: / 04-02-1998 / 15:26:49 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 30-12-1998 / 20:10:01 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 23-07-2012 / 19:37:45 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_net_PlainSocketImpl_socketAvailable: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/net/PlainSocketImpl' name: 'socketAvailable()I'>
+        |jSock sock n|
+    jSock := nativeContext receiver.
+    sock := self validateFile:jSock.
+    sock isNil ifTrue:[
+	self throwIOExceptionWithMessage:'socketAvailable on closed socket'.
+	^ self.
+    ].
+    n := sock numAvailable.
+    ^ n
+    "Created: / 4.2.1998 / 16:58:49 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 30.12.1998 / 20:10:08 / cg"
+_java_net_PlainSocketImpl_socketBind: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/net/PlainSocketImpl' name: 'socketBind(Ljava/net/InetAddress;I)V'>
+    |jsock jaddr port sock hostName ok err|
+    jsock := nativeContext receiver.
+    jaddr := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    port := nativeContext argAt:2.
+    hostName := jaddr instVarNamed:'hostName'.
+    hostName isNil ifTrue:[
+        self halt.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        hostName := Java as_ST_String:hostName
+    ].
+    sock := self validateFile:jsock.
+    sock notNil ifTrue:[
+        FileIOTrace ifTrue:[
+            ('JAVA: socket bind to ' , hostName printString, ' port ' , port printString) infoPrintCR
+        ].
+        [
+            ok := sock bindTo:port address:nil "hostName".
+        ] on: Error do: [:ex|
+            self
+                throwExceptionClassName: ''
+                withMessage:'bind failed: ' , ex description.
+        ].
+        ok ifFalse:[
+            err := OperatingSystem lastErrorString.
+            self
+                throwExceptionClassName: ''
+                withMessage:'bind failed: ' , err.
+        ].
+       jsock instVarNamed: #localport put: sock port.
+       jsock instVarNamed: #address put: jaddr.
+    ].
+    "Created: / 04-02-1998 / 15:06:20 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 30-12-1998 / 20:10:16 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 19-11-2011 / 00:43:21 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_net_PlainSocketImpl_socketClose0: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/net/PlainSocketImpl' name: 'socketClose0(Z)V'>
+    ^self commonClose: nativeContext
+    "Modified: / 07-11-2011 / 23:21:28 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_net_PlainSocketImpl_socketConnect: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/net/PlainSocketImpl' name: 'socketConnect(Ljava/net/InetAddress;II)V'>
+    |jsock jaddr port sock addr hostName ok|
+    jsock := nativeContext receiver.
+    jaddr := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    port := nativeContext argAt:2.
+    hostName := jaddr instVarNamed:'hostName'.
+    hostName notNil ifTrue:[
+        hostName := Java as_ST_String:hostName
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        addr := jaddr instVarNamed:'address'.
+        addr notNil ifTrue:[
+            hostName := ByteArray new:4.
+            hostName at:4 put:(addr bitAnd:16rFF).
+            addr := addr bitShift:-8.
+            hostName at:3 put:(addr bitAnd:16rFF).
+            addr := addr bitShift:-8.
+            hostName at:2 put:(addr bitAnd:16rFF).
+            addr := addr bitShift:-8.
+            hostName at:1 put:(addr bitAnd:16rFF).
+        ].
+    ].
+    hostName isNil ifTrue:[
+        self halt.
+    ].
+    sock := self validateFile:jsock.
+    sock notNil ifTrue:[
+        FileIOTrace ifTrue:[
+            Logger log: ('socket connect to ' , hostName printString , ' port ' , port printString) severity: #trace facility: #JVM.
+        ].
+        SocketConnectConfirmation ifTrue:[
+            (PermittedHostConnects isNil
+            or:[(PermittedHostConnects includes:hostName) not]) ifTrue:[
+                (self confirm:'connect to host: ' , hostName printString , ' - ok ?')
+                ifFalse:[
+                    self throwIOExceptionWithMessage:'connect permission denied'.
+                ].
+                (self confirm:('JAVA Security check\\Always permit connects to this host (''' , hostName printString , ''') ?') withCRs)
+                ifTrue:[
+                    PermittedHostConnects isNil ifTrue:[
+                        PermittedHostConnects := Set new
+                    ].
+                    PermittedHostConnects add:hostName.
+                ]
+            ]
+        ].
+        [
+            ok := sock connectTo:hostName port:port.
+            ok ifFalse:[
+                self throwExceptionClassName:'' withMessage:'connect failed'.
+            ].
+            jsock instVarNamed: #localport put: sock port.
+            jsock instVarNamed: #address put: jaddr.
+        ] on: Error do:[:ex|
+            self throwExceptionClassName:'' withMessage:'connect failed: ', ex description
+        ].
+    ].
+    "Created: / 25-01-1998 / 20:02:27 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 30-12-1998 / 20:10:28 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 13-11-2011 / 23:16:59 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_net_PlainSocketImpl_socketCreate: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/net/PlainSocketImpl' name: 'socketCreate(Z)V'>
+    |jsock isStream fd sock fileNo|
+    jsock := nativeContext receiver.
+    isStream := (nativeContext argAt:1) == 1.
+    fd := jsock instVarNamed:'fd'.
+    fd isNil ifTrue:[
+        self throwSocketException: 'null fd object'.
+    ].
+    (fd instVarNamed:'fd') ~~ -1 ifTrue:[
+        self halt:'file already open'.
+        self internalError:'file already open'.
+        self throwSocketException:'socket already open in socketCreate'.
+        ^ self.
+    ].
+    FileOpenTrace ifTrue:[
+        ('JAVA: create socket') infoPrintCR.
+    ].
+    isStream ifTrue:[
+        sock := self commonOpenStreamUsing:[JavaSocket newTCP].
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        sock := self commonOpenStreamUsing:[JavaSocket newUDP].
+    ].
+    sock isNil ifTrue:[
+        self throwIOExceptionWithMessage:'socketCreate failed'.
+    ].
+    (jsock instVarNamed: #serverSocket) notNil ifTrue:[
+        "/If this is a server socket then enable SO_REUSEADDR
+        [
+            Object primitiveFailureSignal
+        ] on: Object primitiveFailureSignal do:[:ex|
+            self throwIOExceptionWithMessage:'cannot set SO_REUSEADDR: ' , ex description.
+            ^nil.
+        ]
+    ].
+    fileNo := self addOpenFile:sock.
+    fd instVarNamed:'fd' put:fileNo.
+    "Kludge for finalization..."
+    jsock finalizationLobby registerChange: jsock
+    "Created: / 25-01-1998 / 19:59:25 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 30-12-1998 / 20:10:38 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 23-07-2012 / 19:38:12 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_net_PlainSocketImpl_socketGetOption: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/net/PlainSocketImpl' name: 'socketGetOption(ILjava/lang/Object;)I'>
+    | opt arg sock ret |
+    opt := nativeContext argAt: 1.
+    arg := nativeContext argAt: 2.
+    sock := self validateFile: nativeContext receiver.
+"/  TCP_NODELAY = 1;
+    opt = 1 ifTrue:[
+        ret := sock getSocketOption: #TCP_NODELAY.
+        ^ret ifTrue:[1] ifFalse:[-1].
+    ].
+"/  SO_BINDADDR = 15;
+    opt = 15 ifTrue:[
+        self breakPoint: #jv.
+        ^-1 "/Unsupported
+    ].
+"/  SO_REUSEADDR = 4;
+    opt = 4 ifTrue:[
+        ret := sock getSocketOption: #SO_REUSEADDR.
+        ^ret ifTrue:[1] ifFalse:[-1].
+    ].
+"/  IP_TOS = 3;
+    opt = 3 ifTrue:[
+        self breakPoint: #jv.
+        ^-1 "/Unsupported
+    ].
+"/  SO_LINGER = 128;
+    opt = 128 ifTrue:[
+        ret := sock getSocketOption:#SO_LINGER.
+        ^ret
+    ].
+"/  SO_TIMEOUT = 4102;
+    opt = 4102 ifTrue:[
+        self breakPoint: #jv.
+        ^-1 "/Unsupported                   .
+    ].
+"/  SO_SNDBUF = 4097;
+    opt = 4097 ifTrue:[
+        ret := sock getSocketOption: #SO_SNDBUF.
+        ^ret
+    ].
+"/  SO_RCVBUF = 4098;
+    opt = 4098 ifTrue:[
+        ret := sock getSocketOption: #SO_RCVBUF.
+        ^ret
+    ].
+"/  SO_KEEPALIVE = 8;
+    opt = 8 ifTrue:[
+        ret := sock getSocketOption: #SO_KEEPALIVE.
+        ^ret ifTrue:[1] ifFalse:[-1].
+    ].
+"/  SO_OOBINLINE = 4099;
+    opt = 4099 ifTrue:[
+        ret := sock getSocketOption: #SO_OOBINLINE.
+        ^ret ifTrue:[1] ifFalse:[-1].
+    ]
+    "Modified: / 13-11-2011 / 23:06:21 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_net_PlainSocketImpl_socketListen: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/net/PlainSocketImpl' name: 'socketListen(I)V'>
+        |jSock time sock ok|
+    jSock := nativeContext receiver.
+    time := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    sock := self validateFile:jSock.
+    sock notNil ifTrue:[
+        FileIOTrace ifTrue:[
+            ('JAVA: socket listen with timeout ' , time printString) infoPrintCR.
+        ].
+        ok := sock listenFor:5.
+        ok ifFalse:[
+            self throwIOExceptionWithMessage:'listen failed'.
+            ^ self.
+        ].
+        time ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+            sock readWaitWithTimeoutMs:time
+        ]
+    ].
+    "Created: / 04-02-1998 / 15:17:48 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 30-12-1998 / 20:10:46 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 17-08-2012 / 15:27:04 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_net_PlainSocketImpl_socketSetOption: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/net/PlainSocketImpl' name: 'socketSetOption(IZLjava/lang/Object;)V'>
+    | opt on val sock o arg1 arg2 |
+    opt := nativeContext argAt: 1.
+    on  := nativeContext argAt: 2.
+    val := nativeContext argAt: 3.
+    sock := self validateFile: nativeContext receiver.
+"/  TCP_NODELAY = 1;
+    opt = 1 ifTrue:[
+        o := #TCP_NODELAY.
+        arg1 := (on == 1)
+    ].
+"/  SO_BINDADDR = 15;
+    opt = 15 ifTrue:[
+        ^self "/Unsupported
+    ].
+"/  SO_REUSEADDR = 4;
+    opt = 4 ifTrue:[
+        o := #SO_REUSEADDR.
+        arg1 := (on == 1)
+    ].
+"/  IP_TOS = 3;
+    opt = 3 ifTrue:[
+        ^self "/Unssuported
+    ].
+"/  SO_LINGER = 128;
+    opt = 128 ifTrue:[
+        o := #SO_LINGER.
+        arg1 := (on == 1).
+        arg2 := val instVarNamed: #value.
+    ].
+"/  SO_TIMEOUT = 4102;
+    opt = 4102 ifTrue:[
+        ^self "/Unssuported
+                   .
+    ].
+"/  SO_SNDBUF = 4097;
+    opt = 4097 ifTrue:[
+        o := #SO_SNDBUF.
+        arg1 := val instVarNamed: #value.
+    ].
+"/  SO_RCVBUF = 4098;
+    opt = 4098 ifTrue:[
+        o := #SO_RCVBUF.
+        arg1 := val instVarNamed: #value.
+    ].
+"/  SO_KEEPALIVE = 8;
+    opt = 8 ifTrue:[
+        o := #SO_KEEPALIVE.
+        arg1 := (on == 1)
+    ].
+"/  SO_OOBINLINE = 4099;
+    opt = 4099 ifTrue:[
+        o := #SO_OOBINLINE.
+        arg1 := (on == 1)
+    ].
+    [
+        sock setSocketOption: o argument: arg1 argument: arg2.
+    ] on: Error do:[:ex|
+        self throwSocketException: 'Error setting socket option: ', ex description.
+    ].
+    "Modified: / 13-11-2011 / 23:05:21 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_net_SocketInputStream_init: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/net/SocketInputStream' name: 'init()V'>
+    "Nothing to do"
+    "Modified: / 09-11-2011 / 22:27:58 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_net_SocketInputStream_socketRead0: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/net/SocketInputStream' name: 'socketRead0(Ljava/io/FileDescriptor;[BIII)I'>
+    | fdObj data off len timeout sock nread |
+    fdObj   := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    data    := nativeContext argAt:2.
+    off     := nativeContext argAt:3.
+    len     := nativeContext argAt:4.
+    timeout := nativeContext argAt:5.
+    fdObj isNil ifTrue:[
+        self throwSocketException: 'Socket closed (null fdObj passed to socketRead0)'.
+        ^ -1.
+    ].
+    sock := self validateFile: fdObj.
+    timeout ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+        [
+            (sock readWaitWithTimeout: timeout) ifTrue:[
+                self throwExceptionClassName:'' withMessage: 'Read timed out'.
+                ^ -1.
+            ].
+        ] on: Error do:[:ex|
+            self throwSocketException: 'Error when reading: ', ex description.
+        ]
+    ].
+    [
+        nread := sock nextAvailableBytes: len into: data startingAt: off + 1
+    ] on: Error do:[:ex|
+        self throwSocketException: 'Error when reading: ', ex description.
+    ].
+    ^nread
+    "Modified: / 04-12-2011 / 20:24:45 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_net_SocketOutputStream_init: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/net/SocketOutputStream' name: 'init()V'>
+    "Nothing to do"
+    "Modified: / 09-11-2011 / 23:44:00 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_net_SocketOutputStream_socketWrite0: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/net/SocketOutputStream' name: 'socketWrite0(Ljava/io/FileDescriptor;[BII)V'>
+    | fdObj data off len  sock |
+    fdObj   := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    data    := nativeContext argAt:2.
+    off     := nativeContext argAt:3.
+    len     := nativeContext argAt:4.
+    fdObj isNil ifTrue:[
+        self throwSocketException: 'Socket closed (null fdObj passed to socketRead0)'.
+        ^ -1.
+    ].
+    sock := self validateFile: fdObj.
+    [
+        sock nextPutBytes: len from: data startingAt: off + 1.
+    ] on: Error do:[:ex|
+        self throwIOExceptionWithMessage: 'Error when writing: ', ex description.
+    ].
+    "Modified: / 13-11-2011 / 23:53:43 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!JavaVM class methodsFor:'native - java.nio'!
+_java_nio_Bits_copyFromByteArray: nativeContext
+    "
+    static native void copyFromByteArray(Object src, long srcPos, long dstAddr,
+                                         long length);
+    "
+    <javanative: 'java/nio/Bits' name: 'copyFromByteArray(Ljava/lang/Object;JJJ)V'>
+    | src srcPos dstAddr length |
+    src := nativeContext argAt: 1.
+    srcPos := nativeContext argAt: 2.
+    dstAddr := nativeContext argAt: 4.
+    length := nativeContext argAt: 6.
+    SimulatedNativeMemory  bcopy: dstAddr length: length from: src offset: srcPos.
+    "Modified: / 11-07-2012 / 10:37:35 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_nio_Bits_copyToByteArray: nativeContext
+    "
+    static native void copyToByteArray(long srcAddr, Object dst, long dstPos,
+                                       long length);
+    "
+    <javanative: 'java/nio/Bits' name: 'copyToByteArray(JLjava/lang/Object;JJ)V'>
+    | srcAddr dst dstPos length |
+    srcAddr := nativeContext argAt: 1.
+    dst := nativeContext argAt: 3.
+    dstPos := nativeContext argAt: 4.
+    length := nativeContext argAt: 6.
+    SimulatedNativeMemory bcopy: srcAddr length: length into: dst offset: dstPos.
+    "Modified: / 11-07-2012 / 10:34:32 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!JavaVM class methodsFor:'native -'!
+_java_security_AccessController_doPrivileged: aJavaContext
+    <javanative: 'java/security/AccessController' name: 'doPrivileged'>
+    "we don't care about permissions, we will just allow this. Now it's guaranteed that called code will not perform access permission checks"
+    | retval |
+    JavaVM privilegedAccessQuery answer: true
+        do: [
+            retval := (aJavaContext argAt: 1) perform: #'run()Ljava/lang/Object;'.
+        ].
+    ^ retval
+    "Created: / 20-10-2010 / 12:31:59 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 09-10-2011 / 23:56:31 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 18-10-2011 / 23:28:24 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 10-09-2012 / 23:22:59 / m"
+_java_security_AccessController_getStackAccessControlContext: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/security/AccessController' name: 'getStackAccessControlContext'>
+    "/ introduced with jdk1.2
+    "/ supposed to do more here ...
+    ^nil.
+    "Created: / 27-01-1998 / 18:22:15 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 09-10-2011 / 23:40:46 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+! !
+!JavaVM class methodsFor:'native - java.sql'!
+_java_sql_DriverManager_getCallerClassLoader: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/sql/DriverManager' name: 'getCallerClassLoader()Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;'>
+    ^nativeContext
+        sender sender
+        receiver class theNonMetaclass
+        classLoader
+    "Modified: / 05-12-2011 / 11:34:01 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!JavaVM class methodsFor:'native - java.text'!
+_java_text_Bidi_nativeBidiChars: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/text/Bidi' name: 'nativeBidiChars(Ljava/text/Bidi;[CI[BIII)V'>
+    ^ UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+! !
+!JavaVM class methodsFor:'native - java.util'!
+_java_util_ResourceBundle_getClassContext: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/util/ResourceBundle' name: 'getClassContext'>
+    "returns an array filled with the contextChain receivers classes.
+     What an ugly, messy interface."
+    |chain con cls jClass|
+    chain := OrderedCollection new.
+    con := thisContext sender.
+    [
+        con notNil
+            and:[con receiver isMethod not or:[con receiver isJavaMethod not]]
+    ] whileTrue:[con := con sender.].
+    con := con sender sender.
+    [con notNil] whileTrue:[
+        (true) "con isJavaContext" ifTrue:[
+            cls := con receiver class.
+            cls isMeta ifTrue:[
+                "/ t'was a static method
+                cls := cls soleInstance
+            ].
+            cls isJavaClass ifTrue:[
+                jClass := self reflection javaClassObjectForClass:cls.
+                chain add:jClass.
+            ]
+        ].
+        con := con sender.
+    ].
+    ^(self classForName:'java.lang.Class') javaArrayClass withAll: chain
+    "Created: / 05-01-1998 / 02:47:00 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 24-12-1998 / 00:34:57 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 28-01-2011 / 15:31:28 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 08-12-2011 / 01:13:20 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_util_TimeZone_getSystemTimeZoneID: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/util/TimeZone' name: 'getSystemTimeZoneID'>
+    "JV@2011-06-25: TODO: finish, returning nil here means GMT"
+    ^ nil
+    "Modified: / 25-06-2011 / 08:26:06 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!JavaVM class methodsFor:'native - java.util.concurrent.atomic'!
+_java_util_concurrent_atomic_AtomicLong_VMSupportsCS8: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/util/concurrent/atomic/AtomicLong' name: 'VMSupportsCS8'>
+    "Should be safe - say we don't support lockless updates"
+    ^ 0
+    "Modified: / 07-08-2011 / 20:53:11 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!JavaVM class methodsFor:'native - java.util.jar'!
+_java_util_jar_JarFile_getMetaInfEntryNames: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/util/jar/JarFile' name: 'getMetaInfEntryNames'>
+    "
+    private native String[] getMetaInfEntryNames();
+    "
+    | zipArchive entries jentries |
+    zipArchive := ZipCache at: (nativeContext receiver instVarNamed: #jzfile).
+    entries := zipArchive entries select:[:entry|entry size > 9 and:[entry startsWith: 'META-INF/']].
+    jentries := Java java_lang_String javaArrayClass new: entries size.
+    1 to: entries size do:[:i|
+        jentries at: i put: (Java as_String: (entries at: i))
+    ].
+    ^jentries
+    "Modified: / 05-08-2011 / 20:18:06 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!JavaVM class methodsFor:'native -'!
+_java_util_zip_Adler32_updateBytes: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/util/zip/Adler32' name: 'updateBytes'>
+    ^ UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+_java_util_zip_CRC32_update: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/util/zip/CRC32' name: 'update(II)I'>
+    ^ UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+_java_util_zip_CRC32_updateBytes: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/util/zip/CRC32' name: 'updateBytes(I[BII)I'>
+    | crc b off len |
+    crc := nativeContext argAt: 1.
+    b   := nativeContext argAt: 2.
+    off := nativeContext argAt: 3.
+    len := nativeContext argAt: 4.
+    ^ZipStream crc32BytesIn:b from:off + 1  to: off + len crc:crc
+    "Modified: / 05-12-2011 / 00:41:31 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_util_zip_Deflater_deflateBytes: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/util/zip/Deflater' name: 'deflateBytes(J[BII)I'>
+    "
+    private native int deflateBytes(long addr, byte[] b, int off, int len);
+    "
+    | addr b off len deflater ret |
+    addr := nativeContext argAt: 1."long takes 2 slots"
+    b := nativeContext argAt: 3.
+    off := nativeContext argAt: 4.
+    len := nativeContext argAt: 5.
+    deflater := ZipInflaters at: addr.
+    ret := deflater deflate: b offset: off length: len flush: 0 deflater: nativeContext receiver.
+    ^ret.
+    "Modified: / 25-10-2012 / 20:19:16 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_util_zip_Deflater_end: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/util/zip/Deflater' name: 'end(J)V'>
+    | addr deflater |
+    addr := nativeContext argAt: 1.
+    deflater := ZipInflaters at: addr.
+    ZipInflaters at: addr put: nil.
+    deflater end.
+    "Modified: / 25-10-2012 / 20:24:19 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_util_zip_Deflater_getBytesRead: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/util/zip/Deflater' name: 'getBytesRead(J)J'>
+    | addr deflater |
+    addr := nativeContext argAt: 1.
+    deflater := ZipInflaters at: addr.
+    ^deflater bytesRead.
+    "Modified: / 25-10-2012 / 20:19:26 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_util_zip_Deflater_getBytesWritten: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/util/zip/Deflater' name: 'getBytesWritten(J)J'>
+    | addr deflater |
+    addr := nativeContext argAt: 1.
+    deflater := ZipInflaters at: addr.
+    ^deflater bytesWritten.
+    "Modified: / 25-10-2012 / 20:19:31 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_util_zip_Deflater_init: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/util/zip/Deflater' name: 'init(IIZ)J'>
+    | level strategy nowrap deflater |
+    level := nativeContext argAt: 1.
+    strategy := nativeContext argAt: 2.
+    nowrap := nativeContext argAt:3.
+    deflater := JavaZipSupport deflaterFor: self.
+    deflater init: strategy level: level nowrap: nowrap.
+    1 to: ZipInflaters size do:[:i|
+        (ZipInflaters at: i) isNil ifTrue:[
+            ZipInflaters at: i put: deflater.
+            ^i
+        ].
+    ].
+    ZipInflaters add: deflater.
+    ^ZipInflaters size.
+    "/^deflater
+    "Modified: / 25-10-2012 / 20:25:30 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_util_zip_Deflater_initIDs: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/util/zip/Deflater' name: 'initIDs'>
+    "Nothing to do here"
+    "Modified: / 08-12-2011 / 21:11:41 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 10-05-2012 / 17:03:03 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_util_zip_Deflater_reset: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/util/zip/Deflater' name: 'reset(J)V'>
+    | addr deflater |
+    addr := nativeContext argAt: 1.
+    deflater := ZipInflaters at: addr.
+    deflater reset.
+    "Modified: / 25-10-2012 / 20:19:50 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_util_zip_Inflater_end: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/util/zip/Inflater' name: 'end(J)V'>
+     "
+    private native static void reset(long addr);
+    "
+    | addr inflater |
+    addr := nativeContext argAt: 1.
+    inflater := ZipInflaters at: addr.
+    ZipInflaters at: addr put: nil.
+    inflater end.
+    "Modified: / 25-10-2012 / 20:24:08 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_util_zip_Inflater_getBytesRead: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/util/zip/Inflater' name: 'getBytesRead(J)J'>
+    | addr inflater |
+    addr := nativeContext argAt: 1.
+    inflater := ZipInflaters at: addr.
+    ^inflater bytesRead.
+    "Modified: / 25-10-2012 / 20:20:01 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_util_zip_Inflater_getBytesWritten: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/util/zip/Inflater' name: 'getBytesWritten'>
+    | addr inflater |
+    addr := nativeContext argAt: 1.
+    inflater := ZipInflaters at: addr.
+    ^inflater bytesWritten.
+    "Modified: / 25-10-2012 / 20:20:07 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_util_zip_Inflater_inflateBytes: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/util/zip/Inflater' name: 'inflateBytes'>
+    "
+    private native int inflateBytes(long addr, byte[] b, int off, int len)
+    "
+    | addr b off len inflater ret |
+    addr := nativeContext argAt: 1."long takes 2 slots"
+    b := nativeContext argAt: 3.
+    off := nativeContext argAt: 4.
+    len := nativeContext argAt: 5.
+    inflater := ZipInflaters at: addr.
+    ret := inflater inflate: b offset: off length: len inflater: nativeContext receiver.
+    ^ret.
+    "Created: / 30-04-2011 / 23:02:11 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 25-10-2012 / 20:20:14 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_util_zip_Inflater_init: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/util/zip/Inflater' name: 'init'>
+    | nowrap inflater |
+    nowrap := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    inflater := JavaZipSupport inflaterFor: self.
+    inflater init: nowrap.
+    1 to: ZipInflaters size do:[:i|
+        (ZipInflaters at: i) isNil ifTrue:[
+            ZipInflaters at: i put: inflater.
+            ^i
+        ].
+    ].
+    ZipInflaters add: inflater.
+    ^ ZipInflaters size.
+    "Created: / 01-02-1998 / 20:14:01 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 25-10-2012 / 20:25:46 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_util_zip_Inflater_initIDs: aJavaContext
+    <javanative: 'java/util/zip/Inflater' name: 'initIDs'>
+    "Nothing to do, used only to register natives"
+    "Created: / 30-04-2011 / 21:55:37 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_util_zip_Inflater_reset: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/util/zip/Inflater' name: 'reset'>
+    "
+    private native static void reset(long addr);
+    "
+    | addr inflater |
+    addr := nativeContext argAt: 1.
+    inflater := ZipInflaters at: addr.
+    inflater reset.
+    "Created: / 01-02-1998 / 20:14:13 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 25-10-2012 / 20:20:31 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_util_zip_ZipEntry_initFields: aJavaContext
+    <javanative: 'java/util/zip/ZipEntry' name: 'initFields'>
+        | entry jzentry zmember |
+    entry := aJavaContext receiver.
+    jzentry := aJavaContext argAt: 1.
+    zmember := ZipEntryCache at: jzentry.
+    entry
+        instVarNamed: #name     put: (Java as_String: zmember fileName);
+        instVarNamed: #time     put: -1"zmember lastModFileTime";
+        instVarNamed: #crc      put: zmember crc32;
+        instVarNamed: #size     put: zmember uncompressedSize;
+        instVarNamed: #csize    put: zmember compressedSize;
+        instVarNamed: #method   put: zmember compressionMethod;
+        instVarNamed: #extra    put: zmember extraField;
+        instVarNamed: #comment  put: (zmember fileComment ifNotNil:[Java as_String: zmember fileComment]).
+    "Created: / 01-04-2011 / 13:04:24 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 05-12-2011 / 23:42:38 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_util_zip_ZipEntry_initIDs: aJavaContext
+    <javanative: 'java/util/zip/ZipEntry' name: 'initIDs'>
+        "hopefully nothing to do"
+    "Created: / 01-04-2011 / 13:02:06 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+_java_util_zip_ZipFile_close: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/util/zip/ZipFile' name: 'close(J)V'>
+    | jzfile zar |
+    jzfile := nativeContext argAt: 1.
+    zar := ZipCache at: jzfile.
+    zar close.
+    ZipCache at: jzfile put: nil.
+    "Modified: / 03-11-2011 / 22:22:36 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_util_zip_ZipFile_freeEntry: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/util/zip/ZipFile' name: 'freeEntry'>
+    | zipArchiveIndex  zipEntryIndex |
+    zipArchiveIndex := nativeContext at: 1.
+    zipEntryIndex := nativeContext at: 3.
+    zipEntryIndex = 0 ifFalse: [ ZipEntryCache at: zipEntryIndex put: nil ].
+    "Modified: / 01-05-2011 / 13:33:00 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_util_zip_ZipFile_getCSize: aJavaContext
+    <javanative: 'java/util/zip/ZipFile' name: 'getCSize'>
+    | jzentry zmember |
+    jzentry := aJavaContext argAt: 1.
+    zmember := ZipEntryCache at: jzentry.
+    ^zmember compressedSize
+    "Created: / 30-04-2011 / 21:50:23 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_util_zip_ZipFile_getEntry: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/util/zip/ZipFile' name: 'getEntry'>
+    | zipArchive  filename  member |
+    zipArchive := ZipCache at: (nativeContext argAt: 1).
+    filename := Java as_ST_String: (nativeContext argAt: 3).
+    member := (zipArchive findMemberAllowForMissingTrailingSlash: filename).
+    member isNil ifTrue: [
+        ^ 0
+    ] ifFalse: [
+        ^ ZipEntryCache indexOf: member ifAbsent:[
+            ZipEntryCache add: member.
+            ZipEntryCache size.
+        ]
+    ]
+    "Created: / 27-03-2011 / 16:59:03 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 01-04-2011 / 16:03:01 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 18-08-2011 / 19:44:56 / jv"
+    "Modified: / 20-07-2012 / 19:27:58 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_util_zip_ZipFile_getMethod: aJavaContext
+    <javanative: 'java/util/zip/ZipFile' name: 'getMethod'>
+    | jzentry zmember |
+    jzentry := aJavaContext argAt: 1.
+    zmember := ZipEntryCache at: jzentry.
+    ^zmember compressionMethod
+    "Created: / 30-04-2011 / 21:53:33 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_util_zip_ZipFile_getNextEntry: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/util/zip/ZipFile' name: 'getNextEntry(JI)J'>
+    | zipArchive  index i |
+    zipArchive := ZipCache at: (nativeContext at: 1).
+    index := nativeContext at: 3.
+    i := 0.
+    zipArchive zipMembersDo:[:member |
+        index == i ifTrue:[
+            ^ ZipEntryCache indexOf: member ifAbsent:[
+                ZipEntryCache add: member.
+                ZipEntryCache size.
+            ]
+        ].
+        i := i + 1.
+    ].
+    ^0
+    "Modified: / 05-12-2011 / 11:19:12 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_util_zip_ZipFile_getSize: aJavaContext
+    <javanative: 'java/util/zip/ZipFile' name: 'getSize'>
+    | jzentry zmember |
+    jzentry := aJavaContext argAt: 1.
+    zmember := ZipEntryCache at: jzentry.
+    ^zmember uncompressedSize
+    "Created: / 30-04-2011 / 21:53:33 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_util_zip_ZipFile_getTotal: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/util/zip/ZipFile' name: 'getTotal'>
+    | zar|
+    zar := ZipCache at: (nativeContext argAt: 1).
+    ^ zar entries size.
+    "Modified: / 23-07-2012 / 23:35:38 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_util_zip_ZipFile_initIDs: aJavaContext
+    <javanative: 'java/util/zip/ZipFile' name: 'initIDs'>
+    "Nothing to do"
+    "Created: / 23-03-2011 / 19:37:21 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_util_zip_ZipFile_open: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'java/util/zip/ZipFile' name: 'open'>
+    | path  mode  lastModTime  result |
+    path := Java as_ST_String: (nativeContext at: 1).
+    "/(path endsWith:'.jar') ifFalse:[self breakPoint: #jv].
+    mode := nativeContext at: 2.
+    lastModTime := nativeContext at: 3.
+    result := path asFilename.
+    result ifNil: [ JavaVM throwZipException ].
+    ^[
+        | i zar |
+        zar := ZipArchive readingFrom: result readStream.
+        i := ZipCache indexOf: nil.
+        i ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+            ZipCache at: i put: zar.
+            i
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            ZipCache add: zar.
+            ZipCache size.
+        ].
+    ] on: Error do:[:ex|
+        self throwZipException: 'Cannot open zip file: ', ex description
+    ]
+    "Modified: / 01-04-2011 / 15:35:21 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 20-07-2012 / 21:48:39 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_java_util_zip_ZipFile_read: aJavaContext
+    <javanative: 'java/util/zip/ZipFile' name: 'read'>
+    | jzfile jzentry pos b off len zar zmember bytesToRead |
+    jzfile := aJavaContext argAt: 1.
+    jzentry := aJavaContext argAt: 3. "first arg is long!!!!!!"
+    pos := aJavaContext argAt: 5. "jzentry arg is long!!!!!!"
+    b := aJavaContext argAt: 7.
+    off := aJavaContext argAt: 8.
+    len := aJavaContext argAt: 9.
+    zar := ZipCache at: jzfile.
+    zmember := ZipEntryCache at: jzentry.
+    bytesToRead := len min: (zmember compressedSize - pos).
+    ^zar nextBytes: bytesToRead of: zmember startingAt: pos into: b startingAt: off + 1.
+    "Created: / 30-04-2011 / 22:15:06 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 01-05-2011 / 16:22:03 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!JavaVM class methodsFor:'native - old-style'!
+    "/ introduced with jdk1.2
+    "Created: / 27.1.1998 / 18:18:11 / cg"
+    "/ introduced with jdk1.2
+    "Created: / 27.1.1998 / 18:18:32 / cg"
+    |device fd stream|
+    device := nativeContext receiver.
+    device notNil ifTrue:[
+	fd := device instVarNamed:'dev'.
+	(fd notNil and:[fd > 0]) ifTrue:[
+	    stream := self getOpenFileAt:fd.
+	    stream notNil ifTrue:[
+		stream close.
+		device instVarNamed:'dev' put:0.
+	    ]
+	]
+    ]
+    "Created: / 10.1.1998 / 15:45:16 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 13.1.1998 / 18:08:20 / cg"
+    |f stream fileNo|
+    NoAudio ifTrue:[
+        Transcript showCR:'JAVA: audio disabled'.
+        ^ -1
+    ].
+    Stream streamErrorSignal handle:[:ex |
+        Stream streamErrorSignal handle:[:ex |
+            stream := nil.
+            ex return.
+        ] do:[
+            stream := SoundStream writing.
+        ].
+    ] do:[
+        stream := SoundStream writing.
+        stream notNil ifTrue:[
+            stream setSampleRate:8000.
+        ]
+    ].
+    stream isNil ifTrue:[
+"/        ^ -1.
+        f := '/dev/audio' asFilename.
+        f exists ifFalse:[
+            Transcript showCR:'JAVA: neither SoundStream nor /dev/audio available'.
+            ^ -1
+        ].
+        stream := self commonOpenStreamUsing: [f readWriteStream].
+        stream isNil ifTrue:[
+            Transcript showCR:'JAVA: /dev/audio exists, but cannot be opened'.
+            ^ -1
+        ].
+        fileNo := self addOpenFile:stream.
+    ].
+    fileNo := self addOpenFile:stream.
+    FileOpenTrace ifTrue:[
+        ('JAVA: opened audioDevice as FD ' , fileNo printString) infoPrintCR.
+    ].
+    ^ fileNo
+    "Created: / 10-01-1998 / 15:45:30 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 14-10-1998 / 15:20:52 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 23-07-2012 / 19:36:37 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    |device fd stream bytes count|
+    device := nativeContext receiver.
+    device notNil ifTrue:[
+	fd := device instVarNamed:'dev'.
+	(fd notNil and:[fd > 0]) ifTrue:[
+	    stream := self getOpenFileAt:fd.
+	    stream notNil ifTrue:[
+		bytes := nativeContext argAt:1.
+		count := nativeContext argAt:2.
+		stream nextPutBytes:count from:bytes startingAt:1
+	    ]
+	]
+    ]
+    "Created: / 10.1.1998 / 15:45:16 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 13.1.1998 / 18:07:20 / cg"
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raiseRequest
+    "Modified: / 12.11.1998 / 19:23:00 / cg"
+    "/ void deletepData ()
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raiseRequest
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:22:05 / cg"
+    "/ new with jdk1.2 ...
+    "Created: / 28.1.1998 / 22:19:23 / cg"
+    "/ int getModifiers ()
+UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raiseRequest.
+    "Modified: / 27.1.2000 / 02:53:55 / cg"
+    "Created: / 27.1.2000 / 02:54:38 / cg"
+    "/ java.lang.Object newInstance (java.lang.Object[])
+UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raiseRequest.
+    "Modified: / 27.1.2000 / 02:53:55 / cg"
+    |f i|
+    f := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    UninterpretedBytes isBigEndian ifTrue:[
+	i := f basicAt:8.
+	i := i bitOr:((f basicAt:7) bitShift:8).
+	i := i bitOr:((f basicAt:6) bitShift:16).
+	i := i bitOr:((f basicAt:5) bitShift:24).
+	i := i bitOr:((f basicAt:4) bitShift:32).
+	i := i bitOr:((f basicAt:3) bitShift:40).
+	i := i bitOr:((f basicAt:2) bitShift:48).
+	i := i bitOr:((f basicAt:1) bitShift:56).
+    ] ifFalse:[
+	i := f basicAt:1.
+	i := i bitOr:((f basicAt:2) bitShift:8).
+	i := i bitOr:((f basicAt:3) bitShift:16).
+	i := i bitOr:((f basicAt:4) bitShift:24).
+	i := i bitOr:((f basicAt:5) bitShift:32).
+	i := i bitOr:((f basicAt:6) bitShift:40).
+	i := i bitOr:((f basicAt:7) bitShift:48).
+	i := i bitOr:((f basicAt:8) bitShift:56).
+    ].
+    ^ i.
+    "Created: / 4.1.1998 / 01:39:12 / cg"
+    |s d|
+    s := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    s notNil ifTrue:[
+	s := Java as_ST_String:s.
+	d := Float readFrom:s onError:nil.
+    ].
+    d isNil ifTrue:[
+	self throwNumberFormatException.
+	"/ not reached
+    ].
+    ^ d
+    "Modified: / 8.8.1997 / 12:03:55 / cg"
+    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 11:09:43 / cg"
+    "/ java.lang.Object get (java.lang.Object)
+UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raiseRequest.
+    "Modified: / 27.1.2000 / 02:53:55 / cg"
+    "Created: / 27.1.2000 / 03:04:18 / cg"
+    "/ boolean getBoolean (java.lang.Object)
+UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raiseRequest.
+    "Modified: / 27.1.2000 / 02:53:55 / cg"
+    "Created: / 27.1.2000 / 03:05:16 / cg"
+    "/ byte getByte (java.lang.Object)
+UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raiseRequest.
+    "Modified: / 27.1.2000 / 02:53:55 / cg"
+    "Created: / 27.1.2000 / 03:05:30 / cg"
+    "/ char getChar (java.lang.Object)
+UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raiseRequest.
+    "Modified: / 27.1.2000 / 02:53:55 / cg"
+    "Created: / 27.1.2000 / 03:03:37 / cg"
+    "/ double getDouble (java.lang.Object)
+UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raiseRequest.
+    "Modified: / 27.1.2000 / 02:53:55 / cg"
+    "Created: / 27.1.2000 / 03:07:49 / cg"
+    "/ float getFloat (java.lang.Object)
+UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raiseRequest.
+    "Modified: / 27.1.2000 / 02:53:55 / cg"
+    "Created: / 27.1.2000 / 03:05:41 / cg"
+    "/ int getInt (java.lang.Object)
+UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raiseRequest.
+    "Modified: / 27.1.2000 / 02:53:55 / cg"
+    "Created: / 27.1.2000 / 03:04:47 / cg"
+    "/ long getLong (java.lang.Object)
+UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raiseRequest.
+    "Modified: / 27.1.2000 / 02:53:55 / cg"
+    "Created: / 27.1.2000 / 03:05:54 / cg"
+    "/ int getModifiers ()
+UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raiseRequest.
+    "Modified: / 27.1.2000 / 02:53:55 / cg"
+    "Created: / 27.1.2000 / 03:07:03 / cg"
+    "/ unsigned short getShort (java.lang.Object)
+UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raiseRequest.
+    "Modified: / 27.1.2000 / 02:53:55 / cg"
+    "Created: / 27.1.2000 / 03:07:35 / cg"
+    "/ void set (java.lang.Object java.lang.Object)
+UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raiseRequest.
+    "Modified: / 27.1.2000 / 02:53:55 / cg"
+    "Created: / 27.1.2000 / 03:04:33 / cg"
+    "/ void setBoolean (java.lang.Object boolean)
+UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raiseRequest.
+    "Modified: / 27.1.2000 / 02:53:55 / cg"
+    "Created: / 27.1.2000 / 03:06:06 / cg"
+    "/ void setByte (java.lang.Object byte)
+UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raiseRequest.
+    "Modified: / 27.1.2000 / 02:53:55 / cg"
+    "Created: / 27.1.2000 / 03:06:20 / cg"
+    "/ void setChar (java.lang.Object char)
+UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raiseRequest.
+    "Modified: / 27.1.2000 / 02:53:55 / cg"
+    "Created: / 27.1.2000 / 03:03:48 / cg"
+    "/ void setDouble (java.lang.Object double)
+UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raiseRequest.
+    "Modified: / 27.1.2000 / 02:53:55 / cg"
+    "Created: / 27.1.2000 / 03:04:02 / cg"
+    "/ void setFloat (java.lang.Object float)
+UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raiseRequest.
+    "Modified: / 27.1.2000 / 02:53:55 / cg"
+    "Created: / 27.1.2000 / 03:06:48 / cg"
+    "/ void setInt (java.lang.Object int)
+UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raiseRequest.
+    "Modified: / 27.1.2000 / 02:53:55 / cg"
+    "Created: / 27.1.2000 / 03:05:04 / cg"
+    "/ void setLong (java.lang.Object long)
+UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raiseRequest.
+    "Modified: / 27.1.2000 / 02:53:55 / cg"
+    "Created: / 27.1.2000 / 03:06:37 / cg"
+    "/ void setShort (java.lang.Object unsigned short)
+UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raiseRequest.
+    "Modified: / 27.1.2000 / 02:53:55 / cg"
+    "Created: / 27.1.2000 / 03:03:23 / cg"
+    |descriptor fileNo myStream|
+    descriptor := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    fileNo := nativeContext argAt:2.
+    fileNo == 0 ifTrue:[
+        myStream := Stdin
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        fileNo == 1 ifTrue:[
+           myStream := JavaConsoleStream ? Stdout
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            fileNo == 2 ifTrue:[
+                myStream := JavaConsoleStream ? Stderr
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                self halt:'invalid fileNo given'.
+                self internalError:'invalid fileNo given'.
+            ]
+        ]
+    ].
+    self setOpenFile:myStream at:fileNo.
+    descriptor instVarNamed:'fd' put:fileNo.
+    ^ descriptor
+    "Modified: / 27-01-1998 / 18:15:28 / cg"
+    "Modified (format): / 28-07-2012 / 02:46:10 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "/ boolean valid ()
+    |descriptor fileNo stream|
+    descriptor := nativeContext receiver.
+    fileNo := descriptor instVarNamed:'fd'.
+    stream := self getOpenFileAt:fileNo.
+    stream isNil ifTrue:[^ 0]. "/ FALSE
+    stream isOpen ifFalse:[^ 0].  "/ FALSE
+    ^ 1 "/ TRUE
+    "Modified: / 11.12.1998 / 13:02:47 / cg"
+    ^ self anyStream_close:nativeContext
+    "Created: / 4.1.1998 / 17:45:23 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 4.2.1998 / 15:20:46 / cg"
+    ^ self anyStream_close:nativeContext
+    "Created: / 13.1.1998 / 09:33:16 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 4.2.1998 / 15:20:53 / cg"
+    |file path f|
+    file := nativeContext receiver.
+    path := file instVarNamed:'path'.
+    path notNil ifTrue:[
+	path := Java as_ST_String:path.
+	FileAccessTrace == true ifTrue:[
+	    path storeString print. ' ' print. thisContext printCR
+	].
+	path := self fixFilename:path.
+	(f := path asFilename) isReadable ifTrue:[
+	    ^ 1 "/ TRUE
+	]
+    ].
+    ^ 0 "/ FALSE
+    "Created: / 4.1.1998 / 18:09:55 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 27.1.1999 / 18:57:55 / cg"
+    |file path f|
+    file := nativeContext receiver.
+    path := file instVarNamed:'path'.
+    path notNil ifTrue:[
+	FileAccessTrace == true ifTrue:[
+	    path storeString print. ' ' print. thisContext printCR
+	].
+	path := Java as_ST_String:path.
+	path := self fixFilename:path.
+	(f := path asFilename) isWritable ifTrue:[
+	    ^ 1 "/ TRUE
+	]
+    ].
+    ^ 0 "/ FALSE
+    "Created: / 4.2.1998 / 00:19:55 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 27.1.1999 / 18:57:52 / cg"
+    "/ introduced with jdk1.2 ... (sigh)
+    |jPath path realPath|
+    jPath := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    jPath isNil ifTrue:[^ jPath].
+    path := Java as_ST_String:jPath.
+    realPath := path asFilename pathName.
+    ^ Java as_String:realPath
+    "Created: / 27.1.1998 / 18:35:58 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 27.1.1998 / 21:36:03 / cg"
+    "/ boolean delete0 ()
+    |oldFile oldPath oldF|
+    oldFile := nativeContext receiver.
+    oldPath := oldFile instVarNamed:'path'.
+    oldPath isNil ifTrue:[^ 0].    "/ FALSE
+    oldPath := Java as_ST_String:oldPath.
+    oldF := oldPath asFilename.
+    oldF exists ifFalse:[
+	^ 1 "/ TRUE
+    ].
+    (self checkWritePermissionOfDirectory:oldF directory message:('JAVA Security check\\Delete of ''' , oldPath , '''.\Grant permission ?'))
+    ifFalse:[
+	^ 0 "/ FALSE
+    ].
+    OperatingSystem accessDeniedErrorSignal handle:[:ex |
+	^ 0 "/ FALSE
+    ] do:[
+	oldF delete.
+	^ 1 "/ TRUE
+    ].
+    ^ 0 "/ FALSE
+    "Modified: / 30.12.1998 / 20:15:06 / cg"
+    |file path f|
+    file := nativeContext receiver.
+    path := file instVarNamed:'path'.
+    path notNil ifTrue:[
+	path := Java as_ST_String:path.
+	path := self fixFilename:path.
+	FileAccessTrace == true ifTrue:[
+	    path storeString print. ' ' print. thisContext printCR
+	].
+	(f := path asFilename) exists ifTrue:[
+	    ^ 1 "TRUE"
+	]
+    ].
+    ^ 0 "FALSE"
+    "Created: / 5.1.1998 / 02:07:48 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 27.1.1999 / 18:57:46 / cg"
+    "/ introduced with jdk1.2 ... (sigh)
+    "Created: / 27.1.1998 / 18:25:19 / cg"
+    |file path f|
+    file := nativeContext receiver.
+    path := file instVarNamed:'path'.
+    path notNil ifTrue:[
+	path := Java as_ST_String:path.
+	path := self fixFilename:path.
+	(f := path asFilename) isAbsolute ifTrue:[
+	    ^ 1 "/ TRUE
+	]
+    ].
+    ^ 0 "/ FALSE
+    "Created: / 11.1.1998 / 09:54:38 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 20.10.1998 / 20:59:53 / cg"
+    |file path f|
+    file := nativeContext receiver.
+    path := file instVarNamed:'path'.
+    path notNil ifTrue:[
+	FileAccessTrace == true ifTrue:[
+	    path storeString print. ' ' print. thisContext printCR
+	].
+	path := Java as_ST_String:path.
+	path := self fixFilename:path.
+	(f := path asFilename) exists ifTrue:[
+	    f isDirectory ifTrue:[^ 1 "TRUE"]
+	]
+    ].
+    ^ 0 "FALSE"
+    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 10:31:37 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 27.1.1999 / 18:58:01 / cg"
+    |file path f|
+    file := nativeContext receiver.
+    path := file instVarNamed:'path'.
+    path notNil ifTrue:[
+	FileAccessTrace == true ifTrue:[
+	    path storeString print. ' ' print. thisContext printCR
+	].
+	path := Java as_ST_String:path.
+	path := self fixFilename:path.
+	(f := path asFilename) exists ifTrue:[
+	    f isDirectory ifFalse:[^ 1 "TRUE"]
+	]
+    ].
+    ^ 0 "/ FALSE
+    "Created: / 11.1.1998 / 11:40:22 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 27.1.1999 / 18:58:04 / cg"
+    |file path f|
+    file := nativeContext receiver.
+    path := file instVarNamed:'path'.
+    path notNil ifTrue:[
+	path := Java as_ST_String:path.
+	path := self fixFilename:path.
+	(f := path asFilename) exists ifTrue:[
+	    ^ f modificationTime getMilliseconds.
+	]
+    ].
+    ^ 0
+    "Created: / 4.2.1998 / 16:50:30 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 20.10.1998 / 21:00:05 / cg"
+    |file path f|
+    file := nativeContext receiver.
+    path := file instVarNamed:'path'.
+    path notNil ifTrue:[
+	FileAccessTrace == true ifTrue:[
+	    thisContext printCR
+	].
+	path := Java as_ST_String:path.
+	path := self fixFilename:path.
+	(f := path asFilename) exists ifTrue:[
+	    ^ f fileSize
+	]
+    ].
+    ^ -1
+    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 12:18:57 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 27.1.1999 / 18:57:06 / cg"
+    |file path f files|
+    file := nativeContext receiver.
+    path := file instVarNamed:'path'.
+    path notNil ifTrue:[
+	path := Java as_ST_String:path.
+	path := self fixFilename:path.
+	(f := path asFilename) exists ifTrue:[
+	    f isDirectory ifTrue:[
+		files := f directoryContents asArray.
+		files := files collect:[:nm | Java as_String:nm].
+		^ files
+	    ]
+	]
+    ].
+    ^ nil
+    "Created: / 14.1.1998 / 21:30:22 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 20.10.1998 / 21:00:21 / cg"
+    |file path f|
+    file := nativeContext receiver.
+    path := file instVarNamed:'path'.
+    path notNil ifTrue:[
+	path := Java as_ST_String:path.
+	path := self fixFilename:path.
+	f := path asFilename.
+	(f exists and:[f isDirectory]) ifTrue:[
+	    ^ 0 "/ FALSE
+	].
+	FileOpenConfirmation ifTrue:[
+	    (self confirm:('JAVA Security check\\Create directory ''' , path , '''.\Grant permission ?') withCRs)
+	    ifFalse:[
+		^ 0 "/ FALSE
+	    ]
+	].
+	OperatingSystem accessDeniedErrorSignal handle:[:ex |
+	    ^ 0 "/ FALSE
+	] do:[
+	    f makeDirectory.
+	].
+	f  exists ifTrue:[
+	    f isDirectory ifTrue:[^ 1 "TRUE"]
+	]
+    ].
+    ^ 0 "FALSE"
+    "Created: / 4.2.1998 / 00:19:05 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 4.12.1998 / 14:04:03 / cg"
+    "/ void renameTo0 (
+    |oldFile newFile oldPath newPath oldF newF|
+    oldFile := nativeContext receiver.
+    oldPath := oldFile instVarNamed:'path'.
+    oldPath isNil ifTrue:[^ 0].    "/ FALSE
+    oldPath := Java as_ST_String:oldPath.
+    oldF := oldPath asFilename.
+    newFile := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    newPath := newFile instVarNamed:'path'.
+    newPath isNil ifTrue:[^ 0].    "/ FALSE
+    newPath := Java as_ST_String:newPath.
+    newF := newPath asFilename.
+    (self checkWritePermissionOfDirectory:oldF directory message:('JAVA Security check\\Rename of ''' , oldPath , ''' to ''' , newPath , '''.\Grant permission ?'))
+    ifFalse:[
+	^ 0 "/ FALSE
+    ].
+    oldF directory pathName ~= newF directory pathName ifTrue:[
+	(self checkWritePermissionOfDirectory:newF directory message:('JAVA Security check\\Rename of ''' , oldPath , ''' to ''' , newPath , '''.\Grant permission ?'))
+	ifFalse:[
+	    ^ 0 "/ FALSE
+	].
+    ].
+    OperatingSystem accessDeniedErrorSignal handle:[:ex |
+	^ 0 "/ FALSE
+    ] do:[
+	oldF renameTo:newF.
+	^ 1 "/ TRUE
+    ].
+    ^ 0 "/ FALSE
+    "Modified: / 3.12.1998 / 21:01:08 / cg"
+    "/ boolean rmdir0 ()
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raiseRequest
+    "Modified: / 12.11.1998 / 19:01:48 / cg"
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:03:52 / cg"
+    |f i|
+    f := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    UninterpretedBytes isBigEndian ifTrue:[
+	i := f basicAt:4.
+	i := i bitOr:((f basicAt:3) bitShift:8).
+	i := i bitOr:((f basicAt:2) bitShift:16).
+	i := i bitOr:((f basicAt:1) bitShift:24).
+    ] ifFalse:[
+	i := f basicAt:1.
+	i := i bitOr:((f basicAt:2) bitShift:8).
+	i := i bitOr:((f basicAt:3) bitShift:16).
+	i := i bitOr:((f basicAt:4) bitShift:24).
+    ].
+    ^ i.
+    "Created: / 4.1.1998 / 01:25:50 / cg"
+    "/ new with jdk1.2 ...
+    "Created: / 28.1.1998 / 22:30:52 / cg"
+    "/ new with jdk1.2 ...
+    "Created: / 27.1.1998 / 21:43:25 / cg"
+    |decoder width height bool1 depth subHdrBytes dstBytes i1 i2 colorModel
+     stream byte compressedData compressedSize index count data
+     leftOffs topOffs codeLen flags pixelStore clrModel t buffSize
+     countGot countGot2|
+    decoder := nativeContext receiver.
+    i1 := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    i2 := nativeContext argAt:2.
+    width := nativeContext argAt:3.
+    height := nativeContext argAt:4.
+    bool1 := nativeContext argAt:5.
+    depth := nativeContext argAt:6.
+    subHdrBytes := nativeContext argAt:7.
+    dstBytes := nativeContext argAt:8.
+    colorModel := nativeContext argAt:9.
+    leftOffs := subHdrBytes wordAt:1 MSB:false.
+    topOffs := subHdrBytes wordAt:3 MSB:false.
+    width := subHdrBytes wordAt:5 MSB:false.
+    height := subHdrBytes wordAt:7 MSB:false.
+    flags := subHdrBytes at:9.
+    codeLen := subHdrBytes at:10.
+    stream := decoder instVarNamed:'input'.
+    pixelStore := decoder instVarNamed:'store'.
+    pixelStore isNil ifTrue:[
+	^ 0
+    ].
+    buffSize := (width * height // 2) max:4096.
+    compressedData := ByteArray uninitializedNew:buffSize.
+    "get compressed data"
+    index := 1.
+    count := stream perform:#'read()I'.
+    [count notNil and:[count > 0]] whileTrue:[
+	(index + count) > buffSize ifTrue:[
+	    t := ByteArray uninitializedNew:(buffSize * 2).
+	    t replaceFrom:1 to:buffSize with:compressedData startingAt:1.
+	    compressedData := t.
+	    buffSize := buffSize * 2.
+	].
+	[count ~~ 0] whileTrue:[
+	    countGot := stream
+			perform:#'read([BII)I'
+			with:compressedData
+			with:index-1
+			with:count.
+	    countGot > 0 ifTrue:[
+		count := count - countGot.
+		index := index + countGot.
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		count := -1.
+	    ]
+	].
+	count >= 0 ifTrue:[
+	    count := stream perform:#read.
+	]
+    ].
+    compressedSize := index - 1.
+    data := pixelStore perform:#'allocateLines(I)Ljava/lang/Object;' with:height.
+    (data isMemberOf:ByteArray) ifFalse:[
+	self halt.
+	^ 0.
+    ].
+"/    'GIFReader: decompressing ...' infoPrintCR.
+    GIFReader
+	decompressGIFFrom:compressedData
+	count:compressedSize
+	into:data
+	startingAt:1
+	codeLen:(codeLen + 1).
+    clrModel := pixelStore instVarNamed:'colormodel'.
+    pixelStore
+	perform:#'setPixels(IIII[BII)Z'
+	withArguments:
+	    (Array
+		with:0        "/ x
+		with:0        "/ y
+		with:width    "/ w
+		with:height   "/ h
+		with:data
+		with:0        "/ offs
+		with:width).   "/ scanSize
+    pixelStore  perform:#'imageComplete()V'.
+"/        perform:#'imageComplete(I)V'
+"/        with:((Java at:'java.awt.image.ImageConsumer') instVarNamed:'STATICIMAGEDONE').
+"/ self internalError:'breakPoint'.
+    ^ 1 "/ true
+    "Modified: / 10.4.1998 / 14:31:59 / cg"
+    |imgRep img|
+    imgRep := nativeContext receiver.
+    img := imgRep instVarNamed:'pData'.
+    (img notNil and:[img ~~ 0]) ifTrue:[
+	ImageStretchCache notNil ifTrue:[
+	    ImageStretchCache removeKey:img ifAbsent:nil.
+	]
+    ].
+    imgRep instVarNamed:'pData' put:0.
+"/    self halt.
+    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 22:31:46 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 17.1.1998 / 13:26:55 / cg"
+    |imgRep bool|
+    imgRep := nativeContext receiver.
+    bool := nativeContext argAt:1.
+"/ self halt.
+"/    'JAVA: ImageRepresentation_finish ignored for now' infoPrintCR.
+    ^ 1 "/ true
+    "Created: / 8.1.1998 / 00:11:40 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 6.2.1998 / 02:12:54 / cg"
+    |imgRep x y img deviceImage jGraphics gc clr|
+    imgRep := nativeContext receiver.
+    img := imgRep instVarNamed:'pData'.
+    (img isNil or:[img == 0]) ifTrue:[
+	"/ self halt.
+	^ self.
+    ].
+    jGraphics := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    gc := jGraphics instVarNamed:'pData'.
+    gc realized ifFalse:[^ self].
+    x := nativeContext argAt:2.
+    y := nativeContext argAt:3.
+    clr := nativeContext argAt:4.
+    deviceImage := img onDevice:gc device.
+    deviceImage ~~ img ifTrue:[
+	imgRep instVarNamed:'pData' put:deviceImage.
+    ].
+    gc realized ifFalse:[^ self].
+    deviceImage displayOn:gc x:x y:y.
+    ^ 1.
+    "Created: / 13.1.1998 / 13:32:28 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 25.11.1998 / 15:36:38 / cg"
+    |imgRep x1 y1 x2 y2 srcX1 srcY1 w h
+     img deviceImage jGraphics gc clr stretchWidth stretchHeight|
+    imgRep := nativeContext receiver.
+    img := imgRep instVarNamed:'pData'.
+    (img isNil or:[img == 0]) ifTrue:[
+	"/ self halt.
+	^ self.
+    ].
+    jGraphics := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    gc := jGraphics instVarNamed:'pData'.
+    gc realized ifFalse:[^ self].
+    x1 := nativeContext argAt:2.
+    y1 := nativeContext argAt:3.
+    x2 := nativeContext argAt:4.
+    y2:= nativeContext argAt:5.
+    srcX1 := nativeContext argAt:6.
+    srcY1 := nativeContext argAt:7.
+    w := nativeContext argAt:8.
+    h := nativeContext argAt:9.
+    clr := nativeContext argAt:10.
+    (srcX1 ~~ 0 or:[srcY1 ~~ 0]) ifTrue:[
+	self halt.
+	^ self.
+    ].
+    (w ~~ img width or:[h ~~ img height]) ifTrue:[
+	self halt.
+	^ self
+    ].
+    "/ TODO: remember magnified images somewhere for a while,
+    "/ to avoid repeated action ...
+    stretchWidth := (x2-x1).
+    stretchHeight := (y2-y1).
+    (stretchWidth == img width
+    and:[stretchHeight == img height]) ifTrue:[
+	deviceImage := img onDevice:gc device.
+	deviceImage ~~ img ifTrue:[
+	    imgRep instVarNamed:'pData' put:deviceImage.
+	].
+    ] ifFalse:[
+	ImageStretchCache notNil ifTrue:[
+	    deviceImage := ImageStretchCache at:img ifAbsent:nil.
+	].
+	(deviceImage isNil
+	or:[deviceImage width ~~ stretchWidth
+	or:[deviceImage height ~~ stretchHeight]]) ifTrue:[
+	    deviceImage := (img magnifiedTo:stretchWidth@stretchHeight) onDevice:gc device.
+	    ImageStretchCache isNil ifTrue:[
+		ImageStretchCache := WeakIdentityDictionary new.
+	    ].
+	    ImageStretchCache at:img put:deviceImage
+	].
+    ].
+    deviceImage displayOn:gc x:x1 y:y1
+    "Created: / 13.1.1998 / 13:32:28 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 15.1.1998 / 13:14:47 / cg"
+    |imgRep jclr w h form screenDevice|
+    imgRep := nativeContext receiver.
+    jclr := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    w := imgRep instVarNamed:'width'.
+    h := imgRep instVarNamed:'height'.
+    screenDevice := Screen current.
+    form := Form width:w height:h depth:(screenDevice depth) on:screenDevice.
+    imgRep instVarNamed:'pData' put:form.
+    "/ self halt.
+    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 22:31:46 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 17.1.1998 / 12:36:43 / cg"
+    |imgRep x y w h clrModel bytes offs i2
+     img depth cmap rgbMap opaque transparentColorIndex
+     scanLineWidth nBytes srcIdx dstIdx|
+    imgRep := nativeContext receiver.
+    x := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    y := nativeContext argAt:2.
+    w := nativeContext argAt:3.
+    h := nativeContext argAt:4.
+    clrModel := nativeContext argAt:5.
+    bytes := nativeContext argAt:6.
+    offs := nativeContext argAt:7.  "/ offset ??
+    scanLineWidth := nativeContext argAt:8.
+    depth := clrModel instVarNamed:'pixel_bits'.
+    (clrModel instVarNamed:'map_size') ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+	rgbMap := clrModel instVarNamed:'rgb'.
+	cmap := Array new:rgbMap size.
+	rgbMap
+	    keysAndValuesDo:[:idx :rgb |
+		cmap at:idx put:(Color rgbValue:(rgb bitAnd:16rFFFFFF))
+	    ].
+    ].
+    opaque := (clrModel instVarNamed:'opaque') ~~ 0.
+    opaque ifFalse:[
+	transparentColorIndex := clrModel instVarNamed:'transparent_index'
+    ].
+    img := imgRep instVarNamed:'pData'.
+    (img isNil or:[img == 0]) ifFalse:[
+"/        self halt
+    ].
+    (offs ~~ 0 or:[scanLineWidth ~~ w]) ifTrue:[
+	nBytes := ByteArray new:w*h.
+	srcIdx := offs+1.
+	dstIdx := 1.
+	1 to:h do:[:y |
+	    nBytes replaceFrom:dstIdx to:(dstIdx+w-1) with:bytes startingAt:srcIdx.
+	    srcIdx := srcIdx + scanLineWidth.
+	    dstIdx := dstIdx + w.
+	].
+	bytes := nBytes.
+    ].
+    img := Image width:w height:h depth:depth fromArray:bytes.
+    cmap notNil ifTrue:[
+	img colorMap:cmap.
+	img photometric:#palette
+    ].
+    opaque ifFalse:[
+	img mask:(ImageReader
+		    buildMaskFromColor:transparentColorIndex
+		    for:bytes
+		    width:w
+		    height:h)
+    ].
+    imgRep instVarNamed:'pData' put:img.
+    ^ 1.
+    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 22:31:46 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 21.10.1998 / 00:35:45 / cg"
+    |imgRep x y w h clrModel ints offs scanLineWidth
+     img depth cmap rgbMap opaque transparentColorIndex
+     bytes srcIdx dstIdx val red green blue
+     redMask greenMask blueMask redShift greenShift blueShift|
+    imgRep := nativeContext receiver.
+    x := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    y := nativeContext argAt:2.
+    w := nativeContext argAt:3.
+    h := nativeContext argAt:4.
+    clrModel := nativeContext argAt:5.
+    ints := nativeContext argAt:6.
+    offs := nativeContext argAt:7.  "/ offset ??
+    scanLineWidth := nativeContext argAt:8.  "/ scanLineWidth ??
+    opaque := false.
+offs ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+ self halt
+    depth := clrModel instVarNamed:'pixel_bits'.
+    clrModel class == (Java at:'java.awt.image.DirectColorModel') ifTrue:[
+    ] ifFalse:[
+	(clrModel instVarNamed:'map_size') ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+	    rgbMap := clrModel instVarNamed:'rgb'.
+	    cmap := Array new:rgbMap size.
+	    rgbMap
+		keysAndValuesDo:[:idx :rgb |
+		    cmap at:idx put:(Color rgbValue:(rgb bitAnd:16rFFFFFF))
+		].
+	].
+	opaque := (clrModel instVarNamed:'opaque') ~~ 0.
+	opaque ifFalse:[
+	    transparentColorIndex := clrModel instVarNamed:'transparent_index'
+	].
+    ].
+    img := imgRep instVarNamed:'pData'.
+    (img isNil or:[img == 0]) ifFalse:[
+"/        self halt.
+    ].
+    depth == 32 ifTrue:[
+	"/ temporary kludge - ony use 24 bits/pixel
+	bytes := ByteArray new:w*h*3.
+	srcIdx := 1.
+	dstIdx := 1.
+	redMask := clrModel instVarNamed:'red_mask'.
+	greenMask := clrModel instVarNamed:'green_mask'.
+	blueMask := clrModel instVarNamed:'blue_mask'.
+	redShift := (clrModel instVarNamed:'red_offset') negated.
+	greenShift := (clrModel instVarNamed:'green_offset') negated.
+	blueShift := (clrModel instVarNamed:'blue_offset') negated.
+	1 to:h do:[:y |
+	    1 to:w do:[:x |
+		val := ints at:srcIdx.
+		red := (val bitAnd:redMask) bitShift:redShift.
+		green := (val bitAnd:greenMask) bitShift:greenShift.
+		blue := (val bitAnd:blueMask) bitShift:blueShift.
+		bytes at:dstIdx put:red.
+		bytes at:dstIdx+1 put:green.
+		bytes at:dstIdx+2 put:blue.
+		dstIdx := dstIdx + 3.
+		srcIdx := srcIdx + 1.
+	    ].
+	    srcIdx := srcIdx + (scanLineWidth - w).
+	].
+	img := Depth24Image width:w height:h depth:24 fromArray:bytes.
+	img photometric:#rgb.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+	scanLineWidth ~~ w ifTrue:[
+	    self halt
+	].
+	img := Image width:w height:h depth:depth fromArray:ints.
+	cmap notNil ifTrue:[
+	    img colorMap:cmap.
+	    img photometric:#palette
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    img photometric:#rgb
+	].
+    ].
+    opaque ifFalse:[
+	img mask:(ImageReader
+		    buildMaskFromColor:transparentColorIndex
+		    for:ints
+		    width:w
+		    height:h)
+    ].
+    imgRep instVarNamed:'pData' put:img.
+    ^ 1.
+    "Created: / 1.2.1998 / 17:38:47 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 21.10.1998 / 00:35:37 / cg"
+    "/ java.lang.String getHostByAddr (int)
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:08:04 / cg"
+    "/ self unimplementedNativeMethod.
+    ^ 0
+    "Modified: / 15.8.1997 / 17:04:43 / cg"
+    "Created: / 5.1.1998 / 02:05:48 / cg"
+    ""
+    |hostName|
+    hostName := OperatingSystem getHostName.
+    ^ (Java as_String:hostName).
+    "Modified: / 7.8.1997 / 21:16:55 / cg"
+    "Created: / 5.1.1998 / 02:07:03 / cg"
+    ""
+    |jAddrImpl jHostName hostName addrBytes|
+    jAddrImpl := nativeContext receiver.
+    jHostName := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    hostName := Java as_ST_String:jHostName.
+    addrBytes := Socket ipAddressOfHost:hostName.
+    addrBytes isNil ifTrue:[
+	addrBytes := #[0 0 0 0] copy
+    ].
+    ^ Array with:addrBytes
+    "Modified: / 8.8.1997 / 12:04:25 / cg"
+    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 18:51:31 / cg"
+    ""
+    |jAddrImpl jAddr hostName addrBytes address|
+    jAddrImpl := nativeContext receiver.
+    jAddr := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    hostName := OperatingSystem getHostName.
+    addrBytes := Socket ipAddressOfHost:hostName.
+    addrBytes isNil ifTrue:[
+	addrBytes := #[127 0 0 0].
+    ].
+    "/ MSB first into an integer.
+    address := (addrBytes at:1).
+    address := (address bitShift:8) bitOr:(addrBytes at:2).
+    address := (address bitShift:8) bitOr:(addrBytes at:3).
+    address := (address bitShift:8) bitOr:(addrBytes at:4).
+    jAddr instVarNamed:'hostName' put:(Java as_String:hostName).
+    jAddr instVarNamed:'address' put:address.
+    jAddr instVarNamed:'family' put:0.
+    ^ nil
+    "Created: / 5.1.1998 / 02:06:27 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 21.10.1998 / 03:30:29 / cg"
+    "/ self unimplementedNativeMethod.
+    ^ 0
+    "Modified: / 15.8.1997 / 17:04:43 / cg"
+    "Created: / 17.11.1998 / 23:54:38 / cg"
+    ""
+    |hostName|
+    hostName := OperatingSystem getHostName.
+    ^ Java as_String:hostName.
+    "Modified: / 7.8.1997 / 21:16:55 / cg"
+    "Created: / 17.11.1998 / 23:54:54 / cg"
+    ""
+    |jAddrImpl jHostName hostName addrBytes|
+    jAddrImpl := nativeContext receiver.
+    jHostName := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    hostName := Java as_ST_String:jHostName.
+    addrBytes := Socket ipAddressOfHost:hostName.
+    addrBytes isNil ifTrue:[
+	addrBytes := #[0 0 0 0] copy
+    ].
+    ^ Array with:addrBytes
+    "Modified: / 8.8.1997 / 12:04:25 / cg"
+    "Created: / 17.11.1998 / 23:56:10 / cg"
+    "java.lang.Object[] lookupHostByAddr (int)"
+UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise.
+    "Created: / 27.1.2000 / 02:59:22 / cg"
+    "java.lang.Object[] lookupHostByName (java.lang.String)"
+UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise.
+    "Modified: / 27.1.2000 / 02:58:53 / cg"
+    ""
+    |jAddrImpl jAddr hostName addrBytes address|
+    jAddrImpl := nativeContext receiver.
+    jAddr := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    hostName := OperatingSystem getHostName.
+    addrBytes := Socket ipAddressOfHost:hostName.
+    addrBytes isNil ifTrue:[
+	addrBytes := #[127 0 0 0].
+    ].
+    "/ MSB first into an integer.
+    address := (addrBytes at:1).
+    address := (address bitShift:8) bitOr:(addrBytes at:2).
+    address := (address bitShift:8) bitOr:(addrBytes at:3).
+    address := (address bitShift:8) bitOr:(addrBytes at:4).
+    jAddr instVarNamed:'hostName' put:(Java as_String:hostName).
+    jAddr instVarNamed:'address' put:address.
+    jAddr instVarNamed:'family' put:0.
+    ^ nil
+    "Modified: / 21.10.1998 / 03:30:29 / cg"
+    "Created: / 17.11.1998 / 23:54:00 / cg"
+    "/ void end0 ()
+UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise.
+    "Modified: / 27.1.2000 / 03:08:47 / cg"
+    "Created: / 27.1.2000 / 03:11:21 / cg"
+    "/ int getAdler0 ()
+UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise.
+    "Modified: / 27.1.2000 / 03:08:47 / cg"
+    "Created: / 27.1.2000 / 03:12:15 / cg"
+    "/ int getTotalIn0 ()
+UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise.
+    "Created: / 27.1.2000 / 03:10:50 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 27.1.2000 / 03:11:08 / cg"
+    "/ int getTotalOut0 ()
+UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise.
+    "Modified: / 27.1.2000 / 03:08:47 / cg"
+    "Created: / 27.1.2000 / 03:12:01 / cg"
+    "/ int inflate0 (byte[] int int)
+UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise.
+    "Modified: / 27.1.2000 / 03:08:47 / cg"
+    "Created: / 27.1.2000 / 03:11:39 / cg"
+    "/ void reset0 ()
+UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise.
+    "Modified: / 27.1.2000 / 03:08:47 / cg"
+    "Created: / 27.1.2000 / 03:11:02 / cg"
+    "/ void setDictionary0 (byte[] int int)
+UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise.
+    "Modified: / 27.1.2000 / 03:08:47 / cg"
+    "Created: / 27.1.2000 / 03:10:33 / cg"
+    self _WToolkit_eventLoop:nativeContext.
+    "Created: / 28.1.1998 / 22:34:47 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 28.1.1998 / 22:35:16 / cg"
+    "java.lang.String getMethodDescriptor (java.lang.reflect.Method)"
+UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise.
+    "Created: / 27.1.2000 / 02:47:43 / cg"
+    "int getMethodParameterCount (java.lang.reflect.Method)"
+UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise.
+    "Created: / 27.1.2000 / 02:49:15 / cg"
+    "java.lang.reflect.Method[] getPublicDeclaredMethods0 (java.lang.Class)"
+UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise.
+    "Created: / 27.1.2000 / 02:48:49 / cg"
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 18:53:30 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 12.11.1998 / 18:53:40 / cg"
+    ^ self _WButtonPeer_create:nativeContext
+    |jCanvasPeer jFrame frame subView|
+    jCanvasPeer := nativeContext receiver.
+    jFrame := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    jFrame isNil ifTrue:[
+	self halt:'no frame in canvasPeer create'.
+	self internalError:'no frame in canvasPeer create'.
+	^ self.
+    ].
+    frame := jFrame instVarNamed:'pData'.
+    subView := JavaView in:frame.
+    subView delegate:self.
+    subView javaPeer:jCanvasPeer.
+    self createdWindowsView:subView for:jCanvasPeer.
+    WindowCreationTrace == true ifTrue:[
+	'WCanvasPeer_create: ' print. frame print. ' -> ' print. subView printNL.
+    ].
+    "Modified: / 16.1.1998 / 13:40:00 / cg"
+    "Created: / 18.11.1998 / 00:14:44 / cg"
+    "Created: / 28.1.1998 / 22:22:30 / cg"
+    ^ self _WComponentPeer_handleEvent:nativeContext
+    "Created: / 18.11.1998 / 00:21:17 / cg"
+    ^ self _WComponentPeer_nativeHandleEvent:nativeContext
+    ^ self _WComponentPeer_hide:nativeContext
+    "Created: / 18.11.1998 / 00:15:18 / cg"
+    "Created: / 28.1.1998 / 22:27:25 / cg"
+    self commonReshapeComponent:nativeContext
+    "Created: / 18.11.1998 / 00:18:17 / cg"
+    |view jClr rgb clr|
+    view := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.
+    jClr := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    rgb := jClr instVarNamed:'value'.
+    clr := Color rgbValue:rgb.
+    clr := clr on:(view device).
+    (view isKindOf:ScrollableView) ifTrue:[
+        view := view scrolledView
+    ].
+    view viewBackground:clr.
+    view backgroundPaint:clr.
+    |view jFont stFont name style size|
+    view := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.
+    jFont := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    stFont := jFont instVarNamed:'pData'.
+    (stFont isNil or:[stFont == 0]) ifTrue:[
+        name := jFont instVarNamed:'name'.
+        style := jFont instVarNamed:'style'.
+        size := jFont instVarNamed:'size'.
+        stFont := self replacementFontFor:(Java as_ST_String:name) style:style size:size.
+        jFont instVarNamed:'pData' put:stFont.
+    ].
+    view font:stFont.
+    ^ nil
+    |view jClr rgb clr|
+    view := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.
+    jClr := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    rgb := jClr instVarNamed:'value'.
+    clr := Color rgbValue:rgb.
+    clr := clr on:(view device).
+    (view isKindOf:ScrollableView) ifTrue:[
+        view := view scrolledView
+    ].
+    view foregroundColor:clr.
+    |view|
+    view := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.
+    "/ frame views are under my browsers own control
+    (view isMemberOf:JavaEmbeddedFrameView) ifFalse:[
+	view beVisible.
+	view realize.
+    ].
+"/    view windowGroup notNil ifTrue:[
+"/        windowServer addGroup:(view windowGroup)
+"/    ].
+    ^ nil
+"/ self halt.
+    "Modified: / 25.1.1998 / 09:54:07 / cg"
+    "Created: / 18.11.1998 / 00:21:51 / cg"
+    |jClr rgb clr view|
+    view := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.
+    jClr := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    rgb := jClr instVarNamed:'value'.
+"/ self halt.
+    clr := Color rgbValue:rgb.
+    clr := clr on:(view device).
+    (view isKindOf:ScrollableView) ifTrue:[
+	view := view scrolledView
+    ].
+    view viewBackground:clr.
+    view backgroundPaint:clr.
+    "Created: / 17.11.1998 / 23:49:41 / cg"
+    "Created: / 28.1.1998 / 22:27:35 / cg"
+    |view|
+    view := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.
+"/ self halt.
+    "Modified: / 25.1.1998 / 01:22:19 / cg"
+    "Created: / 17.11.1998 / 23:43:48 / cg"
+    |jClr rgb clr view|
+    view := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.
+    jClr := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    rgb := jClr instVarNamed:'value'.
+"/ self halt.
+    clr := Color rgbValue:rgb.
+    clr := clr on:(view device).
+    view paint:clr.
+    "Created: / 17.11.1998 / 23:50:31 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 17.11.1998 / 23:57:29 / cg"
+    ^ self _WFramePeer_create:nativeContext
+    "Created: / 28.1.1998 / 22:25:44 / cg"
+    ^ View defaultViewBackgroundColor rgbValue.
+    "Created: / 17.11.1998 / 23:55:42 / cg"
+    ^ self _WComponentPeer_hide:nativeContext
+    "Created: / 28.1.1998 / 22:27:04 / cg"
+    self commonReshapeComponent:nativeContext
+    "Created: / 28.1.1998 / 22:28:00 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 28.1.1998 / 22:29:34 / cg"
+    self _WWindowPeer__setTitle:nativeContext
+    "Created: / 28.1.1998 / 22:30:23 / cg"
+    |view|
+    view := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.
+    "/ frame views are under my browsers own control
+    (view isMemberOf:JavaEmbeddedFrameView) ifFalse:[
+	view beVisible.
+	view realize.
+    ].
+"/    view windowGroup notNil ifTrue:[
+"/        windowServer addGroup:(view windowGroup)
+"/    ].
+    ^ nil
+"/ self halt.
+    "Modified: / 25.1.1998 / 09:54:07 / cg"
+    "Created: / 18.11.1998 / 00:19:59 / cg"
+    "Created: / 17.11.1998 / 23:55:32 / cg"
+    |view onOff|
+    view := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.
+    onOff := (nativeContext argAt:1) == 1.
+    view isTopView ifTrue:[
+	onOff ifTrue:[
+	    view minExtent:10@10.
+	    view maxExtent:(Screen current extent).
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    view minExtent:view extent.
+	    view maxExtent:view extent.
+	]
+    ] ifFalse:[
+	(view isMemberOf:JavaEmbeddedFrameView) ifFalse:[
+	    self halt.
+	]
+    ].
+"/ 'JAVA: WWindowPeer_setResizable: ' print. view print. ' yes/no: ' print. onOff printNL.
+    ^ nil
+    "Modified: / 16.1.1998 / 18:08:00 / cg"
+    "Created: / 17.11.1998 / 23:51:45 / cg"
+_MToolkit_callbackLoop: nativeContext
+    | toolKit |
+    toolKit := nativeContext receiver.
+    ^ self.
+    self halt.
+        self halt: 'monitors has changer, update me if you know how and why'.
+    "self wakeup: toolKit."
+    self halt.
+    (JavaEventThread notNil and: [ JavaEventThread isDead not ]) ifTrue: [
+        'JavaVM [warning]: oops - two threads executing eventLoop' errorPrintCR.
+    ].
+    JavaEventThread := Processor activeProcess.
+    [
+        [ true ] whileTrue: [
+            AbortSignal handle: [:ex | ex return ] do: [ self doWindowsEventThread. ]
+        ].
+    ] valueNowOrOnUnwindDo: [ JavaEventThread := nil. ].
+    "Created: / 17-11-1998 / 23:58:33 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 08-01-1999 / 17:08:35 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 22-11-2011 / 13:25:18 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+_MToolkit_eventLoop: nativeContext
+    | toolKit |
+    (JavaEventThread notNil and: [ JavaEventThread isDead not ]) ifTrue: [
+        'JavaVM [warning]: oops - two threads executing eventLoop' errorPrintCR.
+    ].
+    toolKit := nativeContext receiver.
+    self halt: 'monitors has changer, update me if you know how and why'.
+    "self wakeup: toolKit."
+    self halt.
+    JavaEventThread := Processor activeProcess.
+    [
+        [ true ] whileTrue: [
+            AbortSignal handle: [:ex | ex return ] do: [ self doWindowsEventThread. ]
+        ].
+    ] valueNowOrOnUnwindDo: [ JavaEventThread := nil. ].
+    "Created: / 17-11-1998 / 23:04:29 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 08-01-1999 / 17:08:21 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 22-11-2011 / 13:24:56 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Created: / 28.1.1998 / 22:21:54 / cg"
+    ^ self _WToolkit_loadSystemColors:nativeContext
+    "Created: / 28.1.1998 / 22:22:10 / cg"
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 18:52:36 / cg"
+    "arc cosine"
+    |dVal|
+    dVal := nativeContext argAt:1.
+"/    (nativeContext argAt:2) ~~ DUMMY_DOUBLE_HIGHWORD ifTrue:[
+"/        dVal isReal ifTrue:[
+"/            'JAVAVM [info]: missing double flag in Math>>acos' infoPrintCR.
+"/        ] ifFalse:[
+"/            self halt:'expected double arg'
+"/        ]
+"/    ].
+    ^ dVal arcCos
+    "Created: / 7.5.1998 / 00:34:50 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 11.11.1998 / 15:08:20 / cg"
+    "arc sine"
+    |dVal|
+    dVal := nativeContext argAt:1.
+"/    (nativeContext argAt:2) ~~ DUMMY_DOUBLE_HIGHWORD ifTrue:[
+"/        dVal isReal ifTrue:[
+"/            'JAVAVM [info]: missing double flag in Math>>asin' infoPrintCR.
+"/        ] ifFalse:[
+"/            self halt:'expected double arg'
+"/        ]
+"/    ].
+    ^ dVal arcSin
+    "Created: / 7.5.1998 / 00:34:26 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 11.11.1998 / 15:08:15 / cg"
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 18:52:52 / cg"
+    "arc tangens"
+    |dVal|
+    dVal := nativeContext argAt:1.
+"/    (nativeContext argAt:2) ~~ DUMMY_DOUBLE_HIGHWORD ifTrue:[
+"/        dVal isReal ifTrue:[
+"/            'JAVAVM [info]: missing double flag in Math>>atan' infoPrintCR.
+"/        ] ifFalse:[
+"/            self halt:'expected double arg'
+"/        ]
+"/    ].
+    ^ dVal arcTan
+    "Created: / 6.2.1998 / 01:24:12 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 11.11.1998 / 15:08:11 / cg"
+    "ceiling"
+    |dVal|
+    dVal := nativeContext argAt:1.
+"/    (nativeContext argAt:2) ~~ DUMMY_DOUBLE_HIGHWORD ifTrue:[
+"/        dVal isReal ifTrue:[
+"/            'JAVAVM [info]: missing double flag in Math>>ceil' infoPrintCR.
+"/        ] ifFalse:[
+"/            self halt:'expected double arg'
+"/        ]
+"/    ].
+    ^ dVal ceilingAsFloat
+    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 15:43:00 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 11.11.1998 / 15:08:04 / cg"
+    "cosine"
+    |dVal|
+    dVal := nativeContext argAt:1.
+"/    (nativeContext argAt:2) ~~ DUMMY_DOUBLE_HIGHWORD ifTrue:[
+"/        dVal isReal ifTrue:[
+"/            'JAVAVM [info]: missing double flag in Math>>cos' infoPrintCR.
+"/        ] ifFalse:[
+"/            self halt:'expected double arg'
+"/        ]
+"/    ].
+    ^ dVal cos
+    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 15:41:30 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 11.11.1998 / 15:07:59 / cg"
+    "exponential"
+    |dVal|
+    dVal := nativeContext argAt:1.
+"/    (nativeContext argAt:2) ~~ DUMMY_DOUBLE_HIGHWORD ifTrue:[
+"/        dVal isReal ifTrue:[
+"/            'JAVAVM [info]: missing double flag in Math>>exp' infoPrintCR.
+"/        ] ifFalse:[
+"/            self halt:'expected double arg'
+"/        ]
+"/    ].
+    ^ dVal exp
+    "Created: / 7.5.1998 / 00:36:19 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 11.11.1998 / 15:07:50 / cg"
+    "floor"
+    |dVal|
+    dVal := nativeContext argAt:1.
+"/    (nativeContext argAt:2) ~~ DUMMY_DOUBLE_HIGHWORD ifTrue:[
+"/        dVal isReal ifTrue:[
+"/            'JAVAVM [info]: missing double flag in Math>>floor' infoPrintCR.
+"/        ] ifFalse:[
+"/            self halt:'expected double arg'
+"/        ]
+"/    ].
+    ^ dVal floorAsFloat
+    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 19:09:21 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 11.11.1998 / 15:07:45 / cg"
+    "natural logarithm"
+    |dVal|
+    dVal := nativeContext argAt:1.
+"/    (nativeContext argAt:2) ~~ DUMMY_DOUBLE_HIGHWORD ifTrue:[
+"/        dVal isReal ifTrue:[
+"/            'JAVAVM [info]: missing double flag in Math>>log' infoPrintCR.
+"/        ] ifFalse:[
+"/            self halt:'expected double arg'
+"/        ]
+"/    ].
+    ^ dVal ln
+    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 15:42:19 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 30.12.1998 / 17:41:42 / cg"
+    "power"
+    |dVal1 dVal2|
+    dVal1 := nativeContext argAt:1.
+"/    (nativeContext argAt:2) ~~ DUMMY_DOUBLE_HIGHWORD ifTrue:[
+"/        dVal1 isReal ifTrue:[
+"/            'JAVAVM [info]: missing double flag in Math>>pow' infoPrintCR.
+"/        ] ifFalse:[
+"/            self halt:'expected double arg'
+"/        ]
+"/    ].
+    dVal2 := nativeContext argAt:3.
+"/    (nativeContext argAt:4) ~~ DUMMY_DOUBLE_HIGHWORD ifTrue:[
+"/        dVal2 isReal ifTrue:[
+"/            'JAVAVM [info]: missing double flag in Math>>pow' infoPrintCR.
+"/        ] ifFalse:[
+"/            self halt:'expected double arg'
+"/        ]
+"/    ].
+    ^ dVal1 raisedTo:dVal2
+    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 15:44:13 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 11.11.1998 / 15:07:33 / cg"
+    |dVal|
+    dVal := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    ^ dVal rounded asFloat.
+    "sine"
+    |dVal|
+    dVal := nativeContext argAt:1.
+"/    (nativeContext argAt:2) ~~ DUMMY_DOUBLE_HIGHWORD ifTrue:[
+"/        dVal isReal ifTrue:[
+"/            'JAVAVM [info]: missing double flag in Math>>sin' infoPrintCR.
+"/        ] ifFalse:[
+"/            self halt:'expected double arg'
+"/        ]
+"/    ].
+    ^ dVal sin
+    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 15:41:40 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 11.11.1998 / 15:07:09 / cg"
+    "square root"
+    |dVal|
+    dVal := nativeContext argAt:1.
+"/    (nativeContext argAt:2) ~~ DUMMY_DOUBLE_HIGHWORD ifTrue:[
+"/        dVal isReal ifTrue:[
+"/            'JAVAVM [info]: missing double flag in Math>>sqrt' infoPrintCR.
+"/        ] ifFalse:[
+"/            self halt:'expected double arg'
+"/        ]
+"/    ].
+    "/ how about domain errors ?
+    dVal < 0 ifTrue:[
+	^ 0.0
+    ].
+    ^ dVal sqrt
+    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 15:42:40 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 29.12.1998 / 13:22:36 / cg"
+    "tangent"
+    |dVal|
+    dVal := nativeContext argAt:1.
+"/    (nativeContext argAt:2) ~~ DUMMY_DOUBLE_HIGHWORD ifTrue:[
+"/        dVal isReal ifTrue:[
+"/            'JAVAVM [info]: missing double flag in Math>>tan' infoPrintCR.
+"/        ] ifFalse:[
+"/            self halt:'expected double arg'
+"/        ]
+"/    ].
+    ^ dVal tan
+    "Created: / 7.5.1998 / 00:34:03 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 11.11.1998 / 15:07:14 / cg"
+    "private native void register0()"
+    "/ UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    |jMethod mthd retVal|
+    jMethod := nativeContext receiver.
+    mthd := JavaMethods at:jMethod ifAbsent:nil.
+    mthd isNil ifTrue:[
+	self halt.
+	^ 0
+    ].
+    ^ mthd accessFlags
+    "Modified: / 9.4.1998 / 17:50:01 / cg"
+    |id|
+    id := nativeContext argAt:1.
+"/ 'JAVA: MozillaAppletContext_pMochaOnLoad: ' print. id printNL.
+    ^ nil
+    "Created: / 6.1.1998 / 20:37:13 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 6.2.1998 / 02:13:09 / cg"
+    |jAppletContext s1 s2 s3 js|
+    jAppletContext := nativeContext receiver.
+    js := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    s1 := Java as_ST_String:js.
+    js := nativeContext argAt:2.
+    s2 := Java as_ST_String:js.
+    js := nativeContext argAt:3.
+    s2 := Java as_ST_String:js.
+    "/ somehow pass it to the html browser ....
+Transcript show:'pShowDocument: '; show:s1; show:' / ';
+	   show:s2; show:' / '; showCR:s3.
+    ^ nil
+    "Created: / 29.3.1998 / 15:53:17 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 29.12.1998 / 13:32:41 / cg"
+    |s js|
+    js := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    js isNil ifTrue:[
+	s := ''
+    ] ifFalse:[
+	s := Java as_ST_String:js.
+    ].
+    self activityNotification:s.
+"/ Transcript showCR:s.
+    ^ nil
+    "Created: / 6.1.1998 / 18:31:34 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 22.10.1998 / 01:17:46 / cg"
+    "/ void setConsoleState0 (int)
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:23:22 / cg"
+    "/ java.lang.Object allocateNewArray (java.lang.Class int)
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Modified: / 12.11.1998 / 19:01:48 / cg"
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:02:52 / cg"
+    "/ java.lang.Object allocateNewObject (java.lang.Class java.lang.Class)
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Modified: / 12.11.1998 / 19:01:48 / cg"
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:02:40 / cg"
+    "/ void inputClassFields (java.lang.Object java.lang.Class int[])
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Modified: / 12.11.1998 / 19:01:48 / cg"
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:02:22 / cg"
+    "/ void invokeDefaultReadObject (java.lang.Object java.lang.Class)
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 27.1.2000 / 03:00:47 / cg"
+    "/ boolean invokeObjectReader (java.lang.Object java.lang.Class)
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Modified: / 12.11.1998 / 19:01:48 / cg"
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:03:06 / cg"
+    "/ void invokeReadObject (java.lang.Object java.lang.Class)
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 27.1.2000 / 03:01:02 / cg"
+    "/ java.lang.Class loadClass0 (java.lang.Class java.lang.String)
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:01:15 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 12.11.1998 / 19:01:48 / cg"
+    "/ void invokeDefaultWriteObject (java.lang.Object java.lang.Class)
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 27.1.2000 / 03:01:36 / cg"
+    "/ boolean invokeObjectWriter (java.lang.Object java.lang.Class)
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:00:36 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 12.11.1998 / 19:01:45 / cg"
+    "/ void invokeWriteObject (java.lang.Object java.lang.Class)
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 27.1.2000 / 03:01:52 / cg"
+    "/ void outputClassFields (java.lang.Object java.lang.Class int[])
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:00:09 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 12.11.1998 / 19:01:42 / cg"
+    "/ void doMismatchedRead ( java.lang.Object)
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 27.1.2000 / 02:50:55 / cg"
+    "/ boolean findObjectMethod0 (java.lang.Class int)
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 27.1.2000 / 02:51:50 / cg"
+    "/ int getClassAccess (java.lang.Class)
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Modified: / 12.11.1998 / 19:01:48 / cg"
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:04:19 / cg"
+    "/ long getClassDefinedUID (java.lang.Class)
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 27.1.2000 / 02:51:33 / cg"
+    "/ int getFieldAccess (java.lang.Class java.lang.String)
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Modified: / 12.11.1998 / 19:01:48 / cg"
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:05:19 / cg"
+    "/ java.lang.String[] getFieldSignatures (java.lang.Class)
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Modified: / 12.11.1998 / 19:01:48 / cg"
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:05:04 / cg"
+    "/[] getFields0 (java.lang.Class)
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Modified: / 12.11.1998 / 19:01:48 / cg"
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:05:32 / cg"
+    "/ int getMethodAccess (java.lang.Class java.lang.String)
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Modified: / 12.11.1998 / 19:01:48 / cg"
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:04:51 / cg"
+    "/ java.lang.String[] getMethodSignatures (java.lang.Class)
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Modified: / 12.11.1998 / 19:01:48 / cg"
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:04:34 / cg"
+    "/ long getSerialVersionUID (java.lang.Class)
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Modified: / 12.11.1998 / 19:01:48 / cg"
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:05:43 / cg"
+    "/ boolean hasWriteObject (java.lang.Class)
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Modified: / 12.11.1998 / 19:01:48 / cg"
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:05:53 / cg"
+    "/ self halt.
+    "/ UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Modified: / 16.1.1998 / 18:22:23 / cg"
+    "Created: / 17.1.1998 / 12:36:25 / cg"
+    "/ new with jdk1.2 ...
+    "Created: / 28.1.1998 / 22:19:35 / cg"
+    |jsock jaddr port sock hostName ok err|
+    jsock := nativeContext receiver.
+    port := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    jaddr := nativeContext argAt:2.
+    hostName := jaddr instVarNamed:'hostName'.
+    hostName isNil ifTrue:[
+	self halt.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+	hostName := Java as_ST_String:hostName
+    ].
+    sock := self validateFile:jsock.
+    sock notNil ifTrue:[
+	FileIOTrace ifTrue:[
+	    ('JAVA: socket bind to ' , hostName printString, ' port ' , port printString) infoPrintCR
+	].
+	ok := sock bindTo:port address:nil "hostName".
+	ok ifFalse:[
+	    err := OperatingSystem lastErrorString.
+	    Transcript showCR:'sock err: ' , err printString.
+	    self throwIOExceptionWithMessage:'bind failed'.
+	]
+    ].
+    "Created: / 4.2.1998 / 15:06:20 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 30.12.1998 / 20:10:16 / cg"
+    "/ native void join (InetAddress arg1)
+    |jsock addr sock ok err|
+    jsock := nativeContext receiver.
+    addr := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    sock := self validateFile:jsock.
+    sock notNil ifTrue:[
+	FileIOTrace ifTrue:[
+	    ('JAVA: socket join ' , addr printString) infoPrintCR
+	].
+	self throwIOExceptionWithMessage:'unimplemented: join'.
+self halt.
+	^ nil.  "/ void
+    ].
+    "Created: / 4.2.1998 / 15:06:20 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 30.12.1998 / 20:10:16 / cg"
+    |jsock jdatagramPacket sock ok|
+    jsock := nativeContext receiver.
+    jdatagramPacket := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    sock := self validateFile:jsock.
+    sock notNil ifTrue:[
+	FileIOTrace ifTrue:[
+	    ('JAVA: socket receive') infoPrintCR
+	].
+	^ -1.
+    ].
+    ^ -1
+    "Created: / 4.2.1998 / 15:06:20 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 30.12.1998 / 20:10:16 / cg"
+    |jsock opt port sock hostName ok err|
+    jsock := nativeContext receiver.
+    opt := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    sock := self validateFile:jsock.
+    sock notNil ifTrue:[
+	FileIOTrace ifTrue:[
+	    ('JAVA: socket getOption ' , opt printString) infoPrintCR
+	].
+	self throwIOExceptionWithMessage:'unimplemented: getOption'.
+self halt.
+	^ -1.
+    ].
+    ^ -1.
+    "Created: / 4.2.1998 / 15:06:20 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 30.12.1998 / 20:10:16 / cg"
+    |jSock sock n|
+    jSock := nativeContext receiver.
+    sock := self validateFile:jSock.
+    sock isNil ifTrue:[
+	self throwIOExceptionWithMessage:'socketAvailable on closed socket'.
+	^ self.
+    ].
+    n := sock numAvailable.
+    ^ n
+    "Created: / 4.2.1998 / 16:58:49 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 30.12.1998 / 20:10:08 / cg"
+    |jsock sock|
+    jsock := nativeContext receiver.
+    sock := self validateFile:jsock.
+    sock notNil ifTrue:[
+	FileIOTrace ifTrue:[
+	    'JAVA: close socket' infoPrintCR
+	].
+	sock close.
+    ].
+    "Modified: / 21.8.1997 / 17:09:40 / cg"
+    "Created: / 25.1.1998 / 20:04:24 / cg"
+    "/ new with jdk1.2 ...
+    "Created: / 28.1.1998 / 22:30:41 / cg"
+    "/ boolean isOutputStreamLocalised (
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 27.1.2000 / 03:00:20 / cg"
+    ^ self anyStream_close:nativeContext
+    "Created: / 4.2.1998 / 13:26:53 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 4.2.1998 / 15:21:08 / cg"
+    |jPath jFileName path fileName libName|
+    jPath := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    jFileName := nativeContext argAt:2.
+    path := Java as_ST_String:jPath.
+    fileName := Java as_ST_String:jFileName.
+    path = '__builtIn__' ifTrue:[
+	libName := path , '/' , fileName
+    ] ifFalse:[
+	libName := path , '/lib' , fileName , '.so'.
+    ].
+    ^ Java as_String:libName.
+    "Modified: / 8.8.1997 / 12:05:05 / cg"
+    "Created: / 4.1.1998 / 19:07:14 / cg"
+_Runtime_execInternal: nativeContext
+    "Run a unix-command; return a process object."
+    | cmdAndArgArray  envArray  cmd  jProcessClass  jProcess |
+    cmdAndArgArray := nativeContext argAt: 1.
+    envArray := nativeContext argAt: 2.
+    cmd := cmdAndArgArray at: 1.
+    OperatingSystem isUNIXlike ifTrue: [
+        jProcessClass := self classForName: 'java.lang.UNIXProcess'.
+    ] ifFalse: [ jProcessClass := Java classForName: 'java.lang.Win32Process'. ].
+    jProcessClass notNil ifTrue: [
+        self halt.
+        jProcess := jProcessClass newCleared.
+        jProcess
+            perform: #'<init>([Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)V'
+            with: cmdAndArgArray
+            with: envArray.
+        ^ jProcess
+    ].
+    self halt.
+    self
+        throwIOExceptionWithMessage: 'Process execution disabled/unimplemented'.
+    ^ nil
+    "Created: / 15.1.1998 / 01:50:31 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 11.12.1998 / 13:09:36 / cg"
+    "init sharedLib linker, return searchPath as javaString"
+    |path|
+    "/ mhmh - what is done here ?
+    path := ''.
+    LibPath do:[:comp | path size == 0 ifTrue:[
+			    path := path , comp
+			] ifFalse:[
+			    path := path , ':' , comp
+			]
+	       ].
+    ^ Java as_String:path
+    "Modified: / 7.8.1997 / 21:17:03 / cg"
+    "Created: / 4.1.1998 / 17:53:15 / cg"
+    "/ boolean isInputStreamLocalised (
+UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise.
+    "Created: / 27.1.2000 / 03:03:01 / cg"
+    "/ boolean isOutputStreamLocalised (
+UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise.
+    "Created: / 27.1.2000 / 03:02:49 / cg"
+    "load a sharedLib, return boolean 0 (false) if fail; 1 (true) if ok"
+    |ret|
+    ret := self _Runtime_loadFileInternalI:nativeContext.
+    ret < 0 ifTrue:[ ret := 0 ].
+    ^ ret
+    "Created: / 4.1.1998 / 19:10:20 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 4.1.1998 / 19:11:04 / cg"
+    "1.1b3 change; load a sharedLib like 'loadFileInternal',
+     but return integer:
+	-1   outOfMemory error
+	0    failed to load
+	1    loaded or already loaded (i.e. ok)"
+    |jLibName libName libHandle|
+    jLibName := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    libName := Java as_ST_String:jLibName.
+    (SimulatedLibs includes:libName) ifTrue:[
+"/        ('JAVA: builtIn libLoad simulated: ' , libName) printNL.
+	^ 1
+    ].
+    (LoadedLibs notNil and:[LoadedLibs includesKey:libName]) ifTrue:[
+"/        ('JAVA: already loaded: ' , libName) printNL.
+	^ 1
+    ].
+    libName asFilename exists ifFalse:[
+	('JAVA: no file to load: ' , libName) printNL.
+	^ 0
+    ].
+    (self confirm:'permission to load native library: ' , libName , ' ?') ifFalse:[
+	^ 0
+    ].
+    libHandle := ObjectFileLoader loadLibrary:libName.
+    libHandle isNil ifTrue:[
+	('JAVA: failed to load: ' , libName) printNL.
+	^ 0
+    ].
+    LoadedLibs isNil ifTrue:[
+	LoadedLibs := Dictionary new.
+    ].
+    LoadedLibs at:libName put:libHandle.
+    ^ 1
+    "Created: / 4.1.1998 / 19:10:54 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 6.2.1998 / 03:11:59 / cg"
+    "/ void runFinalization ()
+"/    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Modified: / 12.11.1998 / 18:52:07 / cg"
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 18:59:01 / cg"
+    ""
+    |onOff|
+    onOff := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    ^ 1
+    "Modified: / 6.2.1998 / 03:11:59 / cg"
+    "Created: / 15.10.1998 / 23:34:55 / cg"
+UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise.
+    "Modified: / 27.1.2000 / 03:02:27 / cg"
+UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise.
+    "Modified: / 27.1.2000 / 03:02:32 / cg"
+    "free memory - Returns the total number of bytes"
+    ^ ObjectMemory oldSpaceSize + ObjectMemory newSpaceSize
+    "Created: / 12.1.1998 / 12:59:23 / cg"
+    "/ void traceInstructions (boolean)
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Modified: / 12.11.1998 / 18:52:07 / cg"
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 18:59:18 / cg"
+    "/ void traceMethodCalls (boolean)
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Modified: / 12.11.1998 / 18:52:07 / cg"
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 18:59:37 / cg"
+    "/ new with jdk1.2 ...
+    "Created: / 28.1.1998 / 22:19:23 / cg"
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Modified: / 12.11.1998 / 18:52:07 / cg"
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 18:56:27 / cg"
+    |con depth|
+    con := thisContext sender.
+    depth := 1.
+    [con notNil] whileTrue:[
+	con receiver == JavaClassReader classLoaderQuerySignal ifTrue:[
+	    con selector == #handle:do: ifTrue:[
+		depth := depth + 1
+	    ]
+	].
+	con := con sender.
+    ].
+'JAVA: classLoaderDepth -> ' infoPrint. depth infoPrintCR.
+    ^ depth.
+    "Created: / 13.1.1998 / 09:21:46 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 13.1.1998 / 09:33:43 / cg"
+    |loader|
+    loader := JavaClassReader classLoaderQuerySignal query.
+"/ 'JAVA: currentClassLoader -> ' infoPrint. loader displayString infoPrintCR.
+    ^ loader.
+    "Created: / 13.1.1998 / 09:23:28 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 11.12.1998 / 12:39:59 / cg"
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Modified: / 12.11.1998 / 18:52:07 / cg"
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 18:56:41 / cg"
+    ^ self anyStream_readBytes:nativeContext
+    "Created: / 25.1.1998 / 20:56:53 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 4.2.1998 / 15:52:31 / cg"
+    ^ self anyStream_writeBytes:nativeContext
+    "Created: / 25.1.1998 / 21:06:55 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 4.2.1998 / 15:52:40 / cg"
+    "int compareTo (java.lang.String)"
+    |jString1 jString2|
+    jString1 := nativeContext receiver.
+    jString2 := nativeContext argAt:1.
+UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise.
+    "Created: / 27.1.2000 / 02:28:59 / cg"
+    |jString1 jString2|
+    jString1 := nativeContext receiver.
+    jString2 := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    ^ (jString1 instVarAt:1) = (jString2 instVarAt:1)
+    "Created: / 18.11.1998 / 00:52:03 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 18.11.1998 / 00:53:01 / cg"
+    "boolean equalsIgnoreCase (java.lang.String)"
+    |jString1 jString2|
+self halt:'untested'.
+    jString1 := nativeContext receiver.
+    jString2 := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    ^ (jString1 instVarAt:1) sameAs: (jString2 instVarAt:1)
+    "Modified: / 18.11.1998 / 00:53:01 / cg"
+    "Created: / 27.1.2000 / 02:27:46 / cg"
+    "int indexOf (java.lang.String int)"
+    |jString1 jString2 idx|
+    jString1 := nativeContext receiver.
+    jString2 := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    idx := nativeContext argAt:2.
+UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise.
+    "Created: / 27.1.2000 / 02:30:22 / cg"
+    "int lastIndexOf (java.lang.String int)"
+    |jString1 jString2 idx|
+    jString1 := nativeContext receiver.
+    jString2 := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    idx := nativeContext argAt:2.
+UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise.
+    "Created: / 27.1.2000 / 02:33:59 / cg"
+    |jString|
+    jString := nativeContext receiver.
+    ^ (jString instVarAt:3)
+    "Created: / 18.11.1998 / 00:53:50 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 18.11.1998 / 00:54:18 / cg"
+    "boolean regionMatches (boolean int java.lang.String int int)"
+    |jString1 bool jString2 idx1 idx2|
+    jString1 := nativeContext receiver.
+    bool := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    jString2 := nativeContext argAt:2.
+    idx1 := nativeContext argAt:3.
+    idx2 := nativeContext argAt:4.
+UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise.
+    "Created: / 27.1.2000 / 02:33:40 / cg"
+    "boolean regionMatches (int java.lang.String int int)"
+    |jString1 jString2 idx1 idx2|
+    jString1 := nativeContext receiver.
+    jString2 := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    idx1 := nativeContext argAt:2.
+    idx2 := nativeContext argAt:3.
+UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise.
+    "Created: / 27.1.2000 / 02:32:29 / cg"
+    "boolean startsWith (java.lang.String int)"
+    |jString1 jString2 idx|
+    jString1 := nativeContext receiver.
+    jString2 := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    idx := nativeContext argAt:2.
+UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise.
+    "Created: / 27.1.2000 / 02:31:40 / cg"
+    "/ int GetSysColor (int)
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 27.1.2000 / 02:44:41 / cg"
+    "get a resource by name"
+    |key s|
+    key := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    s := Java effectiveClassPath at:(key+1) ifAbsent:nil.
+    s isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
+    ^ Java as_String:s
+    "Modified: / 22-11-2010 / 13:44:15 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "check a resource"
+    |bool str1 str2|
+    bool := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    str1 := nativeContext argAt:2.
+    str2 := nativeContext argAt:3.
+    ^ 1 "/ true
+    "/ introduced with jdk1.2
+    |senderContext cls|
+    senderContext := nativeContext sender.
+    [senderContext receiver == (Java at:'java.lang.System')] whileTrue:[
+	senderContext := senderContext sender.
+    ].
+    senderContext method isStatic ifTrue:[
+	cls := senderContext receiver
+    ] ifFalse:[
+	cls := senderContext receiver class
+    ].
+    cls isJavaClass ifTrue:[
+	^ self javaClassObjectForClass:cls
+    ].
+    (cls isMemberOf:(Java at:'java.lang.Class')) ifTrue:[
+	^ Java at:'java.lang.Class'
+    ].
+    self halt.
+    ^ nil
+    "Modified: / 27.1.1998 / 18:33:13 / cg"
+    "void validateSecurityManager (java.lang.SecurityManager)"
+UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise.
+    "Created: / 27.1.2000 / 02:43:25 / cg"
+    "void initMainThreadGroup0 (java.lang.ThreadGroup)"
+UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise.
+    "Created: / 27.1.2000 / 02:45:52 / cg"
+    "/ int countStackFrames ()
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:06:21 / cg"
+_Thread_start: nativeContext
+    "start the thread"
+    | jThread  jName  name  stProcess |
+    jThread := nativeContext receiver.
+    (jThread instVarNamed: 'priority') < 1 ifTrue: [
+        self halt.
+        jThread instVarNamed: 'priority' put: 1.
+    ].
+    stProcess := JavaProcess
+                for: [
+                    | procName |
+                    Object abortSignal
+                        handle: [
+                            :ex |
+                            procName := stProcess name.
+                            (procName startsWith: 'JAVA-AWT-EventQueue') ifTrue: [
+                                ('JAVA [info]: thread ' , procName , ' aborted - restarting process.')
+                                    infoPrintCR.
+                                ex restart.
+                            ] ifFalse: [
+                                (stProcess == JavaScreenUpdaterThread
+                                    or: [ stProcess == JavaEventQueueThread ])
+                                        ifTrue: [
+                                            ('JAVA [info]: thread ' , procName , ' aborted - restarting process.')
+                                                infoPrintCR.
+                                            ex restart
+                                        ]
+                                        ifFalse: [ ('JAVA [info]: thread ' , procName , ' aborted.') infoPrintCR. ]
+                            ].
+                        ]
+                        do: [
+                            [
+                                JavaVM javaExceptionSignal
+                                    handle: [
+                                        :ex |
+                                        | exClass |
+                                        procName := stProcess name.
+                                        exClass := ex parameter class.
+                                        exClass == (Java at: 'java.lang.ThreadDeath') ifTrue: [
+                                            ('JAVA: thread ' , procName , ' terminated') infoPrintCR.
+                                        ] ifFalse: [
+                                            Transcript
+                                                showCR: ('JAVA: thread ''' , procName , ''' terminated with exception: '
+                                                        , exClass name).
+                                        ].
+                                        ex return.
+                                    ]
+                                    do: [
+                                        Object messageNotUnderstoodSignal
+                                            handle: [
+                                                :ex |
+                                                |
+                                                "/ remap doesNotUnderstand with nil-receiver to
+                                                "/ a nullPointerException ...
+                                                 con  m |
+                                                con := ex suspendedContext.
+                                                con receiver isNil ifTrue: [
+                                                    ((m := con sender method) notNil and: [ m isJavaMethod ]) ifTrue: [
+                                                        self throwNullPointerException.
+                                                        AbortSignal raise.
+                                                        "/ ex proceed.
+                                                    ]
+                                                ].
+                                                ex reject.
+                                            ]
+                                            do: [
+                                                "/ Transcript showCR:(Timestamp now printString , 'start thread: ', stProcess name).
+                                                jThread perform: #'run()V'.
+                                                ThreadTrace == true ifTrue: [
+                                                    ('JAVA: thread ' , stProcess name , ' terminated') infoPrintCR.
+                                                ].
+                                                jThread perform: #'exit()V'.
+                                                ThreadTrace == true ifTrue: [
+                                                    ('JAVA: after exit of thread ' , stProcess name) infoPrintCR.
+                                                ]
+                                            ]
+                                    ]
+                            ] ensure: [
+                                | monitors |
+                                monitors := EnteredMonitorsPerProcess at: stProcess ifAbsent: nil.
+                                monitors notNil ifTrue: [
+                                    monitors do: [
+                                        :obj |
+                                        | mon |
+                                        mon := obj getJavaMonitorFor.
+                                        mon notNil ifTrue: [
+                                            mon owningProcess == stProcess ifTrue: [
+                                                ('JAVA: release monitor owned by dying thread: ' , stProcess name)
+                                                    infoPrintCR.
+                                                mon exit
+                                            ].
+                                        ].
+                                    ].
+                                    EnteredMonitorsPerProcess removeKey: stProcess.
+                                    stProcess == JavaScreenUpdaterThread ifTrue: [
+                                        JavaScreenUpdaterThread := nil.
+                                    ].
+                                    stProcess == JavaEventQueueThread ifTrue: [ JavaEventQueueThread := nil. ].
+"/                                    screenUpdaterClass := Java at:'sun.awt.ScreenUpdater'.
+"/                                    screenUpdaterClass notNil ifTrue:[
+"/                                        screenUpdaterClass instVarNamed:'updater' put:nil.
+"/                                    ].
+                                ].
+                                Java removeThread: jThread ifAbsent: [].
+                            ]
+                        ]
+                ]
+                priority: (Processor activePriority).
+    jName := jThread instVarNamed: 'name'.
+    jName isString ifFalse: [ name := Java as_ST_String: jName. ] ifTrue: [
+        name := jName
+    ].
+    "/ kludge - remember the ScreenUpdater ...
+    name = 'Screen Updater' ifTrue: [ JavaScreenUpdaterThread := stProcess. ] ifFalse: [
+        name = 'AWT-Windows' ifTrue: [ JavaEventThread := stProcess. ] ifFalse: [
+            (name startsWith: 'AWT-EventQueue') ifTrue: [
+                JavaEventQueueThread := stProcess.
+            ].
+        ]
+    ].
+"/name = 'UserDialogShowThread' ifTrue:[
+"/self halt
+    "/ when that process terminates, wakup any waiters
+    stProcess addExitAction: [ self notify: jThread ].
+    stProcess name: 'JAVA-' , name.
+    stProcess restartable: true.
+    stProcess resume.
+    Java addThread: jThread for: stProcess.
+    ^ nil
+    "Created: / 03-01-1998 / 02:05:52 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 24-12-1999 / 03:14:33 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 09-12-2011 / 12:52:27 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 27-08-2012 / 11:36:40 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "yield"
+    |jThread stProcess|
+    jThread := nativeContext receiver.
+    stProcess := JavaVM stProcessForJavaThread:jThread.
+    stProcess isNil ifTrue:[
+	ThreadTrace == true ifTrue:[
+	    ('JAVA: no stProcess for javaThread: ' , jThread displayString) printNL.
+	].
+	^ nil "void"
+    ].
+    stProcess suspend
+    "Created: / 8.1.1998 / 01:05:49 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 6.2.1998 / 02:15:23 / cg"
+    |out outStream exceptionObject contextList|
+    outStream := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    exceptionObject := nativeContext receiver.
+    contextList := exceptionObject instVarNamed:'backtrace'.
+    out := self javaConsoleStream.
+    out cr.
+    out nextPutLine:'JAVA: stackTrace:'.
+    contextList do:[:con |
+	out
+	    nextPutAll:'  ';
+	    nextPutAll:(con method javaClass fullName);
+	    nextPutAll:'.';
+	    nextPutAll:(con method selector);
+	    nextPutAll:' [';
+	    nextPutAll:(con method javaClass sourceFile);
+	    nextPutAll:' ';
+	    nextPutAll:(con quickLineNumber displayString);
+	    nextPutAll:']'.
+	out cr
+    ].
+    out nextPutLine:'----------------------------------------------------'
+    "Created: / 4.1.1998 / 14:27:40 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 10.11.1998 / 14:19:32 / cg"
+    "/ void close ()
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:26:03 / cg"
+    "/ void finalize ()
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:25:22 / cg"
+    "/ int getContentLength0 ()
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:25:34 / cg"
+    "/ java.lang.String getContentType0 ()
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:25:42 / cg"
+    "/ java.lang.String getHeaderField0 (java.lang.String)
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:25:53 / cg"
+    "/ void pCreate (java.lang.String java.lang.String)
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:25:14 / cg"
+    "/ int available ()
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:24:26 / cg"
+    "/ void open ()
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:24:01 / cg"
+    "/ int read (byte[] int int)
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:24:12 / cg"
+    "/ void open ()
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:24:38 / cg"
+    "/ void pClose ()
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:25:02 / cg"
+    "/ void write (int)
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:24:45 / cg"
+    "/ void writeBytes (byte[] int int)
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:24:55 / cg"
+    "/ self unimplementedNativeMethod.
+    "Created: / 10.1.1998 / 15:47:24 / cg"
+    "/ boolean pSupportsProtocol (java.lang.String)
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:23:43 / cg"
+    "/ int getState ()
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:06:44 / cg"
+    "/ void resetJavaMonitor ()
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 14.11.1998 / 10:43:23 / cg"
+    "/ void resumeJavaMonitor ()
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 14.11.1998 / 10:42:49 / cg"
+    "/ void suspendJavaMonitor ()
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 14.11.1998 / 10:43:07 / cg"
+    "/ boolean threadsSuspended ()
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:07:10 / cg"
+    "/ void unsuspendSomeThreads ()
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:07:29 / cg"
+    "/ void unsuspendThreads ()
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:07:20 / cg"
+    "/ void writeJavaMonitorReport ()
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 14.11.1998 / 10:43:37 / cg"
+    |jButtonPeer jButton jFrame frame button
+     lbl|
+    jButtonPeer := nativeContext receiver.
+    jButton := jButtonPeer instVarNamed:'target'.
+    jFrame := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    frame := jFrame instVarNamed:'pData'.
+    button := Button in:frame.
+    button sizeFixed:true.
+    button action:[
+			jButtonPeer perform:#'handleAction()V'.
+		  ].
+    lbl := jButton instVarNamed:'label'.
+    lbl notNil ifTrue:[
+	lbl := Java as_ST_String:lbl.
+	button label:lbl
+    ].
+    self createdWindowsView:button for:jButtonPeer.
+    WindowCreationTrace == true ifTrue:[
+	'WButtonPeer_create: ' print. frame print. ' -> ' print. button printNL.
+    ].
+    "Created: / 5.1.1998 / 01:53:30 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 11.12.1998 / 00:19:22 / cg"
+    |label jString|
+    jString := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    label := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.
+    label label:(Java as_ST_String:jString)
+    "Modified: / 8.1.1998 / 17:35:50 / cg"
+    "Created: / 1.2.1998 / 17:05:47 / cg"
+    |jCanvasPeer jFrame frame subView|
+    jCanvasPeer := nativeContext receiver.
+    jFrame := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    jFrame isNil ifTrue:[
+	self halt:'no frame in canvasPeer create'.
+	subView := JavaView new.
+"/        self internalError:'no frame in canvasPeer create'.
+"/        ^ self.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+	frame := jFrame instVarNamed:'pData'.
+	subView := JavaView in:frame.
+    ].
+    subView delegate:self.
+    subView javaPeer:jCanvasPeer.
+    self createdWindowsView:subView for:jCanvasPeer.
+    WindowCreationTrace == true ifTrue:[
+	'WCanvasPeer_create: ' print. frame print. ' -> ' print. subView printNL.
+    ].
+    "Created: / 5.1.1998 / 00:59:19 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 16.1.1998 / 13:40:00 / cg"
+    "/ void setState (boolean)
+"/    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:14:35 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 3.12.1998 / 21:41:13 / cg"
+    |jCheckboxPeer jCheckbox jFrame frame checkBox lbl|
+    jCheckboxPeer := nativeContext receiver.
+    jCheckbox := jCheckboxPeer instVarNamed:'target'.
+    jFrame := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    frame := jFrame instVarNamed:'pData'.
+    checkBox := CheckBox in:frame.
+    checkBox action:[
+			jCheckboxPeer
+			    perform:#'handleAction(Z)V'
+			    with:(checkBox isOn ifTrue:[1] ifFalse:[0])
+		    ].
+    lbl := jCheckbox instVarNamed:'label'.
+    lbl notNil ifTrue:[
+	lbl := Java as_ST_String:lbl.
+	checkBox label:lbl
+    ].
+    self createdWindowsView:checkBox for:jCheckboxPeer.
+    WindowCreationTrace == true ifTrue:[
+	'WCheckboxPeer_create: ' print. frame print. ' -> ' print. checkBox printNL.
+    ].
+    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 21:48:03 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 15.1.1998 / 12:27:04 / cg"
+    |checkBox jGroup|
+    checkBox := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.
+    jGroup := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 21:48:47 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 25.1.1998 / 01:20:42 / cg"
+    "/ void setLabel (java.lang.String)
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:14:53 / cg"
+    |checkBox state|
+    checkBox := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.
+    state := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    state ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+	checkBox turnOn
+    ] ifFalse:[
+	checkBox turnOff
+    ].
+    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 21:49:13 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 25.1.1998 / 01:26:18 / cg"
+    |jString index comboBox|
+    comboBox := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.
+    jString := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    index := nativeContext argAt:2.
+    comboBox model list addLast:(Java as_ST_String:jString).
+    comboBox model changed:#list.
+    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 21:45:12 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 24.1.1998 / 18:51:32 / cg"
+    |jChoicePeer jChoice jFrame frame comboBox|
+    jChoicePeer := nativeContext receiver.
+    jChoice := jChoicePeer instVarNamed:'target'.
+    jFrame := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    frame := jFrame instVarNamed:'pData'.
+    comboBox := ComboListView in:frame.
+    comboBox model:(SelectionInList new list:(OrderedCollection new)).
+    comboBox action:[:index |
+			jChoicePeer
+			    perform:#'handleAction(I)V'
+			    with:(comboBox model selectionIndex - 1)
+		    ].
+    self createdWindowsView:comboBox for:jChoicePeer.
+    WindowCreationTrace == true ifTrue:[
+	'WChoicePeer_create: ' print. frame print. ' -> ' print. comboBox printNL.
+    ].
+    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 21:44:31 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 28.1.1998 / 23:19:17 / cg"
+    "/ void remove (int)
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:12:20 / cg"
+    self commonReshapeComponent:nativeContext.
+"/    self pReshape:nativeContext.
+    ^ self.
+    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 21:46:18 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 23.12.1998 / 19:08:07 / cg"
+    |comboBox index|
+    comboBox := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.
+    index := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    comboBox model selectionIndex:(index + 1).  "/ JAVA indexing starts at 0
+    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 21:45:43 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 25.1.1998 / 09:55:05 / cg"
+    "/ java.lang.String getClipboardText ()
+    |str|
+    str := Screen current rootView getTextSelection.
+    str isNil ifTrue:[
+	str := ''.
+    ].
+    ^ Java as_String:''.
+    "Modified: / 10.12.1998 / 21:28:29 / cg"
+"/ self halt.
+    "Modified: / 18.3.1997 / 18:43:18 / cg"
+    "Created: / 4.1.1998 / 19:03:59 / cg"
+    "/ void setClipboardText (java.awt.datatransfer.StringSelection)
+    |strSel data|
+    strSel := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    data := strSel instVarNamed:'data'.
+    data class == (Java at:'java.lang.String') ifTrue:[
+	Screen current rootView setTextSelection:(Java as_ST_String:data)
+    ].
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:15:31 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 10.12.1998 / 21:25:20 / cg"
+_WColor_getDefaultColor: nativeContext
+    | clrIndex  jClr  clr |
+    clrIndex := nativeContext argAt: 1.
+    "/ windows defaults:
+    "/  1: view background
+    clrIndex == 1 ifTrue: [
+        clr := View defaultViewBackgroundColor.
+        clr isColor ifFalse: [ clr := Color gray: 50. ].
+    ].
+    clrIndex == 2 ifTrue: [ clr := Color black. ].
+    clr isNil ifTrue: [
+        self halt.
+        self internalError: 'breakpoint'.
+        ^ nil.
+    ].
+    clr := clr on: (Screen current).
+    jClr := (self classForName: 'java.awt.Color') new.
+    jClr instVarNamed: 'pData' put: clr.
+    jClr instVarNamed: 'value' put: (clr rgbValue).
+"/ self halt.
+    ^ jClr.
+    "Created: / 15.8.1997 / 15:38:10 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 4.1.1998 / 18:06:51 / cg"
+    "/ void _beginValidate ()
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:10:08 / cg"
+    |view jPeer|
+    view := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.
+    Object errorSignal catch:[
+	view destroy.
+    ].
+    JavaWindowGroup removeView:view.
+    jPeer := nativeContext receiver.
+    jPeer instVarNamed:'pData' put:0.
+    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 22:36:25 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 25.1.1998 / 16:43:06 / cg"
+    |rgb clr view|
+    view := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.
+    view isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
+    rgb := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    clr := Color rgbValue:rgb.
+"/ self halt.
+"/ self internalError:'breakPoint'.
+    clr := clr on:(view device).
+"/    (view superView isMemberOf:JavaEmbeddedFrameView) ifTrue:[
+"/        view viewBackground:(view superView viewBackground).
+"/        view backgroundPaint:(view superView viewBackground).
+"/    ] ifFalse:[
+"/        (view isMemberOf:JavaView) ifTrue:[
+"/            view viewBackground:clr.
+"/            view backgroundPaint:clr.
+"/        ]
+"/    ].
+    (view isKindOf:ScrollableView) ifTrue:[
+	view := view scrolledView
+    ].
+    view viewBackground:clr.
+    view backgroundPaint:clr.
+    "Created: / 4.1.1998 / 18:07:39 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 4.12.1998 / 17:26:06 / cg"
+    |rgb clr view|
+    view := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.
+    rgb := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    clr := Color rgbValue:rgb.
+"/ self halt.
+"/ self internalError:'breakPoint'.
+    clr := clr on:(view device).
+    view paint:clr.
+    "Created: / 4.1.1998 / 18:08:13 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 8.1.1998 / 17:32:45 / cg"
+    |view|
+    view := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.
+    Object errorSignal handle:[:ex |
+    ] do:[
+	view disable
+    ]
+    "Created: / 6.1.1998 / 18:26:36 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 8.1.1998 / 17:32:53 / cg"
+    |view|
+    view := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.
+    Object errorSignal handle:[:ex |
+    ] do:[
+	view enable
+    ]
+    "Modified: / 8.1.1998 / 17:32:53 / cg"
+    "Created: / 13.1.1998 / 23:08:05 / cg"
+    "/ void endValidate ()
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:10:20 / cg"
+_WComponentPeer_getLocationOnScreen: nativeContext
+    "/ java.awt.Point getLocationOnScreen ()
+    | view  p  jP |
+    view := self viewForWPeer: nativeContext.
+    view isNil ifTrue: [ ^ nil ].
+    p := view originRelativeTo: nil.
+    jP := (self classForName: 'java.awt.Point') basicNew.
+    jP instVarNamed: 'x' put: p x.
+    jP instVarNamed: 'y' put: p y.
+    ^ jP
+    "Modified: / 5.12.1998 / 14:44:31 / cg"
+    "this is invoked by java, to let a widget handle any event which
+     was not consumed (eaten) by java.
+     If the view in question is some ST-widget, forward it.
+     Ignore for JavaViews."
+    |view jEv stEv ignore|
+    view := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.
+    view notNil ifTrue:[
+	jEv := nativeContext argAt:1.
+	stEv := jEv instVarNamed:'data'.
+	(stEv notNil and:[stEv ~~ 0]) ifTrue:[
+	    ignore := true.
+	    view isJavaView ifFalse:[
+		ignore := false
+	    ] ifTrue:[
+		view isTopView ifTrue:[
+		    stEv type == #terminate ifTrue:[
+			ignore := false
+		    ].
+		]
+	    ].
+	    ignore ifFalse:[
+		EventTrace == true ifTrue:[
+		    ('JAVA: WComponent - handleEvent: ' , stEv type , ' for ' , view printString) infoPrintCR.
+		].
+		view dispatchEvent:stEv.
+		^ self.
+	    ].
+	    EventTrace == true ifTrue:[
+		('JAVA: WComponent - handleEvent ignored:' , stEv type) infoPrintCR.
+	    ].
+	    ^ self
+	]
+    ].
+    EventTrace == true ifTrue:[
+	('JAVA: WComponent - handleEvent ignored') infoPrintCR.
+    ]
+    "Created: / 6.1.1998 / 21:10:17 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 11.12.1998 / 01:04:14 / cg"
+    |view|
+    view := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.
+"/ view isPopUpView ifTrue:[self halt].
+    Object errorSignal handle:[:ex |
+    ] do:[
+	view beInvisible
+    ]
+    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 22:35:32 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 4.12.1998 / 17:53:41 / cg"
+    "this is invoked by java, to let a widget handle any event which
+     was not consumed (eaten) by java.
+     If the view in question is some ST-widget, forward it.
+     Ignore for JavaViews."
+    |view jEv stEv|
+    view := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.
+    view notNil ifTrue:[
+	(view isKindOf:JavaView) ifFalse:[
+	    jEv := nativeContext argAt:1.
+	    stEv := jEv instVarNamed:'data'.
+	    (stEv notNil and:[stEv ~~ 0]) ifTrue:[
+		EventTrace == true ifTrue:[
+		    ('JAVA: WComponent - handleEvent: ' , stEv type , ' for ' , view printString) infoPrintCR.
+		].
+		stEv sendEventWithFocusOn:nil.
+		^ self.
+	    ]
+	]
+    ].
+    EventTrace == true ifTrue:[
+	('JAVA: WComponent - handleEvent ignored') infoPrintCR.
+    ]
+    "Created: / 19.10.1998 / 21:26:16 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 19.10.1998 / 23:26:37 / cg"
+    |view|
+    view := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.
+"/ 'getFocus - ' print. view displayString printCR.
+"/    view getKeyboardFocus
+    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 22:30:03 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 4.12.1998 / 19:42:18 / cg"
+    self commonReshapeComponent:nativeContext
+    "Modified: / 18.3.1997 / 19:30:21 / cg"
+    "Created: / 4.1.1998 / 18:01:11 / cg"
+    |jClr rgb clr view|
+    view := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.
+    jClr := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    rgb := jClr instVarNamed:'value'.
+"/ self halt.
+    clr := Color rgbValue:rgb.
+    clr := clr on:(view device).
+"/    (view superView isMemberOf:JavaEmbeddedFrameView) ifTrue:[
+"/        view viewBackground:(view superView viewBackground).
+"/        view backgroundPaint:(view superView viewBackground).
+"/    ] ifFalse:[
+"/        (view isMemberOf:JavaView) ifTrue:[
+"/            view viewBackground:clr.
+"/            view backgroundPaint:clr.
+"/        ]
+"/    ].
+    (view isKindOf:ScrollableView) ifTrue:[
+	view := view scrolledView
+    ].
+    view viewBackground:clr.
+    view backgroundPaint:clr.
+    "Created: / 16.10.1998 / 02:16:31 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 16.10.1998 / 02:26:29 / cg"
+    |view|
+    view := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.
+"/ self halt.
+    "Created: / 5.1.1998 / 01:52:30 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 25.1.1998 / 01:21:52 / cg"
+    |view|
+    view := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.
+"/ self halt.
+    "Created: / 5.1.1998 / 00:55:17 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 25.1.1998 / 01:22:19 / cg"
+    |jClr rgb clr view|
+    view := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.
+    jClr := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    rgb := jClr instVarNamed:'value'.
+"/ self halt.
+    clr := Color rgbValue:rgb.
+    clr := clr on:(view device).
+    (view isKindOf:ScrollableView) ifTrue:[
+	view := view scrolledView
+    ].
+    view paint:clr.
+    "Created: / 16.10.1998 / 02:18:58 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 16.10.1998 / 02:26:37 / cg"
+    |view|
+    view := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.
+"/    self unimplementedNativeMethod.
+"/ self halt.
+"/ self internalError:'breakPoint'
+    "Created: / 4.1.1998 / 17:59:26 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 25.1.1998 / 01:22:32 / cg"
+    |view|
+    view := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.
+    "/ frame views are under my browsers own control
+    (view isMemberOf:JavaEmbeddedFrameView) ifFalse:[
+	view beVisible.
+	view realize.
+    ].
+"/    view windowGroup notNil ifTrue:[
+"/        windowServer addGroup:(view windowGroup)
+"/    ].
+    ^ nil
+"/ self halt.
+    "Created: / 5.1.1998 / 01:26:22 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 4.12.1998 / 17:43:53 / cg"
+"/ self halt.
+    "Modified: / 18.3.1997 / 18:43:18 / cg"
+    "Created: / 5.1.1998 / 00:58:40 / cg"
+    "/ new with ns4.0 ...
+    "Created: / 16.10.1998 / 02:12:59 / cg"
+    ^ 1
+    "Modified: / 21.8.1997 / 15:56:57 / cg"
+    "Created: / 5.1.1998 / 01:55:47 / cg"
+    |dialog|
+    dialog := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.
+    dialog hide.
+    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 22:34:10 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 8.1.1998 / 17:34:10 / cg"
+    |dialog|
+    dialog := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.
+"/ show does not work (yet); must setup windowgroup
+"/ for it to get events ...
+"/    dialog realize.
+dialog show.
+"/dialog fixSize.
+"/dialog makeFullyVisible.
+"/dialog openModal:[true] inGroup:JavaWindowGroup
+    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 21:52:15 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 11.12.1998 / 14:43:05 / cg"
+    |jDialogPeer dialog|
+    jDialogPeer := nativeContext receiver.
+    dialog := ModalBox new.
+    jDialogPeer instVarNamed:'pData' put:dialog.
+    self createdWindowsView:dialog for:jDialogPeer.
+    dialog windowGroup:JavaWindowGroup.
+    JavaWindowGroup addTopView:dialog.
+    WindowCreationTrace == true ifTrue:[
+	'WDialogPeer_create: ' print. dialog printNL.
+    ].
+    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 21:51:00 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 15.1.1998 / 16:12:44 / cg"
+    "/ int getDepth ()
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:21:00 / cg"
+    "/ int getHBitmap ()
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:20:32 / cg"
+    "/ int getHDC ()
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:20:50 / cg"
+    "/ int getHPalette ()
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:21:07 / cg"
+    "/ int getHWnd ()
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:20:23 / cg"
+    "/ int getPBits ()
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:20:41 / cg"
+    "/ int lock ()
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:20:00 / cg"
+    "/ void unlock ()
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:20:13 / cg"
+    "/ void create (
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:16:09 / cg"
+    |jDialogPeer jDialog dialogView stDialog
+     title dir pattern f|
+    jDialogPeer := nativeContext receiver.
+    jDialog := jDialogPeer instVarNamed:'target'.
+    dialogView := jDialogPeer instVarNamed:'pData'.
+    stDialog := FileSelectionBox new.
+    dir := jDialog instVarNamed:'dir'.
+    dir notNil ifTrue:[
+	stDialog directory:(Java as_ST_String:dir).
+    ].
+    pattern := jDialog instVarNamed:'file'.
+    pattern notNil ifTrue:[
+	stDialog pattern:(Java as_ST_String:pattern).
+    ].
+    title := jDialog instVarNamed:'title'.
+    title notNil ifTrue:[
+	stDialog title:(Java as_ST_String:title).
+	stDialog label:(Java as_ST_String:title).
+    ].
+    stDialog show.
+    stDialog accepted ifTrue:[
+	f := stDialog pathName.
+	"/ cannot use the one below - it has a builtIn fileSeparator if '\' (sigh)
+	"/ jDialogPeer perform:#'handleSelected(Ljava/lang/String;)V' with:(Java as_String:f).
+	jDialog
+	    perform:#'setFile(Ljava/lang/String;)V'
+	    with:(Java as_String:(f asFilename baseName)).
+	jDialog
+	    perform:#'setDirectory(Ljava/lang/String;)V'
+	    with:(Java as_String:(f asFilename directoryName , Filename separator asString)).
+	jDialog
+	    perform:#'setVisible(Z)V'
+	    with:0.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+	jDialogPeer
+	    perform:#'handleCancel()V'
+    ].
+"/ self halt.
+    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 22:38:45 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 15.1.1998 / 13:04:05 / cg"
+    "/ int bytesWidth (byte[] int int)
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:11:46 / cg"
+    "get multi-font string-segment width.
+     Not yet supported - use standard strings width"
+    |jMetrics jFont jFontDescr stFont w
+     bool1 cp offs lenght bp int1|
+    jMetrics := nativeContext receiver.
+    jFont := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    jFontDescr := nativeContext argAt:2.
+    bool1 := nativeContext argAt:3.
+    cp := nativeContext argAt:4.
+    offs := nativeContext argAt:5.
+    lenght := nativeContext argAt:6.
+    bp := nativeContext argAt:7.
+    int1 := nativeContext argAt:8.
+    stFont := jFont instVarNamed:'pData'.
+    (stFont isNil or:[stFont == 0]) ifTrue:[
+	self halt
+    ].
+    stFont device isNil ifTrue:[
+	stFont := stFont on:Display.
+	jFont instVarNamed:'pData' put:stFont.
+    ].
+    w := stFont widthOf:cp from:offs+1 to:offs+lenght.
+    ^ w.
+    "Created: / 5.1.1998 / 01:57:45 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 13.1.1998 / 23:44:03 / cg"
+    |jMetrics jFont stFont widths family name style size|
+    jMetrics := nativeContext receiver.
+    jFont := jMetrics instVarNamed:'font'.
+    family := jFont instVarNamed:'family'.
+    family := Java as_ST_String:family.
+    name := jFont instVarNamed:'name'.
+    name := Java as_ST_String:name.
+    style := jFont instVarNamed:'style'.
+    size := jFont instVarNamed:'size'.
+    stFont := Font family:family size:size.
+    stFont isNil ifTrue:[
+        stFont := Font family:'helvetica' size:size.
+    ].
+    stFont := stFont on:Display.
+self halt.
+"/    stFont := jFont instVarNamed:'pData'.
+"/    stFont isNil ifTrue:[
+"/        self halt
+"/    ].
+    stFont := stFont on:Display.
+    jFont instVarNamed:'pData' put:stFont.
+    jMetrics instVarNamed:'ascent'     put:stFont ascent.
+    jMetrics instVarNamed:'descent'    put:stFont descent.
+    jMetrics instVarNamed:'leading'    put:0.
+    jMetrics instVarNamed:'height'     put:stFont height.
+    jMetrics instVarNamed:'maxAscent'  put:stFont maxAscent.
+    jMetrics instVarNamed:'maxDescent' put:stFont maxDescent.
+    jMetrics instVarNamed:'maxHeight'  put:stFont maxHeight.
+    jMetrics instVarNamed:'maxAdvance' put:stFont maxWidth.
+    widths := Array new:256.
+    0 to:255 do:[:i |
+        widths at:(i+1) put:(stFont widthOf:(Character value:i))
+    ].
+    jMetrics instVarNamed:'widths' put:widths.
+"/ self halt.
+    "Modified: / 8.8.1997 / 12:06:53 / cg"
+    "Created: / 5.1.1998 / 01:54:29 / cg"
+    |jFont jFontDescr stFont|
+    jFont := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    jFontDescr := nativeContext argAt:2.
+    stFont := jFont instVarNamed:'pData'.
+"/    stFont isNil ifTrue:[
+"/        self halt
+"/    ].
+"/    stFont device isNil ifTrue:[
+"/        stFont := stFont on:Display.
+"/        jFont instVarNamed:'pData' put:stFont.
+"/    ].
+    ^ 0
+    "Modified: / 17.8.1997 / 17:16:29 / cg"
+    "Created: / 5.1.1998 / 01:56:42 / cg"
+    |frame imgRep image|
+    frame := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.
+    imgRep := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    imgRep notNil ifTrue:[
+	image := imgRep instVarNamed:'pData'.
+	(image notNil and:[image ~~ 0]) ifTrue:[
+	    frame icon:image.
+	]
+    ].
+    "Created: / 27.4.1998 / 17:15:09 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 27.4.1998 / 17:18:24 / cg"
+    |jFramePeer jFrame top frame pDataIdx|
+    jFramePeer := nativeContext receiver.
+    "/ for now: a kludge to create an embedded frame for
+    "/ mozillaFrames
+    jFrame := jFramePeer instVarNamed:'target'.
+    (jFrame notNil
+    and:[(pDataIdx := jFrame class instVarOffsetOf:'pData') notNil])
+    ifTrue:[
+	((frame := jFrame instVarAt:pDataIdx) notNil
+	and:[frame ~~ 0]) ifTrue:[
+	    WindowCreationTrace == true ifTrue:[
+		'JAVA: targetFrame view already created: ' infoPrintCR.
+	    ].
+	    "/ sigh; pData was renamed to pNativeWidget in jdk1.2 ...
+	    pDataIdx := jFramePeer class instVarOffsetOf:'pNativeWidget'.
+	    pDataIdx isNil ifTrue:[
+		"/ ok, we are < 1.2
+		pDataIdx := jFramePeer class instVarOffsetOf:'pData'.
+	    ].
+	    jFramePeer instVarAt:pDataIdx put:frame.
+	]
+    ] ifFalse:[
+	frame := jFramePeer instVarNamed:'pData'
+    ].
+    (frame notNil and:[frame ~~ 0]) ifTrue:[
+	WindowCreationTrace == true ifTrue:[
+	    'JAVA: frame view already created: ' infoPrint.
+	    jFramePeer class name infoPrintCR.
+	].
+    ] ifFalse:[
+"/ OLD
+"/        frame := StandardSystemView new.
+"/        self createdWindowsView:frame for:jFramePeer.
+"/        JavaWindowGroup addTopView:frame.
+	frame := JavaTopView new.
+	frame delegate:self.
+	frame javaPeer:jFramePeer.
+	self createdWindowsView:frame for:jFramePeer.
+	JavaWindowGroup addTopView:frame.
+"/        top := StandardSystemView new.
+"/        frame := JavaView origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0 in:top.
+"/        frame delegate:self.
+"/        frame javaPeer:jFramePeer.
+"/        self createdWindowsView:frame for:jFramePeer.
+"/        JavaWindowGroup addTopView:top.
+    ].
+    WindowCreationTrace == true ifTrue:[
+	'JAVA: WFramePeer_create: ' print. jFramePeer displayString print.
+	' frame: ' print. frame printNL.
+    ].
+    "Created: / 4.1.1998 / 17:56:39 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 3.12.1998 / 00:10:21 / cg"
+    |frame jMenuBarPeer menuPanel|
+    frame := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.
+    jMenuBarPeer := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    jMenuBarPeer isNil ifTrue:[
+	"/ mhmh - JAVA wants to remove the frames menuPanel.
+	"/ but I have no handle on it (for destroy).
+	"/ search it in subViews of the frame.
+	frame subViews copy do:[:v |
+	    (v isKindOf:MenuPanel) ifTrue:[
+		v destroy
+	    ]
+	]
+    ] ifFalse:[
+	menuPanel := jMenuBarPeer instVarNamed:'pData'.
+	menuPanel origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@(menuPanel preferredExtent y).
+	frame addSubView:menuPanel.
+    ].
+    ^ nil
+    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 21:41:35 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 8.1.1998 / 17:35:04 / cg"
+    |view onOff|
+    view := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.
+    onOff := (nativeContext argAt:1) == 1.
+    view isTopView ifTrue:[
+	onOff ifTrue:[
+	    view minExtent:10@10.
+	    view maxExtent:(Screen current extent).
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    view minExtent:view extent.
+	    view maxExtent:view extent.
+	]
+    ] ifFalse:[
+	(view isMemberOf:JavaEmbeddedFrameView) ifFalse:[
+	    self halt.
+	]
+    ].
+"/ 'JAVA: WWindowPeer_setResizable: ' print. view print. ' yes/no: ' print. onOff printNL.
+    ^ nil
+    "Modified: / 16.1.1998 / 18:08:00 / cg"
+    "Created: / 16.10.1998 / 02:21:34 / cg"
+    |view jString string|
+    view := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.
+    jString := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    string := Java as_ST_String:jString.
+"/ 'JAVA: WFramePeer_pSetTitle: ' print. string print. ' ' print. view printNL.
+    view label:string.
+    ^ nil
+    "Modified: / 8.1.1998 / 17:37:41 / cg"
+    "Created: / 27.1.1998 / 21:42:57 / cg"
+    "/ void _dispose()
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:17:51 / cg"
+    |gc x y w h r bool|
+    gc := self gcForWGraphics:nativeContext.
+    x := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    y := nativeContext argAt:2.
+    w := nativeContext argAt:3.
+    h := nativeContext argAt:4.
+    bool := (nativeContext argAt:5) ~~ 0.
+    r := Rectangle left:x top:y width:w height:h.
+"/ 'WGraphics_changeClip: ' infoPrint. r infoPrintCR.
+    gc clippingRectangle:r.
+    "Created: / 6.1.1998 / 20:57:21 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 20.10.1998 / 19:40:10 / cg"
+    |gc x y w h|
+    gc := self gcForWGraphics:nativeContext.
+"/    gc isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
+    gc realized ifFalse:[
+	'JAVA: drawing on unrealized gc - ignored' infoPrintCR.
+	^ self
+    ].
+    x := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    y := nativeContext argAt:2.
+    w := nativeContext argAt:3.
+    h := nativeContext argAt:4.
+"/ self halt.
+"/ self internalError:'breakPoint'.
+    gc clearRectangleX:x y:y width:w height:h.
+    "Created: / 8.1.1998 / 00:16:00 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 8.1.1998 / 00:21:09 / cg"
+    "/ void close (
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:19:40 / cg"
+    |gc srcX srcY w h deltaX deltaY|
+    gc := self gcForWGraphics:nativeContext.
+"/    gc isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
+    gc realized ifFalse:[
+	'JAVA: copyArea on unrealized gc - ignored' infoPrintCR.
+	^ self
+    ].
+    srcX := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    srcY := nativeContext argAt:2.
+    w := nativeContext argAt:3.
+    h := nativeContext argAt:4.
+    deltaX := nativeContext argAt:5.
+    deltaY := nativeContext argAt:6.
+    gc
+	copyFrom:gc
+	x:srcX y:srcY
+	toX:srcX+deltaX y:srcY+deltaY
+	width:w height:h
+    "Created: / 8.1.1998 / 00:16:00 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 9.4.1998 / 22:01:32 / cg"
+    |jGraphics jWin view|
+    jGraphics := nativeContext receiver.
+    jWin := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    view := KnownWindows at:jWin ifAbsent:nil.
+    view isNil ifTrue:[
+	self halt.
+	^ self
+    ].
+    view clippingRectangle:nil.
+"/    "/ just a consistency check ...
+"/    (jWin instVarNamed:'xid') ~~ view ifTrue:[
+"/        self halt:'consistency check'
+"/    ].
+    jGraphics instVarNamed:'pData' put:view.
+    "Created: / 6.1.1998 / 20:55:18 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 20.10.1998 / 19:38:18 / cg"
+    |jGraphics graphics gc|
+    jGraphics := nativeContext receiver.
+    graphics := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    gc := graphics instVarNamed:'pData'.
+    jGraphics instVarNamed:'pData' put:gc.
+    gc clippingRectangle:nil.
+    "Created: / 8.1.1998 / 00:47:39 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 20.10.1998 / 19:37:58 / cg"
+    "/ void createFromHDC (int)
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:17:32 / cg"
+    "/ void createFromPrintJob (
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:17:20 / cg"
+    |gc|
+    gc := self gcForWGraphics:nativeContext.
+    gc isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
+    gc clippingRectangle:nil.
+    "Created: / 6.1.1998 / 20:58:38 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 20.10.1998 / 19:35:05 / cg"
+    |gc x y w h startAngle endAngle|
+    gc := self gcForWGraphics:nativeContext.
+"/    gc isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
+    gc realized ifFalse:[^ self].
+    x := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    y := nativeContext argAt:2.
+    w := nativeContext argAt:3.
+    h := nativeContext argAt:4.
+    startAngle := nativeContext argAt:5.
+    endAngle := nativeContext argAt:6.
+    DrawOPTrace ifTrue:[
+	'drawArc x/y= ' print. x print. '@' print. y print.
+	       ' w/h= ' print. w print. '@' print. h print.
+	       ' startAngle= ' print. startAngle print. ' endAngle= ' print. endAngle printCR.
+    ].
+    gc
+	displayArcX:x y:y
+	width:w height:h
+	from:startAngle angle:(endAngle - startAngle).
+    "Created: / 6.1.1998 / 21:00:15 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 28.1.1999 / 17:38:45 / cg"
+    "/ void drawBytes (byte[] int int int int)
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:18:56 / cg"
+    |gc x y x2 y2|
+    gc := self gcForWGraphics:nativeContext.
+"/    gc isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
+    gc realized ifFalse:[^ self].
+    x := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    y := nativeContext argAt:2.
+    x2 := nativeContext argAt:3.
+    y2 := nativeContext argAt:4.
+    DrawOPTrace ifTrue:[
+	'drawLine x/y= ' print. x print. '@' print. y print. ' x2/y2= ' print. x2 print. '@' print. y2 printCR.
+    ].
+    gc displayLineFromX:x y:y toX:x2 y:y2
+    "Created: / 6.1.1998 / 20:59:27 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 8.1.1998 / 00:34:23 / cg"
+    "/ int drawMFCharsConvertedSegment (java.awt.Font sun.awt.FontDescriptor byte[] int int int)
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:18:44 / cg"
+    |jFont jFontDescr s gc x y offs len|
+    gc := self gcForWGraphics:nativeContext.
+    gc realized ifFalse:[^ self].
+    jFont := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    jFontDescr := nativeContext argAt:2.
+    s := nativeContext argAt:3.
+    offs := nativeContext argAt:4.
+    len := nativeContext argAt:5.
+    x := nativeContext argAt:6.
+    y := nativeContext argAt:7.
+    DrawOPTrace ifTrue:[
+	'drawMFCharsSegment x/y= ' print. x print. '@' print. y print. ' s= ' print. s printCR.
+    ].
+    gc displayString:s from:offs+1 to:offs+len x:x y:y.
+    ^ (gc font onDevice:(gc graphicsDevice)) widthOf:s.
+    "Created: / 6.1.1998 / 21:01:07 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 25.1.1998 / 20:45:55 / cg"
+    |gc x y w h|
+    gc := self gcForWGraphics:nativeContext.
+"/    gc isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
+    gc realized ifFalse:[^ self].
+    x := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    y := nativeContext argAt:2.
+    w := nativeContext argAt:3.
+    h := nativeContext argAt:4.
+    DrawOPTrace ifTrue:[
+	'drawOval x/y= ' print. x print. '@' print. y print.
+		' w/h= ' print. w print. '@' print. h printCR.
+    ].
+    gc displayArcX:x y:y width:w height:h from:0 angle:360.
+    "Created: / 8.1.1998 / 00:44:31 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 9.4.1998 / 22:10:23 / cg"
+    |gc xVector yVector count points|
+    gc := self gcForWGraphics:nativeContext.
+"/    gc isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
+    gc realized ifFalse:[^ self].
+    xVector := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    yVector := nativeContext argAt:2.
+    count := nativeContext argAt:3.
+    DrawOPTrace ifTrue:[
+	'drawPolgon' printCR.
+    ].
+    points := (1 to:count) collect:[:i | (xVector at:i) @ (yVector at:i)].
+    gc displayPolygon:points
+    "Created: / 8.1.1998 / 00:57:28 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 8.1.1998 / 00:57:49 / cg"
+    "/ void drawPolyline (int[] int[] int)
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:19:07 / cg"
+    |gc x y w h|
+    gc := self gcForWGraphics:nativeContext.
+"/    gc isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
+    gc realized ifFalse:[^ self].
+    x := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    y := nativeContext argAt:2.
+    w := nativeContext argAt:3.
+    h := nativeContext argAt:4.
+"/ self halt.
+"/ self internalError:'breakPoint'.
+    gc displayRectangleX:x y:y width:w height:h.
+    "Modified: / 8.1.1998 / 00:34:33 / cg"
+    "Created: / 8.1.1998 / 00:59:05 / cg"
+    |gc x y w h|
+    gc := self gcForWGraphics:nativeContext.
+"/    gc isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
+    gc realized ifFalse:[^ self].
+    x := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    y := nativeContext argAt:2.
+    w := nativeContext argAt:3.
+    h := nativeContext argAt:4.
+"/ self halt.
+"/ self internalError:'breakPoint'.
+    gc displayRectangleX:x y:y width:w height:h.
+    "Modified: / 8.1.1998 / 00:34:33 / cg"
+    "Created: / 8.1.1998 / 00:59:26 / cg"
+    "/ void drawSFChars (char[]s, int pos1, int len, int x, int y)
+    |gc str x y idx1 nChars|
+    gc := self gcForWGraphics:nativeContext.
+    gc realized ifFalse:[^ self].
+    str := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    idx1 := nativeContext argAt:2.
+    nChars := nativeContext argAt:3.
+    x := nativeContext argAt:4.
+    y := nativeContext argAt:5.
+    DrawOPTrace ifTrue:[
+	'drawSFChars x/y= ' print. x print. '@' print. y print.
+	       ' s= ' print. str printCR.
+    ].
+    gc displayString:str from:idx1+1 to:idx1+nChars x:x y:y
+    "Created: / 6.1.1998 / 21:11:31 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 8.1.1998 / 00:33:59 / cg"
+    |gc x y w h startAngle endAngle|
+    gc := self gcForWGraphics:nativeContext.
+"/    gc isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
+    gc realized ifFalse:[^ self].
+    x := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    y := nativeContext argAt:2.
+    w := nativeContext argAt:3.
+    h := nativeContext argAt:4.
+    startAngle := nativeContext argAt:5.
+    endAngle := nativeContext argAt:6.
+    DrawOPTrace ifTrue:[
+	'fillArc x/y= ' print. x print. '@' print. y print.
+	       ' w/h= ' print. w print. '@' print. h print.
+	       ' startAngle= ' print. startAngle print. ' endAngle= ' print. endAngle printCR.
+    ].
+    gc fillArcX:x y:y width:w height:h from:startAngle angle:(endAngle - startAngle)
+    "Created: / 6.1.1998 / 21:11:31 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 8.1.1998 / 00:33:59 / cg"
+    |gc x y w h|
+    gc := self gcForWGraphics:nativeContext.
+"/    gc isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
+    gc realized ifFalse:[^ self].
+    x := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    y := nativeContext argAt:2.
+    w := nativeContext argAt:3.
+    h := nativeContext argAt:4.
+    DrawOPTrace ifTrue:[
+	'drawOval x/y= ' print. x print. '@' print. y print.
+		' w/h= ' print. w print. '@' print. h printCR.
+    ].
+    gc fillArcX:x y:y width:w height:h from:0 angle:360
+    "Created: / 8.1.1998 / 00:46:00 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 8.1.1998 / 00:46:20 / cg"
+    |gc xVector yVector count points|
+    gc := self gcForWGraphics:nativeContext.
+"/    gc isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
+    gc realized ifFalse:[^ self].
+    xVector := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    yVector := nativeContext argAt:2.
+    count := nativeContext argAt:3.
+    DrawOPTrace ifTrue:[
+	'fillPolgon' printCR.
+    ].
+    points := (1 to:count) collect:[:i | (xVector at:i) @ (yVector at:i)].
+    gc fillPolygon:points
+    "Created: / 8.1.1998 / 00:58:09 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 25.1.1998 / 11:03:19 / cg"
+    |gc x y w h|
+    gc := self gcForWGraphics:nativeContext.
+"/    gc isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
+    gc realized ifFalse:[^ self].
+    x := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    y := nativeContext argAt:2.
+    w := nativeContext argAt:3.
+    h := nativeContext argAt:4.
+"/ self halt.
+"/ self internalError:'breakPoint'.
+    gc fillRectangleX:x y:y width:w height:h.
+    "Created: / 15.8.1997 / 15:43:10 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 8.1.1998 / 00:34:33 / cg"
+    |gc x y w h|
+    gc := self gcForWGraphics:nativeContext.
+"/    gc isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
+    gc realized ifFalse:[^ self].
+    x := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    y := nativeContext argAt:2.
+    w := nativeContext argAt:3.
+    h := nativeContext argAt:4.
+"/ self halt.
+"/ self internalError:'breakPoint'.
+    gc displayRectangleX:x y:y width:w height:h.
+    "Modified: / 8.1.1998 / 00:34:33 / cg"
+    "Created: / 8.1.1998 / 00:59:36 / cg"
+_WGraphics_getClipBounds: nativeContext
+    | gc  rect  r  x  y  w  h |
+    gc := self gcForWGraphics: nativeContext.
+"/    gc isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
+    rect := (self classForName: 'java.awt.Rectangle') basicNew.
+    (gc isMemberOf: JavaView) ifTrue: [
+        "/ r := gc clippingRectangleOrNil.
+        r := gc getNextUpdateRectangle.
+    ].
+    r isNil ifTrue: [ r := gc clippingRectangleOrNil. ].
+    r isNil ifTrue: [
+        x := y := 0.
+        w := (gc width).
+        h := (gc height).
+    ] ifFalse: [
+        x := (r left).
+        y := (r top).
+        w := (r width).
+        h := (r height).
+    ].
+    rect instVarNamed: 'x' put: x.
+    rect instVarNamed: 'y' put: y.
+    rect instVarNamed: 'width' put: w.
+    rect instVarNamed: 'height' put: h.
+"/ 'WGraphics__getClipBounds ' infoPrint. (x@y extent:w@h) infoPrintCR.
+    ^ rect
+    "Created: / 6.1.1998 / 20:58:07 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 23.12.1998 / 20:14:09 / cg"
+    |jGraphics imgRep|
+    jGraphics := nativeContext receiver.
+    imgRep := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    jGraphics instVarNamed:'pData' put:(imgRep instVarNamed:'pData').
+"/ self halt.
+    "Created: / 11.1.1998 / 16:34:30 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 17.1.1998 / 12:37:18 / cg"
+    |gc jFont stFont|
+    gc := self gcForWGraphics:nativeContext.
+    jFont := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    stFont := jFont instVarNamed:'pData'.
+    (stFont isNil or:[stFont == 0]) ifTrue:[
+"/ self halt.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+	gc font:stFont
+    ].
+    "Created: / 6.1.1998 / 20:56:47 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 15.1.1998 / 12:31:20 / cg"
+    |gc rgb clr|
+    gc := self gcForWGraphics:nativeContext.
+    rgb := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    rgb isInteger ifFalse:[
+        "/ its a java.awt.Color
+        rgb := rgb instVarNamed:'value'.
+    ].
+    clr := Color rgbValue:rgb.
+    gc paint:(clr nearestOn:gc device).
+"/ self halt.
+"/ self internalError:'breakPoint'.
+    "Created: / 6.1.1998 / 20:56:14 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 23.12.1998 / 20:10:49 / cg"
+    "/ void print (
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:19:25 / cg"
+    "/ void removeClip ()
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:18:05 / cg"
+    |gc|
+    gc := self gcForWGraphics:nativeContext.
+    gc function:#copy.
+    true "DrawOPTrace" ifTrue:[
+	'copyMode' infoPrintCR.
+    ].
+    "Created: / 8.1.1998 / 00:33:44 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 28.1.1998 / 23:25:56 / cg"
+    |gc jColor rgb invColor device|
+    gc := self gcForWGraphics:nativeContext.
+    jColor := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    device := gc graphicsDevice.
+"/    "/ on trueColor systems, use the provided
+"/    "/ rgb value for inverting.
+"/    "/ on palette systems, use white ^ black
+"/    device visualType == #TrueColor ifTrue:[
+"/        rgb := jColor instVarNamed:'value'.
+"/        rgb := rgb bitAnd:16rFFFFFF.
+"/        rgb == 0 ifTrue:[
+"/            rgb := 16rFFFFFF.
+"/        ].
+"/        invColor := rgb
+"/    ] ifFalse:[
+"/        invColor := device blackpixel bitXor:device whitepixel.
+"/    ].
+    invColor := device blackpixel bitXor:device whitepixel.
+"/    gc foreground:(Color colorId:invColor)
+"/       background:device blackColor.
+    device
+	setForeground:invColor background:0
+	in:gc gcId.
+    gc function:#xor.
+    true "DrawOPTrace" ifTrue:[
+	'xorMode' infoPrintCR.
+    ].
+    "Created: / 8.1.1998 / 00:36:17 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 28.1.1998 / 23:45:03 / cg"
+    |jLabelPeer jLabel jFrame frame label
+     lbl|
+    jLabelPeer := nativeContext receiver.
+    jLabel := jLabelPeer instVarNamed:'target'.
+    lbl := jLabel instVarNamed:'text'.
+    lbl notNil ifTrue:[
+	lbl := Java as_ST_String:lbl
+    ].
+    jFrame := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    frame := jFrame instVarNamed:'pData'.
+    label := Label in:frame.
+    label sizeFixed:true.
+    lbl notNil ifTrue:[
+	label label:lbl
+    ].
+    self createdWindowsView:label for:jLabelPeer.
+    WindowCreationTrace == true ifTrue:[
+	'WLabelPeer_create: ' print. frame print. ' -> ' print. label printNL.
+    ].
+    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 21:42:31 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 13.1.1998 / 22:10:47 / cg"
+    |label alignNr|
+    alignNr := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    label := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.
+    label notNil ifTrue:[
+    ].
+    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 21:43:12 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 8.1.1998 / 17:35:29 / cg"
+    |label jString str|
+    jString := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    label := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.
+    jString notNil ifTrue:[
+	str := Java as_ST_String:jString
+    ].
+    label label:str
+    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 21:43:51 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 3.12.1998 / 14:59:18 / cg"
+    |jString index1 length selListView m|
+    selListView := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.
+    jString := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    index1 := nativeContext argAt:2.
+    length := nativeContext argAt:3.
+    (m := selListView model) notNil ifTrue:[
+	m list addLast:(Java as_ST_String:jString).
+	m changed:#list.
+    ].
+    "Created: / 26.10.1998 / 20:11:30 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 14.11.1998 / 01:21:03 / cg"
+    |jString index selListView m|
+    selListView := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.
+    jString := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    index := nativeContext argAt:2.
+    m := selListView model.
+    m isNil ifTrue:[
+	Transcript showCR:'JAVA: access to listModel of closed view'.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+	m list addLast:(Java as_ST_String:jString).
+	m changed:#list.
+    ]
+    "Created: / 24.1.1998 / 21:10:05 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 2.11.1998 / 17:12:52 / cg"
+    |jListPeer jFrame frame selectionInListView|
+    jListPeer := nativeContext receiver.
+    jFrame := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    frame := jFrame instVarNamed:'pData'.
+    selectionInListView := ScrollableView for:SelectionInListView in:frame.
+    selectionInListView action:[:index | jListPeer perform:#'handleListChanged(I)V' with:(index - 1)].
+    selectionInListView doubleClickAction:[:index | jListPeer perform:#'handleAction(I)V' with:(index - 1)].
+    selectionInListView model:(SelectionInList new list:(List new)).
+    selectionInListView useIndex:true.
+    self createdWindowsView:selectionInListView for:jListPeer.
+    WindowCreationTrace == true ifTrue:[
+	'WTextAreaPeer_create: ' print. frame print. ' -> ' print. selectionInListView printNL.
+    ].
+    "Created: / 24.1.1998 / 19:58:54 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 9.4.1998 / 22:19:07 / cg"
+    |jString index1 index2 selListView model list|
+    selListView := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.
+    index1 := (nativeContext argAt:1) + 1. "/ java indices are 0-based.
+    index2 := (nativeContext argAt:2) + 1. "/ st indices are 1-based.
+    model := selListView model.
+    model isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
+    list := model list.
+    list size >= index1 ifTrue:[
+	list removeFromIndex:index1 toIndex:(index2 min:list size).
+	model changed:#list.
+    ].
+    "Created: / 9.4.1998 / 22:19:25 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 30.12.1998 / 20:00:50 / cg"
+    "/ void deselect (int)
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:15:10 / cg"
+    "/ int getMaxWidth ()
+    ^ 1000 "/ a dummy value
+"/    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 14.11.1998 / 10:44:29 / cg"
+    |selectionInListView index model|
+    selectionInListView := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.
+    index := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    (model := selectionInListView model) notNil ifTrue:[
+	(model selectionIndex == (index + 1))  "/ JAVA indexing starts at 0
+	ifTrue:[
+	    ^ 1
+	]
+    ].
+    ^ 0.
+    "Created: / 24.1.1998 / 22:42:31 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 25.1.1998 / 01:35:32 / cg"
+    |selectionInListView lineNr|
+    selectionInListView := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.
+    lineNr := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    selectionInListView makeLineVisible:(lineNr + 1)
+    "Modified: / 24.1.1998 / 20:01:06 / cg"
+    "Created: / 20.10.1998 / 14:14:50 / cg"
+    |selectionInListView index model|
+    selectionInListView := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.
+    index := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    (model := selectionInListView model) notNil ifTrue:[
+	model selectionIndex:(index + 1).  "/ JAVA indexing starts at 0
+    ]
+    "Created: / 24.1.1998 / 22:32:35 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 25.1.1998 / 01:28:46 / cg"
+    |selectionInListView onOff|
+    selectionInListView := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.
+    onOff := (nativeContext argAt:1) ~~ 0.
+    selectionInListView multipleSelectOk:onOff.
+    "Modified: / 24.1.1998 / 20:01:06 / cg"
+    |selectionInListView lineNr|
+    selectionInListView := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.
+    "Created: / 26.10.1998 / 20:09:46 / cg"
+    "/ void addMenu (java.awt.Menu)
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:14:00 / cg"
+    |jMenuBarPeer jMenuBar jFrame frame menuBar|
+    jMenuBarPeer := nativeContext receiver.
+    jMenuBar := jMenuBarPeer instVarNamed:'target'.
+    jFrame := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    frame := jFrame instVarNamed:'pData'.
+    menuBar := MenuPanel in:frame.
+    menuBar verticalLayout:false.
+    menuBar realize.
+    self createdWindowsView:menuBar for:jMenuBarPeer.
+    WindowCreationTrace == true ifTrue:[
+	'WMenuBarPeer_create: ' print. frame print. ' -> ' print. menuBar printNL.
+    ].
+    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 21:38:31 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 25.1.1998 / 13:19:03 / cg"
+    "/ void delMenu (int)
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:14:11 / cg"
+    |jMenuItemPeer item|
+    jMenuItemPeer := nativeContext receiver.
+    item := jMenuItemPeer instVarNamed:'pData'.
+"/ what should be done here ?
+    "Created: / 29.3.1998 / 17:16:05 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 29.3.1998 / 17:16:35 / cg"
+    "/ void _setLabel (java.lang.String)
+    |jMenuItemPeer item label|
+    jMenuItemPeer := nativeContext receiver.
+    item := jMenuItemPeer instVarNamed:'pData'.
+    (item isNil or:[item == 0]) ifTrue:[
+	'JAVA [warning]: NULL menu item in setLabel' infoPrintCR.
+	^ self
+    ].
+    label := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    label isNil ifTrue:[
+	label := ''
+    ] ifFalse:[
+	label := Java as_ST_String:label
+    ].
+    item label:label.
+    "Modified: / 11.12.1998 / 16:40:18 / cg"
+    |jMenuItemPeer jMenuItem jMenuPeer menu item lbl|
+    jMenuItemPeer := nativeContext receiver.
+    jMenuItem := jMenuItemPeer instVarNamed:'target'.
+    jMenuPeer := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    menu := jMenuPeer instVarNamed:'pData'.
+    (menu isNil or:[menu == 0]) ifTrue:[
+	'JAVA: no menu to create item in' infoPrintCR.
+	^ self
+    ].
+    item := menu createAtIndex:nil.
+    item value:[
+		jMenuItemPeer perform:#'handleAction(I)V' with:0
+	       ].
+    lbl := jMenuItem instVarNamed:'label'.
+    lbl notNil ifTrue:[
+	lbl := Java as_ST_String:lbl.
+	item label:lbl
+    ].
+    jMenuItemPeer instVarNamed:'pData' put:item.
+    WindowOPTrace == true ifTrue:[
+	'WMenuItem_create: ' print. menu print. ' -> ' print. item printNL.
+    ].
+    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 21:40:44 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 3.12.1998 / 20:43:20 / cg"
+    |jMenuItemPeer item state|
+    jMenuItemPeer := nativeContext receiver.
+    item := jMenuItemPeer instVarNamed:'pData'.
+    (item isNil or:[item == 0]) ifTrue:[
+	'JAVA [warning]: NULL menu item in enable' infoPrintCR.
+	^ self
+    ].
+    state := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    item enabled:(state ~~ 0)
+    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 22:41:38 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 11.12.1998 / 16:40:26 / cg"
+    "/ void addSeparator ()
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:13:14 / cg"
+    |jMenuPeer jMenu jMenuBarPeer menuPanel menu
+     lbl item|
+    jMenuPeer := nativeContext receiver.
+    jMenu := jMenuPeer instVarNamed:'target'.
+    jMenuBarPeer := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    menuPanel := jMenuBarPeer instVarNamed:'pData'.
+    item := menuPanel createAtIndex:nil.
+    lbl := jMenu instVarNamed:'label'.
+    lbl notNil ifTrue:[
+	lbl := Java as_ST_String:lbl.
+	item label:lbl
+    ].
+    menu := MenuPanel new.
+    item submenu:menu.
+    jMenuPeer instVarNamed:'pData' put:menu.
+'createMenuPeer: ' print. menuPanel print. ' -> ' print. menu printNL.
+    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 21:39:50 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 13.1.1998 / 22:11:09 / cg"
+    "/ void createSubMenu (
+"/    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:13:43 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 3.12.1998 / 21:41:07 / cg"
+    "/ void delItem (int)
+    |jMenuPeer jMenu menuPanel itemIndex|
+    jMenuPeer := nativeContext receiver.
+    menuPanel := jMenuPeer instVarNamed:'pData'.
+    itemIndex := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    menuPanel remove:itemIndex.
+"/    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:13:30 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 10.12.1998 / 21:12:29 / cg"
+    "/ new with jdk1.2 ...
+    "Created: / 27.1.1998 / 21:40:00 / cg"
+    "/ void _show (java.awt.Event)
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:12:53 / cg"
+    "/ void createMenu (
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:12:43 / cg"
+    "/ void end ()
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:11:28 / cg"
+    |scrollPane|
+    scrollPane := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.
+    ^ HorizontalScrollBar new preferredExtent y.
+    "Created: / 9.4.1998 / 17:30:56 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 10.4.1998 / 14:59:28 / cg"
+    |scrollPane|
+    scrollPane := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.
+    ^ ScrollBar new preferredExtent x.
+    "Created: / 9.4.1998 / 17:29:48 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 10.4.1998 / 15:00:33 / cg"
+    |jScrollPanePeer jScrollPane jFrame frame scrollPane
+     lbl|
+    jScrollPanePeer := nativeContext receiver.
+    jScrollPane := jScrollPanePeer instVarNamed:'target'.
+    jFrame := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    frame := jFrame instVarNamed:'pData'.
+    "/ create with a simple view ...
+    scrollPane := ScrollableView for:JavaView in:frame.
+    self createdWindowsView:scrollPane for:jScrollPanePeer.
+    WindowCreationTrace == true ifTrue:[
+	'WScrollPanePeer_create: ' print. frame print. ' -> ' print. scrollPane printNL.
+    ].
+    "Created: / 9.4.1998 / 17:25:08 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 9.4.1998 / 22:06:09 / cg"
+    "/ int getOffset (int)
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:16:29 / cg"
+    "/ java.awt.Component getScrollChild ()
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:17:00 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 9.4.1998 / 17:26:11 / cg"
+    "Created: / 9.4.1998 / 17:29:10 / cg"
+    "/ void setScrollPosition (int int)
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:16:44 / cg"
+    "Created: / 9.4.1998 / 17:31:44 / cg"
+    |scrollBar value visibleAmount min max|
+    scrollBar := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.
+    value := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    visibleAmount := nativeContext argAt:2.
+    min := nativeContext argAt:3.
+    max := nativeContext argAt:4.
+    (min ~~ 0 or:[max ~~ 100]) ifTrue:[
+	scrollBar thumb start:min stop:max.
+    ].
+    scrollBar thumbOrigin:value thumbHeight:visibleAmount.
+    "Created: / 13.1.1998 / 22:13:57 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 14.10.1998 / 14:53:00 / cg"
+    |jScrollbarPeer jScrollbar jFrame frame scrollBar
+     min max|
+    jScrollbarPeer := nativeContext receiver.
+    jScrollbar := jScrollbarPeer instVarNamed:'target'.
+    jFrame := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    frame := jFrame instVarNamed:'pData'.
+    (jScrollbar instVarNamed:'orientation') == 0 "HORIZONTAL" ifTrue:[
+	scrollBar := HorizontalScrollBar in:frame.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+	scrollBar := ScrollBar in:frame.
+    ].
+    min := jScrollbar instVarNamed:'minimum'.
+    max := jScrollbar instVarNamed:'maximum'.
+    scrollBar scrollDownAction:[
+			scrollBar thumbOrigin:(scrollBar thumbOrigin + ((max-min)/10) min:max).
+			jScrollbarPeer perform:#'dragAbsolute(I)V' with:scrollBar thumbOrigin rounded.
+		     ].
+    scrollBar scrollUpAction:[
+			scrollBar thumbOrigin:(scrollBar thumbOrigin - ((max-min)/10) max:min).
+			jScrollbarPeer perform:#'dragAbsolute(I)V' with:scrollBar thumbOrigin rounded.
+		     ].
+    scrollBar scrollAction:[:org |
+			jScrollbarPeer perform:#'dragAbsolute(I)V' with:org rounded.
+		     ].
+    self createdWindowsView:scrollBar for:jScrollbarPeer.
+    WindowCreationTrace == true ifTrue:[
+	'WScrollbarPeer_create: ' print. frame print. ' -> ' print. scrollBar printNL.
+    ].
+    "Created: / 5.1.1998 / 01:53:30 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 14.10.1998 / 15:36:19 / cg"
+    |scrollBar inc|
+Transcript showCR:'JavaVM: WScrollbarPeer_setLineIncrement unimplemented'.
+    scrollBar := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.
+    inc := nativeContext argAt:1.
+"/    scrollBar thumb lineIncrement:inc.
+    "Created: / 25.1.1998 / 11:52:19 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 14.10.1998 / 14:53:56 / cg"
+    |scrollBar inc|
+Transcript showCR:'JavaVM: WScrollbarPeer_setPageIncrement unimplemented'.
+    scrollBar := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.
+    inc := nativeContext argAt:1.
+"/    scrollBar thumb pageIncrement:inc.
+    "Created: / 25.1.1998 / 11:52:01 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 14.10.1998 / 14:54:04 / cg"
+    |jTextAreaPeer jFrame frame editTextView|
+    jTextAreaPeer := nativeContext receiver.
+    jFrame := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    frame := jFrame instVarNamed:'pData'.
+    editTextView := HVScrollableView for:EditTextView in:frame.
+    self createdWindowsView:editTextView for:jTextAreaPeer.
+    WindowCreationTrace == true ifTrue:[
+	'WTextAreaPeer_create: ' print. frame print. ' -> ' print. editTextView printNL.
+    ].
+    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 21:49:49 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 15.1.1998 / 12:56:18 / cg"
+    |textView pos string jstring|
+    textView := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.
+    (textView isKindOf:ScrollableView) ifTrue:[
+	textView := textView scrolledView
+    ].
+    jstring := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    string := Java as_ST_String:jstring.
+    pos := nativeContext argAt:2.
+    textView insert:string at:pos.
+    textView cursorToCharacterPosition:pos + string size.
+    textView makeCursorVisible.
+"/ textView invalidateRepairNow:true.
+    ^ nil
+    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 21:50:23 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 5.4.1998 / 17:37:24 / cg"
+    "/ void replaceText (java.lang.String int int)
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:11:14 / cg"
+    |textView enabled|
+    textView := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.
+    enabled := (nativeContext argAt:1) ~~ 0.
+    ^ textView readOnly:enabled not
+    "Created: / 5.1.1998 / 01:29:38 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 25.1.1998 / 16:29:56 / cg"
+    |textView|
+    textView := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.
+    ^ textView characterPositionOfSelectionEnd
+    "Created: / 8.1.1998 / 17:41:56 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 15.1.1998 / 15:47:18 / cg"
+    |textView|
+    textView := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.
+    ^ textView characterPositionOfSelection - 1
+    "Created: / 15.8.1997 / 15:45:45 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 15.1.1998 / 15:46:51 / cg"
+    |textView string jString|
+    textView := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.
+    string := textView contents asString.
+    jString := Java as_String:string.
+    ^ jString
+    "Created: / 6.1.1998 / 21:05:15 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 8.1.1998 / 17:36:52 / cg"
+    |textView selStart selEnd|
+    textView := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.
+    selStart := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    selEnd := nativeContext argAt:2.
+    selStart == selEnd ifTrue:[
+	"/ clear selection
+	textView unselect.
+	"/ and set caret
+	textView cursorToCharacterPosition:selStart + 1
+    ] ifFalse:[
+	"/ change selection
+	textView selectFromCharacterPosition:selStart+1 to:selEnd
+    ].
+    "Created: / 15.8.1997 / 15:45:58 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 15.1.1998 / 21:55:57 / cg"
+    |textView string jstring|
+    textView := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.
+    jstring := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    jstring notNil ifTrue:[
+	string := Java as_ST_String:jstring
+    ].
+    textView contents:string.
+    "Created: / 5.1.1998 / 01:28:23 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 11.12.1998 / 12:16:46 / cg"
+    |jTextFieldPeer jFrame frame editField|
+    jTextFieldPeer := nativeContext receiver.
+    jFrame := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    frame := jFrame instVarNamed:'pData'.
+    editField := EditField in:frame.
+    self createdWindowsView:editField for:jTextFieldPeer.
+    editField crAction:[
+			jTextFieldPeer perform:#handleAction.
+		  ].
+    WindowCreationTrace == true ifTrue:[
+	'WTextFieldPeer_create: ' print. frame print. ' -> ' print. editField printNL.
+    ].
+    "Created: / 5.1.1998 / 01:27:37 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 4.11.1998 / 21:07:30 / cg"
+    |editField char|
+    editField := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.
+    char := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    editField passwordCharacter:(Character value:char).
+    "Created: / 25.1.1998 / 16:28:30 / cg"
+    "/ void beep ()
+    Screen current beep
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:09:23 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 11.12.1998 / 12:15:23 / cg"
+    (JavaEventThread notNil and:[JavaEventThread isDead not]) ifTrue:[
+	'JavaVM [warning]: oops - two threads executing eventLoop' errorPrintCR.
+    ].
+    JavaEventThread := Processor activeProcess.
+    [
+	[true] whileTrue:[
+	    AbortSignal handle:[:ex |
+		ex return
+	    ] do:[
+		self doWindowsEventThread.
+	    ]
+	].
+    ] valueNowOrOnUnwindDo:[
+	JavaEventThread := nil.
+    ].
+    "Created: / 6.1.1998 / 21:01:44 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 8.1.1999 / 17:08:00 / cg"
+    ^ 0
+    "Modified: / 20.3.1997 / 13:50:04 / cg"
+    "Created: / 22.10.1998 / 00:59:14 / cg"
+    ^ Screen current height
+    "Modified: / 20.3.1997 / 13:50:04 / cg"
+    "Created: / 13.1.1998 / 09:24:45 / cg"
+    ^ Screen current resolution x rounded
+    "Modified: / 20.3.1997 / 13:50:04 / cg"
+    "Created: / 17.1.1998 / 21:54:48 / cg"
+    ^ Screen current width
+    "Modified: / 20.3.1997 / 13:50:04 / cg"
+    "Created: / 13.1.1998 / 09:24:37 / cg"
+    "Created: / 3.1.1998 / 02:30:57 / cg"
+"/ self halt.
+    "Modified: / 18.3.1997 / 18:43:26 / cg"
+    "Created: / 5.1.1998 / 02:19:09 / cg"
+    "/ java.awt.image.ColorModel makeColorModel ()
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:08:47 / cg"
+    "/ void sync ()
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:09:14 / cg"
+    |view onOff|
+    view := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.
+    onOff := (nativeContext argAt:1) == 1.
+    view isTopView ifTrue:[
+	onOff ifTrue:[
+	    view minExtent:10@10.
+	    view maxExtent:(Screen current extent).
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    view minExtent:view extent.
+	    view maxExtent:view extent.
+	]
+    ] ifFalse:[
+	(view isMemberOf:JavaEmbeddedFrameView) ifFalse:[
+	    self halt.
+	]
+    ].
+"/ 'JAVA: WWindowPeer_setResizable: ' print. view print. ' yes/no: ' print. onOff printNL.
+    ^ nil
+    "Created: / 5.1.1998 / 00:57:59 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 16.1.1998 / 18:08:00 / cg"
+    |view jString string|
+    view := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.
+    jString := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    string := Java as_ST_String:jString.
+"/ 'JAVA: WWindowPeer_pSetTitle: ' print. string print. ' ' print. view printNL.
+    view label:string.
+    ^ nil
+    "Created: / 5.1.1998 / 00:57:17 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 8.1.1998 / 17:37:41 / cg"
+    "/ void create (
+    |jWindowPeer jWindow top window pDataIdx|
+    jWindowPeer := nativeContext receiver.
+    jWindow := jWindowPeer instVarNamed:'target'.
+    window := jWindowPeer instVarNamed:'pData'.
+    (window notNil and:[window ~~ 0]) ifTrue:[
+	WindowCreationTrace == true ifTrue:[
+	    'JAVA: window view already created: ' infoPrint.
+	    jWindowPeer class name infoPrintCR.
+	].
+    ] ifFalse:[
+"/ OLD
+"/        window := StandardSystemView new.
+"/        self createdWindowsView:window for:jWindowPeer.
+"/        JavaWindowGroup addTopView:window.
+	window := JavaPopUpView new.
+	window borderWidth:0.
+	window level:0.
+	window delegate:self.
+	window javaPeer:jWindowPeer.
+	self createdWindowsView:window for:jWindowPeer.
+	JavaWindowGroup addTopView:window.
+"/        top := StandardSystemView new.
+"/        window := JavaView origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0 in:top.
+"/        window delegate:self.
+"/        window javaPeer:jWindowPeer.
+"/        self createdWindowsView:window for:jWindowPeer.
+"/        JavaWindowGroup addTopView:top.
+    ].
+    WindowCreationTrace == true ifTrue:[
+	'JAVA: WWindowPeer_create: ' print. jWindowPeer displayString print.
+	' window: ' print. window printNL.
+    ].
+    "Created: / 4.1.1998 / 17:56:39 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 4.12.1998 / 17:37:59 / cg"
+    "/ java.awt.Component getContainerElement (java.awt.Container int)
+    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 19:10:54 / cg"
+    |view|
+    view := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.
+    view lower.
+    "Created: / 7.5.1998 / 00:23:03 / cg"
+    |view|
+    view := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.
+    view raise.
+    "Created: / 9.4.1998 / 22:17:28 / cg"
+"/ self halt.
+    "Modified: / 18.3.1997 / 18:43:18 / cg"
+    "Created: / 4.1.1998 / 18:09:04 / cg"
+    "really create a win32 process"
+    |env cmd jProcess p inPipe outPipe errorPipe|
+    jProcess := nativeContext receiver.
+    cmd := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    cmd := Java as_ST_String:cmd.
+    env := nativeContext argAt:2.
+    env notNil ifTrue:[
+	self halt
+    ].
+self halt.
+    p := Win32Process new.
+    p command:cmd.
+    p environment:env.
+    p inStream:inPipe.
+    p outStream:outPipe.
+    p errorStream:errorPipe.
+    p directory:nil.
+    p startProcess.
+self halt.
+    jProcess instVarNamed:'handle' put:p.
+    "Created: / 10.11.1998 / 19:50:31 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 10.11.1998 / 21:34:18 / cg"
+    "get multi-font string-segment width.
+     Not yet supported - use standard strings width"
+    |jMetrics jFont jFontDescr stFont w
+     bool1 cp offs lenght bp int1|
+    jMetrics := nativeContext receiver.
+    jFont := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    jFontDescr := nativeContext argAt:2.
+    cp := nativeContext argAt:3.
+    lenght := nativeContext argAt:4.
+    stFont := jFont instVarNamed:'pData'.
+    (stFont isNil or:[stFont == 0]) ifTrue:[
+        self halt
+    ].
+    stFont device isNil ifTrue:[
+        stFont := stFont on:Display.
+        jFont instVarNamed:'pData' put:stFont.
+    ].
+    w := stFont widthOf:cp from:1 to:lenght.
+    ^ w.
+    ^ self _WFontMetrics_init:nativeContext
+    "/ new with jdk1.2 ...
+    |configNr cls|
+    "/ for now, only one config.
+    configNr := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    cls := Java classNamed:'java.awt.GraphicsDevice'.
+    ^ cls instVarNamed:'TYPE_RASTER_SCREEN'.
+    "Created: / 28.1.1998 / 22:19:05 / cg"
+    "/ new with jdk1.2 ...
+    ^ 1
+    "Created: / 28.1.1998 / 22:13:26 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 28.1.1998 / 22:14:33 / cg"
+    "/ new with jdk1.2 ...
+    "/ could return the actual number of screens ...
+    ^ 1
+    "Created: / 28.1.1998 / 01:50:22 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 28.1.1998 / 22:12:32 / cg"
+    "/ new with jdk1.2 ...
+    "Created: / 28.1.1998 / 01:50:22 / cg"
+    ^ self _WGraphics_changeClip:nativeContext
+    ^ self _WGraphics_createFromComponent:nativeContext
+    ^ self _WGraphics_dispose:nativeContext
+    ^ self _WGraphics_drawMFCharsSegment:nativeContext
+    ^ self _WGraphics_drawRect:nativeContext
+    ^ self _WGraphics_fillOval:nativeContext
+    ^ self _WGraphics_fillRect:nativeContext
+    ^ self _WGraphics_pSetFont:nativeContext
+    ^ self _WGraphics_pSetForeground:nativeContext
+! !
+!JavaVM class methodsFor:'native - old-style (converted)'!
+    "/ long skip (long)
+    |file nSkip nSkipped|
+    file := self validateFile:(nativeContext receiver).
+    nSkip := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    file == Stdin ifTrue:[
+	file := StdinReplacementFileQuerySignal raiseRequest.
+	file isNil ifTrue:[
+	    ^ -1
+	]
+    ].
+    FileIOTrace ifTrue:[
+	(('JAVA: skip %1 byte(s) from ' bindWith:nSkip printString) , file pathName) infoPrintCR.
+    ].
+    file skip:nSkip.
+    ^ nSkip
+    "Modified: / 27.1.1999 / 20:36:11 / cg"
+! !
+!JavaVM class methodsFor:'native - stx.libjava'!
+_stx_libjava_ClassLoader_findClassS: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'stx/libjava/ClassLoader' name: 'findCla'>
+    | nm cls |
+    nm := Java as_ST_String: (nativeContext argAt: 1).
+    (nm startsWith: 'SMALLTALK.') ifFalse:[
+        self throwClassNotFoundException: ('No such smalltalk class (%1)' bindWith: nm).
+        ^self
+    ].
+    nm := nm copyFrom: 'SMALLTALK.' size + 1.
+    cls := Smalltalk at: nm asSymbol.
+    cls isNil ifTrue:[
+        self throwClassNotFoundException: ('No such smalltalk class (%1)' bindWith: nm).
+        ^self
+    ].
+    ^Reflection javaClassObjectForClass: cls.
+    "Modified: / 30-07-2012 / 23:19:04 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!JavaVM class methodsFor:'native - stx.libjava.groovy'!
+_stx_libjava_groovy_GroovyClassLoader_SystemClassCollector_getDefiningClassLoader: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'stx/libjava/groovy/GroovyClassLoader$SystemClassCollector' name: 'getDefiningClassLoader()Lstx/libjava/groovy/GroovyClassLoader;'>
+    ^ SystemClassLoader
+    "Modified: / 20-02-2012 / 22:30:14 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!JavaVM class methodsFor:'native - stx.libjava.tests'!
+_stx_libjava_tests_MonitorTests_abort: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'stx/libjava/tests/MonitorTests' name: 'abort()V'>
+    AbortOperationRequest raiseRequest.
+    "Modified: / 04-11-2011 / 21:50:31 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!JavaVM class methodsFor:'native - stx.libjava.tests.lang'!
+_stx_libjava_tests_lang_MonitorTests_abort: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'stx/libjava/tests/lang/MonitorTests' name: 'abort()V'>
+        AbortOperationRequest raiseRequest.
+    "Modified: / 10-09-2012 / 22:56:16 / m"
+! !
+!JavaVM class methodsFor:'native - stx.libjava.tests.vm'!
+_stx_libjava_tests_vm_XLOAD_forcePatchupAndUnfix: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'stx/libjava/tests/MonitorTests' name: 'abort()V'>
+    | ctx |
+    ctx := thisContext.
+    ObjectMemory garbageCollect.
+    [ ctx notNil ] whileTrue:[
+        1 to: ctx size do:[:i|
+                Transcript showCR: i printString , ' -> ', (ctx at: i) printString.
+        ].
+        ctx := ctx sender.
+    ].
+    ObjectMemory garbageCollect.
+    "Modified: / 04-11-2011 / 21:50:31 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!JavaVM class methodsFor:'native - sun.font'!
+_sun_font_FontManager_initIDs: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/font/FontManager' name: 'initIDs()V'>
+    "Modified: / 09-02-2012 / 22:56:51 / mh <>"
+_sun_font_FreetypeFontScaler_initIDs: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/font/FreetypeFontScaler' name: 'initIDs(Ljava/lang/Class;)V'>
+_sun_font_StrikeCache_getGlyphCacheDescription: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/font/StrikeCache' name: 'getGlyphCacheDescription([J)V'>
+    (nativeContext argAt:1) at: 1 put: 4.
+    "Modified: / 09-02-2012 / 22:57:08 / mh <>"
+    "Modified: / 05-11-2012 / 17:07:52 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+! !
+!JavaVM class methodsFor:'native -'!
+_sun_io_Win32ErrorMode_setErrorMode: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/io/Win32ErrorMode' name: 'setErrorMode(J)J'>
+    "FIXME: Ignored for now"
+    ^0
+    "Modified (format): / 14-08-2012 / 11:35:58 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!JavaVM class methodsFor:'native - sun.java2d'!
+_sun_java2d_Disposer_initIDs: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/java2d/Disposer' name: 'initIDs()V'>
+    "Modified: / 09-02-2012 / 22:54:59 / mh <>"
+! !
+!JavaVM class methodsFor:'native - sun.java2d.cmm.lcms'!
+_sun_java2d_cmm_lcms_LCMS_getTagData: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/java2d/cmm/lcms/LCMS' name: 'getTagData(JI[B)V'>
+    | profileId tag data |
+    profileId := nativeContext argAt: 1.
+    tag := nativeContext argAt: 3.
+    data := nativeContext argAt: 4.
+    self assert: (nativeContext argAt: 1) = 12344321.
+    tag = 1751474532 ifTrue:[
+        data replaceBytesFrom:1
+                with:#[0  3  146  96  108  99  109  115  4  0  0  0  115  112  97  99  51  67  76  82  88  89  90  32  7  216  0  4  0  10  0  10  0  24  0  22  97  99  115  112  65  80  80  76  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  1  0  0  0  1  0  0  246  214  0  1  0  0  0  0  211  45  108  99  109  115  240  231  92  85  210  30  77  140  137  67  22  250  239  246  146  191  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0]
+                startingAt: 1.
+        ^self.
+    ].
+    self breakPoint: #jv.
+    "Modified: / 18-04-2012 / 08:29:54 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_sun_java2d_cmm_lcms_LCMS_getTagSize: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/java2d/cmm/lcms/LCMS' name: 'getTagSize(JI)I'>
+    | profileId tag |
+    profileId := nativeContext argAt: 1.
+    tag := nativeContext argAt: 3.
+    self assert: (nativeContext argAt: 1) = 12344321.
+    "Magic numbers based on trace of real Java code"
+    tag = 1751474532 ifTrue:[ ^ 128 ].
+    self breakPoint: #jv.
+    ^128 "Some magic default"
+    "Modified: / 18-04-2012 / 08:29:24 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_sun_java2d_cmm_lcms_LCMS_initLCMS: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/java2d/cmm/lcms/LCMS' name: 'initLCMS(Ljava/lang/Class;Ljava/lang/Class;Ljava/lang/Class;)V'>
+    "Nothing to do"
+    "Modified: / 09-12-2011 / 18:25:23 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_sun_java2d_cmm_lcms_LCMS_loadProfile: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/java2d/cmm/lcms/LCMS' name: 'loadProfile([B)J'>
+    "FAKE, return some magic"
+    ^12344321
+    "Modified: / 09-12-2011 / 18:56:09 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!JavaVM class methodsFor:'native - sun.java2d.pipe'!
+_sun_java2d_pipe_Region_initIDs: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/java2d/pipe/Region' name: 'initIDs()V'>
+    "Modified: / 09-02-2012 / 22:55:09 / mh <>"
+! !
+!JavaVM class methodsFor:'native -'!
+_sun_management_MemoryImpl_getMemoryManagers0: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/management/MemoryImpl' name: 'getMemoryManagers0()[Ljava/lang/management/MemoryManagerMXBean;'>
+    "HACK, we'll see"
+    | beanCls |
+    beanCls := self classForName: ''.
+    ^beanCls javaArrayClass new:0.
+    "Modified: / 04-12-2011 / 19:57:10 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_sun_management_MemoryImpl_getMemoryPools0: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/management/MemoryImpl' name: 'getMemoryPools0()[Ljava/lang/management/MemoryPoolMXBean;'>
+    "HACK, we'll see"
+    | beanCls |
+    beanCls := self classForName: ''.
+    ^beanCls javaArrayClass new:0.
+    "Modified: / 04-12-2011 / 19:58:53 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_sun_management_VMManagementImpl_getStartupTime: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/management/VMManagementImpl' name: 'getStartupTime()J'>
+    ^ StartupTime.
+    "Modified: / 03-11-2011 / 19:17:57 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+_sun_management_VMManagementImpl_getVersion0: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/management/VMManagementImpl' name: 'getVersion0'>
+    ^ Java as_String: '1.2'.
+    "Modified: / 03-11-2011 / 18:42:48 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+_sun_management_VMManagementImpl_initOptionalSupportFields: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/management/VMManagementImpl' name: 'initOptionalSupportFields()V'>
+    | cls |
+    cls := nativeContext receiver.
+    cls instVarNamed: #compTimeMonitoringSupport put: 0.
+    cls instVarNamed: #threadContentionMonitoringSupport put: 0.
+    cls instVarNamed: #currentThreadCpuTimeSupport put: 0.
+    cls instVarNamed: #otherThreadCpuTimeSupport put: 0.
+    cls instVarNamed: #bootClassPathSupport put: 0.
+    cls instVarNamed: #synchronizerUsageSupport put: 0.
+    cls instVarNamed: #objectMonitorUsageSupport put: 0.
+    ^ self.
+    "Modified: / 13-12-2011 / 14:35:03 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+_sun_management_VMManagementImpl_isThreadCpuTimeEnabled: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/management/VMManagementImpl' name: 'isThreadCpuTimeEnabled()Z'>
+    ^ 0 "/false should be safe, we'll see...
+    "Modified: / 03-11-2011 / 22:45:03 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!JavaVM class methodsFor:'native - sun.misc'!
+_sun_misc_GC_maxObjectInspectionAge: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/misc/GC' name: 'maxObjectInspectionAge()J'>
+    "
+    /**
+     * Returns the maximum <em>object-inspection age</em>, which is the number
+     * of real-time milliseconds that have elapsed since the
+     * least-recently-inspected heap object was last inspected by the garbage
+     * collector.
+     *
+     * <p> For simple stop-the-world collectors this value is just the time
+     * since the most recent collection.  For generational collectors it is the
+     * time since the oldest generation was most recently collected.  Other
+     * collectors are free to return a pessimistic estimate of the elapsed
+     * time, or simply the time since the last full collection was performed.
+     *
+     * <p> Note that in the presence of reference objects, a given object that
+     * is no longer strongly reachable may have to be inspected multiple times
+     * before it can be reclaimed.
+     */
+    public static native long maxObjectInspectionAge();
+    "
+    ^Random nextIntegerBetween: 0 and: 3600. "Just return some number"
+    "Modified: / 02-12-2011 / 21:56:15 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_sun_misc_Signal_findSignal: aJavaContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/misc/Signal' name: 'findSignal'>
+        | input signame |
+    input := Java as_ST_String: (aJavaContext argAt: 1).
+    OperatingSystem isUNIXlike ifTrue:[
+        signame := 'SIG', (input asUppercase).
+        ^UnixOperatingSystem signalNamed: signame asSymbol.
+    ].
+    OperatingSystem isMSWINDOWSlike ifTrue:[
+        signame := 'sig', (input asUppercase).
+        ^Win32OperatingSystem perform: signame asSymbol.
+    ].
+    self error: 'Unsupported OS'
+    "Created: / 11-12-2010 / 15:22:07 / Jan Kurs <>"
+_sun_misc_Signal_handle0: aJavaContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/misc/Signal' name: 'handle0'>
+        self breakPoint: #libjava.
+    ^ 0.
+    "Created: / 11-12-2010 / 16:33:38 / Jan Kurs <>"
+_sun_misc_Unsafe_addressSize: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/misc/Unsafe' name: 'addressSize()I'>
+    ^ExternalAddress pointerSize
+    "Modified: / 10-07-2012 / 01:19:07 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_sun_misc_Unsafe_allocateInstance: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/misc/Unsafe' name: 'allocateInstance'>
+        "
+    /** Allocate an instance but do not run any constructor.
+        Initializes the class if it has not yet been. */
+    public native Object allocateInstance(Class cls)
+        throws InstantiationException;
+    "
+    | cls |
+    cls := self reflection classForJavaClassObject: (nativeContext argAt:1).
+    cls classInit.
+    ^cls newCleared
+    "Created: / 05-02-2011 / 23:10:04 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_sun_misc_Unsafe_allocateMemory: aJavaContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/misc/Unsafe' name: 'allocateMemory'>
+    | size |
+    size := aJavaContext argAt: 1.
+    ^SimulatedNativeMemory malloc: size.
+    "Created: / 07-12-2010 / 21:04:37 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 07-12-2010 / 23:46:10 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_sun_misc_Unsafe_arrayBaseOffset: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/misc/Unsafe' name: 'arrayBaseOffset'>
+    "
+    /**
+    * Report the offset of the first element in the storage allocation of a
+    * given array class.  If {@link #arrayIndexScale} returns a non-zero value
+    * for the same class, you may use that scale factor, together with this
+    * base offset, to form new offsets to access elements of arrays of the
+    * given class.
+    *
+    * @see #getInt(Object, long)
+    * @see #putInt(Object, long, int)
+    */
+    public native int arrayBaseOffset(Class arrayClass);
+    "
+    ^ 1
+    "Modified (comment): / 10-08-2011 / 01:22:43 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_sun_misc_Unsafe_arrayIndexScale: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/misc/Unsafe' name: 'arrayIndexScale'>
+    "
+      /**
+      * Report the scale factor for addressing elements in the storage
+      * allocation of a given array class.  However, arrays of 'narrow' types
+      * will generally not work properly with accessors like {@link
+      * #getByte(Object, int)}, so the scale factor for such classes is reported
+      * as zero.
+      *
+      * @see #arrayBaseOffset
+      * @see #getInt(Object, long)
+      * @see #putInt(Object, long, int)
+      */
+    public native int arrayIndexScale(Class arrayClass);
+    "
+    ^ 1
+    "Modified: / 10-08-2011 / 01:26:02 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_sun_misc_Unsafe_compareAndSwapInt: aJavaContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/misc/Unsafe' name: 'compareAndSwapInt'>
+    ^self _sun_misc_Unsafe_compareAndSwapObject: aJavaContext
+    "Created: / 22-11-2010 / 18:40:43 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 07-08-2011 / 21:50:25 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_sun_misc_Unsafe_compareAndSwapLong: aJavaContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/misc/Unsafe' name: 'compareAndSwapLong'>
+        "
+    /**
+     * Atomically update Java variable to <tt>x</tt> if it is currently
+     * holding <tt>expected</tt>.
+     * @return <tt>true</tt> if successful
+     */
+    public final native boolean compareAndSwapInt(Object o, long offset,
+                                                  long expected,
+                                                  long new);
+    "
+    | o offset expected real new ok |
+    o := aJavaContext argAt:1.
+    offset := aJavaContext argAt:2.
+    "offset is long, so aJavaContext at:3 is dummy nil!!!!!!"
+    expected := aJavaContext argAt:4.
+    new := aJavaContext argAt:6.
+    OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
+    real := o instVarAt: offset.
+    (real == expected)
+            ifTrue:[o instVarAt: offset put: new. ok := 1]
+            ifFalse:[ok := 1].
+    OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts.
+    ^ok
+    "Modified: / 18-10-2011 / 21:59:37 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_sun_misc_Unsafe_compareAndSwapObject: aJavaContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/misc/Unsafe' name: 'compareAndSwapInt'>
+        "
+    /**
+     * Atomically update Java variable to <tt>x</tt> if it is currently
+     * holding <tt>expected</tt>.
+     * @return <tt>true</tt> if successful
+     */
+    public final native boolean compareAndSwapInt(Object o, long offset,
+                                                  int expected,
+                                                  int new);
+    "
+    | o offset expected real new ok |
+    o := aJavaContext argAt:1.
+    offset := aJavaContext argAt:2.
+    "offset is long, so aJavaContext at:3 is dummy nil!!!!!!"
+    expected := aJavaContext argAt:4.
+    new := aJavaContext argAt:5.
+    OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
+    o isArray ifTrue:[
+        real := o at: offset.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        real := o instVarAt: offset.
+    ].
+    (real == expected) ifTrue:[
+        o isArray ifTrue:[
+            o at: offset put: new.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            o instVarAt: offset put: new.
+        ].
+        ok := 1
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        ok := 0
+    ].
+    OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts.
+    ^ok
+    "Modified: / 03-09-2012 / 19:02:31 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_sun_misc_Unsafe_copyMemory: nativeContext
+    "
+    /**
+     * Sets all bytes in a given block of memory to a copy of another
+     * block.
+     */
+    public native void copyMemory(long srcAddress, long destAddress,
+                                  long bytes);
+    "
+    <javanative: 'sun/misc/Unsafe' name: 'copyMemory(JJJ)V'>
+    | srcAddress dstAddress bytes |
+    srcAddress := nativeContext argAt:1.
+    dstAddress := nativeContext argAt:3.
+    bytes      := nativeContext argAt:5.
+    SimulatedNativeMemory bcopy: srcAddress to: dstAddress length: bytes.
+    "Modified (format): / 11-07-2012 / 10:25:18 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_sun_misc_Unsafe_defineClass: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/misc/Unsafe' name: 'defineClass'>
+        "
+    /**
+     * Tell the VM to define a class, without security checks.  By default, the
+     * class loader and protection domain come from the caller's class.
+     */
+    public native Class defineClass(String name, byte[] b, int off, int len,
+                                    ClassLoader loader,
+                                    ProtectionDomain protectionDomain);
+    "
+    | name b off len loader protectionDomain bs cls |
+    name := nativeContext argAt: 1.
+    b := nativeContext argAt: 2.
+    off := nativeContext argAt: 3.
+    len := nativeContext argAt: 4.
+    loader := nativeContext argAt: 5.
+    protectionDomain := nativeContext argAt: 6.
+    bs := (off = 0 and: [len = b size])
+            ifTrue:[b readStream]
+            ifFalse:[(b copyFrom: off + 1 to: off + len) readStream].
+    cls := JavaClassReader readStream: bs.
+    cls classLoader: loader.
+    ^self reflection javaClassObjectForClass: cls.
+    "Created: / 05-02-2011 / 22:57:36 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_sun_misc_Unsafe_ensureClassInitialized: aJavaContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/misc/Unsafe' name: 'ensureClassInitialized'>
+        |class|
+    class := self reflection classForJavaClassObject:(aJavaContext argAt:1).
+     "Sometimes there is a nil. I don't know why, so I did quickfix"
+    self breakPoint:#libjava.
+    class ifNotNil:[class classInit.].
+    "Created: / 11-12-2010 / 15:01:36 / Jan Kurs <>"
+    "Modified: / 25-12-2010 / 09:43:12 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 08-01-2011 / 15:11:21 / Jan Kurs <>"
+    "Modified: / 28-01-2011 / 15:19:31 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+_sun_misc_Unsafe_freeMemory: aJavaContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/misc/Unsafe' name: 'freeMemory'>
+    | address  |
+    address := aJavaContext argAt: 1.
+    ^SimulatedNativeMemory free: address
+    "Created: / 09-12-2010 / 17:56:52 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_sun_misc_Unsafe_getBoolean: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/misc/Unsafe' name: 'getBoolean(Ljava/lang/Object;J)Z'>
+    | o offset |
+    o := nativeContext argAt: 1.
+    offset := nativeContext argAt: 2.
+    ^o instVarAt: offset
+    "Modified: / 19-11-2011 / 10:49:32 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_sun_misc_Unsafe_getByte: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/misc/Unsafe' name: 'getByte(Ljava/lang/ObjectJ)B'>
+    <javanative: 'sun/misc/Unsafe' name: 'getByte(J)B'>
+    | object offset address |
+    nativeContext numArgs == 3 ifTrue:[
+        "getByte(Ljava/lang/Object;J)V"
+        object := nativeContext argAt: 1.
+        offset := nativeContext argAt: 2.
+        ^object instVarAt: offset
+    ].
+    nativeContext numArgs == 2 ifTrue:[
+        "getByte(J)V"
+        address := nativeContext argAt: 1.
+        ^SimulatedNativeMemory byteAt: address
+    ].
+    self internalError:'Unssuported getByte() variant'
+    "Created: / 09-12-2010 / 17:29:27 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_sun_misc_Unsafe_getChar: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/misc/Unsafe' name: 'getChar(Ljava/lang/Object;J)C'>
+    | o offset |
+    o := nativeContext argAt: 1.
+    offset := nativeContext argAt: 2.
+    ^o instVarAt: offset
+    "Modified: / 22-11-2011 / 14:51:43 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_sun_misc_Unsafe_getDouble: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/misc/Unsafe' name: 'getDouble(Ljava/lang/Object;J)D'>
+    | o offset |
+    o := nativeContext argAt: 1.
+    offset := nativeContext argAt: 2.
+    ^o instVarAt: offset
+    "Modified: / 10-05-2012 / 17:01:42 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_sun_misc_Unsafe_getFloat: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/misc/Unsafe' name: 'getFloat(Ljava/lang/Object;J)F'>
+    | o offset |
+    o := nativeContext argAt: 1.
+    offset := nativeContext argAt: 2.
+    ^o instVarAt: offset
+    "Modified: / 22-11-2011 / 14:53:29 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_sun_misc_Unsafe_getFloatVolatile: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/misc/Unsafe' name: 'getFloatVolatile(Ljava/lang/Object;J)F'>
+    | o offset |
+    o := nativeContext argAt: 1.
+    offset := nativeContext argAt: 2.
+    ^o instVarAt: offset
+    "Modified: / 10-05-2012 / 17:01:48 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_sun_misc_Unsafe_getInt: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/misc/Unsafe' name: 'getInt'>
+    "
+    /**
+    * Fetches a integer value from a given Java variable.
+    */
+    public native int getInt(Object o, long offset);
+    "
+    | o offset |
+    o := nativeContext argAt: 1.
+    offset := nativeContext argAt: 2.
+    ^o instVarAt: offset
+    "Modified: / 18-10-2011 / 20:33:46 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_sun_misc_Unsafe_getIntVolatile: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/misc/Unsafe' name: 'getIntVolatile(Ljava/lang/Object;J)I'>
+    | o offset |
+    o := nativeContext argAt: 1.
+    offset := nativeContext argAt: 2.
+    ^o instVarAt: offset
+    "Modified: / 28-03-2012 / 15:03:23 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_sun_misc_Unsafe_getLong: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/misc/Unsafe' name: 'getLong(Ljava/lang/Object;J)J'>
+    | o offset |
+    o := nativeContext argAt: 1.
+    offset := nativeContext argAt: 2.
+    ^o instVarAt: offset
+    "Modified: / 25-08-2012 / 11:15:45 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_sun_misc_Unsafe_getLongVolatile: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/misc/Unsafe' name: 'getLongVolatile(Ljava/lang/Object;J)J'>
+    | o offset |
+    o := nativeContext argAt: 1.
+    offset := nativeContext argAt: 2.
+    ^o instVarAt: offset
+    "Modified: / 31-08-2011 / 23:57:01 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_sun_misc_Unsafe_getObject: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/misc/Unsafe' name: 'getObject'>
+    "
+    /**
+    * Fetches a reference value from a given Java variable.
+    * @see #getInt(Object, long)
+    */
+    public native Object getObject(Object o, long offset);
+    "
+    | o offset |
+    o := nativeContext argAt: 1.
+    offset := nativeContext argAt: 2.
+    ^o isArray ifTrue:[
+        o at: offset
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        o instVarAt: offset
+    ]
+    "Modified: / 03-09-2012 / 19:00:16 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_sun_misc_Unsafe_getObjectVolatile: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/misc/Unsafe' name: 'getObjectVolatile(Ljava/lang/Object;J)Ljava/lang/Object;'>
+    "
+    /**
+    * Fetches a reference value from a given Java variable, with volatile
+    * load semantics. Otherwise identical to {@link #getObject(Object, long)}
+    */
+    public native Object getObjectVolatile(Object o, long offset);
+    "
+    ^self _sun_misc_Unsafe_getObject: nativeContext
+    "Modified: / 03-09-2012 / 19:00:49 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_sun_misc_Unsafe_getShort: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/misc/Unsafe' name: 'getShort(Ljava/lang/Object;J)S'>
+    | o offset |
+    o := nativeContext argAt: 1.
+    offset := nativeContext argAt: 2.
+    ^o instVarAt: offset
+    "Modified: / 22-11-2011 / 14:52:35 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_sun_misc_Unsafe_getShortVolatile: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/misc/Unsafe' name: 'getShortVolatile(Ljava/lang/Object;J)S'>
+    | o offset |
+    o := nativeContext argAt: 1.
+    offset := nativeContext argAt: 2.
+    ^o instVarAt: offset
+    "Modified: / 29-06-2012 / 19:05:36 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_sun_misc_Unsafe_objectFieldOffset: aJavaContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/misc/Unsafe' name: 'objectFieldOffset'>
+    | javaFieldObject |
+    javaFieldObject := aJavaContext argAt: 1.
+    ^javaFieldObject instVarNamed: #slot
+    "Created: / 22-11-2010 / 17:58:13 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_sun_misc_Unsafe_pageSize: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/misc/Unsafe' name: 'pageSize'>
+    ^ 4096"4K is the page size on x86, I think... "
+    "Modified: / 25-11-2011 / 19:24:40 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_sun_misc_Unsafe_park: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/misc/Unsafe' name: 'park(ZJ)V'>
+    "
+    /**
+     * Block current thread, returning when a balancing
+     * <tt>unpark</tt> occurs, or a balancing <tt>unpark</tt> has
+     * already occurred, or the thread is interrupted, or, if not
+     * absolute and time is not zero, the given time nanoseconds have
+     * elapsed, or if absolute, the given deadline in milliseconds
+     * since Epoch has passed, or spuriously (i.e., returning for no
+     * 'reason'). Note: This operation is in the Unsafe class only
+     * because <tt>unpark</tt> is, so it would be strange to place it
+     * elsewhere.
+     */
+    "
+    | absolute millis tout process |
+    absolute := nativeContext argAt: 1.
+    millis := nativeContext argAt: 2.
+    millis ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+        absolute == 1 ifTrue:[
+            tout := millis - OperatingSystem getOSTime.
+            tout < 1 ifTrue:[
+                tout := nil.
+            ].
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            tout := millis.
+        ]
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        tout := nil.
+    ].
+    process := Processor activeProcess.
+    self park: process timeout: tout.
+    "Modified: / 16-08-2012 / 21:52:55 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_sun_misc_Unsafe_putBoolean: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/misc/Unsafe' name: 'putBoolean(Ljava/lang/Object;JZ)V'>
+    "Like putInt:, see _sun_misc_Unsafe_putInt:"
+    | o offset x |
+    o := nativeContext argAt: 1.
+    offset := nativeContext argAt: 2.
+    x := nativeContext argAt: 4.
+    ^o instVarAt: offset put: x.
+    "Modified: / 27-10-2011 / 16:23:49 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_sun_misc_Unsafe_putByte: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/misc/Unsafe' name: 'putByte(Ljava/lang/Object;JB)V'>
+    <javanative: 'sun/misc/Unsafe' name: 'putByte(JB)V'>
+    nativeContext selector == #'putByte(JB)V' ifTrue:[
+        | address value |
+        address := nativeContext argAt: 1.
+        value := nativeContext argAt: 3.
+        SimulatedNativeMemory byteAt: address put: (value bitAnd: 16rFF).
+        ^nil.
+    ].
+    nativeContext selector = #'putByte(Ljava/lang/Object;JB)V' ifTrue:[
+        | o offset x |
+        o := nativeContext argAt: 1.
+        offset := nativeContext argAt: 2.
+        x := nativeContext argAt: 4.
+        ^o instVarAt: offset put: x.
+    ].
+    self shouldNotImplement
+    "Modified: / 31-07-2012 / 11:47:16 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_sun_misc_Unsafe_putChar: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/misc/Unsafe' name: 'putChar(Ljava/lang/Object;JC)V'>
+    | o offset x |
+    o := nativeContext argAt: 1.
+    offset := nativeContext argAt: 2.
+    x := nativeContext argAt: 4.
+    ^o instVarAt: offset put: x.
+    "Modified: / 22-11-2011 / 14:52:07 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_sun_misc_Unsafe_putDouble: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/misc/Unsafe' name: 'putDouble(Ljava/lang/Object;JD)V'>
+    <javanative: 'sun/misc/Unsafe' name: 'putDouble(JD)V'>
+    | o offset x |
+    nativeContext numArgs == 5 ifTrue:[
+        "putDouble(Ljava/lang/Object;JD)V"
+        o := nativeContext argAt: 1.
+        offset := nativeContext argAt: 2.
+        x := nativeContext argAt: 4.
+        o instVarAt: offset put: x.
+        ^nil
+    ].
+    nativeContext numArgs == 4 ifTrue:[
+        "putDouble(JD)V"
+        o := nativeContext argAt: 1.
+        x := nativeContext argAt: 3.
+        SimulatedNativeMemory doubleAt: o put: x.
+        ^nil
+    ].
+    self internalError:'Unknown variant of putDouble() native!!'
+    "Modified: / 30-08-2011 / 15:58:55 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_sun_misc_Unsafe_putFloat: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/misc/Unsafe' name: 'putFloat(Ljava/lang/Object;JF)V'>
+    | o offset x |
+    o := nativeContext argAt: 1.
+    offset := nativeContext argAt: 2.
+    x := nativeContext argAt: 4.
+    ^o instVarAt: offset put: x.
+    "Modified: / 22-11-2011 / 14:53:51 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_sun_misc_Unsafe_putInt: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/misc/Unsafe' name: 'putInt'>
+    "
+    /**
+     * Stores a value into a given Java variable.
+     * <p>
+     * The first two parameters are interpreted exactly as with
+     * {@link #getInt(Object, long)} to refer to a specific
+     * Java variable (field or array element).  The given value
+     * is stored into that variable.
+     * <p>
+     * The variable must be of the same type as the method
+     * parameter <code>x</code>.
+     *
+     * @param o Java heap object in which the variable resides, if any, else
+     *        null
+     * @param offset indication of where the variable resides in a Java heap
+     *        object, if any, else a memory address locating the variable
+     *        statically
+     * @param x the value to store into the indicated Java variable
+     * @throws RuntimeException No defined exceptions are thrown, not even
+     *         {@link NullPointerException}
+     */
+    public native void putInt(Object o, long offset, int x);
+    "
+    | o offset x |
+    o := nativeContext argAt: 1.
+    offset := nativeContext argAt: 2.
+    x := nativeContext argAt: 4.
+    ^o instVarAt: offset put: x.
+    "Modified: / 30-08-2011 / 15:48:59 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_sun_misc_Unsafe_putLong: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/misc/Unsafe' name: 'putDouble(Ljava/lang/Object;JJ)V'>
+    <javanative: 'sun/misc/Unsafe' name: 'putDouble(JJ)V'>
+    | o offset x |
+    nativeContext numArgs == 5 ifTrue:[
+        "putDouble(Ljava/lang/Object;JD)V"
+        o := nativeContext argAt: 1.
+        offset := nativeContext argAt: 2.
+        x := nativeContext argAt: 4.
+        o instVarAt: offset put: x.
+        ^nil
+    ].
+    nativeContext numArgs == 4 ifTrue:[
+        "putDouble(JD)V"
+        o := nativeContext argAt: 1.
+        x := nativeContext argAt: 3.
+        SimulatedNativeMemory sint64At: o put: x.
+        ^nil
+    ].
+    self internalError:'Unknown variant of putLong() native!!'
+    "Created: / 07-12-2010 / 23:50:47 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 16-07-2012 / 16:03:46 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_sun_misc_Unsafe_putObject: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/misc/Unsafe' name: 'putObject'>
+    "
+    /**
+     * Stores a reference value into a given Java variable.
+     * <p>
+     * Unless the reference <code>x</code> being stored is either null
+     * or matches the field type, the results are undefined.
+     * If the reference <code>o</code> is non-null, car marks or
+     * other store barriers for that object (if the VM requires them)
+     * are updated.
+     * @see #putInt(Object, int, int)
+     */
+     public native void putObject(Object o, long offset, Object x);
+     "
+    | o offset x |
+    o := nativeContext argAt: 1.
+    offset := nativeContext argAt: 2.
+    x := nativeContext argAt: 4.
+    ^o isArray ifTrue:[
+        o at: offset put: x
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        o instVarAt: offset put: x.
+    ].
+    "Modified: / 03-09-2012 / 18:59:22 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_sun_misc_Unsafe_putObjectVolatile: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/misc/Unsafe' name: 'putObjectVolatile(Ljava/lang/Object;JLjava/lang/Object;)V'>
+    ^self _sun_misc_Unsafe_putObject: nativeContext
+    "Modified: / 03-09-2012 / 18:59:39 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_sun_misc_Unsafe_putOrderedObject: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/misc/Unsafe' name: 'putOrderedObject(Ljava/lang/Object;JLjava/lang/Object;)V'>
+    "
+    /**
+     * Version of {@link #putObjectVolatile(Object, long, Object)}
+     * that does not guarantee immediate visibility of the store to
+     * other threads. This method is generally only useful if the
+     * underlying field is a Java volatile (or if an array cell, one
+     * that is otherwise only accessed using volatile accesses).
+     */
+    "
+    ^ self _sun_misc_Unsafe_putObject: nativeContext
+    "Modified (comment): / 03-09-2012 / 18:56:32 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_sun_misc_Unsafe_putShort: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/misc/Unsafe' name: 'putShort(Ljava/lang/Object;JS)V'>
+    | o offset x |
+    o := nativeContext argAt: 1.
+    offset := nativeContext argAt: 2.
+    x := nativeContext argAt: 4.
+    ^o instVarAt: offset put: x.
+    "Modified: / 22-11-2011 / 14:52:51 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_sun_misc_Unsafe_registerNatives: aJavaContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/misc/Unsafe' name: 'registerNatives'>
+     "Nothing to do, native method are bound lazily"
+    "Created: / 25-10-2010 / 16:14:46 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_sun_misc_Unsafe_setMemory: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/misc/Unsafe' name: 'setMemory(JJB)V'>
+    | address bytes value|
+    address := nativeContext argAt: 1.
+    bytes := nativeContext argAt: 3.
+    value := nativeContext argAt: 5.
+    SimulatedNativeMemory memset: address value: value length: bytes.
+    "Modified (format): / 11-07-2012 / 10:29:24 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_sun_misc_Unsafe_staticFieldBase: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/misc/Unsafe' name: 'staticFieldBase(Ljava/lang/reflect/Field;)Ljava/lang/Object;'>
+    "
+      /**
+      * Report the location of a given static field, in conjunction with {@link
+      * #staticFieldOffset}.
+      * <p>Fetch the base 'Object', if any, with which static fields of the
+      * given class can be accessed via methods like {@link #getInt(Object,
+      * long)}.  This value may be null.  This value may refer to an object
+      * which is a 'cookie', not guaranteed to be a real Object, and it should
+      * not be used in any way except as argument to the get and put routines in
+      * this class.
+      */
+      public native Object staticFieldBase(Field f);
+    "
+     | javaFieldObject javaClassObject |
+     javaFieldObject := nativeContext argAt: 1.
+     javaClassObject := javaFieldObject instVarNamed: #clazz.
+     ^self classForJavaClassObject: javaClassObject.
+    "Modified: / 17-08-2011 / 09:42:01 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_sun_misc_Unsafe_staticFieldOffset: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/misc/Unsafe' name: 'staticFieldOffset(Ljava/lang/reflect/Field;)J'>
+    | javaFieldObject |
+    javaFieldObject := nativeContext argAt: 1.
+    ^javaFieldObject instVarNamed: #slot
+    "Modified: / 17-08-2011 / 09:12:17 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_sun_misc_Unsafe_unpark: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/misc/Unsafe' name: 'unpark(Ljava/lang/Object;)V'>
+    "
+    /**
+     * Unblock the given thread blocked on <tt>park</tt>, or, if it is
+     * not blocked, cause the subsequent call to <tt>park</tt> not to
+     * block.  Note: this operation is 'unsafe' solely because the
+     * caller must somehow ensure that the thread has not been
+     * destroyed. Nothing special is usually required to ensure this
+     * when called from Java (in which there will ordinarily be a live
+     * reference to the thread) but this is not nearly-automatically
+     * so when calling from native code.
+     * @param thread the thread to unpark.
+     *
+     */
+    public native void unpark(Object thread);
+    "
+    | thread process |
+    thread := nativeContext argAt: 1.
+    process := Java threads at: thread ifAbsent:[
+        self error: 'No process for given thread'.
+    ].
+    self unpark: process.
+    "Modified: / 16-08-2012 / 21:52:46 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_sun_misc_VM_initialize: aJavaContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/misc/VM' name: 'initialize'>
+    "Nothing to do"
+    "Created: / 26-11-2010 / 18:43:10 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!JavaVM class methodsFor:'native -'!
+_sun_nio_ch_FileChannelImpl_initIDs: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/nio/ch/FileChannelImpl' name: 'initIDs()J'>
+    ^ 4096 "/page size, see
+    "Modified: / 10-07-2012 / 01:08:01 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_sun_nio_ch_FileChannelImpl_map0: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/nio/ch/FileChannelImpl' name: 'map0(IJJ)J'>
+    ^ UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+_sun_nio_ch_FileChannelImpl_position0: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/nio/ch/FileChannelImpl' name: 'position0(Ljava/io/FileDescriptor;J)J'>
+    | fd position stream |
+    fd := nativeContext argAt: 1.
+    position := nativeContext argAt: 2.
+    stream := self validateFileDescriptor: fd.
+    stream isFileStream ifFalse:[
+        self throwIOExceptionWithMessage: 'Not a file stream'.
+        ^nil.
+    ].
+    ^position = -1
+        ifTrue:[stream position0Based]
+        ifFalse:[stream position0Based: position. 0].
+    "Modified: / 10-07-2012 / 01:30:40 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_sun_nio_ch_FileChannelImpl_size0: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/nio/ch/FileChannelImpl' name: 'size0(Ljava/io/FileDescriptor;)J'>
+    | fd stream |
+    fd := nativeContext argAt: 1.
+    stream := self validateFileDescriptor: fd.
+    stream isFileStream ifFalse:[
+        self throwIOExceptionWithMessage: 'Not a file stream'.
+        ^nil.
+    ].
+    ^stream fileSize max: stream position0Based.
+    "Modified: / 10-07-2012 / 01:28:41 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_sun_nio_ch_FileChannelImpl_truncate0: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/nio/ch/FileChannelImpl' name: 'truncate0(Ljava/io/FileDescriptor;J)I'>
+    | fd size stream |
+    fd := nativeContext argAt: 1.
+    size := nativeContext argAt: 2.
+    stream := self validateFileDescriptor: fd.
+    stream isFileStream ifFalse:[
+        self throwIOExceptionWithMessage: 'Not a file stream'.
+        ^nil.
+    ].
+    stream truncateTo: size.
+    ^0.
+    "Modified: / 10-07-2012 / 01:02:37 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_sun_nio_ch_FileDispatcher_init: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/nio/ch/FileDispatcher' name: 'init()V'>
+    ^ JavaNioSupport _sun_nio_ch_FileDispatcher_init
+    "Modified: / 06-07-2012 / 22:35:34 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_sun_nio_ch_FileDispatcher_preClose0: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/nio/ch/FileDispatcher' name: 'preClose0(Ljava/io/FileDescriptor;)V'>
+    "Nothing to do here"
+    "Modified: / 10-07-2012 / 00:47:58 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_sun_nio_ch_FileDispatcher_read0: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/nio/ch/FileDispatcher' name: 'read0(Ljava/io/FileDescriptor;JI)I'>
+    | fd address len stream read |
+    fd := nativeContext argAt: 1.
+    address := nativeContext argAt: 2.
+    len := nativeContext argAt: 4.
+    stream := self validateFileDescriptor: fd.
+    stream atEnd ifTrue:[ ^ -1 ].
+    [
+        self shouldImplement
+        "/WAS: read := stream nextBytes:len into:SimulatedNativeMemory memory startingAt: address
+    ] on: Error do:[:ex|
+        self throwIOExceptionWithMessage: ex description.
+        ^0
+    ].
+    ^read
+    "Modified (comment): / 11-07-2012 / 10:38:55 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_sun_nio_ch_FileDispatcher_write0: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/nio/ch/FileDispatcher' name: 'write0(Ljava/io/FileDescriptor;JI)I'>
+    | fd address len stream writtem |
+    fd := nativeContext argAt: 1.
+    address := nativeContext argAt: 2.
+    len := nativeContext argAt: 4.
+    stream := self validateFileDescriptor: fd.
+    [
+        self shouldImplement.
+        "/WAS: writtem := stream nextPutBytes:len from:SimulatedNativeMemory memory startingAt: address
+    ] on: Error do:[:ex|
+        self throwIOExceptionWithMessage: ex description.
+        ^0
+    ].
+    ^writtem
+    "Modified: / 11-07-2012 / 10:38:50 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_sun_nio_ch_IOUtil_initIDs: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/nio/ch/IOUtil' name: 'initIDs()V'>
+    "Nothing to do here"
+    "Modified: / 06-07-2012 / 22:10:43 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_sun_nio_ch_IOUtil_initPipe: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/nio/ch/IOUtil' name: 'initPipe([IZ)V'>
+    ^ UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+_sun_nio_ch_NativeThread_current: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/nio/ch/NativeThread' name: 'current()J'>
+    ^ JavaNioSupport _sun_nio_ch_NativeThread_current
+    "Modified: / 06-07-2012 / 22:39:49 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_sun_nio_ch_NativeThread_init: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/nio/ch/NativeThread' name: 'init()V'>
+    ^ JavaNioSupport _sun_nio_ch_NativeThread_init
+    "Modified: / 06-07-2012 / 22:38:22 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_sun_nio_ch_Net_initIDs: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/nio/ch/Net' name: 'initIDs()V'>
+    "Nothing to do here"
+    "Modified: / 10-05-2012 / 17:00:01 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_sun_nio_ch_Net_socket0: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/nio/ch/Net' name: 'socket0(ZZ)I'>
+    ^ UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+_sun_nio_ch_ServerSocketChannelImpl_initIDs: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/nio/ch/ServerSocketChannelImpl' name: 'initIDs()V'>
+    "Nothing to do here"
+    "Modified: / 10-05-2012 / 16:58:40 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!JavaVM class methodsFor:'native - sun.reflect'!
+_sun_reflect_ConstantPool_getDoubleAt0: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/reflect/ConstantPool' name: 'getDoubleAt0'>
+        | cpool  index  double |
+    cpool := self reflection constantPoolFor:(nativeContext receiver).
+    index := nativeContext at:3.
+     "TODO: why 3?"
+    double := cpool at:index.
+    self assert:double isFloat description:'Not a float constant!!'.
+    ^ double
+    "Modified: / 25-02-2011 / 18:40:32 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Created: / 28-02-2011 / 17:24:17 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 02-11-2011 / 11:24:35 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+_sun_reflect_ConstantPool_getIntAt0: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/reflect/ConstantPool' name: 'getIntAt0'>
+        | cpool  index  int |
+    cpool := self reflection constantPoolFor:(nativeContext receiver).
+    index := nativeContext at:3.
+     "TODO: why 3?"
+    int := cpool at:index.
+    self assert:int isInteger description:'Not an integer constant!!'.
+    ^ int
+    "Modified: / 25-02-2011 / 18:40:32 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Created: / 28-02-2011 / 17:28:10 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+_sun_reflect_ConstantPool_getLongAt0: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/reflect/ConstantPool' name: 'getLongAt0'>
+        | cpool  index  long |
+    cpool := self reflection constantPoolFor:(nativeContext receiver).
+    index := nativeContext at:3.
+     "TODO: why 3?"
+    long := cpool at:index.
+    self assert:long isInteger description:'Not a float constant!!'.
+    ^ long
+    "Modified: / 28-02-2011 / 17:40:02 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 28-02-2011 / 18:54:32 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_sun_reflect_ConstantPool_getUTF8At0: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/reflect/ConstantPool' name: 'getUTF8At0'>
+    | cpool index string |
+    cpool := self reflection constantPoolFor: (nativeContext receiver).
+    index := nativeContext at: 3.
+    "TODO: why 3?"
+    string := cpool at: index.
+    self assert: string isString description: 'Not an UTF8 constant!!'.
+    ^Java as_String: string
+    "Created: / 06-02-2011 / 12:56:21 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_sun_reflect_NativeConstructorAccessorImpl_newInstance0: aJavaContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/reflect/NativeConstructorAccessorImpl' name: 'newInstance0'>
+    | ctor args method instance class |
+    ctor := aJavaContext argAt: 1.
+    args := aJavaContext argAt: 2.
+    class := self reflection classForJavaConstructorObject: ctor.
+    method := self reflection methodForJavaConstructorObject: ctor.
+    instance := class new.
+    self invoke: ctor receiver: instance arguments: args context: aJavaContext constructor: true.
+    ^instance
+    "Created: / 26-11-2010 / 11:41:16 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 09-02-2011 / 01:12:10 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 22-08-2012 / 12:25:12 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_sun_reflect_NativeMethodAccessorImpl_invoke0: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/reflect/NativeMethodAccessorImpl' name: 'invoke0'>
+    "
+    private static native Object invoke0(Method m, Object obj, Object[] args);
+    "
+    | m obj args method |
+    m := nativeContext argAt: 1.
+    obj := nativeContext argAt: 2.
+    args := nativeContext argAt: 3.
+    method := self reflection methodForJavaMethodObject: m.
+    ^ self invoke: m receiver: obj arguments: args context: nativeContext constructor: false.
+    "Created: / 06-02-2011 / 00:00:25 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 28-02-2011 / 16:57:31 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 19-08-2011 / 15:06:00 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 05-07-2012 / 23:49:22 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_sun_reflect_Reflection_getCallerClass: aJavaContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/reflect/Reflection' name: 'getCallerClass'>
+    "
+    /** Returns the class of the method <code>realFramesToSkip</code>
+        frames up the stack (zero-based), ignoring frames associated
+        with java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke() and its implementation.
+        The first frame is that associated with this method, so
+        <code>getCallerClass(0)</code> returns the Class object for
+        sun.reflect.Reflection. Frames associated with
+        java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke() and its implementation are
+        completely ignored and do not count toward the number of 'real'
+        frames skipped. */
+    "
+    | framesToSkip framesSkipped frame cls |
+    framesToSkip := aJavaContext argAt: 1.
+    framesSkipped := 0.
+    frame := aJavaContext.
+    [ framesSkipped == framesToSkip ] whileFalse:[
+        frame := frame sender.
+        "Frames for java,lang.reflect.Method.invoke() does not count, sigh.
+         What a crappy implementation"
+        (frame selector == #'invoke(Ljava/lang/Object;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;'
+            and:[ frame receiver class name = #'java/lang/reflect/Method']) ifFalse:[
+                framesSkipped := framesSkipped + 1
+            ]
+    ].
+    "Returns the __class of the method__, not !!!!!! the class of method's receiver !!!!!!"
+    "                  |                                                            "
+    "                  V                                                            "
+    cls := frame method mclass theNonMetaclass.
+    ^cls isJavaClass
+        ifTrue:[JavaVM javaClassObjectForClass:cls]
+        ifFalse:[nil]
+    "Created: / 25-10-2010 / 16:32:41 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_sun_reflect_Reflection_getClassAccessFlags: aJavaContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/reflect/Reflection' name: 'getClassAccessFlags'>
+        |class|
+    class := self reflection classForJavaClassObject:(aJavaContext argAt:1).
+    ^(class isJavaPrimitiveType or:[class isJavaArrayClass]) ifTrue:[
+        1041"FIXME: make it symbolic"
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        class accessFlags
+    ]
+    "Created: / 26-11-2010 / 10:20:23 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 28-01-2011 / 15:19:28 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 01-09-2011 / 09:46:07 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!JavaVM class methodsFor:'native -'!
+_sun_security_provider_NativeSeedGenerator_nativeGenerateSeed: nativeContext
+    <javanative: 'sun/security/provider/NativeSeedGenerator' name: 'nativeGenerateSeed([B)Z'>
+    ^ UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal raise
+! !
+!JavaVM class methodsFor:'queries'!
+    | jVM |
+    "/Slightly faster variant of the code below
+    ^SystemClassLoader notNil and:[
+        jVM := JavaVM classNamed: 'sun.misc.VM'.
+        jVM notNil and: [ (jVM instVarNamed: #booted) == 1 ]
+    ].
+"/    jVM := JavaVM classNamed: 'sun.misc.VM'.
+"/    ^ jVM notNil and: [ (jVM instVarNamed: #booted) == 1 ] and: [self systemClassLoader notNil].
+    "
+     JavaVM booted"
+    "Created: / 08-08-2011 / 10:04:54 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 02-11-2011 / 22:08:53 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 04-12-2011 / 10:32:51 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!JavaVM class methodsFor:'threads'!
+clearInterrupted: process
+    ThreadInterrupts removeKey: process ifAbsent: []
+    "Created: / 16-08-2012 / 22:03:10 / Jan Vrany <>"
+isInterrupted: process
+    ^ThreadInterrupts at: process ifAbsent:[false].
+    "Created: / 16-08-2012 / 22:05:11 / Jan Vrany <>"
+park: process timeout: tout
+    "A helper for sun.misc.Unsafe.park()"
+    | blocked sema |
+    blocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
+    ParkUnparkSemaphores isNil ifTrue:[
+        ParkUnparkSemaphores := Dictionary new.
+    ].
+    sema := ParkUnparkSemaphores at: process ifAbsentPut:[Semaphore new].
+    blocked ifFalse:[ OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts ].
+    Logger log: 'parking thread ', process printString severity: #debug facility: #JVM.
+    sema parkWithTimeoutMs: tout.
+    Logger log: 'parked thread ', process printString , ' resumed' severity: #debug facility: #JVM.
+    "Created: / 16-08-2012 / 21:51:14 / Jan Vrany <>"
+setInterrupted: process
+    ThreadInterrupts at: process put: true
+    "Created: / 16-08-2012 / 22:03:23 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    Java terminateAllThreads.
+    JavaEventThread := nil.
+    JavaScreenUpdaterThread := JavaEventQueueThread := nil.
+    "Created: / 8.1.1998 / 17:43:54 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 24.12.1999 / 02:33:16 / cg"
+threadStart: nativeContext
+    "start the thread"
+    | jThread  jName  nm  stProcess  helper |
+    jThread := nativeContext receiver.
+    self assert: (jThread instVarNamed: 'priority') > 0.
+    stProcess := JavaProcess for: (helper := JavaProcess newHelper)
+                priority: (Processor activePriority).
+    helper javaThreadObject: jThread.
+    helper javaProcess: stProcess.
+    jName := jThread instVarNamed: 'name'.
+    jName isString ifFalse: [ nm := Java as_ST_String: jName. ] ifTrue: [
+        nm := jName
+    ].
+    "/ kludge - remember the ScreenUpdater ...
+    nm = 'Screen Updater' ifTrue: [ JavaScreenUpdaterThread := stProcess. ] ifFalse: [
+        nm = 'AWT-Windows' ifTrue: [ JavaEventThread := stProcess. ] ifFalse: [
+            (nm startsWith: 'AWT-EventQueue') ifTrue: [
+                JavaEventQueueThread := stProcess.
+            ].
+        ]
+    ].
+    "/ when that process terminates, wakup any waiters
+    "/mh 29.11.11 this makes join work
+    "/mh 30.11.11 disable wait is to ensure that join can be called on thread after its finished and dont wait forever"
+    stProcess
+        addExitAction: [
+            Logger
+                log: ('%1 is going to die, notifying all waiters and disabling waiting on its monitor'
+                        bindWith: jThread printString)
+                severity: #debug
+                facility: #JVM.
+            jThread instVarNamed: 'threadStatus' put: 0.
+            jThread getJavaMonitor disableWait.
+            self acquireMonitorAndNotifyAll: jThread.
+            ThreadInterrupts notNil ifTrue:[
+                ThreadInterrupts removeKey: stProcess ifAbsent:[]
+            ].
+        ].
+    stProcess name: 'JAVA-' , nm.
+    stProcess restartable: true.
+    jThread instVarNamed: 'threadStatus' put: 1.
+    Java addThread: jThread for: stProcess.
+    stProcess resume.
+    ^ nil
+    "Modified: / 24-12-1999 / 03:14:33 / cg"
+    "Created: / 14-12-2010 / 21:31:02 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 09-12-2011 / 12:58:31 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 03-09-2012 / 18:42:38 / Jan Vrany <>"
+unpark: process
+    "A helper for sun.misc.Unsafe.unpark()"
+    | blocked sema |
+    blocked := OperatingSystem blockInterrupts.
+    ParkUnparkSemaphores isNil ifTrue:[ParkUnparkSemaphores dictionary new].
+    sema := ParkUnparkSemaphores at: process ifAbsentPut:[Semaphore new].
+    blocked ifFalse:[ OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts ].
+    Logger log: 'unparking thread ', process printString severity: #debug facility: #JVM.
+    sema signal.
+    "Created: / 16-08-2012 / 21:52:31 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!JavaVM class methodsFor:'vm support'!
+_ANEWARRAY:cls _:size
+    "Returns a new array of elements of type class."
+    self assert: cls isBehavior.
+    size <  0 ifTrue:[
+        self throwExceptionClassName:'java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException'
+                         withMessage:'negative array size not allowed'.
+        ^nil
+    ].
+    self assert:cls javaArrayClass isJavaArrayClass.
+    ^ cls javaArrayClass new:size
+    "Created: / 17-12-2010 / 14:28:29 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 22-11-2011 / 09:46:00 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    arr isNil ifTrue:[
+        "/self halt:'should not happen'.
+        self throwNullPointerException.
+    ].
+    ^ arr size
+    "Created: / 08-01-1999 / 14:38:27 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 31-05-2011 / 10:09:00 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    <resource: #skipInDebuggersWalkBack>
+    aJavaException isNil ifTrue:[
+        self halt:'cannot happen'
+    ].
+    "When an exception is handled in Smalltalk code and the stack is
+     being unwound, then all intermediate Java finally blocks are executed.
+     This is done by fake-throwing special FinallyToken, as there must an
+     exception instance for Java. A Java compiler compiles unconditional
+     ATHROW at the end of finally block to pass execution to another handler.
+     We don't want to do so, in case we're manually invoking finally blocks.
+     Hence following hack: we teleport back to handler caller"
+    aJavaException class == JavaContext::FinallyToken ifTrue:[
+        aJavaException pass.
+        self halt:'Should never be reached'.
+    ].
+    self throwException:aJavaException
+    "Created: / 08-01-1999 / 14:15:36 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 08-11-2011 / 16:32:54 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 09-04-2012 / 21:00:22 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_CHECKCAST2: object _: classRef
+    "Called by the VM (java bytecode interpreter) for unhandled cases.
+     Unlike in _CHECKCAST:_: the second parameter is a class reference,
+     not the class itself!! Will wanish!!"
+    | class |
+    classRef isJavaRef ifTrue: [ class := classRef resolve ] ifFalse: [
+        self error: 'I expected classRefs only - maybe I was wrong'
+    ].
+    (object isNil or: [ (self canCast: object class to: class) not ]) ifTrue: [
+        self breakPoint: #mh.
+        self throwClassCastException.
+        ^ false
+    ].
+    ^ true.
+    "Created: / 19-05-2011 / 10:12:23 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified (comment): / 09-10-2012 / 11:56:14 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_CHECKCAST: object _: class
+    "Called from the JIT-compiled code for unhandled cases.
+     Unlike in _CHECKCAST2:_: the second parameter is a class,,
+     not a class class reference!!
+     This method *MUST* return the object for this may lead
+     into GC. See ___checkcast() VM function
+     "
+    (self canCast: object class to: class) ifFalse: [
+        self throwClassCastException.
+        ^ nil "Not reached"
+    ].
+    ^ object
+    "Created: / 08-01-1999 / 14:53:51 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 09-01-1999 / 00:45:21 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 09-10-2012 / 11:53:53 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    |v|
+    v := op1 asInteger.
+    v > 16r7FFFFFFF ifTrue:[
+	self halt.
+	v := 16r7FFFFFFF
+    ] ifFalse:[
+	v < 16r80000000 negated ifTrue:[
+	    self halt.
+	    v := 16r80000000 negated
+	]
+    ].
+    ^ v
+    "Modified: / 17.10.1998 / 21:55:49 / cg"
+    "Created: / 8.1.1999 / 14:47:13 / cg"
+    |v|
+    v := op1 asInteger.
+    v > 16r7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ifTrue:[
+	self halt.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+	v < 16r8000000000000000 negated ifTrue:[
+	    self halt.
+	    v := 16r8000000000000000 negated
+	]
+    ].
+    ^ v
+    "Modified: / 17.10.1998 / 21:55:49 / cg"
+    "Created: / 8.1.1999 / 14:46:44 / cg"
+_DADD:op1 _:op2
+    ^ op1 asFloat + op2 asFloat
+    "Created: / 8.1.1999 / 15:11:59 / cg"
+_DDIV:op1 _:op2
+    ^ op1 asFloat uncheckedDivide: op2 asFloat.
+    "Created: / 08-01-1999 / 15:09:10 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 06-09-2011 / 19:31:45 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_DMUL:op1 _:op2
+    ^ op1 asFloat * op2 asFloat
+    "Created: / 8.1.1999 / 14:49:52 / cg"
+    ^ op asFloat negated
+    "Created: / 8.1.1999 / 15:06:15 / cg"
+_DSUB:op1 _:op2
+    ^ op1 asFloat - op2 asFloat
+    "Created: / 8.1.1999 / 15:10:59 / cg"
+    ^ self _D2I:op1
+    "Created: / 8.1.1999 / 14:47:42 / cg"
+    ^ self _D2L:op1
+    "Created: / 8.1.1999 / 14:47:53 / cg"
+_FADD:op1 _:op2
+    ^ op1 asShortFloat + op2 asShortFloat
+    "Created: / 8.1.1999 / 15:11:36 / cg"
+_FDIV:op1 _:op2
+    op1 isZero ifTrue:[
+        op2 isZero ifTrue:[ ^ Float NaN ]
+    ].
+    op2 isZero ifTrue:[
+        ^ Float infinity
+    ].
+    ^ op1 asShortFloat / op2 asShortFloat.
+    "Created: / 08-01-1999 / 15:09:32 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 06-07-2012 / 13:12:22 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_FMUL:op1 _:op2
+    ^ op1 asShortFloat * op2 asShortFloat
+    "Created: / 8.1.1999 / 14:50:10 / cg"
+    ^ op asShortFloat negated
+    "Created: / 8.1.1999 / 15:06:33 / cg"
+_FSUB:op1 _:op2
+    ^ op1 asShortFloat - op2 asShortFloat
+    "Created: / 8.1.1999 / 15:08:17 / cg"
+_INSTANCEOF:object _:class
+    "Called from the jitted code for unhandled cases.
+     Unlike in _INSTANCEOF_R:_: the second parameter is a class,,
+     not a class class reference!!"
+    object isNil ifTrue:[^0].
+    ^(self canCast: object class to: class)
+        ifTrue:[1]
+        ifFalse:[0]
+    "Created: / 08-01-1999 / 14:52:54 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 27-01-1999 / 20:56:25 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 09-10-2012 / 11:55:52 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified (comment): / 15-10-2012 / 21:51:18 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_INSTANCEOF_R: object _: classRef
+    "Called by the VM (java bytecode interpreter) for unhandled cases.
+     Unlike _INSTANCEOF:_: the second parameter is a class reference,
+     not the class itself!! Will wanish!!"
+    | class |
+    classRef isJavaRef ifFalse: [self error: 'expected only classRefs - maybe I was wrong'].
+    class := classRef resolve.
+    object isNil ifTrue: [ ^ 0 ].
+    ^ (self canCast: object class to: class) ifTrue: [ 1 ] ifFalse: [ 0 ].
+    "Created: / 15-10-2012 / 21:51:07 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    ^ op1 asFloat
+    "Created: / 8.1.1999 / 14:46:09 / cg"
+    ^ op1 asShortFloat
+    "Created: / 8.1.1999 / 14:46:18 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 8.1.1999 / 14:50:18 / cg"
+_LADD:op1 _:op2
+    |sum|
+    sum := (op1 + op2) bitAnd:16rFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.
+    ^ sum
+    "Created: / 8.1.1999 / 15:07:39 / cg"
+_LAND:op1 _:op2
+    |rslt|
+    (op1 < 0 or:[op2 < 0]) ifTrue:[
+	self halt.
+    ].
+    rslt := op1 bitAnd: op2.
+    ^ rslt
+    "Modified: / 7.1.1998 / 21:21:53 / cg"
+    "Created: / 8.1.1999 / 14:54:22 / cg"
+_LDC_R: ref
+    "Called by JIT-compiled code for non-constant
+     reference (StringRef or ClassRef"
+    ^ref isJavaClassRef ifTrue:[
+        self javaClassObjectForClass: ref resolve
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        ref resolve
+    ]
+    "Created: / 16-10-2012 / 09:34:27 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_LDIV:op1 _:op2
+    |quo|
+    quo := op1 quo: op2.
+    ^ quo
+    "Created: / 8.1.1999 / 15:04:47 / cg"
+_LMUL:op1 _:op2
+    |prod o1 o2 sign|
+"/ self halt.
+    "/ ST's largeIntegers compute a correct result;
+    "/ but here, we want the overflow to flow into the
+    "/ sign bit ... (sigh)
+    sign := 1.
+    (o1 := op1) < 0 ifTrue:[
+	sign := -1.
+	o1 := o1 negated.
+    ].
+    (o2 := op2) < 0 ifTrue:[
+	sign := sign negated.
+	o2 := o2 negated.
+    ].
+    prod := (o1 * o2) bitAnd:16rFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.
+    (prod bitAnd:16r8000000000000000) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+    ].
+    sign == -1 ifTrue:[
+	prod := prod negated
+    ].
+    ^ prod
+    "Created: / 8.1.1999 / 15:10:04 / cg"
+    ^ op asInteger negated
+    "Created: / 8.1.1999 / 15:06:59 / cg"
+_LOR:op1 _:op2
+    |rslt|
+    (op1 < 0 or:[op2 < 0]) ifTrue:[
+	self halt.
+    ].
+    rslt := op1 bitOr: op2.
+    ^ rslt
+    "Created: / 8.1.1999 / 15:05:10 / cg"
+_LREM:op1 _:op2
+    |rem|
+    rem := op1 rem: op2.
+    ^ rem
+    "Modified: / 7.1.1998 / 00:23:11 / cg"
+    "Created: / 8.1.1999 / 15:04:23 / cg"
+_LSHL:op1 _:op2
+    |rslt|
+    (op1 < 0) ifTrue:[
+	self halt.
+    ].
+    rslt := (op1 bitShift:op2) bitAnd:16rFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.
+    ^ rslt
+    "Created: / 8.1.1999 / 14:51:08 / cg"
+_LSHR:op1 _:op2
+    |rslt|
+    op1 < 0 ifTrue:[
+	self halt
+    ].
+    (op1 < 0) ifTrue:[
+	self halt.
+    ].
+    rslt := (op1 bitShift:op2 negated) bitAnd:16rFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.
+    ^ rslt
+    "Created: / 8.1.1999 / 14:51:57 / cg"
+_LSUB:op1 _:op2
+    |diff|
+    diff := (op1 - op2) bitAnd:16rFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.
+    ^ diff
+    "Created: / 8.1.1999 / 15:10:33 / cg"
+_LUSHR:op1 _:op2
+    |rslt|
+    op1 < 0 ifTrue:[
+	self halt
+    ].
+    (op1 < 0) ifTrue:[
+	self halt.
+    ].
+    rslt := (op1 bitShift:op2 negated) bitAnd:16rFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.
+    ^ rslt
+    "Modified: / 7.1.1998 / 21:22:17 / cg"
+    "Created: / 8.1.1999 / 14:51:32 / cg"
+_LXOR:op1 _:op2
+    |rslt|
+    (op1 < 0 or:[op2 < 0]) ifTrue:[
+	self halt.
+    ].
+    rslt := op1 bitXor: op2.
+    ^ rslt
+    "Created: / 8.1.1999 / 15:12:28 / cg"
+_MONITORENTER: someObject
+    self assert: (thisContext sender isJavaContext).
+    self assert: (thisContext sender isMarkedForUnwind).
+    self monitorEnter: someObject in: thisContext sender.
+    "Created: / 08-01-1999 / 14:23:10 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 08-01-1999 / 18:47:26 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 10-08-2011 / 20:19:52 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 09-11-2011 / 19:23:12 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified (format): / 26-08-2012 / 15:20:39 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_MONITOREXIT: someObject
+    self monitorExit: someObject in: thisContext sender.
+    "Created: / 08-01-1999 / 14:23:19 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 08-01-1999 / 18:47:08 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 09-11-2011 / 12:42:06 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 26-08-2012 / 23:51:46 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_MULTINEW2: classRef _: dim1
+    | arrCls arr |
+    dim1 <  0 ifTrue:[
+        self throwExceptionClassName:'java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException'
+                         withMessage:'negative array size not allowed'.
+        ^nil
+    ].
+    self assert: classRef isJavaClassRef.
+    arrCls := classRef resolve.
+    arr := arrCls new: dim1.
+    ^ arr.
+    "Created: / 19-05-2011 / 10:46:28 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 22-11-2011 / 09:45:21 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_MULTINEW2: classRef _: dim1 _: dim2
+    | arrCls arr |
+    dim1 <  0 ifTrue:[
+        self throwExceptionClassName:'java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException'
+                         withMessage:'negative array size not allowed'.
+        ^nil
+    ].
+    dim2 <  0 ifTrue:[
+        self throwExceptionClassName:'java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException'
+                         withMessage:'negative array size not allowed'.
+        ^nil
+    ].
+    self assert: classRef isJavaClassRef.
+    arrCls := classRef resolve.
+    arr := arrCls new: dim2.
+    1 to: dim2 do:[:i|
+        arr at: i put: (arrCls javaComponentClass new: dim1)
+    ].
+    ^ arr.
+    "Created: / 19-05-2011 / 10:47:42 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 22-11-2011 / 09:45:34 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_MULTINEW2: classRef _: dim1 _: dim2 _: dim3
+    | arrCls arr |
+    dim1 <  0 ifTrue:[
+        self throwExceptionClassName:'java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException'
+                         withMessage:'negative array size not allowed'.
+        ^nil
+    ].
+    dim2 <  0 ifTrue:[
+        self throwExceptionClassName:'java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException'
+                         withMessage:'negative array size not allowed'.
+        ^nil
+    ].
+    dim3 <  0 ifTrue:[
+        self throwExceptionClassName:'java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException'
+                         withMessage:'negative array size not allowed'.
+        ^nil
+    ].
+    self assert: classRef isJavaClassRef.
+    arrCls := classRef resolve.
+    arr := arrCls new: dim3.
+    1 to: dim3 do:[:i|
+        | arr2 |
+        arr2 := arrCls javaComponentClass new: dim2.
+        1 to: dim2 do:[:j|
+            arr2 at: j put: (arrCls javaComponentClass javaComponentClass new: dim1).
+        ].
+        arr at: i put: arr2.
+    ].
+    ^ arr.
+    "Created: / 19-05-2011 / 10:47:50 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 22-11-2011 / 09:45:47 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_MULTINEW:typeRef _:dim1
+    |arr|
+    arr := typeRef new:dim1.
+    ^ arr
+    "Created: / 08-01-1999 / 14:15:42 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 08-01-1999 / 18:03:05 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 16-03-2011 / 16:20:18 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_MULTINEW: typeRef _: dim1 _: dim2
+    | arr |
+    arr := typeRef new: dim2.
+    1 to: dim2
+        do: [:idx | arr at: idx put: (self _MULTINEW: typeRef javaComponentClass _: dim1) ].
+    ^ arr
+    "Created: / 08-01-1999 / 14:15:46 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 08-01-1999 / 17:58:11 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 16-03-2011 / 16:19:36 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_MULTINEW:typeRef _:dim1 _:dim2 _:dim3
+    |clsRef cls arr elType elSizes|
+    clsRef := typeRef asClassPointerRef.
+    cls := clsRef javaArrayClass.
+    arr := cls new:dim3.
+    elType := typeRef deref.
+    1 to:dim3
+        do:
+            [:idx |
+            arr at:idx
+                put:(self
+                        _MULTINEW:elType
+                        _:dim1
+                        _:dim2) ].
+"/ self halt.
+    ^ arr
+    "Modified: / 6.1.1998 / 23:34:35 / cg"
+    "Created: / 8.1.1999 / 14:15:49 / cg"
+_NEW: cls
+    | inst |
+    cls classInit. "/initializes the class if it is not already"
+    inst := cls basicNew.
+    thisContext sender method flushCode.
+    ^inst.
+    "Created: / 15-10-2012 / 21:53:57 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 02-11-2012 / 21:09:56 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_NEWARRAY:type _:size
+    "VM helper method NEWARRAY insn. Called only when
+     size is not an SmallInt or negative"
+    size < 0 ifTrue:[
+        self throwNegativeArraySizeException: size.
+    ]
+    "Created: / 13-05-2012 / 14:46:40 / Jan Vrany <>"
+_NEW_R: clsRef
+    | cls inst |
+    cls := clsRef resolve. "/initializes the class if it is not already"
+    inst := cls basicNew.
+    thisContext sender method flushCode.
+    ^inst.
+    "Created: / 15-10-2012 / 21:54:23 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 02-11-2012 / 21:10:00 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!JavaVM class methodsFor:'windows - events'!
+awtEventsForEvent: anEvent javaWindow: jWin
+    "given an ST/X event, create corresponding AWT event(s) for it"
+    | jEv  jEv1  jEv2  modifiers  key  keyChar  untranslatedKey  id  type  x  y  w  h  view  menu  resized  moved  eventArgs  clickCount  jRect  jKeyEventClass  jInputEventClass  jMouseEventClass  jWindowEventClass  jPaintEventClass  jComponentEventClass |
+    type := anEvent type.
+    eventArgs := anEvent arguments.
+    key := 0.
+    modifiers := 0.
+    x := 0.
+    y := 0.
+    ((type == #exposeX:y:width:height:)
+        or: [ (type == #graphicExposeX:y:width:height:) or: [ (type == #damage) ] ])
+            ifTrue: [
+                "/        jWindowEventClass := Java classForName:'java.awt.event.WindowEvent'.
+                "/        id := (jPaintEventClass instVarNamed:'PAINT').
+                jPaintEventClass := self classForName: 'java.awt.event.PaintEvent'.
+                id := (jPaintEventClass instVarNamed: 'UPDATE').
+                ((type == #exposeX:y:width:height:)
+                    or: [ (type == #graphicExposeX:y:width:height:) ])
+                        ifTrue: [
+                            x := eventArgs at: 1.
+                            y := eventArgs at: 2.
+                            w := eventArgs at: 3.
+                            h := eventArgs at: 4.
+                        ]
+                        ifFalse: [
+                            x := eventArgs left.
+                            y := eventArgs top.
+                            w := eventArgs width.
+                            h := eventArgs height.
+                        ].
+                jRect := (Java classForName: 'java.awt.Rectangle') basicNew.
+                jRect instVarNamed: 'x' put: x.
+                jRect instVarNamed: 'y' put: y.
+                jRect instVarNamed: 'width' put: w.
+                jRect instVarNamed: 'height' put: h.
+                jEv := jPaintEventClass newCleared.
+                jEv instVarNamed: 'id' put: id.
+                jEv instVarNamed: 'updateRect' put: jRect.
+"/        jEv instVarNamed:'g'         put:jWin.
+                ^ Array with: jEv.
+            ].
+    (anEvent isKeyEvent
+        or: [ anEvent isButtonEvent or: [ anEvent isPointerEnterLeaveEvent ] ])
+            ifTrue: [
+                jInputEventClass := Java classForName: 'java.awt.event.InputEvent'.
+                anEvent hasAlt ifTrue: [
+                    modifiers := modifiers bitOr: (jInputEventClass instVarNamed: 'ALT_MASK')
+                ].
+                anEvent hasCtrl ifTrue: [
+                    modifiers := modifiers bitOr: (jInputEventClass instVarNamed: 'CTRL_MASK')
+                ].
+                anEvent hasMeta ifTrue: [
+                    modifiers := modifiers bitOr: (jInputEventClass instVarNamed: 'META_MASK')
+                ].
+                anEvent hasShift ifTrue: [
+                    modifiers := modifiers
+                                bitOr: (jInputEventClass instVarNamed: 'SHIFT_MASK')
+                ].
+                anEvent hasButton1 ifTrue: [
+                    modifiers := modifiers
+                                bitOr: (jInputEventClass instVarNamed: 'BUTTON1_MASK')
+                ].
+                anEvent hasButton2 ifTrue: [
+                    modifiers := modifiers
+                                bitOr: (jInputEventClass instVarNamed: 'BUTTON2_MASK')
+                ].
+                anEvent hasButton3 ifTrue: [
+                    modifiers := modifiers
+                                bitOr: (jInputEventClass instVarNamed: 'BUTTON3_MASK')
+                ].
+                anEvent isPointerEnterLeaveEvent ifFalse: [
+                    "/ ST/X does not (yet) record this information
+                    "/ with pointerLeave events.
+                    x := anEvent x.
+                    y := anEvent y.
+                ].
+            ].
+    anEvent isKeyEvent ifTrue: [
+        jKeyEventClass := Java classForName: 'java.awt.event.KeyEvent'.
+        key := 0.
+        keyChar := 0.
+        key := anEvent key.
+        key isCharacter ifTrue: [ key := keyChar := key asciiValue ] ifFalse: [
+            untranslatedKey := anEvent view device keyboardMap keyAtValue: key
+                        ifAbsent: key.
+            untranslatedKey == #Insert ifTrue: [
+                key := jKeyEventClass instVarNamed: 'VK_INSERT'
+            ].
+            untranslatedKey == #Delete ifTrue: [
+                key := jKeyEventClass instVarNamed: 'VK_DELETE'
+                "/ 127
+            ].
+            untranslatedKey == #BackSpace ifTrue: [
+                key := jKeyEventClass instVarNamed: 'VK_BACK_SPACE'
+                "/ 8
+            ].
+            untranslatedKey == #Return ifTrue: [
+                key := jKeyEventClass instVarNamed: 'VK_ENTER'
+                "/ 13
+            ].
+            untranslatedKey == #Tab ifTrue: [
+                key := jKeyEventClass instVarNamed: 'VK_TAB'
+                "/ 9
+            ].
+            untranslatedKey == #Home ifTrue: [
+                key := jKeyEventClass instVarNamed: 'VK_HOME'
+            ].
+            untranslatedKey == #End ifTrue: [
+                key := jKeyEventClass instVarNamed: 'VK_END'
+            ].
+            (key == #PreviousPage or: [ untranslatedKey == #Prior ]) ifTrue: [
+                key := jKeyEventClass instVarNamed: 'VK_PAGE_UP'
+            ].
+            (key == #NextPage or: [ key == #EndOfText ]) ifTrue: [
+                key := jKeyEventClass instVarNamed: 'VK_PAGE_DOWN'
+            ].
+            untranslatedKey == #CursorUp ifTrue: [
+                key := jKeyEventClass instVarNamed: 'VK_UP'
+            ].
+            untranslatedKey == #CursorDown ifTrue: [
+                key := jKeyEventClass instVarNamed: 'VK_DOWN'
+            ].
+            untranslatedKey == #CursorLeft ifTrue: [
+                key := jKeyEventClass instVarNamed: 'VK_LEFT'
+            ].
+            untranslatedKey == #CursorRight ifTrue: [
+                key := jKeyEventClass instVarNamed: 'VK_RIGHT'
+            ].
+            (#( #F1 #F2 #F3 #F4 #F5 #F6 #F7 #F8 #F9 #F10 #F11 #F12 )
+                includes: untranslatedKey)
+                    ifTrue: [ key := jKeyEventClass instVarNamed: ('VK_' , untranslatedKey) ].
+        ].
+        (type == #keyPress:x:y:) ifTrue: [
+            id := jKeyEventClass instVarNamed: 'KEY_PRESSED'
+        ] ifFalse: [ id := jKeyEventClass instVarNamed: 'KEY_RELEASED' ].
+        jEv := jKeyEventClass newCleared.
+        jEv instVarNamed: 'modifiers' put: modifiers.
+        jEv instVarNamed: 'keyCode' put: key.
+        jEv instVarNamed: 'keyChar' put: keyChar.
+        jEv instVarNamed: 'id' put: id.
+"/        jEv instVarNamed:'x'         put:x.
+"/        jEv instVarNamed:'y'         put:y.
+        jEv instVarNamed: 'when' put: (OperatingSystem getMillisecondTime).
+        ^ Array with: jEv
+    ].
+    (anEvent isButtonEvent or: [ anEvent isPointerEnterLeaveEvent ]) ifTrue: [
+        jMouseEventClass := Java classForName: 'java.awt.event.MouseEvent'.
+        clickCount := 1.
+        (type == #buttonPress:x:y:) ifTrue: [
+            id := jMouseEventClass instVarNamed: 'MOUSE_PRESSED'.
+        ] ifFalse: [
+            (type == #buttonRelease:x:y:) ifTrue: [
+                id := jMouseEventClass instVarNamed: 'MOUSE_RELEASED'.
+            ] ifFalse: [
+                (type == #buttonMotion:x:y:) ifTrue: [
+                    (anEvent state bitAnd: (anEvent view device anyButtonMotionMask)) == 0 ifTrue: [
+                        id := jMouseEventClass instVarNamed: 'MOUSE_MOVED'.
+                    ] ifFalse: [ id := jMouseEventClass instVarNamed: 'MOUSE_DRAGGED'. ].
+                ] ifFalse: [
+                    "/                    (type == #'pointerMotion:x:y:') ifTrue:[
+                    "/                        id := jMouseEventClass instVarNamed:'MOUSE_MOVED'.
+                    "/                    ] ifFalse:[
+                    (type == #pointerEnter:x:y:) ifTrue: [
+                        id := jMouseEventClass instVarNamed: 'MOUSE_ENTERED'.
+                    ] ifFalse: [
+                        (type == #pointerLeave:) ifTrue: [
+                            id := jMouseEventClass instVarNamed: 'MOUSE_EXITED'.
+                        ] ifFalse: [
+                            (type == #buttonMultiPress:x:y:) ifTrue: [
+                                id := jMouseEventClass instVarNamed: 'MOUSE_PRESSED'.
+                                clickCount := 2.
+                            ] ifFalse: [ self halt. ]
+"/                        ]
+                        ]
+                    ]
+                ]
+            ]
+        ].
+        jEv := jMouseEventClass newCleared.
+        jEv instVarNamed: 'modifiers' put: modifiers.
+        jEv instVarNamed: 'id' put: id.
+        jEv instVarNamed: 'x' put: x.
+        jEv instVarNamed: 'y' put: y.
+        jEv instVarNamed: 'when' put: (OperatingSystem getMillisecondTime).
+        ^ Array with: jEv
+    ].
+    (type == #configureX:y:width:height:) ifTrue: [
+        view := anEvent view.
+        x := eventArgs at: 1.
+        y := eventArgs at: 2.
+        w := eventArgs at: 3.
+        h := eventArgs at: 4.
+        resized := (w ~~ view width or: [ h ~~ view height ]).
+        moved := (x ~~ view left or: [ y ~~ view top ]).
+"/        (view isTopView or:[view isPopUpView]) ifTrue:[
+        "/ view must update its origin/extent.
+        view dispatchEvent: anEvent.
+"/        ].
+        "/
+        "/ must change the components extent
+        "/ is there no cleaner way to do this ?
+        "/
+        view isTopView ifTrue: [
+            view isPopUpView ifFalse: [
+                "/
+                "/ sigh - don't include the menu.
+                "/
+                menu := self topViewsMenu: view.
+                menu notNil ifTrue: [
+                    "/ must add the menus height
+                    h := h - menu height
+                ]
+            ]
+        ].
+        jWin instVarNamed: 'width' put: w.
+        jWin instVarNamed: 'height' put: h.
+        jWin instVarNamed: 'x' put: x.
+        jWin instVarNamed: 'y' put: y.
+        jComponentEventClass := Java classForName: 'java.awt.event.ComponentEvent'.
+        moved ifTrue: [
+            id := (jComponentEventClass instVarNamed: 'COMPONENT_MOVED').
+            jEv1 := jComponentEventClass newCleared.
+            jEv1 instVarNamed: 'id' put: id.
+        ].
+        resized ifTrue: [
+            id := (jComponentEventClass instVarNamed: 'COMPONENT_RESIZED').
+            jEv2 := jComponentEventClass newCleared.
+            jEv2 instVarNamed: 'id' put: id.
+        ].
+        jEv1 isNil ifTrue: [
+            jEv2 isNil ifTrue: [ ^ nil ].
+            ^ Array with: jEv2
+        ] ifFalse: [ jEv2 isNil ifTrue: [ ^ Array with: jEv1 ] ].
+        ^ Array with: jEv1 with: jEv2.
+    ].
+    (type == #focusIn) ifTrue: [
+        "/ 'focusIn' printCR.
+        jComponentEventClass := Java classForName: 'java.awt.event.FocusEvent'.
+        id := (jComponentEventClass instVarNamed: 'FOCUS_GAINED').
+        jEv := jComponentEventClass newCleared.
+        jEv instVarNamed: 'id' put: id.
+        ^ Array with: jEv.
+    ].
+    (type == #focusOut) ifTrue: [
+        "/ 'focusOut' printCR.
+        jComponentEventClass := Java classForName: 'java.awt.event.FocusEvent'.
+        id := (jComponentEventClass instVarNamed: 'FOCUS_LOST').
+        jEv := jComponentEventClass newCleared.
+        jEv instVarNamed: 'id' put: id.
+        ^ Array with: jEv.
+    ].
+    (type == #mapped) ifTrue: [
+        "/ 'mapped' printCR.
+        jComponentEventClass := Java classForName: 'java.awt.event.ComponentEvent'.
+        id := (jComponentEventClass instVarNamed: 'COMPONENT_SHOWN').
+"/        x := eventArgs at:1.
+"/        y := eventArgs at:2.
+        jEv := jComponentEventClass newCleared.
+        jEv instVarNamed: 'id' put: id.
+        ^ Array with: jEv.
+    ].
+    (type == #unmapped) ifTrue: [
+        "/ 'unmapped' printCR.
+        jComponentEventClass := Java classForName: 'java.awt.event.ComponentEvent'.
+        id := (jComponentEventClass instVarNamed: 'COMPONENT_HIDDEN').
+"/        x := eventArgs at:1.
+"/        y := eventArgs at:2.
+        jEv := jComponentEventClass newCleared.
+        jEv instVarNamed: 'id' put: id.
+        ^ Array with: jEv.
+    ].
+    (type == #terminate) ifTrue: [
+        jWindowEventClass := Java classForName: 'java.awt.event.WindowEvent'.
+         "NEW
+         id := (jWindowEventClass instVarNamed:'WINDOW_CLOSING').
+        " "OLD "
+        id := (jWindowEventClass instVarNamed: 'WINDOW_CLOSED').
+        jEv := jWindowEventClass newCleared.
+        jEv instVarNamed: 'id' put: id.
+        ^ Array with: jEv.
+    ].
+    EventTrace == true ifTrue: [ ('JAVA: unhandled event:' , type) infoPrintCR. ].
+    ^ nil.
+    "Created: / 6.1.1998 / 20:38:58 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 9.1.1999 / 09:29:58 / cg"
+    ^ false
+    "Created: / 25.9.1999 / 16:11:48 / cg"
+    "invoked in an endless loop by the WToolkit-eventLoop
+     native method."
+    | sensor  event  more |
+    (JavaWindowGroup isNil or: [ KnownWindows isNil ]) ifTrue: [
+        "/ '*** eventThread: no windowGroup / views ...' printCR.
+        self halt: 'monitors are reimplemented, change me if you know how and why'.
+        "self
+            waitFor: FirstWindowCreationSemaphore
+            state: #eventWait
+            timeOut: nil."
+        "/ Delay waitForSeconds:0.1.
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    "/ wait for an event to arrive ...
+    sensor := JavaWindowGroup sensor.
+    [ sensor hasEvents or: [ sensor damageCount ~~ 0 ] ] whileFalse: [
+        EventTrace ifTrue: [ '*** eventThread waiting ...' printCR. ].
+        Processor activeProcess state: #eventWait.
+        self
+            waitFor: sensor eventSemaphore
+            state: #eventWait
+            timeOut: nil.
+    ].
+    EventTrace ifTrue: [ '*** eventThread event arrived ...' printCR. ].
+    "/ EventTrace := true
+    more := true.
+    [ more ] whileTrue: [
+        sensor hasDamage ifTrue: [
+            EventTrace ifTrue: [ '*** eventThread: damage arrived ...' printCR. ].
+            event := sensor nextDamage.
+        ] ifFalse: [ event := sensor nextEvent. ].
+        event isNil ifTrue: [
+            EventTrace == true ifTrue: [ '*** eventThread: nil event ignored' printCR. ].
+            ^ self
+        ].
+        more := self processEvent: event
+    ]
+    "Created: / 06-01-1998 / 21:02:40 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 30-12-1998 / 19:21:36 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 22-11-2011 / 13:22:32 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+processEvent: event
+    | evQ  jEvents  jWToolKitClass  jWToolKit  jWinPeer  jWin  v  eventConsumed |
+    KnownWindows isNil ifTrue: [ ^ false ].
+    v := event view.
+    jWinPeer := self jPeerForView: v.
+    jWinPeer isNil ifTrue: [
+        v isJavaView ifTrue: [
+            "/ mhmh - an event for a JavaView,
+            "/ which has no peer (anyMore ?)
+            "/ should not happen.
+        ] ifFalse: [
+            "/ mhmh - an event for a subcomponent of an ST widget.
+            "/ let it be handled normally.
+            EventTrace ifTrue: [
+                ('*** eventThread: ' , event type
+                    , '-event for unknown java-view - passed to view.') printCR.
+            ].
+            event view dispatchEvent: event.
+        ].
+        ^ true
+    ].
+    "/ change:
+    "/ in the previous version, events for ST/X widgets (i.e. buttons etc)
+    "/ where not passed to java, but instead forwarded directly to the widget
+    "/ by the code below.
+    "/ This has changed, to pass it to Java, which eventually passes it to the
+    "/ peer via the handleEvent native method (unless the event got consumed).
+    "/ This is req'd to let java keep track of keyboard/mouse input for widgets.
+    (event isDamage and: [ v isJavaView ]) ifTrue: [
+        "/    "/ most views handle their events themself (being ST/X views) ...
+        "/
+        "/    v class ~~ JavaView ifTrue:[
+        "/"/        v class ~~ StandardSystemView ifTrue:[
+        "/"/            EventTrace ifTrue:[
+        "/"/                    ('*** eventThread: event handled by view itself (' , v class name , ')') printCR.
+        "/"/            ].
+        "/"/            event sendEventWithFocusOn:nil.
+        "/"/            ^ self.
+        "/"/        ].
+        "/        (event type == #'exposeX:y:width:height'
+        "/        or:[event type == #'graphicsExposeX:y:width:height']) ifTrue:[
+        "/            "/ send to view, but also handle in JAVA
+        "/            event sendEventWithFocusOn:nil.
+        "/        ]
+        "/    ].
+        (#( #mapped
+         #unmapped
+         #configureX:y:width:height:
+         #exposeX:y:width:height:
+         #graphicsExposeX:y:width:height: ) includes: event type) ifTrue: [
+            event sendEventWithFocusOn: nil.
+        ].
+    ].
+    "/ what a kludge - some events are passed back to
+    "/ ST via the WComponent-handleEvent native method.
+    "/ However, repaints are not.
+    "/ In order to let ST widgets do the drawing,
+    "/ selectively filter exposeEvents from Java ...
+    eventConsumed := false.
+    v isJavaView ifTrue: [
+        "/ all events handled by Java ...
+    ] ifFalse: [
+        eventConsumed := true.
+        "/ let widget handle it.
+        event view dispatchEvent: event.
+        "/ some are not passed to Java ...
+        event isDamage ifTrue: [
+            (v isKindOf: Button) ifTrue: [ ^ true ].
+            (v isKindOf: TextView) ifTrue: [ ^ true ].
+            (v isKindOf: Label) ifTrue: [ ^ true ].
+            (v isKindOf: ComboBoxView) ifTrue: [ ^ true ].
+            (v isKindOf: ScrollBar) ifTrue: [ ^ true ].
+            (v isKindOf: Scroller) ifTrue: [ ^ true ].
+            (v isKindOf: MenuPanel) ifTrue: [ ^ true ].
+        ].
+    ].
+    jWin := jWinPeer instVarNamed: 'target'.
+    EventTrace ifTrue: [
+        ('*** eventThread: event (' , event type , ') handled by JAVA: ')
+            infoPrint.
+        jWinPeer class name infoPrint.
+        ' (' infoPrint.
+        jWin class name infoPrint.
+        ')' infoPrintCR.
+    ].
+    "/ create an event
+    jEvents := self awtEventsForEvent: event javaWindow: jWin.
+    jEvents isNil ifTrue: [
+        EventTrace ifTrue: [
+            ('*** eventThread: event ignored: ' , event type) printCR.
+        ].
+        ^ true
+    ].
+"/    v superView isNil ifTrue:[
+"/        ('*** eventThread: event ignored for topView: ' , event type) printCR.
+"/        ^ self
+"/    ].
+    jWToolKitClass := self classForName: 'java.awt.Toolkit'.
+    "/ jWToolKit := jWToolKitClass perform:#getDefaultToolkit.
+    jWToolKit := jWToolKitClass
+                performStatic: #'getDefaultToolkit()Ljava/awt/Toolkit;'.
+    jEvents do: [
+        :jEv |
+        jEv instVarNamed: 'source' put: jWin.
+        jEv instVarNamed: 'consumed' put: 0.
+        eventConsumed ifFalse: [
+            "/ the first gets the original event as data
+            jEv instVarNamed: 'data' put: event.
+            eventConsumed := true
+        ].
+        "/ post it (them) to the event queue
+        EventTrace == true ifTrue: [ 'postEvent to Java ...' printCR. ].
+        jWToolKit "class" perform: #'postEvent(Ljava/awt/AWTEvent;)V' with: jEv.
+    ].
+    ^ false
+    "Created: / 6.1.1998 / 20:36:36 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 10.12.1998 / 19:36:59 / cg"
+! !
+!JavaVM::Performance class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+    A helper class to keep performance counters for JavaVM
+    [author:]
+        Jan Vrany <>
+    [instance variables:]
+    [class variables:]
+    [see also:]
+! !
+!JavaVM::Performance class methodsFor:'instance creation'!
+for: aJavaVM
+    ^self new setVM: aJavaVM.
+    "Created: / 21-12-2010 / 19:42:55 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!JavaVM::Performance methodsFor:'accessing-counters'!
+get: name
+    "Return the value of given performance counter."
+    ^self set: name to: -1
+monitorEnterCount: fatOnly
+    "Return the number of monitor enter operations.
+     If fatOnly is true, return only those that involves
+     fat-lock enter (i.e,, uses JavaMonitor, not thinlock)"
+    extern unsigned int __monitorEnterCount(int fat, int new);
+    RETURN ( __MKUINT ( __monitorEnterCount( fatOnly == true ? 1 : 0, -1 ) ) )
+    ^ 0
+    "Created: / 28-08-2012 / 10:37:36 / Jan Vrany <>"
+monitorExitCount: fatOnly
+    "Return the number of monitor enter operations.
+     If fatOnly is true, return only those that involves
+     fat-lock enter (i.e,, uses JavaMonitor, not thinlock)"
+    extern unsigned int __monitorEnterCount(int fat, int new);
+    RETURN ( __MKUINT ( __monitorEnterCount( fatOnly == true ? 1 : 0, -1 ) ) )
+    ^ 0
+    "Created: / 28-08-2012 / 10:37:48 / Jan Vrany <>"
+set: name to: newValue
+    "Set and return the value of given performance counter.
+     If newValue >= 0, performance counter is set to given
+     value and previous value is returned. If newValue < 0,
+     then the current value is returned"
+    | value |
+    extern OBJ __javaPerfCounter(OBJ _name, OBJ _newValue );
+    value =  __javaPerfCounter( name, newValue );
+    value isSymbol ifTrue:[
+        self error: value.
+        ^nil
+    ].
+    ^value
+! !
+!JavaVM::Performance methodsFor:'initialization'!
+setVM: aJavaVM
+    "Now, aJavaVM == JavaVM (i.e, the class JavaVM
+    itself, not its instance)"
+    vm := aJavaVM
+    "Created: / 21-12-2010 / 19:44:07 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!JavaVM::Performance methodsFor:'orinting-streams'!
+printOpenExternalStream: stream number: index on: output
+    "Print info about given external stream to output. Return true,
+     if the instance is executor, false otherwise"
+    | executor |
+    executor := ((3 to: stream class instSize) allSatisfy:[:index|
+        index == 6 or:[index == 7 or:[(stream instVarAt: index) isNil]]
+    ]).
+    '%-4d %-30s %-15s %s' printf:{
+        index .
+        stream class name.
+        executor ifTrue:['(executor)'] ifFalse:[(self printOpenExternalStreamIdentificationOf: stream)].
+        executor ifTrue:[''] ifFalse:[stream isFileStream ifTrue:[stream pathName ? '??? no pathName ???'] ifFalse:['']]
+    } on: output.
+    ^ executor
+    "
+        JavaVM::Performance new printOpenExternalStreams
+    "
+    "Created: / 14-08-2012 / 01:02:49 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    | zc oft |
+    (oft := Smalltalk at:#'JavaVM:OpenFileTable') notNil ifTrue:[
+        | idx |
+        idx := oft identityIndexOf: stream.
+        idx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+            ^ 'VM   OFT[' ,idx printString, ']'.
+        ].
+    ].
+    (zc := Smalltalk at:#'JavaVM:ZipCache') notNil ifTrue:[
+        | idx |
+        idx := zc identityIndexOf: stream.
+        idx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+            ^ 'VM   ZC[' ,idx printString, ']'.
+        ]
+    ].
+     ((Smalltalk at:#'Java:SourceCache') ? #()) do:[:each|
+        each == stream ifTrue:[
+            ^ 'Java SC'
+        ].
+    ].
+    ((Smalltalk at:#'JavaClassReader:JavaArchiveCache') ? #()) do:[:each|
+        (each instVarAt:1 "named: #file") == stream ifTrue:[
+            ^ 'JCR  JAC'
+        ].
+    ].
+    ((Smalltalk at:#'Java:SourceArchiveCache') ? #()) do:[:each|
+        (each instVarAt:1 "named: #file") == stream ifTrue:[
+            ^ 'Java SAC'
+        ].
+    ].
+    ^''
+    "Created: / 14-08-2012 / 01:17:59 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    ^self printOpenExternalStreamsOn: Transcript
+    "Created: / 14-08-2012 / 01:03:17 / Jan Vrany <>"
+printOpenExternalStreamsOn: aStream
+    | nOpenStreams nExecutors |
+    aStream nextPutLine: '=== JavaVM open external stream statistics ==='.
+    aStream nextPutLine: Timestamp now printString.
+    nOpenStreams := 0.
+    nExecutors := 0.
+    ExternalStream allSubInstancesDo:[:each|
+        each isOpen ifTrue:[
+            nOpenStreams := nOpenStreams + 1.
+            (self printOpenExternalStream: each number: nOpenStreams on: aStream) ifTrue:[
+                nExecutors := nExecutors + 1
+            ].
+            aStream cr.
+        ]
+    ].
+    aStream cr.
+    aStream nextPutLine:
+        ('SUMMARY: open=%1, executors=%4,,'
+            bindWith: nOpenStreams
+                with: (((Smalltalk at:#'JavaVM:OpenFileTable') ? #()) inject:0 into:[:a :s|a + (s notNil ifTrue:[1] ifFalse:[0])])
+                with: (((Smalltalk at:#'JavaVM:ZipCache') ? #())      inject:0 into:[:a :s|a + (s notNil ifTrue:[1] ifFalse:[0])])
+                with: nExecutors
+        ).
+    aStream nextPutLine: '=============================================='.
+    aStream nextPutLine: ''
+    "
+        JavaVM::Performance new printOpenExternalStreams
+    "
+    "Created: / 14-08-2012 / 00:48:28 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!JavaVM::Performance methodsFor:'printing-counters'!
+    self printCountersOn: Transcript
+    "Created: / 14-08-2012 / 00:43:17 / Jan Vrany <>"
+printCountersOn: aStream
+    aStream nextPutLine: '=== JavaVM performance statistics ============'.
+    aStream nextPutLine: Timestamp now printString.
+    self printCounters_ExecutionOn: aStream.
+    aStream cr.
+    self printCounters_CompilationOn: aStream.
+    aStream cr.
+    self printCounters_MonitorOn: aStream.
+    aStream cr.
+    self printCounters_TopTenNativesOn: aStream.
+    aStream nextPutLine: '=============================================='.
+    aStream nextPutLine: ''
+    "
+        JavaVM performance printCounters
+    "
+    "Created: / 14-08-2012 / 00:43:08 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 27-10-2012 / 18:12:39 / Jan Vrany <>"
+printCounters_CompilationOn: aStream
+    self printCounterGroup:'Just-In-Time Compilation' on: aStream.
+    self printCounter:'methodsCompiled' on: aStream labeled: 'methods compiled'.
+    self printCounter:'methodsCompiledAndBailedOut' on: aStream labeled: 'methods compiled (failed)'.
+    "Created: / 15-10-2012 / 15:33:29 / Jan Vrany <>"
+printCounters_ExecutionOn: aStream
+    self printCounterGroup:'Execution' on: aStream.
+    self printCounter:'methodsInterpreted' on: aStream labeled: 'methods (interpreted)'.
+    self printCounter:'bytecodesInterpreted' on: aStream labeled: 'bytecodes (interpreted)'.
+    self printCounter:'bytecodesInterpretedWrap' on: aStream labeled: 'bytecodes wrap(interpreted)'.
+    "Created: / 15-10-2012 / 15:33:29 / Jan Vrany <>"
+printCounters_MonitorOn: aStream
+    self printCounterGroup:'Monitors' on: aStream.
+    self printCounter:'monitorEnterCount' on: aStream labeled: 'MONITOR ENTER'.
+    self printCounter:'monitorEnterCountFat' on: aStream labeled: 'MONITOR ENTER (fat)'.
+    self printCounter:'monitorExitCount' on: aStream labeled: 'MONITOR EXIT'.
+    self printCounter:'monitorExitCountFat' on: aStream labeled: 'MONITOR EXIT (fat)'.
+    "Created: / 28-08-2012 / 10:42:34 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 15-10-2012 / 15:31:29 / Jan Vrany <>"
+printCounters_Top: n nativesOn: aStream
+    | nativesSorted  |
+    self printCounterGroup:'top ', n printString , ' (unoptimized) natives' on: aStream.
+    nativesSorted := JavaNativeMethod allInstances asSortedCollection:
+                        [:a :b| a nCalls > b nCalls ].
+    1 to: n do:[:idx|
+        | m |
+        m := nativesSorted at: idx.
+        aStream nextPutAll: (m nCalls printStringRadix:10 size:8 fill:Character space).
+        aStream nextPutAll:'   '.
+        aStream
+            nextPutAll: m mclass name;
+            nextPutAll: ' >> ';
+            nextPutAll: m selector;
+            cr.
+    ]
+    "Created: / 27-10-2012 / 18:09:59 / Jan Vrany <>"
+printCounters_TopTenNativesOn: aStream
+    self printCounters_Top: 10 nativesOn: aStream
+    "Created: / 27-10-2012 / 18:12:22 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!JavaVM::Performance methodsFor:'printing-counters-private'!
+printCounter: name on: stream
+    self printCounter: name on: stream labeled: name
+    "Created: / 15-10-2012 / 15:28:25 / Jan Vrany <>"
+printCounter: name on: stream labeled: label
+    [
+        '  %-35s : %10d' printf: { label . (self get: name) } on: stream
+    ] on: Error do:[
+        '  %-35s : N/A' printf: { label } on: stream
+    ].
+    stream cr.
+    "Created: / 15-10-2012 / 15:25:08 / Jan Vrany <>"
+printCounterGroup: gname on: stream
+    stream nextPut:$-; nextPut:$-; space; nextPutAll: gname; space; nextPut:$-; nextPut:$-; cr.
+    "Created: / 15-10-2012 / 15:29:16 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!JavaVM::Reflection class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+    A helper class to deal with Java reflection
+    [author:]
+        Jan Vrany <>
+    [instance variables:]
+    [class variables:]
+    [see also:]
+! !
+!JavaVM::Reflection class methodsFor:'instance creation'!
+for: aJavaVM
+    ^self new setVM: aJavaVM.
+    "Created: / 21-12-2010 / 19:42:55 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "return an initialized instance"
+    ^ self basicNew initialize.
+! !
+!JavaVM::Reflection methodsFor:'debugging'!
+    ^ returnNilIfMissing.
+    "Created: / 28-01-2011 / 15:14:37 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    returnNilIfMissing:= aBoolean.
+    "Created: / 28-01-2011 / 15:25:35 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+! !
+!JavaVM::Reflection methodsFor:'initialization'!
+    constantPoolMapping := IdentityDictionary new.
+    javaClasses := Dictionary new.
+    javaArrayClasses := IdentityDictionary new.
+    realMethods := OrderedCollection new.
+    javaMethodsPerMethod := Dictionary new
+    "Created: / 21-12-2010 / 19:46:49 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 09-02-2011 / 00:24:28 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 05-12-2011 / 09:56:36 / Jan Vrany <>"
+setVM: aJavaVM
+    "Now, aJavaVM == JavaVM (i.e, the class JavaVM
+    itself, not its instance)"
+    vm := aJavaVM
+    "Created: / 21-12-2010 / 19:44:07 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!JavaVM::Reflection methodsFor:'reflection - classes'!
+arrayClassFor: javaClass ifAbsentPut: block
+    ^javaArrayClasses at: javaClass ifAbsentPut: block
+    "Created: / 05-07-2012 / 23:21:44 / Jan Vrany <>"
+classForJavaClassObject: aJavaClassObject
+    "
+        Given an instance of java.lang.Class, answers
+        real (Java) class associated with it. The instance
+        of java.lang.Class should be first created by myself
+        (by sending #javaClassObjectForClass:)"
+    (javaClasses at: aJavaClassObject ifAbsent: [ 123 ])
+        == (JavaVM classNamed: 'stx/libjava/tests/junir/JUnit3Tests')
+            ifTrue: [ self breakPoint: #jv ].
+    ^ javaClasses at: aJavaClassObject
+        ifAbsent: [
+            vm internalError: 'No class associated with given java.lang.Class!!'.
+            "/Please, no nils
+            self returnNilIfMissing ifTrue: nil
+        ].
+    "Created: / 28-01-2011 / 15:22:39 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 05-02-2011 / 20:26:16 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 21-10-2011 / 13:41:12 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+javaClassObjectArrayForClasses: classes
+    "
+        Answers an instance of java.lang.Class[] for given
+        real (Java) classes."
+    | array |
+    array := (vm classForName: 'java.lang.Class') javaArrayClass
+                new: classes size.
+    classes isNilOrEmptyCollection ifTrue: [ ^ array ].
+    classes
+        withIndexDo: [:cls :idx | array at: idx put: (self javaClassObjectForClass: cls) ].
+    ^ array
+    "Modified: / 28-01-2011 / 15:15:44 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Created: / 04-02-2011 / 22:08:18 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 11-02-2011 / 10:21:37 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    ^self javaClassObjectForClass:aClass init: true.
+    "Modified: / 28-01-2011 / 15:15:44 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 12-08-2011 / 19:07:29 / Jan Vrany <>"
+javaClassObjectForClass: aClass init: init
+    "
+        Answers an instance of java.lang.Class for given
+        real (Java) class."
+    | javaClassObj |
+    self assert: aClass isBehavior message: 'aClass is not behavior'.
+    self assert: aClass ~~ Array message: 'aClass should not be Array (old impl)'.
+    javaClasses at: aClass ifPresent: [:javaClassObj | ^ javaClassObj ].
+    "/ class must be initialized (with all of its superclasses ?).
+    "/ false ifTrue: [ aClass isJavaClass ifTrue: [ aClass classInit ]. ].
+    "/ Here, install Java lookup as Java may send a messages to that
+    "/ object
+    (aClass isJavaClass not and:[aClass isJavaArrayClass not and:[aClass isJavaPrimitiveType not]]) ifTrue:[
+        aClass == Object ifTrue:[ self halt. ].
+        aClass lookupObject: JavaLookup instance.
+    ].
+    javaClassObj := (vm classForName: 'java.lang.Class') new.
+    self rememberJavaClassObject: javaClassObj for: aClass.
+    ^ javaClassObj
+    "Modified: / 28-01-2011 / 15:15:44 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Created: / 12-08-2011 / 19:07:16 / Jan Vrany <>"
+javaClassObjectForClassNamed: className
+    "
+        Answers an instance of java.lang.Class for given
+        (java) class name. The className may be name of primitive
+        type, i.e. 'int', 'double'."
+    | cls |
+    cls := JavaDescriptor baseTypesByTypeName at: className
+                ifAbsent: [ vm classForName: className ].
+    ^ self javaClassObjectForClass: cls.
+    "Created: / 03-02-2011 / 21:12:02 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 08-04-2011 / 14:45:41 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+rememberJavaClassObject: jclass for: class
+    javaClasses at: class put: jclass.
+    javaClasses at: jclass put: class.
+    "Created: / 05-12-2011 / 09:57:34 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!JavaVM::Reflection methodsFor:'reflection - constant pool'!
+    ^ constantPoolMapping at:javaConstantPoolObject
+        ifAbsent:[self error:'Given ConstantPool was not created by JVM']
+    "Created: / 21-12-2010 / 19:56:31 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 28-01-2011 / 14:56:54 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+javaConstantPoolObjectFor: aConstantPool
+    ^constantPoolMapping at: aConstantPool ifAbsent:
+        [| javaConstantPoolObject |
+        javaConstantPoolObject := (vm classForName:'sun.reflect.ConstantPool') new.
+        constantPoolMapping at: aConstantPool put: javaConstantPoolObject.
+        constantPoolMapping at: javaConstantPoolObject put: aConstantPool.
+        javaConstantPoolObject]
+    "Created: / 21-12-2010 / 19:54:02 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!JavaVM::Reflection methodsFor:'reflection - methods & ctors'!
+     "given a java.lang.reflect.Constructor, return the corresponding class for it."
+    | jclass |
+    jclass := constructor instVarNamed: #clazz.
+    ^self classForJavaClassObject: jclass.
+    "Created: / 22-08-2012 / 12:23:47 / Jan Vrany <>"
+     "given a real method, return the corresponding java.lang.reflect.Constructor
+      instance for it."
+    | jCtor |
+    javaMethodsPerMethod at:method ifPresent:[:existingCtor|^existingCtor].
+    jCtor := (Java classForName:'java.lang.reflect.Constructor') new.
+    self javaMethodObjectLikeSlotsInto: jCtor forMethod: method.
+    self rememberJavaMethodObject: jCtor for: method.
+    ^ jCtor
+    "Created: / 09-02-2011 / 10:28:12 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 05-12-2011 / 10:02:11 / Jan Vrany <>"
+     "given a real method, return the corresponding java.lang.reflect.Constructor
+      instance for it."
+     | jMethod |
+    javaMethodsPerMethod at:method ifPresent:[:existingCtor|^existingCtor].
+    jMethod := (Java classForName:'java.lang.reflect.Method') new.
+    self javaMethodObjectLikeSlotsInto: jMethod forMethod: method.
+    self rememberJavaMethodObject: jMethod for: method.
+    jMethod
+        instVarNamed: #name       put: (self javaStringObjectForString: (method selector upTo:$() interned: true);
+        instVarNamed: #returnType put: (method descriptor returnClassObject);
+        instVarNamed: #annotationDefault put: (method annotations default bytes);
+        yourself.
+    ^jMethod
+    "Created: / 09-02-2011 / 10:29:46 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 05-12-2011 / 10:02:45 / Jan Vrany <>"
+javaMethodObjectLikeSlotsInto: jMethod forMethod: method
+    "
+       Fill in slots of given instance of java.lang.Method or
+       java.lang.Constructor"
+    | desc |
+    desc := method descriptor.
+    jMethod
+        instVarNamed: #clazz put: (self javaClassObjectForClass: method javaClass);
+        instVarNamed: #slot put: 0;
+        instVarNamed: #modifiers put: method accessFlags;
+        instVarNamed: #parameterTypes
+            put: (self javaClassObjectArrayForClasses: desc parameterClasses);
+        instVarNamed: #exceptionTypes
+            put: (self javaClassObjectArrayForClasses: method javaExceptionTable);
+        instVarNamed: #annotations put: (method annotations runtimeVisible bytes);
+        yourself.
+    method signature notNil ifTrue:[
+        jMethod
+            instVarNamed: #signature
+            put: (self javaStringObjectForString: method signature interned: true)
+    ].
+    ^ jMethod
+    "Created: / 11-02-2011 / 06:44:26 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 04-06-2011 / 17:17:04 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 04-12-2011 / 19:40:00 / Jan Vrany <>"
+     "given a java.lang.reflect.Constructor, return the corresponding method
+      it."
+    | slot |
+    slot := constructor instVarNamed: #slot.
+    ^slot
+"/    ^realMethods at: slot ifAbsent:[self error: 'No ctor found for java ctor object'].
+"/    |class signature|
+"/    class := self classForJavaClassObject:(constructor instVarNamed:#clazz).
+"/    signature := Java as_ST_String:(constructor instVarNamed:#signature).
+"/    class methodsDo:[:mthd|
+"/        mthd signature = signature ifTrue:[
+"/            ^mthd
+"/        ].
+"/    ].
+    "Created: / 09-02-2011 / 10:36:07 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 01-08-2012 / 11:05:55 / Jan Vrany <>"
+     "
+         Given an instance of java.lang.reflect.Method, answers
+         real method associated with it.
+    "
+    | slot |
+    slot := jmethod instVarNamed: #slot.
+    ^slot
+"/    ^realMethods at: slot ifAbsent:[self error: 'No method found for java method object'].
+"/    |class name signature |
+"/    class := self classForJavaClassObject:(aJavaMethodObject instVarNamed:#clazz).
+"/    name := Java as_ST_String:(aJavaMethodObject instVarNamed:#name).
+"/    signature := Java as_ST_String:(aJavaMethodObject instVarNamed:#signature).
+"/    class methodsDo:[:mthd|
+"/        (mthd name = name and:[mthd signature = signature]) ifTrue:[
+"/            ^mthd
+"/        ]
+"/    ].
+"/    self assert: false description: 'No such method, malformed java.lang.reflect.Method object?'.
+"/    ^nil.
+    "Created: / 09-02-2011 / 10:32:14 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 01-08-2012 / 11:19:07 / Jan Vrany <>"
+rememberJavaMethodObject: jmethod for: method
+    javaMethodsPerMethod at: method put: jmethod.
+    realMethods add: method.
+    jmethod instVarNamed: #slot put: realMethods size.
+    "Created: / 05-12-2011 / 10:00:36 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!JavaVM::Reflection methodsFor:'reflection - other'!
+    ^ self javaStringObjectForString: string interned: false
+    "Created: / 09-02-2011 / 10:34:57 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+javaStringObjectForString:string interned:intern
+    | s |
+    s := Java as_String: string.
+    ^intern ifTrue:[Java intern: s] ifFalse:[s]
+    "Modified: / 22-11-2010 / 17:57:43 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Created: / 09-02-2011 / 10:34:29 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+! !
+!JavaVM class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+    ^ '$Id$'
+    ^ '§Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libjava/,v 1.186 2011/08/22 14:49:28 vrany Exp §'
+    ^ '$Id$'
+! !
+JavaVM initialize!