changeset 1541 75c2e24dea9a
parent 1540 92ac284961c1
child 1542 be11db817bcf
--- a/tests/libjava-mauve/src/gnu/testlet/java/net/URL/URLTest.java	Fri Jul 20 21:39:51 2012 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,709 +0,0 @@
-// Tags: JDK1.0
-// Uses: MyURLStreamHandler
-   Copyright (C) 1999 Hewlett-Packard Company
-   This file is part of Mauve.
-   Mauve is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-   any later version.
-   Mauve is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-   GNU General Public License for more details.
-   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-   along with Mauve; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
-   the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
-   Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-package gnu.testlet.java.net.URL;
-import gnu.testlet.Testlet;
-import gnu.testlet.TestHarness;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.net.*;
-public class URLTest implements Testlet
-  protected static TestHarness harness;
-	public void test_Basics()
-	{
-		boolean ok;
-		// see whether malformed exception is thrown or not.
-		harness.checkPoint("Constructors");
-		ok = false;
-		try {
-			URL url = new URL("hithleksjf" );
-		}
-		catch ( MalformedURLException e ){
-			ok = true;
-			harness.check(true);
-		}
-		harness.check(ok, "Error in test_Basics - 1 " + 
-			" should have raised malformed URL exception here");
-		ok = false;
-		try {
-			URL url = new URL("http://////://" );
-			ok = true;
-		}
-		catch ( MalformedURLException e ){
-		}
-		harness.check(ok, "Error in test_Basics  - 2 " + 
-			" should not have raised malformed URL exception here");
-		ok = false;
-		try {
-			URL url = new URL("http://sources.redhat.com/index.html" );
-			ok = true;
-		}
-		catch ( MalformedURLException e ){
-		}
-		harness.check(ok, "Error in test_Basics  - 3 " +
-			" should not have raised malformed URL exception here");
-		ok = false;
-		try {
-			URL url = new URL((String) null);
-		}
-		catch (MalformedURLException e) {
-			ok = true;
-		}
-		harness.check(ok, "Error in test_Basics  - 4 " +
-			" should have raised malformed URL exception here");
-		// URL with individual arguments.
-		harness.checkPoint("get Methods");
-		try {
-			URL baseurl = new URL("http://sources.redhat.com/");
-			URL url = new URL ( baseurl, "index.html");
-			url.hashCode();
-			baseurl.hashCode();
-			URL.setURLStreamHandlerFactory( null );
-			URL.setURLStreamHandlerFactory( null );
-			harness.check (url.getProtocol(), "http");
-			harness.check (url.getPort(), -1);
-			harness.check (url.getHost(), "sources.redhat.com");
-			harness.check (url.getFile(), "/index.html");
-			harness.check (url.equals(new URL("http://sources.redhat.com/index.html")));
-			harness.check (url.hashCode() != 0);
-		}
-		catch ( MalformedURLException e ){
-				harness.fail(" Error in test_Basics  - 9 " + 
-					" exception should not be thrown here");
-		}
-		try {
-			URL url = new URL ( "http", "sources.redhat.com", "/index.html");
-			harness.check (url.getProtocol(), "http");
-			harness.check (url.getPort(), -1);
-			harness.check (url.getHost(), "sources.redhat.com");
-			harness.check (url.getFile(), "/index.html");
-			harness.check (url.equals(new URL("http://sources.redhat.com/index.html")));
-			URL url1 = new URL ( "http", "sources.redhat.com", 80,  "/index.html");
-			harness.check (url1.getPort(), 80);
-			harness.check(url.equals(url1));
-			harness.check(url1.toExternalForm(),
-					"http://sources.redhat.com:80/index.html");
-		}
-		catch ( MalformedURLException e ){
-				harness.fail(" Error in test_Basics  - 16 " + 
-					" exception should not be thrown here");
-		}
-		try {
-			URL url = new URL ( "http://sources.redhat.com:80/mauve/testarea/index.html");
-			harness.check (url.getProtocol(), "http");
-			harness.check (url.getPort(), 80);
-			harness.check (url.getHost(), "sources.redhat.com");
-			harness.check (url.getFile(), "/mauve/testarea/index.html");
-		}
-		catch ( MalformedURLException e ){
-				harness.fail(" Error in test_Basics  - 21 " + 
-					" exception should not be thrown here");
-		}
-                try {
-                        URL u1 = new URL("http://foo@some.nice.place/bar/");
-                        URL u2 = new URL("http://some.nice.place/bar/");
-                        URL u3 = new URL(u1, "more/path", null);
-                        harness.check (u1.getUserInfo(), "foo");
-                        harness.check (u2.getUserInfo(), null);
-                        harness.check (u3.getUserInfo(), "foo");
-                        harness.check (u3.getProtocol(), "http");
-                        harness.check (u3.getHost(), "some.nice.place");
-                }
-                catch ( MalformedURLException e ){
-				harness.fail(" Error in test_Basics  - 27 " + 
-                                             " exception should not be thrown here");
-                }
-		try {
-			URL u1 = new URL("http://domain.com");
-			URL u2 = new URL(u1, "/redir?http://domain2.com/index.html");
-			harness.check (u2.getProtocol(), "http");
-			harness.check (u2.getHost(), "domain.com");
-			harness.check (u2.getPath(), "/redir");
-			harness.check (u2.getQuery(), "http://domain2.com/index.html");
-                }
-                catch ( MalformedURLException e ){
-				harness.fail(" Error in test_Basics  - 35 " + 
-                                             " exception should not be thrown here");
-                }
-		harness.checkPoint("Null context handler");
-		try
-		{
-			URL u = new URL(null, "http://sources.redhat.com/");
-			harness.check(true);
-		}
-                catch ( MalformedURLException e ){
-			harness.fail(" Error in test_Basics - null context");
-		}
-		catch (NullPointerException e) {
-			harness.fail(" Error in test_Basics - null context");
-		}
-                harness.checkPoint("Colon in spec");
-                try {
-                    URL cxt = new URL("http://www.foo.bar.com");
-                    URL url = new URL(cxt, "_urn:testing/");
-                    harness.check("http://www.foo.bar.com/_urn:testing/".equals(url.toString()));
-                }
-                catch (Exception e) {
-                    harness.fail(" Error in test_Basics - Colon in spec");
-                }
-	}
-	public void test_openConnection()
-	{
-		harness.checkPoint("openConnection");
-		try {
-			URL url = new URL ( "http://sources.redhat.com/mauve/testarea/index.html");
-			URLConnection conn = url.openConnection();
-			if (conn == null) {
-				harness.fail("openConnection returned null");
-				return;
-			}
-			String headerField = conn.getHeaderField(2);
-			harness.check (headerField != null
-					&& headerField.indexOf("Apache") != -1,
-							"I want my Apache server!");
-			String conttype	= conn.getContentType();
-			harness.check (conttype != null
-					&& conttype.indexOf("text/html") != -1,
-							"Content must be text/html");
-			try {
-				Object obj = url.getContent();
-			} catch (Throwable t) {
-				harness.fail("getContent() threw Exception");
-				harness.debug(t);
-			}
-			harness.check (url.toExternalForm(),
-				"http://sources.redhat.com/mauve/testarea/index.html");
-			harness.check (url.getRef(), null);
-			URL url2 = new URL("http://www.hhp.com/index.html#help");
-			harness.check (url2.getRef(), "help");
-		}catch ( Exception e ){
-				harness.fail(" Error in test_openConnection  - 3 " + 
-					" exception should not be thrown here");
-				harness.debug(e);
-		}		
-	}
-	public void test_openStream()
-	{
-		harness.checkPoint("openStream");
-		try {
-			harness.debug("creating URL");
-			URL url = new URL ( "http://sources.redhat.com/mauve/testarea/index.html");
-			harness.debug("opening stream");
-			java.io.InputStream conn = url.openStream();
-			byte b [] = new byte[256];
-			harness.debug("reding from stream");
-			conn.read(b , 0 , 256 );
-			String str = new String( b ) ;
-			harness.check (str.indexOf("HTML") != -1,
-							"Need some HTML");
-		}catch ( Exception e ){
-			harness.fail(" Error in test_openStream  - 2 " + 
-					" exception should not be thrown here");
-			harness.debug(e);
-		}		
-	}
-	public void test_sameFile()
-	{
-		harness.checkPoint("sameFile");
-		try {
-			URL url = new URL ( "http://sources.redhat.com/mauve/testarea/index.html");
-			URL url1 = new URL ( "http://sources.redhat.com/mauve/testarea/index.html");
-			harness.check (url.sameFile(url1));
-			URL url2 = new URL ( "http://sources.redhat.com:80/mauve/testarea/index.html");
-			harness.check (url.sameFile(url2));
-		}catch ( Exception e ){
-			harness.fail(" Error in test_sameFile  - 3 " + 
-					" exception should not be thrown here");
-		}
-	}
-	public void test_toString()
-	{
-		harness.checkPoint("toString");
-		try {
-			URL url = new URL ( "http://sources.redhat.com/index.html");
-			String str = url.toString();
-			URL url1 = new URL ( "http://sources.redhat.com:80/mauve/testarea/index.html");
-			String str1 = url1.toString();
-			URL url2 = new URL ( "");
-			String str2 = url2.toString();
-			harness.check (str, "http://sources.redhat.com/index.html");
-			harness.check (str1, "http://sources.redhat.com:80/mauve/testarea/index.html");
-			harness.check (str2, "");
-			URL url3 = new URL( "ftp" , "sources.redhat.com" , 21 , "/dir/dir1.lst");
-			String str3 = url3.toString( );
-			harness.check (str3, "ftp://sources.redhat.com:21/dir/dir1.lst");
-		}catch ( Exception e ){
-			harness.debug(e);
-			harness.fail(" Error in test_toString  - 5 " + 
-					" exception should not be thrown here");
-		}		
-	}
-	public void test_URLStreamHandler()
-	{
-		harness.checkPoint("URLStreamHandler");
-		try {
-		  URL url = new URL ( "http://sources.redhat.com/index.html");
-		// test URLStreamHandler
- 		MyURLStreamHandler sh = new MyURLStreamHandler();
- 		sh.invoke_setURL(url, "http", "sources.redhat.com", 80, "/index.html", "#ref");
-		harness.check(true);
- 		sh.invoke_parseURL(url, "http://sources.redhat.com/index.html", 0, 20);
-		harness.check(true);
-		}catch ( MalformedURLException e ){
-			harness.fail(" Error in test_URLStreamHandler  - 1 " + 
-					" exception should not be thrown here");
-		}
-		harness.checkPoint("inherit URLStreamHandler");
-		try {
-		    URL base = new URL("acme",
-				       "www.redhat.com",
-				       80,
-				       "/docs/",
-				       new MyURLStreamHandler());
-		    URL other = new URL(base, "manuals/enterprise/");
-		    harness.check(other.toString(),
-		    		"acme://www.redhat.com:80/docs/manuals/enterprise/");
-		} catch (IOException _) {
-			harness.check(false);
-			harness.debug(_);
-		}
-		harness.checkPoint("jar base with full http spec");
-		try {
-		    URL base = new URL("jar:file:///test.jar!/foo/bar.txt");
-		    URL other = new URL(base, "http://planet.classpath.org/");
-		    harness.check(other.toString(),
-		    		"http://planet.classpath.org/");
-		} catch (IOException _) {
-			harness.check(false);
-			harness.debug(_);
-		}
-	}
-        public void test_cr601a() {
-            String[][] s = {
-                // tests 0..3
-                {"file:////c:/pub/files/foobar.txt",
-                 "file:////c:/pub/files/foobar.txt",
-                 "",
-                 "//c:/pub/files/foobar.txt"},
-                // tests 4..7
-                {"file:///c:/pub/files/foobar.txt",
-                 "file:/c:/pub/files/foobar.txt",
-                 "",
-                 "/c:/pub/files/foobar.txt"},
-                // tests 8..11
-                {"file://hpjavaux/c:/pub/files/foobar.txt",
-                 "file://hpjavaux/c:/pub/files/foobar.txt",
-                 "hpjavaux",
-                 "/c:/pub/files/foobar.txt"},
-                // tests 12..15
-                {"file://c:/pub/files/foobar.txt",
-                 "file://c:/pub/files/foobar.txt",
-                 "c",
-                 "/pub/files/foobar.txt"},
-                // tests 16..19
-                {"file:/c:/pub/files/foobar.txt",
-                 "file:/c:/pub/files/foobar.txt",
-                 "",
-                 "/c:/pub/files/foobar.txt"},
-                // tests 20..23
-                {"file:c:/pub/files/foobar.txt",
-                 "file:c:/pub/files/foobar.txt",
-                 "",
-                 "c:/pub/files/foobar.txt"},
-                // tests 24..27
-                {"file:////hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt",
-                 "file:////hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt",
-                 "",
-                 "//hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt"},
-                // tests 28..31
-                {"file:///hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt",
-                 "file:/hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt",
-                 "",
-                 "/hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt"},
-                // tests 32..35
-                {"file://hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt",
-                 "file://hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt",
-                 "hpjavant",
-                 "/bgee/foobar.txt"},
-                // tests 36..39
-                {"file:/hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt",
-                 "file:/hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt",
-                 "",
-                 "/hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt"},
-                // tests 40..43
-                {"file://hpjavaux//hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt",
-                 "file://hpjavaux//hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt",
-                 "hpjavaux",
-                 "//hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt"},
-                // tests 44..47
-                {"file://hpjavaux/bgee/foobar.txt",
-                 "file://hpjavaux/bgee/foobar.txt",
-                 "hpjavaux",
-                 "/bgee/foobar.txt"},
-                // tests 48..51
-                {"file://hpjavaux/c:/pubs/files/foobar.txt",
-                 "file://hpjavaux/c:/pubs/files/foobar.txt",
-                 "hpjavaux",
-                 "/c:/pubs/files/foobar.txt"},
-                // tests 52..55
-                {"file://bg710571//hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt",
-                 "file://bg710571//hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt",
-                 "bg710571",
-                 "//hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt"},
-                // tests 56..59
-                {"file://bg710571/bgee/foobar.txt",
-                 "file://bg710571/bgee/foobar.txt",
-                 "bg710571",
-                 "/bgee/foobar.txt"},
-                // tests 60..63
-                {"file://bg710571/c:/pubs/files/foobar.txt",
-                 "file://bg710571/c:/pubs/files/foobar.txt",
-                 "bg710571",
-                 "/c:/pubs/files/foobar.txt"},
-            };
-            harness.checkPoint("new URL(string)");
-            for (int i = 0; i < s.length; ++i) {
-               try {
-                    URL url = new URL(s[i][0]);
-                    harness.check(url.toExternalForm(), s[i][1]);
-                    harness.check(url.getHost(), s[i][2]);
-                    harness.check(url.getFile(), s[i][3]);
-                }
-                catch (Throwable e) {
-                    harness.fail("Should not have thrown exception");
-		    e.printStackTrace(System.out);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        public void test_cr601b() {
-            String[][] s = {
-                // tests 0..3
-                {"////", "c:/pub/files/foobar.txt",
-                 "file://////c:/pub/files/foobar.txt",
-                 "////",
-                 "c:/pub/files/foobar.txt"},
-                 // tests 4..7
-                {"///", "c:/pub/files/foobar.txt",
-                 "file://///c:/pub/files/foobar.txt",
-                 "///",
-                 "c:/pub/files/foobar.txt"},
-                 // tests 8..11
-                {"//", "c:/pub/files/foobar.txt",
-                 "file:////c:/pub/files/foobar.txt",
-                 "//",
-                 "c:/pub/files/foobar.txt"},
-                 // tests 12..15
-                {"/", "c:/pub/files/foobar.txt",
-                 "file:///c:/pub/files/foobar.txt",
-                 "/",
-                 "c:/pub/files/foobar.txt"},
-                 // tests 16..19
-                {"", "c:/pub/files/foobar.txt",
-                 "file:c:/pub/files/foobar.txt",
-                 "",
-                 "c:/pub/files/foobar.txt"},
-                 // tests 20..23
-                {"hpjavaux", "c:/pub/files/foobar.txt",
-                 "file://hpjavauxc:/pub/files/foobar.txt",
-                 "hpjavaux",
-                 "c:/pub/files/foobar.txt"},
-                 // tests 24..27
-                {null, "c:/pub/files/foobar.txt",
-                 "file:c:/pub/files/foobar.txt",
-                 null,
-                 "c:/pub/files/foobar.txt"},
-                 // tests 28..31
-                {"////", "//hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt",
-                 "file:////////hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt",
-                 "////",
-                 "//hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt"},
-                 // tests 32..35
-                {"///", "//hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt",
-                 "file:///////hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt",
-                 "///",
-                 "//hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt"},
-                 // tests 36..39
-                {"//", "//hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt",
-                 "file://////hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt",
-                 "//",
-                 "//hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt"},
-                 // tests 40..43
-                {"/", "//hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt",
-                 "file://///hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt",
-                 "/",
-                 "//hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt"},
-                 // tests 44..47
-                {"", "//hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt",
-                 "file:////hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt",
-                 "",
-                 "//hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt"},
-                 // tests 48..51
-                {"hpjavaux", "//hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt",
-                 "file://hpjavaux//hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt",
-                 "hpjavaux",
-                 "//hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt"},
-                 // tests 52..55
-                {null, "//hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt",
-                 "file:////hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt",
-                 null,
-                 "//hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt"},
-                 // tests 56..59
-                {"hpjavant", "/bgee/foobar.txt",
-                 "file://hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt",
-                 "hpjavant",
-                 "/bgee/foobar.txt"},
-                 // tests 60..63
-                {"hpjavant", "/home/bgee/foobar.txt",
-                 "file://hpjavant/home/bgee/foobar.txt",
-                 "hpjavant",
-                 "/home/bgee/foobar.txt"},
-                 // tests 64..67
-                {"hpjavaux", "/home/bgee/foobar.txt",
-                 "file://hpjavaux/home/bgee/foobar.txt",
-                 "hpjavaux",
-                 "/home/bgee/foobar.txt"},
-		 // 68..71
-		{"hpjavaux", "c:\\foobar.txt",
-		 "file://hpjavauxc:\\foobar.txt",
-		 "hpjavaux",
-		 "c:\\foobar.txt"},
-	    };
-            harness.checkPoint("new URL(protocol, host, file)");
-            for (int i = 0; i < s.length; ++i) {
-               try {
-                    URL url = new URL("file", s[i][0], s[i][1]);
-                    harness.check(url.toExternalForm(), s[i][2]);
-                    harness.check(url.getHost(), s[i][3]);
-                    harness.check(url.getFile(), s[i][4]);
-                    harness.check(true);
-                }
-                catch (NullPointerException e) {
-                    if ((i != 6) && (i != 13)) {
-			harness.fail("Should not have thrown NullPointerException");
-			e.printStackTrace(System.out);
-                    }
-                }
-                catch (Throwable e) {
-		    harness.fail("Should not have thrown exception");
-		    e.printStackTrace(System.out);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        public void test_authority()
-        {
-	    String[][] s = {
-		{ "http://sources.redhat.com/",
-		  "sources.redhat.com"
-		},
-		{ "http://user:passwd@sources.redhat.com/",
-		  "user:passwd@sources.redhat.com"
-		},
-		{ "http://sources.redhat.com:90/",
-		  "sources.redhat.com:90"
-		}
-	    };
-	    harness.checkPoint("Check for authority support");
-	    for (int i = 0; i < s.length; i++)
-	      {
-		try {
-		  URL url = new URL(s[i][0]);
-		  harness.check(url.getAuthority(), s[i][1]);
-		}
-		catch (Throwable t)
-		  {
-		    harness.fail("Should not have thrown exception");
-		    t.printStackTrace(System.out);
-		  }
-	      }
-	}
-    public void test_contextResolution() {
-	harness.checkPoint("contextResolution");
-	try {
-	    String[][] testData = new String[][] {
-		{"file://www.example.com/foo/bar.txt",
-		 "../test.txt",
-		 "file://www.example.com/test.txt"
-		},
-		{"file://www.example.com/foo/bar.txt",
-		 "./test.txt",
-		 "file://www.example.com/foo/test.txt"
-		},
-		{"http://www.example.com/foo/bar.txt",
-		 "../test.txt",
-		 "http://www.example.com/test.txt"
-		},
-		{"http://www.example.com/foo/bar.txt",
-		 "./test.txt",
-		 "http://www.example.com/foo/test.txt"
-		},
-		{"jar:file://www.example.com/test.jar!/foo/bar.txt",
-		 "../test.txt",
-		 "jar:file://www.example.com/test.jar!/test.txt"
-		},
-		{"jar:file://www.example.com/test.jar!/foo/bar.txt",
-		 "./test.txt",
-		 "jar:file://www.example.com/test.jar!/foo/test.txt"
-		},
-	    };
-	    for (int count = 0; count < testData.length; count++) {
-		URL base = new URL(testData[count][0]);
-		String relative = testData[count][1];
-		URL resolved = new URL(base, relative);
-		harness.check(resolved.toString(), testData[count][2]);
-	    }
-	}
-	catch (Exception e) {
-	    harness.debug(e);
-	    harness.fail("Should not have thrown exception");
-	}
-    }
-	public void testall()
-	{
-		harness.debug("Running: test_Basics");
-		test_Basics();
-		harness.debug("Running: test_openConnection");
-		test_openConnection();
-		harness.debug("Running: test_openStream");
-		test_openStream();
-		harness.debug("Running: test_sameFile");
-		test_sameFile();
-		harness.debug("Running: test_toString");
-		test_toString();
-		harness.debug("Running: test_URLStreamHandler");
-		test_URLStreamHandler();
-		harness.debug("Running: cr601a");
-                test_cr601a();
-		harness.debug("Running: cr601b");
-                test_cr601b();
-		harness.debug("Running: authority");
-		test_authority();
-		harness.debug("Running: test_contextResolution");
-		test_contextResolution();
-	}
-  public void test (TestHarness the_harness)
-  {
-    harness = the_harness;
-    testall ();
-  }