changeset 1541 75c2e24dea9a
parent 1540 92ac284961c1
child 1542 be11db817bcf
--- a/tests/libjava-mauve/src/gnu/testlet/java/util/BitSet/AcuniaBitSetTest.java	Fri Jul 20 21:39:51 2012 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,428 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (C) 2001 ACUNIA
-   This file is part of Mauve.
-   Mauve is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-   any later version.
-   Mauve is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-   GNU General Public License for more details.
-   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-   along with Mauve; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
-   the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
-   Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-// Tags: JDK1.2
-package gnu.testlet.java.util.BitSet;
-import gnu.testlet.Testlet;
-import gnu.testlet.TestHarness;
-import java.util.*;
-*  Written by ACUNIA.	<br>
-*  <br>
-*  this file contains test for java.util.BitSet <br>
-public class AcuniaBitSetTest implements Testlet
-  protected TestHarness th;
-  public void test (TestHarness harness)
-    {
-       th = harness;
-       test_BitSet();
-       test_clone();
-       test_equals();
-       test_hashCode();
-       test_toString();
-       test_and();
-       test_andNot();
-       test_clear();
-       test_get();
-       test_or();
-       test_set();
-       test_xor();
-       test_length();
-     }
-* implemented.
-  public void test_BitSet(){
-    th.checkPoint("BitSet()");
-    BitSet bs = new BitSet();
-    boolean ok = true;
-    for (int i=0; i < 64 ; i++)
-    { if (bs.get(i) ) ok =false; }
-    th.check(ok ,"all bits should be 0 -- got:"+bs);
-    th.checkPoint("BitSet(int)");
-    bs = new BitSet(1);
-    ok = true;
-    for (int i=0; i < 64 ; i++)
-    { if (bs.get(i) ) ok =false; }
-    th.check(ok ,"all bits should be 0 -- got:"+bs);
-    try { new BitSet(-1);
-    	  th.fail("should throw NegativeArraySizeException");
-    	}
-    catch(NegativeArraySizeException ne) {th.check(true); }
-  }
-* implemented.
-  public void test_clone(){
-    th.checkPoint("clone()java.lang.Object");
-    BitSet bs = new BitSet(3);
-    int i;
-    for (i = 0; i < 64 ; i= i+2) { bs.set(i); }
-    BitSet bsc = (BitSet) bs.clone();
-    boolean ok = true;
-    for (i = 0; i < 64 ; i++)
-    { if (bsc.get(i) !=  (((i % 2) == 0) ? true : false )) ok = false ;}
-    th.check( ok , "all bits should be set" );
-    bs = new BitSet(0);
-    bsc = (BitSet) bs.clone();
-    bs.set(4);
-    th.check( bsc.get(4) == false , "changes in the original don't affect the clone");
-  }
-* implemented.
-  public void test_equals(){
-    th.checkPoint("equals(java.lang.Object)boolean");
-    BitSet bs = new BitSet(35);
-    int i;
-    for (i = 0; i < 64 ; i= i+2) { bs.set(i); }
-    th.check( ! bs.equals(null) , "returns false if compared to null" );
-    th.check( ! bs.equals("dsf") , "returns false if compared to another Object" );
-    Vector v = new Vector();
-    for (i = 0; i < 64 ; i= i+2) { v.add(new Integer(1)); v.add(new Integer(0));}
-    th.check( ! bs.equals(v) , "returns false if compared to a vector" );
-    BitSet bsc = (BitSet) bs.clone();
-    th.check(bsc.equals(bs) , "a BitSet equals his clone");
-    bs.set(1);
-    th.check(! bsc.equals(bs) , "one different bit ==> not equal");
-    bs.clear(1);
-    bsc.clear(100);
-    th.check(bsc.equals(bs) , "different size still can be equal -- 1");
-    th.check(bs.equals(bsc) , "different size still can be equal -- 2");
-    bsc.set(127);
-    th.check(!bsc.equals(bs) , "different size don't have to be equal -- 1");
-    th.check(!bs.equals(bsc) , "different size don't have to be equal -- 2");
-  }
-* implemented.	<br>
-* the hashCode is only depending on the bits set in the BitSet. <br>
-* this means that two equal bitSets (with different size) still have the same <br>
-* hashcode
-  public void test_hashCode(){
-    th.checkPoint("hashCode()int");
-    BitSet bs = new BitSet(34);
-    th.check(bs.hashCode() == 1234 , "checking hashCode for empty BitSet size 64");
-    bs = new BitSet(0);
-    th.check(bs.hashCode() == 1234 , "checking hashCode for empty BitSet size 0");
-    int i;
-    for (i=0 ; i < 8 ; i++) {bs.set(i);}
-    th.check(bs.hashCode() == 1069 , "checking hashCode for  BitSet  FF");
-  }
-* implemented.
-  public void test_toString(){
-    th.checkPoint("toString()java.lang.String");
-    BitSet bs = new BitSet();
-    th.check( "{}".equals(bs.toString()) , "check empty BitSet");
-    bs.set(1);
-    th.check( "{1}".equals(bs.toString()) , "check BitSet string representation -- 1");
-    bs.set(60);
-    th.check( "{1, 60}".equals(bs.toString()) , "check BitSet string representation -- 1");
-    bs.set(15);
-    th.check( "{1, 15, 60}".equals(bs.toString()) , "check BitSet string representation -- 1");
-  }
-* implemented.
-  public void test_and(){
-    th.checkPoint("and(java.util.BitSet)void");
-    BitSet bs1 = new BitSet();
-    BitSet bs2 = new BitSet();
-    int i;
-    for (i=0 ; i < 64 ; i++ ) { bs2.set(i); }
-    try { bs1.and(null);
-    	  th.fail("Should throw a NullPointerException");
-        }
-    catch( NullPointerException ne) { th.check(true); }
-    bs2.and(bs1);
-    th.check( bs1.equals(bs2) , "all ones anded to zeros give zeros");
-    bs1.set(1); bs2.set(1);
-    bs1.and(bs2);
-    th.check( bs1.get(1) && bs2.equals(bs1), "checking and -- 1");
-    for (i=0 ; i < 64 ; i++ ) { bs2.set(i); bs1.set(i);}
-    for (i=64 ; i < 128 ; i++ ) { bs2.set(i); }
-    bs1.clear(2); bs1.clear(20) ;bs1.clear(25); bs1.clear(28);
-    Object o = bs1.clone();
-    bs1.and(bs2);
-    th.check(bs1.equals(o) , "extra bits from bs2 are unused");
-    bs2.and(bs1);
-    th.check(bs1.equals(bs2) , "extra bits in bs2 are cleared");    	
-  }
-* implemented.	<br>
-* --> since JDK 1.2
-  public void test_andNot(){
-    th.checkPoint("andNot(java.util.BitSet)void");
-    BitSet bs1 = new BitSet();
-    BitSet bs2 = new BitSet();
-    int i;
-    for (i=0 ; i < 64 ; i++ ) { bs2.set(i); }
-    try { bs1.and(null);
-    	  th.fail("Should throw a NullPointerException");
-        }
-    catch( NullPointerException ne) { th.check(true); }
-    BitSet bs3 = (BitSet) bs2.clone();
-    bs2.andNot(bs1);
-    th.check( bs3.equals(bs2) , "all ones andnotted to zeros give ones");
-    bs3.andNot(bs2);
-    th.check( !bs3.get(1) && bs3.equals(bs1), "checking andNot -- 1");
-    for (i=0 ; i < 64 ; i++ ) { bs2.set(i); bs1.set(i);}
-    for (i=64 ; i < 128 ; i++ ) { bs2.set(i); }
-    BitSet bs4 = (BitSet)bs2.clone();
-    bs3 = (BitSet)bs1.clone();
-    bs4.xor(bs1);
-    bs1.andNot(bs2);
-    th.check(bs1.equals(new BitSet(64)) , "extra bits from bs2 are unused");
-    bs2.andNot(bs3);
-    th.check(bs4.equals(bs2) , "extra bits in bs2 are not altered");    	
-    bs1.clear(0); bs2.clear(0);
-    bs2.andNot(bs1);
-    th.check(!bs2.get(0) , "checking or -- 1");
-    bs2.set(0);
-    bs2.andNot(bs1);
-    th.check(bs2.get(0) , "checking or -- 2");
-    bs1.set(0);
-    bs2.andNot(bs1);
-    th.check(!bs2.get(0) , "checking or -- 3");
-    bs2.andNot(bs1);
-    th.check(!bs2.get(0) , "checking or -- 4");
-  }
-* implemented.
-  public void test_clear(){
-    th.checkPoint("clear(int)void");
-    BitSet bs = new BitSet();
-    Object o = bs.clone();
-    int i;
-    for (i=0 ; i < 64 ; i++ ) { bs.set(i); bs.clear(i);}
-    th.check(bs.equals(o) , "checking set/clear");
-    bs.set(4);
-    th.check( bs.get(4) ,"make sure the set worked" );
-    bs.clear(4);
-    th.check( !bs.get(4) ,"make sure the clear worked -- 1" );
-    bs.clear(4);
-    th.check( !bs.get(4) ,"make sure the clear worked -- 2" );
-    bs.clear(123);
-    try { bs.clear(-1);
-    	  th.fail("should throw an IndexsOutOfBoundsException");
-        }
-    catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException ie) {th.check(true);}
-    bs = new BitSet(0);
-    try { bs.clear(0);
-          bs.clear(64);
-          bs.clear(128);
-          bs.set(146);
-          bs.clear(146);
-          th.check(true);
-        }
-    catch(Exception e) { th.fail("should not throw an exception");}
-  }
-* implemented.
-  public void test_get(){
-    th.checkPoint("get(int)boolean");
-    BitSet bs = new BitSet();
-    try { bs.get(-1);
-    	  th.fail("should throw an IndexsOutOfBoundsException");
-        }
-    catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException ie) {th.check(true);}
-    th.check(!bs.get(Integer.MAX_VALUE) , "returns false if pos > size");
-    bs.set(3);
-    th.check(bs.get(3) , "returns true if pos is set");
-    bs.clear(3);
-    th.check(!bs.get(3) , "returns false if pos is cleared");
-    th.check(!bs.get(0) , "returns false if pos is cleared/or not set -- 1");
-    th.check(!bs.get(63) , "returns false if pos is cleared/or not set -- 2");
-  }
-* implemented.
-  public void test_or(){
-    th.checkPoint("or(java.util.BitSet)void");
-    BitSet bs1 = new BitSet();
-    BitSet bs2 = new BitSet();
-    int i;
-    for (i=0 ; i < 64 ; i++ ) { bs2.set(i); }
-    try { bs1.or(null);
-    	  th.fail("Should throw a NullPointerException");
-        }
-    catch( NullPointerException ne) { th.check(true); }
-    bs1.or(bs2);
-    th.check( bs1.equals(bs2) , "all ones ored with zeros give ones");
-    for (i=64 ; i < 128 ; i++ ) { bs2.set(i); }
-    BitSet bs3 = new BitSet(3);
-    BitSet bs4 = new BitSet(127);
-    bs3.or(bs2);
-    th.check(!bs1.equals(bs3) , "extra bits from bs2 are used -- got: "+bs3);
-    th.check(bs2.equals(bs3) , "lots of ones ored with nothing gives ones");
-    bs4.or(bs1);
-    th.check(bs4.equals(bs1) , "extra bits in bs4 are left");
-    bs1.clear(0); bs2.clear(0);
-    bs2.or(bs1);
-    th.check(!bs2.get(0) , "checking or -- 1");
-    bs1.set(0);
-    bs2.or(bs1);
-    th.check(bs2.get(0) , "checking or -- 2");
-    bs2.or(bs1);
-    th.check(bs2.get(0) , "checking or -- 3");
-    bs1.clear(0);
-    bs2.or(bs1);
-    th.check(bs2.get(0) , "checking or -- 4");
-  }
-* implemented.	<br>
-* is tested together with clear
-  public void test_set(){
-    th.checkPoint("set(int)void");
-    BitSet bs = new BitSet(3);
-    try { bs.set(-1);
-    	  th.fail("should throw an IndexsOutOfBoundsException");
-        }
-    catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException ie) {th.check(true);}
-    bs = new BitSet(0);
-    bs.set(0);
-    bs.set(23);
-  }
-  public void test_xor(){
-    th.checkPoint("xor(java.util.BitSet)void");
-    BitSet bs1 = new BitSet();
-    BitSet bs2 = new BitSet();
-    int i;
-    for (i=0 ; i < 32 ; i++ ) { bs2.set(i); }
-    try { bs1.xor(null);
-    	  th.fail("Should throw a NullPointerException");
-        }
-    catch( NullPointerException ne) { th.check(true); }
-    bs1.xor(bs2);
-    th.check( bs1.equals(bs2) , "checking global xor");
-    for (i=64 ; i < 128 ; i++ ) { bs1.set(i); }
-    BitSet bs3 = new BitSet(3);
-    bs3.xor(bs1);
-    th.check(!bs2.equals(bs3) , "extra bits from bs1 are used -- got: "+bs3);
-    th.check(bs3.equals(bs1) , "lots of ones xored with nothing gives ones");
-    bs1.xor(bs2);
-    boolean ok=true;
-    for (i=0 ; i < 64 ; i++ ) { if (bs1.get(i)) ok = false; }
-    for (i=64 ; i < 128 ; i++ ) { if (!bs1.get(i)) ok = false; }
-    if (!ok) th.debug("got wrong bitpattern:"+bs1);
-    th.check(ok , "extra bits in bs4 are left");
-    bs1.clear(0); bs2.clear(0);
-    bs2.xor(bs1);
-    th.check(!bs2.get(0) , "checking xor -- 1");
-    bs1.set(0);
-    bs2.xor(bs1);
-    th.check(bs2.get(0) , "checking xor -- 2");
-    bs2.xor(bs1);
-    th.check(!bs2.get(0) , "checking xor -- 3");
-    bs2.xor(bs1);
-    th.check(bs2.get(0) , "checking xor -- 4");
-    bs1.clear(0);
-    bs2.xor(bs1);
-    th.check(bs2.get(0) , "checking xor -- 5");
-  }
-* implemented.	<br>
-* --> since jdk 1.2
-  public void test_length(){
-    th.checkPoint("length()void");
-    BitSet bs = new BitSet(0);
-    th.check(bs.length()==0);
-    bs.clear(100);
-    th.check(bs.length()==0);
-    bs.set(50);	
-    th.check(bs.length()==51);
-    bs.set(120);
-    th.check(bs.length()==121);
-    bs.set(150);
-    th.check(bs.length()==151);
-    bs.set(150);
-    th.check(bs.length()==151);
-    bs.clear(150);
-    th.check(bs.length()==121);
-    bs.clear(120);
-    th.check(bs.length()==51);
-    bs.clear(50);
-    th.check(bs.length()==0);
-  }