changeset 1832 d7201987d0a0
parent 1818 2e5ed72e7dfd
child 1833 e943f214b868
--- a/	Sun Nov 18 15:22:21 2012 +0000
+++ b/	Sun Nov 18 17:09:25 2012 +0000
@@ -65,13 +65,14 @@
     "Created: / 30-03-2012 / 13:38:08 / Jan Vrany <>"
 ! !
 !JavaExceptionTests methodsFor:'callbacks'!
-call: trhower with: aBoolean
-    aBoolean ifTrue:[signal raise].
+call: trhower with: aBoolean 
+    aBoolean ifTrue: [ signal raise ].
     "Created: / 03-04-2012 / 17:33:00 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 18-11-2012 / 18:04:47 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
 throw_me: aBoolean
@@ -150,26 +151,24 @@
-    Scenario (method activation stack, last called at bottom)
+     Scenario (method activation stack, last called at bottom)
         1) ST method, handles IllegalArgumentException
-        2) Java method, does not IllegalArgumentException.
-    "
-    | thrower caught |
+        2) Java method, does not IllegalArgumentException."
+    | thrower  caught |
     thrower := JAVA stx libjava tests lang ExceptionTests new.
-    [ 
-        thrower throw_me: false.
+    [
+        self halt. thrower throw_me: false.
         caught := false.
-    ] on: JAVA java lang IllegalArgumentException do: [:ex|
-        caught := true.
-    ].
+    ] on: JAVA java lang IllegalArgumentException do: [:ex | caught := true. ].
     self assert: caught == false.
-    self assert: (JavaVM enteredMonitorsOfProcess: Processor activeProcess) isEmptyOrNil.
-    self assert: (JavaVM acquiredMonitorsOfProcess: Processor activeProcess) isEmptyOrNil.
+    self assert: (JavaVM enteredMonitorsOfProcess: Processor activeProcess) 
+                isEmptyOrNil.
+    self assert: (JavaVM acquiredMonitorsOfProcess: Processor activeProcess) 
+                isEmptyOrNil.
     "Created: / 18-03-2012 / 21:49:09 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 18-11-2012 / 18:05:51 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
@@ -250,53 +249,50 @@
-    Scenario (method activation stack, last called at bottom)
+     Scenario (method activation stack, last called at bottom)
         1) ST method, handles IllegalArgumentException
         2) Java method with finally
-        3) Java method, throws IllegalArgumentException.
-    "
-    | thrower caught |
+        3) Java method, throws IllegalArgumentException."
+    | thrower  caught |
     thrower := JAVA stx libjava tests lang ExceptionTests new.
-    [ 
+    [
         thrower test_03: true.
         caught := false.
-    ] on: JAVA java lang IllegalArgumentException do: [:ex|
-        caught := true.
-    ].
+    ] on: JAVA java lang IllegalArgumentException do: [:ex | caught := true. ].
     self assert: caught == true.
     self assert: (thrower instVarNamed: #token) == 3.
-    self assert: (JavaVM enteredMonitorsOfProcess: Processor activeProcess) isEmptyOrNil.
-    self assert: (JavaVM acquiredMonitorsOfProcess: Processor activeProcess) isEmptyOrNil.
+    self assert: (JavaVM enteredMonitorsOfProcess: Processor activeProcess) 
+                isEmptyOrNil.
+    self assert: (JavaVM acquiredMonitorsOfProcess: Processor activeProcess) 
+                isEmptyOrNil.
     "Created: / 03-04-2012 / 15:39:08 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified (comment): / 18-11-2012 / 16:50:50 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
-    Scenario (method activation stack, last called at bottom)
+     Scenario (method activation stack, last called at bottom)
         1) ST method, handles 'signal'
         2) Java method with finally
-        3) Smalltak method, throws 'signal'
-    "
-    | thrower caught |
+        3) Smalltak method, throws 'signal'"
+    | thrower  caught |
     thrower := JAVA stx libjava tests lang ExceptionTests new.
-    [ 
+    [
         thrower test_04: self with: true.
-        caught := false.        
-    ] on: signal do: [:ex|
-        caught := true.
-    ].
+        caught := false.
+    ] on: signal do: [:ex | caught := true. ].
     self assert: caught == true.
     self assert: (thrower instVarNamed: #token) == 3.
-    self assert: (JavaVM enteredMonitorsOfProcess: Processor activeProcess) isEmptyOrNil.
-    self assert: (JavaVM acquiredMonitorsOfProcess: Processor activeProcess) isEmptyOrNil.
+    self assert: (JavaVM enteredMonitorsOfProcess: Processor activeProcess) 
+                isEmptyOrNil.
+    self assert: (JavaVM acquiredMonitorsOfProcess: Processor activeProcess) 
+                isEmptyOrNil.
     "Created: / 03-04-2012 / 17:30:10 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 18-11-2012 / 18:04:42 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
 ! !
 !JavaExceptionTests class methodsFor:'documentation'!