changeset 1832 d7201987d0a0
parent 1818 2e5ed72e7dfd
child 1833 e943f214b868
--- a/	Sun Nov 18 15:22:21 2012 +0000
+++ b/	Sun Nov 18 17:09:25 2012 +0000
@@ -306,71 +306,78 @@
 !JavaLookup::Smalltalk2Java methodsFor:'lookup'!
-lookupMethodForSelector:selector directedTo:initialSearchClass for:receiver withArguments:argArrayOrNil from:sendingContext ilc: ilc
+lookupMethodForSelector: selector directedTo: initialSearchClass for: receiver withArguments: argArrayOrNil from: sendingContext ilc: ilc 
-    As a courtesy to a Smalltalker, try to map smalltalk selectors to a java ones.
-    Returns JavaMethodDescriptor or nil.
-    "
-    | name nameSizePlusOne candidates finder static cls m |
+     As a courtesy to a Smalltalker, try to map smalltalk selectors to a java ones.
+     Returns JavaMethodDescriptor or nil."
+    | name  nameSizePlusOne  candidates  finder  static  cls  m |
+    self halt.
     name := selector upTo: $:.
     nameSizePlusOne := name size + 1.
     static := receiver isBehavior.
     candidates := OrderedCollection new.
-    finder := [:cls|
-        cls methodDictionary keysAndValuesDo:[:sel :mthd|
-            "candidates may contain a method with same selector ->
-             do not add super-class's method"
-            (candidates contains:[:each|each selector == sel]) ifFalse:[
-                (mthd mclass ~~ ProxyMethod
-                    and:[((sel size >= nameSizePlusOne) and:[(sel at: nameSizePlusOne) == $( and:[(sel startsWith: name)]])
-                        and:[mthd descriptor numArgs == argArrayOrNil size]]) ifTrue:[
-                            candidates add: mthd
-                        ]
+    finder := [
+        :cls | 
+        cls methodDictionary 
+            keysAndValuesDo: [
+                :sel :mthd | 
+                "candidates may contain a method with same selector ->
+                 do not add super-class's method"
+                (candidates contains: [:each | each selector == sel ]) ifFalse: [
+                    (mthd mclass ~~ ProxyMethod 
+                        and: [
+                            ((sel size >= nameSizePlusOne) 
+                                and: [ (sel at: nameSizePlusOne) == $( and: [ (sel startsWith: name) ] ]) 
+                                    and: [ mthd descriptor numArgs == argArrayOrNil size ]
+                        ]) 
+                            ifTrue: [ candidates add: mthd ]
+                ]
-        ]
-    "Search class for method candidates"
+     "Search class for method candidates"
     cls := initialSearchClass theNonMetaclass.
-    static ifTrue:[
-        finder value: cls
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        [ cls notNil and:[cls ~~ JavaObject] ] whileTrue:[
+    static ifTrue: [ finder value: cls ] ifFalse: [
+        [ cls notNil and: [ cls ~~ JavaObject ] ] whileTrue: [
             finder value: cls.
             cls := cls superclass.
-        ]     
-    ].
-    candidates notEmpty ifTrue:[
-        m := self compileProxyWithSelector: selector in: receiver class calling: candidates.
-        ilc notNil ifTrue:[ilc bindTo: m forClass: receiver class].
-        "Install the proxy"
-        self addSelector: selector withMethod: m toClass: receiver class.
-        ^m.
-    ].
-    "Hmm, hmm, maybe a public field?"
-    (argArrayOrNil size < 2) ifTrue:[
-        | field |
-        field := initialSearchClass theNonMetaclass
-                    lookupFieldFor: name
-                    static: initialSearchClass isMetaclass
-                    onlyPublic: true.
-        field notNil ifTrue:[
-            m := self compileProxyWithSelector: selector in: receiver class accessing: field.
-            ilc notNil ifTrue:[ilc bindTo: m forClass: receiver class].
-            "Install the proxy"
-            self addSelector: selector withMethod: m toClass: receiver class.
-            ^m.
-    ^nil
+    candidates notEmpty ifTrue: [
+        m := self 
+                compileProxyWithSelector: selector
+                in: receiver class
+                calling: candidates.
+        ilc notNil ifTrue: [ ilc bindTo: m forClass: receiver class ].
+         "Install the proxy"
+        self 
+            addSelector: selector
+            withMethod: m
+            toClass: receiver class.
+        ^ m.
+    ].
+     "Hmm, hmm, maybe a public field?"
+    (argArrayOrNil size < 2) ifTrue: [
+        | field |
+        field := initialSearchClass theNonMetaclass 
+                lookupFieldFor: name
+                static: initialSearchClass isMetaclass
+                onlyPublic: true.
+        field notNil ifTrue: [
+            m := self 
+                    compileProxyWithSelector: selector
+                    in: receiver class
+                    accessing: field.
+            ilc notNil ifTrue: [ ilc bindTo: m forClass: receiver class ].
+             "Install the proxy"
+            self 
+                addSelector: selector
+                withMethod: m
+                toClass: receiver class.
+            ^ m.
+        ]
+    ].
+    ^ nil
     "Created: / 21-02-2011 / 13:38:55 / kursjan <>"
     "Modified: / 29-08-2011 / 20:38:21 / kursjan"
@@ -380,6 +387,7 @@
     "Modified: / 01-01-2012 / 19:58:59 / kursjan <>"
     "Modified (comment): / 02-01-2012 / 10:35:25 / kursjan <>"
     "Modified: / 17-03-2012 / 17:22:33 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 18-11-2012 / 18:08:39 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
 ! !
 !JavaLookup::Smalltalk2Java methodsFor:'lookup (old)'!