author cg
Wed, 14 Jul 1999 16:32:27 +0000
changeset 581 124338be273b
parent 570 ebcfa3ec6d5d
child 582 0796f6db7c14
permissions -rw-r--r--
checkin from browser

 COPYRIGHT (c) 1997 by eXept Software AG
              All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.

Class subclass:#JavaClass
	instanceVariableNames:'constantPool interfaces accessFlags classLoader fullName
		sourceFile binaryFilePath fields initValues staticFields'
	classVariableNames:'InitialValuePerType A_OBSOLETE A_INTERFACE A_PUBLIC A_FINAL
		ArgumentConversionErrorSignal OrderOfClassInits'

!JavaClass class methodsFor:'documentation'!

 COPYRIGHT (c) 1997 by eXept Software AG
              All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.


    fields upTo-and-including accessFlags are known & used by the VM
    only add fields after those and keep their order intact.

    (Java at:'java.util.Stack') new inspect
    (Java at:'java.util.Vector') new inspect
! !

!JavaClass class methodsFor:'initialization'!

    "/ those are defined in Java and read from the classFile
    A_PUBLIC      := 16r000001.
    "/ A_PRIVATE     := 16r000002.
    "/ A_PROTECTED   := 16r000004.
    A_STATIC      := 16r000008.
    A_FINAL       := 16r000010.
    "/ A_SUPER         := 16r000020.
    "/ A_SYNCHRONIZED  := 16r000020.
    "/ A_VOLATILE      := 16r000040.
    "/ A_TRANSIENT     := 16r000080.
    A_NATIVE        := 16r000100.

    A_INTERFACE   := 16r000200.
    A_ABSTRACT    := 16r000400.
    A_OBSOLETE    := 16r008000.

    "/ those are local to the ST/X implementation
    A_INITIALIZED := 16r100000.
    A_SMALLTALK   := 16r200000.


    InitialValuePerType := IdentityDictionary new.
    InitialValuePerType at:$B put:0.
    InitialValuePerType at:$C put:0.
    InitialValuePerType at:$D put:0.0.
    InitialValuePerType at:$F put:(0.0 asShortFloat).
    InitialValuePerType at:$I put:0.
    InitialValuePerType at:$J put:0.
    InitialValuePerType at:$S put:0.
    InitialValuePerType at:$Z put:0.
    InitialValuePerType at:$L put:nil.
    InitialValuePerType at:$[ put:nil.

    ArgumentConversionErrorSignal := ErrorSignal newSignal mayProceed:true.

     JavaClass initialize

    "Modified: / 13.11.1998 / 14:09:52 / cg"
! !

!JavaClass class methodsFor:'instance creation'!

    self shouldNotImplement.
    ^ self new flags:0; setFullName:aString


fullName:aString numStatic:nStatic
    |meta cls fullName parts s ns|

    "/ check for a JAVA nameSpace to exist
    JAVA isNil ifTrue:[
	Namespace name:'JAVA'

    "create the metaclass first"

    meta := Metaclass new.
    meta setSuperclass:(self).
    meta instSize:(JavaClass instSize + nStatic).
"/    meta setName:(aString , 'class') asSymbol.
"/    meta setClassVariableString:''.
    meta flags:(meta flags bitOr:Behavior flagJavaClass).
"/    meta setSuperclass:JavaObject class.

    "then let the new meta create the class"
    cls := meta new.
    cls setSuperclass:JavaObject.
    cls instSize:0.
    cls setName:('JAVA::' , aString).
    cls flags:0.
"/    cls setClassVariableString:''.
    cls setInstanceVariableString:''.
    cls category:#java.

    cls setFullName:aString.

    "/ break up the package and create nameSpaces
    "/ for each package component.
    "/ This allows to be visible in ST/X
    "/ under the name JAVA::java::foo::bar

    ns := JAVA.

    parts := aString asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedBy:$/.
    parts size > 1 ifTrue:[
	s := '' writeStream.
	s nextPutAll:'JAVA'.
	parts from:1 to:(parts size - 1) do:[:aPart |
	    s nextPutAll:'::'.
	    s nextPutAll:aPart
	Metaclass confirmationQuerySignal answer:false do:[
	    Class updateChangeFileQuerySignal answer:false do:[
		ns := Namespace fullName:(s contents).
    ns isNamespace ifTrue:[
	ns at:parts last asSymbol put:cls.

    "/ for ST/X browsing
    Smalltalk at:('JAVA::' , aString) asSymbol put:cls.

    ^ cls

    "Created: / 15.4.1996 / 15:52:55 / cg"
    "Modified: / 3.1.1998 / 22:32:25 / cg"

    self shouldNotImplement

    "Created: 15.4.1996 / 15:52:55 / cg"
! !

!JavaClass class methodsFor:'constants'!

    ^ A_NATIVE

    "Created: / 16.5.1998 / 01:18:43 / cg"

    ^ A_PUBLIC

    "Created: / 13.5.1998 / 13:03:18 / cg"

    ^ A_STATIC

    "Created: / 16.5.1998 / 00:02:07 / cg"
! !

!JavaClass class methodsFor:'method lookup'!

canConvertArgsToJava:argArray asSpecifiedIn:argSigSpecArray
    "given a smalltalk argument array, return true, if these can be converted to java objects as appropriate."

        do:[:arg :type | 
                    ifFail:[:msg :default| ^ false]].
    ^ true

    "Created: / 5.11.1998 / 18:25:05 / cg"
    "Modified: / 6.11.1998 / 00:45:58 / cg"

convertArgsToJava:argArray asSpecifiedIn:argSigSpecArray numArgs:na
    "given a smalltalk argument array, convert to java objects as appropriate.
     Currently, only Strings and booleans are converted."

    |sigIndex newArgIndex newArgArray|

    sigIndex := newArgIndex := 1.

    newArgArray := Array new:na.
    argArray do:[:arg |
        |type newArg|

        type := argSigSpecArray at:sigIndex.
        sigIndex := sigIndex + 1.
        newArg := self convertToJava:arg type:type.
        newArgArray at:newArgIndex put:newArg.
        newArgIndex := newArgIndex + 1.
        (type == #long or:[type == #double]) ifTrue:[
            newArgIndex > na ifTrue:[
                self halt:'should not happen'
            newArgArray at:newArgIndex put:nil.
            newArgIndex := newArgIndex + 1.

    ^ newArgArray

    "Created: / 5.11.1998 / 18:30:57 / cg"
    "Modified: / 6.11.1998 / 00:45:00 / cg"

convertToJava:arg type:type
    "given a smalltalk argument, convert to a java object as appropriate."

    ^ self 
        ifFail:[:msg :default |

    "Modified: / 5.11.1998 / 18:43:33 / cg"
    "Created: / 6.11.1998 / 00:45:13 / cg"

convertToJava:arg type:type ifFail:failBlock
    "given a smalltalk argument, convert to a java object as appropriate.
     Currently, only a few types are converted."

    |expectedCls f failValue|

    type == #boolean ifTrue:[
        arg == true ifTrue:[
            ^ 1
        arg == false ifTrue:[
            ^ 0
        ^ failBlock value:('cannot convert argument to ' , type) value:0

    type == #int ifTrue:[
        arg isInteger ifTrue:[
            (arg between:-16r8000000 and:16r7FFFFFFF) ifTrue:[
                ^ arg
            ^ failBlock value:('integer range; cannot convert argument to ' , type) value:0.
        ^ failBlock value:('cannot convert argument to ' , type) value:0

    type == #long ifTrue:[
        arg isInteger ifTrue:[
            (arg between:-16r800000000000000 and:16r7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) ifTrue:[
                ^ arg
            ^ failBlock value:('integer range; cannot convert argument to ' , type) value:0
        ^ failBlock value:('cannot convert argument to ' , type) value:0

    (type == #float) ifTrue:[
        arg isReal ifTrue:[
            ^ arg asShortFloat
        ^ failBlock value:('cannot convert argument to ' , type) value:0.0.

    (type == 'java.lang.Float') ifTrue:[
        arg isReal ifTrue:[
            f := (Java at:'java.lang.Float') new.
            f perform:#'<init>(F)V' with:(arg asShortFloat).
self halt.
            ^ f.
        ^ failBlock value:('cannot convert argument to ' , type) value:0.0.
    (type == 'java.lang.Double') ifTrue:[
        arg isReal ifTrue:[
            f := (Java at:'java.lang.Double') new.
            f perform:#'<init>(D)V' with:(arg asFloat).
self halt.
            ^ f.
        ^ failBlock value:('cannot convert argument to ' , type) value:0.0.

    (type == #double) ifTrue:[
        arg isReal ifTrue:[
            ^ arg asFloat
        ^ failBlock value:('cannot convert argument to ' , type) value:0.0.

    (type == #char) ifTrue:[
        arg isCharacter ifTrue:[
            ^ arg asciiValue
        ^ failBlock value:('cannot convert argument to ' , type) value:0

    (type = 'char[]') ifTrue:[
        arg isString ifTrue:[
            ^ arg
        ^ failBlock value:('cannot convert argument to ' , type) value:''

    (type = 'int[]') ifTrue:[
        (arg isArray or:[arg isMemberOf:SignedIntegerArray]) ifTrue:[
            ^ arg
        ^ failBlock value:('cannot convert argument to ' , type) value:''
    (type = 'long[]') ifTrue:[
        (arg isArray or:[arg isMemberOf:SignedIntegerArray]) ifTrue:[
            ^ arg
        ^ failBlock value:('cannot convert argument to ' , type) value:''
    (type = 'float[]') ifTrue:[
        (arg isArray or:[arg isMemberOf:FloatArray]) ifTrue:[
            ^ arg
        ^ failBlock value:('cannot convert argument to ' , type) value:''
    (type = 'double[]') ifTrue:[
        (arg isArray or:[arg isMemberOf:DoubleArray]) ifTrue:[
            ^ arg
        ^ failBlock value:('cannot convert argument to ' , type) value:''

    (type endsWith:'[]') ifTrue:[
        (arg isArray or:[arg isNil]) ifTrue:[
            ^ arg
        ^ failBlock value:('cannot convert argument to ' , type) value:''

    (type = 'java.lang.Object') ifTrue:[
        "/ matches any
        ^ arg
    (type = 'java.lang.String') ifTrue:[
        arg isString ifTrue:[
            ^ Java as_String:arg
        failValue := ''
    expectedCls := Java classForName:type.
    (arg isKindOf:expectedCls) ifTrue:[
        "/ matches class and subclasses
        ^ arg
    arg isNil ifTrue:[
        "/ matches any
        ^ arg
self halt.
    ^ failBlock value:('cannot convert argument to ' , type) value:failValue

    "Created: / 6.11.1998 / 00:46:19 / cg"
    "Modified: / 28.1.1999 / 17:55:17 / cg"

convertToSmalltalk:jObj type:type 
    "given a java return value, convert to a smalltalk object as appropriate.
     Currently, only a few types are converted."

    type == #boolean ifTrue:[
        jObj == 0 ifTrue:[
            ^ false
        ^ true

    type == #void ifTrue:[
        ^ nil

    (type = 'java.lang.String') ifTrue:[
        ^ Java as_ST_String:jObj

"/    (type = 'java.lang.Float') ifTrue:[
"/        ^ jObj instVarNamed:'value'
"/    ].
"/    (type = 'java.lang.Double') ifTrue:[
"/        ^ jObj instVarNamed:'value'
"/    ].

    (type == #char) ifTrue:[
        jObj isInteger ifTrue:[
            ^ Character value:jObj

    ^ jObj

    "Created: / 6.11.1998 / 00:49:53 / cg"
    "Modified: / 11.11.1998 / 02:08:11 / cg"

lookupMethod:selector numArgs:nargs in:aClass static:staticMethod
    "lookup a method"

    |method cls sel|

    sel := selector.
    (sel includes:$:) ifTrue:[
        sel := sel copyTo:(sel indexOf:$:)-1    

    sel := sel asSymbolIfInterned.
    sel notNil ifTrue:[
        cls := aClass.

        [cls notNil 
        and:[cls ~~ JavaObject
        and:[cls ~~ JavaClass]]] whileTrue:[
            cls methodDictionary keysAndValuesDo:[:jSel :m |

                aMethod := m.
                aMethod isWrapped ifTrue:[
                    aMethod := aMethod originalMethod
                ((jSel == sel)
                or:[aMethod name = sel 
                or:[aMethod signatureNameWithoutReturnType = sel]])
                    aMethod numArgs == nargs ifTrue:[
                        staticMethod == (aMethod isStatic) ifTrue:[
                            ^ m

            cls := cls superclass.
"/ self halt.
    ^ nil

    "Created: / 17.8.1997 / 18:25:47 / cg"
    "Modified: / 16.11.1998 / 16:46:48 / cg"

lookupMethods:selector numArgs:nargs in:aClass static:staticMethod
    "lookup methods matching a selector.
     This is a special entry for doesNotUnderstand redirection
     (the caller must select the one method which fits the argument(s) best."

    |methods cls sel|

    sel := selector.
    (sel includes:$:) ifTrue:[
        sel := sel copyTo:(sel indexOf:$:)-1    

    sel := sel asSymbolIfInterned.
    sel notNil ifTrue:[
        cls := aClass.

        [cls notNil 
        and:[cls ~~ JavaObject
        and:[cls ~~ JavaClass]]] whileTrue:[
            cls methodDictionary keysAndValuesDo:[:jSel :aMethod |
                ((jSel == sel)
                or:[aMethod name = sel 
                or:[aMethod signatureNameWithoutReturnType = sel]])
                    (nargs isNil
                    or:[aMethod numArgs == nargs]) ifTrue:[
                        staticMethod == (aMethod isStatic) ifTrue:[
                            methods isNil ifTrue:[
                                methods := OrderedCollection new
                            methods add:aMethod

            cls := cls superclass.
    ^ methods ? #()

    "Created: / 4.11.1998 / 19:04:51 / cg"
    "Modified: / 4.11.1998 / 19:31:33 / cg"
! !

!JavaClass class methodsFor:'signature parsing'!

    "given a signature, return an initializer value"


    s := aSignature readStream.
    ^ self initialValueFromStream:s.

     JavaClass initialValueFromSignature:'LObject;'    
     JavaClass initialValueFromSignature:'B'        
     JavaClass initialValueFromSignature:'I'        


    "parse a fieldTypeSpec - see java doc"


    typeChar := s next.
    ^ InitialValuePerType at:typeChar ifAbsent:nil.
! !

!JavaClass class methodsFor:'special'!

    ^ OrderOfClassInits

    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 15:35:57 / cg"

setInstanceVariableStringFromFields:f in:aClass

    varNames := ''.
    f do:[:aField |
	varNames := varNames , aField name , ' '
    aClass setInstanceVariableString:varNames.

    "Created: 15.4.1996 / 16:42:52 / cg"

    OrderOfClassInits := OrderedCollection new.

    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 15:26:32 / cg"
    "Modified: / 12.11.1998 / 15:29:10 / cg"
! !

!JavaClass methodsFor:'accessing'!

    ^ binaryFilePath

    "java classes do not really hav a category;
     simulate one by separating its name into individual components,
     prepending 'java'"


    nameComponents := fullName asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedBy:$/.
    nameComponents size <= 1 ifTrue:[
	^ 'java' "/ fullName  
    ^ ((nameComponents asStringWith:$/ from:1 to:(nameComponents size - 1))) 
	replaceAll:$/ with:$.

    "Modified: 30.7.1997 / 15:35:22 / cg"

    ^ classLoader

    classLoader := aJavaClassLoaderOrNil

compiledMethodAt:name signature:sig
    "lookup the classes methodDictionary"

    methodDictionary keysAndValuesDo:[:mFullSelector :aMethod |
	aMethod name == name ifTrue:[
	    aMethod signature == sig ifTrue:[
		^ aMethod
    ^ nil

    "Created: 1.8.1997 / 00:01:58 / cg"

    ^ constantPool

    ^ fields

    ^ fullName

    interfaces notNil ifTrue:[
	interfaces := interfaces collect:[:clsRef |
				    clsRef isUnresolved ifTrue:[
					clsRef preResolve
				    ] ifFalse:[
    ^ interfaces

    ^ self

    ^ fullName copyFrom:(fullName lastIndexOf:$/)+1

    "Created: / 5.11.1998 / 19:16:00 / cg"

    ^ name "/ fullName

    ^ JAVA

    "Created: 20.1.1997 / 13:04:30 / cg"

    ^ fullName

    "Created: 20.1.1997 / 13:05:30 / cg"

    ^ fullName

    "Created: 20.1.1997 / 13:06:06 / cg"

    "extract from the fullName"


    components := fullName asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedBy:$/.
    components size > 1 ifTrue:[
	^ (components copyWithoutLast:1) asStringWith:$/
    ^ fullName

     Java allClasses first fullName
     Java allClasses first package  

    ^ Java classSourceOf:self

     (Java at:'java.awt.Frame') source
     (Java at:'ArcTest') source
     (Java at:'ArcCanvas') source

    "Modified: 30.7.1997 / 14:31:01 / cg"

    ^ sourceFile

    ^ staticFields


    fields do:[:aField |
	aField name = aFieldName ifTrue:[
	    ^ aField type
    self error:'no such field'

     (JAVA at:#'java/awt/image/ColorModel') typeOfField:'pixel_bits' 

    "Modified: 21.1.1997 / 22:48:28 / cg"
! !

!JavaClass methodsFor:'adding / removing'!

     Java removeClass:self

    "Created: 12.8.1997 / 02:46:51 / cg"
! !

!JavaClass methodsFor:'browser interface'!

    "return true, if this is an application class,
     which can be started via #open"

    "/ if I have a main() method, I am 

    (self compiledMethodAt:#'main([Ljava/lang/String;)V') notNil ifTrue:[
        ^ true

"/ NEEDS startApplet to work ...
"/    "/ if I inherit from Applet, I am 
"/    (self isSubclassOf:(Java at:'java.applet.Applet')) ifTrue:[
"/        ^ true.
"/    ].

    ^ false

    "Modified: / 3.11.1998 / 23:04:59 / cg"

    "start a thread for my main method"

    "/ if I have a main, call it ...

    (self compiledMethodAt:#'main([Ljava/lang/String;)V') notNil ifTrue:[
        ^ self startMain

    "/ otherwise, create a frame and wrap me;
    "/ as in:

"/    public static void main(String args[]) {
"/        Frame f = new Frame("myName");
"/        mySelf me = new mySelf();
"/        me.init();
"/        me.start();
"/        f.add("Center", me);
"/        f.setSize(300, 300);
"/    }

    ^ self startApplet

    "Created: / 15.1.1998 / 17:18:30 / cg"
    "Modified: / 3.11.1998 / 22:51:47 / cg"
! !

!JavaClass methodsFor:'compiler interface'!

    "return the browser to use for this class - 
     this can be redefined in special classes, to get different browsers"

    ^ SystemBrowser "/ JavaBrowser

    "Modified: / 14.10.1998 / 15:28:38 / cg"

    "return the compiler to use for this class - 
     this can be redefined in special classes, to compile classes with
     Lisp, Prolog, ASN1, Basic :-) or whatever syntax."

    ^ JavaCompiler ? Compiler

    "return the compiler to use for expression evaluation for this class - 
     this can be redefined in special classes, to evaluate expressions with
     Lisp, Prolog, ASN1, Basic :-) or whatever syntax."

    ^ JavaParser ? Parser.


    "return the parser to use for parsing this class - 
     this can be redefined in special classes, to parse classes with
     Lisp, Prolog, ASN1, Basic :-) or whatever syntax."

    ^ JavaParser ? Parser.


    "return the class to use for syntaxHighlighting (prettyPrinting) this class - 
     this can be redefined in special classes, to highlight classes with
     Lisp, Prolog, ASN1, Basic :-) or whatever syntax."

    ^ JavaSyntaxHighlighter "/ ? SyntaxHighlighter
! !

!JavaClass methodsFor:'documentation support'!

    ^ nil "/ replace by access to javadoc-generated documentation later

    "Modified: 22.3.1997 / 14:18:50 / cg"
! !

!JavaClass methodsFor:'executing programs'!

    |f me stub|

    "/ TODO: setup embeddedAppletFrame correctly
    "/ (for getParameter to work ...)

    "/ create a frame and wrap me;
    "/ as in:

"/    public static void main(String args[]) {
"/        Frame f = new Frame("myName");
"/        mySelf me = new mySelf();
"/        me.init();
"/        me.start();
"/        f.add("Center", me);
"/        f.setSize(300, 300);
"/    }
    f := (Java at:'java.awt.Frame') basicNew.
    f perform:#'<init>(Ljava/lang/String;)V' with:(Java as_String:self name).
self halt.
    me := self basicNew.
    me perform:#'<init>()V'.
self halt.

    stub := (Java at:'netscape.applet.EmbeddedAppletFrame') new.
    me instVarNamed:'stub' put:stub.
self halt.

    me perform:#'init()V'.
    me perform:#'start()V'.
self halt.

    f perform:#'add(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/awt/Component;)Ljava/awt/Component;' 
         with:(Java as_String:'Center')
self halt.
    f perform:#'setSize(II)V' with:300 with:300.
self halt.
    f perform:#'show()V'.
self halt.

    "Modified: / 3.11.1998 / 23:04:41 / cg"

    "start a thread for my main() method"

    ^ self startMainWithArgumentString:nil

    "Modified: / 30.12.1998 / 20:24:58 / cg"

    "start a thread for my main() method, passing a string with arguments"


    p := Java javaProcessForMainOf:self argumentString:aCommandLineString.
    p notNil ifTrue:[
        p resume.
        Object abortSignal handle:[:ex |
p == JavaVM javaScreenUpdaterThread ifTrue:[self halt].
            p terminate.
            ex reject.
        ] do:[
            p waitUntilTerminated

    "Modified: / 8.1.1999 / 17:17:40 / cg"
! !

!JavaClass methodsFor:'fileOut'!

basicFileOutDefinitionOn:aStream withNameSpace:nameSpaceBoolean
    JavaDecompiler definitionOf:self on:aStream

    "Modified: 22.3.1997 / 14:30:28 / cg"

    self warn:'fileOut not yet supported'

    "Modified: 22.3.1997 / 14:30:28 / cg"
    "Created: 22.3.1997 / 14:35:43 / cg"
! !

!JavaClass methodsFor:'java initialization'!

    "call the classes JAVA clinit function"


    (accessFlags bitAnd:A_INITIALIZED) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[^ self].

    accessFlags := accessFlags bitOr:A_INITIALIZED.

    superclass ~~ JavaObject ifTrue:[
        superclass classInit
"/    "/ also, all referenced classes must be ...
"/    constantPool classReferencesDo:[:aClass |
"/        aClass classInit
"/    ].

    m := self compiledMethodAt:#'<clinit>()V'.
    m notNil ifTrue:[
"/        'calling clinit() of ' print. self fullName printNL.
            OrderOfClassInits notNil ifTrue:[
                OrderOfClassInits add:self.

                search:self class
        ] valueOnUnwindDo:[
            accessFlags := accessFlags bitXor:A_INITIALIZED.
    ] ifFalse:[
"/        self fullName print. ' has no clinit()' printNL.

     JavaVM instructionTrace:true.
     JavaVM callTrace:true.

     (Java classNamed:'java.lang.String') classInit
     (Java classNamed:'java.lang.System') classInit

     (Java classNamed:'java/io/FileDescriptor') classInit
     (Java classNamed:'java.util.Properties') classInit 

    "Modified: / 12.11.1998 / 15:41:11 / cg"

    staticFields isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

    staticFields do:[:f |
	|val type|

	(val := f constantValue) isNil ifTrue:[
	    "/ careful: int/long etc. constants must be initialized
	    "/ with correct type.
	    type := f type.
	    type == #long ifTrue:[
		val := 0.
	    ] ifFalse:[type == #int ifTrue:[
		val := 0.
	    ] ifFalse:[type == #float ifTrue:[
		val := 0.0 asShortFloat
	    ] ifFalse:[type == #double ifTrue:[
		val := 0.0 
	    ] ifFalse:[type == #byte ifTrue:[
		val := 0.
	    ] ifFalse:[type == #char ifTrue:[
		val := 0.
	    ] ifFalse:[type == #'unsigned short' ifTrue:[
		val := 0.
	    ] ifFalse:[type == #boolean ifTrue:[
		val := 0.
	self instVarNamed:(f name) put:val.
! !

!JavaClass methodsFor:'java instance creation'!

    |idx field|

    idx := fields findFirst:[:field | field name = instVarName].
    idx == 0 ifTrue:[
	superclass ~~ JavaObject ifTrue:[
	    ^ superclass initValueFor:instVarName
	self halt
    ] ifFalse:[
	field := fields at:idx.
	^ field initialValue

    "create a new instance, preset its fields,
     and call its JAVA init function"


    newJavaObject := self newCleared.
    newJavaObject perform:#'<init>()V'.
    ^ newJavaObject

     (Java classNamed:'java.lang.String') basicNew inspect
     (Java classNamed:'java.lang.String') newCleared inspect
     (Java classNamed:'java.lang.String') new inspect

    "Modified: / 4.11.1998 / 18:04:34 / cg"

    "create a new cleared JAVA instance.
     Its instVars are cleared to the corresponding typed values;
     however, <init> is not invoked for it."

    |newJavaObject sz "{ Class: SmallInteger }" |

    (accessFlags bitAnd:A_ABSTRACT_OR_INTERFACE) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
        JavaVM throwInstantiationExceptionFor:self.
        ^ nil

    newJavaObject := super basicNew.
    initValues notNil ifTrue:[
        sz := self instSize.
        1 to:sz do:[:i |
            newJavaObject instVarAt:i put:(initValues at:i)

    ^ newJavaObject

     (Java classNamed:'java.lang.String') basicNew inspect
     (Java classNamed:'java.lang.String') newCleared inspect
     (Java classNamed:'java.lang.String') new inspect

    "Modified: / 13.11.1998 / 14:10:45 / cg"

    "create a new instance, preset its fields,
     and call its JAVA init function passing a String arg"


    newJavaObject := self newCleared.
    newJavaObject perform:#'<init>(Ljava/lang/String;)V' with:(Java as_String:argString).
    ^ newJavaObject

     ((Java classNamed:'java.lang.ArrayStoreException') newWith_String:'foo') inspect

    "Modified: / 4.11.1998 / 18:04:34 / cg"
    "Created: / 13.11.1998 / 14:17:01 / cg"

    "create a new instance, preset its fields,
     and call its JAVA init function passing an int arg"


    newJavaObject := self newCleared.
    newJavaObject perform:#'<init>(I)V' with:arg.
    ^ newJavaObject

     ((Java classNamed:'java.lang.Integer') newWith_int:123) inspect

    "Modified: / 4.11.1998 / 18:04:34 / cg"
    "Created: / 13.11.1998 / 14:17:01 / cg"
! !

!JavaClass methodsFor:'message sending'!

    "as a courtesy to the smalltalker, try to map static methods as
     Smalltalk-class methods"

    |r args numArgs methods javaMethod sel anyMethodsFound argType
     argSignature newArgs oArgIdx nArgIdx canConvert

    args := aMessage arguments.
    numArgs := args size.
    sel := aMessage selector.

    methods := JavaClass lookupMethods:sel numArgs:numArgs in:self static:true.
    methods size == 1 ifTrue:[
        javaMethod := methods first.
        "/ there is only one - try that one.
    ] ifFalse:[
        methods size > 1 ifTrue:[
            "/ more than one - select the ones that could be used.
            methods := methods select:[:aMethod |

                argSignature := aMethod argSignature.
                (JavaClass canConvertArgsToJava:args asSpecifiedIn:argSignature) 
            methods size == 1 ifTrue:[
                javaMethod := methods first.

    javaMethod notNil ifTrue:[
        (ArgumentConversionErrorSignal catch:[
            args notNil ifTrue:[
                args := JavaClass 
                            asSpecifiedIn:(javaMethod argSignature)
        ]) ifFalse:[
            retVal := javaMethod 
                        valueWithReceiver:self "/ (javaMethod javaClass) 
                        selector:(javaMethod selector)
                        search:self "/ (javaMethod javaClass class)
            ^ JavaClass convertToSmalltalk:retVal type:(javaMethod returnType).
        ^ MessageNotUnderstoodSignal
                         errorString:'no method for given argument(s)'
                                  in:thisContext "sender"

    anyMethodsFound := false.

    "/ try all with that name (the number of args could be different ...

    methods := JavaClass lookupMethods:sel numArgs:nil in:self static:true.
    methods size > 0 ifTrue:[
        anyMethodsFound := true.
        numArgs > 0 ifTrue:[
            methods do:[:methodToTry |
                (ArgumentConversionErrorSignal catch:[
                    newArgs := JavaClass 
                                asSpecifiedIn:(methodToTry argSignature)
                                numArgs:methodToTry numArgs.
                ]) ifFalse:[
                    retVal :=  methodToTry 
                                    valueWithReceiver:self "/ (methodToTry javaClass) 
                                    selector:(methodToTry selector)
                                    search:self "/ (methodToTry javaClass class)
                    ^ JavaClass convertToSmalltalk:retVal type:(methodToTry returnType).

    anyMethodsFound ifTrue:[
        methods size == 1 ifTrue:[
            javaMethod := methods first.

            ^ MessageNotUnderstoodSignal
                             errorString:(sel , ' expects ' , javaMethod argSignature size printString , ' argument(s)')
                                      in:thisContext "sender"
        ^ MessageNotUnderstoodSignal
                         errorString:'no method for given argument count or type'
                                  in:thisContext "sender"
    ^ super doesNotUnderstand:aMessage

    "Modified: / 6.11.1998 / 00:57:22 / cg"

    |method cls sel|

    sel := selector asSymbolIfInterned.
    sel notNil ifTrue:[
	cls := self.
	[cls notNil] whileTrue:[
	    method := cls compiledMethodAt:sel.
	    method notNil ifTrue:[ ^ method ].
	    cls := cls superclass.

    ^ nil

    "send a static message, without args."

    |javaMethod sel|

    sel := selector asSymbolIfInterned.
    sel notNil ifTrue:[
        javaMethod := methodDictionary at:sel.
        javaMethod notNil ifTrue:[
            javaMethod isStatic ifTrue:[
                ^ javaMethod 

    ^ self doesNotUnderstand:(Message selector:selector)

    "Modified: / 15.1.1998 / 00:31:27 / cg"
    "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 16:29:20 / cg"

performStatic:selector with:arg
    "send a static message, with one args."

    |javaMethod sel|

    sel := selector asSymbolIfInterned.
    sel notNil ifTrue:[
        javaMethod := methodDictionary at:sel.
        javaMethod notNil ifTrue:[
            javaMethod isStatic ifTrue:[
                ^ javaMethod 
                    arguments:(Array with:arg)

    ^ self doesNotUnderstand:(Message selector:selector argument:arg)

    "Modified: / 15.1.1998 / 00:31:27 / cg"
    "Created: / 10.12.1998 / 21:50:29 / cg"
! !

!JavaClass methodsFor:'printOut'!

    "return my name as printed in the hierarchy"

    ^ self displayString

    "Modified: 22.3.1997 / 14:16:55 / cg"

    self warn:'printOut not yet supported'

    "Created: 22.3.1997 / 14:36:12 / cg"

    self warn:'printOut not yet supported'

    "Created: 22.3.1997 / 14:36:28 / cg"
! !

!JavaClass methodsFor:'printing & storing'!

    ^ fullName copyReplaceAll:$/ with:$.

"/    ^ 'JAVA-' , name .
"/    ^ name , '(Java)'  "/ 'JavaClass(' , name , ')'

    "Created: / 15.4.1996 / 16:02:48 / cg"
    "Modified: / 18.7.1998 / 22:56:30 / cg"
! !

!JavaClass methodsFor:'private accessing'!

addMethod:m name:name signature:signature

    sel := (name , signature) asSymbol.
    self addSelector:sel withMethod:m.
    ^ self.

"/    selectorArray isNil ifTrue:[
"/        selectorArray := #().
"/        methodArray := #()
"/    ].
"/    selectorArray := selectorArray copyWith:(name , signature) asSymbol. "/ name.
"/"/    selectorArray := selectorArray copyWith:name asSymbol. "/ name.
"/    methodArray := methodArray copyWith:m

    "Created: 15.4.1996 / 16:42:52 / cg"


addSelector:newSelector withMethod:newMethod
    "redefined to not flush smalltalk caches and send NO smalltalk-class
     change notification. Will eventually flush Java caches."

    |nargs oldMethod|

    oldMethod := self compiledMethodAt:newSelector.
    (self primAddSelector:newSelector withMethod:newMethod) ifFalse:[^ false].

    ^ true

    "Created: 20.1.1997 / 13:00:48 / cg"

    accessFlags := accessFlags bitOr:A_OBSOLETE

    "Created: 7.8.1997 / 19:04:48 / cg"

    (accessFlags bitAnd:A_INITIALIZED) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
	accessFlags := accessFlags bitXor:A_INITIALIZED

    accessFlags := flags.

    "Created: 15.4.1996 / 16:42:52 / cg"

    binaryFilePath := aPathName

    constantPool := anArray.

    "Created: 15.4.1996 / 16:42:52 / cg"


    JavaClass setInstanceVariableStringFromFields:f in:self.

    instSize := superclass instSize + f size.

    fields := f.
    vals := self allInstVarNames 
                collect:[:nm |
                            self initValueFor:nm
    vals isEmpty ifTrue:[
        initValues := nil
    ] ifFalse:[
        (vals detect:[:el | el notNil] ifNone:nil) isNil ifTrue:[
            initValues := nil
        ] ifFalse:[
            initValues := vals asArray

    "Created: / 15.4.1996 / 16:42:52 / cg"
    "Modified: / 6.11.1998 / 01:53:01 / cg"


    fullName := aString asSymbol.
    nameComponents := aString asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedBy:$/.
    name := nameComponents last asSymbol.
name := fullName.

    "Created: / 15.4.1996 / 16:42:52 / cg"
    "Modified: / 5.11.1998 / 19:14:39 / cg"

    i size > 0 ifTrue:[
	interfaces := i
    ] ifFalse:[
	interfaces := nil

    "Modified: 7.4.1997 / 15:44:53 / cg"

    sourceFile := aFilename.

    "Created: 15.4.1996 / 16:42:52 / cg"

    JavaClass setInstanceVariableStringFromFields:f in:self class.

    staticFields := f.


    |iVars numIvars|

    aClass isNil ifTrue:[
	super setSuperclass:JavaObject
    ] ifFalse:[
	(aClass isMemberOf:JavaUnresolvedClassConstant) ifTrue:[
	    self halt.
	super setSuperclass:aClass.

    iVars := self instVarNames.
    ((numIvars := iVars size) > 0) ifTrue:[
	(superclass notNil and:[(superclass isMemberOf:JavaUnresolvedClassConstant) not]) ifTrue:[
	    instSize := superclass instSize + numIvars
	] ifFalse:[
	    instSize := numIvars

    "Created: 15.4.1996 / 16:42:52 / cg"
    "Modified: 22.8.1997 / 15:06:45 / cg"
! !

!JavaClass methodsFor:'queries'!

    "return true, if its allowed to create subclasses of the receiver."

    self isFinal ifTrue:[^ false].
    self isInterface ifTrue:[^ false].
    ^ true

    "Created: / 5.11.1998 / 23:04:50 / cg"

    "return true, if I respond to all methods as
     required by the argument, an aJavaInterface"

    interfaces size > 0 ifTrue:[
        self interfaces do:[:if |
            aJavaInterface == if ifTrue:[
                ^ true
"/    ^ false.

    aJavaInterface methodDictionary keysAndValuesDo:[:sel :mthd |
        (self canUnderstand:sel) ifFalse:[
            ^ false.
    ^ true

    "Modified: / 28.1.1998 / 01:46:16 / cg"

    "return true, if the receiver is abstract
     (i.e. may not have instances)"

    ^ (accessFlags bitAnd:A_ABSTRACT) ~~ 0

    "Modified: / 7.5.1998 / 12:24:42 / cg"

    "return true, if the receiver is final
     (i.e. may not be subclassed)"

    ^ (accessFlags bitAnd:A_FINAL) ~~ 0

    "Modified: / 7.5.1998 / 12:24:21 / cg"

    "return true, if the receiver is initialized"

    ^ (accessFlags bitAnd:A_INITIALIZED) ~~ 0

    "Modified: / 7.5.1998 / 12:23:54 / cg"

    "return true, if the receiver is an interface"

    ^ (accessFlags bitAnd:A_INTERFACE) ~~ 0

    "Modified: / 7.5.1998 / 12:23:39 / cg"

    ^ self ~~ JavaClass

    "Created: 18.3.1997 / 17:48:01 / cg"

    "return true, if the receiver is obsolete 
     Java classes are never."

    ^ (accessFlags bitAnd:A_OBSOLETE) ~~ 0.

    "Modified: 7.8.1997 / 19:04:28 / cg"

    "return true, if the receiver is public" 

    ^ (accessFlags bitAnd:A_PUBLIC) ~~ 0

    "Modified: / 7.5.1998 / 12:22:44 / cg"

    "return true, if the receiver is unresolved;
     javaClasses are never; JavaUnresolvedClasses are always" 

    ^ false

    "Modified: / 7.5.1998 / 12:23:14 / cg"

    |parts s|

    parts := self fullName asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedBy:$/.
    s := '' writeStream.
    s nextPutAll:'JAVA'.
    parts from:1 to:(parts size - 1) do:[:aPart |
        s nextPutAll:'::'.
        s nextPutAll:aPart
    ^ s contents

     JAVA::java::lang::Object fullName        
     JAVA::java::lang::Object nameSpacePath   
     JAVA::java::lang::Object name            

    "Modified: / 19.10.1998 / 20:07:24 / cg"

    ^ self isJavaClass not

    "Created: / 30.7.1997 / 14:58:58 / cg"
    "Modified: / 7.5.1998 / 12:25:54 / cg"

    ^ 'L' , self fullName

     (Java at:'java.util.Stack') typeName 

    "Modified: / 10.2.1998 / 17:13:26 / cg"
! !

!JavaClass methodsFor:'special'!

"/ self halt.
        ^ Array

    "Created: / 10.11.1998 / 02:07:32 / cg"
    "Modified: / 8.1.1999 / 14:11:34 / cg"

"/ self halt.
     ^ self

    "Created: / 10.11.1998 / 02:07:01 / cg"
    "Modified: / 8.1.1999 / 14:11:26 / cg"

        ^ self

    "Created: / 10.11.1998 / 02:08:06 / cg"

updateClassRefsFrom:oldClass to:newClass
    self == oldClass ifTrue:[
        self makeObsolete.
        ^ self

    constantPool updateClassRefsFrom:oldClass to:newClass.
    interfaces notNil ifTrue:[
        interfaces := interfaces collect:[:anInterface |
                                            anInterface == oldClass ifTrue:[
                                                newClass isNil ifTrue:[
                                                    nil "/ replace by an unresolvedInterface
                                                ] ifFalse:[
                                            ] ifFalse:[

    "Modified: / 4.2.1998 / 22:08:19 / cg"
! !

!JavaClass class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    ^ '$Header: /home/jv/Projects/SmalltalkX/repositories/cvs/stx/libjava/,v 1.102 1999/07/14 16:32:27 cg Exp $'
! !
JavaClass initialize!