author Jan Vrany <>
Thu, 27 Sep 2018 23:09:30 +0100
changeset 3854 193b04caef42
parent 3661 babc6ab26e36
permissions -rw-r--r--
Specifiy both source ant target Java versions ...when compiling Java code. Since `stx:libjava` only supports Java 7, make sure all code is compiled targeting Java 7.

@REM -------
@REM make using Borland bcc32
@REM type bmake, and wait...
@REM do not edit - automatically generated from ProjectDefinition
@REM -------
@REM Kludge got Mercurial, cannot be implemented in Borland make
@FOR /F "tokens=*" %%i in ('hg root') do SET HGROOT=%%i

make.exe -N -f bc.mak  %DEFINES% %*

@if not exist experiments goto skip_stx_libjava_experiments
@echo "***********************************"
@echo "Building stx/libjava/experiments"
@echo "***********************************"
@pushd experiments
@call bmake %1 %2 || exit /b "%errorlevel%"
@goto done_stx_libjava_experiments
@echo "###################################"
@echo "FOLDER MISSING: stx/libjava/experiments"
@echo "###################################"
exit /b 1

@if not exist tools goto skip_stx_libjava_tools
@echo "***********************************"
@echo "Building stx/libjava/tools"
@echo "***********************************"
@pushd tools
@call bmake %1 %2 || exit /b "%errorlevel%"
@goto done_stx_libjava_tools
@echo "###################################"
@echo "FOLDER MISSING: stx/libjava/tools"
@echo "###################################"
exit /b 1