author Jan Vrany <jan.vrany@labware.com>
Mon, 29 Nov 2021 16:36:55 +0000
changeset 4010 19843598d34b
parent 3601 4f1b473722cb
permissions -rw-r--r--
Test for different methods in `ProjectDefinition >> #postLoadJavaHook` This commit just changes the clumsy test for compiled class libraries to use multiple different methods. `#classNamesAndAttributes` may be missing in (pure) Pharo `PackageManifests`. `#mandatoryPreRequisites` may be missing in some old project definitions created before (single) `#preRequisites` have been split to `#mandatoryPreRequisites` and `#requiredPreRequisites`. Sigh.

 * $Header$
 * automagically generated from the projectDefinition: stx_libjava_tests.
#include <stc.h>

#ifdef WIN32
# pragma codeseg INITCODE "INITCODE"

#if defined(INIT_TEXT_SECTION) || defined(DLL_EXPORT)
DLL_EXPORT void _libstx_libjava_tests_Init() INIT_TEXT_SECTION;
DLL_EXPORT void _libstx_libjava_tests_InitDefinition() INIT_TEXT_SECTION;

extern void _stx_137libjava_137tests_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);

void _libstx_libjava_tests_InitDefinition(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd)
  __BEGIN_PACKAGE2__("libstx_libjava_tests__DFN", _libstx_libjava_tests_InitDefinition, "stx:libjava/tests");


void _libstx_libjava_tests_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd)
  __BEGIN_PACKAGE2__("libstx_libjava_tests", _libstx_libjava_tests_Init, "stx:libjava/tests");
