author Jan Vrany <>
Tue, 27 Jan 2015 10:34:39 +0000
changeset 3356 a3ad7164f528
parent 3355 java/ivy.xml@a29efdbbfad2
permissions -rw-r--r--
Groovy and JUnit .jars commited to repository. This was requested by eXept to make it independent of internet connection. The .jars and sources are still managed by IVY, though not resolved and fetched upon every commit. To upgrade to new version of Groovy or JUnit 1) edit ivy-update.xml 2) run ant libs-update to fetch new versions from Maven repository 3) commit files (and remove old ones)

<ivy-module version="2.0">
        organisation="SWING Research Group &amp; eXept Software A.G."

        <conf name="sources"  description="Source jars"/>
        <conf name="binaries" description="Binary jars"/>


	JUnit 4.8.2
	<dependency org="junit" name="junit" rev="4.8.2" conf="binaries->default"/>
	<dependency org="junit" name="junit" rev="4.8.2" conf="sources->sources"/>

	Groovy 2.1.9
	<dependency org="org.codehaus.groovy" name="groovy-all" rev="2.1.9" conf="binaries->default"/>
	<dependency org="org.codehaus.groovy" name="groovy-all" rev="2.1.9" conf="sources->sources"/>
