author Jan Vrany <jan.vrany@fit.cvut.cz>
Fri, 06 Sep 2013 02:45:44 +0200
changeset 2678 c865275e48a7
parent 2539 7701485fbb75
child 2686 240a8febfeb9
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
Updated to match Mercurial revision a00302fe5083 with two tweaks: - JavaConstants: conditional compilation of __ACX_MULTIVERS flag (not present in eXept's stc/librun) - JavaNativeMethod: disabled call to __jbindnative() (not present in eXept's librun)

@REM -------
@REM make using mingw gnu compiler
@REM type mingwmake, and wait...
@REM do not edit - automatically generated from ProjectDefinition
@REM -------
@REM Kludge got Mercurial, cannot be implemented in Borland make
@FOR /F "tokens=*" %%i in ('hg root') do SET HGROOT=%%i

@pushd ..\rules
@call find_mingw.bat
make.exe -N -f bc.mak %DEFINES% %USEMINGW_ARG% %*

@echo "***********************************"
@echo "Buildung stx/libjava/examples/tomcat6
@echo "***********************************"
@cd examples\tomcat6
@call mingwmake %1 %2
@cd ..\..

@echo "***********************************"
@echo "Buildung stx/libjava/mauve
@echo "***********************************"
@cd mauve
@call mingwmake %1 %2
@cd ..

@echo "***********************************"
@echo "Buildung stx/libjava/experiments
@echo "***********************************"
@cd experiments
@call mingwmake %1 %2
@cd ..

@echo "***********************************"
@echo "Buildung stx/libjava/examples
@echo "***********************************"
@cd examples
@call mingwmake %1 %2
@cd ..

@echo "***********************************"
@echo "Buildung stx/libjava/benchmarks
@echo "***********************************"
@cd benchmarks
@call mingwmake %1 %2
@cd ..

@echo "***********************************"
@echo "Buildung stx/libjava/libs
@echo "***********************************"
@cd libs
@call mingwmake %1 %2
@cd ..

@echo "***********************************"
@echo "Buildung stx/libjava/tools
@echo "***********************************"
@cd tools
@call mingwmake %1 %2
@cd ..

@echo "***********************************"
@echo "Buildung stx/libjava/startup
@echo "***********************************"
@cd startup
@call mingwmake %1 %2
@cd ..